English Compositions

Short Essay on Work is Worship [100, 200, 400 Words] With PDF

The famous term ‘Work is Worship’ was first coined by the great leader and the father of the nation of India M. K. Gandhi. This is a very significant term important for all time. In this lesson today, you will learn how to write essays on ‘Work is Worship.’ 

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Short Essay On Work is Worship in 100 Words

 All of us are aware of the term ‘Work is Worship.’ It was first told by Mahatma Gandhi, the father of our nation. It teaches us how work is important to us. Work keeps us healthy and happy. Any evil thoughts can’t hit our minds if we work every day. Moreover, work helps us to utilize our time properly.

We do not waste any moment while we work. Like our daily prayers, work is also worship to god. We feel satisfied from working hard. It also helps us to grow our country. Our society is helped by the working of its people. Hard work makes us intelligent real soon. 

Short Essay On Work is Worship in 200 Words

Mahatma Gandhi told the people of India that work is worship. It is very important for us to learn the meaning of this proverb. If we work every day, we stay happy and healthy. We pray to God daily. So if we work daily, we will feel joy and happiness. Doing any work is like worshipping God.

God has given us many beautiful things on Earth. So if we work hard, we can make the Earth a better place to live in. The lives of all plants, animals, birds, and humans depend on our work. So every day we should work well and help everyone living o Earth.

Working daily has huge importance. Many hours should be given to work. We do several activities daily. Studying, cooking, exercising, playing with friends and pets, eating, drinking, bathing, washing is all different types of work we do every day. So we must love these activities and enjoy them. Besides these works, many people also do look after Nature. They plant trees, clean the garden and take care of animals. Many people help the poor and sick. The hospitals, schools, police stations regularly help lots of people. The soldiers fight to save the country from enemies. All these are examples of noble work. 

Short Essay On Work is Worship in 400 Words

We have lots of wishes and desires to fulfill. So we have to work for that. Work is the best form of prayer. Mahatma Gandhi, the father of the nation told us that Work is Worship. Just like we worship God, similarly, we have to love our work. We do lots of work daily. So if we love those, then we can be successful easily. Work includes lots of actions. We must respect all our working friends.

Every work needs our attention. If we are attentive then we can get good results. We all see our mothers work at home. It is a necessary action. Mother always helps us with all the things we need. She cooks, cleans, and takes care of her family members. She works a lot throughout the day. Hence she deserves the most respect.

All of us do several works in our home. We study, dance, sing, and paint. We clean our houses, take care of our pets, and look after the sick and old. We love these. On holidays many people look after the garden and plants as well. They plant new trees, sow seeds, water the plants, and clean the dirty bushes. The plants get all this care and grow up healthy and beautiful.

Many of our parents work hard in their offices. It is also very important because it helps society and the country. They are respected for their good job. Also, they earn money by working hard. We also see how hospitals, schools, police stations, fire stations help our society. The doctors and nurses take care of the sick. When we fall sick the doctor and nurse work together to help us. We study in schools. Our teachers help us in studying. The police officers work for the safety of the people. They maintain law and order in society.

The soldiers play a very important role in working for the country. They stand at the borders to protect our country from enemies. They too maintain the peace and safety of our nation. The farmers, cobblers, washermen, sweepers, caretakers, help us with food and keep our society clean. They have a very important duty. We get good food because of them. We can wear clean clothes because they wash them for us. We can enjoy the clean, beautiful roads because they keep them clean regularly. So we must respect them. 

Thus working hard is worshipping God. If we practice working hard, we will not waste time. We will be more intelligent and help lots of people. Work makes us healthy and happy. So we must promise to work regularly.

In this session today, you have learned how you can write essays on the famous term ‘Work is Worship’ within limited words. I have tried to discuss the topic here in a very simple language for all kinds of students. Hopefully, now you have a holistic idea about the context. If you still have any doubts regarding the topic, kindly let me know through some quick comments below. If you want to read more such sessions, keep browsing our website. 

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Aspirants Essay

Essay on Work Is Worship in English (150, 200, 250, 500 Words)


“Work is Worship” embodies the notion that dedicating oneself to labor with sincerity and dedication is akin to honoring something sacred. This phrase underscores the profound significance of diligence and devotion in human endeavors.

Here, we’ve presented essays on “Work Is Worship” in 150, 200, 250 & 500 word samples. All the essays will be helpful for students of all classes i.e. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 & class 12.

Table of Contents

Essay on Work Is Worship in 150 Words


Work is an essential aspect of life, embodying dedication, discipline, and devotion. It is often said that work is worship, highlighting the significance of industriousness in our daily lives. This phrase emphasizes the profound value of diligence and commitment in all endeavors, whether they are professional or personal.

The Significance of Work

Work serves as a means of self-expression and self-improvement. Through diligent effort, individuals not only contribute to society but also find fulfillment and purpose in their actions. Each task completed with sincerity and dedication becomes a form of reverence, elevating the mundane to the sacred.

The Virtue of Diligence

Diligence is the cornerstone of success in any pursuit. By embracing the ethos of “work is worship,” individuals cultivate a mindset of continuous improvement and strive for excellence in all their endeavors. This virtue enables one to overcome obstacles, achieve goals, and ultimately, lead a fulfilling and meaningful life.

In conclusion, the adage “work is worship” underscores the profound spiritual dimension of labor. It reminds us that through our efforts, we not only shape our destinies but also contribute to the greater good. By embracing the virtue of diligence and approaching work with reverence, we can unlock our true potential and find fulfillment in our lives.

Essay on Work Is Worship

Work Is Worship Essay in 200 Words

The maxim “Work is Worship” encapsulates the idea that diligence and dedication in one’s endeavors are akin to acts of reverence. This principle underscores the profound value of labor in shaping individual character and contributing to the betterment of society.

The Spiritual Aspect of Work

Work transcends mere economic necessity; it becomes a spiritual practice when performed with sincerity and devotion. Each task, no matter how mundane, becomes imbued with meaning and significance when approached with the mindset of worship.

The Ethic of Responsibility

Through work, individuals fulfill their responsibilities to themselves, their families, and their communities. This ethic of responsibility fosters a sense of accountability and purpose, driving individuals to strive for excellence in their pursuits.

The Pursuit of Excellence

Excellence is the hallmark of those who embrace the principle that work is worship. By continuously seeking to improve and refine their skills, individuals elevate their work to a form of devotion, honoring both themselves and the tasks at hand.

In conclusion, the philosophy that work is worship reminds us of the inherent dignity and value of labor. By approaching our tasks with diligence, dedication, and a sense of reverence, we not only enrich our own lives but also contribute to the greater good of humanity.

Essay Writing on Work Is Worship in 250 Words

“Work is Worship” encapsulates the profound notion that dedicating oneself to labor is akin to honoring something sacred. This principle emphasizes the spiritual dimension of work, highlighting its significance beyond mere economic transactions.

Finding Meaning in Labor

When approached with the mindset of worship, work becomes more than just a means of earning a living; it becomes a source of meaning and fulfillment. Each task undertaken with dedication and sincerity becomes a form of devotion, enriching both the individual and the world around them.

Cultivating Discipline and Virtue

The ethos of “work is worship” fosters discipline and virtue in individuals. By committing to their responsibilities with diligence and integrity, people not only enhance their skills but also cultivate qualities such as patience, perseverance, and humility.

Service to Others

Through work, individuals have the opportunity to serve others and contribute to the common good. Whether it be through providing essential services, creating art that inspires, or advancing knowledge through research, every profession has the potential to uplift and enrich society.

Fulfilling Personal Potential

Embracing the principle of work as worship encourages individuals to strive for excellence and reach their full potential. By dedicating themselves wholeheartedly to their craft, people can discover and develop their talents, achieving personal growth and self-actualization in the process.

In conclusion, the maxim “work is worship” reminds us that labor, when approached with reverence and dedication, has the power to elevate the human spirit. By embracing the inherent dignity and value of work, individuals can find meaning, cultivate virtue, and contribute to the greater good of humanity.

Writing an Essay on Work Is Worship in 500 Words

“Work is Worship” is a timeless adage that underscores the profound significance of labor in human life. Beyond its literal interpretation, this phrase encapsulates the idea that dedicating oneself to work with sincerity and devotion is akin to honoring something sacred. This essay explores the multifaceted nature of this concept, delving into its spiritual, ethical, and personal dimensions.

The Spiritual Essence of Work

At its core, the principle of “work is worship” emphasizes the spiritual aspect of labor. When individuals approach their tasks with reverence and commitment, they infuse their work with meaning and purpose. Each action, whether big or small, becomes a form of devotion, connecting the individual to something greater than themselves.

The Ethic of Diligence and Responsibility

Central to the notion of work as worship is the ethic of diligence and responsibility. By dedicating themselves wholeheartedly to their responsibilities, individuals honor their commitments to themselves, their families, and society at large. This ethos fosters a sense of accountability and integrity, driving individuals to strive for excellence in all their endeavors.

The Virtue of Service

Work provides a platform for individuals to serve others and contribute to the common good. Whether it be through providing essential services, creating art that inspires, or advancing knowledge through research, every profession offers opportunities for meaningful contribution to society. In this way, work becomes a form of worship by channeling one’s talents and skills towards serving others.

Cultivating Personal Growth

Embracing the principle of work as worship encourages individuals to continuously strive for personal growth and self-improvement. By dedicating themselves to their craft with passion and dedication, people can unlock their full potential and achieve greater heights of success and fulfillment.

Excellence is the hallmark of those who embrace the principle that work is worship. By continuously seeking to improve and refine their skills, individuals elevate their work to a form of devotion, honoring both themselves and the tasks at hand. This pursuit of excellence not only benefits the individual but also contributes to the betterment of society as a whole.

Overcoming Challenges

The path of work is not always easy, and individuals often face challenges and setbacks along the way. However, by approaching these challenges with resilience and determination, individuals demonstrate their commitment to their work and their faith in its inherent value. In this way, every obstacle becomes an opportunity for growth and learning.

Balancing Work and Life

While work is indeed important, it is essential to maintain a balance between work and other aspects of life. Embracing the principle of work as worship does not mean sacrificing one’s well-being or neglecting other important relationships and responsibilities. Instead, it involves integrating work into a holistic and fulfilling life, where each aspect complements and enhances the others.

In conclusion, the philosophy that work is worship highlights the profound significance of labor in human life. By approaching work with reverence, diligence, and a commitment to excellence, individuals can find meaning, purpose, and fulfillment in their endeavors. Ultimately, embracing the ethic of work as worship allows individuals to not only achieve success in their professions but also lead lives of integrity, service, and spiritual richness.

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Paragraph On Work Is Worship 100, 150, 200, 250 to 300 Words for Kids, Students And Children

February 7, 2024 by Prasanna

Paragraph On Work Is Worship:  People have to work daily to earn a living. However, nowadays, people have no attachment to the work they do. Work and worship are two very distinct and different words, and, when put together, the proverb ‘work is worship’ defines the attitude that one has towards the work they do.

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Paragraph On Work Is Worship – 100 Words for Classes 1, 2, 3 Kids

From the day we arrived on this planet to the day we are on our death bed, we work. Sometimes we love the work we do, and sometimes we hate it. But we still do it anyway. Yet, there’s no sense of satisfaction in doing something loathingly.

We should have respect for the work we do, no matter what kind of work it is. People should rather put their efforts into working and doing their job properly and loving it than just for the sake of earning money. Only then would they be able to worship their work in the truest sense.

Paragraph On Work Is Worship - 100 Words for Classes 1, 2, 3 Kids

Paragraph On Work Is Worship – 150 Words for Classes 4, 5 Children

There are different kinds of work that people do to sustain their livelihood. Some people are doctors, and some are lawyers, some are cooks, some are the ones who help us to keep the city clean. All type of work is respectable. Therefore the one doing the work should have respect for the work they do. However, nowadays, people only work to earn money. They have no love for the work they do.

We worship God to receive his blessings. Therefore we should also work to get God’s blessing and not to get something materialistic. The whole idea of working should be to please the deity and ourselves. We should be happy to do the work assigned to us and try to deliver the best output. The moment we start revering the work we do, we would feel a sense of satisfaction and pride, and understand that in reality, ‘work is worship.’

Paragraph On Work Is Worship – 200 Words for Classes 6, 7, 8 Students

Any action that requires physical and mental effort is termed as work. Therefore, in theory, breathing, sleeping, thinking, everything is work. But, in society, “work” is defined as actions that can generate an output that would bear some results. And thus, people are rewarded for their efforts with materialistic gains. Sometimes the work they do is harmful to society, yet they choose to do it anyway to earn money.

There are various types of work and different fields in which people work. Sometimes, people are content with the work that they are assigned to, and sometimes they are irritated when they are put in charge of something that they are not fond of doing. This often results in them losing respect for the work they do. People mostly work to get rewarded with worldly pleasures. Thus, they are not attached to the work they do.

Therefore, we need to love the work we do. We have to respect it and worship it. We should do our work not just to earn money, but God’s blessing too. And the mighty would only give us his blessing if we learn through adoration, growth, and respect. Hence, ‘work is worship.’

Paragraph On Work Is Worship – 250 to 300 Words for Classes 9, 10, 11, 12 And Competitive Exams Students

The proverb ‘work is worship” deals with the attitude people have towards the work they do . in today’s world, people mostly work for their benefit and to earn money. Very few people love the work they are in charge of. Till the day we die, we have to work, so shouldn’t we try and be content with what we do? Only through work, it is that you can achieve success in life.

Therefore, we should not only work for ourselves but for almighty, so he blesses us. We should work to improve our society and environment. Doing our work with love would result in our happiness and give us a positive outlook on life. Work is the ultimate form of worship, as without working, one cannot continue to live. Our soul and mind would be peaceful and calm once we start worshiping the work we do.

Our lives are full of struggles and obstacles, and we can only overcome them through hard work. There is no better way to please God than to work hard. History bears witness to th fact that those who work hard are always rewarded for their actions. But the hard work should be positive. It shouldn’t be evil and dangerous for society. The work that we do should be beneficial to society in some way or the other too.

The word ‘worship’ usually deals with things along the lines of religion, culture, and so on. But work is the greatest religion of all. Everyone has to do it for a livelihood. Thus, the proverb ‘work is worship’ justifies the significance of work in our life and our attitude towards it.

Paragraph On Work Is Worship - 250 to 300 Words for Classes 9, 10, 11, 12 And Competitive Exams Students

FAQ’s on Paragraph on Work is Worship

Question 1. The phrase ‘Work is Worship’ was said by whom?

Answer: The proverb ‘Work is Worship’ was first said by Gandhiji. He said that to instill within his fellow countrymen the significance of hard work and how it bears fruit.

Question 2. What is the definition of ‘work’?

Answer: Work is defined as an activity requiring mental or physical effort and is done to attain a purpose or result. for example, lawyers, doctors, and so on provide us with services and efforts and are thus rewarded with a wage or a fee in return.

Question 3. What is an act of worship?

Answer: An act of worship involves honoring a deity through devotion and other such religious performances. Worshipping is a form of expressing the love and respect one has for a deity or a sacred object.

Question 4. What are the three main types of worship?

Answer: There are various types and methods of worship, the main three beings, exclusive corporate worship, for example, Judaism, Christianity, etc., exclusive corporate worship, for example, the Lutheran churches of Scandinavia, and personal worship, like meditation.

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Work Is Worship Essay

500 words work is worship essay.

The life we receive is given by God and so is this beautiful earth . It gives us all the necessary things to lead a happy life. However, some people do not understand the importance of all this. The proverb work is worship helps us understand that work is real worship. Through work is worship essay, we will understand its meaning and importance.

work is worship essay

Work is Worship

This proverb teaches us that real worship is work. It does not take away the fact of worshipping God, but it lays emphasis on work. While it is good to spend hours worshipping God, it is also important to worship your work.

The proverb does not literally ask us to worship work. It makes us understand that we must treat our work utmost importance. Once we start doing it, we can get the same satisfaction we get from worshipping God .

In other words, if we have faith in our own work, we will not lose hope in life. Even when things turn terrible, we will be able to make our way out of it by working hard. Thus, we must take our work as worship in order to have a peaceful mind and soul.

Work will help us derive real pleasure in life. When we will worship our work, we will value it a lot more. As a result, we will be able to perform well in life and attain all the satisfaction.

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Importance of Working Hard

It is important to work passionately and with commitment because then we will be able to achieve success. Our work is what adds great meaning to life. When we do not work, life becomes dull and uninteresting.

Thus, to avoid monotony, we work hard. Every great civilization you see has been achieved through hard work and commitment. Man is the most skilled creation who is meant to work hard.

Our intelligent brain allows us to do the right work and have a logical conclusion. If a person sits idle, he will ultimately become unhappy. As we know, an idle mind is the workshop of the devil.

Thus, when we will work with full commitment, we will get real peace and satisfaction in life. It will also bring us closer to success. Similarly, every one of us has dreams of some kind.

Through hard work, we can achieve our dreams, no matter how big or small. Moreover, when we give our best, we will be able to fulfil all our needs. In addition, working hard also makes a person better and more disciplined.

Thus, we can achieve hard work when we believe that work is worship. In order to do so, we must believe in the power of hard work.

Conclusion of Work Is Worship Essay

All in all, work is worship because if we don’t do work properly, it will not give a good outcome. When we will consider our work as worship, we will try to do our best. Work adds meaning to our lives and brings confidence. Thus, it is best to work hard and well so that we can lead a great and content life.

FAQ on Work Is Worship Essay

Question 1: Who said that work is worship?

Answer 1: Mahatma Gandhi said this. It was because he wanted to instil the importance of hard work in his countrymen and how it produces great results, thus he said this.

Question 2: Why do we say that work is worship?

Answer 2: We use this proverb because it teaches us about the value of work. When we compare the work to that of God, man will do it more diligently. Thus, it will produce a great outcome.

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Vedantu’s Essay on Work is Worship

Vedantu offers an extensive range of English Essays on different topics which are very beneficial for students for their examinations and further studies. With the help of these Essays, students will be able to learn how to write essays and how to perform on stage. Moreover, students will get more confident while facing examinations, and they will be familiar with any type of essay.

Students from a high school, college, or university student, who have the burden of tons of written assignments, can seek assistance with English Essays from Vedantu compiled by subject matter experts who have a vast knowledge of the English language.

The essay on Work is Worship, deals with the attitude of the people towards the Work they do. In this day and age, individuals generally Work for their advantage to gain cash. Not many individuals love the Work they are responsible for. Till the day we bite the dust, we need to work, so shouldn't we attempt to be content with what we do? Just through Work, you can make progress throughout everyday life. The Work is a Worship essay, providing insights into the human concepts of this in our lives. 

10 Lines on Work is Worship Essay in English

‘Work is Worship’ refers to the importance and value of Work in our life.

Work is the greatest form of Worship that anyone can ordain.

An honest Worker Works putting great effort without thinking about the outcome.

The productive form of Work is the path to attain immortality and spiritual transcendence.

When we work with integrity and honesty, it is very similar to praying.

A good Worker is rewarded in the end, and hard Work makes us compatible and efficient.

If you Worship all time without performing duties then it is of no use.

Worship alone can achieve nothing.

In the end, what matters is the amount of Worship we put into our Work.

If we do every good Work affectionately, it will definitely affect us in some way.

A Long Essay on Work is Worship

The proverb Work is Worship states the importance and values of Work in our life.  If we clearly understand the meaning of this proverb, Work is really a  Worship as without it our life is a waste. Accomplishing our Work with affection would bring about our satisfaction and give us an uplifting point of view. Work is a definitive type of love, as, without Working, one can't keep on living. Our spirit and psyche would be serene and quiet once we begin loving the Work we do. 

Our lives are brimming with battles and impediments, and we can just beat them through difficult Work. There is no preferred method to satisfy God over to buckle down. History demonstrates the veracity of the actuality that the individuals who buckle down are constantly remunerated for their activities. However, difficult Work should be performed with proper dedication and a positive attitude. It shouldn't be abhorrent and hazardous for society. The Work that we do ought to be gainful to society somehow or another or the other as well. 

Literal Meaning 

The word 'Worship' ordinarily manages things along the lines of religion, culture, etc. Be that as it may, Work is the best religion of all. Everybody needs to do it for a job. Hence, the axiom' Work is Worship' legitimizes the criticalness of Work in our life and our demeanor towards it. Work is Worship essay in English will help us understand better how the psychology of humans deals in this regard.

Each man comprehends the estimation of Work. Working makes us profitable and also encourages us to add to ourselves and society on the loose. An individual who works with trustworthiness and respectability is viewed as a good and moral individual. 

Work is Worship Expansion of Idea

What's more, a well-known adage dazzles us with the estimation of Work or Karma. It is frequently said that Dharma that is religion and otherworldliness is proportionate to Karma, which is Work. An individual who Works with commitment is on the way to honesty—individuals looking for the endorsement of others and Almighty by accomplishing great Work. 

The hearty creatures recollect us by the great deeds that we do during our lifetime. We are revered and glorified for the individual we were on earth. Work is love is a maxim that over and over advises us that it is basic to check out what we do. Except if we follow our enthusiasm and do what we truly love to do, we will always be helpful to make progress. 

Short Paragraph on Work is Worship in English

Work overall represents strict and profound convictions. Talking from an essential viewpoint, each activity requires time and commitment, two attributes that are basic in strict love. 

Much the same as religion, Work needs our total core interest. If we think about the connection between Work and strict practice, we will observe that both are important to fulfil our objective. While imploring God, we should not consider any person or other things. Our brains ought to totally focus on asking. Through this, we will be able to achieve our best qualities inside us. 

We should Work without stressing over the outcome that we will get. At the point when we appeal to the Almighty, we do it with no desires. We ask God for harmony in our Work, and we settle for the best that we can expect out of the situation. Work is a comparative quality. We should Work without anticipating anything consequently. The most noteworthy type of profitable Work is serving mankind. 

Work is Worship Essay in 300 words

Work is Worship is a phrase that refers to the importance and value of Work. This proverb explains that there is no Worship better than doing your Work with optimum dedication and devotion. Eventually, what really matters is how you perform your duties but not how devotedly you Worship. People are known for the Work they do and how sincerely they do it. Working wholeheartedly will bring good name and rewards, way more than Worship. People who are ideals for others and are famous have achieved success only through their Work only.

The main objective of life is found in one small phrase, “Work is Worship”. Without Work, life becomes dull and worthless. Work gives us a motive to live and a way to fulfil our needs. If we have faith in our hard work, we cannot lose hope even when life becomes miserable. For instance, the hard Work that a farmer does in the farms helps feed many empty stomachs. Similarly, a hard-Working doctor is able to bring a smile to hundreds of sick faces, in a single day.

All the famous people around the world have achieved success and gained the position in which they are today only because of their hard work. It is said that If a hardWorking person puts his/her hand to the soil, it will become gold, and if the lazy person will touch the gold, it will become clay.

Eventually, what matters is that you Worship your Work. Because it is of no use if we do not Work and instead devote all our time to Worship. We can achieve our dreams, no matter how big or small through hard Work. Further, when we put in our 100% effort, we will be able to fulfill all our needs. Additionally, Working hard will make an individual more disciplined and a better person.

Thus, we should always Worship our Work for a peaceful, happy and successful life, and for that, it is important for us to believe in the power of hard Work.

Work, be it anything, requires our total core interest. It doesn't make a difference whether we are cooking, clearing, instructing, or doing whatever else that qualifies as profitable Work; our psyches should zero in on that totally. Elevated levels of devotion are the way into an effective profession. 


FAQs on Work is Worship Essay

1. Give examples of the phrase 'Work is Worship.

Henry Wadsworth Longfellow dazzles us with the estimation of Work by saying that our deeds are what makes us eternal. We are totally reviled with mortality. When we make our excursion towards death, or we revisit the homestead of God, our deeds are the main thing that we abandon. Our demonstrations are only the effects that we have behind "on the sand of time." Master Vivekanand shouted that he who cherished the creatures and people on earth is serving God. Serving society is an ideal approach to contact the Almighty. Work is love every which way. We should understand the significance of Work and actualize it in our lives. That improves us as individuals. 

2. In the context of the Work is Worship essay, define the religious point of view.

This comprehension of the holiness of Work and its inseparable relationship with love was resuscitated during the reformation and got one of its focal principles. However, an inconspicuous dualism – a sacrosanct mainstream separate – has crawled into the Church, lifting service and mission Workover different vocations. As ministers, we have to declare the reality that God made his picture carriers Work. We have to re-impart the understanding that our parishioners' occupations as handymen, pilots, pathologists, or guardians are significant and ought to never really be greatness.

3. What are the benefits of referring to a Work is Worship Essay from Vedantu?

Referring to Work is Worship Essay from Vedantu will help students Work with homeWork and writing tasks assigned by their teachers and parents. Students can exercise their writing skills as well as reading skills with the help of Vedantu’s Work is Worship Essay in English. Additionally, students can learn how to write essays and how to perform on stage on a particular topic. They will get more confident while writing English essays. With Vedantu’s English Essays, students will be familiar with any type of essays asked in examinations.

4. Where can I get Work is Worship Essay in 300 words?

Students can get Work is Worship Essay in 200 words from Vedantu. Vedantu has provided A Long Essay on Work is Worship, A Short Essay on Work is Worship, Literal Meaning of Work is Worship, 10 lines on Work is Worship Essay as well as Work is Worship Essay in 200 words. With the help of Vedantu’s Work is Worship Essay, students from all classes can improve their English reading skills as well writing skills. By referring to this, students will be able to write an essay on Work is Worship easily and in the best manner.

5. Why should students refer to Vedantu’s English Essays before writing an essay?

Vedantu is one of the best study platforms to prepare for the board exams as well as competitive exams. It contains the best study materials for students from all classes including English Essays. English Essays from Vedantu are very helpful for students who are looking for the best reference for a given essay topic. To write a good essay, students must understand the topic first. Vedantu is the best source of English Essays that students can refer to and score good marks in English subjects. 


Essay on Work is Worship in 200 Words for Students | English Essay Writing

Essay on work is worship in 200 words.

The proverb "work is worship" emphasizes the importance of work in our lives and the attitude we should have towards it. It implies that work should be treated with the same devotion, dedication, and respect as one would show in worshipping God.

Work is not just about making money. It is a way to contribute to society, achieve personal growth, and fulfill one's responsibilities. Whether it is studying, doing household chores, working at a job, or doing anything useful, we should every task with sincerity and commitment. Working hard with honesty makes us successful and happy. Every task, no matter how small, matters for our well-being.

The concept of "work is worship" also teaches us to respect others' work. We should appreciate the efforts of everyone as each person plays a vital role in society. Furthermore, when we treat our work as worship, we develop a disciplined approach towards life. We learn to prioritize tasks, manage time efficiently, and try to do our best in everything we do. Those who work diligently are often rewarded. It gives us a sense of accomplishment and boosts our self-esteem.

In conclusion, the saying "work is worship" reminds us that work is a sacred duty that should be performed diligently and with utmost devotion. Work is not just a way to earn a living; it's a way to contribute to society, learn, and grow in life. Treating work like worship brings meaning to our lives and improves our society.

  • Paragraph Writing
  • Work Is Worship Paragraph

Work Is Worship Paragraph - Check Samples for Various Word Limits

‘Work is worship’ is a very old saying that teaches us to respect everyone’s work. No matter what and where someone works, he or she should do justice to whatever work they do. No work is small or big or should be disrespected. People work really hard every day to earn at least one meal a day. It is unethical to judge someone on the basis of their profession.

Table of Contents

Work is worship paragraph in 100 words, work is worship paragraph in 150 words, work is worship paragraph in 200 words.

  • Work Is Worship Paragraph in 250 Words

Frequently Asked Questions on Work Is Worship Paragraph

Our work should be worshipped as we worship God with love and respect. It does not matter what kind of work we do, but it should be done with utmost dedication and sincerity. If you are asked to write a paragraph on ‘Work is Worship’, then refer to the samples given below for your reference.

‘Work is Worship’ is a simple proverb with deep and intense meaning. It is a proverb that teaches us to respect and worship our work. Just the way we honour our Gods with full dedication and devotion, we must honour our work the same way. No matter what work we do, we must respect our work. We worship God so that he can fulfil all our wishes. Similarly, our work must be respected because we are being paid for the job, and we earn our bread and butter from the same work. We must understand that life is not only about money. It is also about respect and dignity.

Various people work in different working sectors for their living. Some are doctors, professors, lawyers, cooks, officers, sweepers, etc. A doctor’s job is essential for him, and the job of a sweeper is important to him, which might look simple to the whole world. Every profession should be respected because people from all sectors are needed to run society smoothly. Every work must be appreciated and should be done with utmost dedication. Work and worship are two different terms but are connected because it teaches us to worship our work as we worship God. We worship God with a lot of dedication because he will fulfil our dreams and wishes. Similarly, we must worship the work we do because our livelihood depends on our work. If you respect your work, then your work and your workspace shall respect you. Your efforts and worth will be valued in your workspace. No work is small or big, but how you present your work is all that matters.

If you cannot make a living for yourself, your existence is empty. It would help if you learned how to gain respect and dignity to make a living. It makes no difference what job you have; what counts is how you do your work. You must know how to appreciate your own job in order to receive the same respect from your employer. Suppose you are unable to devote yourself to your work. In that case, your carelessness will be evident in your work, resulting in a negative impact on your career. But, if you are truly committed to your work, all of your efforts will be valued. No one will remember you for the clothes you wore, but people will remember you for the kind of work you have done and how you have presented yourself. There is no such thing as a small or large job; all jobs must be appreciated. A doctor is working hard in an air-conditioned room for the patient’s smile, just like a farmer working all day in the field for our food supply. Both must be respected. So, each work has its unique value and significance, which others must recognise. Don’t pass judgement on someone based on their occupation; instead, we should admire them because they are working for a living rather than begging.

Work is Worship Paragraph in 250 Words

Why is a job important in our life? A job is definitely needed to be independent. It is a safe way of earning money for our livelihood. The saying ‘Work is worship’ refers to people’s attitudes regarding their work. People today might work for their own benefit or earn some money, but no work can be done correctly without any proper dedication. A few people enjoy the work they are responsible for, which is needed in the job sector. If we do not enjoy the work, then we are not doing justice to our work. Our dissatisfaction will be reflected in our work. We will have to work hard until we die for our livelihood, so we must enjoy our work. People do not remember a person by their clothing, in fact, the way we have presented ourselves and the way we have behaved will be imprinted in everyone’s mind, and you will be respected for the same. If we work with dedication and respect, our work will be respected and valued by the employers and the almighty. We must strive to improve our society and environment. We would be happier and have a more positive attitude toward life if we did our work with love. Work is the highest form of worship since one cannot survive without it. Once we begin to worship the task we do, our souls and minds will be tranquil. Every work is unique in itself. So do not disrespect any profession.

What is meant by the proverb ‘Work is worship’?

‘Work is worship’ is a proverb that states that every kind of work we do must be respected and valued. There is no small or huge job. Every kind of work is important and must be appreciated.

How do we write a paragraph on ‘Work is worship’?

In order to write about ‘Work is worship’, you will have to find a suitable introductory statement about the topic and then write about the topic. You can write about your own thoughts on the same topic and then find a concluding statement for the paragraph.

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work is worship essay 200 words

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Essay on Work is Worship for Children and Students

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Table of Contents

Essay on Work is Worship: ‘Work is Worship’ is a proverb that refers to the importance and value of work in our life. In this proverb, honest work is said that it is worship; because it is our honest work only which satisfies our all needs and takes us to the heights of success.

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Long and Short Essays on Work is Worship in English

Now-a-days, essay writing is in practice in the schools and colleges. It is a good strategy followed by teachers in the schools and colleges in order to enhance the English writing skill and knowledge of the students about any topic. It is an effective way to get views, new ideas and positive suggestions by the students about any topic. Following are some paragraphs, short essays and long essays on Work is Worship to help students in completing their task in the classroom. All these essay are written very simply. So, you can select any essay according to your need and requirement:

Work is Worship Essay 1 (100 words)

If we understand the real meaning of work is worship, work is really the real worship as without work our life is waste. If we follow it well all through our life, it acts as the key to success, progress and happiness. If people understand its meaning in true sense, it will surely positively change the scenario of world economy and help people to strongly face the tougher challenges in life. However, we cannot ignore the type of people living together on this planet. Worker earns honestly, idle people depends on others like a parasite, etc. Our life and body get rust if we spend it without any work, aim or purpose. Hard work is the way to get greatness in life. It is considered that, only people who take interest in their work do worship heartily.

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Work is Worship Essay 2 (150 words)

The famous proverb which compares the work with worship. It does not even compare; it is telling about the surety that work is worship. It tells us that, it is not important to worship for hours at home or temple to get the God; it is enough to be intermingled with full interest in our work to get success and the blessings of God too. The works done in the offices, factories or other fields is more valuable than the worship done in temple, church or mosque. Work in real means is the physical or mental effort done to maintain well-being lifestyle all through the life. We work to earn money to bring physical, mental, psychological and social happiness which ultimately balance the state of body, mind and soul. Satisfaction comes through the work keeps body and mind happy which satisfies the soul more than the worship does.

Work is Worship Essay 3 (200 words)

Life, given by God on the earth, is very beautiful. We have already provided all the necessary things required to live a happy life. However, most of the people do not understand the essence of life and start following bad ways. Work is worship is a proverb which tells us that work is the real worship and not worshiping for hours in the temple. The happiness and satisfaction we get from the work cannot get the same through the worship. If the person has faith at own hard work, he/she cannot lose hope even when life becomes miserable.

We should take our work as worship and get involved in this with peaceful mind and soul. It will give us the real pleasure of life. So, we must worship our work. Worshiping our work values a lot; more than worshiping in temple. If we see towards history, we found that all the great people who had achieved greatness, only because of their huge passion in the work in their respective fields. They were the person who had not done different things, but they done things differently with high level of passion and commitment in their work. Work is the true essence of life which brings great ideas in the mind and makes people great personalities.

Also read: Paragraph on Work is Worship

Work is Worship Essay 4 (250 words)

It is the famous proverb which means that work is worship in the true sense. Work is truly the worship to the man because without work he cannot survive on the earth. It is our work which gives us new face and adds meaning to the life. Without work life will be dull, uninteresting, idle and monotonous. Great civilization and culture can be achieved only through the committed work. Man is the most intelligent, skilled and capable creation of the God who can make anything possible through the hard work that’s why work is highly valued over worship. Man has a more intelligent brain using which he can decide the right work to reach to the logical conclusion.

An idle man who does not involve in his work interestingly, generally become an unhappy person. It is well said that an idle mind becomes devil’s workshop. The nation becomes stronger when its manpower is fully and suitably employed in the interested field. Without work one cannot get a worth living. Working with full commitment in our interested field gives us real peace and satisfaction which leads us towards success. Continuous work makes us more capable day by day which develops lots of confidence. We should work for improvement and stability within us and not for awards and glory. We should not be lazy and work with harmony with the huge desire to progress.

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Work is Worship Essay 5 (300 words)

As we all know about the famous proverb ‘work is worship’ which means that without work no one can be blessed by the blessing of God. One who is lazy cannot please the God even when he/she worship for many hours; however, one who is committed to his/her work can easily please the God even when he/she remembers the God only once a day or not. Man is considered as the most intelligent creation of the God. The life of man is completely depends on their hard work unlike other animals, birds, etc. Man cannot get anything without work even a lazy man starts losing his mind because ‘An idle man’s brain is the devil’s workshop’.

The whole civilization of man has been evolved for years only because of their hard work. All the inventions and discoveries in the field of science are resulted as the human’s continuous hard work with patience. Constant work in the right direction and in the right field leads people towards successful career and further progress in future. Work is not like worship but work is worship which we all should follow in our life. We cannot get anything to eat without work, we have to arrange all the necessities then we can live our life.

People, who work regularly and systematically, show better results than the lazy people. All the great personalities’ lives are the example of hard works they have done during their lifetime. Continuous hard work does not only lead to the better results but also increases the self-confidence level. Developed nations all over world (like USA, Japan, China, Germany, etc.) are only through their hard works individually and collectively. Lord Vishwakarma is worshiped in India as the great god of the workers to get blessings in order to continue the hard work. However, most of the people become very lazy and expect more than their work.

Work is Worship Essay 6 (400 words)

Whole life is a struggle and we have to be attentive through our hard work to win the battle of life. All the lives taken birth on this planet will die a day. So, to run our life most fluently in the best way, we have to be committed to our work. Time does not wait for anyone so we must make our every minute useful. Our life is full of various events and actions. People are blessed who complete their work timely; however, those who do not, but postpone or hesitate in doing their work, achieve nothing in the life. Lazy people can never achieve the heights of glory whereas active people win a list of glory.

People who have short life but full of action are much better than the people having long life but full of inactivity and laziness. It is truly said that people with one crowded hour have worthy glorious life than those who have long life without a name. Man life is counted in quality deeds but not in years because age and longevity of a man does not matter however work matters. This proverb ‘work is worship’ tells us about the worth of work together with the worship. It compares the work of man with the worship of God. The right example is, oak tree lives for years (almost three hundred) however when it falls down, its wood is bald and useless for us. On the other hand, lily flowers lives for a day only but it gives a memorable fragrance all around us which creates joy and pleasure within us.

Our noble thoughts are useless if we do not transform them into golden deeds. We should not waste our time in crying for the sorrowful past, doing wrong deeds, or waiting for the right time to start a work. All time is best to start a nice work and win the success. If we compare between work and worship, we find that God also become happy with hard working man instead of lazy man without work. So, we can say that work is worship because worship without work is nothing however work without worship is everything. We should consider our work as worship and try to be busy in the hard work. Work adds meaning to the life and brings confidence and salvation. Work is a best exercise to our body and mind which brings real pleasure in life. Work is also the way to new opportunities together with the skill development.

What is the meaning of work is worship?

Work is worship is a proverb which tells us that work is the real worship and not worshiping for hours in the temple.

Write work is worship essay?

Work is worship is a famous proverb which compares the work with worship. It tells us that, it is not important to worship for hours at home or temple to get the God; it is enough to be intermingled with full interest in our work to get success and the blessings of God too.

Write a paragraph on work is worship?

Work is worship is an act of offering our time, energy, and skills to something bigger than ourselves. It is a way of showing our gratitude for the gifts we have been given and our commitment to making the world a better place. When we work with our hands, hearts, and minds, we are participating in the creative work of God.

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work is worship essay 200 words

Short Essay: Work Is Worship

The proverb “Work is Worship” encapsulates the idea that dedication to one’s work is as sacred as worshipping a deity. This concept can be explored through various lenses, including ethical, spiritual, and practical perspectives. Writing an essay on this topic requires a thoughtful examination of how work influences individual dignity and societal progress. Here’s a structured guide to help you craft a concise and insightful essay on why work is considered worship.

Table of Contents

Title and Introduction

Title : Choose a compelling title that captures the essence of the essay, such as “Work is Worship: Finding Sacredness in Our Daily Labors.”

Body of the Essay

Societal Contribution :

Conclude by summarizing the key points discussed, reinforcing the idea that treating work as a form of worship not only enriches the individual but also elevates society. Reflect on the broader implications of this philosophy, suggesting how embracing this concept might change one’s approach to work and its challenges. End with a compelling closing thought or a call to action that encourages readers to rethink their own attitudes towards work.

Work is Worship Essay Example #1

The concept of work as worship is deeply rooted in various cultural and religious traditions around the world. In the Hindu Bhagavad Gita, for instance, work done without attachment to the fruits of labor is considered a form of devotion to the divine. Similarly, in Christian teachings, work is seen as a form of participation in God’s creation, implying that labor has intrinsic dignity and should be performed with integrity and gratitude. These teachings suggest that work, when approached with the right attitude, transcends mere economic activity and becomes a spiritually enriching practice.

From a philosophical standpoint, treating work as worship involves adopting an attitude of reverence and commitment towards one’s duties. This approach transforms routine tasks into meaningful activities, imbuing them with a sense of purpose. When individuals engage in their work with passion and dedication, they not only achieve higher levels of productivity but also experience a deep sense of satisfaction and accomplishment. This sense of fulfillment is akin to the spiritual joy one might derive from religious observance, hence the analogy to worship.

However, it is essential to balance this concept with the need for rest and personal well-being. The idea of work as worship should not be misinterpreted to justify overwork or the exploitation of labor. Just as worship includes periods of reflection and rest, a healthy work life also requires balance, ensuring that individuals have time for other important aspects of life such as family, recreation, and personal development.

In conclusion, the notion that “work is worship” is a powerful philosophy that elevates the act of labor to a spiritual plane. By perceiving work as a sacred duty, individuals can find deeper meaning in their daily activities and contribute more effectively to society. However, for this concept to enrich lives truly, it must be practiced with an understanding of its broader implications, including the importance of balance and the preservation of personal well-being. Adopting this holistic view can help individuals lead more fulfilled lives while fostering a more ethical and productive society.

Work is Worship Essay Example #2

The philosophy of treating work as worship teaches that every job, no matter how small or routine, carries inherent worth and dignity. It suggests that there is nobility in labor if it is undertaken with sincerity and dedication. This viewpoint fosters a deep respect for all forms of work, discouraging the notion of certain jobs being inferior to others. By embracing this mindset, individuals can transform their daily work experiences into opportunities for personal growth and spiritual fulfillment.

Embracing work as worship also enhances one’s work ethic. It instills a sense of purpose and pride in one’s duties, driving individuals to perform their best. This commitment to excellence is beneficial not just for the individual but for the entire organization or community they are part of. When people approach their jobs with this level of dedication, they contribute to a culture of integrity and accountability, which are essential for any thriving community or organization.

Moreover, seeing work as a form of worship implies a respectful and ethical approach to labor relations. It advocates for fairness, equality, and justice in the workplace. This principle stands against exploitation and promotes the well-being of all workers, recognizing that a respected and well-treated workforce is more engaged and productive.

Work is Worship Essay Example #3

The maxim “work is worship” transcends the conventional view of work as merely an economic necessity, elevating it to a spiritual or moral calling. This philosophy posits that genuine dedication to one’s work can be as spiritually fulfilling as traditional forms of worship. This essay explores the multifaceted benefits of this perspective, both for individuals and society, and examines the deeper implications of integrating this ideal into our lives.

Adopting the mindset that work is worship can significantly enhance personal satisfaction and fulfillment in one’s professional life. When work is viewed not just as a duty but as a sacred offering, it can lead to greater engagement and enthusiasm. This heightened commitment often results in higher quality work, as individuals are motivated not only by external rewards but also by the intrinsic satisfaction of doing their job well.

Furthermore, the philosophy of work as worship can lead to a healthier work environment. It promotes respect for all professions and discourages hierarchical attitudes that undervalue certain types of work. When every job is seen as important and deserving of respect, it fosters a more inclusive and positive workplace culture. Additionally, when workers approach their roles with a worshipful attitude, issues such as exploitation, discrimination, and unethical behavior are less likely to arise, as each individual is committed to upholding high moral and ethical standards.

In conclusion, viewing work as worship is a powerful paradigm that can transform ordinary labor into a source of spiritual richness and community benefit. This approach not only enhances personal fulfillment and ethical standards but also contributes to a more respectful and harmonious society. By embracing work as a significant and sacred aspect of life, individuals can find deeper meaning in their daily endeavors and contribute positively to the broader social fabric.

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Paragraph on Work Is Worship for 100 to 300 Words | Grammar Library

  • Post author: Grammar Library
  • Post category: Paragraph

Paragraph on Work Is Worship: Many people feel that doing tasks or homework is just a boring part of life. It can be hard to find the motivation to start, and sometimes, even harder to finish. This can make us feel upset or even avoid our work. But, what if I told you there’s a secret power in seeing our work differently? Imagine work as something more than just tasks to tick off; it’s actually a way to make our dreams come true and help those around us. This idea, called “Work Is Worship,” teaches us that by putting love and effort into our tasks, we can find joy and satisfaction in everything we do, turning our everyday activities into something amazing.

Paragraph on Work Is Worship

Table of Contents

Paragraph on Work Is Worship – 100 words

In India, the saying “Work is Worship” teaches us to value our duties. This phrase means that dedicating ourselves to our work is as sacred as worshipping God. It encourages us to work hard and stay committed. Whether it’s studying for exams, completing homework, or helping at home, every task is important. Great people like Mahatma Gandhi and APJ Abdul Kalam achieved their goals through hard work.

They showed us that by working diligently, we can achieve success and happiness. This principle helps us to stay focused and strive for excellence in everything we do.

Paragraph on Work Is Worship – 150 words

“Work is Worship” is a powerful saying that highlights the importance of work in our lives. It tells us that being dedicated to our work is just as important as religious worship. In India, this concept is often taught to encourage students to pursue their academic and personal tasks with devotion. For instance, when we study with concentration and interest, we learn better and achieve good grades.

This dedication not only applies to schoolwork but also to other responsibilities like helping our parents or participating in extracurricular activities. By adopting this attitude, we learn the value of hard work and responsibility from a young age. Legends like Sachin Tendulkar in sports and Viswanathan Anand in chess have shown that with persistent effort, one can reach great heights. Thus, treating work as worship helps us develop a positive attitude and achieve our goals.

Paragraph On Work Is Worship – 200 words

The phrase “Work is Worship” holds a profound significance, especially in the Indian context. It implies that our dedication to our tasks is equivalent to offering prayers to the divine. This belief is deeply rooted in Indian culture and teaches us to approach our work with reverence and commitment. Whether it’s academics, sports, or any other field, the essence of this saying encourages us to give our best.

For students, this means focusing on studies, respecting teachers, and consistently working towards their dreams. Such an approach not only leads to academic success but also builds character and discipline. Historical figures like Swami Vivekananda and Kalpana Chawla are prime examples of how dedication to work can lead to extraordinary achievements.

They remind us that with hard work, anything is possible. Moreover, embracing work as worship helps in overcoming challenges and teaches us the importance of perseverance and dedication. By following this principle, students can cultivate a sense of purpose and strive towards excellence in their pursuits. Ultimately, viewing work as a form of worship can transform ordinary tasks into meaningful achievements, enriching our lives and guiding us to success.

Paragraph On Work Is Worship – 250 words

In India, the saying “Work is Worship” holds a special significance, especially when it comes to academic endeavors. This phrase teaches us the importance of dedication and hard work in achieving success in our studies. It implies that just as we worship God with complete devotion, we should also approach our academic tasks with the same level of seriousness and commitment.

This mindset encourages students to focus on their studies with determination, understanding that hard work is the key to excelling in exams and acquiring new knowledge. Indian culture has always emphasized the value of education and hard work, viewing them as pathways to a better future. By treating our studies as a form of worship, we learn to respect the opportunities we have for learning and growth.

This approach not only helps us achieve academic excellence but also instills in us valuable life skills such as discipline, time management, and perseverance. These skills are crucial for facing the challenges of life and achieving our long-term goals. Therefore, embracing the concept of “Work is Worship” in our academic life encourages us to give our best effort in everything we do, leading to personal and academic success.

Paragraph On Work Is Worship 300 words

The principle “Work is Worship” is deeply rooted in Indian culture, emphasizing the importance of hard work in achieving success, particularly in the realm of academics. This concept encourages students to approach their studies with the same reverence and dedication they would offer to a divine being. It teaches that hard work in academics is not merely a task but a sacred duty that leads to enlightenment and personal growth.

In a country like India, where education is seen as a cornerstone for future success, adopting this mindset can make a significant difference in a student’s life. It motivates them to persistently pursue their studies, even when faced with challenges or obstacles.Treating academic work as worship means valuing each opportunity to learn, understanding that knowledge is a gift that should be cherished.

This attitude helps students develop a love for learning, encouraging them to explore new subjects and deepen their understanding of the world around them. It also fosters a sense of responsibility and discipline, qualities that are essential for academic excellence and personal development.

Moreover, this philosophy instills in students the belief that their efforts in academia are a contribution not only to their personal growth but also to the betterment of society. By dedicating themselves to their studies, they are preparing to become informed citizens who can contribute positively to their communities and the country.

In conclusion, the adage “Work is Worship” serves as a powerful reminder to students that their academic endeavors are not only a path to personal achievement but also a way to honor themselves and their society. Embracing this principle can inspire a deeper commitment to education and a more fulfilling academic journey.

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Work is Worship Essay

‘Work is Worship’ is a proverb that refers to the importance and value of work in our life. In this proverb, an honest work is said that it is worship; because it is our honest work only which satisfies our all needs and takes us to the heights of success.

Long and Short Essay on Work is Worship in English

Work is worship essay 1 (100 words).

If we understand the real meaning of work is worship, work is really the real worship as without work our life is waste. If we follow it well all through our life, it acts as the key to success, progress and happiness. If people understand its meaning in true sense, it will surely positively change the scenario of world economy and help people to strongly face the tougher challenges in life. However, we cannot ignore the type of people living together on this planet. Worker earns honestly, idle people depends on others like a parasite, etc. Our life and body get rust if we spend it without any work, aim or purpose. Hard work is the way to get greatness in life. It is considered that, only people who take interest in their work do worship heartily.

Work is Worship

Work is Worship Essay 2 (150 words)

Work is worship is a famous proverb which compares the work with worship. It does not even compare; it is telling about the surety that work is worship. It tells us that, it is not important to worship for hours at home or temple to get the God; it is enough to be intermingled with full interest in our work to get success and the blessings of God too. The works done in the offices, factories or other fields is more valuable than the worship done in temple, church or mosque. Work in real means is the physical or mental effort done to maintain well-being lifestyle all through the life. We work to earn money to bring physical, mental, psychological and social happiness which ultimately balance the state of body, mind and soul. Satisfaction comes through the work keeps body and mind happy which satisfies the soul more than the worship does.

Work is Worship Essay 3 (200 words)

Life, given by God on the earth, is very beautiful. We have already provided all the necessary things required to live a happy life. However, most of the people do not understand the essence of life and start following bad ways. Work is worship is a proverb which tells us that work is the real worship and not worshiping for hours in the temple. The happiness and satisfaction we get from the work cannot get the same through the worship. If the person has faith at own hard work, he/she cannot lose hope even when life becomes miserable.

We should take our work as worship and get involved in this with peaceful mind and soul. It will give us the real pleasure of life. So, we must worship our work. Worshiping our work values a lot; more than worshiping in temple. If we see towards history, we found that all the great people who had achieved greatness, only because of their huge passion in the work in their respective fields. They were the person who had not done different things, but they done things differently with high level of passion and commitment in their work. Work is the true essence of life which brings great ideas in the mind and makes people great personalities.

Work is Worship Essay 4 (250 words)

Work is worship is the famous proverb which means that work is worship in the true sense. Work is truly the worship to the man because without work he cannot survive on the earth. It is our work which gives us new face and adds meaning to the life. Without work life will be dull, uninteresting, idle and monotonous. Great civilization and culture can be achieved only through the committed work. Man is the most intelligent, skilled and capable creation of the God who can make anything possible through the hard work that’s why work is highly valued over worship. Man has a more intelligent brain using which he can decide the right work to reach to the logical conclusion.

An idle man who does not involve in his work interestingly, generally become an unhappy person. It is well said that an idle mind becomes devil’s workshop. The nation becomes stronger when its manpower is fully and suitably employed in the interested field. Without work one cannot get a worth living. Working with full commitment in our interested field gives us real peace and satisfaction which leads us towards success. Continuous work makes us more capable day by day which develops lots of confidence. We should work for improvement and stability within us and not for awards and glory. We should not be lazy and work with harmony with the huge desire to progress.

Work is Worship Essay 5 (300 words)

As we all know about the famous proverb ‘work is worship’ which means that without work no one can be blessed by the blessing of God. One who is lazy cannot please the God even when he/she worship for many hours; however, one who is committed to his/her work can easily please the God even when he/she remembers the God only once a day or not. Man is considered as the most intelligent creation of the God. The life of man is completely depends on their hard work unlike other animals, birds, etc. Man cannot get anything without work even a lazy man starts losing his mind because ‘An idle man’s brain is the devil’s workshop’.

The whole civilization of man has been evolved for years only because of their hard work. All the inventions and discoveries in the field of science are resulted as the human’s continuous hard work with patience. Constant work in the right direction and in the right field leads people towards successful career and further progress in future. Work is not like worship but work is worship which we all should follow in our life. We cannot get anything to eat without work, we have to arrange all the necessities then we can live our life.

People, who work regularly and systematically, show better results than the lazy people. All the great personalities’ lives are the example of hard works they have done during their lifetime. Continuous hard work does not only lead to the better results but also increases the self-confidence level. Developed nations all over world (like USA, Japan, China, Germany, etc) are only through their hard works individually and collectively. Lord Vishwakarma is worshiped in India as the great god of the workers to get blessings in order to continue the hard work. However, most of the people become very lazy and expect more than their work.

Work is Worship Essay 6 (400 words)

Whole life is a struggle and we have to be attentive through our hard work to win the battle of life. All the lives taken birth on this planet will die a day. So, to run our life most fluently in the best way, we have to be committed to our work. Time does not wait for anyone so we must make our every minute useful. Our life is full of various events and actions. People are blessed who complete their work timely; however, those who do not, but postpone or hesitate in doing their work, achieve nothing in the life. Lazy people can never achieve the heights of glory whereas active people win a list of glory.

People who have short life but full of action are much better than the people having long life but full of inactivity and laziness. It is truly said that people with one crowded hour have worthy glorious life than those who have long life without a name. Man life is counted in quality deeds but not in years because age and longevity of a man does not matter however work matters. This proverb ‘work is worship’ tells us about the worth of work together with the worship. It compares the work of man with the worship of God. The right example is, oak tree lives for years (almost three hundred) however when it falls down, its wood is bald and useless for us. On the other hand, lily flowers lives for a day only but it gives a memorable fragrance all around us which creates joy and pleasure within us.

Our noble thoughts are useless if we do not transform them into golden deeds. We should not waste our time in crying for the sorrowful past, doing wrong deeds, or waiting for the right time to start a work. All time is best to start a nice work and win the success. If we compare between work and worship, we find that God also become happy with hard working man instead of lazy man without work. So, we can say that work is worship because worship without work is nothing however work without worship is everything. We should consider our work as worship and try to be busy in the hard work. Work adds meaning to the life and brings confidence and salvation. Work is a best exercise to our body and mind which brings real pleasure in life. Work is also the way to new opportunities together with the skill development.

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Paragraph on Work is Worship

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work is worship essay 200 words

Work is worship emphasizes the value of dedicated effort and commitment. Viewing work as a sacred duty leads to excellence and fulfillment. This mindset fosters discipline, integrity, and respect for one’s responsibilities. The tone is respectful and inspirational. The paragraph underscores the profound impact of valuing work as a noble endeavor.

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Short Paragraph on Work is Worship

Work is worship when it is pursued with dedication and respect. Treating work as a form of devotion not only enhances personal satisfaction but also enriches the quality of output, reflecting a deep respect for the task at hand.

Medium Paragraph on Work is Worship

The philosophy that “work is worship” teaches us that any job can be meaningful if approached with dedication and reverence. This perspective encourages us to find value and purpose in our daily tasks, transforming routine duties into opportunities for personal growth and contribution. Embracing this mindset can lead to greater fulfillment and success in both personal and professional life.

Long Paragraph on Work is Worship

Viewing work as worship means seeing our daily tasks as opportunities to express our best selves and contribute positively to the world. This approach involves bringing dedication, integrity, and excellence to every task, no matter how small. It’s about finding deeper meaning in our work by understanding its impact on others and its role in our personal development. By treating work as a sacred duty, we cultivate a sense of purpose and pride that elevates our spirit and inspires those around us.

Tone-wise Paragraph Examples on Work is Worship

Formal tone.

The concept of “work is worship” encapsulates the belief that work, when performed with conscientiousness and honor, is an act of devotion. This principle encourages individuals to approach their professional responsibilities with a level of dedication that mirrors religious fervor, promoting excellence and ethical conduct. As such, workplaces that foster this ethos not only enhance their productivity but also contribute to the moral development of their employees.

Informal Tone

Ever thought about how treating your work like it’s something sacred can change your whole attitude? When you really put your heart into what you do, it’s kind of like a mini celebration of your abilities and efforts. That’s what “work is worship” is all about—loving what you do and giving it your all.

Persuasive Tone

Imagine if everyone approached their work with the dedication of a devotee. Not only would workplaces be more harmonious, but the quality of work would skyrocket. Adopting the mindset that “work is worship” can transform mundane tasks into profound contributions, enhancing personal fulfillment and collective outcomes. Let’s strive to revere our work and perform it with the utmost respect and commitment.

Reflective Tone

Reflecting on the idea that work is worship compels us to consider how we approach our daily responsibilities. This philosophy suggests that there is nobility in labor and that by dedicating ourselves fully to our tasks, we honor our commitments, our potential, and perhaps something even greater than ourselves.

Inspirational Tone

Let your work be your worship. Approach each task with passion and precision, as if it were a sacred duty. This mindset can turn every challenge into an opportunity and every small task into a grand achievement. Embrace the dignity of labor and let your workday be your altar.

Optimistic Tone

The belief that work is worship instills a positive outlook on professional endeavors. It encourages us to view each task as an opportunity to showcase our dedication and to make a meaningful impact. With this attitude, every day at work is an opportunity to excel and find satisfaction.

Urgent Tone

Now more than ever, embracing the ethos of “work is worship” is crucial. In a world quick to criticize and slow to commend, finding intrinsic value and meaning in our work can be profoundly empowering. Let us renew our commitment to our work with the reverence it deserves, thereby elevating both our spirits and our achievements.

Word Count-wise Paragraph Examples on Work is Worship

Work as worship is a powerful concept that elevates the act of labor to a spiritual experience. By approaching work with reverence and commitment, we can transform routine tasks into fulfilling achievements that not only contribute to our personal growth but also benefit the wider community.

The principle of “work is worship” emphasizes the sacredness of labor. When we engage in our work with full commitment and respect, we not only achieve better outcomes but also contribute positively to our well-being and sense of purpose. This philosophy enriches our lives and inspires us to maintain high standards in all our endeavors.

“Work is worship” is a philosophy that values dedication and meticulousness in professional life. It teaches that by treating work as an act of worship, we not only enhance our productivity but also foster a more meaningful connection to our tasks. This approach not only improves our own well-being but also sets a standard of excellence and integrity in the workplace, encouraging others to elevate their work ethic.

Embracing the idea that work is worship transforms ordinary tasks into profound acts of dedication and respect. This belief instills a sense of purpose and fulfillment in every action, motivating individuals to perform their best. It highlights the importance of passion and commitment in achieving professional excellence and personal satisfaction. By treating work as a meaningful ritual, we can find joy and significance in our daily routines.

The adage “work is is worship” encapsulates the idea that there is intrinsic value and honor in all forms of labor. This perspective encourages us to approach each task with zeal and respect, regardless of its nature. By perceiving work as a sacred duty, we not only enrich our own lives but also positively influence those around us, fostering an environment where diligence and dedication are highly valued.

The philosophy of “work is worship” suggests that labor, when approached with a spirit of reverence and commitment, has the potential to be as uplifting and transformative as traditional forms of worship. This view encourages us to pour our hearts and souls into our work, treating every task with the utmost importance and using our labor as a means of self-expression and self-improvement. It challenges us to find joy and satisfaction in our efforts and to strive for excellence in all our endeavors. Adopting this mindset can lead to profound personal growth and significant societal contributions, as work done with passion and dedication tends to inspire others and elevate the standards of performance across communities. By treating our work as a form of worship, we not only achieve greater professional success but also develop a deeper appreciation for the impact of our work on the world around us.


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Paragraph on Work Is Worship

Students are often asked to write a paragraph on Work Is Worship in their schools. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 200-word, and 250-word paragraphs on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

Paragraph on Work Is Worship in 100 Words

Work is like prayer. When we do our jobs, whether it’s studying or helping at home, we show our best selves. It’s like saying thank you for the skills we have. Doing work well makes us feel proud and happy. It’s important to do every little task with love and care, just like we would treat something very special. When we work, we grow and learn new things. Just like watering a plant helps it bloom, working hard helps us shine brightly. And when we do our work with a happy heart, it’s like giving a gift to the world. (100 words)

Paragraph on Work Is Worship in 200 Words

“Work is Worship” means that doing our job or duty is just as important as praying. Imagine you love to draw, and each time you pick up your crayons to create something, you feel happy and peaceful. That’s how work should make us feel. Just like we respect God, we should respect our work too. When we work, we learn new things, just like we do at school. Whether we are studying, helping our parents at home, or doing our chores, we should do it with all our heart. This is because when we give our best effort, we grow smarter and stronger. Think about ants; they work all the time, carrying food and building their homes without complaining. They teach us that working hard can help us achieve great things. If we do our work with love and care, it’s like saying thank you to God for giving us the ability to work. Remember, when we work, we should be cheerful and do it the best we can, because work helps us, our family, and even our country. So let’s treat work as a special gift and do it with joy every day! (Word count: 200)

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Paragraph on Work Is Worship in 250 Words

“Work is Worship” is a saying that tells us how important it is to do our work with dedication, just like how people show devotion when they pray or worship. Imagine work as a kind of prayer you offer every day; when you do it with all your heart, it brings out the best in you, just like a beautiful song or a colorful painting. It doesn’t matter if you’re studying for a test, helping out at home, or even picking up trash from a park; when you work with joy and care, it shows respect for yourself and everything around you. Think of a gardener who looks after plants with love, or a teacher who teaches with passion; they make their work shine, and they grow happier and wiser because of it. When we work, we learn new things, we make mistakes and learn from them, and we become stronger and smarter. Work can be fun too, like playing a game where each step forward is a new score, and as we keep playing, we get better at it. By treating work as worship, we don’t just finish a task; we build a ladder to our dreams. So, next time you have a job to do, remember that by giving it your all, you are honoring your future, and that’s why ‘Work is Worship’ is such a wise and powerful idea.

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work is worship essay 200 words

  • June 16, 2023

Work is Worship

Picture of Rob Pacienza

Rob Pacienza

  • 5 Minute Read

work is worship essay 200 words

Does your work really matter? In Genesis 2 we witness the Creator God inviting Adam and Eve to create alongside Him. God recognizes “there was no man to work the ground” (Genesis 2:5), so He creates Adam, who has all of Eden at his disposal. In Genesis 2:15 God “put [Adam] into the garden of Eden to work it and keep it.”

What is clear from the very beginning is that work is not a curse but rather a good purpose through which humanity lives out a life of obedient worship to God. While work, service, and worship do not share the same connotation in modern English, the same word—avodah—is frequently used for each of these concepts in the Hebrew Scripture. “Work” and “worship” are two translations of the same word (Genesis 2:15). Work and worship are not separate activities, but are seamlessly integrated. [1] Not only that, but this relationship between work and worship is understood in the context of genuine liberation, as opposed to menial slavery.

God instructs Moses to tell Pharaoh, “Thus says the LORD, ‘Let my people go, that they may worship (avodah) me’” (Exodus 8:1). Worshipping and serving the Lord is only possible for one who has been freed from bondage. There is no question about whether or not individuals will worship, but rather to whom is that worship directed. This will either be a form of idolatry, expressed by chasing after false gods and in self-deification, or an authentic expression of rightly-ordered devotion to the Creator of all things. As individuals fashioned for lifelong adoration of and relationship with God, we image bearers find the end for which we have been created by worshipping Him with every area of our lives. All human work was originally intended to be a sacred calling. [2]

There is no question about whether or not individuals will worship, but rather to whom is that worship directed. This will either be a form of idolatry, expressed by chasing after false gods and in self-deification, or an authentic expression of rightly-ordered devotion to the Creator of all things. Tweet

Genesis 2:15 is the first picture we see of humans working and cultivating the creation – agriculture (or plant life). [3] The word culture finds its origin in the word cultivate. Adam’s culture-shaping work is to take the raw materials of Eden and cultivate them into something greater.

Prior to the command in verse 15, we read this concerning the state of creation in Genesis 2:5: “When no bush of the field was yet in the land and small plant of field had yet sprung up—for the Lord God had not caused it to rain on the land, and there was no man to work the ground.” This reveals a creation that is yet to be developed and formed. This would be the calling and responsibility of humanity. Human work and the cultivation of creation was the means by which nature would fully bring glory to God. [4]

Though Scripture clearly paints a picture of God’s people faithfully engaging culture, the present-day Church has created a very unhealthy, unnatural divide between the sacred and the secular. This has resulted in a major disconnect between the personal beliefs of a Christian and their daily routines in public life. For instance, our congregations are full of people who think work is only meaningful and redemptive when it involves volunteering at church or serving a local non-profit.

There is not a “secular” aspect of our lives. Every aspect is a divinely-given opportunity to be a preview of God’s coming Kingdom. Tweet

God is not only concerned with the spiritual realm, but He is also concerned with the physical realm. In the beginning you see God creating a physical kingdom in the garden, and at the end you see God restoring the earth, not burning it up in flames in order to destroy it. He is expanding this physical kingdom now through His Church and will perfect it at the end of history in the New Heaven and Earth. When the people of God understand how the story ends, it informs how to live in the present.

God has given us tremendous resources to be witnesses for Him in a secular age. We have a rich array of “places”—family, education, sports, entertainment, art, science, politics, workplace—where we can live out our witness. Even though the world around us is increasingly secular, the mission God has given us is pervasively Christian. There is not a “secular” aspect of our lives. Every aspect is a divinely-given opportunity to be a preview of God’s coming Kingdom.

Therefore, all work matters because it all matters to God. This is incredibly good news for the Church today. Regardless of your vocation, you have a sacred calling. Dear Christian, your work is worship!

[1] Tom Nelson, Work Matters: Connecting Sunday Worship to Monday Work (Wheaton: Crossway, 2011), 26.

[2] Gene Veith, God at Work (Wheaton: Crossway, 2002), 19.

[3] Bruce Ashford, Every Square Inch (Bellingham, WA: Lexham Press, 2015), 26.

[4] C.F. Keil, The Pentateuch, Keil and Delitzsch Commentary on the Old Testament (Peabody: Hendrickson Publishers, 2001), 52.

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Paragraph on Work is Worship

“Work is Worship” is an ancient phrase, which teaches us the significance of the work we do. It states that, whatever work we do, we must do it with devotion and sincerity, in the same way as we perform worship. If we perform our work as worship, we will be able to make a positive impact on not only our lives but also the life of others as well.

Short and Long Paragraphs on Work is Worship

Paragraph 1 – 100 words.

“Work is Worship” is a proverb being used for centuries to tell humans about the significance of work. The phrase equates work with worship, that is, we must perform our work with the same devotion with which we perform worship. In other words, work is equivalent to worship and can fulfill all your needs.

Humans worship to get their wishes realized but fail to understand that the true way to realize one’s wishes is to work with dedication. When you work devotedly, you earn well to sustain all your needs and the needs of your loved ones. This is the main concept behind “Work is worship”.

Paragraph 2 – 120 Words

The concept of “work is Worship” has been documented in some of the religious epics. In the greatest Hindu epic ‘Bhagavad Gita’, Lord Krishna teaches Arjuna that to work and to dispense our duty is primary and we should diligently do it, without worrying about the rewards. This shows how deeply ingrained in our culture the significance of work is.

Another proverb mentioned in Ramayana – “As you sow, so shall you reap”, signifies the deeds or ‘karma’ conducted by a man. Worship becomes redundant and has no value whatsoever if the deeds are flawed. The true worth of a man is assessed by the kind of work he does and how devotedly he does it. Worship, on the other hand, is only a ritual.

Paragraph 3 – 150 Words

The phrase “Work is Worship” stresses the significance of work and also suggests that it should be performed as worship. If you work as devotedly as you worship then you don’t need to worship at all.

In other words, there is no worship better than dispensing your duties with devotion and dedication. Work is the greatest form of worship that a human can ordain. In the end, what matters is how you perform your duties but not how devotedly you worship. If you worship all time without performing duties then it is of no use.

People are known by the work they do and how sincerely they do it. Working sincerely brings good name and rewards, way more than worship. In fact, worship alone can achieve nothing. The persons who are famous and are ideals for others have achieved the state only through their work.

Paragraph 4 – 200 Words

The main motive of life is found in one small phrase “Work is Worship”. Life becomes dull and worthless without work. It gives us an objective to live and a way to sustain our needs. When we work, we not only help ourselves but also help others as well. The good work we devotedly do every day, in some way or the other affects many around us.

For example, the hard work that a farmer does in the fields, help feed many empty stomachs; likewise, a hard-working doctor is able to bring a smile on hundreds of sick faces, in a single day.

Can you think of anything better than feeding hungry people or tending the sick to make them healthy? Can any amount of worship be equated with noble deeds like these? I think not. The world recognizes you by your work, not by your worships.

What does matters is that you worship your work? If you don’t work and rather devote all your time to worship, it is of no use. Ultimately what matters is the amount of worship you put into your work. This should prove to be a life-changing decision for you.

Paragraph 5 – 250 Words

“Work is Worship” is an old proverb that teaches us to worship our work. Whatever we do for a living, should be done devotedly and sincerely. Like, while worshiping how devotedly we fold our hands, close our eyes and try to concentrate; the same way we must work. In fact, we must worship our work that is what the phrase tries to teach us.

“Work is worship” could also be understood as “working hard”. Hard work is more important in life than anything else. All the achievements made by humans to date have been possible only through years of hard work and devotion. Had man not worshipped work, he wouldn’t have reached the moon and preventing diseases today.

In fact, the society that we live in is nothing but a manifestation of thousands of years of hard work of good people. The engineers who build buildings, bridges, roads, etc; the workers who work tirelessly, throughout the heat and cold; the vegetable vendors who sell every day, seven days a week; the shopkeeper who opens his shop, all day long; the policeman who stands out there in all weather, to keep a watch on law and order; etc.

These people and millions of others like them worship their work. These people are a blessing to society and a perfect example of “Work is Worship”. Therefore, it is established beyond doubt that we should conceive our work in the form of worship. This way, we will not only help ourselves but society as well.

FAQs: Frequently Asked Questions

Ans. We should love our work as it gives us the earning to live.

Ans. Work is Worship means that we should respect our work.

Ans. When we do our work well we get appreciation.

Ans. Mahatma Gandhi gave the phrase work is worship.

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Essay, Paragraph, Speech on “Work is Worship” Complete English Essay for Class 8, 9, 10, 12 Students.

Work is worship.

The earth supports us, but not to the extent that we may live without working. It has enough natural wealth, but not in readily usable forms. It is our efforts that convert Nature’s gifts into materials that fulfil our needs. Just as our needs are varied, so are the ways in which we have to work to fulfil them. No work can, therefore, be ignored or considered inferior, unless, we are prepared to sacrifice the need it fulfils. Our satisfaction in life depends not only on the work we do, but on all those types of work that help make living a comfortable and happy experience. If worship is aimed at happiness, then work is the best form of worship.

(120 words)

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English Summary

Work is Worship Poem Summary Notes and Line by Line Explanation in English Class 7th

Table of Contents


Work is worship is a poem by Rabindranath Tagore that describes the values and significance of work in our lives. Work is actually a form of worship since, without it, life would be pointless. A loving completion of our Work would result in our satisfaction and offer us a positive outlook. Since one cannot continue to live without work, work is a categorical kind of love. Once we start liking the work that we do, our spirit and psyche will be calm and peaceful.

About the Poet

Tagore’s “beautiful prose and mystical poetry” are largely unknown outside of Bengal, despite the fact that his poetic songs were considered to be spiritual and mercurial. He was a Royal Asiatic Society fellow. Tagore was referred to as “the Bard of Bengal” and went by the nicknames Gurudev, Kobiguru, and Biswakobi.

Rhyme Scheme

The poet criticizes all selfish ritualism in this poem. Tagore exhorts the holy man to reconsider the idea of encountering God in a solitary, dark chamber with all the doors closed, as opposed to the antiquated practice of chanting, singing, and reciting extended prayers while tightly gripping the chains of beads one by one.

He supports them both unwittingly as they are in the heat of the sun and the summer rain shower. Even God’s clothing is imagined by Tagore to have been dust-covered during the process. He then counsels the holy man to take off his robe and walk on the dusty ground.

Line 15- 20


Work is Worship Essay

Essay on work is worship for children and students.

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‘Work is Worship’ is a proverb that refers to the importance and value of work in our life. In this proverb, an honest work is said that it is worship; because it is our honest work only which satisfies our all needs and takes us to the heights of success.

Long and Short Essay on Work is Worship in English

Now-a-days, essay writing is in practice in the schools and colleges. It is a good strategy followed by teachers in the schools and colleges in order to enhance the English writing skill and knowledge of the students about any topic. It is an effective way to get views, new ideas and positive suggestions by the students about any topic. Following are some paragraphs, short essays and long essays on Work is Worship to help students in completing their task in the classroom. All the Work is Worship essay are written very simply. So, you can select any essay according to your need and requirement:

Work is Worship Essay 1 (100 words)

If we understand the real meaning of work is worship, work is really the real worship as without work our life is waste. If we follow it well all through our life, it acts as the key to success, progress and happiness. If people understand its meaning in true sense, it will surely positively change the scenario of world economy and help people to strongly face the tougher challenges in life. However, we cannot ignore the type of people living together on this planet. Worker earns honestly, idle people depends on others like a parasite, etc. Our life and body get rust if we spend it without any work, aim or purpose. Hard work is the way to get greatness in life. It is considered that, only people who take interest in their work do worship heartily.

Work is Worship Essay 2 (150 words)

Work is worship is a famous proverb which compares the work with worship. It does not even compare; it is telling about the surety that work is worship. It tells us that, it is not important to worship for hours at home or temple to get the God; it is enough to be intermingled with full interest in our work to get success and the blessings of God too. The works done in the offices, factories or other fields is more valuable than the worship done in temple, church or mosque. Work in real means is the physical or mental effort done to maintain well-being lifestyle all through the life. We work to earn money to bring physical, mental, psychological and social happiness which ultimately balance the state of body, mind and soul. Satisfaction comes through the work keeps body and mind happy which satisfies the soul more than the worship does.

Work is Worship Essay 3 (200 words)

Life, given by God on the earth, is very beautiful. We have already provided all the necessary things required to live a happy life. However, most of the people do not understand the essence of life and start following bad ways. Work is worship is a proverb which tells us that work is the real worship and not worshiping for hours in the temple. The happiness and satisfaction we get from the work cannot get the same through the worship. If the person has faith at own hard work, he/she cannot lose hope even when life becomes miserable.

We should take our work as worship and get involved in this with peaceful mind and soul. It will give us the real pleasure of life. So, we must worship our work. Worshiping our work values a lot; more than worshiping in temple. If we see towards history, we found that all the great people who had achieved greatness, only because of their huge passion in the work in their respective fields. They were the person who had not done different things, but they done things differently with high level of passion and commitment in their work. Work is the true essence of life which brings great ideas in the mind and makes people great personalities.

Work is Worship Essay 4 (250 words)

Work is worship is the famous proverb which means that work is worship in the true sense. Work is truly the worship to the man because without work he cannot survive on the earth. It is our work which gives us new face and adds meaning to the life. Without work life will be dull, uninteresting, idle and monotonous. Great civilization and culture can be achieved only through the committed work. Man is the most intelligent, skilled and capable creation of the God who can make anything possible through the hard work that’s why work is highly valued over worship. Man has a more intelligent brain using which he can decide the right work to reach to the logical conclusion.

An idle man who does not involve in his work interestingly, generally become an unhappy person. It is well said that an idle mind becomes devil’s workshop. The nation becomes stronger when its manpower is fully and suitably employed in the interested field. Without work one cannot get a worth living. Working with full commitment in our interested field gives us real peace and satisfaction which leads us towards success. Continuous work makes us more capable day by day which develops lots of confidence. We should work for improvement and stability within us and not for awards and glory. We should not be lazy and work with harmony with the huge desire to progress.

Work is Worship Essay 5 (300 words)

As we all know about the famous proverb ‘work is worship’ which means that without work no one can be blessed by the blessing of God. One who is lazy cannot please the God even when he/she worship for many hours; however, one who is committed to his/her work can easily please the God even when he/she remembers the God only once a day or not. Man is considered as the most intelligent creation of the God. The life of man is completely depends on their hard work unlike other animals, birds, etc. Man cannot get anything without work even a lazy man starts losing his mind because ‘An idle man’s brain is the devil’s workshop’.

The whole civilization of man has been evolved for years only because of their hard work. All the inventions and discoveries in the field of science are resulted as the human’s continuous hard work with patience. Constant work in the right direction and in the right field leads people towards successful career and further progress in future. Work is not like worship but work is worship which we all should follow in our life. We cannot get anything to eat without work, we have to arrange all the necessities then we can live our life.

People, who work regularly and systematically, show better results than the lazy people. All the great personalities’ lives are the example of hard works they have done during their lifetime. Continuous hard work does not only lead to the better results but also increases the self-confidence level. Developed nations all over world (like USA, Japan, China, Germany, etc) are only through their hard works individually and collectively. Lord Vishwakarma is worshiped in India as the great god of the workers to get blessings in order to continue the hard work. However, most of the people become very lazy and expect more than their work.

Work is Worship Essay 6 (400 words)

Whole life is a struggle and we have to be attentive through our hard work to win the battle of life. All the lives taken birth on this planet will die a day. So, to run our life most fluently in the best way, we have to be committed to our work. Time does not wait for anyone so we must make our every minute useful. Our life is full of various events and actions. People are blessed who complete their work timely; however, those who do not, but postpone or hesitate in doing their work, achieve nothing in the life. Lazy people can never achieve the heights of glory whereas active people win a list of glory.

People who have short life but full of action are much better than the people having long life but full of inactivity and laziness. It is truly said that people with one crowded hour have worthy glorious life than those who have long life without a name. Man life is counted in quality deeds but not in years because age and longevity of a man does not matter however work matters. This proverb ‘work is worship’ tells us about the worth of work together with the worship. It compares the work of man with the worship of God. The right example is, oak tree lives for years (almost three hundred) however when it falls down, its wood is bald and useless for us. On the other hand, lily flowers lives for a day only but it gives a memorable fragrance all around us which creates joy and pleasure within us.

Our noble thoughts are useless if we do not transform them into golden deeds. We should not waste our time in crying for the sorrowful past, doing wrong deeds, or waiting for the right time to start a work. All time is best to start a nice work and win the success. If we compare between work and worship, we find that God also become happy with hard working man instead of lazy man without work. So, we can say that work is worship because worship without work is nothing however work without worship is everything. We should consider our work as worship and try to be busy in the hard work. Work adds meaning to the life and brings confidence and salvation. Work is a best exercise to our body and mind which brings real pleasure in life. Work is also the way to new opportunities together with the skill development.

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