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Easy German Essays for Beginners: 8 Examples to Practice Your Language Skills

Easy German Essays for Beginners - 8 Examples to Practice Your Language Skills

Are you a beginner in learning German and looking for ways to practice your language skills? One great way to do so is by writing essays in German. Writing essays not only improves your grammar and vocabulary but also helps you express your thoughts and ideas in the target language. In this article, we will provide you with eight easy German essays for Beginners with English translation and vocabulary to help you get started.

  • Meine Familie (My family) – Write about your family, including their names, occupations, and hobbies.
  • Mein Haus (My house) – Describe your house or apartment, including the number of rooms, furniture, and decorations.
  • Meine Hobbys (My hobbies) – Talk about your favorite hobbies, such as playing sports, reading books, or listening to music.
  • Meine Schule (My school) – Write about your school, including its location, teachers, and subjects you study.
  • Meine Freunde (My friends) – Discuss your friends, including how you met them, their personalities, and what you like to do together.
  • Meine Stadt (My city) – Describe your city or town, including its population, tourist attractions, and cultural events.
  • Meine Reise (My trip) – Write about a recent trip you took, including the destination, transportation, and activities you did there.
  • Meine Lieblingsessen (My favorite food) – Talk about your favorite foods, including traditional German dishes and other international cuisines.

Remember to use simple vocabulary and sentence structures while writing the essays. Good luck with your German learning journey!

Table of Contents

Meine familie (my family).

Ich heiße Maria und ich möchte euch gerne meine Familie vorstellen. Wir sind insgesamt vier Personen in meiner Familie. Mein Vater heißt Klaus und er arbeitet als Ingenieur. Meine Mutter heißt Petra und sie ist Hausfrau. Mein Bruder heißt Jan und er geht noch zur Schule.

(My name is Maria, and I would like to introduce you to my family. We are a family of four. My father’s name is Klaus, and he works as an engineer. My mother’s name is Petra, and she is a homemaker. My brother’s name is Jan, and he still goes to school.)


  • Ich heiße Maria (My name is Maria)
  • insgesamt (altogether)
  • vier Personen (four persons)
  • der Vater (father)
  • arbeiten (to work)
  • der Ingenieur (engineer)
  • die Mutter (mother)
  • Hausfrau (homemaker)
  • der Bruder (brother)
  • noch zur Schule gehen (still go to school)

Mein Vater arbeitet in einem großen Unternehmen als Ingenieur. Er ist sehr fleißig und verbringt viel Zeit im Büro. In seiner Freizeit geht er gerne joggen oder spielt Golf. Meine Mutter kümmert sich um den Haushalt und verbringt viel Zeit damit, leckere Mahlzeiten zu kochen. Sie liest auch gerne Bücher und geht regelmäßig zum Yoga.

(My father works in a large company as an engineer. He is very hardworking and spends a lot of time in the office. In his free time, he likes to go jogging or play golf. My mother takes care of the household and spends a lot of time cooking delicious meals. She also likes to read books and regularly attends yoga classes.)

  • in einem großen Unternehmen (in a large company)
  • sehr fleißig (very hardworking)
  • viel Zeit (a lot of time)
  • im Büro (in the office)
  • in seiner Freizeit (in his free time)
  • joggen (to go jogging)
  • Golf spielen (to play golf)
  • sich kümmern um (to take care of)
  • der Haushalt (household)
  • leckere Mahlzeiten kochen (cook delicious meals)
  • gerne lesen (like to read)
  • regelmäßig (regularly)
  • zum Yoga gehen (go to yoga)

Mein Bruder Jan geht noch zur Schule und ist sehr sportlich. Er spielt Fußball im Verein und geht regelmäßig ins Fitnessstudio. In seiner Freizeit hört er gerne Musik und schaut Filme.

(My brother Jan still goes to school and is very sporty. He plays soccer in a club and regularly goes to the gym. In his free time, he likes to listen to music and watch movies.)

  • sehr sportlich (very sporty)
  • Fußball spielen (to play soccer)
  • im Verein (in a club)
  • ins Fitnessstudio gehen (to go to the gym)
  • Musik hören (listen to music)
  • Filme schauen (watch movies)

Ich studiere im Moment an der Universität und meine Hobbys sind Lesen, Reisen und Yoga. In meiner Freizeit gehe ich gerne in die Natur und genieße die frische Luft.

(I am currently studying at the university, and my hobbies are reading, traveling, and yoga. In my free time, I like to go into nature and enjoy the fresh air.)

  • studieren (to study)
  • an der Universität (at the university)
  • die Hobbys (hobbies)
  • Lesen (reading)
  • Reisen (traveling)
  • Yoga (yoga)
  • die Freizeit (free time)
  • in die Natur gehen (go into nature)
  • genießen (enjoy)
  • frische Luft (fresh air)

Das ist meine Familie. Wir haben viele verschiedene Hobbys und Interessen, aber wir verbringen auch gerne gemeinsam Zeit miteinander.

(This is my family. We have many different hobbies and interests, but we also enjoy spending time together.)

  • das ist (this is)
  • verschiedene Hobbys und Interessen (different hobbies and interests)
  • gerne Zeit miteinander verbringen (enjoy spending time together)

Top reasons why Berlin is the best city for Expats!

Mein Haus (My House)

Ich lebe in einem Haus mit drei Schlafzimmern und zwei Bädern. Das Haus ist zweistöckig und hat auch einen Keller. Im Erdgeschoss befinden sich das Wohnzimmer, die Küche und ein Esszimmer. Im Wohnzimmer haben wir ein bequemes Sofa und einen großen Fernseher. In der Küche gibt es eine Spülmaschine, einen Herd, einen Backofen und einen Kühlschrank. Das Esszimmer hat einen Esstisch mit sechs Stühlen.

(I live in a house with three bedrooms and two bathrooms. The house is two stories and also has a basement. On the ground floor, there is the living room, kitchen, and a dining room. In the living room, we have a comfortable sofa and a large television. In the kitchen, there is a dishwasher, stove, oven, and refrigerator. The dining room has a dining table with six chairs.)

  • das Haus (house)
  • die Schlafzimmer (bedrooms)
  • die Bäder (bathrooms)
  • zweistöckig (two-storied)
  • der Keller (basement)
  • das Erdgeschoss (ground floor)
  • das Wohnzimmer (living room)
  • die Küche (kitchen)
  • das Esszimmer (dining room)
  • ein bequemes Sofa (a comfortable sofa)
  • ein großer Fernseher (a large television)
  • eine Spülmaschine (a dishwasher)
  • ein Herd (a stove)
  • ein Backofen (an oven)
  • ein Kühlschrank (a refrigerator)
  • ein Esstisch (a dining table)
  • sechs Stühle (six chairs)

Im Obergeschoss befinden sich die Schlafzimmer und die Bäder. Mein Schlafzimmer hat ein großes Bett, einen Schreibtisch und einen Kleiderschrank. Das Badezimmer hat eine Badewanne und eine Dusche. In den anderen Schlafzimmern gibt es auch Betten und Schränke für Kleidung.

(Upstairs, there are the bedrooms and bathrooms. My bedroom has a large bed, a desk, and a closet. The bathroom has a bathtub and a shower. In the other bedrooms, there are also beds and closets for clothes.)

  • das Obergeschoss (upper floor)
  • das Schlafzimmer (bedroom)
  • der Schreibtisch (desk)
  • der Kleiderschrank (closet)
  • das Badezimmer (bathroom)
  • die Badewanne (bathtub)
  • die Dusche (shower)
  • die anderen Schlafzimmer (the other bedrooms)

Im Keller haben wir eine Waschmaschine und einen Trockner. Wir nutzen den Keller auch als Lager für Dinge, die wir nicht oft brauchen.

(In the basement, we have a washing machine and dryer. We also use the basement as a storage area for things we don’t need often.)

  • die Waschmaschine (washing machine)
  • der Trockner (dryer)
  • als Lager nutzen (use as storage area)
  • Dinge (things)

Wir haben auch einige Dekorationen im Haus. Im Wohnzimmer haben wir ein großes Gemälde an der Wand und im Esszimmer steht eine Vase mit Blumen auf dem Tisch.

(We also have some decorations in the house. In the living room, we have a large painting on the wall, and in the dining room, there is a vase of flowers on the table.)

  • die Dekorationen (decorations)
  • das Gemälde (painting)
  • die Wand (wall)
  • die Vase (vase)
  • die Blumen (flowers)
  • der Tisch (table)

Wir haben auch ein paar Teppiche im Haus, um den Boden zu bedecken. Das Wohnzimmer hat einen braunen Teppich, während die Schlafzimmer jeweils einen unterschiedlichen Farbton haben. Mein Schlafzimmer hat einen blauen Teppich, während das andere Schlafzimmer einen roten Teppich hat.

(We also have some carpets in the house to cover the floor. The living room has a brown carpet, while the bedrooms have a different color tone each. My bedroom has a blue carpet, while the other bedroom has a red carpet.)

  • der Teppich (carpet)
  • den Boden bedecken (to cover the floor)
  • unterschiedliche Farbton (different color tone)

Insgesamt bin ich sehr glücklich mit meinem Haus. Es ist gemütlich und hat genug Platz für meine Familie und mich.

(Overall, I am very happy with my house. It is cozy and has enough space for my family and me.)

  • insgesamt (overall)
  • glücklich (happy)
  • gemütlich (cozy)
  • genug Platz (enough space)

Difference between ein, eine, einen, and einem in the German Language

Meine hobbys (my hobbies).

Ich habe einige Hobbys, die ich sehr gerne mache. Eines meiner Lieblingshobbys ist es, Sport zu treiben. Insbesondere mag ich es, Basketball zu spielen und Laufen zu gehen. Ich liebe es, im Freien zu sein und Sport zu treiben, weil es mir hilft, mich fit und gesund zu halten.

(I have some hobbies that I really enjoy doing. One of my favorite hobbies is doing sports. In particular, I like to play basketball and go running. I love being outdoors and doing sports because it helps me stay fit and healthy.)

  • das Hobby (hobby)
  • Sport treiben (to do sports)
  • Basketball spielen (to play basketball)
  • Laufen gehen (to go running)
  • im Freien sein (to be outdoors)
  • fit und gesund (fit and healthy)

Ein weiteres Hobby von mir ist das Lesen von Büchern. Ich lese gerne Romane und Sachbücher, besonders über Geschichte und Wissenschaft. Lesen ist für mich eine Möglichkeit, zu lernen und meine Vorstellungskraft zu erweitern.

(Another hobby of mine is reading books. I enjoy reading novels and non-fiction books, especially about history and science. Reading is a way for me to learn and expand my imagination.)

  • das Lesen (reading)
  • das Buch (book)
  • der Roman (novel)
  • das Sachbuch (non-fiction book)
  • die Geschichte (history)
  • die Wissenschaft (science)
  • die Vorstellungskraft (imagination)

Außerdem höre ich gerne Musik. Ich mag viele verschiedene Genres wie Pop, Rock und Klassik. Musik kann meine Stimmung beeinflussen und mich entspannen.

(Additionally, I like to listen to music. I enjoy many different genres like pop, rock, and classical. Music can influence my mood and help me relax.)

  • die Musik (music)
  • das Genre (genre)
  • Pop, Rock, Klassik (pop, rock, classical)
  • die Stimmung (mood)
  • sich entspannen (to relax)

Insgesamt bin ich sehr dankbar für meine Hobbys. Sie helfen mir, meinen Geist und Körper gesund zu halten und mich zu entspannen.

(Overall, I am very grateful for my hobbies. They help me keep my mind and body healthy and help me relax.)

  • dankbar (grateful)
  • der Geist (mind)
  • der Körper (body)

German Essays on My Family: Meine Familie

Meine schule (my school).

Ich besuche eine Schule in der Nähe meines Hauses. Die Schule ist relativ groß und hat viele Schülerinnen und Schüler. Wir haben viele Lehrerinnen und Lehrer, die alle sehr nett und hilfsbereit sind.

(I attend a school near my house. The school is relatively large and has many students. We have many teachers who are all very kind and helpful.)

  • besuchen (to attend)
  • die Nähe (proximity)
  • relativ (relatively)
  • die Schülerin (female student)
  • der Schüler (male student)
  • viele (many)
  • die Lehrerin (female teacher)
  • der Lehrer (male teacher)
  • nett (kind)
  • hilfsbereit (helpful)

Die Schule bietet viele verschiedene Fächer an, einschließlich Mathematik, Geschichte, Englisch, Naturwissenschaften und Fremdsprachen. Mein Lieblingsfach ist Englisch, weil ich gerne Geschichten lese und schreibe. Ich denke, dass es wichtig ist, eine gute Ausbildung zu haben, um im Leben erfolgreich zu sein.

(The school offers many different subjects, including mathematics, history, English, science, and foreign languages. My favorite subject is English because I enjoy reading and writing stories. I believe that having a good education is important to be successful in life.)

  • das Fach (subject)
  • einschließlich (including)
  • Mathematik (mathematics)
  • Geschichte (history)
  • Englisch (English)
  • Naturwissenschaften (science)
  • Fremdsprachen (foreign languages)
  • das Lieblingsfach (favorite subject)
  • die Geschichte (story)
  • die Ausbildung (education)
  • erfolgreich (successful)

Unsere Schule hat auch viele außerschulische Aktivitäten, wie zum Beispiel Sportmannschaften und Musikgruppen. Ich bin Mitglied des Schulfußballteams und wir haben viele Spiele gegen andere Schulen in der Gegend. Es macht mir viel Spaß und ich habe viele Freunde durch das Team kennengelernt.

(Our school also has many extracurricular activities, such as sports teams and music groups. I am a member of the school soccer team and we have many games against other schools in the area. It’s a lot of fun and I have made many friends through the team.)

  • außerschulisch (extracurricular)
  • die Aktivitäten (activities)
  • die Sportmannschaften (sports teams)
  • die Musikgruppen (music groups)
  • das Mitglied (member)
  • das Schulfußballteam (school soccer team)
  • das Spiel (game)
  • die Gegend (area)
  • der Spaß (fun)
  • der Freund (friend)

Insgesamt bin ich sehr glücklich auf meiner Schule und ich denke, dass ich hier eine gute Ausbildung bekomme. Ich hoffe, dass ich in Zukunft noch mehr von den vielen Möglichkeiten, die die Schule bietet, profitieren kann.

(Overall, I am very happy at my school and I think that I am getting a good education here. I hope that in the future, I can take advantage of even more of the many opportunities that the school offers.)

  • die Möglichkeit (opportunity)
  • profitieren (to take advantage of)

List of German adjectives with English meaning

Meine Freunde (My friends)

Ich habe viele Freunde, aber ich möchte über meine drei engsten Freunde sprechen. Wir haben uns alle in der Grundschule kennengelernt und sind seitdem unzertrennlich.

(I have many friends, but I want to talk about my three closest friends. We all met in elementary school and have been inseparable ever since.)

  • die Freunde (friends)
  • unzertrennlich (inseparable)

Mein erster Freund heißt Max. Er ist sehr sportlich und spielt gerne Fußball und Basketball. Max ist auch sehr lustig und hat immer eine positive Einstellung. Wir lieben es, zusammen Sport zu treiben oder Videospiele zu spielen.

(My first friend is Max. He is very athletic and likes to play soccer and basketball. Max is also very funny and always has a positive attitude. We love to exercise or play video games together.)

  • sportlich (athletic)
  • Fußball (soccer)
  • Basketball (basketball)
  • die Einstellung (attitude)
  • lustig (funny)
  • zusammen (together)
  • Videospiele (video games)

Meine Freundin Anna ist sehr künstlerisch und liebt es zu malen und zu zeichnen. Sie hat auch ein großes Herz und ist immer bereit, anderen zu helfen. Anna und ich machen oft zusammen Kunstprojekte oder gehen ins Kino.

(My friend Anna is very artistic and loves to paint and draw. She also has a big heart and is always willing to help others. Anna and I often do art projects together or go to the movies.)

  • künstlerisch (artistic)
  • malen (to paint)
  • zeichnen (to draw)
  • das Herz (heart)
  • bereit (willing)
  • helfen (to help)
  • das Kunstprojekt (art project)
  • ins Kino gehen (to go to the movies)

Mein Freund Tom ist sehr intelligent und liebt es, neue Dinge zu lernen. Er ist auch sehr abenteuerlustig und geht gerne auf Reisen. Tom und ich haben viele spannende Abenteuer erlebt, wie zum Beispiel Campingausflüge oder Klettertouren.

(My friend Tom is very smart and loves to learn new things. He is also very adventurous and likes to travel. Tom and I have had many exciting adventures, such as camping trips or climbing expeditions.)

  • intelligent (smart)
  • abenteuerlustig (adventurous)
  • die Reise (travel)
  • die Abenteuer (adventures)
  • der Campingausflug (camping trip)
  • die Klettertour (climbing expedition)

Insgesamt bin ich sehr dankbar für meine Freunde und bin froh, dass ich sie habe. Wir haben so viele schöne Erinnerungen zusammen gemacht und ich freue mich auf viele weitere Abenteuer mit ihnen.

(Overall, I am very grateful for my friends and am glad to have them. We have made so many beautiful memories together and I look forward to many more adventures with them.)

  • froh (glad)
  • die Erinnerungen (memories)

Meine Stadt (My city)

Ich lebe in einer Stadt namens Hamburg in Deutschland. Hamburg ist die zweitgrößte Stadt Deutschlands und hat eine Bevölkerung von etwa 1,8 Millionen Menschen. Es ist eine Hafenstadt und liegt an der Elbe.

(I live in a city called Hamburg in Germany. Hamburg is the second largest city in Germany and has a population of about 1.8 million people. It is a port city and located on the river Elbe.)

  • die Bevölkerung (population)
  • der Hafen (port)
  • die Elbe (river Elbe)

Hamburg ist bekannt für seine vielen Touristenattraktionen. Eines der bekanntesten ist der Hamburger Hafen, der einer der größten Häfen Europas ist. Es gibt auch den Fischmarkt, auf dem man frischen Fisch kaufen und lokale Spezialitäten probieren kann.

(Hamburg is known for its many tourist attractions. One of the most famous is the Port of Hamburg, which is one of the largest ports in Europe. There is also the Fish Market, where you can buy fresh fish and try local specialties.)

  • die Touristenattraktionen (tourist attractions)
  • bekannt (known)
  • der Fischmarkt (fish market)
  • frisch (fresh)
  • lokale Spezialitäten (local specialties)

Außerdem gibt es viele kulturelle Veranstaltungen in Hamburg. Jedes Jahr findet das Hamburger Domfest statt, das größte Volksfest im Norden Deutschlands. Es gibt auch das Internationale Filmfest Hamburg, bei dem Filme aus der ganzen Welt gezeigt werden.

(Additionally, there are many cultural events in Hamburg. Every year, the Hamburg Dom Festival takes place, which is the largest folk festival in northern Germany. There is also the Hamburg International Film Festival, where films from all over the world are shown.)

  • kulturelle Veranstaltungen (cultural events)
  • das Domfest (folk festival)
  • das Internationale Filmfest (international film festival)
  • aus der ganzen Welt (from all over the world)

Insgesamt ist Hamburg eine lebendige und vielfältige Stadt, die für jeden etwas zu bieten hat.

(Overall, Hamburg is a vibrant and diverse city that has something to offer for everyone.)

  • lebendig (vibrant)
  • vielfältig (diverse)
  • etwas zu bieten haben (to have something to offer)

My trip (Meine Reise)

Ich bin vor Kurzem mit meiner Familie nach Paris gereist. Wir sind direkt von unserer Stadt aus geflogen und kamen früh am Morgen in Paris an.

(I recently went on a trip to Paris with my family. We took a direct flight from our city and arrived in Paris early in the morning.)

  • Vor Kurzem (recently)
  • Die Reise (trip)
  • Meine Familie (my family)
  • Fliegen (to fly)
  • Direkt (direct)
  • Unsere Stadt (our city)
  • Ankommen (to arrive)
  • Früh (early)
  • Am Morgen (in the morning)

Wir haben in einem Hotel im Herzen der Stadt gewohnt, in der Nähe vieler beliebter Sehenswürdigkeiten. Unser Hotelzimmer hatte eine tolle Aussicht auf den Eiffelturm, der nur einen kurzen Spaziergang entfernt war.

(We stayed in a hotel in the heart of the city, close to many popular tourist attractions. Our hotel room had a great view of the Eiffel Tower, which was just a short walk away.)

  • das Hotel (hotel)
  • die Stadt (city)
  • die Nähe (proximity, closeness)
  • die Sehenswürdigkeiten (tourist attractions)
  • das Hotelzimmer (hotel room)
  • die Aussicht (view)
  • der Eiffelturm (Eiffel Tower)
  • der Spaziergang (walk)

Während unseres Aufenthalts haben wir viele berühmte Wahrzeichen der Stadt besucht, darunter das Louvre-Museum und die Kathedrale Notre-Dame. Wir haben auch eine Bootsfahrt auf der Seine gemacht, was eine großartige Möglichkeit war, die Stadt aus einer anderen Perspektive zu sehen.

(During our stay, we visited many of the city’s famous landmarks, including the Louvre Museum and Notre-Dame Cathedral. We also went on a boat tour of the Seine River, which was a great way to see the city from a different perspective.)

  • der Aufenthalt (stay)
  • berühmte Wahrzeichen (famous landmarks)
  • das Louvre-Museum (the Louvre Museum)
  • die Kathedrale Notre-Dame (Notre-Dame Cathedral)
  • die Bootsfahrt (boat tour)
  • die Seine (the Seine River)
  • aus einer anderen Perspektive (from a different perspective)

Eines der Highlights unserer Reise war das Probieren der köstlichen französischen Küche. Wir haben in vielen verschiedenen Restaurants und Cafés gegessen und alles von Croissants bis Escargots ausprobiert.

(One of the highlights of our trip was trying the delicious French cuisine. We ate at many different restaurants and cafes, and tried everything from croissants to escargots.)

  • das Highlight (the highlight)
  • die Reise (the trip)
  • das Probieren (the trying/tasting)
  • die köstliche französische Küche (the delicious French cuisine)
  • das Restaurant (the restaurant)
  • das Café (the café)
  • alles (everything)
  • der Croissant (the croissant)
  • die Escargots (the escargots (snails))

Insgesamt war unser Trip nach Paris eine wunderbare Erfahrung. Wir haben die schönen Sehenswürdigkeiten, das leckere Essen und die reiche Kultur der Stadt genossen. Es war eine großartige Gelegenheit, Zeit mit meiner Familie zu verbringen und bleibende Erinnerungen zu schaffen.

(Overall, our trip to Paris was a wonderful experience. We enjoyed the beautiful sights, delicious food, and rich culture of the city. It was a great opportunity to spend time with my family and create lasting memories.)

  • Insgesamt (Overall)
  • Trip (trip)
  • Paris (Paris)
  • Eine wunderbare Erfahrung (A wonderful experience)
  • Wir haben genossen (We enjoyed)
  • Die schönen Sehenswürdigkeiten (The beautiful sights)
  • Das leckere Essen (The delicious food)
  • Die reiche Kultur der Stadt (The rich culture of the city)
  • Eine großartige Gelegenheit (A great opportunity)
  • Zeit mit meiner Familie zu verbringen (To spend time with my family)
  • Bleibende Erinnerungen zu schaffen (To create lasting memories)

Meine Lieblingsessen (My favorite food)

Ich esse gerne viele verschiedene Arten von Essen und habe viele Lieblingsspeisen. Einige meiner Favoriten sind traditionelle deutsche Gerichte wie Schnitzel und Spätzle, Sauerkraut und Bratwurst.

(I like to eat many different types of food and have many favorite dishes. Some of my favorites are traditional German dishes like Schnitzel and Spätzle, Sauerkraut, and Bratwurst.)

  • Lieblingsspeisen (favorite dishes)
  • traditionelle deutsche Gerichte (traditional German dishes)
  • Schnitzel (breaded and fried meat cutlets)
  • Spätzle (soft egg noodles)
  • Sauerkraut (fermented cabbage)
  • Bratwurst (grilled or fried sausage)

Ich mag auch viele internationale Küchen, wie zum Beispiel italienische Pizza und Pasta, thailändisches Curry, indische Masala und japanisches Sushi.

(I also enjoy many international cuisines, such as Italian pizza and pasta, Thai curry, Indian masala, and Japanese sushi.)

  • internationale Küchen (international cuisines)

Ein weiteres meiner Lieblingsessen ist mexikanisches Essen wie Tacos, Quesadillas und Guacamole. Die Kombination aus scharfen Gewürzen und frischen Zutaten macht das Essen zu einer Geschmacksexplosion.

(Another one of my favorite foods is Mexican cuisine like tacos, quesadillas, and guacamole. The combination of spicy seasonings and fresh ingredients makes the food a flavor explosion.)

  • scharfe Gewürze (spicy seasonings)
  • frische Zutaten (fresh ingredients)
  • Geschmacksexplosion (flavor explosion)
  • mexikanisches Essen (Mexican cuisine)
  • Tacos (filled tortillas)
  • Quesadillas (stuffed and grilled tortillas)
  • Guacamole (dip made from mashed avocado)

Insgesamt genieße ich es, neue Gerichte und Küchen auszuprobieren und verschiedene Aromen und Texturen zu entdecken. Essen ist eine große Leidenschaft von mir und ich liebe es, zu kochen und neue Rezepte zu kreieren.

(Overall, I enjoy trying new dishes and cuisines and discovering different flavors and textures. Food is a big passion of mine, and I love to cook and create new recipes.)

  • Aromen und Texturen (flavors and textures)
  • Leidenschaft (passion)
  • Rezepte (recipes)
  • kochen (to cook)
  • kreieren (to create)

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In conclusion, writing essays in German can be a fun and effective way to improve your language skills. The eight essay examples provided in this article (Easy German Essays for Beginners) offer a range of topics that will help you practice your writing skills, expand your vocabulary, and gain confidence in your ability to express yourself in German. So why not try writing one of these essays today and see how much progress you can make in your German language journey?

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Hobbies in German [How to Talk About Your Interests]

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In order to talk about your hobbies in German, you not only need to learn what the German word for your hobby or interest is, but also how to correctly use it in a sentence. After reading this post you will know:

  • Verbs used to describe hobbies in German
  • German translations for common hobbies
  • How to create sentences to describe your hobbies

Why Learn About Hobbies in German?

People love talking about their hobbies and interests. Talking about your hobbies in German is a great ice-breaker when meeting new people.

Perhaps you’ve started talking to a new language partner on Tandem . One of my first questions is hast du Hobbys? (do you have any hobbies?)

Talking about hobbies in German can give you a great idea of what someone is like, and if you have similar interests that’s fantastic because you’ll have plenty to talk about. If not, you’ll learn about something new.

German Verbs for Hobbies

Just like in English, for certain hobbies we need to use a verb to describe the action. For example, in English we don’t say ‘I football’, we say ‘I play football’. And it’s the same in German.

Let’s take a look at some common verbs used with hobbies:

to play
to go
to do
to go / run
to drive / push

These verbs are all similar to their English counterparts, apart from treiben (to drive or push). This is a tricky verb for English speakers, because it translates roughly as ‘to do’ and is used for the noun Sport .

Think of it this way, if you ‘do’ sport, you normally need to push yourself and there is some physical effort involved. However you can also use machen (to do) but you will see treiben used a lot as well.

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my hobby in german essay

Hobbies in German & Their Verbs

You’ve seen how we need to use certain verbs to describe hobbies. You can’t simply ‘basketball’ you ‘play basketball’. This is because Basketball, Fußball, Tennis etc. are nouns.

However some hobbies are verbs themselves. For example you can say ich schwimme (I swim) and because schwimmen is a verb, it doesn’t need an additional verb to describe it.

The only exception in the list below is spazieren gehen (to go for a walk) where both spazieren (to walk / stroll) and gehen (to go) are verbs.

Top Tip : It’s quite easy to tell nouns and verbs apart in German: nouns are always C apitalised & verbs are not c apitalised, usually end -en and have to be conjugated depending on the subject.

So you know that some hobbies need to use verbs to describe them. But which hobbies pair with which verbs? Mostly these are similar to their English counterparts.

To make things clearer, you’ll see the nouns in purple and the verbs in orange :

reisentravellingim Garten arbeitento work in the garden
spazieren gehento go for a walkins Kino gehento go to the cinema
Sport treibento do sportsreitenhorse riding
ins Fitnessstudio gehento go to the gymTennis spielento play tennis
Kraftsport machento do strength trainingVideospiele spielento play video games
Fußball spielento play footballzeichnento draw
Eishockey spielento play ice hockeyRad fahrencycling
Schlittschuh laufen to go ice-skatingWassersport machento do water sports
Basketball spielento play basketballSki fahrenskiing
Musik hörento listen to musicfernsehento watch TV

If you’re not into playing sports yourself, but would rather watch them live or on TV, you can change the verb to gucken or schauen (to look / watch) so we have Basketball gucken (to watch basketball) instead of Basketball spielen (to play basketball).

hobbies in german: photography

German Phrases to Talk About Hobbies in Sentences

So now we have all the nouns and verbs we need to talk about our hobbies and interests. But how to we actually build a sentence?

Well first of all there are some standard questions you can learn to ask others about their hobbies:

Asking About Hobbies

Do you have any hobbies?
What are your hobbies?
What do you do in your free time?
Do you play football?

Of course with the last question you can swap out Fußball for any other hobby noun.

These examples are all in the informal du form, because it’s likely you’ll been using this form if you’re chatting to someone about their interests. But you can always change this to the formal Sie form: Haben Sie Hobbys? etc.

Talking About Your Hobbies & Interests

Whenever you want to talk about a hobby that uses a verb (remember verbs are shown in orange in the table above) we need to remember to conjugate it depending on the subject:

I read.
He swims.
They horse ride.

To talk about enjoying a hobby in German, I need to introduce you to a useful little word , gern(e) (gladly). You can say both gern or gerne as they both mean the same thing and you can just say whichever sounds better to you.

gern.I like reading. (I read gladly)
gerne.He likes swimming. (He swims gladly)
gern.They like horse riding. (They horse ride gladly)

If you want to add further information, you can add it after gerne :

.I like reading German books.
.He likes swimming in the lake.
.They like riding (on) their horses.

If you are talking about a noun hobby (Eishockey) that requires a verb (spielen) , you don’t have to use gerne, but you can if you want to say that you ‘like’ doing it. Let’s take a look:

Eishockey.I play ice hockey.
gern Eishockey.I like playing ice hockey.
Eishockey / Ich gucke gern Eishockey.I watch ice hockey / I like watching ice hockey.

hobbies in german: playing video games

If we are using a noun hobby that requires a verb , we need to follow a certain word order. Let’s break it down with Rad fahren (to cycle / ride a bike):

Position 1
Position 2
The End
Position 1
Position 2
Position 3
Other info
The End
Igowith my friendscycling.

We can see that the subject always takes position 1, the verb always takes position 2 and the noun goes to the end. Any other information goes after the verb, into position 3.

Position 1
Position 2
Position 3
Position 4
Other info
The End
Igogladlywith my friendscycling.

When we use gerne , that always goes after the verb so we have:

Subject + Verb + ‘Gerne’ + Other info + Noun

So now you know how to say common hobbies in German, and how to correctly use them in sentences. Leave a comment below and tell me what your hobbies are in German.

Read next : German Sentence Structure Explained

How would you say you like painting watercolors or I like drawing and painting.

Hallo Barb, to say you like painting with watercolours, we need to use the verb ‘malen’ (to paint) and the verb ‘das Aquarell’ (the watercolour). So we end up with ‘ich male gern Aquarell’ (I like to paint watercolour).

The verb for ‘to draw’ is ‘zeichnen’ so you can say ‘ich zeichne gern’ (I like drawing) or ‘ich male und zeichne gern’ (I like painting and drawing).

Meine LieblingsSteckenpferd ist die deutsche Sprache !! Vielen lieben Dank ! Gruß, Otto

Es tut mir sehr Leid ! Mein Lieblingssteckenpferd ! Danke wieder einmal 😊 Gruß, Otto

Mein liebstes Hobby ist das Lernen von Deutsch

Mein Hobby ist das Studieren und Lernen der deutschen Grammatik mit Frau Emmas hilfreichem Unterricht, für den ich ihr sehr dankbar bin.

Nice post. This wasn’t what I was searching for but I still enjoyed reading it.

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Hobbies in German

Do you know how to speak about your hobbies in German?

Because knowing how to talk about your hobby in two languages makes it even more interesting and you may even learn something new along the way.

Keep reading to learn more about the activities Germans do in their free time and how to talk about your own favorite things to do.

Common German Verbs and Phrases to Talk About Hobbies

Words for popular hobbies in german, additional verbs for talking about hobbies, german phrases for describing your interests, popular german hobbies, cooking and drinking, foreign flicks and crime series, traveling and exploring, sports and fußball (soccer), why learn how to talk about hobbies in german, where to practice talking about hobbies in german, and one more thing....

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Here’s a very important word you’ll want to know for this post:

das Hobby — hobby

If you want the plural form, well that’s pretty easy:

die Hobbies — hobbies

To help you jump-start your vocabulary, let’s take a look at a few of key German hobby words.

Here are some popular hobbies and how you’d say them in German:

to sing to paint
to ski to travel
to bowl to sew
to dance to gamble
to fish to shop
to draw to camp
to cook to photograph

Obviously, the verbs you use to talk about your hobby are going to be specific to what you like to do. We recommend looking up the infinitive of your hobby in an online dictionary .

Some other verbs you might want to use together with a noun include:

to play to write
to perform to compete
to collect to play

Poets might tell you:

Ich schreibe die Zweizeiler. — I write couplets.

Or what if your sister competes in an event where she’ll dance? You’d say:

Meine Schwester konkurriert im Tanzturnieren. — My sister competes in dance tournaments.

These are just a few ways to talk about the hobbies you love to do.

Beyond describing what we actually like to do with action words, we can also talk about our hobbies in a more general way.

Here are a few German phrases you might consider memorizing to describe how you feel about your hobby:

Ich ___ gerne. — I like to [verb conjugated in simple present].

Ich mag ___. — I like [infinitive verb].

Ich ___ ___ gut. — I [verb conjugated in simple present] [noun] well.

Ich kann gut ___. — I’m good at [noun] [infinitive verb].

Here are some examples of the formulas above:

Ich tanze gerne. — I like to dance.

Ich mag kochen. — I like cooking. 

Ich spiele Baseball gut. — I play baseball well.

Ich kann gut Deutsch sprechen. — I speak German well.

Now, you may be wondering about the difference between saying, for example, “I like painting pictures” and “I like to paint pictures.” In German, it’s really about what you’re trying to express.

For example, you’d say:

Ich mag  Bilder malen. —  I like painting pictures.

Ich male gerne Bilder. — I like to paint pictures.

Both sentences express that you like to paint pictures. However, subtle differences exist between the two: The first expresses that you like the act of painting pictures, while the second implies that you like painting pictures, rather than something else.

You could just as easily say:

Ich male gerne Landschaften. — I like to paint landscapes.

Like any language, it’s all about what you’re trying to express. You can get a better sense of how to speak more naturally by listening to German speakers talk to each other.

Though the German people cannot be stereotyped into specific pastimes or hobbies, there are quite a few popular activities that they share with the rest of the world.

Germans love to cook . They bake breads and, of course, cook up some sausage for their guests, family members and friends. Good food is something almost anyone can enjoy.

And to go with good food, Germans love their alcohol, specifically beer! Though, to be fair, for many, drinking is more of a lifestyle than a pastime.

Societal restrictions on drinking alcohol are much looser than you’d find in the States, so many times it’s more casual than anything else.

Like most of us, Germans love their TV shows and movies .

Most Americans are exposed to few foreign films but in Germany, they’re just as prevalent as domestic films . This gives the German audience a wider cultural view than you might find among American films.

But, of course, both cultures—and likely many others—enjoy the thrills of dramatic TV shows. Germans love the TV show Tatort , meaning “crime scene.” There’s nothing as satistfyingly suspenseful as figuring out a murder mystery.

Germans also love to explore the world around them . Whether it’s weekend trips or excursions to countries close by and far away, Germans are explorers and adventurers.

Perhaps it’s related to the proximity of many other cultures or just simply a case of wanderlust (did you know that this is derived from a German word?), but the itch to see new places and experience new things engulfs the German people.

But one of the biggest hobbies consuming die Deutschen (the Germans) is soccer, and by that we mean Fußball.

The Bundesliga Fantasy Manager is a soccer program similar to that of U.S. Fantasy Football leagues. If you ever want to dabble in the world of German soccer, this a great place to start.

The word Bundesliga  translates to “federal league” in German. Mention it to probably any German you meet and they’ll know exactly what you’re talking about.

In fact, there’s an entire culture built around teams, games, coaches, players, etc. The culture is similar to that of American football and there are entire songs and chants surrounding German football.

If you’re interested in German soccer or the Bundesliga, check out these German sports terms or these German soccer terms to memorize and add to your vocabulary. Not only will you be participating in a large cultural German movement, but you’ll also be improving your language skills at the same time.

  • Hobbies are a way for us to connect with the world and people around us. We can express ourselves and our interests in a common subject or field. Whether you join others in hiking famous mountains, visiting historic landmarks or even conquering the levels of a video game, hobbies allow you to connect with your peers, both in person and online.
  • Speaking about your hobby in German also helps you increase your vocabulary. In fact, you might find that it’s easier to memorize vocabulary surrounding your hobby because well, it’s your hobby! You’ll learn new verbs, nouns and adjectives to describe what you’re doing and how you’re doing it.
  • Finally, talking about your hobbies in German can be a great way to learn about—and even experiment with—other hobbies. As you improve your German fluency, you’ll delve further into the German way of life , hobbies, traditions and cultural aspects of Germany . After all, languages are never too far removed from the people who speak them!

At its core, practicing your German to talk about hobbies is really about pinpointing vocabulary terms for your particular hobby of choice. Here are some ways you can practice:

  • We recommend this flashcard set from Quizlet for words you’ll likely use to talk about your hobby. 
  • If you like to play sports, you’d definitely find these flashcards from Quizlet to be useful .
  • If you’ve already compiled a list of vocabulary words, you can use this free wordsearch creator . Sprinkle in a few words you’re struggling with that may not be hobby-related for extra practice. Just remember that you’ll have to use an “e” instead of an umlaut.

Hobbies bring people together. Now you can speak about your hobbies in German—and maybe you can discover some new German-speaking friends who share the same interests as you!

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Talking About Hobbies in German Posted by Larissa on Oct 19, 2015 in Language

Servus, I got my inspiration for this post over on the Greek blog (which you can find here if you’re also interested in learning Greek). Hobbies are an important part of everyday life and are a great way to start up a conversation, whether it’s horse riding, painting, reading, or just going to the cinema!

my hobby in german essay

Magst du auch lesen? Do you also like reading? Photo by Kate Ter Haar on Flickr under CC BY 2.0

The German language has taken the English word “hobby”, making it one less German word for you to remember. If you wanted to ask “what are your hobbies?” in German it would be “Was sind deine Hobbys?” . However you could also say “Was sind deine Interessen?” – “What are your interests?”.

Here are a few hobbies I translated into German, if you have one that isn’t up here than leave me a comment and I can translate it for you!

Horse riding                                                        reiten

Reading                                                                lesen

Painting                                                                malen

Dancing                                                                 tanzen

Going to the cinema                                       ins Kino gehen

Swimming                                                           schwimmen

Writing                                                                 schreiben

Meeting up with friends                                    mit Freunden treffen

Travelling                                                             reisen

Fishing                                                                  angeln

Doing sport                                                         Sport machen

If you want to ask someone what their favourite hobby is (maybe they’ve listed you a hundred hobbies already and you want to narrow it down) then ask “was ist dein Lieblingshobby?”/”was ist deine Lieblingsinteresse?” . The word  lieblings  means “favourite” so you can use this for other questions too, such as Lieblingsessen (favourite food), Lieblingsfach (favourite subject), Lieblingsbuch (favourite book) and so on.

When someone asks you what your hobbies are, you can reply by saying “Meine Hobbys sind…” (My hobbies are…) or if you just have one hobby then say “Mein Hobby ist…” (My hobby is…). In reply to your favourite hobby you can say “Mein Lieblingshobby ist…” (My favourite hobby is…), or if you’re indecisive and can’t pick one favourite hobby you can reply “Ich liebe alle meine Hobbys, ich kann mich nicht entscheiden!” (I love all of my hobbies, I can’t decide!).

my hobby in german essay

Conversation. Photo by Daniel on Flickr under CC BY-ND 2.0

Now that you know what to say here is an example of how the conversation could go:

Person 1: Was sin d d eine Hobbys? / Was sin d deine Interessen?

(Note that the question has „sind” instead of “ist” in it which means it is plural)

Person 2: Meine Hobbys sind Schwimmen und ins Kino gehen.

Person 1: Ich mag auch Schwimmen! Was ist dein Lieblingshobby?

Person 2: Mein Lieblingshobby ist Schwimmen, ich schwimme drei mal pro Woche.

I haven’t written the translation so see if you can understand what they’re saying to each other!

Thanks for reading 🙂

my hobby in german essay

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About the Author: Larissa

Hello I'm Larissa. I live in Germany and I am half German and half English. I love sharing my passion for Germany with you through my posts! Apart from writing posts I teach fitness classes in Munich.

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Nice article. Yes “hobby” has become the new german word for this, but there is actually an old german word for – “Steckenpferd”. (in english hobby-horse 🙂 Thanks.

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@Alcazar Hi Alcazar, I haven’t heard of “Steckenpferd” before so thank you for the info! 🙂 Larissa

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Instead of “Sport machen”, it should be “Sport treiben”.

@Constantinus Hi Constantinus, You’re right you can also say “Sport treiben” but both are correct 🙂 It’s completely normal to say “Ich mache sport” as well! Thanks for the comment, Larissa

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@Constantinus Yes, I heard from a young adult German person recently that Sport ‘treiben’ is a little outdated and most say Sport ‘machen’ now 🙂

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Maier Alina:

Yes “hobby” germani

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Lisa Gorrell:

I have several hobbies:

birdwatching = vogelbeobachten genealogy = Geneologie

and model railroading. How do the Germans call modeling trains?

@Lisa Gorrell Hi Lisa, Thanks for sharing your hobbies! A model railroad is “Eisenbahnmodel” in German. You could say “Ich habe eine Modelleisenbahn” – “I have a model railroad”. Hope this helps 🙂 Larissa

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Look at ur hairline

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would the gehen change acording to who you were adressing, for example du?

@cupcake Hello!

Yes it would: “du gehst” “Ich gehe” “wir gehen”

Thanks for commenting, I hope that helps 🙂 Larissa

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Hallo ich einen Deutsch Lehrer aus Uganda , ,lightning. Danke schön ich magge deine unterrichten…..

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super. das ist toll

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Nice… I had to refer to your website to understant how to express my hobbies to a potential employer in Germany. It was helpful. Thanks! Avinash. Singapore.

my hobby in german essay

Hobbies in German

  • by Deutsch mit Leo
  • 6 minute read

What do Germans do in their spare time? How have the interests of Germans changed during the lockdown? How do you support a conversation about hobbies in German? Today we will talk about hobbies and find out what they are called in German.

Normal everyday life still seems far away, and the world will probably reckon with the limitations of social life for some time yet. The situation with the epidemic has given us plenty of time to devote to new hobbies that we have been missing for so long.

For some of us, being forced to stay at home has been the perfect excuse to watch every soap opera possible. Others have used this time to discover new hobbies.

Whatever your interest, any hobby, new or old, is a lot of fun. After all, hobbies allow us to rediscover ourselves.

What hobbies are popular among Germans

Most people have a hobby of some kind – whether it’s playing video games, sports or cooking, hobbies diversify our routine and sometimes become a way of life. We’ve compiled the top 9 hobbies that Germans devote their free time to:

#1: The most popular hobby is gardening

More than 30% of the German population spend their free time gardening. This is also a health hobby, as spending time in the fresh air and exercise is very rewarding.

#2: Shopping

Whether it’s food or clothes – we all love to go shopping. Don’t have anything to wear again? You can take a walk to the nearest clothing shop!

#3: Riddles.

No, we weren’t wrong to include this hobby in the list. Many people in Germany remark that they like having something to think about.

Friday evenings are often spent having dinner with friends or family. It is more of a ritual than a hobby, but cooking together or organising family gatherings like this can become a real hobby. And let’s not forget the famous German barbecue!

#5: Gambling

Most people have already forgotten about the time before gaming consoles, but in Germany they are still popular.

#6: The gym

We’ve all had the idea of exercising more at some point. Germans haven’t given up hope.

If you have spent any time in Germany and have friends there, you know that Germans love to go for long walks, hiking and even journeys on foot.

#8: Jogging

If a sport, then jogging in the fresh air.

#9: Board games

A hobby that can easily be combined with Friday nights out with friends.

What hobbies became popular during the pandemic

Social distance and supermarket entry control, fewer tables and meals in restaurants have all led to more and more Germans ordering food and groceries online.

Car cinemas were just something of a nostalgia for years, but lately this entertainment – especially in summer – is back at the peak of popularity. Some markets, parks and sports stadiums in Germany have been adapted to car cinemas and show both classic and modern films.

Today, anyone can see the Mona Lisa in the Louvre, stroll through the Guggenheim Museum in New York, listen to a concert in the Elbe Philharmonic or attend a concert of a famous band. All of this is possible, at least virtually, and this kind of entertainment has become very popular among Germans.

Many have decided to try something completely new. Whether it was a new language, a sport or a craft skill. Others, on the other hand, used the time to rediscover an old hobby, decorate or renovate their own home or devote themselves to new projects.

Those who can’t or don’t want to meet in person have moved into the digital space. Zoom, Team, Skype or any other program: video calling has become a viable alternative. Not only are many companies moving their meetings into virtual space, but family conversations, meetings with friends, parties and even weddings often take place in the online space.

To stay in shape, many people continue to exercise vigorously at home. This can be a workout in front of the television, a virtual yoga class or a treadmill in the study, as German citizens, like many others, have had to give up going to the gym, team sports and other sporting events.

During the pandemic, the number of subscriptions to online movie and TV series watching services rose sharply. Almost three out of five citizens regularly use offers from Netflix, Sky, Amazon Prime or similar services.

With the verb spielen

Ich spiele gern Fußball.I like to play football.
Basketball spielenplay basketball
Tennis spielenplay tennis
Volleyball spielenplay volleyball
Brettspiele spielenplay board games
Ich mag Brettspiele spielen.I like to play board games.
Schach spielenplay chess
Ich spiele gern Schach.I love to play chess.
Musikinstrumente spielenPlay musical instruments
Mein Hobby ist Musikinstrumente spielen.My hobby is playing musical instruments.
Klavier spielenplay the piano
Gitarre spielenplay the guitar
Flöte spielenplay the flute

With the verb gehen

Ich gehe gern spazieren.I like to go for walks.
ins Kino gehengo to the cinema
ins Theater gehengo to the theatre
ins Museum gehengo to museums

Sports activities

Sport machendo sports
Ich mache gern Sport.I like to do sports.
Fahrrad fahrento ride the bike / cycle
Ich fahre gern Fahrrad.I like to go cycling.
skatento skate
Ich skate gern.I like to skateboard.
Rollschuh laufenrollerblading
Mein Hobby ist Rollschuh laufen.My hobby is roller skating.
Ski fahrenskiing
Ich mag Schlittschuhlaufen.I love ice skating.
Ich schwimme gern.I like to swim.
reitenhorseback riding
Mein Hobby ist Tanzen.My hobby is dancing.
Ich wandere gern.I like to go camping.
segelngo sailing
chattento chat
Ich mag chatten.I love chatting.
Mein Hobby ist lesen.My hobby is reading.
Ich koche gern.I like to cook.
Musik hörenlisten to music
Ich höre gern Musik.I like listening to music.
Ich mag singen.I like to sing.
Ich male gern.I like to draw.
fernsehenwatch TV
Ich sehe gern fern.I like watching TV.
fotografierentake pictures
Ich mag fotografieren.I like taking pictures.
im Internet surfenI like to look for things on the internet
sich mit Freunden treffengo out with friends
Ich treffe mich gern mit Freunden.I like going out with friends.
Briefmarken sammelnstamp collecting

Phrases for talking about hobbies in German

Was ist dein Hobby/ Was sind deine Hobbys?What is/are your hobbies?
Mein Hobby ist../ Meine Hobbys sind…My hobby/hobbies are … 
Wofür interessierst du dich?What are you interested in?
Ich interessiere mich für+AKKI am interested in …
Was machst du gern?What do you like to do?
Ich … gernI like …
Was machst du in deiner Freizeit?What do you do in your free time?
Wann hast du Freizeit?When do you have free time?
Ich habe Freizeit nur am Wochenenden/abends/nachmittagsI am free only at weekends/in the evening/in the afternoon
Am liebsten mache ich Sport.I like doing sports most of all.
Ich spiele lieber Fußball als Basketball.I like to play football more than basketball.

An example of talking about a hobby in German

Hallo, mein Name ist Peter. Ich bin 22 Jahre alt. Von Montag bis Freitag habe ich fast keine freie Zeit, weil ich viel arbeite. Nur am Abend habe ich ein paar Stunden frei und dann gehe ich zum Yogaunterricht. Ich mache schon seit 3 Jahren Yoga. Wenn ich nach Hause komme, bin ich schon sehr müde. Ich koche mir etwas Leckeres, schaue fern und unterhalte mich mit meinen Freunden. Wir besprechen unsere Pläne für das Wochenende. Wir verbringen es immer zusammen, z.B. gehen wir spazieren, ins Museum oder ins Kino, oder wir bleiben zu Hause und spielen Brettspiele. Das ist immer ein großer Spaß. Obwohl wir alle sehr beschäftigt sind, finden wir immer Zeit für unsere Hobbys. Ich bin überzeugt, dass jeder ein Hobby haben muss, um sein Leben interessanter zu gestalten.


Hello, my name is Peter. I am 22 years old. From Monday to Friday I have almost no free time because I work a lot. I only get a couple of free hours in the evening and then I go to yoga classes. I have been doing yoga for 3 years. When I get home, I am already very tired. I cook something delicious for myself, watch TV and chat with my friends. We discuss our plans for the weekend. We always spend it together, e.g. go for a walk, to the museum or to the cinema, or stay at home and play board games. It’s always a lot of fun. Although we are all very busy, we always find time for our hobbies. I am convinced that everyone must have a hobby to make their life more interesting.

Quotes about hobbies in German with translation

  • Wenn man Spaß an einer Sache hat, dann nimmt man sie auch ernst (If you get pleasure from an activity/work/object, you also take it seriously).
  • Angeln: die unverdächtigste Art des Nichtstuns (Fishing is a hidden kind of idleness).
  • Wer man ein Hobby hat, macht aus Freizeit auch Freuzeit (Whoever has a hobby makes time of joy out of free time).
  • Ein Mensch ohne Liebhaberei ist wie ein Dampfkessel ohne Ventil (A man without a hobby is like a steam boiler without a valve).
  • Ein Mensch muss sein Hobby schon sehr schätzen, wenn er es ohne Hoffnung auf Ruhm und Geld ausübt, ja sogar ohne jede Chance, es gut zu machen (A man should greatly appreciate his hobby if he does it without hope of fame and money, and also without any chance of doing it well).

Essays on the topic of hobbies

We have also compiled different essays on the topic of hobbies in German which you can take a look by clicking here !

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my hobby in german essay

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my hobby in german essay

Was sind deine Hobbys? Talking about your hobbies in German – Coffee Break German To Go Episode 10

  • radiolingua
  • August 9, 2019
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To ask “what are your hobbies?” in German you can say was sind deine Hobbys? , or in a more formal situation, was sind Ihre Hobbys?  In this episode of Coffee Break German To Go, Julia asks this questions to interviewees in the streets of Berlin. You can use the answers of our interviewees to help you learn to answer this question yourself.

In the first part of the video, watch the interviews without subtitles and try to understand. In the second part of the video, we’ve provided subtitles in German at the top of the screen. You can choose to turn on subtitles in English using the Subtitles/CC button.

In our first series, Julia is in the city of Berlin, and in each episode she’ll ask passers-by one question. Of course, that one question will result in many answers, and it’s through these answers that you can practise your German and build your vocabulary.

If you’d prefer not to wait for all 10 lessons of Season 1 to be published, you can access downloadable versions of the videos along with audio versions and lesson notes / transcripts in the Coffee Break Academy.

Coffee Break German To Go is based on the popular podcast series and online course Coffee Break German. For access to the free podcasts, click here .

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All our Coffee Break courses have premium versions which include bonus materials. The exact nature of the bonus materials vary from course to course, but they will all help you to make faster progress with the language of your choice. See below for examples of the types of bonus materials featured in our courses.

All Season 1 and 2 courses include video versions of the lessons, allowing you to see the words and phrases on the screen of your device as you listen.

All our courses feature bonus audio material, either extended versions of the main lessons, or additional audio content to help you practise.

All courses include some form of lesson notes which help you take your understanding of the language further, with detailed explanations and further examples.


Our advanced courses feature full transcripts of every word included in the audio recordings. The transcripts also include vocabulary help.

Available on the Coffee Break Academy

All our online courses are available only on the Coffee Break Academy where with a single login you’ll be able to access the premium elements of the course.

You can access everything online or, if you prefer, you can download the materials to your own device and take your learning with you wherever you go.

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German Meine Hobbys 90-word essay preparation

German Meine Hobbys 90-word essay preparation

Subject: German

Age range: 14-16

Resource type: Worksheet/Activity


Last updated

25 September 2023

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my hobby in german essay

This sheet gives students suggestions about how to include ambitious sentences in a GCSE essay about hobbies. In preparation for the essay, students translate 9 sentences (page 1) that would fit the essay bullet points. They use the grammar notes (page 2) to help them. Answers are on page 3. Once complete students should write their own essay. This task has produced some excellent essays for me in the past, and has helped those who frequently complain that they ‘don’t know what to write’.

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Hobbies in German

Being able to talk about hobbies in German can be a great way to get to know someone better. So how do you tell people what you like to do in German?

After this free audio lesson you’ll be able to talk about sports, music, cooking, traveling and more – whatever it is you enjoy doing in your spare time. Just as importantly, you’ll also be able to ask new friends and colleagues about their hobbies in German. Sharing common interests is a really good way to build new friendships.

So tell me about yourself…

Resources for further reading: How long does it take to learn German? Improve your German pronunciation

How to pronounce hobbies in German

Practice your pronunciation with rocket record.

Rocket Record lets you perfect your German pronunciation. Just listen to the native speaker audio and then use the microphone icon to record yourself. Once you’re done, you’ll get a score out of 100 on your pronunciation and can listen to your own audio playback. (Use a headset mic for best results.) Problems? Click here!

Meine Lieblingsbeschäftigung ist…

My favorite activity is...

Was machst du am liebsten?

What do you like doing best?

Die Freizeit

The free time

Ich bin ein Fan von...

I'm a fan of...

Was sind deine Hobbies?

What are you hobbies?

Was machst du in deiner Freizeit?

What do you do in your free time?

I like cooking in german

So, tell me “Was machst du in deiner Freizeit?”

Ich singe gerne.

I like singing.

Ich koche gerne.

I like cooking.

Ich spiele gerne Fußball.

I like playing football.

Ich spiele gerne Basketball.

I like playing basketball.

Ich höre gerne Musik.

I like listening to music.

Ich lese gerne.

I like reading.

Ich renne gerne.

I like running.

Ich schwimme gerne.

I like swimming.

Ich angele gerne.

I like fishing.

Ich schaue gerne Filme an.

I like watching movies.

Ich surfe gerne im Internet.

I like surfing the net.

Ich mache gerne Musik.

I like playing music.

Ich reise gerne.

I like traveling.

Ich treffe mich gerne mit Freunden.

I like meeting friends.

Ich fotographiere gerne.

I like taking photographs.

Here are some more useful phrases about things that you might like to do...

Ich fahre gerne Ski.

I like skiing.

Ich tauche gerne.

I like scuba diving.

Ich arbeite gerne im Garten.

I like gardening.

Ich ruhe mich gerne aus.

I like to relax.

Ich tanze gerne.

I like dancing.

Ich gehe gerne spazieren.

I like walking.

Ich gehe gerne ins Theater.

I like going to the theater.

Ich gehe gerne ins Kino.

I like going to the cinema.

Ich gehe gerne essen.

I like eating out.

Ich gehe gerne in Clubs.

I like night clubbing.

That’s it for today’s lesson. I hope you had fun!

Here are a few recommended German lessons to try next!

  • Talking about occupations in German is a great way to start a conversation.
  • Wanting to exchange money at the local bank in German ? You'll need this lesson.
  • Looking for the post office in German .

Paul Weber: Rocket German

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You are currently viewing 20 Useful Flashcards to Discuss Hobbies in German(Hobbys)

20 Useful Flashcards to Discuss Hobbies in German(Hobbys)

Hobbies help us relax and unwind ourselves. The free time activities keep us going!

Every person has at least one hobby, which he or she loves the most. Keep scrolling to learn how to talk about your favourite free time activities in German. Discuss Hobbies in German by memorizing words in the flashcards given below.

Frequently Asked Questions

German hobbies flashcards, to listen to music.


To read books


To play the guitar


To play football


To play ice hockey


Horse riding




To watch movies


German Hobbies Podcast

German verb game : guess the verbs.


German Vocabulary List for Hobbies

German verbs related to hobbies.

to fishangeln
to climbklettern
to exerciseSport treiben
to practiceausüben
to score a goalein Tor schießen
to batden Ball schlagen
to runlaufen / rennen
to jumpspringen
to scuba-divetauchen
to kickkicken
to qualifysich qualifizieren
to lose [game]vergeigen
to wingewinnen
to throwwerfen
to play a music instrumentein Musikinstrument spielen
to serve [tennis]aufschlagen
to tackletiefhalten
to train / work outtrainieren
to participateteilnehmen
to enjoy a hobbyan einem Hobby Spaß haben
to engage in a hobbyein Hobby betreiben
to collect / gathersammeln
to drawzeichnen
to surf the internetim Internet surfen
to do gymnasticsturnen
to bowlkegeln
to laze aroundfaulenzen
to do handicraftsbasteln
to singsingen
to dancetanzen
to paintmalen
to hikewandern
to boxboxen
to coachcoachen
to putt [golf]einlochen
to skydiveFallschirm springen
to do yogaYoga machen

German Adjectives Related to Hobbies

drawn / tiedunentschieden
even [on points]punktgleich

List of Hobbies

to listen to musicMusik hören
to read booksBücher lesen
singingdas Singen
dancingdas Tanzen
paintingdas Malen
to play the guitarGitarre spielen
horse ridingdas Pferdereiten
kayakingdas Kajakfahren
canoeingdas Kanufahren
cyclingdas Radfahren
to play the pianoKlavier spielen
hikingdas Wandern
to play footballFußball spielen
swimmingdas Schwimmen
skiingdas Skifahren
to play badmintonFederball spielen
rollerbladingdas Inlineskaten
sailingdas Segeln
to play basketballKorbball spielen
to watch filmsFilme ansehen
gardeningdie Gartenarbeit, die Gartenarbeiten
surfingdas Surfen
to play ice hockeyEishockey spielen
to practice gymnasticsGymnastik treiben
photographydas Fotografieren
to collect stampsBriefmarke sammeln
to collect coinsMünzen sammeln
to do aerobicsAerobic machen
to do judoJudo machen
bodybuildingBodybuilding machen
bowlingdas Kegeln
Board gamedas Brettspiel, die Brettspiele
Diceder Spielwürfel, die Spielwürfel
to play cricketCricket spielen
scuba divingdas Gerätetauchen
skydivingdas Fallschirmspringen
bungee jumpingdas Bungeespringen
scuba diving geardie Tauchausrüstung, die Tauchausrüstungen
parachuteder Fallschirm, die Fallschirme

Sentences to Discuss Hobbies in German

What are your hobbies?Was sind deine Hobbys?
Which is your favorite hobby?Was ist dein Lieblingshobby?
My hobby is swimming.Mein Hobby ist schwimmen.
I swim thrice a week.Ich schwimme drei mal pro Woche.
What do you love to do the most?Was machst du am liebsten?
I like singing.Ich singe gern.
I collect coins.Ich sammle Münzen.
I like to work in the garden.Ich arbeite gerne im Garten.
I go fishing.Ich gehe fischen.
I love to cook.Ich koche gern.

Solution for “Guess the Verbs” – 1. angeln 2. tauchen 3. Yoga machen 4. kicken 5. aufschlagen 6. kegeln

If you enjoyed learning words related to Hobbies, also check out the theme Home on your favorite blog “All About Deutsch”.

Loved learning with flashcards? Check out Hobby related flashcards on Quizlet .

PS – On this blog, you will find vocabulary lists just like this one, articles related to countries Germany, Austria and Switzerland as well as quizzes to test your language skills and a lot more. Keep scrolling, keep learning!

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117+ Easy Words For Hobbies In German Language

Picture of Genine Torres

  • , May 2, 2023

Easy Words For Hobbies In German Language

Tired of “meh” conversations that fizzle out before they even get deeper? Let’s face it, small talk can be a drag. But what if we told you that mastering the right words for die Hobb y s or hobbies in German could help you unlock more engaging conversations? From basic words to sentence patterns, we’ll give you the low down on everything you need to know to express yourself better. Let’s start!

What sets your soul on fire? That thing you do in your free time that fills you with immense passion and purpose? You see, we all have our own unique ways of unwinding after a long day or weekend – whether it’s perfecting our downward dog, scoring goals on the football field, or whipping up a culinary masterpiece. But imagine being able to share that enthusiasm with others, especially in a foreign language? If you’re lucky, you might just win a friend or even have a new buddy to bond with! I know this because this is precisely what I experienced when I visited North Rhine-Westphalia!

I’ve always been a history buff at heart, and nothing gets my adrenaline pumping quite like a good flick set in the past – like the epic Netflix series, Barbarians. So when my friends planned to travel to Germany, I knew I couldn’t miss the chance to explore the hallowed grounds of Teutoburg Forest . Sure, it might not be on every tourist’s radar, but being able to step into the very same location where the legendary ambush happened is such an exciting experience for geeks like me.

When other foreigners asked me, I shared with them everything I know about the place. Boy, I was in my element! But as the day turned into night and dinner was served, I suddenly found myself in a predicament. As I sat there with my tour group, surrounded mostly by locals, one of the ladies turned to me and asked the dreaded question, “ Was sind deine Hobbys? ” My mind went blank, and before I knew it, another person chimed in with, “ Was sind deine Interessen? ” I was caught off guard and had no idea how to respond! So like any non-native speaker, I blurted out the only German word I knew: “ Ja .”

Friends, I don’t want you to find yourself in that embarrassing situation ever! That’s why I’m here to save you from that cringe-worthy fate with this comprehensive guide to all the German vocabulary and basic sentences you need to know. Trust me, I wish I had a resource like this back in 2018 so I wouldn’t be cringing today. Anyway, let’s begin!

photography hobby in German

How To Ask About Hobbies In German

The easiest way to ask about someone’s hobbies in German is to say, “ Was sind deine Hobbys?” Since we are inquiring, we need to use the question word “ was “, which translates to “what” in English. We also utilized a “to be” verb in the form of “ sind ,” which is the third-person plural form of the verb “sein.” Basically, “sind” is the translation for “are” in English. We also use the possessive form “ deine ” to refer to “your” hobbies, which come from the German word “du.” And, of course, we can’t forget about the word “ Hobbys ,” which is the straightforward translation of “hobbies” in English.

Other Ways To Ask About Hobbies In German

Learning German doesn’t have to be a drag – in fact, it can be downright fun! And when it comes to asking about someone’s hobbies, why settle for just “good enough?” Let’s step up our game and learn some additional ways to express ourselves and connect with others on a deeper level. In the previous section, we covered the basics of asking, “Was sind deine Hobbys?” – but now, let’s explore some other common phrases and expressions to add to our arsenal.

  • What do you like doing best? = Was machst du am liebsten?
  • Do you have any hobbies? = Welche Hobbys hast du?
  • What is your favorite leisure activity? = Was ist deine Lieblingsfreizeitaktivität?
  • What do you like to do? = Was machst du gern?
  • What do you like doing in your free time? = Was machst du gern in deiner Freizeit?
  • How do you like to spend your free time? = Wie verbringst du gern deine Freizeit?
  • What sports do you play? = Welche Sportarten treibst du?
  • Do you play + sport ? = Spielst du + Sport ?

Did you see how easy those questions were? I know they might seem like a mouthful at first, but trust me – they’re incredibly handy, especially when you find yourself conversing with native German speakers.

gardening hobby in german

How To Say Your Hobbies In German

While learning the right questions to ask can take you far, learning how to formulate your responses to the same question can also help you out! The easiest way to express your hobbies in the German language is by using this sentence formula: Mein Hobby ist + German word for the hobby . The word “Mein” means “my” in English, while “Hobby” is a loanword from English that means the same thing in German. Finally, “ist” is the third person present tense of the verb “sein.” So, when you put it all together, “Mein Hobby ist” means “My hobby is” in English.

  • My hobby is skiing = Mein Hobby ist Ski fahren .
  • My hobby is cooking = Mein Hobby ist Kochen .
  • My hobby is painting = Mein Hobby ist Malen .
  • My hobby is watching movies = Mein Hobby ist Filme schauen .

Can’t pick which thing you want to do during your spare time? You can also answer by saying, “ Meine Hobbys sind + German word for the hobby. ” In this instance, we are using the plural version of the word “hobby,” which is “Hobbys” in German.

  • My hobbies are skiing, cooking, and painting = Meine Hobbys sind Skifahren , Kochen und Malen .
  • My hobbies are playing soccer and horse riding = Meine Hobbys sind Fußball spielen und Reiten .
  • My hobbies are traveling, taking pictures, and playing games = Meine Hobbys sind reisen , fotografieren und spielen .
  • My hobbies are swimming and going to the cinema = Meine Hobbys sind Schwimmen und ins Kino gehen .

Here’s the tricky part about this point: Some hobbies require verbs. Whenever you want to talk about a hobby that uses a verb, always conjugate the word depending on the subject. Some of the verbs you can use are spielen (to play), gehen (to go), and machen (to do). To use it, simply start with Ich + Verb + gern(e) + German word for the hobby.

  • I like playing ice hockey = Ich spiele gern Eishockey .
  • I like playing football and basketball = Ich spiele gerne Fußball und Basketball .
  • I like going to the mall = Ich gehe gerne ins Einkaufszentrum .
  • I like going to the park = Ich gehe gerne in den Park .

Words For Hobbies In German

Words For Hobbies In German

Ready to use the sentence formulas we shared above? If that’s the case, then learning about the common hobbies in the German language is important. To help you get started, we rounded up the best words in the tables below.

Outdoor Hobbies

Get ready to explore the great outdoors with these thrilling hobbies! From scaling mountains to kayaking rapids, these outdoor activities will get your heart pumping and your spirit soaring.

English WordGerman Verb
Rock ClimbingBergsteigen
WalkingSpazieren gehen
Bird WatchingVogelbeobachtung
StargazingSterne beobachten

Sports Hobbies

Are you ready to kick your fitness routine up a notch? These sports hobbies will have you sweating, strategizing, and having a blast! From classic games like basketball and soccer to unique sports like racquetball and cricket, there’s something for anyone to enjoy.

English WordGerman Verb
Water skiingWasserski fahren
Ice skatingEislaufen
Roller skatingRollschuhfahren
Soccer playingFußball spielen
Basketball playingBasketball spielen
Volleyball playingVolleyball spielen
Tennis playingTennis spielen
Table tennis playingTischtennis spielen
Badminton playingBadminton spielen
Golf playingGolf spielen
Baseball playingBaseball spielen
American football playingAmerican Football spielen
Rugby playingRugby spielen
KarateKarate praktizieren
JudoJudo praktizieren

Travel Hobbies

Ready to embark on an adventure? These travel hobbies will have you packing your bags and exploring the world! From cruising the high seas to backpacking through foreign lands, these activities will help you create unforgettable memories and broaden your horizons.

English WordGerman Verb
Road trippingeine Autoreise machen
Cruisingeine Kreuzfahrt machen
Ski touringSkitouren gehen
Scuba divingtauchen
Bungee jumpingBungee-Jumping
Hot air ballooningHeißluftballonfahren
Trail RunningTrailrunning
Motorcycle touringMotorradfahren
Train ridingZugfahren

Crafts Hobbies

Are you a DIY master? These crafts hobbies will have you channeling your creativity and producing stunning works of art.

English WordGerman Verb
Jewelry makingSchmuckherstellung
Playing an instrumentEin Instrument spielen

Cooking Hobbies

Ready to whip up some culinary delights? These cooking hobbies will have you mastering the kitchen and impressing your taste buds! From baking decadent treats to experimenting with exotic flavors, these hobbies will bring a whole new level of flavor and fun to your life.

English WordGerman Word
Cake decoratingTortendekoration
Candy makingSüßigkeitenherstellung
Chocolate makingSchokoladenherstellung
Cooking competitionKochwettbewerb
Cookbook collectingKochbuchsammlung
Food bloggingFood-Blogging
Food photographyLebensmittelfotografie
Food stylingFoodstyling
Home brewingSelbstbrauen
Molecular gastronomyMolekulargastronomie
Organic farmingBiologischer Landbau
Recipe testingRezeptentwicklung
Wine tastingWeinverkostung

Collecting Hobbies

Ready to become a collector extraordinaire? These collecting hobbies will have you amassing a unique and fascinating collection of treasures!

English WordGerman Verb
Collecting stampsBriefmarken sammeln
Collecting coinsMünzen sammeln
Collecting postcardsPostkarten sammeln
Collecting stickersAufkleber sammeln
Collecting figurinesFiguren sammeln
Collecting sports memorabiliaSportandenken sammeln
Collecting comic booksComicbücher sammeln
Collecting action figuresActionfiguren sammeln
Collecting antiquesAntiquitäten sammeln
Collecting vinyl recordsVinyl-Schallplatten sammeln
Collecting rare booksSeltene Bücher sammeln
Collecting artKunst sammeln
Collecting vintage carsVintage-Autos sammeln
Collecting model trainsModelleisenbahnen sammeln
Collecting toysSpielzeug sammeln
Collecting rocks and mineralsSteine und Mineralien sammeln
Collecting seashellsMuscheln sammeln
Collecting fossilsFossilien sammeln


Ready To Start Learning German?

Ready to take your language skills to the next level? Then you need to check out Ling – the ultimate language learning platform! With its dynamic and immersive courses, Ling makes learning a new language not only easy but also entertaining and exciting! Whether you’re looking to improve your grammar, vocabulary, or pronunciation, this gamified resource got you covered!

So why settle for boring language textbooks when you can join the Ling community and learn a new language the fun way? Try it out today by downloading it from the Play Store or the App Store to get started!

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my hobby in german essay

Hobbies in German Free Vocabulary List

Learn German hobbies vocabulary, to helps describe your interests.

my hobby in german essay

Common Hobbies in German

Let's start with the words for the most popular hobbies first. Many people would mention travelling, cooking or listening to music when asked about their hobbies.

Here is a list of German words for different hobbies:

Let's have a look at the area of sports next: Many Germans enjoy doing sports as a past time activity. Popular sports here in Germany include football, handball, tennis, swimming, and cycling.

In case you're interested in seeing a few more words for all different kinds of sports, check out our full article on German sports vocabulary .

Not included in the above list are fitness activities, such as running (laufen), hiking (wandern), and gym workouts (im Fitnessstudio trainieren), which are also very popular hobbies in Germany.

Arts & Crafts

If you are collecting something as a hobby, there are only a few words you will need to remember, most importantly die Sammlung :

A lot of people love playing games as a hobby. Whether it's billard, ping pong or darts. Here are some common words for popular games:

Leave a comment & let us know what you think, or what other materials you might find helpful.

Explore Our Podcast

Explore our intermediate podcast about contemporary German culture, history, philosophy & more. Each episode is spoken at a slow pace, and includes a transcript.

my hobby in german essay

Essay on My Hobby for Students and Children

500+ words essay on my hobby.

Hobbies play a very important role in our lives. They occupy our minds when we are free and also make us happy. Hobbies are our escape from the real world that makes us forget our worries. Moreover, they make our lives interesting and enjoyable. If we look at it, all our hobbies are very useful for us. They teach us a lot of things about different stuff. They also help in expanding our knowledge.

Benefits of Having a Hobby

In today’s fast and competitive world, we often get time for ourselves. Over time, our schedule gets very dull and monotonous. That is why we need to indulge in something in between to keep our minds fresh and active. What’s better than a hobby for this? One of the main benefits of having a hobby is that it is a major stress-buster. You actually enjoy doing it and it satisfies your soul.

Essay on My Hobby

In other words, without a hobby, your life becomes an unhealthy cycle lacking any excitement or spark. Hobbies offer you a great opportunity to take a break and forget the worries of your life. They allow you to explore yourself and realize your potential in different areas.

Moreover, hobbies can also be a source of extra income. For instance, if you like painting, you can actually sell your art to make some extra money. Likewise, if you have a knack for dancing, you may teach dance classes to people on your holidays. This way your hobby a benefit you both spiritually and financially as well.

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My Favourite Hobby

If I were to pick one favourite hobby of mine out of the many I have, I will definitely pick gardening. I developed a taste for dancing when I was very young. The way my feet moved to the rhythm of the music convinced my parents that I was a born dancer. Dancing is very uplifting as well as economical.

I have always had a love for music and dance. However, I never realized the utter joy they bring to humans. Dancing gives us a lot of exercises. It teaches us to move our body rhythmically and feel the beat of every song. This kind of physical exercise is extremely delightful and enjoyable.

Moreover, dance also taught me how to stay strong and push my limits. I have had many injuries while dancing, too many bruises and cuts but that didn’t stop me from pursuing it further. In fact, it pushes me to do my best and realize my potential more than ever.

I have enrolled in dancing classes because I wish to make my hobby my career. I feel we all should do things which we enjoy doing. Everyone is running after money and in this race, they give up their likings and preferences. I have learned from this race and decided to not take part in it. I wish to take the road less traveled by and take on challenges most people don’t dare to.

In short, my hobby of dancing makes me feel alive and well. It is the only thing I look forward the most to. Thus, I hope to achieve my dream of being a professional dancer and making way for people who wish to make careers out of their hobbies.

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Essay on My Hobby

List of essays on my hobby in english, essay on my hobby reading books – essay 1 (250 words), essay on my hobby reading books – essay 2 (250 words), essay on my hobby playing cricket – essay 3 (250 words), essay on my hobby drawing – essay 4 (250 words), essay on my hobby dancing – essay 5 (250 words), essay on my hobby – sewing – essay 6 (500 words), essay on my hobby – essay 7 (750 words), essay on my hobby cooking – essay 8 (1000 words).

My hobby is reading books. Reading a book is one of my favorite pass times and since I work with words for a living it is also one of my favorite work tasks. There are no words that can describe my admiration and respect for the written word and the modest book that houses them. Even though great thinker of antiquity like Socrates despised the written word calling it unresponsive and dead we have to give out thanks to its ability to conserve knowledge for generations.

My hobby reading books is the best way to escape from the torment of the world and to rest in a world of imagination. Undisturbed by the troubles of my life, my mind can rest from all the stress it goes through every day and find comfort in the words of wise writers or happiness in those that like more light-hearted topics.

Not only do I read books but I also collect them and spend endless hours searching for the right edition for their collection. I even save up money so that I can buy books and extend my library or spend fortunes on rare historic manuscripts.

The fact of the matter is that there is no better way for me to rest and at the same time practice my brain by reading a book, so as far as my hobby reading books goes this way, it is the best pass time I can have. Believe me, once you start exploring the sea of stories written on paper you will never want to stop exploring.

Hobby is something that is of our interest and keeps us engaged in our free time with a free mind. A good habit will not only help us to escape from our daily cores but also keeps us peaceful. Studies prove that practicing a good hobby will keep us away from many mind related problems and loneliness as well.

Reading books as My Hobby:

Hobby is something that develops with us from an early age. I find happiness in reading books in my lonely time to free my mind of stress and study pressures. My hobby is reading books. Reading books is the best knowledge gaining hobby. My hobby reading books has helped me to improve my language too. When I start reading, I create my own imaginary and creative world to travel with the story.

Reading thriller novels will help me to travel to that world with mystery and stories with adventures will improve my creative side, as I am constantly imagining the scenario that’s happening in the story and so on. Thus my hobby reading books interest me the most, has helped me to understand the language better, create noble and ideal thoughts in me and more.

Inspirational and instructive books have always inspired my growing mind to follow the better path to achieve my life goal. By reading books I can be updated on the present world. A person with understandability towards anything will be able to acquire their desired heights more easily and books are molding me to be one.

Living amidst books makes me feel happier and loneliness has never touched me at any point in my life. Books have become my best friend since childhood and I can feel the positive changes they create in me.

“All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.”

We have all heard of this adage time and again and it also throws light on how important it truly is to make sure that we all have a hobby.

The game of cricket:

Well, my hobby is cricket as I have been enjoying this sport since a very tender age. I remember gazing from the winnow of my room and watching the grown-ups immerse themselves in a game of cricket. I would spend hours watching them and remembering the different shots, the way the bowlers threw the ball at different angles and even imagined myself excelling at cricket.

The need for passion:

I believe that regardless of what we choose, it is important for each one of us to have a hobby. My hobby is something which keeps me going and it adds to my verve and energy. If you develop a good hobby, it will make sure that you would have something to unwind your mind.

When I go out to play cricket, in that moment, I do not think of anything else as I am cool, composed and nothing else matters. So, if you have not yet found your thing which you can truly call as a hobby, I suggest you do so.

I knew my hobby since a tender age and it soon grew into my passion and I can say with utmost pride that I am quite good at cricket. When you truly love something, your zest will give you the kick to excel in it too.

I have a lot of hobbies to pass my time. One of such things is drawing. Even when I was a little child, drawing has always made me happy. Sitting quietly in a place, I can draw for hours. It keeps me busy and relaxes my mind. There is a little secret to why I love drawing so much.

As a person, I am less talkative. Because of that, there are very few friends in my life. The thing is that, instead of speaking out everything, I prefer to express my emotions silently. And drawing just helps me do that.

Sketching is not merely a pass time to me. God has given me a beautiful way to share my thoughts and feelings through drawing. It is an art that becomes my voice when I wish to be quiet. Moreover, drawing also helps me connect more with nature. Trees, birds, animals, rivers, clouds are some of the favorite things that I like to draw.

My art teacher praises the passion I have for drawing. She also appreciates the blending of shades and strokes of brushes when I paint something. My parents and friends always encourage me for the same.

I wish to pursue drawing for the rest of my life. It is my dream to become a true artist one day and that is only possible with regular practice and devotion.


My hobby is dancing. Dancing is the art of performing purposefully selected sequence of movements by humans. Dance is a beautiful hobby that slowly builds in an individual. Dancing becomes a hobby to people who like to listen to music because as they listen, they tend to accompany the beats with dance moves. Although some people might be enjoying music but they are unable to dance because dancing is a performance that requires a skill that not everyone can master.

How it began:

Ever since I was a child, I have been chubby and so my parents had to sign me up for dancing lessons so that I can get physically fit. The dancing lessons seemed enjoyable but when I joined the first class I was unable to dance. I developed a strong determination to learn how to dance because by nature I do not like to accept failure. Within a few weeks, I had learned how to dance and it grew in me and dancing became my hobby. I would dance everywhere and that is how I grew fond of my hobby dancing.

Benefits of My Hobby Dancing:

Through my hobby dancing, I was able to lose weight and my chubbiness was gone. The regular dancing that I have been doing has kept me fit. Sometimes I make money from dancing especially during the holidays. Dancing at events or festivals earns me money. At school, I have won awards because I participate in dance as an extracurricular activity. It is a great feeling to have dancing as my hobby because it is what I love and enjoy.

Who are we without our hobbies? Apart from our physical appearances, the collection of the things we do is what makes us distinct from the next person. While there are things we do simply because we have to, we do others because we love to.

Hobbies are things we do because we have a natural inclination to do so. They give us so much pleasure that we would spend our life time doing it. This is why people try to build their respective professions around their hobbies. By so doing, an ordinarily difficult task suddenly becomes simple.

My love for sewing:

Though I have a lot of hobbies, my love for sewing stands out from the crowd. It all started when my mother bought a sewing machine when I was younger. I was immediately fascinated by the mechanical excellence of the equipment. First, it was the way the machine rolled. Then I was puzzled about the thread movement and how it miraculously turned torn pieces into masterpieces.

Subsequently, my curiosity became a source of entertainment. I would play around the machine and time would disappear while I do so. I would cut my old clothing and run it through the machine just to see it move. Slowly and surely, I became enchanted with sewing so much that it dominated my thought and became my hobby.

Now, I would not leave a single week without creating something adorable with the sewing machine. A few moments spent away from this intriguing environment feels like an eternity. What’s more, I have found that sewing has a therapeutic effect on me. It helps clear my thought and keeps me focused on a single task. Though there is financial gain in this endeavor I do it simply for the thrill.

Me and my hobby:

Sewing is my hobby and it is refreshing to me but over time I realized that by virtue of my love for this craft I became interested in related fields. First, I have to create a sketch of what to sew. This process is a purely creative one. As I draw, I can picture what I would do to the real fabric when I eventually get on the machine. I also visualize what the eventual dress would look like on me or whoever would eventually wear it.

Then, I cut pieces of the fabric as outlined in my drawings. The cutting stage is mainly about precision. The materials have to be systematically shaped in such a way that it fits the measurement taken. Any deviation from this would lead to undesired results.

Finally, the pieces are carefully held together by the automated needle of the machine. This is the most fulfilling part of the process. This is so because seeing the conceptualized idea come to bare serves as an icing on the cake. However, the feeling of excitement I experience after the cloth is made quickly evaporates. I am immediately left with the desire to start over again. Though the process might seem mechanical or even uninspiring to an onlooker, I wouldn’t trade my hobby of sewing for anything else in the world.

Any activity which one does for pleasure is called as a hobby. It can anything ranging from reading books, spending time with your pets, travelling around, talking to new people, just anything which gives immense pleasure to a person and relieves a person of the tensions of daily life. I too have a hobby which is quite common in the world as so many people do it.

My Hobby, My Pleasure:

My hobby is reading anything knowledgeable be it the newspapers, magazines, short story books or the novel series. I just love to read. In fact, I have this good collection of books at home which I feel is the biggest treasure I have.

How it all started:

When I was in school we were asked to read the newspaper every day and come up with three national, three international and three sports news in the class. This was a sort of regular activity for us. It is from here that I gathered interest in reading newspapers. Slowly as we all grew up this hobby of reading newspapers in the morning developed into a full-time activity of reading which came around.

Overall these years, I have the pleasure of reading the Harry Potter series, which still remain the best, The Shiva Trilogy from Amish Tripathi, books from good authors both from India and abroad.

Books, Our best friends:

Life isn’t anything but difficult to live without friends. With regards to Books, they can be our closest friends ever. Great Books advances our brain with great contemplations and information simply like a decent friend. We can’t feel alone in the vicinity of books. We can learn numerous beneficial things while perusing a decent book. Books composed by well-known and experienced authors causes us to improve as a person and furthermore show us how to serve the general public in the most ideal way. When we are separated from everyone else, we can generally get a book and begin perusing to feel unwind.

Books are our closest companions since they rouse us to do incredible things throughout everyday life and conquer our disappointments. Books can be great or terrible, however, it is our duty to pick them wisely. Kinship with Good books makes you Good individual and companionship with Bad books make you a terrible individual. Books will dependably be there for you in your terrible occasions. Books motivate us to have dreams. Moreover, books convey a positive incentive to our life and make us a better human being.

Advantages of Having a Hobby:

Having a hobby is really basic for a solid character and body. In addition to the fact that they are fun, a hobby can revive one completely, help with remaining solid, dynamic and cheerful. Spending time doing the things that we appreciate can help postpone maturing and prompt positive emotions that assistance battle against specific diseases. A hobby makes you more joyful and more substance as a human being. In addition to the fact that this is useful for your general wellbeing and prosperity, it likewise expands your fulfilment with life and brings you harmony, joy and energy. What’s more, makes you simpler to live with! On the off chance that your days are loaded up with only customer gatherings, ventures and constant work, a hobby can help facilitate a portion of that pressure and take your brain off work.

In fact, a few research studies have demonstrated that individuals who take part in leisure activities are more averse to creative memory issues. Hobbies are additionally known to fight off sadness and lower circulatory strain. So in addition to the fact that hobbies help you mentally, they are useful for your body as well.


Having a hobby that we enjoy doing brings us joy and advances our lives. It gives us something enjoyable to do amid our recreation time and gives us the chance to learn new aptitudes. We are exceptionally lucky to have such a large number of various choices out there today. Actually, there are whole sites committed to diversions and interests.

The most ideal approach to developing another hobby is to take a stab at something new. The world is loaded with magnificent, energizing exercises that we can investigate and embrace as our own. Obviously, we all are one of a kind and, accordingly, our interests and leisure activities change. In any case, when we discover an interest that we really appreciate and are enthusiastic about, we end up snared. It turns out to be a piece of our lives and encourages us in an exceptionally close to home way. Last, but not the least, hobby help us live our dreams which usually get ignored due to our busy lives.

A hobby is one’s favourite habit, activity or what a person chooses to do or what the person does usually for enjoyment and pleasure in his/her available leisure time. Having a hobby is a very good thing that can be developed at a point in one’s life from childhood all the way to adulthood but it is sometimes best to have a hobby from childhood. We all participate in some kind of activity in line with our interests that we derive joy and happiness from; this activity is our hobby. We all have different hobbies based on our interests, dislikes and likes.

Types of Hobbies:

There are a lot of different types of hobbies that we can show interest in and develop, examples of hobbies are singing, dancing, playing outdoor or indoor games, drawing, collecting antiques, bird watching, writing, photography, reading, eating, playing, sports, music, gardening, cooking, watching TV, talking and any other activity you can think of. Our different hobbies that become a source of earning money and a means of livelihood and we can build a very successful career out of our hobbies. A hobby is meant to be enjoyed in our leisure time but it can become a lot more than that.

My Hobbies:

One popular misconception is that we can have only one hobby; this is totally not true. As a child growing up, I loved and enjoyed cooking and I would spend hours watching cooking programmes and watching my parents cook. Sooner rather than later, I also started trying out different recipes and dishes I had seen on TV and sometimes even tweaked a few things and made delicacies of my own. Cooking gave my childhood so much joy and bliss which made it one of my hobbies, I could cook all day and I get just happy at the thought of trying out a new recipe. Another hobby of mine is soccer which is kind of an accidental hobby (if there is anything like that). I had always loved watching football (or soccer) and was pretty good at analysis and understanding of the game but I never really tried playing the sport because of my first hobby that is cooking which meant I was more of the indoor person. Fate would have it that one of my close friends was on the varsity soccer team and all the goalkeepers got injured so he told me about an open audition for the position of goalkeeper and I just decided to try out. I was wonderful at the try outs and got a spot on the varsity soccer team, I became a pretty brilliant goalkeeper and I look forward to every opportunity to get on the field of play. There is this feeling of fulfilment and satisfaction I get anytime I am on the field of play. It is very possible to have more than one hobby so open yourself to the possibilities of all the different activities and interesting things around us.

My Favourite Hobby:

My favourite hobby is gardening. I spend most of my leisure time when I am not cooking or playing soccer in gardening. Gardening has been a huge source of knowledge, education, delight and entertainment to me. I have had the opportunity to learn a lot of new things on flowers, plants, vegetables, butterflies and even birds from gardening. My parents have a little plot of land where I pursue and practice this hobby. I have different varieties of vegetables, flowers and a few fruit trees in my garden. Some of the vegetables I grow are carrots, tomatoes, cauliflower, cabbage, spinach, radish, chillies, bitter gourd, etc. I also grow flowers like jasmine, roses, lilies, merry gold, carnation, poppies, flux and forget-me-not. These flowers make the garden a delight to behold and give the garden a soothing fragrance.

There are a few fruit-trees in the garden including banana, mango, guava and pomegranate. The garden is visited often by quite a number of birds and there are even some birds are live permanently on the fruit trees. The chirping sound made by the birds and their sweet music gives the garden the perfect condition and makes it the ideal place to be.

Gardening has also helped my other hobby (soccer) by keeping me mentally alert, physically fit and very fresh. The ambience of the garden is highly invigorating, fresh and soothing; there is calmness to the atmosphere of the garden. The processes and activities involved in gardening include weeding, digging, grafting, cutting, maturing, watering and the tilling of the soil. All of these activities get me the needed physical exercise I need to make my body fit and keep me sharp mentally.

A lot of family members and friends appreciate my hobby gardening. Over the years, I have been able to develop skills needed in gardening, sometimes; my father also helps me maintain the garden. I have a worthy and wonderful collection of magazines and books on vegetables, flowers, fruit trees and also gardening overall. It is quite a wonderful experience to watch plants grow, develop and blossom.

I am not full of knowledge in gardening; sometimes, I get advice and help from a professional gardener so as to know the right thing to do. I spend a large chunk of my money purchasing manure, seeds, fertilisers, books on gardening and gardening tools and implements. I try to catch all the programmes on television about gardening, I visit plant and flower shows and also fruit and vegetable exhibition. I try my possible best to balance all my hobbies, studies and other engagements without hurting any one of them for the others.

Gardening motivates me and gives me a sense of purpose about what I can achieve with my life. Once I am gardening, I forget about all of my worries, troubles and problems of the world. I am my happiest when I am working in the garden or when I get to give my friends and my family members fruits from the garden.

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Last Update: 2018-02-13 Usage Frequency: 1 Quality:

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Last Update: 2021-10-26 Usage Frequency: 1 Quality: Reference: Anonymous

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Last Update: 2014-02-01 Usage Frequency: 1 Quality: Reference: Anonymous

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Last Update: 2018-02-13 Usage Frequency: 1 Quality: Reference: Anonymous

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Last Update: 2017-06-28 Usage Frequency: 1 Quality: Reference: Anonymous

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Last Update: 2021-02-26 Usage Frequency: 1 Quality: Reference: Anonymous

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Last Update: 2024-07-26 Usage Frequency: 1 Quality: Reference: Anonymous

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    FREE German Essay on Hobbies for GCSE, High School. A new series of essays to support you with your German homework at school. They are based upon my experience working at schools in the UK. Part 2 covers the popular topic of writing about your hobby. FREE German Essay on Family: meine Familie.

  13. Hobbies in German

    Let's get you talking in German. We love German people and German culture - from magical Christmas markets and hearty dishes to fairy-tale castles and gorgeous mountain trails! And there's no better way to connect with them than by learning Deutsch. Take a free trial and we'll send you a sample of our lessons, some exclusive discounts and more.

  14. Talking about hobbies in German

    Meine Hobbys sind…. - This phrase means "My hobbies are…" in German. Use it to talk about your own hobbies. Ich interessiere mich für…. - This expression means "I am interested in…" in German. You can use it to express your interests. Ich mache gerne…. - This sentence means "I enjoy doing…" in German. Use it when ...

  15. Meine Familie: Free German Essays on Family

    First, you will find an example of a short essay in German. It shows you how you can describe your own family. Since every family is different, I wrote some more examples for you to choose from. After the German part follows a part in italics where I tell you in English what the German text is about. After the examples of short essays, you will ...

  16. 20 Useful Flashcards to Discuss Hobbies in German(Hobbys)

    Solution for "Guess the Verbs" - 1. angeln 2. tauchen 3. Yoga machen 4. kicken 5. aufschlagen 6. kegeln. If you enjoyed learning words related to Hobbies, also check out the theme Home on your favorite blog "All About Deutsch". Loved learning with flashcards? Check out Hobby related flashcards on Quizlet.

  17. 117+ Easy Words For Hobbies In German Language

    The easiest way to express your hobbies in the German language is by using this sentence formula: Mein Hobby ist + German word for the hobby. The word "Mein" means "my" in English, while "Hobby" is a loanword from English that means the same thing in German. Finally, "ist" is the third person present tense of the verb "sein.".

  18. Hobbies in German Free Vocabulary List

    das Schlittschuhlaufen. ice skating. das Badminton. badminton. der Volleyball. volleyball. In case you're interested in seeing a few more words for all different kinds of sports, check out our full article on German sports vocabulary. Not included in the above list are fitness activities, such as running (laufen), hiking (wandern), and gym ...

  19. Essay on My Hobby for Students and Children

    500+ Words Essay On My Hobby. Hobbies play a very important role in our lives. They occupy our minds when we are free and also make us happy. Hobbies are our escape from the real world that makes us forget our worries. Moreover, they make our lives interesting and enjoyable. If we look at it, all our hobbies are very useful for us.

  20. Essay on My Hobby: 8 Selected Essays on My Hobby

    Essay on My Hobby - Essay 7 (750 Words) Any activity which one does for pleasure is called as a hobby. It can anything ranging from reading books, spending time with your pets, travelling around, talking to new people, just anything which gives immense pleasure to a person and relieves a person of the tensions of daily life.

  21. 10 lines on my hobby

    10 lines on my hobby essay in English this video is all about. You will get to learn 10 lines about my hobby in English in this video. If your hobby is drawi...

  22. Translate my hobby essay in German with examples

    Contextual translation of "my hobby essay" into German. Human translations with examples: mein hobby, meine hobby's, mein bastelraum, "es ist mein hobby".