Biblioteca Beato Pellegrino di Studi Letterari, Linguistici, Pedagogici e dello Spettacolo

The University of Padua supports the principles of open access to thesis and dissertations.

Open access to the thesis means that anyone anywhere can see, read and cite the work within a short time of confirmation of the award, while the research is still fresh and new.

A copy of the thesis is deposited (mandatory in the case of PhD thesis, at the author's choice for other types of dissertation) into Padua Thesis & Dissertation Archive or into Padua Research Archive (IRIS), University of Padua's institutional repositories ,  with a procedure integrated into the academic degree application.

The thesis' copyright belongs to the author, and it is also retained by the author. Open Access  publication and dissemination of University of Padua's theses takes place through an open, non-exclusive publishing licence (ITA) , and for doctoral theses through a similar publication agreement.

Anyone can search and browse the theses archived in the institutional repositories and, when not otherwise indicated, view and download contents.

Bachelor's and Master's thesis

Bachelor's thesis at Padua, made publicly available by choice of the author, are searchable and openly available in Padua Thesis and Dissertation Archive .

The repository also contains other types of theses deposited at the authors' choice. It also includes information (metadata) relating to theses not published online in full text (restricted access).

Search for theses on Padua Thesis and Dissertation Archive

Explore and search theses by type of academic degree or by sorting at Padua Thesis and Dissertation Archive – Communities and Collections .

If you would like more information about thesis depositing, see also the info page on Padua Thesis and Dissertation Archive (ITA)

PhD thesis and dissertation

Padua Research Archive (IRIS)  is the institutional repository of the University of Padua and as such carries the assurance that the work has been awarded the degree claimed and the document represents the Version of Record (VoR). It also allows the legal deposit of the PhD thesis at the national central libraries, as required by current legislation in Italy.

All PhD theses at Padua are deposited in the institutional repository to ensure that are recorded, indexed, disseminated and preserved alongside the research publications of the University of Padua's staff and PhD students.

Search for PhD theses on Padua Research Archive (IRIS)

Bibliographic assistance

Do you need help with bibliographic research for your thesis or dissertation?

Who should you contact to know more about third-party copyright, thesis copyright, and the inclusion of preprints or unpublished/published works or images in a Bachelor, Master or PhD thesis?

Ask your library for bibliographic assistance

You can also ask for online support via the library help desk. If you need any further information, please contact the  Library Helpline . Select:

  • "Supporto alla pubblicazione accademica" (Scholarly publishing assistance)
  • "Consulenza tematiche diritto d’autore" (Copyright issues)

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The thesis should be uploaded to Uniweb.

The file must meet these requirements:

  • it must be the final version
  • it must be a PDF/A file
  • its maximum size can be 40MB
  • it must be named according to this format: lastname_firstname.pdf (ex. Rossi_Mario.pdf)

While the upload function is available since registering for graduation, the file can be uploaded at a later time, as long as it is done by the deadline (the graduation calendar can be found here ).

As to the format of the front page of the thesis, please refer to the following templates : Title page Master Physics docx Title page Master Physics tex Title page Double department Master Physics docx Title page Double department Master Physics tex


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Info for students and Faculty - DII

8. final examinations, 8.1. submission of master's thesis.

The Supervisor must approve the uploaded file (PDF/A, max. 40 MB) , the name of which must be: Surname_Name .pdf (i.e. Doe_John.pdf)

Guidelines for the upload of the Master's thesis

Instructions for generating an accessible PDF/A document (Office)

Instructions for generating an accessible PDF/A document (Latex)

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The best project to finalize your path

In this page, you find information on the master thesis.

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Master Thesis

33 credits are devoted to the master thesis , roughly split into 27 credits (675 hours, corresponding to about 5 months of work) for the thesis project and 6 credits (150 hours, corresponding to about one month of work) for the drafting of the thesis document. The master thesis project is carried out under the guidance of a teacher of the Master’s programme.

A thesis project is a significant work , in terms of breadth and depth, which allows you to become familiar with advanced themes in computer science. It typically leads to the development of original research results or innovative software products .

There are various ways of carrying out the thesis project :

unipd master thesis

Internal Project

The student works under the guidance of an academic supervisor, who guides him in identifying the thesis topic, developing the project and drafting the thesis.

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Internal Project with Start-Up View

This is a variant of the internal project, in which the student or group of students, in addition to developing the technical aspects of the project carries out a preliminary study on evolving the project into a start-up, with the support of a partner incubator.

unipd master thesis

Project with company internship

The student carries out the thesis project, entirely or for a relevant part, in a company or in a start-up. The supervisor is complemented by a company tutor, who guides and supervises the student’s work in the company.

To stimulate thesis projects with Startup-View and Internships, the course of study organises Company-student meetings with the support of the partners .

When to start and how to find a supervisor

The Master Thesis is the concluding activity of the study path. Since it is intended to lead to the realisation of a relevant piece of work, it requires the student to work regularly and with limited distractions. For this reasons, the Master Project should be started after finishing the course exams or, at least, when the number of course exams still to be given is limited (say, 2/3 at most).  Ideally, this should happen at the beginning of the second semester of the second year (but in case you are late with the exams, first concentrate on them).

When you feel ready to start, the fist step consists in finding a supervisor (this applies also to the case in which you might be interested in realising your project in a company). There is no formalised procedure for this: simply contact the professors of the courses that you liked most and/or in the area where you’d like to realise your project, and discuss the possible thesis themes.

Evaluation of the Master Thesis (from July 2023)

The final degree grade is calculated as the sum of the master thesis grade and the weighted average of the exams passed, normalized on a scale of 0 to 110 (i.e., average * 110/30).

The master thesis is evaluated according to the following grading scheme :

  • 0-3: sufficient
  • 6-7: very good
  • 8-9: excellent (requires the opinion of an independent reviewer )

The supervisor proposes a grade, possibly asking for the opinion of an independent reviewer. The student presents the thesis in front a graduation committee (the discussion is in English). The final grade is decided by the graduation committee through a majority vote. The distinction (laude) is awarded to students who demonstrated very good or excellent quality in the curriculum, in the thesis, and in the final thesis defense; it requires unanimity .

The following bonus points are added to the thesis grade:

  • 1 point for completing all exams by July of the second year
  • 1 point for graduation by December of the second year

A document providing more details on the procedure is available at the following [ link ].

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July 21, 2023 (Graduation ceremony *)

September 22, 2023 (Graduation ceremony *)

December 15, 2023 (Graduation ceremony *)

February 23, 2024 (Graduation ceremony *)

April 19, 2024 (Graduation ceremony *)

July 19, 2024 (Graduation ceremony *)

September 20, 2024 (Graduation ceremony *)

December 13, 2024 (Graduation ceremony *)

* The discussion of the thesis takes place the day before or the same day as the graduation ceremony.


Master’s thesis for committee: must be uploaded at  within 15 days before proclamation (official graduation date).

General information on the procedures to follow for graduation is available on the University website . The deadlines for submitting an application are reported on the same site. Usually, the master’s thesis must be completed 15 days before the graduation session and delivered in its final version via UNIWEB one week before the date of the graduation ceremony.

Computer science organized by the Department of Mathematics and belongs to the School of Sciences of the University of Padua.


Useful links

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  • Department of Mathematics “Tullio Levi-Civita”
  • Servizio Calcolo

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Dept. of Mathematics, University of Padova

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1. Do I have to submit a written PhD Research Proposal during the application?

No. The PhD Research Proposal will be presented and discussed only during the interview

2. May I insert images in the 2-page thesis summary? Yes.

3. In which language should I write the 2-page thesis summary? English.

4. Do I have to upload to PICA the Master thesis PDF file along with the 2-page summary? If you already defended your Master Thesis you have to upload your thesis PDF file AND the 2-page summary to PICA (as two distinct PDF files).

If you are supposed to defend your Master Thesis no later than Sept. 30, 2024, you can upload just the 2-page summary signed by you and your thesis supervisor. 5. Do I need to upload recommendation letters? No. You just need to upload your Motivation Letter. 6. (for students from UniPD) May I use the Self-Certifications provided by the UNIWEB personal page as the Transcript of Records (ToR)? Yes.

7. Do I need to include the requested ToR in the same PDF of the CV? No. You have to use and upload two distinct PDF files.

8. Instead of a BSc and a MSc, I hold a single 5-year degree (or similar) equivalent to a master's level of qualification: how can I fill the field regarding my academic records (Section C)? You can use the MSc Section. In the BSc Table please write in the first row near 'BSc Degree in' a phrase to refer the reader to the MSc table (e.g., ' my Degree is structured in a single 5-year MSc program: see the MSc Table for details ').

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Using Bayesian Occupancy Modeling to Inform Bat Conservation in Indiana, Sally Martinez Master's Thesis Defense

Please join us June 26 th  at 2:00 pm to support Sally Martinez as she defends her thesis Using Bayesian Occupancy Modeling to Inform Bat Conservation in Indiana. We hope to see you there in FORS 208 or online on Zoom .

Faculty Advisor: Dr. Patrick Zollner


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