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Psychology Theses and Dissertations

Theses/dissertations from 2024 2024.

Moderating Role of Momentary Social Anxiety in The Relationships Between Authenticity, Situational Appraisals, Expressivity, and Approach-Avoidance Motivation , Jessica A. Birg

The Prevalence and Perceptions of Self-relevant Research (“Me-search”) in Psychological Science , Andrew R. Devendorf

A Longitudinal Investigation of the Relationships Between Experiences with Sexual Harassment, Self-Objectification, and Self-Concept Clarity Among Women , Roxanne N. Felig

Mentorship in a Virtual World: How Remote Work Relates to Mentoring Relationships and Outcomes , Alyssa M. Lezcano

Examining Associations Between Social and Emotional Loneliness and Drinking in a Clinical Sample with Alcohol Use Disorder (AUD): An Ecological Momentary Assessment Study , Brendan E. Walsh

Theses/Dissertations from 2023 2023

Improving the Subjective Well-Being of Autistic Youth Utilizing a Positive Psychology Intervention , Nicolette Bauermeister

An Experimental Study of Negative Performance Feedback: Consideration of a Cognitive Pathway and Individual Difference Factors , Ansley M. Bender

A Critical Analysis of the Graduate Socialization of Racially Minoritized School Psychology Students , Tatiana J. Broughton

The Influence of COVID-19 on Tobacco Racial Health Disparities: Testing the Differential Effects of COVID-19 on Smoking Motivation Variables across Black and White Smokers , Patricia F. Calixte-Civil

An Evaluation of Measurement Invariance of DSM-5 Borderline Personality Disorder Criteria Across Heterosexual, Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual Adults , E. Elisa Carsten

The Development of a Behaviorally Based Mentoring Workplace Scale , Christina N. Falcon

Examining the Role of Executive Functions on the Intention-Behavior Gap of Alcohol Harm Reduction Strategy Use , Becky K. Gius

The Effect of Psychopathy Trait Descriptions on Mock Juror Decision-Making , Bailey A. Hall

Context matters: Profiles of emotion regulation at work and home , Roxanne C. Lawrence

Planning to Behave Impulsively to Feel Better: An EMA Study of College Students' Nonsuicidal Self-Injury, Binge Eating, and Exercise Behaviors , Rose H. Miller

One Year Impact of the Advancing Coping and Engagement (ACE) Program on Advanced Placement and International Baccalaureate Student Success , Amanda C. Moseley

The Effects of Divided Attention in Free Recall: Affecting Trace Accumulation by Dividing Attention , Anne Olsen

Investigating Risk Factors of the Development of Compulsive Exercise and Eating Disorder Symptoms in College Students , Madeline Palermo

Invisible Families, Clear Consequences: Work-Family Integration Among Employees in Same Gender Presenting Romantic Relationships , Joseph Regina

Threats to School Safety: Examining Levels of Community Violence and Its Relation to School-Related Threats , Dorie Ross

The Social Anxiety Stigma Scale (SASS): Development, Factor Structure, and Validation , Ruba Rum

Socio-emotional effects of rejection: An experience-sampling examination , Gabriella Silva

Observed Error Monitoring as an Index of Theory of Mind , Kipras Varkala

I'll Make a Man Out of You: Precarious Manhood Beliefs among Heterosexual-Cisgender Men and Queer Men , Serena L. Wasilewski

From Other and From World: Expanding the Current Model of Existential Isolation , Roger Young Jr.

Temporal and Spatial Properties of Orientation Summary Statistic Representations , Jacob S. Zepp

Theses/Dissertations from 2022 2022

Boredom, Interoceptive Ability, and Emotional Eating , Erica Ahlich

Environmental Transmission of Career Interests Through a Genetic Lens: Understanding the Confounding Around Parental Occupation , Tyler Allan

Do Suicide Attempt Survivors Have Reduced Long-Term Well-Being? A Study of Veterans Across Three Nationally Representative Cohorts , Bradley A. Brown

Depersonalized, Dysregulated, and Demanded: The Impact of Burnout on Appraisal and Emotional Events , Katrina M. Conen

Breast Health Esteem to Motivate Breast Health Behavioral Intentions: An Application of the Terror Management Health Model , Emily P. Courtney

Gender Differences in College Drinkers: The Role of Masculine Norms , Jared A. Davis

Prevalence and Predictors of Careless Responding in Experience Sampling Research , Alexander J. Denison

Perceptions of Workplace Discrimination: A Closer Look , Jeremiah Doaty

The Impact of Cannabis on Motivational Processes for Smoked Tobacco and Cigarettes , Claire M. Gorey

Outcomes of a Telehealth Adaptation of a Trauma-Based Parent Training Program , Holland Hayford

Why Don’t They Just Ask?: Barriers to Directly Requesting Affirmative Sexual Consent by Gender and Sexual Orientation , Jessica A. Jordan

Examining the Social Validity of Parent Training: Post-Participation Parent Perceptions and Reflections of Group Triple P , Nycole C. Kauk

Individual Differences in Response to Hostile and Benevolent Sexism in a STEM Interview Context: The Moderating Role of Behavioral Activation , Elizabeth Kiebel

Do Sociability Expectancies Moderate Social Anxiety Predicting Alcohol Consumption Following a Social Stressor Speech Task , Jacob A. Levine

An Object for Sexual Pleasure: Does Viewing Sexualized Media Predict Increases in Self and Partner Objectification Impacting Feelings of Sexual and Romantic Closeness? , Kaitlyn Ligman

Influences of Sentence Context and Individual Differences in Lexical Quality on Early Phonological Processing during Silent Reading , Sara Milligan

Testing the Effects of Social Exclusion on Emotional Arousal: An Examination of the Effects of Psychological Pain and Rumination , Amanda L. Peterson

Creating a Short, Public-Domain Version of the CPAI-2: Using an Algorithmic Approach to Develop Public-Domain Measures of Indigenous Personality Traits , Mukhunth Raghavan

Equitable Implementation of the Good Behavior Game , Faith D. Reynolds

Ethnic-Racial Minoritized Adolescents’ Perceptions of Cyberhate, School Connectedness, Ethnic-Racial Identity, and Life Satisfaction , Alexis Taylor

Predicting Future Well-Being Among United States Youth Who Attempted Suicide and Survived , Bingjie Tong

Addressing Intersectional Stigma: LGBTQ+ Individuals Living with a Mental Illness , Jennifer T. Tran

Approach and Avoidance Food Craving: A Dual Cue Reactivity Investigation , Christina Lee Verzijl

Easing the Postpartum Return to Work: Workplace Resources, Work Interference with Family, and Health Behaviors , Aashna M. Waiwood

Theses/Dissertations from 2021 2021

School Professional Coaching on Facilitation of Prevent-Teach-Reinforce (PTR) Model for Students with Persistent Problem Behavior , Rachel Ayres

Influencing Motivation for Alcohol through Social Bonding , Bryan Benitez

Case Studies in Applied Behavior Analysis: Using a Desensitization Procedure to Decrease Problem Behavior Towards Peers and Using a Treatment Package to Increase Time Spent in a Small Group , Mallamy I. Camargo Pena

Testing the Congruence of Espousals and Enactments Predicting Team Innovation , Rylan M. Charlton

The General Psychopathology Factor ( p ) From Adolescence to Adulthood: Disentangling the Developmental Trajectories of p Using a Multi-Method Approach , Alexandria M. Choate

An Ecological Momentary Assessment of Disordered Eating Behaviors within Alcohol Use Episodes: Determining Temporal Sequencing in Food and Alcohol Disturbance , Emily M. Choquette

The Influence of Maternal Body-Shaming Comments and Bodily Shame on Portion Size , Savannah R. Flak

Mental Health Problems, Traumatic Brain Injury, and Offending Behavior Among Persons Incarcerated in a County Jail , Lauren F. Fournier

The Adaptive, Social, Communication, and Cognitive Skills of Monolingual and Bilingual Toddlers with Autism , Marcela A. Galicia

Good Intentions Go Awry: Investigation of Unhelpful Supportive Leadership , Cheryl E. Gray

Hello Traitor: An Examination of Individual Differences in Perceptions of Technology-Related Incivility , David J. Howard

Measuring State Empathy: Exploring the Efficacy of a Film Clip Task and Examining Individual Differences in Empathic Responding , Stephanie R. Hruza

The Relationship of Hope to Goals and Psychological Outcomes in Patients with Advanced Lung Cancer: A Test of Hope Theory , Kelly A. Hyland

Decisions and How Doctors Make Them: Modeling Multilevel Decision-Making within Diagnostic Medicine , Michelle S. Kaplan

Cultural Values as a Moderator of the Emotion Suppression to Strain Relationship: A Comparison of Two Dominant Theoretical Mechanisms , Roxanne C. Lawrence

How Enduring is Global Precedence? , Jong Lee

Cool Under Fire: Psychopathic Traits and Decision-Making in Law Enforcement-Oriented Populations , Sean J. McKinley

Cognitive Ability and Ambivalence toward Alcohol: An Examination of Working Memory Capacity’s Influence on Drinking Behavior , Emily T. Noyes

The Relationship Between Parenting Stress, Attendance, and Attrition in a Group-Based Parent Management Training Program , David Rubio Jr.

Unintended Consequences? Testing the Effects of Adolescent-Targeted Anti-Vaping Media upon Adult Smokers , Leslie E. Sawyer

“Just Joking”: Women’s Cardiovascular Responses to Sexist Humor , Samantha Shepard

Negative Performance Feedback and the Self-Regulatory Benefits of Mindfulness , Jeremiah Slutsky

Examining the Potential Interactions of Expectancies and Disordered Eating Behavior , Cody B. Staples

The nature of resilience: A person-centered approach using latent profile analysis , Yuejia Teng

Evaluation of Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) Fit Indices in Distinguishing between Circumplex and Other Factor Models , Andrew J. Thurston

Comparison of Parameter Estimation Approaches for Multi-Unidimensional Pairwise Preference Tests , Naidan Tu

Theses/Dissertations from 2020 2020

The Impact of Cues on Autobiographical Memory Recall in Depression , Ena Begovic

Perfectionism, Negative Life Events, and Cognitive Appraisal: A Contextual Model of Perfectionism’s Maladaptive Nature , Ansley M. Bender

The Effect of Acute Interpersonal Racial Discrimination on Smoking Motivation and Behavior among Black Smokers , Patricia F. Calixte-Civil

Parent Coping and Sibling Relationship Quality in Pediatric Cancer: The Moderating Effects of Parental Emotion Socialization Beliefs , Esther Davila

Higher Sense of Control Predicts Long-term Well-being After Depression , Andrew R. Devendorf

Villains or Vermin? The Differential Effects of Discrimination and Dehumanization on Immigrant Cardiovascular Responses , Mona El-Hout

Alcohol Expectancy Associates as a Probe of the Motivational Processes that Lead to Drinking , Daniel C. Faraci

Features of borderline personality and related psychopathologies as a contemporaneously and temporally connected network , Haya Fatimah

Editing the Self Away: The Effects of Photo Manipulation on Perceptions of the Self , Roxanne N. Felig

Motivation Matters: The Interaction of Approach and Avoidance Alcohol Motivation and Self-Control Demands in College Drinkers , Becky K. Gius

Facilitators and Barriers to Treatment Engagement in a Behavioral Parent Training Program , Holland Hayford

Effects of Inter-Male Status Challenge and Psychopathic Traits on Sexual Aggression , Amy M. Hoffmann

If at First You Don’t Succeed...Your Coworkers Just Might Be Pleased: A Story of Workplace Schadenfreude , Kim Johnson

Motivation to Volunteer , Lendi N. Joy

Exploration of Drive for Leanness in Relation to Drives for Thinness and Muscularity, as well as their Concurrent Associations with Health-Related Outcomes , Brittany Lang

Affect and Craving: Examining the Differential Influences of Positive and Negative Affect on Inclinations to Approach and Avoid Alcohol Use , Jacob A. Levine

Threat-Induced Alterations in Cognition and Associations with Disinhibited Behavior , Julia B. McDonald

A Prospective Examination of Psychosocial Outcomes Following Gynecomastia Surgery , D. Luis Ordaz

Assessing the Impacts of Sensorimotor Stimuli and Nicotine Content on Cravings and Other Outcomes of E-Cigarette Use , Amanda M. Palmer

The Threat of Virality: Digital Outrage Combats the Spread of Opposing Ideas , Curtis Puryear

Why Are Women Leaving STEM? An Examination of Workplace Rivalry , Joseph Regina

A Fidelity-based Integration Model for Explicit and Implicit Ensemble Coding , Ke Tong

Care in Context: Constructing a Theory of Care in One Fifth Grade Classroom , Emily J. Wingate

Depression, Music Choice, and Affective Outcomes in Daily Life , Sunkyung Yoon

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Psychology Dissertations and Theses

Theses/dissertations from 2024 2024.

Faculty Mentors' Influence on Latino/a/x STEM Undergraduates' STEM Identity Development , Sandy Cerda-Lezama

The Nuanced Relationship Between Mindfulness, Racial Prejudice, and Policy Support , Jared Michael Cutler

Individual and Structural Contributors to Implicit and Explicit Anti-Muslim Bias in the United States , Aeleah M. Granger

The Relationship Between Adverse Childhood Experiences and Juvenile Offender Typology , Aliza Beth Lipman

A Cognitive Approach to Supervisor Training Intervention Evaluation: Analyzing Change with Response Shift Theory and Models of Measurement Invariance , Luke Daniel Mahoney

The Exploration of Latino BIP Participants' Experiences of Oppression and Expressions of Critical Consciousness , Adrian Luis Manriquez

Permission to Play: A District's Initiative to Innovate Kindergarten and Promote Developmentally Appropriate Practices , Cristin McDonough

The Wage of Wellness: The Relationship Between Socioeconomic Status, Race, and Work Recovery , Emily Julia Ready

Seguir Adelante: A Qualitative Exploration of Latino Farmworkers' Work and Non-Work Resources , Faviola Robles Saenz

It Takes a Village: An Examination of Social Relationships and Mental Health , Em Francis Trubits

Theses/Dissertations from 2023 2023

Examining Factors Impacting the Service Needs of Unhoused Women , Holly Brott

Main, Mediated, and Moderated Effects of Participating in an After-School Social and Emotional Learning Program on Young Children's Development of Social-Emotional Skills , Amy L. Cordier

Who Puts the "Support" in Supportive Housing? The Impact of Housing Staff on Resident's Well-Being, and the Potential Moderating Role of Self-Determination , Kenna Estell Dickard

Motivation to Collaborate: A Qualitative Exploration of the Perspectives of Service Providers on an Alternative First Response Program , Desiree' J. DuBoise

Tell Me, Do You Feel It Too? A Meta-analysis of Dyadic Emotional Contagion in the Workplace , Stefanie Fox

Left on "Read" and All Alone: Instigated Cyber Incivility, Shame, and Experienced Ostracism at Work , Alison Lucia Hunt

Exploring Associations between Military Identity and Well-being Outcomes among Post-9/11 Veterans after Separation , James David Lee

Experiences of People with Serious Mental Illness Seeking Services at Community Mental Health Centers During the COVID-19 Pandemic , Emily Leickly

Why So Serious? Using the Belongingness Need Tenet from the Self-Determination Theory to Examine Workplace Humor and Its Outcomes , Katharine Lucille McMahon

Emotion Knowledge, Its Applications, and Their Associations With African American Children's Social Relationships With Teachers and Peers in Kindergarten and First Grade , Brielle Emily Petit

Stress-Reduction from Positive Support: Impacts of Receiving Partner Capitalization Support on Veteran Stress/Work Stress , MaryAnn Dona Samson

Diversity in Recruitment: The Role of Realistic Website Job Previews for Racial and Ethnic Minority Applicants , Jennifer Saucedo

Antecedents of FSSB: Evaluating the Demographic Basis of Support , Erika Ann Schemmel

A Daily Investigation of the Recovery Paradox: Examining the Dynamic Interplay of Workload, Recovery Experiences, and Microbreaks , Morgan Rose Taylor

Not on the Menu: Customer Sexual Harassment in the Restaurant Industry , Fernanda Wolburg Martinez

Theses/Dissertations from 2022 2022

Model.Disclose(): Examination of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder Disclosure at Work , Timothy Allen Carsey

Transforming Learning Communities, Transforming Ourselves: A Qualitative Investigation of Identity Processes in a Participatory Action Research-themed Undergraduate Course , Julia Sara Dancis

Clarifying and Measuring Inclusive Leadership , Kelly Mason Hamilton

Intersections of Masculinity, Culturally Relevant Factors, and Intimate Partner Violence Perpetration Among Asian American Men , Jason Z. Kyler-Yano

Sleeping to Support: An Examination of the Relationship Between Leader Sleep and Positive Support Behaviors , Jordyn Jan Leslie

Work-Related IPV Among Latinos: Exploring the Roles of Fatherhood Status, Gendered Expectations, and Support for Intimate Partner's Employment , Adrian Luis Manriquez

Masculinity Instability and Ideologies as Predictors of IPV Perpetration: The Mediating Role of Relationship Power , Emma Christine Marioles O'Connor

The Benefits of Social Support on Health and Well-Being in Military Populations: Examining Mechanisms, Source of Support, and the Reach of a Workplace Well-Being Intervention , AnnaMarie Sophia O'Neill

Do Motives Matter? The Role of Motivation in Shaping the Impact of Mindfulness Training on Teachers' Psychological Distress and Wellbeing , Cristi N. Pinela

Theses/Dissertations from 2021 2021

The Longitudinal Effects of a Family and Sleep Supportive Intervention on Service Member Anger and Resilience , Shalene Joyce Allen

Drug Conviction and Employment Restriction: Experiences of Employees with Drug-Related Criminal Histories , Liana Bernard

Sustaining Boys' Motivation Over the Transition to Middle School: Can Interpersonal Resources Protect Boys from Engagement Declines Across Sixth Grade? , Brandy Anne Brennan

Returning to Rejection: Outcomes and Boundary Conditions of Mental Illness Stereotypes , Stefanie Fox

Guarding Against Strain: The Moderating Role of Nonwork Experiences in the Relationship Between Work-Related Hypervigilance and Strain in Correctional Officers , Samantha Getzen

Anti-Muslim Bias: Investigating Individual Differences, Threat Perceptions, and Emotions in Islamophobic Policy Support , Aeleah M. Granger

Black Children's Development of Self-Regulation within Stressful Contexts of Parenting: Investigating Potential Buffering Effects of a Kindergarten Social-Emotional Learning Program , Eli Labinger

"Like I Was an Actual Researcher": Participation and Identity Trajectories of Underrepresented Minority and First-Generation STEM Students in Research Training Communities of Practice , Jennifer Lynn Lindwall

Claiming Miscommunication to Justify Rape: The Role of Liking the Perpetrator , Alyssa Marie Glace Maryn

An "I" for an "I" : A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Instigated and Reciprocal Incivility , Lauren Sarah Park

Parenting and Children's Academic Coping as a Dynamic System: Feedforward, Feedback, and Mediators of Changes Across the School Year , Kristen Elizabeth Raine

Does Experiencing Spousal Support and Strain Impact the Quality of Family-Based Support that Supervisors Provide to Employees? , Joseph Alvin Sherwood

"B-ing Flexible" : Examining Creativity in Bisexual Employees , Megan Jane Snoeyink

Exploring the Relationships Between Community Experiences and Well-Being among Youth Experiencing Homelessness , Katricia Stewart

Mothers' Drinking Motives , Sheila Kathleen Umemoto

An Examination of Nurses' Schedule Characteristics, Recovery from Work, and Well-Being , Sarah Elizabeth Van Dyck

Preventing Sexual Violence Through Understanding Perceptions of Sexual Offenders , Judith G. Zatkin

Theses/Dissertations from 2020 2020

Examining Employee Needs at Work and Home: a Self-Determination Theory Perspective , Dana Anuhea Auten

Trajectories, Time Windows, and Alternative Pathways of Engagement: Motivational Resources Underlying Academic Development during Middle School , Heather Anne Brule

Examining Mindfulness Training for Teachers: Theoretical and Methodological Extensions of Intervention Effectiveness , Jaiya Rae Choles

Detecting Reinforcement Patterns in the Stream of Naturalistic Observations of Social Interactions , James Lamar DeLaney 3rd

An Investigation of the Temporal Relationship Between Agitation and Sleep Disturbances , Emily Catherine Denning

Peers' Academic Coping as a Resource for Academic Engagement and Motivational Resilience in the First Year of Middle School , Daniel Lee Grimes

Home Resources Supporting Workplace Resources: an Investigation of Moderated Intervention Effects From the Study for Employment Retention of Veterans (SERVe) , Sarah Nielsen Haverly

"It Puts a Face to All the Knowledge We've Gotten" : a Program of Research on Intimate Partner Violence Surrogate Impact Panels , Kate Louise Sackett Kerrigan

A Daily Examination of Anger and Alcohol Use Among Post-9/11 Veterans , James David Lee

An Examination of Daily Family-Supportive Supervisor Behaviors, Perceived Supervisor Responsiveness and Job Satisfaction , Luke Daniel Mahoney

Nurse Can't Even: the Immediate Impact of Incivility on Affect, Well-being, and Behavior , Katharine Lucille McMahon

Perceptions of Police Use of Force at the Intersection of Race and Pregnancy , Emma Elizabeth Lee Money

The Impact of Paternal Caregivers for Youth Who Commit Sexual Offenses , Miranda Hope Sitney

Human Energy in the Workplace: an Investigation of Daily Energy Management Strategies, Job Stressors and Employee Outcomes , Morgan Rose Taylor

Individual and Community Supports that Impact Community Inclusion and Recovery for Individuals with Serious Mental Illnesses , Rachel Elizabeth Terry

Investigating Sexual Fantasy and Sexual Behavior in Adolescent Offenders , Hayley Lauren Tews

Theses/Dissertations from 2019 2019

Integrating Work Ability into the Organizational Science Literature: Advancing Theory and Developing the Nomological Network , Grant Brady

Family Linked Workplace Resources and Contextual Factors as Important Predictors of Job and Individual Well-being for Employees and Families , Jacquelyn Marie Brady

The Role of Teacher Autonomy Support Across the Transition to Middle School: its Components, Reach, and Developmental Effects , Julia Sara Dancis

Does X Mark the Applicant? Assessing Reactions to Gender Non-Binary Job Seekers , Kelly Mason Hamilton

Urbanicity as a Moderator of the Relationship Between Stigma and Well-being Outcomes for Individuals with Serious Mental Illnesses , Emily Leickly

The Relationship Between Undergraduate Research Training Programs and Motivational Resources for Underrepresented Minority Students in STEM: Program Participation, Self-efficacy, a Sense of Belonging, and Academic Performance , Jennifer Lindwall

Perceived Partner Responsiveness, Sleep and Pain: a Dyadic Study of Military-Connected Couples , AnnaMarie Sophia O'Neill

Recruitment Marketing: How Do Wellness and Work-Life Benefits Influence Employer Image Perceptions, Organizational Attraction, and Job Pursuit Intentions? , Amy Christine Pytlovany

The Combined Effects of Parent and Teacher Involvement on the Development of Adolescents' Academic Engagement , Nicolette Paige Rickert

Examining the Development and Classroom Dynamics of Student Disaffection Over Multiple Time Periods: Short-term Episodes and Long-term Trajectories , Emily Anne Saxton

Drinking on a Work Night: a Comparison of Day and Person-Level Associations with Workplace Outcomes , Brittnie Renae Shepherd

Development and Validation of the Workplace Mental Illness Stigma Scale (W-MISS) , Nicholas Anthony Smith

Relational Thriving in Context: Examining the Roles of Gratitude, Affectionate Touch, and Positive Affective Variability in Health and Well-Being , Alicia Rochelle Starkey

Preventing Child Sexual Abuse and Juvenile Offending Through Parental Monitoring , Kelly E. Stewart

"To Call or Not to Call?" The Impact of Supervisor Training on Call Center Employee Attitudes and Well-Being , Whitney Elan Schneider Vogel

Theses/Dissertations from 2018 2018

The Impact of Leader Race and Gender on Perceptions of Organizations in Response to Corporate Error , Nicolas Derek Brown

Impacts of Mindfulness Training on Mechanisms Underlying Stress Reduction in Teachers: Results from a Randomized Controlled Trial , Jaiya Rae Choles

Student Motivation Profiles as a Diagnostic Tool to Help Teachers Provide Targeted Support , Cailin Tricia Currie

Insufficient Effort Responding on Mturk Surveys: Evidence-Based Quality Control for Organizational Research , Lee Cyr

Affirmative Consent Endorsement and Peer Norms Supporting Sexual Violence Among Vulnerable Students on College Campuses , Alyssa Marie Glace

Gendered Partner-Ideals, Relationship Satisfaction, and Intimate Partner Violence , Sylvia Marie Ferguson Kidder

Organizational Calling and Safety: the Role of Workload and Supervisor Support , Layla Rhiannon Mansfield

Bystander Intervention to Prevent Campus Sexual Violence: the Role of Sense of Community, Peer Norms, and Administrative Responding , Erin Christine McConnell

Benevolent Sexism and Racial Stereotypes: Targets, Functions, and Consequences , Jean Marie McMahon

Perceived Overqualification and Withdrawal Among Seasonal Workers: Would Work Motivation Make a Difference? , Anthony Duy Nguyen

Differential Well-Being in Response to Incivility and Surface Acting among Nurses as a Function of Race , Lauren Sarah Park

Financial Strain and the Work-Home Interface: a Test of the Work-Home Resources Model from the Study for Employment Retention of Veterans (SERVe) , MacKenna Laine Perry

Neighbor Perceptions of Psychiatric Supportive Housing : the Role of Knowledge, Attitudes, and Behaviors , Amy Leigh Shearer

The Role of Caregiver Disruption in the Development of Juvenile Sexual Offenders , Miranda Sitney

Intrapersonal and Social-Contextual Factors Related to Psychological Well-being among Youth Experiencing Homelessness , Katricia Stewart

Age-based Differences in the Usefulness of Resources: a Multi-Study Investigation of Work and Well-being Outcomes , Lale Muazzez Yaldiz

Pathways to Kindergarten Growth: Synthesizing Theories of the Kindergarten Transition to Support Children's Development , Rita Yelverton

Theses/Dissertations from 2017 2017

The Force of Manhood: the Consequences of Masculinity Threat on Police Officer Use of Force , Aurelia Terese Alston

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Psychology Undergraduate thesis collection

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As part of their final year undergraduate degree examination for MA or BSC Psychology, students submit a dissertation based on an original research project supervised by academic staff in the department.

During 2006/07 it was agreed that all Psychology Undergraduate students would be required to submit an electronic copy of their dissertation to the Library to be stored in the Edinburgh Research Archive. This was agreed in order to enable the University to preserve its academic record.

Please note that only the Title and Abstract is available to the general public. Full text is only available to the domain. Copyright and all rights therein are retained by authors or by other copyright holders. All persons copying this information are expected to adhere to the terms and constraints invoked by each author's copyright. In most cases, these works may not be reposted without the explicit permission of the copyright holder.

Recent Submissions

The effect of sentence complexity on processing depth: a text change detection study using garden paths , a connectionist approach to causal learning , the effects of late non-proficient bilingualism and a year abroad on executive functioning , investigating the role of social media addiction in the relationship between impulsivity and disordered eating , the effect of healthy adult ageing and cognitive reserve on specific theory of mind abilities , investigating the effects of social exclusion on a child's tendency to imitate grammatical syntax , developing empathy in the digital age: the relationship between social media usage and empathic accuracy scores in young adolescents , can we learn to be more conscientious a behavioural intervention study using goal setting theory as motivation , real ghost stories: how do psychics construct their personal experiences as genuine , stepping into the shoes of another: how attachment security and parental mind-mindedness impacts the development of adolescent empathic accuracy , miraculous cures: how do individuals justify their beliefs in the authenticity and miraculous quality of faith healing cures , the brief acceptance measure: developing & testing a brief measure of psychological flexibility suitable for daily use , do garden path sentences affect the depth of semantic processing a change detection study , collaboration and emotional self-management in moba gamers , the effect of exercise on cognitive functioning in static and strategic sport , investigating human scale judgement , impulsivity in cognitive estimation formation and the influence of age , l2 response planning: effect of content and length predictability , can self-perception, personality, age, gender and duration predict addictive social media use in university students , investigating the effects of resilience, loneliness and neuroticism on social media addiction .

bachelor thesis example psychology

Scholarship at UWindsor


Psychology Electronic Theses and Dissertations

Theses/dissertations from 2024 2024.

Pathways from Childhood Sexual Abuse to Sexual Risk Behaviour in MSM: A Mixed Methods Study , Daniel Provenzano

Theses/Dissertations from 2023 2023

Bullying and Body Image: Body image disturbance in emerging adults with a history of bullying victimization , Rebecca Antonacci

The Self-Reference Effect on Memory Among 4- To 6-Year-Olds: The Role of Active Encoding and Cognitive Abilities , Alicia Nicole Bartlett

The Aphasia Friendly Business Campaign: Program Expansion and Evaluation , Julia Borsatto

Exploring the Relationship Between of Subjective and Objective Cognition among Older Adults Living in Canada , Astrid Dawn Coleman

Emotion profiles in Dialectical Behaviour Therapy: Early Observations Anticipate Treatment Outcome , Florencia Andrea Cristoffanini

Engagement, Satisfaction, and Positive Student Outcomes: The Most Prevalent Factors at Canada's Public Universities , Denise DeBlock

Revealing the Invisible Cage: Understanding Coercive Control through the Eyes of Survivors in the Era of COVID-19 , Chloë Elizabeth Eidlitz

Body Dissatisfaction and Depression: Investigating the Moderating Roles of Maladaptive Investment in Appearance and Rumination , Mallory Forward

Factors Influencing Post-Traumatic Growth in Emerging Adults with Chronic Medical Illness , Alana Marie Gyemi

The Role of Self-Talk in Regulating Public Speaking Anxiety in Ethnically Diverse Young Adults in Canada , Clare Denise Russell Hinch

Investigating Visual Vigilance following Chronic Behavioural Immune System Activation , Jessica Hurtubise

Effects of Discrete Emotions on Associative Memory Binding , Davin D. Iverson

The Association of Perceived Stress with Anxiety-related Symptoms during Use of the MindShift app , Emily Jerome

The Impact of Cognitive Reserve on Baseline Neuropsychological Functioning of Older Adults Without Dementia , Jarod Joshi

A Psycholinguistic Analysis of Neuropsychological Tests , Brette Lansue

Validating and Optimizing Performance Validity Cut-Off Scores in a Pediatric Sample , Malayna Malleck

ADHD Symptoms and Inattentional Blindness in an Undergraduate Sample , Katherine Rose Matchett

Mental Health, Sport-Related Concussion, and App-Based Mindfulness: A Pilot Study with Female University Student-Athletes , Taylor May McEachnie

Loneliness, Risk-Taking, and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder During the COVID-19 Pandemic , Rebecca Nurgitz

Academic Stress and Cultural Coping: The Moderating Effect of Heritage Language Proficiency on Well-Being in a Multilingual Sample , Noah Marcel Philipp-Muller

If It Walks Like a Duck…Is It a Duck?: A Mixed Methods Investigation of Differences Between Machiavellian and Non-Machiavellian Substance Users , Daniel Pillersdorf

Homelessness and Intimate Partner Violence: Women’s Barriers and Experiences With Accessing Formal Support Services and the Impact of Their Intersecting Identities , Marissa Marie Rakus

Student Financial Well-Being, Health Behaviours, and Social Participation: A Mixed Methods Study , Evan Ripley-McNeil

“A Very Resilient Bunch”: A Photographic Exploration into the Experiences of Women with Turner Syndrome , Kristin M. Schramer

Romantic Relationships in Young Adults: The Influence of Parents and Friends , Jenna Elizabeth Thompson

Associations Between Parent Stress, Parent Mobile Technology Use, and Parenting Behaviours on Children’s Psychological Functioning , Amy Wei Yan Tran

Theses/Dissertations from 2022 2022

The Role of Objectification, Rape Myth Acceptance, Situational Context, and Gender in Individual’s Perceptions of Image-Based Sexual Abuse Victims and Perpetrators , Jewels Adair

" Move&Connect Caregivers: The feasibility of a virtual group-based intervention for caregivers of youth with persistent post-concussion symptoms" , Hiba Al Hakeem

Effects of Chairwork in Individual Psychotherapy: A Meta-Analytic and Systematic Review , Tabarak Baher

Coping During COVID: Child Technology Use and Coping During the COVID-19 Pandemic , Anissa Barnes

The Role of Disclosure and Social Support on Quality of Life in Women with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) , Noelle Citron

#MeToo: Effects of Cyber Sexual Aggression Victimization on Women’s Health and Relationship Quality , Samantha Daskaluk

Embodied and Empowered: Evidence for Ashtanga Yoga as a Novel Intervention for Women with Disordered Eating , Nicole A. Dignard

The Influence of Semantic Neighbourhood Density and Concreteness on Episodic Memory for Single Words , Brinna Fougere

How Animal-Assisted Therapy Is Understood and Perceived by Health Care Providers and the General Public in Canada , Healey M. Gardiner

“You’re not my Leader.” The Impact of Gender and Ethnic Stereotypes on Leadership Evaluations , Arief B. Kartolo

Parenting Practices, Technology Use, and Preschoolers' Self-Regulation During COVID-19: A Thematic Analysis , Rachel Katzman

Effects of Social Isolation on Wellbeing: Undergraduate Student Engagement in Positive and Negative Coping Behaviours During the Coronavirus Pandemic , Krista L. Lucier MA

The Meaning of Words: For Richer or For Poorer , Susan Lutfallah

The Role of Companion Animals in the Lives of University Students During the Coronavirus Pandemic , Cindy Ly

Contributions of Social Support to Mitigate the Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Pediatric Depressive and Irritability Symptoms , Alexandra Mactavish

Men High in Conforming to Masculine Norms have Less Intent to Practice Yoga: A Serial Mediation Analysis , Connor J. Motzkus

Understanding Men’s Use of Tactics in Sexual Coercion: A Network Analysis , Lennox Mou

The Effect of State/Trait Rumination on a Prospective Memory Task Delivered Remotely Using a Real-Time and Repeated Approach , Iulia Niculescu

The Impact of Food Allergy Education for Nursing Students , Aleksandra J. Redko

A Qualitative Grounded Theory Study of Black Canadian Mental Health Service Use , Renee Taylor

The Creation and Validation of the Coercive Control Screening Scale , Kathleen Wilson

Theses/Dissertations from 2021 2021

Predicting Recidivism versus Desistance in Adolescents with Sexual Offenses Using Tools Developed for Adults: The Static-99 and SAPROF , Meredith Awrey

Women’s Experiences of Self-Objectification and Sexualization and Their Impact on Attitudes Towards Online Sex Work , Storm Balint

Body Image Disturbance and Social Networking Site Behaviours , Alicia Marie Berze-Butts

Neurocognitive Profiles Associated with Limited English Proficiency in Cognitively Intact Adults , Maeme Adwoa Brantuo

Asian Canadian Therapists’ Experience and Coping with Racial Microaggression: A Qualitative Examination with Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis , Yiu-Yin Chang

Good Risk or Bad Risk: Development of a Holistic Assessment of Risk Perception , Joan C. Craig

Therapist Effects on the Outcomes of Psychotherapy and Their Perspectives on Training , Chris Edmondstone

Understanding Maternal Depressive Symptoms and Aggression in Young Children: An Affective Dyadic Systems Approach , Lerna Hanceroglu

Moral Centrality Predicts Better Mental Health: Evidence for the Protective Effects of Integrating Agency and Communion , Joseph John Hoyda

Further Investigating the Predictors of Aggressive Driving: Vulnerable Narcissism, Implicit Self-Esteem, and Rebelliousness , Cassidy Kost

Pathological Personality Traits and Social Behaviour: Informant and Within-Person Variability Perspectives , Paige Brianne Lamborn

Victim Perpetrator Relationship Characteristics and Perceptions of Personal Sexual Assault and Coercion Experiences , Frasia Margaret Morrison

Control, Alter, and Delete: Investigating the Manipulation of Memory and Memorial Beliefs By Suspected Psychopaths in Interpersonal Relationships , Kendra Nespoli

Influence of Sexual Socialization, Gender Roles and Patriarchal Norms on Rape Myth Acceptance among South Asian Students in Canada , Dayanga Radeniya

The Association between Self-Reported Psychiatric Symptoms and Performance Validity Test Failure across Brain Injury Severity Levels , Alana G. Sabelli

The Role of Protective Factors in Relation to Attentional Abilities in Emerging Adults , Sanya Sagar

Think First: Examining Impulsivity among University Students , Antonette Scavone

The Role of Anxiety Sensitivity in the Etiology of Anxiety and Cognitive Symptoms of Eating Disorders , Rachel Small-Crevier

Social Contexts in Ethnic Identity Development: How Does it Affect Bicultural Stress Between Generations? , Carolyn Tran

Theses/Dissertations from 2020 2020

Barriers to Reporting Sexual Harassment: What Encourages Disclosure? , Emma Claire Bailey

A Hybrid Hypothesis for Understanding the Relation Between ADHD Symptoms, Facebook Use, and Social Distress and Loneliness , Shanna Deasley

Perception and Performance of Working Memory: Insights into Test Anxiety , Rebecca Grossman

Coping with Intergenerational Conflict Among Chinese Canadian Emerging Adults: Testing a Cultural and Contextual Model with a Mixed-Methods Approach , Siqi Huang

Distinguishing Appraisals of Memory Accuracy and Occurrence: A Functional Neuroimaging Study , Kassandra Helena Korcsog

Image-based sexual violence: Victim experiences and bystander responses , Michelle A. Krieger

What Trying to Forget Tells Us About Trying to Remember: A Link Between Associative Memory and Directed Forgetting , Brette E. Lansue Burns

What Do You See When You Look at Me? Social Media, Socialized Gender Variables, and Disordered Eating Among Adolescent Girls , Annamaria McAndrew

The Effect of Motivation Status on Performance Validity in Concussion Baseline Testing , Isabelle Messa-Hamidi

What Clients Say about their Single Largest Change in Treatment: Comparing Sudden Gains across Treatment Approaches and Phases of Therapy , Orrin-Porter Morrison

Aggression in Dark Personalities: The Role of Self-Esteem , Anastasia Skobkareva

The Role of Psychological Safety in Predicting Proactive Behaviour , Siddardh Thirumangai Alwar

Navigating Online and Offline Social Spaces: Interpersonal Relationships and Problematic Gaming Behaviour in MMORPG Players , Aranda Christine Wingsiong

Narrative Coherence of Child Maltreatment Memories in Adults , Na Zhu

Theses/Dissertations from 2019 2019

Performance Validity Testing for Individuals with Limited English Proficiency , Kelly An

The Influence of Coparenting Support on Fathers’ Involvement with their Children with Autism , Jason L. Bloom

The Aphasia Friendly Business Campaign , Julia Borsatto

Resolving Distressing Autobiographical Memories: The Role of Perspective in Imagery, Writing, and Self-Reflection , Chantal M. Boucher

The effects of an Internet-delivered mindfulness-based intervention on perceived stress, psychological symptoms, and emotion regulation , Molly Cairncross

Selfies On Social Media: The Role Of Appearance Contingent Self-Worth And Impact On Self-Esteem , Felicia M. Chang

Supporting Treatment Selection in Parents of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder: An Educational Workshop with Acceptance and Commitment Training , Brianne E. Drouillard

Therapeutic Benefits of Online Psychological Screening for Depressive Symptomology , Natalie Frost

An empirical investigation of Barriga’s mediational model of moral cognition and antisocial behaviour: Moral reasoning recognition versus response generation assessments in models for general delinquency and sexually coercive behaviours , Sarah Gardiner

Mapping Patterns of Restricted and Repetitive Behaviours and Media Use in Youth Diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder and Typically Developing Youth , Eric Gilliland

Social Information Processing Deficits, Intimate Partner Violence, and Coercive Control in Dating Couples , Jillian Glasgow

Rape Acknowledgement in the Context of the #MeToo Movement , Brandin Glos

Measuring the Flexibility of Delusion-Like Beliefs in Non-Clinical Samples: Development and Validation of the Windsor Belief Flexibility Scale (WBFS) , Bahar Haji-Khamneh

Help Seeking Behaviours of Adolescents in Foster Care: Multiple Perspectives , Emily Marie Johnson

The Role of Pornography Consumption in Intimate Partner Aggression/Violence in Emerging Adult Couples: A Prospective Longitudinal Study , Katherine Jongsma

Eye-Tracking Attentional Deployment: Emotion Regulation and Processing Visual Information in University Students , Abirami R. Kandasamy

Measuring Affective Processes In Traumatic Brain Injury , Eva Keatley

Exploring Causes of Academic Entitlement: A Mixed-Method Approach , Chelsea McLellan

Contributions of Emotional Competence to the Link between Childhood Maltreatment and Adult Attachment , Ashley Erica Mlotek

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Honors Thesis

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Undergraduate Honours Theses

Students enrolled in Psychology 4880 complete independent research under the direction of a faculty member. For undergraduate theses completed prior to 2014 please consult the Catalogue.

Submissions from 2022 2022

The Influence of Environmental Sounds on Cognition and Mood , Huda Ahmed

The Impacts of Researcher Attire on Participant Performance in Psychological Experiments , Jesse S. Basi


The Effects of Peer Connectedness and Popularity in Predicting Adolescent E-Cigarette and Binge Drinking Patterns Across the COVID-19 Pandemic , Kyla N. Lamb

Exploring Parent and Peer Support as a Predictor of Adolescent Adjustment During the COVID-19 Pandemic , Madeleine M. MacDonald

The Cross-Modal Relationship Between Language and Mathematics: A Bi-Directional Training Paradigm , Urvi Maheshwari

Mismatched Music: How Conflicting Musical Information Impacts Emotional Judgements , Matthew W. Tiplady

Mindsets for Goal Attainment and Experiences of Unethical Transgressions , Hallie Wiltzer

Are Conspiracy Beliefs Induced by Thinking Disposition and Economic Uncertainty? , Sean E. Yilmaz

Submissions from 2021 2021

Interactions between Brief Virtual Exposure to Natural Environments and Psychological Well-Being , Giuliana GN Brancato

Values Affirmation in The Treatment of Moral Injury: A Pilot Study , Eve G. Chapnik

To Sing Or To Speak: Closeness Between Mother-Infant Dyads In Different Contexts , Aislinn M. Connor

Examining the role of Diverted Attention on Musical Motion Aftereffects , Hannah D. Cormier

Defining Mother-Infant Synchrony in a Speech and Song Context , Roisin A. Delaney

Social Media as a Predictor of Depression Rates Among Male Versus Female Adolescents During the COVID-19 Pandemic , Kaylee A. Fishback

Do Social Media Usage and The Endorsement of Collective Values Predict Loneliness? , Caoyu Cy Pan

Submissions from 2020 2020

A Nature Walk a Day, Keeps Unhappiness Away: Restorative Campus Environments and Student Well-Being , Justine Albert


The Relationship Between Extracurricular Activities and the Well-Being of Undergraduate Students , Angelica C. Galluzzo

Evaluating Success in Addictions Treatment , Cole G. Granger

Parental Marital Status and Perceived Parental Marital Stability as Predictors of Avoidant Attachment Style in Young Adult Romantic Relationships , Eden G. C. Jacobson

“Send Me Your Location”: Examining Cyber Dating Abuse Victimization and Self-Esteem in Adolescents , Grace K. Millett

Conformity and Persuasion: The Moderating Roles of Interpersonal Closeness and Interaction Partner Sex , Christianne Morrison

There is More to Snapchat than Snapping: Examining Active and Passive Snapchat Use as Predictors of Anxiety in Adolescents , Nicole A. Orlan

Narcissism and Attachment Anxiety Predicting the Impact of Hiding Instagram “Likes” In Canada , Madeleine T. Visca

Who's to Blame? How Attributions of Blame Impact Perceptions of Effective Leaders , Emily M. Wildeboer


Submissions from 2019 2019

Moral Perceptions in the Workplace , Leonid V. Beletski

Influences on Early Creativity: Examining the Role of Affect, Movement and Autonomy During Play on Divergent Thinking Skills of Preschool Children , Taylor S. Boyd

A Safe Place for Morally Corrupt Judgements: The Effect of Trust on Moral Decision Making , Robin C. Doyle

"Challenge Accepted": Exploring Predictors of Risky Online Behaviour in Emerging Adults , Shannon Ward

The Role of Extraversion, Sensitivity to Music Reward, and Music Tempo on Word Recall , Mingyang Xu

Submissions from 2018 2018

Examining the Effects of Framing on Probability Discounting , Owen M. Chevalier

The Effects of Aromatherapy on Stress in a University Population , Theresa L. Flagler

The Effects of Fantasy Role-Play on Bravery, Motivation, and Physiological Fear Responses While Playing Horror Video Games , Paul A. Giulietti

Every Other, Every Time - Rat Imitative Pattern Learning , Peter A. Khouri

Me or We? The Effect of Team and Individual Sports Activity on Executive Functioning , Alexander I. McKenzie

Snapchat and its Relationship to Alcohol Consumption and Associated Behaviours , Kellie S. Thomas

The Impact of Age and Social Media Preference on Facebook and Instagram Users Reactions to Social Media , L. E. Taylor Trelford

Submissions from 2017 2017

Cognition and Commerce: The Impact of Intuitive Judgment and Rational Analysis on Business Decisions , Bridget A. Bicknell

The Relationship Between Self Perceived Versus Peer Perceived Popularity and Alcohol Consumption in University Students , Dayna A. Blustein

Improving Workplace Commitment to Change: A Test of Impact Reflection and Motivation on Perceived Commitment Constructs , Trenton J. MacDuff

Attention to Melodic versus Phonetic Cues in 8-Month-Old Infants , Alexandra M. Ryken

The Effects of Interpersonal Relations in the Workplace on Cognitive Performance: Does Working with Irritating People Decrease your Performance? , Kristin Skritek

The Effects of Conformity on Eyewitness Testimony and Confidence , Kaitlyn B. Sluys

Submissions from 2016 2016

Stress Interventions for First-Year Undergraduate Students , Shawna N. Allen

Speech to the Beat: Infants' Processing , Alix Altow

Peer Group Belonging, Group Norms and Alcohol Consumption in Emerging Adulthood , Angelica Bell

The Effects of Video Feedback on Public Speaking Anxiety , Nicole M. Donovan

The Effect of Past Experiences on Forgiveness Intentions in Romantic Relationships , Morgane E. Lashkari-Moghaddam

Guilt as a Mediator in the Relationship between Transgression Severity and Transgressors’ Feelings of Forgiveness in Romantic Relationships , Laura Matias

Effects of Visual and Geometric Cues in Rat Foraging , Kyle Rubini

The Effects of Self-Care Meditation Behaviour on Undergraduate Students’ Reported Stress , Anna Smallwood

Resting State fcMRI in the Social Cognition Network as a Predictive Measure for Scores of Socialization of Preterm Neonates , Angela Westgate

Submissions from 2015 2015

Do Our Perceptions Affect Our Decision Making in Legal Contexts? , Scott Benedict

Infants' Memory for Melody and Words in Sung Songs , Leanna De Lucia

The Effects of Visual Cue Facilitation in Spatial Pattern Learning in Rats , Sachia M. Grogan

Infants' Sensitivity to Fine Durational Cues in Speech Perception , Alyssa K. Kuiack

Rhyming versus Repetition in Children's Stories: The Role of Reading Strategies in New Word Recognition , Katherine Stover

Submissions from 2014 2014

Observational Pattern Learning In Rats , Tristan J. Bell Knowlton

Reach-to-Grasp Actions Under Direct and Indirect Viewing Conditions , Ashley C. Bramwell

The Role of Future Time Perspective on Forgiveness: A Study of Transgressions Among Undergraduate University Students , Emily B. Briggs

The Effects of Arousal Induction on Infants' Tempo Preferences , Erin G. Eisen

The Role of Native Language Acquisition in Infant Preferences of Speech and Song , Emma J. Fogel

Working Memory and Music Perception and Production in an Adult Sample , Keara L. Gillis

Singing Competency and Language Abilities in Children , Rebecca Herbert

The Effect of Mood Context on the Accuracy of Eyewitness Testimony , Ashley R. Lanys

Music-induced mood improves retention in visuomotor adaptation , Kristina Waclawik

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Creating Your Bachelor's Thesis

It should be at least 15 pages in length, excluding title page, table of contents, acknowledgements, figures, tables, captions, and references. You should use this template to format your title and introductory pages. The style should follow accepted professional standards for your discipline. The thesis must be written in a language that is understandable by any professor in psychology or related field. Your thesis must be formatted in accordance with the Instructions for the Submission of a Bachelors's Thesis for All Levels of Distinction. These instructions are also available in Rooms 12 or 321 Psychology Building. The thesis should consist of:

Title:  The title should describe your thesis clearly with as few words as possible.

Abstract:  The abstract should present a very short synopsis of your thesis.

Introduction:  The Introduction should describe the problem your thesis addresses, review the previous relevant literature, and describe the objectives of the research. In essence, the introduction should make clear to the reader what the question or hypothesis is, why it is important and how your research will help answer the question.

Methods:  The Methods section should convey how the research was conducted so that others can replicate and evaluate what was done. This includes a description of the experimental design, of details on how the experiments were conducted, and of the analytical techniques including any statistical or qualitative analyses used.

Results:  This section should describe in detail the findings from the experiments. The experimental data should be shown in graph, figure or table formats with appropriate, clear, legible labels and captions. If the experimental results are quantitative, then the appropriate statistical analyses must be used. For qualitative research, the Results section must provide support (e.g. verbatim; narrative; interpretation) for warranted conclusions and describe the efforts employed to ensure rigor with attention to both the specific approach and qualitative standards, in general. Research that consists of an individual case study is NOT acceptable. You must have data to write the Results section. Only in rare cases will the Distinction Committee consider a thesis for distinction without data. In these cases, a letter from the faculty mentor must explain the challenges that prevented the student from collecting data, and the Results section must include how you would have analyzed the data and what you would have expected the data to show.

Discussion:  The Discussion section should be your evaluation of the results. You should discuss what the results mean, what their implications are, what the drawbacks (if any) are, and what the future directions of the research might be. The findings and their importance should be put in context for your field and clearly convey the contributions of your work to your field of study. You should show that you have carefully thought about the results, their implications, and that you can think on your own.

Acknowledgments:  Thank any coworkers who made your work possible.

References:  You should have an adequate bibliography with complete references formatted appropriately for a journal in your area of psychology.

Important:  Turn in the electronic copy to Joshua Gulley ([email protected]), Associate Head for Undergraduate Studies, BEFORE printing your Bachelor's Thesis. This will allow the format of the thesis to be checked and any formatting errors can be corrected prior to printing the hard copies.

The thesis will be read by the Undergraduate Distinction Committee and evaluated using the above criteria for each section of the thesis along with the letter of support from the research advisor. If the research area falls outside the research expertise of the Committee, other members of the faculty may be asked to evaluate the thesis.

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Theses, Dissertations and Projects - Clinical Psychology

Theses/dissertations from 2022 2022.

Neurofeedback Training for Attentional Processing in Anxious Individuals , Caleb Benjamin Barcenas

Cultural and Psychological Predictors of Exercise-Treatment Adherence and HbA1c for People with Type 2 Diabetes , Connor M. Nance

Theses/Dissertations from 2021 2021

Body Dissatisfaction, Verbal Commentary, Social Influences and Cigarette Smoking , Nicole Bennett

Factors Related to Cognitive Reserve in Healthy Older Adults , Ann Tram Nguyen

Therapists’ Willingness to Access Client Social Media Accounts in the Context of Suicide Risk , Jacob A. Vermeersch

Theses/Dissertations from 2020 2020

Religious Doubt as a Mediator of the Relationship between Religious Identity and Well-Being , Jedd P. Alejandro

SOAR (Stage 2 Outpatient Adolescent Recovery) Clinical Interview Manual , Aniel Ponce

Mediators of the Relationship between Mindfulness and E-cigarette Use , Denise Dao Tran

The Effects of a Polyphenol-rich Diet in a Fruit-fly Model of Traumatic Brain Injury , Alexandra D. Trofimova

Chronic Disease and its Relationship with Elder Mistreatment , Ryan Wong

Nonsexual Boundary Crossings in Psychotherapy: Factors in Ethical Decision-Making , Katherine S. H. Wu

Theses/Dissertations from 2019 2019

Sociocultural Pressures, Thin Ideal Internalization, Body Appreciation, & Eating Pathology in Women , Gabriela Joanna Bolivar

Exploring the Effects of Age in a Drosophila melanogaster Model of Traumatic Brain Injury , Andrea Maria Briseño

The Complexity of the Bilingual Experience: Linguistic Variables Predict Cognition in Older Adults , K'dee D. Elsen

Education and Social Support as Mediators of Function and Cognition in Patients with Schizophrenia , Spring Flores Johnson

The relationship between cognitive function and Activities of Daily Living , Pamela V. Lorenzo

Body Dissatisfaction, Perceived Smoking Consequences, and Weight Control Smoking , Samantha N. Martinez

Fatalism and Pain Experience in Hispanic and Non-Hispanic White Patients with Chronic Pain , Esmeralda Ibette Nuñez

Comparison of Neurofeedback Treatment on PTSD Symptoms within Military and Non-Military Populations , Lelah S. Villalpando

Theses/Dissertations from 2018 2018

The Role of Therapeutic Processes within MBSR for Parents of Children with Developmental Delays , Grant Griffin Boostrom

Effects of Emotional Content on Working Memory Updating: Proactive Interference and Resolution , Maria Guadalupe Corona

An Empirical Examination of Doctoral Training Models in Clinical Psychology in the United States , Katherine E. Dautenhahn

The Relationship between Psychotherapist Personality and Therapeutic Alliance , Michael Finlay

Neurocognitive and Psychosocial Effects of Repeated Concussions in Children and Adolescents , Shina Halavi

Religious Orientation, Social Identity, and Reactions to Religious Disaffiliation , Alexander Daniel Larson

Sociocultural Attitudes Towards Appearance Questionnaire-4-Revised in Asian Americans , Dean Lim

Evaluating Cognitive Changes in Patients Receiving Outpatient Alcohol Treatment , Michelle McDonnell

Abnormal Beta and Gamma Frequency Neural Oscillations Mediate Auditory Gating in Schizophrenia , Ann Tram Nguyen

Consequences of Attributions for Unfair Healthcare Treatment among Culturally Diverse Patients , Nathalie Serna

Theses/Dissertations from 2017 2017

Parenting Stress and Emotion Dysregulation in Children with DD: The Role of Parenting Behaviors , Neilson Chan

The Impact of Interpersonal Violence on Depression and Social Support , Katherine Dautenhahn

Camp-Based Intervention for Overweight Children with Developmental Disabilities , Allyson Davis

The Effects of Poverty and Allostatic Load on the Development of Chronic Disease , Natali Do

The Effect of Language on Cognition in an Acculturated American Sample of Healthy Older Adults , K'dee D. Elsen

Preliminary Validation of the Pediatric Rating of Chronic Illness Self-Efficacy , Natacha Donoghue Emerson

Behaviorally-Induced Structural Remodeling of the Hippocampus , Michael Finlay

Coping as a Mediator between Symptom Burden and Distress in Lung Cancer Patients , Spring F. Gehring

Age of Drinking Initiation’s Association with Cognitive Functioning , Joshua Seth Goldberg

ERP and Theta Activity Associated with Facial Emotion Memory , Shaina Roxanne Herman

Relational Savoring among Intimate Partners of Cancer Patients , Adrianna Elyse Holness

Church Member Reactions to Religious Disaffiliation , Alexander Daniel Larson

Smoking, ADHD, and Problematic Video Game Use: A Structural Modeling Approach , Hyo Jin Lee

Parental Quality of Life Among Parents in the NICU: Examining Moderators of Change Over Time , Evan Lima

Water Maze Strategies used by Mice Exposed to Radiation and Pomegranate Juice , Pamela V. Lorenzo

The Role of Temporal Distraction on Short-Term Memory and Delayed Recognition , Susanna Luu

The Effect of Discrimination on Mental Health after Adverse Childhood Experiences , Maleia Mathis

AM Happy Scale: Reliability and Validity of a Single-Item Measure of Happiness , Christina P. Moldovan

An Examination of the Moderating Effect of Proactive Coping in NICU Nurses , Britan M. Moore

Stress, Depression, Social Support, and Help-Seeking in College Student-Athletes , Clint H. Norseth

The Relationship between Physical Activity, Depressive Symptoms, and Cognitive Functioning , Imari-Ashley F. Palma

Demographic Differences in Resting State EEG in Healthy Controls and Patients with Schizophrenia , Keshia M. Sanders

Parental Distress and Child Behavior Problems: Parenting Behaviors as Mediators , Catherine M. Sanner

The Effects of Seizure Modeling and Polyphenols on Behavior in Bang-Sensitive Drosophila , Alphonso A. Smith

The Influence of Health Framing on Weight Stigma and Health Knowledge , Serena D. Stevens

Role of Cultural and Psychological Factors Influencing Diabetes Treatment Adherence , Sonika Kravann Ung

Parental Stress, Emotion Regulation, Meta-Emotion, and Changes Following an MBSR Intervention , Yangmu Xu

Theses/Dissertations from 2016 2016

Neuropsychological Effects of Pomegranate Supplementation Following Ischemic Stroke , John A. Bellone

The Adolescent Smoking Prevention Project: A Web-Based Smoking Prevention for Adolescents , Whitney N. Brown

Lung Cancer Stigma: Associated Variables and Coping Strategies , Kevin R. Criswell

The Influence of Parental Mental Health on Child Outcomes: The Role of the Parenting Process , Meredith L. Dennis

Hypertension in Older African Americans: Testing Psychosocial Mediators , Taylor L. Draper

Multi-level Model of Parent-Child Attachment, Depression & Self-Concept in Pediatric Chronic Illness , Natacha Donoghue Emerson

Phenotyping Double Transgenic Mouse Models of Alzheimer’s that Express Human APP and ApoE3 or ApoE4 , Shina Halavi

The Effects of Appearance Schemas and Commentary on Body Image and Eating Disorder Psychopathology , Alyson C. Hermé

Relationship between Crime, Psychological Diagnosis and Cognitive Functioning , Kayla M. Kinworthy

Interleukin-6, Depression, and Religious Coping in Older Seventh-day Adventists , Palak Dipak Kothari

Heart-focused Anxiety and Cardiac Treatment Adherence , Angelyna M. Lowe

The Frontal-Temporal Signature of TBI-Induced Acute Cerebral Metabolic Crisis , Christina Mannino

Emotional Memory: Examining Differences in Retrieval Methods , Audrey Martinez

Appearance-Related Commentary and Body Image in Women , Christina P. Moldovan

General Fatalism and Diabetes Fatalism as Predictors of Diabetes Treatment Adherence , Esmeralda Ibette Nuñez

NICU Parental Mental Health and Infant Outcomes: Effects of Psychological Well-Being and Psychopathology , Kathleen H. Parker

Effects of Stress, Sex Differences, and Cognitive Reserve on Cognitive Decline in Healthy Elderly Subjects , Courtney Ray

Interacting Beliefs and Processes in Mothers of Children Diagnosed with Autism , Lara L. South

An Examination of Social Media and the Tripartite Influence Model of Body Image Disturbance , Amanda F. Suplee

Survive or Thrive: Focusing on the Forest (Global) or the Trees (Local) Impacts Meaning Making , Seda Terzyan

Predictors of Adolescent E-cigarette Use , Denise Dao Tran

Theses/Dissertations from 2015 2015

Cultural Beliefs and Professional Empathy Influence Continuity of Healthcare , Jael A. Amador

Executive Dysfunction is Predictive of Clinical Symptomatology in 22q11.2 Deletion Syndrome , Chinonyere Kemdirim Bello

Parental Stress and Child Behavior Problems in Families of Children with Autism , Allyson Davis

Acceptability and Preferences for Empirically-Supported Psychological Treatments , Amanda Gorlick

Parent Stress and Social Skills Development in Children with Developmental Delays , Andrea Lewallen

Relationship among Psychotherapy Measurements: Predictors of ORS and OQ-45 Scores , Evan Lima

Dialectical Behavior Therapy and Adolescent Patient Treatment Dropout , Danessa Mayo

Comparison of Text Analysis Programs for Identification of Emotional Expression , Michelle McDonnell

Nondysphoric Depressive Symptoms and Cognitive Abilities in Healthy Older Adults , Clint H. Norseth

An Attribution-Emotion Approach to Political Conflict , Daniel Joel Northington

Do Clergy in Hidalgo County, Texas Serve as a Bridge or Barrier to Mental Health Services? , John C. Park

Performance of Number of Factors Procedures in Small Sample Sizes , Marc Thomas Porritt

Elections Have Consequences: Moral Value Foundations Ensure Gridlock through the Ballot Box , Gregory John Regts

Executive Functioning Outcomes among Self-Harming Adolescents Receiving DBT-A , Alphonso A. Smith

Use of an Enhanced Engagement Approach to Increase Engagement in an Online Support Group , Ketlyne Sol

Weight Stigma as a Mediator among BMI, Childhood Overweight, Body Image and Depression , Serena D. Stevens

Assessment of Geriatric Depression: Construction of a New Screening Inventory , Earl C. Thorndyke III

Cultural Beliefs and Self-Efficacy in Diet Adherence among Type 2 Diabetics , Sonika Kravann Ung

Theses/Dissertations from 2014 2014

Cognitive Function in the Alcohol Addiction Treatment Population , Suranee Abeyesinhe

Perceived Empathy and Continuity of Cancer Screening Care Among Latino and Anglo Women , Jael Aniuska Amador

Predicting Cognitive Decline in Older Adults , Kimberly M. Baerresen

Effects of Proton Radiation on Behavior in a Mouse Model of Alzheimer’s Disease , John A. Bellone

The Effects of Childhood and Combat-Related Trauma on Psychological Outcomes in Veterans , Alyson C. Hermé

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  • For Current Honors Students

Biopsychology, Cognition, & Neuroscience

Eliza Alushi  - Characteristics Associated with Youth Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and Stimulant Treatment in the ABCD Sample - (Mentors: Jillian Hardee & Chandra Sripada)

Isabelle Sophie Anderson - Wanting What Hurts: Motivation to Pursue Painful Stimuli and Associated Cues Using Optogenetic Stimulation of D1 Neurons in Central Amygdala - (Mentors: Kent Berridge & David Nguyen)

Sabrina Dale Bramson - Investigation of the PACAP Brainstem Peptide System in Scn1b Null Mice - (Mentors: Lori Isom & Omar Ahmed)

Leta M. Bryan - An Exploration of the Relationships Between Sociality, Stress, and Immunity in Semi-Wild Prairie Voles (Microtus ochrogaster) - (Mentor: Ben Dantzer) 

Dominic DeBiasi - Ketamine Diminishes Attribution of Incentive Salience to Reward Cues - (Mentor: Martin Sarter)

Tao Deng   - The Impact of Psychedelic Treatment on Dendritic Spines of Midline Cortical Neurons - (Mentors: Omar Ahmed & Tyler Ekins)

Helen Leda Salij Devine  - Keep Your Friends Close and Your Phones Closer: Examining the Impact of Close Others on Compliance with Consent Requests - (Mentor: Amie Gordon)

Jad Jihad Fakhoury - From Alarm to Exhaustion: The Hair Cortisol/Cortisone Ratio and Adolescent Intracranial Brain Volume - (Mentor: Christopher Monk)

Ruimin Gao - Anticipatory Emotions Towards Autonomous Vehicles Rides - (Mentor: Stephanie Preston)

Betty Rachel Gibbs - Optogenetic Insights into Central Amygdala Control of Incentive Motivation for Opioids - (Mentor: Kent Berridge)

Samin Hassan - CCR3 Antagonist Treatment Increases CCL11 and Fails to Rescue Neurogenesis in Mice with Cecal Slurry-Induced Sepsis - (Mentors: Benjamin Singer & Shelly Flagel)

Megan Elizabeth Hill - Wanting What Hurts: Motivation to Pursue Painful Stimuli and Associated Cues Using Optogenetic Activation Globally in the Central Amygdala - (Mentors: Kent Berridge & David Nguyen)

Astrid Hurtado - How Children Learn with Artificial Intelligence: A Study of Dialogic Story Listening - (Mentors: Ioulia Kovelman & Ying Xu)

Danny Jandali - Mental Health, Sleep Quality, and Psychological Well-Being During the Month of Ramadan - (Mentors: Weiyun Chen & Patricia Reuter Lorenz) 

Ashika Jayanth Kumar  - Effects of a Craniotomy Surgery on Rats' Social Behavior - (Mentor: Jill Becker)

Ashley Kate LaPlant -: Old, similar, or new: Hippocampal-dependent pattern separation performance in fibromyalgia - (Mentor: Elizabeth Duval)

Maeve Chun Li Lucas - Pre- and Post-Surgical Mood Symptoms in Pediatric Epilepsy Patients - (Mentors: Elise Hodges & Carol Persad)

Eva Patricia Mannino - Physical Activity and Later-Life Cognition: The Mediating Role of Total Gray Matter Volume in Older Adults - (Mentor: Laura Zahodne)

Samuel Harris Marchuck - Transmitted Traits: Investigating Offspring Physiology in Response to Parental High-Sugar Diet - (Mentors: Mohammed Akaaboune & Audrey Michal)

Ashna Mehra - Do people change the way they speak when they talk to you? A study of Chinese and Spanish-speakers’ perceptions of and attitudes towards Foreigner Talk - (Mentor: Susan Gelman)

Sara Frances Morehous - Change or Stay the Same? Unpacking Age-Related Variations in Gender Essentialist Beliefs and Prejudicial Attitudes - (Mentor: Susan Gelman)

Victoria Adams Murphy  - Examining the interplay between sleep, mania risk, and emotion-based impulsivity. - (Mentor: Sarah Sperry)

Aalaynah A Nathoo  - Understanding Relations Between Depression and Music-related Emotion Regulation - (Mentor: Hans Schroder)

Vidhi J Pandya - Mental Health in the South Asian Healthcare Professionals: Which Strategies Do They Use to Cope? - (Mentor: Jennifer Cummings)

Chloe Ester Saba - Attentional Control Processes Inhibit Unwanted Responses to Minimize Anticipated Distraction from Irrelevant Stimuli - (Mentor: Daniel Weissman)

Jin Shi - Using non-verbal stimuli to investigate the mechanisms of retention-interval effects. - (Mentor: Cindy Lustig)

Jane Mercier Stephenson  - Construct and Predictive Validity of Cognitive and Self-Report Measures of Adolescent Risk Behavior - (Mentor: Daniel Keating)

Eva Katherine Vogel  - The Role of Cholinergic Interneurons in the Dorsomedial Striatum in Attention Shifting and Salient Cue Response - (Mentor: Martin Sarter)

Abigail Yakam  - Uncovering the neural architecture of cognitive control in the left DLPFC - (Mentor: Thad Polk)

Christina George Zerka - In Pixels and Hugs: Friendship Quality and Closeness In The Digital Age - (Mentors: Toni Antonucci & Noah Webster) 

Dahika Ahmed  - Examining Undergraduate Students of Color’s Perceptions of their Professors’ Race-Based Empathy - (Mentor: Denise Sekaquaptewa)

Abbie Elizabeth Allen  - Do Biased Perceptions of Dominant Narratives Sustain the Illusion of Objectivity? - (Mentor: Terri Conley)

Ginger Riobella Blodgett - Disgust for Sustainable Food Alternatives: Psychological Barriers to Diet Transition - (Mentor: Joshua Ackerman)

Elizabeth Brouns  - Alzheimer’s Disease and Psychedelics as Modulators of Cognitive Flexibility in Mice - (Mentor: Omar Ahmed)

Dominick Charles Caputo  - Apple Watch and Actiwatch Agreement in an Ecologically Valid Setting - (Mentors: Philip Cheng & Patricia Deldin)

Eric Chen  - Motor memory consolidation depends on the post-learning activity of ventral tegmental area dopaminergic neurons. - (Mentors: Ada Eban-Rothschild)

Rhea Chhoker  - Unlocking Empathy: Exploring the Influence of Video Games on Women’s Empathy for Other Women - (Mentor: Monique Ward)

Erna M. Chiu  - Kindergarten Peer Aggression as a Mediator Between Preschool-Age Risk Factors and Age 10 Behavioral Adjustment Outcomes - (Mentors: Sheryl Olson)

Sanzida Chowdhury - Revisiting the Past: Examining Adverse Childhood Experiences and Their Links to Adult Relationship Trust, Vulnerability, Communication, Satisfaction, And Loneliness - (Mentor: Lorraine Gutierrez)

Jamison Grey Clark - Quality of Transgender and Gender Diverse Representation in Media and the Impact on Community - (Mentor: Monique Ward) 

Ethan Driscoll - Emotion Regulation Mechanisms in the Natural Environment - (Mentors: Ethan Kross & Kathryn Schertz)

Yiran Vivian Du - Media Pressure and Internalization of Beauty Norm: Examining the Interactions of Media Pressures and Internalization of Aesthetic Beauty Norms in Relation to Body Dissatisfaction and Disordered Eating in Asian American Women - (Mentor: Germine Awad)

Abigail Ehrhardt - Comparing PISA and NAEP: The Effect of Exclusion Criteria on National Scores in Academic Testing - (Mentor: Kai Cortina)

Maram Rashid Faqqouseh  - Exploring Potential Bias of an Alternative to Assessing Borderline Personality Disorder in Sexual and Gender Minority Individuals: The Shedler-Westen Assessment Procedure - (Mentor: Craig Rodriguez-Seijas)

Hannah Liu Feng  - People Trust Machines and Humans Equally: A Repeated Trust Game Study - (Mentor: Felix Warneken)

Rhianna T. Gold  - The White Matter Connectome and Material Hardship: A Longitudinal Analysis from Childhood through Adolescence - (Mentor: Christopher Monk)

Christopher Jacobs - ATTITUDES & LIVING LANGUAGE: Neologisms and The Impact of Racial Attitudes on Language Use - (Mentor: Julie Boland)

William Lee  - Culture and Environment: Intra-National Variations in Perceptual Affordances in Japan's Rice and Wheat Cultivating Regions - (Mentors: Nicholas Camp & Shinobu Kitayama)

Jacob Herman Lentz  - Adolescent Sleep Quality, Structural Network Connectivity, and Young Adult Depression and Anxiety During COVID-19: A Longitudinal Study - (Mentor: Christopher Monk)

Sofia Marie Micale - Do You Know How I Feel? The Effects of Nature, Well-Being, and Relationship Characteristics on Empathic (In)Accuracy Between Romantic Partners - (Mentors: Ethan Kross & Kathryn Schertz)

Zaida Valonde Pearson - School-Based Violence Prevention in the Bronx: A Case Study Approach to Curriculum Evaluation of the Sandy Hook Promise Know the Signs Program - (Mentors: Marc Zimmerman & Sarah Stilwell)

Lauren Kaye Penrose  - Impulsivity and Sexual Risk Behavior among College Students: The Moderating Role of Sexual Orientation - (Mentors: Craig Rodriguez-Seijas)

Madeline Elizabeth Poupard  - Is Inequality Ever Good? Children’s Endorsements of Economic Resource Distributions - (Mentor: Felix Warneken)

Maria K Scavnicky - Inside Out and In Between: Examining the Association Between Implicit Emotion Processing and Internalizing Symptoms in Adolescents - (Mentor: Christopher Monk)

Jackson Tyler Schwartz  - Measuring Critical Thinking: Test-Retest Reliability for a New Performance Task - (Mentor: Kai Cortina)

Prachi Chirag Shah - Such a Fun Age?: Identity Safety Influences School Attitudes During The Transition from Primary to Secondary School - (Mentor: Priti Shah)

Anna Kay Shinohara - Feeling Watched? The Impact of Social Eyes on Self-Perception - (Mentors: Shinobu Kitayama)

Anita Virant Shubert  - Stigma, Situational Triggers, and Symptoms: How Providers Justify their Borderline Personality Disorder Diagnosis among Sexual and Gender Minority vs. Cisgender, Heterosexual Individuals - (Mentors: Craig Rodriguez-Seijas & Elizabeth Cole)

Amanda Rosemary Webster  - You are not born with hate, you are taught hate: Exploring parents' perceptions of the links between politics and race relations in the U.S. - (Mentors: Deborah Rivas-Drake & Laura-Ann Jacobs)

Kefan (Cathy) Wu  - Examining Participant Experiences in a Longitudinal Neuroimaging Study with a Predominantly Underrepresented Sample: A Qualitative Analysis - (Mentor: Christopher Monk)

Mohammad Shayaan Aqil - Sleep and self-regulation: A longitudinal analysis across adolescence. (Mentors: Daniel Keating & Edward Huntley)

Sally Berson - The associations between systemic inflammation, white matter volume, and global cognition in an older adult population. (Mentor: Laura Zahodne)

Michelle Busschots - Unequal distribution of baby care and gratitude to one’s partner. (Mentor: Robin Edelstein)

Caroline Candy - The developmental timing of material hardship and its association with ADHD symptom severity in adolescence. (Mentor: Christopher Monk)

Allison Choe - Executive functioning and treatment regimen adherence among adolescents with type 1 diabetes. (Mentors: Alison Miller & Christopher Monk)

Claire Fanning - The pediatric behavioral health nursing consultation service: Improving care delivery for youth experiencing mental health concerns and their families in a children’s hospital. (Mentors: Nasuh Malas & Daniel Keating)

Kathleen Good - Learning from the truth campaign: Can we tackle big food as we did big tobacco? (Mentor: Ashley Gearhardt)

Briana Hay – Barriers to mental health treatment seeking in older adults. (Mentor: Hans Schroder)

Michael Hicks - Investigating internal and external distraction in attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder. (Mentors: John Jonides & Han Zhang)

Jada Houston - Endorsement of the superwoman schema moderation effects on gendered microaggression appraisal and response. (Mentor: Denise Sekaquaptewa)

Ajay Keerthy -Sound source tracking by auditory cortical neurons. (Mentor: Gideon Rothschild)

Mack Kroll - Aversion to sucrose: Optogenetic inhibition of GABAergic neurons within the ventral pallidum. (Mentor: Kent Berridge)

Abhishek Menon - Enhancing motivation: Role of ventral pallidum GABA neurons in ‘liking’ and ‘wanting’ rewards. (Mentor: Kent Berridge)

Charlotte Moss - An examination of associative memory using functional near infrared spectroscopy.(Mentors: Benjamin Hampstead & Patricia Reuter-Lorenz)

Jennifer Murray - Defining multi-dimensional associations in fear conditioning: Implications for abnormal fear responses. (Mentor: Natalie Tronson)

Julia Plawker - Associations between youth exposure to community violence and brain structure. (Mentor: Luke Hyde)

Arun Rajarajan - Effects of valence and anxiety on value-directed learning. (Mentor: Cindy Lustig)

Madeline Sage - Relationships between anxiety and brain activation during extinction recall. (Mentor: Elizabeth Duval)

Gretchen Stemmler - Dissociating 'liking' and 'wanting' within the ventral pallidum: An optogenetic study. (Mentor: Kent Berridge)

Sebastian Suqi - Consuming psychedelic substances: Motivation and perceived effectiveness. (Mentor: Kai Cortina)

Lucas Tittle - The role of nucleus accumbens shell corticotropin-releasing-factor in incentive motivation. (Mentor: Kent Berridge).

Sofia Urban - Cues and contexts: Measuring reactivity and memory in patients with fibromyalgia. (Mentor: Elizabeth Duval)

Augustine Vanlianuk - Fast changes during the retention intervals improve older adults' working memory. (Mentor: Cindy Lustig)

Adithi Voleti - Neuroanatomical characterization of corticotropin releasing factor projections from central amygdala to the ventral tegmental area. (Mentor: Kent Berridge)

Jingqi Zhu - Early-life educational quality and brain health in diverse older adults. (Mentors: Laura Zahodne & Ji Hyun Lee)


James Baybas - How do we read complex words? A lexical morphology priming study. (Mentor: Iouila Kovelman)

Rachel Beiter - The effort heuristic and scientific reasoning. (Mentor: Priti Shah)

Abigail Binder - Parental attitudes about children’s gender nonconforming books. (Mentors: Susan Gelman & Shelly Schreier)

Callie Cade - How close personal relationships negatively impact witness ability to recognize subtle gender bias. (Mentor: Denise Sekaquaptewa)

Kamryn Casey - Individualized intergenerational connections reduce isolation amongst college students and older adults. (Mentor: Jacqui Smith)

Sherry Chen - Atypical beta power fluctuation while listening to an isochronous sequence in stuttering. (Mentors: Ioulia Kovelman & Soo-Eun Chang)

Nikita Daniel - “I am not sure what else I could do to help her more”:  Perceptions of partner support and relationship satisfaction in older couples living with multiple chronic conditions. (Mentors: Courtney Polenick & Robin Edelstein)

Francesca De Geronimo - The relationship  between internalizing and externalizing behavior problems and prospective selfon adolescent alcohol and marijuana use occasions. (Mentors: Daniel Keating & Sarah Stoddard)

Marissa DeLeon - The effect of witnessing and labeling gender bias on performance and behavior for men and women in STEM. (Mentor: Denise Sekaquaptewa)

JiaChen He - Are causal diagrams more beneficial for people with lower working memory capacity? (Mentor: Priti Shah)

Gautham Jayaraj - The COVID-19 college student mental health study: Three-year observational study using the Roadmap app and Fitbit wearable sensors. (Mentors: Sung Won Choi & Martin Sarter)

Carolyn Ji - Mental health help-seeking intentions & coping strategies of Chinese international students in the United States. (Mentor: Donna Nagata)

Grace Jung - Childhood precursors of hopelessness in late adolescence. (Mentor: Sheryl Olson)

Swathi Karthik - Modulation of reward behavior after the onset of fear learning. (Mentors: Christian Burgess & Natalie Tronson)

Ashley Ke – Asian Americans coping with discrimination and identity threats: Gender differences. (Mentor: Mari Kira)

Noor Khalaf – Exploring the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on social anxiety, social behaviors, and loneliness in college students. (Mentor: Dina Gohar)

Sydney Kohrman - Adolescent depression symptomatology and alcohol use: The potential role of self-medication. (Mentor: Daniel Keating)

Barbara Lu - Demographic differences in the five factor borderline inventory short form among racial, sexual, and gender minority undergraduate students. (Mentor: Craig Rodriguez-Seijas)

Emma Morse - I know I'm stressed, but what are you?: Effects of acute stress on empathic accuracy and support transactions between cohabiting couples. (Mentor: Amie Gordon)

Sydney Phlegar - Stress and co-parenting relationships: Using language style matching as an indicator of extra-dyadic stress and team problem-solving. (Mentor: Robin Edelstein)

Michelle Ptak - Post-traumatic stress disorder symptoms among intern physicians working before and during the COVID-19 pandemic: A repeated annual cohort study. (Mentors: Srijan Sen & Karina Pereira-Lima)

Nayiri Sagherian – Impacts on mental health from discrimination and trust in social networks within MENA populations in America. (Mentors: Myles Durkee & Toni Antonucci)

Aviva Satz-Kojis - Explanations for gender differences in preferences for submissive sexual fantasies. (Mentor: Terri Conley)

Manjiang Shen - Worker subjectivity under organizational control in China’s internet industry. (Mentor: Mari Kira)

Ishita Shukla - An experimental study on reducing the orgasm gap in heterosexual partnered sex. (Mentor: Terri Conley)

Nidhi Tigadi - Impacts of bicultural stress and shame on the wellbeing of South Asian college students in the United States. (Mentor: Donna Nagata)

Tyla Tolbert - A collective assessment: How the perception of HBCUs and PWIs relate to psychosocial outcomes of African American attendees. (Mentor: Myles Durkee)

Alicia Wang - I can’t tell if you’re listening: Effect of sleep deprivation on perceived partner responsiveness. (Mentor: Robin Edelstein)

Yijin Wang - Measuring critical thinking through performance assessment tasks and think-aloud protocol among college students. (Mentor: Kai Cortina)

Marley Warren - Criterion and clinician bias against sexual- and gender-minoritized individuals in the diagnosis of borderline personality disorder (BPD): Vignette experiment. (Mentor: Craig Rodriguez-Seijas)

Biopsychology, Cognition, and Neuroscience

Mikayla Bergwood - Associations between observed parent-child interactions and white matter connectivity in adolescents (Mentor: Christopher Monk)

Olivia Varney-Chang – Closer look at ethnic and racial identity: Measuring the frequency of ethnic and racial identity activation and its association with psychosocial adjustment (Mentors: Kai Cortina & Kevin Miller)

Joshua Cohen - Predictors of physical health in school-age children, testing mediating variables (Mentor: Sandra Graham-Bermann)

Hannah Davies – The effect of glucocorticoid receptor knockdown in corticostriatal projections on the propensity to attribute incentive value to reward-cues (Mentor: Shelly Flagel)

Taylor Gordon – The influence of yoga practice and progressive muscle relaxation practice on sleep improvement in school-age children (Mentor: Sandra Graham-Bermann)

Robert Hsu – The influence of altruism and empathy on the endowment effect (Mentor: Stephanie Preston)

Nickolas Interrante - Hurtful reward in the ventral tegmental area and central amygdala (Mentors: Kent Berridge & David Nguyen)

Monica Iyer - Longitudinal associations of infections with dementia: 28-Year analysis of 3.5 million New Zealand citizens (Mentor: Leah Richmond-Rakerd)

Brianna Kenar – The role of educational quality in explaining racial disparities in cognition (Mentor: Laura Zahodne)

Sarah Klausner - Visual disruptor reveals impaired attentional control in mice with the common choline transporter coding variant (Mentor: Martin Sarter)

Elizabeth Lee – The effect of working memory re-exposure on episodic memory in older adults (Mentor: Patricia Reuter-Lorenz)

Carrie Magee - Instrumental social support, social connectedness, and coping styles in adolescents with interpersonal problems (Mentors: Alejandra Arango & Cheryl King)

Eva McAlister Lopez - How do a bilingual’s two languages interact? Cross-linguistic transfer of morphological awareness in Spanish-English bilinguals (Mentor: Ioulia Kovelman)

Leonard Miller – The relationship between volunteering and mental health outcomes in college students during COVID-19 (Mentor: Nestor Lopez-Duran)

Kendall Mills – Patterns of aggression across despotic and tolerant species of macaque (Mentor: Alexandra Rosati)

Thiany Riddihough - Social connectedness and depression severity as predictors of mental health service use among male college students at risk for suicide (Mentor: Cheryl King)

Rachel Ritter - Are male binge drinkers more impulsive than female binge drinkers? Behavioral and neural sex differences during the go/no-go task (Mentors: Jillian Hardee & Lora Cope)

Julia Salamango – Behavioral flexibility in semi-free-ranging chimpanzees (Mentor: Alex Rosati)

Madison Salvato - Exploring the efficacy of aripiprazole and related compounds to reduce levels of toxic ATXN3 in spinocerebellar ataxia type 3 (Mentors: Maria do Carmo Pereira da Costa & Omar Ahmed)

Madhulika Shastry - Self-construal and systems of thought (Mentor: Shinobu Kitayama)

Jessica Stout - Brain function during face processing associated with depression symptoms in individuals with social anxiety disorder (Mentor: Elizabeth Duval)

Zoe Taswell – Is error-related negativity (ern) associated with externalizing behavior in adolescence? (Mentors: Daniel Keating & Liu Yanni)

Sally Valcarcel - Bilingual reading development & COVID-19 (Mentor: Ioulia Kovelman)

Ridge Weston - Plate-based complex implantation: A novel neurosurgical technique developed in rats (Mentors: Brendon Watson & Gideon Rothschild)

Andrea Bavikatty - TikTok, body image, and eating behavior: An analysis of college-age women (Mentor: Rona Carter)

Aissa Cabrales – “We just cried for the families”: The emotional impact of large-scale immigration worksite raids on faith responders (Mentors: William Lopez & Lorraine Gutierrez)

Kathryn Chang - The effect of reducing gender essentialism on prejudice against gender nonconforming children (Mentor: Susan Gelman)

Mason Cox – Associationsbetween risky sexual behaviors and the externalizing spectrum of psychopathology among a sample of undergraduate students (Mentor: Craig Rodriguez-Seijas)

Allyson Dobrowalski – What it means to be a “real” native: Restrictive definitions of native identity undermine well-being (Mentors: Stephanie Fryberg & Laura Brady)

Alaina Gregory – Women and the leaky pipeline to stem: Is survivorship bias impacting our understanding of the barriers to women leadership? (Mentors: MS Krishnan & Carol Holden)

Augusta Guo – The influence of self-identification on everyday microaggressions and critical consciousness in Asian individuals in the U.S. (Mentors: Mari Kira & Fiona Lee)

Max Hernand – Understanding relations between treatment failure and mental health outcomes with illness identity (Mentors: Stefanie Russman Block & Hans Schroder)

Rachna Iyer - The effects of anxiety and upliftment on their regulation on creativity (Mentor: Dina Gohar)

Ariella Kushner – To sneeze or not to sneeze: The interpersonal consequences of infectious disease concealment (Mentor: Josh Ackerman)

Ximena Mancilla Delgado - Latine parental documentation status and adolescents’ perceived discrimination (Mentor: Deborah Rivas-Drake)

Caroline Maywood – Children’s expectations and judgements of conformity to ritual activities (Mentors: Felix Warneken & Nicole Wen)

Amy Nowack - Children’s evaluations of intentions regarding violations of novel public-health measures (Mentor: Felix Warneken)

Shi Xin Ooi - Am I good enough? The role of perceived competitive climate students’ sense of belonging across cultures (Mentor: Kai Cortina)

Morgan Palmer - Correlates of cognitive strategy use among socioeconomically diverse older adults (Mentor: Laura Zahodne)

Madeline Paxson - Is cupid colorblind? Color evasion in interracial romantic relationships (Mentors: Robin Edelstein & Fiona Lee)

Jessica Pelton - Educational experience of children with and without disabilities during the COVID-19 pandemic - parental perspectives (Mentor: Kevin Miller)

Talia Rubin - What elements of the kids’ empowerment program promote flow and engagement? (Mentor: Sandra Graham-Bermann)

Nathan Schooner – Assessing the relationship between multiracial adolescents’ friendships and ERI development (Mentor: Deborah Rivas-Drake)

Julia Smith - The impact of discouragement of educational attainment on episodic memory in later-life (Mentor: Laura Zahodne)

Gabrielle Solowiejczyk - Stress predictors and outcomes in children (Mentor: Sandra Graham-Bermann)

Jessica Steir - Children’s use of race in their understanding of COVID-19 transmission: The role of essentialism in parents’ and children’s explanations (Mentors: Danielle Labotka & Susan Gelman)

Yicong Sun - Comparing the prediction of college adjustment in Asian American and Asian international students: Do acculturative strategies matter? (Mentor: Donna Nagata)

Elise Whitney - Title: Retention-interval context changes increase correct rejections in working memory (Mentor: Cindy Lustig)

Tara Woodward - A modern settlement house movement: The impact of neighborhood centers on climate resilience (Mentors: Raymond De Young & Myles Durkee)

Warda Yousuf - The grass is not greener on the other side: A qualitative study utilizing psychological frameworks to understand the beliefs, attitudes, and policies that are shaping violence within Rohingya refugee camps (Mentor: Joshua Rabinowitz)

Diane Yu - Looking beyond stigma: Cultural factors associated with mental health help-seeking behavior and attitudes in Asian and Asian American college students (Mentor: Donna Nagata)

Lara Zammit - Biopsychosocial predictors of empathic accuracy in romantic relationships (Mentor: Amie Gordon)

Biopsychology, Cognition, and Neuroscience 

Natalie Antenucci - When Freedom is Constraining: Freedom Increases Perceived Constraint for Those Low in Psychological Resources (Mentor: Shinobu Kitayama)

Alyssa Asmar - Investigating the Neural and Behavioral Consequences of Noise-Induced Hearing Loss (Mentors: Gideon Rothschild & Joonyeup Lee)

Natalie Austin - The Consequences of Positive and Negative Mood on Affective Working Memory (Mentor: Patricia Reuter-Lorenz)

Kendra Beaudoin - Cocaine-Induced CFos Levels are Modulated by G Protein-Coupled Receptor-1 Activation in Male Rats (Mentor: Jill Becker)

Jason Brenner - Payoff Magnitude Affects Value Learning for Win and Loss Associations (Mentor: Patricia Reuter-Lorenz)

Samantha Cerpa - Ready for a Change? Cueing an Upcoming Modality Shift Eliminates Contextual Boundaries for the CSE (Mentor: Daniel Weissman)

Hana Chung - Do Cultural Tendencies Change During COVID-19? A Task Analysis of Implicit Independence (Mentor: Shinobu Kitayama)

Manasa Dittakavi - Health Behaviors and Compliance of Healthcare Workers (HCWs) at Risk for COVID-19 (Mentors: Sung Choi & Martin Sarter)

Lynn Freimanis - Does Expressiveness in Facial Action Potentiate Emotional Neural Responses and Subjective Ratings of Emotion? (Mentor: Shinobu Kitayama)

Hunter Glew - Perpetrators of the Acting White Accusation (AWA): Contributing Factors and Mental Health Implications  (Mentor: Myles Durkee)

Gabrielle Hooper - The Beneficial Effect of Cognitive and Creative Activity Engagement for Cognitive Functioning in Older Adulthood (Mentors: Laura Zahodne & Neika Sharifian)

Lily Johnston - Government Trust and Perceptions of Public Health Message Credibility (Mentors: Holly White & Priti Shah)

Jacquelin Kwentus - The Therapeutic Mechanisms of Neural Stem Cell Transplantation in Alzheimer’s Disease (Mentors: Lisa McGinley & Thad Polk)

Verity Lee - Behavioral Models of Neural Pleasure Circuitry: Effects of Sex Differences (Mentors: Bo Duan & Ada Eban-Rothschild)

Mengyuan Liu - The Effect of Subliminal Reward Signal on Reinforcement Learning (Mentor: Taraz Lee)

Jaden Mann Bryant - Re-examining the Divergent Aging Trajectories of Cognitive and Affective Working Memory (Mentor: Patricia Reuter-Lorenz)

Preetha Pamidighantam - Rest assured: Can Resting-State Neural Oscillatory Activity in Schizophrenia Explain Impairment in Behavioral Response to Facial Stimuli? (Mentor: Ivy Tso)

Sohini Pandit - Examining the associations between material hardship, internalizing symptoms, and white matter connectivity in adolescents (Mentor: Christopher Monk)

Sarah Payne - The Influence of Pathogen Threat on Mate Value Perceptions (Mentor: Joshua Ackerman)

Amanda Peters - Associations Between Childhood Socioeconomic Status and Neural Indices of Executive Functioning (Mentors: Pamela Davis-Kean & Elif Isbell)

Neema Prakash - Testing the Efficacy of Mood Lifters in Different Populations (Mentor: Patricia Deldin)

Rachael Rich - Childhood Maltreatment and Adolescent Rule-Breaking Behavior: The Roles of Protective Family Context and Prospective Self (Mentors: Daniel Keating & Edward Huntley)

Aleija Rodriguez - Low Overexpression of Ubiquilin-2 Exacerbates Tau Pathology in vivo (Mentors: Julia Gerson & Laura Zahodne)

Alexandra Simmons - Remote Cognitive Testing during the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Validation Study of Online, Self-Administered Cognitive Assessment Tools (Mentor: Cindy Lustig)

Natalie Szlachta - The Regulation of Dscam Expression in Developing Neurons (Mentors: Bing Ye & Natalie Tronson)

Quynh Tran - Flowing into Hyperfocus: Hyperfocus and Cognition in Adults with ADHD (Mentor: Priti Shah)

Sydney Wilhoite - Mechanisms Underlying the Association Between Childhood Adversity and Later-Life Cognition (Mentor: Laura Zahodne)

Miles Camiener - Interpreting the Same News Differently: Examining Differential Policy Agreement Between Partisan News Sources (Mentor: Joshua Rabinowitz)

Aber John Espinoza - The Potential Benefits of Challenge Mindset for First-Generation College Students’ Wellbeing (Mentors: Stephanie Fryberg & Nadia Jessop)

Ibitayo Fadayomi - When loved ones transgress against us: How close relationships between transgressors and targets influence moral decisions (Mentor: Ethan Kross)

Seth Finkelstein - Evaluating Distressing Events for School-age Children (Mentor: Sandra Graham-Bermann)

Nicole Fraija - The Relationship Between Subjective Age and Three Episodic Memory Tests (Mentor: Laura Zahodne)

Catherine Garton - The Influence of Intellectual Humility and Moral Reasoning on Partisan Polarization (Mentor: Stephanie Preston)

Onyul Haque - Is Trusting Others Obligatory or a Preference? (Mentor: David Dunning)

Anna Hedin-Urrutia - “Invisibility of Lesbian Possibility”: Examining the influence of male partner opinions on the relationship between sapphic body image and sexual agency (Mentor: Lucretia Ward)

Valeria Hernandez - Sexual Guilt or Sexual Conservatism? An Investigation of Mosher’s Sex Guilt Scale (Mentor: Terri Conley)

Deborah Ho - Developing a Data Analysis Pipeline for Novel Bio-Logging Tools (Mentors: Matt Gaidica & Ben Dantzer)

Xiang Ting Ho - Corss-cultural Differences in Perceived Responses to Capitalization Attempts and Relationship Satisfaction (Mentor: Robin Edelstein)

Yun Gi Hwang - The effects of bilingualism and culture on children’s literacy and academic achievement (Mentor: Loulia Kovelman)

Ava Kaufman - Pleasure after Trauma: The Associations of Childhood Sexual Abuse and Negative Sexual Messages with Adult Sexual Satisfaction (Mentor: Terri Conley)

Sydney Kayne - Like Mother, Like Daughter: Load Sharing During Puberty (Mentor: Rona Carter)

Lucy Loch - Association of current and early life stressors with maladaptive eating behaviors: An investigation of Life Course Theory (Mentor: Ashley Gearhardt)

Ellie Maly - The Mental Health of Emerging Adults: Hostile Home Environments and COVID-19 (Mentor: Sandra Graham-Bermann)

Sophie Martel - Learning in a Pandemic: How Parent Child-Conversations Relate to Children’s Understanding of COVID-19 (Mentors: Susan Gelman & Danielle Labotka)

Brianna McManamon - Understanding the Association Between Loneliness and Suicidal Behaviors in Latinas: A Preliminary Examination of Hopelessness and Depressed Mood as Potential Mediators (Mentor: Edward Chang)

Ryan Rich - A Novel EEG Measure of Neural Distinctiveness: Providing Temporal Insights into Neural Distinctiveness (Mentor: Thad Polk)

Abigail Richburg - Body Image in LGBTQ+ Young Adults: Current and Developmental Influences (Mentor: Abigail Stewart)

Jian Sun - Exploring the Psychology of Environmental Senescence through fMRI (Mentor: Stephanie Preston)

Caroline Touzeau - The Role of Generational Cohort and Technology Use in Adults’ Moral Judgments of Digital Tracking (Mentors: Susan Gelman & Nicole Cuneo)

Alexis Vatterott - Emotion Socialization in Early Childhood: Factor Structure and Associations with Emotional Adjustment Between Ages 3 and 19 Years (Mentor: Sheryl Olson)

Lance Ying - Nation, Culture, and Antecedents of Perceived Organizational Support: A Comparison Study between the United States and China (Mentor: Mari Kira)

Hayley Yu - Trauma: A Risk Factor for Food Addiction? (Mentor:Ashley Gearhardt)

Elizabeth Ahearn - DHEA: Moderating Factor of Psychological and Physiological Responses to Stress (Mentor: Nestor Lopez-Duran)

Jabir Ahmed - Oral Contraceptives and the Vulnerability to Acute Stress-induced Depression and Anxiety (Mentor: Natalie Tronson)

Adrienne-Denise Bilbao - A Preliminary Study on the Relationship Between Sleep, Depression and Cardiovascular Dysfunction in a 4 Sample Population (Mentor: Patricia Deldin)

Shreya Chandra - Sleep Quality and Executive Function in Diverse Older Adults (Mentor: Laura Zahodne)

Danielle Destiny - Behavioral State-Dependent Brain Stimulation Improves Manual Dexterity (Mentors: Michael Vesia & Taraz Lee)

Anthony Edgar - Investigating the Effects of Value-driven Attentional Capture on ADHD and Control Participants  (Mentor: John Jonides)

Jordan Gregory - Sex Differences in the Acquisition of Pavlovian Conditioned Approach and Fear Conditioned Behaviors in Rats (Mentors: Jonathan Morrow & Jill Becker)

Brooke Huizenga - Main Lifetime Occupational Demands, Late Life Cognitive Functioning and the Moderating Role of Gender (Mentors: Laura Zahodne & Neika Sharifian)

Joseph Jackowski  - The Manifestation of Meaning: How ‘Generic-You’ Emerges in Military Personnels’ Writing (Mentor: Susan Gelman)

Sumrah Jilani - The Role of the Medial Amygdala in Motivation  (Mentor: Kent Berridge)

David Kamper - N400 Latency Effect in Lexical Access - A Meta-analysis (Mentor: Jonathan Brennan)

Sylvia Hyun Jee Kim - Cognitive Costs of Active Facebook Use (Mentor: Oscar Ybarra)

Anna  Kittendorf - Effects of Urbanization on the Behavior of Fox Squirrels (Sciurus niger) (Mentor: Ben Dantzer)

Sydney Kornbleuth - Impacts of Acculturative Stress and Substance Use on the Mental Health of University of Michigan Students (Mentor: Myles Durkee)

Zarin Kothari - Longitudinal Study of ERN and CRN in Children: Kindergarten to First Grade (Mentors: William Gehring & Elif Isbell)

Kyra Lipman - Understanding the Family Member Experience in the ICU: Expectations vs. Reality (Mentors: Thomas Valley & Elizabeth Duval)

Hilary Lowitz - Do Young Children Demonstrate a “Reverse” Endowment Effect? Tracking Ownership and Object Preference in Owned Toys Versus Peers’ Toys (Mentor: Susan Gelman)

Lindsey Meister - Autobiographical Memory in Older Adults: Self-Relevance and the Reminiscence Bump (Mentor: Jacqui Smith)

Charmi Patel - Comparing Cortical Excitation and Cortical Inhibition in the Orbitofrontal Cortex hotspot (Mentor: Kent Berridge)

Sara Pisanelli - Functional Connectivity Between Ventral Striatum and Dorsal Premotor Cortex Is Predictive of Reward-Related Enhancement of Motor Skills (Mentor: Taraz Lee)

Emmanuel Saint-Phard - Evaluating an Academic Success Program’s Effectiveness in Promoting Sense of Belonging, Sense of Capability, and Academic Outcomes among Black Students (Mentor: Denise Sekaquaptewa)

Sarah Samsundar - Age, Gender Roles, and their Association with Mental Health (Mentors: Noah Webster & Toni Antonucci)

Tayah Schuett e - Investigating Corticotropin Releasing Factor Neuronal Circuitry in Positive and Negative Reward Motivation (Mentor: Kent Berridge)

Kayla Smith - Spatial Navigation Performance Associated with PTSD and Trauma Type (Mentor: Elizabeth Duval)

Zoe Solomon - Examining the Relation Between Big Five Personality and Social Media Use Across Platforms and Populations (Mentor: Adriene Beltz)

Joshua Svinarich - Mapping the Anterior Cingulate Cortex for a Hedonic Hotspot. Effects of Optogenetic Stimulation on ‘Liking’ and ‘Wanting’ in Rats. (Mentor: Kent Berridge)

Amanda Szczesniak - The Influence of Marital Commitment on Mate Guarding (Mentor: Stephanie Preston)

Jean Tyan - Revealing the Roles of Sleep-Preparatory Behaviors in Sleep Physiology (Mentor: Ada Eban-Rothschild)

Giselle Uwera - Examining Health Behavior Constructs in the Context of Low Food Accessibility (Mentor: Allison Earl)

Devin Ablow - Loneliness and Negative Affective Conditions in Polish College Students: Clarifying If and How Feeling Socially Isolated is Associated with Expecting the Worst, Not Expecting the Best, or Both?  (Mentor: Edward Chang)

Laura Brasseur - Validation Study of Cartoon-Based Visual Analogue Pain Scale Towards the Construction of a Novel Pain Scale (Mentors: Holly White & Priti Shah)

Sarah Broner - Social Support Moderates the Link Between Familial Risk for Depression and the Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Adrenal-Axis Stress Response (Mentor: Nestor Lopez-Duran)

Logan Burley - Facial Gender Ambiguity (Mentors: Susan Gelman & Victor Mendoza)

Rachel Clark - Is Swiping Bad for You? Dating Application Use and Mental Health Outcomes Among College Students (Mentor: Nestor Lopez-Duran)

Michael Falbo - The Influence of Political Party Affiliation on Agreement with Political Statements (Mentor: Daniel Kruger)

Spencer Gines - How Does Brain-derived Neurotrophic Factor Relate to Ketamine Treatment for Depression and Chronic Pain? (Mentors: Patricia Deldin & Ryan Cardinale)

Sylvia  Gisler - Developing Morphological Awareness: Predictive Characteristics of Production Errors (Mentor: Ioulia Kovelman)

A bbey  Hamlin   - Social Engagement and Episodic Memory in Black and White Older Adults (Mentor: Laura Zahodne)

Stuart Hannah - Small-Group Composition Effects on Executive Function in Early Elementary School (Mentor: Frederick Morrison)

Riley Jouppi - The Great Food vs. Eating Addiction Debate: Effects on Obesity Stigma and Policy  upport (Mentor: Ashley Gearhardt)

Ameera Kamalrudin - Using Animation to Facilitate Second Language Learning (Mentor: Twila Tardif)

William Katzman - The Relationship Between Childhood Anxiety and Maternal Attachment Styles (Mentors: Kate Fitzgerald & Julie Premo)

Riley Marshall - Minority Stress and Sexual Minorities of Color: The Mediating Role of Mastery (Mentor: Ramaswami Mahalingam)

Marisa Meyer - Exploring the Role of Digital Play in Child Development (Mentors: Jenny Radesky & Shelly Schreier)

Kathleen Nelson - Investigating Relationship Between the Error Related Negativity at Ages 4-6 and Anxiety at 7-10 (Mentor: Kate Fitzgerald)

Madalyn Osbourne - Predictors of Perseverance and Optimism in the Kids' Empowerment Program  (Mentor: Sandra Graham-Bermann)

Akari Oya - Cardiovascular Reactivity to Interpersonal Stress: The Roles of Race and Chronic Stress (Mentors: Kira Birditt & Richard Gonzalez)

Laraine Pesheck - Together or Not at All: How Shared Interests Between Partners Encourages Stable Self-Definition (Mentor: Robin Edelstein)

Salam Qalieh - Cross-Cultural Variation in Emotional Reasoning and Behavioral Causality in Regards to Depression and Neurasthenia (Mentor: David Dunning)

Miranda Schaffer - Experience of Sexual Assault and Perfectionism as Predictors of Self-Destructive Behaviors in Female College Students: Distinguishing Between Self-Harm and Suicidal Behaviors (Mentor: Edward Chang)

Emma Schillinger - Temporal Associations Between Reasons for Alcohol Use and Alcohol Consequences in Adolescents and Emerging Adults (Mentors: Daniel Keating & Edward Huntley)

Shannon Shaughnessy - Predictors of Character Strengths for Children Participating in the Kids' Empowerment Program (Mentor: Sandra Graham-Bermann)

Hayley Simon - To Conceal or To Reveal: Examining What Children Understand About Revealing Their True Identity While Online (Mentor: Susan Gelman)

Allison Urban - “Achievement has no color:” Colorblind Ideologies and Race & Ethnicity Course Selection (Mentor: Fiona Lee)

Rhianna Vergeer - Do Eating Disorder Treatment Outcomes Differ for Individuals with Comorbid Substance Use? Examination in an Adolescent Eating Disorders Partial Hospitalization Program (Mentors: Jessica Van Huysse & Ashley Gearhardt)

Alexandra  Wormley - The Influence of Pathogen Threat on Traditionalism (Mentor: Joshua Ackerman)

Jiayin Yuan - Loyal Friend or Dutiful Citizen? How Culture Shapes Responses to Moral Violations (Mentor: Ethan Kross)

Yiwen Zhong - The Effect of Anecdotes on Science Evidence Evaluation (Mentors: Audrey Michal & Priti Shah)

Kiran Ajani - Decision Trees: An Effective Tool for Evaluating Generalizability of Medical Research Studies? (Mentors: Audrey Michal & Priti Shah)

Ruchica Chandnani - The Effects of How South Asian Women are Portrayed in American and South Asian Media (Mentor: Muniba Saleem)

Kendall Coden - Investigating Behavioral Cross-Sensitization Between Cocaine and d-Amphetamine in Sprague Dawley Rats Following Repeated and Intermittent Infusions (Mentor: Terry Robinson)

Elizabeth Estes - Exploring Associations Between Child Maltreatment and the Volume of the Extended Limbic System in a Population-Based Sample of Adolescents (Mentors: Luke Hyde & Melissa Peckins)

Anusha Garg - Mind Wandering in the Context of Personal Concerns and Personality (Mentors: Sripada Sekhar & Colleen Seifert)

Samantha Goldberg - Stressful Event Exposure is Related to Hippocampal Activity During Extinction Recall (Mentor: Elizabeth Duval)

Laura Huerta Sanchez - Investigating the Role of Corticotropin Releasing Factor Neurons in Motivation Using Optogenetic Inhibition (Mentor: Kent Berridge)

Dora Juhasz - The Need for TLC (Tender Loving Cell Phone): Smartphones and Socialization Behaviors among College Students (Mentor: Daniel Kruger)

Zaina Khoury - Wealth Essentialism in Children and Adults (Mentors: Susan Gelman & Margaret Echelbarger)

Elizabeth Kruse - Grey Matter Markers Predicting Future Substance Use in Adolescents (Mentors: Jillian Hardee & Cindy Lustig)

Sanika Kulkarni - Children’s Inferences about Digital Tracking as a Result of Ingroup and Outgroup Differentiation  (Mentor: Susan Gelman)

Catherine Lawton - Does 100.4 Mean Exactly 100.4? Expert Interpretations of Precise Numbers (Mentor: Priti Shah)

Nathan Lwo - Neural and Behavioral Correlates of Visual Attention Cognitive Training and tDCS in Adults with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (Mentor: John Jonides)

Arushi Mahajan - Novel Attention Training Paradigm Minimizes Distraction through tDCS Enhanced Cognitive Training (Mentor: John Jonides)

Megan Mitchell - Extracorporeal Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation Following Prolonged Cardiac Arrest: Predicting Neurological Outcomes in a Porcine Model (Mentors: Alvaro Rojas-Pena & Jillian Hardee)

Kelsey Owen - Anandamide and Hedonic ‘Liking’ within the Posterior Ventral Pallidum Hotspot (Mentor: Kent Berridge)

Dasha Peppard - Investigating Engaged Learning and Transformational Impact in an Action Learning Program (Mentors: Mari Kira & Gretchen Spreitzer)

Mariam Reda - Influence of Trauma Type and Sex on Resting-State Functional Connectivity in Adolescents (Mentor: Israel Liberzon)

Emma St. Pierre - Type A Aortic Dissections Worsen Quality of Life and Mental Health (Mentors: Bo Yang & Bruno Giordani)

Rachel Tanenbaum - Caregiver Adaptation in Disorders of Sex Development (Mentors: David Sandberg & Jennifer Cummings)

Jessica Zhao - The Influence of Real-Time Emotion and Baseline Negative Urgency on Daily Food Consumption (Mentor: Ashley Gearhardt)

Jessica Alexa - Effects of Cognitive and Affective Distraction on Working Memory Performance (Mentors: Alexandru Iordan & Patricia Reuter-Lorenz)

Harrison Angoff - Unique Influence of Abuse and Neglect on School Behavior: An Exploratory Study (Mentor: Christopher Monk)

Diego Barcala-Delgado - Parents’ Ethnotheories of Maladaptive Behavior in Young Children: A Comparison of Spain and the U.S. (Mentor: Sheryl Olson)

Anna Bergson - Children’s Attributions of Persistence of Individual Identity Following Transformations (Mentors: Susan Gelman & Kristan Marchak)

Megan Burns - Exploring Social Class Through Decision Making Paradigms and Evaluating Social Class Measurement Systems  (Mentor: Richard Gonzalez)

Andrew Canvasser - Collaboration and Creativity: Implementation and Improvement in the Educational Environment (Mentor: Colleen Seifert)

Kristen Cross - Beyond the Sidelines: Parental Involvement in Latino/a Adolescents' Extracurricular Activities (Mentor: Rosario Ceballo)

Chanelle Davis - Racial Identity as a Moderator of the Associations Between Parental Incarceration and Psychological Functioning and Aggression Among Black Adolescents (Mentor: Stephanie Rowley)

Taylor Galdi - Unskilled, Unaware, and Influential: The Dunning-Kruger Effect in Juries (Mentor: David Dunning)

Rachel Ghosh - Father-Daughter Relationships Among College Students: Implications for Other Interpersonal Relationships and Academic Outcomes (Mentors: Rona Carter)

Keegan Giffels - The Existence of Bisexual Miscategorization (Mentor: Arnold Ho)

Michael Harrington - Improving Causal Reasoning in a College Science Course (Mentors: Colleen Seifert & Priti Shah)

Jessica Hejka - Maternal Positive Parenting and the Development of Children’s Later Empathy and Externalizing Behavior (Mentor: Sheryl Olson)

Jean Anne Heng - Examining the Effects of Effortful Control Training in Clinically Anxious Preschool Children  (Mentors: Julie Premo & Kate D. Fitzgerald)

Shannon Jajko - Gender Essentialism Measure for Children (Mentors: Susan Gelman & Arnold Ho)

Sally Kafelghazal - Relationship between Contact with Gender Non-Conforming People and Race Essentialist Beliefs (Mentor: Arnold Ho)

Hadi Katebi - Manipulating Ideological Preferences Through Exposure and Inoculation (Mentors: Joshua Rabinowitz)

Janet Kim - Slow Life Strategists Hold More Growth Mindsets (for Intelligence not Physical Attractiveness) (Mentors: Oliver Sng & Joshua Ackerman)

Daejin Kim - Motivation and Grip Strength on Young and Older Adults (Mentor: Cindy Lustig)

Alexandra Mangus - Appropriate Punishments for Perpetrators of Sexual Assault  (Mentor: Abigail Stewart)

Juliette Ni - Culture Difference in Depression and Neurasthenia: The Implication of Hypocognition in Mental Health (Mentor: David Dunning)

Rizzo Nichols - Is Consent Sexy? An Evaluation of Direct, Verbal Consent in Erotic Fiction (Mentor: Terri Conley)

Emily Olin - Intersectionality and Charismatic Leadership in Female Leaders of Community-based Organizations: A Cross-Cultural Study (Mentor: Ramaswami Mahalingam)

Shima Sadaghiyani - Finding Strength in Adversity: Exploring the Process of Postadversarial Growth among Culturally Diverse Individuals (Mentors: Mari Kira & Fiona Lee)

Rachel Atkinson - Motivational Learning Styles are not Determined by Individual Differences in Levels of FAAH (Mentors: Jonathan Morrow & Terry Robinson)

Alexandra Chloe Eastman - Adolescent Psychopathology and Substance Use: The Moderating Effect of Prospective Self (Mentors: Daniel Keating & Edward Huntley)

Maya Khalil Eter - Examining the Ability of Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation to Augment Working Memory Training (Mentor: John Jonides)

Penelope Clare Farris - Work-Family Conflict and Cognition among Older Adults Working Full-Time (Mentor: Laura Zahodne)

Dana Elise Feldman - The Role of the Nucleus Accumbens in Context Fear Conditioning (Mentor: Natalie Tronson)

Saheli Ghosh - Induced Human Neurons as a Model to Study the Role of Mitochondria in Alzheimer’s Disease (Mentors: Michael Uhler & Jill Becker)

Jared Benjamin Goldberg - Assessing Teacher Understanding of Student Executive Functioning and Predictions to Academic Achievement (Mentor: Frederick Morrison)

Julia Aseel Haidar - The Effects of Saturated and Unsaturated Fatty Acids on Mitochondrial Trafficking and Function in Sensory Neurons (Mentors: Amy Rumora & J. Wayne Aldridge)

Julia Charlotte Harris -  Slow-Wave Sleep Disruption in Adolescence: Brain Responses to Monetary Reward and Loss (Mentors: Laura Cope & Robert Zucker)

Michael John Hendrickson - Teacher Response to Student Misbehavior: Assessing Potential Biases in the Classroom (Mentor: Kai Cortina)

Elizabeth O'Brien Hinckley - Can Generic You Increase ‘Your’ Sense of Belonging (Mentor: Ethan  Kross)

Elizabeth Hubbard - Counteracting Nucleus Accumbens-Mediated Fear Behavior with Optogenetics (Mentor: Kent Berridge)

Joshua Levi Krasney - Central Amygdala-Induced Attraction towards Aversive Shock Rod  Recruits Mesocorticolimbic Brain Circuitry (Mentor: Kent Berridge)

George Lu - Long-lasting Neuroimmune-Mediated Changes Following Peripheral Immune Challenge (Mentors: Natalie Tronson & Katie Collette)

Diana Cecilia Marino - Predicting Gun or Knife Violence Against Women Exposed to Intimate Partner Violence (Mentor: Sandra Graham-Bermann)

Margarett Sha'Lisa McBride - “Do I Belong in my Community?” Latino Adolescents' Perceptions of Neighborhood Belonging (Mentor: Rosario Ceballo)

Julia Aisling Menzel-Smith - Neurological Development and Injury among Premature Lambs Supported by the Artificial Placenta (Mentors: Kent Berridge & Alvaro Rojas Pena)

Tanisha Mitra - Individual Differences in the Motivation for Cocaine and Neuronal Activity Induced by a Cocaine-Paired Cue (Mentor: Terry Robinson)

Lining Pan - Role of Ventral Hippocampus in Context Fear Conditioning in Males and Females (Mentor: Natalie Tronson)

Kevin C. Pasquale - The Identification of Microvascular Variations in Cerebral Autosomal Dominant Arteriopathy with Subcortical Infarcts and Leukoencephalopathy (CADASIL) through Machine Learning Algorithms (Mentors: Michael Wang & Henry Buchtel)

Isabel Cristina Quinones - Characterization of Health Behaviors in Transgender Youth (Mentors: Jessica Van Huysse & Ashley Gearhardt)

Grecia Quiroga - Testing Associations Between Sign and Goal-Tracking and Risk Factors for Obesity in Children (Mentor: Ashley Gearhardt)

Melanie Racenstein - An Aging Study of Somatosensory and Motor Dedifferentiation using Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Behavioral Measures  (Mentor: Thad Polk)

Ruby Siada - ABC Brains: Linking Early Childhood Experience to Neural Activity and Obesity (Mentor: Ashley Gearhardt)

Elisabeth Silver - Perpetrating Sexism: An Investigation into the Effects on Men’s Psychophysiology (Mentor: Sari van Anders)

Khyati Somayaji - Effect of Estrous Cycle on Severity of Sepsis in C57Bl/6 Female Mice (Mentors: Joanna Spencer-Segal & Jill Becker)

Akemi Tsutsumi Rioboo - The Effects of Spanish-English Bilingual Dominance Profile in Children’s Literacy Skills (Mentor: Ioulia Kovelman)

Annie Zalon - Exploring the Role of Alpha1-chimaerin in a Model of Cerebellar Ataxia (Mentors: Vikram Shakkottai & Brandon Aragona)

Mary Zinn - Characterizing Resiliency in Adolescence: The Role of Prospective Self in Health-Related Outcomes Associated with Childhood Adversity (Mentors: Daniel Keating & Edward Huntley)

Emma Abed - Investigating Diversity in Sexual and Gender/Sex Majorities: Interviews Using Sexual Configurations Theory (Mentor: Sari van Anders)

Zainab Ali Ahmad - Wandering Eyes: Patterns of Looking While Perambulating in a Natural Setting (Mentors: Kevin Miller & Kai Cortina)

Alexandra Bayer - Who Provides Social Support to Children Following Exposure to Intimate Partner Violence? (Mentors: Sandra Graham-Bermann & Andrew Grogan-Kaylor)

Stephanie Beaton - The Effects of Perfectionism on Objective Sleep Quality: The Role of Rumination (Mentor: Patricia Deldin)

Diana Curtis - Feminizing Fear: Investigating the Intersections of Paranoia, Empathy, and Sex (Mentors: Patricia Deldin & Sari van Anders)

Wisteria Deng - Anxiety Mediates the Relationship Between Psychotic-like Experiences and Social Functioning (Mentor: Patricia Deldin)

Sheng Dong - Affiliation Motives under Pathogen Threat Studied in Electrocortical Activity of Norm Violations (Mentor: Shinobu Kitayama)

Danielle Harrison - Subjective and Official Reports of Neighborhood Danger and Antisocial Behavior in Adolescence  (Mentor: Luke Hyde)

Natasha Heart - Does Sleep Duration Moderate the Relationship Between Adolescent Psychopathology and Health Risk Behavior? (Mentors: Daniel Keating & Edward Huntley)

Jing Hu - Spontaneous Use of Self-Distancing Online Among Healthy and Depressed Facebook Users (Mentor: Ethan Kross)

Morgan Johnson - Teachers’ Impact on the Wellbeing and Achievementof Students with ohnsonSpecial Needs in the General Education Classroom (Mentor: Fred Morrison)

Hannah Lahti - Sex Differences in Negative Affect and Symptom Severity in Schizophrenia, Schizoaffective Disorder and Bipolar Disorders (Mentor: Patricia Deldin)

Blacker Li - Post-Frog Pond: Cultural Variations in Hiring Decisions (Mentor: Stephen Garcia)

Muzi Lin - Fathers’ Experiences of Challenges and Joys During the Prenatal and Postnatal Periods (Mentors: Brenda Volling & Shawna Lee)

Katy Michon - The P300 ERP and Cognitive Bias in Schizophrenia, Bipolar Disorder, and Dysphoria (Mentor: Patricia Deldin)

Breanne Parker - Exploring the Relationship between College Student Exposure to the Model Minority Stereotype and Attributions of ADHD in Asian Americans (Mentor: Donna Nagata)

Reeya Patel - Disappointing Gift Task: Implications for Understanding Emotion Regulation Development During Early Childhood (Mentor: Sheryl Olson)

Haley Rough - Neighborhood crime and its effect on neural reactivity (Mentor: Christopher Monk)

Aiya Saad - In the Eyes of the Beholder: How Experience Can Influence Perceptions of Interest and Engagement (Mentor: Kevin Miller)

Chaewon Sagong - Influences of Positive Parenting on Adolescent Depressive Symptoms: Moderation by Levels of Physical Neighborhood Disorder (Mentor: Christopher Monk)

Zachary Schildcrout - Does Visual Attention Cognitive Training Decrease Distraction? (Mentor: John Jonides)

Jocelyn Schwartz - The Influence of Positive Affect on Food Consumption: An Ecological Momentary Assessment Analysis (Mentor: Ashley Gearhardt)

Priyanka Shanmugasundaram - Impacts of Multiple Marginality for South Asian Americans’ Mental Health (Mentor: Fiona Lee)

Julia Snider - Engagement in and Desire for Romantic and Sexual Relationships in College: Associations with Mental Health (Mentor: Nestor Lopez-Duran)

Emily Armstead - Examining Rumination and Sleep: A Transdiagnostic Approach to Depression and Social Anxiety (Mentor: Patricia Deldin)

Jane Brown - Down the Musical Garden Path: Shared Syntactic Processing in Music and Language (Mentor: Julie Boland)

Man Ting Choi - Paternal Education Attainment Moderates Associations Between Paternal Psychological Control and Preschool Children’s Internalizing Problems: A Cross-National Study in the United States and China (Mentor: Sheryl Olson)

Bailey Ferris - Differential Longitudinal fMRI Activation in Bilateral Thalamus in Substance Using Versus Non-Using Adolescents During a go/no-go Task (Mentors: Mary Heitzeg & Jillian Hardee)

Nick Gabry - Relapse: An Investigation into the Differential Modulation of Cue-Based Drug Reinstatement (Mentors: Terry Robinson & Bryan Singer)

Maia Gersten - Examining the Role of Diversification of Contingent Self-Worth on College Student Mental Health (Mentor: Nestor Lopez-Duran)

Kevin Grimaldi - The Role of Parental Involvement and Monitoring in Adolescent Health Risk Behavior (Mentors: Daniel Keating & Edward Huntley)

Sonalee Joshi - The Effects of Race on Implicit Attitudes about Social Anxiety (Mentors: Elizabeth Duval & Israel Liberzon)

Louisa Kane - Motivational-Dopaminergic versus Cognitive-Cholinergic Processing of a Pavlovian Cocaine Cue in Sign- and Goal-Tracking Rats (Mentors: Martin Sarter & Kyle Pitchers)

Kelsea Kangas - Use of Neuropsychological Evaluation Results in a VA Healthcare System Sub-Acute Geriatric Rehabilitation Clinic (Mentors: Linas Bieliauskas & Katherine Kitchen-Andren)

Alexandria Kolenda - Investigating the Relationship Between Depression, Metabolic Syndrome, and DNA Methylation of the SLC35D3 Gene Region in Psychotic Disorders (Mentor: Vicki Ellingrod)

Alyssa Marquette - The Role of the Built Environment on Adolescent BMI (Mentor: Ashley Gearhardt)

Allison Moll - Endothelial Nitric Oxide Synthase (eNOS), Metabolic Syndrome, and Cognition in Schizophrenia-Spectrum Disorders (Mentor: Vicki Ellingrod)

Anna Nagler - The Effect of Cognitive Impairment on Deconditioned/Debilitated Post-Acute Veterans (Mentors: Linas Bieliauskas & Stelmokas Julija)

Jeewon Oh - Emotional Word Processing in First and Second Language (Mentor: Nick Ellis)

Natalie Perkins - Examining Impoverished Neighborhoods with Google Street View: A New Tool for Assessing Ecological Settings (Mentor: Christopher Monk)

Kelly Rea - White-Matter Tract Abnormalities and Links to Antisocial Behavior Among High-Risk Young Adult Males (Mentors: Luke Hyde & Rebecca Waller)

Seonyool Song - Education Comparison between United States and South Korea with PISA Results (Mentors: Kevin Miller & Kai Cortina)

Emma Sutherland - Investigating the Association Between Screen Time and Adolescent Adiposity (Mentors: Ashley Gearhardt & Sarah Domoff)

Taylor Weeks - Direct Inhibition of the Nucleus Accumbens Shell Potentiates Eating (Mentor: Berridge Kent)

Jennifer Alpert - Children’s and Adults’ Recall of Generic and Proper Name Statements (Mentor: Susan Gelman)

Caroline Bartholomew - Parental Restrictive Feeding Behaviors and Adolescent Food-Related Self-Regulation (Mentors: Ashley Gearhardt & Megan Pesch)

Stephen Berkemeier - Law Enforcement Conformity to Masculine Norms and Myths Surrounding Male Victims of Sexual Assault (Mentors: Jamie Mitchell & Eric Fretz)

Shyryn Borgol - The Behavioral Immune System and Interoception (Mentor: Joshua Ackerman)

Emmy Carey - Forms of Intimate Partner Rape Experienced by Latinas with and without PTSD (Mentors: Sandra Graham-Bermann & Andrew Grogan-Kaylor)

Sitao Chen - Correlational Study of Childhood Activities and Executive Functions (Mentor: Priti Shah)

Xi Chen - Stereotypes and Biased Perceptions towards Foreign Currencies: An Irrationality of Market Valuations (Mentor: Stephen Garcia)

Rachel Cultice - #VocalWomen: How Does Threatened Masculinity Influence Perceptions of Women Who Confront Online Misogyny? (Mentor: Terri Conley)

Snehanjani Edupuganti - Don't Judge a Book by its Cover: The Influence of a Professor's Gender on Student's Impression and Lecture Evaluation (Mentor: Kevin Miller)

Alison Grenon - A Comparative Analysis of Body Mass Index and Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis Measurements in a Teenage Population Considering Gender, Pubertal Status, and Athletic Participation (Mentor: Ashley Gearhardt)

Inara Ismailova - Young and Distracted: Children Filter Irrelevant Stimuli Less Effectively than Adults (Mentors: Daniel Weissman & Ioulia Kovelman)

Rachel Korn - The Influence of Impulsivity on Food Ordering Behavior and Caloric Consumption (Mentor: Ashley Gearhardt)

Jerin Lee - Negative Life Events and Sexual Assault Victimization as Predictors of Negative Psychological Functioning in Female College Students (Mentor: Edward Chang)

Sai-Lai Lee - Color Outside the Lines: Perceptions of Identity Conflict and Women of Color in Leadership (Mentor: Fiona Lee)

Wanying Liu - Risk Portfolio Management: Mathematical Models and Behavioral Styles (Mentor: Jun Zhang)

Andrea Maxwell - Neighborhood Effects on the Brain: Impoverishment in Early Childhood Predicts Amygdala Reactivity to Ambiguous Faces in Young Adulthood (Mentor: Luke Hyde)

Isabel Osgood - Infectious Disease Psychology and Social Categorization (Mentor: Joshua Ackerman)

Dayna Petkov - Examining Perceptions of Moral Change of the Self and Others (Mentors: Ethan Kross & Walter Swoden)

Kaitlin Prakken - Correlates of Maternal Warmth in Latinas Who Have Experienced Intimate Partner Violence (Mentor: Sandra Graham-Bermann)

Manna Shintani - Executive Function and Academic Achievement: Differential Relations Across Socioeconomic Status (Mentor: Frederick Morrison)

Anna Spitz - Diversity, Pressure, and Divisions on the University of Michigan Campus (Mentors: Priti Shah & Deborah Dash-Moore)

Lara Stojanov - The Paradox of Bilingual Attentional Control Investigated Through Comparative Analytic Approaches (Mentor: Ioulia Kovelman)

Julia Swan - Associations Between Delay Discounting Performance and Reward-Related Neural Activity (Mentor: Luke Hyde)

Warren Teo - Multicultural Experience and Wisdom (Mentor: Fiona Lee)

Andrea Villafuerte - The Role of Perceived Social Support in Buffering Women Against Stereotype Threat (Mentor: Denise Sekaquaptewa)

Kali Vitek - Risky, Dramatic, and Unrealistic: Reality Television Portrayals of Pregnancy and Childbirth and Their Effects on Women's Fear and Self-Efficacy (Mentor: Lucretia Ward)

Haley Yaremych - Prosocial Development Between Siblings: The Role of Marital Quality and Parents' Emotion Socialization Practices (Mentor: Brenda Volling)

Tina Yu - Understanding the Association Between Spirituality, Religiosity, and Feelings of Happiness and Sadness Among HIV-Positive Indian Adults: Examining Stress-Related Growth as a Mediator (Mentor: Edward Chang)

- (Mentors: Ethan Kross & Walter Sowden)

- Impact of Cortical Glutamate on Accumbens-Mediated Motivation (Mentor: Kent Berridge)

- (Mentor: J. Frank Yates)

- (Mentor: Shinobu Kitayama)

- (Mentors: Mark Russell & Bruno Giordani)

- Ventral Pallidal Activity Reduces During Pavlovian Extinction for Goal-Trackers (Mentor: Wayne Aldridge)

- (Mentor: Ethan Kross)

- Distress and Unmet Needs Among Newly-Diagnosed Colorectal Cancer Patients (Mentors: Samantha Hendren & Martin Sarter)

- Does This Smile Make Me Look White? Exploring the Effects of Emotional Expressions on the Categorization of Multiracial Children (Mentors: Susan Gelman & Arnold Ho)

- Coping with Distraction from Irrelevant Stimuli Involves Both Distractor-Specific and Distractor-General Control Processes (Mentor: Daniel Weissman)

- Counteracting Hyperpolarization-Mediated Motivation with Optogenetic Stimulation in Nucleus Accumbens Shell (Mentor: Kent Berridge)

- What Makes Life Worth Living: A Study of Obituaries Using Content Analysis (Mentor: Nansook Park)

- Cortical Plasticity of the Motor Network in Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis and Its Impact on the Advancement of Brain Computer Interface Technology (Mentors: Robert Welsh & Daniel Weissman)

- (Mentor: Ioulia Kovelman)

- Testing Neural Constraints on the Time-Course of Lexical Access: Latency Invariability of the N400 (Mentor: Jonathan Brennan)

- Functions of Cybersex in Long-Distance Versus Geographically Close Romantic Relationships (Mentor: Robin Edelstein)

- Corneal Confocal Microscopy as a Non-Invasive Assessment of Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy (Mentors: Stephen Lentz & Shelly Flagel)

- Family Psychosocial Functioning Assessment in Pediatric Liver Transplant Recipients Using the PAT2.0 (Mentor: Emily Fredericks)

- How Valence, Motivational Salience, and Monetary Incentives Affect Valuelearning and Memory  (Mentor: Patricia Reuter-Lorenz)

-  (Mentor: Kerry Mychaliska & Kathleen Jodl)

- Sex Differences in Reasons for Adolescent Health Risk Behavior (Mentor: Daniel Keating & Edward Huntley)

- Self-talk with a Mirror Regulates Anxiety for Women (Mentor: Ethan Kross)

- Individual ERP Differences: Potential Compensation Effects During Signal Detection and Distractor Resistance (Mentor: Cindy Lustig)

- Regulation of Conditioned Approach by the Dopamine Transporter  (Mentors: Brandon Aragona & Bryan Singer)

- Individual differences in Hippocampal Function and Vulnerability to Single Prolonged Stress Induced Deficits (Mentors: Israel Liberzon & Chieh Chen)

- (Mentor: Rona Carter)

- Scientist or Secretary? The Effect of Gendered Microaggressions in Science on Women’s Mental Health (Mentor: Denise Sekaquaptewa)

- The Effects of Maternal Depression on Perceptions of Parenting and Child Academic Outcomes (Mentor: Frederick Morrison)

- (Mentor: Phoebe Ellsworth)

- Children's Emergent Math and Sharing Abilities  (Mentor: Ioulia Kovelman)

- The Effect of Experience on Dietitians’ Stigmatization of Anorexia Nervosa (Mentors: Daniel Gih & Ashley Gearhardt)

- Time-Based Conflict and Family Conflict: Examining Perceived Pubertal Timing as a Moderator (Mentor: Rona Carter)

- NSSI: Differences in Frequency, Functions, and Methods Among Adolescents and Young Adults. (Mentor: Cheryl King)

- Empathy for Positive Emotions: Can We Feel Challenge Vicariously? (Mentor: Phoebe Ellsworth)

- Popular Music and Dating Violence: Connections and Effects (Mentor: Lucretia Ward)

- Cumulative Risk in Early Childhood as a Contributor to Externalizing Behavior at Age 10: The Mediating Role of Early Parenting (Mentor: Sheryl Olson)

- African American Women’s Ways of Coping: A Study of the Relation with Multiple Stressors  (Mentor: Jacqueline Mattis)

- Learning Differences in Cellphone Users: Understanding Learning Outcomes and Eye Patterns Using Mobile Eye Tracking (Mentors: Kevin Miller & Kai Cortina)

- Resident Assistants' Responses to Sexual Assault Disclosure: The Roles of Rape Myth Acceptance and Feminist Identity (Mentor: Lilia Cortina)

- College Students’ Beliefs About Their Own and Their Parents’ Parenting Practices in the United States and China (Mentor: Kevin Miller)

- Learning a New Language Under Ten Minutes: Brain and Behavioral Investigation of Foreign Language Processing in Monolingual Children (Mentor: Ioulia Kovelman)

- “Something There That’s Not Right”: Black Female Undergraduates’ Perceptions of Racial Climate (Mentor: Tabbye Chavous)

- Emotion Recognition Deficits Mediate the Effects of Retrospectively Reported Maltreatment on Facets of Psychopathy in College Students  (Mentor: Luke Hyde)

- Student Responses to a Transdiagnostic School-Based Cognitive Behavioral Intervention (Mentors: Elizabeth Koschmann & Fredrick Morrison)

- Predictors of Aggressive Behavior in Children Exposed to Intimate Partner Violence (Mentor: Sandra Graham-Bermann)

- Food Addiction Among Sexual Minorities (Mentor: Ashley Gearhardt)

- Self­distancing: Effects on Motivation and Performance of Women in Math Domains (Mentor: Denise Sekaquaptewa)

- (Mentor: Monique Ward)

- A Gold Star Thesis: The Effect of a Gold Star Identity on Biphobia in the Lesbian Community (Mentor: Denise Sekaquaptewa)

- Detection of Delirium in an Inpatient Sub-Acute Rehabilitation Hospital (Mentors: Linas Bieliauskas & Julija Stelmokas)

- The Effect of Salience of Emotion Experience on Emotion Perception (Mentors: Phoebe Ellsworth)

- Impact of Parents with a History of Depression and Family Functioning on Adolescent Body Image (Mentor: Nestor Lopez-Duran)

Joel Adu-Brimpong - Cortisol Stress Reactivity Can be Shaped by Control, Support and Threat in Surprising Ways – Illustrating HPA Axis Complexity (Mentor: Nestor Lopez-Duran)

Bryana Bayly - This is Not a Pipe…Or is it? Children's and Adults' Appreciation for the Representational Properties of Pictures and Toys (Mentors: Susan Gelman & Natalie Davidson)

John Bell - Synaptic Interactomes and Neurological Disease:  A Closer Look at Neurexin-1α (Mentors: Gabrielle Rudenko & Natalie Tronson)

Alix Bernholtz - ‘Running in the Family’: Exploring the Causal Beliefs of At-Risk Individuals with a Family History of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (Mentors: Susan Gelman & Toby Jayaratne )

Rui Deng - Differential Effects of Oxytocin on The Motivation of Methamphetamine Self-Administration in Isolated and Pair Housed Female Rats (Mentor: Jill Becker)

Dema Fawaz - Optogenetic Inhibition of Lateral Hypothalamic Inputs into Ventral Pallidum Amplifies Aversive ‘Disgust’ (Mentor: Kent Berridge)

Danielle Flanders - Structural Priming in Sentence Production (Mentor: Julie Boland)

Andrew Garton - Examining the Impact Of Cognitive Styles on Responses to Self-Relevant Failures (Mentor: Nestor Lopez-Duran)

Zoe Hawks - Memory-Control Interactions Influence the Congruency Sequence Effect (Mentor: Daniel Weissman)

Sunghyun Hong - Optogenetic Stimulation of Dopamine Afferents in Nucleus Accumbens and Central Amygdala Reveals Differential Roles in Food and Social Motivation (Mentor: Kent Berridge)

Yona Isaacs - Cholinergic Highs and Lows: A Genetic Link to Attentional Function? (Mentor: Cindy Lustig)

Shaima Khandaker - Neural Correlates of Verbal Communication Using Infant Directed Speech in Language Acquisition: An fNIRS Investigation (Mentor: Ioulia Kovelman)

Lena Kremin - Predictors and Transfer of Reading Ability in Spanish-English Bilingual Children (Mentor: Ioulia Kovelman)

Danielle Leonard - Phonological and Lexical Processes in Bilingual Spanish-English Learners (Mentor: Ioulia Kovelman)

Alina Lesnovskaya - Symptoms of Depression as Indicators of Delirium in Elderly Hospitalized Veterans (Mentors: Linas Bieliauskas & Jennifer Flaherty)

Emily Lustig - Cognition and Experienced Well-Being in the Aging Population: Findings from the Health and Retirement Study (Mentor: Jacqui Smith)

Christina Naegeli - Cross-Cultural Look at Orphan Care in Brazil and the USA: Does There Exist a Difference in 'Positive' Themes in Different Methods of Child Care? (Mentors: Nansook Park & Reighan Gillam)

Eve Rosenheck - Current Trends and Predictors of Therapy Underutilization Among Asian American College Students (Mentors: Justin Heinze & Jennifer Glass)

Gabrielle Schwartz - The Influence of Power on Emotions Felt for Others (Mentor: Phoebe Ellsworth)

Adam Sitzmann - Treatment-Resistant Depression, Obesity, and Adiponectin (Mentors: Brian Mickey & Christopher  Monk)

Lawrence Tello - Beliefs Influence the Consequences of Expressive Suppression (Mentors: Shinobu Kitayama & Ethan Kross)

Linsa Varghese - Mindfulness, Emotional Well-Being, Emotional Regulation, Burnout, and Servant Leadership Among Women Social Justice Activists (Mentor: Ram Mahalingam)

Alisa Zoltowski - Using our Theory of Mind for Inferences in Strategic Reasoning (Mentor: Jun Zhang)

Monica Arkin - The Relationship Between Community Violence Exposure and Psychological Well-Being among Latino Adolescents (Mentor: Rosario Ceballo)

Pallavi Babu - The Psychometric Validation of the Military Attributions Scale (Mentor: Michelle Kees)

Amanda Balakirsky - Children’s Inferences about Relative Age as a Result of Power Comprehension (Mentor: Susan Gelman)

Jillian Bean - Impact of Weight Based Self-Ssteem and Objectification on Risk of Disordered Eating in College Students (Mentor: Nestor Lopez-Duran)

Jacob Bradburn - The N-Effect in Sales: A Field Experiment (Mentor: Stephen Garcia)

Zoe Brier - Suicidal Trajectories across the Postpartum: Risk and Protective Factors (Mentors: Maria Muzik & Katherine Rosenblum)

Rachel Carretta - Religiosity and Suicidality in Caucasian And African-American Sexual Minority Young Adults (Mentor: Cheryl King)

Shao Wei Chia - Perceived Differential Parental Expectations of Achievement: Assessing Impact on Psychological Well-Being Among College Students with Siblings (Mentors: Pamela Davis-Kean & Daniel Keating)

Melissa Durante - Everyday Scientific Reasoning: Critical Approaches Outside the Classroom (Mentor: Priti Shah)

Julia Feldman - Early Fathering Predictors of Children’s Late School-Age Peer Acceptance, Emotion Regulation, and Behavior Problems (Mentor: Sheryl Olson)

Ryan Foley - Competitive Versus Cooperative Video Game Decision Making and it’s Relationship to Problematic Video Game Play (Mentor: Frank Yates)

Rachel Forche - Children's Predictions about Future Desires:  Parent Input vs. Intuition (Mentors: Susan Gelman & Craig Smith)

Samantha Goldstein - Gender Differences in Children's Emotion Regulation from Preschool to School Age (Mentor: Sheryl Olson)

Nora Greenstein - Women’s Academic Motivation in the STEM Field: Using Group Role Models to Reduce Stereotype Threat in Group Work (Mentor: Denise Sekaquaptewa)

Roxanne Harfmann - "Don't Forget to Subscribe": Investigating the Impact of Exposure to User-Created Youtube Channels on Endorsement of Gender Attitudes and Self-Sexualization (Mentor: Monique Ward)

Youjeong Huh - Mindfulness, Emotion Regulation and Employee Well-Being Among Korean Workers (Mentor: Ramaswami Mahalingam)

Corey Jackson - Social Inclusion, Identity, & Conflict Adaptation (Mentor: Fiona Lee)

Zunaira Jilani - Relations Between Multidimensional Spirituality and Negative Affective Conditions in Adults: Examining Hope as a Potential Mediator (Mentor: Edward Chang)

Kathryn Kemp - Sleep Quality and Mood on Memory in People with and without Depression (Mentor: Patricia Deldin)

Brandon Klein - Loss of a Job vs. a Loved One: The Impact on Indulgent Consumption (Mentor: Stephen Garcia)

Jessica Koolick - Comparisons of PTSD Symptomatology in Children Across Multiple Ethno-Racial Groups (Mentor: Sandra Graham-Bermann)

Jie Ling Kuan - The Reading Brain: fMRI Study of Chinese (Mentor: Ioulia Kovelman)

Emily Noyes - Alcohol-Related Consequences Among Binge Drinking College Students: Exploring Positive Alcohol Expectancies and Self-Efficacy to Use Protective Strategies (Mentors: Erin Bonar & Frederic  Blow)

Stephanie Oprea - Students’ Perceptions of Creative Process Pedagogy in College Courses (Mentor: Colleen Seifert)

Miray Philips - Attitudes Towards Rape Among College Students in the US, North Africa, and the Middle East (Mentors: Rowell Huesmann & Eric Dubow)

Sarah Polk - The Effects of Restraint and Gender on Frequency of Consumption of High-Glycemic Load and High-Fat Foods (Mentor: Ashley Gearhardt)

Benjamin Rooney - Explaining Gender Differences in Emotional Reactions to Heterosexual Casual Sex Offers (Mentor: Terri Conley)

Alison Sagon - Examining the Value of Setting Communication Goals for Subjective Well-Being (Mentor: Ethan Kross)

Justin Sarkis - The Effect of Sociolinguistic Accent on the Believability of Trivia Statements (Mentor: Julie Boland)

Shaina Shetty - Reluctant Models (Mentors: Harold Neighbors & Donna Nagata)

Keima Smith - African American Parental Racial Socialization: Exploring Gender Differences (Mentors: Stephanie  Rowley & Kevin Miller)

Precious  Smith - Fun To a Point: The Positive and Negative Effects of Children’s Toys in the Household (Mentor: Stephanie  Preston )

Chloe Sosenko - Zingerman’s: Mindfulness in the Dynamic Work Environment (Mentors: Gretchen Spreitzer & Oscar Ybarra)

Chloe Sprague  - The Role of Reconstruing versus Recounting in Social Support Contexts (Mentor: Ethan Kross)

Emily Steinberg  - The Role of Age, Gender, and Father Involvement in Firstborns' Behavioral Adjustment Across the Transition to Siblinghood (Mentor: Brenda Volling)

Gladys Tan  - Behind Racial Differences in STEM Participation:  College Students’ Priorities When Choosing Majors (Mentor: J Yates)

Alyssa Tender  - Too Close for Comfort:  An ERP Investigation into The Role of Relevancy in Attention to HIV-Relevant Information (Mentor: Allison Earl)

Meaghan Thompson  - The Relationship Between Parenting Behaviors During the Preschool Period and Subtypes of Childhood Aggression in the Late Elementary Period (Mentors: Sheryl Olson & Rebecca Waller)

Tara Von Mach  - An Evaluation of Within-Session Interactions During Motivational Interviewing-Based Brief Interventions for Marijuana Misuse: A Mixed-Methods Investigation (Mentors: Maureen Walton & Frederic Blow)

Yuqi Wang  - Masculinity on Trial:  A Content Analysis of Men-Against-Men Sexual Harassment Legal Cases, 1982-2014 (Mentor: Lilia Cortina)

Chelsey Weiss  - The Roles of Early Externalizing Behavior and Prosocial Parental Discipline on Peer Rejection (Mentor: Sheryl Olson)

Alexandra Wilt  - Addictive-Like Eating Mediates the Association Between Eating Motivations and Elevated Body Mass Index (Mentor: Ashley Gearhardt)

Kaidi  Wu  - Would You Rather be a Big Frog In A Small Pond? Examining Cultural Variations in Competition Entry Decisions (Mentor: Stephen Garcia)

Carlos Yeguez  - Developing a Self-Efficacy Intervention for College Students Diagnosed with ADHD (Mentor: Priti Shah)

Chelsea Zabel  - Psychology of Selfies: Motivations for Posting Selfies and their Connections to Self-Concept (Mentor: Lucretia Ward)

Ankita Badhwar -  Measuring Prosocial Action Tendencies From Caretaking Emotions  (Mentor: Sara Konrath)

Lauren Burton -  The Effect of Chronic Phase Shifts on Melatonin Rhythms (Mentors: Jimo Borjigin & Martin Sarter)

Nathan Chesterman -  Mapping a Hedonic Hotspot in Insular Cortex (Mentor: Kent Berridge)

Kathleen Duemling -  Cortisol Awakening Response and Youth Depression: The Impact of Anxiety, Age, and Sex  (Mentor: Nestor Lopez-Duran)

Paige Galecki -  Testing a Video-Chat Social Reward Learning Task to Predict Depression in Young Adults (Mentor: Nestor Lopez-Duran)

Mariam Hamid -  In Vivo Corneal Confocal Microscopy in Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy (Mentors: Roni Shtein & Patricia Reuter-Lorenz)

Rina Joshi -  Does Time Really Tell All?: The Effect of Circadian Rhythms on Emotional-Like Behavior in Rats Selectively Bred to Model Mood Disorders (Mentor: Megan Hagenauer)

Viktoria Krislaty -  The Effect of Electroconvulsive Therapy (ECT) on Neuropsychological Functioning in Adolescents who Suffer from Major Depressive Disorder  (Mentor: Bruno Giordani)

Kathryn Lee -  Semantic and Syntactic Priming in Infant Language Acquisition: A Comparison of English and Mandarin Speakers (Mentor: Twila Tardif)

Shoko Mori -  Regulating Negative Affect: Neurophysiological Investigation of Self-Generated vs. Externally-Provided Reappraisal (Mentors: Christine Rabinak & William Gehring)

Emily Munier -  Modality Effects in Short-Term Memory Versus Long-Term Memory within the Deese, Roediger and McDermott Paradigm  (Mentors: Patricia Reuter-Lorenz & Justyna Olszewska)

Maryam Seifeldin -  Sociolinguistic Stereotype and Syntactic Processing (Mentors: Julie Boland & Jonathan Brennan)

Erica Seifert -  Syntactic Error Processing in Bilingual Children: An fNIRS Study (Mentor: Ioulia Kovelman)

Aashna Sunderrajan -   It's a Trap! The Influence of Instrumental Manipulation Checks on Response Non-Differentiation and Gricean Norm Effects  (Mentors: Norbert Schwarz & Allison Earl)

Rachel Terry -  The Role of Orexin and Acetylcholine on 'Liking' and 'Disliking' in the Nucleus Accumbens Hedonic Hotspot (Mentor: Kent Berridge)

Xiao Wang -  Examining the Relationship Between Skilled Musical Training and Attention  (Mentor: Patricia Reuter-Lorenz)

Leah Breish -  Effects of Backwards Design Lesson Planning Implementation on Non-Educator Elementary Literacy Tutors (Mentor: Frederick Morrison)

Peter Ceglarek -  A Tool for Help or Harm? Associations Between Sexual Minority Youth’s Social Networking Use and Their SocialSupport, Sexual Identity, and Mental Health  (Mentor: L. Monique Ward)

Alejandra Cuspinera -   “Go to Sleep to Get Rid of the Fright”: Colombian Youth’s Experiences with Community Violence Exposure (Mentor: Rosario Ceballo)

Hailey Dotterer -  Influences on Destructive College Drinking: The Role of Psychopathic Traits and Gender  (Mentor: Luke Hyde)

Valerie Foster -  The Relationship Between Maternal Insightfulness and Psychopathology in Women with Histories of Childhood Maltreatment (Mentors: Maria Muzik & Katherine Rosenblum)

Danielle Goldstein -  Building a Better Campus: Establishing Mental Health Services at Ukrainian Universities (Mentor: Sandra Graham-Bermann)

Steven Homan  - Quality of Student Discourse During Math Lessons in the United States and China (Mentors: Kevin Miller & Kai Cortina)

Emma Kahle -  Understanding How Domestic Abuse is Associated with Greater Depressive Symptoms in a Community Sample of Female Primary Care Patients: Do Loss of Belongingness or Sense of Burdensomeness Matter? (Mentor: Edward Chang)

Adam Kern -  The Effect of Watching Food-Related Television on Eating Behaviors and Cravings  (Mentor: Ashley Gearhardt)

Heejoo Kim -  The Effects of Autonomy and Relatedness on Internalizing and Externalizing During Adolescence: Concurrent and Longitudinal Effects within Family Context  (Mentors: Jacquelynne Eccles & Yi-Miau Tsai)

Adriane Kline -  The Effects of HIV/AIDS Knowledge During Adolescence: The Role of This Knowledge in Predicting Sexual Behaviors and Outcomes  (Mentors: Justin Heinze & Marc Zimmerman)

Jenny Lee -  Resilience in the Face of Betrayal: The Significance of Social Support and Spontaneous Self-Distancing (Mentor: Ethan Kross)

Jonathan Lee -  Narcissism, Frustration, and the Mediating Role of Anger (Mentor: Shinobu Kitayama)

MengZhen Liu -  The Effect of Emotional Face Cues on Response Conflict Processing (Mentor: Shinobu Kitayama)

Melissa Manley -  Is What I Do Who I Am? A Study of Romantic and Sexual Partnering and Identity  (Mentor: Sari van Anders)

Margaret McGuire -  Intimate Partner Violence: Demographic Effects on Children’s Attitudes and Beliefs After Exposure (Mentors: Sandra Graham-Bermann & Andrew Grogan-Kaylor)

Annick Odom -  Local and National Identity of Flemings and Walloons in Belgium (Mentor: Fiona Lee)

Maggie O'Reilly-Treter -  Exploring the Relations Between Caregiver-Child Communication and Psychopathology Among Bereaved Families (Mentor: Julie Kaplow)

Rebekah Richmond -  Parenting Style and Parental Self-Efficacy in the Treatment of Anorexia Nervosa (Mentors: Ashley Gearhardt & Renee Hoste)

Taylor Rothman -  (Mis)imagining Someone Else’s Life: The Role of Focalism in Feeling Envy and Pity Towards Others  (Mentor: Phoebe Ellsworth)

Mallika Sarma -  Mindfulness, Psychological Well-Being, Emotion Regulation, and Creativity Among South-Asian Americans  (Mentor: Ramaswami Mahalingam)

Thea Senger -  The Relationship Between Cumulative Risk Exposure, Family Cohesion, and Working Memory Impairments (Mentor: James Swain)

Long Shi -  Possible Selves of College Students in China and the U.S. (Mentor: Daphna Oyserman)

Christopher Shu -  Effects of Onset and Persistence of Antisocial Behavior in Adulthood  (Mentor: Brian Hicks)

Alexa Shull -  Rumination Mediates the Impact of Personality on the Development of Depression During the Transition to College  (Mentor: Nestor Lopez-Duran)

Mehgha Shyam -  The Influence of Mirth and Elevation on Local and Global Information Processing  (Mentor: Richard Lewis)

Stacey Sklepinski -  Promoting Attention to Stigmatized Health Information: The Complexity of Targeted Messages (Mentor: Allison Earl)

Hannah Tuttle -  Applying the Addiction Label to Food: Legal and Policy Implications (Mentor: Ashley Gearhardt)

Abigail Waters -  Effort, Somatization, and Self-Reported Psychological Distress in a Veteran Population (Mentors: Linas Bieliauskas & Nicolette Gabel)

Audrey Wittrup -  The Relationship Between Academic Self-Concept and Achievement in High School and Risky Sexual Behavior in College-Aged Females Over Time  (Mentors: Jacquelynne Eccles & Meeta Banerjee)

Hannah Wolfson -  Children Facing Maternal Breast Cancer: Examining Relations Between Maternal Functioning and Child Psychiatric Symptoms  (Mentor: Julie Kaplow)

Kuan Hua Wu -  Mapping a Novel Hedonic Hotspot in the Orbitofrontal Cortex  (Mentor: Kent Berridge)

Elizabeth Yu -  Doubling Up on Positive Future Cognitions Associated with Lower Depressive Symptoms and Suicidal Risk in Latinos?: A Look at Hope and Positive Problem Orientation (Mentor: Edward Chang)

Mo Zhang -   Interpretation of Difficulty’s Impact on Shifting and Inhibition Ability  (Mentor: Daphna Oyserman)

Sara Alberti -  Larger Amygdala Volume Relates to Social Anxiety in Youth with Autism Spectrum Disorders (Mentor: Christopher Monk)

Curtis Austin  -  Interactions Between Social and Drug Reward on Stimulated Dopamine Release  in Male Prairie Voles  (Mentor: Brandon Aragona)

Sara Bendler  - Modality Effects in Working Memory Using the DRM Paradigm (Mentor: Patricia Reuter-Lorenz)

Shannon Burke -  How Sexual is Sexual Desire? Desire and Testosterone in Women   (Mentor: Katherine Rosenblum)

Christopher Cannon  -  Conspicuous Consumption & Sexual Orientation: Are Homosexuals "Experts"?   (Mentor: Stephanie Preston)

Lauren Frisch  -  The Impact of Emotional Recognition on Prejudice and Discrimination  (Mentor: Sarah Konrath)

Yasaman Kazerooni  -  Task Related Pupil Dilation Patterns in a List Lexical Decision Task  (Mentor: Richard Lewis)

Dana Kelly  -  The Effects of Insomnia and Psychological Distress on Cognitive Performance Among Veterans  (Mentor: Linas Bieliauskas)

Elizabeth O'Donnell  - Dorsomedial Striatal Control of Cue-Directed Versus Goal-Directed Pavlovian Approach Behavior (Mentor: Terry Robinson)

Salomi Rami  - Social support, emotional well-being, and emotion regulation: A mediation model (Mentor: Oscar Ybarra)

Stephanie Romeo  -   Defendant and Juror Social Class and Age: Effects on Jurors’ Perceptions of a Crime  (Mentor: Phoebe Ellsworth)

Craig Sanders  -  Computational Models of Regressive Eye Movements in Reading  (Mentor: Richard Lewis)

Gabriel Stellman -  Investigating the roles of Fast-Spiking Interneurons and Neuronal Projections Associated with the Nucleus Accumbens as they Relate to the Production of Motivated Behaviors   (Mentor: Kent Berridge)

Alexander Tereshchenko  - Convergent and Divergent Thinking Creativity in Nominal and Collaborative Groups (Mentor: Cindy Lustig)

Margaret Ugolini -  fMRI Study of Amplitude Modulation Perception: How the Brain Turns Sounds Into Language (Mentor: Ioulia Kovelman)

Michael Wilcox -  Emotional Contagion in Major Depressive Disorder (Mentor: Patricia Deldin)  


Leon Averbukh -  Exploring the Link between Drug Addiction Propensity and Improper Top- Down Processing via Sustained Attention Tasks   (Mentor: Giovanna Paolone)

Mary Catherine Bender -  The Role of RGS Proteins in Modulating States of Behavioral Arousal (Mentor: Ralph Lydic)

Adam Fischer - Incentive Salience Attribution Based on Experiences of Uncertain Reward in Rats  (Mentor: Kent Berridge)

Piper Keyes - Kappa-Opioid Receptors in the Nucleus Accumbens Shell Mediate the Attenuation of Amphetamine Reward Induced by Monogamous Pair Bonding  (Mentor: Brandon Aragona)

Katie Long - The Effect of Social Stress on Sign- and Goal-tracking Propensity in Selectively Bred Rats  (Mentor: Shelly Flagel)

Adam MacDonald -  Maternal Perspective-Dependent Empathy and Neural Responses (Mentors: Chris Monk, Shaun Ho, James Swain)

Nolan O'Hara  - Characterizing the Engagement of Cognitive Error-Detection and Assessment During Self-Motivated and Morally Relevant Deception: An ERP Study (Mentor: Bill Gehring)

Julia Roberts -  A Study Examining The Effects of Naps on Self-Reported Impulsivity  (Mentor: Patricia Deldin)

Michelle Wehbe -  Effect of Repeated Mild Traumatic Brain Injury on Sustained Attention Task Performance (Mentor: Giovanna Paolone)

Martha Alves -  Coercive Control and the Stay-Leave Decision: How Abusers get their Victims to Remain in a Violent Relationship (Mentor: Sandra Graham-Bermann)

Kathryn Beck -  Increasing Help-Seeking in College Freshmen: An Intervention Examining the Effects of Motivational Interviewing (Mentor: Joseph Gone)

Kevin Binder -  Homophobic Hip-Hop Music and Its Effect on Attitudes Toward Homosexuality  (Mentor: Lucretia Ward)

Jordan Boeve -  Child Temperament, Parental Personality, and Parenting as Related to Child Behavior After the Birth of a Sibling (Mentor: Pamela Davis-Kean)

Nancy Boulos -  Validity of the PHQ-8 and PHQ-6 During Pregnancy: A Longitudinal Study Possible Risk Factors and Screening for Antenatal Depression (Mentor: Richard Tolman)

Caroline Buck -  Changes in Maternal Mentalization, Reflectivity, and Sensitivity as Assessed through Analysis of Narratives: An Evaluation of the Circle of Security Intervention (Mentor: Katherine Rosenblum)

Max Cantor -  The road to reckless driving: Can parent alcoholism and antisocial behavior affect reckless driving in children? (Mentor: Jennie Jester)

Yun Chen -  Parent-adolescent agreement about adolescent’s suicidal ideation and behavior in relation to adolescent’s one-year depressive symptoms, and suicide-related outcomes  (Mentor: Cheryl King)

Robin Conley -  Change in Relation to Alcohol Use Disorders: A Qualitative Study Examining Motivation for Change and Changes in Early Recovery   (Mentor: Amy Krentzman)

Amanda Cooper -  Children’s Perceptions of Parental Differential Treatment as a Mediator for the Link Between Parental Differential Treatment and Sibling Relationship Quality (Mentor: Brenda Volling)

Jared Cutler -  The Effects of Gender Composition and Common In-Group Identity on Women's Desire to Participate in a Science Conference (Mentor: Denise Sekaquaptewa)

Damia December  -  Individual and Environmental Correlates of Anxiety in Parentally Bereaved Children  (Mentor: Julie Kaplow)

Jenna Dehne  - Comparing Methods to Reduce Stereotype Threat: In-person vs. On-paper Interventions (Mentor: Denise Sekaquaptewa)

Hau Dinh -  Intersecting Social Identities and Awareness of Social Justice (Mentor: Lorraine Gutierrez)

Laura Distel -  The Effects of an Evolution Exhibition on Students’ Essentialistic Thinking about Genes   (Mentor: Evelyn Evans)

Peter Felsman  - Music listening facilitates self-distancing (Mentor: Ethan Kross)

Hayley Goldenthal -  Risk Factors for Depression During the Perinatal Period: The Role of Anxiety, Trauma and Life Stressors (Mentor: Stephanie Thompson)

Joanna Gross  -  The Relationship Between Coping and Mental Health in Children Facing Maternal Breast Cancer  (Mentor: Julie Kaplow)

Lindsay Hamilton  - Sleep, Depression, and Child Behavior in Women with Histories of Childhood Maltreatment (Mentors: Maria Muzik & Kate Rosenblum)

Jessica Harper  -  Congruency Sequence Effects in Pediatric Obsessive Compulsive Disorder  (Mentor: Daniel Weissman)

Sarah Horn  - Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) in Children Exposed to Intimate Partner Violence (IPV): The Clinical Picture of Physiological Arousal Symptoms (Mentor: Sandra Graham-Bermann)

Sean Houchins -  Mechanisms and Outcomes of Metta Meditation (Mentor: Nestor Lopez-Duran)

Eunjung Kim  - Embodied Metaphors: Embodied Fishy Smell Attenuates the Moses Illusion (Mentor: Norbert Schwarz)

Christina Koch  - Counting on Executive Function: A Study of Preschoolers’ Eye Movements During a Quick Visual Search Counting Task (Mentor: Kevin Miller)

Kirsten Koseck  - Culture and Executive Functioning: The Effects of Individualism and Collectivism on Complex Reasoning (Mentor: Daphna Oyserman)

Lucas LaFreniere  -  Parentally Bereaved Children and Adolescents: Peer Support and Interaction  (Mentor: Albert Cain)

Becky Lau  - The Effects of Empathy in Intergroup Interactions when Minorities Disclose Race-Salient or Neutral Hardship (Mentor: Emily Falk)

Chung Lau  - Prevalence and Correlates of Depression and Drinking Behavior among Adolescents and Young Adults in the Suburban Emergency Department (Mentor: Frederic Blow)

Wing Tung (Vivian)   Law  - The Relationship between the Intersection of Gender and Race and Asian Americans’ Awareness of Social Justice (Mentor: Lorraine Gutierrez)

Xinyue Liu  -  Home Literacy Environments’ Influence on Language and Reading Development  (Mentor: Ioulia Kovelman)

Jordan Magat  -  Looking at Gender Differences in Preschoolers’ Self-Regulation Through Multiple Lenses  (Mentor: Frederick Morrison)

Alexander McBrairty  -  Quit, Persist, or... Switch?: Putting Lay Theories Into Context  (Mentor: Norbert Schwarz)

Kaci Parsons  - Being Single in Old Age: The Implications of Differences in Marital Status on Global and Experienced Well-being (Mentor: Jacqui Smith)

Jason Paul  - Examining Working Memory as an Underlying Mechanism in Identity-Based Motivation (Mentor: Daphna Oyserman)

Eric Peist  -  Gender Differences in Student Misbehaviors and Teacher Responses: Comparing Classrooms with Novice and Experienced Teachers  (Mentor: Kai Cortina)

Marisa Perera  - Examining for Ethnic Variations in the Interpersonal Sources Representing Socially Prescribed Perfectionism (Mentor: Edward Chang)

Carly Sheridan  -  Politeness in Conflict: Identity Management and Politeness Strategies Used During a Conflict  (Mentor: Fiona Lee)

Nora Stephens  - Intersectionality of Race/Ethnic and Gender Identities in Intergroup Dialogue (Mentor: Patricia Gurin)

Alvin Tan  -  Combining Competitive Situational Factors: N-Effect and Proximity to a Standard Interaction on Competitive Behavior (Mentor: Stephen Garcia)

Charity Tarn  - Organizations and Values: Examining Cross-Cultural Differences and Predicting Financial Performance (Mentor: Fiona Lee)

Rebecca Toback  - Effects of Identifying Strengths of Character on the Self-Esteem and Self-Efficacy of Youth in an Inpatient Psychiatric Hospital (Mentor: Sandra Graham-Bermann)

Palek Vani  - Understanding Young Children’s Error Processing: Connecting Brain and Behavior (Mentor: Frederick Morrison)

Yu Zhang  - The Influence of Donation Appeals on Emotions and Donation in American and Chinese Cultures (Mentor: Richard Gonzalez)

Brain, Behavior & Cognitive Science

Staci Aubry - Perspective Taking: Effect of Accessible Cultural Values on Cross-Cultural Differences. (Mentor: Daphna Oyserman)

Erica Heisel - Pain Processing in Women with Borderline Personality Disorder. (Mentors: Kent Berridge and Jon-Kar Zubieta)

Alexis Holman - Fear and Disgust: Brain Responses to Two Signals of Motivational Salience. (Mentors: Kihn Luan Phan and William Gehring)

Amanda Kleeman - Characterizing Febrile Seizure Susceptibility in Scn1b +/- Mice: A Model for Genetic Epilepsy with Febrile Seizures Plus . (Mentors: Lique Coolen and Lori Isom)

Kristin Kops - Delineating Sexual and Social Motivation in the Female Rat Using Operant Responding . (Mentors: Jill Becker and Jennifer Cummings)

Peter Kotvis - Effects of Acute Stress on Risk Taking in Financial Decision Making . (Mentor: Nestor Lopez-Duran)

Ann Kraal - Slow-Wave Sleep Disruption and Emotional Memory in Major Depressive Disorder. (Mentor: Patricia Deldin)

Melissa Levoska - The Association between Coping Strategies and Physical Function Among Adults with Symptomatic Knee or Hip Osteoarthritis. (Mentors: Susan Murphy and Elizabeth Peckham)

Sariha Moyen - The Basal Ganglia and Beat Perception in Parkinson's Disease. (Mentor: Rachael Seidler)

Mei Lun Mui - Basic Visual Functioning and Eye Gaze Processing in Schizophrenia: Relationship with Symptoms and Social Functioning . (Mentor: Patricia Deldin)

Amy Olzmann - Problem Solving and Memory: Investigating the Solvability and Memorability of Remote Associates Problems. (Mentors: Patricia Reuter-Lorenz)

Krupa Patel - Oral Health Education and Dental Patients' Attitudes, Perceptions, and Behavior: A Person-Environmental Fit Analysis . (Mentor: Marita Inglehart)

Jessica Rampton - Allopregnanolone and its Effects on Mood Modulation and Regulation. (Mentor: Israel Liberzon)

Leslie Rubin - Health and Cognitive Framing: Individual Differences in Health Orientation. (Mentors: Stephanie Preston and R. Brent Stansfield)

Mary L Ryan - Neural encoding of incentive salience during cue-controlled cocaine self-administration. (Mentors: J Aldridge and Paul Meyer)

Teague Simoncic - Facebook Depression Revisited: The Absence of an Association between Facebook Use and Depressive Symptoms . (Mentor: Nestor Lopez-Duran)

David Springstead - Is Incentive Salience Dynamically Influenced by Satiation State? (Mentors: Kent Berridge)

Carly Stone - Maternal Sleep-Disordered Breathing During Pregnancy and the Development of Autism. (Mentors: Patricia Deldin)

Yasamean Zamani - The Effects of Prenatal Testosterone Exposure on the Sexual Differentiation of Feeding Patterns and Food Motivation in Suffolk Sheep. (Mentors: Theresa Lee and Elizabeth Peckham)

Rohit Abraham - Time-course of Motor Deficits in a Rat Model of Parkinson's Disease . (Mentor: Joshua Berke)

Katherine Adams - Linguistic Markers of Emotional Elaboration in the Past and the Present in Online Blogs. (Mentor: John Jonides)

Abram Davidov - Microdialysis Delivery of the Sedative/Hypnotic Eszopiclone to the Basal Forebrain Differentially Alters Acetylcholine Release in Lean/Fit (HCR) Rats and Obese/Metabolic Syndrome (LCR). (Mentors: Ralph Lydic and Kent Berridge)

Sarah Feenstra - Pain, Sleep, and Mood in Individuals with Spinal Cord Injury. (Mentors: Claire Kalpakjian and Terry Robinson)

Michael Frank - Replacing Leptin in Leptin-Deficient Mice Restores the Antinociceptive Effects of an Adenosine A1 Receptor Agonist in the Pontine Reticular Formation. (Mentors: Helen Baghdoyan and Kent Berridge)

Yamini Jadcherla - The Effects of Postnatal Administration of Flutamide and Rosiglitazone on Mating Behavior in Suffolk Sheep with Prenatal Testosterone Treatment. (Mentors: Theresa Lee and Elizabeth Peckham)

Claire Meurice - Sex Differences in the Effects of Adolescent THC Exposure on Adult Rat Behaviors. (Mentors: Jill Becker and Emily Jutkiewicz)

Nolan O’Hara - ERN Sensitivity to Honest and Dishonest Self-Reports. (Mentor: Bill Gehring)

Andrea Plawecki - GABAergic Elicitation of Fear and Feeding Behaviors in the Nucleus Accumbens Shell are Dopamine Independent. (Mentor: Kent Berridge)

Zubin Sedghi - Examining Interactions between Kappa-Opioid Receptors and Dopaminergic Transmission in the Striatum of Socially Monogamous Prairie Voles . (Mentor: Brandon Aragona)

Romeissa Selmane - The Effects of Deep Brain Stimulation on Taste Reactivity in the Central Nucleus of the Amygdala. (Mentor: J Aldridge)

Elizabeth Anastasia - Associations Between Active and Passive Child Noncompliance Strategies with Externalizing Behavior, Effortful Control, and Parental Discipline. (Mentor: Sheryl Olson)

Anna Badalian - The N-effect and the Size of the Competitive Venue . (Mentors: Stephen Garcia)

Abby Bailin - Family Risk and Protective Factors Associated with Adolescent Suicidal Ideation: A Meditational Model. (Mentor: Cheryl King)

Gilad Berkowitz - The Effects of Social Media on High-Quality Relationships between Agents and Clients. (Mentor: Jane Dutton)

Rachel Brigell - Behavioral Outcomes for Caribbean Adolescents in an Aggression-Reducing Intervention in a Custodial Setting . (Mentor: Albert Cain)

Julia Briskin - Enabling Adaptive Social Support in a Virtual Setting: Recounting versus Re-Constructing Negative Experience. (Mentors: Oscar Ybarra)

Heather Burcham - " I Do" Want it All: Weddings, Materialism, and Marital Satisfaction . (Mentors: Norbert Schwarz)

Lauren Bush - Associations Between Sleep Measures and Neurobehavioral Functioning in Children. (Mentors: Bruno Giordani and Elise Hodges)

Xirui (Rae) Cao - Cultural Variations in Emotion Regulation Strategy: Investigation of Event-Related Brain Potential (ERP). (Mentor: Shinobu Kitayama)

Margaret Cease - The Presence of Memory: How Guided Attention Influences Recall and Recognition. (Mentor: Norbert Schwarz)

Camellia Das - African American Women and Friend Groups: The Association Between the Presence of White Friends, Body Dissatisfaction, and Disordered Eating Behaviors. (Mentor: Elizabeth Cole)

Leah Goldmann - Exploring the Social Relationship Between Cultural Mindset and Spatial Ability. (Mentor: Daphna Oyserman)

Aakash Gupta - Investigating Individual Differences in Decision-Making Styles. (Mentors: Thad Polk)

Nader Hakim - Sources of Information and Norms Regarding Sexual Issues Among Indian Male Young Adults. (Mentor: Rona Carter)

Heather Hennrick - Conjugation and Contagion: Effects of Verb Form on Judgments of Positive and Negative Contagion . (Mentor: Susan Gelman)

Abby Herringshaw - Predictors of Adjustment in College Students. (Mentor: Edward Chang)

Courtney Hsing - Alexithymia and Levels of Emotion Processing. (Mentor: Stephanie Preston)

Ka Ip - Internalizing and Externalizing Behaviors of Children of Alcoholics in Heterogeneous Family Structures . (Mentors: Jennifer Jester and Robert Zucker)

Stephanie Kim - Sibling relationships, birth status, and personality: A qualitative study of Asian American College Students . (Mentor: Donna Nagata)

Dayana Kupisk - Busy Today, Better Tomorrow? Extracurriculars and Parent-child Relations as Protective Factors for Latino Adolescents . (Mentor: Rosario Ceballo)

Shaon Lahiri - Assessing the Associations between Treatment Modality and Client Characteristics on Treatment Outcome for Heroin Addiction through a Lagged Mediation Model. (Mentors: Amy Bohnert and Jennifer Myers)

Jill Mailing - Classroom Management and Self-Regulation: The Role of Teacher Perceptions in Shaping Outcomes. (Mentor: Frederick Morrison)

Kelsey Martin - The Existence of Implicit and Explicit Stereotypes about Unfemininity in STEM and the Effect of Feminine Role Models. (Mentor: Denise Sekaquaptewa)

Mara Minasian - Self-Distancing and Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy Homework Exercise: A Longitudinal Study Examining the Completion of Daily Worry Logs in the Third Person. (Mentor: Ethan Kross)

Leslie Monheit- How the Transition to College Affects School and Math Self Concept. (Mentor: Denise Sekaquaptewa)

Michael Moore - Believing that Gay Men are More Feminine than Straight Men: How Stereotype Threat and Identity Stability Affect Sexual Minority Men . (Mentor: Denise Sekaquaptewa)

Leslie Moreno - Father Involvement and Firstborn Adjustment to the Birth of a Sibling . (Mentor: Brenda Volling)

Lane Nesbitt - Jealousy and Competition: Imagined Partner Flirting Behavior Increases Testosterone in Partnered Women . (Mentor: Sari van Anders)

Ann Newberg - Individualized Instruction and Teachers' Perceptions of their Students Skills. (Mentor: Frederick Morrison)

Hannah Noah - Thinking About my Amazing (photos of) Vacation: On the Relationship between Cognition and Technology . (Mentors: Phoebe Ellsworth)

Devon Oosting - Effects of Child Behavior Problems on the Development of Preschoolers’ Sleep Problems: A Longitudinal Examination . (Mentors: Sheryl Olson and Barbara Felt)

Ashli Owens - Notes and Learning from Lecture . (Mentors: Kevin Miller and Kai Cortina)

Cassandra Pentzien - The Role of Cognitive Depletion from Playing Video Games in Promoting Aggression . (Mentor: L Huesmann)

Christopher Photiades - The Emotional and Pragmatic Life in Cities Under Pressure: Lessons Learned from an Ethnographic Study of Ferndale, Michigan . (Mentor: Phillip Creekmore)

Erica Podsiadly - Math Teachers’ Question-Fixation Patterns: Fair or Gender Biased?. (Mentor: Kevin Miller)

Amy Ransohoff - Examining the Relationship Between Cortical Thickness and Memory Abilities in Major Depressive Disorder. (Mentors: Scott Langenecker and Sara Wright)

Sara Schafrann - The Effect of Disruption on the Executive Functioning of Kindergartners with Typically and Atypically Developing Peers. (Mentors: Frederick Morrison)

Davia Steinberg - Desperately Seeking Support: Pregnant Women Experiencing Intimate Partner Violence. (Mentor: Sandra Graham-Bermann)

Emily Sterling - Family Perspectives on the Sibling Experience of Childhood Cancer. (Mentors: Brad Zebrack and Brenda Volling)

Steve Strycharz - Embodied Self: Using Embodied Processes to Examine the Dynamic Construction of the Self in Context. (Mentors: Daphna Oyserman)

Elise Wojewoda - Classroom Management Strategies and Executive Function Development: A Cross-Cultural Comparison Between U.S. and Chinese Kindergarten Classrooms . (Mentors: Frederick Morrison)

Courtney Zulauf - Preschool Precursors of Children's Peer Rejection during the Late School-Age Years: The Roles of Early Aggressive Behavior and Harsh Parental Discipline . (Mentor: Sheryl Olson)

Samantha Ashinoff - Functional Connectivity in Adolescents with Autism Spectrum Disorders. (Mentor: C. Monk)

Priyang Baxi - Cross-Cultural Differences in Financial Risk-taking: India and the United States. (Mentors: P. Shah & R. Mahalingam)

Cyril Bennouna - Aspects of Executive Function in Bipolar I: Mood, Duration, and Age. ( Mentor: P. Deldin)

Anita Calwas - Psychophysiological Processing of Emotional and Self-Referential Information in Schizophrenia . (Mentor: P. Deldin)

Michelle Cardinal - Scaling of Chewing Rate Variables. (G. Gerstner)

Sara Chadwich - Reclaiming Sexual Deviance as Sexual Liberality: A Study of Attitudes, Behaviors, and Testosterone . (Mentor: S. Van Anders)

Megan Davis - Fathers’ Testosterone, Marital Quality, and Fathers’ Interactions with their 12-Month-Old Infants. (Mentor: B. Volling)

Aaron Garcia - NMDA Stimulation and AMPA Blockade in the Nucleus Accumbens Shell Generate Appetitive and Fearful Motivation . (Mentor: K.  Berridge)

Amanda Gehrke - Differential Performance of Children With and Without Cerebral Palsy on Graphomotor Cognitive Processing Speed Measures . (Mentors: J. Kaufman & J. Jonides)

Rachel German - Negative Transfer of Response Inhibition: Toward Selective Fatigue of a Non-unitary Executive. (Mentor: P. Reuter-Lorenz)

Matthew Gilles - Dissonance and Disgust: An Exploratory Analysis of Differences in Musical Liking under Negative Affect. (Mentor: R. Lewis)

Anson Kairys - The Effect of Pain on Attentional Processing. (Mentors: D. Meyer & J. Glass)

Sarah Leitman - Evaluating Behavioral and Genetic Markers of Reading Ability. (Mentor: T. Polk)

Nina Massad - Hot Cognition: Effects of Emotion on Interference Resolution in Working Memory. (Mentor: P. Reuter-Lorenz)

Bianca Moiseff - At the Rhythm of Language: Neural Bases of Language-Related Frequency Perception in Children . (Mentor: I. Kovelman)

Elana Mosesova - The Donation Dilemma: Differences in Giving Behavior When Primed with Negative and Positive Economy Factors and a Working Memory Load. (Mentors: P. Shah & S. Preston)

Ana Orejuela - White Matter in Pediatric Posttraumatic Stress Disorder: a Diffusion Tensor Imaging Study. (Mentors: S. Perkins & I. Liberzon)

Jory Piglowski - The effects of male eyelid openness on perceptions of mating strategy: Ladies and gentleman, beware of the squinty-eyed guy! (Mentors: D. Kruger & D. Sekaquaptewa)

Andy Pollens - Investigating the Attentional Impairments in the Sign-Tracker: Implications for ADHD and Drug Addiction. (Mentor: T. Robinson)

Joshua Prasad - The Effects of Psychological Distancing on Working Memory Function. (Mentor: E. Kross)

Rachel Proudfoot - Eye Movements During Motivational Argument Processing . (Mentor: J. Boland)

Chelsea Schoen - The Effects of Continuous Deep Brain Stimulation on Food Consumption in Basal Forebrain Structures that Support Self-Stimulation. (Mentors: J.W. Aldridge & S. Ross)

Maria Tocco - Emotional Telescoping: Distorted Memories and Predictions of Emotional Intensity for the Events of 9/11 . (Mentor: C. Lustig)

Caitlin Vander Weele - Real-time Dopamine Transmission within the Nucleus Accumbens Core and Shell Following Morphine. (Mentor: B. Aragona)

David Bushart - Neostriatal Dopamine Modulates Motivation: Incentive Salience Generation in the Neostriatum . (Mentor: K. Berridge)

Benjamin Fensterheim - Selective Suppression of Striatal Fast Spiking Interneurons in Vivo. (Mentor: J. Berke)

Kate Gilliam - Prenatal Bisphenol-A Alters Response to Novelty In the Environment in Suffolk Sheep. (Mentor: T. Lee)

Samantha Greenberg - Effects of Social Research Methodology on Cortisol and Testosterone . (Mentors: S. Van Anders & T. Lee)

Caely Hambro - Interactions between the Dopamine and the Dynorphin/Kappa Opioid Receptor System Regulate both Positive and Negative Social Behavior in Prairie Voles. (Mentor: B. Aragona)

Morgan Kuhnmuench - Mesolimbic Dopamine and Opioid Interactions in the Regulation of Pair Bond Maintenance in the Socially Monogamous Prairie Vole. (Mentor: B. Aragona)

Mary Larijani - Investigating the Dynamic Properties of Reward Processing: A Shift in Incentive Motivation Converts an Aversive Salt Cue into an Appetitive Motivational Magnet . (Mentor: K. Berridge)

Stephanie Lazar - Systemic Administration of Dexmedetomidine Disrupts Sleep Architecture and Does Not Decrease Adenosine Levels in the Substantia Innominata of the Sprague-Dawley Rat. (Mentors: R. Lydic & K. Berridge)

Pei-Hsuan (Patricia) Lee - Examination of Novelty-Seeking Behavior in Selectively-Bred Rat Lines that Differ in Addiction Liability. (Mentors: S. Flagel & T. Robinson)

Caitlin Mallory - Sustained Attention and Associated Acetylcholine Release in Choline High-Affinity Transporter Hemizygous Mice. (Mentor: M. Sarter)

Tori Nault - Determining the Relevance of Single Prolonged Stressors in Altering Glucocorticoid Receptor Expression in the Prefrontal Cortex and Hippocampus. (Mentors: I. Liberzon & J.W. Aldridge)

Melanie Sottile - Dopaminergic Effects on Temporal Processing in Parkinson‟s Disease: A Pharmacological and Genetics Approach. (Mentor: R. Seidler)

Maria Tecos - Neurocognitive Effects of Resolving Interference for People Suffering from Bipolar Disorder . (J. Jonides)

Adam Weiner - Effect of Prenatal Testosterone Treatment on Novelty-seeking Behavior in Sheep . (Mentor: T. Lee)

Josephine Au - A Longitudinal Study Examining the Role of Social Connectedness in the Course of Depressive Symptoms: An Evaluation of Transfer and Freshman Students . (Mentor: N. Park)

Stephen Behan - Third Places and Subjective Well-Being Among College Students. (Mentors: C. Peterson & N. Park)

Katherine Billerbeck - The Development of Intersectional Awareness in Youth Dialogues. (Mentor: R. Mahalingam)

Amanda Broderick - Changes in Maternal Representations of the Mother-Child Relationship: Evaluating a Parenting Intervention Study.(Mentors: M Muzik & K. Rosenblum)

Sara Burke - Stigmatized Sources and Stigmatized Content: Liberals and Conservatives React Differently to Fat Authors . (Mentor: T. Conley)

Corissa Carlson - The Effects of Reality Television on Social Relationships in Adolescence. (Mentor: L Ward)

Zachary Ciullo - Move Your Mood: Effects on Functioning for Adolescents with Depression . (Mentors: D. Richard & C. King)

Sarah Cremer - Cluster Analysis of Eating Disorder Behaviors using EMA Technology: A Secondary Analysis of Randomized Clinical Trial Data . (Mentors: K. Stein & D. Oyserman)

Riordan D'Lasnow - High and Low Inference Test of the Teacher Gender Attention Bias Hypothesis . (Mentors: K. Cortina & K. Miller)

Veronica Diaz - Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Adrenal Axis Deactivation as Predictor of Depressive Symptoms in College Students. (Mentor: N. Lopez-Duran)

Alanna Farber - Psychological Resiliency in Parentally Bereaved Children. (Mentor: J. Kaplow)

Michael Fialkoff - Depression and Creative Intelligence . (Mentor: R. Nisbett)

Laura Gabriel - To Go or Not to Go? Differential Activation during Response Inhibition in Major Depressive Disorder . (Mentor: S. Langenecker)

Maria Galano - Predicting Shelter Residence for Women Experiencing Recent Intimate Partner Violence. (Mentor: S. Graham-Bermann)

Alex Goldberg - Effects of a Self-Distancing Perspective on the Fundamental Attribution Error: An Attempt at De-Biasing. (Mentor: E. Kross)

Allison Gollub - Images of Identity-Congruent Action and Their Effects on Women's Possible Selves. (Mentor: D. Oyserman)

Sichen Gong - For Myself or For My Friend? Cultural Modulation of Error-Related Negativity (ERN) in Decision Making. (Mentor: S. Kitayama)

Kathleen Hlavaty - Adolescent Positive and Negative Behavior and the impact on the Transition to Adulthood. (Mentor: P. Davis-Kean)

Susannah Hope - Relationships Between Race, Generativity, Activist Identification, and Activism for Midlife Women . (Mentor: A. Stewart)

Kristin Houck - An Examination of Gender Differences in the Development of Spontaneous Language Measured by the Observation of Spontaneous Expressive Language (OSEL). (Mentor: C. Lord)

Ching Hung - Clutter in the Classroom: Distracting Effects on Novice and Experienced Teachers. (Mentors: K. Miller & K. Cortina)

Mengyin Jiang - Cultural Differences in Emotion-Regulation: Investigation of Event-Related Brain Potential (ERP). (Mentors: S. Kitayama & A. Murata)

Rebeca Kelly - Ultrasonic Vocalizations as a Behavioral Index of Cocaine-induced Contextual Conditioning in STs vs. GTs: Implications for Addiction. (Mentor: T. Robinson)

Jungsoo Kim - Parents’/Guardians’ Presence in the Operatory During their Child’s Dental Visit: A Person-Environmental Fit Analysis. (Mentor: M. Inglehart)

Tae Kim - Promoting Conceptually Sound Thinking (CST) About ADHD: An Empirical Survey. (Mentor: J. Hansell)

Heather Krieger - Conversations About Drinking. (Mentor: P. Davis-Kean)

Jocelyn Kuhn - World Language Learning and Cultural Beliefs Among Elementary Students. (Mentors: S. Gelman & M. Cooligan)

Tao Li - The Impact of Group Membership and Belief Similarity on Alexithymia and Aggression. (Mentor: S. Konrath)

Natalie Lin - Understanding the Link between Perfectionism and Adjustment in College Students: Examining the Role of Maximizing . (Mentor: E. Chang)

Madeline Lupei - Two Types of Disgust: Physical Disgust is to Fear as Moral Disgust is to Anger . (Mentor: P. Ellsworth)

Nazanin Maghsoodi - The Rey Complex Figure is Moderately Useful as a Screen for Poor Effort Among Veterans with Possible Mild Traumatic Brain Injury . (Mentor: L. Bieliauskas)

Alyson Makstein - Relationship Attachment Styles and Attachment to Food. (Mentor: P. Davis-Kean)

Elan Mendelowitz - Experiences with Bullying: Socio-emotional Predictors of Cyberbullying and Cyber-victimization. (Mentor: L. Huesmann)

Crosby Modrowski - Comparing Traumatic Symptoms at Home and in Therapy for Preschoolers Exposed to Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) . (Mentor: S. Graham-Bermann)

Mira Mooreville - Maternal Warmth and Child Internalizing and Externalizing Problems: A Longitudinal Study of Risk Specificity. (Mentor: S. Olson)

Aesha Mustafa -Students’ Awakening to Privilege, Oppression, Discrimination, and Social Justice: A Quantitative Analysis of Students’ Engagement with Diverse Communities. (Mentor: L. Gutierrez)

Annalyn Ng Li-ting - Quantity vs. Quality: Individual Differences in Capacity and Resolution of Visual Working Memory . (Mentor: P. Shah)

Wai Ngan - A Cross-Cultural study of the Relations between Kindergarteners’ Skills And the Teachers’ Directional Language . (Mentor: F. Morrison)

Shardae Osuna - Intercultural Competency: An Assessment of International/U.S. Intergroup Dialogues at the University of Michigan. (Mentors: P. Gurin & J. Yim)

Yiwen Pan - Determinants of Discrimination Against Asians: Social Stereotypes and Perceived Communication Ease. (Mentor: D. Sekaquaptewa)

Jazmine Powell - Gender Effect of Parent-Child Relationships on Parental Health. (Mentor: T. Antonucci)

Jacqueline Rau - Promoting Emotion Regulation during a Current Stressful Task through Self-Distancing. (Mentor: E. Kross)

Jillian Rosati - Mom Power Intervention: Effectiveness at Increasing Maternal Sensitivity among High Risk Mother-Child Dyads . (Mentors: M. Muzik & K. Rosenblum)

Chelsea Samples-Steele - Adult Attachment as a Predictor of Touch Attitudes and Touch Behavior in Romantic Relationships . (Mentor: R. Edelstein)

Stephanie Schroder - Delinquency With and Without Substance Use: Examining the Heterogeneity of Delinquency in Adolescents. (Mentor: J. Schulenberg)

Elisha Shaw - I’m Gonna Wash That Man Right Outta My Hair:” Wiping Away the Negative Affect Evoked by Recalling Bad Relationships. (Mentor: N. Schwarz)

Helene Simons - The Impact of Family History of Alcoholism and Depression on Sleep. (Mentors: D. Conroy & P. Deldin)

Christina Steinman - Mandarin- and English-learning Infants’ Self-Correction During Noun and Verb Matching: Implications for early word comprehension . (Mentor: T. Tardif)

Jennifer Sun - Social Integration is Associated with Influenza Vaccination in a Nationally Representative Sample of Older US Adults. (Mentors: C. Peterson & N. Park)

Rachel Throop - The Effects of Health and Marital Support on Subjective Well-being in Midlife and Old Age . (Mentor: J. Smith)

Lauren Tighe - Intergenerational Ambivalence from Adolescence to Young Adulthood: Implications for Well-being . (Mentors: K. Birditt & T. Antonucci)

Jaclyn Vansloten - Attachment Orientation and Leadership Style: From Child’s Play to Partnerships with the Person Upstairs . (Mentor: F. Lee)

Xiao Wang - Through Teachers’ Eyes: Teacher Attention During U.S. Elementary Literacy and Mathematics Lessons. (Mentors: K. Miller & K. Cortina)

Kristen Williams - Using What You Know: The Effects of Genital Knowledge and Sexual Subjectivity on Orgasm Frequency in Women. (Mentor: S. McClelland)

Alexandra Wills - The Effects of Maternal Depression and Inter-Parental Conflict on Children’s Externalizing Disorders Over Time. (Mentor: S. Olson)

Karen Wullaert - Harassment in the Workplace: Factors Relating to Discrimination in Organizations. (Mentor: L. Cortina)

Cynthia Yuen - A Cross-Cultural Analysis of Chinese and American Parental Attributions of Child Misbehavior, Discipline Strategies, and Children’s Behavioral Adjustment . (Mentor: S. Olson)

Stephen Zavitz - Adults’ Understanding of Extraordinary Mental, Perceptual, and Physical Capacities . (Mentor: E. Evans)

Brain, Behavior & Cognitive  Science

Amna Agha - The Expression of BDNF is Regulated by an Endogenous Circadian Rhythm in Rats. (Mentor: T. Lee)

Bryan Benson - Improving Motor Learning: The Effects of Rest Breaks and Mode of Instruction. (Mentor: R. Seidler)

Erin Cable - Prenatal Testosterone Masculinizes Auditory Sibling Recognition in Juvenile Sheep. (Mentor: T. Lee)

Anna Chase - The Relationship between Cardiovascular Health and Memory in Midlife and Old Age. (Mentor: J. Smith)

Li Hui Chiang - Effects of Beta-blockers on Memory in Veterans at the Ann Arbor Veterans Affairs Hospital . (Mentor: L. Bieliauskas)

Kathleen Darbor - Individual Differences in Creativity: How Different Processes and Mind-Wandering Influence Performance . (Mentor: P. Shah)

Nika George - Demographic Characteristics Associated with Depression Severity, Suicidal Ideation and Treatment Engagement During Pregnancy . (Mentor: H. Flynn)

Christina Hong - Error-Related Brain Activity in Anxiety Disorders: The Hyperactivity of the ERN . (Mentor: W. Gehring)

Natalie Hsiao Fang-Yen - The Effect of Spaced versus Massed Practice in Musical Skill Acquisition. (Mentor: T. Polk)

Shayna Liberman - Applying the Challenge Hypothesis to Wild, Adult Male Chacma Baboons (Papio ursinus) . (Mentor: J. Beehner)

Irene Liu - Individual Differences in Working Memory and Susceptibility to Distractor Nouns in Subject-Verb Agreement. (Mentor: J. Boland)

Amanda Markowitz - Factors that Affect Taxonomic versus Thematic Preferences in Children and Adults: The Role of Manipulability . (Mentor: S. Gelman)

Kortni Meyers - The Influence of Depression and Diabetes on Cognitive Function in Older Adults. (Mentors: E. Hodges & B. Giordani)

Kelly Reina - Neophilia in the Domestic Cat (Felis catus) . (Mentor: B. Smuts)

Andrew Rosenberg - Effects of G93A-SOD1 Expression on Zebrafish Motor Neuron Development and Efficacy of IGF-I. (Mentors: E. Feldman & R. Roth)

Surya Sabhapathy - Contributions of Genetic Variation in CHT1 to Human Attention. (Mentor: C. Lustig)

Alexandra Seal - Desire for Control, Experienced Control and Dental Fear: A Quasi-Experimental Investigation. (Mentor: M. Inglehart)

William Stone - Neural Circuitry Responsible for Regulation and Control of Self-directed Attention and Decision Making. (Mentors: C. Sripada & I. Liberzon)

Brittany Strawman - Amphetamine-Enhanced Sensation Seeking and Its Neural Correlates in the Ventral Pallidum . (Mentor: J. W. Aldridge)

Kathryn Swanson - The Impact of Narcotics on Cognitive Functioning in Patients at the Ann Arbor VA. (Mentor: L. Bieliauskas)

Alexander Taylor - Genetics of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Vulnerability through the Endophenotype of Neuroticism. (Mentors: I. Liberzon & A. King)

Halle Zucker - Multiple Memory Systems?: Serial Position Dependent False Memory Effects . (Mentor: P. Reuter-Lorenz)

Joseph Domino - Individual Differences in the Ability of a Nicotine Cue to Acquire Incentive Value. (Mentor: T. Robinson)

Pe-feng Hsieh - Comparison of the Endocannabinoid and Orexin Hedonic Hotspots for Sensory Pleasure in the Ventral Pallidum . (Mentor: K. Berridge)

Syed Shabbir - Effect of Pregabalin on Diabetic Chronic Neuropathic Pain. (Mentor: P. Paulson)

Melissa Tan - Maternal Separation as an Early Life Stressor and Its Effects on the Regulation of HPA Axis Function and Noradrenergic Activity in Rats Exposed to Single Prolonged Stress. (Mentor: I. Liberzon)

Riti Trivedi - Does Handedness Affect Interhemispheric Interactions? A Lifespan Approach. (Mentor: R. Seidler)

Mary Winters - Have Your Cake and Eat It Too: Glucose Effects on Attention and Memory. (Mentor: C. Lustig)

Andrew Wisti - The Effects of Musical Training on Bimanual Control and Interhemispheric Transfer . (Mentor: R. Seidler)

Naomi Anest - Depression, Rumination and Sleep Disturbance. (Mentor: P. Deldin)

Steven Bengal - Implicit Egotism and Decision Complexity. (Mentor: N. Schwarz)

Samuel Boas - The Effects of Social Exclusion on Attention to Vocal Tone As Measured by Event-Related Potentials . (Mentor: S. Kitayama)

Leah Boepple - The Effect of Emotion on Response Inhibition and Cognitive Flexibility in Bipolar I Disorder. (Mentor: P. Deldin)

Kevin Callender - The Effects of Parental Depression, Cognitions, and Discipline on Later Child Externalizing Behavior . (Mentors: S. Olson & C. King)

Kimberly Canter - Childhood Knowledge of Recovery from Serious and Non-Serious Illness . (Mentor: S. Gelman)

Lana Castor - The Impact of Additional Traumatic Events on Trauma Symptoms and PTSD in Preschool-Aged Children Exposed to Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) . (Mentor: S. Graham-Bermann)

Patricia Chen - Yin and Yang Theory of Competition: Social Comparison and Evaluation Apprehension Reciprocally Drive Competitive Motivation. (Mentor: S. Garcia)

Jaeyeon Chung - Nationalism and Antagonism: Koreans' Purchasing Behavior towards Japanese Products . (Mentor: C. Yoon)

Andrew Fayad - The Impact of Service Climate on Promotion- and Prevention-Based Proactivity, and the Moderating Role of Individual Differences. (Mentors: G. Spreitzer & F. Lee)

Allison Fifolt - Masculinity and the Body: Body Image among White and Asian American Men. (Mentor: E. Cole)

Kate Gasparrini - Language in Autism Spectrum Disorders: An Examination of the Observation Scale of Expressive Language. (Mentor: C. Lord)

Brennan Haase - Why Are You Mad at Me? Misperception of Negative Emotions as Angry in Major Depressive Disorder. (Mentor: S. Langenecker)

Michelle Hampton - Religion, Activism, Identity and the Global Feminisms Project: A Qualitative Study of a Paradoxical Relationship. (Mentor: A. Stewart)

Jenna Hedglen - A Developmental Study of Asymmetry in Generic Meaning. (Mentor: S. Gelman)

Adam Horwitz - Coping Styles and their Relation to Depression and Suicide Ideation in Adolescents. (Mentor: C. King)

Minzheng Hou - The Nail That Stands Out Gets Pounded Down: An Analysis of Inter and Intragroup Aggression. (Mentor: S. Konrath)

Jean Kim - The Conceptualization and Assessment of the Perceived Consequences of Perfectionism. (Mentor: E. Chang)

Ryan Leclerc - Malcolm X and the Hajj: A Change in Tamed Power . (Mentor: D. Winter)

Sarah Linden - The Effects of Dyadic Social Withdrawal On Parent-Child Relationships. (Mentor: T. Conley)

Stacey McGregor - The Analysis of Personality through Language: Narcissism Predicts use of Shame-Related Words in Narratives . (Mentor: R. Edelstein)

Lolita Moss - Still in the Shadows: Representations of Black Women in Film. (Mentor: L. M. Ward)

Fiona Nowlin - Getting Beyond a Negative First Impression: Thin-Slice Judgments of Teacher Personality . (Mentor: K. Miller)

Lauren Oglevee - Locus of Control, Interpersonal Trust, and Self-Construal: Psychological Correlates of Pro-Environmental Behaviors. (Mentor: F. Yates)

Shannon Olinyk - Relationship between Body Mass Index and Depressive Symptoms. (Mentors: N. Lopez-Duran & J. Sapala)

Kathryn Osher - Sibling Jealousy as Observed in a Triadic Family Context . (Mentor: B. Volling)

Shira Oyserman - Does the Weather of the Day Influence Sentencing Lengths in Judicial Proceedings? (Mentors: J.J. Prescott & F. Yates)

David Reinhard - The Influence of Weight Cues on Product Perceptions. (Mentor: N. Schwarz)

Patricia Richardson - Infant Temperament and Perceived Parenting: Predicting Child Behavioral Outcomes at 18 months. (Mentors: M. Muzik & K. Rosenblum)

Michael Rudowski - Exploring the Effects of Brooding Rumination as a Mediator in the Relationship between Positive and Negative Perfectionism and Depressive Symptoms in a Clinical Population. (Mentor: P. Deldin)

Kirsten Schohl - Does Spousal Support Modify the Link between Psychopathology and Maternal Behavior in Mothers with Childhood Trauma? (Mentor: M. Muzik)

Alayna Schreier - Sibling interactions: The role of older siblings in the social and communication development of children with autism spectrum disorders. (Mentor: C. Lord)

Chelsea Slater - Do Gender Incongruent Careers Adversely Influence Criminal Punishment Assessment? (Mentor: P. Ellsworth)

Ryan Stringer - A Life Course Perspective on Depression after Age 50: The Role of Lifetime Traumatic Events, Negative Interpersonal Relationships, and Chronic Stressors. (Mentor: J. Smith)

Amy Taub - Parental Demand for Precision in Their Preschool Children’s Letter Writing. (Mentor: F. Morrison)

Derek Towster - F Juries! Validating an Abbreviated Pretrial Juror Attitude Questionnaire. (Mentor: D. Winter)

William Tsai - Examining the Relations Between Rumination and Adjustment: A Focus on Ethnicity. (Mentor: E. Chang)

Randy Vander Molen – A Content Analysis of Character Strengths and Affective States in Military Leaders. (Mentor: C. Peterson)

Elvina Wardjiman - Daily Interpersonal Tensions and Salivary Cortisol: The Role of Personality. (Mentors: K. Birditt & T. Antonucci)

Suzannah Wisher-Love - Prenatal and Postnatal Depression and PTSD in Mothers Surviving Trauma. (Mentor: K. Rosenblum)

Ashish Chaddha – Effects of Heat Shock Protein on Amyloid Precursor Protein Catabolism. (Mentors: I. Saluja & R. Turner)

Alayna Czuj - Dopamine Blockade by α-Flupenthixol and Its Effects on the Acquisition and Expression of Incentive Salience. (Mentor: T. Robinson)

Aaron Ducoffe - Effects of Geographic Origin and Health Status on Agonistic Behavior of Aegean Wall Lizards. (Mentors: J. Foutopoulos & J. Beehner)

Daniel Kessler - Predictive Reliability of the Mandarin Chinese (Putonghua) Communicative Developmental Inventories Across Early Performance-Based Strata. (Mentor: T. Tardif)

Andrea King – Changes in Circadian Rhythms During Puberty in Rattus norvegicus: Developmental Time Course & Gonadal Dependency. (Mentor: T. Lee)

Nikhil Kurapati - Functional Connectivity in Youth at Risk for Depression . (Mentor: C. Monk)

Katherine Martin - Phonological and Working Memory and L2 Grammar Learning . (Mentor: N. Ellis)

Emily Sallen - False Working Memories: Comparison Between Semantic and Phonological Distortions.  (Mentor: P. Reuter-Lorenz)

Michael-Paul Schallmo - Papez Circuit Activation Observed with Functional Imaging During Semantic List Learning in Healthy Adults. (Mentor: S. Langenecker)

Shane Schwikert - The Effect of Ambiguous Stimuli on the Error Signal in ERP . (Mentor: W. Gehring)

Ryan Selleck - Increase in Conditioned Place Preference and Feeding After Mu-opioid Activation in the Bed Nucleus of the Stria Terminalis . (Mentor: K. Berridge)

Belinda Shih - The Effect of Prenatal Testosterone Exposure on Maternal and Sibling Vocal Recognition in Lambs. (Mentor: T. Lee)

Alexis Thompson - Unaware vs. Aware Errors: An Anti-Saccade Feedback Task. (Mentor: W. Gehring)

Wai-Ying Yau - Brain Imaging and Injury. (Mentors: M. Heitzeg & J. Zubieta)

David Altshuler - Cry2 Expression in the Cortex and Suprachiasmatic Nucleus During Puberty in Octodon degus. (Mentor: T. Lee)

Lauren Dayton -The Effects of Iron Deficiency at Infancy on Working Memory Among Preadolescents. (Mentor: C. Monk)

Casey Lwo - Effects of RFRP-3 on Luteinizing Surge and Sex Behavior in Female Rats. (Mentors: T. Lee & E. Peckham)

Katherine MacDuffie - Investigating Working Memory Distortions in Alzheimer’s Disease. (Mentor: P. Reuter-Lorenz)

Alexander Wiltschko - Opposing Effects of Amphetamine and Eticlopride on Striatal Fast-Spiking Interneuron Firing . (Mentor: J. Berke)

Emily Arnstein - Associations Between Corporal Punishment and Behavioral Adjustment in Preschool-Aged Boys and Girls. (Mentor: S. Olson)

Brittany Branand - Parental Involvement and College Academic Achievement: Parental Support, Parent-Student Relationship, and Effort. (Mentor: J. Hagen)

Kathleen Bruder – Quantitative Assessment of Autistic Symptomatology by Parents and Teachers Using the Social Responsiveness Scale (SRS). (Mentors: C. Lord & S. Risi)

Pooja Desai - Sign-Tracking and Its Relation to Food-Carrying Behaviors. (Mentor: T. Robinson)

Alex Dopp - Peer Support and Emotional Adjustment of Bereaved Children Over Time. (Mentor: A. Cain)

Elizabeth Dries - Multinationalism and Performance: Does Multinational Experience Predict Competence? (Mentor: F. Lee)

Samantha Drotar - The Effects of One’s Sub-Group Identity on the Formation of a Common In-Group Identity. (Mentor: R. Gonzalez)

Michele Dunsky - How Much is Too Much? Investigating When Very High Parental Monitoring Levels Hinder Adolescent Development. (Mentor: J. Schulenberg)

Tracy Ederer - Revealing Individual Differences in Decision-Making Behavior. (Mentor: T. Polk)

Daniel Ehrmann - Sleep-Disordered Breathing, Physiological Sequelae, and the Neurobiological Relationship with Psychopathology . (Mentor: P. Deldin)

Michael Finn - Personality Traits and Relapse Rates: A Survival Analysis. (Mentors: J. Hansell & E. Robinson)

Kayla Frick - Parenting and Child Mental Health: The Role of Openness in Internationally Adoptive Families . (Mentors: K. Freeark-Zucker & K. Rosenblum)

Jamarie Geller - The Implicit Self: Comparing the Effects of Self-Kindness and Self-Criticism Priming on Symptoms of Depression. (Mentor: E. Kross)

Hannah Goldman - The Home Advantage in Elite-Level Ice Hockey. (Mentor: T. George)

Whitney Hall - Police Interrogations: A Qualitative Analysis of Police Practices. (Mentor: P. Ellsworth)

Jennifer Hartsell - Compassionate and Self-Image Goals as Predictors for Problem Discussions in Romantic Relationships . (Mentors: A. Canevello & J. Crocker)

Kathleen Hazlett - The Role of Perfectionism in Maladjustment: Cause, Consequence, or Covariate? (Mentor: E. Chang)

Laura Hieber - Early Auditory Sensory Processing Deficits in Schizophrenia. (Mentor: P. Deldin)

Ryan Hill - Predicting Continued Elevated Suicide Risk Among Adolescents. (Mentor: C. King)

Avanti Jangalapalli - Children of Alcoholics’ Physical Health Outcomes in Early Childhood. (Mentors: A. Buu & R. Zucker)

Sara Johnson-Cardona - Gender Ideologies, Paternal Involvement, Martial Relationship Quality, and Infant Attachment: Exploring Dynamics in Couples Expecting a Second Child. (Mentor: B. Volling)

Rachel Kay - Maternal Stress and Infant Outcomes: The Impact of Perinatal Anxiety on Pregnancy and Delivery Outcomes . (Mentor: H. Flynn)

Calli-Ev Kosch - Promoting Postpartum Resilience in the Face of Childhood Trauma: The Roles of Individuals and Social Traits . (Mentor: M. Muzik)

Jean Kwek - The Contribution of Activity Experience to Self-Regulation Development in Preschoolers. (Mentor: F. Morrison)

Jennifer LaCosse - Mortality Salience, Self-Regulation and Two Types of Self-Affirmation. (Mentor: J. Crocker)

Celia Li - Teacher Reactive Disciplinary Language and Preschool Math and Literacy Skills . (Mentor: F. Morrison)

Yee Lam Li - Content and Organization of the Self-Concept as Potential Moderators of the Effects of the Media on Body Dissatisfactio n. (Mentors: K. Stein & L. M. Ward)

Kristin Mannella - Fire at Will: Empathy and Aggression in First Person Shooters. (Mentor: B. Bushman)

Jennifer Morack - Do Positive Perceptions of Aging Influence Well-Being in Older Adults? Findings from the Health and Retirement Study. (Mentor: J. Smith)

Erica Ranade - The Relations Between Young Children’s Understanding of Theory of Mind and Their Understanding of Expected and Unexpected Human Behaviors. (Mentors: M. Rhodes & H. Wellman)

Katherine Rice - The Effects of Motivation on Racial Differences in Elementary Cognitive Tasks. (Mentor: R. Nisbett)

Andria Robinson - Motivation and Learning Strategies of First-Generation and Nonfirst-Generation College Students. (Mentor: W. McKeachie)

Marjorie Shapiro - Parental Education Level: Academic Involvement and Success. (Mentor: J. Hagen)

Puneet Sodhi - The Effects of Associative Strength on False Working Memory. (Mentor: P. Reuter-Lorenz)

Nora Jean Sporn - The Effects of Sex Object, Thin-Ideal, and Body Part Images on Women’s Body Image. (Mentor: L. M. Ward)

Kavita Srivastava - Conceptualization and Development of the Appearance Perfectionism Scale: Preliminary Evidence for Validity and Utility in a College Student Population. (Mentor: E. Chang)

Jenna Stein - Relationships Between Body Modifications, Motivations, and Depression. (Mentor: J. Hansell)

Toby Steinberg - Children with Disorganized Attachment in Foster Care: Facilitating Caregiver Commitment and Psychological Availability. (Mentor: J. Ribaudo)

Alyson Sularz – The Contributions of Additional Traumatic Events to Trauma Symptoms and PTSD in Women Exposed to Intimate Partner Violence (IPV). (Mentor: S. Graham-Bermann)

Kelsie Thelen - Relations Between Maternal and Paternal Parenting Behaviors and Internalizing Symptoms in 3-year old Girls. (Mentor: S. Olson)

Abigail Van Bremen - Winner Take All Disputes in Legal Contexts: When Social Categories Disrupt Procedural Justice. (Mentor: S. Garcia)

Akshaya Varghese - Cultural Variation in Response to Strategic Display of Emotions During Negotiations: Comparing South Asians to North Americans. (Mentor: S. Kopelman)

Clare Wrobel - Facilitator Involvement in Fostering an Effective Intergroup Dialogue. (Mentor: P. Gurin)

Laura Yocky - Coparenting, Temperament, and Emotional Understanding: Mediating and Moderating Models Leading to the Development of Children’s Behavior Problems. (Mentor: B. Volling

Aaron Baugh - Oscine and Non-Oscine Responses to Sciurid Carolinensis Vocalizations. (Mentor: T. Bergman)

Patrick Bissett - Overcoming Interference in Memory and Responding. (Mentor: J. Jonides)

Stephen Chang - Stress and Reward: The Effects of Corticotropin-Releasing Factor on Cue-Triggered "Wanting" for Sucrose Reward. (Mentor: K. Berridge)

Alyse DeHaan - Exogenous Prenatal Androgen Exposure Alters the Development of Rank in Male and Female Suffolk Lambs. (Mentor: T. Lee)

Charlotte Gamble - Maternal Malaria and Birth Outcomes: Findings from Ghana. (Mentors: T. Lee & T. Johnson)

Lindsey Harik - Cognitive Deficits Associated with Anticholinergic Medications in Veterans at the Ann Arbor Veterans Affairs Hospital. (Mentor: L. Bieliauskas)

Katherine Kudyba - Psychopathology and HPA Axis Functioning in Postpartum Women Who Experience Childhood Maltreatment. (Mentors: K. Rosenblum & M. Muzik)

Atasi Satpathy - Risky Business: Differences in Financial Risk-Taking Behavior in South Asian Indians, Indian Americans, and Caucasian Americans. (Mentor: P. Shah & R. Mahalingam)

Cortney Sera - Ambiguity Resolution Using Visual Imagery for Linguistic Processing of Homographs. (Mentors: R. Lewis & J. Boland)

Jessica Koch - The Per1 Response to Light within the Suprachiasmatic Nucleus of the Diurnal Octodon Degus and the Nocturnal Rat. (Mentor: T. Lee)

Ian McLachlan - Reducing the Resistance of Recent Fear to Extinction: A Pharmacological Approach. (Mentor: S. Maren)

Sarah Na - The Extended Amygdala Modulates Food Intake and Other Associated Behaviors. (Mentor: K. Berridge)

John Wang - Neuroanatomy of Decision Making About Everyday Objects. (Mentor: S. Preston)

Sarah Williams - Cortical High Affinity Choline Uptake during Challenged Attentional Performance. (Mentor: M. Sarter)

Genevieve Aidala - Analyzing Messages About Alcohol, Motivations to Drink, and Associated Risky Behaviors. (Mentor: L.M. Ward)

Sarah Banco - Qualities of the Sibling Relationship as Risk Factors for Child Adjustment in Homes with Interpersonal Violence. (Mentor: S. Graham-Bermann)

Stephanie Becker - Marriage and Emotional Expressivity in Men and Women. (Mentor: B. Volling)

Emily Bendikas - Nature and Extent of Parental Control & Its Association with Preschool Self-Regulation. (Mentors: F. Morrison & L. Skibbe)

Stella Binkevich - The Gap in Media Usage Knowledge Between Parents and Their Children. (Mentor: B. Bushman)

Marguerite Bodem - Optimism-Pessimism and Adjustment in College Students: An Investigation of the Validity and Utility of a Domain-Specific Model of Outcome Expectancies. (Mentor: E. Chang)

Andrew Bronstein - Utilizing Diversity in College Classrooms for Educational Benefit: Student Development in Intergroup Dialogue. (Mentor: P. Gurin)

Lauren Clevenger - The Relationship of Sexual Abuse and Pain in Women with Chronic Pelvic Pain: The Mediating Role of Pain Catastrophizing. (Mentor: R. Roth)

Ciaran Considine - Unpredictability and Paranoia: The Desire to Be Unknown. (Mentor: N. Schwarz)

Mallory Cooper - The Influence of Marital Satisfaction on Paternal Involvement and Secure Attachment in Toddlers. (Mentor: B. Volling)

Daniel Davis - Cognitive Impairment in Male Incarcerated Youth. (Mentor: S. Graham-Bermann)

Belinda Feng - Asian Values Communication and Perceptions of Intergenerational Family Conflict Among Asian American College Students. (Mentor: D. Nagata)

Kristin France - Body Image, Body Composition, and Sociosexuality. (Mentor: R. Nesse)

Neisi Garcia - Individual Differences in Counterfactual Thinking and Training Effects: Implications for Jury Decision-Making. (Mentor: P. Shah)

Kristin Garrison - Expertise and Competency in Clinical Medicine: Knowing When to Stop. (Mentor: C. Seifert)

Laura Girz - The Relationship Between Parenting Practices and Attitudes Toward Dating Violence for Asian American and White College Students. (Mentor: P. Akutsu)

Rebecca Grzadzinski - Attachment Behaviors in Young Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders: An Examination of Factors Associated with Separation and Reunion. (Mentor: C. Lord)

Chanel Harris - Multicultural Content Resources in the Classroom: A Comparison and Analysis of the United States and Canada. (Mentor: L. Gutierrez)

Nicole Hermann - The Perception and Function of Perfectionism in a College Student Population: Do Lay Theories Correspond with Scientific Models? (Mentor: E. Chang)

Rachael Herrmann - Examination of Goals to Reduce Stereotype Threat on Women’s Math Performance. (Mentors: J. Crocker & Y. Niiya)

Todd Hoffman - Measuring the Extent and Nature of Variation in Storytelling Skills in 3 to 6 Year Old Children. (Mentor: F. Morrison)

Megan Hoffmann - Instructional Impacts on Literacy and Language Skills in Kindergarten and First Grade. (Mentors: F. Morrison & L. Skibbe)

Brynne Janeway - The Role of Children’s Temperament for Sibling Relationships and Empathy Development. (Mentor: B. Volling)

Karen Kao - Gender Differences of Preschoolers and its Implications for Self-Regulation and Other Developmental Skills. (Mentor: F. Morrison)

Alison Kartush - Developmental Predictors and Outcomes of Feminism: An Exploration of the Effects of Media and Family on Feminist Beliefs and Career Aspirations. (Mentor: L.M. Ward)

Holly Keilch – Children’s Reasoning about Transgressions Involving Gender, Morality, and Biology: Evidence for Domain Specific Causal Reasoning. (Mentor: S. Gelman)

Alana Knoppow - The Role of Mortality Salience in Determining the Decision for War Versus Peace Among Political Leaders. (Mentor: D. Winter)

Alissa Koloff - The Effects of Advertising on Women's Notions of Femininity and Masculinity. (Mentor: L. M. Ward)

Lisa Kowalko - Criminal and Psychiatric Recidivism in Acquittees Found Not Guilty by Reason of Insanity in the State of Michigan in 1995 and 1996: A Follow-Up Study. (Mentor: C. Holden)

Melissa Maye - The Relationship Between Usage of Psychotropic Medication and Problem Behaviors Among Individuals with an Autism Spectrum Disorder. (Mentors: C. Lord & D. Anderson)

Katherine Oddi – Fathers’ Physical Punishment and Warm Responsiveness in Relation to Childhood Attention Problems. (Mentor: S. Olson)

Elise Petersen - Intersectionality and Attitudes Towards Affirmative Action. (Mentor: R. Gonzalez)

Leah Potvin - Emotional Transmission in Alcoholic Couples and its Effects on Drinking Behavior. (Mentor: J. Cranford)

Jane Rho - Rankings and Facial Expressions: It Looks Unfriendly at “the Top.” (Mentor: S. Garcia)

Brittany Ruiz - The Effects of Maternal Parenting Dimensions on Girls’ Risk for Relational Aggression. (Mentor: S. Olson)

Mallory Salerno - Spotting Authoritarianism a Mile Away: The Development of an At-A- Distance Measure. (Mentor: D. Winter)

Kimberlee Shelton - Racial and Socioeconomic Differences in Health Behaviors Among Pregnant Women. (Mentor: H. Flynn)

Lauren Szczurek - The Effects of Warm and Cold Metaphors on Object Perception. (Mentor: N. Schwarz)

Deanna Tracy - The Relationship between Sensory Behaviors and Socialization in Young Children with Autism. (Mentor: C. Lord)

Madeline Wachman - The Relationship Between Implicit Theories of Health and Health Locus of Control: Implications for Mental and Physical Health. (Mentor. R. Mahalingam)

Yen Geraldine Wai - Spirituality and Forgiveness: A Pathway to Posttraumatic Growth. (Mentor: C. Peterson)

Margie Yu Ming Wong - Schizophrenia and Religion. (Mentor: C. Peterson)

Erica Yi - Do Race and Gender Concordance Improve Patient - Provider Communication? A Survey with Adult Dental Patients. (Mentor: M. Inglehart)

Ho Lam Yiu - Executive Function and Aggression: A Study from a Sample of Incarcerated Youths. (Mentors: K. Cortina & S. Perkins)

Korie Zink - Sexual Communication Patterns in Families: An Exploration of the Effects of Birth Order and Gender on Sexual Communication Messages Received from Parents and Siblings. (Mentor: L.M. Ward)

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Cornerstone: A Collection of Scholarly and Creative Works for Minnesota State University, Mankato

Home > Graduate Theses, Dissertations, and Capstone Projects > ALL-PROGRAMS > PSYC_CLINICAL_THESES

Clinical Psychology Theses

Theses/dissertations from 2024 2024.

Age-Related Microaggressions: A Semi-Replication , Stephanie Patt

Theses/Dissertations from 2023 2023

An Exploration of Differences in Perceptions of Gerotranscendent Behaviors Between Younger and Older Adults , Gabrielle E. Anderson

Stress Levels of Bisexual Individuals in Mixed-Orientation Relationships , Amanda Bartley

Examining the Effects of a Behavioral Skills Training Package on the Emotional Regulation Skills of a Child with Autism Spectrum Disorder , Kate Flynn

Age-Related Microaggressions: A Follow-Up Descriptive Study , Hannah M. Lewis

Development of a Reinforcer Assessment: A Measure of Potential Reinforcers in the Lives of Older Adults , Nicole A. Praska

Theses/Dissertations from 2022 2022

Examining the Effects of an Online Social Skills Program Targeting Emotional Regulation Skills for a Young Adult with an Autism Spectrum Disorder: A Single Case Study. , Danielle Curtis

Satanists’ Sexual Self-Concept , Samuel Danielson

The Expression of Satanist Identity: Does Visible Identification of Satanism Predict Discrimination and Depression? , Allyson Dudley

Age-Related Microaggressions: A Descriptive Study , Luke J. Gietzen

Examining Jealousy in Mixed-Orientation Relationships: An Experimental Vignette Study , Madison Marie Glende

Investigating Anxiety-Like Behavior as a Non-Motor Side Effect of Deep Brain Stimulation of the Subthalamic Nucleus in a Parkinsonian Rat Model , Carter Mulder

Assessing the Appropriateness of the Cultural Formulation Interview in Conceptualizing Reverse Culture Shock , Katja Nielsen

Examining the Effects of an Online Group Social Skills Program on Emotion Regulation Skills for Adolescents and Young Adults with an Autism Spectrum Disorder , Breanna Perron

An Investigation of the Perception of Elderspeak Among Community Dwelling Older Adults , Abby L. Teply

Theses/Dissertations from 2021 2021

Analyzing the Use of a Montessori-Based Activity & Its Effect on Engagement & Affect in Persons with Dementia: A Replication Study , Emilee J. Andersen

A Brief Zoom-Facilitated Mindful and Intuitive Eating Intervention to Decrease Disordered Eating , Jenna K. Anderson

The Effects of Therapist Expertise and Concerns of Involuntary Hospitalization on the Disclosure of Suicidal Ideations and Behavior , Zane Hensel

Therapist Multicultural Orientation: Client Perceptions of Cultural Humility, Sexual Identity, and the Working Alliance , Todd L. Jennings

Joint Religiosity Among Satanists as a Predicator of Sexual Satisfaction , Tayler M. Lyng

Comparing the Acceptability of Treatment Rationales for Two Psychotherapies , Marin Gail Olson

Understanding Resident-to-Resident Conflicts in Long Term Care Settings from the Perspective of Administrative Staff , John F. Walker

Theses/Dissertations from 2020 2020

Understanding Communication Dynamics in Group Home Setting , Jacinta O. Anyanwu

An Evaluation of a Brief Mindfulness and Values Training on Cyber Bullying Behavior in College Students , Emily M. Boduch

The Effects of Cognitive Training on Behavioral Functioning in Persons with Dementia , Abigail J. Dye

The Effects of a Cognitive Training Program for Healthy Older Adults: A Program Evaluation Study , Jacklyn Gehling

Sex Trafficking: A Systematic Review of Operational Definitions , Firdavs Khaydarov

An Investigation into the Perceptions of Elderspeak and How It Effects Mood Among an Assisted Living Population , Paige T. Shoutz

Assessing Preferences for Montessori-Based Activities in Persons with Memory Impairment , Katelyn Danielle Smith

Theses/Dissertations from 2019 2019

Assessing Facilitator Adherence for the Delivery of Cognitive Training Programs to Older Adults , Lydia Fry

Evaluation of a Cognitive Training Program and its Effects on Healthy Older Adults , Nathan Jensen

Using Behavioral Skills Training to Teach Children with Autism to Seek Help from Law Enforcement Officers When Lost , Greta Kos

Teacher Awareness and Perceptions of Social Media Use and Cyberbullying in Belize , Abbey Linderholm

Comparison Between Brief Acceptance and Cognitive Interventions: Assessing Public Speaking Performance in Socially-Anxious Individuals , Soultana Mpoulkoura

The Effects and Experiences of Stigma in the Minneapolis Strip Club Industry , Machensey Shelgren

Evaluating the Effects of a Stimulus Equivalence Protocol to Teach Bullying Identification to School-Aged Children , Courtney Sowle

Impact of Self-Determined Motivation on Work Behavior and Response to Cognitive Remediation in Individuals with Schizophrenia , Desmond Spann

The Effects of Elderspeak on the Mood of Older Adults with Dementia: A Preliminary Report , Kenia Torres-Soto

Working Conditions for Erotic Dancers: A Review of Health and Safety Concerns from a Minneapolis Based Needs Assessment , Alexander Twohy

Theses/Dissertations from 2018 2018

Evaluation of a Cognitive Training Program for Older Adults with Mild to Moderate Cognitive Decline , Kelly Bergstrom

Transgender Individuals among an Online Adult Baby Diaper Lover Community Sample: An Exploratory Study , Elizabeth Gibson

Evaluating Stigmatizing Attitudes among Clinicians Toward People with ABDL and Pedophilic Interests , Katlyn Hanson

Bullying in Senior Living Facilities: Resident Perspectives , Kathryn Ira

The Effects of a Cognitive Training Program for Cognitively Intact Older Adults , Caroline Kinskey

An Examination of Inattentional Blindness in Law Enforcement , Gregory Lee

Differences in the Perceptions of Gerotranscendence Between Certified Nursing Assistants and Older Adults , Amanda Perera

Motivations, Expectations and Experiences of Genital Piercings in the Transgender Community: An Exploratory Study , Haley Peterson

College Males' Attitudes Toward Sexually-Explicit Material: An Experimental Study , Cody Schulte

Theses/Dissertations from 2017 2017

The Effect of Clinician Competence and Religiosity on the Trainee Clinician’s Ability to Identify Problematic Sexual Behavior , Cody Butcher

Developing the Family Involvement Questionnaire (FIQ): A Measure of Family Involvement in the Lives of Residents at Long-Term Care Facilities , Christopher Thomas Fast

The Effects of Pornography on Gay, Bisexual, and Queer Men's Body Image: An Experimental Study , Neil Gleason

Gender Differences in Social Media Use and Cyberbullying in Belize , Grace Mariko Kasahara

A Survey Of Rewards For Teens: Extension, Replication, and 25-year Follow-up , Hunter King

Evaluation of a Mindfulness Intervention for Children with Emotion Regulation Difficulties , Stephanie Jo Pirsig

Non-Suicidal Self-Injury Characteristics and How Social Support Plays a Role , Stephanie Smith-Kellen

Comparing Brief Acceptance and Control-Based Interventions: Evaluating Public Speaking Performance in Socially-Anxious Individuals , Samuel Spencer

Addressing Cognitive Decline: Evaluating the Effects of a Cognitive Training Program for Individuals with Mild to Moderate Cognitive Impairment , Katherine Ann Stypulkowski

Theses/Dissertations from 2016 2016

Parent Participation in Child Therapeutic Settings , Robert Doss

The Impact of Pornography on the Genital Body Image and Sexual Self-Efficacy of Female College Students , Monica Elizondo

An Analysis of Reinforcers Maintaining Caregiving Behaviors of Long-Term Care Facility Staff , Sandra Garcia

Mental Health of Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Heterosexual, and Questioning Youth in Rural, Micropolitian, and Metropolitan Regions in Minnesota: Assessing Internalizing and Externalizing Self-report Behaviors , Jessica Louann Jorgenson

Perceptions of Female Sexual Pathology: The Role of Racial Biases in Clinical Decision Making , Jerusha Sanjeevi

Bullying in Senior Living Facilities: A Qualitative Study , Felicia Jo VandeNest

Theses/Dissertations from 2015 2015

Treating Public Speaking Anxiety: A Comparison of Exposure and Video Self-Modeling , Emily Marie Bartholomay

Evaluation of a Home Visiting Program Aimed at Facilitating Refugee and Immigrant Children's Acclimation and Development , Laurie Lynn Grad

Efficacy of a Cognitive Training Program for Individuals with Moderate Cognitive Impairment: Evaluating Cognition , Erica Catherine Johnson

Behavioral Implications of a Cognitive Training Program for Individuals with Moderate Cognitive Impariment , Joseph L.D. Kennedy

The Relationship Between Sexual Functioning and Sleep Quality in A Female Undergraduate Student Sample , Alexander Kuka

The Effect of Clinician Hardiness on Posttraumatic Growth and Trauma based on Vicarious Trauma Exposure , Maria Anne Stevens

Hook Up Culture: Changing the Structure of Future Relationships? , Elise Woik

Theses/Dissertations from 2014 2014

Symptom Severity, Treatment Acceptability, and Motivational Predictors Related to Patient Improvement for Insomnia , Shelby Marie Afflerbach

The Effects of Geriatric Sexual Orientation on Caregiver Reactions to Resident Sexual Behavior Within Long-Term Care Facilities , Andrew Jonathan Ahrendt

The Difference in Perception of Gerotranscendence between College Students and Healthy, Community-Dwelling Older Adults , Duc Viet Lai

The Influence of Father-Child Relationship on Adolescents' Mental Health , Yea Seul Pyun

The Initial Response and Behavioral Patterns Exhibited by an Officer to a Weapon being drawn in a Traffic Stop Simulation , Samantha Josephine Tupy

Theses/Dissertations from 2013 2013

The Efficacy of the Girls on the Run Program to Improve Self-Worth, Body Image, and Behavioral and Emotional Functioning: A Longitudinal Study , Morgan Marie Ames

The Use of Video Self-Modeling to Treat Public Speaking Anxiety , Alicia Kruger

Role of Health Behaviors in Sexual Quality of Life Among Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplant Survivors , Keagan Lee McPherson

Empirical Evaluation of a Home Visiting Intervention Targeting Immigrant and Refugee Children , Jenna Marie Miller

The Puzzle of Paradoxical Insomnia , Kristina Peltz

Differences between Core and Animal Reminder Disgust Elicitation on a Core Disgust Avoidance Task--A Replication with Modifications , Matthew Schumann

The Use of Applications on Mobile Devices in a Midwestern Population , Sherry Werkmeister

Theses/Dissertations from 2012 2012

Devaluing Sex to Cope with Anxiety: A Comparative Investigation of Sexual Delay Discounting with High and Low Socially Phobic Populations , Miranda N. Bretz

Internal Consistency of the Self-Perception Profile for Children: Using Covariance Structure Modeling to Overcome the Limitations of Cronbach's α , Ian Cero

Memory Priming in Elderly Individuals Diagnosed with Dementia , Jessica Lee Deselms

The BackPack Food Program's Effects on Self-Reported Hunger and On-Task Behavior , Meghan E. Ecker

An Examination of the Social Acceptability of Elderspeak by College Students and Community Dwelling Older Adults , Kasie Lynn Hummel

Determining Musical Preferences in Persons with Dementia: Comparing Caregiver Options to Stimulus Preference Assessment , Eva Christine Igler

Trust in the Mentor-Youth Relationship and its Correlates with Frequency of Contact, Parental Involvement, and Academic Improvements , Emily Jane Ness

Theses/Dissertations from 2011 2011

Evaluating Changes in Families with Members on Military Deployment , Jill Brink

A Multi-Method Approach to Risk Assessment among Women with Sexual Abuse Histories , Susan Elizabeth Drevo

The Illusion of Transparency and Public Speaking: A Study of Social Anxiety , Chelsea Gloth

The Effects of Amount of Contact, Relationship Quality, and Types of Activities on Child Social and Emotional Functioning in a Youth Mentoring Program , Dorothy Maria Lipski

A Functional Analysis of Elderspeak Use by Certified Nursing Assistants in Caregiving Situations , Nathaniel Joseph Lombardi

An Evaluation of Factors Leading to Mentor Satisfaction , Shannon Marie Martin

An Application of a High-P Low-P Procedure to Improve Recall Memory in Elderly Patients with Mild to Moderate Cognitive Impairment , Dawn Amber Seefeldt

A Comparison of the Effectiveness of Distractors Identified Through Stimulus Preference Assessment Versus Caregiver Opinion , Jonathan Steele

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Clinical Psychology Dissertations Collection

This collection contains open access and campus access dissertations, made possible through Graduate Studies at the University of Massachusetts Boston. The full content of open access dissertations is available to all, although some files may have embargoes placed on them and will be made available as soon as possible. The full content of campus access dissertations is only available to those either on the UMass Boston campus or with a UMass Boston campus username and password. Click on the "Off-Campus UMass Boston Users" link on the record page to download Campus Access publications. Those not on campus and those without a UMass Boston campus username and password may gain access to this dissertation through resources like Proquest Dissertations & Theses Global or through Interlibrary Loan.

Dissertations from 2024 2024

The Sankofa Study: Preliminary Feasibility and Outcomes of an Afrocentric Racism-Related Stress Intervention , Shannon Marie Hughley

Agreements and Discrepancies in Perceptions of Mentoring Relationship Quality: A Multi-Informant Investigation , Yui Sum Poon

Dissertations from 2023 2023

Decomposing Relational Mechanisms of Parent Engagement in Early Intervention: An Examination of Working Alliance and Family-Centered Practices , Alison E. Chavez

Sexual Racism and Mental Health Among Asian/Asian American Sexual Minority Men , Christopher Chiu

Investigating the Sexual Consent Process for Plurisexual Individuals , Kaitlyn R. Gorman

Lost in Translation: Training Experiences and Burnout Among Bilingual Trainees in Doctoral Psychology Programs , Ingrid Hastedt

Exploring the Roles of Parent Emotional Styles and Children’s Coping Skills in the Emotional and Behavioral Sequelae of Community Violence Exposure , Juliana M. Neuspiel

Exploring the Asian American Autism Family Relationship Processes Among Non-Autistic Adult Siblings from Immigrant and Confucian-Ethnic Family Background , Thanh Phuong Nguyen

Diagnosing Psychosis Among Black Americans: The Impact of White Clinicians' Colorblind Racial Attitudes and Multicultural Responsiveness , Keira E. O'Donovan

The Impact of Historical Trauma, Self-Compassion, and Resistance Against Racism among African Americans , Darrick Scott

Negotiating Acculturation: A Qualitative Study of Muslim American Women , Noor N. Tahirkheli

Resolution of Diagnosis Among Parents of Children Diagnosed with Autism , Deanna C. Toner

Dissertations from 2022 2022

Patterns of Emotional Processing and the Psychological Impact of Heterosexism , Kathleen M. Collins

Body Image Experiences Among Black American Sexual Minority Women , Alison E. A. Goldblatt

Examining Culturally Adapted, Values Based, Mental Health Stigma Reduction and Help-Seeking Messages for Asian Americans , Anna M. Ying

Dissertations from 2021 2021

Self-Compassion Among Roommates: An Investigation of Interpersonal Effects , Bryan Balvaneda

A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of the Effects of After-School Programs on Academic, Social, Behavioral, Mental Health, and Identity Outcomes Among Youth with Marginalized Identities , Kirsten M. Christensen

The Power of Friendships: Associations Between Friendship Quality, Satisfaction, and Well-Being for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder , Melanie S. Feldman

Evaluating the Cultural Validity of Social Cognition in a Latinx Sample , Mayte Forte

Beyond Borders in Chronic Schizophrenia: NEO-FFM Personality Traits, Neurocognition, and Symptoms , Lauren M. Grabowski

A Longitudinal Investigation of First-Generation College Students' Mentoring Relationships during their Transition to Higher Education , Matthew A. Hagler

My Wounds Matter Too: Associations Among Distress, Emotion Regulation, Autism Symptomology, and Self-Harm Functions Among Young Adults with ASD , Sarah Levinson

Dissertations from 2020 2020

A Preliminary Evaluation of a Culturally Adapted Stress Management Prevention Workshop for Latinx Students , Natalie Arbid

Cross-Age Peer Mentoring: A Meta-Analysis , Samantha Burton

The Experience of Misgendering Among Trans and Gender Diverse People , Hamish A. Gunn

Assessing Mental Health Provider Bias Toward Clients with Understudied Marginalized Sexual Identities and Practices , Cara Herbitter

The Effectiveness of a Mindfulness, Acceptance, Valued Action, and Flexible Coping Intervention for Race-Based Stress on Momentary Coping and Distress Symptoms , Jennifer Honculada Martinez

Dissertations from 2019 2019

Responsibility Development in Young Men in Postsecondary Settings: Construct Structure and Contextual Influences , Gabriel M. Garza Sada

A Process for Change: A Grounded Theory Investigation of Participatory Action Research as a Means for Countering Mental Illness Stigma Experienced by Transition-Aged Black Youth , Jacqueline G. Hargrove

Dismantling an Intervention Aimed at Increasing White People's Knowledge and Understanding of Racial Justice Issues , Alissa L. Hochman

The Role of Narrative Coherence and Parental Scaffolding in Buffering the Effects of Domestic Violence Exposure , Shirley Poyau

Novice Therapist Responsiveness: Description and Development , Max B. Wu

Dissertations from 2018 2018

Latino Immigrant Youth Development in Anti-Immigrant Contexts: Exploring Adaptive Cultures as Resources Promoting Competencies and Wellness , Darcy Alcantara

Treatment Engagement and Client Competence in CBT for Social Anxiety Disorder , Amber L. Calloway

“Surviving and Thriving During Stress”: Bridging the Gap with Technology, a Web-Based Acceptance-Based Behavioral Therapy Program for University Students , Elizabeth Hemenway Eustis

Diagnostic Stability of Autism Spectrum Disorder in Young Children with Diverse Backgrounds , Ivy Giserman Kiss

Examining the Moderating Role of Internalized Racism on the Relation Between Racism-Related Stress and Mental Health in Asian Americans , Danielle Godon-Decoteau

Mental Health Literacy and Stigma among Recently Returning Veterans: Cultural Correlates, Mutability, and Relations with Healthcare Utilization , Sarah Krill Williston

The Impact of Individual and Parental Confucian Attitudes on Mental Illness Stigma and Help Seeking Attitudes Among Asian Americans from Confucian Cultures , Charles M. Liu

“I Wish Katrina Wouldn’t Have Happened, But I’m Glad It Happened”: Posttraumatic Growth and Adaptive Outcomes in Low-Income Black Mothers Who Survived Hurricane Katrina , Emily E. Manove

Encouraging Toddlers with ASD to Request: An Exploration of Expectant Pausing and Engagement Strategies , Melissa P. Maye

Does Mindfulness Support Empathy? , L. G. Rollins

Exploring Perceived External Control as a Transdiagnostic Cognitive Process in Anxiety Disorders and the Investigation of a Brief Acceptance Intervention , Lauren P. Wadsworth

Mentoring as a Protective Factor for Youth with a History of Interpersonal Trauma Exposure , Elyssa Briann Weber

An Exploration of Mentoring Functions in the Context of Parental Relationships , Laura A. Yoviene Sykes

Dissertations from 2017 2017

The Challenge of Social Mobility: Habitus among Low-Income and Working-Class Students in Higher Education , J. Anna Bell

Risk, Resilience, Recovery: In Search of the Protective Factors of Mental Health , Victoria Choate Hasler

Cognitive Aspects of Children's Experience of Economic Disadvantage , Amy E. Heberle

Mothering Values of Black Student Mothers: A Grounded Theory Analysis , Sara A. Kaplan-Levy

Asian American Women Leaders' Strategies for Negotiating Intersectional Discrimination Related to Racism and Sexism , Fanny Ng

Young Children's Emotion Vocabulary and the Potential Influence on Emotion Regulation Ability , Marisa Murphy O'Boyle

Determined Wellness: The Influence of Mental Illness Models Upon Treatment Outcome Expectancies and Treatment Engagement , Francisco I. Surace

Dissertations from 2016 2016

Self-Reported Sexuality among Women with and without Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) , Hillary Hurst Bush

The Power in the Pattern: Relationships between Out-of-School Time Activity Participation Profiles and Civic Engagement in Youth , Melody Joy Blass Fisher

The Influence of Mentor-Youth Activity Profiles on School-Based Youth Mentoring Relationship Processes and Outcomes , Stella S. Kanchewa

Experiences of Trust in Longer-Lasting Formal Youth Mentoring Relationships , Michelle Levine

Exploring the Effects of Cultural Protective Factors on Infant Development and Maternal Well-Being: A Transnational Study of Brazilian Mothers and Their Infants Living In Massachusetts and Minas Gerais , Fernanda Lucchese

The Roles of Early Intervention Providers’ Cultural Competence and the Parent-Provider Working Alliance in Early Intervention Service Receipt Outcomes of Diverse Children At-Risk of Autism Spectrum Disorders , Frances D. Martinez-Pedraza

The Relationship to Internal Experiences Scale (RIES): The Development and Validation of a Self-Report Measure of Cognitive Fusion and Decentering , Shannon M. Sorenson

Evaluating the ‘Reading the Mind in the Eyes’ Test: Cultural Variations in Emotional Perception , Ashley-Ann Woodhull

Dissertations from 2015 2015

Patterns of Interaction within Parent-Child Dyads Affected by OCD and Anxiety , Catherine Kraper

Cultural Adaptation of In-Home, Community-Based Mental Health Services for Ethnic Minority Children and Families: Exploring Clinician and Family Perspectives on Effective Care , Esroruleh Tamim Mohammad

In the Face of Adversity: Valued Living and Decentering as Buffering Factors in the Relations Among Social Disadvantage, Psychological Distress, Drinking to Cope and Problem Drinking , Lucas P. K. Morgan

The Intersectionality of Racism and Sexism for Asian American Women , Shruti Mukkamala

Identifying Sensory Symptoms as a Diagnostic Indicator of Autism Spectrum Disorder , Timothy W. Soto

Individual and Dyadic Analysis of Cardiac Profiles in Response to Stress in a Longitudinal Sample of Infant-Mother Dyads , Akhila Venkatachalam Sravish

Dissertations from 2014 2014

Palestinian Refugee Family Trees of Resilience: Intergenerational Cultivation of Resistance, Return, and Perseverance, in Response to Israel State Violence and Occupation , Devin G. Atallah

The Relationship between Mental Health and Young Children's Academic Development: What We Can Learn From a National Sample of At-Risk Chilean Children , Katia M. Canenguez

Understanding the Impact of Violence on Early Language , Danielle Forbes

The Psychological and Social Processes through which Internalized Heterosexism Influences Psychological Distress in Sexual Minorities , Julia A. Puckett

Black Beauty, White Standards: Impacts on Black Women and Resources for Resistance and Resilience , Speshal T. Walker

Dissertations from 2013 2013

Experiences of Latina First Generation College Students: Exploring Resources Supporting the Balancing of Academic Pursuits and Family Life , Hercilia B. Corona-Ordoñez

Linking Universal Developmental/Behavioral Health Screening and On-Site Mental Health Consultation: Examining Gaps in Service Delivery , Leandra Godoy

Racism and Anxiety in a Black American Sample: The Role of Mediators and a Brief Mindfulness Manipulation , Jessica Rose Graham

The Impact of Emotion Regulation and Interpersonal Problems on Behavioral Dysregulation in a College Student Sample: An Investigation of the Mediating Role of Mentalizing , Kelly Graling

The Role of Caregiver Insight in Young Children's Violence Exposure: Testing a Relational Model of Risk and Resilience , Sarah A. O. Gray

Understanding Ethnic-Racial Socialization and Cognition among Multiracial Youth: A Mixed Methods Study , Susan A. Lambe Sarinana

Targeted Prevention of Childhood Anxiety: Engaging Parents in an Underserved Community , Nicholas D. Mian

Maternal Self-Efficacy and Perceived Stigma Among Mothers of Children with ASD, ADHD, and Typically Developing Children , Sara D. Rosenblum-Fishman

Youth Initiated Mentoring: Investigating a New Approach to Working with Vulnerable Adolescents , Sarah E. O. Schwartz

The Influences of Social Identities and Resource Competition on Blacks' and Asians' Social Distance: A Virtual World Method , John Tawa

Dissertations from 2012 2012

Latino Immigrants' Responses to Immigration Policy and Enforcement: Strengths and Resources Promoting Empowerment and Wellness in an Urban Setting , Celeste Atallah-Gutiérrez

Measuring Exposure in Natural Disaster: A Meta-Analysis, an Integrative Data Analysis, and a Multi-Wave Longitudinal Study of Hurricane Katrina Survivors , Christian S. Chan

The Role of Difficulties in Emotion Regulation in the Relationship between Experiences of Trauma , Kathleen Sullivan Kalill

Objectification Theory and Sexual Health among Women , Kara Lustig

Bereavement among Urban University Students: The Role of Meaning Making in Adjustment to Loss , Rebecca L. Norris-Bell

The Impact of Mindfulness on Exposure and Extinction Processes in Social Anxiety , Michael Treanor

The Role of Men's Friendships in Psychological Distress, Fear of Emotions, and Adherence to Masculine Role Norms , Liza Zwiebach

Dissertations from 2011 2011

Exploring Predictors of Well-Being after Exposure to Inter-Caregiver Aggression in Childhood: Examining the Role of Emotional Support and Emotional and Cognitive Processing , Cara Fuchs

The Social Negotiation of Ambiguous In-Between Stigmatized Identities: Investigating Identity Processes in Multiracial and Bisexual People , Vali Dagmar Kahn

Trajectories of Psychological Distress among Low-Income, Female Survivors of Hurricane Katrina , Sarah Ryan Lowe

The Ecology of Cognitive Training and Aging , Anya Potter

Expanding a Model of Female Heterosexual Coercion: Are Sexually Coercive Women Hyperfeminine? , Elizabeth Anne Schatzel-Murphy

Developing an Anti-Racist Stance: How White Youth Understand Structural Racism , Catharine R. Thomann

Functioning in the Face of Racism and its Uncertainties: The Potential Buffering Role of Values Clarification and Values Consistency in a Black American Sample , Lindsey Michelle West

The Expression of Nonviolence in Communication and its Relation to Physical and Mental Health: Development and Validation of a Coding System for Measuring the Expression of Nonviolence in Communication between Intimate Partners in Conflict Situations , Lissa Brett Young

Dissertations from 2010 2010

Understanding Revictimization: The Impact of Emotion Suppression, Acceptance, and PTSD Symptomatology on Risk Detection Abilities in Sexual Assault Survivors , Heidi M. Barrett-Model

Adopted Korean Women: Influences of Becoming a Biological Mother on Racial & Ethnic Identities and Cultural Orientations , Stephanie Carole Day

Psychosis-Proneness, Mindfulness, and Positive Emotional Experience: Examining Correlational and Causal Relationships , Shannon Marie Erisman

Unattainable Beauty: An Analysis of the Role of Body Shame and Self-Objectification in Hopelessness Depression among College-Age Women , Meredith A. Evans

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Psychology theses and dissertations.

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This collection contains some of the theses and dissertations produced by students in the University of Oregon Psychology Graduate Program. Paper copies of these and other dissertations and theses are available through the UO Libraries .

Recent Submissions

  • Integrating Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) Skills and Parenting for Emotionally Dysregulated Parents: Intervention Development  Everett, Yoel ( University of Oregon , 2024-08-07 ) Parental emotion dysregulation (ED) is linked to less effective parenting behaviors that are associated with increased child emotional and behavior problems. There is a lack of integrated adult mental health + parenting ...
  • The Impact of Early Life Adversity and Parenting Skills on Emotion Regulation in a Child Welfare-Involved Sample  Rock, Alexus ( University of Oregon , 2024-08-07 ) Child Welfare (CW) involved children are vulnerable to developmental problems, including deficits in emotion regulation. Emotion regulation is crucial for understanding and responding to situations appropriately. The ...
  • Contextual Factors Influencing Posttraumatic Stress After Campus Sexual Assault  Adams-Clark, Alexis ( University of Oregon , 2024-08-07 ) Sexual assault has been repeatedly associated with multiple types of psychological distress, including posttraumatic stress. Post-assault outcomes are frequently linked to intrapersonal or psychological processes (e.g., ...
  • An Exploration of Fear of Sleep and Experiential Avoidance in the Context of PTSD and Insomnia Symptoms  Kelly, Shay ( University of Oregon , 2024-08-07 ) Fear of sleep (FoS) has been posited to develop following trauma exposure and significantly contribute to the maintenance of insomnia symptoms. While FoS has been operationalized within the Fear of Sleep Inventory - Short ...
  • The Pathology of Imagination: Picturing the Worst  Castillo, Andrew ( University of Oregon , 2024-08-07 ) This pre-registered study evaluates the relationship between imagination and maladaptive personality traits using the Four-Factor Imagination Scale and Personality Inventory for DSM-5. Large-scale, multinational, cross-sectional ...
  • Background Functional Connectivity Reveals Neural Mechanisms of Top-Down Attentional Control  Li, Yichen ( University of Oregon , 2024-08-07 ) Top-down attentional control is essential for efficiently allocating our limited attentional resources to process complex natural environments, focusing on information relevant to our goals. The neural mechanism underlying ...
  • Maternal Stress, Family Functioning, and Child Well-Being According to Latinx Mothers With Young Children: A Mixed Methods Approach  Hernandez, Ana ( University of Oregon , 2024-08-07 ) While there is an inextricable link between parental stress and child well-being, considerably less research has examined this relationship among Latinx parent-child dyads despite their unique experiences in the United ...
  • When “Self-Harm” Means “Suicide”: Adolescent Online Help-Seeking for Self-Injurious Thoughts and Behaviors  Lind, Monika ( University of Oregon , 2024-03-25 ) The sensitive period of adolescence facilitates key developmental tasks that equip young people to assume adult roles. Adolescence features important strengths, like the need to contribute, and some risks, like vulnerability ...
  • Stereotypes and Social Decisions: The Interpersonal Consequences of Socioeconomic Status  Hughes, Bradley ( University of Oregon , 2024-01-09 ) Interpersonal perceptions of socioeconomic status (SES), those formed in face-to-face interactions, can perpetuate inequality if they influence interpersonal interactions in ways that disadvantage people with low SES. There ...
  • Utilization of Linguistic Markers in Differentiation of Internalizing Disorders, Suicidality, and Identity Distress  Ivie, Elizabeth ( University of Oregon , 2024-01-09 ) The adolescent period of development is associated with a significant increase in the occurrence of mental illness. In addition, death by suicide is one of the leading causes of death amongst adolescents. Identity formation ...
  • The Role of Fractal Fluency on Visual Perception  Robles, Kelly E. ( University of Oregon , 2024-01-09 ) From quarks to galaxies, the natural world is organized with fractal geometry. Fractal fluency theory suggests that due to their omnipresence in our visual world, fractals are more fluently processed by the visual system ...
  • The Anatomy of Antagonism: Exploring the Relations of 20 Lexical Factors of Personality with Machiavellianism, Grandiose Narcissism, and Psychopathy  Kay, Cameron ( University of Oregon , 2024-01-09 ) Despite being the focus of extensive research over the past two decades, the structure of the “Dark Triad”—or, as I will refer to it here, the “Aversive Triad”—is still shrouded in confusion. Much of this confusion stems ...
  • Content Representation in Lateral Parietal Cortex  Zhao, Yufei ( University of Oregon , 2024-01-09 ) While the lateral parietal cortex (LPC) in the human brain is traditionally investigated for its functions in visual perception, more recent evidence has highlighted its substantial contribution to supporting human episodic ...
  • Sociocultural Contexts of Emotion Socialization in BIPOC Families  Lee, Angela ( University of Oregon , 2024-01-09 ) Having effective emotion regulation skills is critical to socioemotional well-being, and parents play a key role in the development of children’s emotion regulation through emotion socialization behaviors. However, since ...
  • Cross-ideological Communication: The Impact of Real Conversations Compared to Imagined Ones  Niella, Tamara ( University of Oregon , 2024-01-09 ) Political polarization has visibly increased in the last few years. A sense of divisiveness has been exacerbated by a surge in social media communication about contentious issues which has been replacing face-to-face ...
  • Inflammation, Mental Health, and the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Pilot Study with Child Welfare Service Involved Families  Horn, Sarah ( University of Oregon , 2024-01-09 ) The coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic has posited unique challenges for families and significantly disrupted several aspects of children’s environments. The pandemic is an ongoing risk experience, with young children being ...
  • Testing Novel Norm Interventions for Promoting Pro-environmental Consumption  Lieber, Sara ( University of Oregon , 2024-01-09 ) The purpose of the current project was to investigate how a social psychology approach could be used to develop an effective climate-change mitigation tool. A commonly used technique in the social psychology literature for ...
  • Understanding the Misunderstood Emotion: A Mixed-Methods Investigation of Variants of Anger  Razavi, Pooya ( University of Oregon , 2023-07-06 ) In cultural accounts and scholarly writings about anger, we see conceptualizations that reflect the existence of two variants: an anger perceived as moral, appropriate, and justified; and an anger considered wrong and ...
  • Measuring long-term memories at the feature level reveals mechanisms of interference resolution  Drascher, Maxwell ( University of Oregon , 2023-07-06 ) When memories share similar features, this can lead to interference, and ultimately forgetting. At the same time, many highly similar memories are remembered vividly for years to come. Understanding what causes interference ...
  • The Role of Hierarchical Structures in Cognition  Moss, Melissa ( University of Oregon , 2023-07-06 ) Individuals routinely execute complex tasks that involve multiple, dependent levels of information, such as driving a car or cooking dinner. It is amazing that our cognitive system is able to represent such complex, ...

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Dissertation & Thesis Outline | Example & Free Templates

Published on June 7, 2022 by Tegan George . Revised on November 21, 2023.

A thesis or dissertation outline is one of the most critical early steps in your writing process . It helps you to lay out and organize your ideas and can provide you with a roadmap for deciding the specifics of your dissertation topic and showcasing its relevance to your field.

Generally, an outline contains information on the different sections included in your thesis or dissertation , such as:

  • Your anticipated title
  • Your abstract
  • Your chapters (sometimes subdivided into further topics like literature review, research methods, avenues for future research, etc.)

In the final product, you can also provide a chapter outline for your readers. This is a short paragraph at the end of your introduction to inform readers about the organizational structure of your thesis or dissertation. This chapter outline is also known as a reading guide or summary outline.

Table of contents

How to outline your thesis or dissertation, dissertation and thesis outline templates, chapter outline example, sample sentences for your chapter outline, sample verbs for variation in your chapter outline, other interesting articles, frequently asked questions about thesis and dissertation outlines.

While there are some inter-institutional differences, many outlines proceed in a fairly similar fashion.

  • Working Title
  • “Elevator pitch” of your work (often written last).
  • Introduce your area of study, sharing details about your research question, problem statement , and hypotheses . Situate your research within an existing paradigm or conceptual or theoretical framework .
  • Subdivide as you see fit into main topics and sub-topics.
  • Describe your research methods (e.g., your scope , population , and data collection ).
  • Present your research findings and share about your data analysis methods.
  • Answer the research question in a concise way.
  • Interpret your findings, discuss potential limitations of your own research and speculate about future implications or related opportunities.

For a more detailed overview of chapters and other elements, be sure to check out our article on the structure of a dissertation or download our template .

To help you get started, we’ve created a full thesis or dissertation template in Word or Google Docs format. It’s easy adapt it to your own requirements.

 Download Word template    Download Google Docs template

Chapter outline example American English

It can be easy to fall into a pattern of overusing the same words or sentence constructions, which can make your work monotonous and repetitive for your readers. Consider utilizing some of the alternative constructions presented below.

Example 1: Passive construction

The passive voice is a common choice for outlines and overviews because the context makes it clear who is carrying out the action (e.g., you are conducting the research ). However, overuse of the passive voice can make your text vague and imprecise.

Example 2: IS-AV construction

You can also present your information using the “IS-AV” (inanimate subject with an active verb ) construction.

A chapter is an inanimate object, so it is not capable of taking an action itself (e.g., presenting or discussing). However, the meaning of the sentence is still easily understandable, so the IS-AV construction can be a good way to add variety to your text.

Example 3: The “I” construction

Another option is to use the “I” construction, which is often recommended by style manuals (e.g., APA Style and Chicago style ). However, depending on your field of study, this construction is not always considered professional or academic. Ask your supervisor if you’re not sure.

Example 4: Mix-and-match

To truly make the most of these options, consider mixing and matching the passive voice , IS-AV construction , and “I” construction .This can help the flow of your argument and improve the readability of your text.

As you draft the chapter outline, you may also find yourself frequently repeating the same words, such as “discuss,” “present,” “prove,” or “show.” Consider branching out to add richness and nuance to your writing. Here are some examples of synonyms you can use.

Address Describe Imply Refute
Argue Determine Indicate Report
Claim Emphasize Mention Reveal
Clarify Examine Point out Speculate
Compare Explain Posit Summarize
Concern Formulate Present Target
Counter Focus on Propose Treat
Define Give Provide insight into Underpin
Demonstrate Highlight Recommend Use

If you want to know more about AI for academic writing, AI tools, or research bias, make sure to check out some of our other articles with explanations and examples or go directly to our tools!

Research bias

  • Anchoring bias
  • Halo effect
  • The Baader–Meinhof phenomenon
  • The placebo effect
  • Nonresponse bias
  • Deep learning
  • Generative AI
  • Machine learning
  • Reinforcement learning
  • Supervised vs. unsupervised learning

 (AI) Tools

  • Grammar Checker
  • Paraphrasing Tool
  • Text Summarizer
  • AI Detector
  • Plagiarism Checker
  • Citation Generator

When you mention different chapters within your text, it’s considered best to use Roman numerals for most citation styles. However, the most important thing here is to remain consistent whenever using numbers in your dissertation .

The title page of your thesis or dissertation goes first, before all other content or lists that you may choose to include.

A thesis or dissertation outline is one of the most critical first steps in your writing process. It helps you to lay out and organize your ideas and can provide you with a roadmap for deciding what kind of research you’d like to undertake.

  • Your chapters (sometimes subdivided into further topics like literature review , research methods , avenues for future research, etc.)

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George, T. (2023, November 21). Dissertation & Thesis Outline | Example & Free Templates. Scribbr. Retrieved August 29, 2024, from

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Love research? Interested in taking what you learned in a PSYCH 4998 lab further? Consider completing a undergraduate thesis in psychology!

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To Graduate “With Research Distinction in Psychology” a Student Must:  

  • Be a psychology major (if you are an honors student, see "Honors Research Distinction in Psychology" below
  • Graduate with at least a 3.0 overall GPA
  • Take PSYCH 4999.01 and 4999.02 (Both of these course are  only  offered in Spring semester)
  • Write and successfully defend a Psychology Thesis

The Thesis is independent research conducted by the student and supervised by a psychology faculty member. The Psychology Department requires completion of a two-course sequence (PSYCH 4999.01 and 4999.02). Each course is taught in subsequent spring semesters. For example, students on a traditional four-year plan would take Psychology 4999.01 in spring semester of their junior year and PSYCH 4999.02 in spring semester of their senior year. However, with support of the Faculty Thesis Advisor, a students may begin a Thesis and Psychology 4999.01 in spring of their sophomore year.

Exterior of Orton Hall

To Graduate “With Honors Research Distinction in Psychology” a Student Must:  

  • Be a psychology major
  • Be a member of the Arts and Sciences Honors Program
  • Graduate with at least a 3.4 overall GPA
  • Complete the psychology major Honors Contract Requirements
  • Take PSYCH 4999.01H and 4999.02H (Both of these courses are  only  offered in Spring semester)
  • Write and successfully defend a Psychology Honors Thesis

The Honors Thesis is independent research conducted by the student and supervised by a psychology faculty member (only tenured or tenure-track faculty may advise an Honors Thesis). The Psychology Department requires completion of a two-course sequence (PSYCH 4999.01H and 4999.02H). Each course is taught in subsequent spring semesters. For example, a student on a traditional four-year plan would take PSYCH 4999.01H in spring semester of their junior year and PSYCH 4999.02H in spring semester of their senior year. However, with support of the Faculty Honors Thesis Advisor, a student may begin an Honors Thesis and Psychology 4999.01H in spring of their sophomore year.

Frequently Asked Questions

Talk to your psychology advisor, attend our annual Psychology Enrichment Program “Getting Involved in Research in the Psychology Department,” attend the annual Psychology Undergraduate Research Colloquium, explore the PSYCH 4998 opportunities, or talk to your fellow students who are in research labs.

Students interested in pursuing a Thesis or Honors Thesis should begin participating in research (PSYCH 4998) no later than their sophomore year.

Students should secure a Faculty Thesis Advisor by fall semester of the junior year (typically this will be a faculty member with whom you completed 4998 research).

Go to the Be a Research Assistant webpage and find a project that sparks your interest. Check out the lab websites and start applying. It is recommended to apply to 5-7 labs. Once accepted, you can negotiate your hours and responsibilities (this will determine the number of credit hours you receive), have the faculty member sign a course enrollment form (s/he will have the class number), take the course enrollment form to the Psychology Advising Office (PS 015) or email it to [email protected] .

To enroll in PSYCH 4999.01 or 4999.01H, students should complete the Psychology Thesis/Honors Thesis Application. The application requires the signature of the Faculty Thesis Advisor. Once this is turned in to [email protected], students will be enrolled in PSYCH 4999.01 or 4999.01H.

For non-Honors students:

You must submit a Thesis Application with the  College of Arts and Sciences  (under Research Distinction) at least one term before your graduating term. You will need to submit a research proposal and your Faculty Thesis Advisor’s signature on the application form. You will need to schedule an appointment with your Psychology Advisor to complete the Major Program Form on the application.

For Honors students:

The application to graduate with Honors Research Distinction is available from the  Arts and Sciences Honors Office . You will need to submit a research proposal and your Faculty Thesis Advisor’s signature on the application form. If you do not have an approved Honors Contract on file at the Honors Office, you will need to call (614) 292-5750 to schedule an appointment with the Psychology Honors Advisor to complete the Major Program Form of the application (you will have to complete the psychology major contract requirements).

After you have successfully completed your written Thesis document, you will have an hour-long meeting with your Faculty Thesis Advisor and one other faculty member. You will describe your Thesis project to them, and they will ask you questions about your work. You must defend your Thesis at least two weeks before the end of the term you graduate.

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100 Psychology Thesis Topics for 2023

psychology thesis topics

Students know the importance of developing great psychology dissertation topics for a graduate assignment. However, many don’t have the time to brainstorm ideas that meet the requirements their professors expect. We’ve done a lot of the heavy lifting and have put together a list of 100 psychology thesis topics suitable for several situations. Feel free to pick a topic and start writing your thesis proposal .

General Psychology Topics for High School

  • Give five top reasons why you would want to become a psychologist.
  • What kind of influence has psychology research had in other sciences?
  • Why are teenagers at higher risk of developing an eating disorder?
  • How are phobias developed in children under the age of twelve?
  • In what ways did Pavlov’s conditioning experiment contribute to our understanding of addiction therapy?

Child Psychology Research Paper Topics

  • What are the major differences between psychiatry and psychology?
  • Discuss mental tools that can be used to determine when children are lying to adults.
  • What were the ethical complications involve 12d in the Little Albert Experiment?
  • What does research suggest is the origin of intelligence in children?
  • How does emotional intelligence in children affect their learning abilities?

Cognitive Psychology Topics

  • How did Alan Turing’s suggestion that the brain is an organized machine lead to computers?
  • Do the “seven chunks of information” still hold through in research?
  • Can we develop working memory to retain greater long-term memory?
  • Can a person that has been convicted of a felony charge change into a law-abiding citizen?
  • How can cognitive therapy be used to help patients suffering from emotional disorders?

Developmental Psychology Topics

  • How do our perceptions of our experiences affect development in teenagers?
  • What are the four levels of development and which is most important in children?
  • Can a moral judgment be taught to toddlers who have latent reasoning skills?
  • How are our personalities developed through the influence of others?
  • Are children naturally beholden to one parent or the other?

Social Psychology Topics for College Students

  • How are a person’s original opinions influenced by the opinions of larger groups?
  • What psychological effects does spending too much time on social media have?
  • How do social psychologists deal with aggression and violence in young adults?
  • What impact has social psychology had on our understanding of online bullying?
  • How do family dynamics change when a member of the immediate family dies?

Sports Psychology Research Topics

  • Does aging have a bigger impact on retired athletes’ mental health than head trauma?
  • How is mental health affected by long recovery schedules for serious body injuries?
  • How does neuro-linguistic programming in professional athletes affect performance?
  • How do professional athletes mentally prepare for competitions?
  • How have approaches to sports training and preparation been affected by developments in psychology?

Controversial Topics in Psychology

  • How did the Milgram Obedience Experiments of the 1960s help us understand how we view authority figures?
  • How did the Stanford Experiment help further our knowledge of situational variables on human behavior?
  • How did Harlow’s experiments of affection (especially the lack of affection) lead to advancements in child development theories?
  • Does the implementation of capital punishment on sex offenders prevent them from committing a crime?
  • What is the link between criminal acts and teenagers that were bullied?

Health Psychology Topics for College Students

  • What impact do regular exercise and healthy eating have on mental health in young adults?
  • How have the media’s depictions of body ideals have negatively impacted how young adults see themselves?
  • What are the most effective strategies for getting people to develop healthy eating habits?
  • What can local governments do to help people maintain mental health after a disaster?
  • How do stress management techniques help people cope with difficult situations in the workplace?

More Controversial Psychology Topics

  • What did the “lost in a mall” study lead to a better understanding of how memories are formed and stored?
  • Why was were the Voodoo Correlation studies of the 1960s so controversial and what did they reveal about human behavior?
  • What did showing a lack of affection in infants reveal about the need to nurture one’s young?
  • What did the Kirsch Anti-Depressant reveal about the impact that harmless placebos have on humans?
  • What are the potential risks of taking part in multiple health studies throughout a given year?

Great Educational Psychology Topics

  • How can different technologies help students perform better at school?
  • Does working in a small group help students retain more information?
  • How does physical activity help students perform better on standardized tests?
  • What psychological factors should teachers consider as they develop each year’s curriculum?
  • In what ways do psychologists help develop confidence in students with learning disabilities?

Excellent Cultural Psychology Topics

  • What are some of the most difficult cultural situations young people face?
  • In what ways does developing culture roots with one’s family positively impact social behavior?
  • What stresses do young people feel when they return to their native countries?
  • What impact does cultural learning have on students in elementary school?
  • How does family support help young people cope with difficult decisions?

Psychology Topics to Write About

  • Why are adolescents more at risk of developing some type of eating disorder?
  • What are the negative effects of insomnia in patients being treated in a medical facility?
  • In what ways does group therapy positively impact a patient’s ability to overcome addiction?
  • Why should therapists refrain from prescribing ADHD medications to children?
  • What are the most effective ways of treating PTSD without using prescription medication?

Abnormal Psychology Topics

  • What are the psychological effects of telling either a truth or a lie among young adults?
  • What are the major causes of borderline personality disorder in teenagers?
  • In what ways does the level of insanity change in patients under specific treatment?
  • Why are some people more prone to suffer from personality disorders?
  • Can the Oedipus complex first introduced by Freud be used in treatment today?

Developmental Psychology Research Topics

  • What role does television media play in promoting violence in adults?
  • What are the major psychological characteristics in a child prone to aggression?
  • What are the major factors in sociopathic behavior among youth?
  • What are some traditional ways of parenting that have been proven ineffective?
  • What environmental factors increase the chances of child abuse by a parent?

Biological Psychology Topics

  • How are cognitive diseases related to the development of certain disorders?
  • How are our perceptions of the world around us affecting the way we behave?
  • Can alcohol addiction and other drug-related dependencies be tied to genetics?
  • Does biology prevent humans from experiencing a pure sense of free will?
  • In what ways does functionalism play into biological psychology?

More Sports Psychology Topics

  • What are the negative effects on the mind of exercising to lose weight?
  • How is having a network of supporters important for athletic performance?
  • How does the attention of PHDs affect the way people feel about sports?
  • What impact do sports role models have on a youth’s development?
  • Is the NCAA giving an adequate education to its student-athletes?
  • What are the most effective ways of dealing with school bullying?
  • What are the major causes of psychopathic tendencies in teenagers?
  • How does our modern society deal with gender roles?
  • What are the key characteristics that improve the abilities to learn a new language?
  • Do children require a good foundation to excel academically?

Forensic Psychology Topics

  • How can psychology be used to identify and put suspects on trial for certain crimes?
  • How has forensic psychology assisted in the way we look at death penalty cases?
  • Can psychotic disorders be reevaluated as a result of better psych understanding?
  • Should mental diseases be considered in capital punishment cases?
  • How would you evaluate the mitigating effects of capital cases in people?

What did you think of our list of psychology thesis topics? Our professional dissertation writers keep our list of ideas up-to-date so that students are always pushing the envelope of research in every discipline. Check back for new general psychology topics or contact us to have a list custom-made for a specific research project.

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GCSE results day 2024: Everything you need to know including the number grading system

bachelor thesis example psychology

Thousands of students across the country will soon be finding out their GCSE results and thinking about the next steps in their education.   

Here we explain everything you need to know about the big day, from when results day is, to the current 9-1 grading scale, to what your options are if your results aren’t what you’re expecting.  

When is GCSE results day 2024?  

GCSE results day will be taking place on Thursday the 22 August.     

The results will be made available to schools on Wednesday and available to pick up from your school by 8am on Thursday morning.  

Schools will issue their own instructions on how and when to collect your results.   

When did we change to a number grading scale?  

The shift to the numerical grading system was introduced in England in 2017 firstly in English language, English literature, and maths.  

By 2020 all subjects were shifted to number grades. This means anyone with GCSE results from 2017-2020 will have a combination of both letters and numbers.  

The numerical grading system was to signal more challenging GCSEs and to better differentiate between students’ abilities - particularly at higher grades between the A *-C grades. There only used to be 4 grades between A* and C, now with the numerical grading scale there are 6.  

What do the number grades mean?  

The grades are ranked from 1, the lowest, to 9, the highest.  

The grades don’t exactly translate, but the two grading scales meet at three points as illustrated below.  

The image is a comparison chart from the UK Department for Education, showing the new GCSE grades (9 to 1) alongside the old grades (A* to G). Grade 9 aligns with A*, grades 8 and 7 with A, and so on, down to U, which remains unchanged. The "Results 2024" logo is in the bottom-right corner, with colourful stripes at the top and bottom.

The bottom of grade 7 is aligned with the bottom of grade A, while the bottom of grade 4 is aligned to the bottom of grade C.    

Meanwhile, the bottom of grade 1 is aligned to the bottom of grade G.  

What to do if your results weren’t what you were expecting?  

If your results weren’t what you were expecting, firstly don’t panic. You have options.  

First things first, speak to your school or college – they could be flexible on entry requirements if you’ve just missed your grades.   

They’ll also be able to give you the best tailored advice on whether re-sitting while studying for your next qualifications is a possibility.   

If you’re really unhappy with your results you can enter to resit all GCSE subjects in summer 2025. You can also take autumn exams in GCSE English language and maths.  

Speak to your sixth form or college to decide when it’s the best time for you to resit a GCSE exam.  

Look for other courses with different grade requirements     

Entry requirements vary depending on the college and course. Ask your school for advice, and call your college or another one in your area to see if there’s a space on a course you’re interested in.    

Consider an apprenticeship    

Apprenticeships combine a practical training job with study too. They’re open to you if you’re 16 or over, living in England, and not in full time education.  

As an apprentice you’ll be a paid employee, have the opportunity to work alongside experienced staff, gain job-specific skills, and get time set aside for training and study related to your role.   

You can find out more about how to apply here .  

Talk to a National Careers Service (NCS) adviser    

The National Career Service is a free resource that can help you with your career planning. Give them a call to discuss potential routes into higher education, further education, or the workplace.   

Whatever your results, if you want to find out more about all your education and training options, as well as get practical advice about your exam results, visit the  National Careers Service page  and Skills for Careers to explore your study and work choices.   

You may also be interested in:

  • Results day 2024: What's next after picking up your A level, T level and VTQ results?
  • When is results day 2024? GCSEs, A levels, T Levels and VTQs

Tags: GCSE grade equivalent , gcse number grades , GCSE results , gcse results day 2024 , gsce grades old and new , new gcse grades

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