Amsterdam Centre for Migration and Refugee Law

Two phd positions in migration and human rights law.

Are you interested in the human rights of migrants, and would you like to work in a vibrant team of scholars forming one of the largest migration law research groups in Europe? Please apply at the Amsterdam Centre for Migration and Refugee Law at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam.

Location: Amsterdam FTE: 1

Job description You will study the ambivalent role of the European Court of Human Rights as an actor and forum for the human rights turn in legal discourses on migration. Your research will be part of the project entitled “Who is empowered by Strasbourg? Migrants and States before the European Court of Human Rights”. This is one of ten projects which together form the interdisciplinary research group “Human Rights Discourse in Migration Societies” (Menschenrechtsdiskurse in der Migrationsgesellschaft, MeDiMi). The aim of MeDiMi is to determine the scope, forms and consequences of the expansion of human rights discourse in contemporary migration societies. Your doctoral thesis will be designed as a bi-national PhD between the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam and JLU Giessen (‘co-tutelle’). You will cooperate closely with the project team located at the Amsterdam Centre for Migration and Refugee Law (ACMRL) and be embedded in a cooperative research consortium with MeDiMi partner institutes in Germany.

Your duties

  • learn to independently conduct high-quality research, culminating in a monographic study (PhD thesis)
  • collaborate with researchers within and outside the ACMRL and the MeDiMi consortium
  • conduct legal analysis of relevant judgments
  • make a (small) contribution to teaching


  • A law degree, or demonstrated experience with legal doctrinal analysis; experience with case law analysis is desirable
  • A keen interest in migration and human rights law, legal argumentation and concepts
  • A demonstrated high degree of self-discipline; excellent analytical skills and experience with legal writing
  • Experience or affinity with interdisciplinary research, especially political theory, philosophy or sociology
  • High-level communication skills in English; excellent interpersonal and verbal communication skills; Dutch and/or German language skills are an asset

What are we offering? A challenging position in a socially involved organization. The salary will be in accordance with university regulations for academic personnel and amounts €2.310 (scale 1) per month during the first year and increases to €2,462 (scale 3) per month during the fourth year, based on a full-time employment. The job profile: is based on the university job ranking system and is vacant for at least 1 FTE.

The appointment will initially be for 1 year. After a satisfactory evaluation of the initial appointment, the contract will be extended for a duration of 4 years. Additionally, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam offers excellent fringe benefits and various schemes and regulations to promote a good work/life balance, such as:

  • a maximum of 41 days of annual leave based on full-time employment
  • 8% holiday allowance and 8.3% end-of-year bonus
  • contribution to commuting expenses
  • a wide range of sports facilities which staff may use at a modest charge

Application Are you interested in this position? Please use this link to find the application procedure and more information about the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam.

Applicants are expected to upload:

  • curriculum vitae
  • cover letter explaining why you would like to do this PhD
  • transcripts of grades

Apply before June 1, 2022. Job interviews are planned for 16 June 2022, if possible please take this into account when applying for the position.

Applications received by e-mail will not be processed.

Vacancy questions If you have any questions regarding this vacancy, you may contact:

Name: Dr. J.M. (Janna) Wessels, project manager Position: Assistant professor migration law E-mail: [email protected] Telephone: +31 20 59 89007

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Call for Applications: Fully Funded Cross-regional PhD in Children’s Rights

human rights phd vacancy

The Global Campus of Human Rights is a network of over 100 universities with 7 dedicated programmes across the world promoting human rights and democratisation.

This large network is comprised of seven regional hubs, whose keys actors are:

  • the Headquarters of the Global Campus in Venice , which coordinates the overall network and manages the European Master’s Programme in Human Rights and Democratisation (EMA/GC Europe);
  • the Universities of Sarajevo (Bosnia and Herzegovina) and Bologna (Italy), jointly responsible for coordinating the European Regional Master’s Programme in Democracy and Human Rights in South East Europe (ERMA/GC South East Europe);
  • the University of Pretoria (South Africa), coordinating the Master’s Programme in Human Rights and Democratisation in Africa (HRDA/GC Africa);
  • the University of Mahidol (Bangkok, Thailand), which coordinates the Master’s Programme in Human Rights and Democratisation in the Asia-Pacific region (APMA/GC Asia-Pacific);
  • the State University of Yerevan (Armenia), which coordinates the Master’s Programme in Human Rights and Democratisation in the Caucasus (CES/GC Caucasus);
  • the University of San Martin (Buenos Aires, Argentina), responsible for coordinating the Master’s Programme in Human Rights and Democratisation in Latin American and the Caribbean (LATMA/GC Latina America and Caribbean);
  • the University of Saint Joseph (Beirut, Lebanon), coordinating the Arab Master’s Programme in Democracy and Human Rights (ARMA/GC Arab World).

Since 2019, the Global Campus of Human Rights has been working in close cooperation with the Right Livelihood Foundation with the intention to promote children’s rights worldwide. A primary goal of the cooperation is to contribute to the development of non-traditional and innovative ways to approach children’s rights through research, education and advocacy. The cooperation specifically encourages engagement with critical perspectives, movement building and the creation of sustainable multipliers for children’s rights across our networks. Additionally, all our activities are designed to foster cross-regional ownership of the cooperating institutions’ vision (for more on the Vision, click here ). The Cross-regional PhD Scholarship in Children’s Rights has been established to support post-graduate research according to the objectives of the cooperation briefly summarised above.

The selected candidate will be awarded with a full-scholarship covering a PhD programme of at most 4-years. The scholarship includes a total of €58.000 for living expenses . It also foresees  €4.000 as a travelling stipend as well as an additional €12.000 for tuition fees .

We invite applications for this fully funded scholarship from any of our Global Campus Alumni.

  • The topic of study has to be in children’s rights.
  • The candidate needs to enrol in one of the partner universities of the Global Campus (host university, i.e. the university where the candidate is enrolled). For a list of all the participating universities, please go to the following page on our website .
  • The candidate must fulfil all admission and course criteria of the host university.
  • The candidate must have 300 ECTS upon application.
  • When applying, the candidate must already have identified the host university and department (Note: the PhD will be awarded by the host university and not by the Global Campus of Human Rights).
  • The application should also indicate who his/her supervisor will be at the host university.
  • During the course the PhD, the candidate is expected to visit at least two additional regional programmes. In consultation with the selected cooperating university/ies in the relevant(visited) region/s, the candidate will be required to add value to the respective courses by contributing to the teaching, research and/or child rights activities of the (visited) university/ies.Theseregionalvisits can also be combined with the needs of the candidate’s empirical research. The visiting experiencecan be done at any university within the Global Campus network or at any of the Right Livelihood Colleges.
  • The selected candidate and his/her supervisor will be required to submit one progress report per annum, which will be presented to the GS-RLF Steering Group each April of each year.
  • The candidate must be an alumna/alumnus of one of the regional Master programmes of the Global Campus of Human Rights.

The Application

Please ensure that the following elements are included in your application:

  • Motivation letter
  • Title of research
  • Area of children’s rights to be focused on
  • Research proposal
  • Indicate if your project includes empirical research in any of the GC regions
  • Indicate if your research is interdisciplinary in nature
  • Institutional home, department and supervisor

We kindly ask you to send your application to the Secretary General of the Global Campus, Professor Manfred Nowak ( ), as well as to the Global Campus’ Academic Director, Professor George Ulrich ( ) and its Children’s Right Project Manager, Dr Reina-Marie Loader ( )

Deadline for Applications: 11 August 2020

You will be notified if you have been shortlisted for an interview (at the end of August 2020).

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PhD Programme

The Irish Centre for Human Rights is at the forefront of doctoral research on international human rights law in Europe. The doctoral programme is unique not only because of the exceptional standard of research and level of publication but also because of the environment in which doctoral students work. A thriving research community exists at the Centre with in excess of 40 doctoral candidates enrolled on the programme each year. Students from a range of academic backgrounds are engaged in research on a broad spectrum of issues related to international human rights law, international criminal law, international humanitarian law and international relations.

PhD Scholarships

The University of Galway offers a number of scholarships for PhD students.

The School of Law at the University of Galway offers a number of doctoral fellowships each year. Details of this funding can be found on the School of Law's Scholarship page .

The Hardiman Research Scholarship  is a prestigious scholarship scheme at the University of Galway, offering four years of PhD funding (fees and maintenance) 

The Irish Research Council  also offers PhD funding, covering four years of PhD funding (fees and maintenance)

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Doctoral Studies

Lund University is the only university in Sweden to offer a Phd-programme in the multidisciplinary field of Human Rights. The programme covers four years of full time studies (240 credits). The programme is convened by Human Rights Studies at the Department of History.

The research field integrates historical, philosophical, legal, and political perspectives on the study of human rights, their circumstances, challenges and role in our current times. Current areas of study are state and non-state agency, historiography and conceptualizations of human rights, minority protection, human rights in school curricula and teaching practice, women’s rights, rights and activism, children’s rights, political resistance, and rights discourses in civil society.

Read about our Doctoral students and their projects at our doctoral students .


In order to satisfy the general eligibility requirements for admission to Doctoral studies the applicant must have completed an academic degree on advanced level (one or two year master), or completed courses amounting to 240 Swedish university credits (of which at least 60 credits on advanced level), or equivalent. In order to satisfy the special eligibility requirements for Doctoral studies in Human Rights, two of the applicant’s prior years of study (120 credits) must have clear relevance for the field of human rights studies and for the planned dissertation project. The applicant must also have completed a thesis on master level (at least 15 credits) clearly oriented within the field of human rights.   Read more in our general syllabus .  

Questions about Doctoral studies in Human Rights are answered by Dan-Erik Andersson .  

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Director of Studies

Dan-Erik Andersson LUX:A227 E-mail: dan-erik.andersson se

Head of Division

Programme coordinator.

LUX:A210 Phone: +46 46-222 3047 e-mail: mrs se

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Vacancies: 2 PhD’s on Migration and Human Rights Law

Are you interested in the human rights of migrants, and would you like to work in a vibrant team of scholars forming one of the largest migration law research groups in Europe? These PhD positions will study the ambivalent role of the European Court of Human Rights as an actor and forum for the human rights turn in legal discourses on migration. The research will be part of the project entitled “Who is empowered by Strasbourg? Migrants and States before the European Court of Human Rights”. Further information and application details can be found here .

Upcoming Events

  • 23/09/2024 - MACIMIDE Annual Conference


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Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research

  • Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research
  • Posted on: 4 March 2023

Ph.D. in Human Rights, Global Politics and Sustainability: Legal and Philosophical Perspectives

Job information, offer description.

The international Ph.D. programme in Human Rights, Global Politics and Sustainability: Legal and Philosophical perspectives gives you the opportunity to carry out research in a lively and supportive environment. The goal of this three-year Ph.D. Programme, entirely delivered in English, is to provide an educational path which will enable participants not only to carry out sound academic research, but also to undertake professional careers within a wide range of international, national and regional entities, in both the private and the public sectors.

Where to apply

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human rights phd vacancy

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© Photo : Cédric Gelissen

Vacancies and consultancies

Human rights jobs are more than an everyday occupation. If you aspire to make a difference in the world, help others at your level, human rights careers are made for you!

ISHR doesn’t accept spontaneous applications.

Fellowship – Geneva

ISHR seeks to host a postgraduate Fellow   to support our work in Geneva. Applicants should be fully funded through a university-funded or external fellowship for the entire duration of their fellowship.

Applications are considered on a rolling basis.

Apply here .

Fellowship – New York

ISHR seeks to host a postgraduate Fellow to support our work in New York. Applicants should be fully funded through a university-funded or external fellowship for the entire duration of their fellowship.

ISHR’s commitment to equal employment opportunity:

ISHR is firmly committed to having a diverse team and to the principle of equal employment opportunity. ISHR’s policy is to practice fair and non-discriminatory recruitment and selection procedures and strive for diverse, international and multicultural personnel.

We welcome all kinds of diversity. Applications are encouraged from all qualified candidates without distinction including on grounds of race, colour, national origin, age, religion, disability status, sexual orientation, gender identity and expression or sex characteristics, pregnancy, genetic information, protected veteran status, socio-economic status, or any other characteristic protected by law.

We particularly welcome applications from systematically, historically and/or traditionally discriminated against groups, including women, persons of colour, LGBTIQ+ persons, persons with disabilities and other groups.

Read about working with us


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Title of position
Job family
Vacancy Location Closing date
Cambodia Programme Coordination
International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN)
Cambodia Country Office
Phnom Penh
31 August 2024
ORMACC - Communications Unit
International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN)
Oficina Regional para México, América Central y el Caribe
San José
Costa Rica
19 August 2024
TRAFFIC International
TRAFFIC International (TRAFFIC)
TRAFFIC International
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
18 August 2024
ESARO - Office of the Regional Director
International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN)
Eastern and Southern Africa Regional Office
15 August 2024
Ramsar Convention Secretariat
The Ramsar Convention on Wetlands (Ramsar)
Secretariat of the Convention on Wetlands
31 August 2024
ORMACC - Finance Unit
International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN)
Oficina Regional para México, América Central y el Caribe
San José
Costa Rica
15 August 2024
ORMACC - Finance Unit
International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN)
Oficina Regional para México, América Central y el Caribe
San José
Costa Rica
15 August 2024
ORMACC - Biodiversity and Rights
International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN)
Oficina Regional para México, América Central y el Caribe
San José
Costa Rica
15 August 2024
Business and Nature
International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN)
Cambridge Office
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
14 August 2024
Lao PDR Programme Coordination
International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN)
Lao PDR Country Office
Lao People's Democratic Republic
19 August 2024
Bangladesh Programme Coordination
International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN)
Bangladesh Project Office
Cox's Bazaar
14 August 2024
Bangladesh Programme Coordination
International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN)
Bangladesh Project Office
Cox's Bazaar
14 August 2024
European Regional Office - EU Policy
International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN)
European Regional Office Germany

18 August 2024

International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN)


Biodiversity Assessment and Knowledge
International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN)
European Regional Office Belgium
31 August 2024
ORMACC - Biodiversity and Rights
International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN)
Oficina de País Guatemala
Guatemala City

Esta posición podrá estar basada en Guatemala o en el Salvador.
13 August 2024
ESARO -Drylands Resilience Programme(DRP)
International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN)
Eastern and Southern Africa Regional Office
15 August 2024
ESARO -Drylands Resilience Programme(DRP)
International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN)
Eastern and Southern Africa Regional Office
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Nature-based Solutions (NbS)
International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN)
European Regional Office Belgium
18 August 2024
ORMACC - Biodiversity and Rights
International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN)
Oficina de País Guatemala
Guatemala City

Este puesto puede estar ubicado en la Oficina de San Salavador, El Salvador o en Guatemala.
23 August 2024
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Oficina Regional para México, América Central y el Caribe
San José
Costa Rica
15 August 2024
Global Communications Unit
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31 August 2024
European Regional Office - Programme Operations
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European Regional Office Germany

Bonn, Germany
16 August 2024
Knowledge Management, Learning, and Library Services
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11 August 2024
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Oficina de País Guatemala
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01 September 2024
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23 August 2024
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Viet Nam
23 August 2024
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Vietnam Project Coordination Office Ho Chi Minh
Viet Nam
23 August 2024
Program Unit
Vietnam Project Coordination Office Ho Chi Minh
Viet Nam
23 August 2024
Program Unit
Vietnam Project Coordination Office Ho Chi Minh
Viet Nam
23 August 2024
Program Unit
Vietnam Project Coordination Office Ho Chi Minh
Viet Nam
23 August 2024
Sur - Oficina Regional para América del Sur
Regional Office for South America Quito
21 August 2024
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United States of America
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38 phd-in-human-rights positions in Switzerland

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Doctoral Student: Sensing and Controlling the Large-Scale Anaerobic Digestion of Human Excreta to Minimize Health Risks and Carbon Emissions

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  • Organization: OHCHR - Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights
  • Country: Switzerland
  • City: Geneva
  • Office: OHCHR Geneva, Switzerland
  • Follow @UNjobs

Organizational Setting and Reporting

This position is located in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) Section, within the Field Operations and Technical Cooperation Division (FOTCD) of the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) in Geneva, Switzerland. The incumbent reports to the Chief of the MENA Section (OHCHR) and the Director of the Human Rights, Transitional Justice and Rule of Law Service (UNSMIL), under the general supervision of the Coordinator of the North Africa cluster (OHCHR).


Within delegated authority, the Human Rights Officer will be responsible for the following duties:

  • Liaises with field presence regarding the implementation of technical assistance and capacity-building activities in Libya.
  • Plans and coordinates activities related to thematic and country mandates on human rights, including from a gender perspective.
  • Conducts substantive research and analysis of human rights issues/events and assesses their impact on the human rights situation in assigned region or country.
  • Collects and analyses human rights data and indicators in country/region of assignment, including gender-specific data and indicators.
  • Provides support to sub-commissions, commissions and other bodies; follows-up on implementation of decisions rendered by policy-making bodies.
  • Ensures human rights issues, including their gender equality dimensions considerations, are integrated into political, humanitarian and economic efforts and programme.
  • Defines work plan for area assigned in accordance with established terms of reference.
  • Represents UN human rights programme at working level meetings.
  • Directs capacity-building efforts on human rights in region/country of assignment.
  • Writes a variety of reports, communications, briefings, statements, etc., including to policy-making bodies. eU0MpUk Beu37S
  • May provide guidance to new/junior staff.
  • Performs other related duties as required.


Professionalism: Knowledge of human rights issues and ability to identify related problems in their political, ethnic, racial, gender equality and socio-economic dimensions. Knowledge of institutional mandates of human rights organizations, prevailing policies and procedures. Research and analytical skills, including ability to identify and participate in the resolution of human rights issues. Ability to identify sources for data collection, research and analyze information and draft human rights reports. Ability to evaluate and integrate information from a variety of sources and assess impact on the human rights situation in the area of assignment. Shows pride in work and in achievements; demonstrates professional competence and mastery of subject matter; is conscientious and efficient in meeting commitments, observing deadlines and achieving results; is motivated by professional rather than personal concerns; shows persistence when faced with difficult problems or challenges; remains calm in stressful situations. Takes responsibility for incorporating gender perspectives and ensuring the equal participation of women and men in all areas of work. Communication: Speaks and writes clearly and effectively; listens to others, correctly interprets messages from others and responds appropriately; asks questions to clarify, and exhibits interest in having two-way communication; tailors language, tone, style and format to match audience; demonstrates openness in sharing information and keeping people informed. Teamwork: Works collaboratively with colleagues to achieve organizational goals; solicits input by genuinely valuing others’ ideas and expertise; is willing to learn from others; places team agenda before personal agenda; supports and acts in accordance with final group decision, even when such decisions may not entirely reflect own position; shares credit for team accomplishments and accepts joint responsibility for team shortcomings.

Advanced university degree (Master’s degree or equivalent) in law, political science, international relations, social sciences or related field. A first-level university degree in combination with two additional years of qualifying work experience may be accepted in lieu of the advanced university degree.

Job - Specific Qualification

Not available.

Work Experience

A minimum of five (5) years of progressively responsible experience in human rights, political affairs, international relations, law or related area is required. Experience in working on human rights issues is desirable. Experience in writing reports to intergovernmental bodies is desirable.

English and French are the working languages of the United Nations Secretariat. For the position advertised, fluency in English (both oral and written) is required.

Evaluation of qualified candidates may include an assessment exercise which may be followed by competency-based interview.

Special Notice


  • A current staff member who holds a fixed-term, permanent or continuing appointment may apply for temporary positions no more than one level above his or her current grade.
  • However, a current staff member who holds an appointment at the G-6 or G-7 level may also apply to temporary positions in the Professional category up to and including the P-3 level, subject to meeting all eligibility and other requirements for the position.
  • A staff member holding a temporary appointment shall be regarded as an external candidate when applying for other positions, and may apply for other temporary positions at any level, subject to section 5.7 below and staff rule 4.16 (b) (ii). Therefore, a staff member holding a temporary appointment in the General Service or related categories may only apply to positions within those categories. For full information on eligibility requirements, please refer to section 5 of ST/AI/2010/4Rev.1 on Temporary Appointments.
  • Pursuant to section 7.11 of ST/AI/2012/2/Rev.1, candidates recruited through the young professionals programme who have not served for a minimum of two years in the position of their initial assignment are not eligible to apply to this position.
  • If the selected candidate is a staff member from the United Nations Secretariat, the selection will be administered as a temporary assignment.
  • While this temporary assignment may provide the successful applicant with an opportunity to gain new work experience, the selection for this position is for a limited period and has no bearing on the future incumbency of the post.
  • Subject to the funding source of the position, the eligibility for this temporary job opening may be limited to candidates based at the duty station.
  • This temporary job opening may be limited to "internal candidates," who have been recruited through a competitive examination administered according to staff rule 4.16 or staff selection process including the review of a central review body established according to staff rule 4.15.
  • Staff members of the United Nations common system organizations who will reach the mandatory age of separation or retirement within the duration of the current temporary need period are not eligible to apply. Submitting an application or selection for the current temporary job opening does not delay or increase the mandatory age of separation.
  • Retirees above the mandatory age of separation who wish to be considered for the current temporary job opening must indicate the reason for their last separation as "retirement." Such retirees shall not be employed by the Organization, unless (a) the operational requirements of the Organization cannot be met by staff members who are qualified and available to perform the required functions; and (b) the proposed employment would not adversely affect the career development or redeployment opportunities of other staff members and represents both a cost-effective and operationally sound solution to meet the needs of the service. At the United Nations, the paramount consideration in the recruitment and employment of staff is the necessity of securing the highest standards of efficiency, competence and integrity. All employment decisions are made on the basis of qualifications and organizational needs. The United Nations is committed to creating a diverse and inclusive environment of mutual respect. The United Nations recruits and employs staff regardless of gender identity, sexual orientation, race, religious, cultural and ethnic backgrounds or disabilities. Reasonable accommodation for applicants with disabilities may be provided to support participation in the recruitment process when requested and indicated in the application.

United Nations Considerations

According to article 101, paragraph 3, of the Charter of the United Nations, the paramount consideration in the employment of the staff is the necessity of securing the highest standards of efficiency, competence, and integrity. Candidates will not be considered for employment with the United Nations if they have committed violations of international human rights law, violations of international humanitarian law, sexual exploitation, sexual abuse, or sexual harassment, or if there are reasonable grounds to believe that they have been involved in the commission of any of these acts. The term “sexual exploitation” means any actual or attempted abuse of a position of vulnerability, differential power, or trust, for sexual purposes, including, but not limited to, profiting monetarily, socially or politically from the sexual exploitation of another. The term “sexual abuse” means the actual or threatened physical intrusion of a sexual nature, whether by force or under unequal or coercive conditions. The term “sexual harassment” means any unwelcome conduct of a sexual nature that might reasonably be expected or be perceived to cause offence or humiliation, when such conduct interferes with work, is made a condition of employment or creates an intimidating, hostile or offensive work environment, and when the gravity of the conduct warrants the termination of the perpetrator’s working relationship. Candidates who have committed crimes other than minor traffic offences may not be considered for employment. Due regard will be paid to the importance of recruiting the staff on as wide a geographical basis as possible. The United Nations places no restrictions on the eligibility of men and women to participate in any capacity and under conditions of equality in its principal and subsidiary organs. The United Nations Secretariat is a non-smoking environment. Reasonable accommodation may be provided to applicants with disabilities upon request, to support their participation in the recruitment process. By accepting a letter of appointment, staff members are subject to the authority of the Secretary-General, who may assign them to any of the activities or offices of the United Nations in accordance with staff regulation 1.2 (c). Further, staff members in the Professional and higher category up to and including the D-2 level and the Field Service category are normally required to move periodically to discharge functions in different duty stations under conditions established in ST/AI/2023/3 on Mobility, as may be amended or revised. This condition of service applies to all position specific job openings and does not apply to temporary positions. Applicants are urged to carefully follow all instructions available in the online recruitment platform, inspira, and to refer to the Applicant Guide by clicking on “Manuals” in the “Help” tile of the inspira account-holder homepage. The evaluation of applicants will be conducted on the basis of the information submitted in the application according to the evaluation criteria of the job opening and the applicable internal legislations of the United Nations including the Charter of the United Nations, resolutions of the General Assembly, the Staff Regulations and Rules, administrative issuances and guidelines. Applicants must provide complete and accurate information pertaining to their personal profile and qualifications according to the instructions provided in inspira to be considered for the current job opening. No amendment, addition, deletion, revision or modification shall be made to applications that have been submitted. Candidates under serious consideration for selection will be subject to reference checks to verify the information provided in the application. Job openings advertised on the Careers Portal will be removed at 11:59 p.m. (New York time) on the deadline date.


human rights phd vacancy

Dr. Andrei Fedorov

human rights phd vacancy

Chairman of the Fund for Political Research and Consulting in Russia

Dr. Andrei Fedorov is the Chairman of the Fund for Political Research and Consulting in Russia. Born in 1955, he graduated from Moscow State University with a PhD in Political Science. He was involved with international youth and student movements before joining the International Department of the Central Committee of Communist Party as an advisor to the Prime Minister. He also served as the Deputy Foreign Minister, member of the board and Political Projects Director of the Council on Foreign and Defence Policy. He specialises in global security, European Union, Middle East, China, Japan, and North Korea.

© 2019 Al Jazeera Media Network. All rights reserved.

human rights phd vacancy


What Kamala Harris has said so far on key issues in her campaign

As she ramps up her nascent presidential campaign, Vice President Kamala Harris is revealing how she will address the key issues facing the nation.

In speeches and rallies, she has voiced support for continuing many of President Joe Biden’s measures, such as lowering drug costs , forgiving student loan debt and eliminating so-called junk fees. But Harris has made it clear that she has her own views on some key matters, particularly Israel’s treatment of Gazans in its war with Hamas.

In a departure from her presidential run in 2020, the Harris campaign has confirmed that she’s moved away from many of her more progressive stances, such as her interest in a single-payer health insurance system and a ban on fracking.

Harris is also expected to put her own stamp and style on matters ranging from abortion to the economy to immigration, as she aims to walk a fine line of taking credit for the administration’s accomplishments while not being jointly blamed by voters for its shortcomings.

Her early presidential campaign speeches have offered insights into her priorities, though she’s mainly voiced general talking points and has yet to release more nuanced plans. Like Biden, she intends to contrast her vision for America with that of former President Donald Trump. ( See Trump’s campaign promises here .)

“In this moment, I believe we face a choice between two different visions for our nation: one focused on the future, the other focused on the past,” she told members of the historically Black sorority Zeta Phi Beta at an event in Indianapolis in late July. “And with your support, I am fighting for our nation’s future.”

Here’s what we know about Harris’ views:

Harris took on the lead role of championing abortion rights for the administration after Roe v. Wade was overturned in June 2022. This past January, she started a “ reproductive freedoms tour ” to multiple states, including a stop in Minnesota thought to be the first by a sitting US president or vice president at an abortion clinic .

On abortion access, Harris embraced more progressive policies than Biden in the 2020 campaign, as a candidate criticizing his previous support for the Hyde Amendment , a measure that blocks federal funds from being used for most abortions.

Policy experts suggested that although Harris’ current policies on abortion and reproductive rights may not differ significantly from Biden’s, as a result of her national tour and her own focus on maternal health , she may be a stronger messenger.

High prices are a top concern for many Americans who are struggling to afford the cost of living after a spell of steep inflation. Many voters give Biden poor marks for his handling of the economy, and Harris may also face their wrath.

In her early campaign speeches, Harris has echoed many of the same themes as Biden, saying she wants to give Americans more opportunities to get ahead. She’s particularly concerned about making care – health care, child care, elder care and family leave – more affordable and available.

Harris promised at a late July rally to continue the Biden administration’s drive to eliminate so-called “junk fees” and to fully disclose all charges, such as for events, lodging and car rentals. In early August, the administration proposed a rule that would ban airlines from charging parents extra fees to have their kids sit next to them.

On day one, I will take on price gouging and bring down costs. We will ban more of those hidden fees and surprise late charges that banks and other companies use to pad their profits.”

Since becoming vice president, Harris has taken more moderate positions, but a look at her 2020 campaign promises reveals a more progressive bent than Biden.

As a senator and 2020 presidential candidate, Harris proposed providing middle-class and working families with a refundable tax credit of up to $6,000 a year (per couple) to help keep up with living expenses. Titled the LIFT the Middle Class Act, or Livable Incomes for Families Today, the measure would have cost at the time an estimated $3 trillion over 10 years.

Unlike a typical tax credit, the bill would allow taxpayers to receive the benefit – up to $500 – on a monthly basis so families don’t have to turn to payday loans with very high interest rates.

As a presidential candidate, Harris also advocated for raising the corporate income tax rate to 35%, where it was before the 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act that Trump and congressional Republicans pushed through Congress reduced the rate to 21%. That’s higher than the 28% Biden has proposed.

Affordable housing was also on Harris’ radar. As a senator, she introduced the Rent Relief Act, which would establish a refundable tax credit for renters who annually spend more than 30% of their gross income on rent and utilities. The amount of the credit would range from 25% to 100% of the excess rent, depending on the renter’s income.

Harris called housing a human right and said in a 2019 news release on the bill that every American deserves to have basic security and dignity in their own home.

Consumer debt

Hefty debt loads, which weigh on people’s finances and hurt their ability to buy homes, get car loans or start small businesses, are also an area of interest to Harris.

As vice president, she has promoted the Biden administration’s initiatives on student debt, which have so far forgiven more than $168 billion for nearly 4.8 million borrowers . In mid-July, Harris said in a post on X that “nearly 950,000 public servants have benefitted” from student debt forgiveness, compared with only 7,000 when Biden was inaugurated.

A potential Harris administration could keep that momentum going – though some of Biden’s efforts have gotten tangled up in litigation, such as a program aimed at cutting monthly student loan payments for roughly 3 million borrowers enrolled in a repayment plan the administration implemented last year.

The vice president has also been a leader in the White House efforts to ban medical debt from credit reports, noting that those with medical debt are no less likely to repay a loan than those who don’t have unpaid medical bills.

In a late July statement praising North Carolina’s move to relieve the medical debt of about 2 million residents, Harris said that she is “committed to continuing to relieve the burden of medical debt and creating a future where every person has the opportunity to build wealth and thrive.”

Health care

Harris, who has had shifting stances on health care in the past, confirmed in late July through her campaign that she no longer supports a single-payer health care system .

During her 2020 campaign, Harris advocated for shifting the US to a government-backed health insurance system but stopped short of wanting to completely eliminate private insurance.

The measure called for transitioning to a Medicare-for-All-type system over 10 years but continuing to allow private insurance companies to offer Medicare plans.

The proposal would not have raised taxes on the middle class to pay for the coverage expansion. Instead, it would raise the needed funds by taxing Wall Street trades and transactions and changing the taxation of offshore corporate income.

When it comes to reducing drug costs, Harris previously proposed allowing the federal government to set “a fair price” for any drug sold at a cheaper price in any economically comparable country, including Canada, the United Kingdom, France, Japan or Australia. If manufacturers were found to be price gouging, the government could import their drugs from abroad or, in egregious cases, use its existing but never-used “march-in” authority to license a drug company’s patent to a rival that would produce the medication at a lower cost.

Harris has been a champion on climate and environmental justice for decades. As California’s attorney general, Harris sued big oil companies like BP and ConocoPhillips, and investigated Exxon Mobil for its role in climate change disinformation. While in the Senate, she sponsored the Green New Deal resolution.

During her 2020 campaign, she enthusiastically supported a ban on fracking — but a Harris campaign official said in late July that she no longer supports such a ban.

Fracking is the process of using liquid to free natural gas from rock formations – and the primary mode for extracting gas for energy in battleground Pennsylvania. During a September 2019 climate crisis town hall hosted by CNN, she said she would start “with what we can do on Day 1 around public lands.” She walked that back later when she became Biden’s running mate.

Biden has been the most pro-climate president in history, and climate advocates find Harris to be an exciting candidate in her own right. Democrats and climate activists are planning to campaign on the stark contrasts between Harris and Trump , who vowed to push America decisively back to fossil fuels, promising to unwind Biden’s climate and clean energy legacy and pull America out of its global climate commitments.

If elected, one of the biggest climate goals Harris would have to craft early in her administration is how much the US would reduce its climate pollution by 2035 – a requirement of the Paris climate agreement .


Harris has quickly started trying to counter Trump’s attacks on her immigration record.

Her campaign released a video in late July citing Harris’ support for increasing the number of Border Patrol agents and Trump’s successful push to scuttle a bipartisan immigration deal that included some of the toughest border security measures in recent memory.

The vice president has changed her position on border control since her 2020 campaign, when she suggested that Democrats needed to “critically examine” the role of Immigration and Customs Enforcement, or ICE, after being asked whether she sided with those in the party arguing to abolish the department.

In June of this year, the White House announced a crackdown on asylum claims meant to continue reducing crossings at the US-Mexico border – a policy that Harris’ campaign manager, Julie Chavez Rodriguez, indicated in late July to CBS News would continue under a Harris administration.

Trump’s attacks stem from Biden having tasked Harris with overseeing diplomatic efforts in Central America in March 2021. While Harris focused on long-term fixes, the Department of Homeland Security remained responsible for overseeing border security.

She has only occasionally talked about her efforts as the situation along the US-Mexico border became a political vulnerability for Biden. But she put her own stamp on the administration’s efforts, engaging the private sector.

Harris pulled together the Partnership for Central America, which has acted as a liaison between companies and the US government. Her team and the partnership are closely coordinating on initiatives that have led to job creation in the region. Harris has also engaged directly with foreign leaders in the region.

Experts credit Harris’ ability to secure private-sector investments as her most visible action in the region to date but have cautioned about the long-term durability of those investments.


The Israel-Hamas war is the most fraught foreign policy issue facing the country and has spurred a multitude of protests around the US since it began in October.

After meeting with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in late July, Harris gave a forceful and notable speech about the situation in Gaza.

We cannot look away in the face of these tragedies. We cannot allow ourselves to become numb to the suffering. And I will not be silent.”

Harris echoed Biden’s repeated comments about the “ironclad support” and “unwavering commitment” to Israel. The country has a right to defend itself, she said, while noting, “how it does so, matters.”

However, the empathy she expressed regarding the Palestinian plight and suffering was far more forceful than what Biden has said on the matter in recent months. Harris mentioned twice the “serious concern” she expressed to Netanyahu about the civilian deaths in Gaza, the humanitarian situation and destruction she called “catastrophic” and “devastating.”

She went on to describe “the images of dead children and desperate hungry people fleeing for safety, sometimes displaced for the second, third or fourth time.”

Harris emphasized the need to get the Israeli hostages back from Hamas captivity, naming the eight Israeli-American hostages – three of whom have been killed.

But when describing the ceasefire deal in the works, she didn’t highlight the hostage for prisoner exchange or aid to be let into Gaza. Instead, she singled out the fact that the deal stipulates the withdrawal by the Israeli military from populated areas in the first phase before withdrawing “entirely” from Gaza before “a permanent end to the hostilities.”

Harris didn’t preside over Netanyahu’s speech to Congress in late July, instead choosing to stick with a prescheduled trip to a sorority event in Indiana.

Harris is committed to supporting Ukraine in its fight against Russian aggression, having met with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky at least six times and announcing last month $1.5 billion for energy assistance, humanitarian needs and other aid for the war-torn country.

At the Munich Security Conference earlier this year, Harris said: “I will make clear President Joe Biden and I stand with Ukraine. In partnership with supportive, bipartisan majorities in both houses of the United States Congress, we will work to secure critical weapons and resources that Ukraine so badly needs. And let me be clear: The failure to do so would be a gift to Vladimir Putin.”

More broadly, NATO is central to our approach to global security. For President Biden and me, our sacred commitment to NATO remains ironclad. And I do believe, as I have said before, NATO is the greatest military alliance the world has ever known.”

Police funding

The Harris campaign has also walked back the “defund the police” sentiment that Harris voiced in 2020. What she meant is she supports being “tough and smart on crime,” Mitch Landrieu, national co-chair for the Harris campaign and former mayor of New Orleans, told CNN’s Pamela Brown in late July.

In the midst of nationwide 2020 protests sparked by George Floyd’s murder by a Minneapolis police officer, Harris voiced support for the “defund the police” movement, which argues for redirecting funds from law enforcement to social services. Throughout that summer, Harris supported the movement and called for demilitarizing police departments.

Democrats largely backed away from calls to defund the police after Republicans attempted to tie the movement to increases in crime during the 2022 midterm elections.

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Britain’s Violent Riots: What We Know

Officials had braced for more unrest on Wednesday, but the night’s anti-immigration protests were smaller, with counterprotesters dominating the streets instead.

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A handful of protesters, two in masks, face a group of riot police officers with shields. In the background are a crowd, a fire and smoke in the air.

By Lynsey Chutel

After days of violent rioting set off by disinformation around a deadly stabbing rampage, the authorities in Britain had been bracing for more unrest on Wednesday. But by nightfall, large-scale anti-immigration demonstrations had not materialized, and only a few arrests had been made nationwide.

Instead, streets in cities across the country were filled with thousands of antiracism protesters, including in Liverpool, where by late evening, the counterdemonstration had taken on an almost celebratory tone.

Over the weekend, the anti-immigration protests, organized by far-right groups, had devolved into violence in more than a dozen towns and cities. And with messages on social media calling for wider protests and counterprotests on Wednesday, the British authorities were on high alert.

With tensions running high, Prime Minister Keir Starmer’s cabinet held emergency meetings to discuss what has become the first crisis of his recently elected government. Some 6,000 specialist public-order police officers were mobilized nationwide to respond to any disorder, and the authorities in several cities and towns stepped up patrols.

Wednesday was not trouble-free, however.

In Bristol, the police said there was one arrest after a brick was thrown at a police vehicle and a bottle was thrown. In the southern city of Portsmouth, police officers dispersed a small group of anti-immigration protesters who had blocked a roadway. And in Belfast, Northern Ireland, where there have been at least four nights of unrest, disorder continued, and the police service said it would bring in additional officers.

But overall, many expressed relief that the fears of wide-scale violence had not been realized.

Here’s what we know about the turmoil in Britain.

Where arrests have been reported

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Human Rights Careers

35 Universities To Study Human Rights in Europe

35 Top Universities To Study Human Rights in Europe

Abo Akademi University – Institute for Human Rights, Turku

The Master of Social Sciences degree in the International Human Rights Law program requires 2 years of full-time study at the university’s campus in Turku, Finland. Students complete 85 credits of coursework related specifically to human rights law and 35 credits of electives in subjects of interest to them. Successful completion of the master’s program involves completing a research seminar and writing a master’s thesis. A bachelor’s degree in law or a related field is required for admission.

Central European University – Legal Studies Department, Budapest

This 10-month full-time course of study at Central European University awards a Master of Arts in Human Rights degree upon completion. This interdisciplinary master’s degree program examines human rights and allows students to focus their research on a number of different topics, including criminal justice, minority protection, freedom of religion, political rights and non-discrimination. Often, internships with the Open Society Foundation and other non-government organizations are a part of the master’s degree program.

Charles University – Faculty of Law, Prague

Charles University offers a Master of Laws degree program with a concentration in human rights law and protection of the environment. This course of study examines how protecting human rights and the planet are interconnected and includes course work in public international law, environmental law, international human rights law, human rights protection and environmental law in Czech Republic. Optional courses tailored to students’ interests and the completion of a thesis round up the requirements of the 3-semester program.

Global Campus of Human Rights, Venice

The European Master’s Programme in Human Rights and Democratisation is a unique program offered in cooperation with 41 universities located across  Europe. Students spend the first semester of the year-long course of study in Venice taking core courses related to human rights and participating in a field experience in Kosovo. The second semester takes place at one of the partner schools with additional coursework and research for a mandatory master’s thesis that must be defended during the final semester of study.

European University Viadrina – Faculty of Law, Frankfurt am Oder

The Master of International Human Rights and Humanitarian Law results in a Master of Laws degree with 1.5 years of study spanning three semesters. All students in the program take a set of core courses in general human rights, civil rights and the rights of special groups. Electives are used to round out the coursework and allow students to gain a deeper breadth of knowledge in their research areas. A master’s thesis and an internship are required.

Interfaculty Centre for Children’s Rights (formerly Inter-University Institute Kurt Bosch), University of Geneva, Geneva

A full-time interdisciplinary master’s degree program, this 3-semester long course of study is taught in French and examines the rights of minors and issues related to protecting those rights from legal, psychological, sociological and educational standpoints. All students spend the first semester completing foundation coursework and then participate in a group project and elective seminars during the second semester. The final semester is spent completing a research paper and participating in an internship work placement.

Istanbul Bilgi University – Faculty of Law

The Master of Laws in Human Rights Law program at this Turkish university allows students to focus on one of four areas: the theoretical foundations of human rights, monitoring mechanisms or human rights, discrimination against minorities and human rights in criminal justice. For further flexibility, students have their studies culminate with either a formal master’s thesis or to complete a research project. Both tracks typically require 1 year of full-time study to complete.

Leiden University – Faculty of Law

An Advanced Master of Laws program, the European and International Human Rights Law focuses on regional and global human rights and how the two are interrelated. Admission to this program is highly competitive and those admitted have the opportunity to learn firsthand from renowned human rights experts who visit the university for lectures and seminars. All students complete an internship or study experience with a human rights organization in Geneva, Switzerland, or Strasbourg, France, as a part of the curriculum.

Leuphana University of Lüneburg – Digital School

The Master’s program in Governance and Human Rights is a very unique graduate program in human rights in that portions of the curriculum is presented online. Open to students from the EU and beyond, the distance education program allows for remote study for many courses with the rest of the classes being completed at the university’s campus in Lüne­burg, Germany. The program is geared toward professionals who want to further their education in human rights as it relates to political science and public policy.

London School of Economics and Political Science – Department of Law – Human Rights Law

The Centre for the Study of Human Rights partners with the London School of Economics and Political Science to offer an interdisciplinary master’s degree program in human rights law. Students in the program take courses in a wide range of subjects, including law, sociology, criminal justice, public policy and anthropology. Course requirements vary from year to year, but students are required to complete independent research and write a master’s thesis on an aspect of human rights law of interest to them.

University of Vienna, Postgraduate Center

The Vienna Master of Arts in Human Rights is a two-year master’s program that takes a well-rounded approach to human rights, examining it from every possible angle. Examining the subject on both a regional and an international level, the program includes an internship or work experience during the third semester. All students also participate in a field experience in Kosovo and have a chance to see human rights organizations at work. A master’s thesis is a final mandatory requirement.

Middlesex University – Department of Law, London

Middlesex University allows students with bachelor’s degrees in law to pursue a certificate, a diploma or a Masters of Laws degree in Human Rights Law. Very flexible to meet the needs of both recent graduates and professionals returning to school, the master’s degree program can be completed within 1 year with full-time study or within 2 years with part-time study. The multi-disciplinary program takes on the subject of human rights law from social, cultural, ethical, political, economic and legal viewpoints.

Mykolas Romeris University – Faculty of Law, Vilnius

In cooperation with the Taras Shevchenko National University of Kiev, Ukraine, Mykolas Romeris University offers a Master of Laws degree in the Legal Regulation of Public Administration and Human Rights. The program lasts for 2 years and is intended for individuals who wish to work in the public sector after graduation. Students alternate between the campuses in Kiev and Vilnius each semester, completing course work and a research thesis on an area of interest.

National University of Ireland, Galway – Irish Centre for Human Rights

At the National University of Ireland, Galway, students with bachelor’s degrees in law or related fields can pursue either a Master of Laws degree in International Human Rights Law or a Masters of Laws degree in Peace Operations, Humanitarian Law and Conflict. Both programs prepare students for further study at the doctoral level or for careers in the private or public sectors. An internship is a mandatory part of the program; working professionals may receive course credit for their jobs.

Queen Mary, University of London – School of Law

The Master of Laws degree program in Human Rights Law at Queen Mary University of London is offered as both a 1-year full-time program and a 2-year part-time program. No matter which  option students choose, the program provides an in-depth look at human rights issues in the UK, Europe and on a global scale. Students are also responsible for completing a 15,000-word dissertation. Opportunities for internships, field experiences and work placements are available for those in the program.

Queens University Belfast – Human Rights Centre

A Masters of Laws degree program at Queens University Belfast requires three semesters of full-time study and the completion of a dissertation and a specialized project in an area of interest. Students spend one semester studying international human rights law and human rights law practice. Then, they have the option to focus on areas of interest, such as equality, human rights in conflict zones, counter-terrorism, migration and human rights protections in various regions of the world.

School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London – School of Law

The University of London offers the Human Rights, Conflict and Justice Master of Laws program in a number of formats, as it is meant to be flexible for both recent baccalaureate degree recipients and adults returning to graduate school. With full-time study, the requirements for the degree can be completed within one year. Part-time programs with two, three and four-year curriculum plans are also offered. Students must complete a dissertation in one of seven areas of concentration with any of the program options.

Universidad Carlos III de Madrid – Instituto de Derechos Humanos ‘Bartolomé de las Casas’

Open to Spanish speaking students, the Graduate School of Law offers a Master’s degree in Advanced Studies in Human Rights. Students who hold bachelor’s-level degrees in law receive the opportunity to deepen their knowledge of human rights issues and how laws are used to both defend and limit human rights. Research is an integral part of the program with students expected to pursue independent study and complete a lengthy dissertation prior to completing the 90-credit program.

Universidad de Alcalá – Faculty of Law, Alcalá de Henares

The Master in International Protection of Human Rights is a program that is intended for individuals who are already working as public officials, lawyers or human rights lawyers and wish to further their studies of human rights-related issues. A full-time course of study, the curriculum includes three modules: human rights in international systems, practices and institutions and research. The final module culminates with the completion of a research thesis. Courses are offered in English and in Spanish.

University College London – Institute for Human Rights

The UCL Institute for Human Rights offers two different master’s levels of programs in the field of human rights. The Master of Laws in Human Rights is intended for students who hold law degrees and are interested in children’s rights, comparative human rights, human rights in the workplace and European and international human rights law. Open to students who hold bachelor’s degrees in other fields, the Master of Arts in Human Rights includes the study of human rights theory, human rights standards and institutions, research and legal analysis and international human rights laws.

University of Bristol – Law School

At the Clifton Campus of the University of Bristol, students who have a bachelor’s degree in law may pursue a Master of Laws degree in Human Rights Law. The program can be completed in 1 year with full-time study or within two years with daytime only part-time study. Open to UK and international students, the program allows students to focus on many aspects of international law and requires the completion of a dissertation based on independent research.

University of Edinburgh – School of Law

The University of Edinburgh offers a Master of Laws degree and a Master of Arts degree in Human Rights. Both programs provide the flexibility to take classes full-time for one year or part-time for two years. With the ability to focus on human rights law, crime and criminal justice or other areas of interest, the programs are suitable for students with a broad range of interests. A dissertation or a work-based placement are required for graduation.

University of Essex – Human Rights Centre, Colchester

The Human Rights Centre offers a number of degrees related to human rights. Students with a background in law can work toward a Master of Laws degree in International Human Rights Laws, International Human Rights and Humanitarian Law or Economic, Social and Cultural Rights. Those with bachelor’s degrees in other fields may pursue a Master of Arts degree in Theory and Practice of Human Rights or Human Rights and Cultural Diversity. All programs are offered as full and part-time courses of study.

University of Geneva – Geneva Academy of International Humanitarian Law and Human Rights

The Geneva Academy of International Humanitarian Law and Human Rights provides students with the opportunity to pursue one of three degrees related to human rights. To continue studies after earning a law degree, students may opt for the Masters of Laws in International Humanitarian Law and Human Rights. Students from other backgrounds who are interested in transitional justice can pursue a master’s degree in Transitional Justice. A more general Executive Master program is offered for students who are interested in other fields related to human rights.

University of Glasgow – College of Social Sciences

The University of Glasgow offers full and part-time Master of Science degree programs in Human Rights & International Politics that last for 1 and 2 years, respectively. Students take mandatory courses in human rights perspectives, international law, global politics and statistics or research methods plus one elective course in political science and one elective course in law. The final requirement for the degree program is the completion of a thesis program on a topic of interest to each student.

University of Gothenburg – Department of Social Work

The University of Gothenburg in Sweden offers a Master’s of Social Work degree in Social Work and Human Rights. Open to students who hold a bachelor’s degree in social work or a baccalaureate degree in a related field, the program includes mandatory coursework in social work and welfare systems, interdisciplinary approaches to human rights, research method, social work practice, social work organization and international social work. A dissertation is required.

University of Latvia – Riga Graduate School of Law

Open to students with a bachelor’s degree in law, this program awards a Master of Laws degree in Public International Law and Human Rights. The program requires 1 year to complete with full-time study. Students may be admitted for part-time study on a case by case basis. All students in the program complete a thesis and courses in human rights law theory, conflict resolution in international humanitarian law, international criminal law, human rights and business law and human rights law in Europe.

University of Leeds – School of Law

The Master of Laws program in International and European Human Rights Law is open to students with a bachelor’s degree in social science or law. Students can choose to complete the program full-time within 1 year or part-time within 2 years. Students complete modules related to political philosophy, global and local human rights and domestic and international human rights laws. A dissertation is required for completion of the program and most classes require students to complete a paper, making the program very writing intensive.

University of London – School of Advanced Study – Institute of Commonwealth Studies

The Human Rights Consortium sponsors a Master of Arts in Understanding and Securing Human Rights program that includes two different courses of study. Students may focus on general human rights or focus their studies on human rights in Latin America. Those who choose the latter will have the opportunity to study abroad in a Latin American country through cooperation with the Institute of Latin American Studies. Students in the general program may also complete internships as a part of their coursework.

University of Lund – Raoul Wallenberg Institute of Human Rights and Humanitarian Law

Highly competitive, the International Human Rights Law Master’s Program is a rigorous course of study that encourages students from developing nations and those from the European Union to apply. To prepare students for work in the private, public and nonprofit sectors, the program includes an internship placement. Research and a master’s thesis are also required for graduation. The multi-disciplinary required coursework examines human rights from legal, sociological, economical and other contexts.

University of Malta – Faculty of Laws, Msida

The University of Malta offers a Master of Arts degree in Human Rights & Democratization of Governance that focuses on the subject of human rights as it relates to public policy and political science. Students spend one full year in the program taking courses in human rights practices, human rights in context, human rights law and human rights protections. A master’s thesis is required.

University of Nottingham – School of Law – Human Rights Law Centre

The University of Nottingham offers full-time Master of Laws degree program in Human Rights Law that requires 1 year to complete. Admission to the program is competitive with only those who received undergraduate degrees with honors eligible for admission. Some students may be permitted to take the coursework on a part-time basis over a 2-year period. The rigorous curriculum includes 90 credits of coursework in law and 30 credits of coursework in elective areas of interest. A dissertation is mandatory.

University of Oslo – Faculty of Law

The Master of Arts degree in Theory and Practice of Human Rights requires two years of full-time study to complete. All students in the program must complete coursework in human rights metholodology, human rights in practice, international and national human rights, human rights law in context and human rights in philosophy, history and politics. Four elective courses and a master’s thesis are additional requirements.

University of Oxford – Faculty of Law

The University of Oxford offers a prestigious Master of Science program in International Human Rights Laws that is intended for students who show a great potential for being leaders of tomorrow in the public, private or nonprofit spheres. To allow students to work while completing the program, the course of study is offered only on a part-time basis and requires a 2-year commitment.

University of Ulster – Transitional Justice Institute, Newtownabbey/ Londonderry

The Transitional Justice Institute at Ulster University offers two human rights-related degree programs. For individuals who wish to work in areas related to women’s rights, the Master of Laws in Gender, Conflict and Human Rights is an ideal fit. The Master of Laws degree in Human Rights Law in Transitional Justice is geared toward those with a general interest in transitional justice. All applicants must have an honors bachelor’s degree in law, humanities or social sciences.

University of Warwick – School of Law, Stratford

The University of Warwick’s Master of Laws degree program in International Development Law and Human Rights  is offered on a 1-year full-time or 2-year part-time basis. During the first two terms, students complete a required module and then choose three electives related to their specific interests. The final semester is devoted to the completion of a master’s thesis. A 7-month diploma program is also offered in  International Development Law and Human Rights.

University of York – Centre for Applied Human Rights

The Centre for Applied Human Rights offers two graduate degree programs at the master’s level. Students with a legal background can opt for the Master of Laws in International Human Rights Law and Practice, while all others should apply for the Master of Arts in Applied Human Rights. All students are required to complete a fieldwork experience in the UK or abroad in South Africa or Malaysia and to complete a master’s thesis.

Université Panthéon-Assas – Paris II

The Université Panthéon-Assas offers a Master of Laws degree in Human Rights Law that is open to French-speaking students only. A full-time course of study, the program is open to those who hold bachelor’s degrees in law or a closely related field and requires 9 months of coursework to complete.

Université Saint-Louis, Bruxelles, Université catholique de Louvain, Université de Namur

This intensive multidisciplinary graduate program awards an Advanced Master degree in human rights. All students complete 300 hours of instructions with courses taught almost exclusively in French. A total of 120 hours of credit coursework is devoted to classes that examine human rights from a legal perspective, while another 90 credits deals with the social science-related aspects of human rights. Students then complete electives and a 30-credit dissertation.

Université de Strasbourg – Faculté de Droit

Taught in French, this full-time program awards of Master of Human Rights degree and is intended for students who have an interest in working for non-government organizations or in humanitarian relief. To qualify for admission, students must have a master’s degree in law or a related field. Along with coursework, students complete a thesis study and a field or work placement. Individuals currently working for NGOs or in humanitarian relief are preferred.

Find out more about human rights masters

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Human Rights Careers (HRC) provides information about online courses, jobs, paid internships, masters degrees, scholarships and other opportunities in the human rights sector and related areas.


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