1. Citation count chart (x: Citation count, y: Paper count)

    research paper citation count

  2. Distribution of the numbers of papers with a citation count.

    research paper citation count

  3. Distribution of the numbers of papers with a citation count.

    research paper citation count

  4. Citation count chart (x: Citation count, y: Paper count)

    research paper citation count

  5. Normalized citation count per paper vs. country.

    research paper citation count

  6. Normalized citation count per paper vs. country.

    research paper citation count


  1. How to Write a Research Paper and Use Proper Citation Styles

  2. Turbocharge your journal research paper citations!

  3. How to add Citation/Reference to a paper

  4. Bibliography reference citation UGC Net paper 1 topic

  5. How to Add Citation and References in Word

  6. 2.3