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Sample Personal Statement Business Analytics

masters in business analytics essay

by Talha Omer, MBA, M.Eng., Harvard & Cornell Grad

In personal statement samples by field.

Here is the personal statement of an applicant who got admitted to top Master’s in Business Analytics programs, including CMU, and MIT. For personal statement, the programs posed several questions to applicant, which the admissions committee expects to be answered in an essay form. The universities provide these personal statement prompts to encourage students to self-reflect and then to share their insights with the program.

The following essays are an example of a compelling story and reflect the original voice and personality of the applicant. Get inspiration from them and try to incorporate their strengths into your own personal statement.

Related Personal Statements 1) Sample Personal Statement in Advanced Analytics (admitted to NCSU) 2) Sample Personal Statement in Analytics (admitted to Georgia Tech) 3) Sample Personal Statement in Data Science and Analytics (admitted to CMU and Vanderbilt) 4) Sample Personal Statement in Management and Analytics (admitted to LBS)

In this Article

Personal Statement Prompt 1

Personal statement prompt 2, personal statement prompt 3, personal statement prompt 4.

Please attach to the application a brief narrative outlining your academic interests. Include any current or long-range interests in research, teaching or other professional objectives. Please describe these if you have progressed far enough in your career to have publications or other evidence of scholarly endeavour.

I want to play the critical role of a business strategist and capitalize on the most useful of the sophisticated technologies flooding modern businesses. In the short run, I want to set up a consulting firm which provides analytics-driven marketing solutions to large firms operating to deliver a consistent and easy buying experience for their customers. I would ideally like to leverage recent shifts in the marketing industry towards data, expand my consulting services across countries, and become a global leader in revolutionizing customer experience through data analytics.

I am an ideal candidate for the Business Analytics program due to my strong academic record as I graduated in Electrical Engineering with a cum laude GPA. My undergraduate has equipped me with extensive quantitative knowledge and technical experience around different themes in engineering. I’ve focused most of my studies on parametric analysis using different software like C++, VB, MySQL, Python and MATLAB. This was further honed when I joined Facebook’s Meta as an Analyst Software Engineer and, using MySQL, predicted patterns of interpersonal behaviour to optimally pair customers with an agent. Solving demand-related issues of customers from all around the globe, I have become aware of the mismatches between marketing outreach and customers’ buying needs. Therefore, I aspire to influence global customers’ marketing experience by investigating ways in which customer needs can be well aligned with the sales strategies of firms supplying goods online.

To materialize my aspirations into a successful reality, I want to glean more information on predicting customer behaviours and matching it with the right promotion offers since it ideally dovetails with my professional expertise in using MySQL to predict patterns of interpersonal behaviour to optimally pair customers with an agent. While I developed a strong skillset in matching commercially available information to determine successful behavioural interaction patterns, I plan to extend my research pursuits by exploring the right mix of traditional and digital marketing vehicles.

Beyond the classroom, I would greatly appreciate the opportunity to learn from and collaborate with the influential faculty and the Center and Laboratory for Behavioral Operations and Economics’ endeavours to solve critical IT-related decisions that advance company performance. In particular, the techniques of Professor Gary Bolton in experimenting with real-world trading markets within laboratory settings are foundational for my current work. Moreover, they will equip me with experimenting tools through which I can excel in my future career. Moreover, my future aspirations require strong leadership qualities recognized in a data-driven world. For this purpose, I would greatly benefit from The Leadership Center’s four dynamic offerings to mould my personality into a global leader’s persona.

Lastly, I will exploit the strong placement services and gain access to leading consulting companies where I can seek pro bono consulting opportunities and enhance my problem-solving acumen. I am also confident in acquiring the necessary communication skills to present solutions to Product Managers, Sales Associates, Engineers, and Marketing Teams for effective decision-making.

Thus, to sum up, owing to my strong academic credentials and professional expertise in applying artificial intelligence, I am confident of fully utilizing vibrant opportunities at Master in Business Analytics and converting it into an ideal segue for my future career aspirations.

Introduce yourself to your future classmates in 100 words or less.  

I have a passion for entrepreneurship, and during my sophomore year, I laid the foundations of the “ pay as you play”  console gaming platform and earned $4,000 a month. I have strong interpersonal skills and have won five national debating championships and represented at various national and international competitions. I am a fighter and showed great resolve in fighting acute liver failure, which I suffered in my junior year. I am a risk taker and quit my high-paying job at Unilever to start my venture of connecting home-cooked food suppliers with potential buyers.

What professional experiences have made you determine that business school is the right next step? (150 words)  

I pitched a business idea named Homestove – a food sharing application based on the B2C model. The business idea was successful as it won a substantial seed funding. Encouraged by its traction, I spearheaded its execution of supplying home-cooked food to potential buyers. However, the main factor I overlooked was doing intensive data analytics based on the market’s demographics. The locus I initially defined was 8 km, which was far from optimal. As a result, it created a mismatch between the area from where demand was being generated and where the chef was supplying the home-cooked food. Consequently, we incurred a considerable loss and customer dissatisfaction because of extended delivery times. Therefore, to avoid such losses, I strongly need a degree based on data management, technology, and analytics to create an ideal operations model for my business.

What career do you plan to pursue after business school and why? (150 words)

In the short run, I would restructure my business model by carefully analyzing the individual-level micro-data. Ideally, I aim to optimize my operations, mitigate the mismatch of distances between chefs and potential buyers, and reclaim the currently lost market share. If successful, I would like to expand my business to other metropolitan cities of US.

In the long run, alongside my business, I would like to provide consulting services to other tech-based startups suffering from a lack of operational optimization of their business. Unfortunately, despite having a lot of potential, most tech-based startups fail because of a lack of proper training in operational research. Consequently, they are unable to sustain themselves and run out of funding. I want to provide such firms consulting based on data analytics, business insights and marketing so they can harness themselves and become profitable.

Is there anything not addressed elsewhere in the application that you would like the Admissions Committee to know about you to evaluate your candidacy? (300-word maximum)

During my senior year, I got recruited by British American Tobacco after winning their battle of mental challenges. They had devised stringent criteria based on a rigorous aptitude test. Additionally, they assigned a group-based project related to any issue in public policy. I was the team lead and submitted a basic blueprint idea for using solar panels for domestic power needs. The basic plan was that the cost of these solar panels, being the main hindrance, would be offset once the government provided low-interest loans to homeowners to power their own houses. The savings on electricity bills would then be used to pay off the loans. It was an innovative idea that was well crafted after hundreds of hours of hard work. For example, my team and I conducted a rigorous field activity and accumulated over 400 bills from different homes in Frederick, Maryland to prove that using solar panels would not cost anything extra to these houses. We won the competition based on our innovative idea, and I was later called for an interview. Later, I was selected as MT and five other candidates out of 7000 applicants. I worked there for two years and eventually moved to Unilever. However, I always wanted to create social value and impact the lives of others, so after a brief stint at Unilever, I started my venture.

Describe a situation in your life where you failed to achieve a goal. What did you learn from this experience? (Max. 400 words)

I pitched a business idea named Homestove – a food sharing application based on the B2C model. The app’s primary purpose was to create local clusters where domestic chefs and homemakers market and sell their food to potential buyers within a particular locus. The business idea was successful as it was selected at top incubators and won a substantial seed funding award. Encouraged by its traction, I spearheaded its execution  to become a pioneer in supplying home-cooked food to potential buyers . The main factor I overlooked was doing intensive market research based on the market’s demographics. Due to a lack of in-depth data analysis, the locus I initially defined was an 8km radius, which was far from optimal. As a result, it created a mismatch between the area from where demand was being generated and where the chef was supplying the home-cooked food. Consequently, we levied a considerable cost of transportation and customer dissatisfaction because of extended delivery timings. The  goal of becoming a pioneer not only failed severely , but the loss’s extent was so much that it even eroded our initial seed funding. 

Although I failed in my initial ambition, my failure taught me deep insights into this business. Therefore, I am not let down by this experience. Instead, it has given me a direction leading me to future success. I realize that I conceded this partly because I didn’t discount some factors but, more importantly, because I lacked the necessary skill set. I realized that had I had better analysis skills in synthesizing microeconomic data, I would have developed a better spatial model of the business. I also felt that I needed to hone my skills in optimizing the operations of this business so that the mismatch between consumer and food supplier localities is mitigated. 

My more profound understanding of my failure and firm resolve to stand up again only point in one direction. And that is to pursue a Master’s degree in Business Analytics, where I can bolster my quantitative research skills and get international exposure to similar business models. I am therefore confident that a Master’s degree in Business Analytics will go a long way in pursuing my career goals and ambitions.

You just entered the elevator with a member of the Applicant Review Committee for the MS in Business Analytics. You can only speak to this person on the elevator for a short time. What would you say to this individual so that they would look favorably upon your application? (Max. 250 words)

During my senior year, I was inducted as Management Trainee by British American Tobacco after aced their “Battle of Minds” challenge. I was among the top 5 candidates out of other 7,000 aspirants. I worked there for almost two years, and after a very brief stint at Unilever, one of the leading multinationals, I decided to start my business venture. I looked for seed funding programs and pitched them my idea of supplying home-cooked food to potential buyers. The business idea won a substantial seed funding award. The idea was unique and covered on the local news channels during their prime-time transmission. After initial success, I experienced a downturn in my business. I realized the need to hone my quantitative analysis skills, particularly focusing on the operational optimization of business ventures. While searching for programs, I was excited by the curriculum. The vibrant community and home to more than 400 businesses, is an ideal place to learn and build new experiences. Additionally, the business analytics research centre is a perfect platform where I can test new quantitative research methods to calibrate the optimal spatial model of my business. In short, my strong credentials and desire to learn more align with the core values of the program in Business Analytics and will be ideal for fulfilling my career ambitions. 

One of our core values is Integrity. What does academic integrity mean to you? (250 words or less)

Academic integrity to me means being honest first and foremost to myself and anyone else. For me, it’s a way of life beyond just being honest in academic writing and following rules and regulations. I have stood up for academic sanctity, even against my friends and peers and have never tolerated slight slip-ups. I clearly remember how I had to take a firm stand against my group fellows in a Finance course when they were inclined to plagiarize a business idea. Additionally, when I started my undergraduate, I had many problems with citing during my writing courses. I wanted to learn and uphold academic integrity, so I took an additional paid online course to understand and master the art of referencing and citations. I have ensured that I take academic integrity beyond my university. As an entrepreneur, I have created a platform where cooks from around the city supply food to various customers. Dealing with almost 40 such cooks, I have ensured everyone is treated equally and honestly. For this purpose, I have developed systems where my employees’ names and background details are encrypted against an identification number so that my judgment remains impartial towards them. These are just some notable instances. Still, throughout my life, I have not let my moral guard down and confidently say that my ethical code of conduct strongly resonated with the core value of integrity.

Describe your experience using Excel, Databases or Software Tools. How has this influenced your decision to pursue a career in analytics? (250 words or less)

During my undergraduate studies, I worked with advanced Excel and basic STATA for various courses involving small and medium datasets. However, I realized a massive handicap of advanced data analytics when I started my business venture. I started a business named Homestove – a food sharing application based on the B2C model. Due to a lack of in-depth data analysis, the locus I initially defined was an 8 km radius, which was far from optimal. As a result, it created a mismatch between the area from where demand was being generated and where the chef was supplying the home-cooked food. I realized that had I had better analysis skills in synthesizing microeconomic data, I would have developed a better spatial model of the business. I also felt that I needed to hone my skills in optimizing the operations of this business so that the mismatch of consumer and food suppliers’ localities is mitigated. My deeper understanding of my failure and firm resolve to stand up again only point in one direction: to pursue a Master’s degree in Business Analytics. Through this, I can bolster my quantitative research skills and get international exposure to similar business models.

What is your target industry post-graduation? What impact do you want to make in your industry using analytics? (250 words or less)

In the short run, I would like to restructure my business model by carefully analyzing the individual data. Ideally, I aim to optimize my operations and mitigate the mismatch of the distance between chefs and potential buyers and reclaim the currently lost market share. If successful, I would like to expand my business to other metropolitan cities. In the long run, alongside my business, I would like to provide consulting services to other tech-based startups suffering from a lack of operational optimization of their business. Unfortunately, despite having a lot of potential, most tech-based startups fail because of a lack of proper training in operational research. As a result, they cannot sustain themselves and run out of funding. I would like to provide such firms with the necessary training based on data analytics, business insights and marketing to harness themselves and become profitable.

Please provide any additional information you would like to bring to the admissions committee’s attention. (250 words or less)

I have a keen sense of developing businesses from simple ideas of human needs. During my sophomore year, I developed a passion for console gaming. However, I soon realized my limited options as each game cost around $50. It was my handicap that I started my first business. I formed a virtual club initially with only 17 of my friends who could play up to 17 other games by only paying an additional fee of $20 per day. By the following year, my club had 123 members across various cohorts. Just by renting the games I bought from the initial deposits; I earned as much as $4,000 per month. 

When I joined Unilever, I had many problems having lunch at the office. So, I searched for cooks nearby my office and found a lady who was ready to supply it. Her food was tasty, and soon she had five customers from our office. This gave me an idea to lay down the foundations of Homestore – a food-sharing B2C modelled application. The application’s primary purpose was to create local clusters where domestic chefs and housewives marketed and sold their food to potential buyers within a particular locus. The idea was well received as it won seed funding and got promoted on local news channels’ prime-time transmission. Currently, I am running this business, but I need a data analytics degree to smoothen operations so that I can increase the impact of my venture. 


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UCLA Anderson Master of Science in Business Analytics (MSBA)

Master of Science in Business Analytics (MSBA)

Ranked #1 in the World

by QS World University Rankings, 2023

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About our program, a day in the life of the msba program.

Trailblazing Faculty

Professor Felipe Caro

Faculty Spotlight

Felipe Caro Faculty Director of the MSBA Program, Professor of Decisions, Operations and Technology Management

Professor Caro, known for helping Zara re-engineer its supply chain to become a “fast fashion” global retailer (and more profitable), is a renowned researcher who is highly published and frequently awarded for his work. His design of the MSBA curriculum is greatly influenced by changing markets and is engineered to produce the critical, analytical thinkers that the organizations of tomorrow need most.

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Elisa Long card

Professor Decisions, Operations and Technology Management

One of Long 's specialties includes applying quantitative analysis to the ambiguities of the health care industry.

masters in business analytics essay

Professor of Behavioral Economics and Strategy

Beyond his award-winning teaching and research, Professor Chen advises companies on topics at the intersection of behavioral economics, business strategy and dynamic pricing. At Uber, he redesigned its dynamic “surge” pricing model.

Peter Rossi

Distinguished Professor of Marketing, Economics and Statistics

While more recently focusing on consumer targeting and analytic pricing tools, Professor Rossi’s Bayesian hierarchical choice models created the most widely used methods for analysis of choice and conjoint data used today.

Paola Giuliano

Professor of Economics

In her research, Professor Giuliano studies the nexus of culture, economics and political economy. She holds prestigious research positions at the National Bureau of Economic Research (Cambridge), the Centre for Economic Policy Research (London) and the Institute for the Study of Labor (Bonn).

Anand Bodapati

Associate Professor Marketing

Consistently awarded the MSBA faculty excellence award, Bodapati ’s Customer Analytics course addresses marketing problems in value creation, value communication, customer acquisition, customer development, customer retention and the assessment of customer response to marketing. 

Velibor Misic

Assistant Professor Decisions, Operations and Technology Management

A multiple MSBA faculty excellence award winner,  Mišić focuses on decisions in uncertainty, customer choice problems and machine learning-based optimization in his operations analytics course.

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Online Master of Science in Business Analytics

Are you a data guru looking to hone your quantitative skills and apply them to a professional business setting? The Master of Science in business analytics (MSBA) teaches you how to analyze, dissect and manipulate data at rest, and use your discoveries to drive strategic business decisions. Upon graduation, you’ll have the knowledge and skills needed to work in a wide range of industries, including marketing, finance, supply chain management and information management.

Quick facts

Next start date: 08/22/2024

Total classes: 10

Weeks per class: 5

Total credit hours: 30

Degree questions, answered

Have questions about the Business Analytics (MS) ? Fill out this form and we’ll get in touch!

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What is a MSBA degree?

What will i learn in a master’s in business analytics program.

  • Decision Suite.

Is earning an MSBA degree worth it?

Does my asu business analytics degree say 'online'.

No, Arizona State University’s diplomas don’t specify whether you earn your degree online or in person. All diplomas and transcripts simply say “Arizona State University.” That’s because ASU Online students learn from the same faculty and receive the same course content as in-person students receive.

MSBA degree courses

In the master’s in business analytics program, you’ll take several courses to build core competencies in math, statistics and business. This business analytics program concludes with a collaborative project, allowing you to apply what you’ve learned in your previous courses. 

What can I do with a master’s in business analytics?

Because big data has become an essential part of today’s global economy, business analytics is one of the fastest-growing and most lucrative career fields. Upon graduating with an MSBA degree, you’ll be prepared for a wide range of careers including, but not limited to:

Study with passionate and award winning faculty members

Faculty at the W. P. Carey School of Business are passionate about innovative research and impact. Our school fosters an environment of global thinking, with a cohort of award-winning faculty from six continents around the globe and a student body which represents more than 100 countries. Faculty accolades include:

  • Nobel laureate.
  • National Academy of Sciences members.
  • Renowned journal publications.
  • Speakers at national conferences.

How to apply

Applicants must fulfill the requirements of both the Graduate College and the W. P. Carey School of Business.

This program has a highly competitive admission process.

Application requirements

Applicants are eligible to apply to the program if they’ve earned a bachelor's or master's degree from a regionally accredited institution.

Applicants must have a minimum of a 3.00 cumulative GPA (scale is 4.00 = "A") in the last 60 hours of a student's first bachelor's degree program, or applicants must have a minimum of a 3.00 cumulative GPA (scale is 4.00 = "A") in an applicable master's degree program.

All applicants must submit:

  • Current resume.
  • Essay responses.
  • Graduate admission application and application fee.
  • Official transcripts.
  • One letter of recommendation.
  • Proof of English proficiency.

Additional application information

  • An applicant whose native language is not English must provide proof of English proficiency regardless of current residency.
  • The letter of recommendation should comment on the student's motivation, commitment, achievements, work experience and opportunity for success in the program.
  • Complete application instructions may be obtained from the department's website.

Study at one of the best business schools in the nation

The W. P. Carey School of Business is one of the top business schools in the country. Our AACSB-accredited business school is committed to delivering excellent quality and great value. Our U.S. News & World Report rankings reflect our commitment to academics, groundbreaking research and positive student outcomes.

best online bachelor's in business programs.

best online master’s in business programs (excluding MBA).

best online general management MBA programs.

best online business analytics MBA programs.

Tuition calculator

Use our calculator to estimate your full-time or part-time tuition fees for this program prior to any financial aid. Keep in mind that most of our students receive financial aid, which can reduce out-of-pocket costs. Learn more.

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Admit Lab

Statement of Purpose for MS in Business Analytics Tips

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It is not easy to write an MS in business analytics statement of purpose. However, while each student’s background and experience is unique, there are some tried and true tips and strategies that can help anyone tell their story and “wow” the admissions committee. In this post, we will be sharing the top things learned over the years that can help you conquer your MS in business analytics statement of purpose and get yourself admitted to the program of your dreams. From highlighting relevant skills and achievements to showing passion and fit, we will outline the key ingredients that make a winning SoP. By following these pro tips and tweaking your approach, you’ll be well on your way to crafting an admission-worthy personal statement that helps you stand out from the pack. Let’s get started!

A statement of purpose is a crucial document for securing admissions to universities in the UK, USA, Canada, and other countries. It serves as your identity statement, encompassing your academic qualifications, interests, achievements, plans, reasons for choosing the program and university, and more. Crafting an SOP requires utmost care, as it significantly influences the evaluation of your application. The key aspect of writing an SOP lies in expressing your personal information and interests in your own words. Hence, the uniqueness of your document holds great importance.

Understanding the Program’s Goals and Structure

In crafting a compelling MS in business analytics statement of purpose , a profound understanding of the program’s goals and structure is vital. The goals of a business analytics program generally revolve around equipping students with adept analytical skills to leverage data for strategic decision-making and problem-solving in business contexts. The structure, on the other hand, often comprises modules on quantitative methods, statistical analysis, business intelligence, and predictive analytics. Therefore, your SOP should depict your awareness of these aspects and your readiness to undertake the course’s rigor. It should also highlight how your academic background or professional experience aligns with these goals and can help you excel in the course.

Identifying Your Unique Strengths

One of the most significant aspects of crafting an effective MS in business analytics statement of purpose is showcasing your unique strengths. This eludes to not just your academic competencies or professional accolades, but also includes personal qualities or experiences that make you stand out amongst the pool of candidates. These unique strengths could be your ability to solve complex problems, your knack for analyzing large data sets, a project you led that required analytical skills or even the resilience you displayed during a challenging period in your academic or professional journey.

These strengths should be highlighted with specific examples or anecdotes that demonstrate your actions and the positive outcomes resulting from them. Furthermore, each of these strengths should ideally tie back to the program’s goals, indicating how they would help you succeed in the course and in your future career in business analytics.

Remember, while it is important to highlight your skills, it is equally crucial that these strengths are relevant to the course and resonate with the ethos of the program. Through this strategic approach of identifying your unique strengths, you can craft a compelling and authentic SOP that sets you apart.

computer screen with business analytics data

Describe Your Professional Journey and Achievements

In detailing your professional journey and achievements for your MS in business analytics statement of purpose, it’s essential to focus on experiences that reflect your analytical skills, leadership qualities, and your ability to drive results.

For instance, if you have worked extensively with big data, you could discuss a project where you used data analytics to solve a complex business problem, highlighting your role, the methodologies used, and the impact of the project on the business. If you have assumed leadership roles, elucidate the team size, nature of the project, and how your leadership helped steer the team towards success.

Remember to mention any accolades or recognitions you received during your professional journey, as these serve as validation of your competencies. Furthermore, if you made any significant strides in your learning or skills, such as completing relevant certifications or mastering new analytical tools, make sure to include these in your narrative. The goal here is to paint a vivid picture of a professional journey that not only demonstrates your skills and achievements but also reflects your passion and commitment to leveraging business analytics for problem-solving and decision-making.

While it’s necessary to highlight your significant achievements and experiences in your Statement of Purpose, it’s crucial not to simply rehash your resume. Your SOP is an opportunity to delve deeper, reveal the story behind your accomplishments, and show the admissions committee who you are beyond your professional persona. It allows you to provide context, express your motivations, detail your aspirations, and demonstrate how your experiences have shaped your perspective. By avoiding a regurgitation of your resume, you can differentiate yourself from other candidates and provide a compelling argument for your admission.

Showcasing Your Understanding of Data Science and Business Analytics

When crafting your MS in business analytics statement of purpose, it’s crucial to illustrate your comprehensive understanding of the interplay between data science and business analytics, and how this knowledge has enhanced your leadership and teamwork skills.

Data science, with its emphasis on extracting insights from complex datasets, complements business analytics’ focus on applying these insights to make informed, strategic decisions. As part of your SOP, discuss instances where you’ve led or been part of a team that utilized these principles to drive results.

For example, a project where you spearheaded the use of predictive modeling tools to analyze market trends, which then informed the team’s strategic decisions, would illustrate both your grasp of data science and business analytics and your leadership prowess. Likewise, an occasion where you collaborated with a team to utilize machine learning algorithms to optimize business processes would demonstrate not only your technical skills but also your ability to work effectively within a team.

Remember, your SOP should not only delineate your cognitive understanding of these disciplines but also portray how this knowledge enhanced your collaborative and leadership capabilities in real-world scenarios. By doing so, you assert your ability to leverage both technical knowledge and soft skills to drive business success.

statement of purpose for Ms in business analytics will lead to this type of work

Showing The Substantial Impact of the Program on Your Future Goals

In your Statement of Purpose (SOP), it’s equally important to highlight the significant value the master’s in business analytics program holds for your future career aspirations.

Outlining your short-term and long-term career goals in your MS in business analytics statement of purpose isn’t merely a formality. Instead, it provides a pivotal anchor for your entire essay, connecting your past experiences with your future ambitions. These goals should be concrete, illustrating a clear trajectory of where you’ve been, where you aim to go, and how the MS program will help you get there. Clearly stating these objectives allows the admissions committee to understand your motivation for pursuing the degree and assess whether the program aligns with your career aspirations. Simultaneously, it underscores your commitment and determination to leverage the acquired knowledge and skills from the program to effect meaningful changes in the business analytics landscape.

Show how the course aligns with your career goals – perhaps you want to become a data analyst, a business intelligence specialist, or a data scientist. You might aspire to develop innovative data strategies for a multinational corporation or drive operational efficiency in a burgeoning start-up. Your SOP should reflect your vision for how this program will facilitate those goals.

Consider discussing specific aspects of the program, such as a particular module, the faculty, or an industry collaboration that you believe will be instrumental in attaining your career objectives. This not only demonstrates your thorough research and understanding of the program but also underscores your commitment to maximizing the value of your education.

By emphasizing the program’s value for your future, you convey your motivation, ambition, and drive to succeed in the field of business analytics.

Structuring a Standout SOP for Business Analytics

The structure of your MS in business analytics statement of purpose plays a vital role in presenting a compelling narrative that catches the attention of the admission committee.

Begin with a captivating introduction that outlines your interest in Business Analytics, followed by the main body where you discuss your academic background, professional experiences, any relevant projects, and the skills you’ve acquired. This section should demonstrate your understanding of the field and your preparedness for the course. Express your passion for data and analytics, and cite specific instances where you have applied analytical tools and techniques.

Additionally, state how the program aligns with your career goals and can help you achieve them. It is important to connect the dots in your story, demonstrating how past experiences have led you to pursue a degree in Business Analytics.

In the conclusion, reiterate your purpose and long-term goals, and articulate what you hope to contribute to the program. In demonstrating your potential contribution to the program, highlight your unique skills, experiences, or perspectives that you believe will enrich the learning environment. Perhaps you have had practical experience with a unique data analytics project, or you have insights from a different academic background that could foster diverse discussions. Maybe you have leadership experience or teamwork skills that can be valuable in group projects. Your contribution is not limited to what you can give to the university but also includes how you can impact your classmates and the program as a whole. This matters because universities value diversity and the exchange of ideas, and they look for candidates who can contribute to this enrichment. In the dynamic field of Business Analytics, such diversity of thought fosters innovation and collaborative problem-solving, preparing students to thrive in a global business landscape.

Aligning your statement of purpose with the opportunities you intend to utilize within the MS in Business Analytics program is crucial. This is not merely about stating your aspirations but explicitly linking those to the specific resources and opportunities the program offers. By doing so, you illustrate a deep understanding of the program and a clear plan of how you intend to maximize your learning experience. It conveys to the admissions committee that you have done your research, are committed to your chosen field, and have a distinct vision for your professional growth. Importantly, this specificity also showcases your ability to apply analytical thinking to your career planning—an essential skill in the business analytics field. Moreover, it demonstrates how you could leverage these opportunities to enrich the program, creating a symbiotic relationship that benefits both parties.

Connecting your Statement of Purpose to the specifics of the MS in Business Analytics program is paramount, and holds significant weight in the eyes of admissions committees. This connection evidences a candidate’s meticulous research into the program, indicative of a serious commitment to the field and to their personal and professional development.

Moreover, it demonstrates that the applicant has a well-thought-out plan for leveraging the unique opportunities offered by the program to realize their career aspirations. Admissions committees value candidates who are not only passionate about their chosen field but also have a clear vision of how they intend to utilize the program’s offerings for their growth.

Furthermore, the ability of an applicant to articulate this vision in a compelling and precise manner is reflective of their analytical skills—an essential attribute in the field of Business Analytics. An SOP that effectively draws this connection is thus not only indicative of the candidate’s preparedness for the program and their strategic thinking ability, but it also signals to the admissions committee the potential value-add the candidate can bring to the program, fostering a richly diverse and intellectually stimulating learning environment.

This underlines why the alignment of the SOP with the specifics of the program is of such importance to admissions committees.

bsuiness analysis

Avoiding Common Pitfalls in SOP Writing for Business Analytics:

When crafting your Statement of Purpose (SOP) for a Business Analytics program, it is crucial to pay attention to certain common mistakes that can undermine the strength of your application. To ensure a compelling and impactful SOP, steer clear of generic statements and clichés that can dilute the authenticity of your narrative. Instead, focus on showcasing your unique journey, aspirations, and perspectives.

While it might be tempting to impress the admission panel with complex jargon and technical terms, remember that clarity and coherence in expressing your thoughts are paramount. Clearly articulate your motivations for pursuing the program and how it aligns with your career goals. Substantiate your claims with concrete achievements or experiences that highlight your skills and potential contributions to the field of business analytics.

Furthermore, it is important to maintain a positive and professional tone throughout your SOP. Avoid making negative comments about any institutions, individuals, or circumstances as this could reflect poorly on your professional demeanor. Instead, emphasize your enthusiasm for learning and growing in a collaborative and supportive academic environment.

Another crucial aspect to consider is avoiding plagiarism. Your SOP should reflect your own ideas, experiences, and aspirations. Admissions committees value originality and want to gain insight into your unique perspective. Use proper citations and references when necessary, and always ensure that your writing is your own.

Moreover, be mindful of the word limit set by the institution. While it can be tempting to include every detail of your academic and professional journey, an overly lengthy SOP can come across as unfocused and may not hold the attention of the reader till the end. Prioritize the most relevant and impactful information that showcases your qualifications and potential.

Lastly, avoid leaving your SOP until the last minute. Procrastination can lead to a rushed and poorly structured statement, which can greatly impact your chances of admission. Give yourself ample time to brainstorm, draft, revise, and edit your SOP to ensure that it effectively conveys your story and your passion for business analytics.

By steering clear of these pitfalls and incorporating these tips into your SOP, you can craft an engaging, well-structured, and effective document that resonates with the admissions committee and increases your chances of securing admission to your desired Business Analytics program.

Essential Skills to Highlight in a Business Analytics SOP

In the highly competitive landscape of business analytics programs, it is crucial that your Statement of Purpose (SOP) stands out by showcasing a comprehensive blend of technical and soft skills. From a technical standpoint, highlight your exceptional proficiency in popular programming languages such as Python or R, and your profound understanding of databases and querying languages like SQL. Additionally, emphasize your expertise in statistical analysis and data modeling, and illustrate how you effectively leverage these skills to extract valuable insights from complex datasets. It is also essential to mention any experience you have with data visualization tools like Tableau, as they play a pivotal role in the world of business analytics, enabling you to present data-driven insights in a visually compelling manner.

On the softer side, it is vital to showcase your exceptional problem-solving abilities and provide concrete examples of how you have successfully applied these skills in real-world scenarios. Emphasize your unwavering attention to detail, which is of utmost importance in the realm of data analysis, as it ensures the accuracy and reliability of your findings while preventing errors. Additionally, highlight your exceptional communication skills, as they are instrumental in effectively conveying the meaning and implications of complex data to stakeholders in a simple and understandable manner. Furthermore, underscore your proficiency in project management, as this demonstrates your capability to effectively manage resources and deadlines, ensuring the successful execution of data-driven projects.

Finally, it is crucial to emphasize your unwavering passion and boundless curiosity for the field of business analytics. Highlight how these innate qualities drive your pursuit of knowledge and success in the rapidly evolving world of data. By showcasing your dedication and enthusiasm, you will convey to the admissions committee your commitment to making a meaningful impact in the field and your relentless pursuit of excellence.

Beware: Your Statement of Purpose Could Make or Break Your Application!

Your Statement of Purpose (SOP) is not just another document; it’s the golden ticket that could open the doors to your dream Business Analytics program or slam them shut forever. Imagine a room full of admissions officers, each with a towering stack of SOPs, all vying for a limited number of seats. Your SOP needs to stand out compellingly amidst this sea of applications, or else it risks being tossed aside into the rejection pile.

In this high-stakes game, the competition is fierce. It demands more than just a list of skills and experiences; it demands a compelling narrative, a clear display of your passion, and a powerful demonstration of your potential. A well-crafted SOP not only showcases your academic achievements but also highlights your unique strengths and motivations. It tells a story of your journey, emphasizing how your experiences have shaped your desire to pursue Business Analytics.

Errors, unclear statements, or a lack of focus can spell disaster. Admissions officers are looking for applicants who can effectively communicate their goals, ambitions, and fit for the program. A poorly crafted SOP can overshadow even stellar grades, robust work experience, and impressive recommendations, turning your dream of studying business analytics into an unachievable fantasy.

Don’t let your SOP be the weak link in your application. Seek expert help, take the time to refine and perfect it. Consider incorporating specific examples of how your past experiences have equipped you with the skills and mindset necessary for success in the field of Business Analytics. Add details about relevant projects, internships, or coursework that have fueled your passion for the subject and demonstrate your commitment to learning and growth.

In this battle for recognition, a strong SOP could be the difference between acceptance and rejection. Make sure your SOP stands out from the crowd, leaving a lasting impression on the admissions committee. Take the opportunity to showcase your unique perspective, your determination, and your potential contributions to the field of business analytics. With the right approach and attention to detail, your SOP can become a compelling narrative that sets you apart and paves the way for your future success.

To sum up, the MS in business analytics statement of purpose holds immense significance in your application. Regardless of your background, approaching it with the right mindset and thorough preparation can enable you to craft a compelling narrative that will position you as an attractive candidate for any university’s program. It is essential to emphasize your unique qualities and motivations, showcasing your strongest attributes to the admission committee and illustrating why you are the best fit among the competition.

Moreover, remember to maintain authenticity in your writing, steering clear of generic statements that fail to captivate. As you embark on this task, always remind yourself: “You got this!” And if you find yourself in need of guidance, The Admit Lab is here to assist you. We offer a range of helpful and cost-effective solutions, including essay brainstorming and editing services designed to help you navigate the workload and increase your chances of being accepted into your dream Master’s program. So, don’t waste any time – take action now and give yourself the best possible chance of success. Got questions about the application process, or would like to get a quick assessment of your essay drafts? Sign up for a consultation , or send us your draft for an estimate. It’s FREE!

With a Master’s from McGill University and a Ph.D. from New York University, Dr. Philippe Barr is the founder of The Admit Lab . As a tenure-track professor, Dr. Barr spent a decade teaching and serving on several graduate admission committees at UNC-Chapel Hill before turning to full-time consulting. With more than seven years of experience as a graduate school admissions consultant, Dr. Barr has stewarded the candidate journey across multiple master’s programs and helped hundreds of students get admitted to top-tier graduate programs all over the world .

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Master of Science in Business Analytics

The University of Cincinnati’s Master of Science in Business Analytics program is nationally recognized and has a proven track record with placing students at successful, high-profile companies. Predictive Analytics Today named UC as the No. 1 MS Data Science school in the country four successive years. Financial aid is available in the form of scholarships and assistantships and is awarded on a competitive basis.

Lindner's Master of Science in Business Analytics program provides you with expertise in descriptive, predictive and prescriptive analytics. This program begins in August and classes are offered full- or part-time. Full-time students typically complete the program in nine months or one year. Classes are available in the late afternoon, evening and Saturday for part-time students.

How long does it take to complete the Master of Science in Business Analytics program?

The program can be completed in two semesters but many students use a third semester to complete the capstone project.

Is the Master of Science in Business Analytics a designated STEM Program?

Yes, the Master of Science in Business Analytics program has been officially designated as a STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) program.

When is the application deadline?

Please visit the  program's admission page  for deadlines.

Why earn a Business Analytics master’s degree?

Businesses across the country and world are looking for business analysts with at least a master’s degree. A Master of Science not only puts you ahead of the competition, but it also provides the skills needed to successfully impact business decisions. At the University of Cincinnati, we feature on-campus employer seminars and recruiting. Each week, major employers seeking analysts and technical talent present seminars, recruit, or interview MS Business Analytics students. Some companies include Tata Consultancy Services, Great American Insurance, GE Digital, Teradata, PWC, DMI, 84.51, and Fifth Third Bank.

Our convenient class options allow students to earn a life-changing degree without drastically changing their schedule. Full-time students can earn their degree in a year or less, allowing them to apply their skills in a real-world setting in just a couple of semesters. Recent graduates earn an average starting salary of more than $115,000.

Another benefit of our MS program is the corporate and academic partnership with the Center for Business Analytics which provides real-world data analytics experience and career opportunities for students and promotes industry leadership and research to advance the field of business analytics.

Below is a select list of employers who have recently Lindner Master of Science in Business Analytics graduates:

  • Barclays PLC
  • Capital One Financial Corporation
  • Cincinnati Bell Inc.
  • Cincinnati Children's Hospital
  • Fifth Third Bank
  • IBM Corporation
  • Johnson & Johnson, Inc.
  • JP Morgan Chase
  • Macy's, Inc.
  • Procter & Gamble
  • The Walt Disney Company

Paul Bessire

Employer: Title: Co-founder

Paul is one of the foremost authorities on mathematically modeling and analyzing sports. He has turned his longtime hobby of predicting and writing about sports outcomes into a full-time profession.

Today Paul is an adjunct professor at the University of Cincinnati where he teaches “Bracketology” with Mike Magazine, a guest lecturer for “Sports by the Numbers,” and a frequent guest analyst on fantasy sports and talk shows across the country on networks such as ESPN and CBS.

"The Business Analytics program at the University of Cincinnati is not just a world-class analytics program. It’s a world-class program at the intersection of big data, technology, and efficient decision-making. The applications of the program should continue to grow in importance within businesses in all industries.”

Employer: Cincinnati Reds Title: Business Analytics Developer

Mark leads data visualization development for the Cincinnati Reds using Tableau software. Mark has built a number of meaningful dashboards for the Reds, some of which incorporate a map he created to plot all seats within the ballpark. The granular detail of his map allows leadership to view data a number of ways, including visualizing where certain types of ticket packages are selling, detecting notable pricing differences between the box office and secondary market, and identifying potential sponsorship opportunities.

"Cincinnati's program is second to none in its ability to prepare students for careers in a wide variety of analytical fields. While offering a strong mathematical foundation via exposure to large datasets and the opportunity to solve real-world problems, its focus on logical reasoning and adaptive problem-solving skills result in an overarching strength, preparing you for any scenario you may face in the workplace."

Liberty Holt

Employer: TriHealth Title: Manager of Predictive Analytics

After graduation from the University of Cincinnati business analytics program, Liberty accepted a position as a data scientist at TriHealth in collaboration with Hatton Research where she was responsible for developing and implementing the use of predictive models. Liberty was soon promoted to manager of predictive analytics, where she is able to mentor others and influence the future direction of analytics at TriHealth. She has the opportunity to explore cutting edge analytics  using machine learning in combination with Watson Content Analytics, Hadoop, and other developing technologies. She is also developing a team to ensure that any models or analytics that are developed translate into opportunities to give the best care to the patients of her organization.

“I will forever be grateful for the opportunity to complete the UC analytics program. I gained skills and learned a vast array of analytic techniques, but beyond that it also offered many opportunities to grow both professionally and personally.”

The University of Cincinnati Master of Science in Business Analytics program is designed to provide you with a strong foundation in all areas of business analytics while allowing you flexibility to tailor the program based on your individual interests and career plans. Our program is nationally ranked yet competitively-priced and our business analytics faculty is comprised of both world-class instructors who conduct advanced analytics research and real-world industry practitioners.

Mathematics requirements which must be completed before entering the MS Business Analytics program.
Course number Course title Credits
MATH 1061 Calculus I 4
MATH 1062 Calculus II 4
MATH 2063 Multivariable Calculus 4
MATH 2076 Linear Algebra 3
n/a Fundamental Computing Knowledge n/a

MATH 1061: Calculus I, MATH 1062: Calculus II, and MATH 2063: Multivariable Calculus These courses are not the applied courses typically taken by business or social science majors. Topics of coverage should include: functions; limits and continuity; derivatives; applications of the derivative; the integral and applications; exponential and logarithmic functions; inverse functions; techniques of integration; polar coordinates; conic sections; Taylor's formula; improper integrals; sequences and series; vectors; lines; planes; vector-valued functions; partial derivatives; multiple integrals; calculus of vector fields.

MATH 2076: Linear Algebra Topics should include: systems of linear equations; matrices; vector spaces; bases and dimension; orthogonality; linear transformations; determinants; eigenvalues and eigenvectors; diagonalization.

Fundamental Computing Knowledge This includes facility in a procedural programming language like Ruby, Python, C, C++, Matlab, Java, Visual Basic, Pascal, or FORTRAN. It is also assumed that a student is already comfortable with spreadsheets, word processing, e-mail, web browsers, etc.

Core courses

BANA 6037: Data Visualization This course provides an introduction as well as hands-on experience in data visualization. It introduces students to design principles for creating meaningful displays of quantitative and qualitative data to facilitate managerial decision-making.

BANA 7020: Optimization An introduction to modeling, solving with state-of-the-art software, and interpreting the results for real-world linear, integer, and nonlinear optimization applications. Solution techniques and analyses covered include graphical approaches, the simplex method, duality, and sensitivity for linear optimization; branch-and-bound and cutting plane techniques for integer optimization; and Newton’s method and gradient search for nonlinear optimization.

BANA 7025: Data Wrangling This course provides an intensive, hands-on introduction to data management and data manipulation. You will learn the fundamental skills required to acquire, munge, transform, manipulate, and visualize data in a computing environment that fosters reproducibility.

BANA 7030: Simulation Modeling and Methods Building and using simulation models of complex static and dynamic, stochastic systems using both spreadsheets and high-level simulation software. Topics include generating random numbers, random variates, and random processes, modeling systems, simulating static models in spreadsheets, modeling complex dynamic stochastic systems with high-level commercial simulation software, basic input modeling and statistical analysis of terminating and steady-state simulation output, and managing simulation projects. Applications in complex queueing and inventory models representing real systems such as manufacturing, supply chains, healthcare, and service operations.

BANA 7031: Probability Modeling PROBABILITY MODELS: Events, probability spaces and probability functions; Random variables; Distribution and density functions; Joint distributions; Moments of random variables; Special expectations; Moment generating functions; Conditional probability and conditional moments; Probability inequalities; Independence; Special probability distributions including: binomial, negative binomial, multinomial, Poisson, gamma, chisquare, normal, beta, t, F, mixture distributions, multivariate normal; Distribution of functions of random variables; Order statistics; Asymptotic results including: convergence in distribution, central limit theorem, convergence in probability, Slutsky's theorem. STOCHASTIC MODELS: Discrete time Markov processes, Markov pure jump processes, Birth and death processes, Branching processes, Poisson process, Pure birth processes, Yule process; applications in several areas, e.g. queuing models, machine repair models, inventory models, etc.

BANA 7042: Statistical Modeling Nonlinear regression and generalized linear model. Logistic regression for dichotomous and polytomous responses with a variety of links. Count data regression including Poisson and negative binomial regression. Variable selection methods. Graphical and analytic diagnostic procedures. Overdispersion. Generalized additive models. Limited dependent variable regression models (Tobit), Panel Data models.

BANA 7046 Data Mining I This is a course in the statistical data mining with emphasis on hands-on case study experience using various data mining/machine learning methods and major software to analyze complex real world data. Topics include: Data Preprocessing. k-Nearest Neighbors. Linear Regression and Generalized Linear Regression. Subset and LASSO Variable Selection. Model Evaluation. Cross Validation. Classification and Regression Trees.

BANA 7047: Data Mining II This is a course in the statistical data mining with emphasis on hands-on case study experience using various data mining/machine learning methods and major software to analyze complex real world data. Topics include: Advanced Trees: Bagging, Random Forests, Boosting. Nonparametric Smoothing methods. Generalized Additive Models. Data Preprocessing/Scaling. Neural Networks. Deep Learning. Cluster Analysis. Association Rules.

BANA 7051: Applied Statistical Methods This course covers applied statistical methods, including topics of frequency distributions, estimation, hypothesis testing, point and interval estimation for mean and proportion; comparison of two populations; goodness of fit tests, one factor ANOVA. Major statistical software is used.

BANA 7052: Applied Linear Regression This course covers applied linear regression, including topics of fitting and drawing inferences from simple and multiple linear regression models; residual diagnostics; model correction procedure for linear regression; variable selection. Major statistical software is used.

BANA 8083: Capstone This course is associated with the required MS Business Analytics Capstone. The Capstone experience will be described in an essay that is reviewed and approved by two faculty members. The essay can describe: (1) a research project based onan idea proposed independently by the student or with faculty input; (2) an extension of a case analysis or project completed in a class such as BANA7095, Graduate Case Studies in Business Analytics. The essay must describe the student's contribution to the research or case.

IS 6030: Data Management This course provides an introduction to the use and design of databases to store, manipulate and query data. The course introduces the structured query language (SQL) used to manage data. Students who complete this course should understand how to use SQL for basic data manipulation and queries. This course is intended for users of existing databases to extract needed information and should not be taken by MSIS students or those students who wish to learn detailed database design techniques.

BA 7077: Career Management All full-time Lindner graduate students are required to register for the course BA7077 Graduate Career Management. This course includes both in-class meetings and deliverables such as resume revision, LinkedIn profiles, mock-interviews, etc. These will be graded on a Pass/Fail basis. This course provides Lindner College of Business graduate students with an advanced set of necessary skills and tools for continuous professional development and/or conducting a strategic job search in his/her field of choice.

BANA electives

BANA 6043: Statistical Computing This is a course on the use of computer tools for data management and analysis. The focus is on a few popular data management and statistical software packages such as SQL, SAS, SPSS, S Plus, R, and JMP although others may be considered. Data management and manipulation techniques including queries in SQL will be covered. Elementary analyses may include measures of location and spread, correlation, detection of outliers, table creation, graphical displays, comparison of groups, as well as specialized analyses.

BANA 7048: Multivariate Statistical Methods This is a course in the analysis multivariate data with emphasis on appropriate choice of estimation and testing methods. Vectors and matrices, Multivariate probability distributions and their parameter, Multivariate normal distributions, Maximization and minimization of multivariate functions, The "shape" of multivariate normal data, Correlation, prediction and regression, Sample statistics and their sampling distributions for multivariate normal data; Estimation and tests for correlation, Tests of independence, Estimation and tests for multivariate means and covariance matrices, ower of multivariate tests, multivariate linear models, canonical correlation analysis, Principal components analysis, Factor analysis, Classification and discrimination analysis.

BANA 7050: Forecasting and Time Series Methods This is a course in the analysis of time series data with emphasis on appropriate choice of forecasting, estimation, and testing methods. Univariate Box-Jenkins methodology for fitting and forecasting time series. ARIMA models, Stationarity non-Stationarity, auto-correlation functions, partial and inverse autocorrelation functions, Estimation and model fitting, Diagnosing time series models, Forecasting: Point and interval forecasts, Seasonal time series models,Transfer function models, Intervention models, Modeling volatility with ARCH, GARCH, and other methods, Modeling time series with trends, Multiequation time series models: Vector Auto Regression (VAR), Cointegration and error correction models, Nonlinear time series models, State space time series models, Bayesian time series and forecasting.

BANA 7075: Machine Learning Design This course aims to provide a framework for developing real-world machine learning systems that are deployable, reliable, and scalable. Machine learning systems design is the process of defining the software architecture, infrastructure, algorithms, and data for a machine learning system to satisfy specified requirements.

BANA 7095: Graduate Case Studies in Business Analytics Real organizational problems or challenges will be presented to students by client companies. Students in groups will work with a client to develop a solution or solutions to the problems using advanced analytic techniques. Students will present the solutions to the client in both oral and written reports.

BANA 8090: Special Topics in Business Analytics This course is used to explore topics of current interest in the BANA domain, that do not fall within the scope of any of the regularly scheduled courses. By the nature of the course, specific topics covered will vary with each offering.

Non-BANA elective options

CS 6052: Intelligent Data Analysis This course will introduce students to the theoretical and practical aspects of the field of data mining. Algorithms for data mining will be covered and their relationships with statistics, mathematics, and algorithm design foundations will be explored in detail.

ECON 8021: Micro Theory Topics

FIN 7045: Portfolio Management This course will give students an understanding of the implications of standard asset pricing models, market efficiency, optimization, asset allocation, and portfolio risk management.

IS 7012: Web Development with .Net This course is an introduction to the development of web-based applications, using Microsoft's Visual Studio and covering ASP.Net using Visual C#. Students will be expected to develop a simple web application that incorporates these technologies. Students will learn how to integrate the frontend (web site) with the back end (database) of an application. The course will cover the implementation of navigational structures, input and validation controls, and data controls in web applications.

IS 7034: Data Warehousing and Business Intelligence This course is designed for the comprehensive learning of data warehousing technology for business intelligence. Data warehouses are used to store (archive) data from operational information systems. Data warehouses are useful in generating valuable control and decision-support business intelligence for many organizations in adjusting to their competitive environment. This course will introduce students to the design, development and operation of data warehouses. Students will apply and integrate the data warehousing and business intelligence knowledge learned in this course in leading software packages.

IS 7065: Generative AI for Business This course examines the technology underlying modern generative artificial intelligence / machine learning models from a business perspective, including their uses in coding, professional and artistic applications, and the various controversies and challenges to work and/or society they may pose.

IS 7085: Governance of AI/ML This course teaches students how to develop, scale-up, and sustainably manage high-performing Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning systems in business organizations. It introduces concepts and techniques that enable the development of surrogate approaches to explain AI/ML models, build redundancy in AI/ML systems, and calculate and minimize risk of failures while using such approaches

IS 8034: Big Data Integration This course presents an overview of the principles of data integration, the fundamental basis for developing useful and flexible business intelligence platforms. Modern data integration needs differ from traditional approaches in four main dimensions that parallel differences between big data and traditional data: volume, velocity, variety, and veracity.

IS 8070: Special Topics This course is used to explore topics of current interest in the IS domain that do not fall within the scope of any of the regularly scheduled courses. By the very nature of the course, specific topics covered will vary with each offering.

MKT 7012: Marketing Research for Managers Explores the role of marketing research in marketing management. Involves hands-on activities to perfect understanding of methods for collecting, analyzing, and summarizing data pertinent to solving marketing problems.

OM 7061: Managing Project Operations This course covers detailed issues related to managing product development and projects in organizations. The course covers, in two separate modules:-Concepts of project planning and organization, budgeting and control, and project life cycles and concepts related to organizational workflow including the staffing process, and project planning elements; related concepts of organizational forms, conflict resolution, and issues related to leadership and task management in a project environment.-Advanced concepts of project scheduling, including WBS, CPM, PERT, simulation, project budgeting, earned value analysis, project tracking and resource constrained scheduling. This includes setting up projects on Microsoft Project and using the information for budgeting, resource management, tracking and ongoing communication and evaluation of projects.

OM 7083: Supply Chain Strategy and Analysis Presents an overview of issues relating to the design and operation of an organization's supply chain. Information is presented as a mix of technical models and applied case studies. Topics may include inventory planning, logistics, sustainability, global operations, supply chain collaboration and contracting.

Master of Science in Business Analytics program requires the completion of a capstone experience. Students will describe their capstone experience in an essay of eight to fifteen pages. The essay will be based on one of the following:

  • Research Project:  The content of the essay must be substantive in terms of containing technical, quantitative modeling, analysis, or programming/coding aspects and not a survey or exposition of the work of others. The appendices of the essay may contain supporting figures and tables, computer files that contain the data used, model formulations and computer code.
  • Extension of a Course Case Analysis/Project:  This essay is an extension of a case analysis or project completed in a class such as BANA7095, Graduate Case Studies in Business Analytics. Even if the original case analysis/project was a group effort, the essay must still be an individual effort. The content must extend the original work and a copy of the original work must also be submitted. Acceptable extensions can include the application of different modeling methodologies to the same data set to compare results or the use of additional data to generate new insights or to confirm the original findings.
  • Description of an Internship Project:  This essay describes the student’s contribution to a project completed during a one or two semester internship taken as part of the student's MS-Business Analytics course work. The content must demonstrate the student’s knowledge of Business Analytics concepts and the student’s ability to implement those concepts. It is understood that for proprietary reasons, the essay may not contain the level of detail expected in a Research Project or Case Analysis essay.

Examples of past Business Analytics capstone projects are available for review.

These are typical MS Business Analytics schedules, and they assume all Basic Business Knowledge (BBK) prerequisites have been fulfilled. The program consists of 33 total credits; 25 from core BANA courses (24 credits for formal coursework, one credit for BANA 8083 capstone), and eight from electives, at least four of which must be BANA-prefixed courses at the 6000 level or above. All electives must be approved by the academic director.

Full-time study

One year program.

Sample fall semester schedule for full-time students. The semester may also include three possible credits of electives.
Course number Course title Credits
BANA 6037 Data Visualization 2
BANA 7030 Simulation Modeling and Methods 3
BANA 7025 Data Wrangling 2
BANA 7031 Probability Modeling 2
BANA 7051 Applied Statistical Methods 2
BANA 7052 Applied Linear Regression 2
IS 6030 Data Management 2
Sample spring semester schedule for full-time students. The semester may also include five to eight credits of electives, heeding course prerequisites. Students may finish and graduate.
Course number Course title Credits
BANA 7020 Optimization 3
BANA 7042 Statistical Modeling 2
BANA 7046 Data Mining I 2
BANA 7047 Data Mining II 2
BANA 8083 Capstone* 1
Sample summer semester schedule for full-time students.
Course number Course title Credits
BANA 8083 Capstone* 1

*BANA 8083 should be taken in the semester in which the student will graduate.

Part-time study

Part-time students typically, though not always, complete the program in two years.

Sample fall semester schedule for the first year of a two-year part-time study program.
Course number Course title Credits
BANA 6037 Data Visualization 2
BANA 7025 Data Wrangling 2
BANA 7051 Applied Statistical Methods 2
BANA 7052 Applied Linear Regression 2
Sample spring semester schedule for the first year of a two-year part-time study program. Also includes two credits of electives.
Course number Course title Credits
BANA 7042 Statistical Modeling 2
BANA 7046 Data Mining I 2
BANA 7047 Data Mining II 2
Sample summer semester schedule for the first year of a two-year part-time study program. The schedule may also include electives, depending on course offerings.
Course number Course title Credits
BANA 8083 Capstone* 1
Sample fall semester schedule for the second year of a two-year part-time study program.
Course number Course title Credits
BANA 7030 Simulation Modeling and Methods 3
BANA 7031 Probability Modeling 2
IS 6030 Data Management 2
Sample spring semester schedule for the second year of a two-year part-time study program. The schedule may also include four to six credits of electives, heeding prerequisites. The student may complete the program and graduate.
Course number Course title Credits
BANA 7020 Optimization 3
BANA 8083 Capstone* 1

Michael Platt

MS BANA Academic Director, Assistant Professor-Educator, Department of Operations, Business Analytics, and Information Systems

3459 Carl H. Lindner Hall

masters in business analytics essay

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Master of Business Analytics: Everything You Need to Know

Thomas Nugent

Thomas Nugent - BusinessBecause

Students Lounging

Today’s most in-demand jobs revolve around technology, data science, and business analytics. 

By 2025, the World Economic Forum (WEF) predicts that 97 million new jobs will emerge. Jobs with growing demand will include data analysts, AI and machine learning specialists, big data specialists, and software and applications developers. 

When you’re making a career plan , you want to identify a target area that combines your passion and interests with the highest chance of making an impact. 

If you’re a tech enthusiast with management ambitions, a Master of Business Analytics will give you exactly that.

Who is a Master of Business Analytics for?

A Master of Science in Business Analytics gives you the skills to apply modern data science and machine learning capabilities at work to solve real-world business problems. 

The degree is for working professionals or recent graduates who want to launch, or accelerate, their career in a business analytics role. That could be in sectors like digital, retail, healthcare, finance, logistics, or supply chain. 

A Master of Data Analytics is more focused on data science and less on the business side, although the terms are often used interchangeably.

Ultimately, business analysts use the data they analyze to make practical, data-driven decisions and to implement change, whereas data analysts focus mostly on the uncovering of data trends and insights.

Types of Masters of Business Analytics

The traditional MS in Business Analytics degree is an in-person, campus degree that usually lasts between 12 and 14 months. 

Students either go straight into their degree from undergraduate level or take time out of the workforce for the duration of the program.

You can also study Masters in Business Analytics online and, in the United States, many Masters in Business Analytics programs are STEM-designated. 

Master of Business Analytics STEM degree

A STEM-designated degree is a US academic program recognized for its specific, close focus on science, technology, engineering, or math (STEM). 

International students pursuing STEM-designated masters degrees can apply for a 24-month STEM-extension to their 12-month Optional Practice Training (OPT) period, which allows them stay in the US on a student visa after graduating. That means students on STEM-designated masters can work in the US for up to three years after graduation, without an H1-B visa .

Studying a STEM-designated Master of Business Analytics is the perfect way to acquire a top technical skillset that will allow you to accelerate your career. According to the US Department of Labor’s Bureau of Labor Statistics, the STEM field has the fastest growing and highest-paying jobs this century.

Online Master of Business Analytics

Online Master of Business Analytics programs allow you to study for your degree part-time, over several years. The online version of the degree covers the same content as the full-time, on campus version. 

Course content is delivered through each school’s online learning platform, and lectures, seminars, and group project work are all carried out virtually. 

Some of the  best online Master of Business Analytics degrees  allow you up to three years to complete your education. There’s the added bonus that you’ll be able to earn while you learn, and apply the skills you’re acquiring in real time to your job. 

MSc Business Analytics: What you’ll learn

Masters of Business Analytics dive into the world of big data, artificial intelligence, and data analytics. 

On MIT Sloan’s Master of Business Analytics (MBAn) , students study modules like Analytics Edge and Optimization Methods. They also take an action learning seminar on analytics, machine learning, and the digital economy. 

There’s an Ethics & Data Privacy module, and electives offer the choice to study Analytics of Finance, Product Management, and Applied Machine Learning. 

Students also work on real-life data science problems with industry practitioners in the degree’s capstone project. 

The seven-month project sees students work in teams of two around the US and abroad. After working on campus at MIT on the projects, students then travel to their host organization in the summer for a full-time summer internship.

Students study a similar syllabus on Carnegie Mellon’s Tepper School of Business Online Master of Science in Business Analytics. 

They take classes in machine learning, programming in R and Python, and corporate communication. They also study traditional business modules in marketing, operations, accounting, finance, and people analytics. 

Master of Business Analytics salary & jobs prospects

What can you do with a Master in Business Analytics? The types of jobs you can get with an MS in Business Analytics include:

  • Data Scientist
  • Analytics Associate
  • Data Science Consultant
  • Operations Analyst
  • Product Analyst
  • Business Consultant
  • Quantitative Analyst

Companies that hire Master of Business Analytics grads include: 

  • Boston Consulting Group

There are high employment numbers for business analytics degree grads. One hundred percent of job-seeking grads from MIT’s MBAn landed jobs within six months of graduating. One hundred percent of accepted offers were in data science functions. At Imperial College Business School in London, 94 percent of MSc Business Analytics grads were employed three months after their degree. 

The skills you gain from the degree mean you can enter a wide array of industries. Consulting teams at McKinsey, Bain, and BCG (MBB) now consist of not just management experts, but also leaders in data analysis and big data. The ability to work in technically diverse teams is one of the key things MBB consulting firms look for in their business school hires.

The pandemic-induced demand for healthcare has seen the industry digitize and develop technologically. As companies compete for the gaps in the market this has left, they’ll be looking for employees with the latest data and analytical competencies.  

The same demand is seen in finance, as the big banks battle to adapt and compete with agile fintech firms looking to dominate the industry.

Master of Business Analytics salary

What salary will you earn after your Master of Business Analytics?

Graduate base salaries for business analytics grads vary, depending on the program. Some examples include:

  • MIT Sloan’s Master of Business Analytics - US$114K
  • IÉSEG School of Management’s MSc in Business Analytics & Consulting - US$68K 
  • Warwick Business School 's MSc Business Analytics - US$43K

The strong salaries for business analytics degree grads reflects demand in the market, and the willingness of companies to pay highly skilled, tech-savvy grads who will be able to utilize their skillset to drive business growth in the decades to come.

Master of Business Analytics cost & ROI

The cost of Master of Business Analytics programs range from around US$20,000, up to the higher end of US$84,000 and above. Examples of program cost are:

  • Columbia Business School - US$84K
  • USC Marshall Business School  - US$70K
  • IE Business School - US$45K
  • Imperial College Business School  - US$45K
  • AGSM @ UNSW - US$38K
  • IÉSEG School of Management - US$20K
  • University of Bath (Online) - US$20K

There are many ways to pay for business school . Students take out student loans, and some are sponsored by their companies. There are also many scholarship options available. 

The return you get from your investment is that you leave business school ready to launch or accelerate your career at the forefront of technology, where the opportunities and salaries are booming. 

The answer to whether a Master of Business Analytics degree is worth it  comes down to your own personal career goals. 

The degree is well suited to undergraduates fresh out of their degree who want to launch a career in data and analytics, and to professionals who want to accelerate their career in the space. 

A Master of Business Analytics will give you the comprehensive technical skillset you’ll need to tap into the huge opportunities and salary prospects in the analytics arena over the coming years.

Master of Business Analytics admission requirements

Some business analytics masters require you to have a bachelor’s degree in a related topic, such as management science, math, statistics, computer science, engineering, or business and management with an incorporated quantitative element. But that isn’t required for all Master of Business Analytics degrees.

You’ll typically start your an online application form and need to submit the following materials:

  • Full degree transcript
  • GMAT exam score
  • Personal statement
  • English language test results (if applicable)
  • Letters of recommendation
  • Written/video essays

The Ultimate Business School Application Checklist

The Ultimate Business School Application Checklist

Use our business school application checklist and timeline to nail the admissions process and access useful resources right when you need them. 

The admissions team then review your application and, if successful, you’ll be invited for a face-to-face interview.

Interested in a Master of Business Analytics or want to learn more about your degree options? Download our Graduate Business School Application Guide for Undergrads and find your best fit master’s program.

Thomas is an experienced writer who has written articles covering business education, management, careers, and the future of work. He earned an MA in English from the University of Aberdeen before completing an MSc in Journalism at Robert Gordon University.

Business Analytics (MS) program at Montclair State University

Business Analytics (MS)

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Business Analytics (MS) – STEM Designated Degree Program

Business analytics professionals transform data into intelligence that leads to improvements in financial performance, strategic management, operational efficiency, and customer loyalty and retention. If you have an interest in applying quantitative methods, exploring and uncovering relationships through data analysis, and using data to solve business problems, the Master of Science in Business Analytics (MSBA) program will prepare you for success in this emerging field.

The program provides a strong foundation in data analytics, statistical and predictive modeling, analyzing structured and unstructured data, enterprise architecture, data management, knowledge discovery, pricing analytics, analytical reporting, segmentation analysis, and data visualization.

The required core courses supply depth of knowledge in the use of analytics to identify trends and patterns and refine and develop strategies suggested by the data. The program culminates with an applied industry based practicum.

Visit the Feliciano School of Business website at the links below for more information about the different options for pursuing your MSBA with Montclair State University.

  • Online  – Earn your degree online wherever you are in as few as 21 months – Fall start
  • Full-time Blended – A mix of hybrid and online coursework completed in a full-time format in as few as 16-21 months  – Fall and Spring starts.

Along with the Business Analytics (MS) program, The Feliciano School of Business is now offering a new Business Analytics Certificate at the graduate level. Please refer to our  programs of study  page for a comprehensive list of all of the graduate programs offered within the university.

We are seeking students with strong quantitative abilities and a desire to leverage analytical tools and technologies to uncover business solutions.

The Office of Graduate Admissions requires the equivalent of a U.S. bachelor’s degree in order to be eligible to apply for a graduate program. Applicants with non-U.S. degrees, please visit the International Applicants  page to review the U.S. degree equivalency information.

Newly Accepted students to this program are required to successfully complete an online Basic Statistics Foundation Module prior to beginning the program and registering for program courses. The Basic Statistics Module is an online self-paced module (which you can anticipate will take 25-30 hours to complete) that serves to renew and/or update statistics knowledge in order to be prepared and successful in your program.

In order to make applying for graduate school as seamless as possible for you, we have created an application checklist. This checklist can be a reference point for you during the application process to ensure that you have a comprehensive understanding of the steps needed to apply, as well as all corresponding supplemental materials for your specific program of interest.

  • Application Deadline: Rolling Admission for Fall and Spring Semesters depending on program option Priority Deadline: May 1st for Fall admission to the Full-Time Blended, Part-Time Blended, and Online program option. Applications that are complete as of the May 1st deadline will receive priority review, and can expect an admissions decision by May 16th or sooner.  Applications completed after the priority deadline will be reviewed on a rolling basis until the program is full. Priority Deadline: November 1st for Spring admission to the Full-Time Blended program option only. Applications that are complete as of the November 1st deadline will receive priority review, and you can expect an admissions decision by November 16th or sooner. Applications completed after the priority deadline will be reviewed on a rolling basis until the program is full.
  • Submit Online Application: Please create your online account and submit your application by following the general application instructions and pay (or waive) the non-refundable $60 application fee. Once this step has been completed, the online portal will allow you to upload your supplemental materials.

The following is a list of the supplemental materials that will accompany your application for the Business Analytics (MS) program:

  • Transcript: One from each college attended.
  • Please explain how pursuing a graduate program in business analytics is a fit with your work and educational background. If you plan to change careers, please describe your interest in business analytics and why you believe the program is right for you academically and professionally.
  • What are your career aspirations and what do you hope to gain from this program upon graduation?
  • Resume: Required.
  • Letters of Recommendation: Two.
  • Applicants with non-U.S. degrees, please visit the International Applicants page to review the US degree equivalency information.

The MS in Business Analytics program is a 30-31 credit program designed for full or part-time study and may be completed in as few as 16-21 months.

For more information, please visit the Business Analytics (MS) program listing in the University Catalog

If you have any general questions regarding the application process and requirements, please email or call us: Office of Graduate Admissions Email: [email protected] Telephone:  973-655-5147 Fax: 973-655-7869

If you have specific inquiries regarding your program of interest, please contact the Business Analytics (MS) Program Coordinator:

*During the summer months, there will be a rotating department chair available to answer your inquiry. Click to find the updated summer chair for this program.*

Program Coordinator:   Dr. Marina Johnson Office:  Feliciano School of Business Email:  [email protected] Telephone:  973-655-7289

You might be using an unsupported or outdated browser. To get the best possible experience please use the latest version of Chrome, Firefox, Safari, or Microsoft Edge to view this website.

Earning A Master’s In Business Analytics: What To Know Before You Enroll

Meghan Gallagher

Updated: Feb 16, 2023, 7:07am

Earning A Master’s In Business Analytics: What To Know Before You Enroll

If you’re a fan of problem-solving and crunching numbers, a master’s in business analytics can give you a strong head start on a business analytics career path .

Graduate school is an investment that deserves thorough research and analysis. That said, with a high industry growth rate and demand for data analysis across all industries, enrolling in a master’s in business analytics program is a wise move for many. Here’s what you need to know before you enroll.

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What is Business Analytics?

Businesses and organizations use qualitative and quantitative data to make informed decisions, but raw data is not enough. Companies need someone who is well-trained to translate that data and into actionable insights.

Business analytics is the real-world application of data to decisions regarding finance, sales, operations and management. As our systems and technology grow more complex, professionals with master’s degrees in business analytics are critical to helping organizations use innovative analyses and modeling to solve problems.

To succeed in business analytics, you need to balance one foot in the technical, data-oriented space and the other in practical business application.

Degree Finder

Master’s in business analytics admission requirements.

Admission requirements for a master’s in business analytics are similar to those for other graduate programs. Business analytics is a competitive field that’s experiencing growing demand. Check your chosen programs’ application dates, and submit your application as early as possible.

The most common master’s program admission requirements include a resume, letters of recommendation, a bachelor’s degree, GMAT or GRE scores, and a personal essay.

For any competitive degree program, admissions officers and professors look for related experience, interest in analysis and problem-solving and strong interpersonal skills. Highlight your curiosity, future goals and collaborative abilities in your personal essay or statement. Prior courses or certifications in data analytics , programming, statistics and math don’t hurt, either.

Each program has unique requirements. Be sure to read through the fine print to ensure you meet the criteria and align with the program’s mission and goals.

Courses in a Master’s in Business Analytics Program

A master’s in business analytics usually takes one or two years to complete, depending on your course load. Each program has its own course titles, descriptions and requirements. However, core courses remain similar across schools.

Statistical Models or Methods

All business analytics programs offer statistics courses, ranging from the introductory level to more complex modeling and probability. Business analysts must use advanced-level statistics to make accurate predictions and find new opportunities for their organizations. Statistics courses also teach you to use tools like generalized linear models, sampling and support vector machines.

Optimization Methods

Business analytics professionals interpret data and figure out how to improve their organizations’ functions and capabilities. A course in optimization methods provides the information and tools you need to problem-solve and uncover new methods for a variety of business problems.

Customer Analytics

Many organizations work with customers or clients and use data to improve their business functions. Customer analytics is a valuable course that teaches learners how to provide accurate and insightful data while also making the data clear and presentable to a lay audience.

Marketing Analytics

A specific subset of business analytics, marketing analytics uses statistics and quantitative analyses to predict customer behavior. This course teaches learners to determine which marketing strategies are most helpful to marketing managers as they make informed decisions.

Other courses that are part of a business analytics master’s program include project management, programming, data mining and financial analytics.

Careers with a Master’s in Business Analytics

A master’s in business analytics can, of course, lead to a career as a business analyst . The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) reports that management analysts, including business analysts, earn a median annual wage of $95,290. The BLS also projects that business analysts will see an above-average 10% growth in employment from 2022 to 2032.

Responsibilities for a business analyst include:

  • Collecting and analyzing company data
  • Identifying vulnerable areas in a company’s processes
  • Creating and recommending solutions to improve company processes

However, there are many job options beyond the title of business analyst to pursue after graduation. Strong analytical skills are valuable in every industry, including consulting, academia, healthcare and retail. You may find yourself leading a team of analysts or working your way up to a senior leadership position.

Below we explore other career paths for business analytics master’s graduates. We sourced salary data for this section from the BLS and Payscale .

Machine Learning Engineer

Average Annual Salary : About $116,000

Machine learning is a fast-growing field for professionals with backgrounds in analytics, computer science or math. These professionals work with computers, robots and other self-automated programs.

Machine learning engineers work with computer scientists to find and use data to help machines learn and perform certain tasks. They also develop automated programs that use machine learning to perform data mining and data interpretation.

Data Architect

Median Annual Salary : $112,120 Projected Growth Rate (2022–2032): +10%

If you love poring over numbers and diving into databases, you may be well-suited for a career as a data architect. Data architects work with organizations to build frameworks that manage and store accurate data and create data-use policies. Familiarity with technical language and attention to detail are necessary qualities to succeed in this role.

Data Scientist

Median Annual Salary : $103,500 Projected Growth Rate (2022–2032) : +35%

Data scientists pull meaningful information out of raw data. They use data-oriented visualization software and programming languages to do this job. These professionals imagine, translate and report their data findings, and in some cases, they create data reports to detail their findings.

Data scientists may work in computer systems design, company management, scientific and technical consulting management or scientific research and development, among other industries.

Technical Project Manager

Median Annual Salary : $95,370 Projected Growth Rate (2022–2032) : +6%

Project managers are assets in all industries, often taking on titles like IT project manager, marketing project manager and technical project manager. With an eye for detail and an understanding of data, technical project managers oversee tech teams, prepare budgets and apply complex analyses to improve processes and team functionality.

Market Research Analyst

Median Annual Salary : $68,230 Projected Growth Rate (2022–2032) : +13%

Market research analysts are part of a fast-growing field that combines advanced data analysis and marketing strategy. These analysts perform quantitative consumer research, study sales trends and use tools like spreadsheets and statistical analysis to provide insights to stakeholders and marketing managers.

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Frequently Asked Questions about Business Analytics

Is business analytics a good career.

For many professionals, yes. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, employment in data and business analytics is projected to grow at an above-average rate. An advanced degree in business analytics can suit individuals who have an aptitude for interpreting complex data and translating it into innovative business practices.

What is the highest-paying analytics job?

On average, machine learning engineers earn the highest salaries of all business analytics professionals. That said, salaries vary by organization, industry, location and managerial level.

What do you do in business analytics?

The day-to-day responsibilities of a business analytics professional vary by role and industry. Tasks include creating reports for stakeholders, making predictions about the market to support sales goals and recommending improvements to internal and external processes.

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Meghan Gallagher is a Seattle-based freelance content writer and strategist. She has a B.S. in Marketing Management and a background in digital marketing for healthcare, nonprofit, and higher education organizations.

Boston University Questrom

MS in Business Analytics

Wow future employers with a unique resume that showcases your ability to turn data into solutions.

MS in Business Analytics Menu

  • Student Life
  • Class Profile
  • Admissions Ambassadors

Jump right in:

Turn data into action.

With Boston University’s STEM-designated MS in Business Analytics, you’ll acquire essential skills in all areas of business analytics — from data mining and experimental methods to AI and Data Ethics — at one of the world’s top research universities. In 12 or 16 months, get ready to unleash the power of data to generate actionable insights for the future. You’ll be prepared to thrive in one of the world’s fastest-growing business sectors. Your career journey is just beginning. Buckle Up.  

The MS in Business Analytics enhances your ability to critically analyze data in business contexts. The rigorous curriculum builds your statistical and programming skills through hands-on coursework, while also developing key employer-valued skills like communication, collaboration, and leadership.

Flexible Curriculum

Create your own path and choose between a faster-paced 12-month track featuring industry-sponsored capstone projects or a 16-month track offering opportunities to pursue internships in summer, fall, or both.

Prestige and Location

Questrom’s MS in Business Analytics is ranked 9th in the U.S. by QS and part of one of the world’s leading research universities. Located in a global innovation hub, you’ll learn by doing and have unparalleled access to the Boston business ecosystem.

Expert Faculty

Faculty in the MSBA programs are not only experts in their field —many of them also have extensive experience working directly with industry. They will help you develop your ability to think critically about data problems in real-world business contexts.

Your Career is our Top Priority

We want the best for you here—plain and simple. The MSBA dedicated career team and Questrom’s Feld Center for Career & Alumni Engagement will help you engage with alumni and employers and market your new skills. Industry connections are built throughout the program, and even right into the classroom. No wonder our students land offers at highly coveted organizations.

Three students dressed in business professional smiling, shaking hands with an employer at a networking event

Average First Year Total Compensation, US Jobs

Class of 2022

of MSBA grads seeking employment accepted an offer within 6 months of graduation

of students received more than one offer, range 2-5

Our students land offers at highly coveted organizations, including:

  • NBC Universal
  • McKinsey & Company
  • Capital One

Meet the Demand

While AI and Analytics are booming, organizations struggle to find talent with the right balance of technical acumen and business knowledge. With companies across all industries utilizing business analytics to inform strategies and boost business performance, this growing field has become indispensable—and highly desirable. In today’s business world, data is the new oil and Questrom’s MSBA will prepare you to take the industry by storm.

Boston named a Top 6 hub for data science

Economic Impact due to AI adoption by 2030.

Increase in demand for data scientists

A collaborative, impact-driven community.

The students in your program will come from all types of academic experiences with all kinds of backgrounds. So, whether you are a business, statistics, or engineering major, your MSBA classmates will be just like you—focused on making an impact in the business world. By the time you graduate, you’ll have a network of over 51,000 talented Questrom alumni and 400,000 Boston University alumni.

Connect with a Student

Don’t just take our word for it—our MSBA Admissions Ambassadors are around to chat via email, on the phone, or virtually about what being an MSBA student at the Questrom School of Business is really like.

“The Questrom MSBA is a brilliant and intense program for those who enjoy getting into the weeds. It offers immense learning value and prepares you really well for the roles you take on after the degree.” Urvashi Tripathi MS in Busines Analytics Sr. Product Manager, Digital Product, CVS

Danting Huang

Danting Huang


Stella Vardanega

Stella Vardanega

AI/Data Scientist, Beckman Coulter Diagnostics

Chiebuka Onwuzurike

Chiebuka Onwuzurike

Analyst, McKinsey & Company

Aash Gohil

Data @ Amazon

Join strong peers. Push your boundaries. Build a network for life.

You won’t just leave Questrom with the tools to thrive in the field—you’ll leave with a lifelong network, too. Look at the backgrounds of students in the Master of Science in Business Analytics (MSBA) program and you’ll find a wide range of experience—from nationality to undergraduate study to professional work.

three students sitting in a classroom, engaging and laughing

Location is Everything

It’s in our name. And in our DNA. Our city is a  national hub of innovation . And a  major center for data science.  And that’s just the beginning. Boston offers unparalleled research, culture, entertainment, and history. Come here and you’ll get a  top-ranked MSBA  program with direct access to the  vibrant Boston business community , leading companies …and a whole lot more. Ready to experience all that Boston has to offer? Check out our information on Life in Boston or this guide with tips on finding off-campus housing nearby.

In the world to study digital transformation and find employment in the digital sector.

Times Higher Education

Best city in the world for innovation.

World Economic Forum

Best city in the US for young professionals.

U.S. News & World Report

Upcoming MSBA Admissions Events

Gmac: the mba & master’s tour for women in business.

Wednesday, September 11

GMAC: The Master’s Tour – Boston

Tuesday, October 8

GMAC: The MBA & Master’s Tour North America

Wednesday, November 20

Ready to Apply?

Once you’ve submitted your materials, we’ll start the review process. We’re happy to answer your questions along the way.

Application Deadlines

  • October 18, 2024
  • December 4, 2024
  • February 3, 2025
  • March 27, 2025*
  • April 29, 2025**

*Last round for all international applicants who are not currently in the US and on an active F-1 visa **Last round for domestic and international Students with a current, active F-1 visa

Northeastern University Graduate Programs

D'Amore-McKim School of Business

Business analytics.

Our STEM-designated MS in Business Analytics will not only teach you to analyze data efficiently but, more importantly, will also teach how to leverage data to make effective strategic business decisions confidently. You'll learn from business school faculty who are thought leaders in their fields and build the skills needed for long-term business success.

Data is essential in today’s business world—but it only has true meaning in context. More and more companies are seeking the right professionals who can capture, analyze, and translate the right data. That’s why the experience-driven approach to our program is so valuable.

The Online Master of Science in Business Analytics program at the D’Amore-McKim School of Business focuses on the ever-changing and dynamic tech economy. Our programs support skilled leaders using new technologies and data analytics to inform their decision-making. You'll tackle a rigorous curriculum and learn from expert faculty and business trailblazers. Through in-class case studies, your professors will share real company data as you explore questions such as how to build sales, enhance marketing, or strengthen a company’s infrastructure.

You'll gain exposure to data mining, statistical and quantitative analysis, multivariate testing, and predictive modeling.

Designed to meet the needs of working professionals, this 100% online program includes experience-powered learning opportunities—allowing you to take the knowledge and insights you gain in the classroom and easily apply them the next day in the workplace.

Your Path to an MBA

After successfully completing your MS in Business Analytics, you can apply your credits earned toward an eligible MBA at Northeastern. As a Northeastern alum, you’ll qualify for the Double Husky Scholarship and receive a 25% reduction in your tuition for your remaining MBA courses.

Dive deeper into the MS in Business Analytics  program on the D’Amore-McKim School of Business website.

More Details

Unique features.

  • Top-ranked. Earn your MS in Business Analytics at a highly ranked, top-tier U.S. university.
  • World-class faculty. Your business school faculty are thought leaders in their field and consult with Fortune 500 companies as well as startups.
  • Creating tomorrow’s business leaders. Prepare for a leadership role where you’ll need to recognize and respond to potential management challenges and make data-driven business decisions during times of uncertainty.
  • Personalized career support. You'll have a dedicated career advisor who will meet with you one-on-one in coaching sessions to help you develop the personal and professional skills to manage your lifelong career. Whether you're a seasoned professional or looking to advance your career, your advisor will help you map your next steps.
  • Build toward an MBA. You can apply your credits to an eligible MBA program at Northeastern.

Program Objectives

D’Amore-McKim’s MS in Business Analytics program prepares you to interpret and apply data and make data-driven decisions in an increasingly competitive and technology-driven business environment.

  • Core courses will introduce you to data mining, statistical and quantitative analysis, multivariate testing, and predictive modeling.
  • Marketing track courses will include real company data to help you explore questions such as building sales, enhancing marketing, or strengthening a company’s infrastructure.
  • Project-based learning allows you to apply what you’ve learned in the classroom to actual business challenges.
  • Faculty will help you achieve success and connect you to new opportunities in this growing field.

Career Outlook

By enrolling in Northeastern, you gain access to a network of more than 275,000 alumni and 3,350+ employer partners, including Fortune 500 companies, government agencies, and global nongovernmental organizations. Our current students and faculty across strategically located regional locations further foster a lifelong, global community of learning and mentoring.

Depending on your background, the MS in Business Analytics program will help you prepare to differentiate yourself and take on roles in the fields of financial services, transportation and logistics, retail, and more.

All companies see a growing need for skilled and forward-thinking business professionals—large or small, public or private, startup or well established. Industries experiencing strong growth in this arena include financial, retail, health services, and transportation, just to name a few.

  • Five Steps to Help You Break into Analytics
  • The Unexpected Impact Data Analytics Could Have on Your Career
  • The Unexpected Ways an Online Education Can Help at Work
  • How to Be a Successful Online Learner

Accreditation Description

Accredited by the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business International—the highest standard of achievement for business schools worldwide.


David igbokwe, ms in business analytics, '21, enoska ventura, ms in business analytics, '21, mannat lamba, ms in business analytics, '21, sascha demmerle, ms in business analytics, '21, looking for something different.

A graduate degree or certificate from Northeastern—a top-ranked university—can accelerate your career through rigorous academic coursework and hands-on professional experience in the area of your interest. Apply now—and take your career to the next level.

Program Costs

Finance Your Education We offer a variety of resources, including scholarships and assistantships.

How to Apply Learn more about the application process and requirements.


  • Application form
  • Application fee
  • A personal statement (<=500 words) and a short essay (<=300 words)
  • Two letters of recommendation
  • Academic transcript(s) from all undergraduate and graduate schools attended
  • Kira online interview (by invitation, access is provided after submitting your application)
  • Optional GMAT/GRE test scores (for more information, review our admissions policies )
  • TOEFL, IELTS, Duolingo, or PTE Academic (for international students only, view more information and waiver eligibility in our admissions policies )
  • Passport or permanent residency card (if applicable)

Are You an International Student? Find everything you need, from tuition and financial aid to deadlines and procedures.

Admissions Details Learn more about the D’Amore-McKim School of Business admissions process, policies, and required materials.

Admissions Dates

Classes Begin in September

Application Deadline: Decision Notification:
Feb. 1, 2024 Rolling Basis
March 21, 2024 Rolling Basis
May 9, 2024 Rolling Basis
June 7, 2024 Rolling Basis
July 3, 2024 Rolling Basis
Aug. 1, 2024 Rolling Basis

Industry-aligned courses for in-demand careers.

For 100+ years, we’ve designed our programs with one thing in mind—your success. Explore the current program requirements and course descriptions, all designed to meet today’s industry needs and must-have skills.

View curriculum

At the D’Amore-McKim School of Business, our integration of academic thinking with authentic experiential learning opportunities has created a unique educational model that defines the standard for business education’s future. Within the MS in Business Analytics program, you will execute in-class case studies where professors integrate real-world data into the coursework to bring a business perspective and relevance to what they’re teaching.

Our Faculty

Northeastern University faculty represents a broad cross-section of professional practices and fields, including finance, education, biomedical science, management, and the U.S. military. They serve as mentors and advisors and collaborate alongside you to solve the most pressing global challenges facing established and emerging markets.

Yang W. Lee, PhD

Yang W. Lee, PhD

Peter Tarasewich, PhD

Peter Tarasewich, PhD

Kwong Chan

Felicia Lassk

Christoph riedl.

By enrolling in Northeastern, you’ll be connected to students at our 13 campuses, as well as 300,000-plus alumni and more than 3,500 employer partners around the world. Our global university system provides you with unique opportunities to think locally and act globally and serves as a platform for scaling ideas, talent, and solutions.

Where They Work

  • State Street

What They Do

  • Analytics Developer
  • Operations Analyst
  • Product Content Associate
  • Marketing Analyst
  • Finance Manager

What They're Skilled At

  • Business intelligence
  • Data visualization
  • Information management
  • Strategic planning
  • Quantitative analysis techniques

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W. P. Carey Students

Graduate programs admission essays

Essays help us learn more about why you are pursuing a graduate degree, discover how a degree will help you achieve your career goals, and showcase your communication skills. Although there are no right or wrong answers, strong responses highlight your professional experience and aspirations and clearly express the role a graduate degree will have on your future.

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Specialized master's essay questions.

Dive deep into data science. Register your interest!

Smart. Open. Grounded. Inventive. Read our Ideas Made to Matter.

Which program is right for you?

MIT Sloan Campus life

Through intellectual rigor and experiential learning, this full-time, two-year MBA program develops leaders who make a difference in the world.

A rigorous, hands-on program that prepares adaptive problem solvers for premier finance careers.

A 12-month program focused on applying the tools of modern data science, optimization and machine learning to solve real-world business problems.

Earn your MBA and SM in engineering with this transformative two-year program.

Combine an international MBA with a deep dive into management science. A special opportunity for partner and affiliate schools only.

A doctoral program that produces outstanding scholars who are leading in their fields of research.

Bring a business perspective to your technical and quantitative expertise with a bachelor’s degree in management, business analytics, or finance.

A joint program for mid-career professionals that integrates engineering and systems thinking. Earn your master’s degree in engineering and management.

An interdisciplinary program that combines engineering, management, and design, leading to a master’s degree in engineering and management.

Executive Programs

A full-time MBA program for mid-career leaders eager to dedicate one year of discovery for a lifetime of impact.

This 20-month MBA program equips experienced executives to enhance their impact on their organizations and the world.

Non-degree programs for senior executives and high-potential managers.

A non-degree, customizable program for mid-career professionals.

Master of Business Analytics

How to Apply to the Master of Business Analytics Program

What’s your story? What experiences have shaped who you are today? We are on a quest to find curious, passionate, analytical candidates who will enhance the collaborative community here at MIT. Our goal is to create a vibrant learning environment rich in diverse ideas and life experiences. We welcome applicants from all over the globe. Above all, we seek thoughtful emerging leaders with exceptional intellectual abilities, determined to make their mark in the world – people who value dignity and respect. Here’s how to get started!

Register your Interest

Application Deadlines

The Admissions Committee reviews all applications and will notify applicants of their decision on or before these deadlines. Please note that in the interest of confidentiality, we will only deliver official decisions via your online application.

The application deadline for enrollment in the 2024 MBAn program has passed. Check back in the summer for our deadlines to apply for entry in 2025. Please  introduce yourself and let us know you are interested  in the program for the next enrollment cycle. You'll receive information about our upcoming events and next year's application deadline.



To apply to the MBAn program at MIT Sloan, please prepare a variety of materials to help us assess your qualifications. Remember, all materials must be submitted online by the application deadline listed above.

A complete application for 2024 entry requires:

Please submit a  one-page  resume. This will help us easily track your academic and career path. For jobs and internships, try to focus on your results, not just your title or job description. Here are some pointers on formatting:

  • One-page limit
  • Times New Roman font
  • Size 10 font
  • Word or PDF formats only

Provide the following information in reverse chronological order :

Education : Please include relevant awards, scholarships and professional societies

  • Full-Time Work Experience:  Full-time work experience is defined as  more than four months of post-degree  work. This should be paid and full-time. Please include company name, your title, results-oriented bullets that demonstrate your skill set, and dates.
  • Internship(s):  An internship is categorized as  official  work done through a company. Your internship may either be paid or unpaid, as long as you were hired  directly  by the Human Resources department at the company. We should be able to call Human Resources to verify that you participated in the official internship. Please include company name, your title, results-oriented bullets that demonstrate your skill set, and dates.
  • Other Work Experience:  If you worked with a mentor or someone with relevant industry experience or if you participated in a project or research that was not official  (i.e. you were not hired by the Human Resources department),  please list this experience on your resume.  Include details of your experience, who you worked with, results-oriented bullets, and dates.
  • Additional Information : Please include extracurricular activities/community service, technical skills/certifications, and special skills/interests, and languages spoken (if applicable).

Essay Question

Please tell us why you’re pursuing the Master of Business Analytics degree at MIT Sloan. What do you hope to gain from the program? What are your career aspirations? (500 words or less)

Optional Short Answer Question

Applicants are invited to expand on their background by responding to the following  optional  250 word short answer question:

How has the world you come from shaped who you are today? For example, your family, culture, community, all help to shape aspects of your life experiences and perspective. Please use this opportunity if you would like to share more about your background.

This question is truly optional; applicants will not be evaluated more positively or negatively should they choose to respond. This is an opportunity for you to share more about yourself with the Admissions Committee, should you choose to do so.

Video Question 1

Introduce yourself to your future classmates. Here's your chance to put a face with a name, let your personality shine through, be conversational, be yourself. We can't wait to meet you! 

Videos should adhere to the following guidelines :

  • No more than 1 minute (60 seconds) in length
  • Single take (no editing) 
  • Speaking directly to the camera
  • Do not include background music or subtitles

Video Question 2

All MBAn applicants will be prompted to respond to a randomly generated, open-ended question.

Video Question 2 is a part of your required application materials and will appear as a page within the application, once the other parts of your application are completed.

The question is designed to help us get to know you better; to see how you express yourself and to assess fit with the MIT Sloan culture. It  does not  require prior preparation and will not be a technical question.

Applicants are given one minute to prepare a 60 second response .

Letters of Recommendation

MBAn applicants must submit  three letters of recommendation.

A detailed recommendation can tell us a lot about you so make sure you select individuals qualified to speak about your qualifications and impact.

  • One letter must come from someone who can speak to your  quantitative abilities .
  • If you are a current student, you should submit three academic letters of recommendation.
  • If you are working full-time, you should submit two academic letters of recommendation and one letter from your most recent employer.

Some important details :

We do not accept recommendations from family members.

Recommenders must submit their letters online.

Recommendations may be either letter or short answer format.

Recommendations should not exceed two pages.

Your letters of recommendation must be received by the deadline date. It is your responsibility to remind your recommenders to make sure they are submitted on time. ​​​

Please choose recommenders who are able to provide specific answers to the following questions :

How long and in what capacity have you known the applicant?

How does the applicant stand out from others in a similar capacity?

Please give an example of the applicant's impact on a person, group, or organization.

Please give a representative example of how the applicant interacts and communicates with others, including peers and superiors.

Please give an example of how the applicant has synthesized and executed on an assigned task and/or mastered new material.

Which of the applicant's personal or professional characteristics would you change?

Please tell us anything else you think we should know about this applicant.

Please navigate to the Recommendation Letter section of the application and add your recommenders’ contact information; they will be sent instructions on how to submit their letter.

Academic Transcripts

Please scan and upload your transcript(s) from all colleges and universities you attended or are currently attending. If you are currently earning a degree, please upload your most up-to-date transcript.  We review transcripts carefully, please double check that what you have uploaded is legible.

All applicants to the program must hold a four-year undergraduate degree or three-year equivalent undergraduate degree from outside of the U.S. by time of matriculation.

Do not mail any hard copies of official academic records or transcripts.  

If you received an undergraduate degree as part of a Master's program, please include an undergraduate entry in addition to your Master's degree.

If your transcripts are not in English, please scan and upload both the original and the certified translation.

We cannot accept "digitally signed" or encrypted transcripts. If you're having difficulty uploading your document, this may be the reason. Print out your transcript, scan it, and upload the PDF.

We do not accept transfer credits. Any MIT classes taken pre-matriculation cannot be counted toward your degree at MIT Sloan.

Once admitted to the program you will be required to provide an official signed and sealed transcript from all schools attended. Any discrepancies between the scanned transcripts and official transcripts may result in a candidate's rejection or a withdrawal of our offer of admission.

Relevant Coursework & Professional Certifications

Please list courses that you are currently taking or that you have completed in the following areas:

  • Computer Programming
  • Linear Algebra
  • Statistics/Machine Learning

Additionally, applicants are welcome to submit other pieces of academic evidence such as: professional certifications CFA, CPA, among others; non-degree coursework such as CORe, edX, or any other non-degree coursework completed; all of which may assist the Admissions Committee in its evaluation process. 

Test Scores

Standardized tests, such as the GRE and  GMAT, are a component of the application process and play an important role in our evaluation process. The admissions committee will continue to accept the remote/at-home version of these exams. If your current situation prevents you from being able to submit a test score, the MBAn program will allow candidates to submit their application without the test and review their submitted material as is and without negative inferences. 

We will accept self-reported test scores by the application deadline, and welcome either traditional or online versions of exams. The TOEFL and IELTS are optional. If you would like to submit those scores, you can find our school codes below. Official scores should also be sent using the following school codes:

  • GRE School Code: 3845
  • To share your GMAT score, please enter Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) - MIT Sloan School of Management
  • TOEFL School Code: 3935 (We will not accept MyBest TOEFL Scores)
  • IELTS School Code: MIT Graduate Admissions

Application Fee

The non-refundable application fee of $150.00 USD must be paid online prior to submitting your application.

In addition to the list below, attendees of some recruitment events and conferences where MIT Sloan is present may qualify for an application fee waiver. If you are in attendance at one of these events, you will be notified at the conclusion of the event and the payment section of your application will reflect the waiver automatically.

Please note that we cannot grant retroactive fee waivers if the application fee has already been paid online. If you are submitting a request, please wait to hear back from us.

You may be eligible for a fee waiver if any of the following apply:

  • Current Teach for America Members or Alumni
  • Current Peace Corps Members
  • Veteran or Active Duty U.S. Military Personnel
  • Paying the application fee will result in insurmountable financial hardship

Participants from the following list of programs, conferences, and fellowships are also eligible for an application fee waiver:

MIT Sponsored Programs

  • MIT Summer Research Program (MSRP General)
  • MIT Summer Research Program (MSRP Biology/BCS/CBMM)
  • On-Campus MIT ACCESS Program
  • MIT Media Lab Open House Travel Grant Recipients
  • MIT OME Laureates and Leaders
  • MIT OME The Standard
  • MIT Emergent Behaviors of Integrated Cellular Systems (EBICS)
  • Harvard-MIT Health Sciences and Technology (HST) Summer Institute

Fellowship Programs

  • APSA Diversity Fellowship Program (APSA DFP)
  • Emergent Behaviors of Integrated Cellular Systems Research Experience for Undergraduates (EBICS REU)
  • Gates Millenium Scholars Program
  • Leadership Alliance Summer Research Early Identification Program (SR-EIP)
  • Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation (LSAMP)
  • Maximizing Access to Research Careers (MARC)
  • McNair Scholars Program
  • Mellon Mays Minority Undergraduate Fellowship Program (MMUF)
  • Morehouse College Dr. John H. Hopps Jr. Defense Research Scholars Program Hopps (HOPPS)
  • National Association of African American Honors Programs (NAAAHP)
  • Questbridge
  • Ralph Bunche Summer Institute (RBSI)
  • Research Initiative for Scientific Enhancement Program (RISE)
  • The National Consortium for Graduate Degrees for Minorities in Engineering and Science (GEM)
  • University of Baltimore Maryland County Meyerhoff Scholars Program
  • Woods Hole Partnership Education Program

Events and Conferences

  • ACM Richard Tapia Celebration of Diversity in Computing
  • American Indian Science and Engineering Society (AISES)
  • Annual Biomedical Research Conference for Minority Students (ABRCMS)
  • California Forum for Diversity in Graduate Education
  • Emerging Researches National Conference in STEM (ERN)
  • FIU McNair Scholars Research Conference
  • Georgia Tech Virtual Graduate Showcase
  • Grace Hopper Celebration Conference
  • Howard University Research Month
  • Institute on Teaching and Mentoring (SREB)
  • Ivy Plus Puerto Rico
  • MC-STEMP Graduating Engineering Minorities (GEM) GRADLab
  • National Organization for the Professional Advancement of Black Chemists and Chemical Engineers (NOBCChE)
  • National Organization of Minority Architects
  • National Society of Black Engineers (NSBE)
  • National Society of Black Physicists (NSBP)
  • Society for the Advancement of Chicanos and Native Americans in Science (SACNAS)
  • Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers (SHPE)
  • Society of Women Engineers (SWE)
  • Spelman College Research Day
  • The National GEM Consortium

The Interview Process

All applicants admitted to the MBAn program will be required to interview, but interviews are by invitation only. An invitation to interview signals that your application has reached an advanced stage of consideration, but does not guarantee admission.

The interview is both behavioral and technical.  As part of the technical interview, you may be asked math, probability, statistics and/or computer science questions relevant to fields of data science and analytics. You will also be asked behavioral questions that help us to learn more about how you work with a team, make decisions, and solve problems.

Those invited to interview will be asked to submit a response to the following question, prior to the interview:

Please describe a recent analytics/data science project you have worked on and include 1-2 presentation slides that best represent your work. The slides may consist of data visualization examples but must be uploaded as a PDF. The project presentation slides must be in English.

Details for submitting your response will be included in the interview invitation.

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Business analytics networking event

Start on Your Path to an MS in Business Analytics Degree

Selecting the right master’s program for your career goals is important. Our admissions team is here to help you at every stage, from inquiry to application. Schedule a phone or video consultation with one of our team members to get started.

Application Deadlines for Summer 2024

Application due.

November 1, 2023 February 1, 2024 March 14, 2024 May 1, 2024

We offer multiple deadlines to apply. Apply for the deadline that best works for you. If you submit between deadlines, we will review your completed application after the next deadline. If admitted, your enrollment deposit date will be communicated to you in your online admission letter.

Tuition & Fees

The following costs apply to the 2023-2024 academic year..

Estimated expenses for books, supplies, room and board are provided separately by the University of Wisconsin–Madison Office of Student Financial Aid.


Tuition rates vary from year to year, and are determined by the University of Wisconsin System Board of Regents, based on budgets approved by the Wisconsin governor and legislature. Tuition is reviewed and set annually in August. For more information about tuition rates, please  visit the Bursar’s Office website .

Segregated fees are charges, in addition to tuition, assessed to all students for student services, activities, programs, and facilities that support the mission of University of Wisconsin System institutions, including UW–Madison. The  segregated fee rate  is updated each summer.

*As the MS in Business Analytics has a summer start, summer segregated fees are a prorated version of the full semester fees.

Additional Details About Costs

Student health insurance.

As a UW–Madison student, you have the option to purchase health insurance through University Health Services . There are plans for students only, student plus one, and student plus family. International students are required to purchase health insurance through the Student Health Insurance Plan (SHIP) . Other options for U.S. citizens and permanent residents would be through the health insurance marketplace . Costs vary based on plan.

UW–Madison Student Job Center

The UW Student Job Center lists part-time, limited-term employment (LTE), and summer job openings at the University of Wisconsin–Madison and in the private and public sectors. Many students work part time to help offset the costs of their graduate education.

Graduate Assistantships

Students enrolled in this program may accept graduate assistantships (teaching, research, or project assistantship positions) or university appointments and receive stipends and health insurance based on the appropriate percentage of appointment. However, the assistantship or appointment will not be eligible for tuition remission (waiver of tuition or academic fees). 

Students should be aware of the structure and rigor of the program, as well as significant cocurricular, experiential learning, and career development opportunities, before considering on-campus employment opportunities like graduate assistantships.

Save Time and Money on Your Graduate Program

Current UW–Madison undergraduate students can take up to six credits in qualifying courses during their senior year that count toward the MS in Business Analytics program. This reduces your course load during the one-year program and saves up to $9,000 in graduate program tuition—lowering your tuition to $36,000. The credits may also count toward undergraduate degree requirements.

If interested, you must do the following:

As a UW–Madison junior

  • Complete a survey expressing your interest by March 31, 2024
  • Meet with an admissions team member to learn about the courses you will need to complete your senior year and learn about the application process for the MS in Business Analytics degree
  • Consult with your undergraduate academic advisor to determine how the required graduate courses will fit within your remaining undergraduate requirements

As a UW–Madison senior

  • Complete the coursework during your senior year
  • Earn a B or better in all three courses
  • Apply to the MS Business Analytics program by May 1, 2025
  • Gain admission to the MS in Business Analytics program

What You’ll Need for Your Application

Applying to the Business Analytics MS Program

Learn about the supportive application and admissions process for the MS in Business Analytics and get to know the UW–Madison community.

International Applicants

Test of english as a foreign language (toefl).

Applicants whose native language is not English or whose undergraduate instruction was in a language other than English must achieve a score of 100 or higher on the Internet-based TOEFL (or score of 600 on the paper-based TOEFL) within two years of the intended start. Waivers are available if your four-year undergraduate degree and/or master’s degree was in English or you worked in an English-only speaking company for at least 2 years. Please direct the Educational Testing Service to forward your test results to the University of Wisconsin–Madison (institution code: 1846)

Results of the IELTS (International English Language Testing System) or PTE (Pearson Test of English, institution code: NML-ZH-25) will also be accepted. An IELTS minimum score of 7.5 or higher, or a PTE internet-based score of 73 or higher or paper-based score of 80 or higher, is required.

An international applicant whose four-year undergraduate degree and/or master’s degree (minimum of eight semesters total) instruction was in English, or who will complete such a degree prior to matriculation at the University of Wisconsin–Madison, may request a waiver. To request a waiver for the language test requirement, please select the TOEFL test type in your online application and select “Request a Waiver” for the English proficiency test. We will confirm that English is the language used at the academic institution where your degree was conferred.

Financial statement

Evidence of adequate financial resources for the anticipated duration of the program is required by the federal government for visa documentation upon admission to the Wisconsin MBA Program. It is not required as part of the Wisconsin MBA application.

Connect with us.

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Home — Essay Samples — Education — Academic Interests — My Motivation To Pursue A Graduate Program In Business Analytics


My Motivation to Pursue a Graduate Program in Business Analytics

  • Categories: Academic Interests Motivation

About this sample


Words: 631 |

Published: Apr 2, 2020

Words: 631 | Page: 1 | 4 min read

Works Cited

  • Chou, T., & Shen, Y. (2019). Big Data Analytics: A Literature Review, Framework, and Research Agenda. International Journal of Information Management, 42, 80-90.
  • Davis, D. (2018). Predictive Analytics: How to Use Analytics at Work. John Wiley & Sons.
  • DeMauro, E. P., Grexa, M. E., & McCormick, K. A. (2015). Understanding Business Analytics: The Importance of Business Intelligence and the Emerging Role of Predictive Analytics. Journal of Business & Economics Research, 13(2), 73-78.
  • Duan, Y., Edwards, J. S., Dwivedi, Y. K., & Williams, M. D. (2018). Big Data Analytics in Supply Chain Management: A Balanced Scorecard Approach. International Journal of Production Economics, 200, 118-136.
  • Fosso Wamba, S., Akter, S., Edwards, A., Chopin, G., & Gnanzou, D. (2015). How ‘Big Data’ Can Make Big Impact: Findings from a Systematic Review and a Longitudinal Case Study. International Journal of Production Economics, 165, 234-246.
  • Janssen, M., Charalabidis, Y., & Zuiderwijk, A. (2012). Benefits, Adoption Barriers and Myths of Open Data and Open Government. Information Systems Management, 29(4), 258-268.
  • Kiron, D., Prentice, P. K., & Ferguson, R. B. (2014). Driving Business Value through Big Data Analytics: A Technology and Decision Making Perspective. MIS Quarterly Executive, 13(2), 97-107.
  • Marr, B. (2015). Big Data in Practice: How 45 Successful Companies Used Big Data Analytics to Deliver Extraordinary Results. John Wiley & Sons.
  • Provost, F., & Fawcett, T. (2013). Data Science for Business: What You Need to Know about Data Mining and Data-Analytic Thinking. O'Reilly Media.
  • Raghupathi, W., & Raghupathi, V. (2014). Big Data Analytics in Healthcare: Promise and Potential. Health Information Science and Systems, 2(3).

Image of Dr. Charlotte Jacobson

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masters in business analytics essay

From Data to Solutions

Master of analytics, no. 1 public university, no. 3 graduate program, no. 3 engineering college, the application period for fall 2024 admissions has closed. fall 2025 admissions information will be available in summer 2024..

In our immersive 12-month program, complemented by a strategic summer internship, Berkeley Analytics students emerge at the forefront of industry; leveraging their advanced data-driven analytical methods and leading-edge quantitative tools to become powerful decision-makers who create innovative solutions across diverse industries.

Learn More About the Program

About the Program

The Master of Analytics program is an in-person program with all coursework taking place in Berkeley, California. With access to world-renowned experts, entrepreneurs, and cutting-edge industries, our campus is a hub of discovery and impact. Our wide range of multidisciplinary research centers and institutes foster constant collaboration and innovation.

What Students and Alums Are Saying

“Alongside the rigorous academic curriculum, Berkeley Analytics offers extensive student support, including career counseling and industry networking, helping students achieve success beyond the classroom.”


"In the real-world, the tasks involved in data engineering can often be messier and more complex than in the academic world. Yet, the solid foundation from my coursework at Berkeley has been instrumental in guiding me through these challenges. These courses have not only prepared me to grapple with the intricacies of the real world but also instilled in me the ability to continually adapt and learn in the face of new challenges."


"I thoroughly enjoyed diving deep into data-driven optimization and decision-making. The hands-on coursework and engaging faculty pushed me to think outside the box and develop critical problem-solving skills. I am grateful for the unwavering support of my classmates, whose passion and dedication inspired me every day."


Career Services

Our dedicated career services team trains students to excel in communication, leadership, industry-specific knowledge, professionalism, and teamwork across any industry. Benefitting from skill-building workshops, industry info sessions, job fairs, national conferences, and our Career Development Foundations course, students are poised to become influential industry leaders, equipped with not just advanced skills in analytics, but also the acumen to conquer any challenge.

Guiding our students on their professional journey is Dr. Diana Chávez , Director of Career Services . Dr. Chavez brings a  passion for empowering students beyond the classroom, combined with a wealth of experience in cultivating career-ready professionals.

Photograph of Dr. Diana Chavez, Director of Career Services

Program Timeline

50 hour python intensive, fall semester, core analytical methods courses, spring semester, elective courses + analytics lab, internship (200 hours), career advancement and global networking.

At Berkeley, you'll be part of a dynamic global network that spans over 500,000 UC Berkeley alums across 180 countries. Benefit from valuable connections, mentorship, and knowledge sharing within our thriving community and engage with industry leaders seeking to leverage UC Berkeley's top talent in analytics. Our students have successfully secured internships and full-time positions with renowned companies such as Tesla, Deloitte, HP, KONE, and many others.

masters in business analytics essay

My internship has been a huge eye-opener in terms of the immense impact analytics professionals can have on an organization. The business insights you can unlock with analytics save company resources and multiply company revenue. It's really incredible.

masters in business analytics essay

Analytics can revolutionize any industry, not just the traditionally data-rich sectors like finance and healthcare. Now in my role at Hotel Trader, I've seen firsthand how impactful and transformative data-driven decision-making can be.

Hotel Trader

Student Placements

Application deadline.

The application period for Fall 2024 admissions to the Master of Analytics program has closed. Fall 2025 admissions information will be available in Summer 2024.

Upcoming Events

Navigating your application | info session recordings.

Learn about the Master of Analytics application process by watching the recordings below. For any questions about the admissions and application process, please contact [email protected] .

Latest Methods for Decision Making

The Master of Analytics program teaches students the latest methods for data-driven decision making using tools such as:

Data Analysis


Risk Modeling

The Industry

These skills are used to solve complex business and industry problems in areas such as:

Pricing and Finance

Risk Management

Logistics & Supply Chain

Human Resources

Operations Management

The Berkeley Master of Analytics program is offered by the Department of Industrial Engineering & Operations Research . At Berkeley IEOR, we expand the frontiers of optimization, stochastics, and data science, enabling transformative decision analytics and technologies to solve grand challenges in transportation, supply chains, healthcare, energy, robotics, finance, and risk management.

Analytics is an enabling degree, bridging operations research and industrial engineering with crucial data skills..

#3 ranked IEOR Graduate Program in the U.S. (US News)

Operations Research

Operations Research refers to theory and methods for decision-making through data analysis, optimization, risk modeling, and simulation.

Industrial Engineering

Industrial Engineering includes design, analysis, and efficient operation of industrial and business systems. These can be applied in areas such as logistics & supply chains, service operations, capacity planning, pricing, risk management, scheduling, financing, and human resources.

High Demand for Analytics Talent

In January 2017, there were 2.35 million Analytics and Data Science job postings in the US:

  • 500k+ in Finance and Insurance
  • 690k+ in Information
  • 500k+ in Professional, Scientific and Technical Services
  • 230k+ in Manufacturing
  • 100k+ in Retail/Trade
  • 100k+ in Healthcare and Social Assistance

Of these job postings 67% were in Analytics and 33% were in Data Science. 1

1 PricewaterhouseCoopers Job Market Report, 2017

Job Openings: Data Science vs. Analytics

Asset 1@2x

Future Graduate Titles

  • Business Intelligence Analyst
  • Data Analyst
  • Data Engineer
  • Data Scientist
  • Machine Learning Engineer
  • Operations Analyst
  • Supply Chain Engineer
  • Quantitative Analyst

4 units practicum, 26 units coursework, and a comprehensive exam

  • Python boot camp (50 hours / 0 units)
  • INDENG 215 Analysis and Design of Databases (3 units)
  • INDENG 240 Optimization Analytics (3 units)
  • INDENG 241 Risk Modeling, Simulation, and Data Analysis (3 units)
  • INDENG 242A Machine Learning & Data Analytics (4 units)
  • INDENG 243 Analytics Lab (project course with Python, optimization & simulation) (4 units) 

*MAnalytics students will take a comprehensive exam based on INDENG 240 and INDENG 241 . The exam will be administered during the RRR week of the Fall semester (the last instruction week of the semester).

*Subject to availability. Please note this is a full list of approved Analytics Elective Specialty Courses planned to be offered in Spring 2025. Course offerings may change from year to year.

  • INDENG 221 Introduction to Financial Engineering
  • INDENG 222 Financial Engineering Systems I
  • INDENG 230 Economics of Supply Chains
  • INDENG 231 Introduction to Data Modeling, Statistics, and System Simulation
  • INDENG 242B Machine Learning and Data Analytics II
  • INDENG C253 Supply Chain and Logistics Management
  • INDENG 256 Healthcare Analytics
  • INDENG 290 Stochastic Optimization for Machine Learning
  • Summer internship (4 unit course / 200 hours)

Learning Goals Include:

Agile analytics development, technical communication, project presentation.

Profile photo of professor Adler

Anil Aswani

Profile photo of Professor Alper Atamturk

Alper Atamturk

Profile photo of Prof. Cui Ying

Lee Fleming

Profile photo of Prof. Ken Goldberg

Ken Goldberg


Paul Grigas

Guo, Xin

Dorit Hochbaum


Phil Kaminsky


Javad Lavaei


Stewart Liu


Robert Leachman


Thibaut Mastrolia


Shmuel Oren


Daniel Pirutinsky


Rhonda Righter

Zuo-jun "max" shen.

4/22/16UDWANI_Rajan_008.nef MIT  Operations Research Center Portraits  UDWANI_Rajan  - Photograph By  Kalman Zabarsky

Rajan Udwani


Candace Yano


Application Opens

Wednesday, September 13, 2023

Monday, January 8, 2024, 8:59pm PST

Application Process

Please read the Graduate Division webpages on admission requirements and policies . If you received or are a candidate to receive your undergraduate degree from an institution outside the United States, you will need to also read the section on International Applicants .

The application process is entirely electronic . Please do not mail any documents to the IEOR department. Materials mailed to the IEOR department will not be considered in the application review.

An application will only be considered complete and reviewable if all application materials are submitted electronically by the deadline and all letters of recommendation and official test scores have been received and verified. Incomplete applications will not be reviewed.

Important Deadlines for Fall 2024 Admissions

  • Applications open.
  • Deadline to submit the online application. The online application portal will not allow applications to be submitted after this deadline. Ensure that your Resume/CV, Statement of Purpose, Personal Statement, Audio/Visual, and transcripts are complete when you submit the application, as these cannot be updated after submission. To guarantee that your application will be reviewed, please submit all required materials by the deadline.
  • Deadline for official GRE scores (and official TOEFL scores, if applicable) to be received in UC Berkeley’s application system. Keep in mind that GRE and TOEFL score reports typically take 10-15 days to be verified in UC Berkeley’s application system after they are sent to UC Berkeley. Please plan accordingly. The IEOR department will not take requests to verify GRE and TOEFL score reports after January 10, 2024, and we cannot guarantee that GRE and TOEFL scores verified after this date will be reviewed with your application.
  • Deadline for 3 letters of recommendation to be uploaded to UC Berkeley’s application system by the recommenders. We cannot guarantee that letters of recommendation uploaded after January 10, 2024 will be reviewed with your application.

Application Requirements

Note: Application materials can be submitted independently and in any order.

  • You must submit an application fee when you apply. The application fee is not refundable. If you are a U.S. citizen or current permanent resident, the application fee is $135; for all others, the fee is $155.
  • The application fee waiver is available only to applicants who hold, or will hold, a bachelor's degree or higher from one of the eligible universities noted and meet eligibility at the planned time of enrollment. Visiting scholars and non-degree seeking students are not eligible.
  • Please complete and submit your application by the Monday, January 8, 2024 deadline in order to have your application fee waived. This process will happen automatically, on or around the application deadline, based on the undergraduate university information listed in your application. Select the credit card option, but do not pay. Submit your application by the January 8 deadline, but do not pay. Your application will be credited for payment on or soon after January 8 . 
  • U.S. citizens or current permanent residents who can demonstrate financial need or who have participated in certain programs are eligible to apply for a Graduate Division application fee waiver. 
  • Request waiver here . 
  • This Berkeley IEOR Application Fee Waiver Request applies only to the Fall 2024 application cycle.
  • Complete the Berkeley IEOR Application Fee Waiver Request form ONLY if you do not qualify for the Graduate Division Application Fee Waiver - applicants should first review Graduate Division's Application Fee Waiver eligibility before proceeding to review Berkeley IEOR Application Fee Waiver eligibility. 
  • Applicants must meet at least one of the criteria listed to be eligible for a Berkeley IEOR Application Fee Waiver and must not be eligible for Graduate Division’s application fee waivers. 
  • Please complete the Berkeley IEOR Application Fee Waiver Request form before submitting your application. We will review requests within 5 business days and provide next steps via email. Please do not submit your application until you receive a decision; we will not be processing application fee reimbursements. Please complete and submit the Berkeley IEOR Application Fee Waiver Request form no later than January 1, 2024, 8:59 pm PT to provide the 5 business day review time.
  • Request waiver here .
  • You may only apply to one degree program at UC Berkeley per admission cycle.
  • Please remember to submit your application. Complete but unsubmitted applications will not be reviewed. Please note that the online application portal will not allow applications to be submitted after the application deadline.
  • For more information, visit: Online Application & Application Fee

We require a bachelor's degree from an accredited institution or recognized equivalent and sufficient undergraduate education for graduate work in your chosen field.

  • Linear algebra:  MATH 54 ,  STAT 89A
  • Probability:  STAT 134 ,  STAT C140 ,  IND ENG 172 ,  EECS 126
  • Statistics:   STAT 135 ,  IND ENG 165
  • A minimum of one course in linear algebra and one course in probability or statistics is required for admission. 
  • It is recommended that linear algebra and probability or statistics courses are completed by the spring semester before the intended admission term; however, having prerequisites successfully completed at the time of application increases the competitiveness of the application. Online and/or extension courses from accredited colleges/universities are acceptable. 
  • Fluency in a computer programming language is recommended by the intended admission term; however, fluency at the time of application increases the competitiveness of the application.
  • Completing programming coursework at an accredited institution is preferred, but you can take coursework and/or submit certificates from other programs, such as Lynda, EdX, or Coursera.
  • Programming coursework information can be included and uploaded (if applicable) with the application. Do not include coursework from programs such as Lynda, EdX, or Coursera in the Academic History section of the application. Instead, please list this information on your resume and add coursework information and/or certificates to your transcript upload.
  • Graduate Division requires a satisfactory scholastic average, with a minimum grade point average (GPA) of 3.0 on a 4.0-scale. 
  • Applicants must report their GPA as it reads on their transcript. 
  • International students do not need to convert their grades to the 4.0 system.
  • The GRE is the only test accepted.
  • There is no minimum score required.
  • If the exam is taken more than once, the most recent score report will be reviewed.
  • We accept valid scores from GRE tests that are offered officially through ETS. Applicants are able to take the Home Edition of the exam.
  • Please send the official scores to Berkeley at institution code 4833 . Please do not send them to the IEOR department. Note that a “department” code is not required for your GRE scores to be matched to your online application.
  • Only tests taken within the past 5 years are acceptable. For Fall 2024 admissions, tests taken before June 2019 will not be accepted. Tests must also be taken by the application deadline, January 8, 2024.
  • Once your application is submitted, you may check the status of your scores on your online application status page. When the scores are matched they will show as “verified.” GRE score reports take 10-15 days to be verified in UC Berkeley’s application system after they are sent to UC Berkeley. If the scores are not verified by January 10, 2024, the scores may not be reviewed with your application. Note that for scores to be verified, it helps if you set up your Berkeley application account using the same name (including spaces) that you use when you register for the exam. It’s also helpful if your GRE registration email address matches the one you use for your Berkeley application.
  • UC Berkeley current undergraduates and alumni applying to the IEOR department who earned or will earn their UC Berkeley bachelor’s degree with a 3.5 or higher cumulative GPA are not required to submit GRE scores with their application.
  • For more information, visit: Graduate Record Examination (GRE)
  • For information regarding TOEFL exemption, please visit here .
  • Please send the official score to Berkeley at institution code 4833 . Please do not send it to the IEOR department.
  • The minimum score is 90 for the internet-based test (iBT) and 570 for the paper-based test (PBT).
  • Only exams taken within the past 2 years are acceptable. For Fall 2024 admissions, exams taken before June 2022 will not be accepted. Exams must also be taken by the application deadline, January 8, 2024.
  • The International English Language Testing System (IELTS) is the only acceptable substitute. The minimum acceptable score is 7 on a 9-point scale on your most recent exam. Only tests taken within the past two years are acceptable. Note that other tests, such as the TOEIC, are not acceptable.
  • Once your application is submitted, you may check the status of your scores on your online application status page. When the scores are matched they will show as “verified.” TOEFL score reports take 10-15 days to be verified in UC Berkeley’s application system after they are sent to UC Berkeley. If the scores are not verified by January 10, 2024, the scores may not be reviewed with your application. Note that for scores to be verified, it helps if you set up your Berkeley application account using the same name (including spaces) that you use when you register for the exam. It’s also helpful if your TOEFL registration email address matches the one you use for your Berkeley application.
  • For more information, visit: Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL)
  • Letters of recommendation provide the admissions committee with third party, qualitative accounts of your potential for success in our program. 
  • We require three letters of recommendation from all applicants. 
  • We strongly prefer that letters of recommendation come from a current direct supervisor, former direct supervisor, faculty, or other individuals with whom you have had significant professional interaction. Please select individuals who know you well and who will take the time to write thorough and thoughtful letters on your behalf. The title of those you select is not important. What does matter is how closely your letter writers have worked with you and whether they can attest to your value as an employee or student, your professional accomplishments, and your personal qualities. We have found the most helpful letters to be recent, relevant, and written specifically for this application. We discourage letters of recommendation from subordinates, family, or friends.
  • When completing the online application, you will enter the email addresses of your recommenders and click the appropriate box to have the recommenders upload their letters. You are responsible for ensuring that the letters of recommendations are submitted by your recommenders. We cannot guarantee that letters of recommendation uploaded after January 10, 2024 will be reviewed with your application.
  • For more information, visit: Letters of Recommendation
  • The Statement of Purpose is your "academic statement" and should convey why you are interested in the program, what you will contribute to the program, and what you plan to do after the program. 
  • Academic and research experiences
  • Publications and/or presentations
  • Internship or employment opportunities you have had
  • Your motivation and interests in the program, including your professional objectives, research interests, areas of specialization, etc.
  • Additional contributions to your program of study: Let us know how your experience has led to the perfect fit for this program. Are there specific IEOR faculty you want to work with? Why are you choosing this program at UC Berkeley specifically?
  • Be concise; an ideal essay should say everything it needs to with brevity. Approximately 500 to 1000 well-selected words (1-2 single space pages in 12 point font) is better than more words with less clarity and poor organization.
  • For more information, visit: Statement of Purpose
  • The Personal History statement should provide insight to you as a person and any personal experiences that have influenced you to apply for graduate studies in IEOR. Take this opportunity to write about your personal goals, dreams, and what motivates you towards your degree and objectives. Remember to be authentic in your essay, as we want to hear your voice and perspective.
  • Discuss how your personal background informs your decision to pursue a graduate degree. This statement can also include any obstacles or barriers that you have overcome during your educational career or any social or community projects/programs with which you have worked.
  • Educational, familial, cultural, economic, or social experiences, challenges, or opportunities relevant to your academic journey
  • How you might contribute to social or cultural diversity within your chosen field
  • How you might serve educationally underrepresented segments of society with your degree
  • For more information, visit: Personal Statement
  • Official transcripts are preferred. Upload both the front and back of each page of official transcripts, making sure to include the institution grading scale or transcript legend. This is especially important if the institution does not follow the traditional U.S. 4.0-scale.
  • Transcripts must include on each page the name of the institution and your full name, and they should chronologically list all classes and grades.
  • If your academic records do not include official evidence of the award of your degree, you must also submit additional documents that verify the degree conferral, such as a diploma or degree certificate.
  • International applicants: Academic records should be issued in the original language and accompanied by English translations (usually prepared by your university or Ministry of Education, unless the institution issues original documents in English). English translations are required for all languages; degree names and grades should be transliterated, not converted into English words or the U.S. letter grades of A-F. If your home institution does not issue documents in English, you may submit translations prepared by certified translators from the American Translators Association . 
  • If an offer of admission is made, applicants will be required to send to the Graduate Division the official paper documents for verification. Offers will not be considered final until the Graduate Division has received the official documents that match the uploaded record. In general, records or transcripts must be issued by the institution and include the institution’s stamp or embossed seal and the signature of the authorizing official. Official electronic transcripts sent directly by the institution are accepted. 
  • If you have received or will receive your bachelor’s degree from UC Berkeley, official UC Berkeley transcripts with evidence of degree conferral will not be required if admitted. 
  • For more information, visit: Transcripts
  • Upload your resume so that the admissions committee may gain a more in-depth understanding about your academic and professional experiences.
  • We value a diversity of backgrounds and accept candidates with a wide range of experiences. The admissions committee is not looking at quantity but rather the quality, range, and substance of your experiences. 
  • Although work experience is not required for admission, we want to know about your professional, internship, and research experiences.
  • Be organized: Remember to be clear and concise with your resume. A resume should not exceed 1-2 pages and should be organized, ideally chronologically.
  • Be to the point: Outline your experiences in a well-written (no acronyms) and succinct way that accounts honestly for your accomplishments. You do not need to elaborate on each position held on your resume. Your Statement of Purpose will allow you to dive deeper into these experiences and where you plan to go from here.
  • Show clear advancement towards your goals: Your resume should highlight your career progression. Showcase a timeline from the beginning to now. Remember, your Statement of Purpose will fill in where you plan to go from here.
  • Please upload a 1-2 minute video or audio file on the Audio/Visual page answering the following prompt: Tell us what characteristics and qualities you have gained through professional, organizational and/or community experience(s) that have prepared you for a career in Analytics.
  • Keep your A/V short and straightforward: Be concise in your audio/visual recording. Collect your thoughts and aim to answer the prompt. You want to make sure your viewer does not miss any important information you wish to convey.
  • Speak with confidence and enthusiasm: Speaking clearly and confidently will help maintain viewer engagement and help you convey your message.
  • Be aware of your environment when recording: If you are submitting a video recording, feel free to be creative with your environment, record on campus, create an exciting background, and/or work with your lighting. Whether working with visual or audio, be mindful of your environment to ensure you have little to no disturbances that could distract from your voice and, most importantly, your message. Remember, your answer to the prompt is what will be reviewed.
  • Capture and upload the best possible quality: If recording a video, please make sure your recording device is placed around your eye level. To avoid (or reduce) "shaky cam," keep the recording device stationery while filming. NOTE: It is ideal for the highest quality video to film on a smartphone, as it doesn't rely so heavily on specific software. Remember, you will not be evaluated on the quality of your video.
  • Be yourself!

Status Check

After submitting your application, you may check the status of the materials received, processed, and/or verified (fee waivers, test scores, and letters of recommendation) and an admission decision within the university application system.

We ask that applicants do not contact the department to request a status check. Please see the list above for materials required for an application to be considered complete. Incomplete applications will not be reviewed.

Decision Notification

If your application is successful, the IEOR department will notify you that you have been recommended for admission. Only the Dean of the Graduate Division can offer official admission. You have not been officially admitted until you have received the official admission letter from the Dean. 

Admission decisions will be released by the beginning of April.

If you have received a fellowship offer, you will be receiving a separate email announcing your award details.

Denied Students

The admission committee conducts a holistic and thorough review of each application. We are unable to offer specific reasons for denial. While we do not want to deny applicants admission to Berkeley, our graduate program is competitive with generally more qualified applications received than allotted slots for new students.

Admitted Students

Applicants receiving an admission offer who would like to accept should review the Accepting Your Offer of Admission guide from the Graduate Division. This webpage details the steps necessary to complete the three required forms online: the Statement of Intention to Register Form, Statement of Legal Residence Form, and the Non-Immigrant Information Form (for non-US citizens).

We encourage applicants who have received an offer of admission to submit the Statement of Intent to Register as soon as they have decided on a graduate program and no later than April 15th.

After a student accepts an offer of admission, the student will begin to receive information regarding registration, orientation, and the I-20 (for international students).

We kindly ask that all admitted students inform us of their intention to attend (accept or decline).

Deferring Admission

Admitted students who have accepted their admission offer may request for their application to be deferred to the following fall term by emailing the IEOR Graduate Student Services staff with the following information:

  • Reason for deferral

If the department approves, a deferral recommendation will be forwarded to the Graduate Division. The Graduate Division will then review and issue a final decision on the deferral application.

For more information about the program, see the IEOR Graduate Student Handbook and the Guide to Graduate Policy .

Please also view the information about   tuition, costs ,  and   financial aid.

Is this program STEM-designated?

What is the difference between data science and analytics.

Data science and analytics although being interconnected in their fundamental resource, data, each have different goals. 

Data science focuses on big data and tackles challenges in data storage, retrieval, cleansing, preparation, mining, visualization, privacy, ethics, and analysis. Data scientists create and leverage algorithms to collect and shape large-scale raw data into something that can be more easily understood. Whereas analytics refers to the process and practice of analyzing data to answer questions, extract insights, and translate data into actionable decisions. This is done using an array of tools, techniques, and frameworks. Analytics professionals closely collaborate with data scientists and bridge the gap between data scientists and product/program managers.

In short, data science explores and tests new methods to store, use and interpret data, whereas analytics focuses on creating data-driven solutions to problems.

What is the difference between the Master of Engineering and the Master of Analytics program at UCB? Do any of these require more technical proficiency?  

While these two programs share some core technical courses, the IEOR Master of Engineering program prepares students for engineering leadership and offers a curriculum with a balance of management and technical content. On the other hand, the Master of Analytics focuses on building data-driven solutions for industry challenges. 

Master of Analytics students begin the program with a 50-hour Python programming language bootcamp, whereas Master of Engineering students begin the program with a pre-semester bootcamp on leadership. 

The Analytics program offers elective decision analytics courses with industry context in place of the Master of Engineering leadership courses. The Master of Analytics also offers an Analytics Lab – a project-oriented course for building analytics solutions in teams starting from raw data. IEOR’s Master of Engineering program focuses on engineering leadership. 

The Master of Analytics program includes a summer internship to help students gain hands-on experience instead of the two-semester Master of Engineering capstone project. 

Both programs have a quantitative curriculum, however, the Master of Engineering program may be a better fit for those more interested in developing leadership skills, while the Master of Analytics program may be a better option for those students with data and quantitative interests along with industry context.

masters in business analytics essay

What does the average student profile look like?

Please see our 2023 and 2024 admitted student profiles here .

If I meet the admission criteria, am I automatically admitted?

No. All applications are holistically reviewed by a faculty committee to ensure those recommended for admission can succeed in the program. No applicant is automatically admitted into the program.

Is work experience required for admission to the Master of Analytics program?

No. Work experience is not required for admission to the Analytics program. If you do not have work experience, we will want to know why you are choosing to pursue an Analytics degree at UC Berkeley and we will look for competitive academic records, relevant internships, and clear career goals.

I am not yet ready to apply.  What can I do now to prepare for future admission?

We recommend strengthening one’s knowledge in probability and statistics, computer programming, and linear algebra. If you have minimal analytics-oriented background, gaining this knowledge will maximize your learning in the Master of Analytics program.

Is there an interview process?

At this time, there is no plan for an interview.  If the admissions committee deems it necessary, they may arrange an interview via  Zoom.

Do I need an analytics background to apply to the program? What are common majors that pursue this degree?

Although most applicants generally come from computer science, mathematics, statistics, or engineering majors, the Analytics program application is open to all that meet eligibility requirements.  Long-term success in analytics requires both strong quantitative foundations and an interest in data-driven problem-solving. Applicants that are stronger in one area or the other can still be successful in admissions. We will also ensure that all students develop the required skills to start a promising career in data analytics upon completion of our Master of Analytics program.

Is it possible to apply for admission to multiple programs at UC Berkeley?

No. You may only apply to one degree program at UC Berkeley per admission cycle.

Does IEOR accept students with advanced degrees?

Yes, we welcome applications from individuals who have already completed an advanced degree. Our program can help you to transfer the skills you have already developed and apply them to creating data-driven solutions to problems. Please note duplicate degrees (eg: a completed Master of Analytics from another institution) are not permitted.

My GRE/TOEFL score report shows “awaiting” on my application checklist, but I already sent it to 4833. Have you received it?

GRE and TOEFL score reports take 10-15 days to be verified in UC Berkeley’s application system after they are sent to UC Berkeley. If it has been over 15 days and your status still shows “awaiting,” please contact us at [email protected] , and we will conduct a manual search for your score report. In your email, please include the email address you used to register for the exam, your full name, and your UC Berkeley application reference number. Please note that the IEOR department will not take requests to verify GRE and TOEFL score reports after Wednesday, January 10, 2024.

What would be the criteria in evaluating an application and what is considered in the selection process?

The admissions committee reviews all parts of the application holistically. We seek to identify individuals with strong motivation and academic preparation necessary for successful completion of the program.

Can I take a course from a third-party provider, like Lynda, EdX, or Coursera, to prepare for the programming requirements of this program?

Yes. You can take a certified course and provide it in your application to supplement.

What is the admissions process for international applicants?

International and domestic applications are reviewed equivalently.  Non-U.S. citizens/Permanent Residents may need to submit TOEFL or IELTS  scores to satisfy UC Berkeley’s English Language Proficiency requirement depending upon the undergraduate institution. We strongly encourage all international applicants to submit application materials early to ensure a complete application by the deadline.

Will I be offered a visa?

Learn more about immigration policy updates from the Berkeley International Office.

Will I qualify for OPT since this is an 11-month program?

Learn more about STEM OPT from the Berkeley International Office.

What is the tuition cost for this program? 

Please view the current costs, fees, and financial aid options here .

Are scholarships available?

Scholarships are available on a merit and need basis. You will be reviewed for scholarships based on your application for admission to the program.  

Additional funding opportunities are available on the Graduate Division website .

Where can I find the curriculum?

Program curriculum and course descriptions can be found on

Can I start the program in the winter/spring?

Berkeley’s Analytics program is offered as a summer (August) start only.

Can the program be offered remotely?

At this time, only the pre-semester Python boot camp is offered remotely (online) in July/August. The fall and spring terms of the program are full-time and in-person.

Is the boot camp mandatory? 

The Python boot camp is not mandatory for Fall 2024 admitted students who are already fluent in Python programming language, but it is strongly recommended for the majority of students.  

Can students take courses outside of IEOR?

Unfortunately, MAnalytics students cannot take courses outside the IEOR department. Unlike the college-wide Master of Engineering program, the Master of Analytics program is run exclusively by the IEOR department, and program fees apply toward courses offered by the IEOR department. Note that additional coursework is available through UC Berkeley Extension , however, this coursework would be an additional cost.

Is part-time study possible?

The Master of Analytics program is a full-time, in-person program.  

Can students opt for a capstone project? 

No, Analytics students complete a 200-hour industry internship in place of a capstone project.

What resources are available to help students obtain internships and jobs?

Master of Analytics students have access to a wealth of resources on campus to support them in their academic and professional journey. These resources are tailored to guide and advise students through their career search and provide them with opportunities to connect with industry professionals and peers. With a range of events, workshops, and self-guided resources available, students can access all the tools they need to succeed. IEOR Master of Analytics Career Services, Fung Institute for Engineering Leadership, and Cal Career Center are all here to help students reach their goals. Check out our Careers page to see the amazing job placements our students have achieved.

Can we also do an internship while completing degree requirements (i.e. the Python boot camp? core/elective courses)?

It is not recommended due to the brevity and intensity of the program.

What are examples of job titles an Analytics graduate might pursue after graduating?

Analytics professionals hold a range of positions across sectors and industries. They have titles such as Data Analyst, Consulting Analyst, Research Analyst, Business Intelligence Analyst, Revenue Analyst, Customer and Product Data Analyst, Finance and Investment Analyst, Quantitative Analyst, Machine Learning Engineer, Supply Chain Engineer, and Software Engineer.

You can find a list of recent IEOR alumni job placements here . 

Professor teaching class for MS Analytics students

Master of Science in Business Analytics Program

Drive Real Business Results with a STEM-Designated Analytics Degree

The Full-Time Master of Science in Business Analytics (MSBA) program prepares you to tackle some of today’s most pressing business challenges driving tomorrow’s societal impacts. With a focus on predictive analytics, risk management, optimization modeling, and information technology, supplement your analytical career with a STEM-designated degree and increase your proficiency in big data, lead actionable strategies for evidence-based organizations and build a transformative future.

Through this one year program, you will establish a foundation for analytics through core requirements prioritizing decision sciences, information systems, and technology management and participate in a six-unit applied analytics internship through the Pepperdine Education to Business™ initiative.

Program Highlights

Beautiful Malibu Campus

One Year Program

Small Class Sizes


Global Alumni Network of 47,000+

Group of students chatting outside

STEM-Designated Degree: Our curriculum designation allows for international students on a F-1 visa the opportunity to apply for a 24-month extension of their optional practical training (OPT).

Faculty member helping students

Data Analytics Tools: Learn how to navigate and leverage technical industry tools such as SQL, Tableau, Hadoop, and more.

Experienced business professional walking downstairs

12-Month OPT: All F-1 MSBA students are eligible to apply for 12-months of optional practical training (OPT).

Students looking at data on phone

Accelerated MBA Pathway: Upon completion of your MSBA, you have the option to accelerate to an MBA by applying 20 units towards your core MBA courses.

Quick Facts

$31,925 per term*

*Cost of tuition is in effect for the 2023-2024 academic year and is subject to change at the University's discretion. Use the Cost of Attendance Calculator to estimate the cost of your program of interest. This tool incorporates additional per term expenses such as living expenses (food and housing),  transportation, miscellaneous personal expenses, books, course materials, supplies, equipment, and fees.

Receive a 20% tuition discount or merit scholarship when you apply and enroll into the Full-Time MBA program.

Take the Next Step

Reach out to us to learn more about the Graziadio Business School.

Get in Touch

Fill out the Request Information form to learn about the opportunities that await you as a student at Pepperdine Graziadio.

Attend an Event

Learn more about your program by signing up for a class visit, information session, webinar or graduate fair.

Start Your Application

Ready to start your journey to Pepperdine Graziadio? Begin your application today to take the next step towards your future.

Request Information

Do not add your country code prefix

MS in Business Analytics Admission

Program deadlines, information sessions.

Submit to Admit: Full-Time Programs Application Workshop

Graziadio Malibu Campus Tour

Malibu Campus

See Your Future Differently From Malibu

Classes are held at the Malibu campus in sunny California. The expansive Malibu campus sits on 830 acres and overlooks the Pacific Ocean with nearly every spot on campus featuring stunning views of the beaches. Pepperdine is consistently ranked as one of the most beautiful places to study. Graziadio students also have access to graduate student housing and amenities like the library, gym, and swimming pool at our scenic Malibu campus.

  • Malibu Campus Overview
  • Malibu Campus Interactive Map. Virtual Tour. and Aerial Tour 

PGBS International Students

International Student Experiences

  • As a visa-eligible program, we offer exceptional support to international students.
  • A dedicated enrollment services officer will make your admissions process easy and comfortable.
  • We integrate international students across our campuses. The Office of International Student Services (OISS) provides additional support for international students.
  • Enjoy access to housing and amenities at our scenic Malibu campus.
  • Participate in University social, sporting, cultural, and spiritual events.
  • Build upon leadership skills, peer support, and lifelong relationships with colleagues. The community extends beyond the program to the larger Graziadio and Pepperdine family.
  • Partnerships with professional networks and conferences and a robust alumni network further students' growth opportunities.

The Company You'll Keep

When you join the Graziadio community, you'll join a global network of over 48,000 alumni actively shaping the world of business at top organizations, including:

Boeing logo

Fall 2023 Student Profile

Industries chart

Top Industries: Bar graph shows the percentage breakdown of current industries our students were employed upon time of application submission. 5.45% Entertainment/Media, 5.45% Financial Services/Insurance, 3.64% Consulting/Business Services, 3.64% Healthcare and 3.64% Retail/Food Services. This information reflects the data collected from MSBA applications for the fall 2023 cohort.

Average Age

Avg. Work Experience

What Our Students Are Saying

"The MSBA helped me master much more than just quantitative skills. Through my experience, I have learned how to better communicate in a professional setting, how to translate business needs into technical questions, and most importantly how to be a 'better for the world' leader." - Ryan Hartman, MS '21

Connect directly with a current student to ask questions and learn more about their Graziadio experiences first-hand.

Student Experience

  • What Sets Us Apart
  • Student Success
  • Student Clubs
  • Global Programs

Students learning oustide at a table together

Values-Based, Personalized Learning

The Master of Science in Business Analytics at Pepperdine Graziadio comes with small, collaborative classes led by our renowned faculty who are personally committed to your academic and professional success. With ethical, sustainable business woven into the core of our teachings and an emphasis on experiential learning, you'll experience a truly unique, transformational graduate degree within a global community of Purpose-Driven Leaders.

Two students talking about student success

Your Future Analytics Career

Our Career and Professional Development department provides resources to connect MS in Business Analytics students with other like-minded professionals and navigate potential career opportunities. Our dedicated advisors provide personalized guidance, career-building tools, and access to an extensive network of students, alumni, and employers around the globe.

Three students walking outside campus

Your Success is Our Priority

The academic success of our students is at the heart of everything we do. Through our wide variety of Student Success resources and workshops, our students have the opportunity to develop their writing, presentation, test preparation, and time management abilities as well as enhance their reading comprehension and access our comprehensive library services.

Three students walking outside campus

Student Clubs and Organizations

Life at Graziadio extends beyond the classroom with our student-initiated and student-run groups. Develop and enhance your leadership skills in one of the many clubs and organizations that are open to all current students. With over a dozen clubs and organizations such as Graziadio Women's Business Society, Finance Club, Christian Business Society, and so much more to choose from, you'll be able to find a group that fits you.

London street outside Westminister Abbey

Learn in a Global Destination

Grow as a leader through international experiences that enhance cross-cultural communication and broaden career opportunities. MS in Business Analytics students have the opportunity to apply and participate in a one-week Global Business Intensive trip or a full trimester program at one of our 40 university partners in over 25 countries.

Enroll in a Top Ranked Business School

We strive to facilitate an enriching student experience. The Princeton Review has reported on our high-quality programs and faith-based education.

Princeton Review Ranking Logo

Linda Lenaghan Assistant Director of Recruitment for Full-Time Programs 

310.506.4217 Meet with Linda Email Linda

Learn more about Pepperdine's Master of Science in Business Analytics Program

Related Programs

  • Full-Time MBA
  • MS in Real Estate
  • MS in Business Analytics
  • MS in Global Business
  • MS in Organization Development

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Emory University Goizueta Business School

Application Process

Taking the first step, application deadlines.

  • Group Application Deadline
  • Group Notification
  • Group Deposit Due

September 25, 2024

Preferred deadline for Goizueta BBA students

November 14, 2024

December 4, 2024

January 15, 2025

Final deadline for applicants graduating from international institutions and those desiring scholarship consideration

March 20, 2025

April 16, 2025

March 26, 2025

May 1, 2025

May 14, 2025

Application Information

Application fee.

We require a $150 application fee from all MSBA applicants. U.S. Military service members and veterans will receive an automatic application fee waiver generated upon submission of the application. Do not submit an application fee if you meet the criteria, we are unable to process a reimbursement. We do not issue retroactive waivers.

Pay Application Fee

Test Requirement

Applicants to Goizueta's MS in Business Analytics are required to take the Graduate Management Admissions Test (GMAT) or the Graduate Record Examination (GRE). 

Official score reports must be sent to Goizueta Business School directly from the testing service. You should complete the exam and request the official scores in enough time to be received by our office by the MS in Business Analytics application deadline of the round in which you are applying (estimated delivery time is 20 business days). Both GMAT and GRE scores are valid for five years from the examination date. If you have taken the tests multiple times, please submit all of your scores. You are encouraged to take the GMAT or GRE early in your application process so that if you do not perform as well as you would like, you have the ability to retake the exam prior to any deadlines.

Test waivers are available for those who meet any of the following criteria: ·        Emory University students with a GPA of >3.0 ·        STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math) Graduate Degree with a GPA of >3.0

English Language Test Scores

Goizueta Business School expects all students to possess strong communication skills in English.

You are not required to submit an English Language Test Score if your undergraduate degree is from an institution in which English is the language of instruction AND you work in a country where commerce is generally conducted in English (for Example: India, Canada, the United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand, Malaysia, Singapore, Ghana, Nigeria and Uganda). No TOEFL waiver is required, please do not request one.

For all other Master's in Business Analytics applicants whose native language is not English, we require the TOEFL  exam (minimum score 100 IBT), the IELTS exam (minimum score 7.0), or the Pearson Test of English ( PTE ) (minimum score 68). We require official scores be sent directly from the testing agency and to be received by our office by the deadline of the round in which you are applying (estimated delivery time is 20 days from test date or date requested). Your application will remain incomplete until the scores are received; unofficial test-taker copies are not accepted.

English Language Test waiver may be requested if a candidate has:

  • Spent at least 3 years in the U.S. studying toward completion of an undergraduate degree, OR
  • Completed a graduate degree in the U.S. followed by at least 2 years of work in the U.S.

A one- or two-page résumé containing your employment and education background must be uploaded to your MS in Business Analytics application. The employment section on the résumé should include locations, titles, and dates, starting with your most recent job. The education section should include dates of attendance and degrees received.


We accept a scanned copy of your university transcripts for evaluative purposes. Acceptable documents must include the university/college name, your name, degree conferred with date (if applicable), grade point average and all courses with grades received. We require transcripts from all undergraduate and graduate institutions attended. Be sure to include a record of your degree.

If you are admitted to the MS in Business Analytics program, you will be required to submit official transcripts at the time of your enrollment deposit. Please plan ahead.

The essays are an important part of your Master of Business Analytics application because they give you the opportunity to tell the Admissions Committee more about share more of your story and aspirations. Please complete all the required essays below and follow the word limits provided. Your essays should be written in 10- or 12-point, Arial font and double-spaced; please do not include the essay title on the page. Upload your essay answers, numbered and in order, as one pdf document.

  • What are your short- & long-term professional goals and how do you think a MSBA will help you achieve these goals? (300 word limit)
  • How did you arrive where you are today? Tell us about what or who has motivated you and shaped your decisions to date. (300 word limit)
  • Describe an important global issue or innovation (current or historical) that particularly interests you and explain how it will become increasingly important to the world at large. (200 word limit)
  • Video essay: Telling your story in the written essays is an important part of the application process, but we also want to hear you tell some of your story. The video essay lets every candidate talk to the Admissions Committee and we enjoy getting to know you through the "small talk" questions that are integrated into the online application.
  • Optional: If there is an important part of your story missing from your application (e.g., unexplained gaps in school or work experience, choice of recommenders, academic probation issues), please use this section to provide a brief explanation. Please use bullets if you need to address more than one topic.


As part of the Master's in Business Analytics application, we require two letters of recommendation submitted either online or via hardcopy. We prefer that these recommendations are educational/professional in nature and that can highlight a candidate's research potential, past academic and/or career achievements. Please be thoughtful when selecting your recommenders.

Recommendation forms are sent electronically by email to your recommenders through our application system. Please allow enough time for your recommender to submit their letters by the stated round deadline.

Interviews are an important part of the MS in Business Analytics admission process. The admissions interview offers you the opportunity to explain more in depth your educational and career experiences to date, and to elaborate on your post-MSBA career plans. The interviewer is interested in both your educational and professional accomplishments, as well as your leadership and community achievements.

Interviews are by invitation only after review of your completed file.

Helpful Hints

Before beginning the application, review the helpful hints below.

Receiving Emails

After first creating an account, an email will be sent to the address you listed with an autogenerated password. This email is usually sent within five minutes of your registration. Please check your junk folder if you do not see the email. For assistance, you may email us.

Pop-up Blockers

Disable any Pop-up Blockers running on your computer when completing the online application. Pop-up Blockers may prevent you from creating an account and/or from logging back in once your account has been created. Browser: Our application is compatible with most browsers and devices. It works most optimally in Google Chrome.

Turn Analytics Into Insights


Emory University is accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC) to award associate, baccalaureate, master's, doctorate, and professional degrees. Questions about the accreditation of Emory University may be directed in writing to the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges at 1866 Southern Lane, Decatur, GA 30033-4097, by calling (404) 679-4500, or by using information available on SACSCOC’s website .

Clery Report

Emory University’s Annual Security Report, Annual Fire Safety Report, and Statement of Campus Security Policy contains important crime statistics for all of Emory's campuses; as well as, information pertaining to security policies, sex and gender-based harassment, discrimination policies, and alcohol/drug and other policies, fire statistics, fire safety, and a comprehensive description of resources available to assist the campus community. View the report online or in PDF format . To obtain a paper copy of this report, please contact the Emory Police Department (EPD) at 404-727-6115. The report is published annually by Emory in accordance with the federal Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act (Clery Act) and the Higher Education Opportunity Act.

M.S. in Business Analytics Application Process

  • Applicants should possess a bachelor’s degree from an accredited college or university in the United States or the equivalent from an international college or university.
  • Formal statistics or programming training is not required to apply to the online MSBA program. However, a previous study of data science, programming, or statistics courses either at a university or through an online learning environment is beneficial.

Application Deadlines For Fall 2024

Applications for the August 2024 intake will be reviewed in the following rounds:

Early ApplicationRolling through November 10, 2023
Round 1January 10, 2024
Round 2March 10, 2024
Round 3May 5, 2024
Round 4Rolling through June 25, 2024

Note: The recommended application deadline for international students requiring a visa is May 5.

Admissions Policies

  • Applicants who would like to be considered for multiple degree programs at Georgetown University’s McDonough School of Business must submit separate applications with a different email address for each program.
  • Your online application must be submitted by 11:59 p.m. ETon the deadline date. Applications received after the deadline or do not contain all of the required components may be considered for the next admissions round.
  • Documents submitted to the Office of Admissions become the property of Georgetown University and will not be returned to the applicant.
  • Should you be admitted, you will receive a conditional offer and will be required to mail all original/official copies of each application document (transcripts and test scores, if applicable) to the Office of Admissions. Discrepancies between self-reported/unofficial documents and official records may result in an admissions offer being rescinded.
  • If any application materials are found to be forged, falsified, or altered in any way, the university will notify all relevant officials, including the individual or institution issuing the document and, as appropriate, immigration officers. If an offer of admission has been made, it may be rescinded.
  • We are unable to provide specific feedback to applicants who are not offered admission. Please note, the decision of the Admissions Committee is final and we cannot recommend whether or not you should reapply for a future cycle. 
  • You may only apply once in a given application cycle, and your admissions decision is final. You are eligible to reapply in a future application cycle.

If you are a visually-impaired applicant and need an accessible application, please contact us at [email protected] .

Application Requirements

The MSBA Admissions Committee uses a holistic approach when making an admissions decision. Therefore, it is necessary to submit all application components so the Admissions Committee can make an informed decision about your application.

The Admission Committee will only review completed applications that include the following components:

  • Application form
  • Personal essay
  • One letter of recommendation

Academic Records

  • Official TOEFL/IELTS scores (if applicable)*
  • Video essay
  • Application fee: One-time, non-refundable fee of $175

* You may qualify to waive the demonstration of English Language Proficiency requirement .

Optional Components

  • Please note that GMAT/GRE test scores are strongly preferred for scholarship consideration.

Diversity, Personal Background, and Contributions Statement

Additional information, standardized test scores, international admissions requirements.

International students are eligible to apply and enroll into the MSBA program. While the MSBA program does not provide visa sponsorship for its international students at this time, international students are still encouraged to apply as the program can be taken from anywhere in the world. Accepted international students will work with the Office of Global Services to take the necessary steps to travel for the U.S.-based on-campus residencies. To determine if you are located in a country in which Georgetown University can offer the MSBA degree, view country restrictions on our FAQ page.

International Applicants

  • Non-U.S. College or University Academic records

Demonstration of English Language Proficiency

Online application form.

Applications must be submitted through our online application portal.

CV or Resume

Submit a current CV or resume in month/year format that corresponds to the information submitted on your online application.

Personal Essay

Our goal at Georgetown McDonough is to craft a diverse class of students with varying personal and professional life experiences. As such, we want to give you the opportunity to select an essay prompt that best showcases your experiences, characteristics, and unique value proposition that you can bring to the McDonough community.

Essay Options: Please select one of the following essay options:

  • Option 1: Tell us something that is not on your resume.
  • Option 2: Describe your proudest accomplishment. (This can be a personal, professional, or academic accomplishment)
  • Option 3: Choose a quotation that defines you and explain why. (Please clearly state the quotation you’re referencing.)

Essay Guidelines:

  • All essays should be double-spaced using 12 pt. font and should not exceed 500 words.
  • Prepare your attachments offline in separate document files and upload them individually.
  • Please follow the instructions regarding length of each attachment, and label each page with your name.
  • Georgetown McDonough prides itself on honesty and integrity. Plagiarism is not tolerated and the Graduate and Executive Degree Programs Office reserves the right to deny applicants or rescind admission if plagiarism is found.

When reviewing your personal statement, the Admissions Committee will consider your written communication skills – taking into account grammar, structure, and cohesion of your essay – along with the content of the essay itself. The personal statement provides personalization to your application, and you should ensure your essay both fully addresses your chosen prompt and remains focused on your own experiences and goals.

Video Essay

The video essay component of the application provides you with an opportunity to share with the Admissions Committee things about yourself not immediately evident in other components of your application. When producing your video essay, we recommend you carefully consider the message you want to convey to the Admissions Committee.  Please answer both of the following prompts:

  • Why do you want to enroll in Georgetown’s M.S. in Business Analytics program?
  • Tell us about any analytics or data science experience that you have.

Guidelines & Formatting:

  • Your video essay should be no more than 3-5 minutes in length.
  • The admissions committee would like for you to appear in person during your video.
  • You may use your phone, computer, or other means to record the video, but please ensure all audio and visual components are clear. We recommend a well-lit room and minimal noise distraction. 
  • Upload your video to an accessible website (such as Youtube, Vimeo, Google Drive, Youku, or Tudou), and submit the direct video URL into your online application.
  • Please note that all videos must remain active and accessible to the admissions committee online for a minimum of five years for record retention purposes. 
  • For your privacy: Do not include your name in the title of your video. You may submit “unlisted” videos via Youtube, password protected videos via Vimeo, or link shared through your Google Drive. If using a password, please include immediately after your link in the text box below. [Ex:, password: your password] If using a shared link through Google Drive, ensure that you’ve allowed external access.
  • The video is for the purposes of admissions only and will not be used for any other purposes after your decision is provided.

When reviewing your video essay, the Admissions Committee will consider your verbal communication skills along with the content of the essay itself. The video essay provides personalization to your application along with demonstrating how you present yourself to the Admissions Committee. We encourage you to appear in front of the camera throughout your video essay and discourage you from including other speakers.

Scholarship Essay

The MSBA program offers merit-based program scholarships. Applicants interested in being considered for a merit-based program scholarship must include a scholarship essay with their applications. The Admissions Committee will typically release scholarship award notifications with their admissions decision. Essay Prompt: At Georgetown University’s McDonough School of Business, a core element of our mission is to inspire ethical leaders to serve the common good. For scholarship consideration, please share how you have had a positive impact in your community or how you will embody this mission moving forward. Essay Guidelines:

  • All essays should be double-spaced using 12 pt. font and not exceed 300 words.
  • Georgetown University prides itself on honesty and integrity. Plagiarism is not tolerated and the admissions office reserves the right to deny applicants or rescind admission if plagiarism is found.

Prompt: As Georgetown is a diverse, global community, we encourage you to upload a brief statement of up to 500 words to help the Admissions Committee understand the contribution your personal background and individual experiences would make to our community. As appropriate, you may wish to address any educational, familial, cultural, economic, and social experiences that have helped to shape your educational and professional goals or how your background (e.g., first-generation student, resident outside of the United States) or activities (e.g., community service and leadership) will contribute to the diversity of perspectives and ideas at Georgetown University. Essay Guidelines:

  • Your essay should be double-spaced using 12 pt. font and not exceed 500 words.

Prompt: Please provide any information you would like to add that you have not otherwise included in other sections of your application. For example, you can use this space to describe inconsistent academic performance, gaps in employment, or any other relevant information. Guidelines & Formatting:

  • This section should not be formatted as a formal essay. Please share your additional information in a bulleted list, a few sentences, or short paragraphs.

Submission of a GRE or GMAT test score is optional. If you wish to submit test scores, upload an unofficial copy of your test score (no more than five years old) directly into the online application. All score reports should include your name and test date. Official scores only need to be submitted if you are admitted to the program. Discrepancies between self-reported/unofficial documents and official records may result in an admissions offer being rescinded.

  • GMAT code: JT7-G0-04
  • GRE code: 4931


The Admissions Committee is interested in gaining insight from individuals who can objectively evaluate your academic or professional performance. We discourage letters from family members. We require that you identify one recommender. Your recommendation may come from a current or former professor attesting to your academic performance or from a current or former supervisor speaking to your professional performance. If you would like to submit recommendations from both an academic and professional setting, you have the option to submit two recommendations. Note that the Admissions Committee will not read more than two recommendations per application. All recommendations must be submitted electronically via the application system. Recommenders will receive detailed instructions once you complete the “Recommendations” section of your application. You can submit your application for review before these letters have been completed. Please note, however, that a final decision cannot be rendered until your recommendations have been received.

Applicants to Georgetown McDonough are required to hold a four-year bachelor’s degree from an accredited college or university or an equivalent degree from a foreign country. Students who have attended or graduated from a non-U.S. college or university should review the instructions under the International Applicants section. To apply: We require that you upload unofficial copies of your transcripts from all institutions you have attended (e.g. undergraduate, graduate, Ph.D., M.D., J.D., etc.). If admitted/enrolled: All applicants who are admitted and enroll will be required to submit official transcripts from all institutions that have conferred a degree to you. Georgetown McDonough reserves the right to withdraw any offer of admission if there is a discrepancy between the uploaded unofficial transcript and/or translation and the official original language transcript and/or the official translation. Instructions for transcripts:

  • course names
  • all grades received (including from transfer credits and study abroad programs)
  • cumulative GPA
  • grading scale
  • type of degree and degree conferral information
  • We require proof a degree was conferred and the date of graduation.
  • submitted in an envelope which is issued by your institution(s) and sealed by your university’s registrar’s office (or equivalent office) to the address below: Attn: MSBA Admissions Rafik B. Hariri Building, Suite 359 37th & O Streets, NW Washington, DC 20057
  • submitted from your institution via a secure electronic delivery (such as Scrip-Safe) via email to [email protected] .
  • requested from the appropriate institution’s registrar, returned to you, and submitted unopened.

Application Fee

Applicants must submit a $175 non-refundable application fee, payable online via credit card or e-check. Please do not send a personal check or money order. Application fee waivers will be granted to candidates who are active duty, reservists, or veterans of the United States military.

Non-U.S. College or University Academic Records

Students who have attended or graduated from a non-U.S. college or university should follow these instructions:

  • We require that all transcripts be submitted in English. Most major foreign universities will issue official transcripts in English themselves. However, if your institution is unable to do this, you are responsible for providing Georgetown McDonough with an English translation of your transcript. Your translator must certify that the original documentation was received in a sealed envelope from your university or issuing institution. After translating, your translator should enclose both the original (non-translated) and the certified translation in an envelope and seal and sign the envelope. The transcript should be enclosed in the signed, sealed envelope and submitted by mail to Georgetown McDonough. As an alternative to an individual translator providing certified translations, international applicants who attend institutions outside of the United States may submit their transcripts in the form of a credential evaluation. While this service is not required, we recommend the World Education Services (WES) ICAP evaluations . Credential evaluations may take the place of official transcripts, as long as they come to Georgetown McDonough directly from the evaluation service provider and include a copy of the official transcripts you had evaluated.
  • We require proof a degree was conferred and the date of graduation. Some international transcripts do not explicitly state that a degree was conferred or the date of graduation. If your transcript does not explicitly state this, you should obtain an official letter from your university indicating the date of your graduation and the degree conferral date. This letter should be enclosed in a signed, sealed envelope and included with your transcript.

Applicants who fit the criteria below are required to upload an unofficial English Language Proficiency Exam score report to the online application.

  • Non-U.S. citizens
  • Non-U.S. permanent residents
  • Applicants who have not obtained a four-year or advanced degree from a university where the only primary medium of instruction was English

Please note: If you meet any of the following criteria, you are not required to submit a TOEFL/IELTS score:

  • You have received a bachelor’s or advanced degree from an accredited institution of higher education in the United States or from a university where English is the primary language of instruction
  • Your native language is English
  • You have worked full-time for the last three or more years in an English speaking country. 

The Office of Admissions reserves the right to ask an applicant to submit proof of English language proficiency.

You may choose from one of the following three exams to demonstrate your level of competence in English.

  • We now accept MyBest Scores. Test dates on your MyBest Scores report that are older than two years are expired and not valid. All dates must be valid.
  • We are currently accepting the TOEFL iBT Special Home Edition. For more information and registration details visit the following ETS page: TOEFL site.
  • IELTS – We accept only academic module results. The minimum required score is 7.5. Your test result must not be more than two years old. If you are admitted to the program, official scores must be sent electronically to us directly from Cambridge (IELTS). When requesting your scores from the test center, please enter the following information exactly as provided below: Account Name: Georgetown University Sch of Business- MiM, MA-IBP, MSBA Address: Executive and Specialized Degree Programs 37th and O Streets Rafik B. Hariri Building, Suite 359 NW Washington, DC 20057
  • PTE – The minimum required score is 68. Your test result must not be more than two years old. If you are admitted to the program, official scores must be sent directly from Pearson Vue to Georgetown University Executive Education Admissions.

Contact Our MSBA Team

[email protected] Call Today:  (202) 729-9995

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Uncovering data-driven solutions to any business problem looks like YOU.

Uncovering data-driven solutions to any business problem looks like, masters in business analytics.

    Credit hours: 30

    Full-time, part-time

    Online and evening class options

    Start terms: fall, spring

YOU are the next big data-driven decision maker.

Your degree in business analytics can be the competitive edge your organization needs to make strategically sound decisions. Your Master of Science in Business Analytics will help you decipher data to apply it with effective recommendations. By working with datasets from actual businesses, you’ll graduate with real-world experience and take your career to the next level.

Request Information

Visit Us Online or In Person

Apply to CU Denver

R & Python

Along with other programming languages

Real-world class projects

Classes offered in the evening and online

STEM OPT eligibility

  • Program Features
  • 8-Week Courses
  • Careers and Learning Outcomes
  • Tuition and Scholarships
  • Dual Degree
  • How to Apply
  • Application Deadlines

Our Masters in Business Analytics program offers an in-depth program that gives YOU the technical skills and knowledge to make sound business decisions. Through consulting work, internships, and a practicum, you’ll have several experiential learning opportunities to apply what you’re learning in the classroom to today’s business problems. This program allows working professionals to continue their careers as they enter graduate school with evening and online class offerings. Program benefits include: 

Convenience and flexibility with online and evening class options to allow professionals to continue their careers or complete an internship 

Comprehensive technical and business training so you'll be able to model problems and find actionable business solutions 

Downtown Denver location gives you access to business leaders and experiences 

Career and professional development opportunities available every week through guest speakers, panel events, and career fairs 

You’ll understand data by using the most popular programming languages and software. Various classes will give you the choice of learning what languages and software are most relevant for you.

Programming languages: Python, R, AMPL, SQL 

Software: SAS, Simio, Tableau, Excel 

As a graduate of the program, international students are able to apply for Optional Practice Training (OPT) and stay in the US for an additional 24 months.

Learn more about STEM OPT eligibility

The Masters in Business Analytics program consists of 30 credit hours total, broken down into core and electives. Designed to be completed in two years, our classes have an emphasis on project-based work, where you’ll have the flexibility to choose projects related to your career interests.

Core (21 hours)

Course topics include:

  • Computing for Business Analytics
  • Decision Analysis
  • Predictive Analytics and Machine Learning
  • Prescriptive Analytics with Optimization
  • Causal Analytics
  • Evaluative Analytics

Electives (9 hours)

Additional coursework can be tailored to your interests and include special topics. Course topics include:

  • Blockchain and Emerging Technologies Impact Globalization
  • Time-Series Forecasting
  • Project Management
  • Supply Chain Analytics
  • Data Visualization
  • AI for Business
  • Database Management Systems
  • Text Data Analytics
  • Data Analysis with SAS

Take classes in a hybrid format (classroom and online). Your online courses are taught by the same professors and lecturers that teach on campus.  We also offer hybrid courses in the evening for those working full-time.

Online is defined as an asynchronous course, meaning that there is no specific meeting day/time.  Hybrid is defined as a blend of in-person and online learning.  The in-person experience will typically be once a week, from 6:30-9:15 p.m., one evening within Monday-Thursday. There will be at least six in-person meetings during the 8-week session. The in-person experience is complemented with asynchronous content.

Most graduate courses are offered as an 8-week session within the 16-week fall and spring semesters. Graduate courses in the summer semester extend for the entire semester, which is an 8-week session as well.   National research shows increased graduation rates among students taking courses in an 8-week session. The data on 8-week courses shows increased student success and course completion rates. The course material is condensed into eight weeks. So, while the weekly workload is greater, you can complete the course in half the time! It is recommended to take one course per each 8-week session, particularly if you work full-time, which allows you to place your focus on just that course.   Additionally, offering courses in 8-week sessions every semester enables you to balance and manage life responsibilities while still prioritizing your education. For instance, if you have a vacation, family commitment or business trip occurring in the first 8-week session, you can choose to enroll only in a course offered in the second eight-week session.

Masters in Business Analytics

Value 1: leverage data, technology, and mathematical models.

Outcome: Students will apply data, technology, and mathematical models to produce evidence-based information for business and government decision-makers.

  • Propose appropriate models or solution methods;
  • Design a solution option to meet organizational or program requirements;
  • Evaluate the solution option in light of organizational goals and/or structure;
  • Communicate the solution option to decision-makers.

Value 2: Analyze Critically

Outcome: Students will master the analytical and programming skills necessary to adapt to ever-changing software, methodologies, technologies, and techniques.

  • Use current software to access and manipulate data;
  • Gain fundamental knowledge of data structures, functions, and programming logic that facilitates self-learning of other software and programming skills.

These objectives are assessed in relevant courses across the curriculum using quizzes, projects, and case studies.

Careers Opportunities

Business Analytics is a growing field. A talent gap for qualified people is being created by the challenges presented by big data. Companies have a lot of data and are continuously collecting more. They need data scientists and business analytics professionals to make sense of it.

Business Analytics Job Titles

Business Analyst 

Business Intelligence Analyst 

Data Analyst 

Data Engineer 

Data Scientist 

Data Visualization Specialist 

Financial Analyst 

Operations Research Analyst (Similar to a Data Analyst) 

Visit our  Careers page for more detailed information on the resources available.

The cost of tuition is different for in-state and out-of-state students.

Residents of western states may qualify for in-state tuition if they are pursuing the MS Business Analytics degree. The Western Regional Graduate Program (WRGP) requires that students maintain current residency of WRGP state until degree completion.


Scholarships are available for students. The Business School offers a recurring scholarship opportunity for applicants based on merit at the time of admission.

As a current student, you can apply for additional scholarships every semester. Some awards are based on program and course enrollment. Certain specializations including risk management and insurance, commodities, and entrepreneurship have additional scholarship opportunities.

Newly Admitted and Continuing Students:

You can apply for additional scholarships every semester of enrollment. Some awards may be specific to individual programs or enrollment in specific courses. Certain certificates, including risk management and insurance, commodities, and entrepreneurship, have additional scholarship opportunities.

Specialized Dual Degree Option

Many students pursue the dual degree option of pairing a Masters in Business Analytics with a Masters in Information Systems (Business Intelligence Specialization). These two degree options offer complementary courses and can be completed together efficiently. Speak with a graduate advisor for more details. 

Additional Dual Degree Options

Dual degree options for Master of Science programs include all of our MBA programs and all Business School Master of Science programs. We design a specific degree plan so you get through both programs as quickly and cost-effectively as possible. The amount of credits in each dual degree depends on the amount of overlap between degree programs. Eligible Master of Science programs include:

  • MS Accounting
  • MS Business Analytics
  • MS Finance and Risk Management
  • MS Global Energy Management
  • MS Information Systems
  • MS International Business
  • MS Management
  • MS Marketing

If you are applying for both degrees, you will only need to submit one online application and pay one application fee. Be aware that you must meet specific admission standards for each degree. For more information about dual degree options and the application process, please contact [email protected] .

We admit students for a fall and spring start. Admissions are made on a rolling basis, meaning decisions are made as applications are completed.

Please note:  Quantitative skills are important for Business Analytics. Applicants can demonstrate these skills with their GMAT Quantitative score and GMAT Integrated Reasoning score.

Application Checklist

$50 domestic, $75 international application fee Online application Official transcripts from each college or university attended Essay responses Resume GMAT/GRE score if required English language proficiency—international applicants only

Application Process

Applicants are required to submit all application materials. Interviews are not a part of the admission process. To receive priority admission, we must have received your online application and all other required materials, including transcripts and GMAT/GRE scores (if required by the program) by the deadline.

You can check your admission status online through the account you created for the online application. You will receive a final decision by email within two to three weeks from the submission of all materials.

Admission Requirements

  • Applicants must have completed an undergraduate program at an accredited United States college or its equivalent in another country.
  • No work experience or formal business education is required for admission;  however, you may have to provide a GMAT or GRE score if you do not have enough work experience, see below.

​ The GMAT/GRE is not required for this program

This program does not require GMAT or GRE scores for their degree program as part of the graduate admissions requirements. The requirements are a cumulative GPA of 3.25 or better from a US-accredited four-year undergraduate institution or the successful completion of a graduate degree, and five or more years of full-time relevant professional work experience.

However, if you received your bachelor’s degree with a grade point average of less than 3.25 or have less than 5 years of relevant professional work experience, you will be asked to submit a statement that outlines other indicators of exceptional motivation, such as solid upper-division performance, GMAT or GRE scores, and other relevant professional experience. The admissions committee may require a minimum GMAT or GRE score for students that do not automatically qualify by GPA and prior work.

How Decisions Are Made

The admissions committee considers each candidate’s entire record of achievement. This is demonstrated through:

  • Academic transcripts
  • Essay responses
  • Work experience
  • Extracurricular and community activities
  • Letters of recommendation if applicable 
  • GMAT/GRE scores if applicable

No work experience or formal business education is required for admission. However, professional experience strengthens your application. Candidates with less work experience can show potential through academic and experiential success.

For any questions, please contact our admissions team at [email protected]  or call 303-315-8200.

Domestic Applications

  • Priority:  April 15
  • Final:  July 15

 International Applications

Priority:  March 15

  • Final:  May 15

Priority:  October 15

  • Final:  December 15

International Applications

Priority:  September 15

  • Final:  October 15

Take the next step in your career.

“Today there is wonderful software available to assist in the transformation of stored data into useful information. Our students become very good at using the type of software that is used in leading companies. We operate a very applied program that speaks to the needs of the business community.”​ –  Gary Kochenberger Co-Director of Business Analytics program

of employers plan to place graduates in data analytics roles,  GMAC 2018

Our students intern at top companies:

  • Arrow Electronics
  • National Renewable Energy Lab (NREL)
  • Denver International Airport
  • Centura Health

Transamerica partnership brings Business Analytics experts to CU Denver Business School

The Distinguished Speaker Series in Business Analytics and Data Sciences, in partnership with Transamerica

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Accepted Admissions Blog

Everything you need to know to get Accepted

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June 22, 2016

Contemplating a Career in Data Science/Business Analytics? [Episode 159]

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The shortage makes this podcast interview particularly timely because you’ll hear from Dr. Dimitris Bertsimas, Co-Director of MIT Sloan’s Master in Business Analytics, and we discuss this brand new program in depth.

Meet Professor Dimitris Bertsimas. After earning his Master’s in Operations Research and PhD in Applied Mathematics/Operations Research at MIT, he joined the MIT faculty, where he is Professor of Operations Research, the co-Director of the Operations Research Center, and now the co-Director of the brand new Master’s in Business Analytics program. Welcome!

What is MIT Sloan’s Master’s in Business Analytics?  [1:25]

It’s a 1-year program. Students take two semesters of courses and labs and then do a 3-month internship, implementing solutions with a company.

How did MIT’s MBAn come into being?  [2:10]

It’s been developing over the last few years The need for analytics has grown. Sloan is in a strong position to provide this program – given the strength of its faculty in this area, it can attract superb students and be the premier business analytics program in the world.

And the demand is definitely there: last year I taught a MOOC to over 100K students.

What are the labs?  [4:00]

There are several unique elements. Students learn software for analytics. There are also several modules – optimization, visualization, etc. And they learn leadership, teamwork, communication skills, etc. It’s not just traditional teaching: there’s a strong focus on hands-on learning and real world context.

The internships  [6:03] 

There will be multiple opportunities available for internships. Some internships might eventually and naturally translate into job opportunities.

The program is aimed primarily at recent college grads. For this group of applicants, what is MIT looking for in an applicant to the MBAn?  [7:00]

Exceptional academic ability and the aspiration to apply their skills in the real world.

For career changers who have some work experience, what are they looking for?  [8:22]

A strong background in science, engineering, or math: breadth and depth in their area of expertise.

What is required in the application?  [8:50] 

GMAT/GRE, grades, projects/papers, letters of rec. There’s also a personal statement and an interview.

What is MIT hoping to glean from the interview?  [9:30] 

We’re looking for exceptional people. We want grads to be leaders in analytical efforts in their organizations. So during the admissions process, we’re trying to select people who have the ability and aspiration to advance. We’re looking for leadership qualities .

For potential applicants who are considering MBA, MS Stats, MS Operations Research, or the Masters of Business Analytics: what makes the MBAn stand out?  [10:45]

The internship component is unique. Also, the focus on lab courses and experiential learning is a unique focus.

As technology/data is constantly changing, the curriculum will evolve and adapt to match.

In addition, it’s just a different type of degree. The MBAn is a terminal degree: we expect students to go straight on to their careers afterwards. (Whereas many students who complete a master’s in statistics go on to study for a PhD.) The MBA is a more general degree, while the MBAn is very tightly focused on analytics. It’s a deep dive.

Any plans for a joint MBA/MBAn?  [14:10]

Not at the moment.

MIT plans to reach a 60-member cohort.  [14:40]

The entering class this fall will have around 20 people, and they anticipate increasing the size each of the following two years to reach an eventual class size of around 60.

Planned process for 2017 entering class  [16:10]

We plan to admit roughly 40 students. The admissions process will be the same as this year: a personal statement, letters of rec , grades, test scores, interview.

The application will open in September and close January 4.  [17:10] 

What kind of careers can people expect after earning this degree?  [17:40] 

Analytics is increasingly important across industries. Grads will work in consulting, financial services, internet companies, healthcare, marketing, sports, etc. We expect a lot of competition for our graduates.

His advice for people interested in Business Analytics  [19:25]

He recommends that people considering this path do an internship and take a course during undergrad to see if they enjoy working with data and analytic methods.

Click here to listen to the show!

Related Links:

•  MIT Sloan Master of Business Analytics •  MIT Launches MBAn •  What Technology Skills are in Demand?

Related Shows:

•  Insights into MIT Sloan MBA Admissions with Dawna Levenson •   A Transformational Year: The MIT Sloan Fellows Program •   UVA MS in Global Commerce: 3 Continents, 2 Masters, 1 Amazing Year •   How to Think Like A Dean Of Admissions

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  • MSBA Abroad: Top Colleges, Specializations and More

Exploring Opportunities and Benefits

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Table of Contents

Msba abroad: a snapshot, benefits of pursuing msba abroad, top 5 countries and universities for msba abroad, admission requirements for msba abroad, top roles and their sectors, useful links.

Are you thinking about pursuing a MSBA abroad but not sure where to start? This blog is here to help! We will explore some of the top colleges offering MSBA programs, the exciting specializations you can choose from, and what you need to get into these programs. Plus, you will learn the career opportunities waiting for you after graduation. By the end of this read, you'll have a clear picture of why an MSBA is a great choice and how to make the most of your studies abroad.

A Master's in Business Analytics is a specialized graduate degree designed to equip individuals with the skills and knowledge to navigate the vast world of data analytics. It focuses on harnessing data-driven insights to inform business strategies, optimize operations, and drive innovation.

12 months $85,032 $100,573 730
12 months $87,600 $132,413 -
23 months $53,000 $97,000 704
24 months $68,000 $100,863 722
12 months $39,000 $90,000 658
1 year £41,000 - 650+
1 year £33,350 - 645
1 year £41,000 £51,592 -
1 year £31,500 - -
11 months $72,630 CAD $91,648 CAD -
16 months $92,250 CAD $78,153 CAD -
16 months $66,423 CAD $122,489 CAD 550
1 year $70,400 $81,438 670
9 months $61,058 $99,719 638
2 years $37,200 $110,000 -
2 years € 53,200 €69,000 710
1-2 years €30,000 €62,625 -

Benefits of Pursuing MSBA Abroad

Pursuing an MSBA Abroad offers numerous advantages, including global recognition, diverse specializations, cutting-edge facilities, extensive networking opportunities, and substantial financial support. These benefits can significantly enhance your career prospects and personal growth in the field of business analytics. Below is a descriptive overview of the benefits:

  • Global Recognition and Employment Opportunities: Graduates from top MSBA programs abroad have high employability, with 90% of MIT Sloan's graduates securing job offers within three months and an average starting MSBA salary of $110,000 annually​​.
  • Diverse Specializations: Many programs, like Gies College of Business, offer tailored curriculums with up to 24 credit hours of specializations such as Marketing and Financial Analytics​.
  • Cutting-Edge Facilities and Technology: Access to state-of-the-art resources, such as MIT's advanced software and industry tools, enhances practical skills and job market readiness​​.
  • Extensive Networking Opportunities: Prestigious programs provide global alumni networks and industry connections, with institutions like Texas A&M partnering with companies such as American Airlines for internships​.
  • Financial Support and Scholarships: Top universities, including MIT, offer substantial financial support through merit-based scholarships, financial aid, and loans, making education more accessible​.

Master's in Business Analytics - 5 Things to Know in 2024

Top 5 Countries and Universities for MSBA Abroad

Pursuing an MSBA Abroad offers diverse opportunities and top-notch education. Here are the top five countries and their leading universities for MSBA programs:

Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) Data Analytics, Machine Learning, Optimization, Statistics $77,168
University of California, Berkeley (Haas) Financial Analytics, Marketing Analytics, Data Science $65,360
London School of Economics (LSE) Data Science, Decision Sciences, Operations Research £31,584
Imperial College London Machine Learning, Financial Analytics, Health Analytics £34,500
University of British Columbia (Sauder) Marketing Analytics, Financial Analytics, Operations Analytics CAD 52,000
University of Toronto (Rotman) Big Data, Data Mining, Predictive Analytics CAD 62,130
University of Melbourne Data Science, Econometrics, Business Intelligence AUD 44,608
University of Sydney Customer Analytics, Decision Sciences, Data Engineering AUD 49,000
National University of Singapore (NUS) Operations Analytics, Risk Management, Data Visualization SGD 50,000
Singapore Management University (SMU) Business Intelligence, Marketing Analytics, Data Privacy SGD 55,000

These universities worldwide offer specialized programs in analytics, covering diverse areas such as data science, financial analytics, and operations research. Fees vary significantly by location, with institutions in the United States generally being the most expensive, followed by Canada, Australia, the United Kingdom, and Singapore.

masters in business analytics essay

Choosing the right MSBA abroad is crucial for a successful career in analytics. Here, we provide a detailed overview of top universities' admission requirements, helping you make an informed decision.

  • Bachelor's degree in relevant field
  • GMAT 710-750 or GRE Quantitative 165
  • 2-5 years of relevant experience
  • Proficiency in Python or R
  • TOEFL 100 or IELTS 7.5
  • Proficiency in relevant programming languages

Selecting the best MSBA program involves considering multiple factors, including MSBA cost , specializations, and admission criteria. This guide simplifies your decision-making process by offering essential information on top universities worldwide.

Jobs and Career Aspects After MSBA Abroad

masters in business analytics essay

Pursuing an MSBA abroad opens a plethora of career opportunities in various industries such as finance, technology, healthcare, and retail. Graduates are equipped with skills in data analytics, machine learning, and business intelligence, making them highly sought after in the market for jobs after business analytics . Here's a detailed look at the top roles, sectors, companies, and salary prospects for MSBA graduates.

Data Scientist

  • Sectors: Technology, Finance, Healthcare, Retail
  • Companies: Google, Amazon, Facebook, Goldman Sachs
  • Salary: $90,000 - $130,000 per year
  • Hiring Probability: 35%

Business Analyst

  • Sectors: Consulting, Finance, Technology, Retail
  • Companies: McKinsey, Deloitte, Accenture, IBM
  • Salary: $70,000 - $100,000 per year
  • Hiring Probability : 25%

Financial Analyst

  • Sectors: Banking, Investment, Insurance, Fintech
  • Companies: JPMorgan Chase, Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley, PayPal
  • Salary: $80,000 - $110,000 per year
  • Hiring Probability : 15%

Marketing Analyst

  • Sectors: FMCG, E-commerce, Media, Advertising
  • Companies: Procter & Gamble, Unilever, Amazon, Ogilvy
  • Salary: $65,000 - $95,000 per year
  • Hiring Probability : 10%

Operations Analyst

  • Sectors: Logistics, Manufacturing, Retail, Energy
  • Companies: General Electric, Toyota, Amazon, ExxonMobil

Key ROI Factors for Pursuing an MSBA Abroad

Key ROI Factors for Pursuing an MSBA Abroad

When considering an MSBA abroad, understanding the return on investment (ROI) is crucial for prospective students. The ROI of an MSBA program can be measured by evaluating several factors:

  • Tuition vs. Salaries : Tuition ranges from $65,360 to $77,168 (US), £31,584 to £34,500 (UK), CAD 52,000 to CAD 62,130 (Canada), AUD 44,608 to AUD 49,000 (Australia), SGD 50,000 to SGD 55,000 (Singapore). Starting salaries: $80,000 to $120,000 annually.
  • Career Advancement : Graduates achieve senior roles faster, with annual salary increases of 10-15%, reaching mid-level positions within 3-5 years.
  • Program Reputation : Over 90% of graduates from MIT, UC Berkeley, LSE, Imperial College London, UBC, and NUS secure jobs within six months, often with top companies like Google and Amazon.
  • Specializations and Skills : Specializations in data science, machine learning, financial analytics, and business intelligence lead to higher employability and faster career progression.
  • International Opportunities : Access to global job markets, with 70% of international graduates finding employment in their study country, benefiting from post-study work visas and employer sponsorships.
MSBA Colleges
Is MSBA worth it

Pursuing an MSBA abroad offers unmatched global recognition, diverse specializations, and extensive networking opportunities. With top universities like MIT and LSE leading the way, graduates enjoy high employability and lucrative salaries in sectors like technology and finance. The program's substantial ROI, including financial aid and career growth, makes it a compelling choice for those aspiring to excel in analytics and secure dynamic roles worldwide.

USA has some of the best universities that offer masters in business analytics programs.

In fact, you will find the answer depends on your unique career goals. MSBAs are focused and value data analytics over leadership. An MBA, on the other hand, is more flexible by providing students with a high-level business understanding with the additional potential to specialize with concentration options.

You can directly start your graduate studies even if you haven't worked in a related field yet. However, having work experience can be a plus. It shows that you have some experience in the field and are ready to take on the challenges of a graduate program.

Pursuing a master's degree in business analytics is a worthy investment in a data-centric future. It opens doors to numerous career opportunities in diverse sectors, providing specialized skills to navigate complex data landscapes.

Photo of Abhyank

Abhyank Srinet, the founder of MiM-Essay, is a globally recognized expert in study abroad and admission consulting. His passion is helping students navigate the complex world of admissions and achieve their academic dreams. Abhyank earned a Master's degree in Management from ESCP Europe, where he developed his skills in data-driven marketing strategies, driving growth in some of the most competitive industries.

Abhyank has helped over 10,000+ students get into top business schools with a 98% success rate over the last seven years. He and his team offer thorough research, careful shortlisting, and efficient application management from a single platform.

His dedication to education also led him to create MentR-Me, an AI-powered platform that offers personalized guidance and resources, including profile evaluation, application assistance, and mentoring from alumni of top global institutions.

Continuously adopting the latest strategies, Abhyank is committed to ensuring that his clients receive the most effective guidance. His profound insights, extensive experience, and unwavering dedication have helped his clients securing of over 100 crores in scholarships, making him an invaluable asset for individuals aiming to advance their education and careers and leading both his ventures to seven-figure revenues.


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Application Prompts for 2024-2025

Your essay and short answer responses help us get to know you.

We’ve selected the following prompts for the UNC-specific portion for the first-year and transfer applications for 2024-2025. We’re proud of the Carolina community and how each student makes us better through their excellence, intellect, and character. In reading your responses, we hope to learn what being a part of the Carolina community would mean to you.

Short answer prompts

We’d like to know how you’d contribute to the Carolina community and ask that you respond to each prompt in up to 250 words.

  • Discuss one of your personal qualities and share a story, anecdote, or memory of how it helped you make a positive impact on a community. This could be your current community or another community you have engaged.
  • Discuss an academic topic that you’re excited to explore and learn more about in college. Why does this topic interest you? Topics could be a specific course of study, research interests, or any other area related to your academic experience in college.

Common Application essay

You’ll choose one Common Essay prompt to respond to in 250-650 words. These prompts are common to all schools who accept the Common Application, and you can view the prompts here. Choose the option that best helps you answer that question and write an essay of no more than 650 words, using the prompt to inspire and structure your response. Remember: 650 words is your limit, not your goal. Use the full range if you need it, but don’t feel obligated to do so. The Common Application also has an optional section where you’ll have the opportunity to write about how COVID-19 has affected you.

Your responses will be evaluated not only for admission, but also for possible selection for scholarships and other special opportunities. We look forward to learning more about you!

Advice for Your Application

First-year application, transfer application.

Types of graduate scholarships

Where to find graduate school scholarships, tips for applying and winning scholarships, graduate school scholarships and grants: how to fund your master's or phd.

Affiliate links for the products on this page are from partners that compensate us (see our advertiser disclosure with our list of partners for more details). However, our opinions are our own. See how we rate student loans to write unbiased product reviews.

  • Grad school scholarships provide funds to cover your educational costs. 
  • In general, you don't have to repay scholarships or grants after graduation. 
  • Start your search for grad school scholarships with your school's financial aid office.

Graduate school can help you take your career ambitions to the next level. But the cost can be very high. That's where grad school scholarships and grants come in. Scholarships and grants don't need to be repaid, which means you can leave school with minimum drag on your post-graduation finances.

Merit-based vs. need-based scholarships

Merit-based scholarships are awarded based on your academic achievements and other achievements. In contrast, need-based scholarships are awarded based on the financial need of the student.

Subject-specific scholarships

Beyond these need-based and merit-based scholarships, you can find specialized scholarships designed for particular fields of study or demographics. For example, you might find a scholarship opportunity based on your prior military experience or your desire to obtain a graduate degree in STEM.

Your university

Before you can snag a scholarship, you'll have to find the opportunity and apply for it. Your school's financial aid office is a good place to start your search because they might have information on school-specific scholarships.

Online scholarship databases

You can also find scholarship opportunities through online search engines, like the U.S. Department of Labor's free tool or . To locate scholarships specific to you, filter searches by "graduate level" and your field of study.

Professional organizations and employers

Many organizations offer some form of scholarship or tuition reimbursement to students pursuing related careers, or those gaining skills to aid in their existing role.

Grant databases

Grants are another form of funding that you usually don't have to pay back. Below are some of the most popular grants for grad school:

  • Federal grants: Some federal grants are available to graduate students, including the TEACH Grant, which is designed to prepare them for teaching at the elementary or secondary school level. After graduation, grant recipients must teach full-time for at least four years in a school that serves low-income students. Skipping the teaching commitment means you'll have to repay the funds. 
  • State grants : Many states provide grant opportunities to students. In some cases, these grants are designed to support students pursuing a graduate degree that's relevant to the state's needs. 
  • Institutional grants : Many colleges and universities provide grant opportunities to students. You can find out about these opportunities through your school's financial aid office. 
  • Private grants: Some organizations and foundations offer grant funding to graduate students. In most cases, you'll need to meet some specific eligibility requirements to apply. 

Tapping into this source of free money for college is a worthwhile option. If you are interested in grant funding, start by filling out the FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) to potentially tap into federal grant opportunities. 

In terms of state-level, institutional, and private grants, you'll need to do some research to find grants that might apply to your unique situation. Consider reaching out to your school's financial aid office, they might have more information on grant opportunities you can apply for.

When you find an enticing opportunity, it's important to craft a compelling application. Many scholarships require an essay, which could make or break your chances. 

"Writing essays for a graduate scholarship is not the same as it was for undergraduates," says Ben Ralston, president of Sachs Foundation , an organization that provides scholarship opportunities to Black Coloradans. 

"You are later in your career and can focus less on what you want to do with your education and more about what you have already accomplished," Ralston says. "Get specific in how graduate studies will develop more professional skills to build on previous accomplishments instead of speaking more generally about future goals."

Start early and apply often

It's important to note that the scholarship search process can take quite a bit of time, and once you've identified scholarships to apply for, you'll need time to prepare. Don't be selective with your scholarship applications; The more scholarships you apply to, the better your chances of winning.

Tailor your applications

When applying, personalize your essays and highlight how your experience aligns with the scholarship's mission. Be sure to triple-check your essays, and ensure that you're not referencing a separate scholarship opportunity from the one you're applying for.

Get strong letters of recommendation

Choose recommenders who can speak to your academic abilities and potential. This can be a teacher, employer, coworker, etc.

Grad school scholarship FAQs

Competition for graduate scholarships can be high, but many scholarships are available. Applying to a wide range increases your chances of success.

No, you don't. Scholarships are typically considered gift aid and don't need to be repaid.

While it's uncommon, there are some full-ride scholarships are available, especially for highly competitive programs or exceptional students.

masters in business analytics essay

  • Main content

Google and Howard University to train underrepresented high schoolers in data analytics—and it’s free to students

Preston Fore

Preston Fore is a staff writer at Fortune Recommends, covering education and its intersection with business, technology, and beyond. Preston graduated from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, where he studied journalism and global studies. His previous work can be found in The Daily Tar Heel and CNN. 

Jasmine Suarez

Jasmine Suarez is a senior editor at Fortune Recommends, where she was hired to build and launch the department in 2022. Before joining Fortune, she was a senior editor at Business Insider , where she led various verticals on the personal finance team .   In the past, she’s worked for Red Ventures, Adweek, McGraw-Hill, Pearson, and more. 

Girl looks at computer code on her laptop, with tablet next to hear open with a class lesson.

If you’re thinking about going to college to, say, pursue a degree in data science , here’s a statistic to listen to: college graduates make $1.2 million more, on average, during their lifetime than those who don’t.

That’s according to data compiled by the Association of Public and Land-Grant Universities. For those early in their career, obtaining a degree is about more than simply getting a diploma—it means a substantially greater change at having a higher salary , and thus, having greater social and economic mobility.

UNC Kenan-Flagler Business school logo

UNC Kenan-Flagler’s top-ranked online MBA

UNC Kenan-Flagler’s top-ranked online MBA is a top choice for experienced professionals with strong undergraduate performance. You can earn your degree at your own pace—in 18 to 36 months—without sacrificing academic quality and rigor. Access lifelong career benefits and join a global community of over 44,000 alumni with an AACSB-accredited online MBA from UNC-Chapel Hill. GMAT waivers available. Learn more today.

But for many students, especially low-income and underrepresented high schoolers, the idea of going to college may be a daunting one to say the least—with many not believing they could be worthy enough to pursue a career, especially in-demand, high-paying jobs in the STEM field. A new partnership, shared exclusively with Fortune , between Google, Howard University, and the National Education Equity Lab is hoping to reverse that hesitation.

Starting this fall, students at under-resourced, Title 1 high schools will be able to learn the fundamentals of data analytics via Google’s industry-recognized certification program as well as gain six college credits from Howard—all at no cost to students.

“It’s a critical pipeline opportunity for students in our high schools that have not had an opportunity to be exposed to potential careers in data analytics (who) will (otherwise) be behind the curve because of this absence of exposure,” explains Leslie Cornfield, founder and CEO of the National Ed Equity Lab .

Since 2019, the organization has reached more than 25,000 disadvantaged students in many of the country’s largest school districts—including in New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, Miami, Nashville, and Denver—with opportunities to realize they can actually do well in rigorous college courses. The lab has been so successful in such a short amount of time that even The New York Times wrote a feature on it.

Why is data analytics important?

During the year-long program, students will take Google’s Data Analytics Professional Certification —the most popular of any certification on Coursera and learn the essentials of data analytics, including exposure to Tableau and SQL via hands-on projects and case studies. While a classroom teacher will help students with the asynchronous certification coursework, a teaching fellow from Howard will also connect with students virtually to help with mastery of materials as well as provide mentoring and advice.

Ben Vinson, president of Howard University, says his school chose to participate in the program to not only expand their own walls to classrooms across the country—but also as part of Howard’s commitment to truth, service, and uplifting underserved communities.

“This is an increasingly technical world, and data is the new coin of the realm, if you will, in a fast-paced, technologically, AI-fueled environment,” explains Vinson. “And so, data science then becomes a key core skill for future success, and we want underserved populations, minority populations to be very successful in these highly technical fields.”

Data science and data analytics are among the fastest growing fields not only in the tech space, but across all occupations. Over the next 10 years, CompTIA predicts that demand for data scientists and data analysts will grow by 304%.

Lisa Gevelber, founder and leader of Grow with Google, the company’s tech training arm, says Google believes data analytics is critical for individuals to learn due to its rapid growth—that pays well, too.

“It’s really good to have durable skills, and also to be able to prove to people that you have those skills. And the best way to demonstrate that you have these skills are through real experience or through a credential,” she tells Fortune . 

Building college readiness—and worthiness

As part of Grow with Google, students receive access to an employer consortium, made up of more than 150 companies such as Marriott, Siemens, and Google itself, who are eager to connect with talent—and maybe one day hire them. Students are also provided access to a job board of entry-level data analytics jobs in which their certification would make them qualified for, and Grow with Google even provides tips on writing resumes and other job success help.

“It’s really designed not just to teach them about their field, but to help them get a great job that will hopefully lead to a long term career,” Gevelber says.

Students part of this new partnership also get access to a new AI essentials course from Google. All together, the program aims to make students confident to further master college-level courses and prepare for the job market.

“We want to break down barriers to success. We want to elevate the performance of students in these areas. And we want to inspire their confidence in ways that prepare them not just to, for the skills in these fields, but also to be more confident about going to college and succeeding,” Vinson adds.

Vinson says college is essential for unlocking the totality of one’s future, and thus students should “never stop dreaming.”

“Always realize that the next step to fulfilling your dreams is entering the doors of college because that allows you to gain the capacity, the confidence, and the know-how to implement those dreams in the future.” Clarification: A previous version of this article noted that this new program was completely free. The program is no cost to scholars, but districts and schools pay the enrollment fees. Fortune apologizes for this confusion.

Check out all of  Fortune’ s  rankings of degree programs , and learn more about specific  career paths .

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Harvard Business Analytics Program

The Harvard Business Analytics Program is an online certificate program designed for established leaders in any industry. The program leverages a rigorous cross-disciplinary curriculum to help students not just analyze data but understand it, translate it, and incorporate it into strategy at the top levels of their organizations.

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