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Essays About Utopia: Top 6 Examples and 9 Prompts

Struggling to write essays about utopia? Our essay examples about utopia plus prompts will be useful in your writing journey. 

Utopia refers to an imaginary world where perfect societies are created. Translated as “no place” in Greek, the term was coined by English Statesman Sir Thomas More for his 1516 book “Utopia.” In More’s Utopia, a political satire, people share the same ways of life and live in harmony.

Utopia in various contexts has been used to define a perfect society that has served as the foundation of several ideologies. However, it has also been slammed for propelling people to strive for the impossible and dismiss realities on the ground. Various schools of thought have risen to improve on the utopian concept.


6 Helpful Essay Examples

1. utopian thinking: the easy way to eradicate poverty by rutger bregman, 2. the schools of utopia by john dewey, 3. metaverse: utopia for virtual business opportunities right now by noah rue, 4. saudi’s neom is dystopia portrayed as utopia by edwin heathcote, 5. streaming utopia: imagining digital music’s perfect world by marc hogan, 6. what’s the difference between utopia, eutopia, and protopia by hanzi freinacht, 1. describe your utopia, 2. my utopian vacation, 3. what is utopian literature, 4. utopia vs. dystopia in movies, 5. plato on utopia, 6. utopia of feminists, 7. dangers of utopian thinking, 8. utopia in capitalism, 9. your utopia for education.

“The time for small thoughts and little nudges is past. The time has come for new, radical ideas. If this sounds utopian to you, then remember that every milestone of civilisation – the end of slavery, democracy, equal rights for men and women – was once a utopian fantasy too.”

The article brings to light a utopian vision for eradicating poverty. This vision involves providing annual income to the poor. While such a scheme has drawn criticism over the possibility of dampening beneficiaries’ inclination to work. The essay cites the success of a Canadian field experiment that provided the entire town of Dauphin a monthly income for four years and helped ease poor living conditions. You might also be interested in these essays about Beowulf .

“The most Utopian thing in Utopia is that there are no schools at all. Education is carried on without anything of the nature of schools, or, if this idea is so extreme that we cannot conceive of it as educational at all, then we may say nothing of the sort at present we know as schools.”

John Dewey , an American philosopher, and education reformist, contested the old ways of schooling where rows of students recite and memorize lessons. In this speech, he illuminates the need for education to be a lived experience rather than confined within the four corners of a classroom. Check out these essays about freedom .

“The metaverse looks like a good business opportunity right now, but emerging markets are always volatile, and changing laws or regulations could turn the metaverse from a profitable utopia into a cash-guzzling dystopia for business.”

Businesses of all sizes are beginning to enter the metaverse. As with all pursuits, early movers are gaining the biggest advantage in carving out their niche in the utopian digital world. But despite the blazing popularity of the metaverse, a degree of caution must still be exercised as the virtual space is uncharted territory for sustainable business profitability. 

“The inside is, of course, rendered as a bucolic techno-utopia, a valley of trees and foliage, the new Babylon. This is the great contemporary cliché. No matter how huge the building, how hideous the ethics, everything can be concealed by a bit of greenery.”

Saudi and humanity’s biggest ambition for a future eco-city is a trillion-dollar city in the middle of a desert. But the ways to attain this utopian city might not live up to the rhetoric it has been selling, as its gigantic promises of free-flowing energy and technology haven’t accounted for their resulting environmental costs. 

“Many were happy with their current digital tools… and just wished for slight improvements, though they frequently expressed concern that artists should be getting a bigger cut of the profits.”

The essay interviews a handful of music nerds and junkies and asks them to describe their utopia in the music streaming world. Some were as ambitious as seeing an integration of music libraries and having all their music collections for free fit into their phones. 

“The Utopian believes in progress. The Eutopian believes in critique and a rediscovery of simpler wisdoms and relationships. The Protopian believes that progress can be enacted by understanding how the many critiques and rediscoveries of wisdom are interconnected into a larger whole.”

A political philosopher, Freinacht dissects the differences between utopia, eutopia, and protopia in modern and post-modern contexts. He concludes that protopia is the best way to go as it centers on the reality of daily progress and the beauty of listening to the diversity of human experiences.

9 Interesting Prompts To Begin Your Essays About Utopia

Describe your idea of a perfect world. You could start your essay with the common question of what you think would make the world a better place. Then, provide an ambitious answer, such as a world without poverty or violence. Next, explain why this is the one evil you would like to weed out from the world. Finally, provide background showing the gravity of the situation and why it needs urgent resolution.

For this essay, try to describe your ideal vacation as detailed and colorful as possible to the point that your readers feel they are pulled into your utopia. Pump out your creative juices by adding as many elements that can effectively and strikingly describe your ultimate paradise.

More’s Utopia was a great success among the elites of its time. The groundbreaking book gave way to a new genre: utopian literature. For this writing prompt, describe utopian literature and analyze what new perspectives such genre could offer. Cite famous examples such as More’s Utopia and describe the lessons which could be mused from these utopian novels. 

Essays About Utopia: Utopia vs. Dystopia in movies

Dystopia is the opposite of utopia. In your essay, explain the differences od dystopia and utopia, then provide a brief historical summary of how each came about. Cite film examples for each genre and try to answer which of the two is the more popular today. Finally, investigate to understand why there is greater leaning toward this genre and how this genre feeds into the fantasies of today’s audience.

While Plato never used the word “utopia” since he lived long before its conception, Plato is credited for creating the first utopian literary work, The Republic . Summarize the utopia as described by Plato and analyze how his ideals figure in the modern world.  

Interview at least three feminists and ask them to describe what a utopia for feminists would look like and why this is their ideal world. How is society expected to behave in their ideal world? Then, consolidate their answers to build the backbone of your essay. You may also search for feminist utopia novels and compare the concepts of these novels to the answers of the feminists you interviewed.

Genocides made to forward extreme ideologies have been linked to utopian thinking. Identify the dangers of aiming for the perfect society and cite past incidents where groups committed heinous crimes to achieve their utopia. To conclude, offer viable solutions, including the proper mindset, realistic setting of boundaries, and actions that groups should carry out when striving to create change.

Essays About Utopia: Utopia in capitalism

Greedy capitalism is blamed for a slew of problems facing today: environmental abuse, labor exploitation, and a gaping divide in income equality that is stoking dissatisfaction among many workers and compelling calls to tax the rich. For your essay, enumerate the problems of capitalism and the remedies being sought to direct the capitalist endeavors to more sustainable projects.

Beyond Dewey’s utopia for the educational system, write your wishlist for how learning should be built at schools. Your utopian school could implement any policy, from having minimal assignments to more educational field trips and challenging activities every day. Finally, explain how this could elevate the educational experience among students, back up your utopian goals with research that also recommends this setup for schools. When editing for grammar, we also recommend improving the readability score of a piece of writing before publishing or submitting. For more guidance, read our explainer on grammar and syntax .

informative essay on utopia

Yna Lim is a communications specialist currently focused on policy advocacy. In her eight years of writing, she has been exposed to a variety of topics, including cryptocurrency, web hosting, agriculture, marketing, intellectual property, data privacy and international trade. A former journalist in one of the top business papers in the Philippines, Yna is currently pursuing her master's degree in economics and business.

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74 Utopia Essay Topics & Examples

In the article below, find utopia essay examples and ideas gathered by our team . Describe an ideal society and start a philosophical discussion with our topics!

🏆 Best Utopia Essay Examples & Topics

📌 most interesting utopia essay topics, 👍 good utopia essay questions & titles.

  • Comparison of Ideas Thomas More’s ‘Utopia’ and Machiavelli’s ‘The Prince’ When it comes to ethics, he suggests that the prince should only be concerned with actions that are beneficial to a leader and ones that promote the well-being of his state.
  • Thomas More’s Utopia, Utilitarianism, and Technology Therefore, the meaning of “utopia” did not change to a tangible extent, as the modern meaning aligns with the one that More assigned to it.
  • “Utopia” by Thomas More and the Human Pursuit of an Ideal Life The concept of an ideal life forms the core of utopia according to Saint Thomas More who developed it in the beginning of the 16th century.
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  • “New Atlantis” an Utopia by Francis Bacon Therefore, it is possible to state that Francis Bacon’s New Atlantis is aimed at criticizing the use of reason as the central principle for creating an intellectual utopia as the practice shows that the possession […]
  • Commonwealth in “Utopia” by Thomas More The comment presents an issue of Utopia, the controversy of More’s discussion that affects the commonwealth of the state that will be analysed to argue that the statement is true.
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  • Two Opposite Worlds: “Utopia” and “1984” More criticizes the laws of the contemporary European society; he highlights that other countries, in the East for instance, have more fair laws; and after that he starts depicting Utopia, where all people live and […]
  • “The Ones Who Walk Away from Omelas” Utopia by Ursula Le Guin In the story, a single helpless child is subjected to extreme misery in exchange for the residents of the little city of Omelas receiving many advantages from a divine source.
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  • Utopia: Types and Features of Ideal Societies Thus, it is reasonable to assume that the cornerstone of a utopian world is people’s willingness to use the potential of their brains, which allows for perfection but is not realistic.
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  • Research of Utopian Socialist Ideas The early socialists fail to make changes because the system that they proposed did not deliver its promises of security, prosperity, and equality. However, scientific socialists held that revolution and socialism were the major components […]
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  • The Virtue and Vice of Reason in More’s Utopia
  • Visions Of Utopia in Bellamy’s Looking Backward
  • The Major Theme in Utopia by Thomas More and How His Work Relates to the Renaissance Period
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  • Trouble in Paradise: Communistic Speculation and Thomas More’s “Utopia”
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  • Chicago (A-D)
  • Chicago (N-B)

IvyPanda. (2024, March 2). 74 Utopia Essay Topics & Examples.

"74 Utopia Essay Topics & Examples." IvyPanda , 2 Mar. 2024,

IvyPanda . (2024) '74 Utopia Essay Topics & Examples'. 2 March.

IvyPanda . 2024. "74 Utopia Essay Topics & Examples." March 2, 2024.

1. IvyPanda . "74 Utopia Essay Topics & Examples." March 2, 2024.


IvyPanda . "74 Utopia Essay Topics & Examples." March 2, 2024.

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Home Essay Samples Literature

Essay Samples on Utopia

Writing an informative essay about a utopia.

Writing an informative essay about a utopia requires delving into the realm of imagination and exploring the intricacies of an ideal society. Utopias have long fascinated thinkers and writers, as they provide a canvas for envisioning a world free from the limitations and challenges of...

Utopian Characters In The Island And The Truman Show

Michael Bay the director of The Island and Peter Weir whom is the director of The Truman Show both have created films in a utopian theme. The comparison of the two selected films suggest that they each have false relationships connected to family and friends....

  • The Truman Show

Utopian Society in Walden Two by B.F. Skinner

Walden Two is a book by B.F. Skinner, originally published by Hackett Publishing Company, INC. in 1948. This book is about two men who return from World War Two and go to visit a new society being built by a man named Frazier. The men...

The Dichotomy of Dystopian and Utopian Societies in "The Giver"

Lois Lowry's novel "The Giver" explores the concept of a society that strives for perfection, leading to both a utopian and dystopian reality. In the novel, the protagonist, Jonas, lives in a seemingly perfect world, where everyone is content and there is no suffering or...

Utopia by Thomas More: Dystopia Inside Utopia

A perfect society or a utopian society is a made-up community where political and social ideas are available in the way that there is peace amongst the people. Many people have different perspectives on their own personal Utopia. Thomas More had his own vision of...

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The Idea of Reaching an Utopian Society, the Perfect World

According to Marianne Moyaert (2011), the concept of Utopia has been defined with the idea of a fantasized society and the desire for a better life, caused by feelings of unhappiness towards the society one lives in the present (p. 99). Where alternate visions of...

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The Illusion of The Utopia in Zootopia Movie

A Utopia is an imagined place or state of things in which everything is perfect and that is what the city Zootopia is or at least it's what the directors want you to think. Although it appears that all of the animals get along that...

Thomas More's Utopia: The Birth of Literary Genre

In fact, this chapter is divided into two sections; a first one dealing with More’s Utopia, it aims at introducing More’s narrative as the founding text of the utopian discourse as it is known today. It has also as a purpose the attempt to define...

Utopian Society in "The Ones Who Walk Away from Omelas" and "The Ones Who Stay and Fight"

Utopia is an imaginary world of ideal perfection ('Utopia Definition'). This definition portrays the societies created by the two authors Ursula Le Guin and N.K Jemisin in 'The ones Who Walk Away from Omelas' and 'The Ones Who Stay and Fight' respectively. Le Guin portrays...

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Analysis Of The Film Utopia By John Pilger

In his return to outback Australia, John Pilger has little good news about the current status of the First Australians. The truth he paints is eviscerating. The Aboriginals are still disproportionally poor and politically disenfranchised. The film makes you sit up and listen. The facts...

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Best topics on Utopia

1. Writing an Informative Essay About a Utopia

2. Utopian Characters In The Island And The Truman Show

3. Utopian Society in Walden Two by B.F. Skinner

4. The Dichotomy of Dystopian and Utopian Societies in “The Giver”

5. Utopia by Thomas More: Dystopia Inside Utopia

6. The Idea of Reaching an Utopian Society, the Perfect World

7. The Illusion of The Utopia in Zootopia Movie

8. Thomas More’s Utopia: The Birth of Literary Genre

9. Utopian Society in “The Ones Who Walk Away from Omelas” and “The Ones Who Stay and Fight”

10. Analysis Of The Film Utopia By John Pilger

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  • A Good Man Is Hard to Find

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Essay on Utopia

Students are often asked to write an essay on Utopia in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on Utopia

Understanding utopia.

Utopia is a term for an imagined place where everything is perfect. It was first used by Sir Thomas More in 1516 in his book ‘Utopia’. He described it as an ideal society free from problems.

Characteristics of Utopia

In Utopia, there is equality among people. There is no poverty or crime. Everyone has access to education and healthcare. Utopia is a place of peace, harmony, and happiness.

Utopia in Literature

Many writers have created their own versions of Utopia. These stories often highlight the problems in our own society.

Reality of Utopia

While Utopia sounds wonderful, it is unlikely to exist. This is because people have different ideas of what is perfect. However, the concept of Utopia encourages us to improve our society.

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250 Words Essay on Utopia

Defining utopia.

Utopia, derived from Greek words meaning ‘no place’, represents an idealised society or community where people live in harmony, devoid of conflict and suffering. The concept, first introduced by Sir Thomas More in his 1516 book ‘Utopia’, has been a subject of philosophical discourse and speculative fiction.

Utopia: An Ideal Society

In a utopian society, there exists a perfect socio-politico-legal system. All individuals enjoy equality, justice, and freedom, fostering an environment of mutual respect and cooperation. The economy thrives on sustainable practices, ensuring prosperity without compromising future generations’ needs.

The Utopian Paradox

However, the concept of utopia is paradoxical. What may be ‘perfect’ for one may not be for another due to subjective interpretations of perfection. Moreover, the static nature of utopia contradicts the dynamic essence of human society, which continually evolves based on technological advancements and changing societal norms.

Utopia: A Guiding Principle

Despite its unattainability, utopia serves as a guiding principle, inspiring societies to strive for betterment. It encourages critical thinking about societal structures, prompting us to challenge injustices and inequities.

In conclusion, while utopia might be an unachievable ideal, it represents our aspirations for a just, equitable, and harmonious society. It underscores the importance of continually striving for societal improvement, even if the ‘perfect’ society remains a tantalizing mirage.

500 Words Essay on Utopia


Utopia, a term coined by Sir Thomas More in 1516, describes an ideal society where everything is perfect. The concept has been a subject of debate among scholars, philosophers, and social theorists who have contemplated the feasibility and implications of a utopian society.

Conceptualizing Utopia

Utopia is derived from Greek words – ‘ou’ meaning not, and ‘topos’ meaning place. Thus, it translates to ‘no place’, indicating its non-existence. However, the concept of Utopia is more than just an imaginary place. It is a reflection of human aspirations and ideals, a mirror of what society could be if it was devoid of all flaws and imperfections.

Utopia and its Characteristics

A utopian society is characterized by equality, harmony, and prosperity. It is a place where societal norms and structures are designed to ensure the well-being of all members. There are no social, economic, or political inequalities. Resources are shared equally, and there is no room for greed, corruption, or conflict.

Utopia: A Critical Evaluation

While a utopian society seems desirable, it raises several critical questions. Can a society devoid of all conflicts and challenges truly exist? Would it not suppress individuality and breed monotony? The absence of challenges and conflicts might lead to stagnation, as they often serve as catalysts for growth and innovation.

The Dystopian Counterpart

The concept of Utopia is often contrasted with dystopia, a society characterized by suffering and injustice. Literature and media have often used these two extremes to critique and reflect upon the current societal issues. The depiction of dystopias serves as a warning against the potential consequences of certain social and political practices.

Utopia: An Inspirational Tool

Despite the criticisms, the concept of Utopia serves as an important tool for social and political change. It inspires humans to strive for a better society and encourages critical thinking about societal norms and structures. The idea of Utopia can be used as a benchmark to measure the progress of societies and to identify areas that need improvement.

In conclusion, Utopia, while seemingly unattainable, plays a crucial role in shaping human aspirations and societal development. It serves as a reminder of what can be achieved if human potential is fully realized. However, it is equally important to recognize the inherent complexities and challenges in achieving a utopian society. The quest for Utopia should not suppress individuality or diversity, but rather, it should foster a society that values and respects these elements. Thus, Utopia is not a definitive destination but a guiding principle in the continuous journey towards societal improvement.

That’s it! I hope the essay helped you.

If you’re looking for more, here are essays on other interesting topics:

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Apart from these, you can look at all the essays by clicking here .

Happy studying!

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Utopia Essay Examples

Utopia vs dystopia.

The world of 1984 revolves around a utopian atmosphere. This idea of a perfect world is set up by factors of mind control. Orwell continuously talks about how there is always someone watching and listening everything you do. The Party controls everything in society and...

Social Constructions of Utopias and Dystopias: the Matrix

The Matrix shows how technology can be used in the future to improve society. It shows technology making communication, travelling and gaining new skills and knowledge easier. Matrix also shows that technology can be abused, as seen when the machines use the matrix to control...

Different Approaches to Utopia: Problems and Innovations

This utopia essay aims to discuss and examine the ideal order, system, life and society ideas that the human world is always in search of. It will address the impact of multiple interactions between society and the future state management systems. The problems and innovations...

Manipulating Perspectives in Tomas More’s Utopia: Cruelty Or Generosity

More’s Utopia critiques the effectiveness how a society functions through imagining one where everything is harmonious. More is able to present his ideas and beliefs of society in a logical way through observation of its structure. In Utopia there is low crime, no poverty or...

Exploring Personal Vision of an Utopian Society in the World

What is a Utopia? Every individual has their own idea and definition of a “Utopia”. A Utopian society is far more than just black and white. There are many grey areas which create chaos but at the same time remain coherent. Your surroundings and environment,...

Chapters Summary of Utopia by Thomas More

Utopia is divided into two parts. The Book One of Utopia surrounds Thomas More, Peter Giles, and Raphael Hythloday. The three of them gathered around and discuss political and civil surrounding issues. While visiting Flanders as an ambassador of Henry VIII. More after a mass...

Utopia and Dystopia in Today's Culture: Lord of the Flies

What is an utopia? And a dystopia? The complexity of these two intertwined topics is enormous but it also is difficult the future questions they can lead us to. This abstract will give a brief and not clearly defined explanation about them and how they...

Discuss the Relationship Between Utopia and Dystopia in ‘brave New World’ 

It would be impossible to refer to all the utopian examples of work, but utopia began with the myth of Eden and the first thought refers back to Plato whose Republic is considered one of the first utopian works (Russell 2005). The idea of a...

The Utopian of Christof and the Dystopian of Truman

“Utopia is an illusion. Dystopia is the reality” A utopia is a fictional society or state imitating a perfect simulation. The film, The Truman Show, directed by Peter Weir demonstrates how Truman's definition of “perfection” contrasts from Christof’s perspective. The movie teaches viewers that one...

Real World Dystopia

Utopianism has slowly made its way into a literary genre by authors comparable to Thomas More. More’s book, Utopia was written to show his disdain about the political corruption that happened in Europe during his life. Comparing the word “Utopia” to both a good place...

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About Utopia

Sir Thomas More (1477 - 1535) was the first person to write of a 'utopia', a word used to describe a perfect imaginary world.

Utopia is a place of ideal perfection. Its a work of fiction that usually describes an imaginary community or society with near-perfect qualities.

Ecological, Economic, Religious, Scientific, Technology

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