Bogano: The Researcher Force Echoes Location for Databank

Location of The Researcher Force Echoes on Planet Bogano in Star Wars Jedi Fallen Order. There are 13 The Researcher Force Echoes Databank collectible entries and they are all on Planet Bogano, Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order Maps & Walkthrough.

The Researcher

The researcher 1. water filters.

These water filters rely on the planet's algae to purify drinking water. Impurities are removed by the algae and used as fuel to create water and minerals in a process known as chemosynthesis. The result converts the water's natural acids into drinkable water.

The Researcher 2. Research Notes

Meticulous hand-crafted notes on the energy sphere left behind by the researcher on Bogano.

The Researcher 3. Research Camp

Traces of a camp used by someone excited to study a large creature they referred to as a 'Binog'.

The Researcher 4. Larder

Someone lived here for some time, using this larder for storage and provisions.

The Researcher 5. Traveling To The Vault

A tool used by a traveler who wanted to reach the mysterious Vault.

The Researcher 6. Meditation

A meditation area, well hidden. Whoever was here knew the Jedi Order.

The Researcher 7. Frustration

A bag left by someone who came here from Coruscant. They were strangely frustrated with the Jedi Council for some reason.

The Researcher 8. Secluded Sanctuary

Part of Cordova's kit. He was troubled about the Jedi's continued involvement in a seemingly endless war. He knew his work here was more important.

The Researcher 9. Cordova's Padawan

Cordova felt isolated and alone. He spent time fondly reflecting on his Padawan and the memories of their adventures.

The Researcher 10. Old Memoirs

Cordova's droid kit. He hoped someone would come along who could figure out the secret to the vault.

The Researcher 11. Weather Sensor

Jedi Master Eno Cordova originally created this weather sensor to help him decide whether or not to wear a sweater on his excavations. To his surprise, the data he retrieved showed traces of electromagnetic radiation in Bogano's winds. Though it exists in much lower concentrations than on Zeffo, Cordova. theorized this could be one reason the Zeffo chose to create their Vault on Bogano.

The Researcher 12. Droid Cairn

These scraps served as cairns for the droids who helped build the research station on Bogano. Without their help, little would be known about the Zeffo or their Vault.

The Researcher 13. Faded Mural

A faded mural located on Bogano not far from the Zeffo Vault. It likely represents a planet but the artwork is too damaged to make out any specifics.

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  • Bogano 100% – Best guide for all chests...

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Bogano 100% – Best guide for all chests, secrets and force echoes

This guide shows you all secrets, chests and force echo locations on Bogano in Star Wars Jedi Fallen Order which has a user score of 8.0 on metacritic .

Here you can see Zeffo and Kashyyyk .

Star Wars Jedi Fallen Order - Bogano 100% (Chests, Secrets, Force Echoes, Databank)

Bogano – Landing Pad Collectibles

Get out of the ship and check the Bogling tunnel to unlock Bogling Studies 3 – Bogling Tunnel. Near the Bogling tunnel you find a pathway that leads underground. You will see a Bogling running away and jump through a door you can destroy with PUSH. Talk with the Bogling and it will join you as a companion.

Bogano - Landing Pad 1

Bogano – Landing Pad 1

Bogano - Landing Pad 2

Bogano – Landing Pad 2

After obtaining the Bogling as a companion go to the huge cage with a ball and a socket in it. Push the ball into the socket to open the cage and find the secret which is a Stim Canister.

Bogano - Landing Pad 3

Bogano – Landing Pad 3

Bogano - Landing Pad 4

Bogano – Landing Pad 4

Bogano - Landing Pad 5

Bogano – Landing Pad 5

Bogano – Fractured Plain Collectibles

Bogano - Fractured Plain

Bogano – Fractured Plain

Both Chests in the Fractured Plain in Bogano can be easily acquired with JEDI FLIP.

Bogano – Subterranean Refuge Collectibles

Bogano - Subterranean Refuge

Bogano – Subterranean Refuge

From the Entrance use the WALL RUN on the right wall and continue to WALL RUN to a small platform with the force echo The Researcher 7 – Frustration . You can find Flora and Fauna 3 – Para Fish and Terrarium Seed Kalpi at the bottom. Go one floor up and Wall RUN with a lot of jumping from wall to wall to reach the force echo The Researcher 6 – Meditation .Go to the area where you learned the ability WALL RUN and scan the wall for Flora and Fauna 4 – Zaur .

You can reach the upper Secret which is a Stim Canister from Binog Mesa or you PULL the big block at the top of Subterranean Refuge. For the other secret you have to use JEDI FLIP to get to the eastern part of the map with one Force Echo. From the Force Echo WALL RUN and PULL the ropes to swing to the second Secret.

Bogano – Binog Mesa Collectibles

Bogano - Binog Mesa

Bogano – Binog Mesa

Instead of wall running to the right part drop down and scan the camp to unlock Bogling Studies 5 – Dead Splox.

Bogano – Hermit’s Abode Collectibles

Bogano - Hermit's Abode

Bogano – Hermit’s Abode

After your first visit there might be a bounty hunter called Daschorb in Hermit’s Abode. You can find the left chest in a dark room where you have to OVERCHARGE a box to let the floor reveal the chest. You can find Flora and Fauna 1 – Bog Rats and Splox on a table near the entrance and The Researcher 1 – Water Filters on the left after entering. Enter the small room behind the fan where you repaired BD-1 to scan Archive One – Discovery 2 – Sage, Vault and Tomb . Archive Six – Vision – The Premonition can be found right before the point where you got electrocuted and unlocked BD-1s stim pack ability. Enter the narrow path on the right side in the entrance hall and cut your way through to scan a force echo that unlocks The Researcher 4 – Larder.

Bogano – Bodgo Sinkholes Collectibles

Bogano - Bogdo Sinkholes

Bogano – Bogdo Sinkholes

Get to the top of the left part of the Bogdo Sinkholes scan the Bogling to unlock Bogling Studies 4 – Boglings and then drop down through the holes to fight Oggdo Bogdo. In his lair you will find a chest and a secret. Get to the top again and this time PULL a ramp to get above the right part of the Bogdo Sinkholes. Use the rope (the line on the right on the map) to swing to the Abandoned Workshop. Use it again to get to the chest. After you jump from the rope slow down the fan so you can jump through. Scan the sphere, slow down the fans on the ground and get the secret The Researcher 2 – Research Notes in this room. (It’s a tricky jump)

Bogano – Abandoned Workshop Collectibles

Bogano - Abandoned Workshop 1

Bogano – Abandoned Workshop 1

You can find 2 chests under water and a secret in the small room. Also use the workbench in there to upgrade BD-1.

Bogano - Abandoned Workshop 2

Bogano – Abandoned Workshop 2

While returning to your ship you will automatically unlock Archive Three – Dathomir – 1 Discovering Dathomir which unlocks travelling to Dathomir. On the right side of the door with the Dathomir mural you can scan The Researcher 13 – Faded Mural . You can reach the top of the Abandoned Workshop from the Bogdo Sinkholes. Both chests have to be sliced.

Bogano – Great Divide Collectibles

Bogano - Great Divide 1

Bogano – Great Divide 1

Check the ground near the save point to unlock The Researcher 5 – Traveling to the Vault .

Bogano - Great Divide 2

Bogano – Great Divide 2

You can find the force echo The Researcher 3 – Research Camp at an abandoned camp in this part of the Great Divide.

Bogano - Great Divide 3

Bogano – Great Divide 3

Bogano – Ancient Vault Collectibles

As soon as you enter the Vault you unlock Remnants of a Lost Civilization 4 – The Vault and Archive Seven – Goodbye 2 – Secrets of the Vault after watching the scene inside the Vault. Behind the entrance to the Vault you can scan some relics to unlock Remnants of a Lost Civilization 1 – Offerings and inscriptions on the wall to unlock Remnants of a Lost Civilization 2 – Inscriptions.

Bogano - Ancient Vault

Bogano – Ancient Vault

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Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order

Collectibles Guide Bogano Zeffo Kashyyyk

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6. Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order Bogano (Second Visit)

Second Visit

Welcome back to Bogano!

We won't be here for too long, but there's an upgrade here that's well worth getting as well as cleaning up a few areas (however we will be here a third time before the game ends).

Head out of the Mantis and speak with Cere. Once this conversation is over, follow the metal grating that Cere is standing on along the floor until it drops away. Jump down and follow the slope downwards. At the end, Push through the broken metal and interact with the Bogling, who you'll gain as a companion on the Mantis. Make sure you fully enter this little alcove too, as it counts towards your exploration percentage for Bogano.

Now, leave the little alcove and you'll see a caged-off area. This bit can be a little annoying, but you have to push the golden ball into the receptacle, same as in other places. However, you'll need to use Push in order to direct the ball onto the stone path and into the receptacle. The ball can fall on either side of the stone pathway and will just roll around the area again. You'll want to go to the right side, of the cage and Push the ball towards the start of the stone pathway, then run around to the left, roughly in line with the start of the stone path and Push the ball across it as it rolls past you. If you're successful, the ball will enter the receptacle and one part of the metal cage will open, allowing you in to reach a Secret Crate inside.

This is Secret (#4/6) for Bogano and will give you another stim canister that you can use.

Bogano Secret 4

Head out of this area and back up towards the Mantis. At the top of the ramp out of the area, head right down the slope, leap to the next outcrop then go left towards another Meditation Circle. Cross the bridge and climb the vegetation. Once at the top, leap across the stone pillar on your left and proceed forwards. Slide down the slope and take out the Splox at the bottom. Wall run to the next area, miss the hole in the floor and climb up the slope on the other side. Look over the edge and you'll spot a chest that you opened earlier along with a number of Splox and Bog Rats.

Jump down and either take them out, or ignore them and jump off the gap next to the open chest, onto the outcrop below. Jump down again on the next platform (above the Oggdo) and run along it towards a wallrunning area. Ignore the wall, and fall down to the area below.

Here you'll have a bridge that you can Push over, but first we'll grab another chest. From where you are, run left and wall run over to the lift. Take the lift up, then turn left. You'll see a central tunnel and a path to the right. Take the central tunnel and then kill all the Splox and Bog Rats here, before continuing slightly to the left and then up around the corner. At the top, you'll be ambushed by another Bog Rat from the opening on the right. Kill it, head inside then climb up to find a locked chest next to a chest you opened earlier. Slice open this Chest (#6/17) .

B Chest 6 (n7)

Jump off the platform to your right and then take the lift back down. Wallrun over to the metal bridge you were facing earlier. Push the bridge down. Cross over it and slice open your next Chest (#7/16) .

Bogano Chest 6

Follow the path along until you reach a fork, with the right going into a cavern and the left going down a slope. Before moving, read ahead here a little. Go left down the slope. As you hit the mud, you'll start sliding. Leap at the first gap and when you land on the next section, you'll see a rope in the middle of the slide. You'll want to jump up and grab this. Use it to swing to the distant platform above the slope. Run to the right and you'll find a Force Echo (Echo #36: Remnants of a Lost Civilisation - 3. Ancient Bones) .

Echo 35

Follow the path into the cave and you'll be attacked by a handful of Splox and a single Bog Rat. Take these out, then on your left, you'll spot another Force Echo (Echo #37: Remnants of a Lost Civilisation - 6. Resting Place)

Echo 36

Continue along the path and at the end leap back onto the mudslide. Ignore the rope this time around, taking the slide all the way to the end, then leap at the hanging vegetation and climb up to the next platform. You'll be attacked by a Bog Rat back at the top. Take it out, then run through the passage in the middle of the rock, taking out the two Bog Rats on your way, if you haven't got them already. Return to the metal bridge, cross over it and head over to the fork once more. This time, take the right path into the cavern.

Jump into the water and head to the central pillar, climb up the vines and follow the rock staircase upwards until you come across an alcove with a locked door at the end. Use BD-1 to slice to door. The first thing you'll see as your walk in is another Force Echo (Echo #38: The Researcher - 10. Old Memoirs) which also doubles as a Secret (#5/6) .

Echo 37, Bogano Secret 5

With that collected, cross to the other side of the room to find a workbench. Interact with it to get a snazzy new upgrade, a Double-Bladed Lightsaber


Turn to leave, but before you do, make sure BD-1 scans the pots to the right of the exit door (Cordova's Journey #3/12: Archive 6 - Acquiring the Holocron) . Exit the room then follow the stone stairs all the way to the top to open up a new shortcut. Once outside, wallrun across the gap, head through the door then use the Meditation Circle.

Just as an example here, these are the skills I have so far unlocked. You may have slightly fewer points than myself (as I've had to repeat a few bits for descriptions or images for this walkthrough) but hopefully, you aren't too far off. As before, you can purchase any skill you'd like, we'll be getting them all in the end anyways.

Skills Bogano 2

We'll grab one more chest and a couple of scans before leaving Bogano. From this Meditation Circle, turn right, leap over some rock then a gap, before balancing on a curved piece of pipe. When you reach the stone, hang underneath it and enter the Hermit's Abode. You'll have to take out a couple of Bog Rats here. After doing so, enter the area with the workbench you used earlier and use BD-1 to scan the bench to the left of you for a note from Cordova. (Cordova's Journey #4/12 - Archive 1: Discover - Sage, Vault & Tomb).

After finishing here, stop the fan and head back out for BD-1 to open the door enough for you to squeeze through. Once through the partially open door into the main chamber, then use BD-1 to overcharge a panel on the back wall. This will open a hole in the floor, revealing a Chest (#8/16) .

Image 1

Follow the path through and climb up the vines to the next area. At the top, Scan the wreckage on your left for another comment from Cordova (Cordova's Journey #5/12 - Archive 6: Vision - Premonition) then turn around and slice at the clearly live wires for a cutscene to occur.

Climb up the vegetation, slice the poles and follow the stairs up outside. Turn towards the ship and head over to it. Once you make it back, board the Mantis and head back to Zeffo for a second time.

Upon leaving, I had Bogano at 85% explored, with 8/16 chests and 5/6 secrets.


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