University of Florida

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Political Science

Program information.

The Department of Political Science currently offers two graduate degrees: Master of Arts (thesis or non-thesis option) and Doctor of Philosophy. The political science–international relations program currently offers the Master of Arts (thesis or non-thesis option). Requirements for these degrees are given in the Graduate Degrees Section of this catalog. For further information about international relations, please contact the Political Science Department or visit their departmental page in this catalog .  

Admission to graduate study in the Department of Political Science normally requires the completion of an undergraduate major in political science or its equivalent. Students without this preparation may be required to make up deficiencies early in their graduate work. The core sequence begins in the fall term, providing basic knowledge that students need in later semesters. In evaluating candidates for admission, the Department considers

  • Prior academic achievement
  • Letters of recommendation from three faculty members or others familiar with the academic potential or work habits of the applicant
  • A statement of purpose that conveys intellectual ambitions, indicates how the program of study satisfies the student’s interests and goals, and tells how the student would contribute to the program.

Fields of specialization offered by the Department include American government and politics, comparative politics, international relations, public policy, political theory, political behavior, and political methodology.

Master of Arts: The M.A. curricula are designed to serve students who want to pursue goals of an advanced general education, to gain skills and knowledge suitable for various types of public or private employment, or to prepare for further work at the doctoral level. M.A. students are required to complete POS 6736 The Conduct of Inquiry (3 cr.)  and either POS 6737 Political Data Analysis (3 cr.) or STA 6126 Statistical Methods in Social Research I (3 cr.) . Students may complete their M.A. degrees with or without writing a thesis. Students pursuing the thesis option must complete 30 hours of graduate course work. The thesis is expected to be of length and quality comparable to papers presented at professional academic conferences or published in academic journals. Students pursuing the non-thesis option must complete 36 semester hours of graduate course work and defend two qualifying papers. For both M.A. options, course work in political science, exclusive of core courses, must include a minimum of two graduate-level courses in one field of political science.

The M.A. degree may be taken in conjunction with the following certificate programs:

  • Political campaigning
  • Public affairs

Students in these certificate programs pursue the non-thesis option.

Public affairs: This program trains students for leadership positions in state, local, and national governments as well as for careers in nonprofit organizations by providing students with knowledge and skills in the areas of organization behavior, public budgeting and finances, public management, policy analysis, program evaluation, and computer applications. The curriculum consists of seminars in political science, public administration, public policy, process, state and local politics, and research methods. Supervised internships in selected agencies in Florida are arranged by the Department of Political Science as an integral part of the training program. This specialization requires 39 hours of course work plus satisfactory completion of a 3-hour internship at the discretion of the Department. Students must also defend a final management-policy paper that incorporates analytical and substantive expertise. Graduates of the program serve in a variety of professional positions, including city managers, heads of municipal departments, directors of nonprofit organizations, analysts for the state legislature, and budget analysts for the federal government. In addition to the M.A. degree in political science, students receive the Certificate in Public Affairs.

Political campaigning: The program is designed to provide students with the basic political skills, insights, and experience that are critical for success in the rapidly changing profession of politics and political consulting. The program combines an awareness of the academic literature on mass and elite behavior with exposure to the increasingly sophisticated techniques used by campaigns. Students take a total of 39 hours from four major areas:

  • Courses required of all M.A. students
  • Courses oriented to practical aspects of political campaigning and governmental affairs (lobbying), including a 3-credit campaign-related internship
  • Courses placing campaigns and elections in the broader context of American politics
  • Related courses offered by the College of Journalism and Communications

Entry-level jobs have included such positions as legislative aide, campaign (or deputy campaign) manager, polling analyst, state party political coordinator, general campaign consultant, and media relations. With additional experience, some former students have gone on to become state legislator (and later, member of the U.S. House of Representatives), deputy chief of staff to the governor of Florida, partner in a major Washington area polling firm, assistant to the Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada, and head lobbyist for a nationwide restaurant chain. In addition to the M.A. degree in political science, students receive the Certificate in Political Campaigning.

Law/Public Affairs joint degree program: This program culminates in the Master of Arts in political science and Juris Doctor degrees. A joint degree program culminating in the Master of Arts in political science international relations and Juris Doctor degrees is also available. The joint program enables students to earn both the J.D. and the M.A. in less time than would be required to earn both degrees consecutively. Full-time students who make satisfactory progress can usually earn both degrees in 4 years. Candidates for the joint degree program must meet the entrance requirements for, and be admitted to, both the College of Law and the Department of Political Science. These requirements include both the LSAT and the GRE. Students are encouraged to announce their intent of seeking a joint degree as soon as possible. The Department of Political Science will allow 12 hours of appropriate law school courses to be credited toward the M.A. degree. The 12 credits selected from the law curriculum must be approved by the Political Science graduate coordinator on the recommendation of the student’s supervisory committee. The College of Law will permit 12 hours of credit earned in political science graduate courses to be credited toward the J.D. degree. Students in the joint degree program are permitted, but not required, to pursue a companion certificate program in public affairs or political campaigning.

Combination bachelor’s/master’s degree program: This combination program is designed for superior students who have the ability to pursue an accelerated program leading to the Bachelor of Arts and the Master of Arts degrees in political science or political science international relations.

Up to 12 semester hours of approved graduate-level political science courses may be used as credit for both the undergraduate and graduate degree. Applicants to the program must present

  • Acceptable scores on the verbal, quantitative, and analytical writing portions of the GRE
  • Completion of at least 24 semester hours at the University of Florida (including at least 12 semester hours of political science) with a GPA of 3.7 or higher
  • Letters of recommendation from two faculty members in the Department of Political Science

The combination program is not recommended for students considering a Ph.D. program in political science at UF but is appropriate for those considering one of the M.A. degree plus certificate programs described above. Further information concerning this program is available from the departmental undergraduate and graduate coordinators.

Doctor of Philosophy: The Ph.D. program emphasizes preparation for academic careers through seminars, independent work with faculty, and professional development experiences including graduate paper readings, placement workshops, and a distinguished lecture series. The Ph.D. prepares students for teaching and research in either an academic or governmental environment and opens doors to other career opportunities in both the private and public sectors. The Ph.D. program emphasizes the development of strong analytic skills and sophisticated research methods. As resources permit, the Department provides students with funding for travel expenses to scholarly meetings and professional (methodological) training support. As part of the preparation for careers in academia, doctoral students are also generally expected to contribute to the teaching mission of the Department. All Ph.D. students must complete the following:

  • POS 6736 The Conduct of Inquiry (3 cr.)
  • POS 6716 Scope and Epistemologies of Political Science (3 cr.)
  • POS 6737 Political Data Analysis (3 cr.)
  • POT 6505 Politics and Theory (3 cr.)   
  • Course work in a major and two minor fields of study
  • Qualifying examinations in a major field and one minor field
  • A dissertation

Fields of study open to Ph.D. students include comparative politics, American politics, public policy, international relations, political behavior, political theory, and political methodology. Applications are particularly welcome from students whose intellectual interests traverse these fields, including those with interests in religion and politics, state political institutions and policy, environmental politics, and minority and ethnic politics.

University of Florida Ph.D. students benefit from associations with faculty in numerous other departments and centers. The Centers for Latin American Studies, African Studies, and European Studies complement department faculty strengths in comparative politics and international relations. Students in the public policy concentration benefit from substantive expertise of faculty in the Institute for Child Health Policy and the Shimberg Center for Housing Studies. Several faculty in the College of Journalism and Communications have interests in media and politics.

For more information, please see our website: .

Degrees Offered with a Major in Political Science

  • without a concentration
  • concentration in Educational Policy
  • concentration in Tropical Conservation and Development
  • concentration in Political Campaigning
  • concentration in Public Affairs

Requirements for these degrees are given in the Graduate Degrees section of this catalog.

Political Science Departmental Courses

Course List by Depts
Code Title Credits
Advanced Topics in Comparative Politics3
Social Movements in Comparative Perspective3
Introduction to Comparative Political Analysis3
Comparative Qualitative and Mixed Methods3
West European Politics3
Seminar in African Politics3
Latin American Politics I3
Modern Middle East Politics3
Comparative Gender Politics3
Ethnicity and Nationalism3
Democratization and Regime Transition3
Post-Communist politics3
Comparative Elections and Party Systems3
The European Union In Comparative Perspective3
Topics in Israeli Politics3
International Political Economy3
Advanced International Relations Theory3
Politics of American Foreign Policy Making3
Survey of International Security3
The Politics of International Law3
International Organization3
International Relations Theory3
Seminar in Culture and World Politics3
Public Administration Theory3
Public Budgeting and Finance3
Leadership and Ethics in Public Agencies3
Internship in Government3
Advanced Topics in Political Science3
Seminar in American Politics3
State Government and Politics3
Urban Politics3
Community Analysis3
Patrons, Clients, Corruption, and Accountability3
Political Behavior3
Political Participation3
Political Campaigning3
Advanced Campaign Strategy3
The Politics of Direct Democracy3
Religion and Politics3
Case Study, Culture, and Politics3
Legislative Process3
Political Parties and Interest Groups3
Bureaucratic Politics in the U.S.3
Qualitative Research Methods for Political Science3
Scope and Epistemologies of Political Science3
The Conduct of Inquiry3
Political Data Analysis3
Topics in Political Research Methodology3
Survey Research3
Individual Work1-4
Supervised Research1-5
Special Topics1-3
Supervised Teaching1-5
Research for Master's Thesis1-15
Advanced Research1-12
Research for Doctoral Dissertation1-15
Ancient Political Thought3
Modern Political Thought3
Contemporary Political Theory3
Liberalism and Its Critics3
Democratic Theory3
Politics and Theory3
Policy Evaluation3
Policy Process3
Public Policy Analysis3
Race, Gender, and Politics3

Political science (PHD)

SLO 1     Knowledge         Identify, describe and explain the central elements of the scope, the epistemologies & methodologies of political science. Fluency in the core literature of political theory

SLO 2     Knowledge         Correctly and effectively utilize quantitative analysis up to OLS regression analysis

SLO 3     Knowledge         Synthesize and explain comprehensively two fields in political science and synthesize core attributes of a third field

SLO 4     Skills      Conduct qualitative and/or quantitative research to address substantive and theoretical questions in political science, constituting an original contribution of knowledge and understanding to the field

SLO 5     Professional Behavior    Display ethics, collegiality, cultural sensitivity and academic honesty

SLO 6     Professional Behavior    Present original research at professional conferences and workshops. Attend and critique scholarly presentations during regular departmental workshops and speakers' series

Political Science (MA)   

SLO 1     Knowledge         Articulate knowledge and comprehension of theories of political science, including the historical evolution of the field, and the primary debates in the field, along with the core literature in at least two of the following subfields: Comparative Politics, International Relations, American Politics, and/or Political Theory

SLO 2     Knowledge         Identify, interpret, and appraise research in international relations

SLO 3     Skills (thesis option)        Design and conduct quantitative and/or qualitative research to address theoretical and empirical questions in American Politics, Comparative Politics or Political Theory

SLO 4     Skills (exam option)        Summarize, compare, and enumerate the current state of the field of American Politics, Comparative Politics or Political theory providing recommendations for future research directions

SLO 5     Professional Behavior    Display academic honesty, ethics, collegiality, and cultural sensitivity

SLO 6     Professional Behavior    Attend and critique  scholarly presentations during regular departmental workshops and speakers' series

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Political Science

The Ph.D. Political Science program at University of Florida emphasizes preparation for academic careers through seminars, independent work with faculty, and professional development experiences including graduate paper readings, placement workshops, and a distinguished lecture series. 

University of Florida Multiple locations Gainesville , Florida , United States Not ranked Studyportals University Meta Ranking 4.2 Read 125 reviews

The Ph.D. prepares students for teaching and research in either an academic or governmental environment and opens doors to other career opportunities in both the private and public sectors. 


  • The Political Science Ph.D. program at University of Florida emphasizes the development of strong analytic skills and sophisticated research methods. 
  • As resources permit, the Department provides students with funding for travel expenses to scholarly meetings and professional (methodological) training support.

Programme Structure

  • Advanced Topics in Comparative Politics
  • Social Movements in Comparative Perspective
  • Comparative Qualitative and Mixed Methods
  • West European Politics
  • Latin American Politics 

Key information

  • 60 months

Start dates & application deadlines

  • Apply before 2024-12-15 00:00:00


Academic requirements, english requirements, student insurance.

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Remember, countries and universities may have specific insurance requirements. To learn more about how student insurance work at University of Florida and/or in United States, please visit Student Insurance Portal .

Other requirements

General requirements.

  • A recognized baccalaureate, graduate or professional degree from a college, university, or higher education institution accredited by the Higher Learning Commission, the Middle States Commission on Higher Education, the New England Commission of Higher Education, the Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities, the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools, the Western Association of Schools and Colleges, or a comparable degree from an international institution.
  • For applicants with a bachelor’s degree only, a minimum grade point average of B (3.0), calculated from all grades and credits after the semester where the applicant reached 60 semester hours or 90 quarter hours is required. Applicants should refer directly to their intended academic units for Graduate Record  Examination (GRE) or Graduate Management Admission Test (GMAT) requirements.

Tuition Fee

International, living costs for gainesville.

The living costs include the total expenses per month, covering accommodation, public transportation, utilities (electricity, internet), books and groceries.

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Scholarships Information

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Available Scholarships

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Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Political Science & International Affairs

The  Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Political Science and International Affairs is administered jointly by the Departments of Political Science and International Affairs and is designed for students who wish to study politics in its many forms, but who also want to develop the analytic skills necessary to achieve mastery in their areas of study. The degree offers the opportunity to specialize in international relations, comparative politics, American politics, or political theory (including methodology).

The faculty, one of the most productive in the nation, has won numerous awards for research and teaching. The Departments of Political Science and International Affairs boast more than 40 tenured or tenure-track faculty members who specialize in the fields of American politics, law and courts, political theory, international relations and comparative politics. Faculty also frequently co-author papers with graduate students.

SPIA is home to two centers of interest to our graduate students: The Center for International Trade & Security (CITS) and the Center for the Study of Global Issues (GLOBIS) . Our doctoral students have the opportunity to participate in important projects such as the Human Rights Measurement Initiative (HRMI) , co-founded by Dr. Chad Clay , and to work alongside faculty on NSF-funded grant projects.

We strive to support and reflect diverse voices, viewpoints, and experiences through our graduate cohorts. We welcome applications from all backgrounds and institutions and conduct holistic application review.

Questions about the program? Please  email the Graduate Program Administrator, Ashley Tiller. Please review the information available on this website prior to sending inquiries.

Who to Contact − +

Ashley Tiller ( [email protected] ) is the first point of contact for all general questions related to the MA, PhD, and MIP programs. She can answer questions about applications, funding opportunities, deadlines, faculty specialties, and other administrative issues. Due to the high volume of emails the Graduate Office receives, please review all the information on this page before submitting questions.

Dr. Geoffrey Sheagley is the graduate coordinator for American Politics and Political Theory & Philosophy. His grad office is Baldwin Hall 305E and he can be reached via email at [email protected] or phone at 706-542-4252.

Dr.  Shane Singh  is the graduate coordinator for International Relations and Comparative Politics.

Please  do not send CVs, transcripts, or other materials for review prior to applying, as we cannot conduct preliminary material review. Please do not contact individual faculty members with questions about applications; refer all questions to [email protected] or [email protected]

Admission Deadlines − +

Our graduate programs admit for  fall semester  only.  Please do not submit an application for spring or summer terms. 

We do not prescreen applications, and you do not need to send a CV or other materials prior to submitting your application. You do not need to have identified a faculty mentor to apply. Please do not send application materials directly to faculty.

Applications must be  complete and ready for review in the Departmental Graduate Office  by February 15th of the year for which you are applying.

FALL 2025 DEADLINES December 1st:   Priority deadline  for those wishing to receive priority consideration for graduate assistantships.  A brief grace period is available for letters of reference and GRE scores. The online application must be submitted by December 1.

February 15: Application deadline for ALL Fall 2025 admissions.

Please read and follow these instructions carefully to avoid delay in our handling of your application.

For further information about graduate programs or for answers to questions about your application, please email the Graduate Program Administrator at  [email protected] .

Required Materials − +

Our program conducts holistic application review and considers the applicant’s entire application when considering offers of admission. As such, there are no minimum requirements set by the program, and meeting or exceeding the program averages will not guarantee acceptance.

You must submit all application materials through the UGA Graduate School’s online application portal . Please do not submit application materials to individual faculty members or the Graduate Program Administrator, as we cannot prescreen applications. For detailed information, please see the Graduate School Admissions Requirements .

All applicants must submit the following:

1. Online  Graduate School Application  and fee ($75 domestic / $100 international).  Please note that the Graduate School does not issue fee waivers based on financial need. Some applicants, such as McNair Scholars and veterans, may qualify for an application fee waiver: a full list of qualifying programs is  here . 

2.  One  unofficial transcript from each institution of higher education attended, except the University of Georgia. University of Georgia transcripts are on file. You may upload transcripts through the application portal or mail them directly to the UGA Graduate School.

3. Official GRE general test score report. The UGA institutional code for ETS reporting is  5813 .  No departmental code is required. The GRE is  required for all applicants and cannot be waived .  We do not accept the LSAT, GMAT, or other standardized tests.

4. Personal Objective Form

5. Statement of Purpose. This document should, in general, be between 1-3 pages long and should address what you wish to study in our PhD program, why our program is a good fit for your research interests, and what your career aspirations are following the PhD. The best statements avoid broad generalizations, speak in concrete detail, and attend to fit between your research interests and those of our faculty.

6. Curriculum Vitae (CV)

7. Three academic  letters of recommendation. Letters should be submitted through the online application. The strongest letters will come from faculty who have taught you and/or supervised your academic work and can speak to your work ethic, academic interests and ability, and ability to succeed in a doctoral program. We strongly discourage submitting letters from elected officials and personal references such as clergy or friends.

8. Graduate Assistantship Application , if desired.

9. Writing sample. This should be an original research paper between 15-30 pages and should reflect rigorous research, methodology, and academic writing. Coauthored submissions are not accepted.

International applicants  should consult the list of  additional requirements . A list of country-specific requirements and waivers of English proficiency requirements may be found at the Graduate School’s website .

If you need to submit proof of English proficiency, you may submit one of the following:

TOEFL The minimum TOEFL score for admission to the Graduate School at the University of Georgia is 80, with no subscore lower than 20. It is highly recommended that international applicants have a combined score of at least 90. A list of country-specific requirements and waivers of English proficiency may be found at the Graduate School’s  website .

IELTS The minimum IELTS score for admission to the Graduate School at the University of Georgia is 6.5 overall band score with no lower than 6.0 on any band. A list of country-specific requirements and waivers of English proficiency may be found at the Graduate School’s  website .

Duolingo English Test

The Graduate School  no longer accepts  Duolingo English test scores for admission. You must submit a TOEFL or IELTS score.

Please upload all materials through the online application portal at . The departmental materials may be uploaded under the “Department-Specific” section. If you have difficulty uploading, departmental materials may also be emailed to  [email protected] .

For more information about the statement of purpose and letters of recommendation, see FAQs below.

Graduate Assistantships − +

The Graduate Program in Political Science and International Affairs is able to offer a number of graduate assistantships to qualified applicants. Graduate assistantships include a tuition waiver (students are expected to pay $25 in tuition per semester + student fees), stipend, partial health insurance subsidy , and a work commitment as either a teaching or research assistant.

You must apply for all assistantships through the Departmental Graduate Office. Do not contact the Graduate School about financial support. Most graduate assistantships come from departmental funding sources (SPIA assistantships). Students who receive  support from the Graduate School  must be nominated by their department and go through a competitive process.

To apply, fill out the  Graduate Assistantship Application  and submit with the rest of your program application.  All applicants who submit an assistantship application will be considered for funding.

Applicants whose files are  complete by December 1st  are guaranteed consideration for the first round of awards. Students not receiving support during the first round are eligible in subsequent rounds if funding is still available. Awards follow the following timetable:

February Exceptionally well-qualified applicants are nominated for a limited number of Graduate School assistantships

Early March Winners of Graduate School assistantships are notified.

Mid-March The first round of SPIA graduate assistantships is awarded to students.

Mid-April If there are SPIA graduate assistantships available after the first round, a second round of offers is made.

May Awarding of SPIA assistantships continues until all funds are exhausted.

Other Funding Opportunities − +

The University of Georgia has established partnerships with six minority-serving institutions participating in the Graduate School FUSE Program (Facilitating Underrepresented Student Experiences). Applicants from these schools (Albany State University, Florida A&M University, Fort Valley State University, Morehouse College, North Carolina A&T State University, and Spelman College) may be eligible for several benefits, including an application fee waiver and consideration for Graduate School assistantships. Consult their website for full details.

The Graduate School participates in the Yellow Ribbon program, which provides additional funds for tuition and fee expenses that exceed those covered by the Post-9/11 GI Bill. If you wish to be considered for this program, please email Lisa Sperling at [email protected] . Requests for the academic year must typically be made no later than the preceding March (e.g., March 2023 for the 2023-2024 academic year).

We also encourage you to look for external sources of funding to supplement those we are able to provide. A few sources of interest are below.

  • The Southern Regional Education Board offers a Doctoral Scholars Program Fellowship for students wishing to pursue a PhD. The deadline to apply is March 31. Find more information on eligibility at their  website .
  • The American Political Science Association has a Minority Fellows Program open for application in both Fall and Spring. This fellowship is open to undergraduate seniors, recent graduates, and other individuals in the process of applying for a PhD program and who are members of an underrepresented racial or ethnic minority. See their  website for more details.

Program Requirements − +

The PhD in Political Science and International Affairs is a degree program culminating in a doctoral dissertation. Assistantship offers are typically made for five years, and it is expected that students will complete the degree within that time. Active-duty service members seeking the PhD typically complete the degree within three years.

PhD students are required to declare a major field (minimum five courses) and minor field (minimum three courses) and must also take a course in a major field other than the fields in which they are sitting for exams (the “third-field course”, to be chosen in consultation with the Graduate Coordinator. Students also complete a four-course quantitative research methodology sequence. Coursework is typically completed within the first two years.

After all required coursework has been successfully completed, students sit for written and oral comprehensive exams in both their major and minor fields. A dissertation prospectus and doctoral dissertation must be successfully defended to complete the degree.

Please note that all coursework must be completed at UGA. The PhD program does not accept transfer credit from other institutions.

A complete description of PhD requirements can be found in the Graduate Handbook .

Fields of Study − +

For the purposes of graduate instruction in Political Science and International Affairs, the curriculum is divided into fields.

Four major fields and nine minor fields are currently available within our program.

PhD students must prepare for both written and oral examinations in one major field and one minor field.

You can see the list of current graduate courses and past course archives here .

American Politics

A large proportion of research in political science draws its data from the American context.

Comprehensive examinations in this field will be constructed so that questions will require knowledge of two American Politics subfields: Government Institutions and Political Behavior. Students will be held accountable for basic works, as well as journal articles and major books published during the previous five years.

Students majoring or minoring in American Politics are required to take a core seminar: POLS 6100, Pre-Seminar in American Politics. Additional courses should be selected in consultation with the student’s major professor and advisory committee.

Comparative Politics

Using the comparative method, students working in this field examine such phenomena as behavioral patterns and systems, governmental institutions and structures, policy processes and outcomes, and political goals and strategies. These phenomena are considered both within and across national systems. Nation-states are taken as the primary, but not exclusive, units of analysis.

Students preparing for comprehensive examinations in this field should expect some general questions that deal with the comparative approach to politics: its evolution, its major practitioners, its leading conceptual frameworks or paradigms, its utility, its contributions, difficulties or problems in its application, and ways of surmounting these problems.

Students majoring or minoring in Comparative Politics are required to take a core seminar: INTL 6300, Comparative Analysis and Method. Additional courses should be selected in consultation with the student’s major professor and advisory committee.

International Relations

The field of International Relations focuses on the important agents and structures of international politics. These include nation-states, intergovernmental organizations, and non-governmental organizations. Studies in this field examine the preferences and strategies of these actors, as well as the nature of the economic, military, political, and social interactions among them.

In preparing for the comprehensive examination in International Relations, the student should seek to understand the major actors on the international scene, their policies, and the sources of cooperation and conflict. Comprehensive exam questions will test the student’s general knowledge of these matters, as well as proficiency in selected subfields.

Students majoring or minoring in International Relations are required to take the core seminar: INTL 6200, Pre-Seminar in International Relations. In addition, at least one course is recommended from each of the following subfields: International Cooperation, International Conflict, International Political Economy, and Foreign Policy. Additional courses should be selected in consultation with the student’s major professor and advisory committee.

Political Theory

This field encompasses both normative political philosophy and empirically oriented theory. Its leading questions concern the ends or purposes of political action, the nature of a good or just political order, the proper relationship of individuals to their political communities, and the appropriate criteria for evaluating and designing voting systems. Empirically oriented theory seeks to explain regularities in politics such as how and when political actors come into conflict or behave cooperatively.

There is no pre-seminar in this field, but rather a series of distinct courses. A major in Political Theory involves a combination of the three subfields below. A minor in Political Theory is built around the first two subfields. There is no major in Formal Theory, but a distinct minor is available. Students in Political Theory often take related courses in other departments, such as Philosophy and Economics.

History of Political Philosophy . In this subfield, it will be the student’s responsibility to become familiar with the most influential works of major political philosophers from Plato to Rawls, and to understand the importance of these works in the development of political thought. Attention is given to the distinctive ways that problems are resolved and concepts defined during the history of political philosophy.

Normative Theory . In this subfield, students address fundamental issues of justice, fairness, political legitimacy, and individual rights. Study in this subfield develops the student’s ability to assess the standard approaches and positions associated with leading political philosophers.

Formal Political Theory . Students will be expected to understand formal political theory, particularly rational choice theory, and applications that contemporary political scientists have developed to explain political behavior and to account for individual decisions and collective outcomes. Rational choice theory in general, social choice theory, game theory, and political economy are among the approaches that are relevant to this subfield.

Because minor fields consist of a minimum of three courses, students have great flexibility regarding which courses can be approved for a minor. In fact, courses from several departments can often be included in a minor. Students’ choices must be approved by the Graduate Coordinator.

Minors are available for all major fields. The following minors are also offered:

Methodology Minor This minor is designed by individual students subject to the approval of their advisory committee and the Graduate Coordinator. In addition to the methods core (POLS 7010, 7012, 7014, 8501), students complete three additional courses in advanced work such as directed readings and topics courses in Political Science and seminars in other departments such as Economics and Statistics. Qualitative Methods (INTL 8500) may count towards a methods minor. Additionally, one formal theory course may count towards a methods minor. Students may choose from POLS 8000 (Introduction to Rational Choice), POLS 8020 (Game Theory/Formal Analysis), or POLS 8030 (Spatial Voting Theory) if they would like to use this option. Note: Students matriculating in or after Fall 2023 may  not  double-count POLS 8501 towards the Methodology minor.

Law and Courts Minor This minor reflects a methodologically diverse subfield that includes constitutional theory, philosophy of law, judicial politics, American constitutional development, comparative constitutional politics, international law, and law and society. Students can explore a wide range of issues pertaining to law, courts, and constitutional institutions. A total of three classes must be taken from: POLS 6440, 8410, 8430, 8450, or 8460; INTL 8220; or PADP 6490. These classes may not count for both major and minor areas, but should be taken in addition to major requirement courses.

Theory Minor Students will be expected to understand formal political theory, particularly rational choice theory, and applications that contemporary political scientists have developed to explain political behavior and to account for individual decisions and collective outcomes. Rational choice theory in general, social choice theory, game theory, and political economy are among the approaches that are relevant to this subfield. In addition to  SPIA courses, students minoring in Formal Theory may take approved courses in other UGA departments, particularly Economics and Philosophy.

Normative Theory Minor: A total of 3 classes in Theory, 1 of which may be from the Formal Theory offerings.

Formal Theory Minor: A total of 3 classes in Theory, 1 of which may be from the Normative Theory offerings OR a total of 2 classes in Formal Theory and either POLS 8501 (MLE), POLS 8505 (Scaling), or POLS 8510 (Bayes).

Public Administration. This minor is offered in conjunction with SPIA’s Department of Public Administration and Policy (PADP). The required courses for this minor for PhD students in Political Science & International Affairs are PADP 6910 Public Administration and Democracy, PADP 6960 Public Management (formerly called Organization Theory), and PADP 8710 Ideas and Issues in Public Administration. There are two written components to this minor field exam: (1) a take-home written assignment, typically administered in the first 3 weeks in September; and (2) a solo-authored, publishable conference paper on a Public Administration topic. Both written components may be discussed in the oral exam. If the student’s major field has an embargo for the paper they are required to write for their comprehensive exam (e.g., International Relations and Comparative Politics), the Public Administration minor field paper is subject to the same embargo.

Public Policy. This minor is offered in conjunction with SPIA’s Department of Public Administration and Policy (PADP). The required courses for this minor for PhD students in Political Science & International Affairs are PADP 8620 Policy Process, PADP 8670 Policy Analysis 1, and PADP 8630 Policy Implementation. If PADP 8630 is not available, students may take PADP 8640 Program Evaluation instead. There are two written components to this minor field exam: (1) a take-home written assignment, typically administered in the first 3 weeks in September; and (2) a solo-authored, publishable conference paper on a Public Policy topic. Both written components may be discussed in the oral exam. If the student’s major field has an embargo for the paper they are required to write for their comprehensive exam (e.g., International Relations and Comparative Politics), the Public Policy minor field paper is subject to the same embargo.

FAQs − +

If you have a question that is not answered below, please contact the Departmental Graduate Office at  [email protected] .


  • I missed the December 1 deadline. Will I still be considered for assistantships and other financial aid?

Yes. The  priority  consideration deadline is December 1, but we continue to consider applications received after that date for assistantships until all awards have been exhausted.

  • Are there minimum requirements for GPA, GRE, etc.?

Our program conducts holistic application review and considers the applicant’s entire application when considering offers of admission. As such, there are no minimum requirements set by the program, and meeting or exceeding the program averages will not guarantee acceptance. However, the Graduate School at the University of Georgia has the following minimum requirements:

GPA The minimum undergraduate GPA standard for admission to the Graduate School at the University of Georgia for applicants who do not have a prior graduate degree is  3.0.  Successful applicants to our program typically have GPAs ranging between 3.5-4.0.

GRE The GRE is  required  and cannot be waived, but the Graduate School does not set a minimum score. Successful applicants to our program typically have combined GRE scores ranging from 300-330, with a quantitative percentile above the 50th.

  • I am from a country where the primary language of instruction is English. Will you waive the GRE/TOEFL/IELTS?

The GRE is required of all applicants and cannot be waived, even if you are proficient in English, since it also provides important information on your quantitative preparation for graduate studies. The Graduate Program cannot waive language proficiency requirements such as TOEFL/IELTS scores. Please refer to the  Graduate School’s country-specific requirements for information on whether you are required to submit TOEFL/IELTS English scores.

  • What should I include in my statement of purpose?

We are most concerned with your academic background, intellectual interests and professional plans. Your SoP should address why you are interested in graduate study at UGA, what your academic interests are, and how you plan to use your graduate degree in your future career. Please do not include material that is not relevant to your academic background or interest. Please limit the SoP to 2-3 pages.  Harvard ,  Cornell , and  Stanford  all provide helpful information on crafting the SoP.

  • What kind of recommendation letters should I include in my application?

We require letters from professors who have taught you. Their letters should describe your academic work in detail so that the Graduate Committee can be assured that you can complete a rigorous graduate program. If you have done significant independent research, such as a thesis, the committee normally expects a letter from the professor who supervised that work. Letters from elected officials or “personal” references tend to be less valuable in determining your academic capability.  Letters from work supervisors are of little value unless your job entailed research.  In addition, letters from counselors, student affairs officers, and other non-faculty personnel on your campus generally provide little useful information for the committee. For those applicants who have been out of the academic setting for some time, getting letters from prior instructors can be difficult, but should be pursued nonetheless. In this instance, the committee will grant some flexibility, but once again, references must be able to address your academic and related abilities to some degree.

  • Is there a minimum/maximum length for the writing sample? Is it acceptable to submit a co-authored paper?

The writing sample gives the admissions committee the chance to observe your own writing and research abilities. It is  highly  preferable to submit a writing sample of which you are the sole author. Exceptions may be made for published, peer-reviewed co-authored articles if you are the first/primary author. Please limit your writing sample to ~25-35 pages.

  • Do I need to secure a faculty advisor/supervisor before applying to the program?

No. Unlike admission to PhD programs in many other countries, for our program and those at many other US universities, you do not need to secure a faculty member to supervise your work before applying to study in our graduate program. We encourage our graduate students to take a variety of classes with a variety of faculty to identify those whose interests best match yours and with whom you can build a beneficial working relationship. Please do not send applications or application materials directly to faculty.

  • If I have a strong application, am I automatically admitted?

No. Our graduate programs are small and selective to enable faculty to focus on building strong, supportive relationships with our graduate students. Our program receives many more applications each year than we have available places. Thus, admission is highly competitive and is based on holistic, comprehensive review of your application materials.


  • How do I know whether to apply for the MA or the PhD?

The PhD accepts applications from applicants who have completed a master’s or professional degree (e.g., JD, MBA, MSW) as well as from highly qualified undergraduates who do not hold a graduate degree. If there is any concern about your preparation or readiness for doctoral study, the Graduate Committee may require you to complete the MA before applying to the PhD program.

  • I love politics, but I’m bad at math. Can I still apply?

We do not require a prior background in math or statistics to apply to the MA or PhD program. However, you will be required to take our research methodology course sequence, which focuses heavily on quantitative methods. Students should be prepared to engage with research design, probability, statistical software, and calculus-based modeling.

  • How are admissions decisions made?

The six-member Graduate Committee considers your entire application file: previous academic record, GRE scores, personal statement, CV, writing sample, and recommendations. There are no “automatic” acceptance or refusal factors. The committee’s main concern is the likelihood that you will do well, not only in the graduate program you are applying for, but as a scholar and teacher once that degree is in hand. We also consider whether your interests are a good “fit” for the faculty, courses, and research centers available in the School of Public and International Affairs.

  • When will I hear whether I’ve been accepted for admission?

The Graduate Committee aims to send out decisions for first-round applicants (i.e., those who submitted a complete application by  December 1 ) in late January and early February. Applications submitted after December 1 but before our  February 15  deadline will be considered on a rolling basis. Applications submitted after February 15, or applications that remain incomplete after February 15, will not be considered.


  • Can I attend the program on a part-time basis?

Although our graduate programs are not designed for part-time students, it is possible for students to take less than a full course load (three courses per semester), thus extending their time in the program.

  • Are graduate courses offered online or off campus?

All graduate courses are held on the UGA campus in Athens, GA. No online or distance learning options are available for the program.

  • Are classes offered in the evenings or on weekends for working professionals ?

The graduate course schedule is not created for working students. Depending on the semester, there may be a course or two offered on a weekday evening, but this is not guaranteed. There are no courses offered on weekends.

  • What is the cost of tuition?

As of Fall 2024, the current cost of graduate study per credit hour is $370 (in-state) and $1,050 (out-of-state). Student fees are currently assessed at $695 per semester. 9 credits (3 courses) is considered a full-time course load for graduate students. A full-time student would thus pay $4,439 (in-state) or $12,593 (out-of-state) per semester for a 12-credit load, not including fees. More information about current tuition rates can be found on the Bursar’s website .

Placement − +

One of the key goals of the PhD program is to facilitate our students’ success in obtaining a job upon the completion of their degree. While many of our students pursue tenure-track jobs at universities, we also have a strong record of placing graduates in the public and private sectors as data analysts.

Recent graduates have obtained tenure-track positions at universities such as University of Missouri-St. Louis, North Dakota State University, University of Connecticut, University of Nebraska, University of Idaho, Auburn University, and Texas Tech University. Graduates have also taken prestigious post-doctoral fellowships through Duke University and through the American Political Science Association Congressional Fellows Program. Students have also found success in the private sector, working as data analysts for companies such as Luckie Advertising and Meta.

Based on a survey of recent graduates, 85% of graduates were employed full-time after graduating, 7% were in post-doctoral positions, and 7% were self-employed.

Please see our list of PhD students currently on the market .

Recent placements of our program graduates include:

Amanzhol Bekmagambetov (PhD 2024) Assistant Professor, KIMEP University

Matthew Rains (PhD 2024) Assistant Professor, Whitworth University

Alexandria Putman (PhD 2024) Assistant Professor, Nebraska Wesleyan University

Grace Pittman (PhD 2024) Assistant Professor, Georgia Southern University

Austin Petrie (PhD 2024) Lecturer, University of South Carolina

Jake Truscott (PhD 2023) Assistant Professor, University of Florida

Morgan Barney (PhD 2023) ECS Federal

Chun Young Park (PhD 2023) Assistant Professor, Nazarbayev University

Ryan Liou (PhD 2023) Lecturer, Wabash University

Shanshan Lian (PhD 2023) Postdoctoral Fellow, Institute for Human Rights at the University of Alabama – Birmingham

Jake Truscott (PhD 2023) Postdoctoral Fellow, Center for C-SPAN Scholarship and Engagement at Purdue University

Mariliz Kastberg-Leonard (PhD 2023) Assistant Professor, Northwest Missouri State University

Yuan Wang (PhD 2022) Assistant Professor, Ripon College

Neil Williams (PhD 2022) Visiting Assistant Professor, University of Louisiana at Lafayette

Douglas Atkinson (PhD 2018) Assistant Professor, Brigham Young University

George Williford (PhD 2021) Data Scientist, Meta

Linan Jia (PhD 2022) Assistant Professor, Beijing Foreign Studies University

Adam Rutkowski (PhD 2022) Assistant Professor, Troy University

Aaron Hitefield (PhD 2022) Assistant Professor, Whitworth University

Jakub Wondreys (PhD 2021) Research Fellow, Technische Universität Dresden, Germany

Joshua Jackson (PhD 2020) Criminal Justice Research Manager, Arnold Ventures

Naji Bsisu (PhD 2020) Assistant Professor, Maryville College

Annie Watson (PhD 2020) Assistant Professor, Middle Georgia State University

Ethan Boldt (PhD 2019) Assistant Professor, Endicott College

Laine Shay (PhD 2018) Assistant Professor, Texas A&M – Corpus Christi

Stephen Bagwell (PhD 2019) Assistant Professor, University of Missouri-St. Louis

Austin Doctor (PhD 2019) Assistant Professor, University of Nebraska at Omaha

Jason Byers (PhD 2019) Assistant Professor, University of Connecticut

Filip Viskupic (PhD 2019) Assistant Professor, South Dakota State University

Sarah Hunter (PhD 2019) Lecturer, Clemson University

Gordon Ballingrud (PhD 2018) Instructor, Texas Christian University

Carolin Maney Purser (PhD 2017) Social Research & Evaluation Center, LSU

Ryan Williamson (PhD 2017) Assistant Professor, University of Wyoming

Chase Meyer (PhD 2017) Lecturer, University of South Carolina

Anthony Kreis (PhD 2016) Assistant Professor, Georgia State University College of Law

Hongyu Zhang (PhD 2016) Assistant Professor, UNC-Wilmington

David Hughes (PhD 2016) Assistant Professor, Auburn University at Montgomery

Florian Justwan (PhD 2015) Assistant Professor, University of Idaho

Sarah Fisher (PhD 2015) Assistant Professor, Emory and Henry College

Chris Hare (PhD 2015) Assistant Professor, University of California, Davis

Joel Sievert (PhD 2015) Assistant Professor, Texas Tech University Postdoctoral Fellow, Duke University

Kayce Mobley (PhD 2015) Assistant Professor, Pittsburgh State (Kansas)

Rachel Bitecofer, (PhD 2015) Assistant Director, Wason Center for Public Policy Lecturer in Government, Christopher Newport University

Phillip Marcin (PhD 2015) Lecturer, University of Akron

Current Students − +

Current students should consult the MA/MIP/PhD Resource Hub on for access to important forms, policies, opportunities, and other information. The Graduate Handbook is also an important resource. Students should refer to the version of the handbook active in the year in which they matriculated.

Department Contact

Shane P. Singh

Shane P. Singh

Professor of International Affairs Co-Graduate Coordinator, Political Science & International Affairs

305 Candler Hall

Office: 706-542-6705

[email protected]

Days: T Hours: 2-4 p.m.

Geoffrey D. Sheagley

Geoffrey D. Sheagley

Associate Professor of Political Science Director of Graduate Studies, Department of Political Science

Faculty Office: 380G Baldwin Hall; DGS Office: 305E Baldwin Hall

Office: 706-542-4252; DGS Email: [email protected]

Tuesdays 10:00-11:30 AM

Ashley Tiller

Ashley Tiller

Department of Political Science, Department of International Affairs, Center for International Trade & Security (CITS), School of Public & International Affairs Graduate Program Administrator

180D Baldwin Hall

Office: 706-542-6198

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Gainesville, FL

Department of Political Science / Department of Political Science is located in Gainesville, FL, in a suburban setting.

Degrees & Awards

Degrees offered.

Degree Concentration Sub-concentration
Juris Doctor/Master of Arts (JD/MA)
Master of Arts (MA) International relations
Master of Arts in Teaching (MAT) International relations
Master of Arts (MA) Public affairs
Master of Arts (MA) Political science
(Certificate) Public affairs
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) Political science
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) Educational policy
Master of Arts (MA) Political campaigning
Master of Arts (MA) International development policy and administration
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) Tropical conservation and development
(Certificate) International development policy and administration
Master of Arts (MA) Tropical conservation and development
(Certificate) Political campaigning

Degrees Awarded

Degree Number Awarded
Master's Degrees 22
Doctoral Degrees 10

Earning Your Degree

Part-time study available? No
Evening/weekend programs available? No
Distance learning programs available? No
Terminal master's degree available?

Degree Requirements

Degree Requirement
Master's Degrees Entrance Exam GRE General Test (minimum score: 308 combined verbal/quantitative)
Comp Exam Required for some
Thesis Alternate accepted
Internship (for some programs)
Doctoral Degrees Entrance Exam GRE General Test (minimum score: 308 combined verbal/quantitative)
Comp Exam Required
Thesis Required

Acceptance Rate

Application deadlines.

Type Domestic International Priority date
Fall deadline January 15th January 15th Yes

Entrance Requirements

Exam Details
Master's Degree Exam GRE General Test (minimum score: 308 combined verbal/quantitative) ');
Master's Degree Requirements Minimum GPA of 3.5
Doctoral Degree Exam GRE General Test (minimum score: 308 combined verbal/quantitative) ');
Doctoral Degree Requirements Minimum GPA of 3.5
Exam Details
TOEFL: Required TOEFL Paper score: 550
TOEFL IBT score: 80
IELTS: Required IELTS Paper score: 6

Tuition & Fees

Financial support.

Financial award applicants must submit: FAFSA
Application deadlines for financial awards January 15
Types of financial support available Institutionally-sponsored Loans
Graduate Assistantships
Career or field-related internships
Federal Work-Study

Student Body


Hispanic/Latino 6.56%
Black or African American 0%
White or Caucasian 54%
American Indian or Alaska Native 0%
Asian 4.92%
Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander 0%
Two or more races 0%
Unknown 6.56%
Focus of faculty research: American electoral politics and political institutions, comparative democratization and development, theories of international relation, and political theory
Externally sponsored research expenditures last year: 135,889

Location & Contact

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  • University of Florida
  • College of Liberal Arts and Sciences

Steven J. Green School of International & Public Affairs

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Political science degrees, masters in political science.

The Master of Arts degree in Political Science at Florida International University is designed to provide students with a comprehensive knowledge of the discipline. The department’s graduate program in Political Science builds on faculty strengths and distinguishes itself by stressing a comparative approach to the study of politics. The program is designed to equip its graduates with a solid foundation in the basic theories and methods of Political Science, in conjunction with an in-depth education in selected traditional subfields.

Admission Requirements

Admission to the Master's program is competitive. Meeting the minimum requirements does not guarantee acceptance.

The minimum requirements for admission to the M.A. program include:

  • A baccalaureate degree from an accredited college or university.
  • A minimum grade point average of 3.2 (on a 4.0 scale) during the last two years of a student's undergraduate program and/or a graduate grade point average of 3.25.
  • A GRE score no more than five years old.
  • Graduates of non-U.S. institutions must be academically eligible for further study in the country where the degree was earned.
  • International graduate student applicants whose native language is not English are required to submit a score for the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) or for the International English Language Testing System (IELTS). A total score of 80 on the iBT TOEFL or 6.5 overall on the IELTS is required.

Admission Procedures

Applicants seeking admission for the Fall semester must submit all application materials by March 15th. Applications cannot be considered by the Graduate Admissions Committee until all required materials have been submitted. Admission decisions will be announced no later than April 15th. Applicants must apply online using the website of the FIU University Graduate School. The following items should be submitted to the FIU University Graduate School:

  • Official transcripts of all university-level work, including undergraduate, graduate, and professional school courses.
  • An official report of Graduate Record Examination (GRE) scores.
  • For international applicants whose native language is not English, a score for either the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) or the International English Language Testing System (IELTS).

In addition, applicants must submit the following directly  to their online application or send an email directly to Terese Campbell, the Graduate Program Coordinator at [email protected] .

  • Letters of recommendation (2 if MA applicant, 3 if Ph.D. applicant) from university instructors who have knowledge of the applicant's academic qualifications ( a professional letter will be required)
  • A personal statement, 2 to 3 pages double-spaced in length, explaining research interests and rationale for pursuing a graduate degree.
  • CV/ Resume ( For all Ph.D., MA International Studies, and MA Political Science applicants)
  • Writing sample (  topic relating to world politics with minimum 5-7 pages,  For all Ph.D., MA International Studies, MA Political Science applicants )
  • Ph.D. applicants must fill out the Department  supplemental application form .

Degree Requirements

The course of study for the M.A. in Political Science requires 30 credit hours beyond the Bachelor's degree.

  • POS 5716 Foundations of Political Science (3)
  • POS 5706 Research Methodology (3)
  • POS 6976 Research Seminar (3)
  • POS 5045 Seminar in American Politics (3)
  • CPO 5091 Seminar in Comparative Politics (3)
  • INR 5007 Seminar in International Politics (3)
  • POT 5007 Seminar in Political Theory (3)
  • A final Research project (typically completed during POS 6976, the Research Seminar)

PhD in Political Science

The Doctor of Philosophy degrees in Political Science at Florida International University is designed to provide students with a comprehensive knowledge of the discipline. The department's graduate program in Political Science builds on faculty strengths and distinguishes itself by stressing a comparative approach to the study of politics. The program is designed to equip its graduates with a solid foundation in the basic theories and methods of Political Science, in conjunction with an in-depth education in selected traditional subfields.

Admission to the Ph.D. program is highly competitive. Meeting minimum requirements does not guarantee acceptance.

The minimum requirements for admission to the Ph.D. program include:

  • International graduate student applicants whose native language is not English are required to submit either a score for the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) or for the International English Language Testing System (IELTS). A total score of 80 on the iBT TOEFL or 6.5 overall on the IELTS is required.

Applicants seeking admission for the Fall semester must submit all application materials by January 15th to receive full consideration for funding. Applications cannot be considered by the Graduate Admissions Committee until all required materials have been submitted. The admissions decision will be announced no later than April 15th. Applicants must apply online using the website of the FIU University Graduate School. The following items should be submitted to the FIU University Graduate School:

In addition, applicants must submit the following directly to their online application and/or send an email directly to Terese Campbell, the Graduate Program Coordinator at [email protected] .

  • CV/ Resume ( For all Ph.D., MA International Studies, MA Political Science applicants)
  • Writing sample (   topic relating to world politics with minimum 5-7 pages,   For all Ph.D., MA International Studies, MA Political Science applicants )

The Ph.D. program requires a minimum 76 credit hours beyond the Bachelor’s degree.

The Doctor of Philosophy in Political Science is conferred based on satisfactory completion of required course work, a demonstrated mastery of a broad field of knowledge, and successful completion and defense of the dissertation. The degree provides graduates with a solid foundation in the basic theories and methodologies of political science in conjunction with specialization in traditional subfields. Students will, in consultation with their faculty advisors, determine the contents of their course work. Students will specialize in two examination fields drawn from among the four of the principal subfields of Political Science: American Politics, Comparative Politics, International Politics, and Political Theory. Students are also required to take additional coursework in a third, non-examined field of specialization. The third specialization field is satisfied by a minimum of 9 credit hours in a regionally or topically defined area.

Students’ proposed programs must be approved by their advisors and the Political Science Graduate Studies Committee.

Required Courses (13 credits)

  • POS 5702 Teaching Political Science (1)
  • POS 6918 Seminar in Political Science Methodology (3)
  • One additional course in Methods (3)

Common Core Courses (12 credits)

Other core and elective courses (27 credits).

  • Two Examination Fields (minimum 12 credits)
  • Third Specialization (minimum 9 credits)
  • Approved Electives (minimum 6 credits)

Language Requirement

The Political Science Ph.D. Program requires competency in one foreign language or demonstrated competency in computer and methodological techniques when considered more appropriate. Language competency must be demonstrated prior to taking the comprehensive examinations.

Comprehensive Examinations

After satisfactory completion of course work, students will take comprehensive exams in two chosen subfields before being admitted to candidacy and defending a dissertation proposal. The comprehensive exams requires a demonstration of broad knowledge of the two examination fields.

Comprehensive examinations are given twice yearly, in mid-September and in mid-January.

Dissertation (minimum 24 credits)

After passing the comprehensive exams, students are admitted to candidacy and enroll for dissertation credits under the supervision of their dissertation advisors. Candidates will prepare and defend a dissertation proposal. Upon completion of the work, a public defense of the dissertation will be scheduled in accordance with university policy.

Financial Aid

The program has a limited number of graduate assistantships available for qualified students. Assistantships are awarded on a competitive basis only to full-time students. Students applying for full-time status are considered automatically for these awards. Assistantships are renewable each year for up to four years based on satisfactory progress and performance. Applications must be completed by the January 15 deadline to receive full consideration for funding.

University of South Florida

School of Interdisciplinary Global Studies

College of Arts and Sciences

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Graduate programs, phd in politics and international affairs.

The doctoral degree in politics and international affairs is an interdisciplinary program designed to prepare students to teach at the university and college levels and to conduct high-level research in the academic and nonacademic sectors. It combines a broad focus on international relations, comparative politics, American politics, and political theory with a critical understanding of institutions, rights, citizenship/identity, governance, global policy, and justice. Students work closely with faculty to frame their dissertation research and to advance their knowledge of their chosen fields of specialization. The program’s interdisciplinary approach to a variety of global issues provides a rich and open-ended opportunity to research current and past problems, movements, and transformations in politics.

We welcome your interest in our doctoral program. The department's deadline for fall admission is January 5. The School of Interdisciplinary Global Studies only admits for the fall semester. Students must apply online through the Office of Graduate Admissions . For a listing of the admission requirements, students should consult the Graduate Catalog . 

*Effective starting with the 2023-2024 admissions cycle, GRE test scores are no longer required for applications to our doctoral program in Politics and International Affairs*

*International students should review the Office of Admissions International Students website for additional information and requirements.

*International students are also encouraged to contact the Office of International Services for information on visas, international travel, etc. 

Program Requirements

For the Doctoral Degree in Politics and International Affairs degree requirements, students should consult the Graduate Catalog. Students should adhere to the requirements within the Graduate Catalog under which they were admitted.

  • Degree Requirements Beginning 2023-2024 Catalog

*Students can elect another catalog following the one they were admitted under. More information on this policy, and other policies, can be found in the Graduate Catalog .

*Students must request approval from the graduate director for any course not pre-approved and listed under the degree in the Graduate Catalog. 

Research Fields

The Doctorate in Politics and International Affairs specializes in the following four fields of research:

International Relations In the School of Interdisciplinary Global Studies, the International Relations (IR) faculty focuses on four areas of study: international relations theory, global political economy, international security, and human rights. We stress the importance of cutting-edge scholarship in our teaching of the graduate seminars as well as bridging the many emergent gaps in theory and practice in the various subfields that comprise International Relations, including American foreign policy, international ethics, global governance, and international law and organizations. One of our central aims is to advance innovative applications of the central theoretical perspectives (and their variant strands) in International Relations, namely, realism, liberalism, critical theory, constructivism, Marxism, international political theory, and gender. These applications involve in-depth theoretical and empirical analysis of key global issues, such as Asian security, moral accountability, the enforcement of human rights, immigration, and political and economic inequality. The International Relations faculty have published numerous books and peer-reviewed articles on these issue areas. These include monographs on the political tensions on the Korean Peninsula or North Korea’s nuclear arms buildup, the political cosmopolitan character and shifting dynamics of the International Criminal Court (ICC), hegemony and inequality in the global political economy, and China’s rapidly increasing support of intervention in African states. Together our published research emphasizes the production of critical theoretic knowledge, or the advanced methodological analysis of the contradictions and tensions informing the substantive debates in International Relations. This not only requires the particular mastery of concepts, methods, and claims but also an open-ended and historical understanding of the changing social forces shaping the behavior of states and the relations among global and local actors. It is this scholarly approach that we adopt to train our graduate students specializing in international relations, particularly as they advance their dissertation research and empirical knowledge of the global and regional contexts of problems and issues. One of the outcomes we strive for, then, is to encourage our doctoral students to develop rigorous theoretical and contextual analysis from which they can devise solutions and prescriptions to global issues.

Comparative Politics Comparative Politics in the School of Interdisciplinary Global Studies is committed to theory-driven, empirical research from an interdisciplinary perspective that is situated in a political, historical, cultural, and economic context.  The Comparative Politics faculty employ a variety of methodological approaches from both the social sciences and humanities, which utilize qualitative and quantitative research methods to study the patterns of similarities and differences. In particular, we conduct comparative and case study research to inquire into these patterns and to develop our theoretical propositions. One of our aims is to produce knowledge about the changing social, political, and legal conditions affecting the lives, development, cultural practices, and customs of underrepresented peoples. In meeting this aim, our research focuses on several themes of comparative politics, including social movements, democracy/democratization, citizenship, decolonization, genocide, hegemony, race and identity, development, legal systems and customary law, social justice, and indigenismo or the political ideology focusing on the changing relations of state and local peoples. Much of our published research draws creatively on social, critical, and political theory to advance knowledge of the laws, changing social relations, and attitudes in several countries, which includes Brazil, Ecuador, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Rwanda, Uganda, South Sudan, Ethiopia, and Iran. Our research strengths lie in the areas of race and citizenship, social movements theory, human security and law (or legal custom) in Eastern Africa, indigenous rights in various Latin American countries, and security relations in the Middle East. With these thematic foci, we encourage graduate students to create and develop their own research by selecting a region of the world as their emphasis and adopting theoretically informed research and comparative methods that allow them to analyze the changing social and political conditions in the countries of this region.

American Politics The study of American Politics in the doctorate program in politics and international affairs provides a comprehensive overview as well as an in-depth analysis of American politics. Our faculty focus on various aspects of American politics, including theoretical foundations, federalism, institutions (Congress, the executive branch, the bureaucracy, the judiciary), political behavior (political parties, the media, interest groups, social movements, and elections), and public policy (foreign and domestic), and employ a range of methodological approaches such as historical development, legal doctrine, institutional rules, and quantitative analyses of the behavior of political actors and the mass public, to advance the student's research skills.  Our core class, Seminar in American Politics, for instance, surveys the key foundations, institutions, and behavior in American politics, introducing students to both qualitative and quantitative methodological approaches for analyzing and testing the changing trends and outcomes in American politics. Special topics courses provide opportunities to gain in-depth knowledge on new research on a range of themes, including political development, the social bases of politics, and the global impact of American politics. The faculty in American politics have made important contributions in the areas of race and ethnicity, the judiciary, the presidency, Florida government, civil liberties, health care, environmental justice, economic inequality, and animal rights. Our strengths lie in economic inequality, animal rights, the Presidency, Judicial Behavior, Race and Ethnicity, and State and Local Government. In these specific areas, we have published several cutting-edge books and articles in leading peer-reviewed journals, which examine the emergence and implementation of nonhuman animals' regime of rights, the changing directions of the U.S. Federal Reserve Bank and its impact on world politics, and alternative strategies for natural disasters in the United States. Our scholarship is thus distinctive for the ways in which it addresses American government and politics in a global context. This is how we seek to train our doctoral students on the rapidly changing, nuanced linkages between local, state, federal and global institutional politics.  

Political Theory Political Theory introduces students to the core normative issues in the study of political science. These normative issues provide the bedrock assumptions on which much of the study of political science depends. For example, while nearly everyone agrees that democracy is the best form of government, why do we place such faith in it? In addition, the long tradition of political thought offers multiple versions of democracy, each with its own strengths and limitations. How are we to identify the best version for our needs? Similarly, while we might extol non-violence in politics, is it always the best path for political movements? How are we to justify its alternatives? Clarifying our moral commitments, sharpening our conceptual tools, and outlining pathways for transforming theoretical knowledge into action requires philosophical, historical, and conceptual capabilities. The political theory faculty at the School of Interdisciplinary Global Studies trains students to develop these capabilities. To that end, political theory classes not only familiarize students with many of the canonical texts that were read by generations of prominent political thinkers (from Aristotle to Martin Luther King Jr), they also teach students to read these texts critically and with an eye towards contemporary political developments. As such, training in political theory is a critical supplement to graduate work at School of Interdisciplinary Global Studies. The faculty’s expertise in feminist theory, postcolonial theory, the role of emotions in politics, environmental political thought, and Indian political thought complements the terminal degrees offered in American Politics, Comparative Politics, and International Relations.

Financial Assistance 

Most of our successful applicants qualify for funding offered by the department or the Office of Graduate Studies. Funded doctoral students will receive a graduate assistantship that includes:

  • a stipend for the academic year (9 months)
  • a tuition waiver (not including school fees)
  • the option of health insurance mostly paid by the department (the student only pays a small amount towards insurance).

All applicants for the doctoral degree are considered for a graduate assistantship - they do not need to complete a separate form.

The graduate assistantship is guaranteed for four years but is based on maintaining satisfactory annual academic progress. It requires each student to work 20 hours per week, in which case the student would be first assisting professors of the department with their teaching and class preparations and later, after having passed the doctoral comprehensive exams and completed teacher training seminars, teach a class at the University of South Florida. 

Please visit the graduate assistantships page for further information. The department also provides funding for conference travel or the presentation of research at conferences upon approval.

Information on eligibility for graduate assistantships can be found on the Graduate Assistantships Resource Center website. 

We also strive to fund our students in the fifth year, though this funding is not guaranteed. Depending on additional funds that become available, students may have the opportunity to extend their graduate assistantship to one, possibly two academic semesters. Students in the fifth year are also encouraged to seek external funding. For more information on this, please consult our Graduate Resources Page .

Outstanding candidates may also be nominated by the school’s director and/or graduate committee for prestigious and highly competitive university fellowships, including the Presidential Doctoral Fellowship , the Dorothy Auzenne Fellowship , and the University Graduate Fellowship. There is also the opportunity for minority students to be awarded a McKnight Fellowship, which provides annual tuition up to $5,000 for each of three academic years, plus an annual stipend of $12,000. The program also offers travel grants and other forms of financial support. For additional information on this fellowship opportunity, please visit the McKnight Fellowship's informational page.

  • Politics and International Affairs Doctoral Handbook 2022 - 2023
  • School of Interdisciplinary Global Studies Graduate Resources
  • Independent Study / Directed Research Contract
  • Office of Graduate Studies Forms
  • Dissertation Proposal Approval Form
  • Admission to Doctoral Candidacy Form
  • Graduate Student Supervisory Committee Appointment Form
  • Electronic Thesis & Dissertation Certificate of Approval Form
  • Comprehensive Exam Reading Lists
  • Research Conference Travel Award Request
  • Dissertation Defense Announcment

Fall 2024 Course Offerings

Recent Placements

Recent Placements
Name Graduation Year Placement
Kal Demerew 2023 Assistant Professor of Political Science at West Texas A&M University
Camara Silver 2022 Term Assistant Professor of Political Science, Barnard College-Columbia University
Ben Luongo 2022 Visiting Assistant Professor of Political Science, University of South Florida
Andrew Sparks 2021 Instructor, Pasco-Hernando State College
Camara Silver 2021 Visiting Assistant Professor, West Point
James Fry 2020 Analyst (Public Policy), Florida Digital Service
Michael Spencer 2020 Instructor, University of South Florida
Kenneth Brown 2020 Senior Naval Warfare Analyst, Naval Sea Systems Command (NAVSEA)
Nathan Barrick 2019 Deputy Chief of Strategy & Analysis, US Special Operations Command

Maria Gonzalez Malabet

2019 Assistant Professor,
Universidad del Norte, Colombia
Sommer Mitchell 2018 Assistant Teaching Professor, Pennsylvania State University-University Park
Raheleh Dayerizadeh 2018 Director of the Global Citizen's Project, University of South Florida
Nicole Ford 2017 Adjunct Professor, University of Tampa
Alexis Mootoo 2017 Associate Director Regional Planning, University of South Florida
Mark Grzegorzewski 2015 Resident Senior Fellow, Joint Special Operations Command
Bledar Prifti 2014 Associate Professor, St Petersburg College

For further information or questions about the PhD in Politics and International Affairs, please fill out this form . 

Political Science & Government at University of Florida

Featured political science & government programs, political science & government degrees available at uf, uf political science rankings.

Ranking TypeRank

Popularity of Political Science at UF

How much do political science graduates from uf make, salary of political science graduates with a bachelor's degree.

The median salary of political science students who receive their bachelor's degree at UF is $28,878. Unfortunately, this is lower than the national average of $33,089 for all political science students.

How Much Student Debt Do Political Science Graduates from UF Have?

Student debt of political science graduates with a bachelor's degree.

While getting their bachelor's degree at UF, political science students borrow a median amount of $16,068 in student loans. This is not too bad considering that the median debt load of all political science bachelor's degree recipients across the country is $24,439.

Political Science Student Diversity at UF

Uf political science & government bachelor’s program.

During the 2020-2021 academic year, 336 political science majors earned their bachelor's degree from UF. Of these graduates, 46% were men and 54% were women.

The following table and chart show the ethnic background for students who recently graduated from University of Florida with a bachelor's in political science.

Ethnic BackgroundNumber of Students
Black or African American15
Hispanic or Latino108
Non-Resident Aliens5
Other Races23

UF Political Science & Government Master’s Program

The political science program at UF awarded 9 master's degrees in 2020-2021. About 67% of these degrees went to men with the other 33% going to women.

The following table and chart show the ethnic background for students who recently graduated from University of Florida with a master's in political science.

Ethnic BackgroundNumber of Students
Black or African American1
Hispanic or Latino2
Non-Resident Aliens0
Other Races0

Majors Similar to Political Science

Related MajorAnnual Graduates

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phd political science university of florida

Public Affairs (PhD)

Program at a glance.

  • In State Tuition
  • Out of State Tuition

Learn more about the cost to attend UCF.

U.S. News & World Report Best Grad Schools Public Affairs Badge

The Doctoral Program in Public Affairs is designed to prepare graduates to advance research and theory by exploring topics at the leading edge of public affairs. To achieve this goal, the program builds on a set of four foundational core courses that explore the intellectual history of public administration, the principal theories of public organizational theory and behavior, the public policy process, including policy formulation and implementation, and advanced public policy analysis. Students will appreciate and apply an understanding of social, economic, political, and technological factors that shape governance through formal and informal processes and actions.

The program matches the career goals of students through the interdisciplinary nature of course content, the interaction with faculty, and the flexibility inherent in the choice of program electives. Those seeking advancement within public agencies or nonprofit organizations can choose a mix of electives, including course work from other UCF programs, while those seeking to teach at the college or university level will focus on elective courses within their discipline.

More specifically, the graduates of this doctoral program will demonstrate the ability to: 1) attain and apply knowledge and understanding of the complex relationships that characterize public affairs and policy; 2) conduct and lead original research, 3) become professional individuals either in academia or in other positions related to public administration, public affairs, and policy.

Program Tracks

The Doctoral Program in Public Affairs offers prospective applicants who do not have a graduate degree the opportunity to apply to the Public Affairs PhD - Public Administration MPA Dual Degree Track.

The Public Affairs PhD - Public Administration MPA Dual Degree Track provides academically talented students an opportunity to earn the Doctor of Philosophy in Public Affairs and the Master of Public Administration degrees concurrently. Students successfully completing the PhD/MPA Dual Degree program will have the skills and analytical techniques for careers in academia or in the public and nonprofit sectors. After successful completion of the PhD/MPA Dual Degree program, students will receive two diplomas, one for the Public Administration MPA degree and one for the Public Affairs PhD degree.

Students seeking admission to the PhD/MPA Dual Degree program should apply directly to the Public Affairs PhD - Public Administration MPA Dual Degree Track. Only one application will be required. If admitted, students will be active in both the Public Administration MPA and the Public Affairs PhD programs but will be required to complete all coursework for the MPA program prior to starting any coursework required for the PhD program.

Program Tracks/Options

  • Governance and Policy Research
  • Social Work
  • Public Administration (MPA) Dual Degree
  • Public Administration
  • Criminal Justice
  • Health Services Management and Research

Application Deadlines

  • International

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Request Information

Enter your information below to receive more information about the Public Affairs (PhD) program offered at UCF.

Degree Requirements

Required core courses, core curriculum.

  • PAD7006 - Intellectual History of Public Administration (3)
  • PAD7016 - Public Policy Processes and Theory (3)
  • PAD7106 - Public Organization Theory and Behavior (3)
  • PAD7308 - Advanced Public Policy Analysis (3)

Research Methods

  • PAD7706 - Advanced Research Design for Public Administration and Policy (3)
  • PAD7754 - Quantitative Methods for Public Administration & Policy I (3)
  • PAD7756 - Quantitative Methods for Public Administration and Policy II (3)
  • PAD7709 - Advanced Qualitative Methods for Public Administration and Policy (3)

Elective Courses

  • PAD7939 - Special Topics (3)
  • PAD7026 - Advanced Seminar in Public Administration (3)
  • PAD7707 - Advanced Research in Public Administration (3)
  • PAD6938 - Special Topics (3)
  • Earn at least 12 credits from the following types of courses: Students can select 6000 or 7000 level courses offered by the School of Public Administration, or other units, that align with their dissertation research area and approved by the program director. Students may also complete up to 6 credit hours of independent study in the area of their anticipated dissertation topic as part of their elective requirement.


  • Earn at least 15 credits from the following types of courses: PAF 7980 Doctoral candidates must enroll in PAF 7980 Doctoral Dissertation continuously (including summers) until they defend their Dissertation. Students are not permitted to register in more than 9 dissertation credit hours in any given semester and must take at least three credit hours. Students who have met the 15-credit hour dissertation requirement and have not defended their Dissertation must continue to register in subsequent semesters to meet the UCF College of Graduate Studies requirement of continuous enrollment; at which point, students can enroll in one credit hour each semester. The dissertation demonstrates the candidate’s ability to select and masterfully approach an issue in their respective field by conducting independent research, analyzing, and interpreting results, and placing the study and its findings into a larger context. The defense also establishes the candidate’s capability to skillfully communicate this process and its results. Each completed dissertation must be defended before a committee of the graduate faculty. Most of the committee members must approve dissertations. The determination is by vote of the committee. Where a determination is made that revisions are necessary, members can withhold signing the dissertation until additional modifications have been completed or leave it to the discretion of the Chair. Students must submit their final dissertation to the College of Graduate Studies once their committee has signed off.


  • Comprehensive Exam: All students are required to stand for the comprehensive Examination at the completion of their course of study, prior to defending a prospectus and entering candidacy for the degree. Students will be required to test in three areas: intellectual history, methods, and their area of specialty. For each of the three exams, students will be given two questions and will select one. The exam will be in person and closed note. The final grading for the comprehensive exam will consist of a score of “High Pass” “Pass” or “Fail.” All students will have two opportunities to pass the comprehensive exam. Students who fail their first attempt will be given a second chance of an oral examination taking place with the graders, PAF program director, and SPA director. Students who do not pass the oral examination will be dismissed from the program with no opportunity for re-admittance to the PAF program.
  • Students can officially obtain candidacy status when they have passed the comprehensive exam, formed their Dissertation committee, have no more than six credits/units remaining electives included, and all required paperwork has been completed and submitted. In addition, students must complete all CITI Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR) training and required professional development courses (zero credit). Once they have obtained Candidacy status, students can register for dissertation hours. Students officially enter candidacy when the following work has been accomplished: 1. Pass Comprehensive Exam 2. Form an appropriate Dissertation Committee by the established university deadline: i. Chair (Graduate Faculty member who is eligible to chair a dissertation committee) ii. Minimum of four committee members (all must hold a Graduate Faculty or Graduate Faculty Scholar appointment) iii. At least three, and a majority of the committee, must be members of the Graduate Faculty iv. At least one member must be from outside the department (or college, if a college-wide program) v. At least one member must have served previously on a thesis or dissertation committee that graduated a student, either at UCF or at another accredited institution. If the Chair does not have this experience, another graduate faculty member who has this experience may serve in this role as Vice-Chair. Under certain circumstances (see page 2), a graduate faculty scholar who has previous committee experience may serve as Vice-Chair. 3. Have no more than 6 total credit hours of coursework remaining (including electives) 4. Complete all required RCR Workshops and CITI Integrity Trainings and Professional Development courses. 5. Complete PAF Notification of Doctoral Candidacy form.

Grand Total Credits: 57

Application requirements, financial information.

Graduate students may receive financial assistance through fellowships, assistantships, tuition support, or loans. For more information, see the College of Graduate Studies Funding website, which describes the types of financial assistance available at UCF and provides general guidance in planning your graduate finances. The Financial Information section of the Graduate Catalog is another key resource.

Fellowship Information

Fellowships are awarded based on academic merit to highly qualified students. They are paid to students through the Office of Student Financial Assistance, based on instructions provided by the College of Graduate Studies. Fellowships are given to support a student's graduate study and do not have a work obligation. For more information, see UCF Graduate Fellowships, which includes descriptions of university fellowships and what you should do to be considered for a fellowship.

Degree Requirements:

24 credit hours core courses

18 credit hours elective courses

0 credit Professional Development courses (first two years)

Comprehensive exam

15 credit hours Dissertation (Candidacy status)

Additional Rules and Requirements:

A grade of "B-" or better is required in all courses. Students receiving a grade below a "B-" must repeat the course and receive an acceptable grade prior to taking the Comprehensive Exam. Any student who receives more than one grade of "C" in their doctoral course work may be dismissed from the program.

A minimum of 3.0 program GPA is required to maintain graduate student status and for graduation. Students with a GPA less than 3.0 may be dismissed from the program.

Political Science, Doctor of Philosophy

Department of Politics and International Affairs

College of Social and Behavioral Sciences

This doctoral plan prepares students for a career in higher education, research, or public service with a choice of emphasis. This plan requires the research, writing, and oral defense of an approved dissertation.

University Requirements

To receive a Doctor of Philosophy Degree (PhD) at Northern Arizona University, you must complete a planned group of courses, from one or more disciplines, ranging from at least 60 - 109 units of graduate-level courses. Most plans require research, a dissertation, and comprehensive exams. All plans have residency requirements regarding time spent on the Flagstaff campus engaged in full-time study. The full policy can be viewed here.

In addition to University Requirements:

  • Complete individual plan requirements.
  • Fulfill Northern Arizona's residency requirements
  • Qualifying Paper Exam required
Minimum Units for Completion 63
Additional Admission Requirements Required

Dissertation is required.

Oral Defense Oral Defense is required.
Research Individualized research is required.
  • Evaluate the strengths and limitations of a variety of significant analytical approaches used in political science.
  • Analyze, synthesize, and evaluate the interconnectedness and interdependence of the human experience on a global scale.
  • Develop a disciplinary emphasis as well as foci in environment, development, or diversity politics to an expert level of knowledge.
  • Devise an expert research design.
  • Gather original data.
  • Analyze the data and explain the research findings.
  • Write the findings in a scholarly publishable-quality original dissertation that evaluates the effectiveness of the project and the implications of the findings and contributes to the field.
  • Students will demonstrate expert writing skills and be able to summarize and explain scholarly political science articles.
  • Analyze and critique the material read /discussed.
  • Suggest and discuss alternative possibilities and outcomes.
  • Students will defend their dissertation at an oral defense that presents the project, summarizes the findings, and analyzes the implications as well as the effectiveness of the project.
  • Students will be able to communicate at an expert level with other academics in the field of political science, including presenting their research work at academic conferences.
  • Demonstrate professional behavior in terms of demeanor, personal presentation, ethics, and civic participation in experiential learning, classroom settings, and professional conferences.
  • Acquire the skills and knowledge base to understand the importance of and options for environmental sustainability and its tenuous relationship to economic development in local and global terms.
  • Critically reflect upon the nature and consequences of diversity (e.g., race, gender, class, ethnicity, religion, culture, nation), and develop an understanding of how this diversity both alters and is altered in a world characterized by increasing global interaction.

Graduate Admission Information

The NAU graduate online application is required for all programs. Admission to many graduate programs is on a competitive basis, and programs may have higher standards than those established by the Graduate College. Admission requirements include the following:

  • Transcripts.
  • Undergraduate degree from a regionally accredited institution with a 3.0 GPA on a 4.0 scale ("A" = 4.0), or the equivalent.

Visit the NAU Graduate Admissions website for additional information about graduate school application deadlines, eligibility for study, and admissions policies. Ready to apply? Begin your application now.

International applicants have additional admission requirements. Please see the International Graduate Admissions Policy .

Additional Admission Requirements

Individual program admission requirements over and above admission to NAU are required.

  • A bachelor’s degree in a closely related discipline
  • Cumulative undergraduate GPA of 3.0 or above or  6 units of subsequent coursework at the graduate level with a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or better
  • Three letters of recommendation
  • A writing sample
  • A personal statement or essay
  • Resume or curriculum vitae

Doctoral Requirements

This Doctoral degree requires 63 units distributed as follows:

  • Political Science Core Coursework: 12 units
  • American Politics/Public Administration
  • Comparative Politics/International Relations
  • Secondary Coursework: 3 units
  • Foci Coursework: 6 units
  • Dissertation: 15 - 18 units
  • Additional Coursework: 9 - 12 units

Take the following 63 units:

Political Science Core Coursework (12 units)

  • Prerequisite: Graduate Status">POS 602 , Prerequisite: Graduate Status">POS 604 , POS 607 , Prerequisite: Graduate Status">POS 609 (12 units)

Primary Field - Select one (15 units)

American Politics/Public Administration Field (15 units)

  • POS 641 (3 units)
  • POS 610 , POS 612
  • POS 527 , POS 603 *,  POS 610 , POS 612 , POS 642 , POS 644 , Prerequisite: Graduate Status">POS 652 , POS 658 *, POS 659 , POS 671
  • Electives approved by your advisor.

Comparative Politics/International Relations Field (15 units)

  • POS 670 , POS 680 (6 units)
  • POS 552 , POS 603 *, Prerequisite: Graduate Status">POS 652 , POS 658 *,  POS 672 , POS 679 *
  • Electives as approved by your advisor.
  • POS 670 , POS 680
  • POS 610 , POS 612 , POS 641
  • Development
  • Environment
  • You may count only 15-18 units of dissertation credit POS 799 toward your degree. However, you may end up taking more units, since you must enroll for it each term during which you work on your dissertation.
  • POS 691 , Prerequisite: Completion of 20 units of coursework in the Political Science PhD">POS 798
  • Additional coursework as approved by your advisor to ensure adequate preparation for your dissertation research.

Additional Information

Be aware that some courses may have prerequisites that you must also successfully complete. For prerequisite information, click on the course or see your advisor.

Campus Availability


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  1. Ph.D. Program

    Learn about the Ph.D. program in political science at the University of Florida, including curriculum, coursework, comprehensive exams, dissertation, and professional development. The program offers five fields of study and frequent interaction with faculty and peers.

  2. Graduate Admissions

    Learn how to apply for the PhD program in Political Science at the University of Florida, which does not require GRE scores. Find out the application deadlines, requirements, funding options, and international student information.

  3. Welcome

    Learn about the academic programs, faculty, and events of the Department of Political Science at UF. Find out the latest news and achievements of the department and its students.

  4. Political Science

    The Department of Political Science currently offers two graduate degrees: Master of Arts (thesis or non-thesis option) and Doctor of Philosophy. The political science-international relations program currently offers the Master of Arts (thesis or non-thesis option). Requirements for these degrees are given in the Graduate Degrees Section of ...

  5. Degrees

    Explore the graduate degree offerings across 15 colleges at UF, a public research university in Gainesville, Florida. Find degrees by department, major, or degree type, such as doctorate, master's, or specialist.

  6. Political Science

    Learn about the Political Science major at UF, which prepares students for careers in government, politics, law, and more. Explore the curriculum, coursework, and affiliated centers and programs that offer minors and certificates in related fields.

  7. Political Science, Ph.D.

    The Political Science Ph.D. program at University of Florida emphasizes the development of strong analytic skills and sophisticated research methods. As resources permit, the Department provides students with funding for travel expenses to scholarly meetings and professional (methodological) training support. I want to find another Phd Course

  8. Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Political Science & International Affairs

    A joint program by the Departments of Political Science and International Affairs at the University of Georgia. Learn about the admission requirements, deadlines, faculty, and specializations for international relations, comparative politics, American politics, and political theory.

  9. Public Affairs Program

    Public Affairs at the University of Florida. The Certificate in Public Affairs available through the Political Science Master's program blends theoretical and applied instructions, providing graduate students with a general background in political science and research methods, as well as instruction in public administration and policy ...

  10. Best Political Science Programs in America

    Duke University. Durham, NC. #10 in Political Science (tie) Save. 4.3. Find the best political science program for you using US News' rankings. See the top programs ranked by their peer assessment ...

  11. Political Science

    Browse the list of political science courses offered by the Department of Political Science at UF. Find out the course descriptions, prerequisites, credits, and attributes for each course.

  12. Doctoral Program

    Mailing Address Department of Political Science P.O. Box 3062230 113 Collegiate Loop Tallahassee, Florida 32306-2160

  13. American Politics

    These are some of the central questions addressed by the field of American Politics at the University of Florida. Students begin their doctoral study in American government by taking the core seminar in American Politics (POS 6045) that covers the broad outlines of the field. They then choose from courses and seminars that highlight faculty ...

  14. McKnight Doctoral Fellowship

    Learn how to apply for a McKnight Doctoral Fellowship from the Florida Education Fund, which supports new Ph.D. students at UF and other Florida universities. Find out the eligibility, benefits, deadlines and contact information for this prestigious award.

  15. Department of Political Science

    Master's Degrees. Entrance Exam GRE General Test (minimum score: 308 combined verbal/quantitative) Varies. Comp Exam Required for some. Thesis Alternate accepted. Internship (for some programs) Doctoral Degrees. Entrance Exam GRE General Test (minimum score: 308 combined verbal/quantitative) Comp Exam Required.

  16. Political Science Degrees

    The Doctor of Philosophy degrees in Political Science at Florida International University is designed to provide students with a comprehensive knowledge of the discipline. The department's graduate program in Political Science builds on faculty strengths and distinguishes itself by stressing a comparative approach to the study of politics. The ...

  17. Graduate Programs

    An interdisciplinary program that prepares students to teach and research in international relations, comparative politics, American politics, and political theory. Learn about the admission requirements, degree requirements, research fields, and faculty expertise in this doctoral degree.

  18. PhD Political Science Programs in Florida

    Prepare with research and experimentation skills to create innovative applications for political theory with PhD in Political Science Programs 2024 in Florida. ... Florida State University: PhD: Political Science - Doctorate: The University of Florida: PhD: Sponsored Listings.

  19. Political Theory

    To study political theory is to develop the analytic and interpretive skills, the moral and philosophic judgment, and the social and historical knowledge needed to critically assess and creatively contribute to a tradition of political thought that dates back over two millennia. Faculty expose students to the major figures and texts in the ...

  20. PDF Department of Political Science PhD Program Handbook

    Fall 2021. The Department of Political Science offers graduate programs leading to Master of Science, Master of Arts, and Doctor of Philosophy degrees. This Handbook summarizes the program requirements for the Ph.D. program. For information on terminal Masters' programs offered in the department, please refer to the Master's Programs Handbook.

  21. The Political Science Major at University of Florida

    Learn about the political science major at UF, including rankings, degrees, earnings, student debt, and demographics. UF is a top-ranked school for political science, offering bachelor's, master's, and doctoral degrees in the field.

  22. M.A. in Political Science

    Master of Arts in Political Science (general program) Designed for. The M.A. program introduces students to the research methods of political science and to the research traditions in its various fields. Some students who complete the M.A. apply for admission to the PhD program either at UF or elsewhere.

  23. Public Affairs (PhD) Degree

    UCF offers a doctoral program in public affairs that prepares graduates to advance research and theory in public administration, policy, and governance. Students can choose from nine specialization areas and apply to the dual degree track with MPA.

  24. Political Science, Doctor of Philosophy

    To receive a Doctor of Philosophy Degree (PhD) at Northern Arizona University, you must complete a planned group of courses, from one or more disciplines, ranging from at least 60 - 109 units of graduate-level courses. ... Political Science Core Coursework (12 units) POS 602, POS 604, POS 607, POS 609 (12 units)