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Topics for Music Extended Essay

Topics for Music Extended Essay

The Extended Essay is an essential part of your IB Music course . As someone who has experienced the ups and downs of the International Baccalaureate (IB) program, I’d like to share some insights that will brighten your path to writing a compelling Music Extended Essay. Let’s look at how to choose the best topics to ensure that your essay resonates with both your interests and the IB criteria.

What Is a Music Extended Essay?

Firstly, understanding what qualifies as a Music Extended Essay is crucial. Essentially, it’s a 4,000-word research paper where you research a topic of your choice in depth. From my experience, this is more than just a lengthy assignment. It’s an opportunity to express your passion for music and to contribute to your understanding of it in a structured academic format. In this essay, you are expected to engage with the subject creatively and analytically, demonstrating your ability to synthesize complex ideas and themes in music.

The Music Extended Essay challenges students to develop critical thinking, research, and academic writing skills, all within music study. Depending on your interests and the available resources, it invites you to dig into specific areas such as music theory, history, culture, technology, or even performance practice. The goal is to form a coherent argument or narrative that reflects your inquiry and findings.

Moreover, the essay is an excellent way for students to research a potential career path in musicology, ethnomusicology, music education, or any music-related field. It can also serve as a stepping stone for those planning to pursue higher education in music. Choosing a topic that resonates with your long-term goals can be particularly beneficial.

Popular Music Extended Essay Topics to Consider

There are several avenues you can research when it comes to selecting your Music Extended Essay topics. Below are a few categories to consider.

Analytical Topics

Analyzing a specific genre or style can be immensely rewarding. For instance, examining the evolution of baroque music through its compositions offers historical insight and a deep analytical challenge. Similarly, a comparative analysis between two pieces from classical and modern periods can highlight how compositional philosophies have transformed over time.

Cultural Influence Topics

The music reflects culture. Researching how a particular culture has influenced modern music genres provides a fascinating intersection of musicology and sociology. For example, the impact of African rhythms on American jazz music is a topic rich with resources and research potential.

Technical Topics

If you are inclined towards the technical aspects, consider topics like musical notation’s evolution or technology’s role in modern music production. These topics cater to those interested in the mechanics of music and integrate well with technological developments.

Topics for Music Extended Essay

IB Music Extended Essay Topics and Research Questions

Choosing the right topic is very important. In my opinion, it should spark your interest and be viable enough to research thoroughly. Here are some topics for the Music Extended Essay you can consider:

  • The Evolution of Opera in the 20th Century . How did opera evolve in response to political and social changes in the 20th century?
  • The Influence of Jazz on Modern Popular Music . In what ways has jazz influenced the development of modern popular music genres?
  • The Role of Technology in Music Production . How has the introduction of digital technology changed the production techniques in the music industry?
  • The Impact of Beethoven’s Compositions on Romantic Music . How did Beethoven’s innovations inspire the music composition styles of the Romantic period?
  • Music as a Tool for Social Change . How has music been used for social change in a specific historical context?
  • The Development of Electronic Music in Europe . What key factors contributed to the rise of electronic music in Europe during the late 20th century?
  • Gender Dynamics in Classical Music . How have gender dynamics affected female composers’ recognition and performance opportunities in the classical music genre?
  • The Musical Exchange between Africa and Latin America . What are the key characteristics of the musical crossover between African and Latin American traditions?
  • The Preservation of Indigenous Music Traditions . How are indigenous music traditions being preserved and transformed in the modern world?
  • The Psychological Impact of Music in Films . How does music influence emotional and psychological responses in film audiences?
  • The Commercialization of Hip-Hop . How has the commercialization of hip-hop affected its artistic integrity and cultural roots?
  • Classical Music’s Influence on Modern Soundtracks . How have classical music elements been integrated into modern film and video game soundtracks?
  • Synesthesia and Music Perception . How does synesthesia affect the creation and perception of music among artists and audiences?
  • The Socio-Political Context of Punk Rock . How did punk rock reflect the socio-political sentiments of the youth in the 1970s and 1980s?
  • Music Therapy and Mental Health . How effective is music therapy in treating mental health disorders compared to traditional therapeutic methods?
  • The Revival of Vinyl Records in the Digital Age . Why has vinyl experienced a resurgence in popularity despite the convenience of digital music?
  • The Cross-Cultural Impact of The Beatles . How did The Beatles influence music styles across cultures during the 20th century?
  • Music Censorship and Political Expression . How has music censorship been used to suppress political dissent in various countries?
  • The Influence of Scandinavian Folk Music on Modern Jazz . What are the specific elements of Scandinavian folk music that have been integrated into modern jazz compositions?
  • The Role of Music in Religious Practices . How does music enhance or alter the spiritual experiences in different religious practices worldwide?
  • Music and Identity in the African Diaspora . How has music played a role in shaping the identity and community dynamics of the African diaspora?
  • The Development of K-Pop and Its Global Influence . What factors have contributed to the global rise of K-pop, and how has it impacted international music trends?
  • The Evolution of Musical Theatre . How has musical theatre evolved in artistic approaches and themes since the early 20th century?
  • Rap Music as a Form of Modern Storytelling . How is storytelling manifested in rap music, and what themes are most prevalent in contemporary works?
  • The Relationship Between Dance and Music in Ballet . How do music and dance interact to create a narrative in classical ballet performances?
  • The Effects of Music on Cognitive Development . How does exposure to music affect cognitive development in children and adolescents?
  • The Role of Women in the Development of Blues Music . What have female artists contributed to the development of blues music, and how has their presence influenced the genre?
  • The Impact of Streaming Services on Music Consumption . How have streaming services changed people’s music consumption and impacted the music industry?
  • Regional Music Styles and Their Evolution in the United States . How have specific regional music styles in the United States evolved over the 20th century?
  • The Use of Music in Advertising and Branding . How is music strategically used in advertising to influence consumer behavior and brand perception?
  • Influence of Baroque Music on Contemporary Pop Song Structures . How have compositional techniques from Baroque music influenced modern pop song structures?
  • Music in Video Games: Improving Player Experience . How does music influence player engagement and emotional response in video games?
  • Folk Music Revival in the 21st Century . What factors are driving the revival of folk music in the 21st century?
  • The Evolution of Jazz in Asia . How has jazz evolved in Asia, and what influences have shaped its development in this region?
  • Reggae as a Vehicle for Political and Social Commentary . How has reggae music contributed to political and social discourse in Caribbean societies?
  • Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Music Composition . What impact is artificial intelligence having on the process of music composition?
  • The Sitar’s Influence in Western Music. How has the sitar influenced Western music genres since the 1960s?
  • Hip-Hop and Global Youth Culture . How has hip-hop music influenced youth culture globally?
  • Music and Memory: How Music Affects Recall and Emotion . How does music affect memory recall and emotional states in humans?
  • The Role of Classical Music in Contemporary Cinema . How is classical music used in contemporary cinema to enhance narrative and emotional depth?
  • Ethnomusicology: Indigenous Music and Its Modern Adaptations . How have indigenous musical forms been adapted to modern music across various cultures?
  • The Economics of Music Festivals . What economic impacts do music festivals have on local communities?
  • The Role of Music in Therapy and Rehabilitation . How is music used in therapy and rehabilitation settings, and what are its benefits?
  • Analyzing the Rise of Female Conductors in Classical Music . What factors contribute to the rise of female conductors in the traditionally male-dominated field of classical music?
  • The Influence of Music on Fashion and Lifestyle . How does music influence fashion and lifestyle trends among young adults?
  • The Cultural Significance of Reggaeton in Latin America . How has reggaeton influenced social and cultural dynamics in Latin America?
  • The Role of Women in the Development of Electronic Music . How have female artists shaped the evolution of electronic music?
  • The Musical Legacy of The Beatles in Non-Western Countries . How has the music of The Beatles been adopted and adapted in non-Western cultures?
  • The Influence of Indigenous Australian Music on Contemporary Artists . How have contemporary Australian artists incorporated elements of Indigenous music into their works?
  • Music and Memory: Nostalgia in Music . How does music evoke nostalgia, and what are its psychological impacts?
  • The Impact of Legal Issues on Music Sampling . How have legal challenges regarding music sampling influenced the creative process in the music industry?
  • Jazz Music’s Evolution Through Migratory Patterns . How have migratory patterns influenced the evolution of jazz music in different regions of the United States?
  • The Role of Music in Enhancing Brand Identity . How do businesses use music to enhance their brand identity and consumer experience?
  • The Shift from Rock to Pop in Mainstream Music . What factors have contributed to the shift in popularity from rock to pop music over the past decades?
  • Music as a Cultural Diplomacy Tool . How is music used in cultural diplomacy to foster international relations?

According to general IB criteria, a well-chosen topic is one with sufficient resources, allowing you to make a detailed analysis. Additionally, it’s beneficial to choose a topic that offers a clear scope for argumentation and reflection.

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More Topics to Read:

  • How To Set Goals For Success In The IB DP?
  • Does IB Prepare You for College?
  • What Is IB Music MLI? Guide for IB Students
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  • IB English Language and Literature. Guide for IB Students
  • What Level of Math to Choose in IBDP?
  • Transitioning from MYP to DP: What to Expect
  • The Evolution of the IB Programme: A Look into Its History
  • Interdisciplinary Nature of the IB. A Closer Look at Transdisciplinary Skills
  • How to Engage in Constructive Feedback in the IB?

With these insights and topic ideas, you are better prepared to write your Music Extended Essay. Remember, this is your chance to shine in the IB Music course by presenting a well-researched, analytically sound, and passionately written paper. Good luck, and let the music guide your pen! Also, our IB writers are always ready to help you with an Extended Essay.

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Adhering strictly to the rigorous standards set by the IB, we deploy a methodical approach to our writing process. This ensures that every piece of content we generate not only meets but exceeds the expectations set within the program.

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List of 50+ Music Extended Essay Topic Ideas


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  • Writing Metier

You have requested it, and here you have it – our collection of IB Music extended essay topics. Here at Writing Metier , we’ve put together a playlist of themes and research questions that are sure to inspire your next academic composition. 

From the intricate patterns of classical music to the pulsating beats of modern genres, each topic offers a unique opportunity to explore the vast universe of music. 

Like with other articles related to extended essay topic suggestions , here is how I’ll structure the following list for your ease.

Harmonic Analysis of Classical Compositions

Rhythmic Structures in World Music

The Evolution of Musical Forms across Eras

The Influence of Historical Events on Music Development

Cross-Cultural Influences in Music

The Role of Music in Social Movements

The Impact of Performance Practice on Musical Interpretation

Comparative Analysis of Different Interpretations of a Single Work

The Role of the Conductor in Orchestral Music

The Evolution of Recording Technology and Its Impact on Music

Music Production Techniques in Contemporary Pop Music

The Role of Electronic Instruments in Modern Music

Teaching Methods in Music Education

The Impact of Music Education on Cognitive Development

Music Therapy and Its Effectiveness

The Development of Jazz from Its Origins to the Present

Influence of Blues on Contemporary Music Genres

Key Figures in the History of Jazz and Blues

Traditional Music Forms of a Specific Region or Culture

The Impact of Globalization on Indigenous Music

Fusion Music: Blending of Different Cultural Music Traditions

ib extended essay topic ideas on Music

These aren’t just topics; they’re starting points for you to blend your musical passion with scholarly research. 

So, let’s hit play on this exciting venture and find the rhythm for your Extended Essay.

Music Theory and Analysis

Welcome to the intricate world of Music Theory and Analysis. In this category, we’re like architects, building a foundation of understanding about the structures and patterns that make music so captivating. 

From the harmonies of classical compositions to the rhythmic complexities of world music, we’re about to dissect what makes music tick.

  • Research Question:  How do the harmonic progressions in Beethoven’s late string quartets reflect his innovative approach to classical composition?
  • Research Question:  How does Chopin’s use of chromaticism in his nocturnes enhance the emotional depth and complexity of these pieces?
  • Research Question:  How do polyrhythmic structures in traditional West African drumming create complex rhythmic patterns and what is their cultural significance?
  • Research Question:  How have Indian rhythmic cycles (Talas) influenced the rhythmic structures in contemporary jazz compositions?
  • Research Question:  How did the sonata form evolve in its structural and expressive aspects from the Classical to the Romantic era in Western music?
  • Research Question:  How have the structural forms of Electronic Dance Music evolved since the 1980s, and what factors have influenced these changes?

As we move from the technicalities of music theory, we step into the vibrant landscape of Music History and Culture.

Music History and Culture

Here, music acts as a mirror, reflecting historical events and societal changes. We’ll explore how music has been both a product and a catalyst of cultural evolution, painting a picture of the world through sound.

  • Research Question:  How did the fall of the Berlin Wall influence the themes and styles of German rock and pop music in the late 20th century?
  • Research Question:  How did the Civil Rights Movement in the United States during the 1950s and 1960s influence the development of jazz music?
  • Research Question:  How have African rhythms been integrated into Latin American music genres, and what has been their impact on the musical landscape?
  • Research Question:  How has the incorporation of traditional Asian instruments influenced the sound and composition of Western contemporary music?
  • Research Question:  How was music used as a tool for protest and social change during the Arab Spring movements?
  • Research Question:  How has hip-hop music influenced and reflected the ideals and messages of the Black Lives Matter movement?

By the way, if you are searching for expert history essay writers , we can surely assist you. Next up is the realm of Music Performance and Interpretation. 

Music Performance and Interpretation

Imagine stepping onto a stage where every note tells a story.

We’ll delve into the artistry behind musical performances, understanding how musicians bring scores to life and how conductors shape the sound of an orchestra.

  • Research Question:  How do contemporary pianists incorporate Baroque performance practices in their interpretations of J.S. Bach’s keyboard works?
  • Research Question:  How has the historically informed performance movement affected the interpretation of Mozart’s symphonies in modern orchestral performances?
  • Research Question:  How do different conductors’ interpretations of Beethoven’s Symphony No. 5 vary in terms of tempo, dynamics, and phrasing?
  • Research Question:  How do modern interpretations of Gershwin’s ‘Rhapsody in Blue’ differ from traditional interpretations in terms of stylistic elements and instrumentation?
  • Research Question:  How do different conducting styles influence the performance outcomes of Romantic era symphonies?
  • Research Question:  How does a conductor’s approach to leadership and communication shape the overall sound and performance quality of a contemporary orchestra?

Now, let’s switch our focus to Music Technology and Production.

Music Technology and Production

This is where creativity meets innovation. We’re going to explore how advancements in technology have transformed the way music is created and experienced, from recording studios to the rise of electronic music.

  • Research Question:  How has the transition from analog to digital recording technologies impacted the sound quality and production values in music since the 1980s?
  • Research Question:  How has the introduction of Auto-Tune technology changed vocal recording techniques and aesthetics in popular music?
  • Research Question:  How have layering and sampling techniques influenced the sound and structure of contemporary pop music tracks?
  • Research Question:  How have Digital Audio Workstations (DAWs) transformed the music production process in the pop music industry?
  • Research Question:  How have synthesizers influenced the evolution of sound and composition in Electronic Dance Music (EDM) since the 1990s?
  • Research Question:  How have electronic drum machines shaped the rhythmic and percussive elements in hip-hop music production?

Shifting our attention to Music Education and Pedagogy , we enter a world where music is not just heard but taught and learned. 

Music Education and Pedagogy

It’s a space where we understand the impact of teaching methods on musical development and the profound effects of music on cognitive and emotional growth.

  • Research Question:  How does the Suzuki Method influence musical skill development and enjoyment in children aged 4-8?
  • Research Question:  How has the integration of technology in music education classrooms affected learning outcomes for high school students?
  • Research Question:  How does participation in music education programs influence language development in elementary school children?
  • Research Question:  To what extent does sustained musical training impact mathematical problem-solving skills in adolescents?
  • Research Question:  How effective is music therapy in reducing symptoms of anxiety in adolescents with diagnosed anxiety disorders?
  • Research Question:  How does music therapy contribute to the development of social skills in children diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder?

Leaving the classroom behind, we immerse ourselves in the soul-stirring genres of Jazz and Blues.

Jazz and Blues

These styles are rich with history and emotion, offering a deep dive into the evolution of music that has shaped and been shaped by cultural and social dynamics.

  • Research Question:  How has jazz evolved from the bebop era of the 1940s to the fusion styles of the 1970s, and what were the key influences in this evolution?
  • Research Question:  How has the advent of digital technology in the late 20th and early 21st century affected the production, distribution, and reception of jazz music?
  • Research Question:  How have traditional blues elements been incorporated and transformed in modern rock music since the 1960s?
  • Research Question:  In what ways have blues music and its themes influenced contemporary hip-hop and R&B genres?
  • Research Question:  How did Miles Davis’ musical innovations contribute to the evolution of jazz from the 1950s to the 1970s?
  • Research Question:  How did B.B. King’s style and technique influence the development and popularization of electric blues music?

Lastly, we embrace the diverse and expansive field of World Music and Ethnomusicology. 

World Music and Ethnomusicology

Here, we celebrate the global language of music, exploring traditional sounds from around the world and understanding how globalization has influenced local music traditions.

  • Research Question:  How has Flamenco music evolved in contemporary Spain, and what efforts are being made to preserve its traditional elements?
  • Research Question:  How does Gamelan music reflect and influence cultural and social aspects in Indonesia?
  • Research Question:  How has globalization affected the traditional practices and transmission of African drumming?
  • Research Question:  What are the challenges and strategies for preserving indigenous music traditions in the Amazon rainforest in the context of increasing globalization?
  • Research Question:  How has Afrobeat emerged as a fusion genre, and what are its impacts on the global music scene?
  • Research Question:  How have elements of Indian classical music been integrated into Western pop music, and what has been the reception of this fusion?

In this exploration of Music for your Extended Essay, we at Writing Metier are excited to assist you in weaving together your passion for music with academic research. 

Select music extended essay topic and research question wisely

As we wrap up our list of Music Extended Essay topics, I’m reminded of the unique stories and perspectives each student brings to their work. Here at Writing Metier , we’ve seen essays transform into profound expressions of musical understanding and passion. 

Whether you’re analyzing the evolution of a genre, the cultural impact of music, or the intricacies of musical technology, each topic is a window into a world of sound and meaning.

The Extended Essay is your stage to shine academically and express your enthusiasm for music. If you’re looking for a partner to help fine-tune your ideas or to bring clarity and depth to your writing, our extended essay writers team at Writing Metier is ready to assist. We’re here to support your journey from the first note to the final crescendo of your essay. 

Reach out to us, and let’s collaborate to make your exploration of music not just an assignment but a masterpiece of insight and analysis that not only follows the word count but is written according to the latest updates in the IB criteria. 

Free topic suggestions

Vasy kafidoff.

Vasyl Kafidoff is a co-founder and CEO at WritingMetier. He is interested in education and how modern technology makes it more accessible. He wants to bring awareness about new learning possibilities as an educational specialist. When Vasy is not working, he’s found behind a drum kit.

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How to Write a Music Extended Essay? IB Tutors Guide

An outline serves as a roadmap for your Music extended essay.

Luke MacQuoid

Hey there, future IB scholars! If you’re reading this, you’re knee-deep in selecting a subject for your extended essay . Let’s focus on a subject close to my heart and many others. I will guide you through writing a Music extended essay in this article. From my experience, it’s an enriching venture, and I’ll give you the nitty-gritty on how to ace it according to general IB criteria.

What is a Music Extended Essay?

Hold on because we’re about to get to the point. In the IB curriculum , a Music extended essay is more than just a book report or a summary. According to the general IB curriculum, this is a research project in which you will investigate, evaluate, and argue a specific topic in Music.

The development of musical genres, for example, or the stylistic aspects of a particular time or artist, are all possible topics. Your goal is to provide new perspectives on your selected topic. For example, you may choose a topic like Beethoven’s works but approach it from a perspective that has yet to be well researched in academic literature. Essentially, your article has the potential to add to existing intellectual discussions.

Why Choose Music for Your Extended Essay?

Let’s look at why this subject is so exciting for an extended essay. To begin with, Music is much more than a collection of sounds or melodies. It serves as a reflection of a diverse spectrum of human experiences and historical events. As a result, when you write an extended essay in Music, you interact with a subject tied to various areas, including Sociology, History, and Psychology.

But don’t be deceived; this is no stroll in the park. A Music extended essay requires much investigation. It is more than just listening to your favorite songs; it also includes reading scientific papers, evaluating sheet music, and comprehending music theory.

Getting Started with Music Extended Essay

Starting your Music extended essay assignment might be intimidating, but don’t worry. On the way, you are not alone. Breaking this process into smaller, doable steps will make it more approachable. Here’s how to get started on the right foot.

Tips on Topic Selection

Choosing a topic for your Music extended essay might be like standing at a buffet with so many great selections that it’s difficult to pick just one! It is the first significant stumbling block in your writing process. The golden guideline for selecting a topic is simple but invaluable: go with what interests you. I can also give you some other helpful tips:

  • Keep in mind that you have a word restriction. Please choose a topic that is not so wide that you cannot effectively cover it, but also avoid ones that are so narrow that you will struggle to complete your essay.
  • Consult with your advisor before deciding on a topic . They can offer significant insights and guide you toward relevant resources.
  • While drawing inspiration from previously published extended essays or academic work is OK, strive to add something fresh.
  • Before settling on a topic, conduct preliminary research to ensure you have adequate material to work with.
  • The ideal themes allow you to weave in your personal experiences or viewpoints, giving the essay a distinct flavor.
  • Consider the contemporary significance of your issue. Is it anything that people are discussing? Is it connected to more prominent cultural or historical themes?

Your enthusiasm for the subject will feed your motivation during the long hours of research and writing, turning the process into an adventure rather than a work. Furthermore, a passionate tone will make your work more memorable to your readers. By the way, you can find lots of great extended essay Music topics in our blog.

Formulating Research Question

In the academic world, a well-defined research question is a beacon that guides your entire essay. From my experience, the mistake students often make is formulating either an overly broad or an extremely narrow issue. A general question could lead you into an abyss of endless information, while a very focused one might leave you scraping the barrel for content. 

Striking the right balance is essential. To do so, consult various sources — academic articles, interviews with experts, and the like — to refine your question. It’s not just about finding the correct answer; it’s also about asking the right question.

Where Can I Find Ideas for Music Extended Essays?

Ah, searching for that perfect essay topic can be a challenge. Your essay must be original, relevant, and uphold academic standards. When it comes to music essays, the opportunities are infinite. Where can you find inspiration for a captivating work? Let me offer some tips from my experience.

The best topics for a Music extended essay are ones you're already passionate about.

School Library and Online Catalogs

The old-school library, believe it or not, is a goldmine. Academic books, journal articles, and periodicals can offer excellent perspectives that spark interest. Don’t underestimate the power of a good bibliographic search; sometimes, the best ideas come from academic texts.

Academic Journals

Musicology journals and publications are packed with cutting-edge research and can be a fantastic source of ideas. Studies on everything from the role of Music in cultural movements to the evolution of specific genres could be great fodder for your extended essay.

Media Platforms and Documentaries

A well-produced documentary or an in-depth article from a reputable media outlet can provide a different angle that academic publications may not cover. Discussions about the social impact of Music, profiles of influential artists, or the science of musical tones are all excellent topics for an essay.

Talk to Your Music Teacher

Sometimes, the best resources are people, not publications. Your music teacher likely has a wealth of knowledge and could provide suggestions tailored to your interests and the course requirements. Teachers are generally keen to help students who show initiative.

Class Notes and Textbooks

Please pay attention to your class materials; they’re an invaluable resource. Previous topics discussed in class could offer avenues for more profound research. Textbooks often cover broad themes and can serve as a springboard for more specialized study.

Online Communities and Forums

Websites and online communities dedicated to music studies can be surprisingly helpful. You can find a wide range of ideas and resources shared by students and scholars alike. But do remember to cross-reference any information you gather online with credible academic sources.

Your Playlist

Lastly, don’t underestimate your taste. Sometimes, the best topics are those you’re already passionate about. Love classical Music? Research its therapeutic effects. More of a hip-hop fan? Consider researching its social and political impact.

Structuring Your Music Extended Essay

The structure helps you as a writer and lets the reader grasp your essay. Following a well-planned strategy increases your chances of meeting the IB criteria, and let’s be honest, who doesn’t want that top grade? So, let’s break down the major elements of your IB music extended essay.

Introduction: The Opening Act

Your introduction should begin with a hook — a compelling sentence or fact that grabs the reader’s attention. Remember, first impressions are essential.

Summarize your paper’s central argument or point in one or two sentences. This statement should provide a glimpse into the heart of your argument and let the reader know what to expect.

Main Body: The Heart of the Matter

Begin with a strong topic sentence that outlines what this section will cover. Then, continue to support your claims with facts and arguments. It is where your research shines!

Similar to the first section, outline and support your main points. Vary your sentence structure to keep the reader engaged, and use transition words to guide them through your argument.

Again, introduce your point clearly and support it with well-researched facts and arguments. This section should also flow naturally into your closing remarks.

ib extended essay music

Need help with your IB extended essay?

From research and analysis to structuring and editing, our skilled mentors will be by your side, helping you craft an exceptional extended essay that not only meets the wordcount and stringent IB criteria but also reflects your passion for selected IB group .

Analysis: The Composer’s Breakdown

What does the evidence point to? Here’s your chance to show how all the dots connect. Remember that for every argument, there is a counterargument. Acknowledge opposing views and refute them with your research.

Conclusion: The Final Note

Refrain from introducing new information here; summarize what has been discussed in the essay. Highlight your findings and their implications.

End with a bang! Discuss the broader implications of your findings and what future studies could focus on. It will leave your readers with something to think about. Wrap up your essay with a statement that reinforces your main points.

Bibliography: Credit Where Credit Is Due

Cite all the resources you used, following the IB citation guidelines. It adds credibility to your work and shows that your arguments are well-supported.

So there you have it, folks! A comprehensive guide to writing a top-notch Music extended essay . Remember, this is a significant undertaking that will require time, effort, and a lot of love for your subject. As someone who has been through the IB path, I can assure you it’s worth every bit of the struggle.

If you still find yourself hungry for more, our blog has many articles to quench your thirst for knowledge further. Trust me, the more informed you are, the easier the writing process becomes.

So, what are you waiting for? Grab your favorite playlist, and let’s get cracking on that Music extended essay! And remember, our experienced IB writers are always ready to help you .

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Luke MacQuoid has extensive experience teaching English as a foreign language in Japan, having worked with students of all ages for over 12 years. Currently, he is teaching at the tertiary level. Luke holds a BA from the University of Sussex and an MA in TESOL from Lancaster University, both located in England. As well to his work as an IB Examiner and Master Tutor, Luke also enjoys sharing his experiences and insights with others through writing articles for various websites, including blog

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Possible Changes to all Extended EssaysDuring the IB virtual conference (Oct 18-22, 2021), it was indicated that changes would be taking place in a number of subjects. These are designated for first teaching in 2022, 2023, and 2024. However, the changes do NOT affect the newly-implemented syllabus in music. Although NO official date has been given for the Extended Essay (a core component of the diploma programme for...

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IB students around the globe fear writing the Extended Essay, but it doesn't have to be a source of stress! In this article, I'll get you excited about writing your Extended Essay and provide you with the resources you need to get an A on it.

If you're reading this article, I'm going to assume you're an IB student getting ready to write your Extended Essay. If you're looking at this as a potential future IB student, I recommend reading our introductory IB articles first, including our guide to what the IB program is and our full coverage of the IB curriculum .

IB Extended Essay: Why Should You Trust My Advice?

I myself am a recipient of an IB Diploma, and I happened to receive an A on my IB Extended Essay. Don't believe me? The proof is in the IBO pudding:


If you're confused by what this report means, EE is short for Extended Essay , and English A1 is the subject that my Extended Essay topic coordinated with. In layman's terms, my IB Diploma was graded in May 2010, I wrote my Extended Essay in the English A1 category, and I received an A grade on it.

What Is the Extended Essay in the IB Diploma Programme?

The IB Extended Essay, or EE , is a mini-thesis you write under the supervision of an IB advisor (an IB teacher at your school), which counts toward your IB Diploma (learn more about the major IB Diploma requirements in our guide) . I will explain exactly how the EE affects your Diploma later in this article.

For the Extended Essay, you will choose a research question as a topic, conduct the research independently, then write an essay on your findings . The essay itself is a long one—although there's a cap of 4,000 words, most successful essays get very close to this limit.

Keep in mind that the IB requires this essay to be a "formal piece of academic writing," meaning you'll have to do outside research and cite additional sources.

The IB Extended Essay must include the following:

  • A title page
  • Contents page
  • Introduction
  • Body of the essay
  • References and bibliography

Additionally, your research topic must fall into one of the six approved DP categories , or IB subject groups, which are as follows:

  • Group 1: Studies in Language and Literature
  • Group 2: Language Acquisition
  • Group 3: Individuals and Societies
  • Group 4: Sciences
  • Group 5: Mathematics
  • Group 6: The Arts

Once you figure out your category and have identified a potential research topic, it's time to pick your advisor, who is normally an IB teacher at your school (though you can also find one online ). This person will help direct your research, and they'll conduct the reflection sessions you'll have to do as part of your Extended Essay.

As of 2018, the IB requires a "reflection process" as part of your EE supervision process. To fulfill this requirement, you have to meet at least three times with your supervisor in what the IB calls "reflection sessions." These meetings are not only mandatory but are also part of the formal assessment of the EE and your research methods.

According to the IB, the purpose of these meetings is to "provide an opportunity for students to reflect on their engagement with the research process." Basically, these meetings give your supervisor the opportunity to offer feedback, push you to think differently, and encourage you to evaluate your research process.

The final reflection session is called the viva voce, and it's a short 10- to 15-minute interview between you and your advisor. This happens at the very end of the EE process, and it's designed to help your advisor write their report, which factors into your EE grade.

Here are the topics covered in your viva voce :

  • A check on plagiarism and malpractice
  • Your reflection on your project's successes and difficulties
  • Your reflection on what you've learned during the EE process

Your completed Extended Essay, along with your supervisor's report, will then be sent to the IB to be graded. We'll cover the assessment criteria in just a moment.


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What Should You Write About in Your IB Extended Essay?

You can technically write about anything, so long as it falls within one of the approved categories listed above.

It's best to choose a topic that matches one of the IB courses , (such as Theatre, Film, Spanish, French, Math, Biology, etc.), which shouldn't be difficult because there are so many class subjects.

Here is a range of sample topics with the attached extended essay:

  • Biology: The Effect of Age and Gender on the Photoreceptor Cells in the Human Retina
  • Chemistry: How Does Reflux Time Affect the Yield and Purity of Ethyl Aminobenzoate (Benzocaine), and How Effective is Recrystallisation as a Purification Technique for This Compound?
  • English: An Exploration of Jane Austen's Use of the Outdoors in Emma
  • Geography: The Effect of Location on the Educational Attainment of Indigenous Secondary Students in Queensland, Australia
  • Math: Alhazen's Billiard Problem
  • Visual Arts: Can Luc Tuymans Be Classified as a Political Painter?

You can see from how varied the topics are that you have a lot of freedom when it comes to picking a topic . So how do you pick when the options are limitless?


How to Write a Stellar IB Extended Essay: 6 Essential Tips

Below are six key tips to keep in mind as you work on your Extended Essay for the IB DP. Follow these and you're sure to get an A!

#1: Write About Something You Enjoy

You can't expect to write a compelling essay if you're not a fan of the topic on which you're writing. For example, I just love British theatre and ended up writing my Extended Essay on a revolution in post-WWII British theatre. (Yes, I'm definitely a #TheatreNerd.)

I really encourage anyone who pursues an IB Diploma to take the Extended Essay seriously. I was fortunate enough to receive a full-tuition merit scholarship to USC's School of Dramatic Arts program. In my interview for the scholarship, I spoke passionately about my Extended Essay; thus, I genuinely think my Extended Essay helped me get my scholarship.

But how do you find a topic you're passionate about? Start by thinking about which classes you enjoy the most and why . Do you like math classes because you like to solve problems? Or do you enjoy English because you like to analyze literary texts?

Keep in mind that there's no right or wrong answer when it comes to choosing your Extended Essay topic. You're not more likely to get high marks because you're writing about science, just like you're not doomed to failure because you've chosen to tackle the social sciences. The quality of what you produce—not the field you choose to research within—will determine your grade.

Once you've figured out your category, you should brainstorm more specific topics by putting pen to paper . What was your favorite chapter you learned in that class? Was it astrophysics or mechanics? What did you like about that specific chapter? Is there something you want to learn more about? I recommend spending a few hours on this type of brainstorming.

One last note: if you're truly stumped on what to research, pick a topic that will help you in your future major or career . That way you can use your Extended Essay as a talking point in your college essays (and it will prepare you for your studies to come too!).

#2: Select a Topic That Is Neither Too Broad nor Too Narrow

There's a fine line between broad and narrow. You need to write about something specific, but not so specific that you can't write 4,000 words on it.

You can't write about WWII because that would be a book's worth of material. You also don't want to write about what type of soup prisoners of war received behind enemy lines, because you probably won’t be able to come up with 4,000 words of material about it. However, you could possibly write about how the conditions in German POW camps—and the rations provided—were directly affected by the Nazis' successes and failures on the front, including the use of captured factories and prison labor in Eastern Europe to increase production. WWII military history might be a little overdone, but you get my point.

If you're really stuck trying to pinpoint a not-too-broad-or-too-narrow topic, I suggest trying to brainstorm a topic that uses a comparison. Once you begin looking through the list of sample essays below, you'll notice that many use comparisons to formulate their main arguments.

I also used a comparison in my EE, contrasting Harold Pinter's Party Time with John Osborne's Look Back in Anger in order to show a transition in British theatre. Topics with comparisons of two to three plays, books, and so on tend to be the sweet spot. You can analyze each item and then compare them with one another after doing some in-depth analysis of each individually. The ways these items compare and contrast will end up forming the thesis of your essay!

When choosing a comparative topic, the key is that the comparison should be significant. I compared two plays to illustrate the transition in British theatre, but you could compare the ways different regional dialects affect people's job prospects or how different temperatures may or may not affect the mating patterns of lightning bugs. The point here is that comparisons not only help you limit your topic, but they also help you build your argument.

Comparisons are not the only way to get a grade-A EE, though. If after brainstorming, you pick a non-comparison-based topic and are still unsure whether your topic is too broad or narrow, spend about 30 minutes doing some basic research and see how much material is out there.

If there are more than 1,000 books, articles, or documentaries out there on that exact topic, it may be too broad. But if there are only two books that have any connection to your topic, it may be too narrow. If you're still unsure, ask your advisor—it's what they're there for! Speaking of advisors...


Don't get stuck with a narrow topic!

#3: Choose an Advisor Who Is Familiar With Your Topic

If you're not certain of who you would like to be your advisor, create a list of your top three choices. Next, write down the pros and cons of each possibility (I know this sounds tedious, but it really helps!).

For example, Mr. Green is my favorite teacher and we get along really well, but he teaches English. For my EE, I want to conduct an experiment that compares the efficiency of American electric cars with foreign electric cars.

I had Ms. White a year ago. She teaches physics and enjoyed having me in her class. Unlike Mr. Green, Ms. White could help me design my experiment.

Based on my topic and what I need from my advisor, Ms. White would be a better fit for me than would Mr. Green (even though I like him a lot).

The moral of my story is this: do not just ask your favorite teacher to be your advisor . They might be a hindrance to you if they teach another subject. For example, I would not recommend asking your biology teacher to guide you in writing an English literature-based EE.

There can, of course, be exceptions to this rule. If you have a teacher who's passionate and knowledgeable about your topic (as my English teacher was about my theatre topic), you could ask that instructor. Consider all your options before you do this. There was no theatre teacher at my high school, so I couldn't find a theatre-specific advisor, but I chose the next best thing.

Before you approach a teacher to serve as your advisor, check with your high school to see what requirements they have for this process. Some IB high schools require your IB Extended Essay advisor to sign an Agreement Form , for instance.

Make sure that you ask your IB coordinator whether there is any required paperwork to fill out. If your school needs a specific form signed, bring it with you when you ask your teacher to be your EE advisor.

#4: Pick an Advisor Who Will Push You to Be Your Best

Some teachers might just take on students because they have to and aren't very passionate about reading drafts, only giving you minimal feedback. Choose a teacher who will take the time to read several drafts of your essay and give you extensive notes. I would not have gotten my A without being pushed to make my Extended Essay draft better.

Ask a teacher that you have experience with through class or an extracurricular activity. Do not ask a teacher that you have absolutely no connection to. If a teacher already knows you, that means they already know your strengths and weaknesses, so they know what to look for, where you need to improve, and how to encourage your best work.

Also, don't forget that your supervisor's assessment is part of your overall EE score . If you're meeting with someone who pushes you to do better—and you actually take their advice—they'll have more impressive things to say about you than a supervisor who doesn't know you well and isn't heavily involved in your research process.

Be aware that the IB only allows advisors to make suggestions and give constructive criticism. Your teacher cannot actually help you write your EE. The IB recommends that the supervisor spends approximately two to three hours in total with the candidate discussing the EE.

#5: Make Sure Your Essay Has a Clear Structure and Flow

The IB likes structure. Your EE needs a clear introduction (which should be one to two double-spaced pages), research question/focus (i.e., what you're investigating), a body, and a conclusion (about one double-spaced page). An essay with unclear organization will be graded poorly.

The body of your EE should make up the bulk of the essay. It should be about eight to 18 pages long (again, depending on your topic). Your body can be split into multiple parts. For example, if you were doing a comparison, you might have one third of your body as Novel A Analysis, another third as Novel B Analysis, and the final third as your comparison of Novels A and B.

If you're conducting an experiment or analyzing data, such as in this EE , your EE body should have a clear structure that aligns with the scientific method ; you should state the research question, discuss your method, present the data, analyze the data, explain any uncertainties, and draw a conclusion and/or evaluate the success of the experiment.

#6: Start Writing Sooner Rather Than Later!

You will not be able to crank out a 4,000-word essay in just a week and get an A on it. You'll be reading many, many articles (and, depending on your topic, possibly books and plays as well!). As such, it's imperative that you start your research as soon as possible.

Each school has a slightly different deadline for the Extended Essay. Some schools want them as soon as November of your senior year; others will take them as late as February. Your school will tell you what your deadline is. If they haven't mentioned it by February of your junior year, ask your IB coordinator about it.

Some high schools will provide you with a timeline of when you need to come up with a topic, when you need to meet with your advisor, and when certain drafts are due. Not all schools do this. Ask your IB coordinator if you are unsure whether you are on a specific timeline.

Below is my recommended EE timeline. While it's earlier than most schools, it'll save you a ton of heartache (trust me, I remember how hard this process was!):

  • January/February of Junior Year: Come up with your final research topic (or at least your top three options).
  • February of Junior Year: Approach a teacher about being your EE advisor. If they decline, keep asking others until you find one. See my notes above on how to pick an EE advisor.
  • April/May of Junior Year: Submit an outline of your EE and a bibliography of potential research sources (I recommend at least seven to 10) to your EE advisor. Meet with your EE advisor to discuss your outline.
  • Summer Between Junior and Senior Year: Complete your first full draft over the summer between your junior and senior year. I know, I know—no one wants to work during the summer, but trust me—this will save you so much stress come fall when you are busy with college applications and other internal assessments for your IB classes. You will want to have this first full draft done because you will want to complete a couple of draft cycles as you likely won't be able to get everything you want to say into 4,000 articulate words on the first attempt. Try to get this first draft into the best possible shape so you don't have to work on too many revisions during the school year on top of your homework, college applications, and extracurriculars.
  • August/September of Senior Year: Turn in your first draft of your EE to your advisor and receive feedback. Work on incorporating their feedback into your essay. If they have a lot of suggestions for improvement, ask if they will read one more draft before the final draft.
  • September/October of Senior Year: Submit the second draft of your EE to your advisor (if necessary) and look at their feedback. Work on creating the best possible final draft.
  • November-February of Senior Year: Schedule your viva voce. Submit two copies of your final draft to your school to be sent off to the IB. You likely will not get your grade until after you graduate.

Remember that in the middle of these milestones, you'll need to schedule two other reflection sessions with your advisor . (Your teachers will actually take notes on these sessions on a form like this one , which then gets submitted to the IB.)

I recommend doing them when you get feedback on your drafts, but these meetings will ultimately be up to your supervisor. Just don't forget to do them!


The early bird DOES get the worm!

How Is the IB Extended Essay Graded?

Extended Essays are graded by examiners appointed by the IB on a scale of 0 to 34 . You'll be graded on five criteria, each with its own set of points. You can learn more about how EE scoring works by reading the IB guide to extended essays .

  • Criterion A: Focus and Method (6 points maximum)
  • Criterion B: Knowledge and Understanding (6 points maximum)
  • Criterion C: Critical Thinking (12 points maximum)
  • Criterion D: Presentation (4 points maximum)
  • Criterion E: Engagement (6 points maximum)

How well you do on each of these criteria will determine the final letter grade you get for your EE. You must earn at least a D to be eligible to receive your IB Diploma.

Although each criterion has a point value, the IB explicitly states that graders are not converting point totals into grades; instead, they're using qualitative grade descriptors to determine the final grade of your Extended Essay . Grade descriptors are on pages 102-103 of this document .

Here's a rough estimate of how these different point values translate to letter grades based on previous scoring methods for the EE. This is just an estimate —you should read and understand the grade descriptors so you know exactly what the scorers are looking for.

Here is the breakdown of EE scores (from the May 2021 bulletin):

How Does the Extended Essay Grade Affect Your IB Diploma?

The Extended Essay grade is combined with your TOK (Theory of Knowledge) grade to determine how many points you get toward your IB Diploma.

To learn about Theory of Knowledge or how many points you need to receive an IB Diploma, read our complete guide to the IB program and our guide to the IB Diploma requirements .

This diagram shows how the two scores are combined to determine how many points you receive for your IB diploma (3 being the most, 0 being the least). In order to get your IB Diploma, you have to earn 24 points across both categories (the TOK and EE). The highest score anyone can earn is 45 points.


Let's say you get an A on your EE and a B on TOK. You will get 3 points toward your Diploma. As of 2014, a student who scores an E on either the extended essay or TOK essay will not be eligible to receive an IB Diploma .

Prior to the class of 2010, a Diploma candidate could receive a failing grade in either the Extended Essay or Theory of Knowledge and still be awarded a Diploma, but this is no longer true.

Figuring out how you're assessed can be a little tricky. Luckily, the IB breaks everything down here in this document . (The assessment information begins on page 219.)

40+ Sample Extended Essays for the IB Diploma Programme

In case you want a little more guidance on how to get an A on your EE, here are over 40 excellent (grade A) sample extended essays for your reading pleasure. Essays are grouped by IB subject.

  • Business Management 1
  • Chemistry 1
  • Chemistry 2
  • Chemistry 3
  • Chemistry 4
  • Chemistry 5
  • Chemistry 6
  • Chemistry 7
  • Computer Science 1
  • Economics 1
  • Design Technology 1
  • Design Technology 2
  • Environmental Systems and Societies 1
  • Geography 1
  • Geography 2
  • Geography 3
  • Geography 4
  • Geography 5
  • Geography 6
  • Literature and Performance 1
  • Mathematics 1
  • Mathematics 2
  • Mathematics 3
  • Mathematics 4
  • Mathematics 5
  • Philosophy 1
  • Philosophy 2
  • Philosophy 3
  • Philosophy 4
  • Philosophy 5
  • Psychology 1
  • Psychology 2
  • Psychology 3
  • Psychology 4
  • Psychology 5
  • Social and Cultural Anthropology 1
  • Social and Cultural Anthropology 2
  • Social and Cultural Anthropology 3
  • Sports, Exercise and Health Science 1
  • Sports, Exercise and Health Science 2
  • Visual Arts 1
  • Visual Arts 2
  • Visual Arts 3
  • Visual Arts 4
  • Visual Arts 5
  • World Religion 1
  • World Religion 2
  • World Religion 3


What's Next?

Trying to figure out what extracurriculars you should do? Learn more about participating in the Science Olympiad , starting a club , doing volunteer work , and joining Student Government .

Studying for the SAT? Check out our expert study guide to the SAT . Taking the SAT in a month or so? Learn how to cram effectively for this important test .

Not sure where you want to go to college? Read our guide to finding your target school . Also, determine your target SAT score or target ACT score .

Want to improve your SAT score by 160 points or your ACT score by 4 points?   We've written a guide for each test about the top 5 strategies you must be using to have a shot at improving your score. Download them for free now:

As an SAT/ACT tutor, Dora has guided many students to test prep success. She loves watching students succeed and is committed to helping you get there. Dora received a full-tuition merit based scholarship to University of Southern California. She graduated magna cum laude and scored in the 99th percentile on the ACT. She is also passionate about acting, writing, and photography.

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Topics for Music Extended Essay

Topics for Music Extended Essay

Choosing your topic for the Music extended essay is a significant first step in writing a piece that meets the rigorous criteria of the IB Music course and reflects your musical passions. As a seasoned writer deeply embedded in the International Baccalaureate framework, I’ve seen how the right topic can set the tone for the perfect work. I will give you some topics for the Music extended essay in today’s post.

Music and Culture

Popular themes for your music extended essay.

Before we move on to specific topics, let’s take a look at a few popular areas that students choose to analyze and research in depth for extended essays on Music.

Analyzing Composers and Their Influence

One engaging topic could involve analyzing a composer’s influence. How has someone like Beethoven or Duke Ellington shaped their genres and the following generations? Such questions open avenues for in-depth analysis and link well with broader historical contexts.

The Evolution of Musical Styles

Similarly, examining the evolution of a musical style offers a dynamic perspective on music. For example, one could research how jazz evolved from its roots in New Orleans to a global phenomenon, providing a rich tapestry of cultural, social, and political elements.

Music Theory Analysis

Focusing on music theory? Analyzing the structure and composition techniques in a symphony or a pop song allows for technical music research, often revealing unexpected patterns and innovations.

Finally, investigating the relationship between music and culture can be profoundly enlightening. How has hip-hop influenced modern society and youth culture? Such topics resonate well with contemporary issues, making your essay relevant and thought-provoking.

Topics for Music Extended Essay

Music Extended Essay Topics and Research Questions

In my experience, the best essays come from genuine interest. If you are fascinated by a piece of music or a particular musical period, use it as a starting point for your writing. This personal connection will motivate you to formulate a perfect research question . Keep this in mind as you consider the following topics for the Music extended essay:

  • The Impact of Beethoven’s Symphonies on Modern Orchestral Music . How have Beethoven’s innovations in symphony structure influenced the compositions of 20th-century orchestral music?
  • The Role of Political Events in the Music of the 1960s . To what extent did political unrest in 1960s America influence the lyrical themes of contemporary music?
  • Evolution of Jazz from New Orleans to Modern Day . How has jazz evolved from its origins in New Orleans to become a global phenomenon, and what factors contributed to its transformation?
  • The Influence of African Musical Elements on Western Pop Music . What African musical elements are incorporated into Western pop music, and how have they transformed the genre?
  • Comparative Analysis of Baroque and Classical Music Styles . In what ways do the Baroque and Classical music styles differ in terms of instrumentation and compositional technique?
  • The Development of Electronic Music in the 21st Century . How has electronic music evolved over the early 21st century, and what technological advancements have driven this evolution?
  • Gender Representation in Opera Over the Centuries . How have the roles and representations of gender in opera changed from the 18th century to the present?
  • The Psychological Effects of Music Therapy . What are the proven psychological effects of music therapy on patients with depressive disorders?
  • The Preservation of Indigenous Music Cultures . How have indigenous music cultures been preserved in the face of globalization, and what strategies have been most effective?
  • The Rise of K-Pop and its Global Influence . What factors have contributed to the meteoric rise of K-pop, and how has it influenced global music trends?
  • Music Censorship: A Historical Perspective. How has music censorship changed from the 1950s to the present, and what were the key moments in that history?
  • The Relationship Between Music and Cognitive Development . How does exposure to music influence cognitive development in children?
  • Analyzing the Success of Film Scores in Blockbusters . What characteristics of film scores in blockbuster movies contribute to their success and emotional impact?
  • The Cultural Exchange in World Music . How does world music represent a cultural exchange, and what are specific examples of this phenomenon?
  • The Impact of Streaming Services on Music Production . How have streaming services like Spotify and Apple Music changed the music production landscape and artist exposure?
  • The Fusion of Classical and Modern Music in Contemporary Works . How are modern composers integrating classical music elements into contemporary works to create new genres?
  • The Role of Women in the Development of Classical Music . What have female composers contributed to the classical music genre from the Romantic period to the present?
  • The Effect of Social Media on Emerging Musical Talents . How has social media influenced the careers of emerging artists in the music industry?
  • The Revival of Vinyl Records in the Digital Age . What factors have contributed to the resurgence of vinyl records in an era dominated by digital music?
  • Cross-Cultural Influences in the Music of The Beatles . How did The Beatles incorporate music from different cultures into their own, and how did this impact global music trends?
  • Reggae and Its Influence on Political Movements . How has reggae music been used as a tool in political movements, particularly in its country of origin, Jamaica?
  • Musical Innovation during the Harlem Renaissance . What were the key musical innovations that emerged during the Harlem Renaissance, and how did they reflect the cultural shifts of the era?
  • The Development of Hip-Hop Culture in Urban America . How did hip-hop culture evolve in urban America, and what social conditions contributed to its rise?
  • The Role of Music in Religious Practices . How is music used in different religious practices worldwide, and what roles does it play in spiritual rituals?
  • The Business of Music Festivals: Economic Impact and Artist Exposure . What is the economic impact of large music festivals, and how do they contribute to the exposure and success of artists?
  • The Effects of Globalization on Traditional Music Genres . How has globalization affected traditional music genres in various countries, and what are the responses from local musicians?
  • The Role of Autotune in Modern Pop Productions . What is the impact of autotune on the quality and authenticity of modern pop music?
  • Music as a Form of Resistance and Protest . How has music been used as resistance and protest in different historical and political contexts?
  • The Science Behind the “Earworm”: Why Certain Songs Are Catchy . What makes a song catchy, according to music theory and cognitive psychology?
  • Analyzing the Lyricism of Bob Dylan: A Nobel Laureate . How does Bob Dylan’s lyricism compare to traditional literary forms, and what makes his work Nobel-worthy?
  • The Evolution of Sound Engineering Technologies . How have advancements in sound engineering technology altered the production qualities of music over the last 50 years?
  • The Impact of Latin American Music on Global Dance Trends . How has Latin American music influenced modern global dance trends, and what key elements have been adopted?
  • Jazz Music’s Influence on Civil Rights Movements . How did jazz music contribute to the civil rights movements in the United States during the 1950s and 1960s?
  • The Renaissance of Folk Music in Contemporary Times . What factors contribute to the renaissance of folk music in contemporary culture, and how is it being received by younger audiences?
  • Classical Composers’ Adaptations to Changing Musical Eras . How did prominent composers adapt their compositions to suit changing musical tastes and technological advancements from the classical to the romantic period?
  • The Role of Artificial Intelligence in Modern Music Composition . How is artificial intelligence being used in the composition of modern music, and what implications does this have for the future of the music industry?
  • The Sociopolitical Impact of Punk Music in the 1970s . How did punk music reflect the sociopolitical climate of the 1970s in the United Kingdom?
  • The Cultural Hybridity in Bollywood Music . How does Bollywood music incorporate elements of traditional Indian and Western music to create a unique and popular genre?
  • The Influence of Scandinavian Metal on Global Music Scenes . What elements of Scandinavian metal have influenced global music scenes, and why has this genre maintained a strong international following?
  • Salsa Music and Its Origins . What are salsa music’s historical and cultural origins, and how has it evolved into its current form?
  • The Role of Music in Therapy and Rehabilitation . How is music used in therapeutic and rehabilitation settings, and what are the proven benefits, according to recent studies?
  • The Decline of Regional Varieties in Country Music . What factors have contributed to the decline of regional varieties within the country music genre over the past decades?
  • Music’s Role in Video Games and Virtual Realities . How does music enhance the gaming experience in video games and virtual reality settings, and what challenges do composers face in these mediums?
  • Ethnomusicology and the Study of Indigenous Music Practices . What are some key findings from ethnomusicology studies on indigenous music practices, and how do these practices differ globally?
  • The Legacy of Motown Records . How did Motown Records shape the sound of American soul music, and how did its artists impact the civil rights movement?
  • The Global Spread of Reggaeton and Its Cultural Significance . How has reggaeton merged various musical styles to become a global phenomenon, and what does its popularity say about cultural exchange in music?
  • Opera’s Evolution: From Classical Roots to Modern Interpretations . How has opera evolved from its classical roots in the 18th century to incorporate modern thematic and musical elements in contemporary productions?
  • The Psychological Impact of Film Scores on Audience Perception . How do film scores manipulate audience emotions and perceptions during scenes in cinema?
  • The Resurgence of Analog Synthesizers in Electronic Music . What factors have driven the resurgence of analog synthesizers in today’s electronic music, and how do they affect the sound and production techniques?
  • Cultural Preservation Through Music: Case Studies from Around the World . How is music used for cultural preservation, and what are some successful case studies from different countries?
  • The Intersection of Jazz and Hip-Hop: A Musical Synthesis . How have jazz elements been integrated into hip-hop, and what does this synthesis represent culturally and musically?
  • The Rise of DIY Music Production and Its Impact on the Industry . How has the rise of DIY music production changed the music industry landscape, and what does it mean for new artists?
  • The Historical Significance of Gospel Music in African-American Communities . What role has gospel music played in shaping African-American communities’ cultural and spiritual lives throughout history?
  • The Unique Musical Structure of Progressive Rock . What makes the musical structure of progressive rock unique, and how have bands like Pink Floyd and Rush contributed to its evolution?
  • The Role of Music in Enhancing Brand Identity in Advertising . How do companies use music to enhance brand identity in advertising, and what are some notable examples of successful campaigns?

While writing an IB extended essay is no small feat, it doesn’t have to be a cause for stress. Help is readily available for anyone needing support. Remember that you can always order an extended essay from our best IB writers.

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Need Help with Your IB Extended Essay?

Maximize your potential and boost your Extended Essay’s excellence with the help of our experts ! Whether starting from scratch or fine-tuning your existing assignment to meet your supervisor’s demands, the team is here to make your dream of a perfect paper a reality. Say goodbye to writer’s block and hello to success with just one click.

Writing an extended essay is no small feat, but it’s an immensely rewarding part of the IB Music course. It challenges you to grow not only as an IB student but also as a musician and a thinker. Remember, this is your chance to focus deeply on music in a way that interests you most. Choose the best topics for the Music extended essay and let your passion for the subject shine through! You can also contact our IB writers for help with an extended essay. 😉

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Liliana Duman

Liliana Duman has a strong background in teaching English language, having graduated from Hacettepe University’s English Language Teaching Department in 2008. With over two decades of experience in the field, she has a wealth of knowledge and expertise to share with her students. In addition to her bachelor’s degree, Liliana holds a master’s in Teaching Turkish as a Second Language and has previously worked at Başkent and Hacettepe University in Ankara. Currently, she is an EFL instructor at Sakarya University, teaching various skills, including methodology, speaking, reading, writing, and listening. In addition to her teaching, Liliana has also contributed to material development and testing efforts. As well as her work as a teacher, Liliana is an experienced private online ToK essay tutor, providing personal help for both IB ToK students and teachers in all aspects of IB ToK essays and exhibitions. She is dedicated to helping her students succeed and achieve their full potential. In her spare time, Liliana also writes articles for, sharing her expertise and insights on ToK with a wider audience.

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Guide to the IB Extended Essay in 2024

January 24, 2024

IB extended essay, topics, rubric

If you’re an International Baccalaureate student getting ready to write your IB Extended Essay, you might be experiencing some very understandable trepidation. But have no fear—we’re here to help you understand what’s required of you, how to plan ahead (IB extended essay topics), and how you’ll be graded (IB extended essay rubric). Keep reading for a good dose of preparation and confidence before you begin the journey. In this article, we’ll cover:

What is the IB Extended Essay?

The ib extended essay—required content, ib extended essay topics.

IB Extended Essay—Sample Essays

IB Extended Essay Tips

Ib extended essay rubric, ib extended essay—more resources.

The IB Extended Essay is a 4,000-word paper that asks you to immerse yourself in research and academic writing. A required part of the IB program, the Extended Essay is a chance to dig deep into a topic that fascinates you.

Although it’s no small task, the IB Extended Essay is an opportunity to gain practical research and writing skills that will come in handy again in college. As you write, you’ll learn how to:

  • Identify credible sources
  • Formulate a research question and limit your scope of research
  • Communicate ideas to an audience
  • Develop a well-supported argument

The IB Extended Essay is largely an independent, self-directed project, but don’t worry—the IB program doesn’t throw you into the deep end. You do get to select a mentor (usually a teacher at your school) to help guide you through the process. As you write, you’ll be required to meet with your mentor three times. As part of your final evaluation, your mentor will interview you in a final reflection section called a viva voce . During the viva voce, your mentor will check for plagiarism and malpractice, ask you to reflect on challenges and difficulties, and prompt you to discuss what you’ve learned through the research and writing process. Your mentor will then generate a report that factors into your final grade.

Your final essay must include the following:

  • Contents page
  • Introduction
  • Body of the essay
  • References and bibliography

For this essay, it will be up to you to generate a topic; the International Baccalaureate does not provide prompts. However, your essay will need to fit within one of six provided subject areas . You’ll choose from the following list of IB Extended Essay Topics:

  • Language and literature
  • Language acquisition
  • Individuals and societies
  • Mathematics

IB Extended Essay Topics (Continued)

At a glance, the subject areas might look limited, but the topics you can choose to write about are actually wide-ranging. The “Individuals and societies” category includes social science topics like economics, history, world religions, and philosophy. And, if you’re leaning toward “Science,” you can choose from classic subjects such as biology, chemistry, and physics, or related topics like environmental systems or health science, among others.

The IB also offers a special “World Studies” option for students interested in researching global issues. This subject would allow you to center your writing on global issues such as migration, global health, cultural exchange, or climate change.

Wondering what an outstanding IB Extended Essay looks like? The International Baccalaureate provides quite a few sample student essays online . Here are five essays that earned A grades.

Language and literature: An exploration of an aspect of the narrative voice in Vladimir Nabokov’s Lolita

Environmental Systems and Societies: The economic impact of the 1995 reintroduction of grey wolves to Yellowstone National Park

Psychology: To what extent do social networking sites (SNS) usage lead to experience of anxiety in adolescents?

Music: Composition techniques in the 1st movement of Johannes Brahms’s Symphony No. 2, Op. 73

Business Management: Corporate Culture at Oracle

1) Pick something you’re passionate about

As you can see from the titles above, the IB Extended Essay is a great place to delve into a niche topic that fascinates you. Since you’ll be spending many months on this essay, you’ll want to pick a topic you genuinely enjoy spending time learning about. It’s also smart to choose something you’ve already learned about in your IB classes so that you have a strong foundation of knowledge to start with. In music class, do you love pondering why music makes us feel a certain way? Maybe an essay about music theory will keep your gears turning. Do you come alive trying to solve seemingly impossible problems in physics class? Now’s your chance to put those equations into action.

Since this essay is all about your academic interests, it’s also a good idea to pick a topic that’s relevant to what you plan to study in college. Selecting a relevant topic will provide you with significant exposure to the field and will also give you something meaningful to talk about in your college admissions essays.

2) Limit your scope

What’s the meaning of life? Why do wars happen? What is time? Some questions are just way too big to answer, and your IB Extended Essay is not a good place to tackle expansive, philosophical questions. Instead, think of this essay as a place to investigate one piece of a big question. If, let’s say, you’re generally interested in what helps women reach positions of leadership in business, this is a good place to examine how one or a few companies approach this issue. Or, if you’re interested in studying what inspires surrealist painters, you’ll want to pick one or a few painters to research, likely all from the same time period. For both these topics, you’d need a whole textbook to tackle the full question, but limiting your scope will make it much easier to write a clear and cohesive 4,000 words.

On the other hand, it’s possible to narrow your focus too much. It would be impossible, for example, to write 4,000 words about a single sentence in a novel. Make sure you talk about scope early and often with your mentor. Together, you can find the perfect Goldilocks scope for your project that’s not too big and not too small.

3) Choose a good mentor

Speaking of mentors, choosing wisely will help you enormously as you embark on your IB Extended Essay. You’ll want to make sure you choose someone with existing knowledge in your research topic. Your English teacher may be able to give you great writing advice, for example, but they won’t be able to guide your research and scope if you’re writing about marine animals or modern dance.

Before you approach a teacher, make sure you have at least one topic idea (or even a few ideas) in mind so that you can make sure they’ll be a good fit to supervise your project. When you meet with them, find out what their mentorship style is like. Make sure they’ll have time to read several drafts of your essays, meet with you a few times, and give you feedback. Some IB schools will require your IB Extended Essay mentor to sign an agreement form too, so make sure you find out what paperwork is required in advance.

4) Get organized, way organized

The IB Extended Essay is not something you can crank out the night before it’s due. The essay is meant to be a substantive, in-depth, thoughtful, and thoroughly researched analysis, and Rome simply isn’t built in a day. This might be the longest paper you’ve written to date, and this project might require more research than you’ve been asked to do before. Timelines vary by school, but you’ll likely spend between eight months and a year working on your IB Extended Essay. So, how will you pull it all off? For these 8-12 months, organization will be your guiding light. We recommend you:

  • Get started early. If your essay is due November of your senior year, start generating topic ideas during your junior year right after winter break.
  • Create a long-view schedule for yourself. What will you accomplish each month of your process?
  • Give yourself deadlines. Once you choose a mentor, suggest 2-3 draft deadline dates so that you will be held accountable throughout the writing process.
  • Find a note-taking system that works for you. You’ll be reading many articles and books and it’s hard to keep track of all your sources. Create a document or spreadsheet where you keep track of the sources you’ve found and check them off as you read. As you finish reading a text, type up important quotes and a few notes explaining how it connects to your topic and to your other texts.

5)Write a messy first draft

Writing never comes out perfect the first time, even for New York Times bestselling authors and the most experienced researchers. In your first draft, give yourself permission to get all your thoughts out, no matter how unstructured or rambling they are. Call this your brainstorming draft. When you’re ready to revisit it, see what patterns emerge, what common ideas you can group together, what beginning buds of ideas you can make bloom into full-fledged analysis.

6) Communicate for an audience

When you’re used to producing writing that only your teacher reads, it can be hard to remember to write for an audience. But at the end of the day, writing is communication , and the best writing is clear and thorough communication that anyone could pick up and read. For your IB Extended Essay, you’ll want to remember that many people will be reading your final essay, and not all of them will be experts in the niche topic you choose to study. Ask yourself: how can I explain my research to an audience who doesn’t already agree with my analysis?

To communicate to an audience, you’ll want to:

  • Provide lots of general background information on your topic.
  • Don’t assume your reader is familiar with your sources. Introduce them as if they’re guest speakers about to walk up to a podium and deliver a lecture.
  • After including quotes, facts, and figures, be sure to explain what those sources mean in your own words and how they connect to your bigger-picture argument.
  • Don’t assume your arguments are self-evident. In this essay, communicating for an audience means supplying ongoing interpretation and analysis, even if it feels like you’re explaining the obvious. Your reader isn’t on your research journey with you, so your points might not be so obvious to your reader.

Although your IB Extended Essay provides a report that factors into your grade, your essay will also be assessed by external examiners the IB. Per the IB Extended Essay Rubric , essays are graded on a scale from 0 to 34 based on 5 different criteria:

  • Criterion A: Focus and Method (6 points maximum)
  • Criterion B: Knowledge and Understanding (6 points maximum)
  • Criterion C: Critical Thinking (12 points maximum)
  • Criterion D: Presentation (4 points maximum)
  • Criterion E: Engagement (6 points maximum)

As you can see, Critical Thinking is the most significant rubric category. This means that the IB wants to see you arrive at your own unique analysis of your topic, drawing connections between sources and data, and making well-supported arguments. This means they want a lot of you: your ideas, your interpretations, your thoughts. Make sure you emphasize that in your essay, but of course don’t forget the other categories.

The score a student receives corresponds to a letter grade scale that is slightly different than what we’re accustomed to in the U.S. Here’s the letter grade to numerical score breakdown:

You must earn a D or higher to receive your IB Diploma. To learn more about the different criteria included in the IB Extended Essay Rubric, you can explore the IB’s full guide to the Extended Essay .

We hope you found our look at the IB extended essay rubric and IB extended essay topics to be helpful. Ready to dive into research? You may want to read our 10 Expert Tips for Improving Reading Comprehension before you hit the books.

And if you’re a high school student in the process of mapping out your pathway to college, take a look at a few other useful guides:

  • IB vs AP—Which Classes are Best for College Admission?
  • How to Earn College Credit in High School
  • High School Course Requirements for College Admission
  • SAT Score Calculator
  • ACT Score Calculator 
  • High School Success

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Christina Wood

Christina Wood holds a BA in Literature & Writing from UC San Diego, an MFA in Creative Writing from Washington University in St. Louis, and is currently a Doctoral Candidate in English at the University of Georgia, where she teaches creative writing and first-year composition courses. Christina has published fiction and nonfiction in numerous publications, including The Paris Review , McSweeney’s , Granta , Virginia Quarterly Review , The Sewanee Review , Mississippi Review , and Puerto del Sol , among others. Her story “The Astronaut” won the 2018 Shirley Jackson Award for short fiction and received a “Distinguished Stories” mention in the 2019 Best American Short Stories anthology.

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Music IA Topics for SL and HL Students

Hello there, IB students! As a seasoned writer with extensive experience in the International Baccalaureate (IB) curriculum, I’m thrilled to share my insights on Music IA topics. This important component is a key aspect of the IB Music SL and HL courses.

What Is IB DP Music Course?

You’ve come to the right place if you’re curious about the IB DP Music course. Drawing from my extensive experience as an IB writer and educator, I understand what this intriguing and dynamic course entails. So, what exactly does the IB DP Music cover? Well, it includes a variety of areas:

  • Musical Perception . Students learn to analyze and understand music from different cultures and times. This part of the course is fascinating, as it opens up a world of musical diversity.
  • Creating Music . According to general IB criteria, students create music through composition, arrangement, or improvisation. It allows them to express themselves creatively and develop composition skills.
  • Performance . Students can perform as soloists or as part of a group. This aspect is crucial as it develops their technical skills, stage presence, and confidence.

The course offers Standard Level and Higher Level. Both options require students to engage in musical analysis, performance, and creation, but the HL course demands a deeper level of engagement and more extensive study.

The Requirements of the IB Music IA

Now, let’s get down to business. Understanding the requirements of the IB Music IA is fundamental. From my experience, the criteria vary between SL and HL, with each demanding specific skills and knowledge.

The Music IB Internal Assessment typically includes creating a musical composition, performing pieces, and a musical analysis. The requirements may vary depending on whether you take the SL or HL. If your assessment includes composing music, focus on originality, technical skills, and expressing your musical ideas. Ensure that your composition reflects your understanding of musical theory and elements.

The IA typically involves a shorter, more focused task for SL students. It might include a musical composition, a performance, or an analysis of musical pieces. The emphasis here is on demonstrating a solid understanding of musical concepts and the ability to apply them coherently and creatively.

HL students, on the other hand, are expected to dig deeper. Their IAs often require a more extensive exploration of complex musical ideas and a higher technical skill. Whether through a longer composition, a more challenging performance, or a detailed musical analysis, HL students must demonstrate a thorough understanding of advanced musical concepts and a high degree of creativity and originality.

Across both levels, a successful IA will be well-researched, well-presented, and reflective of the student’s unique musical voice. As I always advise my students, your IA differs from an extended essay as it should reflect your passion for music. It’s your chance to show the depth of your understanding and your ability to think and express yourself musically.

Remember, the IB Music Internal Assessment is an opportunity to demonstrate your musical skills and understanding. Approach it with creativity and a commitment to showcasing your best work.

IB Music IA Topics and Research Questions

Consider these IB Music IA topics and ideas for Standard Level (SL) and Higher Level (HL), along with their research questions. Also, I recommend you read about the IB IA rubric and assessment criteria.

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Are you struggling with your Internal Assessment? Let our experts take care of it! We’ve successfully completed hundreds of IA projects across different IB courses, and we know the IB criterium inside out.

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Music IA topics

Standard Level (SL) IB Music IA Topics

The SL IA tends to have a narrower scope compared to HL. Students at this level are expected to demonstrate a good understanding of musical elements. Still, the depth of analysis and the complexity of the tasks are more approachable:

  • The Evolution of Blues Music . How has blues music evolved from its origins to modern interpretations?
  • The Impact of Classical Music on Modern Soundtracks . In what ways has classical music influenced contemporary film soundtracks?
  • Jazz Improvisation Techniques . How do jazz musicians use improvisation to create unique performances?
  • The Beatles’ Influence on Pop Music . How did The Beatles transform the landscape of pop music?
  • Women in Opera . How have female roles in opera evolved over time?
  • Reggae and Social Change . How has reggae music contributed to social change movements?
  • Musical Theatre’s Evolution . What are the significant changes in musical theatre from the 20th to the 21st century?
  • The Role of Technology in Music Production . How has technology transformed the way music is produced?
  • Music and Political Expression . In what ways has music been used as a tool for political expression?
  • The Rise of K-Pop . What factors have contributed to the global rise of K-Pop?
  • Music Education’s Impact on Cognitive Development . How does music education affect cognitive development in adolescents?
  • The Fusion of World Music Genres . How have artists successfully blended different world music genres?
  • The Influence of African Rhythms on Modern Music Genres . How have traditional African rhythms influenced modern music genres like hip-hop and jazz?
  • Evolution of Electronic Dance Music . How has electronic dance music evolved since its inception?
  • Country Music and American Culture . What role does country music play in reflecting American culture and values?
  • Music as a Form of Protest . How has music been used as a protest in different historical contexts?
  • Exploring the Music of the Middle East . What are the key characteristics of traditional Middle Eastern music?
  • The Rise of Latin Pop . What factors have contributed to the rise and popularity of Latin pop music globally?
  • Punk Rock as a Cultural Movement . How did punk rock reflect and influence cultural movements in the 1970s and 1980s?
  • The Impact of Music Streaming on the Music Industry . How has the rise of music streaming services changed the music industry?
  • The Relationship Between Music and Fashion . How do music and fashion influence each other in popular culture?
  • Music in Video Games . How does music enhance the gaming experience in modern video games?
  • The Cultural Significance of Hip Hop . What is the cultural significance of hip-hop in contemporary society?
  • Music Therapy and Mental Health . How is music therapy used to improve mental health?
  • The Revival of Vinyl Records . What factors have led to the recent revival of vinyl records?
  • The Cultural Significance of Flamenco Music . What does flamenco music reveal about Spanish culture and history?
  • The Influence of Celtic Music on Contemporary Folk . In what ways has traditional Celtic music influenced contemporary folk genres?

SL students may opt for a composition or a musical links investigation as their IA. The composition for SL is typically shorter and less complex than for HL.

Higher Level (HL) IB Music IA Topics

HL students are expected to demonstrate a higher understanding and mastery of musical concepts. The IA tasks at HL are more complex and require a deeper level of analysis, composition, and performance skills:

  • Advanced Harmonic Progressions in Jazz . How do advanced harmonic progressions in jazz influence the genre’s musical complexity?
  • The Role of Counterpoint in Bach’s Fugues . How does counterpoint contribute to the complexity of Bach’s fugues?
  • The Influence of Indigenous Music on Contemporary Composers . In what ways has indigenous music influenced contemporary composers?
  • Musical Expression in Shostakovich’s Symphonies . How did Shostakovich use musical expression to convey messages in his symphonies?
  • The Development of Electronic Music . What are the key milestones in the development of electronic music?
  • A Comparative Analysis of Romantic and Impressionist Music . What are the fundamental differences between Romantic and Impressionist music?
  • The Impact of Jazz on the American Civil Rights Movement . How did jazz music impact the American Civil Rights Movement?
  • The Influence of Middle Eastern Music on Western Composers . How has Middle Eastern music influenced Western composers?
  • The Evolution of Opera in the 20th Century . How did opera evolve throughout the 20th century?
  • Analyzing the Complexity of Beethoven’s Late Quartets . What makes Beethoven’s late quartets musically complex?
  • The Role of Dissonance in Modern Music . How is dissonance used as an expressive tool in modern music compositions?
  • The Fusion of Jazz and Classical Music . How do musicians successfully fuse jazz and classical music genres?
  • Advanced Rhythmic Techniques in African Drumming . What advanced rhythmic techniques are characteristic of African drumming?
  • Complexities of Indian Classical Music . What are the complexities and unique features of Indian classical music?
  • Minimalism in Contemporary Classical Music . How has minimalism influenced contemporary classical music?
  • Musical Innovations of The Rolling Stones . What musical innovations did The Rolling Stones bring to rock music?
  • African Music and Postcolonial Identity . How does African music express postcolonial identity?
  • The Role of Music in Religious Rituals . What role does music play in various religious rituals around the world?
  • Bach’s Fugues: An Analytical Study . How do Bach’s fugues demonstrate his mastery of counterpoint?
  • The Evolution of Opera from Classicism to Romanticism . How did opera evolve from the Classical period to the Romantic era?
  • Music and Politics in Latin America . How has music been used as a political tool in Latin America?
  • Gender Dynamics in Rock Music . How do gender dynamics play out in the world of rock music?
  • The Use of Synthesizers in Modern Music . How have synthesizers transformed modern music production?
  • Cross-Cultural Influences in Contemporary Jazz . How do cross-cultural influences manifest in contemporary jazz?
  • The Sociopolitical Impact of Reggae Music . How has reggae music impacted sociopolitical issues globally?
  • The Evolution of Guitar Techniques in Rock Music . How have guitar techniques evolved in rock music from the 1960s to the present?
  • Music and Identity in the Post-Colonial Era . How has music been used to explore and express identity in post-colonial societies?

HL students who opt for the composition IA must produce a more substantial and complex piece.

Your IB Music IA path can be challenging and exhilarating. Remember, it’s a chance to showcase your understanding and passion for music. Go forth and make your musical mark! Also, remember that our IB IA Writing Service team is here if you need help with your Internal Assessment.

Nick Radlinsky

Nick Radlinsky

Nick Radlinsky is a devoted educator, marketing specialist, and management expert with more than 15 years of experience in the education sector. After obtaining his business degree in 2016, Nick embarked on a quest to achieve his PhD, driven by his commitment to enhancing education for students worldwide. His vast experience, starting in 2008, has established him as a reputable authority in the field.

Nick's article, featured in Routledge's " Entrepreneurship in Central and Eastern Europe: Development through Internationalization ," highlights his sharp insights and unwavering dedication to advancing the educational landscape. Inspired by his personal motto, "Make education better," Nick's mission is to streamline students' lives and foster efficient learning. His inventive ideas and leadership have contributed to the transformation of numerous educational experiences, distinguishing him as a true innovator in his field.

TOK Essay Prompts

2024 November TOK Essay Prompts | How to Write Them?

In this comprehensive guide, an experienced IB writer shares essential insights and strategies specifically tailored to mastering TOK essay prompts. From analyzing the nuances of knowledge acquisition in different areas of knowledge to considering the dynamic interplay between artistic creativity and scientific methodology, this article offers a deep immersion into each prompt.

exteded essay word count

How Long Is IB EE? Minimum and Maximum Word Count

Balancing word count limits requires careful planning and consideration of every word you write. In this guide, I’ll share strategies and insights from years of mentoring IB students to help you master the art of word count management in your extended essay.

tok essay word count

TOK Essay Word Count. Min & Max

In this guide, we discuss the crucial parameters set by the International Baccalaureate for minimum and maximum word counts. Through the insights of an experienced IB writer, this article offers practical strategies for staying within these limits while improving the quality and depth of your essay.

IA Average word count

How Long Is IB IA? Average IA Word Count

From my experience as IB tutor, a frequent question among students is, “How Long Is IB IA?” This question is crucial as the IA represents a significant component of the IB diploma, reflecting a student’s ability to apply classroom knowledge in a real-world context.

ib extended essay rubric

IB Extended Essay Rubric. Grading Criteria

Understanding the IB extended essay rubric is essential for success. The rubric provides a framework that grades students on several key criteria including the sharpness of their research question, the rigor of their methodology, the breadth and depth of their knowledge, the fluidity and clarity of their argumentation, and their personal engagement with the research topic.

IB TOK Essay Rubric and Grading criteria

IB TOK Essay Rubric. Grading Criteria

This article provides essential insights and strategies for understanding the assessment process and helping you write essays that meet and exceed the rigorous standards of the IB curriculum. Whether you’re striving for clarity of argument, effective integration of knowledge, or personal engagement, our tips will help you achieve a higher score.

ib extended essay music

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IB Extended Essay: Assessment Criteria

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ib extended essay music

Score Descriptors for each Criterion:

  • A - Focus and Method
  • B - Knowledge and Understanding
  • C - Critical Thinking
  • D - Presentation
  • E - Engagement

Printable: Full Rubric  for all subjects

To view details for your SUBJECT, open the correct page below.

  • Choose "Interpreting the EE Assessment Criteria" on the sidebar to see how to score well in YOUR subject area

ib extended essay music

Language & literature (language A)

Language acquisition (language B)


Visual Arts

World Studies

Business Management

Grade Boundaries

ib extended essay music

What's Expected?

  • A: Focus/Method
  • B: Knowledge
  • C: Critical Thinking
  • D: Presentation
  • E: Engagement
  • A: Focus and Method (6 marks)
  • B: Knowledge and Understanding (6 marks)
  • C: Critical Thinking (12 marks)
  • D: Presentation (4 marks)
  • E: Engagement (6 marks)
  • Total marks possible: 34 (see grade boundaries below)
  • Printable:  Full Rubric
  • Printable: A3 size with details
  • Printable:  Details for each criterion , via the Oxford guide

ib extended essay music

Criterion A:  Focus and Method (6 points)

What It Means:   This criterion focuses on the topic, the research question and the methodology. It assesses the explanation of the focus of the research (this includes the topic and the research question), how the research will be undertaken, and how the focus is maintained throughout the essay.

Questions to ask:  

  • Does this essay meet the requirements for the subject for which you are registering it?
  • Is your research question stated as a question?
  • Have you explained how your research question relates to the subject that you selected for the extended essay?
  • Have you given an insight into why your area of study is important?
  • Is your research question feasible within the scope of the task? Could your research question be “answered” or it is too vague?
  • Did you refer to your research question throughout the essay (not only in the introduction and conclusion)?
  • Did you explain why you selected your methodology?
  • Are there other possible methods that could be used or applied to answer your research question? How might this change the direction of your research?
  • If you stated a particular methodology in the introduction of your essay, or specific sources, have you used them?
  • Are there any references listed in the bibliography that were not directly cited in the text?

(Source: Susan Trower, via West Sound Academy)

ib extended essay music

Criterion B:  Knowledge and Understanding (6 points)

What It Means:   This criterion assesses the extent to which the research relates to the subject area/discipline used to explore the research question; or in the case of the world studies extended essay, the issue addressed and the two disciplinary perspectives applied; and additionally, the way in which this knowledge and understanding is demonstrated through the use of appropriate terminology and concepts.

  • Have you explained how your research question relates to a specific subject you selected for the extended essay?
  • Have you used relevant terminology and concepts throughout your essay as they relate to your particular area of research?
  • Is it clear that the sources you are using are relevant and appropriate to your research question?
  • Do you have a range of sources, or have you only relied on one particular type, for example internet sources?
  • Is there a reason why you might not have a range? Is this justified?

ib extended essay music

(Source: Oxford EE manual, p. 110)

ib extended essay music

Criterion C:  Critical Thinking (12 points)

What It Means:   This criterion assesses the extent to which critical thinking skills have been used to analyze and evaluate the research undertaken.

  • Have you made links between your results and data collected and your research question?
  • If you included data or information that is not directly related to your research question have you explained its importance?
  • Are your conclusions supported by your data?
  • If you found unexpected information or data have you discussed its importance?
  • Have you provided a critical evaluation of the methods you selected?
  • Have you considered the reliability of your sources (peer-reviewed journals, internet, and so on)?
  • Have you mentioned and evaluated the significance of possible errors that may have occurred in your research?
  • Are all your suggestions of errors or improvements relevant?
  • Have you evaluated your research question?
  • Have you compared your results or findings with any other sources?
  • Is there an argument that is clear and easy to follow and directly linked to answering your research question, and which is supported by evidence? Are there other possible methods that could be used or applied to answer your research question? How might this change the direction of your research?

ib extended essay music

(Source: Oxford EE Manual p. 111)

Handy Links:

  • Presentation One Pager  via Catalina Bordoy
  • Presentation Checklist
  • Sample Title page   (see below - top half of the page)

ib extended essay music

Criterion D:  Presentation ( 4 points)

What It Means:   This criterion assesses the extent to which the presentation follows the standard format expected for academic writing and the extent to which this aids effective communication.

  • Have you read and understood the presentation requirements of the extended essay?
  • Have you chosen a font that will be easy for examiners to read on-screen?
  • Is your essay double-spaced and size 12 font?
  • Are the title and research question mentioned on the cover page?
  • Are all pages numbered?
  • Have you prepared a correct table of contents?
  • Do the page numbers in the table of contents match the page numbers in the text?
  • Is your essay subdivided into correct sub-sections, if this is applicable to the subject?
  • Are all figures and tables properly numbered and labelled?
  • Does your bibliography contain only the sources cited in the text?
  • Did you use the same reference system throughout the essay?
  • Does the essay have less than 4,000 words?
  • Is all the material presented in the appendices relevant and necessary?
  • Have you proofread the text for spelling or grammar errors?

Criterion E: Engagement

  • Three reflections (best after meeting with your supervisor)
  • 500 words TOTAL (100 + 150 + 250?)
  • Reflections are done in Managebac on your Reflection space
  • See the "Reflections" tab above for prompts to write about

ib extended essay music

(Source: Oxford EE Manual p.135)

ib extended essay music

(Source: Oxford EE Manual p.133)

  • Sample Reflections
  • Full chapter on Reflections from the Oxford Guide

Criterion E:  Engagement (6 points)

What It Means:   This criterion assesses the student’s engagement with their research focus and the research process. It will be applied by the examiner at the end of the assessment of the essay, after considering the student’s RPPF (Reflections on planning and progress form).

  • Have you demonstrated your engagement with your research topic and the research process?
  • Have you highlighted challenges you faced and how you overcame them?
  • Will the examiner get a sense of your intellectual and skills development?
  • Will the examiner get a sense of your creativity and intellectual initiative?
  • For prompts to deepen your reflections, go  here  and then to the bottom of the page
  • Presentation Quick Guide
  • << Previous: In-Text Citations
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  • Last Updated: Apr 9, 2024 9:39 AM
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  • Extended Essay
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Doing an EE in Music

By Tafarijl March 22, 2015 in Extended Essay

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So just to start, I do not take IB music, but I am eligible to take it next year. As a musician, I sincerely enjoy music and feel that doing my Extended Essay in music will be the most interesting topic to choose from. However, I have been given warnings about doing an EE in music. My supervisor claims that doing music will be a completely different way in terms of how the paper is conducted. I've heard numerous examples online about an Extended Essay in music being very annoying. 

That being said, I have been thinking about a topic but have not really hit a target yet. 

The basic idea of my EE is to analyze the evolution of American Music within the 20th century. I thought this was a great idea but then learned that I need to actually analyze one or two songs. This then drifted me to center my plan on jazz and its substantial effect of American music in the 20th century.

(Possible Question: To what extent did the genre of Jazz shape American music in the 20th century and form contemporary music?)

I feel that this question is too broad given the format an Extended Essay in music should be written in. I have read the guide for an EE in music numerous times but there are still some parts that seem to slip away from me. 

Does the EE in music have to be about analyzing a song itself and not the analysis of a type of music as a whole? Better yet, if I were able to go through with my plan, should I structure it around a specific song or songs? I am truly in a knot right now.

Any help will be very appreciated, especially from those who have done an EE in music or are currently doing so.

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Jorge Chavez

Jorge Chavez

I did my EE in music, got an A.

I am of the opinion that the EE should be done on whatever subject you want as long as you feel dedicated to it. I did not take IB music as it was not offered at my school, even so I decided to do my EE in this subject (ignoring the warnings of my supervisors). I had studied a basic level of music (5 years in a pre-highschool program that included music theory) and had plenty of experience in music (7 years playing). I think that you can have some pretty good experience in a few years of playing but you do need to know basic music theory in order to make your analysis.

You also need to limit your topic. Two songs are more than enough in my opinion. You can also analyse phrases of the songs instead of analysing the entire song.

Analysing a whole genre is very hard as you would need to analyse a big number of songs about that genre in order for the analysis to be representative, what you can do is research the literature of that genre and define it musically. This alone is not enough as there is no analysis done there by your part. Maybe you could take two representative songs of each genre, and analyse or compare them based on certain aspects (like rythme and armonic or chord progression). You would need to change your question accordingly though. (" seen in this song, and this song.")

Also, try to get a tutor (asesor, supervisor) for your extended essay that knows about music, but dont forget to look for someone that knows all the ins and outs about the format and style of an EE, as with only the correct format (worst case escenario) you can get at least a D.

If you want to know more about what I did for my EE here is a short version, feel free to ask more questions.

My topic was "What characteristics of the genre Son Jarocho are found in La Bamba by Ritchie Valens".

It consisted of two parts, the first part was the theory part; which was an indepht (as much information as I could find relevant for the EE) paraphrased description of what the Son Jarocho is (musically). And the second part was an analysis of La Bamba by Ritchie Valens. For this I transcripted (wrote) in music sheet notation the version of the song played by Ritchie Valens in order to compare the musical aspects of it with that of the Son Jarocho. I used snaps (photos) of that music sheet in the body of the EE and included the music sheet as an annex at the end.

I really had to narrow my investigation, and at the end I was very close to the 4000 word limit.


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  3. Tanglin LibGuides: IB Extended Essay (EE): Music

    Excellent IB Extended Essays. An analysis of Wes Montgomery's and Pat Martino's interpretations of "Impressions" by John Coltrane (2011): An investigation into the similarities and differences between Zapin Arab and Zapin Melayu (2012): What is the influence of African rhythm on early Jazz music?

  4. Topics for Music Extended Essay: Ideas for IB Students

    IB Music Extended Essay Topics and Research Questions. Choosing the right topic is very important. In my opinion, it should spark your interest and be viable enough to research thoroughly. Here are some topics for the Music Extended Essay you can consider: The Evolution of Opera in the 20th Century. How did opera evolve in response to political ...

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    List of good IB Music Extended Essay topics and RQs, each offering a unique opportunity to explore the fascinating world of music 🎵🎶 ... The IB extended essay needs to be of a maximum of 4000 words. Given that many words need to be completed, it goes without saying that there is a lot of research involved too. This is why this does take a ...

  6. Extended essay

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  9. The Complete IB Extended Essay Guide: Examples, Topics, and Ideas

    References and bibliography. Additionally, your research topic must fall into one of the six approved DP categories, or IB subject groups, which are as follows: Group 1: Studies in Language and Literature. Group 2: Language Acquisition. Group 3: Individuals and Societies. Group 4: Sciences. Group 5: Mathematics.

  10. PDF Music guide

    the DP, CAS contributes to the IB's mission to create a better and more peaceful world through intercultural understanding and respect. The extended essay (EE), including the world studies EE, offers the opportunity for IB students to investigate a topic of special interest in the form of a 4,000-word piece of independent research.

  11. Examples

    These highlight the diverse range of topics covered by International Baccalaureate® (IB) Diploma Programme (DP) students during their extended essays. Some examples are: "An analysis of costume as a source for understanding the inner life of the character". "A study of malnourished children in Indonesia and the extent of their recovery ...

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  18. EE

    Exams: May 2011. Posted May 25, 2010. I agree that a Music EE will mostly be analysis, but I'm sure that you should be perfectly capable of this seeing as it's an important skill in the Music course and that you like it enough to take it as your EE topic. That said, I'm surprised you should need to post about this then - there's nothing wrong ...

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    When selecting a topic for your IB Music Internal Assessment, both SL and HL students face a unique set of challenges and opportunities. ... strategies and insights from years of mentoring IB students to help you master the art of word count management in your extended essay. Read More » TOK Essay Word Count. Min & Max April 26, 2024

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    Group 2 essays should be more focused on the target culture, studying either language, culture and society, or literature, or a combination of those 3. That means you couldn't really do your first option of comparing 2 songs by them, unless you looked at how culture changed from their early years to their later years.

  21. Assessment Criteria

    Criterion B: Knowledge and Understanding (6 points) What It Means: This criterion assesses the extent to which the research relates to the subject area/discipline used to explore the research question; or in the case of the world studies extended essay, the issue addressed and the two disciplinary perspectives applied; and additionally, the way in which this knowledge and understanding is ...

  22. Doing an EE in Music

    Exams: May 2014. Posted March 22, 2015. I did my EE in music, got an A. I am of the opinion that the EE should be done on whatever subject you want as long as you feel dedicated to it. I did not take IB music as it was not offered at my school, even so I decided to do my EE in this subject (ignoring the warnings of my supervisors).