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Love Marriages Versus Arranged Marriages: Argumentative Essay

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Love Marriages Versus Arranged Marriages: Argumentative Essay

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Pamela Regan, Ph.D.

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Arranged vs. Love-Based Marriages in the U.S.—How Different Are They?

Not as different as you might think..

Posted August 1, 2012 | Reviewed by Ekua Hagan

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This month, my research assistant, Carlos Anguiano, heads off to Washington State University to begin a Ph.D. program. He’s been an important part of my lab for two years now, and it seems only fitting that I dedicate this month’s entry to him and the collaborative research project we’ve completed this past school year.

Using data collected by a former thesis student, we sought to determine whether the relationship experiences of people in arranged marriages differed significantly from those of people in love-based (free-choice) marriages.

This wasn’t an easy study to conduct. Arranged marriage — a form of marriage in which partners are selected by family members or professional matchmakers — is not the norm in our contemporary Western culture, and so it's fairly challenging to find people in the U.S. who have entered into that type of marital arrangement. And even in societies with a longstanding tradition of arranged marriage (for example, south and east Asia, the Middle East, and South America), prevalence rates have been on the decline for years, making it increasingly difficult for researchers interested in arranged marriages to find participants for their studies.

Nonetheless, one of my intrepid thesis students managed to find a sample of adults living in the U.S. who were in arranged marriages contracted by their family members or professional matchmakers. She also identified a comparison sample of adults in love-based, free-choice marriages in which they had personally chosen their spouses on the basis of love.

On average, these men and women were 35 years old and had been married for 10 years; all were of Indian descent and most were Hindu. Each marriage had been contracted and had taken place in the U.S.

Now, because we were interested in comparing the relationship outcomes and experiences of men and women in these two types of marriage, we asked each participant to complete four commonly used questionnaires: (1) the Passionate Love Scale created by Dr. Elaine Hatfield (University of Hawaii) and Dr. Susan Sprecher (Illinois State University), which assesses the essential features of passionate, romantic love ; (2) the Companionate Love Scale created by Dr. Sprecher and myself, which captures feelings of affectionate, friendship -based love; and (3) the Satisfaction and (4) the Commitment scales created by Dr. Caryl Rusbult , which assess people’s satisfaction with and commitment to their spouses and marriages.

Once we had collected the data, it was time for Carlos and me to analyze the results. First, we found that men and women in both types of marriage reported high levels of satisfaction, commitment, and passionate and companionate love. This result didn't really surprise us — surveys conducted in the U.S. consistently find high levels of satisfaction and well-being among most married individuals. That is, most married people are pretty happy with their marriages and their partners, most of the time — and our study participants were no different.

What did surprise us was the number of sex differences we found. Specifically, despite the uniformly positive experiences reported by our participants, the men in our sample reported significantly higher levels of passionate and companionate love for their spouses and commitment to their marriages than did the women.

This finding was unexpected; other researchers generally have not found the same pattern of results. We have no real explanation for this — all we know is that for whatever reason, our male participants loved more passionately and affectionately, and felt more committed to their marriages, than our female participants. (Keep in mind, though, that all participants scored fairly highly on those measures — it's just that men scored higher.)

Our final — and most important — finding also was unexpected. We found absolutely no difference between participants in arranged marriages and those in free-choice marriages on the four measures we included in our study. Regardless of the nature of their marriage — whether their spouse had been selected by family members/matchmakers or had been personally and freely chosen — the participants in our study were extremely (and equally) happy with their relationships.

The bottom line? Love, satisfaction, and commitment appear to be common outcomes in both arranged and free choice, love-based marriages, at least among Indian adults living in the U.S.

This study, like all research investigations, is not without limitations. It’s important to keep in mind, for example, that these marriages were contracted in the U.S. by men and women living in an urban, industrialized environment. The dynamics of marriage (arranged or otherwise) in other countries, in other environments, involving other people, might be very different.

Relationships often trigger strong, out-sized emotions

In the U.S., the line between "arranged" and "free choice" is probably a blurry one. People entering arranged marriages here may have veto power or the ability to say "no" to a potential spouse who doesn't please them or for whom they feel no attraction or affection, and people entering free-choice marriages often are influenced by the wishes and feelings of their friends and family. Thus, there is an element of choice in arranged marriages contracted in the U.S., and an element of social influence in U.S.-made free choice marriages. We might expect to find greater differences in love, satisfaction, and commitment in cultural contexts that support a clearer division between the two types of marriage.

I hope that our findings (which were published this year in the journal Psychological Reports ) offer some insight into an important and little-studied type of marriage. I invite you to read more here .

And to Carlos — you’ll be missed. Good luck in graduate school and best wishes to you and your family as you enter this exciting new chapter in your life. You’ve made me very proud.

Pamela Regan, Ph.D.

Pamela Regan, Ph.D. , is a professor of psychology at Cal State Los Angeles. She is the author of Close Relationships (Routledge).

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Love Marriage vs Arranged Marriage Advantages & Disadvantages

Love marriage Vs. Arranged marriage_ advantages and disadvantages

Love marriage has become an increasingly popular choice in recent times. Compared to arranged marriages, where parents usually decide on the partners, love marriages provide more freedom and independence to individuals. At the same time, they choose a life partner for themselves based on their choices and preferences.

While there are many advantages of such a setup, including increased autonomy that couples have over their decisions along with higher chances of having successful relationships due to both parties being aware of each other before taking any giant leaps, it also brings forth specific challenges which need proper discussion prior entering into wedlock.

Each couple should carefully weigh the pros and cons of this kind of union before coming up with a wise decision that is best for them individually and collectively. In this blog, we go through the Love marriage vs arranged marriage advantages and disadvantages.

What is love marriage?

A love marriage is a union between two individuals who choose each other as life partners based on mutual love, affection, and emotional connection. Unlike arranged marriages, where families or matchmakers play a larger role in partner selection, a love marriage is driven by the free will and desire of the couple themselves.

What is arranged marriage?

Arranged marriage is a type of marital union where the bride and groom are primarily chosen by individuals other than the couple themselves, typically by family members or matchmakers. It’s a practice that has been prevalent in many cultures throughout history and remains common in many regions of the world today.

Arranged marriage Vs Love marriage  – Advantages and Disadvantages

Advantages of love marriage.

Love marriage has many advantages. For one, it offers couples the freedom to choose their partner and be sure they are compatible with each other on mental, emotional, and religious levels. This provides a better foundation for creating a long-term relationship that can last through thick and thin. Also, love marriages avoid problems related to matters of caste or family status as the couple has already made those selections.


They offer an opportunity for individuals in society who wish to experience true love within wedlock instead of arranged marriages which may not provide such a deep connection between partners due to a lack of choice in selecting them originally.

Love Marriages also lead to more excellent financial stability for families because spouses tend to make well-informed decisions about investments wisely when both parties contribute constructively towards mutual goals. With all these advantages united, it’s no surprise why more individuals today choose love over traditional ways.

➤ Understanding

Love marriages can have immense advantages for the individual and their families. These types of marriage arrangements bring more stability than arranged marriages, as both partners are free to choose whom they want to spend their lives with based on shared values, interests, love, and respect.

Furthermore, since couples in a love marriage feel empowered within the relationship due to having already established strong feelings before committing themselves legally through formalities like registration or civil ceremonies etc., it leads them towards stronger bondings between each other that develop over time into long-lasting relationships resulting from mutual understanding and support throughout life’s journey together. Love is indeed essential in any successful marriage!

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Love marriage has many advantages. It allows couples to develop a strong bond of love and trust before getting married, know each other more deeply, and understand their values, culture, and lifestyle choices more entirely than they would through an arranged union.

Love marriages can provide more excellent stability in the long term as it allows both partners to take ownership over essential decisions such as who will manage finances or where family members live after marriage.

Couples have time to grow together mentally, emotionally, and physically before entering into lifelong commitment making them stronger individuals for running prosperous households with mutual respect for one another’s opinions.

➤ Potential for Personal Growth

Love marriages can provide fertile ground for personal growth and development. The deep emotional connection and shared experiences can encourage couples to challenge themselves, step outside their comfort zones, and grow together as individuals and as a couple.

Also see : What is True Love and How to Cultivate Love in a Marriage?

Disadvantages of love marriage

➤ family disapproval.

Family disapproval is a significant disadvantage of love marriages. When family members are not supportive, it can cause immense strain on the relationship and have negative implications for its success. Unsupportive families may pressure their children to end the union or even threaten them with disownment if they go ahead with their plans to marry.

This level of negativity creates damaging mental health consequences such as anxiety, depression, and fear which could lead to further issues within the marriage. Couples must consider this type of union and find ways to bolster support from both sides so that all involved parties feel confident about working together in harmony.

Also See: How to Convince Your Parents for Love Marriage

➤ Social stigma

The social stigma surrounding love marriage has significantly disadvantaged couples who tie the knot outside traditional bounds. In many parts of society, these unions are seen as illegitimate, and their members are ostracized from familial and professional circles.

Social stigma

Love marriages can often lead to disapproval from parents or other relatives, pressure on both partners’ career prospects due to associations with an ‘undesirable’ spouse, social isolation among peers looking at them differently, and financial struggles that could threaten future stability.

While we still have some way of achieving true gender equality across societies around the world – it’s important individual rights prevail above all else when making such vital decisions about one’s life partner.

➤ Unrealistic expectations

Unrealistic expectations in love marriages can lead to a whole host of problems. It is important to be realistic and ensure your partner’s goals and values align with yours before taking the plunge into marriage.

Unrealistic assumptions about one another’s roles, financial responsibilities, or career paths may cause misunderstandings that could have been avoided had both parties taken time to honestly communicate their needs before committing themselves further down the line.

Additionally, unrealistic relationship expectations often mean couples struggle during ‘tough times,’ unable to manage disagreements as they arise due to an inability/unwillingness on either side (or both) to meet each other halfway in situations where compromise is needed.​

Also see : Signs Of An Unhappy Marriage: How To Fix Loveless Marriage

Advantages of arranged marriage

➤ family approval.

Family approval is essential in an arranged marriage as it often leads to more successful unions. In this system, families vet potential matches and decide what’s best for their children based on both sides’ backgrounds and interests. With family approval comes the assurance that a couple will be supported in their decision to tie the knot together, leading to increased confidence within spouses before marriage.

It also helps bridge cultural divides between two people who may otherwise have difficulty communicating or understanding each other’s expectations of married life due to differences stemming from upbringing and values. Arranged marriages can bring many advantages, with love being nurtured over time without any outside influences getting involved before a commitment has been made by either side – thereby increasing trust levels which are ultimately essential ingredients for marital harmony!

Also see : 46 Questions to Ask a Girl Before an Arranged Marriage

➤ Compatibility

Arranged marriage has its advantages, particularly for professional couples. With a prearranged partner, you can be assured that the team has similar philosophical and religious values and family backgrounds. Additionally, there is less likelihood of financial mismatch between them, which is highly important in times like these, where economic prospects constantly change.


Furthermore, it allows both partners to establish expectations from one another upfront, wherein roles and responsibilities could also be discussed beforehand, making such relationships smoother and sturdier with little or no misunderstanding over time, enabling married life success stories more often than not!

➤ Commitment

Commitment is a powerful thing. Arranged marriages offer many advantages, such as security and trust in the marriage union. This form of commitment can lead to meaningful relationships based on respect and understanding between two individuals or families who come together for one purpose: love.


Couples often receive guidance from family members regarding essential decisions while they focus their efforts on communication, compromise, and mutual growth over time. With an increased level of devotion to each other’s well-being, arranged marriages have the potential to be incredibly successful unions – professionally speaking as much as personally!

Also See : How a Good-Enough Marriage Can Lead to a Great Divorce

Disadvantages of arranged marriage

➤ compatibility issues.

Arranged marriages can present several compatibility issues. These could lead to an unhappy marriage and disruption within the family unit. Potential couples may need more time or opportunity to become acquainted. This lack of knowledge about each other during their decision-making phase makes it difficult for them to predict whether they are a true match in terms of values and interests that matter most in long-term relationships, such as commitment levels, communication styles, and problem-solving abilities.

Moreover, arranged marriages often include pressure from parents, which might result in misalignment between two wants & needs due to contributing factors like greed & power over the love life, making it harder for the couples to understand who is the best-suited partner leading to greater chances of incompatibility rising among partners.

➤ Lack of love

The lack of love experienced in arranged marriages can be detrimental to the unions. Without genuine emotion and mutual affection, spouses can become disconnected over time. This often leads to a lack of communication between partners which results in difficulties resolving conflicts or minor issues that inevitably arise throughout marriage due to incompatible values or life goals.

Lack of love

Furthermore, feeling unappreciated and unloved also affects one’s mental health, causing long-term problems if not appropriately addressed by both parties involved.

Arranged marriages can be detrimental to couples in terms of long-term relationship success. Pressure from family and society to meet certain expectations often results in one or both partners feeling forced into a marriage they may not want. This pressure can lead to mistrust, resentment, and unhappiness between the couple, causing them stress while trying to maintain their relationships within these boundaries.


Negative consequences usually arise when either partner feels trapped without the ability for freedom or autonomy over decision-making due to financial dependency on parents/guardians, which is another downside associated with arranged marriages; this is especially true among female participants who are expected by tradition more than men.

Incompatibilities and Hidden Traits

While families carefully consider factors like social background and education, hidden personality traits or underlying differences might not be readily apparent during pre-marital interactions. This can lead to incompatibilities and challenges after the marriage, requiring significant effort and adjustment to overcome.

Similarities between love marriage and arranged marriage

Love marriages and arranged marriages share common elements such as commitment, shared values, effective communication, adjustment, family support, commitment to growth, legal recognition, and emotional connection. Despite the different paths to marriage, both involve building a life together with mutual understanding and support.

Effective communication is a crucial factor in the success of any marriage, irrespective of how the union is formed. Both love and arranged marriages necessitate open dialogue, where couples express their thoughts, feelings, and expectations. This communication fosters understanding, empathy, and the ability to address issues constructively.

Both types of marriages require a commitment to personal and collective growth. Couples, regardless of their initial approach to marriage, embark on a journey of continuous learning, adapting, and growing together. This commitment contributes to the resilience and longevity of the relationship.

Love Marriage vs Arranged Marriage Which is Best

Arranged marriage and love marriage are two diverse approaches to finding life partners. Arranged marriages involve parents or family playing a significant hand in selecting the spouse. In contrast, with love marriages, couples can choose their partner after they get to know each other better.

Each type of marriage has its benefits; arranged marriages offer many cultural advantages, such as being part of one’s religion and community values, while love marriages allow individuals more freedom to make decisions not only about who they marry but when too! Ultimately there is no single ‘right’ approach – it depends mainly on individual circumstances on what form of union works best for a particular couple.

Tips for a happy married life

Married life is an exciting journey! Whether you have chosen a partner through love or arranged marriage, it’s important to cultivate a respectful and trusting relationship. Here are some tips for achieving that:

  • Talk openly – Communicate effectively by being honest about your emotions and values; Understand each other’s needs.
  • Show patience when listening to what the other individual has to express.
  • Compromise where necessary – Discuss any differences of opinion to come up with solutions that both parties can agree on.
  • Spend quality time together – Appreciate one another’s company, whether it be dining out, catching a movie, playing sports, etc.
  • Develop mutual respect among family members- Your spouses should always be supported even if they disagree.

With these simple steps, you can enjoy happy married life no matter how different personalities may seem at first glance!

In conclusion, when comparing love marriage vs. arranged marriage, it is important to consider the advantages and disadvantages of each. Love marriages provide more freedom and a deeper understanding between partners but can also lead to extra pressures, such as societal expectations.

On the other hand, arranged marriages come with traditional values that allow for family support, but this could offer limited choice or compatibility issues if potential spouses are not chosen carefully.

Ultimately, couples should evaluate their personal needs before deciding what type of relationship they want to pursue so that an agreement works best for everyone involved in the long run. We hope this blog on ”Love marriage vs Arranged marriage advantages and disadvantages” is useful to the readers.

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Love Marriage vs Arranged Marriage – Advantages and Disadvantages


Marriage as a social institution has remained evergreen for years. Young couples, whether in love or whether introduced through parents, hope to tie the knot once they know they have found the right person.

Marriage can be based upon love or purely arranged; the choice is up to the person who wants to marry, whether to marry a known or unknown person. There are pros and cons in every situation. Which is better? Arranged or Love? Let us see –

Advantages & Disadvantages of Love Marriage, Arranged Marriage

love arranged marriage

Advantages of Love Marriage

Love marriage is a union between two individuals who are attracted to each other after meeting either at school, college, office or through familiar friends or in the neighborhood. They mutually decide to tie the knot that would not permit legally any other person to get involved between them. In other words, they are legally together. Young people are going in for love marriages rather than arranged ones. Why so?

  • Freedom of Choice: One has the complete freedom to select their life partner. No elder decides.
  • Sign of Maturity: Selecting one’s partner is a sign of maturity.
  • Familiarity with Partner: One is not marrying a total stranger. One knows the weak and positive points to adjust easily in matrimony.
  • Love-Based Union: Marriage is based upon love for each other, and although the chances of it breaking down are there, yet the young couple hopes that their togetherness lasts forever.
  • Mutual Respect: Mutual respect is there as they know each other before themselves.
  • Independent Decision: Marriage is not imposed. It is an independent choice.

Disadvantages of Love Marriage

  • Familiarity and Contempt: Familiarity breeds contempt.
  • Family Support: Lack of support from family and relatives.
  • Financial Challenges: At times, it can be financially difficult as the partners have to fend for themselves. There is no elder to bail them out.
  • Risk of Separation: Risk of the marriage breaking off is there as sometimes love wears out or perhaps the couples are “tired” of each other.
  • Disparity in Love: The question is who loves more than the other. Sometimes, one can also experience deception, and the marriage can be merely for convenience.
  • Risk of Infidelity: One of the partners may get bored with the other person and may seek the company of another person to fill in the vacuum in the relationship; this could be a devastating experience and could lead to depression as one is “let down” by somebody one has truly loved. Sometimes, you may not have your family’s support in such a situation and may have to depend upon other support systems.
  • Financial Strains: Financial problems may crop up, and due to lack of family support, the relationship between the couples may get strained and result in hate for each other.

Now let us look at what comprises arranged marriage and whether it is a better option to love marriage.

Advantages of Arranged Marriage

  • Elderly Involvement: The selection of the partners is done by the elders, and thus the marriage is more stable.
  • Family Support: Family support is there, due to which the couple could seek family help in case of crisis.
  • Maturity of Partners: Partners have matured individuals who are getting into matrimony after feeling that the choice is right.
  • Financial Stability: The groom is financially stable, and the bride also brings in income for the family in the form of other assets. The couple feels secure financially.
  • Excitement and Discovery: There is excitement after marriage as the couple gets to know each other after the ceremony is over. There is fun in discovering each other.
  • Mutual Respect: Mutual respect as the marriage is decided upon by elders who bless the newly-wed couple.
  • Timing of Marriage: One can marry at a time when one feels that one is now ready to settle down in matrimony. It could be either after one has completed one’s studies or secured a proper job.
  • Preserved Novelty: There is no question of “familiarity breeding contempt.”

Disadvantages of Arranged Marriage

  • Stranger Dilemma: One is marrying a totally unknown person.
  • Cultural Adjustment: The bride may find it difficult to adjust to the lifestyle of the in-laws.
  • Financial Demands: Demands in the form of cash and other assets may be made, which could strain the relationship between the couple.
  • Potential Incompatibility: Although most couples adjust, yet, it is possible that one may not like the other partner at all.
  • Undisclosed Ailments: Problem of impotence and other hidden ailments could arise, which may not be disclosed at the time of marriage.
  • Contractual Marriage: The marriage could be merely a contractual arrangement like well-to-do business families do. There may not be any love involved, and at times, the male partner may have liaison with other women.
  • Homesickness: The bride may miss the comfort of her home.

Whatever is said and done, both arranged and love marriages seem appealing, but the best deal is semi-arranged as one gets to know the partner and gets the family’s approval.

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I am a dedicated and seasoned health writer passionate about transforming complex medical jargon into accessible, actionable information. Leveraging extensive research and a knack for distilling complicated topics, my work is a reliable resource for a diverse online audience.

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Love merrage is most beautiful and happy love means belive,trust,caring it is true day by day love is not ending it is in forever in over heart

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What u r saying is Right .I had some doubt I think u r loving some one please reply

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What you are talking about happens only in handful of cases. However the vast majority are not able to keep up that standard.

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Arranged marriage gives most beautiful and happy loving moments in life. It means trust understanding and togetherness

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Yep that’s true.because most of the arranged marriages are more successful than love marriages…

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Now a days arrange marriage is more successful then the love marriage because today’s lover is getting Bor from our partner… So if they are unknown then they will get enjoy to each other , this type of enjoy is missing in love marriage

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I don’t know why I feel that love marriages are most happy marriages. I feel jealous that I have a lover for me to love care and respect me. But my family is not accepting him as he is from schedule caste. Can we compare love marriages and arranged marriages. Pls reply

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love marrige is better than arrange marrige because in love marriage, complete freedom to select his or her life patner.

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U r not paying attention to your future. U are thinking only about your self. When your son or daughter will knew your reality they will do same thing. If they would do such in teen age their future will be in dark because u could not stop them at that time……. thik deeply then decide

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How can you take guarantee that if you’re arranged your kids are not gonna fall in love in their teens?? How can you live with anyone you don’t know for the rest of your life??? How could you have guarantees that everything’s gonna be alright if you’re arranged???

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I think love and arrange both are good

If i have to decide which one is better out of the 2, i.e. ruling out love cum arranged marriage which is the common norm of today. I would chose Arranged marriage.

Arranged marriage if done properly (i.e. without hiding any thing or withholding vital information regarding finance – medical situation etc) will always lead to blissful life.

But when you are in love and you partner is suffering for certain diseases, the blind love will oversee all that. Which comes to bit you in your later life, especially to the offspring’s. Marriage is much more than love. Its a basket which has all the ingredients such as love, sex, money, family, culture, customs, family traditions, likes and dislikes about food, what one wears, how does one like to live his / her life, quality of offspring and zillion other things. Majority of these are addressed well in advance in a arranged marriage before both the parties give consent for the marriage, the remaining ones are either addressed or adjusted by either of the spouse post marriage. In love marriage all these important points go out of the window as both of them expect unconditional love. To put it short love marriage guarantees you a blissful life for a short span of time however the future life is uncertain, and only handful of them are able to sustain that blissful life till there last breath. While in arranged marriage the platform is set for a beautiful and blissful married life, however the onus is on you and your partner if you are interested in making one.

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Love marriage is far more better than arranged marriage in arranged marriages the girl whom we Marry she’s downright stranger and we don’t about her past life whether she’s virigin or not ? But in love marriage’s even though if we knew that she was not virigin we tend to Marry the girl despite having known the fact .. 🤗

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I believe that arrange marriage is much far better than love marriage 💑. Because in love marriage your love first and whole the life you have to arrange things but In arrange marriage you to arrange before and love whole the life.

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thanks for making such a article (it helped me for a class debate regarding a chapter called ranga’s marriage)

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Love is first one of attraction but it is Beauty am also liked more than happy to every day and confidence etc

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its my privailage to share my opinion on love marraige vs arranged marriage it not matter whether it is love marriage or arranged marriage its totally love and understand .we cant say that only in love marriage love is present .its no matter about marriage or love marriage it about the way of living couple .understand in the relation is important to keep bond as endles

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love marriage is very well to each other because we know each other.and in love marriage we know the person before marriage so we know that person is good for us or not . in love marriage is not imposed .it is an idependent choice .

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this article was very useful for me

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love marriage is better because marrying a known person is better than marrying the unknown person. But, if the same love continues after marriage also then there will be no problem. The suitable plan is needed and both girl and boy should be well-settled then they should marry. If we follow this 100 percent love marriage will be best.

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in my opinion arrange marriage is better than love is stable and full support of family and relatives.person find the excitement of our partner after marriage and here also needs love trust understanding to each other,believe,maturity fore ever. in case you love some ,over period of time he bored he search the happiness to other in that no one can support them. thats why arrange married is good for us.

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This article is essential for everyone at least for couples. I enjoyed it very much.

Thanks for sharing.

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Love Marriage vs Arranged Marriage

Love Marriage vs Arranged Marriage

Table of Contents

Love Marriage vs Arrange Marriage:

Advantages of love marriage:, disadvantages of love marriage:, advantages of arranged marriage:, disadvantages of arranged marriage:, conclusion:, photo credits: shaun anyi.

Copyright @ Group Discussion Ideas.

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love marriage vs arranged marriage short essay


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Defining Love and Arranged Marriages

The concepts of love and arranged marriages have been deeply rooted in human society for centuries, each carrying its unique set of ideals and practices.

Love Marriages: A Journey of Romance Love marriages are based on the principle of individuals choosing their partners based on mutual love, affection, and personal connections. These relationships often begin without family intervention, blossoming from dating, shared experiences, or friendship into a lifelong commitment. The emphasis is on personal choice, romantic attraction, and compatibility.

Arranged Marriages: Tradition and Family Involvement In contrast, arranged marriages are typically facilitated by family members, matchmakers, or matrimonial sites. The focus is on finding a suitable match considering various factors like cultural background, social status, and compatibility in terms of values and beliefs. Love is often seen as a bond that develops and strengthens over time, with family support playing a crucial role.

Key Differences While love marriages prioritize personal choice and romantic love, arranged marriages place a higher value on family involvement and long-term compatibility. Both have their strengths and challenges, shaped by cultural, social, and personal factors.

This section sets the foundation for understanding the complexities and unique aspects of love and arranged marriages, providing a basis for further exploration into their dynamics and implications in the following segments.

love marriage vs arranged marriage short essay

Cultural and Societal Influences on Marriage Decisions

The choice between a love marriage and an arranged marriage is often significantly influenced by cultural and societal factors. This section delves into how these influences shape one’s approach to marriage.

Cultural Norms and Traditions Different cultures have distinct views on marriage, often deeply rooted in history and tradition. In many societies, arranged marriages are a revered tradition, upholding family values and community ties. Conversely, other cultures celebrate love marriages as a symbol of individual freedom and personal choice.

Societal Expectations Societal expectations play a crucial role in shaping marriage decisions. In societies where arranged marriages are the norm, there is often a strong emphasis on factors like social compatibility, family background, and economic status. In contrast, societies that favor love marriages might place more importance on personal compatibility and emotional connection.

Family Influence Family influence is paramount in many cultures, especially in arranged marriages. Families often take an active role in selecting a partner, believing that an experienced perspective can lead to a stable and successful marriage.

Globalization and Changing Perspectives Globalization and exposure to different cultures are gradually changing perspectives on marriage. Younger generations, influenced by global media and education, might lean towards love marriages, even in cultures traditionally favoring arranged matches.

Balancing Personal Desires and Cultural Expectations Many individuals find themselves balancing personal desires with cultural expectations. This can lead to a blend of both approaches, where personal choice is exercised within the boundaries of cultural norms.

This exploration into how culture and society influence marriage choices highlights the diversity of approaches and the evolving nature of marital decisions in the modern world.

love marriage vs arranged marriage short essay

Pros and Cons of Love and Arranged Marriages

Both love marriages and arranged marriages come with their distinct advantages and challenges. This section aims to provide a balanced view of the pros and cons associated with each type.

Pros of Love Marriages:

  • Emotional Bonding: Love marriages are often founded on deep emotional connections and mutual understanding.
  • Personal Choice: Individuals have the freedom to choose their partner, leading to a sense of empowerment and self-expression.
  • Pre-Marriage Compatibility: Couples in love marriages typically know each other well before marriage, potentially leading to fewer surprises and adjustments post-marriage.

Cons of Love Marriages:

  • Family Conflict: Love marriages can sometimes lead to familial tensions, especially if the partner is not what the family envisioned.
  • Romantic Idealism: There can be an overemphasis on romance, which might overshadow practical aspects of a long-term relationship.

Pros of Arranged Marriages:

  • Family Support: These marriages often come with strong family and community support, offering a sense of stability.
  • Cultural Continuity: Arranged marriages can help preserve cultural traditions and values.
  • Practical Considerations: Families often consider practical, long-term factors like financial stability and social compatibility.

Cons of Arranged Marriages:

  • Limited Personal Choice: Individuals may have limited say in choosing their partner.
  • Adjustment Period: Couples might need time to develop a deep understanding and emotional bond post-marriage.

Understanding these pros and cons can help individuals navigate their path to matrimony, whether it’s through a love marriage or an arranged one.

love marriage vs arranged marriage short essay

Personal Stories and Experiences

The true essence of love and arranged marriages can be best understood through the personal stories and experiences of those who have walked these paths. This section shares a diverse range of narratives, reflecting the myriad ways people experience and perceive these types of marriages.

Love Marriage Narratives

  • Stories from individuals who found their partners through serendipitous meetings or long-term relationships, highlighting the journey of building a life together based on personal choice and romantic love.
  • Accounts of challenges faced, such as convincing families or overcoming societal norms, and how these were navigated.

Arranged Marriage Experiences

  • Experiences of individuals who entered arranged marriages, discussing the role of family in the matchmaking process and the journey of building love and understanding over time.
  • Perspectives on the advantages of family support and cultural alignment, along with the challenges of adjusting to a partner chosen by others.

Blended Approaches

  • Narratives from those who experienced a blend of love and arranged marriage dynamics, where personal choice met family involvement in a harmonious way.

These stories provide a window into the real-life implications of choosing between love and arranged marriages, offering insights into the joys, challenges, and complexities inherent in both paths.

love marriage vs arranged marriage short essay

Modern Trends and Changing Perceptions

The landscape of marriage, be it love or arranged, is continually evolving, influenced by changing societal values, technological advancements, and global interconnectedness. This section explores how these dynamics are reshaping perceptions and practices of marriage.

Influence of Technology and Globalization

  • The advent of online dating and matrimonial apps has blurred the lines between love and arranged marriages. Individuals now have more autonomy and a broader pool to find a match, whether for love or arranged unions.
  • Globalization has led to a fusion of cultural marriage practices, with people often incorporating elements of both love and arranged marriages.

Changing Social Norms

  • Increasingly, societies are witnessing a shift in marriage norms. There is a growing acceptance of love marriages in cultures traditionally favoring arranged marriages and vice versa.
  • Younger generations are redefining what marriage means to them, often seeking a balance between personal choice and family expectations.

The Future of Marriage

  • The future of marriage seems to be heading towards a more inclusive and flexible model, accommodating various preferences and backgrounds.
  • The emphasis is shifting towards the importance of personal compatibility, emotional connection, and mutual understanding, irrespective of the marriage type.

As we step into the future, love and arranged marriages are likely to continue adapting, reflecting the dynamic nature of human relationships in a rapidly changing world.

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Importance of Arranged Marriage

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Published: Jun 13, 2024

Words: 752 | Pages: 2 | 4 min read

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Cultural heritage and tradition, parental guidance and wisdom, socioeconomic stability, compatibility and shared values, support systems and extended families, reduction of social stigma, adaptation and modernization, challenges and criticisms.

Image of Dr. Oliver Johnson

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love marriage vs arranged marriage short essay

Love Marriage vs. Arranged Marriage: Which is Better?

love vs arranged marriage

The following marriage definition essay will examine the two types of marriages, namely arranged and love marriage. The love marriage vs. arranged marriage essay presented below will try to make it clear whether love marriage is better than the arranged one and in what ways the two types of marriages differ from each other. The following arranged marriage essay will try to explore whether it is better to marry because you love another person or vice versa. The current arranged marriages essay represents an attempt to draw the line between the two types of marriages and explain why arranged marriage still exists despite the fact that it is a rather controversial topic that continues to provoke much debate. The essay on arranged marriage offered to the readers will not only examine the issues related to arranged marriage, but also give a definition of love marriage so as to discuss the topic from both perspectives. There is an on-going debate concerning the best way to select a love partner for marriage. Therefore, the current definition essay on marriage will try to answer the questions that still arise in regard to arranged and love marriages.

The current essay on love marriage and arranged marriage will examine the ways in which individuals prefer choosing their partners for getting married. It is a fact that every person looks for an ideal match, but there is evidently a difference in terms of the factors influencing one’s choice of a partner. Some people choose a partner recommended by their parents or friends. The current arranged marriage vs. love marriage essay will therefore try to explain which of the two types of marriages is more preferable judging from the long-term outcomes of both kinds of marriages. Here are some benefits of the arranged and love marriage.

                Love marriage:

  • The two individuals have long been acquainted and mutually understand each other’s way of life, tastes and preferences. Therefore, they decide to spend the entire life together.
  • The two people take responsibility for their choice and the blame in the future would lie on both of them and no one else.
  • The two individuals know perfectly well what are the likes and dislikes of both of them. They can therefore get along quite well without misunderstanding or quarrels.
  • By forming a union, the couple will be able to eliminate social evil due to their mutual consent and readiness to make decisions together.

Arranged marriage:

  • Arranged marriage is not an agreement between two people only, but a contract between the two families.
  • Two families engaged in this type of marriage usually know each other for a long time and are quite compatible with one another.
  • Because arranged marriage involves more than two people, the conflicts and misunderstanding between the partners can be resolved with much efficiency.
  • The two partners are guided by the experience of their parents, while in case of love marriage the couple does not know anything about the future difficulties because it does not have an experience.

Both of the marriages have their merits and drawbacks, but one should keep in mind that marriage is a lifetime decision. Although families play certain role in the two types of marriages, it is up to the partners to decide whether they want to live together or not. The ultimate decision regarding the choice of life partner should be made by the two individuals only. There is no such a thing as perfect marriage, because any type of marriage is full of concerns and uncertainties. It is therefore hard to say whether love marriage is better than the arranged one, as both types have their own benefits and drawbacks as analyzed above. Let us further discuss the issue in greater detail.

Nowadays, young people of the modern generation do not find the arranged marriage so attractive. At the same time, if to look at the statistics across the world, it becomes clear that 90% of Indian men and women, for instance, still tend to go for the arranged marriage. While not all of such marriages appear to be successful, some of them actually result in a happy union filled with mutual understanding and affection. Marriage is not simply a union of two people, but rather a union of two families, that is to say two social networks that become closely related with one another. The arranged marriage is focused on the union between the families. When searching for a partner for one’s daughter or son, the parents will first of all try to check whether the family of the potential partner is compatible with their own. Thus, the parents seeking a partner for their child will try to answer the question of whether the potential partner’s family shares the similar background including religious and cultural one, socio-economic status, and educational level. If the values of both families coincide, their sons or daughters can get married with those of other families because in this way they will be taken care of and lead a life that meets the order established in the other family. The most valuable things searched for in this form of marriage are stability and security. Although this leaves out the emotional element, the importance of a stable and safe marriage cannot be denied. This is probably the reason why Indians have a very low rate of divorce.

On the other hand, love marriage seems a perfect union of a man and a woman simply because this union has been formed out of mutual affection. All of us strive to find a soul mate and then get married in order to lead a happy life ever after. It seems that nothing can go wrong in such circumstances, but there are many doubtful issues that are associated with the love marriage. This kind of marriage requires more work and effort than the arranged marriage. One should take full responsibility over one’s choice of partner. There is no one other to blame if the marriage does not work out well. Even though people tend to learn much about their future partners before getting married, the life in marriage is an entirely new experience that is always filled with both ups and downs. At the same time, a love marriage allows all of us to choose our sole mates and find a person to whom we are attracted intellectually, physically and emotionally. In such a way, we can live according to our own terms that make us feel happy and be satisfied with the way we live.  

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Love Marriage vs Arranged Marriage

Whenever we talk of Indian wedding, we try to associate it with arranged marriages. Due to the social structure, the concept of arranged marriage is prevalent in the Indian wedding scenario, since ages. On the other hand, love marriages were considered as a taboo among many Indian people, who do not have a modern outlook of life. For them, two people should tie the wedding knot only with the consent of their parents and the blessings of their relatives. Nonetheless, love marriages are prevalent in almost all the societies of India, given the fact that they are still considered inferior to the weddings arranged by many parents in the country.

Pros and Cons of Love Marriage

People supporting the concept of love marriage strongly believe that it is very important to know the partner before marrying him/her. On the other hand, people who believe in solemnizing the wedding with the permission of parents and relatives think that arranged marriages are long lasting.

In this article, we have discussed love marriage vis-a-vis arranged marriage. Pros&Cons: It is said that compromise is a factor that decides whether the marriage would work out or not. In case of love marriage, people might expect more from their partner, largely because they have fallen in love before marriage.

This leads to lesser compromises, as the person expects more from his/her partner. On the other hand, compromise and adjustments form the foundation of arranged marriage, largely because the married couple does not have any preconceived notions or expectations from one another.

love marriage vs arranged marriage short essay

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The compromise factor might work wonders in case of most of the arranged marriages, while in love marriages, that might prove to be yet another cause for altercation. Due to this factor, people consider arranged marriage as long lasting and better than love marriage.

In case of arranged marriage, the married couple could resort to their parents or acquaintance at the time of financial crises or other problems. In addition, if the marriage proves to be a failure, they have a number of people around them to put seek support or to put the blame on. Their parents would come forward to solve the problems between the couple, if they have married with the elder’s consent. This is the reason why arranged marriages are considered secure for the people in India.

On the other hand, the couples who have solemnized love marriage would have to tackle all their crises on their own, because they might have been separated from their family. Resentment drives the parents and the relatives to remain dormant in case the married couple wants any financial or moral support – a common sight seen in love marriages in India. Due to this factor, many people do not want to marry without their parent’s consent, because they would be ultimately cut off from the family ties.

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"Love Marriage vs Arranged Marriage," , 27-Nov-2019. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 15-Aug-2024] (2019). Love Marriage vs Arranged Marriage . [Online]. Available at: [Accessed: 15-Aug-2024]

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Love Marriage Or Arranged Marriage (Essay Sample)

Arranged marriages have a strong foundation.

There an age-old debate on the on whether take the scenic route from love to marriage or marriage and then love. Living in an age that is considered self-actualized and civilized, most of the people will tend to consider getting married to someone that they love. This is considered the right path by most of the people in the society relative to the feelings associated with love and the affection that comes with knowing and being in love with someone. As such, committing to someone that we love seems as the best approach for marriage. However, it is not entirely true and love after marriage does develop strong bonds as well.

Ideally, the element of love after marriage or what is normally referred to as arranged marriages are considered to be outdated. This is the case considering that in most of the cases, arranged marriages were traditionally practiced in the olden days and in the rural areas. Relative to the level of civilization, most of the people have felt the need to have the freedom to choose their own partners. It is this element of freedom that has pushed most of the people towards basing their romantic relationships as the first track to marriage.

Love takes several stages before it dies out. By this time, most of the people that have committed to marriage with their love partners, start to doubt if their partners actually love them. It is common for most of the marriages to start experiencing challenges after a period of roughly three to four years. At this stage one or the two partners are ready to leave the relationship. Everything they believed about their partners are shaky and uncertain if they knew their partner. In this confusion, most of the people tend to end their relationships get into a stage where they no longer try to make the relationship work. As such, the marriage becomes a miserable union where the parties are only together relative to the commitments that they have such mortgage, care loans, children, family and friends. Otherwise on the inside the marriage is dead and most of the time the parties do not have time for one another. There are cases where the parties will even live different lives such as having an open relationship.

On the other hand, there an aspect to consider when it comes to the arranged marriages, expectations. In the arranged marriages, the level of expectations is low. This is to mean that, given that neither of the party is into the other or the commitment in general having been forced by their families, they do not expect much from their partners. This is contrary to the love based-marriages where the partners are in love and thus they have so much expectations from one another. The partners in the arranged marriages have less expectations, and thus, even when their partners do not much what they hoped for, they do not feel as disappointed. The is to mean that the level of disappointment is low. With time, they learn to love and their love grows stronger. By the time the relationship is into the fifth year, they are love and have come to appreciate one another. By this time the love marriage is experiencing serious challenges. The arranged marriage partners start with learning one another’s strengths and weaknesses and develop coping mechanisms, thus have a good foundation when it comes to lasting in the relationship.

love marriage vs arranged marriage short essay

Love Marriage vs Arranged Marriage Essay

There are two types marriages, i.e. Love Marriage vs Arranged Marriage Essay, marriage is an important decision in life, which two people decide together.

Apart from this, in India it is also said that marriage is not a combination of two people but two families.

In such a situation it becomes important for us to know the decision of our family, Marriage is a sacred relationship that binds two people.

It is believed that it is only after marriage that a person gets a new way of living and they get to learn new rules of living life.

Well now the era has changed; earlier, where the boy and the girl used to marry the family, now he is marries on his own choice.

There is a lot of difference between marrying a girl chosen by the family, i.e. arranged marriage and finding a partner with your will, i.e. love marriage.

So let us know what the difference between these two weddings:

Love Marriage vs Arranged Marriage Essay:

Arrange marriage:.

 In the Orange Marriage, the families of the boy and the girl select their spouse for each other.

In such marriages, most boys and girls are unaware of each other.

They fall in love only after marriage and then spend a happy life with each other for life.

In this, the relationship between the family of both the boy and the girl becomes very strong.

Arrange Marriage is considered more successful than Love Marriage.

Love Marriage:

In this marriage, boys and girls know each other well and like each other.

Many times it happens that family members are not happy with this marriage.

The girl begins to have problems with living and understanding with a new and stranger family.

The special thing about these weddings is that the boy and Girls has mutual understanding.

Both know each other well, but there is little interaction between their families.




 It cannot be said that which marriage is better between Arrange marriage and Love marriage.

Whatever the marriage , it is very important for people to be sensible and have good thinking.

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    Seth (2009) gives a definition to help understand the concept; "an arranged marriage can be defined as a marriage organised by a third party and based on considerations other than love, intimacy, and physical or sexual attraction" (p. 7). Seth (2009) further explains the notion by stating "the idea behind arranged marriages is

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    Essay on Love vs. Arranged Marriage. Marriage has been described as one of the oldest and most enduring human institutions however the reasons for marrying have varied extensively from period to period and culture to culture. In many cases marrying was predominantly an economic decision which determined the suitor that the family could find for ...

  17. Love Marriage vs Arranged Marriage Argumentative Essay Example

    In case of love marriage, people might expect more from their partner, largely because they have fallen in love before marriage. This leads to lesser compromises, as the person expects more from his/her partner. On the other hand, compromise and adjustments form the foundation of arranged marriage, largely because the married couple does not ...

  18. Love Marriage Or Arranged Marriage, Essay Sample

    By this time the love marriage is experiencing serious challenges. The arranged marriage partners start with learning one another's strengths and weaknesses and develop coping mechanisms, thus have a good foundation when it comes to lasting in the relationship. Writing sample of essay on a given topic "Love Marriage Or Arranged Marriage".

  19. Love Marriage vs Arranged Marriage!

    Love marriage vs. Arranged marriage is always a debated topic. While there are instances of love marriages working out, there are arranged marriages which are successful too. ... Marriage is a commitment of two people who have made a vow to love each other till death. In the essay I will be debating the pro's and con's of arranged and love ...

  20. Love Marriage vs Arranged Marriage Essay

    In the Orange Marriage, the families of the boy and the girl select their spouse for each other. In such marriages, most boys and girls are unaware of each other. They fall in love only after marriage and then spend a happy life with each other for life. In this, the relationship between the family of both the boy and the girl becomes very strong.

  21. Differnce Between Love Marriage Vs Arranged Marriage

    Here are some arguments for and against both these approaches to marriage. Prior understanding. Love marriage: The partners know each other so well and hence will have a comprehensive ...

  22. Love Marriage Vs Arranged Marriage

    Love marriages are a term used to describe a union that was consented by the couples. Weather a arrange marriage or a love marriage, Hindu religion teaches marriage as being an important duty between a man and women. Divorce is highly discouraged. Marriage is a spiritual connection and extends over seven reincarnated lifespans.

  23. Short essay on love marriage vs arrange marriage

    Marriage is one of the most beautiful relationship that happens to everybody at some point of life and when a person is ready to face the challenges ... SOLUTION: Short essay on love marriage vs arrange marriage - Studypool