Student Essays

My school life days and memories

11 Essays on My School Life [ School Memories, Childhood, School Life ]

My school life memories and years essay, speech and paragraph. The essay includes primary, high school and college life memories, experiences, feelings and joys, first day and last of school life. The essay is for all 1,2,3,4,5,6,8,9,10,11 and 12 classes.

School Life Essay | Experiences, Joys, Memories, Achievements

The school life is the wonderful period of our life. Apart from getting education, the students learns  a lot of things from the school environment including; patience, sincerity, loyalty, sincerity, friendship, discipline etc. The school is really an unforgettable account of our experiences

1. Essay on My School Life Days, Experiences and Joys

Memories are the part and parcel of every one’s life. A man always remembers the good days he has passed. There are some good memories and some bad memories in life.

The good memories are the good experiences one gets in one’s life. The good memories includes; school life memories including primary, high school, college and university life memories. The memories of school life period, are definitely the treasure to cherish for the rest of your life. The school continuously plays and effective role in our later life period.

Related Post: Speech on My School Life Memories, For Students

The school life is the best life. A man, who has been the student, knows what school life is. The school life is the golden time period of learning. It truly impacts the life of students . The importance of school life can never be negated. The school life is important for children as well as for the grown up students alike.

We get good learning experience, the self confidence , motivation and the will to do the best. It is the school life that blesses with best ever friends for the rest of our life. The school life friends are like your old and sincere friends for the rest of your life. The school days are the best days of our lives. I have the best school life memories. They are like a treasure for me. The joys of school life are invaluable.

My school life days and memories

The school days are the best days of my life. I clearly remember my first day at school. My first day school life memories are still vivid. I can still feel how warmly I was welcomed at the school. That truly defines the importance of school life for a child.

As a child, I learned, cooperated, got myself motivated and groomed under the best company of my best friends. I remember the first year love and wishes from my teachers. That is why I always regard my primary school life memories as the treasure for my life.

I have the best friends today and the learning experience that I got from my high school. The high school life memories are the invaluable part. I did a lot of blunders and mistakes. But thanks to my sincere friends and true teachers I was always rescued. That is how I learned from high school life the true meaning of cooperation and love.

I had a lot of shortcoming. I still remember how ignorant I was during my school days. My school life memories make me realize how important school life is for anyone. Had it not been, I would have surely missed many things in my life. I would not be having good friends, good knowledge, good experience and the good memories.

The high school life days are very much filled with excitement. During high school life period, one becomes matured enough to understand the value of time. My high school life is a wonderful chapter in my entire memories. In that period I learned truly. I directed myself. I learned dedication, hard work, motivation and self actualization.

This is the period when I started working hard. Thanks to that hard work done, today I am happy with my career. I believe, what you learn during high school life or college life, it truly impacts the rest of your life.

One of my best high school memory was the day when I won prize in annual inter schools science fair. It was the moment of great pride for me, my parents and for my school. The Principal of our school gave me a shield. That shied is still with me.

I always had the habit, during my school life, to note down everything on a diary. During my free time I always open that diary. It helps me soothes my pain. It fulfills me with confidence and courage. I miss a lot friend of mine. I have a good amount of school life pictures.

Those school life pictures are like my best memories. I remember the days we celebrated, the extracurricular activities we took part in. I remember how happy were my parent when I obtain first position in my entire school. That’s the best part of my school life. It never let me be bored.

It is said that a person always remembers his first day at school and the last day at school. The first day a child remembers because he came there weeping. And the last day a student remember because he left the school weeping again. In my case, I remember clearly my first day at school and my last day at the school. The joys of school life are surely countless. Indeed, the school days are the best of our lives.

2. Essay on High School Life:

High school is a time in our lives that we will never forget. It is where we start to form our own identity and make lifelong memories. As I reflect on my high school experience, I realize how much it has shaped me into the person I am today.

The transition from middle school to high school can be both exciting and scary. For me, it was a bit of both. I was excited to have more freedom and opportunities, but at the same time, I was intimidated by the new environment and responsibilities. Nevertheless, I pushed myself to step out of my comfort zone and make the most out of my high school years.

One of the biggest highlights of my high school life was being part of various extracurricular activities. From joining the school newspaper to being a member of the drama club, I was able to explore my interests and develop new skills. These activities also allowed me to make new friends and create unforgettable memories.

Academically, high school challenged me in ways that I never thought possible. The workload was much heavier than middle school, but it taught me the importance of time management and discipline. I also had the opportunity to take advanced courses and push myself academically, which has helped me in my college journey.

But high school wasn’t just about academics and extracurriculars; it was also a time for personal growth. The four years of high school taught me valuable life lessons that I’ll carry with me forever. From learning how to deal with failures to building strong relationships with my peers, high school taught me the importance of resilience and self-growth.

However, like any other journey, my high school experience had its fair share of challenges. From dealing with peer pressure to balancing academics and extracurriculars, there were times when I felt overwhelmed. But these challenges only made me stronger and pushed me to become the best version of myself.

In conclusion, my high school life has been a rollercoaster ride filled with unforgettable moments, valuable lessons, and personal growth. I am grateful for the experiences that have shaped me into the person I am today.

3. Essay on My Unforgettable Experience in School:

Growing up, school was a huge part of my life. It was where I spent most of my days, learning new things and making memories with my friends. However, there was one particular experience that stood out to me and has stayed with me till this day.

It was during my high school years when my English teacher announced that we would be putting on a theatre production for the end of the year school play. I had always been interested in acting, but never had the opportunity to pursue it. This was my chance.

The excitement and nervousness that filled me as we went through rehearsals and prepared for the big day is something that I will never forget. It was a rollercoaster of emotions, from forgetting lines to perfecting our performances. But the bond that formed between my classmates and I was something truly special.

On the night of the performance, as I stood behind the curtains waiting for my cue, I couldn’t believe how far we had come. Throughout all the hard work and dedication, we had created a masterpiece. As the curtains opened and we performed in front of a packed audience, I felt a sense of pride and accomplishment that I had never experienced before.

That unforgettable experience in school taught me the power of teamwork, dedication, and the ability to overcome challenges. It also showed me the importance of stepping out of my comfort zone and trying new things. Looking back, I am grateful for that opportunity and all the lessons it taught me.

It truly was one of the most unforgettable experiences of my life. So, I encourage everyone to take advantage of any opportunities that come your way, you never know what amazing memories and lessons they may bring. Happy learning!

4. Short Essay on Primary School Memories:

As I sit down to write about my primary school memories, it feels like going down the memory lane. Those were truly some of the best days of my life. I remember walking into the school premises for the first time as a tiny, nervous child and feeling overwhelmed by everything around me. However, as days went by, this place became my second home.

My primary school was a small, close-knit community where everyone knew each other. The teachers were more like friends and mentors who encouraged us to pursue our interests and passions. I fondly remember the annual sports day, where we competed in various events with enthusiasm and camaraderie.

Apart from academics, my primary school also emphasized on co-curricular activities. I had the opportunity to participate in school plays, dance performances and even started a band with my classmates. These experiences not only helped me develop new skills but also gave me the confidence to express myself.

One of the most memorable moments was when our class went on a field trip to a nearby farm. We got to see how crops were grown, milked cows and even tasted fresh fruits and vegetables. It was a fun and educational experience that we still talk about to this day.

As I look back, I am grateful for the wonderful memories and friendships that I made during my time in primary school. They have shaped me into the person I am today and will always hold a special place in my heart. So whenever I feel nostalgic, I close my eyes and think of my primary school days, filled with laughter, learning and love. Memories truly are the most precious possessions we have.

Remembering them keeps us connected to our past and reminds us of the joys that lie ahead in life. So, cherish your memories and make new ones every day! Life is a journey, and it’s these little moments that make it worth living

5. Essay on School Days are the Best Days of our Lives:

School days, the phrase that brings back a flood of memories for many. For most of us, school was the first place we interacted with strangers and made friends who became like family. It’s a time when life is simple, and all we had to worry about was homework and getting good grades.

We often hear people say that school days are the best days of our lives, and I couldn’t agree more. These are the days when we experience a plethora of emotions – joy, fear, excitement, and sometimes even heartbreak. It’s during this time that we learn valuable life lessons that stay with us forever.

Looking back on my school days, I remember the carefree laughter with friends, the thrill of trying something new for the first time, and the endless possibilities that lay ahead. As children, we are filled with boundless energy and an insatiable curiosity to explore the world. School days gave us the platform to do just that.

Moreover, school was not just about academics; it also exposed us to different cultures, beliefs, and perspectives. We learned how to work in teams, communicate effectively, and take on leadership roles. These skills are essential in our personal and professional lives.

Even though school may have its challenges – long hours of studying or dealing with bullies – it’s a time we will always look back on with fondness. As we grow older, we realize that those simple days were the best days of our lives.

So let’s cherish these memories and be grateful for the experiences that shaped us into who we are today. After all, school days may have ended, but the lessons and memories will stay with us forever. So let’s make the most of our present, just like we did during our school days. Let’s live life without any regrets!

6. My First School Memories Essay:

As I sit down to think about my first school memories, a wave of nostalgia washes over me. The feeling is overwhelming and as I close my eyes, flashes of those early days come rushing back.

I remember walking into that big building for the very first time, clutching onto my mother’s hand tightly. Everything was so new and exciting, from the colorful walls to the friendly faces of my classmates. I couldn’t wait to start learning and exploring this new world.

My first day at school was a blur, but what stood out the most was meeting my teacher for the very first time. She had a warm smile and kind eyes that immediately put me at ease. She introduced herself and showed us around the classroom, explaining all the different areas and tools we would be using. I remember feeling so small in that big classroom, but also filled with a sense of wonder and curiosity.

As the days passed, school became my second home. I had made new friends, learned new things, and started to understand what it meant to be part of a community. Those early years were full of laughter, playtime, and endless curiosity. I remember our colorful art projects, singing in the school choir, and eagerly raising my hand to answer questions.

Looking back, those first school memories hold a special place in my heart. They shaped me into who I am today and instilled in me a love for learning that continues to this day. My first years of school were truly magical, and I will always be grateful for the experiences and memories that I carry with me. So, whenever I think about my first school memories, I can’t help but smile and feel a sense of joy and gratitude for those formative years.

7. Feeling About School Essay:

School. It’s a word that brings up mixed emotions for many people, especially students. As someone who has spent most of their life in school, I have experienced all the highs and lows that come with it.

On one hand, school has been a place of learning, growth and opportunities for me. It’s where I discovered my love for science and literature, made lifelong friends, and gained valuable skills that have helped me in my personal and professional life. I am grateful for the education I have received and the teachers who have guided me along the way.

On the other hand, school can also be a source of stress, pressure, and even boredom at times. The constant assignments, exams, and expectations can take a toll on students’ mental and physical well-being. It’s no wonder that many students struggle with anxiety and burnout during their academic years.

But beyond the academic aspects, school is also a place where we learn about ourselves and the world around us. We are exposed to different cultures, ideas, and perspectives, which broadens our understanding of society. We learn how to work in teams, overcome challenges, and take on responsibilities. These experiences are just as valuable as the lessons we learn from textbooks.

However, I also believe that school is not always the best environment for everyone to thrive in. The traditional education system may work for some students, but it can also leave many feeling frustrated and unfulfilled. It’s essential to recognize that every student has their unique strengths and passions, and the education system should cater to that.

In conclusion, my feelings about school are complex. It has been a place of growth and learning for me, but I also acknowledge its flaws and limitations. As we continue to evolve and improve our education system, it’s crucial to remember that every student’s experience is different

8. My Childhood School Memories Essay:

As I sit here and reflect on my childhood school memories, I can’t help but feel a sense of nostalgia. Some of the best times of my life were spent in school, surrounded by friends and teachers who shaped me into the person I am today.

I remember the excitement of starting kindergarten, with its bright colors and new experiences. It was my first taste of independence as I learned how to read, write and make new friends. As I moved on to elementary school, the days were filled with laughter and learning. I have fond memories of playing dodgeball during recess, participating in talent shows and going on field trips.

Middle school brought about a new set of challenges, but also some of my most cherished memories. It was during this time that I made lifelong friendships and discovered my love for music and sports. High school was a rollercoaster of emotions, but it was also where I learned valuable life lessons and made unforgettable memories.

My teachers played a crucial role in shaping my childhood school memories. They not only taught me academic subjects, but they also instilled values like respect, responsibility, and perseverance. They believed in me, encouraged me to dream big and helped me achieve my goals.

In conclusion, my childhood school memories hold a special place in my heart. They represent a time of innocence, discovery, and growth. Even though those days are long gone, the lessons I learned and the memories I made will stay with me forever. I am grateful for all the experiences and friendships that I gained during my school years, and I will always look back on them with a smile.

So to all the students out there, cherish your school memories and make the most of every moment because one day you’ll look back on them and realize how much they truly meant to you. Keep learning, growing and creating wonderful memories!

9. Best High School Memory Essay:

High school can be a rollercoaster ride for many students, filled with both highs and lows. For me, one of the most cherished memories from my high school days was during my sophomore year.

It was our school’s annual sports day event, where all students participated in various sports and games. I remember being part of the relay race team representing my class. We had been practicing for weeks, and I was determined to do my best.

As the day arrived, there was a sense of excitement and nervousness in the air. The entire school gathered at the stadium, cheering on their respective classes. When our turn came, I ran my heart out, giving it my all. Our team ended up winning the race, and I remember feeling an immense sense of pride and accomplishment.

But what made this memory truly special was the support and camaraderie I felt from my classmates. We were not just a team; we were a family, cheering each other on and celebrating our victory together.

Looking back, that moment taught me the power of teamwork, determination, and friendship. It’s a memory that I will always hold close to my heart and cherish for years to come. High school may have its ups and downs, but it’s moments like these that make the journey worthwhile. So, always cherish your high school memories because they are truly some of the best memories of our lives!

10. Essay on Last Year of School Life:

As a senior in high school, the thought of leaving my last year of school life behind and entering the “real world” is both exciting and terrifying. It’s a bittersweet feeling, knowing that this chapter of my life is coming to an end.

On one hand, I can’t wait to move on to new adventures and experiences. The freedom and independence that comes with college and adulthood is incredibly alluring. No more waking up early for class, no more strict schedules or rules to follow. I’ll finally have the chance to explore my interests and passions, make new friends, and take control of my own life.

But on the other hand, I can’t help but feel a sense of nostalgia for the past four years. High school has been a place of growth and learning, both academically and personally. I’ve made lifelong friendships, learned valuable lessons, and discovered who I am as a person. It’s scary to think that all of that will soon be left behind as I embark on a new journey.

As my last year of school life progresses, I find myself cherishing every moment more and more. I attend school events, participate in extracurricular activities, and spend time with my friends whenever possible. I know that these experiences will soon become memories, and I want to make the most of them while I can.

Leaving high school also means leaving behind the comfort and familiarity of my hometown. It’s a place where I’ve grown up and created countless memories. Saying goodbye to my family, friends, and the place I’ve called home for so long is a daunting thought.

But as much as it may be scary and sad to leave behind my last year of school life, I know that it’s necessary for growth and progress. And although I may leave this chapter of my life behind, the experiences and lessons will stay with me forever. As I move on to new adventures, I’ll always look back on my last year of school life with fondness and gratitude for all that it has taught me. So here’s to the last year of high school – may it be filled with memories, laughter, and bittersweet goodbyes as we prepare for the next chapter of our lives

11. My School Life Essay  ( 150-200, 300-500 Words )

I know what you’re thinking, “Another essay?” But hear me out, this one’s not about some boring topic that you’ll never use in your life. It’s about something we can all relate to – our school life.

School is something most of us have known since we were little. It’s where we learn and grow as individuals, make friends and create memories that we’ll cherish forever. It’s a place where we spend the majority of our time during our formative years, and it plays a crucial role in shaping who we become.

For some of us, school might have been a drag – long hours, boring lectures, endless exams. But for others (myself included), it was the best time of our lives. Sure, there were challenges and tough moments, but looking back, those experiences have helped us become who we are today.

One of the best things about school is the friendships we make. Our classmates become our partners in crime as we navigate through the ups and downs of academic life. They’re the ones who understand what it’s like to pull an all-nighter to finish a project or cram for an exam. And let’s not forget the inside jokes that only we and our classmates will understand.

Apart from friendships, school life also teaches us important life lessons. We learn discipline, time management, and responsibility as we juggle between classes, extracurricular activities, and personal commitments. We learn to work in teams, communicate effectively, and think critically. These are all skills that we’ll use throughout our lives, whether in further studies or in our careers.

But it’s not just about academics and life lessons, school life also gives us opportunities to explore our interests and passions. From joining a sports team to participating in drama productions, there’s something for everyone. These extracurricular activities not only provide a break from studying, but they also allow us to discover our talents and strengths.

And let’s not forget the unforgettable moments that make up our school life – field trips, school events, prom night, and graduation. These are all milestones that we’ll look back on with nostalgia and fondness. They’re also a reminder of how far we’ve come and the amazing memories we’ve created.

So, if you’re still in school, make the most of it. Take advantage of all the opportunities and experiences that come your way. And if you’ve already graduated, look back on your school life with a smile because those were some of the best years of our lives.

25 thoughts on “11 Essays on My School Life [ School Memories, Childhood, School Life ]”

Wow awesome report I will fudge it and use it 4 my own report thanks bye

Awesome . Nice experience of school 💖

Wow amazing report 🔥gave me inspiration for mobspeech …not meaning im copying tho 😪thanks

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Well done, the writer.

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Àwesome notice

This is very artist like paragraph

yaaa even I like it 🤘💖

Very nice report I like this outobiography thanks

Good I Like It

Great essay

Beautifully expressed 🖒❤😀 It was useful…

It was very nice and helpful to us wt and how to write our own life experience in school , relatives,near and dear etc… Thanks a lot

Thank you very much ❤️❤️

it never let s you feel board , I like that , thanks for sharing your article // have such a nice days in school actually good luck !

Very nice experience

Right this is good for a student absolutely right i am very for that thank you so much

So funny hahahahaha(sarcasm) 😀

My school memory is the such a wonderful part ok in my life. It’s was really how some feeling and wonderful experience. One day I leave from the World🌏 never come to back🔙 that’s line for suitable for my school days. It’s was not come to for following the life continues….. Missing my school days ans missing my lovely💕😍 friends👭👬👫

It is nice but it didn’t help me ☹

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essay on school life is the best

Essay on My School

essay on my school

Here we have shared the Essay on My School in detail so you can use it in your exam or assignment of 150, 250, 400, 500, or 1000 words.

You can use this Essay on My School in any assignment or project whether you are in school (class 10th or 12th), college, or preparing for answer writing in competitive exams. 

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Essay on My School in 150-300 words

My school is a place that holds a special significance in my life. It is not just a building with classrooms, but a nurturing environment where I have spent some of the most formative years of my life. My school is a place where I have gained knowledge, formed lifelong friendships, and developed essential skills for my future.

The infrastructure of my school is impressive, with well-equipped classrooms, laboratories, and a library. It provides a conducive learning environment where teachers impart knowledge with dedication and passion. The school also offers extracurricular activities, including sports, arts, and cultural events, which have played a crucial role in my overall development.

What makes my school truly special is its sense of community and inclusivity. The teachers and staff foster a supportive and nurturing atmosphere, encouraging students to express themselves, share their ideas, and embrace diversity. The friendships I have formed in my school have been invaluable, providing me with a sense of belonging and support.

My school has not only focused on academic excellence but also on character building. It instills values such as discipline, respect, and empathy. The school encourages us to participate in social service activities and initiatives that contribute to the betterment of society.

In conclusion, my school holds a significant place in my heart. It has provided me with a platform to grow academically, socially, and emotionally. The knowledge, skills, and experiences gained from my school will continue to shape my future endeavors. I am grateful for the opportunities, guidance, and memories that my school has bestowed upon me.

Essay on My School in 350-450 words

My school is not just a building with classrooms and desks; it is a place that has shaped me into the person I am today. It is a community of educators, students, and staff who work together to create a nurturing environment for learning and personal growth.

The infrastructure of my school is impressive, with well-maintained classrooms, science and computer laboratories, a library, and sports facilities. The classrooms are equipped with modern teaching aids and technology, providing an interactive and engaging learning experience. The school library is a treasure trove of knowledge, offering a wide range of books, magazines, and resources that have expanded my horizons and fueled my curiosity.

However, it is the people in my school who make it truly special. The teachers are not just educators but mentors who are passionate about their subjects and dedicated to imparting knowledge. They go beyond textbooks, encouraging critical thinking, creativity, and independent learning. Their guidance and support have nurtured my intellectual curiosity and shaped my academic journey.

Moreover, my school emphasizes holistic development by providing opportunities for extracurricular activities. From sports to arts, music to drama, there is something for everyone. These activities have allowed me to explore my talents, develop new skills, and build confidence. The annual school events, such as cultural fests and sports meets, bring the entire school community together, fostering a sense of camaraderie and school spirit.

What sets my school apart is its strong sense of community and inclusivity. Students from diverse backgrounds come together, fostering an environment of respect, empathy, and acceptance. The school encourages participation in community service projects, instilling values of compassion and social responsibility. Through these initiatives, I have developed a sense of empathy and a desire to make a positive impact on the world around me.

In addition to academic and extracurricular pursuits, my school also prioritizes character development. It promotes values such as integrity, discipline, and teamwork. Through various initiatives, including leadership programs and mentoring, my school equips students with essential life skills that go beyond the classroom.

In conclusion, my school is not just a physical space; it is a vibrant community that has played a significant role in my personal and academic growth. The infrastructure, dedicated teachers, diverse opportunities, and inclusive environment have provided me with a solid foundation for success. The memories, friendships, and experiences gained from my school will always hold a special place in my heart, and I am grateful for the invaluable lessons and support that my school has provided me with.

Essay on My School in 500-1000 words

Title: My School – A Journey of Learning, Growth, and Community

Introduction :

My school is more than just a physical institution; it is a place that has played a pivotal role in shaping my identity, fostering my love for learning, and providing me with a strong foundation for personal and academic growth. It is a vibrant community where dedicated educators, supportive staff, and fellow students come together to create an environment conducive to learning, exploration, and holistic development. In this essay, I will take you on a journey through my school, highlighting its infrastructure, curriculum, extracurricular activities, and the sense of community that makes it truly special.

Infrastructure and Facilities

The infrastructure of my school is impressive, designed to cater to the diverse needs of students. The well-maintained classrooms are spacious and equipped with modern teaching aids, including smart boards and multimedia projectors, enabling interactive and engaging learning experiences. The science and computer laboratories are equipped with state-of-the-art equipment, providing hands-on opportunities to explore and experiment. The school library is a haven of knowledge, with an extensive collection of books, magazines, and digital resources that have expanded my horizons and deepened my love for reading.

In addition to academic facilities, my school also boasts well-maintained sports facilities, including a sports ground, basketball court, and indoor sports arena. These facilities provide ample opportunities for students to engage in physical activities, promoting a healthy and active lifestyle.

Dedicated Educators and Supportive Staff

The heart of my school lies in its dedicated and passionate educators who go above and beyond their role as teachers. They serve as mentors, guiding us on our educational journey and nurturing our intellectual curiosity. Their commitment to their subjects, innovative teaching methods, and willingness to support and encourage students have had a profound impact on my love for learning. The teachers create a supportive and inclusive classroom environment, where each student feels valued and respected.

The supportive staff, including administrative personnel, librarians, and maintenance staff, play a crucial role in ensuring the smooth functioning of the school. Their dedication and commitment contribute to the overall positive atmosphere of the school, creating a sense of unity and collaboration.

Curriculum and Holistic Development

My school offers a comprehensive curriculum that emphasizes both academic excellence and holistic development. The curriculum is designed to foster critical thinking, creativity, and problem-solving skills. It goes beyond textbook knowledge, encouraging us to explore real-world applications of what we learn.

The school provides a well-structured timetable that balances academic subjects, including mathematics, science, languages, and social sciences, with opportunities for artistic expression, physical education, and personal development. This well-rounded approach ensures that students have a holistic educational experience and are exposed to a range of disciplines and perspectives.

Extracurricular Activities

My school recognizes the importance of extracurricular activities in nurturing talents, developing leadership skills, and promoting teamwork. The school offers a diverse range of activities, including sports, arts, music, dance, drama, and debate. These activities provide a platform for students to explore their passions, develop new skills, and showcase their talents.

Participating in extracurricular activities has not only broadened my horizons but also helped me build confidence, resilience, and a sense of discipline. Through sports, I have learned the value of teamwork, sportsmanship, and perseverance. In the arts, I have discovered my creativity and developed an appreciation for various forms of expression.

Sense of Community

What sets my school apart is the strong sense of community and belonging that permeates every aspect of school life. The school fosters an inclusive environment where students from diverse backgrounds come together, promoting mutual respect, understanding, and cultural appreciation. This sense of community has enabled me to develop meaningful friendships and connections that extend beyond the classroom.

The school organizes various events and celebrations, such as annual days, cultural festivals, and community service initiatives. These events bring the entire school community together, promoting camaraderie, teamwork, and a sense of pride in our school.

Conclusion :

My school is more than just a physical structure; it is a vibrant community where learning, growth, and friendship thrive. The infrastructure, dedicated educators, supportive staff, comprehensive curriculum, and wide range of extracurricular activities have provided me with a well-rounded education and countless opportunities for personal and academic development. The sense of community and belonging that permeates my school has created an environment where I feel valued, inspired, and motivated to reach my full potential. My school will always hold a special place in my heart, as it has nurtured my love for learning, shaped my character, and prepared me for a bright future.

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essay on school life is the best

My School Life Essay

By Emma bunton

Updated on April 13, 2023 is reader-supported. If you made a purchase after clicking on one of our links, we might receive an affiliate commission at no extra cost to you. Learn More

Essay on my school life – 300 words

School life is one of the most memorable times in an individual’s life. School life is filled with dreams for the future and mysteries to solve. I had a wonderful school life. My school life centered around my friends, gossip, and play. With no real responsibilities, I lived some of the best days of my life in my school life. Although I had several good friends, John and Sara were my best friends. They made my school days even more precious. We were not too brilliant or geniuses. But we were respectful and hardworking. All the teachers adored us.

 In my school days, all I wanted was to grow up and get out into the real world. However, now all I wish is for the good old days to come back. The best memory from my school life was the sharing of our lunches. We used to sit in a big circle in our lunch breaks and place all our lunch boxes inside the circle.  And then what followed was a half-hour full of talking and good food. 

Another precious memory from my school life was all of us playing silly games. We used to play truth and dare right in the middle of our classroom. It used to annoy our class teacher, Miss Priya, a lot. But as long as we were not harming anyone, she was fine with it. We used to find joy in the smallest of things. I remember one day a friend of mine brought mini cupcakes to class one day. That was the best day of my life. Life could not have been any better.

These are some of the dearest memories of my school life. I will cherish these memories for all times to come. I hope everyone’s school days are as joyful and beautiful as mine were.

My School Life Essay – 500 words

Happy memories stay with you forever. They provide the light in your dark days. And what better memories can be than the ones you collect in your school life. School life is one of the best times in one’s life. It largely impacts students. What we become in the future is based largely on how we are brought up in our school days. It is the golden opportunity for character building and learning.

In our school days, we learn to have self-confidence, motivation, and the will that will help us achieve greater things for the rest of our lives. School life blesses you with memories and friends that will stay with you for all times to come. As for me, my school life holds the fondest memories of my entire life. The friendship that I made in my school days have remained strong, honest, and sincere to date. My school life is an invaluable treasure that I will cherish forever.

I clearly remember the first day at my school. I was so scared and full of uncertainty. I joined school quite late in my life due to health problems. I felt like an outsider. I was afraid that my classmates would not approve of me. However, all the students and teachers went out of there to prove me wrong. I can still remember how everyone clapped when our headmaster introduced me to the rest of the class. At that particular moment, I should have understood that this was the start of some of the best years of my life.

I was groomed under the company of some of the greatest teachers in the world. They did not just teach me to excel in my academics. But they worked tirelessly to ensure that I build a strong moral character and a good attitude. I can say for a fact that my teachers have played the biggest part in my upbringing after my parents. They taught me the value of honesty, loyalty, and respect for others.

My class teacher, Mr. John, was the greatest man in the world. He treated all of us with love and equal respect. He did not believe in punishments at all. Instead, he used to make us do charity work or help around the local community center as a form of detention. I wish that every student would get the chance to come across a kind and loving teacher like Mr. John.

I was not perfect at all. I committed a lot of mistakes and blunders in my school life. Fortunately, my friends and teachers were always there to rescue me. My school life makes me realize how important it is to enjoy it like there is no tomorrow. School days are the best days of one’s life. They are filled with excitement, happiness, and dreams for the future. I believe that everything which I learned in my school life has molded me into the person I am today. If it was not for my teachers and friends at school, I would have been a completely different person.

Essay on my school life – 650 words


School life is one of the most important character-building phases in one’s life. It prepares us for the challenges ahead. Once we are out into the real world, the bubble that surrounded us in our school life bursts open. We are exposed to real-life challenges and situations. Everything that we have learned in our school days, including the fundamental principles of life will help us stand strong against whatever life throws at us.

Not only is school life a very important character builder, but it is also the happiest time of one’s life for most of us. With no real responsibilities, school life is all about fun and living the best days of your life. Most of us will agree with the fact that the mere reminder of our school days fills us with nostalgic memories of the happier days gone by.

My School Life

I studied in a local Catholic School. Our classes would begin at sharp 9:00 in the morning. The classes used to extend till 2:00 with an hour in between lunch break. We used to have about 4 to 5 classes a day depending on the time each class lasted. Our school put a huge focus on extracurricular activities. They made sure that all of us participated in one way or the other. It used to host debate competitions, spelling bees, cultural shows, and sports tournaments. Simply put, our school gave as much importance to extracurricular activities as it gave to studies.

I was a very bright and hardworking student. I used to participate in all sorts of tournaments and competitions that my school held. I was the captain of our soccer team. I also lead my team into the inter-school soccer tournament. I loved being a part of everything. And it paid a lot in the long run. Not only did it make my school life awesome, but it also paved the way for an Ivy League scholarship.

My school used to celebrate all the important days that came along. Be it Parent’s day, Teacher’s day, or Founder’s Day, we celebrated all of them joyously. This offered a great opportunity to instill the importance of these particular days in the student’s minds. To date, I celebrate all these individual days with my friends and family. Therefore, my school played a huge role in developing my character.

Coming to academics, my school gave it the utmost importance. Along with regular classes, my school held monthly tests and quarterly quizzes to ensure that we excelled in our final exams. If any of the students fared badly, extra classes were held for them. My school did not believe in punishing the students who fared badly in academics. The motto of my school was to teach with love. Anything that was taught with love is always remembered.

The hallmarks of my school were discipline, honesty, and respect. My school put a lot of emphasis on building the individual character of the students along with giving them a quality education. I can proudly say that I still abide by all the values which my school instilled in me. I learned to live my life abiding by the basic values of humankind. The basic values included respect for the elders, punctuality, discipline, good manners, and honesty.

The friends that one makes in his school days last forever. I made some of the greatest friendships in my school days. Full of loyalty, sincerity, and love, my school life friends have stood by my side for the rest of my life. I can honestly say that my school days were the best days of my life.


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I am proud to have been a part of such a wonderful and worthy institution. My school made me a better person today with greater self-control and the ability to withstand all of life’s challenges. Even after all these years, the memory of my school life brings a big smile to my face. It fills me with happy and precious memories that will stay with me forever.

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Student Life Essay

500 words essay on student life.

Student life is one of the most memorable phases of a person’s life. The phase of student life builds the foundation of our life. In student life, we do not just learn from books. We learn to grow emotionally, physically, philosophically as well as socially. Thus, in this student life essay, we will learn its essence and importance.

student life essay

The Essence of Student Life Essay

Student life is meant to help us learn discipline and study. Despite that, life is quite enjoyable. The struggle is low in student life. One must get up early in the morning to get ready for school or college.

Similarly, rushing to the bus stop is very exciting during student life. The mothers constantly remind us to hurry up and not be late. It is no less than a mantra for all mothers.

In addition, there are other exciting moments in student life. We sometimes forget to complete our homework and then pretend to find the notebook when the teacher asks for it.

With the examination time around the corner, the fun stops for a while but not long. One of the most exciting things about student life is getting to go on picnics and trips with your friends.

You get to enjoy yourself and have a  lot of fun. Even waiting for the exam result with friends becomes fun. The essence of student life lies in the little things like getting curious about your friend’s marks, getting jealous if they score more, and so on.

The excitement for games period or learning about a new teacher. While student life teaches us discipline, it also gives us a lot of fun. It is a memorable time in everyone’s life.

Importance of Student Life

Student life is a vital part of everyone’s life. The future of the students and the country depends on how we are as students. Thus, getting the right guidance is essential. Student life builds the foundation for our life.

Thus, if your foundation is strong, the building will be a strong one too. However, a weak foundation cannot make a building stand. In other words, student life helps us embrace human qualities.

People don’t realize how lucky and privileged one is to even get a student life. Many children dream of having it but never get one. Thus, if one gets to attain education, one must make the most of it.

Student life won’t always be filled with happiness but it will be worthwhile. It helps us grow in the path of life and acquire qualities such as honesty, patience, perseverance, and more.

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Conclusion of Student Life Essay

All in all, student life is no less than perfect. Even though it has many ups and downs, it is all worth it in the end. Our student life determines a lot of things in our lives later on. Therefore, we must strive to be good students not just academically but also in other aspects. It is like a backbone to have a successful life later on.

FAQ of Student Life Essay

Question 1: What is the essence of student life?

Answer 1: Student life’s essence lies in the little things such as getting ready for school early in the morning or running late. It also lies in the positive attitude that we develop due to good discipline.

Question 2: Why is student life important?

Answer 2: We call the student life ‘golden life’ as students learn many essential things. The period of student life brings joy and happiness to our lives and builds a strong foundation. It also determines our successful life.

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Essay on My School Life | My School Life Essay for Children and Students in English

February 13, 2024 by Prasanna

Essay on My School Life –  Given below is a Long and Short Essay on My School Life for aspirants of competitive exams, kids and students belonging to classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10. The My School Life essay 100, 150, 200, 250 words in English helps the students with their class assignments, comprehension tasks, and even for competitive examinations.

School life is one of the most important phases in the life of a man. It is the period during which one learns the basic principles of behavior, speech, and etiquette. School life, in fact, is a period of learning and training in all the aspects of the personality of a man. One gets training for maintaining physical fitness, increasing one’s mental powers, learning the proper code of behavior and understanding the basic concepts of life. School life is a period for the formation of character, mind, and body on sound lines.

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Long And Short Essay On My School Life In English Essay On My School Life – Essay 1 (200 Words)

But there are some students who hold a different view regarding school life. To them, the warnings of the teachers, the strict attitude of the parents, the compulsions for completing homework and the regular attendance in schools are some of the unhappy aspects of this period. They do not fee! free in their schools and wish to be like the birds that fly free. The students do not like the strict discipline that has to be followed while studying in a school. They wait impatiently for school days to be over.

Essay On Importance Of School In Our Life

But my school life is really an ideal one. It is ideal in the sense that it’s a period of training in our minds. The impressions which one gets during school life, remain throughout life even if they are good, bad or unique. My school life prepares me to develop good habits as well as right and rational thinking. It makes me duty-bound and obedient. Respect for teachers and elders is my abiding faith. I obey all my school teachers and parents and this is also one of the good habits that I have developed during my school life. It is also the place where I have got great friends for a lifetime.

Essay on My School Life

Short Essay on My School Life 300 Words for Kids and Students in English

During school days, I have developed an interest in playing games, staging dramas, debating and other extra-curricular activities.

I am a good debater and orator, athlete, and sportsman and at the same time, I hold top positions in the class in the academic field. All the qualities of head and heart have earned me a profound love and respect from my teachers and friends. My teachers encourage and help me in all possible ways. I am in the good books of all the teachers as well as the principal because I have won many medals, trophies, shields, and certificates for my extraordinary display of abilities in examinations, athletics, debates, and theatre.

The good ideas-like love for the motherland, devotion to duty, obedience- towards elders, service to the nation, helping the poor and the needy, nursing the sick, feeding the hungry, etc – are inculcated in the students during their school days.

Broadly speaking, school life is not only for learning, reading books or playing, but also a period during which all the good habits are acquired, bad habits are shunned and good conduct, fair play, and sound thinking are developed. Further, the healthy ideas of patriotism and nationalism are imbibed by the students during this period.

My school life shall prepare me for a sound and firm foundation upon which the building of my life is going to be erected. My mistakes and failures would guide me in my future life. I do not feel discouraged and disheartened because for me the failures are the stepping stones to success. My school life is a great and valuable experience, the best teacher. I shall always remember my school days fondly.

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My School Life Essay

We have always heard that school life is the best life, enjoy yourself till you are in school make as many mistakes as you can till you are in school, and many such phrases which make the kids who are still in school wonder that why are the elder people hyping this thing up. But as soon as the school life is over and people enter the real world they realize that how right the elders were.

Children should live their school life to the fullest. They will be missing these days later in life and would never be able to enjoy such carefree life again. School life lived well gives memories to cherish and friend to keep for a lifetime. Here are essays on My School Life of varying lengths to help you with the topic in your exam. You can select any My School Life Essay as per your interest and need:

Long and Short Essay on My School Life in English

Essay on my school life – essay 1 (200 words).

School is said to be a temple of knowledge, the very first place that introduced you to the world and more so your own self. My school life is all about the memories I deeply cherish. The memories of not only the fun, friendship and all the sport and extracurricular but also the way it helped me find my interests. I owe it all to my school life. It has made me who I am today.

My school life has been full of different experiences over the years. It gave various opportunities to develop not only my scholastic abilities but also the art and sport side. It supported me in my sports as well as exposed me to numerous types of people. All of this accounted to make me understand how to behave socially and in building a personality which I have today.

There are numerous things that make school life the best phase in one’s life. All of this eventually is because we are young to do mistakes again and again till we realize, dumb enough to not think about people and do what we feel like doing, curious to know everything we can and most importantly still not exposed and contaminated with the evil feelings of this world. And all of this makes us build a personality of our own.

Essay on My School Life Experience – Essay 2 (300 words)


In my school life, I’ve always been that ideal studious student so I typically don’t have that super amazing bunch of memories like the notorious back benchers except for ones that I remember when I was in my eighth grade.

My School Life Experience

It was a usual day at school until this incident took place. It was about the time of recess when I used to play football with my classmates. One day while I was out in the field suddenly a boy called Stephen Francis who was also the captain of our school football team kicked my brand new Liverpool FC soccer ball out of the school premises, to the narrow lane that passed just behind our school ground.

The walls of our school were a bit high and fenced and like every other school, going out of the premises was strictly prohibited. We partially climbed the wall so that we could have a look on the ball and waited for some genuine person to pass by so that we could ask him to return our ball.

We had to wait for quite long until a guy of almost same age as ours walked by. He was quite far however he saw the ball and went towards it. We saw that he tried to run away taking the ball. So, without thinking twice I and my friend jumped the school wall but till the time we could make it past the wall he was already running with our soccer ball.

We started running behind him and my friend bumped into a bike and was hurt badly. I probably had to let go off my soccer ball and see how she was hurt. She got three stitches from that injury. We were scolded by teachers and principal for this, as a punishment our parents were called to school the next day to discuss the seriousness of the trouble.

Since then me and this friend of mine have been partners in numerous mischief that have made my school life memorable.

Essay on School Life is the Best Life – Essay 3 (400 words)

Every phase in a person’s life holds special importance as it helps him grow and develop his personality. But one can never learn as much as he does from his school life because that is the time when we are doing everything for the first time. This is the time we can make mistakes and get away with them. We don’t care much about the people around and are curious to try everything out. We build our unique personality from our mistakes and experiences.

How School Life is the Best Life?

Here are some reasons that prove that school life is the best life:

  • Uniform : One hates school uniform while in school but when we grow up we realize how difficult it is to figure out what to wear each day.
  • Holidays : This is the major perk of school life which we crave the most after it ends. We got numerous holidays while in school and spent them in a carefree manner without any stress. We visited our cousins and extended family and also invited them over to our place. As we join jobs, we don’t get as many holidays to relax and enjoy.
  • Friends : The longest known friendships are made during the school days. This is mainly because during this time we can trust people easily. We are also enthusiastic and curious to meet new people, try new things and build new friendships.
  • Teachers : We realize how important it is to always have a guide who still thinks that we are immature for everything and makes us understand accordingly. We cannot get such a mentor/ guide after we have completed our schooling.
  • Homework : A thing which we hate during our school life and tried hundreds of creative excuses to avoid was actually fun. School life would have been so incomplete without it.
  • Punishments and rewards : Punishments used to come in the variety of standing whole period or getting out of the class or going to the principal’s office and the best reward was when someone was made the class monitor.
  • First Experiences : It was the time when we are allowed to make mistakes as too many things were our firsts, whether it was our first crush, first heartbreak without even being in relationship, first fight or first kiss.

All of these experiences hold a special importance in our hearts even as we grow up. They have taught me a lot and have helped me become the person I am today.

Essay on My School Life Memories – Essay 4 (500 words)

A school is a building dedicated to provide learning space and environment to provide education. It is a building wherein your majority of childhood has passed, a building that everyone misses after they’ve finally left it, same is the scenario in my case. I’ve studied in Don Bosco High School Vadodara, an all-boys Christian missionary School. Hard for other people to admit but being in an all-boys school has got some perks that only those who study here can understand.

My Memories of Primary and Secondary Classes

I’ve been a part of Don Bosco institution since kindergarten until my tenth grade. After tenth in higher secondary I went to Rosary high school, which was more or less like an unofficial dummy school for the students in science stream so I barely have any school memories from higher secondary school. So, the story of my enchanting school memories revolves around my school from junior years.

Like a stereotypical school going kid I used to go to the school in a school van. I would wake up at quarter to six in the morning, get fresh, wear school uniform, arrange my school bag according to the time table for the day and have a quick breakfast by 6:40 am as at sharp quarter to seven my school van would be right in front of my house honking. Then, further half an hour until we reached school was a time for chit-chat and discussion about the homework assigned to us the earlier day.

The Daily Activities at School

We would reach the school at around 7:30 am, approximately fifteen minutes prior to the school bell. We had to be in our respective classes before the bell rang. Then it was time for national song and school prayer that went on until eight which was a time for regular school periods to begin. This continued for four periods continuously until the recess bell rang at 10:30 am. Recess felt more of a games period then a lunch break. Everyone would be seen doing different activities during this time. The kind of activities one indulged in depended on the class he was in.

When we were in the primary classes we played different games in the school garden. Basketball, football, running and hide and seek were some of our favourite games. As we reached the secondary classes, we began to sit in the canteen to chit chat about the various things and enjoy delicious food. After the recess, we had to attend four more periods. Not every period was that boring though, art and craft, PT, value education and mathematics periods were interesting for me.

Apart from this formal schedule at school, those gossips with friends, hanging around at canteen, going to washroom to partially bunk the lecture, that fear of punishment when we’d forgotten to complete the homework, that note which the teacher wrote in the handbook when we’d done some mischief in the class, the ride in nervousness from home to school on the result day, from immature fights to the innocent laughs – everything from the school feels so dear now, maybe because the things were simple back then.

Essay on My High School Experience – Essay 5 (600 words)

It is said that entering the high school is the first step in the real world in any student’s life. It is the place where one gets experiences for life. So, one is obviously nervous while entering this phase, but over and above that, extremely excited as now they’ll be adults and will be able to take their decisions on their own. And it is well said that with great authority, comes greater responsibility, and with these responsibilities, comes social pressure. All of which we were unaware of from our childhood time because that is when we were allowed to do mistakes thinking that we are kids, but this doesn’t happen in high school as we are considered adults now.

My High School Experience

One cannot live a carefree life in the high school. There is a lot of study pressure. We need to balance between our academics and extra-curricular activities and also prepare for competitive examinations that lie ahead. Even as we have so much to do we don’t want to miss out on the fun we can have with our friends as this is also the time for blooming friendships and a lot of mischief.

The Day I Bunked My School

I had many bittersweet high school experiences. One of these was when I bunked a lecture, with two of my friends, for the first time. Not only did we bunk the lecture, but also we jumped through our school walls to get out of the school premises and watch a newly released movie. We had a class of 70 students, out of which, around 55 students were present that day.

Now coincidentally, 10 more students from my class also bunked the lecture which made the decreased class strength visible. Moreover, the bags of all of the 13 students, including us, were still there in the class, as we were not allowed to leave the class with bags during school hours. So, our teacher did the checking and found out about the students who bunked and so eventually we were suspended from our laboratory sessions for a week.

However, we didn’t stop bunking lectures post this. We became really smart in finding ways to bunk. We tried to strike a balance between being a good student and enjoying high school. During all those bunks, I realized how important it is to have friends to make your life worth living.

The Ups and Downs in My High School

Then, there came our first high school exam and I managed to be on the list of top 10 students of my class. I had always been a good student academically. So this time, even after all the shenanigans that I indulged in, I managed to score good marks. But this was the last time that I got good marks. My grades started degrading after that and this led to a lot of stress and anxiety. I lost interest in studies and indulged in gaming, watching movies or reading novels.

Thankfully, I didn’t do anything bad, but this normal stuff made the situation worse as I could not concentrate on my studies. So, I went through counselling which I never thought I’ll ever require. It was a difficult period for me but eventually I was able to get decent score in my finals. My parents stood as my pillar of strength during this time. They encouraged me to study and motivated me to lead the right path. I cannot thank them enough for their guidance and support.

All of such experiences from my high school gave me lessons to remember for a lifetime. They made me realize how everything wrong could turn right if only you believe so and have support from your loved ones.

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Table of Contents

Essay on My School Life: School life is the best phase of a student’s life. It is a time when a student learns new things and explores his/her own potential. It is a time when a student discovers his/her own identity and develops a sense of self-confidence. School life is also a time when a student develops friendships and bonds with classmates. These friendships and bonds often last a lifetime.

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We have always heard that school life is the best life, enjoy yourself till you are in school make as many mistakes as you can till you are in school, and many such phrases which make the kids who are still in school wonder that why are the elder people hyping this thing up. But as soon as the school life is over and people enter the real world they realize that how right the elders were.

Children should live their school life to the fullest. They will be missing these days later in life and would never be able to enjoy such carefree life again. School life lived well gives memories to cherish and friend to keep for a lifetime. Here are essays on My School Life of varying lengths to help you with the topic in your exam. You can select any My School Life Essay as per your interest and need:

Long and Short Essay on My School Life in English

Essay on my school life 200 words.

School is said to be a temple of knowledge, the very first place that introduced you to the world and more so your own self. My school life is all about the memories I deeply cherish. The memories of not only the fun, friendship and all the sport and extracurricular but also the way it helped me find my interests. I owe it all to my school life. It has made me who I am today.

My school life has been full of different experiences over the years. It gave various opportunities to develop not only my scholastic abilities but also the art and sport side. It supported me in my sports as well as exposed me to numerous types of people. All of this accounted to make me understand how to behave socially and in building a personality which I have today.

There are numerous things that make school life the best phase in one’s life. All of this eventually is because we are young to do mistakes again and again till we realize, dumb enough to not think about people and do what we feel like doing, curious to know everything we can and most importantly still not exposed and contaminated with the evil feelings of this world. And all of this makes us build a personality of our own.

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Essay on My School Life Experience 300 words

In my school life, I’ve always been that ideal studious student so I typically don’t have that super amazing bunch of memories like the notorious back benchers except for ones that I remember when I was in my eighth grade.

My School Life Experience

It was a usual day at school until this incident took place. It was about the time of recess when I used to play football with my classmates. One day while I was out in the field suddenly a boy called Stephen Francis who was also the captain of our school football team kicked my brand new Liverpool FC soccer ball out of the school premises, to the narrow lane that passed just behind our school ground.

The walls of our school were a bit high and fenced and like every other school, going out of the premises was strictly prohibited. We partially climbed the wall so that we could have a look on the ball and waited for some genuine person to pass by so that we could ask him to return our ball.

We had to wait for quite long until a guy of almost same age as ours walked by. He was quite far however he saw the ball and went towards it. We saw that he tried to run away taking the ball. So, without thinking twice I and my friend jumped the school wall but till the time we could make it past the wall he was already running with our soccer ball.

We started running behind him and my friend bumped into a bike and was hurt badly. I probably had to let go off my soccer ball and see how she was hurt. She got three stitches from that injury. We were scolded by teachers and principal for this, as a punishment our parents were called to school the next day to discuss the seriousness of the trouble.

Since then me and this friend of mine have been partners in numerous mischief that have made my school life memorable.

Essay on School Life is the Best Life 400 words

Every phase in a person’s life holds special importance as it helps him grow and develop his personality. But one can never learn as much as he does from his school life because that is the time when we are doing everything for the first time. This is the time we can make mistakes and get away with them. We don’t care much about the people around and are curious to try everything out. We build our unique personality from our mistakes and experiences.

How School Life is the Best Life?

Here are some reasons that prove that school life is the best life:

  • Uniform : One hates school uniform while in school but when we grow up we realize how difficult it is to figure out what to wear each day.
  • Holidays : This is the major perk of school life which we crave the most after it ends. We got numerous holidays while in school and spent them in a carefree manner without any stress. We visited our cousins and extended family and also invited them over to our place. As we join jobs, we don’t get as many holidays to relax and enjoy.
  • Friends : The longest known friendships are made during the school days. This is mainly because during this time we can trust people easily. We are also enthusiastic and curious to meet new people, try new things and build new friendships.
  • Teachers : We realize how important it is to always have a guide who still thinks that we are immature for everything and makes us understand accordingly. We cannot get such a mentor/ guide after we have completed our schooling.
  • Homework : A thing which we hate during our school life and tried hundreds of creative excuses to avoid was actually fun. School life would have been so incomplete without it.
  • Punishments and rewards : Punishments used to come in the variety of standing whole period or getting out of the class or going to the principal’s office and the best reward was when someone was made the class monitor.
  • First Experiences : It was the time when we are allowed to make mistakes as too many things were our firsts, whether it was our first crush, first heartbreak without even being in relationship, first fight or first kiss.

All of these experiences hold a special importance in our hearts even as we grow up. They have taught me a lot and have helped me become the person I am today.

Essay on My School Life Memories 500 words

A school is a building dedicated to provide learning space and environment to provide education. It is a building wherein your majority of childhood has passed, a building that everyone misses after they’ve finally left it, same is the scenario in my case. I’ve studied in Don Bosco High School Vadodara, an all-boys Christian missionary School. Hard for other people to admit but being in an all-boys school has got some perks that only those who study here can understand.

My Memories of Primary and Secondary Classes

I’ve been a part of Don Bosco institution since kindergarten until my tenth grade. After tenth in higher secondary I went to Rosary high school, which was more or less like an unofficial dummy school for the students in science stream so I barely have any school memories from higher secondary school. So, the story of my enchanting school memories revolves around my school from junior years.

Like a stereotypical school going kid I used to go to the school in a school van. I would wake up at quarter to six in the morning, get fresh, wear school uniform, arrange my school bag according to the time table for the day and have a quick breakfast by 6:40 am as at sharp quarter to seven my school van would be right in front of my house honking. Then, further half an hour until we reached school was a time for chit-chat and discussion about the homework assigned to us the earlier day.

The Daily Activities at School

We would reach the school at around 7:30 am, approximately fifteen minutes prior to the school bell. We had to be in our respective classes before the bell rang. Then it was time for national song and school prayer that went on until eight which was a time for regular school periods to begin. This continued for four periods continuously until the recess bell rang at 10:30 am. Recess felt more of a games period then a lunch break. Everyone would be seen doing different activities during this time. The kind of activities one indulged in depended on the class he was in.

When we were in the primary classes we played different games in the school garden. Basketball, football, running and hide and seek were some of our favourite games. As we reached the secondary classes, we began to sit in the canteen to chit chat about the various things and enjoy delicious food. After the recess, we had to attend four more periods. Not every period was that boring though, art and craft, PT, value education and mathematics periods were interesting for me.

Apart from this formal schedule at school, those gossips with friends, hanging around at canteen, going to washroom to partially bunk the lecture, that fear of punishment when we’d forgotten to complete the homework, that note which the teacher wrote in the handbook when we’d done some mischief in the class, the ride in nervousness from home to school on the result day, from immature fights to the innocent laughs – everything from the school feels so dear now, maybe because the things were simple back then.

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Essay on My High School Experience 600 words

It is said that entering the high school is the first step in the real world in any student’s life. It is the place where one gets experiences for life. So, one is obviously nervous while entering this phase, but over and above that, extremely excited as now they’ll be adults and will be able to take their decisions on their own. And it is well said that with great authority, comes greater responsibility, and with these responsibilities, comes social pressure. All of which we were unaware of from our childhood time because that is when we were allowed to do mistakes thinking that we are kids, but this doesn’t happen in high school as we are considered adults now.

My High School Experience

One cannot live a carefree life in the high school. There is a lot of study pressure. We need to balance between our academics and extra-curricular activities and also prepare for competitive examinations that lie ahead. Even as we have so much to do we don’t want to miss out on the fun we can have with our friends as this is also the time for blooming friendships and a lot of mischief.

The Day I Bunked My School

I had many bittersweet high school experiences. One of these was when I bunked a lecture, with two of my friends, for the first time. Not only did we bunk the lecture, but also we jumped through our school walls to get out of the school premises and watch a newly released movie. We had a class of 70 students, out of which, around 55 students were present that day.

Now coincidentally, 10 more students from my class also bunked the lecture which made the decreased class strength visible. Moreover, the bags of all of the 13 students, including us, were still there in the class, as we were not allowed to leave the class with bags during school hours. So, our teacher did the checking and found out about the students who bunked and so eventually we were suspended from our laboratory sessions for a week.

However, we didn’t stop bunking lectures post this. We became really smart in finding ways to bunk. We tried to strike a balance between being a good student and enjoying high school. During all those bunks, I realized how important it is to have friends to make your life worth living.

The Ups and Downs in My High School

Then, there came our first high school exam and I managed to be on the list of top 10 students of my class. I had always been a good student academically. So this time, even after all the shenanigans that I indulged in, I managed to score good marks. But this was the last time that I got good marks. My grades started degrading after that and this led to a lot of stress and anxiety. I lost interest in studies and indulged in gaming, watching movies or reading novels.

Thankfully, I didn’t do anything bad, but this normal stuff made the situation worse as I could not concentrate on my studies. So, I went through counselling which I never thought I’ll ever require. It was a difficult period for me but eventually I was able to get decent score in my finals. My parents stood as my pillar of strength during this time. They encouraged me to study and motivated me to lead the right path. I cannot thank them enough for their guidance and support.

All of such experiences from my high school gave me lessons to remember for a lifetime. They made me realize how everything wrong could turn right if only you believe so and have support from your loved ones.

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Essay on My School Life FAQs

How do i write an essay about my school.

To write an essay about your school, start with an introduction, describe the campus, mention teachers and friends, highlight activities, and conclude with your thoughts.

How to write 10 lines about our school?

Write about the school's name, location, facilities, teachers, subjects, friends, favorite spots, activities, why it's special, and how you feel about it.

What makes my school special essay?

Your school is special because of its caring teachers, fun activities, great friends, and a positive learning environment that makes you happy to go there.

What is the paragraph of my school?

My school is a wonderful place where I learn, play, and make friends. Teachers are kind, and I love my school because it feels like a second home.

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School Life Essay | School Life Memories | School Life is the Best Life

December 10, 2017 by Study Mentor Leave a Comment

School is a temple of knowledge. Education is very important in today’s world and school is a great source of knowledge and education. Without education it is very difficult to serve in this competitive world.

My life as a student is full of activity. Never does a day pass without my being as busy as bee. Come nightfall, and the moment my head touches the pillow, I’m off to dreamland. As far as I am concerned  I would like my school life to go on forever.

Table of Contents

About School Life

Many of us say that childhood was the best phase of life and want to relive the childhood again because in the childhood, there is one beautiful phase of life that is the school life.

While writing this I’m getting the flashbacks of my school life, all the beautiful memories. My school is one of the best schools in the state where I live.

It is located at a very peaceful place. School building has two staircases at both ends which lead us to every floor. It has big library which has around 6000 books a librarian that guide us through, well instrumented science lab and one computer lab at first floor.

 At ground floor there is a school auditorium where all the annual functions, meetings, dance competitions takes place.

The Principal office, head office, clerk room, staff room are located at ground floor and a common study room is located at first floor. There is a separate building for the school canteen. And the food offered is very clean and hygienic. And some eatables such as tea and coffee are often available at subsidized rates.

Many school buses are run by our school organization that provides the pick up and drop service for the students.

There is a small parking lot as well where the students and teachers park their cycles and scooters respectively.

My school has a small green garden, in front of the head office, full of colourful flowers and decorative plants which enhance the beauty of the entire school complex.

Many students take admission in my school every year. They always rank higher in any of the inter-school competitions.

The study norms of my school are very creative and innovative which helps us in understanding any tough problem very easily.

Our teachers teach us very sincerely and tell us everything practically. My school also ranks first in several sports activities during the inter school competition.

My school celebrates all the important days of the year such as Teacher’s Day, Parents’ Day, Sport’s Day, Children’s Day, School Anniversary Day, Father’s Day, Mother’s Day, Founder’s Day, Republic Day , Independence Day , Christmas Day , Annual function, Happy New Year, Mahatma Gandhi Birthday , etc. in a grand manner.

We participate in the co-curricular activities such as swimming, school band, skating, singing, dancing, etc.

Our principal takes classes of every student daily in the meeting hall for 10 minute’s to deal with our character formation, etiquette, moral education, acquiring good values and respecting others.

School Life Memories

School Life memories stays with you for the rest of your life like the first day at your school, you will always remember this day. Your parents accompanied you to the school, you a little bit scared cause this was the first time you’re​ gonna be away from your parents for few hours.

Some happy memories when your friends are getting punished for your wrong doing. Your first best friend in the school.

Some sad memories as well when one of your friends fails in certain subject or when one of your teachers leaves​the school.

Birthday celebrations of your friends, the school picnic are some memorable memories.

School Life is the Best Life

School is the first place of education, where we get the first impression about the education. We get the knowledge about the world and life from school.

 We can’t learn everything from books it is the teacher’s who completes us and help us move forward if we ever got stuck anywhere.

School’s plays an important role in imparting knowledge and producing individuals with high moral and ethical values that contributes in the development of the country.

Currently, due to heavy stress on examination results, many of the student study day and night to excel their academics rather than having a balanced approach to studies.

They study hard and attend tuition classes so that they are able to score good marks. This leaves them little time to indulge in extra-curricular activities or sports.

Thus, a different way of grading and assessing students should be adopted. In order to produce all rounded individuals, grades should be given for assignments, extra curricular activities as well as involvement in sports.

Ideally, only 50% of marks should be allocated for examination and the rest for participation in non-academic activities. This would produce students with an innovative, intelligent and creative personality as progression in school would not be based solely on examinations.

The things that you experience during your school life good or bad stays with you for the rest of your life. I have many good and few bad memories of my​school life. How was your school life? write down in the comment section below.

Short Paragraph on School life is the Best Life

There are many stages in a person’s life. Infant, school boy, teenager, young adult and finally adult. In these stages we pass through various phases. One such phase is school life. School life involves nearly twelve to fourteen years of being a regular student.

It is the most formative and memorable phase of our lives. School life is parallel to our family life at home and our best memories and maximum learning takes place there.

Nursery School

The earliest phase of school life is nursery school. From the ages of two to four years children enjoy their nursery school. Here knowledge is imparted through activities. Puzzles, shapes, songs, dancing and craft are the focus here. Children are taught to share tiffin, eat properly, keep away their books and maintain neatness and tidiness in class.

Rhymes, songs and numbers are taught through play activity. The focus is on enjoyment and indirect learning. Many children step out of their house for the first time to go to nursery schools and they are happy to make friends and share toys.

Other children are shy and scared and slowly make new friends and start talking to others. School life in the nursery stage thus teaches us social behaviour and adjustment leading to the formation of healthy habits and good character.

Junior School

Between the ages of six to ten years, children study in junior school, in standards one to four. Here the pressure of academic study slowly increases. Reading, writing, arithmetic, computers and second languages are taught in detail. A set syllabus is followed. Students are given regular class tests.

Projects are done. The focus is on teaching responsibility, joint co-operation, team effort and healthy competition. Each class has a monitor and various students are given various supervisory responsibilities. Indirectly a spirit of co-operation and co-ordination is fostered leading to class unity.

Participation is sports and co-curricular activities are encouraged so that the child may develop holistically from within and not remain a bookworm.

Middle School

Tweens and teens from classes’ five to eight make up the group of middle school students. Their ages span the range of ten to thirteen years. They are adolescents. In the middle school the academic pressure increases and studies become tougher.

This is linked with the pressure of continuous and comprehensive evaluation. Children are taught to debate, elocute and encouraged to display their creativity in several niter-school and intra school competitions.

A third language may also be introduced as an optional or extra subject. Many students display behavioural changes in the middle school as they are experiencing adolescence. This is dealt with by channelizing their energy in positive ways

Senior School

This is a crucial part of the student’s life as he or she enters the upper ranks of the institution and is looked up on by the juniors with admiration and envy. In classes 6 to 12 the students undergoes pre- secondary, secondary and higher secondary education. Studies become more focussed and very difficult.

There are numerous tasks and projects. The choice of subject combination for higher studies must be made. Competition for board examinations is very tough. Teachers become more caring and friendly.

They are guides, mentors, exemplars and friends. Students learn from them by guidance, inspiration and example. As the School leaving year nears students become more and more fond of their school days.

Value of School Life

School Life is the best life because it gives us precious memories. Our first friends, first fights, first crushes, silly infatuations, classroom mischief, indoor and outdoor games, rewards and reprimands, all happen in school. School life is the best life because we are products of our education.

Eventually the school has prepared us for existence independently in the big bad world of cut throat competition. School life gives us friends, partners, confidantes. It enables us to judge people and choose the correct company. It teaches us to chart our own path through life. It teaches us love, respect, tolerance, plurality, humility and kindness.

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Essay on School Life

Students are often asked to write an essay on School Life in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on School Life

The essence of school life.

School life is a unique phase in everyone’s life. It’s a time of learning, exploring, and shaping our future. We make new friends, participate in various activities, and gain knowledge.

Academic Journey

The primary purpose of school is education. We learn different subjects like Math, Science, and English. Teachers play a crucial role in our academic growth.

Extracurricular Activities

School life is not just about studies. It also introduces us to sports, arts, and other recreational activities. These help us to develop our skills and interests.

Life Lessons

School life teaches us important life lessons like discipline, teamwork, and respect. It prepares us for the future.

250 Words Essay on School Life

The quintessence of school life.

School life is more than just an educational journey; it’s a crucial phase that shapes our character, values, and future. It is a kaleidoscope of experiences that leave an indelible imprint on our minds.

Academic Pursuits and Extracurricular Activities

The academic curriculum in schools is designed to impart knowledge and foster intellectual growth. Students explore various subjects, developing their critical thinking and problem-solving skills. Simultaneously, extracurricular activities complement academics by promoting creativity, teamwork, and leadership. They offer a platform for students to discover their passions and talents.

Social Interactions and Personal Growth

School life is also characterized by a myriad of social interactions. Friendships formed during school years often last a lifetime, and the experience of working together in groups and teams instills a sense of cooperation and mutual respect. These interactions play a significant role in shaping one’s social skills and emotional intelligence.

Lessons Beyond the Classroom

The school environment teaches us about discipline, responsibility, and the importance of hard work. It also exposes us to diversity, fostering tolerance, and empathy. These are invaluable lessons that extend beyond textbooks, preparing us for the challenges of the real world.

In conclusion, school life is a foundational phase that significantly influences our personal and professional growth. It is a blend of academic learning, personal development, and life lessons that equip us to navigate the complexities of life. As we look back, we realize that our school life has not just educated us, but also shaped us into the individuals we are today.

500 Words Essay on School Life


School life is a significant phase in every individual’s life. It is a period of learning, discovery, and growth, shaping the foundation of an individual’s character and future. This essay delves into the multifaceted aspects of school life, exploring its importance, challenges, and the lifelong lessons it imparts.

The Importance of School Life

The importance of school life can never be undermined. It is a period where students are exposed to a myriad of experiences that contribute to their holistic development. Schools provide academic knowledge and also foster the development of social skills, critical thinking, and problem-solving abilities. The school curriculum, coupled with extracurricular activities, helps in nurturing a well-rounded personality.

Challenges in School Life

School life is not without its challenges. The pressure to perform academically, balancing studies with extracurricular activities, and navigating social dynamics can be overwhelming. Bullying is another significant issue that affects many students. These challenges, while daunting, serve as catalysts for growth. Overcoming them instills resilience, a trait that is invaluable in the face of future adversities.

Lifelong Lessons from School Life

School life is a treasure trove of lifelong lessons. It teaches the importance of discipline, punctuality, and responsibility. It is where students learn to respect diversity, understand different perspectives, and cultivate empathy. The school environment fosters teamwork and encourages students to work collaboratively, thereby teaching them the importance of cooperation and mutual respect. These lessons extend beyond the classroom, shaping the way students handle real-world situations.

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Essay on My School

List of essays on my school in english, essay on my school – essay 1 (250 words), essay on my school – essay 2 (250 words), essay on my school – teachers, schedule and conclusion – essay 3 (300 words), essay on my school life – memories and conclusion – essay 4 (400 words), essay on my school – introduction, environment and teachers – essay 5 (500 words), essay on my school – surroundings and structure – essay 6 (600 words), essay on my school – infrastructure and academic activities – essay 7 (750 words), essay on my school – introduction, discipline and conduct – essay 8 (1000 words).

A school is a medium of learning for children and is often regarded as a place of worship for the students. Writing an essay on my school is quite common among students. Here we have essays on My School of different lengths which would prove quite helpful to your children. You can choose the essay as per your length requirement and you shall find that essays have been written in quite easy to understand yet crisp language. Moreover, the essays have been written in such a manner that they are suited for all classes, be it the junior school or the senior classes.


Education in India has made significant progress over the years. Both private and public schools facilitate education for Indian children and follow the same regulations for teaching curriculum. All schools incorporate extracurricular activities into the school systems, which motivates the learners and help them in realizing their talents and building their personalities. Schools are funded by the three levels i.e., the state, local and central levels. Schools in India cover primary, secondary and post-secondary levels of education. The highest percentage of schools offer primary education.

Crescent public school:

My school is a public institution that is located in Delhi. Crescent Public school was established in 1987 and it has been in operation ever since. The school is well equipped in terms of facilities as we have a gym, a library, a nice playground, our classes are modern, the buses are adequate and labs are functional. I joined this school in the year 2016 and I have been able to learn a lot about the school. The school is affordable and the education I have received is quality because I have developed in all aspects of life.

Not only is the school excellent in education, but also excellence in sports is achieved. I have always loved playing tennis. I participate in the school’s tennis competitions. In the year 2017, we won the Bronze medal in the national tournament by CBSE. This year, we secured third position in the same sport, which was an exciting experience for both the students and the teachers. It has been a great experience especially with support from our teachers.


My School, St. Mary’s Anglo Indian Higher Secondary School is located in Armenian Street, at the heart of Chennai City. It is one of the oldest schools for boys in India, established during the British rule.

“Viriliter Age” which means “Act like a Man” is the motto of my school. It aims to provide a family atmosphere for us to become intellectually enlightened, spiritually profound, emotionally balanced, socially committed and morally responsible students.

Though built during the colonial rule, the buildings are airy and comfortable. The Management regularly upgrades the facilities and uses uptodate technology to run my school. It has a large playground, well-stocked library and well-equipped science laboratory.

Daily Schedule

A typical day at my school starts with the assembly at 8:30 AM. We render our prayers, hear moral and other instructions from teachers. Apart from regular academics through the day, our time table is spotted with periods for music, games, project work etc. We undertake sports activities for an hour after the last period, which gets over at 3:30 PM.

Co-Curricular Activities

According to our interests, we are encouraged to participate in Arts & Crafts, NSS, Scout etc., and become members of various Clubs and Associations. Medical Teams and Psychologists visit us regularly to aid our holistic growth.

I love my school, teachers and friends very much. I aim to complete my studies with laurels. I wish to shine brightly in my higher studies and career, to spread the pride of my school.

My school is situated in the foothills of Yercaud in Salem district, Tamil Nadu and is called “Golden Gates”. It fosters a love for learning and this is clearly seen in its location which is unlike any other school. It is well placed in a natural setting with hills all around and streams flowing nearby. Inside the campus too, there is abundant nature with almond trees lining the divide between buildings and many shrubs and plants bordering different sports grounds. This facilitates practical study and most of our science and geography classes happen outside. Our Principal and Correspondent have made it their mission to create a healthy and organic atmosphere for learning.

My school teachers come in all shades of character. There are those teachers who have great love for the subject they teach and impart that love to us students too. Even a student who hates that particular subject will start liking it, if he/she sits in their classes. Next, we have jovial teachers who are cheerful in nature and radiate joy to all around them. They are friendly and compassionate and are the go-to people for all students when any trouble comes up. Then, there are the strict teachers who are rigorous in nature and make sure discipline and decorum is maintained throughout school. They are the ones who keep rule breakers and unruly students at bay. Together, our teachers form the heart and soul of the school.

On weekdays, typical school schedule happens in my school too. We start our day with a prayer assembly. With a short news time, prayer song and any specific instructions for the day, we depart to our respective classes. After four periods of subjects with a short snack break in between, we break for lunch. Lunch is when the whole school comes alive with shouts and screams of laughter as we all socialise with fellow classmates. Then follows three periods of subjects in the afternoon and off we leave to our homes. But everybody’s favourite is Saturday! The day dedicated for extracurricular activities. There are many clubs for Music, Dance, Gardening, Math, Drama, Science, Eco, etc… Each student is to pick two clubs and partake in them in the morning. Post lunch we have various sports clubs to participate in. On the whole, Saturdays are packed with play and fun.


In today’s world, with the hustle and bustle of city life, my school is a wonderful place to learn and grow. It enriches our journey through education by blending in play, fun and nature.

Be a light to be a light – is the touching inscription welcomes all of us at the entrance gate of our school. My school – always filled with a treasure trove of memories, which is the best part of my life. It was indeed a paradise, located in the high ranges of the Western Ghats. Far away from the buzzing urban setting, my school situated amidst lush greenery in a calm and serene atmosphere.

My alma mater did mold me into a responsible citizen and an aspiring individual. It witnessed my metamorphosis from an ignorant toddler into a bold young adult with an unquenchable thirst for knowledge. It gifted me with fourteen years of reminiscence to cherish for a lifetime.

Only fond memories – a home away from home:

For me, it was a home away from home. Even the trivial matters about the school became part and parcel of my life. Each classroom that I have sat in had made an indelible mark on my memory. The see-saw in the kids’ park, the class assemblies, physical training classes, lunch break chit chats, art competitions, sports competitions, silly fights with friends, school anniversaries, tight special classes, records, labs, exams… all left deep imprints in my mind.

The most significant part of my school memory revolves around the teachers. They are the incarnation of the divine. They kindle our lives with the bright light of knowledge and help us to imbibe the values to live. We cannot, ignore the contributions of the teachers, as they played a considerable role in molding a student’s life. At first, a student tries to imitate the teacher and gradually makes them the role models.

A teacher plays a vital role in guiding the students to a righteous path. The moral values inherited during school life can last for a lifetime. The way the teachers nurtures and loves the students is heart rendering. We can openly share our anxieties and frustrations with our teachers.

Most teachers were more like best friends. We used to celebrate Teachers Day every year in a grandiose fashion. Our dear teachers always put forth spell spindling performance and enthralled the students with a real visual treat. Their blessings can have a huge influence on anybody’s lives. Even after you go to pursue your higher studies, you can always come back to your school and cherish your good old days. Our teachers are so overwhelmed to see us and are curious to know about our accomplishments.

Besides all these, another best thing about school is our friends. It is the place where any human begins to socialize. You enter into a new realm of social life at school. Hence your acquaintance at school becomes family. As you grow up, the influence of your peer group holds a vital role in your character formation. The hilarious moments with the friends are irreplaceable.

Hence, school life turns out to be a microcosm of the real life wherein you laugh, cry, forgive, forget, interact, react, adjust, learn, teach, observe, take risks, transform and finally evolve into fully fledged individual ready to step out into the complex world.

Education is the bedrock of the society. Any society that wants to break new grounds in science and art has to invest in its education. Though education can be attained both formally and informally, formal education through schools occupies the large chunk of the learning process of any country.

My school is by a large margin one of the best places to attain formal education. While the above statement might sound bold, this article would explain the reasons why my school can back up the bold statement. Features possessed by my school smoothens the learning curve and takes stress away from education.

The Environment:

Assimilation becomes difficult when learning is conducted in a toxic environment. Other times, the terrain isn’t toxic but lacks the right appeal to the average student. Student want to be welcomed with the right colours, feel comfortable when they sit or draw inspiration from the general architecture of their school.

My school embodies the above mentioned qualities and more to the smallest of details. The classrooms are decorated with bright colours to cheer up the student’s mood; the playground is designed to relax each student after participating in mentally challenging mind exercise and the general design of the school subconsciously makes every student feel at home.

The Teachers:

Teachers can either make or break any school. Some grumpy, others dull, and then you have those who simply lack the techniques of teaching. While some concepts are easy to learn, other concepts require a teacher who has mastered the art of teaching to drive the point home with each student.

My school possesses experienced teacher who could honestly be motivational speakers when they want to be. They are witty, smart and full of charisma. Also, while they can be playful, they ensure that the message doesn’t get lost. To sum it up, teachers in my school hold themselves to the best moral standards. These values are innocuously instilled in the student while they learn academic concepts.

The Students:

There simply can be no school without the student. No matter how nicely decorated a school is, the quality of its teachers or management, it would all go to waste without bright student flooding the classes on a daily basis.

While abundance of vibrant student can be found at my school, the strength of the student does not lie solely in their numbers. Students at my school make the job of teachers easy. They are attentive in class, pay attention to detail and they have a knack for finishing task in record time.

The conduct of student at my school is second to none. The students are courteous to each other and their superiors. Also, they maintain the highest level of decorum in the classroom and beyond.

All the good things about my school cannot be exhausted in this short article. Also, after all has been said and done, the pertinent question is whether or not I love my school enough to recommend it to others. The answer to this question is definitely in the affirmative.

School is an integral part of everybody’s life. It helps in forming and building the base of child’s future. The students that are genuinely concerned to learn might build healthy practices merely in the schools. In my school, I was educated about the ways through which I can move in the society, progress in my life and behave with others.

My school was quite grand and big. There were three storeys and wonderfully constructed building in the school. It was situated in the middle of my city which was quite close to my home. I used to go there by walking. It was one of the most excellent schools in the entire town in which I was living.

Surroundings of My school:

The site of my school was very quiet as well as pollution free. There were two stairways at both ends that make me reach to each floor. The school was well furnished including a well-instrumented science research laboratory, a big library, as well as one computer laboratory at first floor. There was a school lecture theatre located on the ground floor in which the entire annual meetings and functions take place.

Structure of my school:

The head office, principal offices, staff room, clerk room, and common study room are situated on my school’s ground floor. Moreover, there were the stationery shop, school canteen; skating hall and chess room that were located on the ground floor.

My school possesses two large concreted basketball courts opposite the office of school principal whereas the field of football located at its side. There was a tiny green garden facing the head office. It was full of bright flowers and pretty plants that increase the whole school beauty. During my time, there were around 1600 students at my school. All the students perform quite well in any inter-school competitions.

Standard of education:

The education standards of my school were quite inventive and advanced that benefit me in understanding any difficult subjects quite effortlessly. Our professors explain us everything very genuinely and try to let us know all the things practically. My school always get the first rank in any inter-school cultural activities.

All the significant days of the year like teacher’s day, sports day, parent’s day, anniversary day, children’s day, republic day, founder’s day, Christmas day, independence day, mother’s day, happy new year, annual junction, Mahatma Gandhi birthday, etc., were celebrated in my school in a magnificent way.

My school’s atmosphere was very delightful as there were lots of greenery and scenic beauty. There was a big size garden along with the pool having frog, fish, trees, colorful flowers, green grass, and decorative trees, etc. My school offers the programme’s facility to the students belonging to the class nursery to class 12th. Our school’s principal was very strict regarding hygiene, discipline, and cleanliness.

Other facilities:

Students in my school also get the facility of the bus that helps them in reaching the school from far away places. The entire students used to accumulate in the play area during the morning time for the prayer and then go back to their particular schoolrooms. There were different teachers for the diverse subjects in my school such as Math, P.T., Hindi, English, G.K, Marathi, geography, history, drawing and crafts, science, and many more.

We used to have numerous co-curricular activities in my school like scouting, swimming, N.C.C, skating, school band, dancing, singing, etc. All those students who had prejudiced behavior and do disobedient activities were penalized by the class teacher according to the norms of my school. We also get a small lecture daily from our principal for around 10 minutes regarding the etiquette, character formation, moral education, respecting others and acquiring good values. Thus, I can say that what I am today is only because of my school which is the best school according to me.

I am a proud student of Delhi Public School, Mayapuri. My school is located quite close to my home, at a walking distance of 5 minutes. My school positions high among the composite state-funded schools of Delhi. Late Sh. Ram Gopal, the founder leader of Seth Sagarmal trust is the zenith body behind the establishment of this school. The founder administrator Sh. Ram Gopal was a visionary and a philanthropist and he had a fantasy for giving quality education and great foundation with the goal that the kids from the cross segment of the general public could get great training and turn into the respectable nationals of the nation. His fantasy was acknowledged when Delhi Public School, Mayapuri was built up in the year 1991 and spread over 4 acres of land. He used to tell during the assembly meetings that this school has been set up with a mission to give quality training gelled with moral qualities and has the vision to encourage and develop the intellectual and creative abilities in us. Our teachers at Delhi Public School plan to make a solid society by giving comprehensive training keeping in view the changing patterns in worldwide instruction and guide us accordingly.


My school is situated on a plot of 4 acres of land out of which 2 acres of land is for the building and remaining 2 acres of land is for the playground and other open-air exercises. Other than brilliant class empowered classrooms, my school building contains the accompanying Lab (Language, General Science, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Maths and Computers), Library, Multipurpose Hall, Music, Dance and Drama Room, Workmanship Room, Sports Room, Yoga Room, Hospital/Medical Room regulated by full time qualified specialist and helped by an attendant and Staff Rooms (separate staff spaces for various dimension of educators). My school transport has 6 different routes which cover nearly most of Delhi making it convenient for students from all areas to reach the school on time.

The Atmosphere of My School:

The atmosphere of my school is superb with bunches of natural greenery and scenery. There is a vast ground surrounded by beautiful trees and full of green grass for us to play during our PT periods. Different things like an enormous playground, vast open spaces all around the school give my school a characteristic marvel. There is an office of cricket net, basketball court and skating ground too. My school pursues CBSE board standards. My school gives the education to students of all caste and creed from nursery to twelfth class. My school principal is extremely strict about school control, cleanliness and neatness.

Academic Activities in My School:

The academic norms of my school are exceptionally inventive and imaginative which enables us to understand any difficult issue effortlessly. Our teachers show us earnestly and let us know everything essentially. My school positions first in any program like between school social interests and sports exercises. In my school we celebrate all important days and events of the year such as Sports Day, Teacher’s Day, Parents’ Day, Children’s Day, School Anniversary Day, Founder’s Day, Republic Day, Independence Day, Christmas Day, Mother’s Day, Annual capacity, Happy New Year, Mahatma Gandhi Birthday, and so on in a fabulous way.

We take part in the co-curricular exercises, for example, swimming, exploring, N.C.C., school band, skating, singing, moving, and so on. Students having unjustifiable conduct and unrestrained exercises are punished by the class educator according to the school standards. Our in charge ma’am takes classes of each student occasionally in the gathering corridor for 10 minutes to manage our character, behaviour, moral instruction, gaining great qualities and regarding others. Our educational time is exceptionally fascinating and charming as we do lots of inventive and useful works with the help of our teachers.

Why I Worship My School?

My school resembles a temple where we go every day, appeal to God and study for 6 hours every day. My teacher is exceptionally decent and understanding. My school has strict standards of study, cleanliness and uniform. I just enjoy going to school every day as my mom says that it is exceptionally important to go to class daily and study. This is very important for my bright future and my journey towards becoming a good human being. My School is a temple of realizing where we are creatively engaged through the learning procedure. We learn different things too with our examination like control, conduct, act well, reliability and a lot more manners. In this way, my school is the best school in the world.

We all have many sweet and sour memories of our school. Many of us complete our school education from one school but some students like me have to change more than a few schools. School leaves a great impact on our minds. It affects our way of thinking and teaches us to live in the outside world. No wonder it is called the second home of a child.

I too admire my school. Although it has also been two years since I started studying here, there are many kinds of emotions I have developed for my current school. Basically, I belong to the colorful state of Rajasthan. But due to some family reasons, I had to come to Bhubaneswar. It is the capital city of the state of Orissa.

Early Days at My School:

I started my studies here as a student of standard 7. Clearly, there were many cultural differences between my past school and this one. The language, the climate, the food, and the ways of interaction, everything was different here. For the first few months, it was hard for me to adjust in a completely new environment. But slowly, it started to feel familiar.

The Atmosphere:

My classmates and subject teachers have been very supportive. It’s a co-ed school that means both girls and boys sit together and interact with each other frankly. Our school has a great building. It is situated at the heart of the city, away from the residential areas of the town. We go to school by bus.

Teachers at my school come from different parts of the country. My English teacher is a south-Indian whereas my science teacher is a highly reputed lady who came from America and settled in India a few years ago. She is a visiting faculty and teaches us out of her passion for the teaching job.

The students in my school belong to different types of families. Some are from a very simple family. And some are from highly reputed and educated families. For example, the parents of one of my classmates are scientists and parents of another classmate are lecturers. But all the students are treated equally in my school and this is what makes me really proud of my school.

Our School Campus:

My school has a three-floor building. All the classrooms here are large and well-maintained. They are always clean. Huge windows in the class allow sufficient sunlight into the rooms. In summers, we also use the air conditioning in the school as the climate here is quite hot and humid.

We also have a huge playground in the school where our daily assembly and all the other activities take place. In the morning assembly, everything is organized by the students only. From playing the instruments to reading the news and helping students make a line to their classrooms, students take care of all the tasks.

What I Enjoy the Most at My School:

It is a day-boarding school. So, all the children get their breakfast and lunch from the school mess itself. The meals served here is hot and fresh. You can get extra servings as many times as you like. Although in the beginning, it was new to my taste buds, I started to like the Oriya cuisine very soon.

There are many extra-curricular activities taught to the students here. To name some, we have a traditional Oriya dance class. Then, there are self-defense classes and an additional class to learn a foreign language of your choice.

Discipline and Conduct:

Discipline and cleanliness form a great part of my school culture. Every day, the seniors form a group for hygiene checking of the juniors. The responsibility of each senior student is fixed. From the shoes to nails and clean dress, everything is checked properly.

The classes in my school start from play way and up to standard 10. Sincerity and punctuality are the key habits of my school. Even the teachers and kids from the lower classes come to school on time and follow every rule.

Once we get inside the school premises, it is not allowed for us to talk in our mother tongue. All the students have to talk to each other in English. And the rules about it are very strict. Though it may sound a severe rule, it has improved our spoken English in a great way.

Extra-curricular Activities:

Our principal likes discipline but she also shows us a lot of affection and warmth. The students can directly go to her for sharing their problems. She also makes sure that we enjoy the teaching of our teachers and not get bored. That is why occasional trips are arranged for us to explore the nearby cities, which I enjoy a lot.

I also look forward to the annual sports day organized at my school. There are so many sports activities to cheer us up and keep our mind and body healthy. I also participate in the annual functions of my school. It is organized at the biggest auditorium in Bhubaneswar. We practice for several days before the final performance on the stage.

My Sweet Memories at the School:

Last year, my classmates and juniors made my birthday so special. My desk was filled with gifts and greeting cards. They showered me with so much love and affection. When I was new here, all my classmates were very helpful and made it easy for me to settle here without much of a problem.

They are also kind enough to teach me their local language ‘Oriya’. With time, I have learned to read and write the basic words and sentences in the language. Our school also introduced us to the habit of writing and sharing letters with our pen-pals.

My school has taught me many valuable such as to help others, to not make fun of others, respecting the elders and loving the young ones. Over time, I have collected many precious memories here and feel grateful to God for allowing me such a rich learning environment.

I would always love my school and no matter where I go, I will always be proud of it all my life.

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Memories of my school days

By Michael Leo

essay on school life is the best

The school life is the best life. Anyone who has been a student, knows what school life is all about: It is the golden period of learning and it truly impacts students’ lives. The importance of school life cannot be negated and it is a vital formative experience for children and adult students alike.

School represents an important learning experience which teaches us self-confidence, motivation, and the will to always give our best. In addition, school blesses us with friends, many of whom remain with us for the rest of our life. School days really are the best days of our lives, and I have only good memories of my school days. For me, these days are like an invaluable treasure.

I clearly remember my first day at school and the memories of this day are still vivid. I can still feel how warmly I was welcomed at the school. Such a warm welcome can truly define a child’s school experience in the best possible way.

As a school boy I learned to co-operate and got motivated and shaped in the company of my best friends. I still remember the first year wishes we received from my teachers and I always regard my primary school life memories as a treasure.

My time in high school was an equally valuable learning experience and I met some of the best friends I have today in high school. Admittedly, I made a lot of blunders and mistakes during my high school years. But thanks to my sincere friends and honest teachers I was always rescued from too much trouble. This is how high school taught me the T true meaning of co-operation and love.

Looking back, I realize how ignorant I was during my school days and how many shortcomings I had. However, my time in high school showed my how important school life is and I would not have the great friends, good knowledge, good experiences and good memories I have today if it was not for my high school years.

Despite the excitement with which the high school days  and years are filled, we also become mature enough to understand the value of time. My high school life is a wonderful chapter in my memories because I learned dedication, hard work, motivation and self-actualization.

My high school years were also the period in which I started working hard towards my goals. Thanks to that, I am happy with the career and the life I have today. One of my best high school memory was the day when I won a prize in the annual inter schools science fair. It was a moment of great pride for me, as well as for my parents and for my school. The Principal of our school gave me a shield which I still have and treasure to this day.

During my school days, I always had the habit of recording my experiences in a diary. During my free time I would always open my diary and write. It helped me soothe my pain and it fulfilled me with confidence and courage. It fulfills me with confidence and courage.

I still have a lot of pictures we took in high school which remind me of all the good memories we made. I remember the days we celebrated and the extracurricular activities we took part in. I remember how happy my parents were when I became the top achiever in my entire school.

It is said that a person always remembers their first day at school and their last day at school. The first day a child remembers because it came there weeping. And the last day a student remembers because they leave school, weeping again. In my case, I remember clearly my first day at school and my last day at the school. The joys of school life are surely countless. Indeed, the school days are the best of our lives.

Michael Leo is a researcher at Saint Augustine University Of Tanzania in Mwanza and joined the Africademics volunteer network in January 2020.

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Essay on My School Life for Students in English [Easy Words]

January 4, 2021 by Sandeep

My School Life Essay: They are the golden period in a student’s life where he learns to spread his wings and face the world with courage. School life brings out the best talents hidden in students and improves their thought process. It makes persons aware of their duties and responsibilities at all levels – personally, professionally and towards society. Good habits and good manners backed with discipline and determination are inculcated in children during their school days.

Essay on My School Life 250 Words in English

Below we have provided My School Life Essay in English, suitable for class 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 & 10.

The school life is the most prominent and enjoyable part of a person’s life. We are left with a plethora of memories that we cherish throughout our life. Apart from getting an education, we are instilled with lessons based on patience, sincerity, friendship, honesty, discipline, and confidence. It is considered to be the formative period of every child since it is a crucial educational institution for character building.

The school life is regarded as the best period in human life because it is a one-time opportunity to enjoy the classroom setting with favourite people and never comes again. My school was an English medium secondary board school built-in 1985. It provided a pleasant learning atmosphere with clean playground and beautiful plants. Furthermore, we had a small canteen that provided hygienic food and beverages.

The classrooms were spacious and big. My school is a three-storey building consisting of classes from nursery to 10th students. A library with several books and a laboratory with necessary tools were situated on the top floor. The playground provided a great space to engage in sports like football, cricket and race. Our Physical training teacher was a cordial and friendly teacher who always taught us through creative ways.

My other teachers were hard-working and created a fruitful and fun atmosphere in the classroom while teaching. Our gatekeeper or peon is the fantastic person as he was the most amicable and understanding person we have ever known. The friendship that was built was the most cherished and treasured part of my life. School is the temple of knowledge and should be respected by everyone.

Not every individual gets the privilege to go to school and receive an education due to several reasons. The joy, fun, learning are all valuable and paramount in a person’s life. One should take pride in taking the name of the school they received necessary skills and abilities. It is the place that provided us with friends and memories for life.

10 Lines Essay on My School Life

  • School is an educational institution that provides learning in a disciplined manner.
  • It is the first place where children build a relationship between classmates and teachers.
  • The school aims at the overall development of a child by offering a platform to exhibit their talent and skills.
  • It builds our confidence, intellectual ability, and motivates to take up challenges.
  • The teachers help children in identifying their goals and interest through various activities.
  • My school was a second home to me where I had a cordial relationship with teachers and other staff members.
  • Friendships were not built on necessity but based on love and mutual understanding.
  • My school had ample space for playing and extracurricular activities.
  • Being a co-ed school, it was easy and comfortable to mingle with each other.
  • Apart from teaching subjective learning, my school also developed my strengths and skills.

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My School Essay in English (100, 200, 300, 500 words)

Table of Contents

My School Essay 100 Words

My school is a place where I get educated; learn new subjects under the guidance of trained and skilled teachers. I study at a school that is near my home. It is one of the best schools in my entire town. The management of my school believes that it isn’t only academic excellence that we should be after, but also the overall personality development and evolving into a good and useful human being.

The school has two playgrounds – one is a tennis court and the other one is a cricket ground. We also have a nice swimming pool and a canteen. It also has a beautiful garden where students relax and play during recess. Even in games, sports and tournaments, it has made much progress. My school has won many trophies, shields, and medals in many extra-curricular activities. In debates also, the students of my school secure good positions. It is considered to be one of the best schools in my locality.

My School Essay 200 Words

The school is called the educational institution which is designed to provide learning spaces and create an environment for the children where the teaching of the students is under the direction and guidance of the teachers.

My School is one of the best educational institutions where I get an education and make progress towards the goals of my life and make me capable of achieving them. Besides education, there are several significant roles that my school plays in my life. My school is performing well in all fields. It develops my physical and mental stamina, instills confidence, and

gives me tremendous opportunities to prove my skills and talents in different fields. In the academic field, it has made a mark. Its students secure top positions in the board examinations.

I go to school with my other friends. We study in our school in a great friendly environment. We reach school at a fixed time. As soon as we reach we line up to attend the assembly. Attending the school assembly is a wonderful experience. I enjoy for being first in a row in a school assembly. As soon as the assembly ends we rush to our respective classrooms. We take part in all school activities. One of my school fellows is the best singer and dancer. She has recently won the best singer award at the annual arts festival. Our school organizes all-important national events like Independence Day, teachers’ day, father’s day, etc. My school also gives every student abundant opportunities to take part in extracurricular activities like sports and music.

All of us are proud of being a part of it. I am fortunate enough to be a student at this school. I love and am proud of my school.

My School Essay 300 Words

An institution where higher education is taught is commonly called a school, University College, or University. Most countries have systems of formal education, which is sometimes compulsory. In these systems, Students progress through a series of schools. The names for these schools vary by country but generally include primary school for young children and secondary school for teenagers who have completed primary education.

My school is a place where I not only get educated but also get trained in other necessary competitive skills like sports, music, and dance. I am proud of my school because it provides us with all the basic facilities like a big playground, a central library, a big auditorium hall, a science lab, and a good computer lab. That is why my school is rated as one of the best schools in my entire area. My school has produced many great people in my country. It has a big and beautiful building that looks shiny from far away. I reach my target at a fixed time. I came to school with other friends of mine. We happily enter the schools with great confidence. We take part in a school assembly and then we move into our classrooms.

This all is done by a very efficient and well-trained teaching staff of my school. The best schools are those that make the students the best and the best school is made by the best teachers. We study under the guidance of the best teachers. My school has a dedicated teacher for all the subjects as well as extracurricular activities like music and sports. I consider my school as the best school because it supports and encourages every student to do their best and make progress. Fortunately, my school provides the best environment, the best teachers, and the best facilities.

Our Class teacher greets us daily and asks about us. He is quite a cool and kind man. He entertains us along with teaching his subject. We learn a lot of things like discipline, self-help, confidence, and cooperation here. As I enter my classroom I feel quite happy and relaxed.

My School Essay 500 Words

The place where children as the leaders of tomorrow study and where the future of the nation is shaped are called schools. Education is an essential weapon for tomorrow, so the good schools of today are important for the best future of a nation. Schools are the center of learning where we attend classes on various subjects, interact with the teachers, get our queries

answered, and appeared in exams. In my school, learning is more like a fun activity, because of the extra-talented teaching staff.

My school is a government primary school located on the outskirts of the city. Usually, when people think about a government school, they perceive it to be at an isolated location and have poor basic amenities and teaching facilities. But, despite being a government school, my school defies all such speculations. Teachers of my school are not only knowledgeable about the subjects they teach but also are skilled enough to teach through fun activities. For example, our physics teacher explains every concept by stating real-life examples that we could relate to. This way we not only understand the subject better. Moreover, not a moment I remember, when any teacher had ever replied rudely to any of the students. They always patiently listen and provide answers to all the queries posed to them. Learning at my school is fun and it is made possible only because of the teachers.

My school is very important in my life, in a way even more than my family. My family gives me love, care, and affection, and provides for all my other essential needs. But, all of this isn’t enough to make me a good human being and succeed in life.  Favorably, I am lucky enough to be enrolled in a prestigious school, and gaining a wonderful education, looking forward to realizing my dreams one day. The most necessary for success in life is education, and only my school provides it to me. Without my school and the education that it gives, I would be like a confused and wandering soul, almost aimless in life.

My school helps with my educational and overall personality development. It imparts education through classes, tests, and exams to teach me how to conduct myself confidently. It just feels so great to be in my school and be a part of everyday activities, be it lectures, sports, or Something else. While in school, I always feel happy, confident, enthusiastic, and loved. I make friends at school, those whom I will never forget and will always love them. My family supports my materialistic needs, but school is the place where my actual physical, social, and mental development takes place.  I know that every question that crosses my mind will be answered by my teachers. I also know that my school friends will always be at my side whenever I need them to be. As much as the studies, my school also stresses much on These activities as the management thinks that extracurricular activities are very essential for our overall personality development. My school provides dedicated teachers and staff for each extracurricular activity. We have a big sports ground with kits for all the major sports; a covered auditorium for dance and music and a separate basketball court.

The role my school plays in my personality development is fantastic. It not only imparts education in me but also teaches me how to conduct myself and how to behave decently and properly. I get trained in all the other necessary skills of life, like how to keep calm in challenging situations and help others as well. My school teaches me to be a good and evolved human being, to stay composed and progressive always. It also teaches me to be kind and generous to others and not differentiate them based on their caste, religion, ethnicity, or other divisions. These are some of the most essential personality traits that my school imparts to me, something that I will always be thankful for. Every time I think of my school, I think of it as a temple of education. A temple, where my soul meets education, making my life more meaningful and useful to society and the nation as well. It is a place where my aspirations get a wing and I get the strength and confidence to realize them. No other place in the entire world could replace my school and the role that it plays in my life. I will always be thankful to my friends, teachers, and the staff of my school, for making it such a comfortable and Educational place of learning.

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Looking Back on My High School Experience: The Best I've Ever Had

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Published: Apr 5, 2023

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essay on school life is the best

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  • My School Life Speech


How To Write A Good Speech In English About My School Life

School life is the best time of our life. Every student should try to make the best use of school life because once over, it never comes back again. In this article, we have provided My School Life Speech of three lengths. The first one is Long High School Is The Best Time Of Your Life Speech for students of class 9th and above. The second one is a Short Last Day Of School Life Speech for students of class 5th and above. 10 lines on My School Life Speech In English is for students of class 1 and above. 

Long and Short High School Is The Best Time of Your Life Speech

Greetings everyone. Today, I stand in front of you, to deliver a Speech On My Journey Of School Life. Like everybody else, I have also had my fair share of school life flashbacks in my life. After all, it's the best time of our lives. We recall the good days that have passed and even the bad ones. School life is undoubtedly one of the positive memories of life. It is considered to be by many the best stage of their lives. A student understands the meaning of school life, and they consider it to be the golden time of their lives. And why is it not meant to be? In one's life, it is the first truly impactful event, and the significance of it can never be disproved.

My school life was a learning experience for sure. I couldn't get somewhere else with the trust and inspiration it gave me. Most importantly, it is the place where I have acknowledged my individuality and uniqueness. For me, my school life is no less than a blessing that has given me priceless joys in life. I've been a student at my school for 10 years. For me, it has been an amazing golden age. It vanished like the happiest dream.

This is where I began to learn the alphabet and can now use the same to solve equations. The warm welcome I got when I started school for the first time is something I can never forget. It's also what determines why my life at school is so important to me.

My life at school made me learn something new almost every day. It helped me to gain understanding and to succeed not only in my studies but also, in co-curricular activities and taught me a lot of life skills, for which I am grateful to this day.

The memories of high school life are the incomparable part. I've made plenty of errors and blunders. I've had a lot of mistakes. During my school days, I can remember how naive I was. Yet I have always been saved, thanks to my genuine friends and real teachers. That is how I discovered the real meaning of cooperation and love from high school life. In my ears, those words of wisdom and prayers are still ringing. I still remember me and my friends sharing lunch during the lunch break, playing basketball on the court, taking part in various co-curricular activities, and of course, the excursion trips. Now that I look back, it is no less than a fairytale. I had entered my school crying, not wanting to let go of my mother’s hand, scared of the new place and new people, and I left it crying, scared of leaving that place, those friends, and inspiring teachers.

Short My School Life Speech In English

Today, I am here to deliver my Last Day Of School Life Speech. School life is considered to be by many the best stage of their lives. For me, it has been an amazing golden age. I had entered my school crying, not wanting to let go of my mother's hand, scared of the new place and new people.

The warm welcome I got when I started school for the first time is something I can never forget. My life at school made me learn something new almost every day. It helped me to gain understanding and to succeed not only in studies but also in co-curricular activities. It taught me a lot of life skills, for which I am grateful to this day. 

The memories of high school life are the incomparable part. I still remember sharing my lunch with my friends, participating in various activities, the annual functions, sports day, playing in the field, and so on. I've made plenty of errors and blunders. Yet I have always been saved, thanks to my genuine friends and real teachers. That is how I discovered the real meaning of cooperation and love from school life. In my ears, those words of wisdom and prayers are still ringing. Now that I look back, it is no less than a fairytale. It is a blessing. I will forever be grateful to my parents for choosing the best schools for me, for the friends which I have to date, and for the inspiring teachers who helped me throughout. 

10 lines on My Senior High School Life Speech

Here we have provided 10 lines for Speech On My Journey Of School Life for students of class 1 and above for an easier understanding. It shall provide them with some idea on what to write for their speech.

Like everybody else, I have also had my fair share of school life flashbacks in my life.

It is considered to be by many the best stage of their lives.

A student understands the meaning of school life, and they consider it to be the golden time of their lives.

My school life was a learning experience for sure.

Most importantly, it is the place where I have acknowledged my individuality and uniqueness. 

It helped me to gain understanding and to succeed not only in my studies but also, in co-curricular activities and taught me a lot of life skills, for which I am grateful to this day.

The memories of high school life are the incomparable part.

My life at school made me learn something new almost every day.

In one's life, it is the first truly impactful event, and the significance of it can never be disproved.

I had entered my school crying, not wanting to let go of my mother's hand, scared of the new place and new people, and I left it crying, scared of leaving that place, those friends, and inspiring teachers.

There are a lot of ways of delivering a good speech that casts a spell of magic on the audience to whom you are speaking to. If you want your speech to be that special, then you should go through this article. It is going to help you to draft a speech that will turn your listeners into your fans. There are a few things that you need to keep in mind before you deliver an extraordinary speech. First of all, take a pen and a paper and jot down all the key points that you want to mention in your speech. The idea of writing these things on paper is that you will be able to retain all these things in your speech while delivering it. If you don't pen them down, you might not remember them at the right time. Once you write the important points and incidents, you should frame a decent speech accordingly. You should then proofread the write-up and check whether any sentence needs to be omitted or not. You've to write your speech in such a way that you should be able to deliver it in a given time and therefore, it should neither be too long nor too short. After completing the editing and proofreading part, you should start reading it. Read it again and again so that you're fully prepared to deliver it. 

Speech About My School Life 

If this is the last day of your school and you want to make it worthwhile by delivering a memorable speech on 'My School Life', then you should keep some important things in mind. For example, you can tell your listeners (teachers and students) about your experience with this school and how this school made you what you are. You can tell them about your favourite moments, incidents, etc. One thing that you need to keep in mind is that you should complete your speech on time or else your listeners would get bored. 


FAQs on My School Life Speech

1. How can I write a good 'My School Life' Speech in English?

To write a good speech about 'My School Life', you will need to keep certain things in mind. To start with, you have to pen down all the memorable incidents that happened to you during your school days. You can also write about your favourite teacher. You can write about any activity that you like to do. There are a lot of other things as well about which you can write. For instance, if you once went for a picnic, you can write about your experience with that particular day.

2. What are the key points that I need to mention in 'My School Life' Speech in English?

The key points that you can mention in 'My School Life' Speech are:

1) You can talk about your experience with that school. 

2) You can talk about your favourite teacher. 

3) You can mention your friends who were always with you. 

4) You can talk about any particular incident that affected your life. 

5) You can tell the listeners about the first day of your school and what happened on that day.

3. When will I need 'My School Life' Speech?

You will need 'My School Life' Speech mostly if you are a student, but sometimes teachers may need to do it as well. If you are a student who just passed the highest class of your school and it is your last day at school. To make that day special, you will need to deliver a speech that should leave everyone spellbound. That's where you can tell them about 'My School Life'. It will be your last day and you will be very emotional so if you deliver a speech that everyone likes, it can make you feel better.

4. How can I deliver a good speech in my school?

If you want teachers and other students to like your speech, then you need to deliver it in such a way that it puts everyone in trance. To do that, you first need to know your audience which obviously will be students and teachers. You also need to complete your speech in the given time. You should not divert from your main topic. You should deliver the speech in your natural way i.e., you should not try to copy anyone's accent.

5. Is 'My School Life' a good title for a school farewell speech?

The title 'My School Life' sounds emotional, so if you are bidding a farewell to your school, you can choose this title for your speech as it would buy you others' attention. Once you tell other students and teachers about your past experiences with this school, they would enjoy that. They would get lost in your words once you start telling them about the old chapter related to your school life.

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School Life Is Wonderful (Essay Sample)

School is a body intended to provide learning environments and learning spaces for the teaching of pupils or students under instructions of the teachers. Many countries have structure of formal education which is normally compulsory. In these structures, students advance through a chain of schools. The names of these schools differ by country mostly include secondary school for teenagers who have finished primary schooling and primary school for young children. A university or university college is an institution where higher learning is normally taught. In addition to these essence schools, students in particular country may also go to schools before and after primary and secondary schooling. Preschool or kindergarten provides some education to young children in most cases at the ages of three to five. This paper attempts to describe how school life is lovely and important to a student.

School life is a crucial part of one’s life since it offers opportunity for discipline and study. Besides these, the school is a precursory phase for entering public life. School plays a crucial role in broadening attitude of students. Virtues such as truthfulness, tolerance, sincerity, perseverance, obedience, and discipline develop in students. One displays discipline in play ground, hostel, classroom, library, and other places. School is a meeting place for teachers and students and from here the student learns how to improve himself with the community and at later part of life. The school is generally a time of youth and their students read in spirit of collaboration. One ignores their sorrows and joys because they sit together, play together and read together. In modern days, the minds of students accommodate some youthful ambitions which come true as they grow in age.

School life is the best chapter in human life because sadness, happiness and other emotions can all be found in schooling life. School life varies from adult life in many different ways because one will develop many things like emotions, relationship, physical development, most importantly knowledge. School life is much precious because it only happens once in a lifetime when one grows up. It marks an excitement in one’s whole life but firstly, the quicker physically one grows the more one develops in mental. It points your developing period to become a teenager and one is carefree and innocent. Materialistic is none of your worries. One also has big dreams, wild imaginations, and ambitions to pursue. In school one learns from childhood and builds the personality of a man. Every student should attempt to make his life better and best utilize school life since it never comes again after the school period. The life of a scholar is just studies, discipline, and hard work but it is also fun as well. The library period, recess time, and games are welcome recess when one can relax, joke and have fun with colleagues. Teachers too can make school life very exhilarating especially those who have typical manner of speaking. Students who are idling around in school and are bunking are ensnared by him in a predictable manner. School life can be wonderful and real fun especially when field trips and picnics are organized. Students wait for them patiently and keep on seeking class teachers to organize one for them. Cultural programs, debates, and quizzes, also add polish to an otherwise boring school life.

In conclusion, school is a body intended to provide learning environments and learning spaces for the teaching of pupils or students under instructions of the teachers. Many countries have structure of formal education which is normally compulsory. School life is a crucial part of one’s life since it offers opportunity for discipline and study. School plays a crucial role in broadening attitude of students. The school is generally a time of youth and their students read in spirit of collaboration. School life is the best chapter in human life because sadness, happiness and other emotions can all be found in schooling life. School Life is wonderful and every student should attempt to best utilize it since it never comes again after the school period.

essay on school life is the best

Official Edubilla Blog

  • School Life Is The Best Life

School Life is the Best Life

School life gives ever green moments and memories to many of us. It is the place where we get our first learning, friends, teacher, homework, punishment and much more things that make the best part of our life. Apart from subject we learn social and moral values in our school which is very crucial for our lives. School is our first learning institution.

As a child we like to grow up fast because at this age we feel burdened with the home works and assignments. But now when we recall those instants it seems they are far better than the current situation. Schools days are the golden days where we got many friends, enjoyed their company, shared our happy, sad moments and lunch with them, played together, did gossips and had lot of fun.

School is a place where we grow up and it moulds us as a disciplined and knowledgeable person. In everyone’s life we have our favorite teacher who played a major role. Other than our parents it is the class teacher who praises, supports and sometimes scolds on mistakes and guides us on the right path. They are our role models and greater inspiration. We had unlimited enjoyment and entertainment during our school days.

Most memorable moments like school picnics, inter school function, sports day and the get together parties are unforgettable. Doesn’t matter, whether we make our participation or not we will enjoy those moments incredibly. Recollecting those memories are really very colorful. Being grown we have many advantages but still school time is the best and incomparable.

It is only in school days we can enjoy life without any worries and enjoy long vacations. By recollecting our school days we will get the things we like the most and the best memories ever. So enjoy your school life.

Comments for this Blog

Nice Article.It brings back my childhood memories.

I accept that the schools days are the pleasant days in our life. But students also have to realise that it is best time to learn many things.

when i saw this...i have remind my school life,my friends,lot of fun...etc. Beautiful article.

I have got all my school memories while reading this. Really a nice article to read about school life

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78 back-to-school quotes that are an A+

It's officially back-to-school season, meaning the time has come to sharpen those pencils and pack up your book bag for yet another year.

As always, returning to the classroom brings a mixture of anxiety and excitement over what the new school year brings. Of course, it's also the kick off to autumn, falling leaves and the return of sweater weather .

In honor of the occasion, we've gathered our favorite back-to-school quotes to use on Instagram, drop into a text or jot down on a note to tuck into your child's lunchbox .

In the list below, you'll find a variety of messages written or spoken by luminaries like Ralph Waldo Emerson, Mark Twain, Dr. Seuss , Michelle Obama, Maya Angelou and a host of others.

There are also plenty of funny quotes to use however you see fit, including one from comedian Jim Gaffigan who once quipped, “You’d think parents are just dying to get rid of their children. I mean, we are , we most definitely are.”

Looking for short or inspirational quotes ? Those are here, too, like this gem that totally captures the end-of-summer sentiment: “School bells are ringing, loud and clear; Vacation’s over, school is here.”

Whichever back-to-school quote you decide on, this much is certain: These timely and happy messages will earn you a spot on the honor roll.

Short Back-to-School Quotes

  • “You’re off to great places! Today is your day! Your mountain is waiting. So ... get on your way ! ” — Dr. Seuss, “Oh, the Places You’ll Go!”
  • “The world is full of magic things, patiently waiting for our senses to grow sharper.” — W.B. Yeats
  • “Each new day is a blank page in the diary of your life. The secret of success is in turning that diary into the best story you possibly can.” — Douglas Pagels

Back-to-School Quotes

  • “School bells are ringing, loud and clear; Vacation’s over, school is here.” ― Winifred C. Marshall, “School”
  • “Wake up! Wake up! C’mon, first day of school!” ― Nemo, “Finding Nemo”
  • “Be true to your school now, just like you would to your girl or guy. Be true to your school now and let your colors fly.” ― The Beach Boys, “Be True to Your School”
  • “Holidays are over people. Way over. Now, anymore comments? Questions?” Ms. Darbus, “High School Musical”
  • “Be the best of whatever you are.” — Martin Luther King, Jr.

Back-to-School Quotes

  • “Always believe that something wonderful is about to happen.” ― Dr. Sukhraj Dhillon
  • “Start where you are. Use what you have. Do what you can.” — Arthur Ashe
  • “You don’t have to be great to start, but you have to start to be great.” — Zig Ziglar
  • “The beginning is always today.” — Mary Shelley
  • “What lies behind you and what lies in front of you, pales in comparison to what lies inside of you.” ― Ralph Waldo Emerson

Back-to-School Quotes

  • “Education is the key to unlocking the world, a passport to freedom.” — Oprah Winfrey
  • “Life loves to be taken by the lapel and be told, ‘I am with you kid. Let’s go!’” — Maya Angelou
  • “There is only one road to human greatness: through the school of hard knocks.” — Albert Einstein
  • “It is always better to ask a question than to answer one.”― Lemony Snicket, “Shouldn’t You Be in School?”
  • “The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.” ― Eleanor Roosevelt

Back-to-School Quotes

  • “You’d think parents are just dying to get rid of their children. I mean, we are, we most definitely are.” ― Jim Gaffigan
  • “Teaching kids to count is fine, but teaching them what counts is best.” Bob Talbert
  • “In learning you will teach, and in teaching you will learn.” Phil Collins, “Son of Man”
  • “Life is either a daring adventure or nothing.” ― Helen Keller

Back-to-School Quotes

  • “If you keep your eyes open enough, oh, the stuff you will learn! The most wonderful stuff!” —Dr. Seuss, “I Can Read With My Eyes Shut!”
  • “A #2 pencil and a dream can take you anywhere.” — Joyce Meyer
  • “What we learn with pleasure we never forget.” — Alfred Mercier
  • “I have never let my schooling interfere with my education.” — Mark Twain

Back-to-School Quotes

  • “The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.” — Lao Tzu
  • “Education is what remains after one has forgotten what one has learned in school.” — Albert Einstein
  • “I like a teacher who gives you something to take home to think about besides homework.” — Lily Tomlin
  • “No one is perfect. That’s why pencils have erasers.” — Wolfgang Riebe, “100 Quotes to Make You Think”

Back-to-School Quotes

Inspirational Back-to-School Quotes

  • “No matter what people tell you, words and ideas can change the world.” ― Robin Williams, “Dead Poets Society”
  • “Everything is hard before it is easy.”— Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
  • “Life starts all over again when it gets crisp in the fall.” — F. Scott Fitzgerald

Back-to-School Quotes

  • “Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day in and day out.” — Robert Collier
  • “Today a reader, tomorrow a leader.” — Margaret Fuller
  • “Before anything else, preparation is the key to success.” — Alexander Graham Bell
  • “In school, you’re taught a lesson and then given a test. In life, you’re given a test that teaches you a lesson.” — Tom Bodett

Back-to-School Quotes

  • “The great aim of education is not knowledge but action.” — Herbert Spencer
  • “You don’t just luck into things as much as you’d think you do. You build by step, whether it’s friendships or opportunities.” — Barbara Bush
  • “You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself any direction you choose.” — Dr. Seuss
  • “School is a building which has four walls with tomorrow inside.” — Lon Watters
  • “You must do the things you think you cannot do.” — Eleanor Roosevelt

Back-to-School Quotes

  • “You can learn something every day if you pay attention.” — Ray LeBlond.
  • “Think about every problem, every challenge we face. The solution starts with education.” — George H.W. Bush
  • “Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new.” — Albert Einstein
  • “Our goal must be decency and respect for every human we encounter.” — Oprah Winfrey
  • “Education doesn’t make us smarter. It makes us whole.” — Jill Biden

Back-to-School Quotes

  • “The dream begins, most of the time, with a teacher who believes in you, who tugs and pushes and leads you on to the next plateau, sometimes poking you with a sharp stick called truth.” — Dan Rather
  • “Children must be taught how to think, not what to think.” — Margaret Mead
  • “Education is the most powerful weapon you can use to change the world.” — Nelson Mandela
  • “Nothing prevents boredom like a good book.” — Dave Pilkey
  • “Our passion is and always should be to make life better.” — Martha Stewart

Back-to-School Quotes

  • “I’ve always loved the first day of school better than the last day of school. Firsts are best because they are beginnings.” — Jenny Han, “To All the Boys I’ve Loved Before”
  • “Knowledge — that is, education in its true sense — is our best protection against unreasoning prejudice and panic-making fear. — Franklin D. Roosevelt
  • “You are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think.” — A.A. Milne, “Winnie the Pooh”
  • “Being fearless isn’t being 100% not fearful, it’s being terrified but you jump anyway.” — Taylor Swift

Back-to-School Quotes for Teachers

Back-to-School Quotes

  • “Read. Read. Read. Just don’t read one type of book. Read different books by various authors so that you develop different styles.” — R.L. Stine
  • “Educating the mind without educating the heart is no education at all.” — Aristotle
  • “There’s more treasure in books than in all the pirate’s loot on Treasure Island.” — Walt Disney
  • “Intelligence plus character — that is the true goal of education.” — Martin Luther King Jr.

Back-to-School Quotes

  • “The road to freedom — here and everywhere on earth — begins in the classroom.” — Hubert Humphrey.
  • “The more that you read, the more things you know, the more learn, the more places you’ll go.” — Dr. Seuss, “I Can Read With My Eyes Shut!”
  • “Encourage kids to be creative without worrying about being perfect.” — Dav Pilkey
  • “Let us remember: One book, one pen, one child, and one teacher can change the world.” — Malala Yousafzai

Back-to-School Quotes

  • “Education is the passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to those who prepare for it today.” — Malcolm X
  • “There is no single recipe for success. But there is one essential ingredient: passion.” — Martha Stewart
  • “The capacity to learn is a gift; the ability to learn is a skill; the willingness to learn is a choice.” — Brian Herbert
  • “The future of our nation depends on providing our children with a complete education that includes music.” — Gerald Ford
  • “You don’t become what you want, you become what you believe.” — Oprah Winfrey

Back-to-School Quotes

  • “Dreams come a size too big so we can grow into them.” — Josie Bissett
  • “Our greatest natural resource is in the minds of our children.” — Walt Disney
  • “Minds are like parachutes, they only function when they are open.” — James Dewar
  • “Information may be free, an education is priceless.” — Marie Forleo

Back-to-School Quotes

  • “Education is simply the soul of a society as it passes from one generation to another.” — G.K. Chesterton
  • “The most important day of a person’s education is the first day of school, not graduation day.” — Harry Wong
  • “Give a girl an education and introduce her properly into the world, and ten to one but she has the means of settling well, without further expense to anybody.” — Jane Austen, “Mansfield Park”
  • “There’s power in allowing yourself to be known and heard, in owning your unique story, in using your authentic voice. And there’s grace in being willing to know and hear others.” — Michelle Obama, “Becoming”

essay on school life is the best

Sarah is a lifestyle and entertainment reporter for TODAY who covers holidays, celebrities and everything in between.

Katelyn Chef is a lifestyle writer. More of her work can be found on her portfolio and blog, The Yellow Spectacles .

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American Psychological Association

Title Page Setup

A title page is required for all APA Style papers. There are both student and professional versions of the title page. Students should use the student version of the title page unless their instructor or institution has requested they use the professional version. APA provides a student title page guide (PDF, 199KB) to assist students in creating their title pages.

Student title page

The student title page includes the paper title, author names (the byline), author affiliation, course number and name for which the paper is being submitted, instructor name, assignment due date, and page number, as shown in this example.

diagram of a student page

Title page setup is covered in the seventh edition APA Style manuals in the Publication Manual Section 2.3 and the Concise Guide Section 1.6

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Related handouts

  • Student Title Page Guide (PDF, 263KB)
  • Student Paper Setup Guide (PDF, 3MB)

Student papers do not include a running head unless requested by the instructor or institution.

Follow the guidelines described next to format each element of the student title page.

Paper title

Place the title three to four lines down from the top of the title page. Center it and type it in bold font. Capitalize of the title. Place the main title and any subtitle on separate double-spaced lines if desired. There is no maximum length for titles; however, keep titles focused and include key terms.

Author names

Place one double-spaced blank line between the paper title and the author names. Center author names on their own line. If there are two authors, use the word “and” between authors; if there are three or more authors, place a comma between author names and use the word “and” before the final author name.

Cecily J. Sinclair and Adam Gonzaga

Author affiliation

For a student paper, the affiliation is the institution where the student attends school. Include both the name of any department and the name of the college, university, or other institution, separated by a comma. Center the affiliation on the next double-spaced line after the author name(s).

Department of Psychology, University of Georgia

Course number and name

Provide the course number as shown on instructional materials, followed by a colon and the course name. Center the course number and name on the next double-spaced line after the author affiliation.

PSY 201: Introduction to Psychology

Instructor name

Provide the name of the instructor for the course using the format shown on instructional materials. Center the instructor name on the next double-spaced line after the course number and name.

Dr. Rowan J. Estes

Assignment due date

Provide the due date for the assignment. Center the due date on the next double-spaced line after the instructor name. Use the date format commonly used in your country.

October 18, 2020
18 October 2020

Use the page number 1 on the title page. Use the automatic page-numbering function of your word processing program to insert page numbers in the top right corner of the page header.


Professional title page

The professional title page includes the paper title, author names (the byline), author affiliation(s), author note, running head, and page number, as shown in the following example.

diagram of a professional title page

Follow the guidelines described next to format each element of the professional title page.

Paper title

Place the title three to four lines down from the top of the title page. Center it and type it in bold font. Capitalize of the title. Place the main title and any subtitle on separate double-spaced lines if desired. There is no maximum length for titles; however, keep titles focused and include key terms.

Author names


Place one double-spaced blank line between the paper title and the author names. Center author names on their own line. If there are two authors, use the word “and” between authors; if there are three or more authors, place a comma between author names and use the word “and” before the final author name.

Francesca Humboldt

When different authors have different affiliations, use superscript numerals after author names to connect the names to the appropriate affiliation(s). If all authors have the same affiliation, superscript numerals are not used (see Section 2.3 of the for more on how to set up bylines and affiliations).

Tracy Reuter , Arielle Borovsky , and Casey Lew-Williams

Author affiliation


For a professional paper, the affiliation is the institution at which the research was conducted. Include both the name of any department and the name of the college, university, or other institution, separated by a comma. Center the affiliation on the next double-spaced line after the author names; when there are multiple affiliations, center each affiliation on its own line.


Department of Nursing, Morrigan University

When different authors have different affiliations, use superscript numerals before affiliations to connect the affiliations to the appropriate author(s). Do not use superscript numerals if all authors share the same affiliations (see Section 2.3 of the for more).

Department of Psychology, Princeton University
Department of Speech, Language, and Hearing Sciences, Purdue University

Author note

Place the author note in the bottom half of the title page. Center and bold the label “Author Note.” Align the paragraphs of the author note to the left. For further information on the contents of the author note, see Section 2.7 of the .


The running head appears in all-capital letters in the page header of all pages, including the title page. Align the running head to the left margin. Do not use the label “Running head:” before the running head.

Prediction errors support children’s word learning

Use the page number 1 on the title page. Use the automatic page-numbering function of your word processing program to insert page numbers in the top right corner of the page header.


11 New Summer Books You Can Still Add to Your Reading List

We've got your next beach read right here.

best summer books

We've been independently researching and testing products for over 120 years. If you buy through our links, we may earn a commission. Learn more about our review process.

There’s something truly special about summer reading. Whether you call them "beach reads," "summer flings" or simply "great books of the season," the best books of summer 2024 will transport you to a sunny getaway, no matter the weather.

No matter your summer reading style, you're sure to find something to love on this list. Grab a stack of these books to take with you wherever the sun leads you before Labor Day — and when you’re finished, dive into the Good Housekeeping Book Club for even more feel-good reads.

'Plays Well With Others' by Sophie Brickman

'Plays Well With Others' by Sophie Brickman

“Mother Inferior” Anne Lewin is a sassy New York City-based advice columnist who gets completely swept up in the madness of the elite kindergarten admissions process. With three kids under 5, a workaholic husband, and a cunning archrival, her life turns into chaos — but it’s pure comedic gold for readers.

'Sandwich' by Catherine Newman

'Sandwich' by Catherine Newman

Rocky's annual summer week in Cape Cod takes on an unusual poignancy — not just because of menopause, but also due to the deep emotions she feels for her aging parents, adult children, sweet husband, her cat Chicken and a few long-held, sorrowful secrets. Books with this kind of warmth and humor are truly rare.

'There Are Rivers in the Sky' by Elif Shafak

'There Are Rivers in the Sky' by Elif Shafak

Braiding together the stories of three narrators across millennia and continents, and tracing the journey of a single drop of water, this powerhouse author has crafted a rapturous feat of storytelling. From the ancient shores of the Tigris River to a houseboat on the Thames in 2018, an immersive adventure awaits you.

'House of Glass' by Sarah Pekkanen

'House of Glass' by Sarah Pekkanen

Did that little girl push her nanny out the window? As the lawyer assigned to the case, Stella quickly realizes there are plenty of other suspects, including the heiress mother, the landscaper father, the live-in grandmother and the nanny’s boyfriend. On the other hand, little Rose is pretty darn creepy. If you love trying to predict twists, this is the thrill ride for you.

RELATED: The Best Thrillers and Crime Books

'The Summer Pact' by Emily Giffin

'The Summer Pact' by Emily Giffin

A trio of college friends are devastated when the fourth member of their group, a star athlete, commits suicide. Now in their early 30s, with their own lives in flux, the three fall back on the pact they made years ago to stick together. Reuniting for a blissful getaway in Capri, they discover that life still has major surprises in store.

'Long Island Compromise' by Taffy Brodesser-Akner

'Long Island Compromise' by Taffy Brodesser-Akner

Good Housekeeping 's July book club pick, Long Island Compromise centers on the kidnapping of a wealthy factory owner and the decades of family trauma that follow his return. But if anything has ever proven that laughter is the best medicine, it’s this book. The saga of the Fletchers in their ritzy Long Island suburb delivers brilliant psychological insight and spot-on cultural context along with dialogue so funny, it hurts.

'The Queen City Detective Agency' by Snowden Wright

'The Queen City Detective Agency' by Snowden Wright

Black ex-cop Clementine Baldwin and her white partner, Dixon Hicks, are the Nick and Nora of Meridian, MS. Hired by the mother of a recently deceased prison inmate to prove his death was no accident, they follow a trail that leads straight to the heart of the Dixie Mafia — complete with plenty of wit and bourbon along the way.

'The Same Bright Stars' by Ethan Joella

'The Same Bright Stars' by Ethan Joella

Head down to the Delaware shore with Jack Schmidt, the 52-year-old owner of a family restaurant he’s worked at since boyhood. A corporate chain wants to buy him out, and Jack, who feels "old" at 52, is tempted. The unlikely temptress is Nicole, the chain’s loud but intriguing representative who won’t take no for an answer. But what about the loyal Schmidt’s crew, whose livelihoods depend on Jack? When an ex reappears with shocking news, this endearing man realizes that his life is changing, whether he likes it or not.

'Slow Dance' by Rainbow Rowell

'Slow Dance' by Rainbow Rowell

Shiloh and Cary are low on money, long on baggage and high on each other — the relationship they put on hold 14 years ago is reignited at the wedding of a mutual friend. The tension builds through atmospheric flashbacks to their 1990s high school days and Rowell’s signature saucy banter.

'The Next Mrs. Parrish' by Liv Constantine

'The Next Mrs. Parrish' by Liv Constantine

In this sequel to The Last Mrs. Parrish , Constantine’s magnificent evil creation, Amber, is back. The husband she stole in the last book is finishing up his prison sentence, but she’s dreading his return — especially since she blew through all his money while he was locked up. Her plan to leave their baby with the nanny and disappear is foiled, and now the women whose lives she’s ruined are coming for her. Good luck, ladies!

'And So I Roar' by Abi Daré

'And So I Roar' by Abi Daré

The 14-year-old “girl with the louding voice,” whom we met in this young Nigerian author’s debut book , is back. Adunni’s rescuer and mentor, Tia, has helped her win a scholarship to a school in Lagos, but the backward, patriarchal ways of the village are not through with her yet — and their terrifying representatives are literally at the gate.

Headshot of Lizz Schumer

Lizz (she/her) is a senior editor at Good Housekeeping , where she runs the GH Book Club, edits essays and long-form features and writes about pets, books and lifestyle topics. A journalist for almost two decades, she is the author of Biography of a Body and Buffalo Steel. She also teaches journalism as an adjunct professor at New York University's School of Professional Studies and creative nonfiction at the Muse Writing Center, and coaches with the New York Writing Room. 

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@media(max-width: 64rem){.css-o9j0dn:before{margin-bottom:0.5rem;margin-right:0.625rem;color:#ffffff;width:1.25rem;bottom:-0.2rem;height:1.25rem;content:'_';display:inline-block;position:relative;line-height:1;background-repeat:no-repeat;}.loaded .css-o9j0dn:before{background-image:url(/_assets/design-tokens/goodhousekeeping/static/images/Clover.5c7a1a0.svg);}}@media(min-width: 48rem){.loaded .css-o9j0dn:before{background-image:url(/_assets/design-tokens/goodhousekeeping/static/images/Clover.5c7a1a0.svg);}} All the Best Books to Read Next

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32 Best Back-to-School Sales Giving Us Life This Year

back to school sales robe backpack airstrait and tubes on pink background

All products are independently selected by our editors. If you buy something, we may earn an affiliate commission.

Yes, we’re shedding a single tear for the end of summer, but nothing dries our eyes quite like an avalanche of the best back-to-school sales tumbling into our open carts. Whether you’re shopping for your final semester at college, spoiling your freshly minted high school sophomore , or not even actively enrolled (hey, a sale's a sale!), a new school year means a strained wallet—never mind the notebooks, pens, and binders. So, we implore you, spare yourself some of the stress by shopping these early 2024 back-to-school sales from the best retailers in the biz.

Best Back-to-School Beauty Sales

Nordstrom Rack

Dyson Airwrap with attachments and blue box with red best of beauty seal on light gray background

Airwrap Refurbished

Marc Jacobs Daisy Love Eau So Sweet Eau de Toilette light pink bottle of perfume with flower cap on light gray background

Marc Jacobs

Daisy Love Eau So Sweet Eau de Toilette

The Marc Jacobs Daisy Eau So Sweet is a perfect summer-to-fall perfume . It’s sparkly, fruity, and airy, and the bottle looks so cute on any dresser. Then there’s the Dyson Airwrap —a hair tool so good that it speaks for itself (but we’ve spoken about it quite a bit, too). If you're more than okay with a refurbished tool— if there are any minor blemishes, they won't affect functionality—you'll save a cool $240.

Laura Geller Spackle Primer white and bronze tube on light gray backgrounnd

Laura Geller

Spackle Primer

Anua 10% Niacinamide + 4% Tranexamic Acid Serum dropper bottle of hot pink serum with white dropper cap on light gray background

10% Niacinamide + 4% Tranexamic Acid Serum

Of course, Amazon has some of the best beauty stuff on sale. Like, of course . We don’t know about you, but we’ll be shopping the Laura Geller Spackle Primer (a hydrating, hyaluronic-acid-infused primer ideal for mature skin ) and this beloved K-beauty product , the Anua 10% Niacinamide+ 4% Tranexamic Acid Serum (which brightens dark spots and tightens the look of pores).

Cocomint Float Scalp & Body Scrub white jar with gray lid on light gray background

Cocomint Float Scalp & Body Scrub

Armani Beauty Lip Maestro Matte Liquid Lipstick vial of nude liquid lipstick with red cap on light gray background

Armani Beauty

Lip Maestro Matte Liquid Lipstick

Drybar's Cocomint Float is an all-over shower treat you can use on your scalp and body (go off, science). The textured plant-based sugar moisturizes while nixing flakiness, and coconut shell and rice powder exfoliate all the while . Then, steal the show at your next formal with the help of Armani's Lip Maestro Liquid Lipstick.

Supergoop Unseen Sunscreen SPF 40 white tube with yellow cap on light gray background with white Allure Readers' Choice Award seal in the top right corner

Unseen Sunscreen

NuFace Trinity+ Starter Kit white facial microcurrent device, skin care products, and flat brush on light gray background

Trinity+ Starter Kit

We’re diving into back-to-school face-first with Dermstore goodies. Supergoop's Unseen Sunscreen is a must for everyday UV protection (that won’t put a wrench in your makeup), and the Best of Beauty-winning NuFace Trinity is the kind of at-home, delightfully sophisticated face massage we’re always after.

Mutha Cream jar with purple lid and applicator on light gray background

Mutha Cream

R+CO Television Perfect Hair Masque light gray tube on light gray background

Television Perfect Hair Masque

Aesthetic girlies rise up because Ssense has some winners. Whether you're on the lookout for a lightweight moisturizer (this majorly-on-sale one from Mutha is formulated with ceramides, algae, and mushroom extract) or prepping for first-day photos with a hydrating hair mask , we're here for it, and we hope you are too.


BeautyStat Microbiome Purifying Clay Mask blue and turquoise tube on light gray background

Microbiome Purifying Clay Mask

Ellis Brooklyn West in branded clear glass bottle with white and gold cap on light gray background

Ellis Brooklyn

West Eau de Parfum

New school year, new fragrance . Ellis Brooklyn West Eau de Parfum is a real cake-taker for its essential, woody-citrussy, everyday elegance (especially after gym class). While you’re at it, grab a purifying, pore-unclogging mask from BeautyStat to help you wind down after a long day.

Ulta Beauty

Morphe 35Y Aurascape Artistry Palette palette of 35 colorful eye shadows on light gray background

35Y Aurascape Artistry Palette

Glamnetic First Kiss Press-On Nails pink box of light pink press on nails on light gray background

First Kiss Press-On Nails

So you’re graduating from your beloved Naked Palette and looking for a little more color. Meet the Morphe 35Y Aurascape Artistry Palette, which features the perfect mix of neutrals and brights for all the best blending. Deck out your hands with these Glamnetic First Kiss Press On-Nails and you're ready to rule the town—err, campus.

Peter Thomas Roth Hello, Mask Besties! Kit five mini tubes and pink box on light gray background

Peter Thomas Roth

Hello, Mask Besties! Kit

Fenty Beauty Gloss Bomb Oil vial of gold glitter lip gloss with rose gold cap on light gray background

Fenty Beauty

Gloss Bomb Oil

If your teen has been pleading for a Sephora trip but you’re not ready to spring for skin care she’s a little teensy bit too young for, the retailer’s sale section has some great, fun finds. She can play around with this set of Peter Thomas Roth masks during mother-daughter spa nights and toss this Fenty gloss in her purse for hydrating goodness at a moment's notice.

Best Back-to-School Lifestyle & Fashion Sales

Sorbus Makeup and Jewelry Storage Case transparent pink makeup storage drawers on light gray background

Makeup and Jewelry Storage Case

Ugg Classic Slipper black boot slipper on light gray background

Classic Slipper

Ugg slippers are always in, and so is an organized vanity —meaning this duo from Nordstrom Rack is the MVP of your fall refresh. Grab these Uggs in a classic chestnut hue or a cool gray to mix things up.

Four Candies Cute Mechanical Pencil Set set of pastel pens and highlighters on marbled background

Four Candies

Cute Mechanical Pencil Set

Hydro Flask Stainless Steel Standard Mouth Water Bottle in black on grey background

Stainless Steel Water Bottle

A Hydroflask Water Bottle falls under our “need” category every time—the stainless steel build keeps drinks cold for 24 hours and hot for 12, with no icky plastic taste involved. And literally, how could we resist this perfect set of stationery? Your professor is already jealous.

Capri Blue Volcano Jumbo Jar Candle large blue jar candle on light gray background

Volcano Jumbo Jar Candle

Brightech Ezra LED Table Lamp gold charging lamp on light gray background

Ezra LED Table Lamp

We pledge allegiance to Nordstrom’s sale section time and time again. Boost the vibes of your study space with a big ol’ candle and a handy table lamp that charges your Magsafe-compatible iPhone. It’s a sweet situation for your dorm or your kid’s desk.

Brooklinen Lightweight Cotton Shams terracotta pillow sham on light gray background

Lightweight Cotton Shams

Brooklinen Super-Plush Robe pink and white striped robe on light gray background

Super-Plush Robe

Calling all collegegoers looking to amp up their bedding . Look no further than Brooklinen, which has tons on sale, like these super sweet pillowcases. And how could you possibly say no to this perfect, pink stripey bathrobe?

Cozy Earth Bamboo Sheet Set bed with beige sheets on it against gray wall

Bamboo Sheet Set

Cozy Earth (Queen)

Cozy Earth Short Sleeve Bamboo Pajama Set model wearing a short sleeved pale pink pajama set in a white room

Short Sleeve Bamboo Pajama Set

Now, onto sheets. Cozy Earth’s Bamboo Sheet Set comes in so many snooze-ready colors and is breathable, organic, and well-priced. While you’re at it, pick up these short-sleeve PJs and tuck yourself right in.

Lululemon Everywhere Backpack 22L Tech Canvas green backpack on gray background

Everywhere Backpack 22L Tech Canvas

Lululemon Softstreme Hi Rise Pants model wearing blue sweatpants in front of gray background

Softstreme Hi Rise Pants

Rumor has it you can’t walk down the hall without seeing at least 20 Lululemon backpacks pass you by. Get in on the goodness with the Everywhere Backpack, which you can pair with these super soft pants.


Abercrombie & Fitch High Rise Taper Jean a pair of blue barrel jeans on a light gray background

Abercrombie & Fitch

High Rise Taper Jean

Abercrombie & Fifth

Abercrombie & Fitch Mini Sunday Half-Zip blue quarter zip cropped sweatshirt on light gray background

Mini Sunday Half-Zip

Your first-day outfit calls for an Abercrombie haul. You were probably obsessed with the brand back in the day, but it’s still pumping out some of the cutest clothes on the market, like these High-Rise Tapered Jeans and this Mini Sunday Half Zip, which go together perfectly.

Everlane The ReNew Transit Catch-All Case brown dopp kit on light gray background

The ReNew Transit Catch-All Case

Everlane The Rib Soft Knit Open Collar Polo model wearing a black polo in front of off white background

The Rib Soft Knit Open Collar Polo

Looking for a vessel for all of your BTS beauty treats? Everlane’s The Renew Transit Catch-All Case is your new BFF. Frankly, so is The Rib Soft Knit Open Collar Polo, which can be dressed up or down like a dream.

Not done shopping? Check out more Allure -approved picks:

  • Every Under-$65 Fragrance Allure Editors Swear By
  • 9 Best Boar-Bristle Brushes for Impossibly Glossy Hair
  • 17 Best Face Serums in 2024, According to Dermatologists
  • 11 Individual Eye Shadows That Do the Absolute Most

Now, watch Stranger Things actress Millie Bobby Brown try her hand at nine new skills:

Shop all of our latest obsessions in one place! And don't forget to follow Allure on   Instagram ,   Twitter , and   TikTok , or   subscribe to our newsletter   to stay up to date on all things beauty.

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Allure Daily Beauty Blast

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Each Zodiac Sign's Unique Personality Traits

20 Best Kids Breakfast Ideas for a Strong Start to the Day

They make waking up for school easier!

kids breakfast ideas

Every item on this page was chosen by a The Pioneer Woman editor. We may earn commission on some of the items you choose to buy.

If your kiddos have a sweet tooth, you'll be happy to find plenty of indulgent options that go beyond pre-packaged pastries, like homemade pop tarts, chocolate chip muffins, and even breakfast cookies. And that's not to mention the shortcut version of classic breakfast foods, like sheet pan pancakes and french toast sticks, that make cleanup even easier! Of course, there are plenty of quick breakfast ideas for those who prefer a savory start to the day, like the Drummond family's favorite breakfast burritos and protein-packed chicken apple sausages. No matter what recipe you choose to add to your morning meal plan, you can't go wrong with any of the kids breakfast ideas on this list!

Bacon, Egg, and Cheese Pastry

kids breakfast ideas bacon egg cheese pastry

The classic combo of bacon, egg, and cheese gets a hand-held update in this kid-friendly breakfast recipe! The hearty ingredients are nestled in flaky puff pastry and topped with a generous sprinkle of everything bagel seasoning for good measure.

Get the Bacon, Egg, and Cheese Pastry recipe .

Sheet Pan Pancakes

kids breakfast ideas sheet pan pancakes

As far as kid-approved breakfasts go, pancakes take the cake! The fluffy breakfast food is made even easier in this recipe that utilizes a sheet pan to cook the whole stack at once. Plus, you can customize it with their favorite toppings like fruit and chocolate chips!

Get the Sheet Pan Pancakes recipe .

Apple Cinnamon Oatmeal

kids breakfast ideas apple cinnamon oatmeal

This foolproof recipe for apple and cinnamon-spiced oats will make it easier than ever to say goodbye to your typical instant oatmeal. Warm, tender oats lightly sweetened with brown sugar and apple are sure to be a hit with the kids!

Get the Apple Cinnamon Oatmeal recipe .

French Toast Sticks

kids breakfast ideas french toast sticks

This playful twist on the classic breakfast favorite is perfect for little hands and big appetites! Serve them with a generous side of syrup for the ultimate dipping experience.

Get the French Toast Sticks recipe .

Individual Sausage Casseroles

kids breakfast ideas sausage casseroles

Sure, you could make a big breakfast casserole, but these individually portioned egg bites are so much cuter and easier to make! They're full of breakfast sausage, bell pepper, and freshly grated cheddar cheese.

Get Ree's Individual Sausage Casseroles recipe .


Chocolate Chip Muffins

kids breakfast ideas chocolate chip muffins

Chocolate for breakfast is a win for kids and adults alike! These scrumptious bakery-style muffins are loaded with melted mini and regular chocolate chips, plus a sparkling sugar topping that will please anyone with a sweet tooth.

Get the Chocolate Chip Muffins recipe .

Homemade Chicken Apple Sausage

kids breakfast ideas chicken apple sausage

For a protein-forward breakfast, try these easy homemade sausage patties! They're made from lean ground chicken, fresh apples, and garlic.

Get the Homemade Chicken Apple Sausage recipe .

Pumpkin Smoothie

kids breakfast ideas pumpkin smoothie

The return of school also means the return of fall—and all things pumpkin spice! If the kiddos aren't old enough to enjoy a PSL, treat them to a sweet and creamy pumpkin smoothie topped with crunchy graham cracker crumbs.

Get Ree's Pumpkin Smoothie recipe .

Breakfast Cookies

kids breakfast ideas breakfast cookies

Both kids and adults will jump for joy at the prospect of eating cookies for breakfast! Unlike typical chocolate chip cookies, they're loaded with delicious mix-ins like dried cherries, pepitas, and puffed rice for a grab-and-go treat.

Get the Breakfast Cookies recipe .

Rainbow Fruit Breakfast Skewers

kids breakfast ideas rainbow fruit skewers

These colorful kebabs are a foolproof way to get a serving of fruit in! Each skewer is topped with a sprinkle-coated donut hole for a sweet touch.

Get the Rainbow Fruit Breakfast Skewers recipe .


Avocado Toast

kids breakfast ideas avocado toast

For a breakfast idea that combines healthy fats with carbs, look no further than avocado toast! Serve them up simply, or let the kids load them up with toppings like bacon, eggs, and even pico de gallo.

Get the Avocado Toast recipe .

Homemade Pop Tarts

kids breakfast ideas homemade pop tarts

Take a break from your typical store-bought toaster pastries and make a batch of homemade pop tarts instead! This recipe calls for pre-made pie crusts and fruit jam, so they're just as easy to make as they are tasty to eat.

Get the Homemade Pop Tarts recipe .

Overnight Oats

kids breakfast ideas overnight oats

Instead of spending those precious morning minutes making the kids breakfast, whip up some overnight oats the day before, and you'll be good to go. Chock full of oats, yogurt, and chia seeds, they'll keep the kids full until lunch. Plus, the mix-in possibilities are endless!

Get the Overnight Oats recipe .

Breakfast Burritos to Go

kids breakfast ideas breakfast burritos

This Drummond family favorite is soon to be at the top of your kids' breakfast wishlist, too! They're packed with sausage, potatoes, eggs, peppers, onions, and cheese for a hearty and portable meal.

Get Ree's Breakfast Burritos to Go recipe .

Watermelon Smoothie

kids breakfast ideas watermelon smoothie

When there isn't much time in the morning, a drinkable breakfast is the answer. This bright smoothie made of watermelon, vanilla Greek yogurt, and frozen strawberries makes for a sweet and healthy start to the school day.

Get the Watermelon Smoothie recipe .


kids breakfast ideas chaffles

These are waffles like you've never seen before! Made from cheese and eggs, they're full of protein and in a fun form that the kids won't refuse. Add their favorite toppings, like bacon, sausage, or chives, to the mix and on top!

Get the Chaffles recipe .

Yogurt Parfait

kids breakfast ideas yogurt parfait

These pretty parfaits are perfectly customizable! The kids can add their favorite fruits and granola on top for a well-balanced and tasty breakfast.

Get the Yogurt Parfait recipe .

Crock-Pot Breakfast Casserole

kids breakfast ideas crockpot breakfast casserole

It may be hard to believe, but this breakfast casserole takes about as much time in the morning as making a bowl of cereal! Thanks to the slow cooker, you can throw chorizo sausage, bell pepper, onion, jalapeño peppers, egg, hash browns, and cheese in the Crock-Pot the night before and wake up to a mouthwatering loaded breakfast bowl the next morning.

Get the Crock-Pot Breakfast Casserole recipe .

Strawberry Muffins

kids breakfast ideas strawberry muffins

If you like the idea of making a batch of muffins to keep the kids fed all week but want a mix-in other than chocolate chips, try these pretty pink strawberry muffins! They're slightly healthier than your typical store-bought muffins, thanks to the addition of yogurt and fresh strawberries, but just as satisfying.

Get the Strawberry Muffins recipe .

Cinnamon Rolls

kids breakfast ideas cinnamon rolls

Ree's famous cinnamon rolls are the solution for those mornings when the kids need a little extra motivation to get out of bed! The cute coils of cinnamon and dough are coated in plenty of maple glaze that the kids won't be able to resist. Plus, you can freeze them (unrisen or baked) and pop them in the oven for a make-ahead morning delight!

Get Ree's Cinnamon Rolls recipe .


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    essay on school life is the best


  1. Essay on My School Life for Students in English

    Best Things About the School Life for Students. School Life is the best time of our life as we make new friends, learn new things and build our career there. School time is the only time which we enjoy most, and when we enter college, we always miss our school life. School life teaches us lots of new things and prepares us to face all the ...

  2. 11 Essays on My School Life

    The school is really an unforgettable account of our experiences. 1. Essay on My School Life Days, Experiences and Joys. Memories are the part and parcel of every one's life. A man always remembers the good days he has passed. There are some good memories and some bad memories in life.

  3. Essay on My School Life for Students and Children

    My School is the second-largest school in the entire city. Furthermore, it is among the most renowned institutions of the state. It has two very large fields. We call it the front and the backfield. On the front, we play sports like football and hockey because of its' soft ground. However, the back is to play cricket.

  4. Essay on My School: 150-250 words, 500-1000 words for Students

    Essay on My School in 350-450 words. My school is not just a building with classrooms and desks; it is a place that has shaped me into the person I am today. It is a community of educators, students, and staff who work together to create a nurturing environment for learning and personal growth.

  5. Essay on Memorable Moments in School Life for Students

    250 Words Essay on Memorable Moments in School Life Introduction. School life is a unique blend of learning, growth, and unforgettable experiences. It is an indispensable part of our lives where we build the foundation of our personality and cultivate lifelong friendships. ... The first best friend, the first school trip, the first public ...

  6. Essay on My School for Students and Children

    A school is a place where students are taught the fundamentals of life, as well as how to grow and survive in life. It instils in us values and principles that serve as the foundation for a child's development. My school is my second home where I spend most of my time. Above all, it gives me a platform to do better in life and also builds my ...

  7. Long and Short My School Life Essay in English for Kids and Students

    Essay on my school life - 300 words. School life is one of the most memorable times in an individual's life. School life is filled with dreams for the future and mysteries to solve. I had a wonderful school life. My school life centered around my friends, gossip, and play. With no real responsibilities, I lived some of the best days of my ...

  8. My School Life Essay

    100 Words On My School Life Essay. My school life has been an amazing journey so far. I started my education in a small primary school and then moved on to a bigger secondary school. Throughout my school life, I have been fortunate enough to have experienced a positive and supportive learning environment. I have made many great friends, learned ...

  9. Student Life Essay for Students and Children

    500 Words Essay On Student Life. Student life is one of the most memorable phases of a person's life. The phase of student life builds the foundation of our life. In student life, we do not just learn from books. We learn to grow emotionally, physically, philosophically as well as socially. Thus, in this student life essay, we will learn its ...

  10. My School Life Essay

    Here we knew that we learn from mistakes. Our school was like a temple. The teachers present there were like priests to us, and the knowledge was the ultimate God in that temple which is in the form of school. We should never forget our roots and what we have learned from our school life. We spend one-third of our lives in our school.

  11. My School Life Essay

    The My School Life essay 100, 150, 200, 250 words in English helps the students with their class assignments, comprehension tasks, and even for competitive examinations. School life is one of the most important phases in the life of a man. It is the period during which one learns the basic principles of behavior, speech, and etiquette.

  12. Essay on My School Life for Children and Students in English

    Essay on School Life is the Best Life - Essay 3 (400 words) Introduction. Every phase in a person's life holds special importance as it helps him grow and develop his personality. But one can never learn as much as he does from his school life because that is the time when we are doing everything for the first time. This is the time we can ...

  13. Essay on My School Life for Children and Students in English

    Essay on My School Life: School life is the best phase of a student's life. It is a time when a student learns new things and explores his/her own potential. It is a time when a student discovers his/her own identity and develops a sense of self-confidence. School life is also a time when a student develops friendships and bonds with classmates.

  14. School Life Essay

    School Life is the best life because it gives us precious memories. Our first friends, first fights, first crushes, silly infatuations, classroom mischief, indoor and outdoor games, rewards and reprimands, all happen in school. School life is the best life because we are products of our education.

  15. Essay on School Life

    500 Words Essay on School Life Introduction. School life is a significant phase in every individual's life. It is a period of learning, discovery, and growth, shaping the foundation of an individual's character and future. This essay delves into the multifaceted aspects of school life, exploring its importance, challenges, and the lifelong ...

  16. Essay on My School: 8 Selected Essays on My School

    Essay on My School Life - Memories and Conclusion - Essay 4 (400 Words) ... In this way, my school is the best school in the world. Essay on My School - Introduction, Discipline and Conduct - Essay 8 (1000 Words) Introduction: We all have many sweet and sour memories of our school. Many of us complete our school education from one ...

  17. Memories of my school days

    Memories of my school days. By Michael Leo. The school life is the best life. Anyone who has been a student, knows what school life is all about: It is the golden period of learning and it truly impacts students' lives. The importance of school life cannot be negated and it is a vital formative experience for children and adult students alike.

  18. Essay on My School Life for Students in English [Easy Words]

    January 4, 2021 by Sandeep. My School Life Essay: They are the golden period in a student's life where he learns to spread his wings and face the world with courage. School life brings out the best talents hidden in students and improves their thought process. It makes persons aware of their duties and responsibilities at all levels ...

  19. My School Essay in English (100, 200, 300, 500 words)

    My School Essay 500 Words. The place where children as the leaders of tomorrow study and where the future of the nation is shaped are called schools. Education is an essential weapon for tomorrow, so the good schools of today are important for the best future of a nation. Schools are the center of learning where we attend classes on various ...

  20. Looking Back on My High School Experience: The Best I've Ever Had

    One of my greatest influences was from our principal (the founder of my school). He was a selfless being and I learnt a lot from him. He made me realize that each person has different strengths.

  21. My School Life Speech in English For Students

    In this article, we have provided My School Life Speech of three lengths. The first one is Long High School Is The Best Time Of Your Life Speech for students of class 9th and above. The second one is a Short Last Day Of School Life Speech for students of class 5th and above. 10 lines on My School Life Speech In English is for students of class ...

  22. School Life Is Wonderful, Essay Sample

    School life is a crucial part of one's life since it offers opportunity for discipline and study. School plays a crucial role in broadening attitude of students. The school is generally a time of youth and their students read in spirit of collaboration. School life is the best chapter in human life because sadness, happiness and other ...

  23. School Life is the Best Life

    School Life is the Best Life. Posted On : Saturday, 13th June 2015. School life gives ever green moments and memories to many of us. It is the place where we get our first learning, friends, teacher, homework, punishment and much more things that make the best part of our life. Apart from subject we learn social and moral values in our school ...

  24. 78 Back-to-School Quotes For Students, Parents and Teachers

    Happy back to school! Parents, teachers and students, find funny and motivational back-to-school quotes about education, learning and working with others.

  25. 20 Best Amazon Deals of August 2024, According to Shopping Pros

    While Dyson vacuums occasionally go on sale at Amazon, this is the first time the V11 Origin model has dipped more than $100 off. We appreciate its tangle-resistant brush roll to help suck up long ...

  26. Kolkata doctor's rape and murder in hospital alarm India

    Early on Friday morning, a 31-year-old female trainee doctor retired to sleep in a seminar hall after a gruelling day at one of India's oldest hospitals. It was the last time she was seen alive ...

  27. Title page setup

    For a student paper, the affiliation is the institution where the student attends school. Include both the name of any department and the name of the college, university, or other institution, separated by a comma. Center the affiliation on the next double-spaced line after the author name(s). Department of Psychology, University of Georgia

  28. The Best New Books of Summer 2024 (If You Still Need a Good Beach Read)

    Lizz (she/her) is a senior editor at Good Housekeeping, where she runs the GH Book Club, edits essays and long-form features and writes about pets, books and lifestyle topics.

  29. 32 Best Back-to-School Sales Giving Us Life in 2024

    The best back-to-school sales have something for students of all ages. Shop essentials on sale like the Dyson Airwrap, Ugg slippers, and Sephora steals.

  30. 20 Best Kids Breakfast Ideas for a Strong Start to the School Day

    It may be hard to believe, but this breakfast casserole takes about as much time in the morning as making a bowl of cereal! Thanks to the slow cooker, you can throw chorizo sausage, bell pepper, onion, jalapeño peppers, egg, hash browns, and cheese in the Crock-Pot the night before and wake up to a mouthwatering loaded breakfast bowl the next morning.