Online Speech to Text Cloud
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Sprache in Text umwandeln
Laden sie ihre audio-datei hoch.
2-9 Minuten kostenlos. Kein Konto erforderlich.
Erhalten Sie genaue Transkripte mit unserem Online-Sprach-zu-Text-Dienst
Wandeln Sie mit unserem leistungsstarken Sprach-zu-Text-Online-Dienst Ihre Audio-Dateien sicher und exakt in Text um. Wir verwenden moderne, große Sprachmodelle, um hochwertige Transkripte Ihrer Audio-Dateien anzufertigen.
Mit über 50 unterstützten Sprachen, darunter Deutsch, Englisch, Spanisch, Italienisch, Französisch, Thailändisch, Schwedisch und Koreanisch, können wir jede Sprache verarbeiten, die Sie benötigen.
So laden Sie eine Audio-Datei in drei einfachen Schritten hoch
Unser Plattform ist einfach zu bedienen! Sie müssen kein Konto bei uns erstellen. Laden Sie einfach Ihre Audio-Datei mit dem „Audio-Datei auswählen“-Knopf oben hoch. Die Datei sollte in einem der folgenden Formate vorliegen: MP3, OGG, WAV, OPUS, AAC, MP4, MOV, MPEG, 3GPP, WVM, FLV, AVI, AVCHD, WebM, MKV oder WhatsApp Sprachnachricht (WhatsApp Audio/Video Notes OPUS und PTT OGG).
Unsere fortschrittliche Spracherkennungstechnologie erkennt automatisch die Sprache und wandelt das Audio in Text um. Sie können das Transkript als Textdatei herunterladen oder direkt in die Zwischenablage kopieren.
Die Vorteile von Transkriptionsdienstleistungen für Barrierefreiheit, Suchmaschinenoptimierung und Produktivität
Transkriptionsdienstleistungen bieten viele Vorteile, wie etwa die Verbesserung der Barrierefreiheit für Menschen mit Hörbehinderungen, zur Suchmaschinenoptimierung durch die Verwendung keyword-reicher Textinhalte, oder die Steigerung der Produktivität durch die Möglichkeit, Audio-Aufzeichnungen schnell zu überprüfen und zu analysieren . Haben Sie eine Website oder einen Podcast , der Audio-Dateien verwendet? Laden Sie sie einfach bei uns hoch, erhalten Sie Ihr Transkript und verwenden es auf Ihrer Website.
Sprach-zu-Text-Konvertierung: Wie sie funktioniert und ihre Rolle in automatisierter Transkription
Die Spracherkennungstechnologie ist das Rückgrat unseres Transkriptionsdienstes. Sie verwendet Machine-Learning-Algorithmen, um gesprochene Sprache in geschriebenen Text umzuwandeln. Unser leistungsstarkes großes Sprachmodell gewährleistet hohe Genauigkeit und Qualität, mit einem WER-Wert von bis zu 4,5.
Spracherkennung im Detail
Die Spracherkennungstechnologie verwendet Machine-Learning-Algorithmen, um gesprochene Sprache in geschriebenen Text umzuwandeln. Das Programm zerlegt das Audio in winzige Teile und verarbeitet sie mittels eines großen Sprachmodells, das aufgrund von riesigen Mengen an Textdaten aus dem Internet trainiert wurde. Dies ermöglicht dem Modell, die Muster und Strukturen der menschlichen Sprache zu verstehen, einschließlich Grammatik, Syntax, Semantik und Kontext.
Die Spracherkennungstechnologie verwendet ein Encoder-Decoder-Transformermodell, um Audio-Merkmale direkt in Textüberschriften zu überführen, ohne dass intermediate phonetische Repräsentationen oder andere handgefertigten Merkmale erforderlich sind. Dies ermöglicht es dem Modell, komplexere linguistische Muster und Kontextinformationen aufzugreifen, was zu einer höheren Genauigkeit und besserer Gesamtleistung führt.
Zusammengefasst nutzt unsere Sprache-zu-Text-Konvertierungstechnologie große Sprachmodelle, um gesprochene Sprache in geschriebenen Text umzuwandeln, was hochwertige Transkripte ergibt, die leicht zu lesen und zu analysieren sind. Durch den Einsatz der neuesten Fortschritte in künstlicher Intelligenz und natürlicher Sprachverarbeitung können wir unseren Nutzern eine schnelle, genaue und erschwingliche Transkriptionslösung anbieten, die ihren Bedürfnissen gerecht wird.
Datensicherheit bei der Transkription: Schutz von Benutzerdaten durch Verschlüsselung
Alle Audio-Dateiuploads und Transkript-Downloads werden mittels HTTPS verschlüsselt, um sicherzustellen, dass Nutzerdaten während des Transkriptionsprozesses geschützt bleiben. Wir haben auch strenge Zugriffskontrollen, um unbefugten Zugriff auf Ihre Transkripte zu verhindern.
Einführung unseres bahnbrechenden Features – Echtzeit-Transkription
Unsere Plattform ermöglicht es Ihnen nun, Audio- oder Video-Inhalte direkt von Ihrem Mikrofon in Echtzeit zu transkribieren. Verabschieden Sie sich von der Transkription nach der Aufnahme und sparen Sie Zeit mit sofortigen Ergebnissen. Erleben Sie Sprach-zu-Text-Technologie wie nie zuvor. Starten Sie heute unsere Echtzeit-Transkriptions -Funktion! Klicken Sie einfach auf den Mikrofon-Knopf oben.
Automatische Zusammenfassung und Übersetzung in über 50 Sprachen
Fühlten Sie sich schon einmal von einer langen Abschrift überwältigt und hatten Mühe, die wichtigsten Erkenntnisse herauszufinden? Unsere Zusammenfassungsfunktion destilliert komplexe Unterhaltungen in prägnante, umsetzbare Erkenntnisse – mit einem Mausklick. Kein mühsames Durchsuchen von Seiten mit Text mehr; nur noch purer, unverfälschter Wert.
Auch Sprachbarrieren sind keine Entschuldigung mehr für verpasste Chancen. Mit unserer Übersetzungsfunktion können Sie Ihre Transkriptinhalte einem breiteren Publikum zugänglich machen – sei es für die internationale Forschung, die Zusammenarbeit oder einfach, um Kunden in ihrer Muttersprache zu erreichen.
Tarife und Pakete für die Transkription: Günstige Preise für hochwertige Transkripte
Unsere Tarifpläne sind transparent und günstig. Sie können 2-9 Minuten Audio kostenlos transkribieren, danach richtet sich der Preis nach der Länge der zu transkribierenden Audio-Datei, beginnend bei 0,50 €. Wir bieten unterschiedliche Pakete an, um Ihre spezifischen Bedürfnisse zu erfüllen, egal ob Sie eine einmalige Transkription oder kontinuierliche Dienstleistungen benötigen. Wenn Sie sehr viele Audio-Dateien haben, die Sie transkribieren möchten, kontaktieren Sie uns bitte für ein Sonderangebot.
Häufig gestellte Fragen (FAQ)
Wie hoch ist die Transkriptionsgenauigkeit?
Wir verwenden moderne Sprachmodelle, um hochwertige Transkripte mit einer Wortfehlerquote ( WER ) von 4,5 oder besser zu erstellen, was einer Genauigkeit von über 95% entspricht.
Wie lange dauert es, eine Audio-Datei zu transkribieren?
Die Transskriptionszeit hängt von der Länge der Audio-Datei und der Komplexität des Inhalts ab. Ein einstündiges Audio-File dauert im Durchschnitt etwa 15 Minuten zum Transkribieren, aber dies kann je nach Faktoren wie Audio-Qualität, Server-Auslastung und Sprecher-Akzent variieren. Der Transskriptionsprozess startet sofort nach dem Hochladen Ihrer Datei, und Sie können Ihr Transkript ohne Verzögerung herunterladen, wenn es fertig ist.
Welche Sprachen werden unterstützt?
Wir unterstützen über 50 Sprachen, darunter Italienisch, Englisch, Spanisch, Deutsch, Niederländisch, Französisch, Thai, Schwedisch und Koreanisch.
Wie lade ich meine Audio-Datei für die Transkription hoch?
Sie können Ihre Audiodatei direkt auf unserer Website hochladen in einem der folgenden Formate: MP3, OGG, WAV, OPUS, AAC, MP4, MOV, MPEG, 3GPP, WVM, FLV, AVI, AVCHD, WebM oder MKV.
Wie erhalte ich mein Transkript?
Nachdem die Transkription abgeschlossen ist, können Sie Ihr Transkript als Textdatei (.txt), Microsoft-Word-Dokument (.docx) herunterladen oder es in die Zwischenablage kopieren, um es weiter zu bearbeiten. Außerdem können Sie Ihre Datei im PDF-Format (.pdf) oder Untertitel-/SubRip-Format (.srt) herunterladen, bereit für die Importierung in Adobe Premiere Pro, YouTube, Cyberlink PowerDirector, DaVinci Resolve oder AVID für Film-Untertitelung und -Beschriftung. Mehr erfahren Sie in unserem Artikel über gängige Audio-Transkriptionsformate .
Gibt es eine Längenbegrenzung für Audiodateien, die ich transkribieren kann?
Nein, wir können Audiodateien beliebiger Länge transkribieren. Die Preisgestaltung richtet sich jedoch nach der Länge der Audiodatei und die Bearbeitungszeit kann je nach Länge der Datei und Serverauslastung variieren. Wenn Sie sparen möchten, werfen Sie einen Blick auf unsere Preispläne .
Können Audiodateien mit schlechter Qualität oder mehreren Sprechern transkribiert werden?
Unsere Sprache-zu-Text-Konvertierungstechnologie ist robust bei Hintergrundgeräuschen und mehreren Sprechern, aber die Genauigkeit sinkt bei Audiodateien mit schlechter Qualität oder vielen Sprechern. Wir empfehlen, hochwertige Audiodateien zu verwenden, um beste Ergebnisse zu erzielen.
Wie viel kostet es, eine Audiodatei zu transkribieren?
Die Preisgestaltung richtet sich nach der Länge der Audiodatei und beginnt bei 0,54 Euro. Eine Minute Audio-Datei-Transkription kostet etwa 0,04 Euro. Rabattierte Preise sind für größere Mengen verfügbar. Die ersten 2-9 Minuten sind kostenlos.
Ist meine Datei während des Transkriptionsprozesses sicher?
Ja, alle Uploads und Transcript-Downloads werden über HTTPS verschlüsselt, und wir haben strenge Zugriffskontrollen, um unbefugten Zugriff auf Ihre Transkripte zu verhindern. Wir kommen dabei den geltenden Datenschutzgesetzen und -vorschriften nach.
Wie erreiche ich den Kundensupport, wenn ich weitere Fragen habe?
Unser Kundensupport-Team erreichen Sie per E-Mail. Bitte besuchen Sie unsere Kontaktseite . Wir stehen Ihnen während der üblichen Geschäftszeiten zur Verfügung.
Was passiert mit meiner Audio-Datei nach dem Hochladen?
Ihre Audio-Datei wird sofort transkribiert und bleibt sieben Tage lang auf unserem Server gespeichert. Danach wird sie automatisch gelöscht. Es finden keine weiteren Verarbeitungen, Übertragungen oder anderen Aktionen statt, die nicht direkt mit der reinen Transkription zusammenhängen.
Was ist die maximale Dateigröße?
Die maximal zugelassene Upload-Dateigröße beträgt 1 GB. Wir arbeiten kontinuierlich daran, diese Grenze zu erhöhen.
German Text to Speech online
Language code: de-DE
Transform any text into human-sounding German speech.
It goes by various names including 'Deutsch' and 'Hochdeutsch'.
This language is unique in pronunciation with distinct sounds. It utilizes a combination of voiced and voiceless consonants, and vowel length can change the meaning of words. The language is also known for its compound nouns, making sentence structure vital for conveying clear meaning.
Vowel Length : German distinguishes between short and long vowels. For example, "Bett" (bed) has a short 'e', while "Beet" (garden bed) has a long 'e'.
Umlauts : Umlauts are diacritic marks on vowels (ä, ö, ü). They indicate a change in vowel sound. For instance, 'ä' is somewhat akin to 'ae', 'ö' is somewhere between 'o' and 'e', and 'ü' resembles the 'u' in the French word 'lune'.
Consonant Combinations : Certain combinations, such as 'sch', 'ch', 'sp', and 'st', have unique sounds. The 'sch' is similar to the English 'sh', while 'ch' can sound like the 'h' in "huge" or the 'ch' in the Scottish word "loch", depending on its placement and the vowels around it.
Compound Words : German is renowned for its long compound words. Pronunciation in these cases relies on stressing the primary syllable of each constituent word.
SpeechGen focuses on the intricacies of German phonetics and articulation to produce clear audio. By leveraging advanced technologies like artificial intelligence and neural networks, our tool ensures the voicing of the text feels organic and real. The synthesis of the spoken content keeps the essence of grammar and its unique tonal qualities intact.
Experience the cutting-edge synthesis of voices with SpeechGen, turning your German text into vibrant speech through seamless conversion.
- More than 130 million people speak German. The most popular countries where German is spoken are Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Liechtenstein, Belgium, Italy, Luxembourg. There are 42 countries in total.
- Ranked 7th in Internet Usage
- Only 23 million words. 145,000 keywords. Native speakers use approximately 12,000 words.
- The most popular words are “Der, die, das”.
Other Accents
- Schweizerdeutsch
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- Transcribe German
Transcribe German audio
Go Transcribe can automatically convert German audio and video files to text in an instant. Get started for free!
File options
Setup an account to access your file securely
By registering you agree to our Terms and Privacy Policy
Why transcribe German with Go Transcribe
Sign up with Go Transcribe today and work with one of the most sophisticated transcription software in the market.
Collaboration Tools
If you’re a part of a company and need to work together with colleagues on the same files, there’s no tool out there better than Go Transcribe. Our platform allows flawless collaboration with teammates and colleagues to help you track all the changes you need to make. Annotate, highlight and add comments and share your findings with colleagues.
Advanced Artificial Intelligence
We have created and trained our machine learning algorithms that are constantly learning and adapting to different accents, dialects, and languages every day.
Trusted by Businesses Globally
Thousands of businesses work with Go Transcribe and rely on us and our German transcription machine learning algorithms.
Ensuring accuracy for automatically transcribing German audio into text
Just like converting any language audio or video file into text, there are a few tips to follow to get the best results:
Ensure that speakers are not talking over each other and that the recording device is close to the person speaking.
Try to reduce background noise
Try to eliminate any static or echo
Our customers are our biggest fans.
We don't like to brag, but we don't mind letting our customers do it for us. Here are a few nice things folks have said about our service over the years.
User friendly, efficient and gets the job done! A very useful tool for all those who are not natural note takers!
This has got to be the fastest, easiest and cheapest way to create transcriptions. This makes writing meeting minutes so much easier. A big fan!
The program is extremely user friendly right out of the gate, it transcribes correctly at 80%, extremely pleased.
We've transcribed six hour-long interviews and go-transcribe works a treat. not 100% by any means, but good enough to save us days of manual transcription.
I used Go Transcribe to make the initial transcription and it was much easier. I'll certainly recommend it and use it again.
This service saves me a ton of time, and for the price the accuracy is really good. I sent a message to the support team and they replied really quickly.
Other Supported Languages
Transcribe in over 30 languages, create subtitles and closed captions to reach a wider audience
Free Speech-to-Text for German language
Max. file size: 15MB Max duration: 2min 0s Format MP3/WAV/MP4/FLAC/WEBM/M4A enables you to convert your spoken or recorded audio from German language into written text. Simply select your MP3/WAV/MP4 or FLAC file and upload it to our engine. After some time of processing, you will be presented the transcript of your audio file. currently offers online speech recognition free of charge.
- Unlimited file upload
- 15MB file per upload
- 5min Speech to Text conversion
- Speaker detection
- Transcription History
What do I need a transcription service for?
The automatic transcription of audio recordings helps scientists, journalists, lawyers, doctors, students and other professionals to create quick and accurate text output of recorded speech. Spending countless hours transcribing interviews yourself is no longer the common practice. That's why we offer automatic, accurate and fast conversion of audio files using the most advanced KI and AI algorithms.
Why choose ConvertSpeech?
Have you got an mp3 file to transcribe but no time to do it yourself? Have you got an mp3 file in another language that you don’t know how to transcribe correctly? Do you want to avoid spending lots of money on costly transcription services?
If you answered yes to any of these questions, ConvertSpeech is the right place for you. We developed our service for busy students and professionals and all who don’t have hours and hours to spare for manually transcribing audio. With ConvertSpeech, recordings can be converted to text completely automatically, in a range of languages and formats, all for free. Should you need more transcription time, you can easily purchase one of our packages, without tying yourself to a recurring subscription. This is what makes our transcription service the best on the market. You don’t even need to download any software to use ConvertSpeech. It lets you transcribe directly from your browser with no mandatory registration, no annoying ads and no contractual obligations.
Text to speech German
Easily convert text to speech in Standard German, and 100 more languages. Try our Standard German text to speech free online. No registration required. Create Audio
German text to speech makes it easy to make audio guides, videos, lessons and marketing materials for Germany, Austria, Belgium, Luxembourg, Switzerland and Liechtenstein. Around 130 million people worldwide speak German as their native language. Narakeet uses natural sounding text to speech German voice generators, that make it easy to produce German accent audio, text to speech voice German videos and more.
Narakeet has 32 Standard German text to speech male and female voices, and many more in other regional German variants . Play the video below (with sound) for a quick demo.
German accent generator
In addition to these voices, Narakeet has 700 text-to-speech voices in 100 languages .
For more options (uploading Word documents, voice speed/volume controls, working with Powerpoint files or Markdown scripts), check out our Tools .
Additional German Text to Speech voices
For more regional German text-to-speech variants, check out the following pages:
- Swiss German text to speech voices
- Austrian German text to speech voices
Text to speech Deutsch
German TTS voice generators can help you make audio and video files quickly, without hiring German voice talent, and much faster than recording and editing the materials. Here are some things you can easily make with Narakeet text reader German:
- TTS German audio files
- Text-to speech German videos
- German voice overs for YouTube videos
- Text to Voice German narration
- German accent generator audio
- Text to Speech German female voiceovers
- German accent audio
- Female German accent announcements
- Text to speech TikTok videos for Germany
- Deutsch TTS language lessons
- Text to MP3 Deutsch
- German voice generator online
- Text-to-Speech Deutsch Online articles
- German female text to speech voiceovers
German accent text to speech
Our TTS German voices speak standard German, but you can also use them to as German accent voice generators for English, to create language lessons or travel guides with local-sounding pronunciation, and German accent videos. Because English and German have many words that are written the same (or similarly) and pronounced differently, you can tell Narakeet to read using a specific language. Check out the lesson on how to Change the voice-over language or voice for more information.
Text to speech API German
Looking for programmatic access to text to speech German voices? Check out the Narakeet API , which can help you automate video and audio production, and create text to speech mp3 German voices or MP4 videos from automated processes.
Standard German Text-to-Speech Frequently Asked Questions
Want to know more about our Standard German online text to speech voices? Here are the answers to the most frequently asked questions:
Is text to speech available in Germany?
Narakeet has realistic, natural sounding text to speech German voice generators in several dialects. Use them online to create MP3 or WAV files directly on this page, or check out our Tools page for more ways to use German text voice generators, including converting Powerpoint files to audio and batch automation.
Narakeet helps you create text to speech voiceovers , turn Powerpoint presentations and Markdown scripts into engaging videos. It is under active development, so things change frequently. Keep up to date: RSS , Slack , Twitter , YouTube , Facebook , Instagram , TikTok
Transcribe German Audio to Text
Upload an audio file and transcribe in German within seconds.
supports media files of any duration, 2GB size limit only during trial.
*No credit card or account required
How to Transcribe German Audio to Text
Upload an audio file.
Upload an audio file and choose German as the original language.
AI Transcription
Receive the transcription within seconds once the upload is done.
Edit and Export
Edit the transcript and export in the format you prefer.
Convert German Audio to Text with AI
Effortless & Consistent
Transcribe German audio to text with AI to save time and effort in a cost-efficient manner .
Time Saving
Transcribe lengthy German audio files in seconds with impeccable accuracy.
Effortlessly transcribe German audio to text and archive on Maestra’s cloud.
Provide transcripts with audio files to promote accessibility and increase outreach.
Transcribe German with Maestra
Content Creators
Pair content with transcripts to multiply viewer numbers and improve accessibility .
Transcribe German podcasts to text to improve accessibility and reach new audiences.
Accurately transcribe German audio in seconds using leading AI transcription technology.
Transcribe German lectures to text to improve comprehension and provide students with a transcript for after-studying.
In Addition to German Transcription
Voice Cloning
Clone your using Maestra’s AI voice cloning feature and instantly start speaking in 29 languages!
YouTube Integration
YouTube integration allows Maestra users to fetch content from their YouTube channel without having to upload files one by one. Maestra serves as a localization station and a YouTube transcript generator for YouTubers, allowing them to add then edit existing subtitles on their YouTube videos, directly from Maestra’s editor.
Transcribe in German and 125+ Languages
Full List of Languages
Interactive Text Editor
Proofread and edit the text using our friendly and easy to use text editor. Maestra has a very high accuracy rate, but if needed, the German transcript can be adjusted through the text editor.
*Click image to switch dark/light mode
Maestra’s video dubber offers AI voice cloning and voiceovers with a diverse portfolio of AI speakers. Voices with different dialects and accents further improve your content game, in addition to promoting accessibility.
Maestra Teams And Collab
Create Team-based channels with “View” and “Edit” level permissions for your entire team & company. Collaborate on German transcripts with your colleagues in real-time.
Auto Subtitle Generator
Maestra’s auto subtitle generator provides subtitles in 125+ languages. Converting German transcripts to subtitles promotes accessibility by allowing hard-hearing individuals and audiences who watch on mute to consume the content, instantly multiplying viewership with AI transcription.
Check API Docs
What app transcribes audio in German?
Maestra’s transcription tool allows anyone to transcribe German audio to text in seconds. Upload any file in German and receive the transcript in seconds.
What is the transcription app for German?
Maestra’s transcription app is the best for transcribing German audio to text. Just upload the audio files and receive German transcripts with incredible speed and accuracy.
What is the website for German transcription? is the go-to transcripton website for any transcription needs. Leading AI technology ensures impeccable accuracy and speed for anyone who is looking to transcribe German audio files. All you need to do is upload an audio file, choose “German” as the original language and click “Submit”. You will receive the transcript within seconds.
How do I transcribe German audio to text?
Upload a German audio file to Maestra’s transcription tool, choose “German” as the original languague. Within seconds, the German audi file will be transcribed to text with incredible accuracy.
Is there a free app to transcribe German?
Yes, anyone can try transcribing audio files with Maestra for free. Upload any audio file in 125+ languages including German and it will automatically be transcribed within seconds.
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What people are saying about maestra, 4.7 out of 5 stars, “master the media with maestra”.
The best side of this product is auto subtitling. And most importantly, it supports multiple languages.
“The All In One “over the top” turnkey solution for Automatic Transcripts, Subtitles and Voiceovers”
What comes to mind as Maestra being the go-to solution for our company is that it’s such a time and money saver.
“perfect for anything transcript needs”
The best thing about Maestra is how well it creates transcripts. It’s so useful for me. It makes my day a lot easier.
Maestra is just amazing! We were able to produce subtitles in multiple languages assisted by their platform. Multiple users were able to work and collaborate thanks to their super user-friendly interface.
“Pocket Friendly Content Creator”
It is cloud-based. It allows to automatically transcribe, caption, and voiceover video and audio files to hundreds of languages. It helps to reach and educate people all around the globe.
German Speech to Text in Murf
While Murf doesn’t support a standalone German speech to text feature, using Murf voice changer, you can convert your voiceover into text in German. Upload, confirm, and transcribe.
Accurate Transcription in German
Download your Script in Multiple Formats
Beyond German Speech to Text
How to Convert German Speech to Text in Murf ?
Open Murf Studio. Click on ‘Voice Changer’ to upload your existing audio or video file to Murf.
You’ll see a pop up asking you to choose the language used in the audio to start transcription. Choose the target language from the drop down.
The voiceover is automatically and accurately transcribed into text in the source language.
You can download the transcription as a single file or split it into manageable blocks in the format of your choice by simply clicking on ‘Export.’
German Speech to Text Conversion for Effortless Communication
How german voice to text works, advantages of german speech to text conversion, use cases of speech recognition, bottom line, frequently asked questions.
Transcribe your German audio to text in real-time with 98.86% accuracy using Notta. Save yourself from the trouble of jotting down your German text.
Transcribe German speech to text in one click. With VEED, you can generate highly accurate transcriptions while saving time and money - no need for manual transcription services! Simply upload your audio and transcribe the file straight from your browser. Create shareable transcriptions for seamless communication, whether you're ...
Erhalten Sie genaue Transkripte mit unserem Online-Sprach-zu-Text-Dienst. Wandeln Sie mit unserem leistungsstarken Sprach-zu-Text-Online-Dienst Ihre Audio-Dateien sicher und exakt in Text um. Wir verwenden moderne, große Sprachmodelle, um hochwertige Transkripte Ihrer Audio-Dateien anzufertigen.
Easily convert your German voice recordings to text using Notta's online speech-to-text tool. Upload audio files, select the language, and auto-transcribe.
Experience the cutting-edge synthesis of voices with SpeechGen, turning your German text into vibrant speech through seamless conversion. Top facts. More than 130 million people speak German. The most popular countries where German is spoken are Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Liechtenstein, Belgium, Italy, Luxembourg. There are 42 countries in ...
Use Go Transcribe to convert German voice audio into to text in a matter of minutes. The easiest way to convert German video and audio into a range of formats including subtitles! Fast, simple and affordable transcription for students, podcasts, interviews, researchers worldwide. enables you to convert your spoken or recorded audio from German language into written text. Simply select your MP3/WAV/MP4 or FLAC file and upload it to our engine. After some time of processing, you will be presented the transcript of your audio file. currently offers online speech recognition free of charge.
Try our Standard German text to speech free online. No registration required. Create Audio. German text to speech makes it easy to make audio guides, videos, lessons and marketing materials for Germany, Austria, Belgium, Luxembourg, Switzerland and Liechtenstein. Around 130 million people worldwide speak German as their native language.
Maestra's transcription app is the best for transcribing German audio to text. Just upload the audio files and receive German transcripts with incredible speed and accuracy. ... Highly Accurate Speech-to-Text. Advanced Text Editor. Translate 100+ languages. Get Started Free. With Maestra you can automatically: transcribe, caption, and ...
German speech to text converters come in handy, especially for users with some kind of visual, speech, or dexterity impairments. These tools also add convenience and efficacy to many day-to-day activities. From transcribing long marketing copies to preparing episode transcripts on the go—these speech recognition tools exclusively assist in ...