Canadian Accountant

How to get ready for Capstone 1 in the CPA Professional Education Program

capstone 1 presentation questions

Capstone 1 is all about teamwork, communication and collaboration, says CPA PEP coach and mentor Gevorg Grigoryan, CPA, who presents his study tips and hacks

 to learn more and subscribe to Gevorg’s to access CPA program videos.

ARE you a student in the CPA Professional Education Program? Already on your way to becoming a chartered professional accountant?

Once you pass the CPA PEP core and elective modules, you’ll be faced with the next obstacle: Capstone 1. This module can be confusing in terms of format, examination style, and group dynamics, because it’s unlike all prior modules.

In this article, I’ll break down the Capstone 1 format, its assessment, how it’s linked with Common Final Examination (CFE), and my study tips to help you pass.

What’s Capstone 1? The Capstone 1 module is designed to teach you soft skills, which are called "Enabling Competencies" in CPA Canada’s The CPA Competency Map . Examples of Enabling Competencies include teamwork, oral communication and collaboration.

The entire Capstone 1 module is about working in a team setting. You will be put in a team with four to five randomly chosen candidates and you’ll be working together on one large case study, typically 55-65 pages long. This case is the same for everyone taking your Capstone 1 module that semester. You can find the name of your Capstone 1 case on CPA Canada’s website .

How to pass Capstone 1 Capstone 1 has no written exams. To pass it, you have to successfully complete a written report and a 30-minute oral presentation, both in a team setting. The written report is divided into several parts, with feedback provided by your facilitator after each section. Your presentation is made to a panel of volunteer CPAs who will assess your presentation skills, how you answer questions, your understanding of the strategic issues, and teamwork effectiveness.

I’ve been a Capstone 1 lead panelist many times and the biggest challenge I’ve seen candidates face is effective teamwork. You must communicate with your team and make sure everyone presents equally and participates in answering questions, otherwise your team may fail. Having said this, in years of coaching CPA Canada candidates on Capstone 1 and the Common Final Examination, I have not seen anyone fail Capstone 1. Though it’s technically possible, the chances are low, so your strategy with Capstone 1 is to complete your assigned sections quickly and effectively, and use your extra time to prepare for the CFE, which is the real challenge.

Capstone 1 to CFE Day 1

The CFE Day 1 case is based on the Capstone 1 case: it’s the same company some years into the future. CFE Day 1 will start with an update on strategic issues from Capstone 1, industry changes, new financing information, big picture issues, new strategic options and operating issues. Both Capstone 1 and CFE Day 1 need to be answered using the “CPA Way” format, including qualitative and quantitative analysis of all options.

CPA Canada offers two versions of the Day 1 case in the CFE to allow experienced writers to re-attempt the same case without the need to re-learn a new case. If you’re a first-time CFE writer, you don’t have a choice of which version of the Day 1 case to write, you must write your Capstone 1 case version. However, if you were previously unsuccessful on the CFE, you can choose from either of the available versions. I recommend the first version because it helps you with future proofing: if you are unsuccessful yet again, you can write the same case on your third try, without the need to learn a new case, while version two cases expire.

Additionally, experienced CFE writers frequently ask me whether they need to re-take Capstone 1 before the next CFE attempt. I don’t recommend this. Capstone 1 is meant to teach you teamwork and presentation skills, it does little to prepare you CFE Day 1.

Similarly, if you’re an international trained accountant under Memorandum of Understanding, such as Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI) and Chartered Institute of Management Accountants (CIMA), you have the option to take Capstone 1 or to skip it. I suggest skipping it. Both experienced writers and international candidates should download the Capstone 1 case from CPA Canada’s website and study independently, or with a help of a CPA tutor, as this approach is more efficient and focused on the key areas needed for success.

Capstone 1 study tips

Let’s look at Capstone 1 strategies. Here are my top tips to help you pass Capstone 1:

  • Review the submission guidelines: There are many intricacies in the Capstone 1 written report submissions. For example, you must use 12-point Arial font in Word and “fit to page” function in Word is not permitted. Make sure to review the Capstone 1 Candidate Guide, which you’ll receive at the start of the module, to understand these strict requirements.
  • Practise your part: To successfully pass the oral presentation component, you must present using PowerPoint slides and answer questions from the panel. Scripts and cue cards are not allowed, so I suggest that you rehearse your part several time so that you’re comfortable with the material and can present confidently without prompts.
  • Outline the case: The Capstone 1 case is divided into several sections: company information, industry background, the management team, banking information, board dialogue and appendices. Read all these sections in detail and create an outline to organize your thoughts and find key points.
  • Note the page numbers: The Capstone 1 case has lots of detail, but not all of it is relevant for CFE Day 1. The most important sections for CFE Day 1 are users, company information, and banking information. For example, the company’s key success factors, mission, vision, and values need to be addressed in CFE Day 1, and the company’s interest rate may be needed in CFE Day 1 to solve the quantitative analysis. A good study hack here is to highlight and memorize what page number this information is located on so that you can quickly look up during CFE Day 1.
  • Divide and conquer : Don’t be a perfectionist and try to complete the entire Capstone 1 written report yourself. Leverage your team strengths and divide the tasks into equal chunks. For example, if someone in your team is strong with finance, assign them the complex finance calculations. Your goal is to moderate your time and start preparing for the CFE, which is your main obstacle.

Candidates I have coach ed in the current and previous Capstone 1 modules have said they enjoyed the module and learned a great deal. Though it has no written exams, the Capstone 1 module provides an opportunity to learn and apply professional business writing skills, oral communication and collaboration skills, which are all necessary to become a successful Canadian CPA. You should approach both the Capstone 1 module and the Day 1 of the CFE with a strong understanding of the CFE structure and a solid study plan.

Gevorg Grigoryan, CPA, is an instructor, mentor and coach to students in the CPA program. Visit  Gevorg CPA  to learn more and subscribe to Gevorg’s  YouTube channel  to access CPA program videos.

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Gevorg, CPA


CPA Canada Capstone 1 Study Guide

If you’re preparing for Capstone 1, you’ve successfully completed all your module exams and are one step closer to writing and completing the CFE. This article will help prepare you for what to expect as you enter the 8-week course that is Capstone 1.

What is Capstone 1?

Capstone 1 focuses on teamwork . You’ll be placed in a team made of 4 to 5 students. You’ll work together to solve issues in one big case (50-60 pages long case).

To pass, your team must complete a written report and oral presentation . 

  • Written report is completed in several parts and you’ll get feedback from your facilitator after each part. You’ll write in Word and Excel.
  • Presentation is made to volunteer CPAs acting as a panel. The presentation is about 30 minutes, followed by Q&A of 15 minutes.

The main challenge of Capstone 1 is teamwork . I find that many students are put into teams where there is no synergy and one person does more work that the other. It’s important that you speak up and ensure everyone is performing their fair share. Don’t take more work than you have to, your target in Capstone 1 is to have free time to prepare for CFE.

The Capstone 1 case repeats in CFE Day 1. The users, background, and parts of the situational analysis remain the same, while the strategic and operational issues will change.

Your Role During Capstone 1

You and your team will solve strategic and operational issues in the case. There are usually 4 strategic and 5-10 operational issues. T he quants will be difficult and require a lot of detailed analysis. I suggest assigning a team member with Finance background to the quants parts. 

You can assign each member 1 strategic issue and divide the remaining work equally. You can assign situational analysis to one member, all quants to another member, and divide equally the remainder. One way or another, you should discuss as a team and assign equal amount of work so that everyone contributes fairly.

During the presentations, your role will be to present the part you worked on to the panel of CPAs.

Scheduling will be difficult within your team as everyone may have different busy times and availability. This will require you to be flexible. During the first week, your team will make a Team Schedule. I suggest using this as the main scheduling tool as it will help you stay organized and plan the meetings.

You can pass/fail Capstone 1 as a team or individual. Refer to the diagrams below for the passing schemes:

Team passing profile

capstone 1 presentation questions

Individual passing profile

Outline of Capstone 1

Capstone 1 begins with a module workshop where attendance is required. You’re expected to complete the module workshop pre-work and I highly recommend that you read over the entire case.

In the first week, you’ll complete planning documents (team agreement, project plan, and a project schedule). In the next weeks, you’ll work on situational analysis, strategic and operational issues, with the final report being submitted at the end.

At the end of Capstone 1, you’ll make a presentation. You will use presentation software, such as PowerPoint or Google slides, and presentations must not exceed 30 minutes . The presentation won’t contain the same amount of detail as the written report.

Important dates

Throughout Capstone 1, you will have two live 30-minute chat calls with the facilitator to address any questions and raise any concerns.

Weekly submissions are due Friday and revisions are due on Mondays. I recommend scheduling team reviews prior to Friday in the case of problems and be sure to designate some time in your schedule for revisions to be safe.

Success tips for Capstone 1

Here are some helpful tips for the written report :

  • Schedule and plan ahead: Knowing which weeks will be more challenging will help you plan around these tough times.
  • Review the submission guidelines as a team: Review guidelines, like word count, so that there are no errors. It’s easy to make small mistakes as an individual, so review them as a team to ensure your report is 100% accurate.
  • Leverage team strengths: If someone is skilled in one area, let them complete that part. For example, someone working in tax can provide more depth on tax implications.
  • Understand the entire report: This will be a huge benefit when you reach the CFE Day 1 stage. During CFE Day 1, you’ll be dealing with the same case, so knowing the report inside-out will help you pass Day 1.
  • Take advantage of chats: Be prepared, ask lots of questions and ask for feedback.

Here are helpful tips for the presentation :

  • Prepare as a team: Practice together to master the speaker handoffs and overall flow of the presentation.
  • Practice your part: No scripts or que cards will be allowed, so practice as much as needed so that you’ve memorized your part.
  • Be high level : Make your presentation like a business proposal, with less detail and more high level.
  • Have backup slides : Show details in backup slides at the end of the deck, in case you are asked by someone regarding this at the end of the presentation.
  • Practice Q&As : All team members will be required to answer at least one question to pass. You should develop an approach as a team to who will answer as well as anticipating which questions will be asked.
  • Dress for success: You should dress in professional business attire.

Conclusion and extra resources

Don’t stress over Capstone 1. While it does require active effort, Capstone 1 has 99%+ pass rate from my coaching experience. You should be using your free time during Capstone 1 to study for the CFE, which is your ultimate challenge .

Extra study resources for CFE are available in CFE Review course .

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Present with Confidence – Capstone 1

capstone 1 presentation questions

(Posted June 2023)

The PEP Capstone 1 module is nearing its end and the time between submitting your final report and preparing your presentation can feel short. Plan ahead to use this time effectively. You do not want to spend all your time designing your presentation and have no time to practice presenting.

Some tips to make your final presentation a success:

  • Set the theme. Download a free Microsoft Office or Google Slide template with themed colours, professional clipart, and smart art and set your team’s font and size before preparing the slides. Creating a cohesive look contributes to professionalism and setting these formatting rules early will avoid time-consuming edits later.
  • Prepare your backup slides. Your presentation should be digestible. Avoid large tables of numbers that are difficult to read and interpret. That said, the extra details may be helpful to support your discussion in the question-and-answer period. Create back-up slides at the end of your presentation and only present them as needed. You can also set up hyperlinks in your presentation to your completed report, supporting calculations or other relevant support. This will allow you to quickly open the relevant backup to support your responses during the question-and-answer period.
  • Practice, practice, practice! Practice alone in front of a mirror, and in front of a friend or family member. Before you practice, ask them to give you constructive feedback. Let them know whether negative comments will increase your stress and to give corrective feedback constructively. Set a time to gather as a group and practice in person. This is important for planning smooth transitions and feeling confident as a team.
  • Prepare to support your team members. Share your notes and presentation outline with one other member of your group. If anything happens, you can support each other as needed. This should not be necessary, but it is wise to be prepared.
  • Get into your role. The Capstone 1 presentation is a simulation, with a mock board of directors reviewing you. Stay in the role given to you in the Capstone 1 case. Get into character and act the part. This is your client. You want to help them and you want to impress them.
  • Present with your hands. Research suggests that presenters are viewed as more effective and knowledgeable when they make hand gestures as compared to speakers who keep their hands still. Avoid keeping your hands in your pockets or your arms crossed. Practice comfortably speaking with your hands to help emphasize points as you speak. Make sure your hand movements are controlled so you do not look like you are taking off in flight!
  • Manage your stress. Are you an individual who dreads presentations? Are public speaking and presentation not your forte and even less so when you are being marked? You are not alone! Many candidates are feeling the same way. It is important to manage that stress before you present. As you are waiting, stay standing, take slow deep breaths and remind yourself that you practiced and are well prepared.

Capstone 1 has a high pass rate and most groups that follow the instructions from CPA Canada are successful. So, while the tips above may not be the difference between passing and failing the Capstone 1 module, it can be the difference between experiencing a lot of stress in the days leading up to your final presentation or feeling confident and being prepared as a team.

For those of you registered in our CFE Prep course , take advantage of the Capstone 1 Best Practices and Presentation Skills session in the Other Resources section of your course.

capstone 1 presentation questions

CPA Capstone 1 – What To Expect At The Module Workshop

My Capstone 1 module workshop just wrapped up few hours ago. If you follow me on Instagram, you probably know that I debated writing a post on this right away. It was a struggle to stay productive after as the 2-day weekend workshop was live with multiple activities (including a short presentation with your group). Most of us worked all week (right after month-end for me) so to add on another 2 full days of “work” meant we were more tired than usual.

Read all of my CPA CFE posts here

What Are You Supposed to Do Before the Capstone 1 Workshop

Read the capstone 1 case & submit your pre-work.

I can’t stress this enough but for the sake of everyone’s weekend, please read the Capstone 1 case at least once. Personally, I skipped and skimmed several sections as the 59-page case on waste disposal was probably one of the driest materials I have read. However, I was confident that I had a high-level understanding of what was going on in the case. I was also lucky enough to be able to discuss with several of my friends who I went to college with as we are taking Capstone 1 together. During my reading, I paid attention to the strategic and operational issues as requested (as it formed the pre-work you had to submit on D2L).

RELATED POST – CPA Capstone 1 – Tips on How to Do Well

You see, the pre-work itself was not going to make or break your module workshop grade. It was also evident by how quickly it was marked without feedback that it was more for participation marks. However, I stressed the importance of reading the Capstone 1 case at least once because you don’t want to be THAT person in the group. The person who did not read it and as a result, not able to contribute meaningfully. I was lucky that all of my group members, including myself, have read the case. We were able to check off half of the work required for Week 1 submission (the Friday following the workshop weekend). By the time we enrolled in Capstone 1, we would have completed 4 PEP modules and be only a few months away from CFE. You don’t want to neglect your responsibilities.

Review the Module Pre-Work Checklist

I am going to admit that I did not do everything on the module pre-work checklist. Aside from the case reading and issues identification, the remaining tasks were either quick (e.g., have a copy of your DiSC profile), repeated (e.g., watch The CPA Way video ) or non-mission critical (e.g., read the 30+ pages Candidate Guide Addendum). My suggestion is to pick and choose the tasks you can complete prior to the workshop depending on your workload and schedule. If you can’t complete all of them in time, you can always come back to the checklist and tackle them slowly instead.

(Virtual Workshop) Sign the Candidate Agreement

Since my workshop was online via Zoom, I had to sign the candidate agreement electronically. I received the email with the 6-page document to read before I sign the agreement exactly a week before the workshop. If you are also taking the Capstone 1 workshop online, make sure you watch out for an email from CPA about one week before the workshop.

What Happens on Day 1 of the Capstone 1 Workshop

Capstone 1 overview & team work, preparation for group presentation on day 2.

After lunch, the facilitator did a presentation on effective team presentation strategies. This was followed by our last group activity of the day which was to prepare for the 10-minute (2-minute each) group presentation the next morning. We were given an actual Capstone 1 report from previous years and asked to present on that. It felt weird at first as we all had no idea what we were talking about. However, as I will discuss in the later section, it went better than expected for all groups at my workshop.

How My Capstone 1 Group Prepared for the Group Presentation

We understood the importance of balancing the quality of the presentation and also avoiding over-preparation. Since we all had a long day after a workweek, we accomplished the following during the time we were given at the workshop without meeting up after:

What I found beneficial at this stage (and definitely so throughout Capstone 1) was to be aware of the team’s strengths and weaknesses as early as you can. We have previously discussed our DiSC profiles already (an activity before lunch) and have already noticed some of us were perfectionists and some tended to go too fast-paced (I am guilty as charged). Being aware of the different styles helped set the team’s expectations.

What Happens on Day 2 of the Capstone 1 Workshop

Group presentations.

We spent the entire morning on group presentations. Even though there were only 3 groups whose presentations were supposed to be 10-minute long, various issues have caused all of them to be longer than 10 minutes. On top of that, the other two groups were expected to ask questions and provide feedback after every group’s presentation. The facilitator was also responsible for giving constructive feedback on the presentations.

Group Work Time for Week 1 Submission

My friend’s group was able to get all of week 1’s submissions done during the workshop while everyone (except for my friend) did not even read the case in my other friend’s group. It really depends on how your team dynamic is. However, do not be afraid of setting up expectations if you are worried. We are all professionals here and should be expected to act accordingly. After all, your group can pass without you passing.

What Happens Immediately After the Capstone 1 Workshop (Week 1 of Capstone)

My capstone 1 goals.

RELATED POST – CPA CFE 2021 Study Plan – 5 Months Before CFE

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CPA Professional Education Program: Capstone modules

To fulfill the requirements of the CPA PEP, you must complete six modules—two core modules, two elective modules and two capstone modules. The capstone modules are culminating courses in which you demonstrate what you have learned over the course of the CPA PEP. Both modules are common to all CPA PEP candidates and are taken after successful completion of the core and elective modules.


The Candidate Guide offers valuable information about the program, including an overview of the modules, candidate responsibilities, policies and computer requirements.

The capstone integrative module (Capstone 1) combines individual and group work, supported by written assignments and oral presentations. The use of teamwork enables candidates who chose different electives to experience working together to achieve a complete analysis. The written and oral components further develop the technical and enabling competencies gained in the preceding modules.

The capstone examination preparatory module (Capstone 2) has no module-specific examination since it immediately precedes the national Common Final Examination (CFE).

Capstone 1 cases

The Amuzu Parks Inc. case  was used in the May 2024 offering of the Capstone 1 module. A sample report , including appendices , is also available.

The Neptune Point Fisheries Inc. case  was used in the January 2024 offering of the Capstone 1 module. A sample report , including appendices , is also available.

The J.R. Pets Inc. case was used in the May 2023 offering of the Capstone 1 module. A sample report , including appendices , is also available.

The Kingsdale Tea Inc. case  was used in the January 2023 offering of the Capstone 1 module. A sample report , including appendices , is also available. 

Note : The sample report is not a solution and represents a single team's work. Case names for the 2025 offerings of Capstone 1 will be made available in late October 2024.

2024 CFE cases

The following Day 1 cases will be offered* for the May 2024 CFE:

  • Neptune Point Fisheries Inc. (version 1) – introduced in the January 2024 Capstone 1 module
  • Kingsdale Tea Inc. (version 2) – introduced in the January 2023 Capstone 1 module

The following Day 1 cases will be offered* for the September 2024 CFE:

  • Amuzu Parks Inc. (version 1) – introduced in the May 2024 Capstone 1 module
  • J.R. Pets Inc. (version 2) – introduced in the May 2023 Capstone 1 module 

*First-time writers must choose the case that was linked to the Capstone 1 module they completed, provided that case is available. Candidates who were previously unsuccessful on the CFE and candidates who are challenging the CFE, such as international candidates, can choose from either of the available cases offered for that sitting.

The graphic below shows the current Capstone 1 cases and when each version of that case will be offered on that CFE.

Graphic summarizing the timing of each case offering.

Capstone 2 cases

Additional practice cases are available for candidates enrolled in Capstone 2. For examples of CFE cases, please refer to the CFE Board of Examiners’ reports .

For the complete list of cases, refer to the Capstone 2 cases list . 

Dates for national capstone module offerings

The CPA PEP and CFE calendar provides the key dates for all CPA PEP modules as well as the Common Final Examination (CFE). Please contact your provincial/regional CPA body  to see if these offerings are available in your area.

The Capstone 2 Module Calendar includes dates for mock examinations, practice cases and practice case feedback:

  • April 2024 Capstone 2 calendar
  • July 2024 Capstone 2 calendar

How to Create and Deliver a Successful Capstone Presentation

How to Create and Deliver a Successful Capstone Presentation

Congratulations! You’re almost at the end of your academic journey, and the final hurdle standing between you and your degree is the capstone presentation. But this isn’t just another assignment. Think of it as a unique opportunity to showcase everything you’ve learned, to demonstrate your skills, and to leave a lasting impression on your professors and peers.

However, the thought of standing in front of an audience, summarizing months of hard work, can be daunting.

Delivering a successful capstone presentation is within your grasp, and with the right preparation and approach, you can make this experience not only manageable but also rewarding.

In this article, I will walk you through the essential steps to craft and deliver a compelling capstone presentation.

Who Will You Be Presenting To?

Before you begin, you must know who your audience is going to be. This usually helps you tailor your presentation content better for your audience. But in this particular case, with capstone presentations, it can help you visualize your presentation and build confidence.

Your audience will consist of faculty members and academic advisors whose job will be to evaluate the project. You will also see fellow classmates who are there to present their capstone projects. In some cases, you can expect to see professionals from relevant fields who may be invited to assess the presentation.

Capstone Presentation Best Practices

Ensure a good mix of text and graphics.

Do not create walls of text for your capstone presentation. Add relevant high-quality images and graphics wherever possible. Try to have as little words as possible on your slides in general.

White Space

Use white space in your slides to ensure you have clean and simple slides. Read more about using white space in your presentations by checking out this article .

1 Slide Per Minute

Try to linger on a slide just for a minute during your presentation. This means that if you have 10 minutes for your capstone presentation, you only need around 10 slides. Do not create way too many slides as it will leave a bad impression and can potentially waste people’s time.


Use good fonts, and make sure your font size is big enough for everyone to read. Readability is top priority. Also ensure that there is sufficient color contrast between the background of your slide and text on top of it.

Only Key Points Please

Add only key points on your slides. As I mentioned above, you need to reduce the amount of text you add to your slides. Only add what is important, and nothing else. Chances are, if you use a sufficiently large font size, you will not even have much space on your slides for too much text.

Do Not Read Your Slides Aloud

You are not supposed to read aloud from your slides during your presentations. Your slides are there to complement your presentation, and should only have little text, and supporting graphics. Do not read aloud from your slides.

Key Elements of a Capstone Presentation

You can include the following slides in your capstone presentations. These are not hard rules to follow but just for your reference!

Introduction: Include a brief overview of the project. Explain the project’s significance and objectives.

Background and Context: Add some contextual information related to the project’s topic.You can include literature review or theoretical framework.

Methodology: Include a detailed explanation of the methods and processes used to complete the project. You can description of any research, experiments, or practical applications involved.

Findings/Results: In this section you can present the data or outcomes derived from the project. Use of charts, graphs, and other visual aids to illustrate findings is recommended.

Discussion: Include analysis and interpretation of the results. Discussion of the implications and relevance of the findings can be added.

Conclusion: Provide a summary of the project’s key points and contributions. Also include reflection on the project’s impact and potential future directions.

Recommendations: Add suggestions for future research or practical applications and proposals for improvements or further study.

Q&A Session: This is the opportunity for the audience to ask questions and engage with the presenter.

Speaking of QnA sessions, here’s how you can prepare for your capstone presentation QnA session.

Capstone Presentation QnA Session – Tips

Here are a few tips on how you can prepare for the QnA session after your capstone presentation.

Anticipating Potential Questions

Think about potential questions you might get asked based on your presentation content. And then prepare concise, informative answers to likely questions.

Practice Active Listening

While someone is asking you a question, listen carefully without interrupting. Let them finish asking the question before you begin answering the question. Taka moment to think before you respond to a question, to ensure clarity.

Responding Confidently

While answering keep your answers brief and to the point. If you don’t know the answer, be honest and offer to follow up. Use examples or data to support your responses where appropriate.

Handling Difficult Questions

Sometimes you may face a difficult question. In such scenarios stay calm and professional. If you get off-topic questions, politely redirect them back to your main points. Acknowledge differing opinions and explain your perspective.

Tips for Presentation Delivery

Maintain eye contact with your audience to build a connection.

Do not stand stiff. Use body language and gestures to emphasize points.

Do not be monotonous. Vary your tone and pace to keep the audience engaged.

Handle technical issues calmly and have a backup plan.

Well, that’s about it. Pay attention to the tips and advices mentioned above, and your capstone presentation is sure to go smoothly. If you are struggling with the design side of the presentation, you can use to find a template that will suit your presentation. Simply choose a template, edit it and you’re ready to go!

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[CAN] Anyone else doing CPA Capstone 1 right now? How's it going?

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    Capstone 1 panel presentations information: ... If you are in Capstone 1 and have questions about your presentation, contact [email protected]. Results Release . Results will be released per the module schedule; the panel does not provide pass/fail results. Unsuccessful groups will be notified by email and will be required to re-present.

  6. CPA Capstone 1

    Part 1 of Capstone 1 Report. refer to Week #2 instructions and use the task list like a checklist for Part 1. refer to sample Part 1 reports (you should be given two) to determine the format and level of details. when there is a discrepancy between the sample report and Week #2 instructions, follow Week #2 instructions.

  7. How to get ready for Capstone 1 in the CPA Professional Education Program

    Your presentation is made to a panel of volunteer CPAs who will assess your presentation skills, how you answer questions, your understanding of the strategic issues, and teamwork effectiveness. I've been a Capstone 1 lead panelist many times and the biggest challenge I've seen candidates face is effective teamwork.

  8. CPA Canada Capstone 1 Study Guide

    Capstone 1 focuses on teamwork. You'll be placed in a team made of 4 to 5 students. You'll work together to solve issues in one big case (50-60 pages long case). To pass, your team must complete a written report and oral presentation. Written report is completed in several parts and you'll get feedback from your facilitator after each part.

  9. Swing and a hit: Knock-out your Capstone 1 Virtual Presentation

    Look at the video camera, your virtual audience, when speaking. Arrange a presentation flow with your group members: Have the first presenter introduce the group and who will speak to which part of the presentation, then. Have each presenter "pass" the presentation to the next presenter, ensuring for a smoother transition.

  10. Present with Confidence

    This will allow you to quickly open the relevant backup to support your responses during the question-and-answer period. Practice, practice, practice! ... The Capstone 1 presentation is a simulation, with a mock board of directors reviewing you. Stay in the role given to you in the Capstone 1 case. Get into character and act the part.

  11. CPA Canada Capstone 1 Survival Guide

    Mallory, from Gevorg CPA support team explains Capstone 1 CPA Canada Capstone 1 focuses on "enabling skills" with no new technicals. There are individual ...

  12. CPA Capstone 1

    Capstone 1 Overview & Team Work. The theme of Day 1 of the Capstone 1 workshop is an overview of Capstone 1 and teamwork. For my workshop, there were 3 groups of 5 candidates with one facilitator. After an overview of Capstone 1 itself, we spent the remaining day on several activities with our group members (which will be your group throughout ...

  13. [CAN] Questions about Capstone 1 presentation : r/Accounting

    Primarily for accountants and aspiring accountants to learn about and discuss their career choice. Advice and questions welcome. [CAN] Questions about Capstone 1 presentation. What kind of questions does the board ask? Do they take up the entire 15 minutes to ask questions?

  14. Capstone 1 & CFE Study Questions : r/Accounting

    Wrote the Sept 2021 CFE, so hope I can give some help. I started reviewing technicals between Capstone 1 ending and capstone 2 starting. When writing cap 2 cases, I would always make note of the topics that came up where I was lacking knowledge. During the week, I would review those topics on top of revising FR/MA topics.

  15. PDF CPA Professional Education Program Candidate Guide

    Frequently asked questions 31. Capstone 1 Candidate Guide 32. Overview 32. Module format 33. Getting started 33. Module workshop 33. Capstone 1 case report 33 . File submission format 35. Capstone 1 case oral presentation 37 . Chat calls 37 . Peer and self-assessments 38

  16. Capstone 1: Module Overview

    This is an free sample excerpt from the exam prep course on our website at https://www.merittraining.shopWe have 30% of our videos available for free on YouT...

  17. CPA Canada


  18. CPA PEP Capstone and CFE FAQs

    Instead of writing an exam, you are evaluated on group presentations of a board report based on the case. During Capstone 1, you: Work in groups to research specific topic areas related to the case provided in the Capstone 1 workshop. Use core and elective competencies while developing key enabling skills. Draft and orally present a business case.

  19. Capstone Presentation Guidelines and Forms

    The UNH-CPS Library publishes summaries of past Capstone Presentations. Capstone Presentation Guidelines This presentation guide helps you prepare for the Capstone Presentation Event. It includes tips on designing your presentation slide deck, as well as preparing for your presentation. Capstone Presentation Powerpoint Template Be sure to use ...

  20. How to Create and Deliver a Successful Capstone Presentation

    Capstone Presentation QnA Session - Tips. Here are a few tips on how you can prepare for the QnA session after your capstone presentation. Anticipating Potential Questions. Think about potential questions you might get asked based on your presentation content. And then prepare concise, informative answers to likely questions. Practice Active ...

  21. CPA Professional Education Program

    Capstone 1 Schedule. * The registration period closes at 11:59PM Mountain Time. Registrations received after this time are treated as a waitlist request. Waitlist requests for capstone modules will be accepted until one week prior to the module start date. Waitlist requests for CFE will be accepted until two weeks prior to CFE date.

  22. [CAN] Anyone else doing CPA Capstone 1 right now? How's it going?

    About to do them this July but really not sure what to expect from their cases. Most of the practice cases I've seen have been pretty long, no idea how you can finish them in their time constraint. 19 votes, 33 comments. 733K subscribers in the Accounting community. Primarily for accountants and aspiring accountants to learn about and discuss….

  23. 7 AI PPT Makers that You Can Start with for FREE!

    You might be in your final year of college, striving to make your capstone project stand out, or a working professional navigating the demands of daily meetings and client presentations. ... Here are 7 AI PPT Makers in 2024: 1. Gamma AI PPT Maker ... 45 Questions to test a data scientist on basics... Step-by-Step Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA ...