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  • Resume and Cover Letter
  • 11 Best Computer Skills for...

11 Best Computer Skills for Your Resume (with Examples)

13 min read · Updated on March 12, 2024

Ken Chase

Learn how to display computer skills on your resume to land a new job

As the world has become ever more advanced, computers and related technologies have become an integral part of most business operations. Many of the best paying jobs now require some level of computer proficiency, and most employers expect to see you list your computer skills in your resume. Of course, that means that you need to know how to properly highlight those skills to demonstrate your qualifications.

In this post, we'll help you to identify your own computer skills and show you how to effectively include them in your resume. We'll also examine the 11 best computer skills for your resume and provide some useful tips to help you improve your computer abilities.

Related post : Make the Perfect First Impression with Your Resume

What are computer skills?

Computer skills encompass a wide array of technical proficiencies and abilities related to computers and related technologies. These abilities can include everything from being able to use basic computer software to more advanced computer skills like coding, graphic design, and data management. There are also hardware-related skills.

Many of the basic computer skills for a resume are useful in jobs across many industries. The more advanced skills are often industry specific.

Some of the most basic computer skills include:

Email use and management

Some level of proficiency with Microsoft 365 programs


Point of sale technology

Most employers will assume that any qualified candidate possesses these basic computer literacy skills, so you will probably want to leave them off your resume unless the job posting lists them as requirements. So, what should you include for computer skills in your resume? Read on to learn about 11 of the most in-demand computer skills!

Related post : What Are Skills? (With Examples and Tips on How to Improve Them)

11 great computer skills employers want to see

While there are a host of computer skills employers need, some are in greater demand than others. As we examine these different computer skills, we'll consider some of the hottest technical skills needed in today's competitive labor market.

1.     Digital communication

As online collaborative tools have evolved, companies are expanding their use of these technologies to boost productivity and facilitate teamwork. Technologies like Skype, Google Hangouts, Zoom, and Slack provide new ways for employees to communicate in real time as they collaborate with one another from anywhere in the world. Depending on the job you're seeking, you may want to highlight your proficiency in digital communication by mentioning some of the platforms and tools you've used in other jobs.

2.     Programming

Programming, or the ability to code, is an essential skill for anyone who seeks a career as a Web Developer, Programmer, and many other roles. Programming skills enable a worker to write the instructions that computers rely on to perform their tasks. This is considered a job-related computer skill, of course, so chances are that you'll be seeking some type of coding work if you took the time to develop these abilities.

3.     Social media

If you're applying for a social media management position, you'll obviously need to highlight your knowledge of platforms like X, Facebook, Instagram, and other social media sites. Keep in mind, however, that social media expertise is a transferable skill that many companies value, so you should consider listing this skill if you're considering a career in marketing or other fields where brand identity is a concern.

4.     Graphic design

Many industries rely on graphics for advertising, online marketing, and presentations. Your graphic design skills can be an attractive resume booster, even if you're not applying for a position that would see you using those skills daily. Graphic design computer skills for your resume can include expertise with Adobe Photoshop, Sketch, Canva, and a wide variety of desktop publishing tools.

5.     Data analytics

Data analysis is an increasingly important skill set, as companies continue to rely on effective data management to maintain their competitive advantage. These skills include strong mathematical abilities, critical thinking, statistical analysis, and problem-solving abilities. Depending on the role you're seeking, you may also need proficiency in machine learning, SQL, Python, and a host of collaborative and other interpersonal skills.

6.     Website development

Web Developers need to include a range of computer skills in their resume to demonstrate their competency in their field. These skills include knowledge about program frameworks, front-end coding, back-end coding, responsive design, and testing and debugging. They also need to be familiar with JavaScript or Python, CMS, and Search Engine Optimization best practices.

7.     Cybersecurity

Cybersecurity computer skills for your resume can include everything from network and cloud security to coding, risk analysis, threat intelligence, network and system administration, and digital forensics. If you're seeking a job in the security sector, make sure that those invaluable skills are effectively conveyed to employers.

8.     Network management

Network Managers are responsible for maintaining an organization's computer network systems, including everything from basic operations to maintenance, access management, security, and troubleshooting. If you're seeking a job that will use your network management experience, then network administration, project management, network design, cloud computing, and problem-solving are just a few of the best computer skills for your resume.

9.     Presentations

Presentation skills are used in nearly every industry and in many different jobs. They are invaluable skills for Digital Marketers, Human Resources Managers, and business professionals. These computer skills for your resume can include proficiency in PowerPoint, Google Slides, and other presentation platforms and tools. Resumes that highlight these skills often include other non-technical presentation skills like public speaking, visual aid management, and audience engagement.

10.  General information technology and troubleshooting

Information technology skills encompass a broad range of distinct technology proficiencies. These professionals' duties include everything from cloud infrastructure to troubleshooting internet connectivity issues. Some great computer skills for your IT resume include security proficiency, programming languages, network administrations, data analysis, DevOps, machine learning, and cloud computing.

11.  Productivity software

Productivity software can include many diverse types of programs and platforms - everything from basic word processing, database, and spreadsheet use to role-specific platforms used in your industry. When listing productivity software computer skills in your resume, you should always refer to the job description, job posting, and your own experience in the industry. Include your proficiency with these job-related programs when you need to demonstrate those qualifications to an employer.

How should you include computer skills in your resume?

Now that we've explored some of the top computer skills for a resume, the next question is how to properly convey those skills to an employer. To do that, you need to do more than simply list those skills in your core competencies section. After all, anyone can claim to possess those vital computer skills. To convince an employer that you're qualified, you'll also need to highlight those talents in other sections of your resume.

The following tips can help you to achieve that goal.

Highlight one or two of these skills in your resume profile

You can get a head start on highlighting computer skills in your resume by including one or two of them in your resume profile. Since that's the first thing most employers see, this can be a terrific way to ensure that your most relevant skills catch their attention right away. You can do this by including some skills in your initial introductory statement and mentioning at least one computer skill you used to achieve real value for a previous employer. For example:

Creative Web Developer with 7+ years of experience designing high-performing websites for more than 200 clients. Proficient with CSS, JavaScript, Frameworks, and front end and backend development. Highly analytical SEO expert committed to responsive customer-centric design that drives repeat engagement and brand loyalty. Designed and developed ABC Corp. online brand that increased customer acquisition by 76% and boosted online sales activity by 132%.

Related Post: Resume Profile Explained (with Examples)

Include your best computer skills in the core competencies section

You should also include your computer skills within your Skills or Core Competencies section. Try to select a mix of key technical and soft skills for this section, and list them in bullet point form. Since you'll be including roughly a dozen of these skills, you should also format this section into two or three columns to maximize your use of resume space.

Related post: Soft Skills Explained - and the Top 7 for Your Resume

Always compare your list of computer and other skills to the qualifications cited in the job posting. You need to make sure that your resume list of skills contains all the job description's required abilities, to ensure that employers understand your qualifications. 

Pro tip: Job skill keywords that you find in job postings are often the same keywords searched in applicant tracking systems. Include them in your resume to ensure your resume is found in searches!

Mention computer skills in your work experience achievements

It's important to include these key computer skills in your work experience section too. Fortunately, there's an ideal way to do that - simply mention them in some of the achievement bullet points that you include with each past job listing. That can provide you with a straightforward way to demonstrate how your computer skills have benefited your previous employers. For example:

  • Created more than 100 professional brochures for the company's clients, using Photoshop and other graphic programs, to achieve 99% client satisfaction rating over a three-year period
  • Oversaw the acquisition and implementation of a new network system that reduced inefficiencies by 33%, cut maintenance costs by 8%, and improved productivity by 41%
  • Lead programmer on Adept Games' $100 million mobile game; created main character design models and boss-level environments
  • Led team responsible for transforming internal communication processes, integrating video conferencing and collaborative technologies that improved teamwork and productivity by 12%

Related post : 47 Accomplishment Examples for Your Resume: Expert Picks

Create a certification section or add computer courses to your education section

Certifications are under-used on resumes! If you have one or two certificates, you can include them in your education section after your degrees. However, if you have three or more you should consider creating a certifications section to show that you're a dedicated learner.

Include the certificate's title, issuing entity, and year earned. Certification courses will generally have self-explanatory titles like “Introduction to Agile Project Management” or “Certificate of Advanced Networking Topics,” making this an excellent option to explain your proficiency level in a particular IT skill or program.

If you're a recent graduate, you can list courses and coursework in your education section to make up for a lack of professional experience.

Tips you can use to improve your computer skills

Of course, as technology continues to advance, it's important to ensure that you keep pace with current computer skill trends, new platforms, and software. That's especially true if your chosen career involves a job in a tech-based or tech-reliant industry. By committing to personal development now, you can ensure that you maintain an active learning lifestyle that will help you to adapt to any changes the world might throw your way. The following tips can help you to plan your continuing education.

Take courses

The most obvious way to improve your computer skills is to expand your technology education. There are a variety of ways that you can do this, including online educational courses, community college, or studying YouTube tutorials. Platforms like Coursera and Codecademy can be a wonderful place to start if you're interested in balancing your current career needs with your continuing education. Just make sure that your educational choices align with your broader career goals.

It's also important to understand that there are free certifications out there if you want to expand your computer knowledge. For example, Microsoft, Google, and several other companies offer free courses in a variety of computer-related subjects.

Build a solid foundation of computer knowledge

If you never took the time to learn anything about computers, you may just want to start with the basics. For example, do you understand how computers do what they do? This type of foundational knowledge can be extremely helpful when you're trying to develop more advanced practical skills, so take the time to learn the basics.

Talk to your employer

You may also find opportunities to learn new computer skills - or use the ones you already possess - by simply asking your current employer or co-workers. Is there someone at work who uses skills that you'd like to learn? Ask them if they'd be willing to mentor you or just help you get started on that learning process. Consult with your manager to find out about any training or skills development programs that the company may offer. Some firms even pay for courses that develop their employees' valuable skills.

Practice those skills whenever you can

It's also important to use the skills that you already possess. If you have coding or other computer skills but are not yet using them in your job, you should try to ensure that you continue to use them outside of work. Computer skills need to be used if you want to maintain them over time. That's especially true of more advanced skills like coding, so make sure that you're either moving your career development forward or finding other ways to keep your skills sharp.

Use online resources

In addition to online courses, there are a whole host of other invaluable resources that you can access to gain the knowledge you need. A little research will help you to identify forums, guides, and tutorials that can provide you with the knowledge that you're seeking. Take time to join a few online forums and interact with professionals in your field. Chances are that they can provide valuable information and guidance that will help you on your educational journey.

Computer skills in your resume can boost your chances of getting an interview

While it takes time to develop the technology skills you need to keep pace in a rapidly evolving economy, it's well worth the effort. With the right computer skills in your resume, employers will quickly recognize your qualifications and offer you the interviews you need to land a lucrative job. And by committing yourself to continuing technology education, you can help to ensure that your professional development fuels your ongoing career success.

Are you still not sure how to include the top computer skills in your resume? Take a few minutes to get your free resume review from our team of experts!

Recommended reading:

The Top 13 Jobs Skills Employers Want

11 Best Technical Skills for Your Resume (With Examples)

11 Best Communication Skills for Your Resume (With Examples)

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How to List Computer Skills on a Resume [Full List & Examples]

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Nowadays, computer skills are more important than ever. 

With the increasing use of technology in the workplace, there are practically no jobs that don’t require at least some degree of computer literacy, be it typing fast, knowing how to use Google Docs, or knowing how to code. 

In a nutshell, in today’s job market strong computer skills can increase your productivity, improve your employability, and help you advance in your career more easily.  

But do you know which computer skills are exactly the right ones to include in your resume and what can you do to make them stand out?

Well, this is exactly what this article is here to show you! Read on to learn:

  • 14 Computer Skills for Your Resume

3 Steps to Add Computer Skills to Your Resume

23+ courses to improve your computer skills.

Let’s dive in. 

14 Computer Skills For Your Resume

Computer skills are a set of transferable skills that refer to the ability to use computers and all related technology. They consist of hardware skills and software skills .  

Knowing your way around hardware starts from simple things like turning machines on and off to more complicated stuff like connecting them with networks and changing parts. Software skills, on the other hand, involve knowing how to use computer programs and applications. 

Although there are several levels to computer skills, they are typically divided into: 

  • Basic computer skills. Such as using word processing software, creating spreadsheets, using printers and other work-related equipment, or looking up information online.
  • Advanced computer skills. This includes using complex Excel formulas, coding, managing a database, etc.

Now that we covered the basics, here is a detailed breakdown of the most in-demand computer skills that you can add to your resume in 2022:

#1. MS Office

Microsoft Office is Microsoft’s most popular “family of client software and services.” 

As such, there are over 1.2 billion users of MS Office products and more than 60 million businesses have subscriptions to Office 365, which includes: 

#2. Google Drive 

Google Drive is a popular file-storage service that has grown exponentially in the past ten years. Specifically, 40,220 companies worldwide are using Google Drive , most often in the US and in the Information Technology and Services industries. 

On top of being a file storage service, Google Drive allows its users to synchronize and share their files across multiple devices. Google Drive encompasses: 

  • Google Docs
  • Google Sheets
  • Google Slides
  • Google Forms

#3. Collaboration and Communication Software

Companies and businesses use collaboration tools to communicate effectively online. 

Some communication tools are essential for every company (e.g. e-mailing, Skype, etc.), while others come particularly handy for remote companies that need more dedicated software to manage teams in different locations.

Here are some popular communication and collaboration tools you can add to your resume:

  • Microsoft Teams
  • Google Hangouts
  • Lifesize Video Conferencing

#4. Social Media

With companies using social media to increase their online presence and market their products/services more and more, social media skills have become important for workers in many industries. 

Specifically, as of June 2022, about 88% of marketers will hire at least one more team member in a social media role in the next two years. This alone makes social media skills essential computer skills to have on your resume. 

Some of the most popular platforms to master are: 

If you’re going to add social media skills to your resume, don’t just mention the platforms you know how to use.

Instead, talk exactly about what you know how to do with these platforms. E.g. running Facebook Ads, managing the company's Instagram profile, etc.

#5. Presentation Software

When it comes to computer skills, knowing how to use presentation software can help you organize and present information effectively and efficiently. As such, they come in particularly handy for “crowd-facing” positions, such as professor, spokesperson, motivational speaker, project manager , etc. 

Some popular presentation software includes: 

  • OpenOffice Impress

#6. Graphic Design Skills

Graphic design skills are not only for dedicated graphic design roles - they’re useful for jobs in marketing, advertising, social media management, and others.

The most common graphic design tools and software include: 

  • Adobe Suite (Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, etc.)
  • Gravit Designer

#7. Hardware Skills

As we already mentioned, hardware skills refer to being able to physically operate a computer and other related devices. 

There are numerous hardware skills out there (depending on your field), but some of the most common ones are:

  • Network configuration and security
  • System Administration
  • Technical support and troubleshooting
  • Cloud management
  • Hardware Development, Analysis, and Testing
  • Software installation
  • Tech support

#8. Enterprise systems

Enterprise systems are software that provide solutions to an integrated business organization. 

Such systems integrate all the tools an organization is using into one, making everything easier to manage.

The three main types of enterprise systems that businesses use are: 

  • Customer Relationship Management, with functionalities like analytics, contact center automation, marketing communication, and workflow automation.
  • Enterprise Resource Planning, with functionalities such as accounting, human resources, inventory and order management, etc.
  • Supply Chain Management, with functionalities such as procurement, product lifecycle management, and logistics, to mention a few.

#9. Spreadsheets

Spreadsheets are apps used for inputting and organizing data into tables, quick numbers calculations, and even complex data analysis. 

While some employers may require a very basic knowledge of such apps, more technical positions (i.e. accounting , retail management, bookkeeping , etc.) will likely require that you are well-versed in more advanced features. 

Some common spreadsheet apps used by companies in 2024 include: 

  • Apple Numbers
  • Zoho Sheets
  • Libre Office

#10. Operation Systems

Operating Systems (OS) refers to the software that each computer uses to work.

Different operating systems manage software differently and sometimes work only with specific hardware. For example, Apple devices run on iOS or macOS, Microsoft devices run on Windows, Google devices run on Android, and Linux is used for various hardware devices. 

Mentioning you have OS skills in your resume means knowing how to use one (or more) of the following operating systems:

  • Ubuntu Linux

Make sure to mention the exact operating system you know how to use on your resume, instead of writing something generic like “OS knowledge.” 

#11. Accounting Software

If you’re going for a position in finance or business, then accounting software knowledge is essential. 

Even if you’re applying for a job in a small-scale business, knowing how to use accounting software can surely give you an edge over your competition, considering they’re quite integral for a company’s success. 

Specifically, knowing how to use accounting software involves managing accounts, payments, expenses, cash flow, and other financial data. Some of the most popular accounting tools today are

  • Oracle NetSuite

#12. Writing Skills  

As you’ve probably understood already, computer writing skills are about a lot more than knowing how to use MS Word or Google Docs. 

On the contrary, they entail a variety of skills that are related to writing, including how to use content management systems, how to write content that’s optimized for search engines, and even how fast you can type. 

These are some specific skills related to computers and writing: 

  • Search Engine Optimization
  • Technical Writing

#13. Database Management

A database management system (DBMS) is a computerized data-keeping system. In a nutshell, database management skills involve knowing how to use different data-keeping software, including creating, maintaining, and controlling access to the database. 

Some jobs where database management skills are essential are developer roles, data analysts , business or financial data analysts , data scientists , and the sorts. 

The most popular database management systems include: 

  • Microsoft Access
  • Apache Cassandra
  • Oracle Database

#14. Coding Skills

Coding or programming skills are knowing how to use different programming languages to command an application/computer/software about what actions it must perform and how. 

It goes without saying that computer programmers, software engineers , and application developers need coding skills to land a job in their field. 

Coding skills, however, can also come in handy for other roles as well. For example, businesspeople and marketers can also take advantage of coding knowledge to communicate better with technical staff.

Some of the most popular coding skills in 2024 are:

Are you looking for computer skills that match YOUR specific position? Head over to our guide on resume examples & guides for over 80 professions. 

Your computer skills may fail to help you land a job if you don’t know how to add them to your resume in a compelling way.

And yes, there IS a right and wrong way to do this.

Below, we’ll walk you through the entire process of how to add your computer skills to your resume, step by step.

Before you read further, though, pick one of our resume templates and fill it in as you go!

add computer skills to your resume

#1. List Your Computer Skills Under Hard Skills

The first and most obvious place to list your computer skills is under your Skills section. 

This part is pretty straightforward - done right, your skills section should be divided into 

“ Soft Skills ” and “ Hard Skills ” and look something like this:

Computer Skills for a Resume

Keep in mind, though, that you shouldn’t include too many skills here.

Chances, you don’t need ALL the computer skills for the job you’re applying for. Not to mention, if you included too many, you’d be cluttering up your resume.

Here’s what you can do to make your skills section as relevant as possible: 

  • Check the job description. The job description will show you exactly which computer skills are essential for the job - all you have to do is go through it attentively. For marketing managers, for example, it may require skills like SEO, Google analytics, and email marketing. 
  • Identify your own skills. Single out the skills that you possess and are also relevant to the role. 
  • Add them under your Skills section. Add technical computer skills under your resume’s hard skills or skills section if you’re not separating hard/soft skills. 

#2. Sprinkle Your Computer Skills In Your Resume Summary

Secondly, you should add your computer skills to your resume summary . 

The resume summary is a two or three-sentence paragraph that aims to describe your strong points as a candidate. It typically includes: 

  • Your professional title and years of experience 
  • One or two of your top skills
  • Your most noteworthy accomplishments  

If you do it right, the resume summary will get the hiring manager to go through your resume and professional experience in more detail. 

Here is an example of an attention-grabbing resume summary:

resume summary

So, for positions where computer skills are absolutely essential, it’s definitely helpful to mention your computer skills in the resume summary section. For example:

  • Hard-working office assistant with 8 years of experience performing various administrative tasks to support an office's daily operations. Proven track record of maintaining records, generating reports, and multitasking in a fast-paced environment. Well-versed in Microsoft Office Suite, MS Office 365, and Google Drive. 

#3. Prove Your Computer Skills In Your Work Experience Section

Last but not least, you should also include your computer skills in the work experience section . 

Basically, this is where you can prove that you’ve got all the computer skills needed for the job.

Mentioning the computer skills in your skills section is one thing - giving examples of how you’ve used these skills in an office environment in the work experience section is something else entirely.

Here’s how you can list your computer skills in your work experience section the right way:

  • Tailor your experience to the job description. When applying for jobs, you should always customize your work experience section to the company’s needs. Read the job ad and extract the most important skills they’re looking for. Then, in your work experience section, make sure to include experiences that prove that you DO possess such skills.
  • Prioritize your achievements. When possible, aim to use achievements to describe your past experience instead of responsibilities. The hiring manager knows what your responsibilities were; they want to know how you excelled at the job and made an impact.
  • Make your achievements quantifiable. As for how you should list your achievements, you should aim to make them as quantifiable as possible. Think about which one sounds better: “increased team productivity by 15% by using Trello and Google calendar to ease communication, synchronize tasks, and share materials” or “improved team productivity?”

And here’s an example that highlights and proves the candidate’s computer skills:

IT Specialist

02/2015 - 06/2019

  • Ensured over 200 computers worked effectively by monitoring, configuring, and maintaining their hardware and software systems.
  • Implemented innovative network configurations that improved networking capabilities by 17%. 
  • Evaluated IT systems to ensure efficiency and data security, successfully avoiding any data breaches and leaks in four years. 
  • Contributed to the successful delivery of large-scale projects, including all computer system upgrades and CRM system migration, within the right time frame.

Do you have some personal projects or certificates that can make your computer skills practically indisputable? Make sure to include them in dedicated sections titled Professional Certificates or Independent Projects. 

15 Ways to Describe Basic Computer Skills

Not sure how to best describe YOUR computer skills?

Worry not, we’re here to help!

Below, we’re going to give you 15 examples of computer skills listed effectively on a resume:

For collaboration and communication software: 

  • Increased project team’s productivity by 16% by using Trello to organize materials, automate tasks, and ease communication. 
  • Managed to never miss a deadline in two years by using Microsoft Teams to integrate team members, content, and tools in one place. 
  • Created mail merges between MS Outlook and Word that reached over 30k customers/monthly.

For MS Office: 

  • Used MS Word’s commenting feature to collaborate on deliverables with 15 team members and successfully managed to submit reports continuously before their deadlines. 
  • Leveraged Excel pivot tables to categorize budget reports, which improved the company’s overall financial strategy and performance. 
  • Saved approximately 4 work hours per week by using Outlook folders and tasks. This system was later adopted by the entire department. 

For Google Drive: 

  • Used Google Docs to onboard new employees and keep track of existing ones’ performance and work hours, effectively improving team management and collaboration. 
  • Saved trainees’ time looking for answers to customer questions by using Google Sheets to automate the company’s FAQ. 
  • Raised company revenue by around 13% by using Google Sheets’ Tornado Charts for sensitivity analysis.

For Enterprise Systems: 

  • Automated workflow using Zoho to increase productivity by 18%. 
  • Improved business revenue by 24% by using Oracle ERP to automate back-office processes and daily business activities. 
  • Leveraged SourceHUB to centralize the company’s data and streamline logistics processes, to improve communication and save time.

For Graphic Design 

  • Used After Effects to make motion graphic animations for video productions with a client approval rate of over 90%. 
  • Improved clients’ social media presence by rebranding their logo and website using InDesign. 
  • Developed graphics and layouts for product illustrations and logos using Illustrator and After Effects, which increased user engagement by 8%.

Looking to further develop your computer skills?

Great idea!

Unlike soft skills, you don’t need years of work in an office to develop - all you need is the right training course!

Below, we compiled a list of the most useful computer skills courses we could find:

  • Accounting software. You can become a certified QuickBooks user with this course or learn Xero accounting software with this one. Alternatively, you can follow a QuickBooks online essential training course .
  • Communication tools. Microsoft offers free Outlook training for different Operating Systems to help you learn the ins and outs of emailing, while this course can help you master Asana. 
  • Database management. Microsoft also offers free training for its own database management system, Access . If you go online, you should be able to find alternative courses for other systems. 
  • Enterprise systems. Coursera offers a number of classes from top universities on enterprise systems . 
  • Google Drive. This online training course on Google Drive can help you become a master of everything Google-related. 
  • Graphic design. LinkedIn Learning offers a number of training courses in InDesign, Photoshop, and Illustrator - all you have to do is pick the one you want to learn and input it at the search bar at the top of the page. 
  • Microsoft Office. As we already mentioned, MS Office is super popular, which means that there are plenty of useful tutorials out there, to begin with. If you don’t want to pay for a course, you can look up tutorials on YouTube on top of checking out Microsoft’s own training materials, and then receive official certification . 
  • Presentation software. Master PowerPoint, one of the most beneficial presentation software, through this PowerPoint for Windows training. 
  • Social media. Out of the many free social media courses out there, we’ve singled out this Social Media Management course and the fundamentals of digital marketing course by Google.
  • Spreadsheets. Both Coursera and Udemy have several online courses to choose from that can help you become a pro in Excel or any spreadsheet program your company uses.

Computer Skills on a Resume Examples

Want to see what computer skills on a resume look like?

Well, look no further!

Below, we’ve listed five resume examples with a computer skills section:

#1. Office Assistant Resume Example

Office Assistant Resume Example

#2. Customer Service Representative Resume Example

Customer Service Representative Resume

#3. Computer Scientist Resume Example

Computer Scientist Resume

#4.  AI Engineer Resume Example

AI Engineer Resume

#5. IT Resume Example

it resume example

FAQs on Computer Skills 

Do you still have some questions about computer skills? We’ll answer them in the FAQ section:

#1. Why are computer skills important?

Computer skills are important because they can significantly improve your employability. 

In 2022, over 70% of US jobs require middle-to-high-level digital skills , making computer skills an essential asset for advancing your career.

Computer skills can help you stay productive at work, get more tasks done, manage a team better, as well as grow your career.

#2. What are the levels of computer skills proficiency?

Just like any other skill, computer literacy skills can be categorized into basic (which are foundational computer literacy skills), intermediate (computer literacy beyond the foundational level), and proficient (advanced computer skills).

#3. What are the most in-demand computer skills?

The most in-demand computer skills vary based on the industry . While the majority of industries require some basic computer skills (e.g. writing and editing documents, sending and receiving emails, using the Internet, or creating presentations), different industries require their employees to be well-versed in industry-specific software. 

If you’re a project manager, for example, then knowledge of team management skills is going to be essential. Software like Asana, Slack, Zapier, etc.

Generally speaking , though, the most in-demand computer skills include MS Office, Google Workspace, Adobe Creative Suite, and programming languages (e.g. Java, Python, C++).

#4. How do I describe my level of computer proficiency?

There are several ways you can describe your computer proficiency on your resume. One is to use descriptive words (e.g. beginner, intermediate, or advanced) next to each computer skill. 

Alternatively, you can show your proficiency in different computer skills through progress bars or star ratings (where one to two stars stand for beginner level, three stars for intermediate, and four to five stars for advanced or proficient).

Last but not least, you can list your certifications in a dedicated resume section to prove that you know how to use a particular software or program.

#5. Are computer skills hard skills?

Yes, computer skills are hard skills. That’s because they are objective, quantifiable skills that can be learned through training, online courses, education, work experience, etc. 

Key Takeaways

That’s about everything you need to know about computer skills for your resume! 

Before you start putting everything you learned into practice, let’s go over the main points we covered in this guide:

  • Computer skills are a set of transferable skills that refer to the ability to use computers and all related technology. They consist of hardware skills and software skills.  
  • Computer skills are commonly categorized into basic computer skills and advanced computer skills. 
  • Some common computer skills in today’s job market include database management, enterprise systems, graphic design, coding and programming, presentation software, social media skills, MS Office, and hardware skills. 
  • The best places to add computer skills to your resume are your skills section, your resume summary, and your work experience section. 
  • To make your work experience section pop, make sure to focus on your achievements and make them as quantifiable as possible. 
  • You can show your level of computer literacy on your resume by using descriptive words, progress bars, a star rating, or by listing your certifications for different software.

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How To List Computer Skills On A Resume [Full List + Examples]

  • What Are Hard Skills?
  • What Are Technical Skills?
  • What Are What Are Life Skills?
  • What Are Social Media Skills Resume?
  • What Are Administrative Skills?
  • What Are Analytical Skills?
  • What Are Research Skills?
  • What Are Transferable Skills?
  • What Are Microsoft Office Skills?
  • What Are Clerical Skills?
  • What Are Computer Skills?
  • What Are Core Competencies?
  • What Are Collaboration Skills?
  • What Are Conflict Resolution Skills?
  • What Are Mathematical Skills?
  • How To Delegate

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The top computer skills to add to your resume in 2023 include web design tools, operating systems, and social media skills. Technological skills can be broken up into hardware and software skills. Examples of hardware skills include system maintenance and troubleshooting hardware. Examples of software skill include operating systems such as Windows.

No matter your professional goals, strong computer skills make you more marketable for hiring managers, increase your productivity, and help you advance in your career.

In this article, you’ll learn the most important computer skills to include on your resume and where to put them on your resume.

Key Takeaways:

Employers expect employees to have strong computer skills, so it’s important to make sure your technical proficiency comes across throughout the hiring process.

When listing your computer skills on your resume , be specific, give examples of what your skills added to the company, and mention as many skills from the job description you’re applying for as possible.

Computer Skills for a Resume

10 Computer Skills for a Resume in 2023

How to showcase your computer skills, how to include computer skills on your resume, example of computer skills levels on resume, sample resume highlighting computer skills, how to improve your computer skills, why do you need computer skills, computer skills faq.

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Computer skills are a set of skills that relate to the ability to use computers and related tecnology. They can broadly be broken up into hardware and software skills, with hardware refering to the physical component of technology while software refers to computer programs and operating information.

Examples of hardware skills include:

System maintenance

Assembling devices

Troubleshooting hardware

Knowledge of motherboards, circuits, and monitors

Configuring drivers and components

Examples of software skills include:

Operating Systems such as Windows

Office Suites such as Microsoft Office

Presentation systems


Word Processors

Hardware skills are usually related to jobs with a heavy focus on technology, while software skills can be useful across many different industries and range in difficulty.

Web design tools. Knowledge of web tools is a great introduction to computer skills for beginners and is a very desired skill in the current job market . Web tools are content-related applications that can help develop eye-catching websites and keep them updated properly.

There’s a wide array of web tool skills you can acquire that are useful across many industries. With a great deal of business moving onto the internet, companies are always in need of candidates experienced in web tools. They require minimal technical knowledge, making it a great option for people who want to learn more and strengthen their resumes.

Examples of web tools include: Search engine optimization (SEO) Basic text and code editing HTML and CSS Content management systems Typing speed

Whether you’re working in an administrative position or writing up the plan for a marketing campaign, having strong typing skills can greatly improve your productivity and work performance. You don’t need to have an expert typing speed for it to be a relevant skill to list on your resume.

Operating systems. Most candidates neglect to include the operating systems they feel comfortable using on their resumes. You may have been using a Mac or Windows computer for the past ten years, and that’s a whole bunch of experience if you’ve developed a familiarity with the details of its functioning.

While being knowledgeable on these operating systems may not seem like a skill, it’s actually very helpful for your resume, even if it seems rudimentary. This could be a great option for computer skills to list on your resume if your technical knowledge is slim.

Examples of operating systems include: Microsoft Windows Apple macOS Linux Apple iOS Android

Social media. Social media savvy applicants can be very enticing to employers. Social media has become the new home for advertising and connecting with an audience. It’s an excellent engagement tool with the potential to bring in thousands of new clients.

However, the popularity of social media sites also includes a huge pool of competitors also vying for consumer attention. Knowing how to effectively manage social media accounts to capture focus and drive business is a very in-demand skill for 2021. Especially for applicants seeking remote work .

Examples of social media sites include: Instagram Facebook Reddit Twitter YouTube Tik Tok

Office suites. Today, many organizations rely on productivity programs to run their business smoothly. Office suites are a collection of performance software that can help with various work tasks.

It’s become a staple for a lot of employers, so knowing the ins and outs of how to use it is very helpful for daily activities. Knowledge of Office Suites will make you a much more competitive applicant, and a better employee.

Examples of office suites software include: Microsoft 365 G Suites Apache OpenOffice iWork WPS Office WordPerfect Polaris Office

Collaboration tools. In the past year, a lot of people’s jobs have become remote. One of the most valuable tools that have emerged more than ever before during this transition is collaboration applications.

These can include anything from video-chatting to document sharing. Now that the precedent of using these tools has been set, being able to navigate and utilize all the features in these apps can be a very helpful skill in the future.

Examples of collaboration tools include: Skype Trello Google Keep Google Hangouts Dropbox Time Doctor Yammer

Presentation software. Presentation software is a popular tool used by organizations to concisely and clearly communicate with a team or audience. This is crucial for leaders looking to organize and present plans to their team and clients.

Even if you’re just beginning your career journey, having knowledge of how to use presentation software can strengthen your work performance, and prepare you for career advancements.

Examples of presentation software include: Powerpoint Prezi Google Slides SlideDog Visme

Accounting and budgeting systems. Many professions that were once done completely through a pen, paper, and filing are now managed via technology. A prime example of these is accounting procedures.

Small and large businesses alike utilize accounting systems to manage their incomes, expenses, and any other financial activity. Being proficient in one or more of these systems can greatly improve your application’s success.

Examples of accounting systems include: Quickbooks Xero Wave FreeAgent SpendWise

Design software. Graphic designers have been familiar with design software for years, however, it can be useful for many jobs. Design is all about creating a brand, and that’s important for every successful business.

Design software skills can range from basic (such as editing photos) to advanced (such as developing full-scale designs). These abilities are learnable, and there are many accessible courses on the internet to improve your skills.

Examples of design software include: Lightroom Photoshop Illustrator Affinity Designer Inkscape Canva

Web development and advanced programming. Code is the backbone of the internet as users know it. Web development skills allow you to work through the back-end functions of web pages. As such, web development and programming skills are very in-demand for employers in 2021.

Employers prefer to utilize their own employee’s skills, as opposed to outsourcing for specific programming tasks. Listing these abilities on your resume can set you apart from the competition.

Learning a programming language has become much more accessible, and even if you have no prior coding knowledge you can easily add this skill to your repertoire with a little effort.

Examples of web development and programming skills include: Java JavaScript Python Ruby C# SQL Examples of resources for learning programming: Free Code Camp Code Conquest Udacity CoderByte Microsoft Virtual Academy

Data and analysis software. Companies use data and analysis software to become more acquainted with their customers and learn about their success statistics. Analysis can help businesses predict how to do better in the future, and can greatly improve their overall effectiveness.

Employers want to hire candidates with familiarity in operating data analysis software because they can provide valuable insights into what’s working about a business, and what could be done better.

Examples of data and analysis software skills include: Excel spreadsheets HubSpot GraphPad Xplenty Tableau Public Sisense Looker

The success of your job search isn’t just dependent on the skills you have; it also relies on how you communicate those skills to employers. There are three places to show off your computer skills:

On your resume. Your resume is the most straightforward place to list computer skills. The key points to keep in mind are to use vocabulary from the job description and quantify your accomplishments with various computer skills.

In your cover letter. The same rules that apply to incorporating computer skills to your resume apply to your cover letter as well. It’s better to tell one good story about how your computer skills saved the day rather than list a bunch of skills without any context.

In the job interview . This is where your computer (and communication) skills will be put to the test. Being able to speak conversationally and fluently about complex computer skills will help you stand out as a genuinely talented candidate.

You can highlight your computer skills at various points in your resume to catch a hiring manager’s attention. If you’re a technology novice , but still have some notable skills to include, list them concisely in your resume skills section .

If your prior work experience is computer-based, or you happen to have strong technical abilities , consider also mentioning them in your resume summary statement and the details of your employment history .

Be specific when listing your computer skills in a resume. Avoid simply listing that you have programming experience. Instead, list the specific coding languages you know. Consider saying, “proficient in various design software including Inkscape and Lightroom”, as opposed to “design skills”. Employers want to know exactly where your experience is and what they can expect from you.

When you’re applying to new positions, take into account what the job posting is asking for and use that information to your benefit. You can always update your resume when you’ve acquired new skills or are looking into a position with specific requirements.

With all that in mind, let’s get into some specific examples of how to optimize your resume to include computer skills that employers care about.

Let’s start with an easy one: Microsoft Office. Nearly everyone under the sun has experience with this software suite, to the point where including just “Microsoft Office” on your resume is akin to writing “Proficient Eater.”

Does that mean there’s no reason to include MS Office on your resume? Absolutely not — if the job description mentions that you’ll be working with Word documents or Excel spreadsheets, then it’s worth mentioning your proficiency with them.

For example:

RELEVANT EXPERIENCE Delivered weekly presentations to clients using PowerPoint, increasing retention by 6% and boosting satisfaction rates by 9% Developed pivot tables using Microsoft Excel to track spending on contractors, reducing costs by 8%

Bullet points like this tell hiring managers that you’re not just “familiar” with this software — you’re proficient enough to leverage your skills to generate meaningful results.

What you’ll notice about the above bullet points is that they also use numbers. Quantifying your results with percentages, dollar values, etc. is an excellent way to engage the hiring manager or recruiter . Numbers make it easy for employers to see the direct impact your computer skills had on the bottom line.

The point is, if you can make computer skills shine with just MS Office, you can certainly do the same for more advanced skills in programming, database management, and so on.

Alexa Morgan 4627 Bennett Dr., New York, NY | (637)-322-9873 |[email protected] Creative and passionate graphic designer with 6 years of experience and a B.A. in Design with a minor in Computer Science from New York University. Advanced in Adobe Illustrator and proficiency in Python. Seeking a position to utilize prior experience and join a strong team. EXPERIENCE Greyson And Company, New York, NY Associate Graphic Designer – April 2017-Present Lead design projects with focuses on graphics, layout, and production Coordinated with a team of 8 Developed logos using Adobe Illustrator Designed branding strategies Quickly solving issues and managing conflict Awarded with an annual salary increase of $7,000 after the first year Dreamteam Studios, New York, NY Graphic Designer – May 2014-April 2017 Worked effectively on a team of 5 to coordinate design and marketing projects Communicated directly with clients to cater to their branding needs Utilizing analysis software to cater to client needs (HubSpot) Coordinate meetings and presentations with PowerPoint Participated in promotional campaign design Promoted to a graphic designer from internship after the first six months EDUCATION New York University, New York , NY Bachelor of Arts in Design with a minor in Computer Science September 2010 – May 2014 GPA – 3.9 on a 4.0 scale SKILLS Adobe Illustrator Lightroom Python Marketing Teamwork Presentation Adaptability

Whether you want to learn a new computer skill from scratch or up your game with something you’re already familiar with, there are plenty of ways to improve your computer skills.

Take courses. E-learning is bigger than ever, and it’s showing no signs of slowing down. Between Udemy, Coursera, edX, and countless others, there is no shortage of free and paid options for both independent and group learning. Even YouTube can be a great resource, if you find a channel covering the topic you’re interested in.

Look into professional development at work. Companies see the value in upskilling their workforce and will often offer training resources to develop their computer skills. Take advantage of these opportunities whenever they arise.

You can also reach out to a supervisor or someone in HR to learn about sponsored or in-house workshops for gaining a deeper knowledge of a specific skill set .

Find a mentor. Computer skills are accumulated and honed over the course of a professional’s life. If you want a cheat code to level up faster, learn from those who came before you. Find a mentor and approach them with a specific skill you’re hoping to improve.

Courses and workshops are great, but informal meetings like this can open your eyes to little tips and tricks that make a big difference in your efficiency and comfort with various platforms.

You need computer skills because being literate in basic computer skills can greatly improve your chances of landing a job , or being a better employee in your current position. Over the past thirty years, technological advancements have been swift and dramatic.

Consider how often the average person used a computer 20 years ago as opposed to today. We can only expect that these innovations in technology will persist into the future. Having baseline knowledge about computer software can greatly assist you if you need to learn more in the future.

The newer generations entering the workforce have been learning technological skills since elementary school. In a modern job market where the vast majority of applicants have some level of computer skills, lacking these abilities can be detrimental to your job search. Employers have come to expect at least some basic computer literacies in their employees.

How do you list computer skills on a resume?

You list computer skills on a resume by putting them in the “skills” section or in with your work experience. For some skills, it may be wise to put them both places.

What are some computer skills to put on a resume?

Some computer skills to put on a resume include:

Web design tools

Operating systems

Social media

Office suites

Collaboration tools

Presentation software

Accounting and budgeting systems

Design software

Web development and advanced programming

Data and analysis software

Should you still included computer skills on your resume?

Yes, you should still include computer skills on your resume. You shouldn’t list all of your computer skills on your resume, only the ones most relevant to the job that you are applying to. When listing your skills, be as specific as possible to let employers know where your experience is and what they can expect from you.

My Computer Career – What Are the Best IT Skills to Have on a Resume

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Sky Ariella is a professional freelance writer, originally from New York. She has been featured on websites and online magazines covering topics in career, travel, and lifestyle. She received her BA in psychology from Hunter College.

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20+ Key Computer Skills to List on Your Resume in 2022 (With Examples)

With the world becoming more digitally focused, having strong computer skills is more important than ever. In this guide, we will cover what computer skills are and which ones are best to include on your resume.

What are Computer Skills?

Computer skills refer to the abilities a person has to operate and use computers.

The possibilities of what computers can do are endless.

As a result, there is a wide range of different skills that can fall into this category.

When thinking about skills in general, they can fall into one of two categories:

  • ‍ Hard Skills: Quantifiable skills that involve a person’s physical and mental abilities. ‍
  • Soft Skills: More abstract skills that deal with social interactions and emotions.

Most computer skills fall into the hard skills category.

This is because computer skills are technical abilities that a person has to learn.

Whereas soft skills such as empathy may come naturally to a person, hard skills must be earned through training and education.

When and Why Should I Include Computer Skills on My Resume?     

Almost all jobs nowadays involve computers and digital services of some kind.

This has made employers’ demand for computer skills all the more prevalent.

This is especially true for jobs in the realm of administration and management!

In general, you should include computer skills on any resume used to apply for a job that uses technology.

If you are unsure whether the job you are applying for wants computer skills, look to the description of the job posting.

If the requirements call for specific computer skills, then be sure to add the ones that you have to your resume.

To learn more about all the best elements to include on a resume, read our guide on What to Put on a Resume in 2022 (with Examples and Tips) !

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‍ What Are the Best Computer Skills I Should Add to My Resume?

There are a few different categories of computer skills to consider adding to your resume:

  • ‍ Specific Program Proficiencies: Most companies will expect you to be proficient in commonly used programs that allow collaboration and team sharing. Including these on your resume can increase your chances of impressing employers.
  • ‍ Basic Computer Skills: The basic computer skills most employers expect are often beginner-friendly. This means you can easily learn about these skills and add them to your resume.
  • ‍ Advanced Computers Skills: Advanced computer skills begin to deal with programming and back-end processes. These skills typically require education or training of some kind to become proficient.

Typically, applicants will include a combination of all three categories of skills.

For entry-level jobs or jobs involving only basic use of computers, advanced computer skills may not be necessary.

Let’s now examine the best program proficiencies, basic computer skills, and advanced computer skills to include on your resume.

5 Essential Programs for Computer Skills

  • ‍ Microsoft Office: Office is Microsoft’s suite of productivity programs. They include apps such as Word, Excel, Powerpoint, and OneDrive. This set of programs is compatible with Windows operating systems.
  • ‍ iWork: The Apple equivalent to Microsoft Office is iWork. It includes apps such as Pages, Numbers, Keynote, and iCloud. Naturally, this set of programs is compatible with Apple’s MacOS operating system
  • ‍ Google Workspace: For a cloud-based set of productivity apps, Google Workspace is the way to go. This includes Google Drive, Docs, Sheets, Calendar, and Gmail. Google Workspace is advantageous because it can be accessed from anywhere at any time so long as there is working internet.
  • ‍ Adobe Creative Cloud: Adobe programs are primarily used for design and development. Commonly used programs include Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, and Acrobat. If you are entering into a job that requires design, knowing these programs will be key.  
  • ‍ Quickbooks: Accounting is a crucial component of any business. The most commonly used accounting software is Quickbooks. Earning a Quickbooks certification can give you a competitive edge, especially in administrative or accounting jobs.

Top 5 computer programs to include on your resume

8 Basic Computer Skills

  • ‍ Typing: Typing refers to your ability to use a keyboard. A person’s type speed is often used to indicate their level of ability, with 70 words per minute and above preferred for writing professionals.  
  • ‍ Spreadsheets: A crucial skill when working with data and computers is the ability to create spreadsheets. These spreadsheets should be intuitive and well-organized. As part of this skill, you should understand how to input data and use formulas.  
  • ‍ Multi-Media: These days, documents, presentations, and more can be enhanced with videos and other media. Having a strong understanding of how to create and use multi-media on a computer is essential.
  • ‍ Operating Systems: A computer will have significantly different navigational elements and shortcuts depending on the operating system used. There are two main operating systems to know – Apple’s MacOS and Microsoft’s Windows.
  • ‍ Web Browsers: Like operating systems, the navigations and shortcuts can differ between web browsers. The main browsers are Chrome, Safari, Firefox, and Internet Explorer. Each can also come with different apps and extensions to familiarize yourself with.
  • ‍ Email Organization: Email has become a fundamental form of communication. There are many email skills to know including how to write and send emails, create folders, organize files, and share documents and threads.
  • ‍ Graphics: Graphics have to do with the visual elements on a computer. Understanding how to arrange graphics to be effective is key when creating documents, ebooks, or other business-related materials.
  • ‍ Social Media: Social media platforms have taken the world by storm. As a result, knowing how to use the platforms has been coupled with computer skills in what some call digital literacy .   Popular platforms include Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest, and TikTok.

Basic Computer Skills for your Resume

8 Advanced Computer Skills

  • ‍ Enterprise Applications: Enterprise applications are expansive software systems designed for use by large corporate or governmental entities. Common examples include Business Continuity Planning (BCP) and Customer Relationship Management (CRM).
  • ‍ Hardware Management: Working with onsite computer equipment means having to manage a lot of hardware. Tasks within this skill can include system administration, installation, and configuration.
  • ‍ Tech Maintenance: Along with managing hardware, working with large systems also requires a fair amount of maintenance. Repair, support, backup, and recovery are essential components of this skill.
  • ‍ Programming Languages: Coding has become a highly valued skill by employers who work heavily with computers. There are many, many programming languages to learn to use. Popular examples include Python, Java, and Ruby.  
  • ‍ Web Development: Coupled with coding and programming languages is web development. Web development uses coding for the specific purpose of building and maintaining websites. HTML, CSS, JavaScript are common programming languages used for this.
  • ‍ Data Science: The closer you work with computers and digital services, the more data you will have to deal with. Understanding how to gather and interpret data is a sought-after skill. Data mining, modeling, and management are essential components of data science.
  • ‍ Data Visualization: Data visualization is simply the ability to take data science and visual and understandable representations of the data. This can include charts and graphs. Companies seek this skill as it helps with presentations, asking for funding, and more.  
  • ‍ Artificial Intelligence: AI has taken over the digital industry. Knowing how to work with and modify AI is a crucial skill to have moving forward into a more digital world.
For more ideas on other skills to include on a resume, check out our list of 100+ Key Skills for a Resume in 2022 (with Examples for Any Job) .

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‍ How Do I List My Computer Skills on a Resume?

There are two main formatting options for listing your computer skills on a resume:

  • Including computer skills in your work experience section
  • Creating a separate section for computer skills

Oftentimes, applicants will you a combination of these two methods.

Soft skills can be more beneficial to include in the work experience section so that you can provide greater detail.

Hard skills, comparatively, don’t always need much explanation and can be listed more plainly in a skills section.

1) Including Computer Skills in Your Work Experience Section

Work Experience Office Assistant, Gatlinburg Visitor Center November 2016 – December 2020 • Typing Speed: 85 words per minute • Certified in Microsoft Office • Can create Data Visualizations

Why It’s Wrong: In the work experience section, you want to highlight your greatest strengths and most quantifiable accomplishments.

Things such as typing speed and certifications can be left for the skills section.

As for the data visualization, more information and detail should be given.

Work Experience Office Assistant, Gatlinburg Visitor Center November 2016 – December 2020 • Typed daily morning briefings on upcoming events with entire office staff • Created operational expense spreadsheets that help reduce operational costs by 15 percent • Generated a monthly overview of visitor data and spending using charts, statistics, and graphics

In this corrected example, the original skills are still touched upon but in a much more direct way.

The skills are proven through evidence and examples.

Account Executive

2) Create a Separate Computer Skills Section

Computer Skills • Google Workspace • Programming Languages • Graphics

Why It’s Wrong: Though computer skills can be kept short and sweet, they should still provide a certain level of specificity.

In this example, the applicant has listed programming languages but not which specific ones they are proficient in.

They have also listed Google Workspace without indicating proficiency.

As for graphics, they provide no insight into what kinds of graphics.

Computer Skills • Google Workspace Certification • Python, HTML, Ruby • Informational Graphics (Adobe Creative Cloud)

In this corrected example, the applicant indicates they have earned a certification and lists specific programming languages they are proficient in.

Plus, they offer more specific information about their graphics abilities, including what programs they use.

Hint: Want to earn that Google Workspace certification? Check it out here !

For more help crafting your ideal resume, take a look at our guide on How to Write the Perfect Resume in 2022 (with Examples) .

Final Takeaways

Having a strong set of computer skills has become highly important to employers.

Here are our top 5 takeaways for including computer skills on a resume:

  • Divide your skills into program proficiencies, basic skills, and advanced skills. Try to include some from all categories.
  • Computer skills are hard skills. It is important to remember to include both hard and soft skills on your resume.
  • Be specific in your language – for instance, state the specific programming languages you can use.
  • When using computer skills in your work experience section, provide quantifiable evidence of that skill.
  • If you lack many computer skills, seek out certification programs to enhance your skills.

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Ed Moss is an author for Easy Resume

Ed is a co-founder of Easy Resume. His background in scaling teams at tech startups over the last decade has given him extensive experience and knowledge around how to hire top talent and build successful teams. He enjoys mentoring, coaching, and helping others reach their career goals. When he's not writing about career-related advice, he's playing with his dog, Lilo, or going on long hikes in upstate New York.

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150 Computer Skills for a Resume [2024 Guide]

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In today’s digital age, computer skills have become an essential requirement for almost every job. Whether it’s data entry, programming, or social media marketing, computers are now an integral part of almost every industry. Hence, it’s crucial for job seekers to highlight their computer skills in their resumes.

Why Computer Skills Matter in Resumes

When recruiters screen resumes, they’re looking for specific skills that match the job’s requirements. In most cases, computer skills are at the top of their list. Recruiters use Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) to filter resumes based on keywords, and computer skills are often the most commonly used keywords. Therefore, if you want your resume to get noticed, you need to have strong computer skills and showcase them effectively.

How to List Computer Skills in a Resume

Listing your computer skills on your resume can be a bit tricky. It’s important to include them in the right place and format. Here are some tips to help you list your computer skills effectively:

Include a separate section for computer skills:  Start by creating a separate section for computer skills on your resume. This makes it easier for recruiters to find and assess them.

Be specific and relevant:  When listing your computer skills, be specific and relevant to the job you’re applying for. For example, if you’re applying for a programming job, list your programming languages and tools.

Use industry-standard terms:  Ensure that you use industry-standard terms when listing your computer skills. This makes it easier for recruiters and hiring managers to understand your skills.

resume examples skills computer

Classify your skills:  Classify your computer skills as beginner, intermediate, or advanced to give recruiters an idea of your expertise.

Importance of Aligning Computer Skills with Job Requirements

Having relevant computer skills is not enough; you need to align them with the job requirements. For example, if a job requires experience with Microsoft Excel, you should mention your experience with Excel instead of just listing it as a computer skill. When you align your computer skills with the job requirements, you show the recruiter that you understand the company’s needs and are a good fit for the job.

It’s critical for job seekers to highlight their computer skills in their resumes to increase their chances of getting hired. By following these tips and aligning your computer skills with the job requirements, you can impress recruiters and showcase your expertise effectively.

Basic Computer Skills

Technology is now becoming an essential tool in today’s workforce. From basic computer operations to graphic designs and programming, being knowledgeable in these skills is an advantage in any job. Below are the fundamental computer skills and knowledge that you should include in your resume.

Operating System Knowledge (Windows, Mac, and Linux)

Proficiency in the three popular operating systems is vital as they all feature different designs and functionalities. Windows, the most commonly used operating system, is prevalent in almost all businesses. Mac, known for its design and creative tools, is widely used in media-related industries. Linux, on the other hand, is an open-source operating system that is gaining popularity.

Typing and Keyboard Skills

Fast and accurate typing skills play an essential role in many job positions. Learning to use the proper typing technique and becoming familiar with the keyboard layout will help you increase your productivity and efficiency.

Email and Online Communication

Email remains to be one of the primary communication channels globally. Familiarizing yourself with email etiquette and basic email management will not only improve your communication skills but also help you keep organized.

Browsers and Search Engines

Browsers are essential tools in navigating the internet, while search engines help you find relevant information. Being familiar with different browsers and search engines is crucial as they all have different features and capabilities.

Internet Security and Privacy

Being familiar with internet security and privacy is crucial in protecting your personal information online. Knowledge in basic cybersecurity measures such as password management, avoiding phishing scams, and installing anti-virus software will help you secure your information.

Basic Graphic Design and Image Editing

Basic graphic design and image editing skills are now becoming essential in today’s job market. Knowing how to use graphic design tools like Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator would give you an advantage in creative industries.

Basic Programming Concepts and Languages

Basic programming concepts and languages like HTML, CSS, and Javascript are becoming increasingly necessary as businesses shift towards digital platforms. Understanding these basic languages will improve your employability in tech and IT-related fields.

Being well-versed in these fundamental computer skills is an advantage in any job. Make sure to highlight these skills in your resume, and continue to learn and develop your digital skillset to stay current in today’s ever-evolving workforce.

resume examples skills computer

Intermediate Computer Skills

As you progress in your computer skills, you might find yourself requiring more advanced Microsoft Office Suite skills. These skills allow you to perform more complex tasks with the popular software pack, like creating and managing databases, creating advanced spreadsheets, and finding and analyzing data.

Database management skills are essential for anyone who needs to organize and analyze large amounts of data. Moreover, database management is the backbone of many business operations. This skill set includes tasks such as creating and maintaining databases, importing and exporting data, and building complex queries.

Basic web design is also another intermediate computer skill required in today’s digital age. You don’t necessarily need to be a website developer, but possessing basic HTML/CSS knowledge can make your life easier in many jobs. This skill will enable you to create web pages, format rich text, and design basic layout concepts.

Cloud computing is becoming increasingly important for many professionals in various industries. Whether you are working in marketing or management, having solid cloud computing skills will put you ahead of the pack. This skill encompasses an understanding of how cloud computing works and how to use cloud-based systems and technologies to optimize business processes.

Social media has significantly impacted how businesses operate in today’s modern world. Being able to manage social media accounts and create engaging content is vital for any business looking to stay relevant. Social media management skills include tasks such as creating content, scheduling posts, analyzing data, and responding to customer inquiries.

Digital marketing skills are crucial for anyone who wants to be successful in the world of online business. This skill set entails creating and executing an online marketing plan, optimizing websites and content for search engines, running pay-per-click (PPC) campaigns, and tracking user behavior patterns.

Customer relationship management (CRM) software and enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems are used extensively by businesses of all sizes. Being familiar with these systems is vital for any role that involves customer service or sales. CRM software helps to keep track of customer interactions and provide customer support, while ERP systems ensure that inventory and accounting are managed effectively.

Video and audio editing skills are essential for anyone working in media and production. Whether it’s editing a podcast or creating a social media video, these skills can make your content more engaging and informative. Video and audio editing skills include using software like Adobe Premiere Pro or Audacity to edit and craft high-quality multimedia.

SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is a must-have knowledge for anyone working in digital marketing, especially if you’re responsible for promoting your business’s online presence. SEO requires a basic understanding of how search engines work and how to optimize content to rank higher in the search engine results.

Mastering these intermediate computer skills will help you become an asset in the modern workforce. With technology advancing every day, there has never been a better time to improve upon your computer skills and become a more versatile, valuable employee.

Advanced Computer Skills

As we move further into the age of technology, advanced computer skills are becoming increasingly important for individuals seeking career growth. Below are six categories of advanced computer skills that have been identified as being in high demand:

1. Big Data Analytics

Big data analytics involves gathering, processing, and analyzing large and complex data sets to gain insights and make better business decisions. The ability to use tools like Hadoop, Spark, and Tableau can make a significant difference in a company’s success.

2. Software Development

Software development is the process of creating, designing, and maintaining software. Beyond programming languages like Python, C++, and Java, an understanding of Agile methodologies, version control systems, and testing frameworks is crucial for success.

3. Machine Learning and AI

Machine learning and artificial intelligence are powerful tools in the digital age. Understanding these technologies, including deep learning, neural networks, and natural language processing, can provide a competitive edge in fields like finance, healthcare, and marketing.

4. Cybersecurity

Cybersecurity is the practice of protecting systems, networks, and data from digital attacks. Knowledge in areas like penetration testing, vulnerability assessment, and incident response are highly sought after in today’s world of cyber threats.

5. Cloud Architecture

Cloud architecture is the design and planning of computer systems that utilize cloud computing. This includes knowledge of cloud service providers like Amazon Web Services, Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud, as well as virtualization environments like Docker and Kubernetes.

6. Blockchain

Blockchain is a distributed ledger technology used for storing and recording transactions. A background in cryptography, smart contracts, and decentralized applications (DApps) can provide a unique skill set in fields such as finance, supply chain management, and healthcare.

Possessing advanced computer skills can provide a significant advantage in today’s job market. By gaining expertise in the areas outlined above, individuals can set themselves apart and position themselves for success in a variety of industries.

Industry-Specific Computer Skills

In today’s digital age, proficiency in various computer skills is a must-have for any job applicant. Demonstrating a range of industry-specific computer skills can make your resume stand out from the crowd and increase your chances of landing your dream job. Here are a few industry-specific computer skills that you might want to consider listing on your resume.

Healthcare and Medical Software

Computer skills in the healthcare industry are highly sought-after, especially with the rise of electronic health records (EHRs). Healthcare professionals must be proficient in various medical software tools, which are designed to capture, store, and share patients’ health information. Here are some of the most popular medical software tools that you might want to consider listing on your resume:

  • Electronic Health Records (EHRs): EHRs are digital records of patient health information, including medical history, lab results, and diagnoses.
  • Practice Management Software: This tool helps healthcare professionals manage their medical practice, including scheduling appointments, billing, and other administrative tasks.
  • Medical Imaging Software: This software helps doctors to analyze and interpret medical images, such as x-rays and MRIs.

Accounting and Finance Software

Computer skills in accounting and finance can be highly beneficial for your career. Proficiency in financial analysis and accounting software tools can demonstrate your analytical abilities and your attention to detail. Here are some of the most popular accounting and finance software tools that you might want to consider listing on your resume:

  • QuickBooks: QuickBooks is an accounting software that is widely used by businesses of all sizes to manage their finances.
  • SAP: SAP is an enterprise resource planning (ERP) software that helps businesses manage their accounting, inventory, and other financial processes.
  • Excel: Excel is a spreadsheet program that can be used for a range of financial analyses, including building financial models, analyzing financial data, and creating budgets.

Creative and Design Industry Software

If you work in a creative industry, your computer skills can be just as important as your artistic abilities. Proficiency in creative and design software can help you bring your creative ideas to life and showcase your work to potential employers. Here are some of the most popular creative and design industry software tools that you might want to consider listing on your resume:

  • Adobe Creative Suite: Adobe Creative Suite is a collection of software tools for graphic design, video editing, and web development.
  • Sketch: Sketch is a vector graphics editor that is widely used by web and app designers to create user interfaces and wireframes.
  • AutoCAD: AutoCAD is a computer-aided design (CAD) software that is widely used in the architectural, engineering, and construction industries.

Legal Software

Computer skills in the legal industry are becoming increasingly important, especially with the rise of legal research software and the digitization of legal documents.

Job-Specific Computer Skills

In today’s digital age, it has become increasingly important for job seekers to highlight their computer skills on their resume. Employers and recruiters are interested in candidates with strong technical abilities that can help their business grow and succeed. In this section, we will focus on job-specific computer skills that can enhance your resume and increase your chances of landing your dream job.

Data Entry and Analysis Skills

Data plays a crucial role in decision-making for almost every business. Therefore, having data entry and analysis skills is crucial for job seekers looking to work in finance, accounting, business analysis, or any other data-intensive role. Data entry and analysis skills include proficiency in software like Excel, Google Sheets, and other database management tools. Job seekers must showcase their ability to manage and analyze data accurately and efficiently by highlighting any specific projects they have worked on.

Technical Writing and Documentation

In an era where almost every business relies on technology to function, technical writing and documentation skills have become increasingly important. Technical writers are responsible for creating user manuals, training guides, technical reports, whitepapers, and other documentation materials that assist end-users, stakeholders, or other team members. Such skills require proficiency in software tools like Microsoft Word, Google Docs, and other documentation platforms. Candidates with technical writing and documentation skills must highlight their ability to communicate technical information effectively and concisely, thereby demonstrating their ability to help end-users operate technology products with ease.

Administrative and Organizational Software Skills

Administrative staff often manage various tasks that require juggling multiple priorities such as calendar scheduling, email management, and document coordination. Knowledge of administrative software platforms like Microsoft Office, Google Drive, and other project management tools is crucial for managing such tasks. Candidates that have experience managing administrative work and software should highlight their ability to streamline workflows using digital tools, thereby proving their ability to handle day-to-day tasks with ease.

Sales and Marketing Technology Skills

Sales and marketing is another area where technology plays a crucial role. Proficiency in Customer Relationship Management (CRM) platforms like Salesforce, marketing automation tools like HubSpot, and email marketing platforms like MailChimp would add value to a candidate’s resume. Demonstrating such abilities highlights a candidate’s understanding of how technology can be leveraged to enhance business growth, which is highly sought after by potential employers.

Project Management Software Skills

Project management software skills are highly valued in today’s marketplace. Employers constantly seek candidates who can manage and deliver projects within budget and on schedule. Knowledge of project management software platforms like Trello, Jira, and Asana is highly valued. Candidates with such skills should highlight their ability to manage project timelines and budgets, assign tasks to team members, and generate project reports accurately.

Job-specific computer skills play a vital role in enhancing a candidate’s resume and increasing their chances of landing their dream job.

Top 10 In-Demand Computer Skills for 2023

As technology continues to advance rapidly, it is vital to keep up with the latest in-demand computer skills. Employers are always looking for individuals who possess a diverse range of technical abilities to advance their business. Here are the top 10 in-demand computer skills for 2023 that should be added to your resume:

1. Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is the ability of machines to learn and understand human behavior. AI is used in various industries such as healthcare, finance, and retail to provide faster, more accurate services. In the coming years, individuals with skills in AI programming, machine learning, and natural language processing will be highly sought after.

2. Robotics

Robotics is a rapidly growing field that involves designing, building, and operating robot systems. Robotics is used for various tasks, including automated manufacturing, agriculture, and service industries. Individuals with skills in robot programming, control systems, and machine vision will be in high demand in the coming years.

3. Cybersecurity

Cybersecurity is the practice of protecting computer systems and networks from theft, damage, or unauthorized access. As more companies and industries rely on technology to store sensitive information, cybersecurity will continue to be a valuable skill. Individuals with skills in ethical hacking, network defense, and malware analysis will be in high demand.

4. Data Science

Data Science involves the extraction of valuable insights and knowledge from large and complex data sets. Companies are using data science to improve efficiencies, analyze customer behavior, and predict market trends. Individuals with skills in machine learning, data analytics, and computer programming will be highly sought after.

5. Quantum Computing

Quantum computing is an emerging technology that uses quantum mechanics to process information. Quantum computing has the potential to solve complex problems quickly that would take traditional computers years to solve. Individuals with skills in quantum programming, quantum algorithms, and quantum encryption will be highly sought after.

Blockchain is a decentralized digital ledger that records transactions in a secure and transparent way. Blockchain technology is used in cryptocurrencies, supply chain management, healthcare, and more. Individuals with skills in blockchain development, smart contract programming, and distributed ledger technology will be highly sought after.

7. 5G Technology

5G technology is the fifth generation of mobile internet connectivity. 5G is faster and more reliable than previous generations of mobile technology, enabling new possibilities in areas such as virtual and augmented reality. Individuals with skills in 5G technology, wireless communication, and mobile network engineering will be highly sought after.

8. Cloud Computing

Cloud computing is the delivery of computing services over the internet. Cloud computing is used to store and access data, host applications, and process information. Individuals with skills in cloud architecture, cloud security, and cloud-based application development will be highly sought after.

How to Improve Your Computer Skills

Improving your computer skills is essential in today’s job market. Here are four ways to enhance your skills:

Online Courses and Tutorials

Online courses and tutorials are excellent resources to improve your computer skills. They provide a flexible learning experience, allowing you to learn at your own pace, and you can choose the course material that suits your current knowledge level. Many online courses and tutorials offer certificates or badges upon completion, which you can add to your resume, demonstrating your expertise in a particular area.


Getting certified is another way to validate your computer skills. Certifications are industry-recognized, and they show that you have a certain level of knowledge and expertise in a specific technology or software. Certifications are offered by various organizations, such as Microsoft, CompTIA, and Cisco. Include your certifications on your resume to showcase your qualifications and stand out to employers.

Practical Application and Experiential Learning

Practical application and experiential learning offer valuable hands-on experience, which is particularly useful in industries such as IT and software development. You can gain practical experience by completing internships, volunteering, or working on real-world projects. Employers value practical experience as it demonstrates that you can apply your knowledge to solve real-world problems. Include this experience on your resume, highlighting the skills you acquired and the projects you worked on.

Experimentation and Exploration

Experimenting with different software and technologies is also an effective way to improve your computer skills. Try out new software applications, learn programming languages, or explore data science. Engaging in self-directed learning demonstrates your passion for computer science and your desire to improve your skills continuously. You can also include your experimentation and exploration on your resume to showcase your curiosity and initiative.

By utilizing these four methods, you can improve your computer skills and enhance your marketability. Include your computer skills on your resume using industry-specific keywords, and highlight the skills that match the job requirements. Effectively showcasing your skills and experience can help secure you an interview and ultimately land your desired job in the computer science field.

Dos and Don’ts of Listing Computer Skills in Resumes

When it comes to listing computer skills on resumes, there are certain dos and don’ts that can make all the difference. Here are some key guidelines to keep in mind:

Do prioritize the most relevant skills : If you’re applying for a job in a specific field or industry, make sure to prioritize the skills that are most relevant to that particular role. Hiring managers want to see that you have the skills and experience needed for the job, so tailoring your resume to showcase these abilities can be very effective.

Do demonstrate your proficiency : Simply listing a bunch of technical-sounding skills won’t cut it. Make sure to provide concrete examples of how you’ve used your computer skills in past roles. What types of projects have you worked on? What software have you mastered? Be specific and provide details to help you stand out in a sea of applicants.

Do mix hard and soft skills : While hard skills like coding and programming are certainly important, it’s also valuable to highlight your softer skills. For example, highlighting your ability to collaborate with others, troubleshoot technical issues, or quickly learn new software can help demonstrate your versatility and potential value to an employer.

Do keep it concise : While you want to highlight your skills and experience, you don’t want to overwhelm the hiring manager with too much text. Keep your resume concise and focused, with a clean layout that highlights your most important information.

Don’t oversell your abilities : While it’s important to showcase your skills and experience, it’s equally important to be honest about your abilities. Don’t exaggerate your experience or claim to have skills that you don’t actually possess. This will only hurt your chances of landing the job in the end.

Don’t list irrelevant skills : While it’s okay to showcase some of your more general computer skills, like Microsoft Office or basic coding knowledge, avoid listing skills that aren’t relevant to the job you’re applying for. This can make your resume seem unfocused and less compelling to hiring managers.

Don’t neglect your soft skills : While hard skills are certainly important, don’t forget to highlight your soft skills as well. Being able to work on a team, communicate effectively, and manage your time well are all valuable skills that can help set you apart from other applicants.

Don’t forget to update your skills : If you’ve listed the same computer skills on your resume for years without updating them, it’s time to revisit your list. Tech skills evolve quickly, and employers want to see that you’re up-to-date with the latest software and trends in your field.

By following these dos and don’ts of listing computer skills on your resume, you can help ensure that your application stands out to hiring managers and increases your chances of landing your dream job.

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How to List Computer Skills on a Resume | Best Skills and Examples

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What are computer skills?

How to list relevant computer skills on a resume.

  • Examples of adding computer skills on a resume

Best computer skills to list on a resume

Computer skills are important to add to your resume when an employer or job require them. But it can be hard to know which computer skills are relevant and which skills are not, especially if you’re new to the industry or role. This article defines computer skills, shows you how to list relevant computer skills on a resume with examples and gives you a list of the best computer skills to list on a resume.

Computer skills are the learned skills that you need to use a computer and other technological devices. There are different levels of computer skills that range from basic operation of simple programs to the in-depth knowledge of more advanced computer programs. Many industries today require some level of computer experience. Listing your computer skills on your resume  are usually expected or required by employers depending on the open position.

Follow these steps to list relevant computer skills on a resume:

1. First, write a list of all of your computer skills

Before you add them to your resume, write a list of all your computer skills. Write down each computer program that you have used or are comfortable using in a professional environment, such as PowerPoint, Microsoft Word, QuickBooks, specific enterprises, coding, programming and website development. There are also specific programs or databases that may be relevant, depending on your industry or the position.

2. Secondly, combine similar skills to make your list easier to read 

While you do want to highlight the most relevant computer skills, your resume can quickly become crowded if you include too many. You can narrow down your choices by combining any skills that are similar, such as PowerPoint and Microsoft Word into Microsoft Office Suite, or Microsoft Excel and Google Sheets into spreadsheet experience. Other categories include communication, social media, operating systems and programming databases.

3. Next, determine your proficiency in each computer skill

After you have narrowed down your skills, you will want to determine your level of proficiency for each skill. Employers want to know not only what computer skills you have but also how comfortable or proficient you are using each one. You can determine your level of proficiency by including classifying words like fundamentals, basic, intermediate or advanced. 

If you have extensive knowledge or experience with certain computer skills, you can demonstrate advanced knowledge by including them in your individual job description or by listing the computer certifications you might have.

4. Narrow down what computer skills are important for the job you are apply for

Now that you have a list of all your combined computer skills and proficiencies, narrow down the skills that are relevant to the job and industry you’re applying for. The skills should be directly related, important and helpful to the role. You may find these important skills listed in the original job posting. 

5. Finally, add your relevant computer skills to your resume in the right places

There are a few places where you can include skills in the layout of your resume. If you have a long list of computer skills, then you might consider creating a separate section that is labeled ‘computer skills.’ If you only have a few that you want to highlight, then you can include them in your individual job descriptions. 

For example, you might use ‘presentation programs’ as a bullet point when describing your sales internship experience. You also might include ‘communication skills’ when listing your work experience as a marketing manager.

Examples of adding computer skills to a resume 

There are a few ways to list your computer skills on a resume. The layout that you choose will depend on the number of skills you have and the position for which you are applying. Consider these two examples of how to list your computer skills on your resume.

Example 1: Separate computer skills section 

If you have a lot of computer experience to include, then you can create a separate computer skills section on your resume. You can use the following example to assist you when creating a separate computer skills section.

Computer skills

  • Microsoft Office Suite: Advanced knowledge
  • JavaScript: Beginner knowledge
  • Adobe Photoshop: Intermediate knowledge
  • HTML coding: Intermediate knowledge
  • Google Analytics: Intermediate knowledge
  • Cloud Backup: Advanced knowledge
  • Graphic design: Beginner knowledge
  • Fortran database: Intermediate knowledge

Example 2: Computer skills listed in work experience 

Some computer skills will fit in your descriptions of previous experiences in your work experience section. You can use the following example to assist you when listing your computer skills in your job descriptions.

Research assistant at ABD Technologies from Aug. 2008–Aug. 2018

Job responsibilities:

  • Researched changing buyer trends with Google Analytics and Google Webmaster tools
  • Collaborated with the team via Slack and email communication
  • Maintained testing dates and schedule with Microsoft Excel
  • Obtained research consent with test subjects from OneDrive

Here are a few examples of the many computer skills that you can include in your resume:

  • Microsoft Office:  Include specific Microsoft Office skills like Word, PowerPoint, OneDrive and OneNote.
  • Spreadsheets:  Include specific spreadsheet skills including Excel and Google Sheets.
  • Communication:  Communication computer skills include email, Skype and Slack.
  • Email:  You can include specific email programs like Microsoft Outlook, Hotmail and Gmail.
  • Analytics:  Include analytical computer skills like Google Analytics and Google Search Console.
  • Troubleshooting:  Troubleshooting computer skills include backup management, end-user support, issue tracking support and router troubleshooting.
  • Graphic design:  Include skills like Adobe Creative Cloud, Adobe Photoshop and desktop publishing.
  • Data entry:  Data entry skills include data analytics, MATLAB, NoSQL and XML Database Management.

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10 essential resume skills to showcase your value to employers

by YouScience | Apr 16, 2024 | Blog

10 essential resume skills to showcase your value to employers

Writing a compelling resume involves more than just listing your work history and education. You also need to highlight your skills effectively to stand out to employers. It can be difficult to know what skills to put on a resume, especially if you don’t have much work experience. Below, we discuss 10 essential resume skills and advice for proving your value to potential employers.

What are good skills to put on a resume?

The best skills to put on a resume include a mix of hard and soft skills. Focus on skills that are most relevant to the position you want. Here are some resume skill examples you could include:

Communication skills

Effective communication is a fundamental skill required for almost every type of job. Communication skills include being able to articulate your ideas clearly and listening to others while understanding their perspective.

Active listening skills

Active listening requires paying close attention, asking clarifying questions, and showing empathy to ensure you thoroughly understand what someone is trying to say.

  • Interpersonal skills

These skills refer to how well you work with other people. They include collaboration, conflict resolution, and the ability to build connections with colleagues, clients, and stakeholders.

Leadership skills

Even if you’re not in a leadership role, showcasing your leadership qualities on your resume can set you apart from other candidates. Examples can include taking initiative, motivating others, and showing accountability.

Problem-solving skills

Employers value candidates who can think quickly to solve problems. Include times when you’ve identified issues, developed solutions, and implemented effective strategies to overcome challenges.

Computer skills

Nearly every job will require the use of a computer, so experience with computers and software is essential. Make sure to include any specific programs or tools you’re proficient in, especially ones directly related to the job you’re applying for.

Customer service skills

Even if you’re not applying for a customer-facing role, including customer service skills on your resume can still be valuable . These skills demonstrate your positivity, adaptability, communication skills, and attention to detail.

Transferable skills

These are skills that can be used in several different positions and industries. Transferable skills may include teamwork, adaptability, organization, or any other qualities all employers are looking for.

Management skills

Highlighting your management skills is crucial if you’re applying for any management role overseeing projects or teams. Management skills can include examples of delegation, decision-making, and conflict resolution.

Time management skills

Efficient time management shows your ability to prioritize assignments, meet deadlines, and maximize productivity. Employers want to hire disciplined employees who can tune out distractions during work hours.

Student works on their resume with the help of a parent.

Hard resume skills vs. soft resume skills

Skills for resumes are either hard or soft skills. Employers typically look for both types of skills on candidates’ resumes.

  • Hard skills are specific skills needed to perform the job. These can include technological skills, field-specific education, or credentials related to the job.
  • Soft skills include your personality attributes and interpersonal skills. These may include communication skills, leadership qualities, stress management, and problem-solving abilities.

How to list skills on a resume per job type

Tailor your skills to the job you’re applying for to show employers you’re suitable for the job. Here are some hard and soft resume skills examples for different positions:

Digital marketing specialist

Hard skills

  • Google Analytics
  • Project management systems

Soft skills

  • Communication
  • Problem-solving
  • Analytics thinking

Financial analyst

  • Financial modeling
  • Data analysis
  • Attention to detail
  • Creative thinking
  • Collaboration

Data analyst

  • Python and other statistical programming languages
  • Data visualization
  • Statistical analysis
  • Machine learning
  • Time management
  • Adaptability

Teacher working with students.

How YouScience helps with building a resume

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12 Useless Computer Skills That No Longer Help You Get a Job

Posted: November 21, 2023 | Last updated: November 21, 2023

<p>When you’re looking for a job, it’s important to update your resume from top to bottom. That means adding your most recent position and duties, but it should also mean updating your skills.</p><p>But some skills that have been on your resume for years are no longer relevant to today’s workforce. </p><p>Having skills employers deem useless — or pointless to mention — won’t help you get a job. In fact, it might end up losing you an interview or two instead.</p><p>Following are the most useless computer skills people list on your resumes. You’re better off cutting them so you can find the job you want and <a href="">boost your bank account</a>.</p><p>  <a href="">12 legit ways to make extra cash</a>  </p>

When you’re looking for a job, it’s important to update your resume from top to bottom. That means adding your most recent position and duties, but it should also mean updating your skills.

But some skills that have been on your resume for years are no longer relevant to today’s workforce. 

Having skills employers deem useless — or pointless to mention — won’t help you get a job. In fact, it might end up losing you an interview or two instead.

Following are the most useless computer skills people list on your resumes. You’re better off cutting them so you can find the job you want and  boost your bank account .

12 legit ways to make extra cash

<p>Microsoft programs like Word, Excel, or Outlook have been around for decades and are a normal part of everyday work life. So while you may be proficient in these programs, that skill is either expected or required in most cases. </p><p>There may be some exceptions, such as financial jobs that require specific Excel training and understanding. For those positions, you might want to take the additional step of getting certified for the more advanced skills required. </p><p class="">But most people are better off learning the Google Workspace — which includes Google Docs and Google Sheets — instead.</p><p class="">  <p class=""><a href="">Get expert advice on making more money - sent straight to your inbox.</a></p>  </p>

Microsoft Office

Microsoft programs like Word, Excel, or Outlook have been around for decades and are a normal part of everyday work life. So while you may be proficient in these programs, that skill is either expected or required in most cases.

There may be some exceptions, such as financial jobs that require specific Excel training and understanding. For those positions, you might want to take the additional step of getting certified for the more advanced skills required.

But most people are better off learning the Google Workspace — which includes Google Docs and Google Sheets — instead.

Get expert advice on making more money - sent straight to your inbox.

<p>Most employers assume you understand the basics of email programs such as Microsoft Outlook or Gmail. It’s become such a normal part of work that listing it as a skill may actually be looked at as a negative.</p><p>It is a good idea to mention your depth of knowledge if the potential job is focused on email, but it is likely you’ll include that in your previous experience if that is the case.</p>

Most employers assume you understand the basics of email programs such as Microsoft Outlook or Gmail. It’s become such a normal part of work that listing it as a skill may actually be looked at as a negative.

It is a good idea to mention your depth of knowledge if the potential job is focused on email, but it is likely you’ll include that in your previous experience if that is the case.

<p>Flash used to be a great program that seamlessly worked with websites to enhance user experiences. Unfortunately, Adobe Flash is becoming less useful, and web developers are moving away from it. </p><p>In fact, Adobe announced it would no longer update or support Flash in 2020. So unless the job asks for it, consider leaving this skill off your resume.</p><p>  <a href="">15 legit ways to make extra cash</a>  </p>

Adobe Flash

Flash used to be a great program that seamlessly worked with websites to enhance user experiences. Unfortunately, Adobe Flash is becoming less useful, and web developers are moving away from it.

In fact, Adobe announced it would no longer update or support Flash in 2020. So unless the job asks for it, consider leaving this skill off your resume.

15 legit ways to make extra cash

<p>Data entry is considered a basic computer skill that most potential employees already know.</p><p>Employers expect you to know how to add information to a spreadsheet or work with an online database or data form to get pieces of data collected for the company. </p><p>The only exception to this would be if you’re applying for a data-centered role, but in that case, you’ll want to list much more relevant skills than just “data entry” on your resume. </p><p>Data analysis skills will likely be much more appealing to employers.</p>

Data entry is considered a basic computer skill that most potential employees already know.

Employers expect you to know how to add information to a spreadsheet or work with an online database or data form to get pieces of data collected for the company.

The only exception to this would be if you’re applying for a data-centered role, but in that case, you’ll want to list much more relevant skills than just “data entry” on your resume. 

Data analysis skills will likely be much more appealing to employers.

<p>One of the most computer skills is the ability to type, and pretty much everyone has that skill these days.</p><p>Companies are not interested in your ability to type, including how quickly you type. And spellcheckers and auto-correct programs have cut back on the need to hire someone who types accurately.</p>

One of the most computer skills is the ability to type, and pretty much everyone has that skill these days.

Companies are not interested in your ability to type, including how quickly you type. And spellcheckers and auto-correct programs have cut back on the need to hire someone who types accurately.

<p>There are plenty of web browsers out there, like Chrome, Edge, or Firefox. Companies assume you have a basic ability to understand how to use browsers for research or other potential needs for your job.</p><p>It’s an especially good idea to remove any mentions of your proficiency in outdated web browsers, like Netscape. Keeping outdated technologies on your resume may actually be a negative to any potential employer.</p><p>  <a href="">6 clever ways to crush your debt</a>  </p>

Web browsers

There are plenty of web browsers out there, like Chrome, Edge, or Firefox. Companies assume you have a basic ability to understand how to use browsers for research or other potential needs for your job.

It’s an especially good idea to remove any mentions of your proficiency in outdated web browsers, like Netscape. Keeping outdated technologies on your resume may actually be a negative to any potential employer.

6 clever ways to crush your debt

<p>Computer languages can change over time. New languages often crop up to create web browsers, databases, or other computer user experiences.</p><p>It’s important to clear out any outdated languages that you may be proficient in but aren’t used much anymore. If it isn’t required for the role, it’s probably best to leave it off.</p><p class="">If it is required for the role, still make sure you're up on the latest and most relevant language.</p>

Outdated computer languages

Computer languages can change over time. New languages often crop up to create web browsers, databases, or other computer user experiences.

It’s important to clear out any outdated languages that you may be proficient in but aren’t used much anymore. If it isn’t required for the role, it’s probably best to leave it off.

If it is required for the role, still make sure you're up on the latest and most relevant language.

<p>You may want to leave off your social media skills if they consist of posting on your personal Twitter account or Instagram page. Posting for yourself is different than posting with a business purpose.</p><p>If it’s required for the position, you’ll want to mention examples of your work in the work experience section of your resume and go beyond a basic mention of your proficiency with a particular platform.</p>

Social media

You may want to leave off your social media skills if they consist of posting on your personal Twitter account or Instagram page. Posting for yourself is different than posting with a business purpose.

If it’s required for the position, you’ll want to mention examples of your work in the work experience section of your resume and go beyond a basic mention of your proficiency with a particular platform.

<p>When you turn on your computer, you’re working within an operating system, like Windows 11 or macOS.</p><p>This is another basic skill that employers assume you already know or can adapt to, so you won’t get a step ahead of having that kind of experience when applying for a potential job.</p><p>  <a href="">8 moves if you want to stop living paycheck to paycheck</a><br>  </p>

Operating systems

When you turn on your computer, you’re working within an operating system, like Windows 11 or macOS.

This is another basic skill that employers assume you already know or can adapt to, so you won’t get a step ahead of having that kind of experience when applying for a potential job.

8 moves if you want to stop living paycheck to paycheck

<p>You may work in an office with a connected phone system and a phone with a digital display on each desk. The complexity of using these systems has greatly declined over the years.</p><p>This is just another technology skill that isn’t really useful anymore, especially as more employees use smartphones to communicate instead of a traditional office system.</p>

Phone systems

You may work in an office with a connected phone system and a phone with a digital display on each desk. The complexity of using these systems has greatly declined over the years.

This is just another technology skill that isn’t really useful anymore, especially as more employees use smartphones to communicate instead of a traditional office system.

<p>Mailrooms used to be bustling spaces in offices, but some of those positions have been taken over by shipping software.</p><p>You should be able to use commercial shippers as well as the U.S. Postal Service to ship any packages that need to go out from your office. </p><p>Being able to understand shipping websites isn’t a skill that will get you far with potential employers, as it’s a skill that can easily be learned.</p>

Mailrooms used to be bustling spaces in offices, but some of those positions have been taken over by shipping software.

You should be able to use commercial shippers as well as the U.S. Postal Service to ship any packages that need to go out from your office.

Being able to understand shipping websites isn’t a skill that will get you far with potential employers, as it’s a skill that can easily be learned.

<p>It’s a good idea to check the job listing for a particular position to understand what is required of job candidates and what isn’t.</p><p>Try to tailor your resume to the specific employer or the specific position by dropping any useless information that could be junking up your resume. Take out anything you haven’t done recently or anything that the employer probably doesn’t care about. </p><p class="">  <a href="">7 savvy moves when you have $1,000 in the bank</a>  </p>

Skills not related to the job listing

It’s a good idea to check the job listing for a particular position to understand what is required of job candidates and what isn’t.

Try to tailor your resume to the specific employer or the specific position by dropping any useless information that could be junking up your resume. Take out anything you haven’t done recently or anything that the employer probably doesn’t care about.

7 savvy moves when you have $1,000 in the bank

<p>If you’re thinking about getting a new job, figure out how much more you may want in pay and benefits to <a href="">give your budget a lift</a>.</p><p>You also might want to consider taking classes or getting certified in computer skills that can actually help you get the job you want.</p><p>Before sending your resume out, make sure you clean it up and make it as up-to-date as you can. Display your new skills!</p><p>  <p class=""><b>More from FinanceBuzz:</b></p> <ul> <li><a href="">7 things to do if you’re barely scraping by financially.</a></li> <li><a href="">Can you retire early? Take this quiz and find out.</a></li> <li><a href="">12 legit ways to earn extra cash.</a></li> <li><a href="">9 simple ways to make up to an extra $200/day</a></li> </ul>  </p>

Bottom line

If you’re thinking about getting a new job, figure out how much more you may want in pay and benefits to give your budget a lift .

You also might want to consider taking classes or getting certified in computer skills that can actually help you get the job you want.

Before sending your resume out, make sure you clean it up and make it as up-to-date as you can. Display your new skills!

More from FinanceBuzz:

  • 7 things to do if you’re barely scraping by financially.
  • Can you retire early? Take this quiz and find out.
  • 12 legit ways to earn extra cash.
  • 9 simple ways to make up to an extra $200/day

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  1. How to List Computer Skills on a Resume (Computer Skill Examples)

    Computer skills can be broken down into 13 main categories. Typing - The process of writing or inputting text, typically using a keyboard. Mouse - Navigating a two-dimensional surface with a pointer, using a standalone mouse, touchpad, or touchscreen. Internet - Using the internet to browse and research.

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  3. How to List Computer Skills on a Resume (+ Examples)

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  5. How to List Computer Skills on Your Resume (With Examples)

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  6. Basic Computer Skills: How To List Them on Your Resume

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  7. How To List Computer Skills On A Resume [Full List + Examples]

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    The most common place to feature your abilities is in the skills section of your resume. List out a mixture of 8-10 hard skills and soft skills using bullet points, including relevant computer skills for the job. For example, a programmer might list software skills and programming languages such as: Python. Cloud computing.

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    Here are four examples: 1. Listing computer skills in your skills section. If you have a long list of computer skills, give them their own section and provide sub-categories like languages or operating systems if necessary. If a computer skill was listed in the job description, place it at the top of your list.

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    Additionally, basic computer skills are integral for students to excel in their academic endeavors, from research to document creation. Here are some basic computer skills that you may wish to include on your resume: MS Office Word, Excel, Outlook, Powerpoint, Access. Google Drive Docs, Drive, Forms, Gmail, Sheets.

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    Top Computer Skills Examples For Resumes. There are many different types of computer skills - basic and advanced, hardware- and software-related. Browse the lists below to get inspiration for your resume, but remember to only include computer skills that are mentioned in the job description and relevant to the role you're applying for.

  21. Best Computer Skills for Your Resume: How to List Them & Examples

    Do not dismiss them as even the most basic skills, like typing skills, on a resume, can help you impress the hiring team when suitably placed on a resume. Below is a list of example basic computer skills for resumes: Typing. Word Processing: Microsoft Word, Microsoft OneNote, SharePoint, Pages, Google Docs.

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    9. Email. Email is one of the most widely used and universal computer skills out there, with more than 4.3 billion people worldwide maintaining at least one email address in 2023. Using email effectively, at work or at home, requires knowledge of more than just such basics as sending and receiving messages.

  23. 10 Best Skills To Put On Your Resume (With Examples and FAQ)

    Example resume skills per job type Here are five examples illustrating the different combinations of best skills people may put on their resume, depending on their profession: 1. Data analyst: A data analyst works with large sets of data to pull out meaningful insights.Their work requires a high level of attention to detail and the ability to problem-solve.

  24. 10 Essential Resume Skills to Showcase Your Value

    Avoid using graphs, images, or unusual formatting. Include keywords from the job description. Look for common industry terms, specific skills, and qualifications mentioned in the job posting and add them to your resume. Proofread for spelling and grammar mistakes. Include a detailed skills section near the top of your resume.

  25. Excel Skills For Your Resume (Definition, Examples + How to Improve)

    Experience creating detailed reports and data visualizations. Ability to work collaboratively in a fast-paced environment. In this example, the bolded phrases represent keywords related to Excel skills that you should emphasize on your resume for this position. Step 2.

  26. The 12 Best Skills to Put on Your Resume (Plus Examples)

    Having attention to detail means spotting the little mistakes before they become big problems. Calling out your attention to detail on your resume sets you apart as someone who will sweat the ...

  27. Best Skills to Put on a Resume With No Experience

    9. Problem-solving. Problem-solving is one of the best skills to put on a resume with no experience because it shows your ability to tackle challenges and find solutions. Since most professions involve facing certain challenges sooner or later, employers highly value candidates with this capability.

  28. Health Care Resume Skills: What to Include (+ Examples)

    For example, you could begin with "Organized care coordinator with five years experience in….". 3. Weave skills throughout your resume. Your health care resume should have a section devoted to your skills as a professional in health care with brief examples. It's also vital to integrate skills throughout your resume.

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    One of the most computer skills is the ability to type, and pretty much everyone has that skill these days. Companies are not interested in your ability to type, including how quickly you type ...

  30. How To Write a Fast Food Manager Cover Letter (With Examples)

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