HiSET Practice Test

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HiSET Writing Practice Test

The HiSET® Language Arts, Writing Test is divided into two sections, but the scores are combined so you will receive a single score for both sections. The first part of the Writing test is 75 minutes long and includes 50 multiple-choice questions from the areas of Organization, Sentence structure, Usage, and Mechanics.

In Part I of the test you are expected to make revision choices concerning organization, diction and clarity, sentence structure, usage, and mechanics.

The HiSET Writing subtest questions are embedded in complete texts in the form of letters, essays, newspaper articles, personal accounts and reports. The texts are presented as drafts in which parts have been underlined to indicate a possible need for revision. You are given alternatives that may correct or improve the underlined portions. Aspects of written language that are measured may include appropriate style, logical transitions, discourse structure and organization, conciseness and clarity, or usage and mechanics.

PART II The second part of the HiSET® writing test consists of writing an essay about a familiar subject. You will have 45 minutes to plan, write, and revise your essay. The essay topic will require you to present your opinion or explain your views about the assigned topic. Two trained readers will score your essay on the basis of the following features:

  • Focused main points
  • Clear organization
  • Specific development of ideas
  • Sentence structure control, punctuation, grammar, word choice, and spelling

Each reader will score your essay on a four-point scale and the scores will be averaHiSET to find your final score. If you earn a final score of less than two on the essay, you must retake Language Arts, Writing, Part I and Part II.

Click a link below to begin one of our our free Writing   HiSET practice tests .

Writing HiSET Practice Test – 1

Writing HiSET Practice Test – 2

Writing HiSET Practice Test – 3

Writing HiSET Practice Test – 4

Writing HiSET Practice Test – 5

Writing HiSET Practice Test – 6

Writing HiSET Practice Test – 7

Writing HiSET Practice Test – 8

Writing HiSET Practice Test – 9

Writing HiSET Practice Test – 10

Writing HiSET Practice Test – 11

Writing HiSET Practice Test – 12

Writing HiSET Practice Test – 13

Writing HiSET Practice Test – 14

Writing HiSET Practice Test – 15

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The Best HiSET Practice Tests to Help You Ace Your Exam

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General Education


If you’re reading this, you probably already know what the HiSET is and have decided that taking the HiSET Exam is the correct decision for you. That’s a great first step on the journey to earning your high school equivalency!

As you’re probably aware, the HiSET Exam is not cheap (it can potentially cost as much as $125 after administrative or testing center fees), so you likely will not want to take it multiple times. It’s definitely better to prepare beforehand so you’ll only need to pay that fee once.

That’s why we’re going to cover the following in this article to give you a full overview of the HiSET practice tests:

  • What the HiSET Exam is
  • Why you should take a practice test
  • How this article can help you prepare for the HiSET practice test
  • A list of available HiSET practice tests
  • How to get the most out of the HiSET practice test

We’ve got a lot to cover, so let’s get moving!


What Is the HiSET Test?

If you didn’t finish high school but wish to attend college or qualify for a career that requires a high school diploma, the HiSET (High School Equivalency Test) is an exam that proves you are at an equivalent level to a high school graduate. 

What about the HiSET vs GED? There are, of course, other High School Equivalency exams (the GED and TASC , for instance), and the HiSET is a newer option. The HiSET may not be as familiar to potential employers, but for all practical purposes, it’s just as good as the GED. Unfortunately, not all states currently offer the HiSET, but you can check here to see if it is available in your area .

The HiSET can be either paper-based or electronic depending on your area, and the exam is broken down into five categories:

  • Language Arts – Reading
  • Language Arts – Writing
  • Mathematics
  • Social Studies

All sections are multiple choice, with the addition of one essay for the Reading subtest. 

Each subtest is also timed. You will have 65 minutes to complete the Reading subtest, 120 minutes to complete Writing, 90 minutes to complete Mathematics, 80 minutes to complete Science, and 70 minutes to complete Social Studies. In most areas, you have the option of either taking them all at once—which would be a 6 hour test!—or individually across multiple dates. 

In order to pass the HiSET, you must demonstrate that you have the equivalent abilities of 60% of all high school graduates. So in order to pass the test, you need to earn a minimum of the following on each subtest: 

  • Score at least 8 out of 20 on each of the five subtests
  • Score at least 2 out of 6 on the essay
  • Achieve a total scaled score on all five HiSET subtests of at least 45 out of 100

Luckily, the HiSET’s webpage provides a guide to the information you’re expected to know in order to successfully complete the test.


Why Should I Take a HiSET Practice Test?

Let’s be honest, you want to pass the HiSET the first time. Otherwise, you’ve wasted your time and money.

These practice tests give you a chance not only to take a swing at the real thing before you spend your money, but practice tests also let you see what you need to study the most. Focusing your time studying on the areas where you score the lowest will help you maximize your improvement!

Taking practice tests also gives you a psychological advantage by exposing you to the test questions and format before you actually take it. Taking HiSET practice tests will help you feel more prepared (and less nervous!) on test day, which can be an important factor when it comes to passing the exam. There have been studies that suggest that being anxious while taking a test can lower your overall test scores . Additionally, one of the biggest anxiety-inducing factors when taking a test is not knowing the test’s format or material!

While there is some debate about how much test anxiety can impact your scores, it goes without saying that being calm and prepared can only benefit your performance. By familiarizing yourself with the HiSET taking practice tests, you can help eliminate most of your test anxiety and help raise your score.


(Nick Youngson / The Blue Diamond Gallery )

List of HiSET Practice Tests Available Online

We want you to ace your HiSET exam, which is why we’ve compiled a list of the best HiSET tests out there!

We’ve organized the HiSET practice tests into three categories: paper-based (printable) tests, browser-based (online) tests, and smartphone applications. Everyone has different approaches that they prefer, so we’ve tried to include an approach for everyone. 

Also, there are a few other HiSET practice tests online. For this list, though, we wanted to focus on the tests that have questions most similar to those that appear on ETS’s official HiSET practice tests. That way, you’ll be getting the most benefit out of your practice time. 

Printable, Paper-Based Practice Tests

You can print these tests out and take them with a pencil and scratch paper, old-school style. 

Educational Testing Services Free HiSET Prep Materials

This is an excellent resource: free sample questions and practice tests for every subtest, provided by Educational Testing Services, the creator of the HiSET itself. These are pdf files that you can print out, and they even have blank answer sheets for every subtest, so you can get a feel for how you will record your answers if you choose to take the paper-delivered test. 

There is also a study guide with tips and strategies for taking the HiSET, as well as scored writing responses, which will give you an idea of what the scorers are looking for when they score your responses. This is definitely a link you need to click!

University of Iowa Test Prep Exam

The University of Iowa has put together its own printable HiSET pdf. We like this resource because it’s been vetted by a university, which means its a higher quality practice test than some others you might find online. Just keep in mind that this test is from 2013, so you’ll want to make sure you’re supplementing your studies with more recent material, too.  


Online, Browser-Based Practice Tests

These practice tests are accessible through any web browser, either on your desktop computer, laptop, tablet, or smartphone. 

BSCO Learning Express

You’ll have to register for the website in order to access the materials, but EBSCO’s page has the advantage of being modeled on ETS’s official HiSET tests in terms of “content, format, and timing.” Unlike most other practice tests available online, this one is timed just like the live test itself will be. T his will also give you a feel for the interface you’ll be using if you choose to use the computer-delivered (as opposed to paper) test.


This is an attractively designed, thorough practice test for each HiSET subtest. It also has a set of essay questions similar to those that appear on the official test.

Mometrix HiSET Practice Test

Mometrix has free practice tests for each subtest. This is really great for people who may need to focus a little harder on certain subjects. Mometrix also has additional resources, like instructional videos and study guides, for purchase. 

Test-Guide.com HiSET Practice Tests

Test-guide.com’s page is bit ad-heavy, but has multiple practice tests in every subtest category. We also like that this site provides free math quizzes to help you test your knowledge without having to take a complete practice exam! 


Smartphone App

This great app puts HiSET practice tests right in your pocket. 

Pocketprep HiSET Study App

This is a very cool, free app that can help you study for the high school equivalency test using your smartphone. There are a total of 850 sample questions in all five subtest categories, and you can build custom sample HiSET tests with a focus on the areas in which you most need help. 

The Pocketprep app also has detailed explanations for why each correct answer is correct, which can help you learn the material. We also love the notification reminders to help you remember to study and tracks your progress over time, so you can see your past scores and how much you’ve improved. 


Should I Pay for HiSET Study Materials? 

Most, if not all, of the HiSET practice tests available to you are free, and many are put together by expert educators with experience teaching people how to ace the HiSET exam. 

The most important question you need to ask yourself is this: Would those materials be useful to you? Perhaps, but keep in mind that the test itself is going to already cost you as much as $125 dollars—in addition to travel time, study time, childcare, and possibly missing work in order to take the exam. 

While paid materials can absolutely help you study effectively and improve your score, you should weigh the cost against the benefit for you personally. Also consider that there may be additional free resources for you in your community. For instance, many cities offer Adult Education programs that provide in-person instruction and tutoring for people taking the HiSET exam at low to no cost. The HiSET page provides an interactive map to help you locate an Adult Education program in your area that can help you learn the material needed to pass the HiSET.


Our 4 Best Tips to Make the Most out of Your HiSET Practice Tests

Now that you have a great list of HiSET practice exams, it’s time to start using them! But before you dive in, check out our list of top tips that will help you get the most out of your practice sessions. 

Tip #1: Rinse & Repeat!

The most effective way to utilize practice tests to improve your HiSET scores is to do your own assessment. The goal of an assessment is to figure out where your skills are without studying, then use targeted practice to improve your skills in your weakest subject areas. 

To do this, you should take one or two of the free general practice tests before you start studying for the exam. We recommend you time yourself to simulate the actual HiSET testing environment, too. Don’t worry about whether you’re getting “good” HiSET scores or not—the goal here is for you to test (and assess!) your skills. 

Once you’ve finished the practice tests, you can use the scores from those to see in which areas you need to spend the most time studying in order to build those specific brain muscles. If you score quite low on one or more subtests, consider getting tutoring or study guide materials to help in those areas. 

Once you’ve done some studying, it’s time to take more tests! These tests will show you how much you’re improving, and they may highlight some new areas to work on. Then you just rinse and repeat—keep going until you feel confident that the scores you can achieve on your own will reflect the scores you’ll earn in the actual testing environment. 

Tip #2: Begin Early and Keep Going

The key to improving your HiSET performance is to give yourself plenty of time and to practice consistently. How much can expect to improve in a few days or a couple of weeks? Not much, probably. How much can you expect to improve over the course of a few months or perhaps a year? Quite a lot, actually! 

Deciding when to start studying has a lot to do with your life and goals. The busier you are, the more effort you’ll have to make to carve out study time in your daily life. Additionally, being super busy means you’ll want to start the studying process earlier than someone who has quite a bit of free time on their hands. Taking a little time to assess your goals, habits, and needs will help you put together a study plan that works for you. 


Tip #3: Make Studying a Habit

This tip goes hand-in-hand with our second suggestion. The key to effective studying is that you need to do it consistently to retain the information . It turns out that cramming doesn’t work as well as we’d like it to! 

To do this, we recommend you set aside 30 minutes or more every day to practice for the HiSET exam. The best way to do this is to build study time into your daily calendar. Many people choose to study at the same time each day to help solidify the habit. Maybe you get up a little earlier in order to hit the books, or perhaps you have a few extra minutes to study after the kids go to bed. It doesn’t matter when you study as long as you’re studying consistently.

We know it can be hard to add another thing into your schedule. But think of your study time as an investment in your future and a way to get the HiSET scores you need!

Tip #4: Keep a Positive Attitude

Can you pass the HiSET? Of course you can. In fact, most people do! Don’t believe us? Just take a look at the statistics . In 2017, over 55% passed the HiSET on their first attempt and over 76% passed on their best attempt. 

That’s right, more people pass the HiSET than fail it, and over three-quarters of those who continue to attempt it do eventually succeed. Now, don’t let this make you think it’s an easy test—it isn’t—but passing the HiSET is an achievable goal, and if you want to pass it, you can!


Next Steps: High School Equivalency Test

If you’re still not sure the HiSET test is for you, you might do some research into the GED instead. Check out this overview of the GED first , then take a look at some GED practice tests . After that, you’ll probably have a better sense of which high school equivalency exam is the best fit for you. 

If you’re taking a high school equivalency test to get into college, you’ll also need to start planning to take either the ACT or SAT . These tests are pretty much mandatory if you want to go to a four-year school. Here’s an article that tells you everything you need to know about the SAT (and a nother one specifically for the ACT ).

You’ll also need to submit an application to the colleges of your choice in order to get in. The application process can be intimidating, but don’t worry: we’ve got you covered. Here’s a step-by-step guide to the college application process that will get you started on the right foot. We also have specific tips for choosing a majo r, writing your application essay, and getting great letters of recommendation .

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Ashley Sufflé Robinson has a Ph.D. in 19th Century English Literature. As a content writer for PrepScholar, Ashley is passionate about giving college-bound students the in-depth information they need to get into the school of their dreams.

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HiSET Practice Test

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Congrats on taking our HiSET Sample Quiz. Take another HiSET Practice Test to prepare for your exam. Everything is 100% free!

1 . Question

hiset practice essay questions

How many students sat for the two tests?

2 . Question

What was the result of the student in the first test whose dot is labeled A?

3 . Question

Which is true? Points which lie below the line y = x represent all students:

  • a. who sat both tests
  • b. where the results in the Second Test exceed the results in the First Test
  • c. where the results in the Second Test equal the results in the First Test
  • d. where the results in the First Test exceed the results in the Second Test

4 . Question

A set of 9 numbers {3, 3, 4, 5, 5, 5, 6, 7, 7} has a mean of 5. Another number is added to the set and the mean becomes 6.

What number is added to the set?

5 . Question

The picture is a shape created with an equilateral triangle and a square whose area is 36 square inches.

What is the length of a side of the square?

hiset practice essay questions

  • a. 18 inches
  • b. 9 inches
  • c. 12 inches
  • d. 6 inches

6 . Question

What is the perimeter of the shape?

  • a. 24 inches
  • b. 30 inches
  • c. 36 inches
  • d. 48 inches

7 . Question

The height of the equilateral triangle is 5.2 inches. Find the area of the shape.

  • a. 54.8 square inches
  • b. 45 square inches
  • c. 51.6 square inches
  • d. 67.2 square inches

8 . Question

There are 1,000,000 kb in a GB. Guy has 29 GB of storage on his computer. He has a lot of picture files of about 78kb.

What is the maximum number of such pictures he can store on his computer?

9 . Question

In the triangle ABC below, angle B is a right angle.

hiset practice essay questions

Find the length of AC

  • a. 10 inches
  • c. 6.9 inches
  • d. 14 inches

10 . Question

Which diagram shows a shape whose volume V can be found by the formula V = πr 2 h

hiset practice essay questions

All HiSET Practice Tests

Take a HiSET practice test below. Choose which subtest you want to prepare for and start practicing. Make sure to use the answer explanations at the end of each exam.

HiSET Language Arts – Reading

  • HiSET Language Arts Reading Practice Test 1
  • HiSET Language Arts Reading Practice Test 2
  • HiSET Language Arts Reading Practice Test 3
  • HiSET Language Arts Reading Practice Test 4
  • HiSET Language Arts Reading Practice Test 5

HiSET Language Arts – Writing

  • HiSET Language Arts Writing Practice Test 1
  • HiSET Language Arts Writing Practice Test 2
  • HiSET Language Arts Writing Practice Test 3
  • HiSET Math Practice Test 1
  • HiSET Math Practice Test 2
  • HiSET Math Practice Test 3
  • HiSET Math Practice Test 4

HiSET Science

  • HiSET Science Practice Test 1
  • HiSET Science Practice Test 2
  • HiSET Science Practice Test 3
  • HiSET Science Practice Test 4

HiSET Social Studies

  • HiSET Social Studies Practice Test

Overview of the HiSET Exam

The HiSET is a high school equivalency exam that is similar to the GED. HiSET stands for High School Equivalency Test. This exam measures whether you have an academic level that would be the equivalent of graduating high school.

The HiSET is made up of 5 subtests:

  • Language Arts Reading: 50 Questions. 65 Minutes.
  • Language Arts Writing: 60 Questions and 1 Essay. 120 Minutes.
  • Math: 55 Questions. 90 Minutes.
  • Science: 60 Questions. 80 Minutes.
  • Social Studies: 60 Questions. 70 Minutes.

If you want additional information, here is the official PDF .

An image showing an overview of the HiSET exam

Scoring of the HiSET

Each of the subtests (5) are scored on a scale from 1-20. To pass the HiSET, you must meet the following 3 criteria:

  • Achieve a score of 8 or higher on each of the five subtests.
  • Achieve a score of at least 2 out of 6 on the essay, which is located on the writing test.
  • Achieve a total combined score of at least 45 on all five subtests.

Important Note: In your HiSET account, you will see a Comprehensive Score Report and Individual Test Reports. The Comprehensive Score Report is your official record that may be sent to schools and employers.

The Comprehensive Score Report is updated each time you take a new subtest and will only show your best score for each subtest.

If you score at least 15 out of 20 on any of the subtests, and a 4 or higher on the essay, you are considered college or career ready. This means that you scored in the 75 th + percentile.

Registering for the HiSET and Test Day

To register for the HiSET, follow these steps:

  • See if Your State Offers the HiSET: You will need to see if your state offers the HiSET. Here is a link to do that.
  • Create a HiSET Account: You will need to create an account on the HiSET website .
  • Select a Test Date and Test Method: There are not specific test dates like with the ACT or SAT. You can mostly take the HiSET whenever you please. You will be able to take the exam online (proctored) or at a testing center.
  • Schedule Your Test: Once you have finalized your test date and method, you need to schedule your exam. You can take all five subtests at once or space them out and take them different days.

The fees for the HiSET will vary depending on your state and how you choose to test. Typically, you can expect to pay $10.75 for each subtest (computer-based) or $15 for each subtest (paper-based).

Studying for the HiSET

The HiSET is an important exam, and it is important that you pass it so that you can earn your high school equivalency certificate. Here are some tips we recommend when studying for the HiSET:

  • Take a Baseline Practice Exam: Take a baseline exam and see how you do. You may find that you are already prepared for the exam.
  • Narrow Down Problem Areas: Try and narrow down specific subtests that you struggle with. This can help you study for the subtests that you really struggle with.
  • Consider a Prep Course or Other External Resources: You may want to consider using an external resource or prep course to help you study. Not only will this help you learn, it will also keep you focused and determined.
  • Process of Elimination: You can space out your subtests. Take the subtests you feel most comfortable with first. After you receive a passing score on those ones, you can forget about them and focus on the other subtests you need to take.

Benefits of Using a HiSET Practice Test

Using practice tests to prepare for your exam offers many benefits. Sample questions offer many unique benefits compared to other approaches. The advantages of using sample HiSET tests include:

  • Becoming Comfortable with the HiSET Test Format: Every standardized test has its own unique format. As you take practice HiSET tests you will become comfortable with the format of the actual HiSET test. Once the test day arrives you will have no surprises.
  • Focusing Your Study: As you take more and more sample tests you begin to get a feel for the topics that you know well and the areas that you are weak on. Many students waste a lot of valuable study time by reviewing material that they are good at.
  • Improving Your Speed: The HiSET exams are all timed. Although most students who take the HiSET feel that there is sufficient time, taking the HiSET practice tests with self-imposed timers helps you budget your time effectively.
  • Becoming a Better Problem Solver: As you practice with our sample questions, and review the provided explanations, you will increase your ability to solve problems. Solid problem-solving skills will be crucial for you to achieve a passing score on your exam.

Frequently Asked Questions

How many subtests are on the hiset.

There are 5 subtests on the HiSET:

What is a passing score on the HiSET?

To pass the exam, you need to meet the following criteria:

Can you retake the HiSET?

You can retake the HiSET. You will be able to take a subtest up to 3 times per calendar year.

Can you use a calculator on the HiSET?

Yes, you can use a calculator. You cannot bring your own. One will be provided for you.

Can you take the exam on a computer or paper?

Yes, the exam is offered both online and on paper. The only difference is how they are administered.

Can you take the exam at home?

Yes, there is an online proctored version offered. You can also take the exam at a testing center.

hiset practice essay questions

  • Authored By: Dave Evangelisti
  • Last Updated: January 29, 2024

HiSET Practice Test

Prepare for your test with realistic questions.

Welcome to the HiSET practice test page!

Click the “Start Test” button above to begin our free HiSET practice test! These practice questions will give you a better idea of what to study for your exam.

HiSET Practice Tests by Subject

If you need some extra practice in a specific subject, click one of the subjects below to get started on a subject-specific HiSET practice test.

HiSET Reading Practice Test HiSET Writing Practice Test

HiSET Mathematics Practice Test HiSET Science Practice Test

HiSET Social Studies Practice Test

HiSET Outline

The HiSET is split into five sections, which are outlined below.

Check Out Mometrix's HiSET Study Guide

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 Study Guide

How to Study for the HiSET

How to study effectively.

Your success on HiSET test day depends not only on how many hours you put into preparing but also on whether you prepared the right way. It’s good to check along the way to see whether your studying is paying off. One of the most effective ways to do this is by taking HiSET practice tests to evaluate your progress. Practice tests are useful because they show exactly where you need to improve. Every time you take a free HiSET exam practice test, pay special attention to these three groups of questions:

  • The questions you got wrong
  • The ones you had to guess on, even if you guessed right
  • The ones you found difficult or slow to work through

This will show you exactly what your weak areas are and where you need to devote more study time. Ask yourself why each of these questions gave you trouble. Was it because you didn’t understand the material? Was it because you didn’t remember the vocabulary? Do you need more repetitions on this type of question to build speed and confidence? Dig into those questions and figure out how you can strengthen your weak areas as you go back to review the material.

Answer Explanations

Additionally, many HiSET practice tests have a section explaining the answer choices. It can be tempting to read the explanation and think that you now have a good understanding of the concept. However, an explanation likely only covers part of the question’s broader context. Even if the explanation makes sense, go back and investigate every concept related to the question until you’re positive you have a thorough understanding.

Comprehend Each Topic

As you go along, keep in mind that the HiSET practice test is just that: practice. Memorizing these questions and answers will not be very helpful on the actual test because it is unlikely to have any of the same exact questions. If you only know the right answers to the sample questions, you won’t be prepared for the real thing. Study the concepts until you understand them fully, and then you’ll be able to answer any question that shows up on the test.

Strategy for HiSET Practice

When you’re ready to start taking practice tests, follow this strategy:

  • Remove Limitations. Take the first test with no time constraints and with your notes and HiSET study guide handy. Take your time and focus on applying the strategies you’ve learned.
  • Time Yourself. Take the second practice test “open book” as well, but set a timer and practice pacing yourself to finish in time.
  • Simulate Test Day. Take any other practice tests as if it were test day. Set a timer and put away your study materials. Sit at a table or desk in a quiet room, imagine yourself at the testing center, and answer questions as quickly and accurately as possible.
  • Keep Practicing. Keep taking practice tests on a regular basis until you run out of practice tests or it’s time for the actual test. Your mind will be ready for the schedule and stress of test day, and you’ll be able to focus on recalling the material you’ve learned.

Check Out Mometrix's HiSET Flashcards

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Online HiSET Prep Course

If you want to be fully prepared, Mometrix offers an online HiSET prep course. The course is designed to provide you with any and every resource you might want while studying. The HiSET course includes:

  • Review Lessons Covering Every Topic
  • 1,400+ HiSET Practice Questions
  • More than 1,200 Electronic Flashcards
  • Over 380 Instructional Videos
  • Money-back Guarantee
  • Free Mobile Access

The HiSET prep course is designed to help any learner get everything they need to prepare for their HiSET exam. Click below to check it out!

hiset practice essay questions

By Peter Rench

Peter Rench joined Mometrix in 2009 and serves as Vice President of Product Development, responsible for overseeing all new product development and quality improvements. Mr. Rench, a National Merit Scholar, graduated magna cum laude with a Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering and a minor in mathematics from Texas A&M University.

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by Mometrix Test Preparation | Last Updated: August 13, 2024

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  • Educational
  • High School Equivalency
  • Language Arts – Reading (30 questions)
  • Mathematics (30 questions)
  • Science (30 questions)
  • Social Studies (30 questions)

Start Your HiSET Exam

Exam Description: Additional Information    Register for this exam

The HiSET® exam includes five subtests that you can schedule to take in any order:

  • Language Arts – Reading
  • Language Arts – Writing


Social studies, language arts - reading.

The Reading subtest measures your ability to understand, interpret and analyze a broad range of literary and informational texts. The selections are from different genres on subject matter that varies in purpose and style. They may be in the form of memoirs, essays, biographical sketches, editorials or poetry. The texts generally range in length from approximately 400 to 600 words.

Language Arts - Writing

If you are taking the HiSET exam in English, the Writing subtest measures your skill in recognizing and producing effective, standard, American-written English and is in two parts. Spanish test takers may write their essay in Spanish. Part 1 measures your ability to edit and revise written text. Part 2 measures your ability to generate and organize ideas in writing.

The Mathematics subtest measures mathematical knowledge and competencies. You are asked to solve quantitative problems using fundamental concepts and reasoning skills. The questions present practical problems that require numerical operations, measurement, estimation, data interpretation and logical thinking. Problems are based on realistic situations and may test abstract concepts such as algebraic patterns, precision in measurement and probability. You may use a calculator for the entire subject test, if you choose to do so.

The Science subtest measures your ability to use science content knowledge, apply principles of scientific inquiry, and interpret and evaluate scientific information. Most of the questions provide descriptions of scientific investigations and their results. Scientific information is based on reports that might be found in scientific journals. Graphs, tables and charts are used to present information and results. The questions use material from a variety of content areas such as: physics, chemistry, botany, zoology, health and astronomy. You may be asked to identify the research question of interest, select the best design for a specific research question and recognize conclusions that can be drawn from results. You may also be asked to evaluate the adequacy of procedures and distinguish among hypotheses, assumptions and observations.

The Social Studies subtest measures your ability to analyze and evaluate various kinds of social studies information. The subtest uses materials from a variety of content areas, including history, political science, psychology, sociology, anthropology, geography and economics. Primary documents, posters, cartoons, timelines, maps, graphs, tables, charts and reading passages may be used to present information. You may be asked to distinguish statements of fact from opinion; recognize the limitations of procedures and methods; and make judgments about the reliability of sources, the validity of inferences and conclusions, and the adequacy of information for drawing conclusions.

Test Prep Review

HiSET Practice Test Review

You may have heard of the new HiSET, or High School Equivalency Test, and have some questions about it. That’s perfectly understandable, because if you didn’t graduate from high school, the HiSET could be your key to a great future.

Having a high school diploma or the equivalent is extremely important in modern America, as almost all employers now require applicants to have one, including for jobs that pay only minimum wage. Plus, going to college is basically impossible for people without this important piece of paper.

HiSet Study Guide and Flashcards

Get practice questions, detailed study lessons, and complex subjects broken down into easily understandable concepts.

HISETStudy Guide

For decades, people who hadn’t finished high school had only one option, which was earning a GED, or General Equivalency Diploma. This program was used in all states, and nearly all employers and colleges treated a GED certificate just like a high school diploma.

That is changing, though, because recently the cost of taking the GED suddenly doubled. So dozens of states began looking for an alternative program, and that’s where HiSET comes in.

It was designed to provide people with a way of showing they possess high school levels of knowledge just like the GED, but at a much lower price.

Montana was the first state to switch to HiSET, and New Hampshire was the second, and many more states are expected to start using the test very soon.

The cost will be much lower than the GED, which now costs $120-150 to take. The HiSET only costs $50.

This means that far more people will be able to afford to get an equivalency diploma and go back to school or qualify for a better job.

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Online HiSET Prep Course

If you want to be fully prepared, Mometrix offers an online HiSET Prep Course. The course is designed to provide you with any and every resource you might want while studying. The HiSET Course includes:

  • Review Lessons Covering Every Topic
  • 1,400+ HiSET Practice Questions
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The HiSET Prep Course is designed to help any learner get everything they need to prepare for their HiSET exam. Click below to check it out!

Free HiSET Practice Test

  • HiSET Language Arts - Reading Practice Test

HiSET Math Practice Test

  • HiSET Social Studies Practice Test

The HiSET is in many ways very similar to the GED exam, covering several different subjects that typical high school students take, such as math, reading, English, science, social studies, etc. It will take most of the day to complete the entire exam, and the format is multiple-choice.

However, unlike the GED, the HiSET can be taken either on a computer, or with a pencil and paper. This is really helpful, because people shouldn’t be held back from improving themselves just because they don’t have good computer skills.

If you’ll be taking the HiSET, make sure you prepare well so that you can get a passing score and start on the road to a much better future. Taking numerous HiSET A2 practice tests is recommended for test day success.

Is the HiSET harder than the GED?

The HiSET is considered to be very similar to the GED, with the math section noted by experts as being slightly easier on the HiSET.

Is the HiSET the same as a GED?

For most intents and purposes, yes. Passing the HiSET will essentially give you the same credentials as a GED. However, some states do NOT offer or recognize the HiSET.

  • HiSET Study Guide

Explore our free HiSET review provided by Mometrix. Check out our premium HiSET study guide to take your studying to the next level. If you benefit from these materials, just click the link below! To compliment our HiSET book, we also offer extensive HiSET flashcards for even more HiSET test prep help.

We hope you enjoy our products! Your purchase helps us make more great, free content for test-takers just like yourself.

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  • HiSET Online Course

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Self-Assessment Modules

  • Intermediate Math
  • Advanced Mathematics
  • Basic Algebra
  • Intermediate Algebra
  • Advanced Algebra
  • Averages and Rounding
  • Estimation and Sequences
  • Exponents 2
  • Fractions and Square Roots
  • Measurement
  • Percents and Ratios
  • Author's Purpose
  • Basic Grammar
  • Intermediate Grammar
  • Advanced Grammar
  • Reading for the Main Idea
  • Basic Reading Comprehension
  • Advanced Reading Comprehension
  • Sentence Correction
  • Sentence Correction 2
  • Social Studies
  • Science Passage
  • Writing Review

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High School Equivalency Test HiSET Practice Test 2025

hiset practice essay questions

The HiSET®  2025 exam assists adult learners in achieving their college and professional goals, which opens doors and transforms lives. You’ll need to get a high school equivalency credential if you want to get a better job or start along the route to a career. It’s necessary in college, and companies value it more than ever.

Taking the  HiSET exam , as it has for other test takers, can help you transform your life and broaden your options. You can get a state-issued high school equivalency certification by taking the HiSET® exam, which you can use to boost your job, join the military, start a training program, or continue your education. The HiSET exam is the fastest-growing high school equivalency examination because it is affordable, accessible, and flexible.

Take the HiSET Practice Test Now!

Why take hiset test.

Passing the HiSET® exam demonstrates that you possess the same academic knowledge and skills as a high school graduate. Your state will award you a high school equivalency credential if you pass. The  certificate  allows you to take your life in a completely different path!

A high school equivalency credential can help you demonstrate to your employer that you have the college and career-readiness abilities necessary to advance your career and participate in on-the-job training.

It’s simple to continue taking credit-bearing courses at a community college if you completed adult education/test preparation classes there. If you transfer to another college or program, keep in mind that your high school equivalency credential is portable, meaning it is recognized in all states, not just the one where you obtained it.

The  HiSET  exam is recognized by the United States military, as well as other federal agencies such as Job Corps, the Department of Labor, and the Department of Education, as a legitimate qualifying test for a high school equivalency certification.

Continue to learn! Make your high school equivalency diploma a springboard for your future profession. People who continue to improve their skills are essential for a competitive labor force. Continuing your education, attending industry-related seminars, and getting certifications will benefit you and leave a positive impression on potential employers.

hiset practice essay questions

What’s on the exam?

HiSET tests  typically have 5 tasks and these are:

Language Arts – Reading

This portion assesses your ability to comprehend, analyze, and interpret a wide range of literary and informational texts.

Language Arts – Writing

This section assesses your ability to recognize and produce American English.


This section assesses your mathematical abilities and knowledge. Numerical operations, measurement, estimation, data interpretation, and logical thinking are used to solve questions presented as practical problems. For this section, you may use a calculator.

This section assesses your ability to use your science topic knowledge, apply scientific inquiry principles, and interpret and evaluate scientific data.

Social Studies

This portion assesses your ability to analyze and evaluate data from a wide range of fields, including history, political science, psychology, sociology, anthropology, geography, and economics. Questions include primary documents, posters, cartoons, timelines, maps, graphs, tables, charts, and reading passages.

Exam Qualification

Each state has its own requirements about who can take the HiSET exam. Be sure to check your state’s requirements before preparing for or scheduling your exam. Most  requirements involve:

  • school enrollment status
  • state residency
  • Adult Education preparation requirement
  • identification

hiset practice essay questions

HiSET Exam Score

It will take a little longer for you to receive your official results. ETS conducts a quality check after receiving your unofficial results (for computer-delivered exams) or answer sheets (for paper-delivered and essay tests) from the test facility to confirm everything was scored correctly. Your official scores will be added to your online account once this process is completed. Official scores are typically posted within:

       • three business days (multiple-choice)        • five business days (Language Arts – Writing subtest)

Log in to your HiSET account to see your official results. They aren’t mailed to you. You will earn your high school equivalency (HSE) credential after passing the exam.

You deserve the best chance of success, and your HSE certification can help. While the HiSET exam is not available in every state, the HSE certificate you earn is recognized and approved by every state, territory, and authority, as well as the United States Department of Education, the United States military, and government programs. Having an HSE credential will broaden your options.

HiSET Test Prep PDF

Most colleges require at least one mathematics course as part of their general education requirements for almost any degree. You will be given mathematical problems to solve in this area, and you will be required to demonstrate your mastery of fundamental questions and reasoning skills. If you’re looking for HiSET math practice test 2025 PDF, HiSET math practice test 2025 PDF, or HiSET math practice test PDF, you’ve come to the right place. HiSET math exam 1 and HiSET math exam 2 are available. This test will help you understand how to approach the math exam.

Writing practice exams are a great method to brush up on your skills in language arts. There are 50 multiple-choice questions and one essay on the HiSET Language Arts Writing Test. Before giving your opinion on the exam, you must read two sections and fully comprehend them. You must demonstrate editorial and proofreading skills in this area of the test. If you’re preparing for this exam and looking for HiSET writing practice test PDF and HiSET study guide PDF, you’ve come to the perfect site. Take HiSET Writing Test 1 and HiSET Writing Test 2 to improve your writing skills.

The HiSET high school equivalency test includes a reading test for the Language Arts segment. You’ll be given a range of literary and informational pieces to read, and you’ll be quizzed on each one. You should exercise your analysis abilities, capacity to form inferences and draw conclusions after reading a text, synthesis, generalization skills, and general reading comprehension skills. If you’re looking for HiSET book PDF or HiSET reading practice test PDF, you’ve come to the right place. Use our free HiSET Reading practice exam 1 and HiSET Reading practice exam 2 to improve your reading skills.

The HiSET Science component will assess your ability to interpret and absorb natural-sciences data. Identifying research questions of interest, determining the appropriate design for researching a certain research question, recognizing what kinds of inferences can be derived from results, and so on will be among the test questions. The HiSET Science part, like the rest, is made up of multiple-choice questions. We provide HiSET Science test prep if you are looking for HiSET practice test PDF 2025 for exam preparation.

The HiSET’s Social Studies part will assess your ability to understand and digest social studies data. The Social Studies portion builds on the skills you learned in the Reading section, encouraging you to think about how the author of a certain work goes about his business and how you would separate reality from fiction using your razor. If you’re studying for the exam, check for HiSET practice test PDF or HiSET social studies PDF. Take our Social Studies practice test to see if you’re ready for your HiSET Social Studies exam.

HiSET Questions and Answers

Is a certificate that certifies that you have the same level of knowledge as someone who graduated from high school in the United States.

The test was created using the OCTAE Adult Education College and Career Readiness Standards. It is managed by ETS and delivered in collaboration with applicable state or territorial authorities.

If you meet your HiSET state criteria and are 18 years of age or older, you can take the HiSET test at home.

HiSET stands for High School Equivalency Test.

HiSET scores are valid for the duration of the state contract, although they do not expire as far as reporting is concerned.

Visit the ETS/HISET Parchment website to request a copy of your HiSET certificate.

If you’re well-prepared and confident on test day, the math on the HiSET test won’t appear difficult.

The HiSET is similar to the old GED, but that doesn’t imply it’s simpler to pass than other high school equivalency exams. Students who pass the HiSET , like other high school equivalency exams, are demonstrating that they have academic skills comparable to the top 60% of recent high school graduates.

The HiSET test takes several hours and is difficult to pass.

You must achieve a minimum score of 8 out of 20 on each of the five subtests. On the essay, you must get at least a 2 out of 6 score. Attain a total scaled score of 45 out of 100 on all five HiSET subtests.

The General Educational Development Test (GED) is an equivalency test that applies to those who were unable to obtain their High School diploma and serves to measure the knowledge and skills acquired at this educational level, whereas The Test Assessing Secondary Completion (TASC) is designed for anyone who does not have their high school diploma and can obtain it with this assessment, and finally The High School Equivalent Test (HISET) is a diploma that determines that the person who took it acquitted themselves of their high school diploma.

Request a copy of your transcript or diploma. Select the link or follow the procedures for your state or territory below to request your transcript or diploma. If you have any further queries, please consult the state requirements page or call HiSET® Customer Service at 1-855-MyHiSET.

Do some HiSET practice test to brush up on your skills before taking the test. Use internet tools to discover practice questions, worksheets, and tutorials to assist you review the content before taking a test to assess your understanding of it. Allow plenty of time to review the materials before your scheduled test date. Don’t expect to do well on the test if you cram the night before.

Like the GED, the HiSET allows students who never completed high school to acquire a state-issued HSE (high school equivalency) credential. The GED is a four-test computerized exam, but the five-test HiSET, like the previous GED edition, is available in both a paper-based and a computerized format (in most states).

The HiSet test is a direct rival to the GED and is the result of many years of work by Educational Testing Services. In that sense, it makes no difference whether test you take: GED, HiSet , or TASC.

Individuals are tested for their competency in five subjects or subtests in HiSET, whereas individuals are tested in four subjects or subtests in GED tests.

Take a HiSET Science practice test to see what you know and what areas require the most attention. Taking practice exams is an excellent approach to figure out your strong and weak knowledge areas so you don’t waste time on subjects you already know a lot about.

The HiSET Mathematics Test evaluates your numerical reasoning skills. You’ll have 90 minutes to complete 50 multiple-choice questions about skills like performing numerical operations to solve difficulties. Solving quadratic and linear equations.

It’s not as difficult as you may imagine.

The High School Equivalency Test (HiSET) and the General Educational Development (GED) exams are both used to give a high school equivalency diploma, but they differ in some ways. Regardless of which exam was taken, the diploma equivalent is nationally recognized once it is completed.

Yes, the HiSET test is recognized by the military as a high school equivalency exam. If a credential has been issued, I would accept it and handle it as such. The relevant state has approved and issued it.

HiSET scores are good for the duration of the state contract, but they do not expire as far as reporting is concerned.

The exam is divided into five sections: math, science, English, social studies, and writing. Writing. All of the sections are multiple-choice (40-50 questions), and the last component is a short essay. Test takers must also compose an essay in the writing part.

If you’re well-prepared and confident on test day, the math on the HiSET test won’t appear difficult. You’ll need more preparation than a dry textbook or practice problems with no explanations can supply if you want to be confident in your abilities.

To pass the HiSET exam, ETS has established a national passing score of 8 for each of the five subtests and a cumulative score of 45. It’s worth noting that certain states determine their own passing score. Passing the test requires a minimum score of 2 on the Language Arts – Writing essay.

HiSET is currently only available in a total of 12 states.

You can take the HiSET test at a variety of sites, including community colleges and adult learning centers, so you have plenty of options. When the test centers are open, the exam can be taken on most days.

A four-function calculator is used in the HiSET test . For computerized testing, you will be provided with a calculator.

Your HiSET diploma will be accepted by the majority of community institutions, trade schools, and four-year colleges.

The HiSET’s resemblance to the previous GED does not imply that it is simpler to pass than other high school equivalency exams. Test takers must score an 8 out of 20 on each of the five subjects and a minimum combined score of 45 to pass the HiSET.

HiSET scores are given on a scale of 1–20 with 1-point increments. To pass the HiSET exam, ETS has established a national passing score of 8 for each of the five subtests and a cumulative score of 45. To pass the Language Arts – Writing essay, test takers must acquire a minimum score of 2.

The HiSET® exam is scored on a continuous basis by ETS. Scores are processed on a daily basis, and results are sent to the appropriate state or authority as soon as they are available.

Students should receive their test results in around two weeks.

The overall test period, including breaks, is 7 hours and 5 minutes for English and 7 hours and 20 minutes for Spanish. The subtests are usually taken on various days by most test takers.

The HiSET Mathematics section is 50 question with a time limit of 90 minutes.

You have 65 minutes to read some text passages from the and answer each question.

There are 50 minutes to complete the essay that comes after the multiple-choice part of the test.

The HiSET Mathematics exam will consist of approximately 50 questions. All of the questions will be multiple choice.

The reading comprehension part of HiSET Test is about 40 questions long. Exam questions are multiple-choice.

One of the shortest sections of the HiSET is the Social Studies exam. Despite the fact that it is only 50 questions.

The HiSET Science test has 50 multiple choice questions. It must be responded to in less 80 minutes. The majority of the questions include an image, chart, or passage of text.

A subtest can be taken up to three times in a calendar year. This includes your first appointment as well as two additional retakes. Please visit Requirements by State or Jurisdiction for further information on how to retake an exam.

The cost of the HiSET test varies by state or jurisdiction. For computer-delivered tests, the base fee is $10.75, and for paper-delivered tests, it is $15. However, there may be additional test center and administrative expenses.

The HiSET test fee in California is $12.75 for computer-based subtests and $17 for paper-based subtests. The HiSET test fees do not include the $20 California state administration fee or test center fees. The cost of a test center varies. For further information, contact your test center.

The HiSET program, your test center or adult education program, or other test preparation providers can offer you with the resources you need to prepare.

The HiSET® exam is one of three exams used by states and territories in the United States to assess high school equivalency skills, while the TASC is a test of comprehension and knowledge. Test Assessing Secondary CompletionTM is the abbreviation for Test Assessing Secondary CompletionTM. Passing the test demonstrates that you have the same knowledge and skills as a high school graduate in the United States.

History, government, geography, and economics are all included on the HiSET Social Studies exam. You will have 70 minutes to answer 50 multiple-choice questions.

You must have a total score of 45 on all five tests, with an average of 9 on each. You’ll get a separate score for the essay on the HiSET test . Even if you pass the entire writing test, you must pass the essay test with a score of 2 out of 6.

The algebra section of the HiSET Math test is the most important part for test takers to remember.

Social Studies, Language Arts (Writing and Reading), Science, and Mathematics are the six areas of the HiSET. Each test has its own set of prerequisites and time restriction.

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HiSET Essay Topics

Last Updated on May 15, 2024.

The HiSET exam (HiSET is simply short for “High School Equivalency Test”) is one of two high school equivalency (HSE) exams that states can use in the U.S.

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The high school equivalency test offers adults who never graduated from high school one more shot at earning an equivalent degree that’s accepted across North America in lieu of a common high school credential.

In this post, we look a little deeper into one specific section of the HiSET English Writing subtest where you have to write a 5- or 6-paragraph essay and what types of prompts you’ll see in that section.

The HiSET exam comes with five individual and independent modules (subject tests) that assess your knowledge in the academic areas of

  • Social Studies
  • Language Writing
  • Language Reading

So even if you quit high school prematurely, there’s still a path available to get hold of a secondary education degree.

The diploma that’s awarded when you’ve completed the five HiSET modules qualifies you for better jobs or to continue your education in university or college.

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The HiSET exam was introduced a few years back as a more affordable alternative to the GED test.

GED testing is only possible in a fully computerized format, whereas the HiSET can be taken on a computer or in a paper-based format.

If you attain sufficient scores on all five HiSET subtests, you will receive your state’s High School Equivalency (HSE) Diploma or Certificate. Some states issue certificates and some issue diplomas.

So if you hold your state’s HSE credential, you can move on to pursue a higher education degree or advance toward whichever career goals you have.

Table of Contents

  • 1 The HiSET Writing test
  • 2 HiSET Essay Prompt
  • 3 Supporting Details
  • 4 HiSET Scores

The HiSET Writing test

Whatever career field you choose, most likely, you’ll be required to master some level of competent writing abilities.

Writing is one of the main ways in which we communicate thoughts, ideas, and information. Check here for an overview of states that are using the HiSET and what it costs by state.

Communication, and so also writing, is a skill that requires training and development as it is a task you’ll need to utilize for just about every job. You must be able to write clearly and correctly to effectively interact and communicate with people around you.

On the HiSET Writing test, you first will have to deal with 50 multiple-choice questions. Then, you will have to write an essay, and you are given 50 minutes to do so.

Check here for this website’s free HiSET practice tests. They are great to start your GED or HiSET prep, but for full coverage, register with Onsego GED Prep, a full-scope program that GED Testing Service has given the predicate “Fully GED Test Aligned.”

HiSET Essay Prompt

When you are ready to start with this section, you’ll receive a prompt, usually based on two reading passages. You are asked to carefully read these passages, analyze the contents, and discuss the issue in line with the parameters that are given in the prompt.

You must use the information provided in the passages and use arguments, evidence, and supporting details from the tests, and come up with and defend your point of view.

The purpose of writing an essay is to measure to what extent you are capable of composing an argument and backing up your perspective in a piece writing, your essay. You can take the HiSET exam online or at state-designated test centers. Check here for a full list of HiSET test centers across the U.S.

For the HiSET essay section, you may see a number of different question types. One possibility, as said earlier, is that you’ll receive two passages written by authors who have differing opinions on a specific topic.

You’ll have to carefully read the two passages and learn all about the weaknesses and strengths expressed in both passages. Once you’ve done that, you’ll have to write your essay in which you need to express your opinion about that topic. For more information on taking the HiSET-At-Home exam , check out this article.

When you’re given this type of prompt, you’ll have to determine your position and explain your point of view on the topic. You must use examples and reasons from the passages, and you can also add your own experiences to support your standpoint.

Supporting Details

You must use evidence and supporting details provided in the passages to defend and support your position. You should also mention or refer to various arguments of individuals who have opposing views.

Sometimes, you’ll receive a different type of prompt where you’re given a quote or statement on a certain topic. You’ll be asked to explain to what extent you disagree or agree with that quote or statement.

In that case, you’ll first have to determine what the statement or quote exactly says about the issue at hand. So, careful reading is vital to understand what the author is trying to convey.

Once you understand the topic and the statement thoroughly, you need to determine whether and to what extent you disagree or agree with the author’s idea and why that is so.

Also here, you must use specific reasoning and supporting details from the passage, and you can also add your personal experiences and examples to support your standpoint. Then, you can start thinking about writing your HiSET essay .

HiSET Scores

The five HiSET subject tests are graded on a scale that runs from 1 to 20. The HiSET passing score on each of the HiSET subtests is 8, and across the board, your score must be no less than 45. Check also here for the HiSET score chart.

This means that even if your overall score is (far) above 45 but on one subject test you haven’t reached the 8-mark, you did not pass the HiSET exam.

So to pass the HiSET exam, your cumulative score (the sum of all your subtest scores) must be 45 or better. On top of that, you must reach a score of 2 (out of 6) on your HiSET essay.

So, if you don’t attain a 2-score on your essay, or if your score on one subtest is less than 8, you won’t pass the HiSET exam, even if your total score is better than 45!

Keep in mind that HiSET and GED scores cannot be used together. If you start working toward your HSE diploma, you need to complete the exam you started with or start all over with the alternative option.

HiSET Practice Test

HiSET Essay Sample Response

Below is a sample response to our HiSET Essay Practice Question . You should review this response after you have written your own practice essay. This HiSET essay example will give you a good idea of what a successful essay looks like. After the sample response, there is a commentary explaining why this would receive a passing score.

Changing workplaces will clearly build a multitude of skills and experiences that one could not get being loyal to a single company. As stated in “Job Hopping is the New Reality,” a resume with a “wide variety of job skills that an applicant brings to the table” is now viewed quite favorably and will help an individual gain a better job in the future. Different jobs can also help an employee find the company that is right for them. My brother is part of a college program that gets him a different internship every other semester, so that he can experience what each employer has to offer and what would best fit him after he graduates. Staying in one place for a lifetime limits future prospects and denies current opportunities to expand one’s horizons.

Staying loyal to a single company doesn’t guarantee someone a promotion or job satisfaction; credentials are much more important. A job can be laid off, outsourced, or given to another employee at any time. As the author of “Job Hopping is the New Reality” also writes, waiting for a promotion or better position to open at your current job can be “a fool’s errand”. My grandfather worked with the same company for his entire life, and he was never placed into managerial positions. Just because a person is loyal to their job doesn’t mean they are happy. If someone feels like they should stay in one place, they may get trapped in a miserable situation. Although companies value loyalty, being loyal isn’t a foolproof way to gain favor or climb the corporate ladder, let alone be happy.

According to “Loyal Workers are Successful Workers,” others may feel that shifting jobs limits a person because he or she would constantly move or have to make new friends. This is not a guaranteed reality. The ability to change jobs often keeps a person from being limited to a set future. They, of course, may have to move or meet new people, but if it’s for the sake of finding a career they enjoy, is it really a loss?

The modern worker does not confine him- or herself to a singular career. The modern worker shifts, changes, and grows for the sake of finding a job that they are great at, but that also makes them happy.

Essay Commentary

This sample response would receive a score of 5, which is a successful, though not perfect, score. We will first discuss what made this an effective response, and then we will point out how this sample response could be improved.

This essay earned a 5 out of 6 because of its:

  • effective introduction and conclusion: While the introduction and conclusion in this sample are not incredibly long, they serve their purpose. In the introduction, the writer effectively presents the proposed topic and clearly takes a stance. In the conclusion, the writer re-states the purpose and concludes the argument in a way that makes the reader think (“for the sake of finding a job that they are great at, but that also makes them happy”).  
  • Introduction: Clear thesis that argues that changing jobs is a positive.
  • Idea 1: Building more diverse skills and experiences.
  • Idea 2: Loyalty doesn’t pay off.
  • Counter-Argument: The benefits of moving outweigh the drawbacks.
  • Conclusion: When employees find the right job, everyone benefits.  
  • command of English grammar (few spelling, punctuation mistakes, etc.) : While the structure and wording is repetitive at times, the writer doesn’t make any real mistakes in spelling, punctuation, or grammar. The sample essay displays a command, though not necessarily a mastery, of English grammar and mechanics.  
  • proper and clear organization: The writer clearly had a plan, and followed a logical, effective structure. The sample response offers ideas that are supported with evidence from the passages and effectively covers the breadth of the topic.  
  • clear central thesis with supporting points: The writer’s central thesis clearly takes a stance on the topic. By writing, “changing jobs is the best way to get experience in different workplaces and in life because it builds a variety of skills and keeps one from being tied down in a career he or she may not grow in,” the writer makes his or her opinion on the topic very clear. The supporting ideas all remain focused and in line with the original thesis, and the sample essay as a whole maintains a clear, focused, and supported stance.  
  • acknowledgement of opposing/alternative points of view: In the second-to-last paragraph, the writer acknowledges an opposing idea, specifically that “others may feel that shifting jobs limits a person because he or she would constantly move or have to make new friends.” He or she then refutes this claim, assuring the audience that the benefits of meeting new people outweigh the drawbacks of having to move around.  

Overall, the sample essay presents a clear thesis, supports that thesis with strong ideas and supporting evidence, and refutes claims made by the opposing side in a focused, organized, and error-free response.

Areas that could be improved

This sample essay could have earned a 6 if the writer:

  • used stronger transitions: The writer is excellent at presenting ideas and making his or her point, but stronger transitions would create an articulate flow that would make this sample essay stronger.  
  • varied his or her sentence structure more: As we state above in the success, the writer doesn’t make any real spelling or grammatical mistakes in the sample essay; however, the writer also doesn’t vary their writing very much. The sample essay is functional and successful, but it won’t blow anyone away.  
  • more effectively explored his or her evidence: While the writer has strong ideas and effective evidence, the analysis and elaboration can be a bit limited at times in the sample response. For example, in the second paragraph, the writer writes about his or her brother, who “is part of a college program that gets him a different internship every other semester, so that he can experience what each employer has to offer and what would best fit him after he graduates.” This is a great real-life example, but it would be stronger with an assurance that the writer’s brother has benefited from these internships (in other words, the writer could have been clear that the brother benefited from the programs intended purpose).  

When you are practicing your essay responses, keep in mind both what made this sample response strong and what held it back. If you can write a response that is clear, takes a stance, and is supported with evidence from the passages, you will be successful. If you can add to that strong transitions, varied sentence structure, and analysis that really drives your point home, you can score a perfect score.

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