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The Art of Giving Chinese Business Presentations

chinese business presentations

Ever felt those presentation jitters? You know, the sweaty palms, the racing heart, the sudden urge to fake a contagious illness? Now, imagine doing all that while trying to nail a complex business pitch in Mandarin Chinese. Talk about stress levels rising!

But here’s the thing. Mastering the art of a Chinese business presentation changes everything. It’s your key to unlocking deeper understanding and fantastic opportunities when conducting business in China. 

Maybe this is your first time presenting in Chinese, or maybe you’ve already survived a few awkward attempts. Either way, this guide is here to help you tackle those quirks of Chinese company culture and deliver a presentation that’ll impress even the most discerning audience. Get ready to transform your Mandarin presentation skills.

Decoding the Chinese presentation

Okay, let’s face it. Chinese presentations aren’t exactly a carbon copy of the PowerPoint extravaganzas you might be used to, simply because of the key differences between Chinese and Western business cultures . Think less flashy animations and more focus on clear structure and respect for hierarchy. Here’s what sets them apart.

Formality rules

If you normally rock a casual jeans-and-quirky-t-shirt vibe for your presentations back home, it’s time for a cultural switcheroo. Chinese business presentations favor a more formal style in both your attire and your language. Think dress pants, a skirt, and a button-down shirt — professionalism is key.

This doesn’t mean you can’t inject some of your personality, but a touch of modesty goes a long way in Chinese business culture.

Structure is king

Imagine your presentation as a delicious dumpling — it should have a clear beginning (the introduction), a flavorful middle (the main points), and a satisfying conclusion that ties everything together neatly.

Focus on delivering a clear, logical flow of information. This will help your audience follow your train of thought and retain the key takeaways.

Slides: Your Minimalist Best Friend

Forget cramming every fact and figure onto your slides. Chinese presentations lean towards simplicity, with visuals that support your points, not distract from them. Think clean, uncluttered layouts with easy-to-read fonts. Bullet points are okay, but use them sparingly and keep them concise. 

Images and charts can be powerful tools, but make sure they’re high-quality and culturally appropriate. Remember, your slides are there to complement your presentation, not replace it. Let your words and your charisma do the heavy lifting.

Remember : This might feel a little rigid at first, especially if you’re coming from a more freewheeling presentation style. But understanding these expectations is half the battle. Think of it as an opportunity to hone your focus and craft a truly impactful presentation. After all, when your audience is engaged and following along effortlessly, you’ll be well on your way to sealing the deal.

Related Reading: Simplified vs Traditional Chinese: Which Should You Learn for Business?

The power of preparation

The power of preparation

We all know that winging it is rarely a winning strategy, especially with the added challenge of a presentation in Chinese. Remember that how you act during your presentation differs from how you act at Chinese business dinners . To really ace your Chinese business presentation, preparation is your BFF. Here’s why.

Know your enemy (aka your audience)

Imagine you’re a secret agent about to infiltrate an important meeting (except way less stressful, hopefully). The first thing you do is gather intel, right? The same goes for your Chinese business presentation. Who’s in the room shapes how you tailor your message. 

Are you presenting to a board of directors with decades of industry experience looking for a strategic overview? Or a group of potential clients who are new to the market and need a more fundamental explanation? Maybe it’s your own team in China, where building relationships and clear communication are key.

Understanding your audience’s background, interests, and level of Mandarin fluency helps you craft a presentation that resonates with them. This might mean using more technical language for seasoned experts or focusing on clear, concise explanations for a less familiar audience. Tailoring your content this way shows that you respect their time and expertise, making a positive impression from the get-go.

Double your knowledge

Being the expert on your topic is a must, but for a Chinese business presentation, you need to be fluent in BOTH English and Mandarin. This means prepping your notes in advance, translating key concepts and vocabulary terms, and practicing your delivery out loud.

Don’t be afraid to record yourself and listen back to catch any pronunciation stumbles. Anticipate potential roadblocks — what are the most likely phrases or technical terms you might struggle with in Mandarin? Practice these areas especially thoroughly.

Finally, have a backup plan in case your brain momentarily forgets a crucial word. Try using synonyms or paraphrasing the idea in a different way. You might even try explaining your big ideas in Mandarin to a rubber duck or a very patient cat just for extra practice! Remember, the more comfortable you are speaking Mandarin and explaining your ideas, the more confident you’ll be during your presentation.

Visuals are your friends

Even in a Chinese presentation, well-chosen visuals transcend language barriers. But remember, simplicity is golden. A striking graph can summarize complex data trends in a way that a paragraph of text never could. A well-placed image can spark an emotional connection with your audience or illustrate a concept more effectively than words alone. 

Infographics can condense a lot of information into a visually appealing format.

The key is to choose visuals that complement your message, not overwhelm it. Think quality over quantity, and make sure your visuals are clear and culturally appropriate. For instance, color symbolism can vary across cultures, so be mindful of the message your colors might be conveying. 

Don’t forget about the power of storytelling . A relatable anecdote or a relevant case study can liven up your presentation and make your points more memorable. Visuals can help you weave these stories into your presentation seamlessly, adding another dimension to your audience’s understanding.

Nailing your visuals

So, you’ve got your slides ready to roll, but hold up. Before you dazzle everyone with your visuals, let’s talk about cultural sensitivity — it’s kind of a big deal, especially in China.

We’ve mentioned the basics of being culturally appropriate in your visuals, but let’s go a bit deeper. Think about the symbolism behind those images and colors you’re using. What might seem harmless to you could carry a whole different meaning in Chinese culture. 

For example, if your images include a dragon, you might be on the right track, as dragons are considered one of the most significant symbols of birth and life in Chinese culture , so if your presentation is a chance for some new opportunities, the dragon works.

Now consider the flip side of that. You’ve found some pleasing pictures of White frangipani flowers, and you think they look great as part of your presentation. Unfortunately, those flowers are more commonly used for Chinese funerals rather than optimistic business presentations.

So, steer clear of any unintentional faux pas by doing a quick symbolism check. Make sure you know the Chinese symbols for death before you start adding images to your presentation.

And hey, let’s not forget about color choices. Did you know that certain colors can carry different meanings in China? Yep, it’s true! So, while that bold red might scream power and passion to you, it could be sending a completely different message across the table.

Lastly, the imagery preferences across different regions in China should also be considered. What resonates with audiences in Beijing might not hit the mark in Shanghai or Guangzhou. So, it pays to do a little research and tailor your visuals accordingly.

By paying attention to these finer details, you’re not just creating visually stunning slides — you’re showing your audience that you’ve put in the effort to understand and respect their culture.

Related Reading: Mastering WeChat: How to Use China’s Biggest Social Media for Business

It’s not just what you say, it’s HOW you say it

It's not just what you say, it's HOW you say it

So, you’ve meticulously researched, your slides are flawless, and you could recite your presentation in Mandarin while you’re asleep. But there’s one more piece to the puzzle: how you deliver it. Remember, when presenting in a language that isn’t your native tongue, body language, tone of voice, and overall presence become even more important.

Body language speaks volumes

Picture a presenter slumped over, fidgeting, and staring at their shoes. Not exactly oozing confidence, right? Good posture, eye contact, and a touch of animated Chinese hand gestures go a long way. But in Chinese presentations, where formality is valued, your body language takes on extra significance.

Standing tall and avoiding overly exaggerated movements conveys a sense of professionalism and respect. However, a warm smile and a friendly nod can help bridge cultural gaps and show your audience that you’re approachable and eager to connect. Remember that a smile is universally understood.

The power of your voice

Imagine listening to a monotone speaker. SNOOZE-FEST. Now imagine an overly theatrical one with wild fluctuations in volume. That’s too distracting.

Aim for a clear, well-projected voice with a moderate pace. When explaining crucial points, a slight emphasis in your tone will naturally draw the attention of your audience. A little enthusiasm goes a long way, but avoid sounding rushed or frantic.

Think of yourself like a radio host — you want to be engaging but also calm and confident. Short pauses can be your friend, helping your audience process information and giving you a chance to catch your breath.

The cultural X-factor

All business presentations happen within a cultural context, and China is no exception. While Western presentations often reward bold statements and individual charisma, Chinese presentations place more value on respectful demeanor, saving face, and building relationships (“ guanxi “). What does this mean for you? 

Well, it means you might want to tone down an overly enthusiastic style or avoid overly self-deprecating humor that could be misinterpreted. Instead, focus on sincerity and genuine appreciation as you present to your Chinese audience. Showing your audience that you’ve made an effort to understand their culture will go a long way in establishing trust. 

Don’t be afraid to open your presentation with personal notes and small talk — asking about a recent trip or holiday or referencing a previous conversation can show warmth and help build rapport.

Interactive elements (get the crowd going)

It’s time to spice up those presentations with a little audience interaction — Chinese style! You know how much the Chinese love a good group dynamic, right? So, why not invite some questions along the way?

Turn your presentation into a friendly chat rather than a one-sided lecture. It shows you’re open to hearing what they’ve got to say. Who knows, you might even get some unexpected insights!

You might also consider throwing in a fun activity or two. How about a quick round of “Guess the Market Trends” or “Spot the Business Opportunity”? Get those brains buzzing and watch the energy in the room soar.

So, go ahead, break the ice, and get everyone involved. Not only will it make your presentation more entertaining, but it’ll also leave a lasting impression that you’re not just here to talk at them but with them.

A final tip

If you feel yourself getting flustered during the presentation, don’t let it spiral into a panic. Take a deep breath, sip some water, and use a simple phrase like “请稍等” (please wait a moment) to collect your thoughts. Everyone makes mistakes, and a brief pause won’t derail your presentation; it will simply make you seem human.

Essential Mandarin phrases for your presentation

Essential Mandarin phrases for your presentation

Remember, a smooth and confident delivery can make or break your presentation. Mastering a few key Mandarin business phrases will not only showcase your language skills but also show your audience that you’ve put in the effort to connect with them culturally. Here are some essential expressions to add to your presentation arsenal.

English : Hello everyone.

Pinyin : Dàjiā hǎo.

Chinese : 大家好。

English : Thank you for your attention.

Pinyin : Xièxie nǐmen de guānzhu.

Chinese : 谢谢你们的关注。

English : Now, let’s move on to the next topic.

Pinyin : Hǎo de, wǒmen jìnxíng xià yīgè huàtí.

Chinese : 好的,我们进行下一个话题。

English : Do you have any questions?

Pinyin : Nǐmen yǒu wèntí ma?

Chinese : 你们有问题吗?

English : Thank you for your time.

Pinyin : Gǎnxiè nǐmen de shíjiān. 

Chinese : 感谢你们的时间。

Bonus Phrase:

English : Please forgive me for any mistakes in my Chinese.

Pinyin : Duìyú wǒ de hànyǔ chūcuò dé dìfāng, qǐng dàjiā duōduō bāohan.

Chinese : 对于我的汉语出错得地方,请大家多多包涵。 

There are quite a few ways to say sorry in Chinese , so it’s worth practicing a few different options in case you make more mistakes than you expect.

Own your Chinese business presentations (and impress everyone)

You’re now armed with the knowledge to tackle any Chinese business presentation with confidence. Remember, success lies in understanding your audience, preparing meticulously, and conveying your message with clarity and cultural awareness. Don’t be afraid to let your personality shine through — warmth and sincerity go a long way in bridging language gaps within the context of Chinese company culture.

Of course, presenting in Mandarin is an impressive feat, but your journey towards true fluency doesn’t end here. If you’re ready to take your Mandarin skills to the next level and discover the full potential of conducting business in China, you need to take the right next steps.

For example, are you struggling to figure out where your Mandarin skills stand? Feel like your progress has stalled?

It could be you’re encountering specific grammar points or vocabulary gaps that are holding you back. Maybe you’re unsure of the best learning methods for YOU, or you’re simply not seeing the results you crave despite all your efforts. 

The Mandarin Fluency Scorecard can help. This free (and fast) assessment sheds light on your current Mandarin proficiency and identifies areas where you can make the most significant improvements. Imagine having a personalized roadmap to fluency tailored to your unique learning style and goals. That’s exactly what the Mandarin Fluency Scorecard offers.

Wouldn’t it be awesome to have a clear roadmap of where you are and exactly what to focus on next for maximum results?

Take the FREE Mandarin Fluency Scorecard. This short assessment takes less than a minute to complete and delivers valuable insights into your Mandarin strengths and weaknesses. You’ll receive a personalized report that outlines your current level, identifies areas for improvement, and provides a custom learning plan to get you on the fast track to fluency.

Stop spinning your wheels and take a targeted approach to mastering Mandarin. Take the Mandarin Fluency Scorecard today and unlock your full potential for success in Chinese business presentations and beyond.

Yes! Take the Scorecard!

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Give a Presentation in Chinese

Yes you are right. This is an article about how to give a presentation in Chinese . It sounds ridiculous because you might be an expert since high school. But today what we are talking is to give a presentation not only in Chinese mandarin, also in Chinese way.

So you are already up on the stage. After your make sure the slides do work and clear your throat, how do you begin?

Like the common structure of your other presentation. You would firstly say Hi, “大家好,我是**( dà jiā hǎo,wǒ shì **)” Good morning/afternoon everyone, my name is ** . If you are new to people, introduce yourself by giving interesting take away message. If you want to make business with someone in China, you should probably introduce your family, share your education experience, list some results you achieved in your business, etc, letting people get to know you.

The topic 主题(zhǔ tí) of your presentation should be clear like in other languages. Let’s talk more about content内容(nèi rónɡ). Design of the slides could be a little changed as reading and recognizing Chinese characters is much faster than western characters so you could put some stuff on it but not too much. Reading word by word what was written on the slides is considered bad practice in China as well.

It is very important to understand that in China everything is related to relations关系(ɡuān xi). You cannot do something without relations in China. At the end of your presentation, it is necessary to show gratitude towards those people who had helped you. Here are some basic rules:

  • Show pictures of people you worked together with
  • Show pictures of groups while you organized events
  • Show pictures of the panels that run events
  • Show your partners (for business not only clients but also people you are buying from or working together with in general)

When you are done, it’s common to leave your contact data if you want to communicate with more people. Remember Twitter and Facebook are blocked in China. Use QQ or Wechat.

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How to Give a Presentation in Chinese?

From the Beginning to the End: How to Give the Perfect Presentation in Chinese

Written by Juliette Pitt

Giving a presentation can be nerve-racking in any language, especially if it is in Chinese! But not to worry, you’ve come to the right place, here are a couple of tips that can help you guide you to deliver the perfect presentation to your fellow colleagues!


When opening your presentation in Chinese, remember to start by expressing thanks to the host of the event and to the previous speakers. If you are at an event or meeting that has distinguished guests, it is also worth expressing thanks to them too.

For example, a good way to start is: 

  • 尊敬的……,女士们,先生们,下午好! 我对……表示感谢。(zūnjìng de……, nǚshì men, xiānshēng men, xiàwǔ hǎo! wǒ duì……biǎoshì gǎnxiè)

After this it is usually good to introduce yourself and express which department you represent.

For example, you can say:

  • 我是…,请允许我代表…。(wǒ shì…, qǐng yǔnxǔ wǒ dàibiǎo…)

Unlike in the West where perhaps one only says your name, it is best when delivering your presentation in Chinese to add a bit more and perhaps say a couple of words of who you are speaking on behalf of.

You could even go as far as to praise the previous speaker by remarking on their content.

For example, you could say:

  • 他/她的发言条理清晰。(tā/tā de fǎyán tiáolǐ qīngxī)

After all the pleasant introductions, it is best to go straight into your intended speech. Our advice to you would be to avoid using humour , unless you are familiar with a couple of Chinese jokes, but it is best to avoid as some jokes are may be hard to translate and it might cross some cultural barriers.

A good structure to use when giving your presentation is  First, Second, Third . It is straight forward and provides your presentation with a good flow.

Here are a couple of key words and sentences that you may find useful to use:

  • 本次会议的议题是…(běn cì huìyì de yìtí shì…)
  • 首先…(shǒuxiān…)
  • 再次…(zàicì…)
  • 最后…(zuìhòu…)
  • 首先,我们来看一下全球电子商务消费行为的调查结果。(shǒuxiān, wǒmen lái kàn yīxià quánqiú diànzǐ shāngwù xiāofèi xíngwéi de diàochá jiéguǒ)

Congratulations! You are nearly at the end of your speech! To end the talk, it is best to use some highly energetic and heroic words as a form of encouragement to your colleagues!

Also, it is important to summarize your main points and thank everyone for listening and for coming to attend your presentation!

For example, some useful sentences to incorporate towards the end are:

  • 最后,我想说的是…( zuìhòu, wǒ xiǎng shuō de shì…)
  • 感谢你们对本次会议的大力支持。(gǎnxiè nǐmen duìběn cì huìyì de dàlì zhīchí)
  • 希望我们能够借此机会加强沟通。(xīwàng wǒmen nénggòu jiè cǐ jīhuì jiāqiáng gōutōng)
  • 要实现这美好的愿景,我们只有埋头苦干。(yào shíxiàn zhè měihǎo de yuàn jǐng, wǒmen zhǐyǒu máitóu kǔ gàn.

So, there you have it, a quick guide on how to give your presentation in Chinese. Remember to stay calm and collected .

Its best to  practice your presentation with your colleagues first and perhaps with your Chinese teacher. You could even practice a joke with them or two, to see if they get it!

Good luck!  加油 ! If you have presented a talk or lecture before in Chinese, we’d love to hear all about your experience. Why not comment down below and share some useful tips!

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5 Expert Tips to Ensure a Successful Chinese Presentation

Recently updated on February 21st, 2024 at 07:51 pm

What makes a good Chinese presentation? Here are some tips, tools, and secrets to ensure a successful Chinese presentation.

Table of Contents

Tip 1: keep it short and impactful, tip 2: use presentable slides and visuals, text expansion, speaker’s notes, screen captures, tip 4: hire simultaneous interpreters, tip 5: practise, frequently asked questions, tips for a successful chinese presentation.

Your clients will get bored very quickly if your Chinese presentation goes on for a very long time. The best way to avoid this is to try to keep your presentation short and to the very point.

While making a business presentation, your job is to present the information, in such a way that your clients take an interest in listening to what you have to say. If your client can understand and enjoy your presentation, then, your work is done.

Research suggests that visuals can improve learning by up to 400 percent because humans can process visuals 60,000 times faster than text. Slides should contain only essential information. Use graphic design elements to highlight key points and colours to stand out from the background. Fonts should be large enough to be seen in the back of the room.

Tip 3: Translate the Presentation

Finding Chinese presentation translators is not very difficult, getting the right one is what matters in the end. I would suggest searching for a professional online translation agency that offers presentation translation services . There are many reputed translation agencies on the Internet and with a little research, you would be easily able to find the right one for yourself.

Ensure that any units of measures, money, times, dates, and addresses are converted to the forms familiar to your audience. Another thing to take into consideration is the use of images, signs, and symbols. Since you are presenting to a foreign audience, you have to be sure that your choice of images, symbols, etc. does not connote any form of offensive meaning to your audience.

Chinese Presentation

In addition, engage PowerPoint Presentation Specialist for PowerPoint Slides Design services to create visually interesting images by doing what a movie director would do – storyboarding, sketching, drawing.

Translated content can expand considerably in relation to the source language and may not fit into the text boxes designed for the source language.

If the presentation has speaker’s notes, be sure to include them in the translation scope. However, sometimes they’re excluded from the content to be translated depending on preferences.

Make sure graphics containing a lot of texts are formatted properly after translating and localizing them into Chinese.

If your presentation includes screen captures from your product, and if you have a translated version of it and can send us the foreign language captures, we will take care of replacing the source captures with the target language captures and make sure it all looks good.

Good simultaneous interpreters are so hard to find that companies often get burned because the interpreters either are not qualified or cancel at the last minute.  Even if a person is a professional translator, he/she may not have the skills and mastery of both languages and cultures to offer suitable interpretation services.  Further, simultaneous interpretation requires sophisticated headsets and broadcasting equipment that many companies aren’t familiar with.  For these reasons, you should work with a professional Chinese translation company.

Even the most experienced translators need to practise their presentations four to five times. The more you practise, the more credible you will be, and the less anxiety you will experience. As you practise, anticipate questions that your listeners may ask and think about additional material that you know about the content.  Having additional knowledge about the topic will also help reduce anxiety.

Before your Chinese presentation, make sure to check out the place, where the presentation is going to be taken place. Also, have a look at the entire setup and make sure you have checked all your equipment. Before anyone arrives, go to the stage and practise what you are about to say, in your presentation.

How to Say Presentation in Chinese?

There are several ways of saying presentation in Chinese: 演示、报告、PPT.

What’s a Good Opening for a Chinese Presentation?

When opening your presentation in Chinese, it’s suggested to start by expressing thanks to the guests, the host of the event, etc.

For example, a good way to start is:

Distinguished [surname and title], ladies and gentlemen, good afternoon. 尊敬的……,女士们,先生们,下午好! zūnjìng de……, nǚshì men, xiānshēng men, xiàwǔ hǎo)

How Do You End a Chinese Presentation?

A good way to end a Chinese presentation is to smile, slightly bow towards the audience, and say “谢谢 (Thank you)/谢谢大家 (Thank you everyone)” confidently.

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How to start a presentation in Chinese?

It's time for you to learn how to make a Powerpoint presentation, not in a traditional way, but another language. You may need to make a PowerPoint presentation in Chinese for your language school, but you can't find how to do it. If that is your case, you should prepare to know how to make a powerpoint presentation templates easily and safely.

However, for you to make the file, you will have to know how to use a power point presentation template and give it detail. It is good that you know the following methods to achieve a flawless Powerpoint presentation:

How to change the language of the text in PowerPoint?

Before you proceed with the powerpoint presentation download, it is only fair that you learn how to make the slides with your hands. To do this, you must do the following:

1.  Open the new document in PowerPoint.

2.  Go to the bottom of the software and click on the language option in the left area. You can also go to the review tab, then language, and click on set test language.

3.  In the language box, several options will appear. You have to click on Chinese. Save the changes.

How to change the language of the menu and presentation in PowerPoint?

If you are looking for another method of changing the language to apply it in your Powerpoint presentation, you could do the following:

1.  Open a new document in PowerPoint and go to the File tab.

2.  Click on options located on the left.

3.  Select language.

4.  In the displayed box, you must search for the desired language and click on ok to save changes.

How to set the Chinese language for your next PowerPoint presentations?

If you want to add Chinese presentation phrases for your future slides, you may want to set the language permanently. For you to have a permanent Chinese presentation background in PowerPoint, you will need to apply the following method:

1.   Again, open the document in PowerPoint from your Windows or Mac computer.

2.  Go to the File tab.

3.  Then access options on the menu's left side.

4.   Go to the language box

5.  Click on install additional display languages from Search for the desired language and save the changes.

If you want to organize a new Powerpoint presentation in the Chinese language, no doubt one of these methods will work for you. It is good that you take your time to apply each of the methods explained previously and have good results.

If all the content on how to add a new language to your Powerpoint presentation has been useful to you, do not forget to follow WPS Academy. You could have a china presentations discount code and other informative guides for PowerPoint, Excel, and Word on the website. You will also have the opportunity to download the WPS Office software for free and enjoy its smooth operation.

Knowing PowerPoint or other office software will help you stand out in your work. You should not fear these programs but rather face them and try to understand them. Eventually, you will become quite an expert in PowerPoint, and all your friends will ask you for advice on how to use it correctly.

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TIFF Unveils Galas and Special Presentations: Pam Anderson in ‘The Last Showgirl,’ Angelina Jolie’s ‘Without Blood,’ Edward Berger’s ‘Conclave’

Samantha bergeson.

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The 49th Toronto International Film Festival has unveiled a star-studded lineup featuring a slew of highly-anticipated features this awards season.

IndieWire can confirm the Galas and Special Presentations programs that boast 63 films, including new titles from beloved directors like Mike Leigh, Morgan Neville, Jacques Audiard, and Edward Berger, whose papal drama “Conclave” will make its international premiere at the festival. (Meaning this American production will world-premiere at Telluride.)

The Special Presentations section marks the premiere of Gia Coppola’s “The Last Showgirl” starring Pamela Anderson, as well as Scott Beck and Bryan Woods’ “Heretic.”

The Galas and Special Presentations programs for 2024 boast films from 25 countries, including 29 sales titles.

“This Special Presentations section can be compared to one of those large, luxury variety boxes of chocolates that you get over the holidays,” Special Presentations Lead Programmer Jane Schoettle said in a video announcing the lineup. “There’s a vast array to choose from and you know you’re always going to find something good, but there’s three or four that you pick out as your favorites, and you end up loving them.”

As previously announced, the festival will open with David Gordon Green’s comedy “Nutcrackers” on September 5. Rebel Wilson’s directorial debut, the musical “The Deb,” will close the festival. 

Check out the full lineup below.

Galas 2024 (in alphabetical order)

*Previously announced

Andrea Bocelli: Because I Believe Cosima Spender | UK World Premiere

Better Man Michael Gracey | USA Canadian Premiere

Don’t Let’s Go to the Dogs Tonight Embeth Davidtz | South Africa Canadian Premiere Sales Title – Rights Available

*Eden Ron Howard | USA World Premiere Sales Title – Rights Available

*Elton John: Never Too Late R.J. Cutler, David Furnish | USA World Premiere

*Harbin Woo Min-ho | South Korea World Premiere

*Nutcrackers David Gordon Green | USA World Premiere Sales Title – Rights Available

Oh, Canada Paul Schrader | USA North American Premiere Sales Title – Rights Available

Road Diary: Bruce Springsteen and The E Street Band Thom Zimny | USA World Premiere

*Superboys of Malegaon Reema Kagti | India World Premiere

*The Deb Rebel Wilson | Australia World Premiere Sales Title – Rights Available

The Friend Scott McGehee, David Siegel | USA International Premiere Sales Title – Rights Available

The Penguin Lessons Peter Cattaneo | Spain/United Kingdom

World Premiere

Sales Title – Rights Available

The Return Uberto Pasolini | Italy/United Kingdom World Premiere Sales Title – Rights Available

The Shrouds David Cronenberg | Canada/France North American Premiere Sales Title – Rights Available

*The Wild Robot Chris Sanders | USA World Premiere

Unstoppable William Goldenberg | USA World Premiere

Will & Harper Josh Greenbaum | USA International Premiere

what is presentation slides in chinese

Special Presentations 2024 (in alphabetical order)

40 Acres R.T. Thorne | Canada World Premiere

All of You William Bridges | USA World Premiere Sales Title – Rights Available

Anora Sean Baker | USA Canadian Premiere

Bird Andrea Arnold | United Kingdom North American Premiere

Bring Them Down Christopher Andrews | Ireland/Belgium

Can I Get A Witness? Ann Marie Fleming | Canada World Premiere

Carnival is Over Fernando Coimbra | Brazil/Portugal World Premiere Sales Title – Rights Available

Caught by the Tides Jia Zhang-Ke | China North American Premiere

Conclave Edward Berger | USA/United Kingdom International Premiere

Emilia Pérez Jacques Audiard | France/USA/Mexico Canadian Premiere

Hard Truths Mike Leigh | United Kingdom/Spain World Premiere

Harvest Athina Rachel Tsangari | United Kingdom North American Premiere Sales Title – Rights Available

Heretic Scott Beck, Bryan Woods | Canada World Premiere

I’m Still Here Walter Salles | Brazil/France North American Premiere

I, the Executioner Ryoo Seung-wan | South Korea North American Premiere

*K-Pops Anderson .Paak | USA World Premiere Sales Title – Rights Available

Love in the Big City E.oni | South Korea World Premiere

Millers in Marriage Edward Burns | USA World Premiere Sales Title – Rights Available

*Nightbitch Marielle Heller | USA World Premiere

On Becoming a Guinea Fowl Rungano Nyoni | Zambia/United Kingdom/Ireland North American Premiere

Piece by Piece Morgan Neville | USA International Premiere

Quisling – The Final Days Erik Poppe | Norway International Premiere Sales Title – Rights Available

Relay David Mackenzie | USA World Premiere Sales Title – Rights Available

Rez Ball Sydney Freeland | USA World Premiere

Riff Raff Dito Montiel | USA World Premiere Sales Title – Rights Available


Rumours Guy Maddin, Evan Johnson, Galen Johnson | Canada/Germany North American Premiere

Sharp Corner Jason Buxton | Canada/Ireland World Premiere Sales Title – Rights Available

*Shepherds Sophie Deraspe | Canada/France

Sketch Seth Worley | USA World Premiere Sales Title – Rights Available

The Assessment Fleur Fortuné | United Kingdom/Germany/USA World Premiere Sales Title – Rights Available

The Cut Sean Ellis | United Kingdom World Premiere Sales Title – Rights Available

The End Joshua Oppenheimer | Denmark/UK Canadian Premiere

The Fire Inside Rachel Morrison | USA World Premiere

The Last Showgirl Gia Coppola | USA World Premiere Sales Title – Rights Available

*The Life of Chuck Mike Flanagan | USA World Premiere Sales Title – Rights Available

The Order Justin Kurzel | Canada/USA North American Premiere

The Piano Lesson Malcolm Washington | USA International Premiere

*We Live in Time John Crowley | United Kingdom/France World Premiere

Went Up the Hill Samuel Van Grinsven | New Zealand/Australia World Premiere Sales Title – Rights Available

Without Blood Angelina Jolie | USA/Italy World Premiere Sales Title – Rights Available

Young Werther José Avelino Gilles Corbett Lourenço | Canada World Premiere Sales Title – Rights Available

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Finding the Best AI Presentation Maker, Here's What I Tested...

Cassie Wilson

Published: July 19, 2024

You know what would have been great to have access to during my days as a teacher? An AI presentation maker. Whether you’re a teacher or a business professional, eye-catching presentations are a great way to spread (and digest!) information quickly.

Woman with best ai presentmaker graphic

Thankfully, AI presentation makers are becoming popular design tools. And one of the biggest perks of AI for presentations is that it can save you valuable time. Speaking from experience as a teacher, and now a small business owner, I can attest that any tool that can save me time is necessary.

Recently, I made it my mission to find the best AI presentation maker. First, I’ll explain how I tested them, and then I’ll show you each tool.

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How I Tested the Best AI Presentation Makers

While I no longer teach Spanish to middle schoolers, pitch deck presentations are beneficial for my small business. Pitch decks can help me quickly show clients what I do and how I can help them. While pitch decks are useful, I do not enjoy spending hours creating them — mostly because designing is not my forte.

To test the usefulness of AI presentation makers, I asked six different presentation makers to create a simple presentation in which I offer my writing services to new clients. I wanted my AI-generated presentation to:

  • Be three to five pages long, starting with a short introduction and ending with a contact page.
  • Include relevant graphics.
  • Include my headshot.

Then, using various AI-enabled presentation tools, I timed how long it took me to create my short pitch deck and took notes on what worked and what didn’t. Using this method, I found some AI presentation makers are better than others.

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The Overall Best AI Presentation Makers

  • Google Slides: Plus AI
  • PowerPoint: Beautiful.AI
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The Best AI Presentation Makers

Let’s examine six AI presentation makers so you can choose the one that best suits your business needs.

1. Beautiful.AI

Screenshot of AI presentation maker Beautiful.AI

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Australian dollar tumbles on fears of Chinese economic slowdown

A US dollar note is pictured alongside an Australian 10 dollar and 20 dollar bill.

The Australian dollar has tumbled from a six-month high following concerns about the health of China's economy.

Some of the dollar's value is tied up in the demand for Australian commodities but there are concerns that demand is in decline.

What's next?

Support for the local currency could come next week if expectations grow of another RBA interest rate hike in early August.

After climbing to a six-month high two weeks ago, the Australian dollar has since tumbled, as fears mount about the economic health of our largest trading partner, China.

After trading well above $US200 ($305) per tonne during the pandemic, the price of Australia's most lucrative export, iron ore, has fallen to under $US110 per tonne.

Key to the weakness in the iron ore price is the lack of steel being produced in China for housing construction.

"Until the Chinese government makes a material stimulus, and puts some actual money behind this idea of recovery in the property market, the iron ore price is going to remain subdued," Bell Direct market analyst Grady Wulff said.

Burst bubble

China's economic problems began escalating last year when its property market collapsed.

In the years leading up to that, China couldn't buy enough Australian iron ore, which is used to make steel for property construction.

Mr Wulff said the Chinese government's efforts to ring-fence the economic fall-out of the property rout do not appear to be working.

"But it just hasn't come to fruition.

"Until we do see that, and until we see the data show the economy is showing signs of material growth post the pandemic, we're not going to see a recovery in the iron ore price.

"For example last week China's economy grew 4.7 per cent from April to June, and that missed analysts' expectations of growth of 5.1 per cent."

Independent economist Chris Richardson said China has been trying to support its economy with stimulus, but it's not been enough to stem the bleeding from the property sector.

"China's been throwing money at manufacturing, building things like electric cars, but that's not enough to replace construction demand.

"The trend is down."

That forecast may be ringing alarm bells for the Australian government.

It relies on strong demand for iron ore, produced by companies like BHP Group, for a big chunk of its tax revenue.

"The budget will do better than budget forecasts but not enough to get a surplus this year."

Richardson told the ABC he is concerned about the outlook for the Chinese economy.

"China's economy is hurting.

"That will hurt us too.

"The pain is real but we're better off than many."

Tumbling currency

The lower iron ore price has also caused the Australian dollar to tumble.

It's fallen from a six-month high of 68 US cents three weeks ago, to under 66 US cents today.

At midday on Thursday one Australian dollar was buying 65.65 US cents.

By 5pm, it was lower still at 65.37 US cents.

Analysts say this level of the Australian dollar against the greenback places it below what's known as a "technical support" level.

That's a level that often sees further selling as traders forecast a struggle to find a fair value for the currency.

"The brutal eight-day sell-off has coincided with the market recently flipping to a long position in the AUD/USD for the first time since May 2021," IG market analyst Tony Sycamore wrote in a note.

"This has been compounded by copper falling to a fresh  three-month low, some 20 per cent below its March peak and iron ore slumping to $100 per tonne."

The move lower accelerated after its break below uptrend support at .6700c at the end of last week.

"The AUD/USD must remain above the 200-day at .6582 on a daily closing basis to prevent a deeper pullback to .6500c."

Mr Wulff said many Australians are caught in the currency crossfire.

"It's a tough time on the economic front in Australia," he said.

"Think of your retailers, think of your milk distributors and dairy exporters, anyone with exposure to China right now is being really hurt and that's exactly what we're expecting on the reporting season front come August."

Future concerns

Economists are watching China's economy closely.

"They have long-standing challenges," head of economic forecasting at Oxford Economics Australia Sean Langcake said.

"Demographics is one that we have not touched on yet and it's a big reason why we see the trend growth rate in the economy falling.

"I'm not trying to get away from the fact there's challenges, there's big challenges there, but I'm not the most bearish person out there for sure."

As for the Australian dollar, it's also influenced by movements in interest rates, both domestically and overseas.

Economists say if inflation turns out to be higher than expected when new data is released by the Australian Bureau of Statistics next week, it could provide some support for the dollar, as it raises the chances of another RBA interest rate hike.

Deutsche Bank, for one, sees that as likely.

"We continue to think the RBA will lift the cash rate by 25 basis points at its upcoming meeting in August based on stronger-than-expected inflation outcomes in [the six months to June this year]," chief economist Phil O'Donoghoe said.

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How to do a presentation in China? Some of my experiences

René Pickhardt user avatar

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So the culture is different from Western culture we all know that! I am certainly not an expert on China but after living in China for almost 2 years knowing some language and working in a chinese company seeing presentations every week and also visiting over 30 western and chinese companies placed in China I think I have some insights about how you should organize your presentation in China.

Since I recently went to Shanghai in order to to research exchange with Jiaotong University I was about to give a presentation to introduce my institute and me. So here you can find my rather uncommon presentation and some remarks, why some slides where designed in the way they are.

Guanxi – your relations

First of all I think it is really important to understand that in China everything is related to your relations ( ). A chinese business card will always name a view of your best and strongest contacts. This is more important than your adress for example. If a conference starts people exchange namecards before they sit down and discuss. This principle of Guanxi is also reflected in the style presentations are made. Here are some basic rules:

  • Show pictures of people you worked together with
  • Show pictures of groups while you organized events
  • Show pictures of the panels that run events
  • Show your partners (for business not only clients but also people you are buying from or working together with in general)

My way of respecting these principles:

  • I first showed a group picture of our institute!
  • I also showed for almost every project where I could get hold of it pictures of the people that are responsible for the project
  • I did not only show the European research projects our university is in but listed all the different partners and showed logos of them

The second thing is that in China the concept of family is very important. I would say as a rule of thumb if you want to make business with someone in china and you havent been introduced to their family things are not going like you might expect this. For this reason I have included some slides with a worldmap going further down to the place where I was born and where I studied and where my parents still leave!

When I choosed a worldmap I did not only take one with Chinese language but I also took one where china was centered. In my contact data I also put chinese social networks. Remember Twitter, Facebook and many other sites are blocked in China. So if you really want to communicate with chinese people why not getting a QQ number or weibo account?

Design of the slides

You saw this on conferences many times. Chinese people just put a hack a lot of stuff on a slide. I strongly believe this is due to the fact that reading and recognizing Chinese characters is much  faster than western characters. So if your presentation is in Chinese Language don’t be afraid to stuff your slides with information. I have seen many talks by Chinese people that where literally reading word by word what was written on the slides. Where in western countries this is considered bad practice in China this is all right. 

Speaking of Language: Of course if you know some chinese it shows respect if you at least try to include some chinese. I split my presentation in 2 parts. One which was in chinese and one that was in english.

Have an interesting take away message

So in my case I included the fact that we have PhD positions open and scholarships. That our institut is really international and the working language is english. Of course I also included some slides about my past and current research like Graphity and Typology

During the presentation:

In China it is not rude at all if ones cellphone rings and one has more important stuff to do. You as presenter should switch of your phone but you should not be disturbed or annoyed if people in the audience receive phone calls and go out of the room doing that business. This is very common in China.

I am sure there are many more rules on how to hold a presentation in China and maybe I even made some mistakes in my presentation but at least I have the feeling that the reaction was quite positiv. So if you have questions, suggestions and feedback feel free to drop a line I am more than happy to discuss cultural topics!

Published at DZone with permission of René Pickhardt , DZone MVB . See the original article here.

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Microsoft 365 Life Hacks > Organization > What is a poster presentation?

What is a poster presentation?

When preparing to present noteworthy research at an academic conference, its important to articulate your findings effectively, so it leaves a lasting impression on your peers. A common method for presenting research is through poster presentations. Learn what a poster presentation is, how to craft one for your next conference, and its benefits.

Woman giving a presentation in front of three people

A poster presentation, or a poster session, is a type of research format presented on a poster by an individual or a group at a conference. These posters organize and display the thesis or hypothesis, methods, and outcomes of a research study in a way that’s visually pleasing for audience members. Attendees will listen to participants’ presentations and ask questions to engage in discussion. Typically, these sessions last between 1-2 hours. So, participants should be thoroughly prepared to effectively present throughout its duration.

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Tell your story with captivating presentations

Powerpoint empowers you to develop well-designed content across all your devices

How do you create a poster presentation?

Poster presentations, unlike PowerPoint presentations , require physical design and production. Professional poster creation involves graphic artists, production, and team meetings. So, it’s important to outline a poster presentation timeline for your team to follow, keeping your presentation in mind to ensure ample time for completion.

To start outlining the poster design, identify its components. First, your title, authors, and institution should be placed at the top center of the poster. Organize the poster vertically and include the relevant sections – “Introduction”, “Methods”, “Results”, “Conclusions”, and “Recommendations”. Each section must include relevant and accurate content that summarizes your work, while being visually appealing to captivate its viewers.

Data visualization can be organized with pie charts, for survey or demographic results, infographics for complex information, and bar graphs for quantitative data. From a design perspective, prioritize readability and simplicity for your audience. Use a balanced color scheme, lines, frames, and other visual cues to highlight information.

What are the benefits of poster presentations?

Poster presentations communicate complex research in an effective manner, that offers benefits for the presenter and audience alike. These benefits include:

Visually engagement

As mentioned earlier, poster presentations should be visually engaging. Graphics, images, data visualizations and colors convey complex information, in a simpler format, so viewers can understand it.

Concise communication

Poster presentations are in a concise format. Its relevant sections – introductions, methods, results, conclusions, and recommendations – are outlined in a digestible format, so readers can follow along. The concise format encourages presenters to communicate their findings clearly and briefly within the limited space available. Concise communication ensures viewers can follow their research topic, with comprehensible verbiage.

Networking opportunity

Poster presentations are delivered at conferences, a great platform for networking and collaboration. Presenters can connect with colleagues, researchers, and other peers who share similar research interests and expertise. Consequently, presenters can hope to develop their research with their peers or pursue additional opportunities.

Interactive discussion

Poster presentations facilitate interactive discussions between presenters and conference attendees. Viewers can interface directly with the presenter, ask questions and request clarification on aspects of their research. Presenters can improve their research spiel from insights they gained from their discussion.

Poster presentations offer researchers a platform to share their findings, network with peers in their field, and engage with others interested in their research. If you are preparing to present at a conference, follow these tips to effectively create and deliver your poster presentation. For more help with presenting research, learn more presentation tips .

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Creative Chinese Presentation

Chinese Title Slide

Number of slides: 10

As the world’s second largest-economy, China is an attractive market for doing business and partnering with a Chinese company or entering its market definitely put any firm in the lead. Does it sound like a good idea to you? Stand confidently in front of top executives and shareholders while you explain the benefits of expanding operations to the Asian giant with the Creative Chinese Presentation. You will find a Chinese roadmap slide, Chinese yin yang slide, data charts and numbered lists beautifully designed in traditional Chinese colors.

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Free Creative Chinese Presentation

Chinese roadmap slide.

There’s a popular Chinese proverb that says “A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step”. Show top executives which steps you will follow to launch products in the Chinese market, how you are going to close a deal with a Chinese firm or other business goals using this four-stage roadmap.

Chinese Yin Yang Slide 

The Chinese yin yang symbol represents the two opposite but complementary forces, or duality, of every existing element in the universe. Like light and dark, sun and moon, masculine and feminine, one side cannot exist without the other. With this in mind, you can present the pros and cons of your business proposal in a creative way and show how, even with advantages and disadvantages, the proposal is beneficial for all the parties involved. 

Traditional Chinese Colors

The red-and-gold Chinese Presentation stands out for its classic yet fun style. These traditional Chinese colors evoke prestige, prosperity, good fortune. Concepts that are definitely a great fit for any business presentation.

Data charts

This creative template comes with two types of data-driven charts: a set of four stacked bars and a scatter graph with lines and markers.

A Chinese-themed presentation

If you work for a Chinese firm, this is the ideal template to talk about the culture of the company in internal workshops or onboarding sessions.

Chinese cultural elements

In this Chinese-themed presentation, you will find little flat icons, ribbons and images as backgrounds that convey the traditional side of China.


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Avoid These 3 Pitfalls When Giving a Sales Presentation

  • Terri L. Sjodin

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Lessons from a study of almost 5,000 sales professionals.

A study examined the habits of almost 5,000 sales professionals whose livelihoods depend on their ability to build and deliver persuasive presentations. The findings revealed 12 common mistakes that were consistently self-reported among respondents. Here are the top three to avoid when giving a sales presentation: being overly informative vs. persuasive, failing to close, and “winging it.”

When you work in sales, no business skill is more essential than effective communication. This is especially true when it comes to giving presentations, whether you are presenting in person, over the telephone, or via a videoconferencing platform. Getting to the point, connecting with others quickly, and making a strong pitch can be the difference between moving a transaction forward or losing an opportunity.

what is presentation slides in chinese

  • TS Terri L. Sjodin is an award-winning speaker who has specialized in helping people build and deliver more polished, persuasive, and effective presentations for over 30 years. She is the principal and founder of Sjodin Communications , a public speaking, sales training, and consulting firm based in Newport Beach, CA. Her latest book, Presentation Read y , (McGraw-Hill, March 2024) expands on this material.

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Online PowerPoint presentation translation from English to Chinese

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A successful presentation is a key element of any sales and marketing effort. Microsoft PowerPoint is a very popular tool for composing slideshow presentations and pitch decks from texts, images and animations. As the business expands to other countries, it becomes important to speak the client's language; thus, quick translation of presentations is a must.

GroupDocs Translation offers real-time machine translation for the global world. Powerful machine learning algorithms and sophisticated neural networks provide a quality close to that of a professional human translator, but much easier, faster, and more cost-effective. Running on a high-performance cloud server hosted by GroupDocs, it can translate texts and all popular document formats across 104 language pairs. The API not only translates text, but also accurately preserves metadata, structure, styles, and layout of documents.

This free online app powered by GroupDocs Translation API can translate PowerPoint presentation from English to Chinese. Files translation can be converted into multiple formats, shared via email or URL and saved to your device. It can also translate files hosted on websites without downloading them to your computer. The app works on any device, including smartphones.

How to translate PowerPoint presentation from English to Chinese

Provide a file

Upload a document, paste your text or simply enter the file’s web address.

Specify the language pair

Specify whether you want to translate from English to Chinese or from Chinese to English.

Start translation

Click Translate button. For files you can optimally specify the output format which may differ from the original document.

Wait for the translation to complete. Edit translated text or download the translated document, share it via email and URL, view and fix the translated content.

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Fast online PowerPoint presentation translation from English to Chinese.

Translate your PowerPoint presentation from English to Chinese and vice versa with a single click.

Convert presentations into any compatible format

You are not limited to the Microsoft PowerPoint format. You can get back the translation as HTML, PDF, and even an image file.

The application can process any number of presentations for free, for as long as you need.

Process PowerPoint presentations from the Internet

There is no need to download a PowerPoint presentation file to your local device for processing. Just paste the web address of the file and get the result.

Zero system load

The translation is carried out by high-performance cloud servers. You can use the application on any system – from entry-level netbooks to smartphones.

Top translation quality

Many years of experience in machine leaning technologies has led to the creation of state-of-the-art algorithms with superior speed and accuracy. GroupDocs products are used by most Fortune 500 companies across 114 countries.

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Mapping Freedom Presentations Held Following Summer Research Experience

Wed, 07/24/2024 - 08:42am | By: David Tisdale


Participants in the Mapping Freedom research project at The University of Southern Mississippi (USM) include, standing, left to right: Arianna Younger, Olivia Curtis, Ramsey McManus, and Rune Taylor; sitting, left to right: Conner Sutton, Emily Vo, Mariana Ladrilleros , Cassandra Lanza, and Brandon Smith. These students, who include those from USM and other universities across the country, participated in the National Science Foundation-funded research project for undergraduates that employs mapping technology, including geographic information system (GIS) to study the pathways to freedom and citizenship taken by emancipated slaves during the Civil War and Reconstruction eras.


Arianna Younger, a junior sociology major and anthropology/archaeology minor at The University of Southern Mississippi (USM), presents her research during the Mapping Freedom research symposium, held July 18 on the Hattiesburg campus. Funded through a grant from the National Science Foundation (NSF), the project provides a research experience for undergraduates employing mapping technology, including geographic information system (GIS) to study the pathways to freedom and citizenship taken by emancipated slaves during the Civil War and Reconstruction eras. 

Nine undergraduate students from across the country, including two from The University of Southern Mississippi, participated in a digital humanities project, Mapping Freedom.  

Mapping Freedom is a three-year initiative hosted by Southern Miss supported by a National Science Foundation-Research Experience for Undergraduates (NSF-REU) grant examining the pathways to freedom and citizenship taken by emancipated slaves during the Civil War and Reconstruction eras. The project represents a collaborative effort between digital humanities and science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) using mapping technology that includes geographic information systems (GIS). The paid, eight-week research experience offers opportunities, particularly for those from underrepresented and underserved populations, to conduct research showing how STEM disciplines can be employed in humanities projects.    


Ramsey McManus, a sophomore history major and library science minor at The University of Southern Mississippi (USM), presents her research during the Mapping Freedom research symposium, held July 18 on the Hattiesburg campus. Funded through a grant from the National Science Foundation (NSF), the project provides a research experience for undergraduates employing mapping technology, including geographic information system (GIS) to study the pathways to freedom and citizenship taken by emancipated slaves during the Civil War and Reconstruction eras. 

Participants include:  

  • Olivia Curtis of Holden, Mass., a sophomore at Mount Holyoke College double majoring in mathematics and French, presented “Respectfully yours: The Role of Widowhood in Petitions to the Mississippi Governor During and After the Civil War.”  
  • Mariana Ladrilleros of Kennett Square, Penn., a junior at Millersville University majoring in anthropology and archaeology, presented “Mississippi Civil War Hospitals: Their Food Supply and the Transportation of it via Railroads.”  
  • Cassandra Lanza of Marysville, Penn., a sophomore at Saint Vincent College majoring in computer science and minoring in mathematics, presented “Relocation Reshaping Relationships: Impressment in Civil War Mississippi.”  
  • Ramsey McManus of Picayune, Miss., a sophomore at Southern Miss majoring in history and minoring in library science, presented “The Forced Labor Loophole: An Analysis of Convictions and Prison Sentences of Laboring Convicts in Reconstruction Era Mississippi.”  
  • Brandon Smith of Tuscaloosa, Ala., a sophomore social science teacher education major at the University of Alabama, presented “What God Giveth, Man Can Taketh Away: The Cultural Conditions of Privilege and Identity.”  
  • Connor Sutton of Diamondhead, Miss., a junior at Millsaps College double majoring in history and political science and minoring in Spanish, presented “‘Have those men become republicans so suddenly?’: A Study of the Republican Party in Reconstruction Mississippi.”  
  • Rune Taylor of Madison, Fla., a senior at the University of North Florida double majoring in history and religious studies and minoring in Africana Studies, presented “Reconstructing Congregations: African American Churches in Mississippi in the 1870s.”  
  • Emily Vo of Margate, Fla., a junior at Cornell University majoring in computer science and minoring in Asian American Studies and public history, presented “Levee Landscapes, Early Hospitals, and Uneven Geographies of Reconstruction Yazoo-Mississippi Delta.”  
  • Arianna Younger of Clinton, Miss., a junior at Southern Miss majoring in sociology and minoring in anthropology and archaeology, presented “An Examination of Ku Klux Klan Activity in Mississippi from 1865-1875.”  

Learn more about Mapping Freedom.  

Categories: Arts and Sciences Research

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Integrated Chinese Power Points Slides

Feel free to download Ms. Ling-Ling’s power point slides for your personal teaching and learning. However, do not publish her work or copy part of her work without permission or without linking back to this page at where you find the source.

Power Point Slides for the Integrated Chinese lessons:

Introduction, lesson 1 greetings 问好 wèn hao, lesson 2 family 家庭 jiātíng, lesson 3 dates and time 时间 shíjiān, lesson 4 hobbies  爱好 àihào, lesson 5 visiting friends 看朋友 kàn péngyou, lesson 6 making appointments 约时间 yue shíjiān, lesson 7 studying chinese 学中文 xué zhōngwén, lesson 8 school life 学校生活 xuéxiào shēnghuó, lesson 9  shopping 买东西 mǎi dōngxī, lesson 10 transportation 交通, lesson 11 talking about the weather, lesson 12 dining  吃饭, lesson 13 asking for direction 问路, lesson 15 seeing a doctor 看医生, lesson 16 dating 约会, lesson 17 renting an apartment 租房子, lesson 18 sports 运动, lesson 19 travel 旅行, lesson 20 at the airport 在机场, other resources, share this:, 3 thoughts on “ integrated chinese power points slides ”, leave a comment cancel reply.

2024 State of Gaming

2024 State of Gaming Report

Comscore’s proprietary 2024 State of Gaming report offers a thorough analysis of the US gaming audience, landscape, and emerging trends. This report provides key insights and actionable data to help marketers, content owners, and tech companies capitalize on developing opportunities within this dynamic space.

2024 State of Gaming will help you answer questions including:

  • What are the gaming habits, preferences, and spending patterns of US gamers?
  • What genres are gamers engaging with across different platforms?
  • What is the status of Freemium games and gamer’s willingness to spend on in-game purchases?
  • What are Esports and Streaming’s growth and influence on the gaming ecosystem?
  • Are Netflix Gaming and other cloud games gaining traction in the market?
  • What is the sentiment towards in-game ads?
  • How long do gamers watch livestreaming by generations?
  • What are the key opportunities to engage the gaming community?

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Download the free preview of Comscore’s 2024 State of Gaming presentation which provides detailed insights into US digital gaming audiences and emerging gaming trends, presented by Joseph Delfino, Vice President, Strategy and Business Development, Comscore and Itamar Benedy, Co-Founder & CEO, Anzu at the July 17 ANA Digital and Social Conference. From actionable marketing ideas to consumer behaviors across PC, mobile, and console gaming, seize the fast-moving opportunities in this interactive entertainment market.

Please contact us here to purchase access to the full report 1 for $3,500 via an easy-to-navigate dashboard 2 with customizable and pre-built visualization modules. Easily craft all the presentations, reports, infographics and graphs you need to deliver a complete, compelling story. Plus, gain access to all add-on segment cuts for an additional $8,000.

Add-on segment cuts include:

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  • Gaming Device Type: Combinations of PC, Mobile, and Console (e.g., PC Only, PC and Console, All Three, etc.)
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  • Custom Filter: get 01 additional data cut based on other existing survey questions and designed by you to meet your strategic needs! Additional custom filters can be purchased for a fee. Please contact us to learn more.

If you still have questions, we would love to hear from you, get in touch with us here .

1 Includes top line results for A18+ for all questions included in the ‘2024 State of Gaming’ annual survey. 2 Access to survey data via Dapresy data visualization platform is limited to 01 account for a six-month period.

Click on our handy cheat sheet to learn more!

Take a closer look at what is included in the report and why it provides valuable insights into the gaming audience.

2024 State of Gaming Report

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How to set normal Chinese font in MS Power Point 2016?

In Ecxel I can set Calibri font and enter Chinese characters, which look straight. In PowerPoint I have Chinese characters set font as STXinwei (Body) and they look very "stylish":

enter image description here

I can't get "straight" font in PowerPoint and can't change font to Calibri (it turns back to STXinwei (Body) .

How to fix?

Dims's user avatar

2 Answers 2

Calibri does not contain Chinese characters. When you set your font to Calibri, Microsoft Office automatically choose a Chinese font for Chinese you’ve entered.

In your case, it seems that Excel automatically chose Microsoft Yahei (微软雅黑), while Powerpoint automatically chose STXinwei (华文新魏).

They are both correct behaviors. In Excel, people expect to see more general fonts in sheets, while, in PowerPoint, people expect to see more stylish fonts in presentations.

Though what PowerPoint did is correct, if you do want to change the font in PowerPoint, you have to keep in mind that Calibri does not contain Chinese characters . Therefore, you have to choose another Chinese font for it so that the appearance would change.

I personally recommend Microsoft Yahei (the font Excel uses) and STZhongsong (a very bold serif font suitable for presentation titles).

ChenZheChina's user avatar

Here's my power point and your pic:


I would say it looks like the same font.

Or set it to 宋体 .

Here's my PP next to your excel picture.


It's not a perfect match but it's a surefire way to give you the look you want.

Mou某's user avatar

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    1. Open the new document in PowerPoint. 2. Go to the bottom of the software and click on the language option in the left area. You can also go to the review tab, then language, and click on set test language. 3. In the language box, several options will appear. You have to click on Chinese. Save the changes.

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  19. Creative Chinese Presentation

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    chinese Powerpoint templates and Google Slides themes. Discover the best chinese PowerPoint templates and Google Slides themes that you can use in your presentations. Search template. ... Download your presentation as a PowerPoint template or use it online as a Google Slides theme. 100% free, no registration or download limits.

  23. Translate PowerPoint presentation from English to Chinese

    This free online app powered by can translate PowerPoint presentation from English to Chinese. Files translation can be converted into multiple formats, shared via email or URL and saved to your device. It can also translate files hosted on websites without downloading them to your computer. The app works on any device, including smartphones.

  24. Mapping Freedom Presentations Held Following Summer Research Experience

    Ramsey McManus, a sophomore history major and library science minor at The University of Southern Mississippi (USM), presents her research during the Mapping Freedom research symposium, held July 18 on the Hattiesburg campus. Funded through a grant from the National Science Foundation (NSF), the project provides a research experience for undergraduates employing mapping technology, including ...

  25. Integrated Chinese Power Points Slides

    Integrated Chinese Power Points Slides. Feel free to download Ms. Ling-Ling's power point slides for your personal teaching and learning. However, do not publish her work or copy part of her work without permission or without linking back to this page at where you find the source.

  26. 2024 State of Gaming Report

    Easily craft all the presentations, reports, infographics and graphs you need to deliver a complete, compelling story. Plus, gain access to all add-on segment cuts for an additional $8,000. Add-on segment cuts include: Age Groups: 18-24, 25-34, 35-44, 45-54, and 55-65;

  27. How to set normal Chinese font in MS Power Point 2016?

    2. In Ecxel I can set Calibri font and enter Chinese characters, which look straight. In PowerPoint I have Chinese characters set font as STXinwei (Body) and they look very "stylish": I can't get "straight" font in PowerPoint and can't change font to Calibri (it turns back to STXinwei (Body). How to fix? fonts. Share.

  28. 在中文怎么说:to give a presentation? I mean normally ...

    agree with teacher simon here,but if u r talking and showing off contents about ur slides,u dont hv to speak " give a presentation" in chinese,coz the audience are watching and listening,they know whats meaing.

  29. Page 2

    Chinese Spring Festival. Download the "Chinese Spring Festival" presentation for PowerPoint or Google Slides and start impressing your audience with a creative and original design. Slidesgo templates like this one here offer the possibility to convey a concept, idea or topic in a clear, concise and visual way, by using different graphic ...

  30. PowerPoint displays chinese language charachters when I select new slide

    This is likely because the presentation was created on a Chinese system. Choose View | Slide Master. The master and layouts in that view will probably have Chinese names. Right click one and choose to Rename it. Try to give each of the layouts the same name as you'd see in an English version of PowerPoint.