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Wanderings of a musth male, efa student wins ‘animals’ best phd thesis award 2022.

animals best phd thesis

Connie Allen

Huge congratulations to Dr Connie Allen for winning the Journal, Animals  2022 Best PhD Thesis Award. Her thesis “Importance of older males: influence of age structure on social dynamics between males in an elephant bull area” was conducted at the University of Exeter, based on 3 years field work with us in the Makgadikgadi Pans National Park.

We are of course incredibly proud of her achievement and for the great work she has done on male elephants, increasing our knowledge of their social needs.


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Animal Welfare and Behaviour

  • Faculty of Health Sciences
  • Bristol Veterinary School
  • Phone +44(0)117 9289280, +44(0)117 9289505
  • Email [email protected]
  • Website http://www.bris.ac.uk/vetscience/research/welfare-behaviour/

United Kingdom

Student theses

  • Title (descending)

Search results

An epidemiological investigation of coxiella burnetii and chlamydia spp. as infectious agents causing abortion in dairy cattle in uruguay.

Student thesis : Doctoral Thesis › Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

Animal Emotion and Welfare: A Decision-Making and Computational Approach

An investigation into restricted grazing techniques in the uk and their impact on equine welfare.

Student thesis : Master's Thesis › Master of Science by Research (MScR)

A prospective cohort study of foot temperature and claw horn disruption lesions in non-lame dairy cows.

A quasi-experimental study of the flipped classroom method in a hong kong associate degree of nursing studies setting.

Student thesis : Doctoral Thesis › Doctor of Education (EdD)

Assessing and understanding Chinese high school students' scientific argumentation competence

A study of leadership in hong kong self-financing higher education, clinical trial: investigating the efficacy of behavioural treatment and indicators of emotional state in the fearful domestic dog (canis familiaris)., cognitive bias as an indicator of emotional states in animals, data-driven housing designs to improve bone health and welfare in laying hens, developing measures for pain assessment in dairy calves, evaluation of the effect of the bristol pecking pan on beak sharpness of pullets during rear, exploring social dynamics in cattle using a social networks approach, farmer innovation for improvement of animal health and welfare : a comparison of different policy interventions to enhance practice-led innovation for animal health and welfare improvement, helminth parasites of pigs and humans in north central nigeria, with a particular focus on taenia solium, identifying constraints to health and production in the uk dairy goat industry : subtheme; colostrum.

Student thesis : Doctoral Thesis › Doctor of Dental Surgery (DDS)

Implementation of canine quality of life assessment in veterinary practice

Improving dairy cattle welfare : examining motivational interviewing, veterinary communication and the herd health advisory paradigm, investigating the effect of individual attributes on dogs’ performance in medical detection tasks, investigating the efficacy of automated writing evaluation as a diagnostic assessment tool in l2 writing instruction: a mixed-method study, leveraging the power of household surveys in agricultural research for development, statistical methods for investigating the ethnic achievement gap in colombia, teachers’ language assessment literacy in the digital age: construct, competence and affecting factors, the application of positive behavioural measures for commercial broiler production, the development and practical implementation of single pulse ultra-high current for humane and halal compliant slaughter of cattle, the development of a welfare assessment protocol for racehorses, the effect of loading context on bone’s deficient adaptive response to mechanical loading in old mice, the effects of chronic pain from spontaneous canine osteoarthritis on working memory and sleep, the implementation of the scientific approach (sa) in english as a foreign language (efl) classes and its influence on students’ critical thinking development processes: an in-depth case study of an indonesian state senior high school, the perception and relief of pain associated with lameness in dairy cattle., tuberculosis in cattle and humans in plateau state, nigeria, using simulation with simulated patients and peer role-play for adverse event disclosure training in an undergraduate nursing program: a comparative study, volunteers or conscripts investigating the impact of compulsory mathematics on students’ mathematics choices, motivation and attainment in a further education college.

Student thesis : Master's Thesis › Master of Science (MSc)

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Graduate Student Research Topics

Current students.

Using Landscape Dynamic Simulations to Model Mexican Spotted Owl’s Habitat and Connectivity Response to Future Fire Regimes and Climate Change Scenarios

Behavior and distribution of tundra and trumpeter swans wintering in Skagit valley, WA, USA

North American river otter (Lontra canadensis) seasonal prey selection of waterbirds based on availability and vulnerability

Using Genetic Analysis to Determine Kinship and Sociality Among River Otters Along the Humboldt County Coast, California

Common Raven Abundance in Gunnison Sage Grouse Habitat

Spatial Ecology of Ravens

Examining conservation importance of slash pile management on private timberlands in northern California

Breana Hernandez

Wetland biodiversity surveyed via eDNA


A Case Study in Integrating Federal, Tribal, and State Legislation to Support Northern California Condor Restoration

Do rangeland management practices incentivized by California's Healthy Soils Program confer co-benefits for both birds and ranchers?

Effects of vegetation on the behavior of hunting barn owls (Tyto furcata) and their prey

Examining the effects of songbird nest boxes on ecosystem services and avian community composition in Napa Valley vineyards

Physiological conditions of barn owl (Tyto furcata) nestlings as indicators of habitat quality within the wine-growing region of Napa Valley

Predator-prey interactions affect ecosystem services on Napa Valley vineyards

Testing Adaptive Flexibility in Breeding Swainson’s Hawk Territory Habitat Selection

Testing Vegetation Composition as a Predictor of Soil Organic Carbon on Working lands in California Using a Voluntary Monitoring Network

The use of social information for prospecting and nest site selection by Western Bluebirds (Sialia mexicana)

Breana Hernandez

Wetland biodiversity surveyed via eDNA


Brittany Welch

Brittany will be investigating habitat requirements of migrating and non-migrating populations of Lewis's Woodpeckers in Oregon.

Understanding wildlife habitat in tropical mountain cloud forests in Panama using landscape ecological models.

Sydney McCluskey , 2024

Thesis: Using Novel and Traditional Survey Techniques to Monitor Small Mammal Species in Northwestern California Advisor: Barbara Clucas

Sydney McCluskey

Janelle Chojnacki , 2024

Thesis: Common Raven Resource Selection, Diet and Behavior around a Threatened Shorebird Advisor: Barbara Clucas


Maddie Ybarra , 2024

Thesis: The effects of native perennial cover on avian physiological indicators of habitat quality in California coastal prairie rangelands. Advisor: Matthew Johnson

animals best phd thesis

Jaime Carlino , 2024

Thesis: Measuring barn owl breeding habitat quality and predicting double brooding Advisor: Matthew Johnson

Jaime Carlino

Shaun Thornton , 2023

Thesis: A return to the staging grounds : reassessment of Aleutian cackling goose spring distribution in north Humboldt Bay Advisor: Jeff Black

Steffen Peterson , 2023

Thesis: Estimating black bear population parameters with spatial capture recapture in a high desert mountain ecosystem Advisor: Micaela Szykman Gunther

Sara Moriarty-Graves , 2023

Thesis: Carnivore and ungulate occurrence in a fire-prone region Advisor: Micaela Szykman Gunther

Photo of Sara Moriarty-Graves

Erika Anderson , 2023

Thesis: Sympatric carnivores and vegetation structure influence the distribution and abundance of Humboldt martens in Northern California Advisor: Micaela Szykman Gunther

Photo of Erika Anderson

Ashley Harper , 2023

Thesis: Identifying habitat suitability and connectivity for Roosevelt elk (Cervus canadensis roosevelti) on the North Coast of California Advisor: Micaela Szykman Gunther , Ho Yi Wan

Photo of Ashley Harper

Laura Echávez , 2023

Thesis: Polymorphism of barn owls in a managed ecosystem Advisor: Matthew Johnson

Laura Echávez

Samantha Chavez , 2023

Thesis: Maximizing the use of a natural avian predator for pest control in an agricultural system Advisor: Matthew Johnson

Samantha Chavez

Jessica Guenther , 2022

Thesis: Do Steller's jays respond to human providers? Advisor: Jeff Black

Brian Fagundes , 2022

Thesis: Estimating the ecosystem service of Aleutian cackling goose droppings on pastures Advisor: Jeff Black

Travis Farwell , 2022

Thesis: Geographic and seasonal variation of flying squirrel vocalizations in California Advisor: Barbara Clucas

Travis Farwell

Rebecca Carniello , 2022

Thesis: Carnivore and ungulate response to livestock in a grazed forest ecosystem Advisor: Micaela Szykman Gunther

Becca Carniello photo

Ashley Hansen , 2022

Thesis: Use of an avian predator as a biological control agent in agricultural systems: Do barn owls (Tyto alba) impact rodent abundance in a vineyard setting? Advisor: Matthew Johnson

Ashley Hansen holding an owl

Jessica Barger , 2021

Thesis: Barger, JL 2021. Merging Art and Science : Lessons Learned from an ‘Otterly’ Different Case Study . Humboldt State University Advisor: Jeff Black

Leigh J. Marshall , 2021

Thesis: Recreation, vegetation management, and disease impact sympatric carnivore activity in California's East Bay parks Advisor: Barbara Clucas , Micaela Szykman Gunther

Photo of Leigh

Makenzie Henk , 2021

Thesis: Using noninvasive genetic sampling with a Bayesian spatial capture-recapture analysis to estimate abundance of Roosevelt Elk (Cervus canadensis roosevelti) Advisor: Micaela Szykman Gunther

Makenzie Henk

Evelyn Lichwa , 2021

Thesis: Ecological and Social Drivers of Mexican Gray Wolf (Canis lupus baileyi) Home Range Patterns Across Spatiotemporal Scales Advisor: Micaela Szykman Gunther

Evelyn Lichwa

Frank Juma Ong'ondo , 2021

Thesis: Bird abundance and diversity in shade coffee and natural forest in Kenya Advisor: Matthew Johnson

Frank Juma Ong’ondo standing in front of a tree with binoculars in his hands

Adam Mohr , 2020

Thesis: Spatial ecology for two subspecies of elk in California Advisor: William "Tim" Bean

Kachina Rowland , 2020

Thesis: Rowland, KL 2020. The Rattle Call : a Female-Specific Vocalization in Steller’s Jays . Humboldt State University Advisor: Jeff Black

Chad Moura , 2020

Thesis: Temporal Partitioning of Mammalian Mesopredators in Response to Anthropogenic Urbanization and Climate Change in California’s Central Valley Advisor: Barbara Clucas

Chad Moura

Jon Ewanyk , 2020

Thesis: Habitat use and prey selection by mountain lions in an altered sagebrush steppe environment Advisor: Micaela Szykman Gunther

Deven Kammerichs-Berke , 2020

Thesis: Foraging selectivity of insectivorous birds in Kenyan shade coffee systems Advisor: Matthew Johnson

Deven Kammerichs-Berke - holding a small bird

Claire Nasr , 2019

Thesis: Identifying spatial overlap and seasonal variation between human and seabird use along the Trinidad Coast to better predict timing and location of potential disturbance events Advisor: Daniel Barton

Claire Nasr

Alyssa Marquez , 2019

Thesis: Response of headwater amphibians to long-term logging impacts and assessing potential for restoration in Redwood National and State Parks Advisor: Daniel Barton , Micaela Szykman Gunther

Alyssa Marquez

Alyssa Semerdjian , 2019

Thesis: Evaluation of range-wide occupancy and survey methods for the giant kangaroo rat (Dipodomys ingens) Advisor: William "Tim" Bean

Pairsa Belamaric , 2019

Thesis: Direct and/or indirect effects porcupine foraging may have on coastal dune forest ecosystems Advisor: William "Tim" Bean

Pairsa Belamaric

Sarah Schooler , 2019

Thesis: Shade trees preserve avian insectivore biodiversity on coffee farms in a warming climate Advisor: William "Tim" Bean

Matt Delgado , 2019

Thesis: Achromatic plumage patch quality: internal organ and skeletal correlates in Aleutian cackling geese (Branta hutchinsii leucopareia) Advisor: Jeff Black

Molly Parren , 2019

Thesis: Drought and Coyotes Mediate the Relationship Between Mesopredators and Human Disturbance in California Advisor: Barbara Clucas

Molly Parren

Trinity Smith , 2019

Thesis: Elucidating Patterns of Bat Species Occupancy Across a Disturbed Landscape in California’s Central Valley Advisor: Barbara Clucas

Trinity Smith

Holly Gamblin , 2019

Thesis: Investigating range expansion and habitat use of Humboldt marten in a fragmented landscape Advisor: Micaela Szykman Gunther

Rudy Mena , 2019

Thesis: Targeting social cohesion in female roosevelt elk (cervus canadensis roosevelti) groups minimizes survey efforts for fecal dna capture-recapture estimates of abundance Advisor: Micaela Szykman Gunther

Andria Townsend , 2019

Thesis: Tree squirrels and fishers in Northern California: The effects of masting hardwoods on stand use Advisor: Micaela Szykman Gunther

Andria Townsend photo

Brooks Estes , 2019

Thesis: Farmer perceptions of barn owls as part of integrated pest management in vineyard ecosystems. Advisor: Matthew Johnson

Brooks Estes smiling with a horse

Allison Huysman , 2019

Thesis: Barn owl hunting responses to wine country wildfires. Advisor: Matthew Johnson

Allison Huysman - Holding an owl in a vineyard

Dane St. George , 2019

Thesis: Barn owl prey delivery rates in Napa Valley vineyard ecosystems. Advisor: Matthew Johnson

Dane in a vineyard holding an owl

Katrina Smith , 2018

Thesis: Evaluating habitat selection models to improve site selection in a population monitoring program for Townsend's big-eared bats (Corynorhinus Townsendii) Advisor: Daniel Barton

Katrina Smith

Justin Deminaew , 2018

Thesis: Changes in demography, distribution, and diet in garter snakes following eradication of a non-native prey subsidy Advisor: Daniel Barton

Justin Deminaew

Jennie Jones Scherbinski , 2018

Thesis: The influence of microclimate and local adaptation for a climate-sensitive species (Aplodontia rufa) Advisor: William "Tim" Bean

Ivy Widick , 2018

Thesis: Evaluating current and future range limits of an endangered, keystone rodent (Dipodomys ingens) Advisor: William "Tim" Bean

Elizabeth Morata , 2018

Thesis: Seasonal home range variation and spatial ecology of peregrine falcons (Falco peregrinus) in coastal Humboldt County, CA Advisor: Jeff Black

Genevieve Rozhon , 2018

Thesis: Sex-specific habitat selection of rough-legged hawks (Buteo lagopus) wintering in western North America Advisor: Jeff Black

Xerónimo Castañeda , 2018

Thesis: Quantifying habitat use by barn owls foraging in vineyards versus adjacent habitats. Advisor: Matthew Johnson

Xerónimo Castañeda - Holding a bird in the forest

Dawn Blake , 2018

Thesis: Foraging habitat of pileated woodpeckers in relation to a managed landscape on the Hoopa Valley reservation, Northwestern California Advisor: Matthew Johnson

Dawn Blake in the forest with a bird

Kelly Commons  , 2017

Thesis: Mobbing behavior in wild Steller's jay (Cyanocitta stelleri) Advisor: Jeff Black

Trinity Tippin  , 2017

Thesis: Propensity of predator mimicry in wild Steller's jays Advisor: Jeff Black

Shannon (Murphy) Brinkman , 2016

Thesis: Evaluating Brandt’s Cormorant (Phalacrocorax penicillatus) reproductive success: Effects of parental care behaviors and estimating individual chick survival Advisor: Daniel Barton

Shannon (Murphy) Brinkman

Emily Cate , 2016

Thesis: Consumer movement among successional communities in relation to the rare, endemic plant Lassics lupine (Lupines constancei) ? Advisor: Daniel Barton

Emily Cate

Ryan Baumbusch , 2016

Thesis: A model to evaluate barred owl removal strategies for the conservation of northern spotted owls Advisor: Daniel Barton

Ryan Baumbusch

Nathan Alexander , 2016

Thesis: Genetic structure and connectivity of the endangered Giant Kangaroo Rat (Dipodomys ingens) in a heterogeneous environment Advisor: William "Tim" Bean

Cara Appel , 2016

Thesis: Seasonal habitat selection of the North American porcupine (Erethizon dorsatum) in a coastal dune forest Advisor: William "Tim" Bean

Sharon Dulava , 2016

Thesis: Fine-scale change detection using unmanned aircraft systems (UAS) to inform reproductive biology in nesting Waterbirds Advisor: William "Tim" Bean

Alexis Dejoannis , 2016

Thesis: A description of pre-alternate molt in snowy plovers. Advisor: Mark Colwell

Teresa King , 2016

Thesis: An experimental test of response by Common Ravens to nest exclosures Advisor: Mark Colwell

Caylen Cummins , 2016

Thesis: Environmental and anthropogenic influences on fisher (Pekania pennanti) den attendance patterns in California  Advisor: Micaela Szykman Gunther

Marisa Parish , 2016

Thesis: Beaver bank lodge use, distribution and influence on salmonid rearing habitat in the coastal plain of the Smith River, California Advisor: Micaela Szykman Gunther

Carrie Wendt , 2016

Thesis: Examining barn owl nest box selection at three spatial scales on Napa Valley vineyards  Advisor: Matthew Johnson

Carrie Wendt - Holding an owl in a vineyard

Shannon Mendia , 2016

Thesis: Examining ecosystem services and disservices of bear damage on Hoopa Valley Reservation Advisor: Matthew Johnson

Shannon Mendia with a large cat

Jennifer Brown , 2016

Thesis: Effects of canopy cover on the prevalence of Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis on frogs in Jamaican coffee farms. Advisor: Matthew Johnson

Jennifer Brown in a field of plants with an animal

Derek Harvey  , 2015

Thesis: Innovative problem solving in wild Steller's jays Advisor: Jeff Black

Brendan Leigh  , 2015

Thesis: Habitat shifts and food intake in American Wigeon Anas americana in winter. Advisor: Jeff Black

Matthew Delheimer , 2015

Thesis: Assessment of short-term effectiveness of artificial resting and denning structures for the Humboldt marten (Martes caurina humboldtensis) in harvested forests in northwestern California Advisor: Micaela Szykman Gunther

Jacob Mesler , 2015

Thesis: Modeling gray wolf habitat suitability and expansion into the Pacific Northwest Advisor: Micaela Szykman Gunther

Kerry Rennie , 2015

Thesis: Home range overlap and female philopatry in fishers on the Hoopa Valley Indian Reservation Advisor: Micaela Szykman Gunther

Wendy Cristina Willis , 2015

Thesis: Perceptions of shade tree cultivation by coffee farmers in the Blue Mountains of Jamaica Advisor: Matthew Johnson

Wendy Cristina Willis with a man in a blue shirt

Bryan Daniels  , 2014

Thesis: Activity budgets, daily energy expenditure and energetic model of Black Brant Branta bernicla nigricans during winter and spring along the Lower Alaska Peninsula. Advisor: Jeff Black

Ted Torgerson , 2014

Thesis: Latrine site selection and seasonal habitat use of a coastal river otter population Advisor: Micaela Szykman Gunther

Megan Milligan , 2014

Thesis: Quantifying pest control services by birds in Kenyan coffee farms Advisor: Matthew Johnson

Megan Milligan hiking with a backpack in the mountains

Chris Smith , 2014

Thesis: Bird species richness and abundance in shade and sun coffee farms in Kenya Advisor: Matthew Johnson

Chris Smith with a bird out in the forest

Stephanie Eyes , 2014

Thesis: The effects of fire severity on California spotted owl habitat use patterns Advisor: Matthew Johnson

Stephanie Eyes in the forest with her hand in the air

Josh Cocke  , 2013

Thesis: Observations of Aleutian Cackling Geese (Branta hutchinsii leucopareia) breeding on Buldir Island, Alaska: forty-seven years after the discovery of a remnant population Advisor: Jeff Black

Betsy Elkinton , 2013

Thesis: Foraging and energy acquisition by black brant (Branta bernicla nigricans) on South Humboldt Bay, California Advisor: Jeff Black

Will Goldenberg  , 2013

Thesis: Steller’s jay space use and behavior in campground and non-campground sites within Redwood National and State Parks Advisor: Jeff Black

Katlin Overeem  , 2013

Thesis: Extra-pair paternity and sexual selection in the Steller’s jay (Cyanocitta stelleri) Advisor: Jeff Black

Hilary Cosby , 2013

Thesis: Variation in diet and activity of river otters (Lontra canadensis) by season and aquatic community Advisor: Micaela Szykman Gunther

Megan Garfinkel , 2013

Thesis: Pest-removal services provided by songbirds on small organic farms in Humboldt County, CA Advisor: Matthew Johnson

Megan Garfinkell with a baby goat on her shoulders

Pia Gabriel  , 2012

Thesis:  Steller’s jay behavioural syndromes.Technische Universität München, Germany. Advisor: Jeff Black

Ange Darnell , 2012

Thesis: Space use of African wild dogs in relation to other large carnivores in Hluhluwe-Imfolozi Park, South Africa Advisor: Micaela Szykman Gunther

Brent Campos , 2012

Thesis: Habitat selection, habitat use, and home ranges of black-throated blue warblers on Jamaican coffee farms: implications for an ecosystem service Advisor: Matthew Johnson

Campos out in the wilderness with binoculars around his neck

Ryan Kalinowski , 2012

Thesis: Habitat relationships of great gray owl prey in meadows of the Sierra Nevada Mountains  Advisor: Matthew Johnson

Ryan Kalinowski - in the field holding a specimen rat in a bag

Christina Rockwell  , 2011

Thesis: Bolder, older, and selective: factors of individual-specific foraging strategies in Steller's jays Advisor: Jeff Black

Jen Terry Zalewski  , 2011

Thesis: Ecological factors influencing stress in northern river otters (Lontra canadensis) Advisor: Jeff Black

Jeff Zirpoli  , 2011

Thesis: Parasites and plumage: an experimental field test of the parasite-mediated handicap hypothesis Advisor: Jeff Black

Jennifer Terry Zalewski , 2011

Thesis: Ecological factors influencing stress in northern river otters (Lontra canadensis) Advisor: Micaela Szykman Gunther

Marlene Wagner , 2011

Thesis: Habitat selection by red-breasted sapsucker (Sphyrapicus ruber) in southeast Alaska old-growth forest Advisor: Matthew Johnson

Marlene with binoculars at the river looking into the sky

Sacha Heath , 2011

Thesis: The effects of bird and bat arthropod predation on sapling black cottonwoods in the context of restoration Advisor: Matthew Johnson

birds and trees

Kyle Spragens  , 2010

Thesis:  Aleutian goose response to facilitation by livestock grazing regimes in coastal pastures.  Advisor: Jeff Black

Penny Spiering Becker , 2010

Thesis: The genetics, behaviour and success of African wild dogs (Lycaon pictus) in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa (PhD) Advisor: Micaela Szykman Gunther

Kristin Brzeski , 2010

Thesis: A non-invasive approach examining North American river otter abundance and sociality Advisor: Micaela Szykman Gunther

Chris West  , 2009

Thesis:  Vigilance in reintroduced California condors: the impact of early-rearing experience.  Advisor: Jeff Black

Shannon Murhpie , 2009

Thesis: Effect of hair loss syndrome on survival, behavior and habitat selection of black-tailed deer fawns Advisor: Micaela Szykman Gunther

Jared Wolfe , 2009

Thesis: Habitat use of Nearctic-Neotropic migrant birds in northeastern Costa Rica Advisor: Matthew Johnson

a bird biting someones finger

Dominic Bachman  , 2008

Thesis: Managing grassland pastures at Humboldt Bay National Wildlife Refuge for Aleutian geese Advisor: Jeff Black

Susannah Ferson  , 2008

Thesis: Manipulation of food quality and quantity by black brant geese Advisor: Jeff Black

Jeanne Hammond , 2008

Thesis: Nest predation at the Cosumnes River Preserve: Is an introduced predator, the black rat (Rattus rattus), limiting songbird breeding productivity? Advisor: Matthew Johnson

Jeanne Hammond bio photo

Amy Roberts , 2008

Thesis: Bat use of redwood basal hollows with increasing isolation in contiguous, remnant, and legacy redwood forest stands. Advisor: Matthew Johnson

Amy Roberts bio photo

Dominic Bachman , 2008

Thesis: Aleutian Cackling Goose Habitat Management [co-advised with Dr. Jeff Black]. Advisor: Matthew Johnson

Dominic Bachman bio photo

Emily Bjerre  , 2007

Thesis: Optimal grit : investigating grit acquisition and site use by black brant Advisor: Jeff Black

Rebecca Green , 2007

Thesis: Distribution of forest carnivores and evaluation of habitat models for American Marten in Sequoia and Kings Canyon National Parks. Advisor: Matthew Johnson

Rebecca Green in the forest cheering

Amy Leist , 2007

Thesis: The importance of fruit to Swainson’s thrushes, Catharus ustulatus, at stopover sites during fall migration: A field test of plasma metabolite analysis. Advisor: Matthew Johnson

Jherime Kellermann , 2007

Thesis: Assessing an economic incentive for bird-friendly coffee cultivation in Jamaica, West Indies. Advisor: Matthew Johnson

Jherime Kellermann bio photo

Eric Wood , 2007

Thesis: Predictive modeling of focal bird species in Central Sierra Nevada Foothill woodlands. Advisor: Matthew Johnson

Eric Wood with a bird

Jim Tietz , 2006

Thesis: Stopover ecology and habitat selection in fall migrant Swainson’s Thrushes (Catharus ustulatus) along the northern California coast. Advisor: Matthew Johnson

Jim Tietz bio photo

Chris Tonra , 2006

Thesis: Hatching Synchrony in Brown-Headed Cowbirds: The influence of host density, chick gender, and habitat. Advisor: Matthew Johnson

Chris Tonra bio photo

Anne Mini  , 2005

Thesis:  Energetic expenditure of Aleutian Canada geese experiencing different management regimes. Advisor: Jeff Black

Jeff Moore  , 2003

Thesis: Distribution of spring staging black brant Branta bernicla nigricans in relation to feeding opportunities on south Humboldt Bay, California Advisor: Jeff Black

Ken Griggs  , 2003

Thesis:  Parental investment in Western Canada geese. Advisor: Jeff Black

Derek Lee  , 2002

Thesis:  Spring stopover of black brant geese at Humboldt Bay, CA. Advisor: Jeff Black

John Quinn  , 2000

Thesis:  Relationship between red-breasted geese and peregrine falcons during the breeding season, Oxford University, England. Advisor: Jeff Black

Friederike Woog , 1999

Thesis:  Dominance and dispersal of Hawaiian geese, University of Hohenheim, Stuttgart, Germany. Advisor: Jeff Black

Glynn Young , 1995

Thesis: The systematic position of Meller's Duck: a behavioural approach, University of Kent, England. Advisor: Jeff Black

Friederike Woog , 1993

Thesis:  Ecology of Hawaiian geese in habitats of Haleakala National Park, Maui, University of Hohenheim, Stuttgart, Germany. Advisor: Jeff Black

Sharmila Choudhury  , 1992

Thesis:  Mate choice in barnacle geese, Oxford University. Advisor: Jeff Black

Wildlife 1 Harpst St. Arcata, CA 95521 Phone: (707) 826-3953 Fax: (707) 826-4060 [email protected]

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LVPEI PhD alumnus awarded the Best PhD Thesis in Animal Biology

  • 28th September 2024

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Dr Mukesh Damala, an LVPEI PhD alumnus, supervised by Dr Vivek Singh from LVPEI and Dr Bindu Madhav Reddy from the University of Hyderabad (UoH), has been awarded the Best PhD Thesis in Animal Biology by UoH for 2023-24. The title of his thesis is 'Optimizing the Processes for Isolation, Preservation, and Transportation of Human Limbus-derived Stromal/Mesenchymal Stem Cells for Corneal Regeneration' . His research has been instrumental in leading to two clinical trials and multiple publications, bringing recognition to the institute. Dr Damala will also receive the prestigious Prof. Yenugu Ramaswamy Naidu Medal at the upcoming convocation.

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