holiday homework for class 12 english core

Holiday Homework

holiday homework for class 12 english core


holiday homework for class 12 english core

Holiday Homework for 20 Days Winter Break

Session 2023-24

Go through the Study Material shared above and solve the Sample Papers in your English Copy. 

Check out the Note Making Exercise given below. Complete the Exercise in your English Copy.

Click here and complete the Reading Skill exercise. British Council Reading Exercise

Kendriya Vidyalaya Bamangachi

Holiday Homework for 40 Days Summer Vacation

1. (a) Borrow a book from the school library or any other public library or listen to an audio book of your choice downloaded from and write a book review in about 100 – 300 words. In the book review mention the following points –

(i). Name of the Book (ii). Name of the Writer/ Editor (iii). Year of Publication (iv). Name of Publisher (v). ISBN Number (vi). Genre - Fiction/ Non-Fiction (vii). Type of Binding – Hardcover/ Paperback (viii). Brief sketch of Major Characters (ix). Which character did you like the most? (x). Why did you like that character? (xi). Which character did you hate the most? (xii). Why did you hate that character? (xiii). Brief description of Storyline/ Plot/ Sequence of Events/ Chronology of Events (xiv). Did you like it, or did you dislike it? Why did you like or dislike it? (xv). Was the printing easy to read and clearly visible? (xvi). How is the quality of the pages?

1. (b) Write an article/ story/ poem/ travelogue/ biography (of your icon)/ bio sketch (of a family member whom you admire) for the school magazine. It should be an original work. It MUST NOT be copied from any source whatsoever. If you are inspired by anybody else’s written/ creative / literary work, then do mention the source and give credit to the original writer. Submit a neatly typed soft copy (Font Times Roman, Size 12) through WhatsApp or Email. Write your full name, roll number, class, section in the end of your write-up/ creative writing.

2. Draw a picture from any of the following lessons in an A4 size white paper under Art Integrated Learning Project Work and submit the A4 size paper after the Summer Vacation - Tiger King/ Deep Water. You may use colours or black and white sketch or a pencil sketch. Write your full name, roll number, class, section in the right bottom corner of the A4 size paper.

Suggestive drawings which can be submitted from the lesson Tiger King/ Deep Water under AIL are as follows (you may do anyone)

(i). Tiger (ii). Ju 87/ Stuka Bomber (iii). Crown (iv). Gun (v). King (vi). Tiger Hunt (vii). Wooden Tiger (viii). Elephant (ix). Diamond Ring (x) Any other topic/idea connected to the lesson

(i). Face of a bully (ii). A boy/girl sinking (iii). A swimming pool (iv). Water wings (v). A man/woman swimming (vi). A man/woman fishing (vii). A man/woman canoeing (viii). A canoe (ix). A buoy (x). A sea beach (xi). A river (xii). A waterfalls (xiii). A lake (xiv). Face of a winner (xv). Terrified face (xvi). A man/woman helping another out of a pool or water body (xvii). Swimming costume (xviii). Portrait of William Douglas (xix). Trout (xx). Any other connected to the lesson (xxi). Father and son on the sea beach

You can present your idea through stick figure/ figures. You may present a pencil sketch. You may use colour. You may also make and present digital art. You may also make animation through GIF maker.

3. Download and install in your or your parent’s smart phone the following App from Google Playstore and use it to practice Spoken English. Link

4. Click on the link and practice the listening exercises. In your copy do the question-answers from any two such exercises.

5. (a) Complete the CBSE Project Work Survey as per the following guidelines

A. The project file should have the following

(a) Cover Page having the title of the project and the names of the group members (Handwritten)

(b) Certificate of Completion (Handwritten)

(c) Acknowledgement (Handwritten)

(d) Content (Handwritten)

(e) Introduction to Global Warming & Sustainable Lifestyle in 200 – 300 words (Handwritten)

             (i) Objective (ii) Action Plan (iii) Introduction

(f) 05 Survey Sheets having 20 questions each (Typed with Responses of 05 people)

(g) Survey Data Analysis/ Survey Chart

(h) Survey Report/ Findings

(i) Conclusion - Reflection/ Experience (Handwritten) about what is

             (i) learnt from taking part in the project,

(ii) liked best about the project, and

(iii) found most challenging in the project

                             (j) Photographs – Photographs of any 03 of the 05 respondents attempting the Survey (Printed)

(k) Bibliography (minimum four references/ sources used for completing the project) (Handwritten)

H. The project file should be in A4 size white paper.

I. The project papers must be stapled and submitted in a transparent stick file.

J. A video of you asking any one of the 05 respondents the first 05 questions from the Survey Questionnaire (This is mandatory.) In the video introduce yourself by telling your name, class and school. It must be in English. In the end of the video thank the respondent. Share the video file through Google Drive or Class WhatsApp Group or Email.

5. (b) Write a skit and record it. Submit the recorded file through Google Drive link/ WhatsApp/ email. Make a file of the same as per the following guidelines given by CBSE for Project Work.

A. Work in a group of 5-10 students. Students from different sections can work together.

B. The script must be typed in Times Roman font in size 12 and submitted for approval.

C. Once approved the participants must act their respective roles and make a video of the same.

D. Costumes and props can be used to make the video interesting and realistic.

E. The length of the video shouldn’t be less than 5 minutes and more than 10 minutes.

F. Any socially relevant topics can be used for the skit. But political/ religious and any other controversial or taboo topics must not be used.

G. After the video is ready, a project file must be made. The project file should have the following

(a) Cover Page having the title of the skit and the names of the group members (Handwritten)

(e) Introduction in 100 – 200 words (Handwritten)

(f) Script (Typed/ Handwritten)

(g) Reflection/ Experience (Handwritten) – One line from each member about what he/she

(h) Bibliography (minimum four references/ sources used for completing the project) (Handwritten)

Survey on Global Warming & Sustainable Lifestyle

Survey Done by _________________________________________ (Name) on _____________ (Date)

Note - Read the questions given below and tick the most appropriate options

1. What is Global Warming?

  a. Because of old age we feel more cold  b. Summer in different countries of the world

  c. Gradual increase in temperature because of increase in CO 2 in atmosphere    

  d. Because of spending time in AC we feel more heat in non-AC environment

2. Is the extreme climate, harsh heat wave, more devastating cyclones and flooding a symptom of Global Warming?

Yes  b. No  c. I don't know

3. Have you ever planted a tree?

4. Did your planted tree survive to grow big and give shade, fruits and flowers?

5. Did you take care of the tree after planting it?

Yes   b. No

6. What have you done to reduce your carbon footprint? (You may choose more than one option)

Used bicycle  b. Used public transport   c. Didn't waste water  d. Didn't waste electricity

  e. Didn't waste petrol or any other fuel  f. Used solar energy/ wind energy/ hydro energy

  g. Didn't waste paper  h. Recycled used items  i. Didn't use single use plastic

  j. Didn't waste food  k. Planted a tree  l. Didn't cause pollution

  m. In addition to above I also did something else  n. I did something else

  o. I didn't do anything to reduce my carbon footprint

7. Are you aware of the connection between your carbon footprint and Global Warming?

8. In the next 50 years what will happen to a city like Kolkata because of unchecked Global Warming?

Nothing will happen. Life will go on as usual. There will be no change in climate.

Large areas of city will not get submerged in flood water because of rise in sea level

More devastating heat waves, extreme climate  and more flooding  d. I don't know

9. Which one is better for the environment and our future?

Petrol car  b. CNG car  c. Electric car

10. The future of the planet is in your hands. You have the power to choose a sustainable lifestyle. Your actions today will make a difference in the life of future generations. If you change your lifestyle today then you will improve the quality of life in the present and the future. You must choose a sustainable lifestyle and save the future of humanity by preventing Global Warming. Do you agree?

Yes, I agree.

I don't care. My present enjoyment is more important than the future.

Individually I can't bring about any change, so, I don't try anything.

It is not my responsibility. It is the government's responsibility.

I haven't tried it but it is a good idea and we all should do it.

11. If you get a choice between wasting resources and saving resources, which one will you choose?

It will depend on my convenience.   b. It will depend on financial viability.

  c. It will depend on my mind-set.  d. It will depend on government policies.

  e. It will depend on all the above.  f. It will depend on none of the above.

  g. It will depend on ___________________________ (Please mention your idea).

12. Do you keep the tap running while doing household chores like washing vegetables or works related to personal hygiene like shaving?

13. According to you, what is more important - saving the environment by curtailing waste of resources or personal freedom to enjoy life fully even by wasting resources?

Saving environment   b. Enjoying life

14. Do you keep lights, fans or any other electrical appliances switched on even when not needed?

Yes, because I am forgetful.   b. Yes, because I have money to pay the electricity bill.

  c. Yes, because I don't have to pay the electricity bill.

  d. Yes, because I don't care about all these.

  e. Yes, because in my family everybody does the same.  f. No

15. Would you want your child to —--

Live on a polluted planet.  b. Live on a beautiful planet.

16. According to you, what is the most important aspect of a sustainable lifestyle?

Mind-set change  b. Availability of viable alternatives

  c. Government policies  d. Individual choices

17. Have you ever taken any initiative towards adopting a sustainable lifestyle?

18. Did you do anything to make others aware of ways to save the environment?

19. Do you feel that you are doing enough for the environment and ensuring reduction of the carbon footprint?

20. Are you fully aware of the impact of your actions on the environment?

Details of the Person giving response to the above questions

Name - _______________________________; Sex - M/ F Age - _____; Phone No. - __________________;

E-mail (if any) - _______________________; Full Residential Address - ____________________________


Educational Qualification - Illiterate/ Skilled Labour/ Class 10/ HS/ Graduate/ Post Graduate/ PhD/ Diploma/ Professional Degree/ Any Other; Job Profile - Employed/ Unemployed

Holiday Homework 2022-23

Survey on Career Choice

 1.When you were in school, what did you want/ wish to become?


2. When you were in school, what did your parents want/ wish you to choose as a career?

Parents wanted you to get/ do any job for the upkeep of family

Parents were not at all aware of different career opportunities

Parents wanted you to get involved in the family business

Parents wanted you to get educated and do a respectable job

Parents wanted you to get married and beget children

Parents wanted (any other) ________________________

3. What job are you doing presently?

Government sector - managerial staff

Government sector - clerical staff

Government sector - Sub - Staff

Private Sector - managerial staff

Private Sector - clerical staff

Private Sector - Sub - Staff

Professional (Doctor/ Engineer/ Actor/ Dancer/ Player/ Pilot/ Driver/ Teacher/ CA etc.) Government Sector

Professional (Doctor/ Engineer/ Actor/ Dancer/ Player/ Pilot/ Driver/ Teacher/ CA etc.) Private Sector

Professional (Doctor/ Engineer/ Actor/ Dancer/ Player/ Pilot/ Driver/ Teacher/ CA etc.) Private Practice/ Enterprise/ Start-up

 Inherited Private Enterprise/ Business

Self Established Private Enterprise/ Business

Any other _______________________

4. Could you realise your dream and choose a career as per your choice?

5. If you choose your dream career, then what helped in that choice?

Adequate monetary resources

Adequate academic preparation

Adequate opportunities

Adequate planning

Adequate career guidance

Adequate knowledge, understanding and skill

Adequate parental/ family/ social support

Adequate choice as per individual capacity

Adequate focus, will power and determination

No family obligations/ financial constraints

6. If you failed to choose your dream career, then what stopped you from choosing that?

Lack of monetary resources

Lack of academic preparation

Lack of opportunities

Lack of planning

Lack of career guidance

Lack of parental/ family/ social support

Lack of career specific skills

Lack of self knowledge

Lack of focus, will power and determination

Lot of family obligations/ social restrictions

7. When you were in school were you aware of many different career options available to you as per your aptitude, attitude and acumen?

8. Did you get any sort of career counseling at school?

Yes, from friends

Yes, from teachers

Yes, from qualified career counsellor

9. Did you choose your career?

10. Did others choose your career for you?

Yes, parents chose

Yes, relatives chose

Yes, friends chose

Yes, teachers chose

Yes, other adults chose

No, I chose it myself

11. Are you happy with your career choice?

Don't know

12. What is more important for you?

Job Satisfaction

Salary Package

13. According to you, for a girl/ woman what is more important?

Marriage as per social customs

Career as per individual choice

14. According to you, for a boy/ man what is more important?

Get married at the right age with a person of your choice

Get married at the right age with a person of his/her own choice

Get married at the right age with a person of his/her own choice and with your approval/ social sanction

Become successful in a career of his/her own choice

Become successful in a career that you have chosen for him/ her

Become successful in a career of his/ her own choice and with your approval

16. According to you, what is the most important aspect of a career?

Doing a job that makes your parents/ family happy

Doing a job that helps you earn a lot of money

Doing a job that gives you satisfaction and fulfilment

Doing a job that gives you power and respect in society

Doing a job that gives you opportunities for growth and development

17. Have you ever taken an online/ offline career test?

18. Is it important for the husband to earn more than the wife?

19. In the case of a working woman, is it important for the woman to take care of the family by doing all necessary household chores in addition to doing her job?

20. Do you believe that career choices should be as per gender i.e., men and women can't do the same work with equal success and sincerity?

21. Do you believe that there is nothing wrong if women should be involved in earning a livelihood and men should do cooking, cleaning, washing, upbringing of children and other household chores?

Yes, it is perfectly okay in a techno-centric modern society believing in gender equality, inclusiveness and individual capacity/ capability

No, it is unacceptable and against the social customs and traditions and it is not pragmatic or practical in a patriarchal social set-up

22. What will make you more happy —-

A married daughter making her husband and in-laws happy

A daughter who is financially independent by means of a successful career

A married son taking care of all the financial needs of the family

A son who is financially independent by means of a successful career

23. If you had a son/ daughter, then would you —---

Choose different careers based on the gender of your children (for example teacher/ doctor for the daughter and armed forces/ engineering for the son)

Make no distinction between the son/ daughter

Allow the son/ daughter to choose his/ her own career

Arrive at a consensus with your son/ daughter after discussing various aspects of a career like future prospects/ job hazards/ financial investment/ pay package/ job security/ job satisfaction etc.

24. Did your parents give you freedom to choose your own career?

25. Did you choose your career because of (choose the most important reason)

Parental pressure

Peer pressure

Social obligations

Financial obligations

Personal choice

Special skills and aptitude

Pay package

No other opportunities available

Financial constraints

Lack of academic achievements

Lack of career counselling

Name - __________________________________________ Sex - M/ F Age - _______

Phone No. - _______________________ E-mail (if any) - _______________________

Full Residential Address - _________________________________________________


Educational Qualification - Illiterate/ Skilled Labour/ Class 10/ HS/ Graduate/ Post Graduate/ PhD/ Diploma/ Professional Degree/ Any Other

English Holiday Homework / English CBSE Project Work 

Class 11-12

Session 2021-22

The Pages of the Project

Page 1 Name, Roll, Class, Sec, School, Session

Page 2 Topic - Work From Home and Its Impact On Mental Health

Page 3 Objectives

Page 4 Certificate of Completion

Page 5 Acknowledgement

Page 6 Content

Page 7 Action Plan

Page 8 Introduction to COVID 19 Pandemic

Page 9 What is Work From Home?

Page 10 - 19 Survey Sheets (Total 10 Filled Up By Different Respondents)

Page 20 Survey Chart/ Data

Page 21 Survey Report

Page 22 Conclusion

Page 23 Photograph & Video CD

Page 24 Bibliography

Page 25 Blank Sheet/ Page - White A4 Size


Print the Questionnaire provided in WhatsApp/ Google Classroom/ English-e-Classroom

Make 10 photocopies of the Survey Questionnaire

Get 10 people (above 18 years of age and earning a livelihood) surveyed using the survey questionnaire (Minimum 10 and Maximum 20)

Take photo of any three people surveyed and print the photos and paste in the photograph page

(a) Make a video recording of you surveying (only you asking first three questions and options and the respondent replying) one person

(b) Upload the video in your Google Drive

(c) Share the drive link through WhatsApp and in Google Classroom under the Assignment titled Holiday Homework and Project Work Term 2, Class XI, Session 2021-22

(d) Submit a CD/ DVD with the video file written inside and attach it in PAGE 23  of the project

Complete the project in A4 size white paper

Staple the pages as per page number and put the project inside a stick file

Objectives are shared below. Write it in your own handwriting in PAGE 3.

Acknowledgement format is shared below. Write it in your own handwriting in PAGE 5.

In the Content PAGE 6 write the content shared below.

In the Action Plan PAGE 7 write in your own handwriting the action plan shared below.  

Survey Chart format is also shared below. Some questions may have more than one option as a response. Write all the responses in the box meant for recording the responses in the survey chart.

Give the website link or search URLs in the Bibliography page. Minimum 4 links should be given

Except Pages 10 - 19 all pages (Page 1 - 9, Page 20 - 24) should be handwritten

Last date of submission is on or before 31st Jan 2022

If you do not submit on time, then be prepared to get ‘ZERO’ marks . No excuse whatsoever will be entertained.

The project was given in the Month of November 2021. You had more than 2 months’ time to complete it.

The project file should be kept ready for submission and must be submitted without fail or any excuse whatsoever on any day after 31 Jan 2022 as notified by the school authority.


CBSE English Project Work for Class XII

Imagine yourself to be an employee or an entrepreneur and then think of the impact of the pandemic on your job and your enterprise. What would you prefer - Work From Home or Work From Office? Justify your preference by giving viable arguments and evidence.

Did you enjoy the lockdown and online classes from home or did you look forward to the reopening of the school and start of offline classes? Connect things with your real life and build upon your experiences to arrive at a conclusion about the impact of the Work From Home culture resulting from the pandemic. 

Research and find out more about Work From Home and its impact on mental health. Find out the advantages and disadvantages. Make a list of all the advantages and also of all the disadvantages. Establish a connection with your own life and experiences during the pandemic and reflect upon it. Write about your reflections (experiences, thoughts, understandings and ideas) in the form of a paragraph or paragraphs. 

Then do the following -

Make a Questionnaire of 20 Questions. Get 20 copies of the same printed and conduct a survey among people around you, especially those who are employed and have worked during the pandemic or lost their job or source of earning during the pandemic. 

If you are interviewing a person who doesn't understand English, then you may translate the questions and options and take a video recording of the interview as proof. In such a case you may fill up the questionnaire yourself on behalf of that person. 

Collect their responses and based on their responses write a report of 800-1000 words. First make a rough draft and then show it to the teacher for approval and only after that make the final report.

The final report should have the following

Cover page, with the title of the project, school details/details of students.

Statement of purpose/objectives/goals

Certificate of completion under the guidance of the teacher.

Action plan for the completion of assigned tasks

Materials such as scripts for the theatre/role play, questionnaires for interviews,

Written assignments, essays, survey reports, and other material evidence of learning progress and academic accomplishment.

The 800-1000 words essay/Script/Report.

Student/group reflections.

Photographs that capture the positive learning experiences of the student(s).

List of resources/bibliography.

A sample is given below. You may use the sample given below or frame your own questions.

Instructions - Fill up the details and then choose the option that suits your response to the questions given below.

Title - Mr/ Ms/ Mrs/ Dr

Full Name ____

Profession/ Job  _______

Sector - Private/ Government

Address _______

Contact No. ______

Email (if any)______

During the pandemic from Summer of 2020 to the Summer of 2021 did you get your salary on time or did you earn as much as you earned before the Pandemic?

No, I earned less

No, I earned more

No, the difference in earning was negligible

I lost my job

My business remained closed for most of the months

Did you work from home during the pandemic?

For only a few days (less than 30 days)

For only about 1-2 months

For only a few months (about 3 - 6 months)

For many months (more than 6 months)

Which one is better - Work From Home or Work From Office?

What are the advantages of WFH?

Comfortable home environment

No formal dressing

Food readily available

Can take a break anytime

Support from family

Multitasking possible

Take care of family/child

Complete household chores along with work

Cuddle my pet whenever I want

Receive easily online delivery

Save money and time by not travelling to work 

Any other advantages _____

There were no advantages

What are the disadvantages of WFH?

Too much online work

Too much screen time

Too much dependence on cell phones, computers and internet

Too much time spent with family

Too little time spent with colleagues and friends

No boundaries, work and home getting mixed up

Very little meaningful human interaction

No time to relax

Too much strain on eyes

No scope to get dressed and go out

Too much disturbance caused by family

Any other disadvantage _____

There were no disadvantages

What are the advantages of WFO?

Office and home are two different spaces

Face-to-face interaction with colleagues

Working hours not getting mixed up with family time/ me-time

More productive interaction with customers and clients

Travelling to work makes life more interesting

Any other advantages ___________________________

What are the disadvantages of WFO?

Constant supervision by boss

Disturbance caused by colleagues

Time and money wasted while travelling to office

Office environment is not as comfortable as home

Canteen facility and toilet not good/ not available

Any other disadvantages __________________________

Would you want to adopt a hybrid model having both WFH and WFO?

Did the pandemic have an impact on your job and earning?

Yes but very little

Not in job and earning but in mental health

How did the pandemic change your outlook or perception with regard to your job and earnings? (You may tick more than one option)

It made me more insecure

It made me more vulnerable

It made me more confident

It made me more self-reliant

It made me more confused

It made me more determined

It made me more aware of my priorities

It made me more educated about personal hygiene

It made me more prudent about my earnings and savings

Have you made any preparations for any such future pandemics?

Yes, I have decided to save more money for emergency

Yes, I have decided to look for another job

Yes, I have decided to work harder and earn more

Yes, I have decided to ______

No, I haven't done anything and intend to continue as it was before pandemic

No, I am simply waiting for the pandemic to end

No, I have enough money and savings and therefore needn't plan anything else

No, I got my salary on time during pandemic and there were no adverse financial impact

Was WFH good for your mental health?

If you are given a choice then what will you choose - WFH or WFO?

Were your family members happy because of your WFH?

Were you more relaxed, productive and creative because of WFH?

Do you look forward to WFH to continue?

Are you eagerly waiting for things to go back to normal as it was before the pandemic?

Did you lose anyone (died) to the pandemic?

Did you feel sad because of so much suffering caused by the pandemic?

Did you do anything to help others financially during the pandemic?

Your project will be evaluated on the following points

Quality of content of the project

Accuracy of information

Adherence to the specified timeline

Content in respect of (spellings, grammar, punctuation)

Clarity of thoughts and ideas

Contributions by group members

Knowledge and experience gained


The above project has to be done individually. You may also do a group project. The group project will be 

A skit based on any social issue

Duration 6-8 minutes

Members minimum 4 and maximum 7

A single report to be submitted by the group

Hand written report (800-1000) must have entry from each member about his/her 

Experience of working in the project

Learnings from the activities

Role played in the project/ skit

The script must be enacted by the members using inexpensive props and home settings or home surrounding settings

A video needs to be shot of the skit and uploaded in Youtube

The script must be discussed with the teacher before final shooting and uploading

The script to be enacted and uploaded only after teacher's approval

This will be your Holiday Homework for the Autumn Break. The last date of submission of the final project report is after the Winter Break but the structure and rough draft of the same must be submitted after the Autumn Break. The date for submission of the Rough Draft of the Project is 25.10.21.

The project (Survey/ Skit) is mandatory for all students because the marks awarded will be added to your final Class 12 result. If you don't take part in the project then you will be marked absent and you may not be allowed to appear in the Class 12 Term 2 Board Exam of 2022. 

The final project must be hand written and submitted in the form of a file with spirally bound pages. You may also decorate it and make it look attractive. Marks will be awarded based on your written project and your viva-vice based on the project.

For any clarifications you may call the teacher or email the teacher. 

AIL Project Work Class xii, session 2021-22

Suggestive drawings which can be submitted from the lesson Deep Water under AIL are as follows (you may do anyone)

1. Face of a bully

2. A boy/girl sinking

3. A swimming pool

4. Water wings

5. A man/woman swimming

6. A man/woman fishing

7. A man/woman canoeing

10. A sea beach

11. A river

12. A water falls

14. Face of a winner

15. Terrified face

16. A man/woman helping another out of a pool or water body 

17. Father and son on the sea beach

18. Swimming costume

19. Portrait of William Douglas

21. Any other connected to the lesson

You can present your idea through stick figure/ figures. You may present a pencil sketch. You may use colour. You may also make and present digital art. You may also make animation through maker.

Take a A4 size white paper/ chart paper.

Make a drawing based on any one of the topics suggested from the lesson Deep Water.

You may use colour or you may make a pencil/ pen sketch.

Write your name, class, roll no. towards the bottom right hand corner.

Submit the hardcopy of the drawing on or before 30 Nov 2021.

This is not a drawing competition and therefore, your drawing need not be perfect but it should be neatly presented. 

You must make some sincere effort in making the drawing and it mustn't be just a casual drawing on a piece of paper.

This is as per CBSE guidelines.

This is mandatory for all students.

Your admit card will be issued only after you have submitted the AIL Project Work. 

Summer Vacation 2021

Topic - How I Spent My Holidays In Lockdown

Write/ Recite/Read and Record (on the above topic)

(a) a poem (MINIMUM 10 LINES) or 

(b) a story (MINIMUM 300 WORDS) or 

(c) an article (MINIMUM 200 WORDS). 

It should be an original creation. 

You may also draw a picture (MINIMUM 3 PICTURES TELLING THE STORY) based on any lesson from the textbook or on the topic given above. 

You may also get together with your friends online and make a video of maximum 5 minutes duration based on any lesson (story/ article/poem) from the textbook or on the topic given above. The video should be uploaded in YouTube and the link shared with the teacher. 

Original creations will be appreciated and suitably rewarded. You may share your creative attempts with the teacher through his email. 

holiday homework for class 12 english core

Subscribe to the teacher’s YouTube channel, so that, you can get access to all new academic video uploads.  CLICK

Download and install BBC Learning English App in your respective smart phones. The App is made available by Media Applications Technology. It is in fact a pocket language lab which can be used by all to enhance their English L, S, R, W Skills. 

Complete as many tasks/ listening exercises as possible. Use a headphone or ear bud. Minimum five exercises you should complete. CLICK TO COMPLETE  

Two unseen passages with solved answers to be done in the copy. The questions can be photocopied from any relevant source like reference books, previous years question papers etc., and pasted in the English copy. Then the answers to the questions to be written in the copy. 

Listen to the audiobook of the stories from the textbook. To listen CLICK . If needed, then listen to the reading of the textual lessons multiple times, till you know the chronology of the story, the characters and the unfolding of the plot as a sequence of events one following the other.

Take part in the following survey and share with me how you have spent your holiday during the second wave of the COVID19 pandemic.



holiday homework for class 12 english core

10 June 2021

"You must be wondering about how I spent my Summer Vacation. 

The vacation started with the announcement that there won't be any vacation for me since I am the Exam I/C and Class 10 Result has to be prepared and uploaded. CBSE sent a document which presented a very complicated system of making the result. I thought over it. It was difficult. It was extremely cumbersome especially because of my lack of knowledge about computers and complicated mathematical calculations. But I didn't give up. I chose to face the challenge. 

I spent two sleepless nights and came up with a solution. I made a software based on Microsoft Excel to calculate the Class 10 Result for the students of session 2020-21 as per CBSE guidelines. The software made the job very easy for then the excel file did all the complicated calculations and that also correctly. My hard-work made the job easy for the other teachers. Although the making of the software was exhausting, yet in the end it felt good for through it I was able to help other teachers.  Now as I write this, the result is getting ready to be uploaded in the CBSE website. The final uploading again has to be done by me. 

After the process of Class 10 Result uploading is complete, I have to initiate the process of Class 12 Result uploading. The pandemic has definitely increased by workload exponentially but then at the same time it has provided an invaluable opportunity to learn new skills. 

I love writing and I find it soothing. So, however busy I may be, I always find some time to write. Since the last few months, I was working on a book on human relationships.  Finally, I completed the book and soon it will be available as a Kindle e-book at Kindle Direct Publishing is a great way to publish your writings as an e-book. The best part of the deal is that it doesn't cost you anything.  You can check out the books published by two students of the school in the following LINK .

The next thing that I did was to delete my GoDaddy website for it was costing me a lot of money and the service was not good. I did a little research and relaunched my new website through . The google service is completely free. I just had to buy a domain for about Rs 1000 for one year. The domain has to be renewed every year. My new domain address is 

In the mean time there was a constant stream of work being assigned to me by the school administration. In one such assignment, I helped collate the examination related data for the Vidyalaya Plan 21-22. In case you are wondering as to what exactly is a Vidyalaya Plan, then let me tell you that every year a stock of performance and resources of the Vidyalaya is planned in order to make the school more productive. All the schools have to submit a plan of many pages to the concerned Regional Office.

I also helped organise the pending Practical Exam for Class 12. The schedule is fixed. Hopefully the online viva voice will be a hassle free experience. My past experience has taught me that it is easier to hold an offline exam than an online exam. Many students often come up with many excuses for not attending the exam. Lack of device access and network connectivity issue is a hot favourite among the students. May be this time they won't give any excuse and attend the viva voice without any issues.

In the doing of the daily household chores, it was my responsibility to clean and wash the utensils after my wife had cooked and after we had our food. I don't mind doing that. In a strange way it feels good to wash utensils under running water. The only trouble was with the 5 liter pressure cooker. It is heavy and becomes rather slippery after the application of the dishwashing gel. I don't like washing the pressure cooker and there is nothing soothing about it.

I loved taking out the dog for a walk. Since there was no school, therefore I got time to spend with my dog. My dog loves to go for a walk. The walk is not that important but the smells in the neighborhood definitely are. That is true for all dogs because they know their world through their nose. I also took the dog to the vet a few times for vaccination and for a skin infection to be treated. One day I even went to school to give two bags of dog food for the stray dog at school. Earlier I had made an arrangement with one of the school staff to provide the dog food daily during the vacation. 

The pandemic has ruined by visit to a cinema hall to watch a movie. So, I explored Netflix. After an extensive search, I found a series to my liking. I completed watching all the episodes (about 100) of that web series through Netflix. The title is 'The 100'. It is an intriguing post apocalyptic story of human survival on Earth, in space and in other planets. 

I am also planning to celebrate my wife's birthday. It will be a low key celebration for the pandemic protocol doesn't allow a social gathering. Then my paternal aunt died and I took part in the funeral rite and rituals. A birthday and a funeral. It is a strange combination but then that's how life is.

I also read a few story books and lots of online news articles especially at BBC website. I listened to a few podcasts of Hidden Brain and finished listening to a retelling of the stories of Mahabharata available online through Google Podcast. 

Well, there are many other day-to-day activities that I did to continue with life as best as I could during the pandemic. I couldn't travel to any place far for the curfew except an occasional drive to the market to get the essentials. I also talked a lot with my parents over the phone as I couldn't travel to my home because of the pandemic. I then clicked a lot of photos with my cellphone and shared those with my friends and family. 

I got my second dose of the COVID19 vaccine and also got my wife vaccinated (the first jab). 

A few more days are left to the vacation. Hopefully I will be able to do a few more constructive things and find contentment through creativity.

Now, tell me how was your vacation?" 

- Mr. Saptarshi Majumder

20 June 2021

This is an update to what I did during the Summer Vacation. I succeeded in fulfilling a long cherished dream. I made and launched a new website dedicated to the dog-human relationship. Please do visit my website . If you wish to, you may also take part in the activities there. Your feedback is always welcome. If you have a pet dog, then you may share a photograph of you with your pet dog. You may also share a story or experience or any interesting news or facts regarding dogs. I would be looking forward to your visit to my new website.

holiday homework for class 12 english core

[Updated] CBSE Class 12 English Core Sample Papers 2024-25 Session in PDF

Class 12 English Core Sample Paper

Greetings, Students! In this piece, we’ve delved into the realm of Class 12 English Core Sample Papers. Sample Papers prove highly advantageous, particularly in gearing up for school exams. It’s crucial for students in classes 6 to 12 to practice all concepts extensively, and one of the most effective methods is using sample papers. This article provides access to the CBSE Class 12 English Core Sample Paper in PDF format, and it’s completely free.

Before delving into the Class 12 Sample Paper, reviewing the CBSE Class 12 Summary is essential. We’ve provided a comprehensive CBSE Class 12 Summary for your reference. Students are encouraged to explore the entirety of the summary.

Sample Paper

Class 12 English Core Sample Papers

The CBSE released class 12 English Core Sample Papers for the board exam 2024-25. Also, the marking scheme and answer key for each paper is available. Students must Download the complete Class 12 English Core Sample Papers in PDF for the final examination’s excellent score.

Example of Sample Paper

Class 12 English Core Sample Papers

NOTE : The links are given below for downloading the Class 12 English Core Sample Paper in PDF format.


Class 12 English Core Syllabus 2024-25

Check out the latest CBSE NCERT Class 12 English Core Syllabus. The syllabus is for the academic year 2024-25 sessions. First, check the CBSE Class 12 English Syllabus in PDF format with the exam pattern. Students are advised to check out the complete syllabus.

Class 12 English Core Question Paper Pattern 2024-25

In this section, we have mentioned the Class 12 English Core Exam Pattern. Students can check the Class 12 English Core Paper Pattern for the academic year 2024-25.

Reading comprehensionConceptual understanding, decoding, Analysing, inferring, interpreting, appreciating, literary, conventions and vocabulary, summarizing and using appropriate format/s    20    25%
Creative Writing SkillsConceptual Understanding, application of rules, Analysis, Reasoning, appropriacy of style and tone, using appropriate format and fluency, inference, analysis, evaluation and creativity    16    20%
Literature Textbooks and Supplementary Reading TextConceptual understanding, decoding, Analysing, inferring, interpreting, appreciating, literary conventions and vocabulary, summarizing and using appropriate format/s  44  55%
Assessment of Listening and Speaking Skills

NOTE:- To learn more About the Class 12 New English Core Syllabus Session 2024-25.

Class 12 English Core Marking Scheme 

Check out the latest Class 12 English Core Marking Scheme. CBSE marking scheme contains answer hints and a scheme of mark distribution that gives an idea about appropriate answers in CBSE board exams. Students can check this English marking scheme, and you can also download this Class 12 English Core Marking Scheme in PDF.

1 Core Marking Scheme (2023-24)
2 Core Marking Scheme (2020-21)
3 Core Marking Scheme (2019-20)
4 Core Marking Scheme(2018-19)
5 Core Marking Scheme(2017-18)

Class 12 English Core Useful Resources

We have tried to bring CBSE Class 12 English Core NCERT Study Materials like Syllabus, Worksheet, Sample Paper, NCERT Solutions, Important Books, Holiday Homework, Previous Year Question Papers, etc. You can visit all these important topics by clicking the links given.​

Class 12 Useful Resources

We have tried to bring CBSE Class 12 NCERT Study Materials like Syllabus, Worksheet, Sample Paper, NCERT Solutions, Important Books, Holiday Homework, Previous Year Question Papers, etc. You can visit all these important topics by clicking the links given.​

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About Shivam

Shivam Kumar, a B.Sc in Agriculture graduate, is a passionate author with a flair for content writing and a penchant for educational blogs. With prior experience as a CBSE Content Curator, Shivam blends his expertise in agriculture with his talent for crafting engaging content. His dedication to learning and sharing knowledge shines through in his work, making him a standout figure in both the agricultural and educational spheres.

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    TION HOME WORK 12 A(2023) CLASS - 12ENGLISH NOTE: HOMEWORK TO. BE DONE ON ENGLISH SUBJECT NOTEBOOK.Revise and learn the syll. bus already done during the classes.Assignment - 1: (Reading Skills) Q1.Choose any 3 comprehension passages from and solve it (stick to the format and t. e blueprint explained in the class.


    Geography Class 12 Holiday Homework Prepare a practical file with the help of the provided material in continuation to the work already given before. The highlighted section must be written down in the file, along with the marked figures. The file size must be A3 (one-side ruled, one-side plain sheets to be used).

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    k: The Project can be inter-disciplinary in theme. The ideas/issues highlighted in the chapters/ poems/ drama given in the prescribe. books can also be developed in the form of a project. Students c. orld and ways to protect personal data and information Then the students will conduct interviews with their fellow friends (outside the formed ...


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