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Essay on Advantages and Disadvantages of Hostel Life in English for Children and Students

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Essay on Hostel Life: Hostel life is considered the best part of a student’s life. Those who have experienced it swear by it and those who haven’t wish they could. Hostel life comes with its set of advantages and disadvantages. Hostel life is full of friends, fun and independence. It gives numerous memories to the students to cherish forever. A student who has experienced hostel life is better off at taking decisions and forming viewpoint about various things.

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However, hostel life also has certain set of disadvantages. With independence and absence of guardian, it needs strong determination to stick to your schedule of studies and other extracurricular activities. Hostel life also presents the challenge of resisting wrong temptations wrong habits that could spoil health, career and life as well.

Long and Short Essay on Advantages and Disadvantages of Hostel Life in English

Below we are providing Long and Short Essays on Advantages and Disadvantages of Hostel Life of varying lengths to help you with the topic in your exam.

After going through the essays you will get to know complete facts about a hostel life, how it’s like staying in a hostel, what are the advantages and disadvantages of staying in a hostel etc.

You can go with anyone Advantages and Disadvantages of Hostel Life essay which you like the most:

Short Essay on Hostel Life of a Student – Essay 1 (200 words)

Hostel life is a beautiful phase. It takes a few days for new students to adjust to the environment of the hostel. However, they soon get accustomed to the same and begin a journey which is cherished for a long time.

Children these days are extremely pampered. They get what they want and are taken utmost care of. From eating to sleeping to shopping, their parents are always there to take care of every little detail. However, once they are enrolled at a hostel and begin their life at this new place they need to learn to be more independent and less demanding. They require taking care of all their day to day needs on their own.

From ironing their clothes to shopping the things of necessity, they learn to do everything on their own. While they may find it a little difficult at times, it is also quite exciting to have found this feeling of independence. They learn to tackle different situations and take decisions on various matters on their own. They learn about the beauty and power of friendship. Friendships made during the hostel life last for a life time.

There is one thing that most students despise about the hostel life and that is the hostel food. However, all in all it is a great experience.

Essay on My Hostel Life Experience – Essay 2 (300 words)


My father is in a transferable job and hence has to move to a new city every three years. This was impacting my studies as the study pattern and teaching methods differ from place to place. Just when I used to get accustomed to the teachers, students and the school environment after great difficulty, we got the news that we had to move to a different city. In order to overcome this problem, my parents decided to enroll me at a hostel.

Hostel Life Made Me Bold and Confident

As I began my hostel life, I took a few weeks to set myself emotionally and adjust to the new environment just as every new student at the hostel does. However, I soon got accustomed to the new place and made quite a few friends. I had been quite shy and reserved before I entered the hostel three year back. I was dependent on my parents for every small need.

However, the hostel life has turned me into a bold and confident person. I can now deal with difficult situations with ease. I do not panic or get emotional easily. I have emerged as a strong person. This may be because living in a hostel teaches us to live independently and we are bound to take charge of our life.

Hostel is like a Second Home for Me

As excited as I am to visit my home, I am equally excited to get back to the hostel as the vacation comes to end. I look forward to meeting my friends and living my life over in that small hostel room. I look forward to the table tennis room where I spend hours setting new records and the hostel ground where I sit with my friends chit chatting about various things. Hostel has become a second home for me.

To conclude, I can say that hostel is the best thing that has happened to me. It has changed my personality for good.

Essay on Hostel Life is Good or Bad? – Essay 3 (400 words)

Ask a hostel student if life in hostel is good or bad and he will narrate all the pros and cons of the hostel life. However, if you ask an adult who has had an experience of living in a hostel, he is likely to narrate his memories fondly and tell you that it was the best phase of his life. This is because there are certain difficulties of living in the hostel however the benefits it offers surpass them and with time it is only the good that we remember. However, everyone can have a different experience.

Hostel Life is Largely Good

I have been living in the hostel for around four years now and my experience has largely been good. I am quite attached to my parents and being the only child I have always been quite pampered. My parents and grandparents have showered me with immense love and taken care of all my needs.

This is why the initial days in the hostel were very difficult for me. I was in fifth standard when my parents enrolled me here. I had never lived even a single day without my mother until that time. It was extremely hard for me to live without her particularly. However, I soon became friends with my roommates and the joy ride began. I was fortunate to have found like-minded roommates.

Gradually, we found out that we had a lot in common and so much to talk about. We have become the best of friends since then. We study, play, dance and enjoy numerous other activities together. Their friendship is the best part of my hostel life. There is just no boredom when you are in a hostel as you are always surrounded by friends.

I also love the fact that living in hostel has made me independent. I have learned to observe and understand people and situations before taking any decision about them. This has made me more confident.

But I really miss the home-cooked food. I look forward to the holidays not only because I am eager to meet my family but also because I crave for the yummy food made by my mother. Ironing the clothes and cleaning my bathroom are few other things that I despise about the hostel. But it is a part and parcel of the hostel life.

To conclude, I would say, I am grateful to my parents for letting me experience the wonderful hostel life. This has made me grow mature and take care of most of my needs on my own.

Essay on Hostel Life vs. Home Life – Essay 4 (500 words)

There is a big difference between the hostel life and home life. Both these have their set of pros and cons. Every student must experience the hostel life to know the perks it offers as well as the difficulties one has to face living in the hostel.

Hostel Life vs. Home Life

Here is how the hostel life and home life are different from each other:

  • Rules and Regulations

Hostels have certain set of rules and regulations that the students are bound to follow. The hostel warden is there to ensure that each and every student follows the rules and leads a disciplined life. However, at home there are no strict rules. While our parents do set certain rules for us they are flexible with them many a times unlike the warden who is stringent about the rules.

  • Use of Internet

The use of internet is restricted in the hostel. Unlike our house we do not get the benefit of enjoying unlimited Wi-Fi connection. Most of the hostels allow the students to use internet for few hours a day and that too for study purpose. Though many students have mobile phones these days, they do not get enough pocket money to take an unlimited data connection.

  • No Choice of Food

At home, we get the privilege of having what we want. All we have to do is to ask our mother for the same. However, in hostel there is no such choice. Students living in the hostel have to eat what is available irrespective of whether they like it or not.

  • No Late Entry

Students are not allowed to come back to hostel late at night. So, they cannot enjoy late night parties or movies whereas most of us our lucky to have parents who allow us to go out with friends late at night at times.

  • Outside Friends Not Allowed

We can only have fun with our hostel buddies when we are living in a hostel. Girls’ entry in a boys’ hostel and vice-versa is particularly a strict no. However, there is no such restriction at home.

  • Taking Care of Needs

At home our parents are there to take care of every single need of ours. We do not have to wash and iron our clothes or go shopping for the daily need goods. However, in hostel we need to do all of these things on our own.

While at home, we may get bored at times, in hostel there is no scope of getting boredom as our friends are always around and most of them are up to some fun stuff.

I have stayed at home and studied at a regular school until fifth standard and am living in the hostel for the last five years. With my experience, I can say that while both hostel life and home life are different and have their own set of pros and cons, hostel life is anytime better as we get a learn a lot from it. It is a great experience and shapes us for good. A student who has lived in a hostel is better prepared to take up various challenges in life.

Long Essay on Advantages and Disadvantages of Hostel Life – Essay 5 (600 words)

Hostel life is challenging yet exciting. It offers numerous advantages but also comes with its set of disadvantages. One can clearly tell the difference between a student who lives in a hostel and one who lives with parents and goes to a regular school. Those who get the opportunity to stay in a hostel are likely to become bolder and more confident. However, they may also incur certain negative traits. Here is a look at the advantages and disadvantages of hostel life.

Advantages of Hostel Life

Let us first look at the advantages of hostel life:

  • Teaches Independence

Hostel life teaches students to become more independent. They learn to take charge of their life by taking decisions solely in different situations.

  • Boosts Confidence

Students are faced with different situations and meet all types of people while living in the hostel. Dealing with different situations and people over the years boosts their confidence.

  • Makes Bolder

Students living in the hostel also tend to get bolder compared to those who live with their parents and attend regular school. They are better prepared to tackle various challenges in life.

  • Instils Discipline

Hostels have certain set of rules that need to be followed at all times. The students are expected to wake up, take bath, reach their college and sleep at the same time each day. Students who do not follow the rules are punished severely so they do not repeat the mistake. This instils discipline in them.

  • Introduces to Various Cultures

Students from various cultural backgrounds come to stay in the hostels. Living with each other day in and day out, the students learn about their culture and traditions.

  • Builds Long Lasting Friendships

Staying away from the family, hostel buddies are there to take care of each other. They develop an emotional connect with one another over the time. Hostel is the place where people make long lasting friendships and memories to cherish forever.

  • Teaches New Skills

Hostel students need to do all their tasks on their own. They learn several new skills such as washing clothes, ironing them, cleaning their room, keeping their books tidy, purchasing stuff on budget and even cooking.

Disadvantages of Hostel Life

Here is a look at the disadvantages of hostel life:

  • Introverts May Face Difficulty

Introverts may have a difficult time interacting with their hostel mates and making new friends. They are often left out and cry their heart out when alone as they miss their family badly.

  • Living Far From Family

Living far from the family is difficult for everyone. Many students get extremely emotional at times as they are reminded of the good times spent with their family. It is particularly difficult for the students to return to hostel after the vacations.

  • Difficulty Adjusting in Family Atmosphere

While initially the students get emotional at the thought of staying away from their family, living in the hostel for a few years often makes it difficult for them to adjust in the family atmosphere. They grow so accustomed to taking their own decisions and living their way that they do not like any suggestions from their parents and want to live independently.

  • Quality of Food

The quality of food in hostels is not very good. Besides, there is no choice. Students need to eat what they get whether they like it or not.

  • No one to Take Care

Falling sick is the worst part. While the hostel buddies try to take care of each other however they cannot take care like the parents. Thus, recovering from illness often takes a lot of time.

Hostel life offers both advantages and disadvantages. It all depends on the student on how he/ she deals with it and what he imbibes from his stay in the hostel.

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Essay on Advantages and Disadvantages of Hostel Life | Advantages and Disadvantages of Hostel Life Essay for Students and Children

February 14, 2024 by Prasanna

Essay on Advantages and Disadvantages of Hostel Life: A hostel is where usually students of an institute live together and supervised by an administration. The time spent by these students in those hostels is called the hostel life.

Hostels are aimed explicitly at providing budget-oriented, sociable accommodation for students studying outside their hometown. Living in a hostel is a lifetime experience that makes you grow as a person. You will immensely develop your collaborative spirit. You will love sharing your food, drinks, stories, and laughter with other students in the hostel. You will see that unity will be created with great ease, and the things you have in common with other hostellers will exceed your expectations.

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Long and Short Essays on Advantages and Disadvantages of Hostel Life for Students and Kids in English

We provide the students with essay samples on an extended essay of 500 words and a short essay of 150 words on this topic.

Long Essay on Advantages and Disadvantages of Hostel Life 500 Words in English

Long Essay on Advantages and Disadvantages of Hostel Life is usually given to classes 7, 8, 9, and 10.

A hostel is a place where comfortable stay, healthy and safe accommodation is provided for the students of a school or college studying outside their hometown. Many students move in from a different town away from their home for their education, and hostels are meant for them, but nowadays even students from the same town are opting for a hostel. Their students live a kind of life which is way different from their life at home. This different life in the hostel is known as hostel life.

Hostel life that gives a student a sense of responsibility as well as independence. Hostel life will teach you many other things like teamwork, helping your hostel mates, a sense of unity and adjustment among other hostellers. A student comes in contact with several other students of the same age with different backgrounds in a hostel. A student tends to develop many good qualities from other hostellers. But at the same time, students are also vulnerable to the evil influence of others.

When a student sees his next-door neighbour doing positive things like daily taking morning exercise, he also gets inspired. He too tries to develop this healthy habit. One good student in a hostel may become an example for other 25 hostellers and inspire them. Co-operation among hostellers, sympathy for others, and unity are characteristics of hostel life. Only a hostel is the place where a student gains an all-round development of personality. On the other hand, taking the example of a few boys who negatively influence others like an addiction to smoke and drinking may also give the same habit to their roommates or other hostel mates. If there are advantages to hostels, then there are also a few disadvantages to it.

In a hostel, the life of a student is full of opportunities and learning along. One can be friends with one’s hostel fellows who have diverse tastes and aptitudes, which will likely help you out in studying. One may choose his friends according to his likes and interests and spend quality time without regrets. Activities like mutual discussions on a particular topic, lengthy criticism of the latest picture seen by them, and storytelling, add charm to hostel life. Suitable arrangements of games and competitions, Sunday specials and eating competitions, and day-to-day work makes the hostel life adventurous. Apart from fun-leisure activities, hostellers have an unbreakable unity and are always ready to help one another whenever needed.

Hostel life with its so many advantages has some disadvantages also. Students who are new to the hostel life, find an entirely new atmosphere and sometimes find it challenging to adjust. Sometimes, students take disadvantage of their freedom which leads them astray. This may lead them to do evil and bad things. They begin to smoke, gamble, even drink, and then deteriorate their academic career. Some students spend money carelessly and even borrow money from their friends and stay in debts.

Short Essay on Advantages and Disadvantages of Hostel Life 150 Words in English

Short Essay on Advantages and Disadvantages of Hostel Life is usually given to classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6.

The life of a student in a hostel is entirely different from that of life at home. The greatest blessing of hostel life is that it teaches you how to lead an independent life. Students deal with their struggles under an independent atmosphere and learn to take decisions of their own. Unlike home in hostel life, no one is after you repeatedly asking you to study, which gives you a great sense of responsibility. Apart from the hostel’s general rules and regulations, which are to be followed by every student, one has to deal with their problems and learn to control his life.

Hostel life can be an enjoyable journey for students. Many students of the same age live together and study in the same or different class in a hostel. Thus, students of the same nature develop great intimacy among themselves while getting their freedom and developing a sense of self-responsibility. Studying, cooperating, and living together develop a great sense of oneness among the hostellers and grow unity and fellow-feeling spirit. Hostels give an excellent environment for studying unlike at home, where for most of the time one can get occupied by some of the other domestic duties which interfere with their studies a lot.

10 Lines on Advantages and Disadvantages of Hostel Life in English

  • As students living in hostels are not under their families’ care, they develop a sense of responsibility, independence, and self-reliability.
  • Individuals from the habit of co-operation with friends and learn the art of cultivating working and behaviour.
  • Living in the hostel that is usually located inside the campus helps save your travelling time and travelling expenses.
  • One gets a chance to develop a friendship with classmates who will help you out whenever needed.
  • Hostels provide the best atmosphere for study. If hostellers enjoy the hostel life in numerous ways, they also work very hard to achieve their goals when the time comes for it.
  • Hostel life tends to develop healthy competition and co-operation among hostellers.
  • The absence of care and love, which only parents can give students a nagging sense of loneliness.
  • A lot of students have the problem digesting the hostel food served at the mess.
  • Influence of bad company may lead a student towards smoking, drugs, drinking, and other nasty things.
  • Living conditions of a hostel are far less comfortable than that at home.

FAQ’s on Advantages and Disadvantages of Hostel Life Essay

Question 1. Which is a better hostel life or home life?

Answer: Rules and regulations are not applicable at home, but rules and regulations bind hostel life. To be able to live in a hostel, a student has to pay fees for staying. At the same time, no fee is needed to enjoy home life. Homelife is more comfortable than a hostel life. But living in a hostel will enhance your overall development of personality.

Question 2. Is hostel life good or bad?

Answer: Living in a hostel will teach you many other things like teamwork, helping your roommates, a sense of unity and adjustment etc. In a hostel, a student tends to acquire many good qualities from roommates and other hostellers, and at the same time, they are also vulnerable to the evil influence of the others.

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The Hostel Life - Advantages and Disadvantages

A hostel is a place where usually students live and which is supervised by an administration and living in those hostels is called the hostel life. Hostels are aimed at providing budget-oriented, sociable accommodation for students. In a hostel, usually a bunk bed, in a dormitory and share a bathroom, lounge and a kitchen or a mess are provided. Rooms are usually single-sex, although private rooms may also be available for the students who are studying doctorate or PhD level in universities. Hostels are generally aimed at providing an economical and healthy environment for the students that is also safe for them. In a hostel room, it is very important to take care with personal belongings, as other students may share a common living space and things that look alike, so it is advisable to secure your belongings. Most hostels offer some sort of system for safely storing valuables and an increasing number of hostels offer private lockers.

It has been observed that there is less privacy in a hostel room for students as compared to their stay at home, PG or in a private room than in a hotel. Hostels encourage more social interaction between the students due to the shared sleeping areas and communal areas such as lounges, kitchens and internet cafes. Hostels have provision for gymnasium where the hostellers can take morning exercise and building their bodies. There are a reading room and library attached to the hostel to enable the students to study books, newspapers and computer Internet. In a nutshell, the hostel not only cares for the health of the students but also their studies.

The life in a hostel is completely different from that of the home. The greatest blessing of hostel life is an independent life. Students tend to get an independent atmosphere and learn to take decisions of their own. A student may sleep in a hostel whenever he likes to. You may get up late in the morning but none will question you. During your hostel life, no one is after you repeatedly asking you to study unlike at home, which gives you a great sense of responsibility. Apart from the general rules and regulations of the hostel, which are to be followed necessarily by everyone, one is his own master and learns to control his life. It is due to this reason that many students do not like to go home even on long vacations. Those who love freedom love the hostel life.

History of Hostel Life

In 1912, in Altena Castle in Germany, Richard Schirrmann created the first permanent Youth Hostel. These first Youth Hostels were an exponent of the ideology of the German Youth Movement to let poor city youngsters breathe fresh air outdoors. These hostels were not like modern day’s hostels and youths were supposed to manage the hostel themselves as much as possible. Living students or inmates themselves were doing chores to keep the costs down and build character as well as being physically active outdoors. Because of this, many Youth Hostels closed during the middle part of the day. Very few hostels still require chores beyond washing up after self-catered meals or have a "lockout". Hostelling spread fast. Thousands of hostels opened over the next two decades. In 1932, the first international hostel conference was held in Amsterdam. At the conference, the Youth Hostel Federation (YHF) was formed to unite hostel groups from across Europe. Two years after the YHF was established, the first US hostel opened in Northfield, Massachusetts. And from then onwards the concept of modern hostel culture for students begin to pick up and resulted in modern hostels of the present. Hostels haven’t changed much in their hundred-plus year history. They remain an empowering, affordable means of accommodation.

Hostel Life Vs Home Life - Comparison

Hostel life can be a very pleasant journey. In a hostel, many students almost of the same age live together who are studying almost in the same class or year. Thus students of same nature develop great intimacy among themselves while they get their freedom and develop a sense of self-responsibility. Studying and living together develop a great sense of oneness among them and grows a spirit of co-operation and fellow-feeling among them. They help one another in case of need. Also if one needs to study on his own, there are separate study rooms or reading rooms provided where they can study peacefully and in case of any doubt can consult fellow hostellers. To earnest students, it is a better place for studies. They are free here. On the other hand at home, they are for most of the time occupied by some of the other domestic duties which interfere with their studies a lot. But therein hostel students can go on with their studies without any interruption.

It is very obvious that the life at home cannot be compared to the life in a hostel; both are really opposite face of the coin. Hostel life is full of fun, amusement and youthfulness and an individual are constantly in a touch of people of his age on the other hand at home one has to live as other members of the family live and elders are always there to check the activities of youngsters. At home one has to go on according to the family that includes sleeping time, eating time and time for leisure. One cannot even frame one's own timetable of studies. One has to keep in mind the convenience of others also. One has to study while others keep on talking and gossiping. Whereas in a hostel students discuss their lessons and help one another in the matter of studies. They can remember a thing well by mutual discussion. Moreover, even non-studious students are induced to read when they see that others are reading.

At home, there is no atmosphere for serious studies. There is constant disturbance due to one reason or the other. The life in a hostel is completely different from that of the home on this issue as there is a provision for a separate study room or reading room for those who want to study in peace. The greatest blessing of hostel life is independence. You may sleep whenever you like. Sometimes social functions are also held in hostel and students take part in these. These develop in them a sense of responsibility, culture and refinement. In the hostel, students have to take care of their own things. They don’t do this at home. All these develop in them a spirit of self-reliance.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Hostel Life

A hostel is a place where economical, healthy and safe accommodation is provided for the students of a school or college. Many students live in hostels. There are students who move in from a different town for their education, generally hostels are meant for such students but lately even students from the same town are opting for a hostel. There they live a kind of life which is different from their life at home. This life in the hostel is known as hostel life. If you really want to know about real life then you should pass from hostel life that gives you a sense of responsibility as well as independence. Hostel life teaches you a lot of other things like teamwork, helping your roommates, a sense of unity and adjustment etc.  In a hostel, a student comes in contact with a number of other students of same age and thinking. In a hostel, a student tends to acquire many good qualities from roommates and other hostellers and at the same time they are also vulnerable to the bad influence of the others. When a student sees his next door neighbour daily taking morning exercise, he also gets inspiration. He too tries to be healthy. One good student may become an example for other 25 hostlers. When one is ill, all his hostel fellows try their best to serve him. Mutual cooperation, sympathy, and love are characteristics of hostel life. It will not be an exaggeration to say that only a hostel is the place where an all-round development of personality is possible. On the other hand, few boys who have an addiction to smoking and drinking may also give the same habit to their roommates or other fellow students. If there are advantages then there are also a few disadvantages.

Advantages of Hostel Life

In a hostel, life is full of opportunities of amusement and studies along. One is constantly in touch with young people of one's age and can do a lot of other activities except studying. One can make friends with one's hostel fellows who have varied tastes and aptitudes which can help you out in studying as well. One may choose his friends according to his own likes and interests and can spend quality time with buddies even after the classes. Mutual discussions of their favourite film actors and actresses, long criticism of the latest picture seen by them, and story-telling, add charm to hostel life. Good arrangements of games and sports, Sunday specials and eating competitions, and day-to-day merry-making make the hostel life a thing of envy for all. Apart from fun-leisure activities, hostellers have a unique unity and are always ready to help one another whenever needed. However other advantages include:

  • As a hosteller is not under the care of his family, he develops a sense of independence and self-reliance.
  • Individual forms the habit of co-operation with friends and learns the art of cultivating working and behaviour.
  • Living in the hostel, that is usually located inside the campus saves your travelling time and expenses.
  • One gets a chance to bond with classmates who turn out to be one of the best friends for life ahead.
  • A student can take help of other fellows in studies if he has any problem with any particular topic.
  • There are facilities for fun, leisure and other recreational activities.
  • Hostels provide the best atmosphere for study. If students enjoy the hostel life in different ways, they also work very hard when the time comes for it.
  • When a careless and negligent student sees his partner or his neighbour competing for the position, he also tries to follow his example.
  • Hostel life tends to develop a healthy competition and mutual co-operation among hostellers.

Disadvantages of Hostel Life

Hostel life with its so many advantages has some drawbacks also. Students coming for the first time to a hostel, find an entirely new atmosphere. The freedom of the hostel at times leads them astray. Their parents are not there to check them. This may lead them into evil ways. They begin to smoke, gamble and at times even to drink. A daily visit to some cinema becomes a routine. Some students spend money lavishly and even borrow money from their friends. Living away from their parents they do what they can’t do in their home. They fail to choose good companions. The unlimited freedom proves harmful for such students. If a hosteller falls into a bad company he has chances of going astray. It does not get proper money from his parents, he has the tendency to develop evil habits and to divert his categories under the influence of bad company. It is also possible that if he looks at a rich co-hosteller spending extra money and enjoying himself, he develops an inferiority complex which spoils his character and personality. The students staying at hostels are denied the love and affection of their near and dear ones. The absence of loving care which only their parents and other ones can give tend to a nagging sense of loneliness. Other disadvantages may include:

  • Ragging by seniors
  • Influence of bad company may draw a student towards smoking, drugs and drinking.
  • At times it is difficult to concentrate on studies in the college atmosphere that is full of youth and fun.
  • Living conditions are far less comfortable than that at home.
  • A lot of students have the problem digesting the routine food served at the mess.
  • Parents send their wards to the hostel for study, but there they waste their time in enjoyment and merry-making.
  • Sleeping late may hamper concentration in class on the next day.

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Updated On: 19-Sep-2018

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  • Speech on Advantages and Disadvantages of Hostel Life


Speech on Advantages and Disadvantages of Hostel Life for Students in English

A hostel is a place where students live to study or for work. It is usually supervised by a hostel manager and residents. Students living in hostels experience their hostel life. These hostels eventually became their homes. Hostels are primarily built, taking into account the needs of struggling students and working-class officials.

It provides people with adequate housing, shelter, and food at affordable prices. The hostel mainly consists of one bed, a room shared by two or three people, a kitchen and a shared bathroom. Let’s go through the advantages and disadvantages of hostel life speech below. 

Long Speech on Advantages and Disadvantages of Hostel Life

Hello to all my esteemed principals, teachers, and colleagues. Today, I will be discussing the pros and cons one faces while living in a hostel.

A hostel is a place where students of a school or college can experience economic, healthy, and safe accommodation. Many students around the world live in hostels. Generally, hostels are meant for students who migrate from a long distance for their education. It is completely a different kind of life from normal life at home.

If you really want to know what real life is? Then, you should stay in a hostel. This gives students a sense of responsibility, independence, and self-care. Hostel life teaches you a lot of good things such as teamwork, a helping mindset, a sense of unity and sacrifice, etc. There are lots of advantages to hostel life. When there are a lot of advantages, there must be disadvantages too. Here are some of the advantages and disadvantages of hostel life. 

Advantages of Hostel Life

Hostel life is full of opportunities and excitement. One can make friends with fellow hostellers of different tastes and knowledge which can be helpful in studying as well. One may choose friends of his own likes and interests and can spend quality time with them even when classes end. Hostellers can get to know each other very well by sharing their interests and things, this builds a strong relationship between fellow mates and will build unity among them. However, there are lots of other advantages, such as-

A hosteller, who is not under the support of his/her family, can develop a sense of independence and self-reliance.

An individual can develop the habit of co-operation with friends and can learn the art of cultivating work and behaviour.

Living in a hostel, that is within the campus, saves a lot of travelling time and expenses.

It provides a chance to develop a bond with classmates and this could lead them to be best friends for life.

A student can take help from fellow classmates in studies within the hostel if he/she has any problem or doubt with any specific topic.

Hostels provide students with the best atmosphere to study. This leads to scoring more marks in the examination.

When a careless and negligent student sees his fellow mate competing for the top position in the exams, he will also try to follow by taking him as an example. This tends to develop healthy competition and mutual co-operation among hostellers.

Disadvantages of Hostel Life

Hostel life, which has a huge number of advantages, has some drawbacks too. First-time hostellers find it very difficult to adapt to the circumstances, as it is completely a new environment for them. The freedom of the hostel life could lead to carelessness in times as their parents are not there to monitor them. This may lead them to bad habits. Living away from their parents gives them the freedom to do what they can’t do in their homes. Failing to choose good companions leads them to develop bad habits.

If a person with a bad companion does not get enough money from his parents, he has the tendency to develop evil habits such as stealing and diverting his categories under the influence of bad company. On the other hand, the absence of love, care with their parents gives them a sense of loneliness. Some of the other disadvantages include-

Ragging of juniors by the seniors.

The influence of bad company diverts a student towards ill habits.

At times it becomes very difficult to concentrate on studies in an atmosphere that is full of youth and fun.

Living conditions are pretty less comfortable than that at home.

A lot of students have a problem adapting to the routine food served at the mess.

Short Speech on Advantages and Disadvantages of Hostel Life

Hello to all of you here. Today, I am here to talk about the advantages and disadvantages of hostel life. Life in a hostel can be a roller coaster ride. 

The days spent in a hostel make one of the most beautiful phases of life. New students may take a few days to adapt to this environment but soon get comfortable with it and begin a journey that can be cherished for a long time.

Children usually get extremely pampered these days. They get whatever they wish for and are taken care of by their parents from eating to sleeping to shopping. In contrast, if they get enrolled in a hostel and begin a new life, they learn to be more independent and less demanding. They get aware of all their daily needs on their own. Everything from ironing, cleaning, shopping must be done on their own. It might be quite difficult at times but, it can also be quite exciting that they have found a life that is totally independent.

Students learn to tackle different problems and situations and are able to make decisions of their own. They learn about the power and beauty of friendship and unity. Generally, the friendships that are made during the hostel life are said to last for a lifetime. One thing that most students are worried about in hostel life is the food. Instances of bullying are also common in hostels. However, overall it is a great experience of life.

10 points on Advantages and Disadvantages of Hostel Life

A hostel is a place where many students live at a low cost for the purpose of studying. 

Hostels are designed to provide students with accommodation and other basic necessities of daily life.

Life in a hostel is something that turns out to be good or bad, and it depends entirely on the person who lives there.

One can be happy in their hostel days forever, but in some cases, it can be a nightmare.

It is a human responsibility to make sure that you are on the right track and that you are making a real effort.

There are problems in hostels such as fraud, harassment, malnutrition, etc. But man must fight the situation smartly and bravely.

The initial purpose of the hostel stay is to focus on one study without interruption.

One should not be distracted by parties or activities that are in harmony with one's peers.

There are things to enjoy in hostels, such as friendship, unity, etc. The only purpose should be to study.

It’s a really fun trip to stay in a hostel.

In this article, we went through the 5 min speech on the advantages and disadvantages of hostel life (long speech), short speech and 10 lines speech. Going through the speeches we can understand many advantages and disadvantages of hostel life. The 5 min speech on the advantages and disadvantages of hostel life will help students, teachers, kids, and other people who will be giving a speech on this topic at a public event. 


FAQs on Speech on Advantages and Disadvantages of Hostel Life

1. What are the important things to carry for a hostel?

Documents such as

Utensils such as

Toiletries such as

Electronics such as (if allowed)

Other essential things such as

2. Which is better: hostel food vs house food?

No doubt home food can never be replaced but living in a hostel is learning to live life on your own. Every time, everything may not go your way. You cannot complain to your parents about the food and ask them to make a dish.

Imagine being in a hostel with very bad food. One might think that skipping meals would make it better but it won’t. Learning how to explain the problem with the food to the management is when you learn to deal with problems in a diplomatic way.

School Essay

Essay On Hostel Life

  • Post category: Essay
  • Reading time: 8 mins read

Set 1: Essay On Hostel Life

Education is to prepare students in such a way that when they step out of their limited society into the real world they should be able to face life’s challenges and shoulder responsibilities. Hostels are a small world which teach us how to cooperate and develop the qualities of sportsmanship. In hostels, students become independent and self sufficient. There the students can not expect anything to be done for them. They have to do everything on their own. They become more disciplined as there is no one to pamper them. But many a times students miss their homes and the comforts of home. Strict disciplines of the hostels too become curbic and one feels like coming back to home. Hostels are a mixture of pain and pleasure but it should be a must for all the students to let him become more realistic.

Set 2: Essay On Life in a Hostel

Living in a hostel is a lesson in itself. While living at home the young does not turn into a self-dependent being for this thing and for that for little things even of personal nature, the young look up to the mother or the elder sister. They would keep the clothes in the wardrobe they would prepare the dress for the school and put it in order every morning, they would even arrange the school bag whether it contains all that is required the books and notebooks for the day, the pen with ink or lead and the pencil sharpened. The tiffin box should be got ready and then even the study table should be set right and of course, the bed to be put in order. The soap, the shampoo, the powder – toothpaste, the brush – the towel- all to be there in the bathroom. Someone should always be looking after all these items. So much dependence, so much no-care attitude, so much demanding, so much supplying this is normally to be found in every home. The young grows a little too indulgent.

Sent to the hostel, that one who had remained so much dependent for everything on his or her mother or elder sister or servants, finds himself, initially at a loss. How to adjust, how to manage, how to lookafter every thing by himself. The house-master would come for surprise inspection and he should find everything spic and span, everything in order no clothes lying on the bed all properly folded and kept in the wardrobe; the study table properly set – books and notebooks all kept arranged and the pen and pencil kept in the pencil box. The bed should have been well-set – no servant or maid to do it.

So this is a training in self-help which is the first and foremost lesson that one learns from the hostel life.

The other very important training is in discipline. Fixed hours and timings for everything time to leave the bed in the morning not that turning over sides while the mother cajoling to make you leave the bed or else would get late for school none to do that. A quick bath and dressing up, setting the school bag, nothing to be missed.

The bell rings calling each one to the dining hall for breakfast. The same menu for all no cringing, no crying that you like this and do not like that, or you want this or you want that. The menu, of course, would keep changing every morning new things added or served but the same for all. – –

It is a lesson learnt in developing a taste for all kinds of food a disciplining of the palate, which does not happen in the home. There the mother keeps caring what he or she likes more and what not.

The school hours, the lunch recess, the evening games, the dinner and completing the class work – all has to go on in a regulated daily manner. The mind has to get set to the pattern and any delay or divergence would go wrong.

Regulated way of life is another lesson that hostel life teaches. The most important lesson that hostel life gives is the training in corporate living – living together. It is a lesson in Social living; in Sociability; in learning the spirit of adjustment and accommodation. This is a great lesson which goes a long way in later life on the Social front.

Hostel life, thus has many things to learn, but there are, sometimes, many things that this life gives an occasion to, which can spoil one’s life.

At home, there is the mother, the father, sisters and brothers who give you company as also keep a watch on you. In the hostel if you catch company of bad boys and if there is some laxity in Superintendence you can fall into evil ways, take to drugs or indulge in late night cinerna shows and there is no one so concerned about you as a mother, a sister or a brother can be. The result can be a complete disaster in life.

Discipline is best that comes from within.Hostel life, thus, has many good things and make one’s life disciplined, organised and self-reliant but if the track goes wrong it would mean a derailment and a permanent damage.

college hostel life essay

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Essay on “Hostel Life” for School, College Students, Paragraph for Class 10, Class 12, College and Competitive Exams.

Hostel Life

The hostel life makes a confident young man or woman out of a child. A young person comes into his or her own in the hostel away from the dominating presence of the parents and elders. A student in hostel gets a chance to evolve into an independent character. For this no place is more conducive than the hostel.

Here a student feels a strange kind of freedom although life is regulated by hostel norms and rules. But the rules apply on all students alike which diffuses their severity drastically. One does not feel targeted. There is no bickering, noises or pressures of domestic environment. It is a big relief for a student mind Infect, hostel life is an ideal life for a student. It is a period sacredly dedicated to the studies. The atmosphere is very congenial for application to learning. The community life teaches one the spirit of cooperation and harmonious co-existence plus making adjustments. It enables one-to-learn self-management.

There is also a chance of meeting a like minded mate who may provide you with true lifelong friendship. A student taking the hostel life as a golden opportunity can seriously inculcate positive qualities in him to become a responsible citizen. Away from the domestic pressures and distractions a learner can fully concentrate on his studies.

A student can learn a lot from his seniors at hostel through interaction which happens naturally in community life. This inspires one into removing weaknesses to become polished and cultured.

A hostelier’s early shyness goes away and he interacts with others. It gives him courage to express his ideas and he learns speak fluently. He gets chances to meet different kinds of students which broadens his outlook. He learns etiquettes of social behaviour and other normal manners.

Some people think that hostel life is as strictly regulated as jail life. Nothing can be more untrue than that idea. Rules and regulations are here merely to harmonize the life of the hostel. One has to take the responsibility of using one’s own wisdom and intellect. The parents are no more there to tell him what to do. Here, one is one’s own supervisor, own true self who is expected to exercise his own self-control and behaviour.

A hostelier is exposed to chances of begetting evil habits, drugs, smoking, idling or indulging in non-suddenly entertainment. It is here that a student learns to use self control and decides what is good for him and what is not. No one wants to ruin one’s own life.

Sometimes one commits mistakes but he must learn lessons from it. Only the basically weak, unsound minded or the ones from the troubled families go bad in hostels. Most of the hostelers come out as strong individual entities.

A good student has all the facilities in the hostel and the environment to dedicate himself to the studies. Good hostels have gym also besides sports facilities. Laboratory, library and teachers are in easy access all the time. Thus, hostel gives a chance to a student to develop himself in all aspects and become ready to face the world. It gives him lifelong friends and cherish able memories.

Out of the shadow of parental care, a youngman has a golden opportunity to discover his real self and his potential. Pity for a student who wastes the chance of life in hostel to adopt bad habits instead of turning out as a worthy youngman or woman, self-confidence personified.

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College essays matter. Here's how to write one that stands out | College Connection

Students facing the college application process typically dread one component: the Common App essay. 

Students are presented with six essay prompts, as well as a seventh option, which is “topic of your choice.” Students therefore have limitless possibilities for this essay which will be carefully reviewed by each college to which the student applies.

The goal of college admissions officers is to learn about the student who is applying: personal qualities, struggles, ambitions, priorities. On other parts of the application a student’s “data” is detailed. So, this is not the place to write about one’s SAT scores, GPA, or intended major, or to enumerate one’s activities. It is the place to write about an event, situation, or life circumstance that has influenced the student’s attitudes, goals, and perceptions of life.

The options are limitless. Students can write about life occurrences that impacted them: an illness, a learning disability, a relocation. They can use a sport, club, organization, or volunteer group as the overarching framework within which they learned important life lessons. 

More: The biggest key to college acceptance | College Connection

One student’s essay, which went viral after its author was accepted to a multitude of Ivy League schools, focused on lessons she learned from visits to Costco over the years. In short, students can write about anything that has impacted them – hopefully in a positive way.

Then, students face supplemental essays. Many colleges, including almost all the most competitive ones, require an essay that is specific to the school. Typically, the question is along the lines of, “Why do you want to attend this institution?” or “Why did you choose your particular major and how will our school prepare you to meet your future goals?”

More: These are the latest trends in college admissions | College Connection

Colleges are aware that students typically apply to 8 to 12 different schools, and they are trying to discern “demonstrated interest,” or, in other words, the likelihood of a student enrolling if accepted. So, students should utilize each supplemental essay as an opportunity to demonstrate their interest in the particular college, and should specifically state the courses, programs, study abroad options, internships, and any other characteristics that make the institution a perfect match for their college ambitions.

By showing enthusiasm for each school and sharing their attributes through the Common App and supplemental essays, students will greatly enhance their prospects of experiencing a successful college application process.   

Susan Alaimo is the founder & director of Collegebound Review, offering PSAT/SAT ® preparation & private college advising by Ivy League educated instructors. Visit or call 908-369-5362 .

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Home » Europe » Moscow

20 BEST Hostels in Moscow (2024 • Insider Guide!)

Far and away Russia’s largest city, the capital city of Moscow is a backpacker’s dream. By European standards it’s affordable, and by city standards it still feels super exotic.

But there are a ton of hostels in Moscow. Over 110 to be specific, and knowing which hostel to pick can be quite a task. Which is the exact reason we put together this list of the best hostels in Moscow.

We’ve organized this list of the best hostels in Moscow by different travel needs. So whether you wanna party or chill, hook up or wind down, with the help of this guide, you’ll be able to book the hostel that gets you where you wanna be!

Let’s take a look at the 20 best hostels in Moscow…

Best Hostels in Moscow

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The 20 Best Youth Hostels in Moscow

What to pack for your moscow hostel, why you should travel to moscow, faq about hostels in moscow, more epic hostels in russia.

college hostel life essay

Moscow Style | Overall Best Youth Hostel in Moscow

Moscow Style best hostels in Moscow

The overall best hostel in Moscow is Moscow Style and you’re about to find out why. Not only does Moscow Style offer guests all the basics like free bed linen and free WiFi but have a late check-out, free breakfast and a guest kitchen too. Team this with kick-ass customer service, super comfy dorm rooms and the fact that it’s located in the heart of the city, you’ll easily see why Moscow Style is the best hostel in Moscow in 2021. To top it off, must-visit landmarks like the Kremlin and Red Square are just a five-minute walk away.

Comrade Hostel

Comrade Hostel best hostels in Moscow

Comrade Hostel is the joint best hostel in Moscow in 2021. Comrade Hostel is a highly recommended hostel in Moscow so if you wanna stay here you’ve gotta book your bed ASAP, especially if you and your travel buddies wanna stay in the same dorm room. Comrade Hostel is in Moscow’s old town known locally as Kitai-Gorod. The Comrade staff are always on hand to give you directions and useful tips on how to make the most of your every moment in Moscow.

Vagabond Hostel | Best Hostel for Solo Travellers in Moscow

Vagabond Hostel best hostels in Moscow

The best hostel for solo travellers in Moscow is the super popular Vagabond Hostel. For solo travellers early seeking a crew to explore the Russian capital city with your first port of call should be Vagabonds. Attracting a varied and interesting crowd Vagabond Hostel is the perfect Moscow backpackers hostel for solo travellers to hang out in. The free breakfast provides a cracking start to the day and you have the use of the guest kitchen too. Why not have a cook-off with your hostel mates?

Godzillas best hostels in Moscow

Godzillas is a top hostel in Moscow and has been for years. For solo travellers keen to connect, Godzillas is a great start; tour operators often use Godzillas as their meeting hostel so there are always plenty wide-eyed and bushy-tailed travellers just like you around the place! The Godzillas team are super welcoming and always happy to help in any way that they can. If you’re a solo traveller keen to meet a wide of a range of people as possible, Godzillas is the place for you.

Chekhov House | Best Cheap Hostel in Moscow #1

Chekhov House best hostels in Moscow

The best cheap hostel in Moscow is Chekhov House, by far. Although at first glance the pink hues around Chekhov House may have you thinking it’s a women-only hostel, it is a place for everyone. The free breakfast, free WiFi and free luggage storage go a long way in making Chekhov House a great, cheap, youth hostel in Moscow. The Chekhov House team are keen to please and are always happy to help with directions. As a rookie in Russia, you may struggle to read local signage as they use a totally different alphabet!

Good News Hostel | Best Cheap Hostel in Moscow #2

Good News Hostel best hostels in Moscow

The good news is that Good News Hostel is the best budget hostel in Moscow! Too cheesy?! Anyway, you’ll love Good News Hostel for its bright and spacious dorm rooms and wonderful communal areas. The outdoor deck is the ideal spot to hang out in on a sunny Russian summers day although if you’re heading to Moscow in the winter you need to bring your thermals. Super close to the Komsomolskaya metro station, you can easily connect to all of Moscow’s tourist hotspots from Good News Hostel.

Jazz House | Best Cheap Hostel in Moscow #3

Jazz House best hostels in Moscow

Light and bright, Jazz House is a simple but ample budget youth hostel in Moscow. You’ll find very little to complain about here. The staff keep Jazz House in great shape and you’ll feel instantly at ease, once you’ve dumped your hefty backpack that is. The Kremlin is 3.5km away but the walk is a great way to experience real Moscow. If that feels like too much hop on the metro at Serpukhovskaya and you’ll be there in minutes. Once you’ve got your head around it the Moscow metro is pretty easy really.

Aether Backpack

We’ve tested countless backpacks over the years, but there’s one that has always been the best and remains the best buy for adventurers: the broke backpacker-approved Osprey Aether and Ariel series.

Want more deetz on why these packs are so  damn perfect? Then read our comprehensive review for the inside scoop!

FriendHouse | Best Hostel for Couples in Moscow

FriendHouse best hostels in Moscow

The best hostels for couples in Moscow is FriendHouse. Simple? Yes. Ideal? Yes! With so much to see and do in Moscow , most travellers are looking for a cheap and cheerful place to crash and FriendHouse is perfect. They have reasonably priced private double rooms especially for couples like you. If you and your lover like meeting fellow backpackers all you need to do is head to FriendHouse’s monochrome yet cosy lounge of an evening and get introducing yourselves.

Star Wars Hostel

Star Wars Hostel best hostels in Moscow

No, bear with me on this one! Believe it or not, another Star Wars Hostel is the best hostel in Moscow for couples who like a fancier style of accommodation. By name alone you’ll be thinking that it’s Star Wars through and through but, to its credit, Star Wars Hostel has only a subtle homage to the sci-fi series. The private rooms for a couple are cosy, even romantic and cottage like in their decor! Everyone who stays at Star Wars Hostel raves about it. Go on, give it a go!

Fasol Hostel & Bar | Best Party Hostel in Moscow

Fasol Hostel & Bar best hostels in Moscow

Fasol Hostel & Bar is, you’ve guessed it, the best party hostel in Moscow. This laid-back, charming and budget-friendly youth hostel is the perfect place to get your party on. To be fair, they don’t party crazy hard here as Moscow is hardly famed for its party scene but if you’re keen on a few beers, or a vodka or two, after a day of exploring Moscow Fasol is the place to stay. Overall, Fasol is a highly recommended hostel in Moscow, so whether you’re a party animal or not you’ll surely be drawn in by the on-point hostel vibes.

Safari Hostel

Safari Hostel best hostels in Moscow

If Safari Hostel had its own bar it would easily be the best party hostel in Moscow, alas it’s nearly the best hostel in Moscow for a party. To be fair, Safari Hostel is a laugh a minute and all who stay here are game for a drink or two. Good job you can BYOB! The huge guest kitchen and dining room is the perfect place to get the beers following before you hit the town. The Safari team will be more than happy to recommend which pubs you hit up and when!

Hostel Derevo | Best Hostels for Digital Nomads in Moscow

Hostel Derevo best hostels in Moscow

Hostel Derevo is the best hostel for digital nomads in Moscow for sure! Not only do they have free and unlimited super-fast WiFi but modern spaces to work in. Derevo is the coolest hostel in Moscow for digital nomads and there is something to be said for feeling more productive when working in an inspiring environment. Derevo is, in fact, a co-working hostel, the whole place has been designed for digital nomads like you. Snap up your spot ASAP, they’re about to get even more popular in the rise of the digital nomads in 2021.

Netizen Hostel

Netizen Hostel best hostels in Moscow

Netizen is an ideal Moscow backpackers hostel for digital nomads, their bar and cafe is a great place to work from. The Netizen team have created an open and welcoming vibe here but there is a calmness and quietness about the place too. Netizen is a super clean hostel and the room service team work around the clock to keep the hostel in immaculate order. As a highly recommended hostel in Moscow Netizen is great for digital nomads looking for a home from home and an office all rolled into one.

Grant’s Hostel | Best Hostel with a Private Room in Moscow

Grant's Hostel best hostels in Moscow

Grant’s Hostel is a top hostel in Moscow if you’re departing by flight as they offer a free airport transfer. So no need to stress about finding a Moscow hostel near the airport. You don’t wanna focus on leaving before you’ve arrived though! You have Grant’s Hostels super spacious dorm rooms and cosy cafe to look forward to; as well as the team’s wonderful hospitality. Grant’s Hostel is a great shout for couples, they have four private double rooms just waiting to be snapped up! Get booking!

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More of the Best Youth Hostels in Moscow

Sputnik hostel.

Sputnik Hostel best hostels in Moscow

Sputnik is the coolest youth hostel in Moscow but also one of the only boutique options available in the city. If you’re more of a flashpacker than a shoestring slumming-it kinda traveller you’ll feel right at home in the modern yet rustic dorms of Sputnik. If you have an eye for design you’ll love Sputniks minimalist style. Flashpackers you’ll be pleased to hear Sputnik’s is on the same street as Prada and all the posh restaurants. Main Moscow attractions like the Kremlin are just a 10-minute walk away.

3 Penguins Hostel

3 Penguins Hostel best hostels in Moscow

3 Penguins is a super cute Moscow backpackers hostel with reasonably priced dorm rooms and a homely feel. 3 Penguins have been impressing their guests time and time again and as such has become a highly recommended hostel in Moscow. There’s a kind of grandeur about the private rooms at the 3 Penguins that couples will surely kind romantic if a bit OTT. The staff are super helpful and will always give you a hand when they can.

Captial Hostel

Captial Hostel best hostels in Moscow

Captial Hostel is a clean and homely Moscow backpackers youth hostel, located in the heart of the city. A far cry from a party hostel, Captial is ideal for travellers who like to stick to business when they’re on the road; for those who like to get a quiet and calm night’s sleep ready to hit up all the city sights in the morning. Captial Hostel has private dorm rooms and is therefore ideal for groups of mates who are travelling together and need a bit of space away from random dorm mates. It’s ok, we all feel like it sometimes!

Blagovest Hostel

Blagovest Hostel best hostels in Moscow

Blagovest is a top hostel in Moscow, especially if you’re travelling with your crew. They have both open and private dorms available. The private dorms can sleep up to five people and is a great way of pooling the costs of travel. Blagovest Hostel comes highly recommended by all who visit, in part due to their great location but mostly because of their lovely staff. It should also be mentioned that Blagovest has dead comfy orthopaedic mattresses on all their beds. You’ll sleep like a baby!

Kremlin Lights

Kremlin Lights best hostels in Moscow

If you’re having a quick turnaround in Moscow and need to hit up all the sights and landmarks super quickly and easily you need to book a bed at Kremlin Lights. They’re located just 190m from the Kremlin, no other Moscow backpackers hostel is closer. Kremlin Lights is a bright and welcoming hostel that is super clean and as we’ve established, perfectly located. By being in the heart of Moscow the surrounding food outlets can be a little pricey so be sure to cook for yourself in the Kremlin Lights kitchen to save some money.

Jedi Hostel

Jedi Hostel best hostels in Moscow

Sci-Fi haters don’t dismiss Jedi Hostel on the name alone. Although there’s a subtle theme Jedi Hostel is a cracking youth hostel in Moscow, regardless of your feelings towards the films! Jedi Hostel is a funky and bright hostel located in the heart of Moscow. From here you can easily access all the tourist hotspots, great bars and some cool restaurants too. Each dorm bed is in capsule style for a little added privacy. Jedi is a super friendly hostel and you’ll defiantly find yourself tempted to extend your stay!

Pants, socks, underwear, soap?! Take it from me, packing for a hostel stay is not always quite as straightforward as it seems. Working out what to bring and what to leave at home is an art I have perfected over many years.


Snoring dorm-mates can ruin your nights rest and seriously damage the hostel experience. This is why I always travel with a pack of decent ear plugs.


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Trust us, this is an absolute game changer. Super compact, a hanging mesh laundry bag stops your dirty clothes from stinking, you don’t know how much you need one of these… so just get it, thank us later.

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Sea To Summit Micro Towel

Hostel towels are scummy and take forever to dry. Microfibre towels dry quickly, are compact, lightweight, and can be used as a blanket or yoga mat if need be.

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Monopoly Deal

Forget about Poker! Monopoly Deal is the single best travel card game that we have ever played. Works with 2-5 players and guarantees happy days.

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Grayl Geopress Water Bottle

Always travel with a water bottle! They save you money and reduce your plastic footprint on our planet. The Grayl Geopress acts as a purifier AND temperature regulator. Boom!

Check out our definitive  Hostel Packing list  for our top packing tips!

Moscow is an unforgettable experience, so be sure to book a hostel that sets yourself up for success. With the help of this guide, you’ll be able to pick a hostel that best suits your travel-style, your your time in Russia can be nothing short of awesome.

And, just in case you can’t pick from one of the best hostels in Moscow – go with Moscow Style. It’s location, price and stellar reviews means you’ll have a great time and can worry about one less thing on your Russia trip.

Here are some questions backpackers ask about hostels in Moscow.

What are the best hostels in Moscow, Russia?

Here you go! Our top 3 of the best hostels in Moscow: Moscow Style Vagabond Hostel Chekhov House

What’s the best party hostel in Moscow?

Fasol Hostel & Bar is the perfect place to get your party on. They don’t go wild there, but it’s a sick laid-back hostel with a nice bar to chug a few drinks.

What’s the cheapest hostel in Moscow?

If you’re looking to save some money down in Moscow, book your stay at one of these hostels: Chekhov House Good News Hostel Jazz House

Where can I book a hostel for Moscow?

Most of our favorite hostels are found through Hostelworld. If you’re looking for an epic place to stay in Moscow, start your search there!

What are the best hostels in Moscow for couples?

FriendHouse is an ideal reasonably-priced hostel for couples in Moscow. It has a monochrome yet cosy lounge of an evening.

What are the best hostels in Moscow near the airport?

If you’re departing by flight, there is no need to stress about finding a Moscow hostel near the airport. Grant’s Hostel, our best hostel with private rooms in Moscow, offers a free airport transfer.

Travel Safety Tips for Moscow

ALWAYS sort out your backpacker insurance before your trip. There’s plenty to choose from in that department, but a good place to start is Safety Wing .

They offer month-to-month payments, no lock-in contracts, and require absolutely no itineraries: that’s the exact kind of insurance long-term travellers and digital nomads need.

college hostel life essay

SafetyWing is cheap, easy, and admin-free: just sign up lickety-split so you can get back to it!

Click the button below to learn more about SafetyWing’s setup or read our insider review for the full tasty scoop.

Hopefully by now you’ve found the perfect hostel for your upcoming trip to Moscow.

Planning an epic trip all across Russia?

Don’t worry – we’ve got you covered!

For more cool hostel guides around Russia, check out:

  • Best hostels in Saint Petersburg
  • Best hostels in Kiev
  • Best hostels in Warsaw
  • Best hostels in Tbilisi
  • Best hostels in Oslo

Over to you

By now I hope our epic guide to the best hostels in Moscow has helped you choose the perfect hostel for your adventure!

If you think we’ve missed anything or have any further thoughts, hit us up in the comments!

  • Check out the best places to stay in Moscow before you arrive.
  • Prepare for your trip with our backpacking packing list .

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Makarov Hostel, Moscow

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Location and Contact

Hostel is located next to the subway, which is especially important for a city like Moscow. It's no news that the subway in the city is the main form of transport in Moscow and this is no exception. Just a five minute walk from the hostel Moscow metro station Tretyakovskaya and Novokuznetskaya station, from which you can quickly reach any part of the city. Transport interchange and proximity to the subway makes the stay in Moscow a convenient, enjoyable and interesting. Thanks to this you can visit many interesting places without spending a lot of money on travel.


Address : Sadovnicheskaya str., 22c2 , Moscow , Russia

Distance to city center: 1.18 km

Makarov Hostel is listed on the following booking sites:

Facilities and amenities.

Family-Friendly Hostel

Solo Traveller

Wi-Fi in Lobby/Commons

Airport Pickup

Bike Rental

Lockers in Lobby

Luggage Storage

24 Hour Security

Air Conditioning

Clothes Dryer

Credit Card Payments

Entirely Non-Smoking

Hair Dryers

Hot Showers

Lounge Area

Movie Library/Rental

Wheelchair Accessible

Curfew: No Curfew

Reception Hours: 24 Hours

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An Ode to the Art of Economic Survival

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The Exit Is the Entrance chronicles a working life spanning some 30 jobs in 25 cities across eight states. Author Lydia Paar went AWOL from the military at age 20 and never stopped moving, an escape artist evading everything but her student debt.

college hostel life essay

In her debut essay collection, Lydia Paar recounts working some thirty jobs in twenty-five cities across eight states and two countries. (Catherine Falls Commercial / Getty Images)

“I’m going to escah-pay.” So begins Lydia Paar’s debut essay collection, The Exit Is the Entrance: Essays on Escape. The book is both a work-travel memoir and a penetrating, often poetic deliberation on what it takes to remain intact in a world designed to shatter you. Packaged as a spiritual-philosophical bildungsroman in essay form, The Exit Is the Entrance is something far more valuable: a sensitive account of economic survival.

Born in Portland, Oregon, Paar spends much of her childhood lower middle class in rural Kentucky. She learns how to “escah-pay” after divorce lands her, her mom, and her little brother in grandma’s attic back in Portland. (“You say it like the word ‘agape,’” she writes, “a childlike mispronunciation.”) Whether from family drama or “social snubbing at school,” escaping comes naturally. Paar’s story hereafter is of life on the run. Paar goes AWOL from the military at twenty and works some thirty jobs in twenty-five cities across eight states and two countries.​ The book spans wildly different social milieus and topographies, from Portland dive bars and Kentucky ditches to Arizona deserts and St Louis funeral homes. The only thing she can’t quite escape is her student debt — over $150,000 for a college degree that never seems to pay off.

Class memoirs often render their observations about the world in terms of the individual’s triumph over adversity. For these memoirists, social conditions are a backdrop for the hero’s journey, and usually nothing a great deal of grit can’t overcome. In contrast, Paar’s work is highly alert to the world’s injustices. She doesn’t surmount adverse social conditions so much as maneuver around them — usually away from them, though they tend to catch up with her again.

In “Formula,” an essay on religious faith and the spiritual toll of labor, Paar surveys the array of possible beginnings to life as a worker. Some start out “blue-collar trudging for blue plate specials,” she writes, while others “interned en route to rising in rank.” Still others, like Paar, enlist in the military, naively seeing it as an “easy” solution to the cost of higher ed.

Paar is swiftly disabused of that notion in “The Cockroach Prayer,” one of the longest essays in the collection and among its most powerful. Eight weeks into “the grim monotony of basic training” at Fort Jackson, she describes a sudden “snag in my pelvis pulling insistently down, like part of me might clatter out, right there, onto the ground.” Made to run five miles with what she later learns are “two fractured ribs, a fractured pelvis, and a fractured femur,” the narrator winds up in the Army hospital three weeks prior to the start of her fall semester. There she plots her desertion, reflecting, “I’m built, after all, not to kill, but to flee.”

Many memoirists would have plumbed this trauma for all it was worth, recycling its heft across the book for emotional impact. But absent from Paar’s writing is the unspoken entitlement and indignation somewhat common among people with some advantages — in her case being white and a few childhood brushes with the middle class — whose lives turned out much harder than they expected.

Among recent nonfiction books on class mobility and higher ed, Stephanie Land’s Class is the most obvious comparison. But while Land’s memoir maintains a more conventional focus on individual trauma, The Exit Is the Entrance has a roving eye. Paar astutely notices that she’s not alone. On her travels she meets a man Greyhounding home from prison, an Apache helicopter pilot, a close friend with severe bipolar disorder — and nobody’s trauma is uniquely unfair, least of all hers. Instead, the stories of hardship ebb and flow like the beats she learns to mix as an amateur DJ.

As for her own tumult, nowhere does she suggest that her many jobs — from Subway “sandwich artist” to Blockbuster video clerk to dishwasher to medical office administrator to AI-bot trainer to singing-bowl seller to adjunct college instructor — are not good enough for her in particular, or that she, by dint of effort and intelligence, is too good to fulfill their duties. “Although I hadn’t thought I’d grow up to be a housecleaner,” she writes off her time tidying a backpackers’ hostel, “I found I relished the work, especially its quiet, meditative moments . . . stripping sheets, washing dishes, dusting, turning lights on or dimming them for mood, scrubbing toilets, or, my favorite, watering plants.”

Paar is not surprised by life’s sharp edges. For her, losing loved ones to guns, drugs, suicide, and mental illness is so tragic in part because it’s so mundane. Nevertheless, she refuses to be bored by the world. On the contrary, each new environment is worthy of meticulous, often awed description: the “secret sandstone bluffs” of Pacific City, the “wild synesthesia” and “muted thuds” of the Flagstaff EDM scene, and the “dark, coniferous, spiked shadows” of a bungalow-lined neighborhood in Portland. Paar knows how easy it is for people to vanish from the planet, and she loves the planet and its people harder for that fact.

Refreshingly, romantic prospects don’t dominate Paar’s narrative so much as punctuate it like commas in a long, sinuous sentence. Men come and go, and eventually she marries one without much fanfare. “Tim’s on his way home from a music tour,” she squeezes into a short section of an essay dedicated to recounting the decline of an indigent friend, “then we’re doing something unconventionally conventional: getting hitched.” In the essay “Murder City,” Paar and her husband move to St Louis. She spends less time reflecting on the new marriage than on the fact that, in St Louis, “swaths of burned-out, blighted houses exist mere blocks from the city’s stateliest mansion, whose owners spend more on lawn care than their neighbors live on annually.”

The sheer volume and variety of jobs Paar takes on is a testament to the thin line separating “blue-collar” from “white-collar” when a college degree doesn’t count for as much, when the cost of living climbs steeper than annual salaries. In St Louis, she appears poised to make her final escape as she pursues a coveted MFA at a tony program. In time, though, it becomes clear that no amount of cultural capital will guarantee financial solvency. “After rent and utilities are paid, the student loan bills land in the mailbox at our pretty brick home in the tough neighborhood and my heart sinks,” she laments. “It grows weary of skirting failure, grows thin like a filament, or paper fragments prone to scatter.” After twenty-five years of hustle and multiple degrees, middle-class status is as far away as the backyard stars of childhood.

Paar’s work has what many other class memoirs lack: a kind of gentle fatalism about the potential for individual transcendence of social structures. At the same time, she doesn’t suggest that every aspect of our lives is constrained by circumstance — only the broadest contours. Within those contours is a kind of freedom of movement, made possible by the art of “escah-pay.”

The epilogue of The Exit Is the Entrance is set at a county jail where Paar leads a writing workshop. “We agreed how it’s possible to write the endings of our stories far away from where they started,” she reflects, “characters baby-stepping toward better.”


Where Kamala Harris Stands on the Issues: Abortion, Immigration and More

She wants to protect the right to abortion nationally. Here’s what else to know about her positions.

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college hostel life essay

By Maggie Astor

  • Published July 21, 2024 Updated Aug. 24, 2024

With Vice President Kamala Harris having replaced President Biden on the Democratic ticket, her stances on key issues will be scrutinized by both parties and the nation’s voters.

She has a long record in politics: as district attorney of San Francisco, as attorney general of California, as a senator, as a presidential candidate and as vice president.

Here is an overview of where she stands.

Ms. Harris supports legislation that would protect the right to abortion nationally, as Roe v. Wade did before it was overturned in 2022, in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization.

After the Dobbs ruling, she became central to the Biden campaign’s efforts to keep the spotlight on abortion, given that Mr. Biden — with his personal discomfort with abortion and his support for restrictions earlier in his career — was a flawed messenger. In March, she made what was believed to be the first official visit to an abortion clinic by a president or vice president.

She consistently supported abortion rights during her time in the Senate, including cosponsoring legislation that would have banned common state-level restrictions, like requiring doctors to perform specific tests or have hospital admitting privileges in order to provide abortions.

As a presidential candidate in 2019, she argued that states with a history of restricting abortion rights in violation of Roe should be subject to what is known as pre-clearance for new abortion laws — those laws would have to be federally approved before they could take effect. That proposal is not viable now that the Supreme Court has overturned Roe.

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  1. Essay On Life In A Hostel

    Given below are two essays in English for students and children about the topic of 'Life In A Hostel' in both long and short form. The first essay is a long essay on the Life In A Hostel of 400-500 words. This long essay about Life In A Hostel is suitable for students of class 7, 8, 9 and 10, and also for competitive exam aspirants.

  2. Long and Short (Essay on Hostel Life), Advantages and Disadvantages

    Essay on Hostel Life vs. Home Life - Essay 4 (500 words) Introduction. There is a big difference between the hostel life and home life. Both these have their set of pros and cons. Every student must experience the hostel life to know the perks it offers as well as the difficulties one has to face living in the hostel. Hostel Life vs. Home Life

  3. Essay on Advantages and Disadvantages of Hostel Life

    Long Essay on Advantages and Disadvantages of Hostel Life 500 Words in English. Long Essay on Advantages and Disadvantages of Hostel Life is usually given to classes 7, 8, 9, and 10. A hostel is a place where comfortable stay, healthy and safe accommodation is provided for the students of a school or college studying outside their hometown.

  4. Hostel Life

    A hostel is a place where usually students live and which is supervised by an administration and living in those hostels is called the hostel life. Hostels are aimed at providing budget-oriented, sociable accommodation for students. In a hostel, usually a bunk bed, in a dormitory and share a bathroom, lounge and a kitchen or a mess are provided.

  5. Essay On Life In A College Hostel

    An Essay on Life in A College Hostel For one who has spent most of his life at home under a mother's loving care and a father's watchful guidance, the first day in a college hostel is likely to be frightening. Surrounded by new faces, and thrown completely on one's own resources, it takes time to get accustomed to the new environment and ...

  6. Speech on Advantages and Disadvantages of Hostel Life

    This gives students a sense of responsibility, independence, and self-care. Hostel life teaches you a lot of good things such as teamwork, a helping mindset, a sense of unity and sacrifice, etc. There are lots of advantages to hostel life. When there are a lot of advantages, there must be disadvantages too.

  7. Essay On Hostel Life

    Set 1: Essay On Hostel Life. Education is to prepare students in such a way that when they step out of their limited society into the real world they should be able to face life's challenges and shoulder responsibilities. Hostels are a small world which teach us how to cooperate and develop the qualities of sportsmanship. In hostels, students ...

  8. Life In College Hostel

    Curfew Life In College Hostel. We've found 7 essay examples on Life In College Hostel. Prev. 1 of 1. Next. Explore our free top-notch 'Life In College Hostel' essay examples for insights and inspiration. Craft your own paper with our comprehensive database.

  9. Essay on "Hostel Life" for School, College Students, Long and Short

    Hostel Life. Essay No. 01. Hostel life is a free and sacred life. It is very conducive to living. The atmosphere is quite congenial for studies and suitable for the qualities of domestic life like co-operation, fellow-feeling and self-managing affairs. If a student takes it seriously, he can develop all qualities of a good citizen.

  10. Transitioning from Home to Hostel: A Necessity for College Students

    3. Following hostel rules and timings is a must. Any violation can result in strict action being taken by the wardens. 4. Students are not allowed to leave the hostel after a certain time, and this is to be followed very strictly. 5. Keeping in touch with your parents will ensure that you don't feel homesick. 6.

  11. (PDF) Exploring the Impact of Hostel Life of Students on Academic

    Exploring the Impact of Hostel Life of Students on Academic Performance: Sohar University -a case study May 2020 International Journal of Research in Entrepreneurship and Business Studies 1(1):1-14

  12. Life in a College Hostel Essay With Outline and Quotations

    Life in a College Hostel Essay for Matric,F.A, FSC, 2nd Year, BA and BSC Introduction: A college hostel is a place where students who attend a specific institute live together, away from their homes. It serves as shared accommodation for students from different parts of the world. Apart from providing a place to stay, hostels also take care of ...

  13. Advantages and Disadvantages of Hostel Life Essay

    Essay on Hostel Life vs. Home Life - Essay 4 (500 words) Introduction. There is a big difference between the hostel life and home life. Both these have their set of pros and cons. Every student must experience the hostel life to know the perks it offers as well as the difficulties one has to face living in the hostel. Hostel Life vs. Home Life

  14. 150 Word Essay on Hostel life

    Essay on Hostel life. Essay on. Hostel life. Hostel life has many advantages. A large number of students come from villages, towns, and cities and they stay in a hostel. Students stay in hostels and they study also. The students in the hostels are looked after by the warden. They do not have any worries. The senior students provide help to the ...

  15. Essay on "Hostel life of a student" Complete Essay ...

    Hostel life of a student. 6 Best Essay on "Hostel Life" Essay No. 01 Synopsis: - Hostel is a place where food and lodging are provided for students or certain groups of workers or tourists. Generally, a student stays in a hostel when his residence is located far from the educational institution food in a hostel is served in the mess.

  16. Essay on "Hostel Life" for School, College Students, Paragraph for

    Hostel Life . The hostel life makes a confident young man or woman out of a child. A young person comes into his or her own in the hostel away from the dominating presence of the parents and elders. A student in hostel gets a chance to evolve into an independent character. For this no place is more conducive than the hostel.

  17. Essay on Life in a College Hostel

    Essay on Hostel Life for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation. Every college has a hostel where students from outside of city live. It is like a home from them. Hostel life is the most pleasurable period of a student's life. It is a world in itself. It has its deep impressions memories rise which remain alive till the last moment of man's life.

  18. Hostel Life

    bjklk/,m., ,mbjkjl/mlk,n,mmnbhgfhj,n,m nmvchgjk.j/l.,nbnv bnvgyhgh.j,,ji.

  19. Hostel Life

    Hostel Life - Complete English Essay with Outlines & Quotes. "The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched. They must be feit with the heart." _ Helen Keller. Hostel is an integral part of every college. Life in a college hostel is fuli of pleasures and amusements.

  20. College essays matter. Here's how to write one that stands out

    The options are limitless. Students can write about life occurrences that impacted them: an illness, a learning disability, a relocation. They can use a sport, club, organization, or volunteer ...

  21. Campus Life

    Telephone number: +7 (495) 609-14-00. Student dormitory of the Moscow State Veterinary Academy of Medicine and Biotechnology named after K.I. Scriabin. Adress of the dormitory: Moscow, Taskentskaya st, 34 building 1; Akademika Scriabina st, 25/1, building 4. Metro station «Kuzminki».

  22. TOP Hostels in Moscow 2024

    Find the cheapest Hostels in Moscow for Solo-Traveler and Backpacker. Compare Prices from different Websites for hostels in Moscow, Russia. (Save up to 23%) Price Comparison ... We welcome a healthy way of life: the use of strong spirits is forbidden! Separate smoking area. Silent night 23:00-07:00. Visa support, travel documents, transfers to ...

  23. 20 BEST Hostels in Moscow (2024 Insider Guide)

    Tours & Travel Desk. Comrade Hostel is the joint best hostel in Moscow in 2021. Comrade Hostel is a highly recommended hostel in Moscow so if you wanna stay here you've gotta book your bed ASAP, especially if you and your travel buddies wanna stay in the same dorm room. Comrade Hostel is in Moscow's old town known locally as Kitai-Gorod.

  24. Makarov Hostel, Moscow

    Makarov Hostel is the closest we've seen to a real hostel in town so far, and it looked very promising before we arrived. The location is great and the rooms are fancy, but their customer service needs a lot of work if they hope to provide a nice, carefree experience for guests. The location is fantastic -- the hostel is located right by the ...

  25. An Ode to the Art of Economic Survival

    Review of The Exit Is the Entrance: Essays on Escape by Lydia Paar (University of Georgia Press, 2024) "I'm going to escah-pay." So begins Lydia Paar's debut essay collection, The Exit Is the Entrance: Essays on Escape. The book is both a work-travel memoir and a penetrating, often poetic deliberation on what it takes to remain intact in a world designed to shatter you.

  26. Where Kamala Harris Stands on the Issues: Abortion, Immigration and

    With Vice President Kamala Harris having replaced President Biden on the Democratic ticket, her stances on key issues will be scrutinized by both parties and the nation's voters.. She has a long ...