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A Quick Guide to Writing Business and IT Personal Statement

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When it comes to writing a business and IT personal statement , many students feel overwhelmed. After all, this document is one of the most important pieces of your application package. It is a written declaration of your plans, goals, and intentions for pursuing a career in the field of business and information technology.

A personal statement is what admission officers will use to determine if you have the skills and experience necessary for their program.

This article outlines what goes into a great personal statement . We’ll also provide tips on making yours stand out from the rest. So whether you’re just starting out or you’ve already started drafting your statement, read on for helpful advice!

What Is a Business and IT Personal Statement?

A business and IT personal statement is a document that outlines an individual’s qualifications, experience, and goals in the business and information technology fields. It can be used to apply for jobs, scholarships, or other opportunities in these areas.

The statement is important because it allows potential employers or scholarship committees to better understand an applicant. It helps them determine if an applicant is a good fit for the position or opportunity.

Tips to Write a Business and IT Personal Statement

Whether applying for a job, grad school, or other opportunities, below are some effective tips for writing a solid business and IT personal statement .

Know the purpose of the personal statement

A personal statement for business and IT should showcase your skills, abilities, and experience in these areas. It is not a resume or CV, so do not simply list your work history or education. The focus should be on why you are interested in a career in business and IT and what you can bring to the table.

Tailor It to Each Application

Each personal statement must be tailored to different programs or jobs. So make sure to highlight various aspects of your background depending on where you are applying. Do some research into the organization/program before writing so that you can target specific points they are looking for.

Be Clear and Concise

Keep your statements short and sweet – no one wants to read a long-winded essay! Get straight to the point by highlighting your key strengths and experiences related to business and IT without rambling on about irrelevant details.

Use Strong Examples

Back up any claims with concrete examples from past experiences, whether at school, work, or other activities. This will help illustrate just how talented you are when it comes time for reviewers to see the evidence.

Make Sure to Proofread

Make sure to proofread your essay for mistakes before submitting it – one typo can really ruin an otherwise great piece of writing! In addition, using proper grammar shows that you cared about this document.

a person using a MacBook Pro and typing on the keyboard

Personal Statement Examples for Business and IT

The key to writing a strong personal statement for the application of your choice is to be clear and concise. Use the following example to write a customized personal statement for yourself.

Personal Statement Example 1

My love for business and information technology began at a young age. I was always intrigued by the way businesses operated and how technologies were used to support these organizations. My interest in IT stemmed from my desire to understand business and IT. I wanted to explore how different aspects of technology could be integrated into the business world to improve efficiency and productivity. As someone with strong technical skills, I know that I would be an asset to any graduate program in information management.

For the past four years, I’ve worked as a web developer. This has given me experience translating complex business needs into tangible IT solutions. In addition, my academic background includes coursework in data analysis, systems analysis, project management, and enterprise resource planning (ERP). These courses have prepared me well for a career in information management. Furthermore, through extracurricular activities such as Toastmasters International, I have developed essential communication skills that will benefit me in this field.

Given my passion for business and IT, I am confident I will excel in a program like yours at [university name]. The curriculum is tailored specifically for students who want to pursue careers in information management or another related field, such as MIS or analytics. I believe acquiring a Master’s degree from [university name] will help me fulfill my long-term goal and flourish in my career.

Personal Statement Example 2

The decision to pursue a business and information technology degree was an easy one for me. I have always been interested in both the business world and IT. And I saw this program as the perfect opportunity to learn more about both subjects. My skills with computers started early on when my parents bought me my first computer. From there, I began teaching myself how to use different software programs, which gave me a strong foundation in IT.

I am excited to apply what I learn in this program to the business world. In previous jobs, I have used my knowledge of IT systems to help improve efficiency and solve problems within companies. For example, at my last job, we were experiencing some issues with our email system that were impacting customer service operations. After investigating the problem, I found a solution that solved the issue and also saved the company money on their monthly internet bill!

My future goals include working in a business role where I can continue using my IT skill set. I wish to make positive contributions and strengthen businesses from within. If given a chance, I would be able to use my understanding of business processes and IT tool sets to build efficient systems. It will help streamline operations in ways never imagined before.

Personal Statement Example 3

The business and information management program at ABC University is the perfect fit for me. I’ve always been interested in business, and through my coursework, I have discovered a love for information technology as well. In today’s world, businesses rely more than ever on IT to stay competitive. My education in both areas will give me the skills to succeed in the business world.

I am confident that I can benefit your program. I have excellent organizational skills, which I developed while managing billing operations for a large company. My experience with data entry and analysis will also come in handy when dealing with big data sets in the IT field. Furthermore, my future goals include starting my own computer repair shop. An enterprise that would greatly benefit from my knowledge of business and IT systems security administration techniques.

I believe that ABC University offers an outstanding business and information management program that will help me reach my career goals.

Personal statements are crucial when applying for specific programs or job opportunities . If you’re passionate about pursuing a career in business and IT, reflect that on your personal statement. This article lists effective tips along with examples to help you write a great personal statement for Business and IT.

A Quick Guide to Writing Business and IT Personal Statement

Abir Ghenaiet

Abir is a data analyst and researcher. Among her interests are artificial intelligence, machine learning, and natural language processing. As a humanitarian and educator, she actively supports women in tech and promotes diversity.

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Writing a Business Personal Statement: 7 Steps to a Stand-Out Application for Your Students

business technology personal statement

James is senior content marketing manager at BridgeU. He writes and directs content for BridgeU's university partners and our community of international schools

  • Answer the fundamental question of a business personal statement
  • Sell their suitability in their business personal statement
  • Identify relevant experiences to include in the business personal statement
  • Identify the areas of business that most interest them
  • Think about what they want to learn next
  • Come up with a compelling structure for the business personal statement
  • Create the business personal statement

Join 10,000 other counsellors & educators & get exclusive resources delivered straight to your inbox.

Business subjects are some of the most popular around the world, meaning competition is stiff! Help your students secure top spots with these 7 steps for writing business personal statements.

The business personal statement is probably something you’ve contended with a lot as a university counsellor. After all, business and its related subjects are some of the most  popular degree subjects  and  majors  in the world!

But writing a personal statement for business can be tricky. It’s a subject that requires a diverse blend of skills. Students need to be mathematical, analytical and logical, but also have entrepreneurial spirit and creative flair. Strong leadership and communication skills are often at play, too, particularly for degrees focused on management.

So how can you ensure students’ personal statements hit all these criteria, capture who they are  and  make them stand out from an ever-growing crowd of applicants? All while keeping to the personal statement’s notoriously tight limit of just 4000 characters?

Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered. We’ve created a clear 7-step process for writing a business personal statement. By the end, students will have a memorable, impactful and totally personalised essay!

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Step 1: Answer the fundamental question of a business personal statement

The first step is perhaps the most important: interrogating  why  they want to study business.

The strongest personal statements showcase a well-rounded interest in business. Therefore, it’s a good idea to suggest that your students jot down some motivations in each of these categories:

  • Intellectual
  • Professional

Another helpful technique is thinking about how they chose which universities and courses to apply to. Different countries and even universities structure business degrees differently, and have different focuses, specialisations, approaches… So what factors did your students use to narrow down their options? What do their top courses have in common – and why?

These questions can uncover the nuances of what they’re looking for in the degree, and what they’re hoping to get out of it. And that makes a compelling business personal statement!

We want… a personal insight into the applicant, something that goes over and above their academic achievements and includes their motivations, their ambitions, how they chose their university course, what they feel they could contribute to our community, and what it is they seek from their university experience.” Dr Trevor Bolton:  Pro Vice Chancellor & Dean Of International Business School, Anglia Ruskin University

Step 2: Sell their suitability in their business personal statement

Once they’ve drafted ideas about  why  they want to study business, encourage your students to think about why they  should .

Here, too, you can add structure to their ideas using handy categories.

1. Their personality and characteristics

Students should keep in mind that a business personal statement – like any other – needs to reflect who they are.

What is it about their personality that’s well-suited to studying business? How does this match their career goals? Which characteristics set them up for success at university?

2. Their skills and interests

Universities want to see a curiosity that takes students beyond the curriculum, and the relevant skills that their curiosity has developed. 

Are they maths wizards? Do they have an eye for investment? Have they helped their parents file their taxes? Do they have an in-depth knowledge of a particular economic paradigm?

Some other topics and areas to include:

  • Recent news stories that have caught their attention
  • Business-related blogs or publications they follow
  • Related podcasts they listen to
  • Lectures they’ve attended
  • Public figures who inspire them

Step 3: Identify relevant experiences to include in the business personal statement

As business is a vocational pathway with infinite real-world applications, universities want to see that students have engaged with ideas and practices outside the classroom, and that their passion has driven real action.

So here are some things to consider:

  • Work experiences/placements
  • Extracurricular activities
  • Extended projects
  • Summer school  or other courses
  • A passion project they’ve pursued outside school (e.g. an online homemade candle shop, a business blog)

For some extra inspiration, check out this video of Melissa talking at one of our student events about choosing experiences for her business personal statement!

Above all, students need to think deeply about each experience. They shouldn’t just write  what  they did. Instead, have them think about why they decided to do it, and what they learned. Again, this will offer a better indication of who they are, and show that they’re insightful, interested and introspective.

And to give their business personal statement that extra pzazz, see if students can link some of their experiences to current affairs or real-life examples in the business world!

Choosing experiences and skills for a business personal statement

We know that your students probably have a veritable cornucopia of experiences and skills to draw from. To help you narrow them down to that 4000 character limit, here are some of the qualities that admissions tutors look for in business personal statements.

  • Enthusiasm and curiosity for the subject
  • Initiative and innovation
  • Individuality and personality
  • Independent learning
  • Problem-solving
  • Setting and hitting goals
  • Communication
  • Quantitative skills
  • Essay-writing skills
  • Entrepreneurship
  • A global mindset
[In business applicants, we look for] the abilities to think and work independently, follow complex lines of reasoning, demonstrate logical thought processes, solve problems and communicate accurately and succinctly” Will Breare-Hall:  Student recruitment and study abroad manager

Choosing Experiences for a Business Personal Statement

Step 4: identify the areas of business that most interest them.

For such a competitive and broad subject, simply being passionate is not enough to stand out. Students need to show a thoughtful, individual and developed interest.

Have students write down the topics, classes, projects or sources that have really captivated them in the course of their studies. It doesn’t have to be in a dedicated business class – universities know lots of students don’t have the chance to study business before university!

But they’ve likely encountered economic arguments in history or politics, or practical applications of maths techniques, or theories of occupational psychology… There are all kinds of areas that could have sparked students’ interest in business.

You don’t need to take our word for it! In one of our previous webinars, Rebecca Hill from the University of Exeter spoke about what the subjects she and her fellow admissions tutors look for in business applicants…

Here, too though, it’s absolutely imperative that students go beyond the classroom. Students should also pick out recent news stories, ideas they’ve found in their independent reading and research or case studies that fascinate them.

You can also tell your students not to shy away from being a little bit controversial… Do they have any strong opinions on recent events or issues – like why a well-known company collapsed, why a particular brand came back into the mainstream after decades, or why a real CEO is so fantastic (or terrible!)? If they can back up their thoughts, this can make a really memorable and impactful business personal statement.

The Subjects Aspiring Business Students Should Study

Step 5: think about what they want to learn next.

Universities don’t just want to understand students’ existing interest in business. They’re keen to hear how students plan to keep that motivation up throughout their studies.

A business personal statement should show universities how they will develop the knowledge, skills and curiosities that students are bringing to the table.

And while self-confidence and selling themselves is crucial, a little humility never goes amiss! Students aren’t yet masters of business, and acknowledging that there are areas they don’t know all about indicates their thirst for knowledge and determination to grow.

Top tip: Have students look at the modules offered on their favourite business degree programmes, and/or at the specialisations of the professors in the department. These could be the perfect inspiration or springboard for topics they’d like to pursue!

Step 6: Come up with a compelling structure for the business personal statement

Now that your students have all of the ingredients for a stellar personal statement, it’s time to help them put it all together!

The most important tip is to ensure that each personal statement tells a coherent story.

If your students feel overwhelmed, they can’t go wrong with a great personal statement template – at least as a jumping-off point.

Related resource:  Personal statement template

Step 7: Create the business personal statement

After the sixth step, your students will have to go away and independently write a first draft – but they’re not on their own from here on out! They’ll need to share it with you for feedback and proofreading.

Of course, having lots of different drafts zipping back and forth can get confusing and chaotic. It’s a good idea to use a  free platform like BridgeU , where you can make edits and suggestions in one single document that students can see and respond to from their own accounts.

It also makes writing references and recommendations so much simpler, as you and your colleagues can draft your comments in line with students’ statements and see their experiences and transcripts with the click of a button.

Learn more by booking your free BridgeU demo below.

Learn how BridgeU can help deliver better outcomes for your students and improved results for your school

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Business and ICT degree personal statement example (1b)

This is a real personal statement written by a student for their university application. It might help you decide what to include in your own. There are lots more examples in our . 

At college the various courses that I currently study are A2 Economics, AVCE ICT Double Award, and AS Chemistry. In the previous year I studied AS Geography, however I decided that I did not wish to continue the course into the second year. My favourite subject that I am studying is ICT. The ICT industry has been becoming more prominent and influential in the running of most businesses and corporations. A Personal Computer is being relied on more for domestic use as well

Computers and their technology affect each and every one of us. So the demand for people with considerable ICT knowledge is ever growing

The main reason that I find this course interesting is the knowledge that I gain in a large amount and variety of software. I have already used many applications, and I am able to use this software extensively. The software that I have been practising includes Microsoft Excel, Microsoft FrontPage, Illuminatus Opus Pro, and Sage

I am currently conducting coursework's on Microsoft Access and Visual Basic. I understand that a lot of these applications are used in businesses today

I also enjoy looking at how ICT is applied in businesses. This is also part of the AVCE ICT course - it teaches you how businesses apply ICT and how it affects their company. My enthusiasm for both ICT and businesses has led me to want to pursue a degree that involves the theme's Business and Information Systems. I hope this degree will aid me in a conceivable career in the information technology sector

For work experience, I worked as an assistant manager in Superdrug. At first, my responsibilities were on the shop floor where I stocked the shelves and helped customers. I helped them with any difficulties such as finding a product, or assisting them. As the week progressed, I was given tasks such as ordering goods that needed to be re-supplied, doing picking lists etc. I had to work co-operatively in the stock room to find certain items, and to ensure that all the goods had been delivered that morning

When I was younger, I went weekly to Scouts. A lot of my friends attended scouts as well. I participated in charity walks for 2 years running. Here I had to walk continuously for 20 miles in order to raise money for charity. It was good for me, as I felt that I was doing something productive for charity. I was proud of what I did. At Whitmore High School, I was part of my form's indoor football squad. I got the opportunity to play with my classmates in a school tournament

It was a great experience, as it involved communication and a lot of teamwork, and because of the fact that football is my favourite sport

I also attended weekly badminton sessions at high school, over the course of the final year. I looked forward to playing every week, as I was able to compete against my friends in an accessible, yet fun sport

I have been fortunate enough to travel to many destinations around the world on holiday. I have been to India, Florida, France and several Spanish islands over the last 11 years. Visiting such locations has broadened my perspective on life, and has made me aware of other people's lifestyles. I really enjoy meeting a wide range of people and learning about different cultures and traditions. Out of the various locations that I have visited, I would say that the Spanish (and European) lifestyle is the one that I am most intrigued by. This is because the cities are vibrant and the people are quite relaxed and laid back - but at the same time they have a great work ethic. If I have the opportunity to travel in my future career, I would like to be working somewhere in Western Europe

I am greatly looking forward to university life, as I will have the opportunity to meet new people, become more independent and further my life experience. I believe that with my hardworking, enthusiastic and devoted attitude I will be very successful at completing my degree to the highest standard. In the future, I hope to use my degree to begin a successful career as an Economic Analyst.

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  • Business Management Personal Statement Examples

Applying to business management school? You will need a strong personal statement to support your university application. Use our business management personal statement examples as a guidance to write your own. Also, make sure to check other personal statement examples for more inspiration.

Business Management Personal Statement Example

The key to any successful business is good management. In order to adapt to the constant shifts of the global economy, businesses must apply methodical reasoning to people, processes, and technology. I have demonstrated a similarly flexible, adaptable approach to achieving my goals as a mature student with strong academic achievement in Administration and IT and extensive employment experience.

As soon as I graduated from school, I began working. However, as my desire to return to study grew, I combined my work experience with study to earn HNC and HND qualifications in Administration and IT. The IT component of this course has particularly intrigued me because of my interest in how technological processes impact business. It has also been fascinating to learn the theory behind the administrative and organizational practices I have implemented and observed throughout the years.

My experience as a news agent’s kid has given me hands-on experience in both financial and personnel management, including customer service, stock management, and liaising with suppliers. Having always been involved with business and management within the industry, it was perhaps not surprising when I decided to gain more experience in retail. In order to allow my passions for both the technological and financial aspects of these roles to flourish, I sought out experiences that allowed these passions to flourish. I used my expertise in providing excellent customer service while working as a Telephone Banking Advisor for Porta Wealth Management to counsel clients on the best services, weighing the benefits and drawbacks of various products in relation to their needs. Additionally, I was in charge of looking after databases, working on banking policies, and implementing rules set forth by the FSA. Moving between small, local firms and multinationals has allowed me to study the differences in administration and management, as well as how technology affects these.

As an ambitious student with a keen interest in business and management, I am constantly seeking out new ways to further my understanding and skill set. In my spare time, I delve into a diverse array of management techniques and put them into practice in both my personal and professional life, allowing me to achieve my goals and aspirations. One of the most prominent examples of this is my leadership experience as the Treasurer, and later the Chairperson, of my local Women’s Power Business Group. In this role, I have been actively involved in a variety of volunteer and fundraising initiatives, as well as organizing workshops to support isolated or vulnerable women and their children in my community. Not only has this role given me the fulfilment of making a difference, but it has also provided me with invaluable experience in implementing leadership, teamwork and administration skills in a real-world setting. I have also been able to infuse my other passions, such as my love for walking, by initiating annual sponsored events like a 5K walk for Breast Cancer Research. This unique blend of my interests and skills has allowed me to develop a well-rounded perspective and provided me with a valuable learning experience.

Having a natural inclination toward the management of people and processes as a persistent self-starter with a drive for improvement. As a result of consistently reflecting on myself in my studies and work, I have been able to identify areas for improvement and think critically about my own performance. In my undergraduate studies, I have not only honed this natural tendency but also gained knowledge on technology integration, which I believe will be crucial in the business world of the future. After graduation, I hope to utilize this knowledge and ability to make a significant impact. I’m determined to make a real impact in the business world, whether I start my own company or take on a key role within a larger organization.

Management Personal Statement Example

Being a very determined and studious individual academically, I knew a university degree was an obvious next step. In spite of my broad interests, I am drawn toward a law or business management degree. As far as Business is concerned, I chose it because of its complexity and intrigue. Management blends so seamlessly with everyday issues that I particularly enjoy. In taking the subject at A-Level, my interest has grown and matured, and I can view many businesses analytically and make suggestions regarding improvements. Law is an area which has interested me from an early age. I am an avid reader and believe that this habit is crucial when it comes to pursuing a career in law. I feel that my attributes make me an ideal candidate for the field as I possess a keen attention to detail and am intrigued by work that deals with contemporary social issues and the need to analyze and present evidence effectively. Additionally, I believe that the psychology coursework I have completed has helped me understand how people’s perspectives and recollections can be influenced by various factors. This type of work demands a certain level of self-assurance, which I am confident that I possess and can leverage to excel in the competitive sphere of law.

Throughout my career, I’ve had the opportunity to work in a diverse range of roles and environments, and this has helped me develop a broad range of skills. However, among all the experiences, I’ve had the privilege to work for Royal Worcester in the Debenhams store which I believe has been the most formative of all. Being a sales advisor in such a high-end company has taught me to have a self-assured demeanour, and I have also had to cultivate a good memory to be able to provide customers with accurate product knowledge.

Additionally, I was assigned the duty of training a new employee, demonstrating the great level of confidence my employers have in me.

From holding the role of form captain in secondary school to helping with the planning of large-scale festivities in college, my educational experiences have been quite useful to me. These kinds of responsibilities have enabled me to grow up and take my roles seriously, earning the respect of my coworkers. As English Prefect in Year 11, I was responsible for supporting the entire English department, which took up a significant amount of my time. I also had a piece I wrote against the mistreatment of women on French television published in the daily “Paris Local News” as a result of my interest in the French language. I was pleased to have my opinions represented.

I have always been passionate about languages and during secondary school, I took evening French classes. My dedication and hard work were recognized when I received the ‘The Best Student of the Year’ award for my outstanding performance. These classes required me to manage my time effectively, so my schoolwork did not suffer. Furthermore, being raised by German and French parents has helped me to achieve fluency in the language.

Aside from languages, sports and leisure activities have always been an interest of mine. In college, I used this passion to do charity work and raise money for ZBIN. One of my accomplishments includes raising £1050 and abseiling 120ft down London University. 

Additionally, I played netball for the local Netball Team and competed in the OGI UK Games for the Wembley Stallions AFC team. My performance was recognized with several trophies, as well as a gold and bronze medal in the long jump and javelin respectively.

How to write specific paragraphs of your statement:

I have always been fascinated by business and the way that companies and large organisations work. From my first steps, I have been an entrepreneur at heart, always finding ways to make a little extra money selling lemonade at the promenade or starting school projects. With my personal development, my interest in business has only intensified, and I have come to realise that business management is something I want to study at school. Read more in management personal statement examples .

I believe that a business management degree will open many doors for me and provide me with the flexibility to pursue a wide range of career paths. Whether I decide to start my own business or join an established company, I know that the skills and knowledge I gain will be invaluable. 

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How to Write a Strong Personal Statement

  • Ruth Gotian
  • Ushma S. Neill

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A few adjustments can get your application noticed.

Whether applying for a summer internship, a professional development opportunity, such as a Fulbright, an executive MBA program, or a senior leadership development course, a personal statement threads the ideas of your CV, and is longer and has a different tone and purpose than a traditional cover letter. A few adjustments to your personal statement can get your application noticed by the reviewer.

  • Make sure you’re writing what they want to hear. Most organizations that offer a fellowship or internship are using the experience as a pipeline: It’s smart to spend 10 weeks and $15,000 on someone before committing five years and $300,000. Rarely are the organizations being charitable or altruistic, so align your stated goals with theirs
  • Know when to bury the lead, and when to get to the point. It’s hard to paint a picture and explain your motivations in 200 words, but if you have two pages, give the reader a story arc or ease into your point by setting the scene.
  • Recognize that the reviewer will be reading your statement subjectively, meaning you’re being assessed on unknowable criteria. Most people on evaluation committees are reading for whether or not you’re interesting. Stated differently, do they want to go out to dinner with you to hear more? Write it so that the person reading it wants to hear more.
  • Address the elephant in the room (if there is one). Maybe your grades weren’t great in core courses, or perhaps you’ve never worked in the field you’re applying to. Make sure to address the deficiency rather than hoping the reader ignores it because they won’t. A few sentences suffice. Deficiencies do not need to be the cornerstone of the application.

At multiple points in your life, you will need to take action to transition from where you are to where you want to be. This process is layered and time-consuming, and getting yourself to stand out among the masses is an arduous but not impossible task. Having a polished resume that explains what you’ve done is the common first step. But, when an application asks for it, a personal statement can add color and depth to your list of accomplishments. It moves you from a one-dimensional indistinguishable candidate to someone with drive, interest, and nuance.

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  • Ruth Gotian is the chief learning officer and associate professor of education in anesthesiology at Weill Cornell Medicine in New York City, and the author of The Success Factor and Financial Times Guide to Mentoring . She was named the #1 emerging management thinker by Thinkers50. You can access her free list of conversation starters and test your mentoring impact . RuthGotian
  • Ushma S. Neill is the Vice President, Scientific Education & Training at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center in New York City. She runs several summer internships and is involved with the NYC Marshall Scholar Selection Committee. ushmaneill

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  • Business Management Masters Personal Statement Sample

Written by Hannah Slack

This is an example personal statement for a Masters degree application in Business Management. See our guide for advice on writing your own postgraduate personal statement .

Businesses have been instrumental in building our modern way of living. The versatility and innovation of business quickly captured my attention when I started my first job, and my interest has only continued to grow. Having undertaken various work experience roles and achieved a 2.1 in my undergraduate degree, I intend to further my education through a Masters. My main interests lie in strategic management and marketing as I enjoy learning new methods for existing and succeeding in an increasingly globalised market.

I have always been a self-motivated worker who is not afraid of a challenge. I am particularly drawn to management and marketing roles as they are often fast paced environments, involving different tasks and decisions each day. They also allow for a healthy balance between both independent and group work, which I believe is vital to running a successful business with engaged staff. My undergraduate work placement in an international marketing company enabled me to first-hand experience the fast-paced and efficient work style of successfully competing companies. I was also able to understand more about how to plan and manage a large staff force to make sure the business can perform and compete at optimum levels. Furthermore, last year I had a part-time job in a small local business which enabled me to learn and develop valuable skills in growth and future planning which are vital during the early stages of a young business.

In addition to my qualifications and work experience, I am a keen basketball player and often represent my club at the local leagues. Both my successes and failures in sporting competitions demonstrate my constant desire to improve and my determination to continue even in times of failure. I have also had the opportunity of being a team captain and coaching younger league games. Both roles allowed me to develop my leadership and strategy planning skills.

I am applying to your university because it offered the best array of modules for me to both improve my knowledge in my current interests and explore new areas of Business Management I am less familiar with. I was also particularly impressed by the wide array of connections the department has that will guarantee each student an invaluable work experience opportunity. I believe that your university will be the best institution to take my education to the next level and enable me to compete effectively as a strong candidate after graduation.

I think that I will be an excellent fit for your department as I enjoy involving myself in extracurricular activities. I am therefore excited to apply for leadership roles in the some of the postgraduate clubs and organisations the department offers. And, if the opportunity presents itself, I would be interested in creating and running my own project with my fellow peers.

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Whether talking about a recent news story, how you meet targets in your weekend job, or simply why you want to study business at uni, that spark of genuine motivation and enthusiasm will get you noticed. That's what business admissions tutors told us when we asked them what they look for – and here are some more of their top tips.

Find out everything you need to know about writing your personal statement , including how to write a killer opening and our top tips.

A spot-on business personal statement – in a nutshell

Dr Pam Croney, admissions tutor at Newcastle Business School at Northumbria University, is especially looking for evidence of:

  • an independent learner
  • a thinker and doer
  • an innovator or potential entrepreneur
  • a good communicator who likes giving presentations
  • an interest in what's happening out there in the business world

Can you demonstrate any of these?

She also likes it when applicants give their own views on a topical issue, like why you think a particular company crashed, what sparked the revival of a vintage brand, or whatever else gets you fired up. Admissions tutors love to know what you’re genuinely enthusiastic about!

What business and management tutors are looking for

  • Structure and organisation: to study management, you need to demonstrate that you are capable of managing yourself. Your personal statement needs to be structured, organised, and free of spelling or grammatical errors.
  • First impressions count: Sue Blything-Smith, Business and Management Admissions Tutor from University Campus Suffolk, says 'you should aim to be unique and original and provide a good opening line that reveals something about your aptitude and enthusiasm’. She really likes to see statements that demonstrate personality and flair but don't go too over the top: keep it formal and remain objective.
  • Examples of your relevant skills: Sue is also impressed by applicants who describe situations where they’ve demonstrated relevant skills like good communication or teamwork, problem-solving, initiative, leadership, or achieving goals.
  • Research the course: London School of Economics is keen to know things like why you want to study management, what specific aspects of their course interest you, how it relates to your academic studies, and what additional reading or other activities have led you to apply.
  • Entrepreneurial flair: Bournemouth likes its business studies applicants to show they are 'self-starters' who enjoy identifying and solving business problems.

Making your business experience count

It’s not just what you've done but how you've reflected on it. If you work-shadowed the CEO of a multi-national company, that's great, but it will have zero impact unless you spell out what you personally gained from it.

Similarly, if your part-time supermarket job or role in a Young Enterprise programme has helped you develop your skills and confidence, that’s great too. But it will only have an impact on your statement if you explain how or give an actual example.

It's the "how" that brings your statement to life and makes it interesting and personal. So try to think of specific occasions or unique ways you have demonstrated your potential, or maybe something you've observed about customer behaviour, management styles or an effective (or ineffective) marketing campaign.

It's even better if you can then link it to something you've learned in your business, economics, or psychology studies, or read in the Financial Times, The Economist, or on the BBC website.

Or consider the transferable skills you've gained through extracurricular activities and how they can show what the University of Bath describes as 'an active interest in understanding people, work, and organisations'.

Check out our guide to business, management, and administrative studies  to find out what courses are available, areas of employment, and where to find out more about careers.

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