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eth latex presentation template

  • Download vertical_align_bottom Thesis - LaTeX Template  (ZIP, 194 KB)
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Posters and presentations

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  • Download vertical_align_bottom Presentation - LaTeX Template  (ZIP, 8.1 MB)
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  • Download vertical_align_bottom Presentation ETH Style - Powerpoint Template  (PPTX, 4.7 MB)
  • Download vertical_align_bottom Presentation - Slides with IVT social media  (PPTX, 203 KB)

Essays, term and working papers

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  • Download vertical_align_bottom Note - Word Template  (DOTX, 115 KB)
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  • Download vertical_align_bottom Term Paper - LaTeX Template  (ZIP, 9.6 MB)
  • Download vertical_align_bottom Working Paper - Word Template  (DOTX, 121 KB)
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is an OpenSource python package for the modeling and analysis of pathways and temporal networks using and graphical models.

The code, reference manual as well as an educational tutorial are

The package is specifically tailored to analyze sequential data which capture multiple observations of short, independent paths observed in an underlying graph topology. Examples for such data include user click streams in information networks, biological pathways, or traces of information propagating in social media. Unifying the analysis of pathways and temporal networks, also supports the extraction of time-respecting paths from time-stamped network data. It extends (and will eventually supersede) the package .

facilitates the analysis of temporal correlations in such sequential data. It uses a principled model selection technique to infer higher-order graphical representations that capture both topological and temporal characteristics of time-resolved relational data. It specifically allows to answer the question whether a (first-order) network abstraction of such data is justified, or whether higher-order network abstractions are needed.

The theoretical foundation of this package, , has been developed in the following research works:

, Proceedings of the 23rd ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada , The European Physical Journal B, 89:61, March 2016 , Nature Communications, 5, September 2014 , Phys Rev Lett, 110(19), 198701, May 2013

extends this approach towards that capture temporal correlations in pathways at multiple length scales simultaneously. An illustrative example for a collection of pathways (left) and a multi-order graphical representation of these pathways is shown below. All mathematical details of the framework can be found in this .

Important to know is that the colours Dark Blue ETH 1 and Dark Green ETH 2 are reserved for the corporate level, this applies normally to the Executive Board and the central authorities.

Anyone addressing a target audience inside or outside ETH on behalf of a teaching or research entity, which applies for the usual case, should use one of the colours ETH 3 to ETH 9.

Our class file is based on the general beamer class, so before proceeding make sure that you the beamer package is included in your LaTeX installation.

The package is provided as is, without any support or warranty.
This means "Use at your own risk!", but, if you find any bugs please let us know and we will try to fix them.

The Chair of Systems Design has provided a template for the ETH Brief style for LaTeX.

By the time of creation in 2005 there was only a general Microsoft Word template for the ETH Brief provided by the ETH.

We filled this gap by providing an additional LaTeX template for those who not use Microsoft Word.

Currently, ETH has build upon this template to create an updated version to match its new format requirements.

You may get this new class from  the ETH Corporate Communications website

pyTempNet is a python module for the analysis of time-stamped relational data represented as temporal networks . It particularly facilitates the analysis of temporal networks from the perspective of higher-order networks, which include causality limitations due to order correlations. This perspective and the resulting analytic measures have been outlined in the papers:

  • I Scholtes, N Wider, R Pfitzner, A Garas, CJ Tessone, F Schweitzer: Causality-driven slow-down and speed-up of diffusion in non-Markovian temporal networks , Nature Communications, 5, Sept. 2014
  • R Pfitzner, I Scholtes, A Garas, CJ Tessone, F Schweitzer: Betweenness preference: Quantifying correlations in the topological dynamics of temporal networks , Phys Rev Lett, 110(19), 198701, May 2013

The module is written in pure python, has no platform-specific dependencies and should thus work on all platforms. The latest version can be installed by typing:

> pip install git+git://github.com/sg-dev/pyTempNet.git

A detailed educational tutorial showcasing the features of pyTempNet and illustrating its theoretical foundation is available online .


The development of this module was generously supported by the MTEC Foundation in the context of the project The Influence of Interaction Patterns on Success in Socio-Technical Systems: From Theory to Practice .


Ingo Scholtes (project lead, development) Roman Cattaneo (development)

(c) Copyright ETH Zürich, Chair of Systems Design, 2015-2016



NETVisualizer is an OpenSource, OpenGL-based network and graph visualization framework for .NET 4.0 / Mono 2.10x and higher. Its main features are:

  • Efficient rendering of large networks based on OpenGL and OpenTK
  • Support for the visualization of temporal networks (both as aggregated and dynamic representation)
  • Visualization modes using straight and customizable curved edges
  • Integrated PDF export
  • Simple and clean network interface that does not impose constraints on how you implement networks in your code
  • Simple to use in your own code, a single line of code is sufficient to fire up an OpenGL visualization and start exploring a network
  • Easy-to-grasp interface for custom graph layouting algorithms
  • Integrated multi-core aware Fruchterman-Reingold layout which makes use of all available cores
  • Integrated frame grabbing capabilities that allow to produce high quality videos
  • Full mouse control allows panning, zooming and selection of nodes
  • Fully customizable coloring of background, nodes and edges
  • Node and edge sizes and colors can be conveniently and dynamically computed based on elegant lambda expression interface
  • No external dependencies except OpenTK (libraries included)
  • Fully documented: Each method and field is explained and in-method comments help you to understand and extend the existing code
  • Integrated, maximally simple demo that can be used as boilerplate code for your own project
  • Platform-independent, built on OpenTK, runs on Windows, MacOS X and Linux

The fully documented source code is available on a dedicated gitHub project page .

Please note that NETVisualizer shares parts of its OpenGL rendering backend with our graph layout software Cuttlefish .



pyFastLayout provides a highly efficient, parallel implementation of the Fruchterman-Reingold layout algorithm. The module has been implemented as a native C-extension to python.

The module is freely available on gitHub .



Multinet.js is a visualization framework for large, dynamic and multi-layered graphs developed by the Chair of Systems Design at ETH Zurich . The front-end is based on three.js , while the back-end uses igraph and Flask to deliver layout information to the front-end.

Our deployment of the framework can be accessed from this link .

Multinet.js source code is freely available on gitHub .

multinet.js is distributed under the terms of the BSD 3-Clause License.

See LICENSE for details.

ARF graph layout»

«arf graph layout, publication.

Markus M. Geipel:  Self-Organization applied to Dynamic Network Layout,  International Journal of Modern Physics C, pages: 1537-- 1549, volume: 18, number: 1


The following video shows ARF at work. It addapts the layout to the constantly changing graph topology:

ARF was also used to visualize results in the field of innovation network research. The videos show simulations of the evolution of R&D cooperations between firms. They were presented on the WEHIA 06 conference.

James Glattfelder produced a fancy 3D fly though video posted on YouTube.

The following graph shows class dependencies in an open source java project (circa 2500 classes). One layout was generated with  neato  and the other one with  ARF  (graph data)

If you achieve better layout results with neato then the one presented here, please let me know. In this case, I will gladly update the page.

eth latex presentation template

The graphlayout lead also to a SourceForge project  >>

  • dot files : dotfiles.zip The zip file contains all the dot files of the sample graphs, as well as a shellscript to layout them with all layouters available in  graphviz .
  • java source : netbrowser.jar This archive includes an implementation of the ARF Layouter for the  JUNG  Framework. See  Layout Applet for an example how to use layouts in JUNG. The archive also containes a prototypical implementation of the network browser mentioned in the paper.

How to run the browser Add the jar file to your classpath and start the browser as follows:

The browser starts with an arbitrary random network. If you want to browse your own networks, just write a class that extends the  ANetModel  class. This way, you can plug any data source into the browser. See the comments in the code for details. To load your network, use the following command:

Please note, that the network browser and the ARF implementation are prototypical implementations. They are meant as a proof of concept and nothing more. However, you are free to use and extend the code unter the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation.

Online Material»

«online material.

Here we provide online material related to publications.

Firm Ownership Networks


The data are freely available for research purposes. If you make use of this dataset, please cite  A. Garas, D. Garcia, M. Skowron, F. Schweitzer, Scientific Reports 2, 402 (2012).

This dataset is provided as Supplementary Information for the article "Emotional persistence in online chatting communities"

Emotional persistence in online chatting communities , 2012

OSS dependency networks

These data on co-change and dependency networks of 35 JAVA projects are freely available for research purposes. If you make use of this dataset, please cite  M.M. Geipel, F. Schweitzer: Software change dynamics: evidence from 35 java projects, ESEC/FSE '09 (2009).

Please find the data here

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Despite the generic title, this page actually discusses typesetting with LaTeX. It is rather more difficult to get anywhere near LaTeX's standards of quality with any other package, especially when it comes to mathematical or technical documents, so we strongly recommend it for your thesis.

Getting LaTeX

The first part of a working LaTeX environment is a TeX distribution. Depending on your operating system, we recommend the following:

  • Windows: use MikTeX .
  • OS X: use MacTeX .
  • Linux/*nix: your distribution's package management system should offer TeXlive (2008 is preferred as of this writing) for installation.

Yes, TeX is that big. Most of it is actually font data. You can in some cases get a stripped down distribution that omits some packages and fonts.

Getting an Editor

The second part is a good editor. While any text editor will do, you should find one that has special LaTeX support, such as syntax highlighting and macro completion. The choice again depends on your OS.

  • TeXlipse (multiplatform)
  • Windows: TeXnicCenter
  • OS X: TeXShop or TextMate
  • Linux/*nix: Kile (KDE), Bluefish (Gnome), orif you're not afraid of themEmacs (with AucTeX) or Vim (with LaTeX suite) [in no particular order]. Again, your package manager should have them.

We recommend that you use our thesis template . It supplies most of the basic structure required for a thesis, includes a lot of comments about the packages used and should get you started very quickly.

Learning LaTeX

Finally, you'll have to learn the language. Tobias Oetiker et al., The Not So Short Introduction to LaTeX , is a good starting point. Next, since you'll presumably use a lot of math, read the AMS documentation which describes some of the most used equation layouts. The AMS packages are always distributed with LaTeX. Between these two, you should be able to start writing your thesis. The following documents will prove useful as you proceed:

  • Winston Chang's LaTeX cheat sheet is a very helpful reference for LaTeX commands.
  • The Comprehensive LaTeX Symbol List lists all sorts of weird, arcane, or mathematical symbols. The title is spot on; if it isn't in there, it most likely doesn't exist yet. Bookmark it.
  • Bibliographies are usually handled with BibTeX, which is part of every TeX distribution. Wikipedia has a nice overview of BibTeX . Your LaTeX environment of choice should handle the compilation side. To collect the entries with minimal fuss, browse to Google Scholar . Click "Scholar Preferences", select "Show links to import citations into: BibTeX" at the bottom, "Save Preferences". Then try an arbitrary scholar search; it will show a link "Import into BibTeX" below the search hit. Click it and copy the entry into your .bib file, voila.
  • For graphics: there is a nice overview by Troy Henderson .

Style and Art

  • There is a nice collection of Knuthian wisdom which covers most of the issues that involve mathematics at all.
  • For the non-mathematical art side, consult the first part of the Memoir documentation . The document class itself is also very good, though usually overkill for a thesis.
  • The Chicago Manual of Style is the preferred style guide for American English.
  • We hand around a title page template, ask your supervisor. (If you ever write a paper or book, check if the target journal or publisher has a style guide of its own.)

Further reading

These may not have a direct relevance to your thesis, but it still good to know about them.

  • Presentations: the beamer package (usually comes with LaTeX) makes slides in LaTeX. See the comprehensive beamer documentation . (If you're on OS X, note that it is also possible to use LaTeX together with Keynote. Your resident mac guru can tell you more.)
  • It is actually possible to generate graphicsespecially graphs, commutative diagrams, etc.right in LaTeX. PGF/TikZ (usually packaged with LaTeX) is the tool of choice. See the PGF documentation or some examples .
  • The comp.lang.tex FAQ covers some more difficult, yet frequent, questions.

Questions and Feedback

Please contact Frank Mousset and Hafsteinn Einarsson if you have any questions, feedback or corrections.

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📖 北京理工大学非官方 LaTeX 模板集合,包含本科、研究生毕业设计模板及更多。🎉 (更多文档请访问 wiki 和 release 中的手册)

  • Updated Jul 25, 2024

sara-venkatraman / LaTeX-Templates

Commented templates for CVs, homework, lecture notes, presentations, research papers, and essays, with commands for math/statistics symbols

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alexmingzhang / amznotes

LaTeX document class for writing pretty notes

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XuehaiPan / LaTeX-Templates

A collection of LaTeX templates in English/Chinese, with VS Code settings for LaTeX Workshop.

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novasmedley / f31-templates

Latex templates for submitting the NIH F31 grant

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curvenote / templates

A collection LaTeX templates compatible with curvenote.com

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LaTeX templates de l'INSA Toulouse

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KasparJohannesSchneider / TwentySecondsCurriculumVitae-LaTex

Write beautiful Curriculum Vitae in LaTex. This is a fork that has a few minor changes to the original repo, see README.

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phrmendes / academic_templates

Academic templates (articles, thesis and slides) made in LaTeX and Quarto

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cainmagi / Latex-Templates

This is a collection of latex templates designed by myself. It does not include Beamer templates.

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Communicating and sharing your work effectively with colleagues, supervisors and the general public often requires the preparation of a suitable presentation, tailored to that audience. These templates make it easy to create such a presentation, and the resulting set of slides is available for distribution in PDF format – perfect for sharing before or after your lecture, seminar or talk.

Chirst Univeristy LaTeX Beamer Template

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    eth latex presentation template

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  1. Templates

    Use our templates for ETH communication. They contain the most important design elements and are available in various formats. ... The PowerPoint presentation is installed on the Windows PCs of the central organs under "My templates". Download vertical_align_bottom Presentation for PowerPoint and LaTex (ZIP, 16.8 MB) Broschure. The brochure is ...

  2. Templates

    Download vertical_align_bottom Presentation ETH Style - Powerpoint Template (PPTX, 4.7 MB) Download vertical_align_bottom Presentation - Slides with IVT social media (PPTX, 203 KB) Essays, term and working papers ... LaTeX Template (ZIP, 9.6 MB) Download vertical_align_bottom Working Paper - Word Template (DOTX, 121 KB) Download vertical_align ...

  3. Templates

    Candidacy Exam Research Plan Template for EPFL students participating in the EPFL - ETHZ Joint Doctoral Program in the Learning Sciences (JDPLS). This document is based on the [.doc] template provided by EPFL as of July 29, 2024. Use at your own risk. Manuel Bernal-Lecina. This is the style guide for every student at the Global Health ...

  4. Templates

    This LaTeX template (unofficial) allows the production of slides presentation of the Federal University of Technology — Paraná (UTFPR). It was developed based on the abnTeX2 slides presentation template created by Fabio Rodrigues Silva, using the beamer LaTeX class. Also, several code snippets developed by users of the TeX-LaTeX Stack ...

  5. Templates

    Nutzen Sie unsere Templates für die ETH-Kommunikation. Sie enthalten die wichtigsten Gestaltungselemente und stehen in verschiedenen Formaten zur Verfügung. ... Download vertical_align_bottom Präsentation für PowerPoint und LaTex (ZIP, 16.8 MB) Broschüre. Die Broschüre ist in den Formaten A4, A5, A6 und A5/6 erhältlich. ...

  6. Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH Zurich)

    Overview. ETH Zurich is providing Overleaf Professional features for all students, faculty, and staff who would like to use a collaborative, online LaTeX editor for their projects. Overleaf Professional features include real-time track changes, unlimited collaborators, and full document history. Overleaf is designed to make the process of ...


    Here we provide a class file, and the necessary backgrounds in order to create LaTeX presentations according to the ETHZurich format. The class supports both 4:3 and 16:9 aspect ratios, and the use of Helvetica fonts. ... By the time of creation in 2005 there was only a general Microsoft Word template for the ETH Brief provided by the ETH.

  8. LaTeX template for a PhD thesis at ETH Zurich

    ethz-thesis. LaTeX template for a PhD thesis at ETH Zurich. Based on ClassicThesis by André Miede. Some ideas from Patrick Pletscher (title page, chapter folders). Adapted to A5 paperback size.

  9. CADMO, Institute of Theoretical Computer Science, Department of ...

    Getting LaTeX. The first part of a working LaTeX environment is a TeX distribution. Depending on your operating system, we recommend the following: Windows: use MikTeX. OS X: use MacTeX. Linux/*nix: your distribution's package management system should offer TeXlive (2008 is preferred as of this writing) for installation.

  10. PDF LaTeX Tools Course: Part 2

    Dots per inch (dpi) Physical measure. 4 colour channels (typically CMYK with cyan, magenta, yellow and black ink) Example: a bitmap image with 1000 × 1000 pixels. If it is labeled as 250 PPI, printer instruction: image size of 4 × 4 inch If it is labeled as 100 PPI, printer instruction: image size of 10 × 10 inch.

  11. ETH Zürich ASL Presentation Template

    An online LaTeX editor that's easy to use. No installation, real-time collaboration, version control, hundreds of LaTeX templates, and more.

  12. Gallery

    Produce beautiful documents starting from our gallery of LaTeX templates for journals, conferences, theses, reports, CVs and much more. ... ETH Zürich ASL Thesis Template. ... Handout University Poster Project / Lab Report Presentation Thesis Research Proposal Lecture Notes École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne. About.

  13. latex-templates · GitHub Topics · GitHub

    Pull requests. This repository contains a collection of ready-to-use templates for LaTeX projects, specifically designed and optimized for the Tectonic compiler. Whether you're working on an academic paper, a presentation, a resume, or any other document, you'll find templates here to help you get started quickly and easily.

  14. PDF ETH LaTeX Beamer Template

    25 people from all over the world (8 swiss) with different backgrounds →"class" feeling. Paper Club. Quantech workshops. Football team. Freshly founded student association. Tutor system. Case Studies (IBM visit, ETH labs, ID Quantique) Close contact with professors. Hang out with driven, motivated and somewhat crazy people.

  15. Templates

    This is the style guide for every student at the Global Health Engineering group of ETH Zurich willing to write his manuscript in LaTeX. The template is suitable for Bachelor Thesis, Semester Project, and Master Thesis. Produce beautiful documents starting from our gallery of LaTeX templates for journals, conferences, theses, reports, CVs and ...

  16. Eth Thesis Latex Template

    The document discusses LaTeX templates for writing academic theses. It notes that crafting a thesis requires extensive research, analysis, and presentation of ideas. One challenge students face is ensuring their thesis conforms to their institution's formatting guidelines. The Eth Thesis LaTeX Template provides a structured framework tailored to ETH Zurich's requirements. However, navigating ...

  17. Now available: ETH Office templates with classification note

    The official ETH Office templates for commonly used Microsoft Office documents (e.g. reports, letters, agendas, presentations) are now available with corresponding classification notes to indicate confidentiality. These can be downloaded from the Template offer of Corporate Communications. The Word templates are automatically available on ...

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  19. PDF ETH LaTeX Beamer Template

    Anja's Background: • Electrical Engineering Bachelor ETH. • 3rd year focus: - Optics Photonics. - Solid State Electronics. - High Speed Signal Propagation. • Physics II (some conceptual QM) Moritz' Background: • Physics Bachelor from EPF Lausanne. • Exchange in third year at ETH Zürich (solid Quantum Mechanics grounding)

  20. Gallery

    This LaTeX template (unofficial) allows the production of slides presentation of the Federal University of Technology — Paraná (UTFPR). It was developed based on the abnTeX2 slides presentation template created by Fabio Rodrigues Silva, using the beamer LaTeX class. Also, several code snippets developed by users of the TeX-LaTeX Stack ...