1. AY 2023 Spring Master's Thesis Presentation|UoA

    thesis by publication uoa

  2. (PDF) Thesis

    thesis by publication uoa

  3. (PDF) Thesis 1

    thesis by publication uoa

  4. UOA软件指南

    thesis by publication uoa

  5. (PDF) Visualizing and Exploring Time-Evolving Linked Geospatial

    thesis by publication uoa

  6. (PDF) Thesis Information technology on operational excellence

    thesis by publication uoa


  1. “Supports the robust role of media globally…” US Dept of State over raids on journalists in India

  2. Lost Women, Lost Men, Toltec Wisdom. Jobs and AI, Krishnamurti & Carlos Castañeda, 3/6/24

  3. Sealab2022 Ep.1 (Pilot episode)

  4. Publication List en Marketing Cloud

  5. Thesis Writing: Outlining Part I