The Partner Visa Academy

  • Your Partner Visa Relationship Statement – Don’t underestimate the power of a good love story

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by  Rofia Mavaddat - LL.B - Registered Migration Agent [MARN 1467678]

October 26, 2023

Reading Time:  minutes

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Partner Visa Relationship Statements are my FAVOURITE part of a Partner Visa Application. They are so heart-warming to read and for me put the whole application into context. An application just makes sense once I have read the couple’s relationship statements.

Without relationship statements, a Partner Visa Application simply isn’t complete. 

What are your Partner Visa Relationship Statements?

If you’re not familiar with relationship statements, then this blog is going to be your best friend. Relationship statements, otherwise known as or referred to as your ‘statutory declarations’ are your unique love stories. They paint the picture of your relationship and should provide a detailed account of your relationship history and how you manage various aspects of your lives as a couple. 

A relationship statement in a partner visa can be the difference between a  visa refusal  and visa grant. Your statements are your opportunity to explain various aspects of your relationship. Not just to explain, but to fill in the gaps. If your application doesn’t tick all the ‘conventional’ evidence boxes, for example  not having joint bank accounts  or perhaps you live your lives on the road together and so you don’t have joint lease agreements, then your relationship statements are where you explain your individual relationship. 

Why should I provide a Relationship Statement?

Think of your relationship statements as the final piece of the puzzle that demonstrates your commitment to your partner and your shared life together. It should be a powerful narrative convincing the decision maker that you are in a commitment, mutually exclusive relationship. Simply put, your relationship statement is going to give the decision maker so much more context than simply looking over documents.

How long should they be?

I have had clients provide relationship statements for their partner visa that were just one page long, and have had others 20 pages long! Over the last 9 years of reading relationship statements, I believe I’ve found the sweet spot for how long they should be.

A one page statement is not nearly enough to cover everything you should be covering (we’ll come to the content of the statements soon). A 20 page statement is also arguably too long. You want to keep the decision maker engaged with your statement. If your statement is too long then you run the risk of having it skimmed through and potentially having the decision maker miss some of the most important points.

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So what’s the magic number? I would recommend keeping your relationship statement between 4-6 pages. From the thousands of statements I have read, this seems to be the perfect balance of giving the decision maker enough insight into your relationship and addressing all the key components of your relationship, but still making sure its succinct and easy to follow.

Keep in mind that this is a guide only. Depending on your case, and remember that each partner visa is unique and different, you may need more or less pages.   

What information should a Relationship Statement for your Partner Visa cover?

You should be writing your relationship statements using clear headings. As your starting point, you should be talking about the development of your relationship. This includes information detailing when you met, where you first met and how your relationship started to develop. Ideally, you want to keep this content to one page.

You’re then going to move into talking about the ‘ four pillars ’. Remember that when the decision maker is assessing whether or not you meet the criteria for a Partner Visa, they will assess your relationship against four different factors. These are:

  • The financial aspects of your relationship
  • The nature of your household
  • The social aspects of your relationship
  • Your commitment to one another (also called  Nature of Commitment )

As a general rule of thumb, try to keep the content of each of these  four pillars  to half a page long. You will find that with some pillars you may need to provide more information than others.

Here are some ideas and guides to talk about under each pillar:

The Financial Aspects of your relationship

Here, the decision maker wants to understand how you manage your finances and how you pool your finances together.

  • Describe how finances continue to be managed between both of you
  • Do you have joint bills?
  • Have you made any joint purchases?
  • Do you have any loans together?
  • Do you have a Will in the other person’s name?
  • If you don’t have a shared bank account how do you manage your finances and why?
  • Moving forward (in the future) how will the finances in your relationship be managed?
  • Is there something you are saving for together? Do you have some shared financial goals?

Nature of your household

Under this section, you want to give the decision maker a recount in your daily life and what it looks like. For example who wakes up first in the morning, who makes the coffee/tea, who does the washing, who does the cooking, who does the driving, who pays the bills, who cares for the children, do you have extended family you’re responsible for ie an elderly person. 

There are of course situations where couples do not live together when a Partner Visa is submitted, or even afterwards. Your relationship statements are a great place to talk about your living arrangements and if you are not living together, why?

  • Who does the cleaning/washing/ household chores?
  • Do you have joint responsibility for raising children or pets? If so talk about this
  • Who is responsible for managing the bills? Talk about your shopping routine, who drives and how you live together as a couple.

Soci al Aspects of your Relationship

Under this section, you want to explain to the decision maker what your social life looks like. For example, do you do things together when you’re not working, do you plan your social activities and attend them together, do your friends/family and the people that matter to you know about the relationship or is it a secret? It’s important the decision-maker is left with an understanding of what you do together socially, if you present yourselves as being in a relationship publicly ie with friends/family and if you’re viewed by friends/family as partners.

  • Describe the social activities you do together
  • Talk about how you plan your social activities. Do you make plans together? Do you introduce each other as partners or friends?
  • Describe which members of your family and friend circles know about your relationship
  • Talk about your holidays together
  • Talk about joint attendance at events together
  • What clubs/church/sport or recreational groups do you belong to?What clubs/church/sport or recreational groups do you belong to?

Commitment to one another

This section is designed to show immigration just how serious your relationship is. This is done by firstly looking at the strength of your relationship at this point in time (up until now) and then by talking about your plans for the future together.

  • Have you experienced any difficult periods together where you have provided emotional support to each other? If so, explain this. Please give anecdotal examples.
  • Talk about the degree to which you rely on each other for support
  • Talk about sacrifices you have made for each other
  • Talk about your knowledge of goals/plans or things your partner wants to achieve in the future and how you will support him/her with this
  • Talk about why it is you love your partner, what had you fall in love with your partner and why they are important to you.
  • What do you have in common? What shared values do you hold? What makes your relationship strong/long lasting?
  • What are your plans for your future together?
  • Do you plan to have children? Do you plan to buy a house? Do you plan to get married? Do you plan to travel? Do you plan to study? Do you have pets together?

Who needs to write a Relationship Statement?

For an Australian Partner Visa, both the Applicant (person applying for the visa) and the Applicant’s partner (known as Sponsor – the Australian Citizen/Permanent Resident sponsoring their partner) need to complete relationship statements.

It’s not sufficient or insightful if only one party is providing a statement. The statements should be written separately by both parties.

Oftentimes a couple believes their friends and family also need to provide relationship statements. But what they are referring to are actually  witness statements .

I always recommend submitting your relationship statements as soon as your partner visa is lodged. This is best practice to ensure the case officer has all the information they need to make a decision, so make sure your statements are signed and ready to go!

Avoid these common mistakes

Getting your relationship statements right are really important. At the end of the day, you’re wanting to make the decision maker’s life (and in turn your life) easier. 

You’ll find that I love my analogies so here’s another one. Imagine you start reading a book but realise the first and last chapters are missing. You can still read the book but it just won’t make as much sense. You need those first and last chapters to complete your book. That’s the same as your relationship statements. You need them in order to complete your application.

Here are my top tips on what to do, and what to avoid when writing your statements:

cover letter partner visa

DO cross check dates and information. Consistency is key. Not just when it comes to your relationship statements, but the entire application. If you are stating that your relationship started on 01 January 2021, then your partner’s statement should also reflect the same date.

cover letter partner visa

DON’T copy each other’s statements. Your statements are your opportunity to talk to the decision maker, to speak in your own voice, write your own memories of your relationship and how you work together as a couple. Continuously looking at your partner’s statement will on some level make you write a similar statement to theirs, which you want to avoid.

DO your grammar and spelling checks. A well written statement reflects your commitment to the process, professionalism and attention to detail. It pays off to do your checks.

DON’T be vague. The whole point of a relationship statement for a partner visa is to provide insight into your relationship. The decision maker won’t be getting any if you’re vague and generic in your recount of the relationship.

DO get a translator. If you or your partner does not speak, read or write English then we recommend they write their statement in their native language and have an English translation complete by an accredited interpreter .

DON’T write your partner’s statement. Why? If your partner’s level of English is not the same as yours it will be very clear to the decision-maker that it was not actually written by the person signing it.  I could tell straight away when I read a couple’s relationship statements if they were both written by the same person. One of the statements will always lack authenticity and even the style of writing, the words they choose to use and the formatting of the statements is close to exact. It’s easy to spot when one person is writing and it comes off as lazy.

What else should you cover in your Relationship Statements?

Relationship statements are also a great place for you to talk about or ‘speak to the case officer’ about your immigration history. If you are the visa applicant, you should provide a brief overview of any previous visas you have held and your current visa (if you are in Australia).

If you have ever been refused a visa, your relationship statement is again a great place to talk about the reasons around why your visa was refused.

Statutory Declaration or Statement?

There’s no formal requirement from the Department of Home Affairs around what the formatting of your relationship statement for your partner visa should look like.

My preference is to always provide your relationship statements in the form of a Statutory Declaration. This is because a Statutory Declaration is a legal document and may hold more weight. There are of course situations where providing a Statutory Declaration is not possible, and that’s okay too.

Key takeaway points

If you remember anything after reading this blog, let it be these three main points:

  • Your Relationship Statements should be given the effort and energy they require. It’s important to sit down and detail your relationship history and go into detail around the pillars of evidence.
  • Write your own statement. Don’t share your statement with your partner until they are both completed.
  • Cross check your statements at the end, along with your  application forms , documents,  witness statements  to ensure there is no inconsistency across the information and dates provided.

IMPORTANT: Please note, this does not constitute Immigration advice. Always seek advice from a Registered Migration Agent before applying for an Australian Visa. Migration Law is constantly changing. This information is accurate only at the time of publication.

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Rofia Mavaddat - LL.B - Registered Migration Agent [MARN 1467678]

Rofia was born in Perth, Australia. She holds a Bachelor of Law and has been a Registered Migration Agent since 2014. Rofia chose to specialise in Partner Visas because of a deep-seated belief in the power of love and family unity. She has seen firsthand the joy and fulfillment that comes from reuniting couples and keeping families together. Her work in this area allows her to witness and be a part of the beautiful stories of love and togetherness - what could be more rewarding?  

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How to Write a Convincing Cover Letter for a NZ Partnership Visa Application

May 18, 2023

How to Write a Convincing Cover Letter for a NZ Partnership Visa Application

Applying for a partnership-based visa can be a lengthy and complicated process. However, one of the most important parts of your application is the cover letter.

The cover letter helps you explain your relationship, demonstrate how you meet the criteria, and persuade Immigration New Zealand (INZ) to grant you a visa.

Many applicants think that writing a brief letter stating their connection and love for their partner is enough, but that’s usually not the case. In reality, the cover letter allows you to showcase your relationship and convince the INZ case officer that your relationship is genuine and committed. Hence writing a compelling cover letter is crucial.

In this blog post, we will provide you with a step-by-step guide on how to write a convincing cover letter for a partnership-based visa application. By following our tips and tricks, you will be able to structure your letter, address potential issues, and include all the necessary information to make your application a success.

  • Understand the eligibility criteria:

Before you begin writing your cover letter, it is essential to understand the eligibility requirements for your partnership visa application. You should read the INZ website to determine the main requirements for your visa category. Be sure to review the requirements carefully so that you can tailor your letter to meet the specific criteria.

For example, if you are applying for a partnership-based resident visa, you need to demonstrate that you have lived together for at least 12 months before applying for the visa.

  • Structure your letter:

In the cover letter, you need to describe your relationship with your partner and how it has developed over time.

Your cover letter should consist of four main parts: an introduction, your relationship history, how you meet the eligibility criteria, and a conclusion.

Start with an attention-grabbing introduction that sets out the purpose of your letter and your reasons for applying for the visa. Next, provide a detailed account of your relationship, how you met, and your plans for the future. The third part of your letter should answer how you meet the criteria for your visa category. You should be explicit in demonstrating how your relationship meets each criterion. Finally, conclude your letter by summarizing why you believe that you and your partner meet the requirements for the visa category.

  • Include supporting evidence:

Your cover letter should include any supporting evidence that demonstrates your relationship meets the criteria for the visa category.

It’s not enough to say that you are in a committed relationship ; you must demonstrate it with evidence. For example, you can provide photographs, proof of joint bank accounts, or joint utility bills that show that you have been living together. You should also explain each piece of evidence and how it helps to support your claim. Be sure to provide a clear and concise explanation so the reader understands each document’s relevance.

Failing to provide evidence to support your claims can harm your application and lead to a visa refusal.

  • Address potential issues:

If you anticipate there may be any potential issues with your application; you should address them in your cover letter. This may include any previous visa refusals or convictions. You should explain the circumstances surrounding the issue and how you have taken steps to rectify the situation. It is important to address these issues proactively, as it demonstrates your transparency and willingness to comply with the relevant immigration instructions of INZ.

  • Proofread and edit your letter:

Your cover letter should be well-written, clear, and concise. Be sure to proofread and edit your letter carefully before submitting your application. Look for any grammatical errors or spelling mistakes, and ensure that your letter flows logically from one point to the next.

Writing a convincing cover letter for your partnership visa application is crucial in your visa journey. By following our step-by-step guide, you can structure your letter, address any potential issues, and provide the necessary evidence to demonstrate that you and your partner meet the requirements for the visa category. Remember to tailor your letter to meet the specific criteria and to proofread and edit your letter before submitting your application. With determination, effort, and the right amount of preparation, you can increase your chances of success and achieve your dreams of living in New Zealand with your partner.

A common mistake individuals make is not seeking professional advice when writing cover letters. It’s best to seek advice from a Licensed Immigration Adviser (LIA), like us, who can guide you throughout the application process. The LIA can assist you in drafting a compelling cover letter that addresses all the requirements of the partnership-based visa category and provides evidence to support your claims. Seeking professional advice can improve your chances of a positive outcome.

So, are you and your partner dreaming of a life together in New Zealand? Let  Immigration Advisers New Zealand Ltd  help you! Our expert Licensed Immigration Advisers can guide you through the visa application process and improve your chances of success. Start your partnership-based visa application today by clicking here

You can also contact us at [email protected] or call on +64 09 3790219.

Author Details

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Vandana Rai

(lia 201400900).

Vandana Rai is a Senior Licensed Immigration Adviser and has built a reputation around her rare set of skills, which could be considered ideal for her legal profession.

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Are cover letters for partner visa applications necessary? [FREE TEMPLATE]

how to include a cover letter in your visa application

Are cover letters for partner visa applications necessary?

Cover letters are not just for job applications, they can also be handy for your partner visa applications. Why you ask? Is it necessary you ask? Well they're not necessary per se but they're a nice to have and I find that it helps to make the life of the case officer easier. Imagine if you're handing in 50 or so documents (either paper or online) and there's a few missing that will be uploaded or sent off a bit later. You can’t expect the case officer to look at your list of documents and know exactly what’s missing and whether you will be uploading it. Once again the goal is to help out the case officer as much as possible and not to make their jobs harder than it should be.

If you’re missing documents or some of your documents are a little unclear then you want to explain this to the case officer.

Online applications and cover letters

If you're submitting online there's no  need for cover letters that detail what is included in the application as the system ticks them off when you upload the relevant document. However, I find it helps with organising the submission and acts as a final review checklist for yourself.

Cover letters are also good to highlight or direct the case officer to which evidence is for which category. With 50 or so documents, don't make it hard for the case officer to piece together your evidence and then match it to the requirements. Lead them there. You want the case officer to read your cover letter and go 'OK, passport copy is evidence of identity. Check. Birth certificate is evidence of identity. Check'. You don't want them to go 'Ok, evidence of identity, where in all of these documents do I find it? Are they labelled properly?'

Unclear documents

You can only upload 60 documents in the online system and each can only be 5MB in file size. Therefore you have to be very selective when you are choosing your evidence. So when I say ‘unclear documents’ I don’t want you to waste your valuable document limit on evidence that is ambiguous or unclear and unhelpful. However what I do mean is, if you have several pieces of evidence that are linked together to form a full picture, then its requires a bit of explanation.

For example, you both met on a trip to London and you were attending the same concert. Here’s what you’ll upload: your train tickets to London (assuming neither of you live in London), ticket stubs or concert payment receipts, concert programme and other merchandising.

If you choose this as evidence, then you must upload these separately but individually they mean nothing except a train ticket, a used concert ticket and some pretty brochures.

This is where the cover letter comes in. You can tie together your evidence by explaining a little about what it is and what you are proving with it.

Sample cover letter

Here's an example structure of what you could write. I tend to use more formal language because I'm an immigration lawyer after all but you can chop and change the words to suit your style. Personalise it a bit if you wish.

I've included a sample one here and is available for you to download FREE.

Dear Sir/Madam,  [I prefer a more formal salutation but go with whichever that you're comfortable with]

Please find attached my application for the Partner Visa (subclass 820). The application is complete except for the following: [list documents that are missing. Delete if not necessary]

  • [Document type and name]

These documents are outstanding because: [use all that apply to provide a complete explanation]

  • [Document name] will be obtained on your request/instructions
  • I have sent off for [Document name] and it will be available in [date or time period]
  • [Insert other reason]

The outstanding documents will be processed and uploaded/attached [Choose one] as soon as possible.

I have completed the application in accordance to the requirements of the visa and below is a brief explanatory note of the documents submitted with the application.

List filenames or document title – best to use filenames as will be uploaded to the system

I hope you have found this explanation sufficient and please do not hesitate to contact me if you require further clarification. I also invite you to interview myself or my partner if need be and we are contactable on [phone number and/or email address or postal address].

Yours sincerely,


Name of applicant

Phone and/or email

Incomplete applications

Please refer to my other post on incomplete applications to understand which documents you are “allowed” to leave out at time of submission and which ones that are critical and shouldn't be left out.

Also if you're submitting a substantially incomplete application I wouldn't advise to attach a visa application cover letter since it'd be e a whole laundry list of things you've yet to do. Instead I'd submit the cover letter when you've obtained around 90% of all your documentary evidence and have uploaded it/sent it off.

Enter your email and get the sample cover letter AND template direct to your inbox!

Get your freebie here. Put your email address here and press ENTER:

An extra freebie in case you’re after the other kind of cover letters 😉

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10 Secrets of Writing Convincing Statement Letters for Partner Visa Application 2024

Updated March 25, 2024

10 Secrets of Writing Convincing Statement Letters for Partner Visa Application

Statement Letters for Partner Visa. Here is The Ultimate Guideline for You.

The Australian Partner Visa requires both applicant and sponsor to provide relationship statement letters. The purposes of providing statement letters to your Partner Visa application are:

  • explaining the nature of your relationship, narrating how your relationship develop, etc; and
  • covering the gaps in your relationship evidence, like the long-distance relationship period, previous relationship with ex-partner, etc.

Partner Visa 10 Tips For Writing A Convincing Statement Letter

Consequences of Providing Low Quality Statement Letters for Partner Visa Application

Providing low quality statement letters for your Partner Visa application will result in Partner Visa refusal , and it means many losses.

If your Partner Visa application was refused, it means:

  • you totally lose the Visa Application Charge for your Partner Visa Application, which is at least AU$8,850 (and this price might increase each year); 
  • you are most likely to have a long-distance relationship with no assurance when it’s going to end;
  • you have to spend more money to review the decision to AAT, which is at least AU$3,374 (and it takes years to receive the outcome, where there’s no guarantee that the AAT will change the refusal decision).

The Partner Visa application might seem simple, where you are required to be in a committed relationship with your Australian partner. And I’m sure that everyone, including you, loves their partner with their heart. But, a Partner Visa application is far more than being committed with your other half. It requires full attention to detail as well as consistency within the information and documents.

As a Partner Visa applicant, you, together with your partner, must provide several things that prove your relationship is genuine to support your statement letter.

Why is that important? Well, a convincing and written-in-details statement letter can boost your chance of getting a Partner Visa.

So, are you sure to risk all this money by handling the visa application on your own? Think about it again!

And considering how essential the statement letters are, here are ten tips for writing convincing and powerful statement letters for your Partner Visa application:

10 Secrets Of Convincing Statement Letter For Partner Visa Application

1. include all the relevant dates of your relationship.

Partner visa statement letter should be detailed, so remember to put all relevant dates of your relationship. For example, the exact date you met, the exact date you started dating, and the exact date you were engaged or married to your partner. You can see the example below as your reference:

I first met Kevin on 18 March 2019 at our mutual friends’ (Sebastian) wedding ceremony. Kevin approached me first and asked me how I got to know Sebastian. We had a great conversation at the time and decided to have our first lunch together on 21 March 2019 at McDonald Jimbaran, Bali.

All dates of your relationship are essential parts in your statement letter, and should be seen by the case officer in assessing your Partner Visa application.

If you don’t include this information, it may lead the authority to ask you more questions and to provide further documentation.

And the worst case, it may also lead to a visa refusal.

If you wish to prepare a decision-ready partner visa application, please book a consultation here or call us on 1300 827 159 .

2. Ensure that all information you include in your letter is in great detail.

Elaborate in great detail on any significant moments that you and your partner have shared. The more detail you provide, the better for your Partner Visa application. For example:

After lunch, Kevin and I went to Gelato Ice Cream Shop and got a mint chocolate gelato for us. It was a sunny beautiful day and we talked a lot about our life. I found Kevin is a hard-working person when he said he had to work at 3 different places to fulfil all his needs when he was young. We took some pictures as well with an our-accidentally-couple-outfit, blue shirt and white pants.

Well, a statement letter is only one of the required documents for your Partner Visa application. To know more about the documents needed in the Partner Visa application, you can refer to the article below:

Read More:  Document Checklist For Australian Spouse Visa

3. Ensure that your statement is consistent.

Make sure that your statement letters for the Partner Visa application are consistent and information contained in your letters, including dates, is exactly the same as what you have put in your application forms.

Assuring your statement letter consistency will help to avoid any discrepancies in your application.

4. Be sure to make it free from spelling and grammar mistakes.

It is important to make your statement letter free from any grammar or spelling mistakes as it will help the case officer to clearly understand your relationship circumstances. Just imagine how it would look if you can’t spell your partner’s name in the right way. It will obviously look suspicious and be confusing for the case officer, right? So, ensure that you have spelled and explained everything correctly in your statement letter.

Also, ensure that you explain in your statements if you call your partner by a different name. For example, “I refer to Chun Lee as Sally”, will help the case officer to understand that you’re talking about your partner and not someone else. For example:

Let me explain the relationship development of me and Lee Young Min, who I refer as Kevin (his English name). I first met Kevin on 18 March 2019 at our mutual friends’ (Sebastian) wedding ceremony.

5. Make sure that you elaborate on feelings and emotions.

The more you express your love for your partner, the better. Don’t be shy to express how much you love your partner, how grateful you are to have them in your life or how much you fear to lose them. Let the world know about your amazing love story! Also, Immigration wants to see that your relationship with your partner is serious and genuine, so why hesitant to show it?

The example below can be your reference:

Since our first meeting, I believed Kevin is the one that I have been searching for. I feel like I have found the missing piece that completes my life. Despite all the storms that we have been facing, we would never let our ship sink.

Don’t be afraid to sound romantic or over the top. So, don’t be embarrassed to include this information.

Read More:  Proof Genuine Relationship Partner Visa Application

6. Partner visa statement letters of yours and your partner need to match and be consistent.

The department of immigration will not look kindly on your relationship if you both have a different date you met, or different marriage or engagement date. The matching data and consistency between you and your partner are critical to show your relationship is real.

If you wish to get full assistance and successfully obtain your partner visa, please book a consultation here or call us on 1300 827 159 .

Statement letters for partner visa

7. Ensure that any dates you mention in your partner visa statements letter match your formal documentation.

Dates such as divorces, tenancy agreements, engagement dates, marriage dates, and other important milestones like birthdays, are extremely important dates.

Any inconsistency between your statements, documents, and application, will lead the department to question the validity of your application.

8. Partner visa statement letter must include all the information required.

The required aspects of a partner visa are the information the department wants to know. These include:

Kevin has been supporting me financially since the first day of our relationship began. He sends me funds regularly to fulfil my needs such as clothing, food, and others. Kevin told me to save my income for our future needs, for example for our dream wedding or for our children’s necessities.
Kevin and I love to travel so much, so we spent most of our time travelling around Asia and Australia. We visited Tokyo Disneyland on our last trip because I have told Kevin many times how much I love Elsa from Frozen.
I am 100% committed to our relationship and I want to spend the rest of my life with Kevin. I always treat Kevin like a King and Kevin always treats me like the Queen of him. I never regret the decision to start this beautiful journey with Kevin and I am looking forward to a more beautiful journey with a happy ending.
Our relationship has been developing well since the first day. We get closer as time passes by and now I am sure Kevin is the right person who comes at the right time. I cannot wait to celebrate our wedding at the end of this year as it will be our happiest day.

Learn more on how to Prepare Australian Partner Visa.

9. Make sure you mention any time spent apart, how you communicated, and any trips or holidays you have taken together in your partner visa statement letter.

Make sure that you explain about your long-distance relationship with your partner as well, if you had it. You need to explain how you communicated or travelled to visit each other during the long-distance relationship period. Besides, the Australian immigration department will want to know all about your travel history, so ensure that you provide explanations for it.

10. Always get a proofread of your partner’s visa statement letter.

Get your partner or friends to read the statement for you. Sometimes you may miss errors that other people can see.

Do not underestimate the double-checking process on your statement letter and other related documents. It is aimed to avoid any inconsistent information or simple wrong spelling words. This process will guide you to a great and successful statement letter. It would be unfortunate if a little mistake ended up being so costly .

Download the example of the statement letter for the Partner Visa application

Other Important Things That Need Your Attention

It is a good start for you to follow all the secrets mentioned above. But, do not forget that you must pay attention to other things such as the efficiency, details, etc. of your statement letter.

You can pretend to be a third person that does not know about your relationship in checking the efficiency of your statement letter. You can see whether your statements are clear and understandable or not. If you find your statement hard to understand, it is better to revise your statement letter and create a simpler and more understandable explanation.

And when you explain your relationship circumstances, make sure you refer to the supporting documents because it will make your statement letter more convincing.

Other Important Things that Need Your Attention-1

I Need Help With My Australian Partner Visa Application.

Now you know how to write a convincing statement letter for a Partner Visa application.

But that is just the beginning.

Submitting your Partner Visa application by yourself is possible. But the risk of refusal is very high and will cost much more money than you’ve already paid.

With these facts in mind, the Australian immigration authorities suggest anyone who applies for a Partner Visa seek help from a registered migration agent.

It is a long, complicated and detailed process and if you and your partner dream of being together in Australia, then don’t risk the possibility of getting refused due to what could be a small misunderstanding or mistakes in the application or submission of documents.

Let us take care of your future by getting your application right and dealing with the details while you and your partner can make plans to build your dreams and lives together in Australia.

Book an appointment with our Registered Migration Agent now with 100% refund guarantee if you’re not satisfied with our service. We have a 98% success rate and experts in complex cases. We will assist you with a customised statement letter for a Partner Visa based on your relationship circumstances. Call us or click below:

Book Your Consultation - 100% Money Back Guarantee 3

Let Us Assist with Your Australian Partner Visa Application

We at ONEderland Consulting understand how difficult and emotionally draining it can be writing convincing statement letters for your Partner Visa application.

But, rest assured. Throughout your journey, we are committed to offering empathetic and customised support while paying close attention to your particular circumstances and goals.

Our team of highly qualified and experienced migration specialists is dedicated to putting in a lot of effort and planning ahead of time on your behalf. We pay close attention to every detail and apply our extensive knowledge to handle even the most complex cases.

Our team of professionals will help you by:

  • Developing a customised document checklist: Ensure you’ve gathered and presented all required documentation in compliance with DHA regulations.
  • Writing a customised statement letter: highlighting the sincerity and strength of your relationship so that your application should be granted.
  • Creating empathetic and compelling narratives: Helping you create a story that speaks to the DHA, clearly illustrates the sincere nature of your relationship, and that your application should be approved.

We are committed to being open and honest with you, keeping you updated and involved at every stage. We will work tirelessly to secure the best possible outcome for your future in Australia, and you can rely on us to be your dependable partner and advocate.

We are complex visa specialists. As a registered Australian migration agent with the Migration Agents Registration Authority (MARA) , we are regulated in our professional practice and bound by the profession’s Code of Conduct issued by the Migration Agents Registration Authority.

Take the first step and get in touch with us. Our team members are professional and honest and speak various languages, such as Mandarin/Chinese, Bahasa Indonesia, Arabic, Japanese, and Thai. Contact us by email at [email protected] or by phone at 1300 827 159.

Alternatively, you may book your consultation online , and it is backed by our 100% Money Back Guarantee Program.

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Sherly Wijoyo

How to Write Your Partner Visa Relationship Statement

How to Write Your Partner Visa Relationship Statement

The australian partner visa program requires that visa applicants and sponsor applicants both prepare a relationship statement. this post will explore what’s required in these relationship statements., partner visa statement package.

Get our comprehensive package to preparing your Partner Visa Statements. Don’t settle for the standard Form 888 provided by the Department, but supercharge your application with our legal precedents.

The two main purposes of your statements are:lk

  • Firstly, to explain the nature of your relationship, how you met and the narrative of the key dates in your relationship development, and;
  • Secondly, to cover the gaps in your evidence, explain any inconsistencies, and provide context to your evidence.

Each statement should be around 2-3 pages long. The primary purpose of this statement is to assist in proving that you have a genuine and ongoing relationship. This is an important opportunity to explain your relationship in your own words and demonstrate to the case officer that it is genuine. So it’s worth taking time to edit and review it to ensure that the statement is as strong as possible.

Here are the top nine tips for writing a persuasive and powerful relationship statement.

1. You should set out key dates in your relationship. Explain how you met, where you met and when you met, and make sure that you provide the exact date and location that you committed to a relationship.

Let the case office know how your relationship developed from that point. Was there a period of friendship at the start? How long did you know each other before you formed your relationship? Were you introduced? Did you meet via a dating site? It is important to articulate all the dates in chronological order so the progression of your relationship from meeting to your current de facto or married status is as clear as possible to the case officer.

2. You should print and proofread your statement several times to ensure that your spelling and grammar are correct. It is important to take your time to provide the correct spelling of important places and people’s names. Particularly, it is important that your partner and family names are all spelled correctly. We suggest that you have a family member or a close friend review the statement before you finalise it.

3. Were there any periods of physical separation? All relationships have periods of physical separation for one reason or another, whether it is because one party is either overseas, has to visit family, or perhaps there is simply a family emergency that required travel.

This is an opportunity to explain how you kept in contact, and how frequently. You should talk about the frequency of your communication during this period and if possible, provide supporting evidence. You should clearly explain why the period of physical separation happened. If this was a period of actual separation of your relationship, you should be candid in your statement about that.

4. You should clarify how your relationship developed and the key dates when it became more serious. Typically, the Department is primarily interested in the date you met face to face, the date you consider you became a serious and mutually exclusive relationship, and the date you consider you became de facto or married.

You should also set out the significant dates like funerals in the family, other marriages, key birth dates, or family crisis. If your partner has assisted you through an emotionally difficult time or supported you, then you should elaborate on that. Provide details on how the relationship developed and the periods of time when the partner was introduced to friends and family. You should not use overly emotional language but rather you should set out how you felt at each stage of the relationship progression.

5. You should also use the statement to demonstrate the nature of the household you share together. This is a criterion that specifically looks at how your household is run since you began co-residing. You can clarify who does the cooking, who does the cleaning, how other responsibilities throughout the household are split, and how your financial arrangements support your household.

6. You should also talk about the recreational activities that you do as a couple and the things that you enjoy together. This should also describe any holidays and mutual activities (RSL visits, online gaming, family trips, hiking) that you undertake together. Use this statement to describe in detail the recreational activities you enjoy doing as a couple.

7. Your statement should also explain how you share your finances, and how you manage your finances together. This is particularly relevant if you’ve yet to share your bank accounts. You should also set out financial commitment such as car repayments, shopping, rent, and/or credit card repayments. But more than the specifics, you might also like to talk about your relationship differences.

8. Not only do you need to show that your partnership is genuine at the time of application but you should also prove that it is an ongoing relationship and you both plan to spend your future together. This can be demonstrated by discussing future holidays or major purchases. If you have a joint savings account, you can discuss this. You can also explain your plans in terms of having children or potentially getting engaged or married. What’s important is that you show there is a commitment to a life together.

9. You should ensure there are accurate dates in your statement. A case officer will be checking to see whether it is consistent with both your material evidence and your application form. You should also draw attention to the length of time you’ve been together and the most important dates, like the date your first met face to face or when you began residing together. We suggest you make a rough draft of your statement using bullet points before adding extra detail. It also assists many applicants to set out a timeline and confirm that timeline with your partner prior to drafting the relationship statement. It’s very important that the applicant’s statement and the sponsor’s statement do not contain any contradictory information. Lastly, you should double-check the dates and the timeline of events in your partner’s statement, so take your time and ensure that you get it right.

Need more help? Summit Migration offers a Partner Visa Statement Package. Get our comprehensive package to preparing your Partner Visa Statements here . Don’t settle for the standard Form 888 provided by the Department, but supercharge your application with our legal precedents. This package includes:

  • The statement precedent we use at Summit Migration to prepare all our Partner Statements. This precedent is suitable for both the Applicant AND the Sponsor.
  • The precedent we use to prepare all our Supporting Witness Statements.
  • Example Partner Statements for the Sponsor, Applicant and Supporting Witness.

Get it here .

For personalised partner visa advice, contact Summit Migration and talk with a registered migration agent today.

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How to Write Your Partner Visa Relationship Statement

You'll need to put pen to paper and provide a detailed relationship statement which explains how you met, how you live on a daily basis and what your plans for the future are.

The relationship statement is an important part of your partner visa application. It’s your chance to speak directly to the Case Officer and explain the nature of your relationship. You need to make the most of this opportunity. 

As part of an Australian partner visa application, the applicant and sponsor must write what is commonly known as a ‘relationship statement’. This document will:

  • Explain the nature of your relationship and how you met
  • Detail your future plans
  • Detail the nature of your household and your shared commitments

This statement will help to prove that your relationship is genuine and ongoing. It’s also a chance to present your ‘relationship roadmap’ for the future and This is your opportunity to explain your relationship in your own words, so it’s crucial to get it right. The Case Officer will place weight on this document, so make sure it’s of a good standard.

It should be easy to understand and ideally around 2-3 pages long, at least. The length will depend on your individual situation e.g. whether you have to explain any long periods of separation or unusual circumstances.

If you’re using a Registered Migration Agent to manage and lodge your application, they may be able to provide you with samples or templates showing how the document can be structured.

10 tips for writing an effective partner visa relationship statement:

1. don’t be embarrassed.

Don’t worry – your mum isn’t reading this! Explain how and when you met, including the exact date your relationship commenced. Let the Case Officer know how your relationship developed. Did you start off as friends before dating? Did you date previously and then reunite? How long did you know each other before you formed a relationship?

Make this part as detailed as possible and discuss how you transitioned from a casual relationship or friendship into a committed partnership. Go into detail and don’t be embarrassed to explain what attracted you to your partner and how you felt upon making their acquaintance for the first time. It can feel a bit strange putting everything on paper, but it’s all part of the process and demonstrates that your relationship is genuine.

2. Run that spell check

Make sure that your spelling and grammar is on point. Take your time, ensure place names and your partner’s name and family names are correct. If it helps, print the statement off and read it off the paper – you might be surprised what you find when it’s off the screen!

3. Explain separations

Have you been separated for any long periods of time? Explain how you kept in touch and how frequently. Did you exchange regular phone calls and text messages? Did you use messaging apps or emails? Have you taken any holidays separately? If so, how did you keep in touch during that time?

It’s important to go into some detail here as periods of separation will be heavily scrutinised by your Case Officer. The pandemic and subsequent border restrictions and travel bans led to many couples being temporarily separated. If you were impacted in this way, it’s advisable to go into as much detail as you can and let the Case Officer know how you stayed in regular contact. Did you host family quizzes over Zoom or FaceTime every morning over coffee? Don’t be afraid to get granular with the detail.

4. Describe how it developed

Explain how your relationship developed and became more serious. Did any significant events occur? Maybe your partner helped you through a difficult time or did something to really demonstrate their commitment to you. Provide details on the development of your relationship and let the Case Officer know when your partner was first introduced to friends and family.

5. Explain day-to-day life

It’s important that you use the statement to demonstrate the nature of your household. Who does the cooking and cleaning? How do you split responsibilities? Do you go grocery shopping together? If you have pets or children, explain how you share the responsibility and who does what. Don’t worry about going into too much detail. If you do the cooking on a Monday and your partner does it on a Tuesday, write it down. It’s these details – of mundane, everyday life – that will add authenticity to your statement.

6. List those hobbies

What activities do you enjoy doing as a couple? Have you been on holiday? Do you go to the gym together? Use your statement to explain how you spend your time and what kind of activities you enjoy doing as a couple. Explain what you do on a typical weekend or how you spend your annual leave.

7. Talk money

Your statement should explain how you share your finances and meet your expenses as a couple. Explain how you deal with financial commitments such as rent, credit card repayments, car loans or food shopping. Do you use a joint bank account? Are your salaries paid into the same account? How do you pay utility bills? Have you prepared a joint will or named your partner as your superannuation beneficiary? Have you purchased joint insurance policies?

Sharing financial commitments is a major part of proving that you’re in a genuine relationship, so this part should be fairly comprehensive. If one of you has no income, that’s fine, just explain how this impacts the household.

8. Mention future plans 

Not only do you need to show that your partnership is genuine, you also need to prove that it’s ongoing and that you’re planning to spend your future together. Use the statement to detail your upcoming plans such as holiday bookings or major purchases. You can also explain what your plans are in terms of having children or perhaps getting married. If you’re saving up for a house or planning any other large purchases together, you can also detail those plans.

9. Bring your friends into it

Now is the time to round up those old wedding invitations and Christmas cards that are languishing at the bottom of a drawer somewhere. Being jointly invited to events shows that your relationship is recognised by your family and friends. Use your partner visa relationship statement to provide details of where you were invited, when it was, and whether you attended or not.

10. Get your dates right

You need to demonstrate the length of your relationship, so make sure your statement is peppered with accurate dates. Remind the reader about the length of time you’ve been together and make sure you mention important dates such as when you began cohabiting, anniversary dates and other dates of importance to you as a couple.

It’s always a good idea to make a rough draft of your statement using bullet points before fleshing out the real thing. You might also find it useful to draw a timeline and add important events on there. It’s vital that the applicant’s statement and the sponsor’s statement do not contain any contradictory information. Double check your dates and timeline of events. It’s easy to make mistakes, so really ensure that you take your time and get it right.

It’s not unusual for a Case Officer to call and interview you about the nature of your relationship , so you need to be prepared for that too. If your interview takes place over the phone, they might question you about the nature of your household or even ask which side of the bed you sleep on (yes… that detailed). If your interview is in person, you might be asked to identify your partner’s family members in photographs. Case Officers are generally allowed to ask you any questions they wish, as long as the line of questioning is appropriate in helping them to determine whether your relationship is genuine.

We offer free consults, so don’t hesitate to get in touch if you want to discuss your eligibility or have any questions about your partner visa application. 

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We manage applications across a range of visa types, including employer-sponsored visas, partner visas and skilled independent visas.

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Established in 2006, we have successfully managed thousands of Australian visa applications.

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Employment certificate, financial documents, and income tax return (ITR) are the staples of most visa applications. But there is one document that is usually overlooked — the cover letter.

A cover letter isn’t always a requirement when applying for a visa. However, it’s something that we often recommend to add to your pile of documents, especially if there is no interview and you have some explaining to do.

You see, sometimes, things don’t always fit the mold perfectly. There are cases wherein you can’t provide the exact document needed, but you have a very good alternative. Or maybe you just can’t provide something at all, but you have a perfectly valid reason. Or perhaps you’re traveling with a group or for a special purpose. These instances could probably benefit from a well-crafted explanation to give the visa officer a clearer picture of your situation.

When I apply for a visa, I usually submit a cover letter regardless of whether or not it’s one of the requirements. I always want to give a summary of my application and clarify some aspects that may be prone to misinterpretation.


What should be in a cover letter?

For me, a good cover letter must be able to provide the following:

  • A short introduction about yourself.
  • Your travel dates and the purpose of your trip
  • If traveling with a group: your companions and your relationship with them
  • If sponsored: your sponsor’s name, your relationship with them, and the reason why they are willing to sponsor you
  • If you’re missing some requirements: the reason why you won’t be able to provide them and the alternatives you are submitting instead
  • If applying for a double entry or multiple entry visa: the reason why you need to be allowed more than one entry
  • A quick rundown of the destinations you will be visiting
  • A quick summary of your travel history (if any), highlighting that you have NEVER violated visa rules in the past
  • A promise to return to your home country in time

Looks like a lot, huh? But here’s the thing: According to a couple of friends who used to work as visa officers at strict embassies, they usually had very little time to assess each application. Hence, if you’re going to make a cover letter, go straight to the point . One page should be enough. The key is being concise — finding the balance between giving enough information and keeping it short and sweet.

Here are some samples. I intentionally used complicated situations to give you an idea how I usually explain them. If they don’t apply to you, feel free to modify these to match your case. Please use this only as a model for your own cover letter. Please do not copy-paste the whole thing without adjustments.

Sample Cover Letter for Australian Visa (Online Application)


Sample Cover Letter for Schengen Visa


Sample Cover Letter for Korean Visa


2020 • 1 • 7

More Tips on YouTube ⬇️⬇️⬇️

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where to attach cover letter for Australia Visa application?

Yosh Dimen

In my case, I uploaded it under Evidence of Planned Tourism Activities > Others.


Hello, I will be applying for a Japan visa and will submit a cover letter din. I have a few questions:

  • If I am traveling with friends pero we will be submitting individual applications, do I need to include that in the cover letter na I am with them on this trip?
  • Do you need to submit all your savings account o kahit isa nalang?
  • Plan ko rin sana (dahil nabasa ko sa ibang posts nyo hehe) na payroll and savings account ipasa, pero kung nililipat ko rin naman yung laman ng payroll sa savings, need ko pa ba isubmit yung payroll account?
  • Sa ibang Japan visa application na napanuod ko, nagsusubmit sila ng bank certificate at bank statement. Do I need to do that?
  • If yes, need ko ba explain sa cover letter ko na tinatransfer ko sa digital bank muna yung pera saka ko tinatransfer sa savings account? (kasi baka makita, if may bank statement, na nanggaling sa ganitong account yung pumasok na pera)

sorry habang nagtatype ako nadadagdagan questions ko haha. sana masagot parin. Thank you sa travel guides. Super helpful. :)

This is for Japan ha.

1. You may indicate your companions. Ako I prefer na imention sila to show na travel with friends talaga.

2. OK lang kahit isa lang kung sa tingin mo strong enough ung account na yun. Pwede ring madami if feeling mo di enough ung isa lang.

3. Naeempty ba ung payroll account when u transfer?

4. Bank cert lang naman ang need ng Japan so kahit walang statement, ok lang.

5. If hindi ka magsusubmit ng statement, di na need iexplain kasi hindi lalabas. :)

MJ Fam

I plan to visit Canada and have started my visa application. I selected visit friend for purpose instead of tourism as I would like to be fully honest with my application. My very purpose is to be with my boyfriend and meet his family and friends. Touring comes as a bonus. Would it be fine to add captions or narrations on the pdf document together with our pictures as proof? I also have our hotel and tour bookings and his boarding passes on the two times that he has visited me here in PH. This is the Proof of Relationship section on the application visa.


Hello. Any recommendations for Schengen visa assistance agencies?

Try Gazelle Travel and Tours around Ortigas or Constellation Travel in Makati.

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  • __Preparation Tips for Australian Partner Visa 820/801

How I Prepared for Australian Partner Visa 820/801 | Double Grant

30 june 2021.

Partner Visa 820/801 Double Grant

Recently I unexpectedly received a double grant for Partner Visa 820 & 801 four months after lodging my application! 🥳

I decided to make a comprehensive post on how I prepared my documents without hiring an agent/lawyer. I understand it can be a really stressful and challenging process so I hope my post can help.

Having said that, it is always a good idea to consult the professionals. If you don't think you can do this by yourself, don't take the risk. Get help from the professionals.

Anyway, this is how the standard Partner Visa 820 & 801 process looks like:

Partner Visa 820/801 Process

Our Background

My visa process timeline.

Partner Visa 820/801 Process Timeline

  • Stage 1 - Partner or Prospective Marriage Visa (300, 309/100, 820/801)
  • Sponsorship for a Partner to Migrate to Australia (300, 309/100, 820/801)


Table of Contents (Clickable): Research Establish Timelines Determine De Facto Start Date Prepare Documents & Compile Evidence Commitment Financial Aspects Financial Aspects & Commitment (Combined) Nature of Household Social Aspects Relationship Statements Form 888 Evidence of Character Finalize & Submit Documents Reference: Full List of My Attached Documents Wait & Keep Updating


  • Go through your conversation, calls and video calls from day one (I had to spend at least a week going through our Whatsapp from 2016 as we chatted DAILY for years! 🤯).
  • Note down every key event, including time/date of flights, meet-ups, etc.
  • Screenshot important conversations.
  • Go through both your emails from day one - look for ANY and EVERY email related to you both, i.e. tickets, itineraries, bookings, bills, movie tickets, dinner reservations, bank transfers, UberEats you order for each other, Uber rides you took to each other's place, etc.)
  • Go through ALL your photos - travels, family events, weddings, etc.
  • Go through your social media posts.
  • Also try to retrieve all your travel itineraries, accommodation bookings, etc. Think of, Agoda, Airbnb, or any websites that you usually use to book your accommodation. Your bookings should still be there in your accounts!
  • Do you also have an account with the airline that you usually book with? Try to log in and check if your past bookings are there.
  • Organize all your findings in folders. Label them! You can create a folder in your email too for all the useful emails you have found.


  • Establish a very detailed  table timeline  with the information you obtained from your research above - I did this for my own reference, which was super helpful for my document preparation. You will find yourself coming back to this document frequently for reference.

cover letter partner visa

  • Create a  summary timeline chart  with key events - this is for submission. Gives the case officer an overall idea of how your relationship develops.

cover letter partner visa

  • Create a  photo timeline  with descriptions - for submission. Visuals are always helpful. Sometimes it's not a bad thing when you like taking pictures. 😛
  • I split this into 4 files due to file size limitation. Each file has to be below  5MB . You can use  ILovePDF  to reduce your file size but make sure your photos are still clear.
An example of how I presented my photo timeline.


You and your partner are in a de facto relationship if all these apply: you are not married to each other you are committed to a shared life to the exclusion of all others your relationship is genuine and continuing you live together or do not live separately and apart on a permanent basis you are not related by family
Important 4 pillars for Partner Visa 820 & 801
  • you can prove a de facto relationship for at least three years (counted backwards  from the date you apply ), or
  • you can prove a de facto relationship for at least two years AND you have a dependent child together.


My personal tips: Provide/include dates whenever you can! Highlight your names, dates, or anything that you think are important as evidence. Add a text box on the side to briefly describe what you are presenting. We bought a scanner just for this project. A scanner from Kmart cost us around AU$ 20 (on sale) which was really affordable! You can also use your phone apps to scan your documents, but I prefer a real printer/scanner. 😬 And it's still so useful to us even after completing the visa application. A Table of Contents would really help the case officer if you have inconsistent information in that particular document!


Suggested evidence.

  • Duration of relationship including knowledge of each other - phone records, chat logs
  • Intention to have a long term relationship - terms of wills
  • Superfund beneficiary
  • Insurance beneficiary
  • Correspondence to show that the couple maintain contact during any periods of separation
  • Pre-plan wedding


  • My flight roster  - showing how often we flew to see each other.
  • Life insurance beneficiary
  • Daily Whatsapp chat  from 2016 until current - I attached 2-3 Whatsapp screenshots/month, with a little note on the side describing roughly what the conversation is about. Remember to scroll and hold on your Whatsapp chat so the date will appear before you take a screenshot.
Notes on the side for easier understanding.
It also helps to add reference to other files so they can cross check.
  • Evidence of video calls  - screenshots of Skype calls with dates.
  • Proof of gifts  - photos and gift receipts
  • Evidence of future planning  - Proof of our application in 2018 to get me a Singaporean long-term pass so I could stay with him in Singapore.
  • Evidence for time apart
  • This was for me to explain why we were physically apart in some periods (longest 1-2 months). You want to convince the case officer that your relationship is continuing.
  • One example was, he was supposed to fly to me and attend two weddings with me (my good friend and sister), and to go on a trip with me, but he could not travel out of Australia as his RRV was not approved in time. Evidence I provided - flight tickets, accommodation bookings, invitation cards, Whatsapp wedding group chats between him and my friends, friend's and sister's wedding photos without him.


  • Joint ownership of a house
  • Joint names on a lease
  • Sharing of household bills and expenses - joint utility accounts
  • Joint ownership of a car
  • Disclosure of relationship to government agencies/financial organisation - Australian Taxation Office, Centrelink
  • Financial correspondence addressed to the couple at the same address - medical bills, bank statements, letters from government/schools
  • Evidence of bank transfers  - confirmation emails
  • Both our bank statements
  • Each of us have multiple bank accounts 🤦🏻‍♀️ and I included ALL bank statements of ours. We had to call our banks to try to retrieve all our old bank statements and ship them from home.
  • I also highlighted EVERY SINGLE relevant transaction (joint expenses, bank transfers, expenses on each other, travel expenses, etc.) and added a description note on the side.
  • These documents took me the longest to complete as we also had to figure out what each transaction was, including finding old receipts that match the amounts. I was 1000% dedicated lol.
Every relevant transaction highlighted with a description note on the side.
Yes it takes A LOT of time and effort but I believe this has played an important part in convincing our case officer that we have been sharing financial matters since years ago (crucial for a double grant).
  • Joint bank statements  - joint account opened in Aug 2020
  • Evidence of sponsor paying for applicant's phone bills
  • Joint electricity account and bills  - electricity account with both our names
  • Joint gas bills
  • Personal records of joint travel expenses  - these are notes I personally made during all our travels on how much each of us spent and owed each other.
  • Disclosure of relationship to Centrelink
  • Additional evidence of sponsor's support  - More proof of him contributing to my daily expenses.
  • Food delivery receipts
  • GrabPay  transaction history (I had to contact  Grab  a few times to obtain this information)
  • Fave  purchase history and receipts
  • Proof of him paying for my medical bills and visas
The case officer most likely couldn't understand what GrabPay and Fave are. So I also included a brief description on what they are before going into the evidence (not shown here).


  • Evidence of travels & visits from 2016 till 2020
  • I split this into 12 files according to year as we traveled a lot. It includes trips where we spent money to travel to see each other.
  • All itineraries I created for travels, flight tickets, accommodation bookings, tour bookings, car rentals, etc.
  • Highlighted who made payments (with reference to bank statements).
Include whatever tickets or bookings you have as supporting evidence.
I had a total of 12 files. 30 - 40 pages per file.
  • Get your receipts - A receipt will show both your names if that is what you entered when booking.
  • But if you did not include your partner's name when booking, you can choose to get a PDF for visa purposes! You enter your names and they will generate a PDF for you!


  • Supporting documents from landlord/real estate agent showing you are living together
  • Joint building/content insurance policies
  • Car insurance policy - Partner/spouse listed as a secondary driver
  • Any joint responsibility for care and support of any children
  • Joint health insurance cover
  • Evidence of shared address  - our mails sent to the same address
  • Car insurance policy  - me being listed as a secondary driver
  • Joint loyalty cards  - Flybuy and Rewards cards with both our names. Below are how I presented my evidence (except all the added shapes and texts which are just for your reference, not the case officer).
Screenshot from the . 'My Account -> Cards & Accounts'. You apply for the cards separately but later you can link your cards.
Scanned copy of the new card that comes in a mail.
Screenshot from the under 'Account Details'. You have to call them to add an additional member.
  • Ikea receipts  - proof of the kitchen makeover I talk about in our statement
  • Statutory Declaration from sponsor's mother  - partner's mother provided a  Statutory Declaration  to support that I lived with them whenever I was in Singapore. This was certified and signed by Australian High Commission in Singapore. Please refer to 'Form 888' below for more details.
  • House lease  - with both names
  • Landlord's statement  - to prove that I have been living in the same house
  • Photos of our home


  • Invitation cards addressed to both names
  • Cards/letters addressed to both names
  • Joint participation in sports, cultural and social activities - joint gym membership
  • Form 888 - statutory declarations made by family members, relatives and friends.
  • Joint correspondence  - mails, cards and wedding invitations addressed to both our names
  • Joint gym membership  - gym membership contracts to show that we go to the same gym
  • Proof of movies and dates  - movie tickets, dinner reservations, etc.
  • Social media posts  - Instagram and Facebook posts with both our names tagged, and comments from friends/family. 
  • Correspondence on behalf  - highlighted both our names
  • For example, he booked me flights and mails were sent to him, but passenger is my name.
  • A police report he made for me in Singapore when I lost my money in the hotel.
  • When I applied for my visitor visa back in 2020, all correspondence emails were sent to him.


  • How, when and where you first met
  • How the relationship developed
  • When you moved in together, got engaged or married
  • What you do together
  • Time you spent apart
  • Significant events in the relationship
  • Your plans for the future
  • One statement from me - Applicant (5 pages)
  • One statement from him - Sponsor (4 pages)
  • Nature of the Commitment  (3 pages)
  • Financial Aspects of the Relationship  (2 pages)
  • Nature of the Household  (2 pages) - Living arrangement, housework
  • Social Aspects of the Relationship  (2 pages)
On 2 Jan 2016, xx and I first got to know each other. I was based in Dubai and he was based in Singapore. We started talking on Whatsapp on 5 Jan 2016.  (Please see attached ‘Commitment_Evidence Of Daily Contact_Whatsapp 2016-2017’.)  After talking daily for almost 2 months, we met for the first time in xx when I had an operational flight to that destination.  (Please see attached ‘Commitment_Applicant_Crew Flight Roster’.) 

 FORM 888 

  • 3 forms by Australians
  • 3 forms by non-Australians
  • Australia - ours was done at Justice of the Peace.
  • Singapore - partner's mom and my good friend got certification done at Australian High Commission for SGD 75 per certification. Form 888 is counted as one, ID is counted as one. 😦 And super thankful they were willing to take a day off from work just to get this done. 😢
  • Malaysia - my mom got her form and ID certified by a Notary Public. It cost her around RM50 for one document.


Police clearance, 'have any of the applicants visited any countries for less than 12 months in the past 10 years', 5. finalize & submit documents.

  • Review  all your documents. Go through your documents like you are the case officer. Do you understand what you are presenting? Re-read your statements. Get your partner to read them. Make sure there are no mistakes in information you want to provide.
  • File names  - be consistent with your file naming. It makes it easier for the case officer. After your file names have been finalized, double check the references ('Please refer to [ file name ]') you use in your documents, i.e. statements.
  • File size  - maximum size of each file is 5MB. I use  ILovePDF  to compress my files. Also, make sure your pictures are still clear after compression.
  • Page number - After finalizing on my docs, I added page numbers to my pdf files (only for those with Table of Contents) with ILovePDF .
  • Number of files  - you are allowed to attach a maximum of 100 files under your name (applicant) in your Immi account. It's unusual to have to upload more than 100 files, but if it's necessary, I believe you will have the option to attach your files under the sponsor's name.

Partner Visa 820/801 Full List of Documents


Partner Visa 820/801 Double Grant


cover letter partner visa

Hi Chu, may I please have the checklist spreadsheet x my email address is [email protected]

Sure I'll send it to you! :)

me too please my email is, [email protected]

Hi Chu, I’ve sent you an email to your Hotmail I believe. Thanks!

Hi Rachelle (I can't stop thinking about Rachel Chu haha!), I really can't thank you enough for posting this. Thank you so much. Congratulations on double grant! I personally think, it is well deserved, you've done extensive research and the files you've upload were immaculate. Would love to have the excel spreadsheet (again, thank you so much) my email: [email protected] P.S. I wonder why wonderchu is familiar, I saw your post on IG a few times I think! :)

Hehe I watched the movie too! :P Thanks for your comment. I've sent you the Excel file. :) Good luck to you!

Could I also please have the checklist spreadsheet. My Email [email protected]. Thanks heaps :)

Hi I've just sent you the Excel file. Please check your email! :)

Hy Chu, many many congrats on your Double grant and thank you for the wonderful guideline. it is helping me a lot to create and mange my documents prior to the lodgment. can you please assist me how do I access "Household_Statutory Declaration_Sponsor's Mother" foam or do i need to create it under the guideline. can You please provide me the sample if possible @ [email protected] I will be very thankful for your help regards, Kishan

Hi Kishan, I used this form: Hope it clarifies!

Hi Rachelle, Hands up to you. I am completely impressed with your work. Before long, I believe you would be an successful influencer/writer/organiser. Keep up the good work. Last but not least, thank you for your checklist, I am using it as my compass.

Hi Vivian thanks for your kind words! Let me know your email address if you need me to send you the checklist :))

Hi Chu, thank you so much for sharing your visa application experience with us. may i know how did you fill out the "10 years record of countries resided where you stayed for more than 12 months" in the form? as it states "give details of the last permanent address before departure" so regardless how many places you stayed in that particular country, you only put the very last address? and you have same questions on both form 47sp and form 80...kinda confusing... in addition, is it okay i could have the checklist too? thank you kind regards, Kelvin

Hi Kelvin, I declared all countries I lived in for more than 12 months in the past 10 years. I only submitted Form 80. I've heard about Form 47SP but I didn't do it. Yes sure I can send you the Excel checklist. Please let me know your email address! :)

Hi! Thank you so much for posting this - it is super helpful! If you wouldn't mind sending me a copy of the excel too - that would be amazing! [email protected] Thank you! Rachel

Hi Rachel, glad you find my blog post helpful! I've just sent you the Excel file. :) Good luck!!

This is SO HELPFUL thank you! Just starting the application now...

All the best!! :)

Hi Chu, Thank you for your sharing. I am lucky that I read your blog before I submit mu application for my husband. But I have a question on uploading documents. I find that there are financial aspects and social aspects folders existed in the application. But I noticed that you used "Relationship, spouse, de facto relationship…." folder for these two aspects instead. Do you leave these two folders empty? Or whe you upload documents, there were not financial and social folders existed? Seems financial folder doesn't provide category like bank statement - personal. Is that the reason you choose another one? I just feel little bit panic. Sorry to bother you. Thank you.

Hi Tina, 'financial' and 'social' categories didn't exist when I was doing the upload. I heard it doesn't matter which category you upload your files to. I just uploaded to whatever I felt suitable. Your case officer will still go through all your documents so I wouldn't worry :)

Hey, thank you so much for sharing this! please could we use the excel sheet for our application process? Thanks! [email protected]

Sure please check your email :)

Hey Chu, this is some really great work, thank you so much for sharing your experience with us. Firstly, congratulations on your double grant. I have just submitted our partner visa and in the process of uploading the documents. Honestly, it's taking a toll on me and seeing you so super organised is literally giving me anxiety. But thank you so much for this blog - you're a lifesaver - I am in awe of you and the extent you have gone to complete your application - kudos to you and your partner !! It's very creative! Would you mind sharing the spreadsheet with me - it would be just so appreciated!!! My email - [email protected]. Thanks again for sharing this lovely experience with us :) Best wishes to you and Shibing !!

Thanks Chu for the kind words, I have received your excel list - much appreciated :)

cover letter partner visa

Hi Chu, Awe of you to sharing this. Would you like to share the excel list to me too pls. My email [email protected] . TIA.

Hey Chu, May I get the sheet too pls. Thank you for sharing your experience. Xoxo

Sure. What's your email address? :)

Thanks God I found this. You are indeed heaven sent to me. I have been looking for something like this for so long. Congratulations on your double grant. I hope you don't mind if I ask for a copy of the excel too? Thank you very much. [email protected]

Sure. I sent you the checklist on 28 January 2022 (in case you missed it).

Hi Chu, really amazing work, I have not seen such a structured application as of now :-) And thanks for sharing all this info with us. I do have a quick question. Online you need to fill out the 4 blocks in written (2000 characters max each). Have you left them empty initially, since you submitted your prove afterwards? Or did you write something short in there like "proof attached" or so? If you could send me your excel this would be amazing. Thanks a lot Robin

I wrote something short like - Please see attached 'file name'. Sure I can send you my Excel file. Just need your email address please. :)

Hey Chu, this is amazing! Thank you for putting it together and sharing your experience! Would you mind sharing the spreadsheet with me? Am about to start the process myself... My email is [email protected]

Please check your email! :)

Hi Chu, this is so helpful and comprehensive! Could i please also have the excel spreadsheet sent to [email protected]? Thanks so much again :) xxx

Hi Chu, This is such a fantastic blog, so helpful for me and my partner who are currently filling out the application. Could you please send the excel sheet to this email: [email protected] Thanks, Jess

Hi Jess please check your email! :)

Hi Chu, This is a fantastic blog! I would love a copy of the excel sheet to organise my application. Can you please send the excel sheet to: [email protected] Thanks!

Hi please check your email. :)

Hi Chu, this is really wonderful and has given me some peace of mind :) Please could I also have a copy of your excel? [email protected] Many thanks, Sarah

Hi Sarah please check your email. :)

Hi Chu, Thank you so much for sharing your valuable experience and how two of you went through this application. Everything was well-detailed, and organised to understand( I confused getting information from social media etc..), we got more clear direction and vision without front loading documents. My partner found your blog before submitting an application! We're so lucky :) Could I please have your checklist by email when you have spare time for me? Arigatou Narumi

Hi Narumi, thanks for your comment. I'm happy to send you my checklist. Just need your email address please :)

[email protected] Thank you, Chu :)

Hi Chu, It is very nice of you. This is a great and comprehensive guideline. Thank you for sharing. I'm about to start to look at where to start the documents. Could you please share to me the excel file of list of your uploaded documents? My email: [email protected]. Thank you very much. Hang

Sent you the checklist!

Hi Chu, Did you fill out the each boxes of 5 aspects of the relationship in the online application form or just put " please refer to file name.pdf? thanks in advance

Please refer to the part above 'Form 888'. I show what I wrote in the boxes. :)

Hi Chu, This is really some good stuff and congratulations on your double grant. I am in the process of applying for a prospective partner visa, and so am kindly asking you for the copy of your excel sheet. Thank you

Please provide your email address and I will send you the file ;)

Hi Rachel, awesome and helpful blog! May I have a copy of your excel? Send to [email protected]. Thanks heaps. 😊

Please check your email :)

Hi there, l like your story please checklist my email [email protected], thx a lot in advance

Sent! Good luck.

Hi Chu, Thank you for as an amazing and useful information. In term of "Relationship details" in the online lodgement form that you only wrote "please see 4th attach" , did you also submit the statement files straight away once you submitted the online application? Is it possible if I submit my online application if I have no statement files ? Big thanks, Nick

Hi Nick, as you can see from 'My Visa Process Timeline' at the beginning, I only uploaded a few ID documents when lodging the application. Statement files and all other files were only submitted months later. Your case officer will understand that it's a long process to attach all documents and I'm guessing they will most probably only go through your case when they see a good amount of uploaded files.

Congratulations and excellent job to both of u. Would u mind sharing ur excel spreadsheet for ur checklist pls to [email protected] Thanks much and GOD BLESS

Sent it to you :)

Hi Chu, That's is a very structured information and i think it very helpful for lot of people Thank you for you time and appreciate your effort for write it down in detail Could i pls have the excel sheet as well to [email protected] Also could i pls ask i would like to ask my friend in Vietnam to fill up some 888 form for me so do have a liittle confuse how you do the certified things in Singapore? Thank you so much

Sent you the file! And you can scroll to 'Form 888' to read how and where I got the forms certified in Singapore. ;))

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How To Write a Cover Letter for Form I-129F (Petition for Alien Fiancé)

To prepare a K-1 fiancé(e) visa application for U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS), you must complete the required forms, gather supporting documents, and pay fees. It’s not mandatory to include a cover letter in your application packet, but doing so can help keep your application materials organized and make sure you don’t miss any required documents. You can also use the cover letter to highlight anything you want USCIS to know about your visa application. This article explains what a K-1 fiancé visa cover letter is and the elements it should include. There’s also a template you can use to write your own.

Jonathan Petts

Written by Jonathan Petts .  Updated May 17, 2023

What Is a Form I-129F Cover Letter?

You’ll need to file Form I-129F : Petition for Alien Fiancé if you are a U.S. citizen who wants your foreign partner to receive a K-1 visa . Though it’s not required, writing a cover letter to supplement this form can be helpful for USCIS. A cover letter is a document that outlines your application contents and addresses any unusual circumstances you’d like to flag for your application readers.

A cover letter can give your USCIS officer a useful overview of you and your partner’s case. You can also use your cover letter as a personal checklist to make sure you’ve included all necessary documents in your package.

Is a Cover Letter Required for My Form I-129F Application?

USCIS does not require a cover letter for your Form I-129F petition package. However, it’s often beneficial for applicants to include cover letters. A cover letter can help your USCIS officer better understand and evaluate your overall application.

If there is anything unclear about you and your foreign fiancé’s relationship, a cover letter gives you the opportunity to address these concerns upfront. Remember that USCIS only wants to distribute K-1 visas to couples in genuine relationships. If there is anything unusual about how your relationship started or progressed, you may wish to address it with a disclaimer in your cover letter. 

If you call attention to any unusual circumstances in your cover letter, you’ll be able to explain your side of the story in greater detail. By giving USCIS greater clarity on your case, you can make it easier for the USCIS officer to process your application.

What Should My K-1 Fiancé(e) Visa Cover Letter Include?

You should begin your Form I-129F cover letter with a heading and greeting. Your heading should provide USCIS officials with your mailing address, your name, and your foreign partner’s name. Your introduction should then explain your reasons for writing this cover letter. Use your introduction to give USCIS a basic overview of your relationship and tell them you are seeking a K-1 visa for your fiancé.

Checklist of Information To Include in Your K-1 Fiancé Visa Cover Letter

USCIS will find it most helpful if you include the following information in your cover letter:

Your contact information

The USCIS address to which you’re sending this letter

Your full name as the petitioner

Your fiancé’s full name as the beneficiary

A note stating which form and visa you are filing an application for

A list of all the supporting documents you’ve included in your package, in bullet points:

You must include evidence of your U.S. citizenship, such as your birth certificate , copy of your naturalization certificate, Form FS-240, an unexpired U.S. passport, or an original statement from a U.S. consular officer verifying that you are a citizen with a valid passport.

You’ll also need evidence that you and your fiancé have legally terminated any previous marriages. For example, you may need to include divorce decrees , annulment orders, or a former spouse’s death certificate.

You’ll need one color passport-style photograph of yourself.

You’ll also need one color passport-style photograph of your fiancé taken within 30 days of filing.

If you or your fiancé have ever changed your name, you’ll need to provide evidence of this legal name change.

You’ll need evidence that you and your fiancé intend to marry within 90 days of their admission into the United States.

Finally, you’ll also need evidence that you and your fiancé have met in person within two years of filing for this visa. Alternatively, you may submit evidence that an in-person meeting would cause extreme hardship or violate strict traditions of your fiancé’s foreign culture.

Your signature and the date

Lastly, you should thank USCIS for their time and conclude your letter. Remember that this cover letter should be the first part of your application package that USCIS sees. You should place it at the top of your overall package before mailing it out to the appropriate USCIS office.

Where To Send Your Form 1-129F Application & Cover Letter

Note that USCIS processes Form I-129F at its Dallas lockbox, so you should mail your application to the address below that corresponds with your chosen mailing method:

U.S. Postal Service (USPS)

Attn: I-129F

P.O. Box 660151

Dallas, TX 75266-0151

FedEx, UPS, and DHL

Attn: I-129F (Box 660151)

2501 South State Highway 121 Business

Lewisville, TX 75067-8003

Note that there is a $535 fee to file Form I-129F. You may pay this fee with a money order, personal check, or cashier’s check. You should make any checks payable to the “U.S. Department of Homeland Security.” When filing at a USCIS lockbox, you also have the option to pay by credit card. To pay with a credit card, you’ll need to file Form G-1450 : Authorization for Credit Card Transactions.

Form I-129F Cover Letter Template

You may use the following template for guidance when writing your USCIS Form I-129F cover letter. However, be sure to edit each field to reflect your own situation. You should replace each [bracketed field] with personalized information. To access an editable version of the Form I-129F cover letter sample below, you may make a copy of this sample USCIS cover letter .

Your foreign partner will be known as the “beneficiary” in this visa petition. You, the U.S. citizen sponsoring your foreign partner, are the “petitioner.” Note that you must be a U.S. citizen to sponsor your foreign partner’s K-1 visa application. U.S. green card holders cannot apply for K-1 visas for their foreign partners.

[Petitioner’s Street Address]

[Petitioner’s City, State  ZIP code]

[Relevant USCIS mailing address]

RE:[Marriage Green Card Application]

Beneficiary:[Immigrant’s Full Name]

Petitioner:[Citizen/Green Card Holder’s Full Name]

To Whom It May Concern:

Enclosed, please find my [K-1 Fiance Visa Application] for [Immigrant’s Full Name], the beneficiary, and [Petitioner’s Full Name], the petitioner and [U.S. citizen/Green Card Holder fiance] of the beneficiary. The following documents accompany and support this application:

Filing Fee Payments

[Check or Money Order] in the amount of [Current Fee Amount] for Form I-129F or  

Form G-1450 authorizing payment of the filing fees for all included forms (credit card charge authorization if you completed one)

[OPTIONAL Form G-1145 (e-notice authorization if you requested them in our system)]

Petitioner’s Form I-129F

[List of supporting documents]

If you have any questions or concerns, please call me at [Phone Number].  Thank you very much for your prompt consideration of my [K-1 Fiance Visa Application].

[Petitioner’s Full Name]

[Petitioner’s Signature]

[Signature Date]

Tips for Writing Your K-1 Fiancé Visa Cover Letter

Be sure to write your letter clearly and concisely. Remember that your cover letter is only a summary of your application contents, so you won’t need to write too many details in this letter. You should also use bullet points when listing your included application materials. Using bullet points will help your USCIS officer more easily understand your application throughout the visa process.

Within your letter, you’ll want to mention that the documents you’ve provided throughout your package are accurate and unaltered original documents or photocopies. If you’ve included any certified translations in your package, be sure to mention this too. 

Continue reading and learning!

Create Cover Letter For Spouse Visa

by Lohith Kumar | Feb 20, 2023 | cover letter

Do you wish to join your spouse or wife who is working abroad? Then you’ll need a visa, sometimes known as a Spouse visa, and one of the visa criteria is a cover letter for Spouse visa.

But how can you write one? Is an example cover letter for a spouse visa available? What information must be included in a cover letter? Is a cover letter even required?

How to get a cover letter?

If you want to get a cover letter for Schengen visa which is properly structured and used by over 50,000 customers, then you can make one using FlightGen App. All you need to do is answer questions related to your Schengen visa & your cover letter will be created for you in perfect format.

IMPORTANT: You can get any single document at very affordable price, which starts from $3 and another offer is, get all types of visa documents unlimited for unlimited users from 1 account, for which price or subscription starts from $10/month.  FlightGen  offers multiple visa documents, including cover letters, travel itineraries, flight itineraries, invitation letters, leave letters, and hotel bookings. Avail this offer as soon as possible!

FlightGen App

FlightGen creates a hybrid cover letter which includes both the personal cover letter as well as the travel itinerary which otherwise, would have been another separate document. In fact, this the exact format that we use for all our visa customers.

Is It Necessary To Write A Cover Letter For A Spouse Visa?

Yes. Even if it is not part of the papers necessary for the visa, it is your only opportunity to “speak to” the visa officer and make a solid case for the granting of your visa. You may also use this section to clear up any ambiguity in your application.

In reality,, a major visa facilitation provider for many countries, requires you to carry your cover letter with you when applying for a visa.

cover letter partner visa

Sample Cover Letter

Our clients used the FlightGen app to build the sample below. As you can see, it is well formatted and makes it simple for the consulate to understand why the visa must be approved.

What To Write In A Cover Letter For Spouse Visa ?

The following are the most important details to include in your letter, as seen in the sample above:

  • greetings to the consulate
  • Travel schedule
  • The reason for travelling. (For example, my husband has a PR for Denmark and I want to join him as his spouse on a spousal visa.)
  • Who is footing the bill for the trip?
  • Proof of sustenance, such as your or your husband’s money balance.
  • Your visa documents have been submitted.
  • If the consulate needs to contact you for any reason, please provide your contact information.
  • The requirements for a spouse visa are extremely rigorous. You are not need to submit a day-by-day itinerary.

You must include the following information in the visa requirements part of the letter:

  • There are two application forms.
  • Marriage certificate copy
  • Copy of Spouse’s Passport and Residence Permit

How Do You Write A Cover Letter ?

Fortunately, with the FlightGen App , you don’t have to start from scratch. Simply follow the process within the app to create your cover letter in under 5 minutes by answering the questions.

All that is left to do is make payment of $4.99 and download your letter and sign it !!.

How to Get the FlightGen App ?

Simply click on the button below that corresponds to your phone kind to download the app.

Download Flightgen

In this article

Cover Letter for Schengen Visa Application

Maximized Schengen visa success with effective cover letter, free sample and expert tips.

If you are in the process of applying for a Schengen Visa , you may have noticed that are asked to submit a Cover Letter.

The Cover Letter for Schengen Visa applications is an important requirement, and knowing how to properly write one could affect the outcome of the visa application.

What is a Cover Letter for Schengen Visa Application?

The Cover Letter for a Schengen Visa is a necessary part of your visa application because it is a way to introduce yourself, the reason why you want to travel to that specific country, as well as to communicate with the visa officers who are handling your application.

Please note that the Cover Letter should be addressed to the Embassy or Consulate of the country you will visit, even if you are applying through a visa application center, such as VFS Global.

In the Cover Letter for a Schengen Visa, you have to convince the Consular staff that you are suitable to receive a visa for the country you intend to visit.

What Information to Include in a Cover Letter for Schengen Visa Application?

When you write a Cover Letter for your Schengen Visa application, you have to include details of your entire trip including:

  • The reason why you want to visit a Schengen country .
  • The dates when you intend to enter and depart.
  • A planned itinerary of your activities in the Schengen Area.
  • Where you will stay once you enter the Schengen area.
  • All the countries you intend to visit.
  • The status of your employment.
  • If you were unable to submit any of the required documents, give an explanation of why that is.

Sample Cover Letters for Schengen Visa

Below, you will find a sample Cover Letter for a Schengen Tourist or Visit Visa, a Schengen Business Visa ,  as well as for a Schengen Medical Treatment Visa which will give you an idea of what to include on your own Visa Cover Letter.

Sample Cover Letter for Tourist Schengen Visa

Netherlands Embassy in New Delhi

6/50 F, Shantipath


New Delhi – 110021

Dear Sir or Madam,

I am writing this letter to apply for a Schengen visa to visit the Netherlands from the dates May 20 to June 10, 2019. I am traveling alone and the main reason why I want to visit the Netherlands is tourism.

I would like to visit the popular tourist attractions in the Netherlands, such as the Van Gogh Museum, the house of Anne Frank, as well as the Keukenhof gardens to see the Netherlands’ most popular flower – the tulip.

During my stay, I also want to visit Germany from May 29 to June 5 to visit my sister who lives in Dusseldorf, where I will stay at her house. Then, I will return to the Netherlands, where I will explore the Hague before I leave the country.

I am employed at the [name of company/organization] where I have the position of [job position]. I have worked here for X years, and I have an annual salary of XX. My employer has given me a No Objection Certificate for my trip, which you will find enclosed.

I intend to finance my own trip, and I have also enclosed proof I have the necessary financial means to cover my stay.

Below you can see a planned itinerary of my activities :

Supporting visa application documents I have enclosed with this letter:

  • The completed Schengen Visa Application Form
  • My passport
  • My flight and train ticket reservations
  • Schengen Visa Travel Health Insurance
  • Hotel reservation receipts (Amsterdam and Hague)
  • Letter of Invitation from my sister in Dusseldorf
  • No Objection Certificate from my employer
  • My Bank Statements from the last six months

I hope you find that the details I have provided in this letter are adequate for a favorable reply to my application. Thank you for your time, and do not hesitate to contact me should you need further information.

Best regards,

Alan Shilmani

[Full address in India]

Sample Cover Letter for Business Schengen Visa

If you are applying for a Schengen Business Visa, it is your employer who has to write the Cover Letter on your behalf. It must be written on the company’s letterhead.

March 20, 2019

New Delhi, India

I am writing this letter to request a Schengen Business Visa on behalf of [applicant’s full name] with the passport number XXXX.

Through this letter, I would like to confirm that [applicant’s full name] is employed at our company [company’s name] where he works as [job title or position]. [The applicant] has been working in our company for [X number of years], and needs to travel to the Netherlands to visit our partner company [partner company’s name] during the dates April 20 to April 30, 2019.

During his visit at [partner company’s name] in the Netherlands, [the applicant] will be engaged in the following duties:

  • Attending meetings
  • Negotiating a deal between the companies regarding [XYZ]
  • Giving a presentation
  • (Any other tasks that you will have to do during your trip)

[The applicant] will stay at the [hotel name/other accommodation], and the expenses will be covered by our company (if applicable).

Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any additional questions.

Thank you for your time,

[Name of employer/supervisor along with siganture]

[Position or job title of employer/supervisor]

[Email address of employer/supervisor]

[Phone number of employer/supervisor]

Sample Cover Letter for Medical Treatment Visa

If you are traveling to a Schengen country to receive medical treatment, your doctor has to write the Cover Letter on your behalf. The Cover Letter for a Schengen Medical Treatment Visa has to include the following information:

  • Your detailed diagnosis
  • Your medical history
  • The nature and duration of the proposed treatment you will receive in the Schengen country

I am writing this letter to request a Schengen Medical Treatment Visa on behalf of my patient [applicant’s full name] with the passport number XXXX.

[Applicant’s name] is diagnosed with [XYZ] and needs to receive [XYZ] treatment at the [medical facility name] in the Netherlands.

[Detailed diagnosis]

[Medical history]

[The nature and duration of the proposed treatment you will receive in the Schengen country]

I hope you consider the information I have enclosed in this letter to be satisfactory for my patient’s Schengen Visa application.

Should you have any additional questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Thank you for your time.

[Name of the doctor along with siganture]

Where should I submit the Cover Letter for Schengen Visa?

Depending on what country you are applying from, you can submit the Schengen Visa application at:

  • An Embassy or Consulate of the Schengen country you are visiting.
  • The Embassy/Consulate of another Schengen country, in case the country you want to visit has no diplomatic representation in your place of residence.
  • A visa application agency, to which the Embassy or Consulate of the Schengen country you are visiting has outsourced visa applications to.

Keep in mind that if you’re going to visit multiple countries, submit the application at the Embassy/Consulate of the country you will visit first.

What other documents should I submit along with the Cover Letter for Schengen Visa?

When you submit your application for a Schengen Visa, along with the Cover Letter, you have to submit several other supporting documents , such as:

  • Your passport, which must be valid for at least another six months
  • Passport-size pictures, in line with Schengen visa photo requirements
  • Your flight itinerary or reservations
  • Proof of accommodation in a Schengen country
  • No Objection Certificate from your employer/school
  • Letter of Invitation from a relative or company in the Schengen country you are visiting, depending on the purpose of travel
  • Proof of paid Schengen Visa Fees
  • Your Bank Statements from the last six months

Read more: How to write a cover letter for Germany Student Visa Application?

Melanie Wong | Immigration Solicitor and UK Visa Expert

Multi-Award-Winning Service 

Rated Excellent by Clients

0203 302 6864

[email protected]


Uk spouse & partner visa applications.


Our Professionally written Letter Templates will help you to put together essential Cover Letters, Supporting statements, Declarations or Consent letters for your UK Spouse/Partner Visa Application .

Our Templates have been used in hundreds of successful client cases .

Each template has been designed to:

  • Include all of the  critical details that are relevant to your case
  • Provide  suggestions on what to include  in your letter
  • Easily fill in your and/or your sponsor's personal information

cover letter partner visa

For Spouse/Partner Applications made Outside the UK when:

  • Applying to join and settle with your British Spouse / Partner in the UK
  • Applying as a Fiancé(e) to Marry and Settle with your British Partner in the UK
  • Returning with your British Spouse / Partner back to the UK after living together overseas

cover letter partner visa

For Spouse/Partner Applications made Inside the UK when:

  • Applying to Extend or Renew your current UK Spouse / Partner Visa
  • Converting your Fiance(e) / Proposed Civil Partner Visa to a Spouse / Partner Visa
  • Applying to Switch to the Partner Route from another Visa Category

Why you need to include certain Letters with your Visa Application

Cover Letter and Support Letter Templates

Cover letters are the best way to summarise your case and confirm how you meet all of the requirements for your/your partner's visa, to the caseworker who will be assessing your application at the Home Office.

  • Applicant's Cover Letter
  • Sponsor's Letter of Support
  • Statement from Third Party (your friends & family)

Templates for Employment/Financial Evidence

Depending on you and/or your partner’s financial circumstances, you may need certain letters to satisfy the Financial Requirement of the Immigration Rules.

  • Letter from your Employer
  • Declaration of source of your Savings
  • Letter from your Accountant

Accommodation Letter Templates

Living in rented accommodation or a property owned by family/friends?  You will need either a:

  • Letter from your Landlord
  • Letter of consent from your Family member/friend

How Clients Rate Our Visa Letter Templates

cover letter partner visa

Frequently Asked Questions about the Letter Templates

Who are these for?

Depending on your and/or your partner's circumstances, you may need to provide declaration, consent, or other letters of support with your application.

These templates will save you and your partner’s time, and provide full peace of mind that you will write and structure the letter(s) to satisfy the Immigration Rules.

Are they appropriate for me and/or my partner?

These templates are designed to assist those who want to complete their UK Partner visa process themselves, but need to know how to put together supporting/consent letters to address specific aspects of the application, for example, if you are/will be living in your family or friend's accomodation,  or you will be relying on savings to meet the financial requirement.

How do we use the letter templates?

The letter templates have been structured and designed so that it is easy to incorporate your personal information and situation.

It will be clearly marked where you will need to enter/confirm further info,  in each template.

For example:

Sponsor's Name  has been employed by Company Name  as a Job Title  since DD/MM/YYYY .  

His/Her salary is £ XX,XXX per annum, and he/she has been paid this level of salary since his/her employment commenced.

Is there a the Money Back Guarantee?

No, Refunds are not available for our Letter Templates, once you have downloaded them. 

The onus will be on you: 

  • To decide and purchase the correct template(s) that is/are appropriate for your case
  • Include the correct/relevant information in your actual letter(s). The templates only provide the structure and suggestions of the wording to use in your respective letter.

How Long will it take to receive my Template?

Immediately after purchase. 

Each template is a Microsoft Word Document which comes in a downloadable Zip file.

If I buy a Template, am I allowed to ask you questions about my application?

No, if you would like specific advice about your Visa application, We also offer a 25 minute consultation service for £120 which you can book here .

What format will the letter templates be in?

They will all be in Microsoft Word format packaged together in a Zip file.

Is there a discount if I buy several templates together

No. We have made each individual template as affordable as possibe.

If you are looking for a more comprehensive template bundle, checkout our ' Tailored Checklist and Letter Templates Pack ' HERE

Want more Professional Support and Guidance for your

Uk spouse/partner visa application.

Spouse Visa UK Help | Melanie Wong

We take huge pride in helping thousands of couples to successfully navigate the UK Spouse / Partner Application process.

To help you achieve a successful outcome for you/your loved one(s), we have put together a range of Services and Tools specifically for UK Spouse/Partner Visa Applications including Step-by-Step Guides, Templates, DIY Application Packs, Documents Checking Service and More!

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Melanie Wong c/o M Wong Advice Ltd

Expert Immigration Advice UK is the trading name of M Wong Advice Ltd which is an OISC regulated immigration law firm. 

Company Number: 12773362,

OISC Registration Number : F202309023

Registered Company Address:

128 City Road, London, 

United Kingdom, EC1V 2NX

Schengen Visa Application Cover Letter – Sample Letter for Schengen Tourist Visa

The cover letter you must submit for your Schengen Visa application is an important document that states the reason you are traveling to a certain Schengen country. In your Schengen Visa Application Cover Letter, you must address the Embassy or Consulate of the destination country you plan to visit, as your main goal is to persuade the Consular staff that you are a suitable candidate for receiving the Schengen visa.

How to Write a Cover Letter for a Schengen Tourist Visa?

Your Schengen tourist visa application cover letter should include the information listed below:

  • Your full name.
  • Your date of birth.
  • Your nationality.
  • Your passport details (passport number, issue date, and expiry date).
  • Your current address.
  • Your email address.
  • Your phone number.
  • The date when you are writing the letter.
  • The name of the embassy or consulate where you are applying for the Schengen visa.
  • The embassy or consulate’s address.
  • The intention of traveling with a Schengen Tourist Visa (e.g., tourism, sightseeing, visiting friends or family, attending an event, etc.).
  • The entry and exit dates of your trip.
  • A detailed itinerary of your trip, including the Schengen countries you plan to visit during your trip, information about your planned accommodations, flights, and any tours or activities you have booked.
  • Your financial capacity to cover your trip expenses.

Tourist Visa Application Cover Letter Sample

Amina Patel
1234 Main Street, New Delhi
Email: [Your Email]
Phone: [Your Phone Number]
November 10, 2023Embassy of Italy
New Delhi
IndiaSubject: Application for Schengen Tourist Visa – Amina Patel, Passport No: YZ123456Dear Visa Officer,

I am writing to respectfully submit my application for a Schengen tourist visa for my planned visit to Italy, which is scheduled from February 1 to February 16, 2024. My intention is to experience Italy’s renowned cultural heritage, stunning landscapes, and culinary delights.

The primary objective of my journey is tourism and leisure. I am eager to delve into the local culture, sample authentic cuisine, and visit illustrious sites, including the Colosseum in Rome. As an avid admirer of European history and architecture, this trip represents a long-awaited dream.

I am currently employed as a Marketing Executive at ABC Corporation in New Delhi, a position I have held since January 15, 2020. Enclosed is a letter from my employer, verifying my employment, the approval of my leave for this period, and my commitment to return to my position following my vacation.

Please find attached the necessary documents to support my visa application:

● A duly completed and signed Schengen visa application form, along with passport-sized photographs.

● My valid passport, which includes my travel history.

● Comprehensive travel insurance with a minimum coverage of €30,000.

● Round-trip flight reservations: Tokyo to Rome and return (February 1-16, 2024) via Japan Airlines.

● Confirmed hotel bookings for the duration of my stay in Italy.

● Employment and leave certificates from ABC Corporation.

● Financial documents demonstrating my economic stability, including Income Tax Returns, recent payslips, and bank statements.

Planned Itinerary:

● [February 1, 2024]: Departure from New Delhi to Rome.

● [February 2-4, 2024]: Exploring Rome.

● [February 5-8, 2024]: Travel to and stay in Venice.

● [February 9-12, 2024]: Visit Florence and Tuscany region.

● [February 13-15, 2024]: Return to Rome; final exploration and shopping.

● [February 16, 2024]: Departure from Rome to New Delhi.

I am genuinely excited about this trip and have taken through steps to ensure a well-organized and hassle-free journey. Should you require any additional information or clarification, please do not hesitate to contact me.

I appreciate your consideration of my visa application and look forward to a positive response.


Amina Patel
[Address in India]
[Contact Information]

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Covering Letter for Spouse Visa

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Post by JayHussain » Thu Jan 02, 2020 3:11 pm

Re: Covering Letter for Spouse Visa

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Spousal Letter Template (do-it-yourself)

  • Key Terms to Remember
  • Letter of Spousal Support – Outline

Spousal Sponsorship Letter – How to Ace It

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Table of Contents

Key takeaways.

  • A Spousal Sponsorship Letter is a key document that immigration officers use to determine if your relationship with the spouse/partner you’re sponsoring is authentic and therefore legitimate.
  • The facts in your Spousal Sponsorship Letter have to match up with the facts in all your supporting documents. Date, locations, names, events – they all should concide with any other supporting document that immigration officials review. The tone should not be exaggerated but should include a few strong phrases about the couple’s commitment to each other.
  • The sponsor
  • Other family members
  • There can be more than one Spousal Sponsorship Letter – for example, the sponsor can write one and a family member can write another letter. The letters have to coincide on the facts of the relationship, however.
  • your relationship is genuine
  • your marriage is genuine
  • your wedding was geniune and not staged
  • Shorter relationships with less family involvement and no children are seen as weaker relationships by immigration officials and require a strong spousal letter.
  • Longer relationships, with a legal marriage, lots of family interaction and children tend to be viewed as stronger relationships by officials and don’t require quite as strong a letter.
  • Give the personal details of the sponsor and the sponsored spouse/partner.
  • State where you’re applying from: inland (inside Canada) or outland (outside Canada).
  • List any problematic issues and clearly state your intention to solve them.
  • Describe how you met and how the relationship evolved.
  • Describe the wedding.
  • Describe your plans for settling and living in Canada – including work or study plans.

Is a Spousal Sponsorship Letter important?

IRCC (Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada) wants to know that you and your spouse have a genuine relationship . A marriage of convenience or a forced marriage is precisely what immigration authorities in Canada are on the lookout for.

You have to prove that your marriage is not one of convenience, and has been entered into willingly by both you and your spouse. That means a lot of documentation must be assembled in order to make your case to the authorities.

Do you feel that a Spousal Sponsorship Letter is a fairly straightforward part of your application where you or other family members lay out the basics of your sponsorship of a spouse or partner?

Think again .

A Relationship Letter of Support is a key document that immigration officials use to try and evaluate whether you and your spouse or partner have a genuine relationship. Whether it’s called a Proof of Relationship Letter , a Letter of Support for Immigration Through Spousal Sponsorship , or a Spousal Sponsorship Letter , it is in fact an effective way of showing Canadian immigration officials that you and your spouse are the real thing .

When you file an IRCC Spousal Sponsorship application , IRCC will be combing through your supporting documents and looking for any clues that your relationship is not well-supported and of dubious authenticity. A good proof of relationship letter has to provide both the facts and the tone that suggest your spouse and you have a genuine relationship , one that is hopefully recognized by members of both your families . Otherwise alarm bells start going off and your application could be in trouble.

Now , the relationship letter can be written by you the sponsor, or it can be written by family members who provide confirmation of your relationship.

You can even include more than one – say one written by you the sponsor and another written by a family member – as long as you review both support letters to ensure the facts in the two letters are consistent and supportive of the events in your relationship .

So, you’d better get your Relationship Support Letter right. Let’s start with a few definitions.

If you want to sleep well at night knowing you did everything possible to ensure a quick and easy processing of your application , consider using Immigroup’s Sponsorship Review Service. It’s an effective way of getting someone with lots of experience in your corner.

Do you want to boost your odds that your sponsorship application will succeed? Then, you need to put together an application that looks perfect!



Tip: Did you know Immigroup has a free Spousal Sponsorship Course. Check it out! 

Key Terms to Remember When Writing Your Spousal Sponsorship Letter

  • Sponsor : The Canadian citizen or Permanent Resident of Canada who is sponsoring their foreign-born spouse or partner.
  • Principal Applicant : The spouse or partner being sponsored .
  • Family members : The applicant’s closest relatives – spouse or common-law partner, dependent children, and their dependent children.
  • Spouse : The person the sponsor is legally married to, according to the law of the country they were married in.
  • Common-law partner : Someone the sponsor has shared a conjugal relationship with for at least 1 year, but has yet to marry.
  • Conjugal partner : A person living outside Canada who has been in a conjugal relationship with the sponsor for at least 1 year but who cannot live with the sponsor as a couple or marry due to religious, cultural, or other legal restrictions.
  • Are under 22 years of age
  • Do not have a spouse or common-law partner
  • They have depended financially on their parents since before the age of 22
  • They have an emotional or physical condition that means they cannot financially support themselves
  • Dependent Child of a dependent child: Children of the dependent children of the sponsor or principal applicant.
  • Accompanying Dependant : Any dependent child or grandchild who plans to immigrate to Canada with the principal applicant.
  • Non-Accompanying Dependent : Dependent children who will not be coming to Canada with the principal applicant.
  • Annulled Marriage : A marriage legally declared invalid.
  • Divorced : When you are no longer married because a court has legally declared the end of your marriage.
  • Legally Separated : When you are still married but no longer legally living with your spouse and you do not have any plans to live again with your spouse. (You cannot sponsor someone if you or your spouse is still separated from a previous partner.)
  • Married : You and your spouse have undergone a legally binding ceremony such that your marriage is legally recognized both in the country where it took place and in Canada.
  • Single : You have never been married and are not in a common-law relationship .
  • Widowed : Your spouse has died, and you have not re-married nor entered into a common-law relationship.
  • Principal Applicant : The spouse or partner being sponsored.
  • Dependent Children : Children of the sponsor or principal applicant who:
  • If 22 years or older they can be dependent children if:
  • They have an emotional or physical condition that means they cannot financially support themselves.
  • Dependent Child of a dependent child : Children of the dependent children of the sponsor or principal applicant.
  • Single : You have never been married and are not in a common-law relationship.

Keep these terms in mind when putting together your relationship letter(s) of support. IRCC wants to know as precisely as possible the nature of your relationship and your sponsored spouse and their situation in their home country – including family members, especially those who might wish to come to Canada at a later date.

But again, your support letter is really about showing officials that :

  • Your relationship is genuine
  • Your marriage is genuine
  • Your wedding ceremony was genuine and hopefully well-attended by family and friends

This is especially true if the supporting evidence is somewhat weak . What do we mean by this? Consider the following:

Factors that weaken proof of relationship Factors that strengthen proof of relationship
Relationship approximately one year Relationship a few years old
Lack of family involvement in relationship Lots of interactions with both families
Wedding poorly attended Lots of family and friends at wedding
No children The couple has at least one biological child
Have lived together for less than 1 year Have built a life together over several years

If your relationship is genuine but, for various reasons, you had a poorly-attended wedding and little family involvement in a relationship that has lasted a relatively short time, your Relationship Letter of Spousal Support will be even more important in convincing Canadian immigration authorities of the authenticity of your relationship with your sponsored spouse .

And of course, you always need to avoid making those key mistakes that will often result in delays or even outright rejection of your sponsorship application .

In this case, you should strongly consider getting a close family member to write a letter of support to provide immigration officials with evidence that family members are aware of and approve (hopefully) of the relationship. It can be emotional, but it also has to be factually accurate . It can be in addition to a relationship letter you the sponsor also write.

Tip: We also have a Spousla Sponsorship Support Letters From Friends and Family

Regardless of who writes it, your spousal sponsorship letter should include the following :

  • Name, date of birth of Sponsor
  • Name, date of birth of Principal Applicant (Sponsored Spouse)
  • Names, dates of birth, ages of any dependent children (Dependents)
  • Immigration Class you are applying under (Family Class).
  • Inside Canada – Inland
  • Outside Canada – Outland.
  • WHY – Any issues/problems that might be flagged by IRCC should be listed with the promise you would like to deal with them as soon as possible. Do not try to hide problematic details about admissibility . IRCC will likely find out anyway. As well, remember to include helpful details in your sponsorship application, like those we mention here .
  • HOW – Describe in detail how you met and how the relationship evolved . Names, dates, places are all important. Be brief but include all the transition points in the relationship. When you first met. When you began to co-habit. When you decided to get married. When you had a child (if applicable).
  • WHAT – What was the Wedding like? Describe it in detail with dates and people who attended and the wedding party afterwards. If there was no Honeymoon give a good reason why. Lack of funds? Conflicting work schedules?
  • WHAT – What are your plans for settling together and living in Canada? This only applies when both the Canadian (or permanent resident) and the sponsored spouse are living outside Canada and are applying to come to Canada under Family Class Spousal Sponsorship. You have to convince immigration officials you will indeed settle and live together in Canada . You should include basic details about where you plan to live and where you will stay when you first arrive, as well your medical insurance, you will need until you get accepted in a provincial healthcare plan.

Things to keep in mind:

  • Just cover these points briefly . You are writing a spousal sponsorship letter, so you only have to show you have thought about how you and your sponsored spouse will settle in Canada.
  • If you are not the sponsor, then these last points do not need to be covered in your letter of relationship support . In that case you the sponsor should write your own letter of support where you do cover your plans to settle together in Canada. Remember, honest and accurate details in your spousal support letter are what will help convince immigration authorities that your relationship is genuine.

Check out our outline for writing a support letter below for more details .

  • If you are not the sponsor writing the letter what is your relationship to the couple? Family? friend? How long have you known them? How did you meet?
  • Do you care about their relationship? Does it matter to you? As we mentioned above, show some emotion, but be factual. Give a sense of how the couple relate and live their lives together.
  • Your contact information so immigration officials can get in touch if they need to.

Let Immigroup help you with your sponsorship application – click here to learn more…

Letter of spousal support – outline.

Here’s an outline of how to structure a Letter of Relationship Support , in case you aren’t familiar with Canadian norms, or letter writing is not something you have much experience with.

First of all, you need to list the people involved (just like characters in a stage play) as well as what class you are sponsoring under Family Class Program . 

Name of Sponsor, Applicant, Dependents, Dependents Children (if any)

Date of Birth of all the above

Citizenship of all the above and where each currently live (location)

Class you are sponsoring under (Family in this case)

Next, you need to outline the basic story of how you met your spouse:

Where did you meet?

When did you meet?

How did you meet?

Give dates and locations and even time of day if possible.

Then you have to explain how the relationship evolved:

When did you begin to cohabit?

What important events occurred while cohabiting?

What trips did you take together? Dates, Places, Airlines, Hotels names

What is it about your spouse that you love?

When did you decide to marry?

Most importantly, provide lots of detail about the wedding:

Where was the wedding ceremony? Civil? Religious?

When was the wedding ceremony? Day, month, year

Who was at the wedding? Names & Relation to Couple – Family? Friends?

Where was the wedding party?  

If you have had a child together provide detail on the pregnancy and birth of the child:

When did you find out about the pregnancy?

How was the pregnancy?

Where was the child born? Hospital/Clinic/Other, Date

When did you decide to name the child?

Finally, outline your settlement plans for when you are together in Canada:

Where will you stay when you first arrive in Canada? Purchase or rent?

Explain how you have researched the town or city you plan to settle in.

Explain how you have researched school (if you have a child) in your local area.

Explain how you have purchased private medical insurance for at least your first year in Canada.

Explain what work you the sponsor will be doing or is doing in Canada.

Explain what studies or work (if applicable) the applicant will be doing in Canada.

Finally, remember that along with your relationship support letter, your sponsorship application needs a number of supporting documents . Go here for information on your sponsorship document checklist .

Tip: Did you know this is the correct way to show a photo in your Sponsorship Application? Click here to learn more…

cover letter partner visa

Did you know Immigroup has been helping Letter of Support for Immigration since 2004? We want to see you succeed, so start the service with us.

Who can skip hiring a professional to help you review your application and who needs to hire one? And why?

Here is simple test, please answer honestly:

  • I am a good writer, I have written all my life.
  • I have read many and written a few legal contracts in my life.
  • When writing and talking I can make a logical argument from beginning to the end, and sometimes I can even change people’s mind about my argument.
  • I can follow instructions and filling out detailed application forms doesn’t bother me. With a little research I can even grasp government jargon .

If you agreed with all three of these statements, you can simply follow this article and you can skip hiring an immigration professional (again assuming your case is strong, and the application is thoroughly completed).

If on the other hand this are not your strong points in your skill sets, don’t worry about it, just reach out to Immigroup and we will step you through the process.

How does Immiroup spousal sponsorship letter service work?

  • Fill out our below order to initiate the service.
  • We will give you a call and find out how much work is required to clean up your spousal sponsorship letter. Prices vary from $225 to $550 (taxes not included).
  • If you accept Immigroup’s price you will be working with our Immigroup team and they will help you create that perfect letter.

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Below is my cover letter pls feel free to use this as a sample. If you guys have any suggestion/Corrections on my letter you are free to comment. From Name Address To The immigration officer, Immigration New Zealand, Auckland, New Zealand. Sir/Madam, Sub: Requisition of issuance of Partnership-Based Work visa (INZ 1198). I am NAME, holding Indian passport NUMBER I am applying for Partnership based work visa. My wife NAME is currently pursuing her Level 8 course at NAME College, Wellington holding Passport NUMBER and application # NUMBER. We got married on DATE in COUNTRY. Our wedding was attended by our Kith & Kin. Since then we started living as husband and wife from the day of our marriage. After our marriage, we rented a house and lived together until we decided to move to New Zealand. Upon deciding we stayed with my parents for a period of 5 months before we could bid farewell to them. Once my wife moved to New Zealand, I decided to move with her and applied for my Partnership based work visa Application # NUMBER and was granted partnership based visitor visa. I moved with my wife in New Zealand on DATE and we are living together since. In this connection, I am re-applying for a Partnership-Based Work visa along with the relevant supporting documents. Henceforth I request you to consider my visa application so that we can continue living together as a married couple in New Zealand. Below table details the evidence and documents provided in connection with my application. Criteria Evidence Provided Identity Original Passport. Health Copy of e Medical Information. Character Copy of Police clearance certificate. Genuine Relationship: 1. Marriage certificate. 2. Marriage Invitation card, Photographs, and video CD. 3. Spouse name in Passport. 4. Wedding Night Hotel room booking. 5. What's app Chat history from March 2016. Living together: 1. Certified Rental agreement in ORIGIN COUNTRY. 2. ORIGIN COUNTRY Bank statement (wife's account) showing rent and deposit transfer to Landlord. 3. Joint Bank account statement indicating our Permanent residence address. 4. Tenancy Agreement in Wellington, New Zealand. 5. Internet and Power Bills indicating both our names. 6. Mail addressed to my wife and me at the same address in New Zealand. 7. Joint Bank account in Westpac, indicating our utility and house set up expenses. References and Leisure Time: 1. Reference letter from my college mate who is currently a resident in New Zealand. 2. Intercity ticket details to Napier to meet the college mate and his wife. 3. Weta Caves and waterfront, wellington sightseeings Photos 4. Honeymoon trip details to DESTINATION (Hotel and flight tickets). 5. Leisure trip to DESTINATION (Hotel booking). 6. Air Tickets from ORIGIN COUNTRY to Wellington for both my wife and me (Different dates). 7. What's app chat during our Separation time for 2 months due to Visa process. Partner's Visa: 1. Certified Passport copy of Partner. 2. Copy of Partners visa. Funds ORIGIN COUNTRY Bank statement and Westpac Statement. Other Documents include: 1. Certified education documents. 2. Certified work experience documents. 3. Name change certified records. Thanking you, NAME MOBILE NUMBER

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APPLICANT LETTER Letter in Support of My Relationship with My Partner the Sponsor Partner visa (5)

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Spouse Visa Cover Letter Sample in the UK

  • By KQ Solicitors
  • November 1, 2023
  • One Comment

Table of Contents

If you’re a UK citizen looking to apply for a visa for your spouse, you’ll need to write a Spouse Visa Cover Letter Sample to accompany your application. 

Writing a good letter is essential to getting your application approved, so taking time and understanding the process is important. This blog post will provide all the information you need to know about writing a spouse visa cover letter sample in the UK. 

We’ll look at what to include in your letter, what format to use, and how to make sure your letter is successful.

Why a Cover Letter is Important for a Spouse Visa Application

When applying, a UK spouse visa sponsor letter sample is important to include in your application package. Here are some reasons why:

Demonstrate your intentions:

A letter allows you to outline the purpose of your application and why you want to live with your spouse in the UK. It can demonstrate your commitment to the relationship and your intention to abide by the immigration rules in the UK.

Family Visa Stats UK ( Reference: Gov.UK )

Increase from 201961%
ReasonsWork or study visas, British Nationals (Overseas) route dependants
Decrease from 201934%
DistributionPartners: 71%
Children/Dependants: 29%
Increase from 2019180%
CategoriesSponsored study visa: 81,089
Worker visa: 99,990
BN(O) route: 30,489
Increase from 2019514%
Total Issued96,588

Highlight the strengths of your application:

In addition to providing an overview of your relationship and intentions, a letter can also highlight the strengths of your application. This includes outlining your financial situation, employment status, and accommodation plans.

Clarify any issues:

A spouse visa cover letter sample can also be useful for clarifying any issues or potential concerns that the visa officer may have. For example, suppose you have gaps in your employment history or have been previously refused a visa. In that case, a letter can help explain these issues and provide additional information.

Provide context for supporting documents:

When you apply for something, a letter can help explain why you are sending the other papers. You can use something to help make sure the person who gives you a visa knows your story.

Overall, a UK Spouse Visa Cover Letter Sample can play an important role in your application. If you want to get a visa, it is important to give the visa officer all the details they need to make the right decision.

Tips for Writing an Effective Spouse Visa Cover Letter Sample

You can write a letter to help get an extension on your spousal visa in the UK. It will show the special things about your relationship with your partner. Here are some tips to help you write an effective letter:

Keep it concise:

Write a letter that is two pages or shorter. Keep it simple and don’t put in too many extra things.

Personalise the letter:

Write a letter to the person who is helping you with your immigration. Put in your details to make it special.

Be clear and honest:

You need to tell the government why you want to stay longer in the country. You need to explain how staying longer will help your family or friends.

Show proof of relationship:

Include evidence of your relationship, such as photos, emails, or letters to support your application.

Emphasise financial stability:

You have enough money to take care of yourself and your partner in the UK.

Address the immigration officer personally:

  • Clearly state the purpose of the application
  • Provide evidence of the relationship
  • Show proof of financial stability
  • Keep the letter concise and to the point
  • Personalise the letter with specific details about your relationship
  • State the purpose of the application clearly and honestly
  • Include evidence of your relationship to support your application
  • Emphasise your financial stability and ability to support yourself and your partner in the UK

Spouse Visa Cover Letter Sample for UK Application

If you want to get married in the UK, you need to write a letter and send it with your application. Writing a letter can help you explain more about yourself to someone. 

Here is a sample spousal visa extension letter you can use as a template for your application.

I am writing to apply for a Spouse Visa Cover Letter Sample for my wife/husband, [name], a [nationality] citizen. We have been married for [number] years and have [number] children together, who are also [nationality] citizens.

  • Briefly explain your relationship history, such as how you met and how long you have been together.
  • Explain how your relationship has developed, including any challenges you have faced.
  • Highlight evidence demonstrating your commitment to each other, such as joint bank accounts, property ownership, or shared utility bills.
  • Explain how you intend to support yourselves financially during your stay in the UK.
  • Include details of your employment or savings and any anticipated income from your spouse’s job or other sources.
  • Highlight any relevant qualifications or experience that may help you find UK work.
  • Explain where you intend to live in the UK and provide evidence of your accommodation arrangements.
  • Include details of any rental agreements or property ownership documents.
  • If you are living with family or friends, provide evidence of their permission and details of the accommodation arrangements.

[Your Name]

[Your Address]

[City, Postal Code]

[Email Address]

[Phone Number]

[The Entry Clearance Officer]

[UK Visa Application Centre]

Subject: Spouse Visa Application for [Spouse’s Name]

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am writing to submit my application for a Spouse Visa for my [husband/wife], [Spouse’s Name], to join me in the United Kingdom. We’ve been married since [Date of Marriage] and are eager to begin our life together in the UK.

I am a British citizen/permanent resident residing in the United Kingdom. I am employed as [Your Occupation] at [Company/Organisation Name]. My salary meets the financial requirement in Appendix FM of the Immigration Rules.

[Spouse’s Name] is a [Nationality] citizen and currently resides in [Country of Residence]. We’ve maintained a genuine and subsisting relationship despite the geographical distance. We have attached ample evidence of our relationship, including photographs, travel itineraries, joint bank statements, and communication records, demonstrating our commitment to each other.

I understand and fulfil all the eligibility criteria outlined in the Immigration Rules for a Spouse Visa. Apart from that, we have completed the English language requirement by providing [Spouse’s Name]’s valid IELTS certificate, demonstrating their proficiency in English.

Enclosed with this letter are the completed application form, Appendix 2, supporting documents, and the relevant fee payment.

We kindly request you consider our application with utmost care and compassion, as we intend to build a life together in the United Kingdom. We assure you that we will comply with all the immigration rules and regulations throughout the visa duration.

Thank you for considering our application. We look forward to a positive response and the opportunity to contribute to the society and economy of the United Kingdom.

Yours faithfully,

I am writing to apply for a Spouse Visa on behalf of my [wife/husband], [Spouse’s Name], to join me in the United Kingdom. We are excited to build our life together in the UK and create a nurturing environment for our family.

I am a British citizen/permanent resident residing in the United Kingdom. I work as [Your Occupation] at [Company/Organisation Name]. I’m sharing all relevant financial documentation, including bank statements, payslips, and employment contracts, here to demonstrate my ability to financially support my spouse and meet the requirements outlined in Appendix FM of the Immigration Rules.

[Spouse’s Name] is a [Nationality] citizen and currently resides in [Country of Residence]. We have been married since [Date of Marriage], and our relationship is built on love, trust, and mutual support. I included substantial evidence of our genuine and subsisting relationship, such as photographs, travel itineraries, joint financial commitments, and communication records.

Please, we kindly request your careful consideration of our application and hope you will grant [Spouse’s Name] the opportunity to join me in the United Kingdom. I assure you that we will comply with all immigration laws and regulations throughout our stay.

Thank you for considering our application. We eagerly await a positive response and the chance to establish a loving and stable family life in the United Kingdom.

Read also: Tips to Apply for Spouse Visa Extension After 2.5 Years UK

English language skills:

  • Provide evidence of your English language skills, such as test certificates or confirmation of enrolment on an English language course.
  • Explain how you will continue to develop your language skills during your stay in the UK.

Dos and Don’ts of Writing a Cover Letter

Writing a letter is hard because you have to know the rules. When applying to the UK, you should write a letter to your spouse. Here are some tips to help you write a good letter.

  • Do address the letter to the Entry Clearance Officer (ECO): When you write a letter, make sure you write the name of the person you want to read it so they can look at it.
  • Be concise and clear: Make sure your letter is brief and to the point while still addressing all the necessary information. Use clear and simple language that is easy to understand.
  • Highlight your relationship: Show pictures or letters that prove you and your spouse love each other.
  • Do explain your circumstances: If any particular circumstances affect your application, such as health issues or financial difficulties, explain them clearly in the letter.
  • Proofread your letter: Check it for spelling and grammar mistakes and ensure it is free of errors before submitting it.
  • Don’t include unnecessary information: Keep your letter concise and relevant to your application. Do not include information irrelevant to your application, such as your employment history or travel plans.
  • Don’t use overly emotional language: While it is important to convey your feelings, it can make your letter appear less professional.
  • Don’t make false claims: Be truthful and honest in your letter. Making false claims or exaggerating your circumstances can negatively impact your application.
  • Don’t forget to provide evidence: Provide supporting evidence for any claims you make in your letter, such as photographs or correspondence.
  • Don’t forget to sign and date the letter: Make sure to sign and date your letter before submitting it, as this shows that you have read and understood its contents.

Following these dos and don’ts can help you write an effective spousal visa extension letter for your UK application. Writing a good letter can help you get what you want!

Common Mistakes to Avoid When Writing a Spouse Visa Letter

Writing a letter for a spouse application is hard and if you don’t do it right, it could stop your application from being accepted. Here are some common mistakes you should avoid when writing your spouse letter:

Not Including Your Contact Information:

You need to write your name, phone number, email, and home address in the letter. This will enable the UKVI to contact you in case of any further queries or issues.

Not Addressing the Letter to the Correct Person:

Always address your letter to the correct person or department. Don’t use ‘To Whom It May Concern’ when you’re applying for something. It looks like you’re not taking it seriously.

Including Irrelevant Information:

When writing a letter, you should only write about yourself, your partner, and how you two are connected. When writing something, only include important information about yourself and don’t add things that are not related.

Using Generic Language:

When writing a letter to your spouse, make it special and different. Don’t use words that everyone else is using. Make sure you use your own words and convey your relationship’s authenticity.

Being Overly Emotional:

When you write a letter to someone you love, tell them how you feel but don’t get too emotional. You should maintain a professional tone while explaining your relationship.

Submitting the Wrong Document:

Check twice to make sure you gave the right papers for your partner’s application. You need to put a letter, copies of your passport, and other papers with your application.

Why Choose KQ Solicitors?

KQ Solicitors helps people with Spouse applications, which can be hard and confusing. Our team of people will help you move to a new place and make sure everything goes well.

We sell things for less money and help you every step of the way. Our prices start from just £450 for PSW Visa Applications, going up to £3000 for Sponsorship Licences.

We provide a range of services, including Spouse Visa Application for £700, Visit Visa Application for £500, Sponsorship Letter Writing for £100, Tier 2 (Skilled Worker Visa) for £650, Skilled Worker Dependent Visa Application for £550, 20 Year Immigration Route Application for £650, Tier 4 Student Visa Application for £500, PSW Visa Application for £450 Each, Student Visa Extension for £500, Deportation Application for £800-1200, Leave to Remain application for £650, and Appeal Against Home Office Refusal for £1500-2000.

Our team is dedicated to ensuring a successful outcome for our clients, and we are committed to providing a stress-free and seamless visa application process. Contact us today for all your immigration needs. 

Expert Team at Your Service

With KQ Solicitors, you can be assured that your Spouse’s application is in good hands. Our team will help you with your case and give you special help just for you. 

KQ Solicitors can help you with your immigration needs. They are experienced and dependable. Our team knows a lot about helping people who want to live in a different country with their spouse.

We will look after your case and make sure it is taken care of very carefully. We’ll help you figure out what you need and give you special advice and help.

KQ Solicitors help people with their legal problems and they don’t charge too much money. We want to make getting a visa easy and worry-free.

KQ Solicitors can help you if you need help with your visa or any other immigration stuff. Our team is ready and waiting to assist you.

1. Experienced Immigration Solicitors

Our team knows a lot about immigration law and can help you with getting a visa for your spouse. We make sure we know the newest rules about immigration so we can give our clients the best help.

2. Personalised Approach

We understand each case is unique, so we provide a personalised approach to each client. Our team listens to you and helps you find the best solution.

3. Affordable Prices

KQ Solicitors helps people get the legal help they need, even if they don’t have a lot of money. We give good service at a low price.

4. Stress-free and Seamless Visa Process

Getting a visa can be hard, but we’ll help you every step of the way to make it easier. A group of people will help you with something and they will tell you what’s happening the whole time.

5. Positive Reviews from Satisfied Clients

Our team is really good at their job and people who have used our services are very happy with the results. We work hard to help our clients be successful.

Q: Should I include a cover letter in my visa?

A: When applying for a visa, it is a good idea to send a letter. It can help you get the visa.

Q: What information should I include in my letter?

A: You and your spouse met and got to know each other, and now you are applying for a visa so you can stay together. You can tell people about yourself and your money.

Q: Can I use a template for my visa letter?

A: You can use a template as a guide, but customise it to your specific circumstances. A generic template may not accurately represent your relationship and situation.

Q: Should I hire a solicitor to write my visa letter?

A: You don’t have to get a lawyer, but it can be a good idea to get someone to check your application and letter to make sure they are right.

Q: How long should my cover letter be?

A: Your letter should be concise and to the point. Aim for around one page, and ensure to include all the necessary information without being repetitive or lengthy.

We hope this article has provided valuable insights on writing an effective spouse visa cover letter sample for UK application. Write a letter to show why your application should be accepted. Make sure to explain why you are a good fit. If you follow the instructions in this article, you’ll have a better chance of getting what you want! 

If you found this article helpful, please share it with others who may benefit. KQ Solicitors can help you with your visa if you have any questions or need help. We have special people who can help you with your application and make sure you get the best result.

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Khurram Amir Qureshi has been an advocate of Pakistan since 2004, a Solicitor of England and Wales since 2009, Solicitor of Ireland since 2015. He has extensive experience in family law, Immigration law, Personal injury cases, and Civil and Commercial litigation gaining over 13 years of continuous practice in England and Wales.

1 thought on “Spouse Visa Cover Letter Sample in the UK”

Great! The best guidance on a spouse visa cover letter for UK applications. One additional suggestion I would make is to consider, it could benefit from addressing the importance of addressing potential red flags or concerns upfront in the cover letter and providing proactive explanations or mitigating factors. This proactive approach can enhance transparency and credibility in the application process. Collaborating with Passport Legacy could provide applicants with additional expertise and guidance, enhancing their chances of a successful visa application.

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How to write a relationship statement for your Partner Visa

  • How to write a relationship…

Partner Visa

Applying for a Partner Visa is a challenging process and the fact that the partner visa has the highest refusal rate (37%) of all Australian visas doesn’t make it less stressful. For the Partner Visa the applicant needs to collect what feels like hundreds of documents to upload to prove that he/she is in a genuine relationship with his/her Australian partner. One of those documents is very crucial: the relationship statement. Before being able to start uploading all your evidence (photos, bills, etc.), you will have to write your relationship statement for the partner visa – a process that clients often struggle with as they are never quite sure how to write a relationship statement to support their partner visa application.

The relationship statement is needed for all visa types ( subclass 820 , subclass 801 , subclass 309 and subclass 100 )


What needs to be included? What language is used ? How long does it need to be ? Can we have an example of a successful relationship statement ?

These are some of the most frequently asked questions in our office when it comes to partner visa applications.

In this blog, we will go through the most important points you need to have in your partner visa relationship statements and give you tips on what information you will have to include.

Your relationship statement can be a simple word document explaining how your relationship developed. It will have to cover all 4 pillars:

  • shared financial responsibilities
  • nature of the household
  • social activities
  • future commitment.

Before you start writing!

Partner Visa changes are coming in the next few months. Make sure you apply sooner rather than later!

Before you start writing remember: Dates are a crucial part of your statement. The Department wants to when you’ve first met, what date you considered your relationship to be official, when did you move in together, when did you get your relationship registered (if applicable), when did you get married (if applicable).

relationship status

Honesty, accuracy, structure and detail are the key factors to the perfect statement and though it sounds cliché reading those key points, it will ultimately decide on whether you will be able to live with your partner or not… no laughing matter, being genuine and honest is absolutely mandatory.

When it comes to the length of your statement , there really is no set limit. You just need to make sure to have covered all important aspects of your relationship. The average is usually between 2-4 pages but can be shorter or longer in another cases. Again, the partner visa is a visa that highly depends on your situation and circumstances.

Writing relationship statement

If you follow our structure below and provide detailed answers to the questions and give relevant examples, you will be well on your way to writing a good relationship statement for your partner visa .

Beware: All relationships and people are different and the case officers know that. If they feel you are using someone’s statement or are making up stories, they will investigate further. Be honest and state your stories and its facts. Try and provide as much evidence to support your story. (e.g. phone logs, screenshots, social media messages, etc.). Write in your own words. Your English does not need to be perfect. Case Officers know that not everyone speaks English as their first language. Just write the truth, give details and provide documents to support your statement.

Partner Visa

You want peace of mind?

Having to prove to a stranger (in this case the visa officer) that you are in a genuine relationship, can be harder than it sounds. Our partner visa service includes proofreading your statement to make sure it fullfils the visa requirements and represents your genuine relationship in the best way possible.

Need help with your Partner Visa, Contact Us

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    10 tips for writing an effective partner visa relationship statement: 1. Don't be embarrassed. Don't worry - your mum isn't reading this! Explain how and when you met, including the exact date your relationship commenced. Let the Case Officer know how your relationship developed.

  9. SAMPLE COVER LETTERS for VISA APPLICATION: Korea, Schengen, Australia

    Employment certificate, financial documents, and income tax return (ITR) are the staples of most visa applications. But there is one document that is usually overlooked — the cover letter. A cover letter isn't always a requirement when applying for a visa.

  10. How to Write a Relationship Statement for your Partner Visa

    Applying for a Partner Visa is a challenging process and the fact that the partner visa has the highest refusal rate (37%) of all Australian visas doesn't make it less stressful. For the Partner Visa the applicant needs to collect what feels like hundreds of documents to upload to prove that he/she is in a genuine relationship with his/her ...

  11. How I Prepared for Australian Partner Visa 820/801

    Stage 1 - Partner or Prospective Marriage Visa (300, 309/100, 820/801) Sponsorship for a Partner to Migrate to Australia (300, 309/100, 820/801) These are the names of the Visa Types you will choose from the dropdown menu. After lodging and paying for your online application, you can choose to front load or slowly upload your documents.

  12. How To Write a Cover Letter for Form I-129F (Petition

    Your heading should provide USCIS officials with your mailing address, your name, and your foreign partner's name. Your introduction should then explain your reasons for writing this cover letter. Use your introduction to give USCIS a basic overview of your relationship and tell them you are seeking a K-1 visa for your fiancé.

  13. Create Cover Letter For Spouse Visa

    Fortunately, with the FlightGen App, you don't have to start from scratch. Simply follow the process within the app to create your cover letter in under 5 minutes by answering the questions. All that is left to do is make payment of $4.99 and download your letter and sign it !!.

  14. Cover Letter for Schengen Visa Application

    Sample Cover Letter for Tourist Schengen Visa. March 20, 2019New Delhi, India. Netherlands Embassy in New Delhi. 6/50 F, Shantipath. Chanakyapuri. New Delhi - 110021. Dear Sir or Madam, I am writing this letter to apply for a Schengen visa to visit the Netherlands from the dates May 20 to June 10, 2019.

  15. Letter Templates for UK Spouse & Partner Visa Applications

    Our Professionally written Letter Templates will help you to put together essential Cover Letters, Supporting statements, Declarations or Consent letters for your UK Spouse/Partner Visa Application. Our Templates have been used in hundreds of successful client cases. Each template has been designed to: Include all of the critical details that ...

  16. Visa Application Cover Letter

    Your Schengen tourist visa application cover letter should include the information listed below: Your full name. Your date of birth. Your nationality. Your passport details (passport number, issue date, and expiry date). Your current address. Your email address. Your phone number. The date when you are writing the letter.

  17. Covering Letter for Spouse Visa

    We applied in Pakistan (Mirpur) using non-priority & below is our timeline: Application Category: Settlement Visa for Spouse (Wife) Priority level: N on-Priority. Location: Mirpur, AJK, Pakistan. Application submitted (Online): 08/09/2019. All Supporting documents uploaded on VFS website by me (Sponsor) from home: 12/09/2019.

  18. Spousal Sponsorship Letter

    A Spousal Sponsorship Letter is a key document that immigration officers use to determine if your relationship with the spouse/partner you're sponsoring is authentic and therefore legitimate. The facts in your Spousal Sponsorship Letter have to match up with the facts in all your supporting documents. Date, locations, names, events - they ...

  19. How to write a sponsor letter for a UK spouse or partner visa

    All visa application guides and templates are written by former UKVI staff, with extensive experience as immigration caseworkers, and subsequently, as professional immigration advisers registered with the Office of the Immigration Services Commissioner (OISC). These guides and templates break down the immigration rules into plain English ...

  20. Cover letter Sample for Partnership based work Visa

    Cover letter Sample for Partnership based work Visa. Below is my cover letter pls feel free to use this as a sample. If you guys have any suggestion/Corrections on my letter you are free to comment. From Name Address To The immigration officer, Immigration New Zealand, Auckland, New Zealand. Sir/Madam, Sub: Requisition of issuance of ...

  21. APPLICANT LETTER Letter in Support of My Relationship with My Partner

    30th November 2017 Department of Immigration and Border Protection Off shore Partner Visa Processing Centre Australia RE: Letter in Support of My Relationship and the Visa Application for a Partner visa Dear Case Officer, My name is [insert full name] and my birth date is [insert birth date].

  22. Spouse Visa Cover Letter Sample in the UK

    A spouse visa cover letter sample can also be useful for clarifying any issues or potential concerns that the visa officer may have. For example, suppose you have gaps in your employment history or have been previously refused a visa. In that case, a letter can help explain these issues and provide additional information. ...

  23. How to write a relationship statement for your Partner Visa

    Try and provide as much evidence to support your story. (e.g. phone logs, screenshots, social media messages, etc.). Write in your own words. Your English does not need to be perfect. Case Officers know that not everyone speaks English as their first language. Just write the truth, give details and provide documents to support your statement.