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Advanced Placement (AP)


The AP US History exam involves critical reading, writing, and in-depth analysis. It's not just about memorizing names and dates, but rather interpreting historical evidence quickly and accurately, recalling outside information on a topic, and synthesizing your ideas into a coherent argument.

In this guide, we'll give you a rundown of the format and structure of the AP US History test along with a brief content outline, sample questions, and some tips for a great score .

How Is the AP US History Exam Structured?

The next AP US History test will be administered on Friday, May 5, 2023, at 8 AM . This AP exam is three hours and 15 minutes long and consists of two main sections, each of which is divided into a Part A and a Part B.

Before we get into the details of each part, here's an overview of the US History test as a whole:

Section 1, Part A: Multiple Choice

The first section on the test is the multiple-choice section, which is worth 40% of your score and lasts for 55 minutes. You'll get 55 questions, each with four possible answer choices (labeled A-D); this means that you'll have about a minute per question on this part of the exam.

Most US History multiple-choice questions come in sets of three to four questions that require you to respond to certain stimuli, or sources, such as historical texts, graphs, and maps.

Section 1, Part B: Short Answer

Part B of Section 1 on the US History test requires you to answer three short-answer questions in 40 minutes , giving you about 13 minutes per question. It's worth 20% of your overall score.

The first two questions are required, but you get to choose between question 3 and question 4 for your third short answer . Here's what you can expect with each question:

Section 2, Part A: Document-Based Question

The Document-Based Question, or DBQ , is worth 25% of your final score and requires you to write an essay based on a prompt that's accompanied by seven historical documents . You'll get a 15-minute reading period followed by 45 minutes to write your response.

The DBQ will focus on a historical development in the years 1754-1980.

Section 2, Part B: Long Essay

The final part of the AP US History test is the Long Essay, for which you must choose one of three possible prompts and write an essay on the topic. You'll have 40 minutes to write your response, which will count for 15% of your overall AP score.

To earn full credit here, you must develop a clear and logical argument and support it with relevant historical evidence (which won't be directly provided to you as it will be on the DBQ).

Each of the three essay prompts revolves around a different time period in US history:

  • Essay Prompt 1: 1491-1800
  • Essay Prompt 2: 1800-1898
  • Essay Prompt 3: 1890-2001

Content Background for the AP US History Exam

There are eight themes addressed in the AP US History course , and all of them show up in one form or another on the exam across the nine units, or time periods . Each represents a subset of learning objectives that students are expected to master. You can read more about these learning objectives in the AP US History Course and Exam Description .

Before I give you a broad overview of the eight themes, let's take a look at how the major units are weighted on the AP US History exam :

Below, we give you the definition of each course theme as described in the AP US History Course Description.

Theme 1: American and National Identity

Focuses on how and why definitions of American and national identity and values have developed among the diverse and changing population of North America as well as on related topics, such as citizenship, constitutionalism, foreign policy, assimilation, and American exceptionalism.

Theme 2: Work, Exchange, and Technology

Focuses on the factors behind the development of systems of economic exchange, particularly the role of technology, economic markets, and government.

Theme 3: Geography and the Environment

Focuses on the role of geography and both the natural and human-made environments in the social and political developments in what would become the United States.

Theme 4: Migration and Settlement

Focuses on why and how the various people who moved to and within the United States both adapted to and transformed their new social and physical environments.

Theme 5: Politics and Power

Focuses on how different social and political groups have influenced society and government in the United States as well as how political beliefs and institutions have changed over time.

Theme 6: America in the World

Focuses on the interactions between nations that affected North American history in the colonial period and on the influence of the United States on world affairs.

Theme 7: American and Regional Culture

Focuses on how and why national, regional, and group cultures developed and changed as well as how culture has shaped government policy and the economy.

Theme 8: Social Structures

Focuses on how and why systems of social organization develop and change as well as the impact that these systems have on the broader society.


Sample AP US History Questions

Now that you have a sense of the test content, I'll present you with sample questions to give you a better idea of what the AP US History exam actually looks like. All sample questions come from the official US History Course and Exam Description .

Sample Multiple-Choice Question

For multiple choice, you're given one or two pieces of historical evidence followed by a set of questions that ask you to do some analysis . The US History exam is less about knowing specific dates and names and more about being able to draw conclusions and connect themes based on materials provided by the test.


To answer this question, you don't even really need to know much about US history, as long as you pay attention to exactly what's written in the passage, or the secondary source you've been given. The passage here is mainly focused on the increase in commerce in New York as a result of the opening of the Erie Canal.

Answer choice A mentions commerce—that's a good sign—but specifically commerce with Native Americans, who are not mentioned at all in the passage, so this is unlikely to be the right answer.

Answer choice B discusses increased access to markets in the United States, which seems to echo what the passage says about commerce in New York. We'll hold onto this as a potential answer.

Answer choice C is all about the internal slave trade, which isn't mentioned at all in the secondary source, so we can assume this is wrong.

Answer choice D talks about agricultural production, which, again, isn't the focus of the passage—that's commerce. As a result, we can cross this off our list.

This means that the only logical answer to choose is answer choice B .

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Sample Short-Answer Question

The short-answer questions are technically considered part of the multiple-choice section because they're less involved than the essay questions. Alt hough they do have multiple parts, you don't have to come up with a thesis—one-sentence answers are OK. These questions are about succinctly connecting themes and reference materials to specific events or trends.

Here's an example:


This short-answer question is an example of question 1, which comes with two secondary sources. As you can see, you'll have to answer three separate parts (A, B, and C), each of which is worth 1 point ; this means you can earn up to 3 points for each short-answer question.

Here's how you could earn full credit for this sample question, per the official scoring guidelines .

(A) Sample Answers

  • Peiss argues that pursuits of entertainment in dance halls by working class women created new, legitimate social spaces for women, however Enstand argues that working women's participation in labor politics gave them a new voice and place in the public sphere.
  • Peiss links the growth of women in public social life to a commercial culture that provided opportunities for women to enter the public sphere while Enstand argues that women became political actors who demanded a public voice.

(B) Sample Answers

  • Like the dance halls, department stores and amusement parks became aspects of the commercial culture that represented new opportunities for women to enjoy public places as legitimate participants.
  • The concept of the New Woman became a cultural phenomenon, as the older idea of separate spheres diminished. The idea of the New Woman supported a more public role for women in the early 1900s.
  • The growth of cities and urban America gave young women more opportunities to leave rural America and participate in the developments described by Peiss.
  • New technologies such as electric lighting made possible new public spaces for personal freedom for women.

(C) Sample Answers

  • Women's participation in the suffrage movement, settlement house work, temperance organizing, and the Progressive movement all contributed to modern attitudes about women and increased their roles in the public sphere.
  • The ratification of the Nineteenth Amendment to the Constitution gave women the vote and a voice in politics.
  • Women were the main participants in the New York shirtwaist strike of 1909. During this strike women made public demands like those described by Enstad.
  • Women organized or participated in labor unions such as the International Ladies' Garment Workers' Union (ILGWU) which is an example of their growing voice in the public sphere.
  • Working-class women had key public roles in the successful Lawrence (Massachusetts) textile strike of 1912, this demonstrates that women became active political voices through labor movements.


Sample Document-Based Question

With the DBQ , you'll have seven different historical documents to examine . To earn full credit, you must use at least six documents as evidence in your answer. These documents range from transcripts of folk songs, to excerpts from letters and newspapers, to demographic maps.

Here's an example of a DBQ (with one document shown):


There are several components of a solid response to this question. The DBQ is worth a total of 7 raw points . Here's how you could earn full credit, according to the scoring guidelines .

Sample Long Essay Question

For the Long Essay, you must choose between three prompts . Here's an example of a potential prompt:


Your essay should include many of the same elements as your answer to the DBQ, but there are no documents to analyze and reference , so you'll have less time to write. The essay is worth 6 raw points .

Here's how you could earn full credit for the sample question above, per the scoring guidelines .


How Is the AP US History Exam Scored?

Here, we'll go over how each section on the AP US History exam is scored, scaled, and combined to give you your final AP score on the 1-5 scale .

On the multiple-choice section, you earn 1 raw point for each question you answer correctly; this means that the max score you can earn here is 55 points. No points are taken off for incorrect answers.

Each of the three short-answer questions is worth 3 points, so there are 9 points possible in this section.

The DBQ is scored out of 7 points and is based on the following criteria, per the scoring guide :

  • Thesis/claim: 1 point
  • Contextualization: 1 point
  • Evidence from the documents: 2 points
  • Evidence beyond the documents: 1 point
  • Sourcing: 1 point
  • Complexity: 1 point

Lastly, the Long Essay is out of 6 raw points and is scored using the following criteria:

  • Evidence: 2 points
  • Analysis and reasoning: 2 points

On essay questions, points are taken off for errors only if they detract from the quality of the argument being made (in other words, don't go making up historical facts to support your argument). Grammatical and other technical errors aren't a big deal as long as they don't inhibit the grader's ability to understand what your essay is saying.

The total number of raw points you can earn on the AP US History test is 77:

  • 55 points for the Multiple Choice questions
  • 9 points for the Short Answer questions
  • 7 points for the DBQ
  • 6 points for the Long Essay

Raw scores can be converted to scaled scores out of 150 . Here's how to do that for each section:

  • Multiple Choice: Multiply your raw multiple-choice section score out of 55 by 1.09
  • Short Answer: Multiply your raw short-answer score out of 9 by 3.33
  • DBQ: Multiply your raw DBQ score out of 7 by 5.36
  • Long Essay: Multiply your raw Long Essay score out of 6 by 3.75

Finally, add all the scores together to get your final scaled AP score for US History! Here is a chart to show you approximately how these scaled scores translate to final AP scores:

Source: The College Board

I made my best estimates based on other AP score conversion charts because there was no official scaled-to-AP-score conversion chart online for US History. Your AP teacher or review book might have a more accurate score conversion system you can use for official practice tests.

4 Essential Tips for Acing the AP US History Exam

AP US History is a grueling test that requires intense critical thinking and analytical skills. Here are some helpful tips to remember if you hope to do well on test day.

#1: Don't Confuse Accurate Facts for Correct Answers

Many multiple-choice questions will list answers that are accurate representations of historical events or trends but that don't directly respond to the question being asked . Be wary of these answers on the test so you don't accidentally choose them over more relevant responses.

In the multiple-choice question I gave above as an example, one incorrect choice was "The growth in the internal slave trade." At the time referenced in the question, this was a real trend that occurred, but because it doesn't relate directly to the passage given, it's still the wrong answer .

Don't let these types of answer choices confuse you; adhere to the particulars of the question and the evidence presented to you!

#2: Pay Attention to Details—Read Excerpts Carefully

Most of this AP exam is based on historical reference materials, meaning that you won't be able to answer questions correctly without reading carefully. Even if you know everything there is to know about US History, that knowledge will mostly just serve to contextualize the evidence presented on the test. The specific details found in the writings and images will ultimately reveal the best answer choice.

#3: Plan Before You Write

It's critical to write well-organized, focused essays on the AP US History test. A clear thesis is the first thing on the agenda. You then need to make sure that the rest of your essay ties back into your thesis and provides relevant evidence throughout. If you jump into writing an essay without taking the time to organize your thoughts, you're more likely to ramble or get off-topic from the main focus of the question.

For the DBQ, you should spend 15 of the 60 minutes planning how to organize your thoughts and how to use the different documents as evidence. While you will have less time for the Long Essay, you should still spend five minutes or so writing a brief outline before starting your final draft.

#4: Use Outside Evidence Wisely

It's a smart idea to incorporate additional background knowledge into your DBQ and Long Essay responses on the AP US History test. It shows that you've mastered the material and can connect themes to what you learned in class and not just what was presented to you in the question.

That said, don't include outside knowledge unless it really bolsters your argument . If you're just sticking it in there to prove how much you know, your essay will lack focus and you might lose points.

This is why it's so important to plan ahead. In the planning stage, you can think of examples that tie into your thesis and strategically place them throughout your essay in ways that contribute to your point.


Conclusion: Getting a Great Score on the AP US History Exam

The AP US History exam is one of the longer AP tests, and it has four different types of questions: Multiple Choice, Short Answer, Document-Based Question (DBQ), and Long Essay.

The main thread running through this test is an emphasis on analyzing historical evidence and applying outside knowledge in context. In your studying, you will need to learn to connect the themes of the course to events spanning 500 years of US history.

Here are some study tips to heed as you prep for the AP US History test:

  • Don't mistake accurate facts for correct answers
  • Always read excerpts carefully
  • Plan before writing your essays
  • Use outside evidence strategically

Make sure that you practice all the different types of exam questions with official materials before you sit down to take the real test . If you get used to thinking about history in an analytical, evidence-based context, you should have no problem earning a high US History score!

What's Next?

Looking for more practice materials? Check out our article on the best online quizzes you can take to prepare for the AP US History test !

Review books can be extremely helpful tools in preparing for AP exams. If you can't decide which one to get, take a look at this list of the best review books for the AP US History test .

Did you lose some of your notes? Feel free to use these links to AP US History notes for every section of the course .

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Samantha is a blog content writer for PrepScholar. Her goal is to help students adopt a less stressful view of standardized testing and other academic challenges through her articles. Samantha is also passionate about art and graduated with honors from Dartmouth College as a Studio Art major in 2014. In high school, she earned a 2400 on the SAT, 5's on all seven of her AP tests, and was named a National Merit Scholar.

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AP®︎/College US History

Course: ap®︎/college us history   >   unit 10.

  • AP US History periods and themes
  • AP US History multiple choice example 1
  • AP US History multiple choice example 2
  • AP US History short answer example 1
  • AP US History short answer example 2

AP US History DBQ example 1

  • AP US History DBQ example 2
  • AP US History DBQ example 3
  • AP US History DBQ example 4
  • AP US History long essay example 1
  • AP US History long essay example 2
  • AP US History long essay example 3
  • Preparing for the AP US History Exam (5/4/2016)
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American history since 1865.

For our first paper assignment, you will be asked to write a short essay that responds to the following prompt:

The historian Eric Foner argues that Reconstruction should be understood as an “unfinished revolution.” 1 In what ways, if any, were the American Civil War and the Reconstruction period that followed revolutionary, and for whom? What was left “unfinished” by Reconstruction?

Essays should present an original argument that responds to the above prompt. This argument should be unique (of your own making) and should reflect careful and serious engagement with course materials. It should also be clearly expressed and organized, so a reader would have no problem understanding both the overall argument and its progression through your essay. In crafting your argument, you should draw on lecture, discussion, and secondary source readings (materials assigned for Lecture 2). Evidence in support of this argument should be drawn from at least three primary sources (materials assigned for Lecture 3).

Essays should be approximately 1250 words in length (please include a word count at the end of your essay), double-spaced, and written in a 12 point font. They should include page numbers, properly formatted footnotes with accurate citations, and a title that reflects the paper’s argument. All sources should be cited using the Chicago Manual of Style (see the Chicago-Style Citation Quick Guide ). For an example of what citations in Chicago format look like, see the footnote at the bottom of this page.

Essays will be evaluated according to:

  • The quality of the analysis and argument presented
  • The strength of the evidence marshaled in support of that argument
  • The clarity and quality of written expression (this includes style, grammar, and proper citation)

Essay #1 is due during Lecture 5.  

1 Eric Foner, Reconstruction: America’s Unfinished Revolution, 1863–1877 (New York: Harper Collins,1988).


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AP US History Practice Tests

The AP U.S. History Exam consists of two main sections: a multiple-choice and short-answer section and an essay questions section. See the table below:

If you are a mobile user, click here: Do AP US History Practice Questions .

AP US History Multiple-Choice Practice Tests

  • AP US History Practice Test 1
  • AP US History Practice Test 2
  • AP US History Practice Test 3
  • AP US History Practice Test 4
  • AP US History Practice Test 5
  • AP US History Practice Test 6
  • AP US History Practice Test 7
  • AP US History Practice Test 8
  • AP US History Practice Test 9
  • AP US History Practice Test 10
  • AP US History Practice Test 11
  • AP US History Practice Test 12
  • AP US History Practice Test 13
  • AP US History Practice Test 14
  • AP US History Practice Test 15
  • AP US History Practice Test 16
  • AP US History Practice Test 17
  • AP US History Practice Test 18
  • AP US History Practice Test 19
  • AP US History Practice Test 20
  • AP US History Practice Test 21
  • AP US History Practice Test 22
  • AP US History Practice Test 23
  • AP US History Practice Test 24
  • AP US History Practice Test 25
  • AP US History Practice Test 26
  • AP US History Practice Test 27
  • AP US History Practice Test 28
  • AP US History Practice Test 29
  • AP US History Practice Test 30
  • AP US History Practice Test 31
  • AP US History Practice Test 32
  • AP US History Practice Test 33
  • AP US History Practice Test: Early Contact with the New World (1491–1607) Colonization of North America (1607–1754)
  • AP US History Practice Test: Conflict and American Independence (1754–1800)
  • AP US History Practice Test: Beginnings of Modern American Democracy (1800–1848)
  • AP US History Practice Test: Toward the Civil War and Reconstruction (1844–1877)
  • AP US History Practice Test: The Industrial Revolution (1865–1898)
  • AP US History Practice Test: The Early Twentieth Century (1890–1945)
  • AP US History Practice Test: The Postwar Period and Cold War (1945–1980)
  • AP US History Practice Test: Entering Into the Twenty-First Century (1980–Present)
  • AP US History Practice Multiple-Choice Questions: Period 1: 1491–1607
  • AP US History Practice Multiple-Choice Questions: Period 2: 1607–1754
  • AP US History Practice Multiple-Choice Questions: Period 3: 1754–1800
  • AP US History Practice Multiple-Choice Questions: Period 4: 1800–1848
  • AP US History Practice Multiple-Choice Questions: Period 5: 1844–1877
  • AP US History Practice Multiple-Choice Questions: Period 6: 1865–1898
  • AP US History Practice Multiple-Choice Questions: Period 7: 1890–1945
  • AP US History Practice Multiple-Choice Questions: Period 8: 1945–1980
  • AP US History Practice Multiple-Choice Questions: Period 9: 1980–Present
  • AP U.S. History Practice Test (Period 1: 1491-1607)
  • AP U.S. History Practice Test (Period 2: 1607-1754)
  • AP U.S. History Practice Test (Period 3: 1754-1800)
  • AP U.S. History Practice Test (Period 4: 1800-1848)
  • AP U.S. History Practice Test (Period 5: 1844-1877)
  • AP U.S. History Practice Test (Period 6: 1865-1898)
  • AP U.S. History Practice Test (Period 7: 1890-1945)
  • AP U.S. History Practice Test (Period 8: 1945-1980)
  • AP U.S. History Practice Test (Period 9: 1980-Present)
  • AP U.S. History Period 1: 1491-1607 Practice Questions
  • AP U.S. History Practice Tests: 1491-1607
  • AP U.S. History Period 2: 1607-1754 Practice Questions
  • AP U.S. History Practice Tests: 1607-1754
  • AP U.S. History Period 3: 1754-1800 Practice Questions
  • AP U.S. History Practice Tests: 1754-1800
  • AP U.S. History Period 4: 1800-1848 Practice Questions
  • AP U.S. History Practice Tests: 1800-1848
  • AP U.S. History Period 5: 1844-1877 Practice Questions
  • AP U.S. History Practice Tests: 1844-1877
  • AP U.S. History Period 6: 1865-1898 Practice Questions
  • AP U.S. History Practice Tests: 1865-1898
  • AP U.S. History Period 7: 1890-1945 Practice Questions
  • AP U.S. History Practice Tests: 1890-1945
  • AP U.S. History Period 8: 1945-1980 Practice Questions
  • AP U.S. History Practice Tests: 1945-1980
  • AP U.S. History Period 9: 1980-Present Practice Questions
  • AP U.S. History Practice Tests: 1980-Present

AP US History Free-Response Practice Tests

  • AP US History Short-Answer Practice Test 1
  • AP US History Short-Answer Practice Test 2
  • AP US History Free-Response Test 1: Document-Based Question
  • AP US History Free-Response Test 1: Long Essay
  • AP US History Free-Response Test 2: Long Essay
  • AP US History Free-Response Test 3: Long Essay
  • AP US History Short-Answer Practice Test 3
  • AP US History Short-Answer Practice Test 4
  • AP US History Free-Response Test 2:Document-Based Question
  • AP US History Free-Response Practice Test 4: Long Essay
  • AP US History Free-Response Practice Test 5: Long Essay
  • AP US History Free-Response Practice Test 6: Long Essay
  • AP US History Short-Answer Practice Test 5
  • AP US History Short-Answer Practice Test 6
  • AP US History Free-Response Test 3:Document-Based Question
  • AP US History Free-Response Practice Test 7: Long Essay
  • AP US History Free-Response Practice Test 8: Long Essay
  • AP US History Free-Response Practice Test 9: Long Essay

AP US History Downloads

  • AP US History Exam 2017 PDF download
  • AP US History Practice Exam download
  • AP US History Test Bank download
  • 200 AP US History Practice Questions pdf download
  • The Official U.S. History Cram Packet
  • AP US History Practice Test: Period 1 (1491–1607) pdf download
  • AP US History Practice Test: Period 2 (1607–1754) pdf download
  • AP US History Practice Test: Period 3 (1754–1800) pdf download
  • AP US History Practice Test: Period 4 (1800–1848) pdf download
  • AP US History Practice Test: Period 5 (1844–1877) pdf download
  • AP US History Practice Test: Period 6 (1865–1898) pdf download
  • AP US History Practice Test: Period 7 (1890–1945) pdf download
  • AP US History Practice Test: Period 8 (1945–1980) pdf download
  • AP US History Practice Test: Period 9 (1980–Present) pdf download
  • AP US History Practice Questions: Pre-Columbian/Nativc American History
  • AP US History Practice Questions: Early Exploration and Spanish and French in the Colonies of the New World
  • AP US History Practice Questions: Eariy English Colonies
  • AP US History Practice Questions: The Era of Discontent
  • AP US History Practice Questions: Tbe Constitution and Early U.S. Government
  • AP US History Practice Questions: The Era of Good Feelings to the Age of Jackson
  • AP US History Practice Questions: Antebellum Reform Movements
  • AP US History Practice Questions: Antebellum Cultural Movements and Manifest Destiny
  • AP US History Practice Questions: The Mid-19th Century and Causes of the Civil War
  • AP US History Practice Questions: The Civil War
  • AP US History Practice Questions: Post Civil War and Reconstruction
  • AP US History Practice Questions: The Gilded Age and the American West
  • AP US History Practice Questions: U.S. Imperialism and the Progressive Movement
  • AP US History Practice Questions: The First World War and the Roaring Twenties
  • AP US History Practice Questions: Hie Great Depression and the Second World War
  • AP US History Practice Questions: The Cold War and Postwar America
  • AP US History Practice Questions: Civil Rights, the 1960s, and Vietnam
  • AP US History Practice Questions: End of the Cold War, the 1970s to the Present
  • More AP US History Downloads

153 US History Topics [2024 US History Essay Ideas]

American history is not as long as the European one. However, it’s one of the richest histories in the world. It’s full of controversies, different opinions, and interesting facts. Those who study American history will find how many voices, perspectives, and points of view can coexist.

When writing an essay about America, you should try to stay as objective as possible. Think creatively and consider historical events from a new perspective.

This abundance of information and events can intimidate anyone. That’s why it can be very challenging to select one single US history topic to write about. There are so many!

To decide on it, students should answer several questions:

  • What time period interests me the most?
  • What specific event sounds the most appealing to me?
  • What historical figure impresses me?

It is indeed a daunting task to attempt to put the remarkable story of the US into an essay list. Fortunately, we’re not trying to do so.

Tired of researching historical encyclopedias? This is the perfect article for you – read through this collection of 153 US history essay topics prepared by our team .

🌎Top 10 American History Topics to Write about

  • 🏗️ Topics before 1877
  • 🌻 Topics: 1878-1899
  • 🏙️ US Topics: 1900s

🧊 Cool American History Topics

  • 🧐 US Regents Topics
  • ✊ Black History Topics

🎉 Fun US History Essay Topics

👌 easy american history essay topics, ❓ us history essay questions, 📋 how to cite an american history essay.

  • The 20th Century.
  • America’s Role in Normandy Landings.
  • Conquest of California.
  • The Great Depression.
  • USA: Colonial History.
  • The Oregon Trail.
  • African American Slave Trade.
  • Who was Harriet Tubman?
  • America in the Modern World.
  • Klondike Gold Rush.

☝️ Good US History Topics by Period

This is the IvyPanda list of American history topics that can help students get inspired!

We divided the history into epochs and organized the US history essay topics accordingly. Besides, this US history topics list structured thematically. It, hopefully, will make it easier to navigate and get started.

One of the best ways to look at history is to examine it from a chronological perspective. The topics in this section are structured based on the time period.

Every period is filled with key events and figures. American society is the product of those events—it’s vital to have a closer look at it.

🏗️ History Topics before 1877

  • America before Columbus . In this topic, you can talk about the first people in the Americas and what historians know about them. There are a lot of archeological findings and artifacts that survived thousands of years. Write about Christopher Columbus and how “the discovery” was not a discovery. The Americas have been inhabited and had developed civilizations long before Europeans put their foot there.
  • The first landing of Christopher Columbus and the New World

These ideas are for essays and research papers.

  • Christopher Columbus: Biography, Discoveries, Contributions . You can talk about Christopher Columbus and his biography. Track how his image has been changing throughout history. Modern historians see him as a person who contributed to the genocide of Native Americans. What is your opinion about him?
  • The British Rule in the Americas and the first British Settlements. Explore the first permanent colony in North America and what English wanted the colonies to be. There were a lot of obstacles, which first settlers had faced before Jamestown became a prosperous city. They suffered from a shortage of food, severe climate conditions, and disease. Plus, there were problems with the Indians. Research what “the middle ground” was and why this concept is relevant to this topic.
  • What is Puritanism?
  • Puritans in Great Britain
  • The Puritan Ethic in the United States . Who the Puritans were? Why were they sent to the New World? What were their religious beliefs? Explore the influence puritans had in the past. Is puritanism still relevant in the US today?
  • The Effects of the Spanish Rule and The Conquistadors in the Americas. Spanish Colonization of the Americas laid foundations for the Latin American identity. It is also considered the very first mass genocide in the world. It is indeed a matter of perspective. You can talk about how the contact between the Native Americans and the Spaniards affected both parties.
  • The Protestant Reformation and its influence on the US History. Religion was one of the main reasons why the first settlers decided to travel to the New World. Write about the connection between the freedom of religion in the US. What influence did it have on the nation as a whole in the future? Why is it crucial? How did it affect the lifestyle of people in the US?
  • Native Americans and “the Middle Ground” . Not everyone knows that the famous Disney cartoon Pocahontas is based on the true story. If this story was told by a Native American, it would be different. In this essay, you can comment on the role that Native Americans played in the European Colonization. Elaborate on the disappearance of “the Middle Ground.”
  • The beginning of slavery in British America and the Middle Passage. You can analyze the way this institution was established. Write about the factors that influenced it in the 17th century, try to include first-person accounts of slavery. Use the American Slave Narrative , for instance, Olaudah Equiano, or Gustavus Vassa . This inclusion will demonstrate how inhumane slavery was and will open a good discussion.
  • Christianity, slavery, and colonialism in the US
  • The witchcraft trials . Elaborate on religious views of the New England public. How such views made it possible for more than 200 people to be accused of witchcraft. Discuss a Puritan code, the structure of the society, and what type of women were prosecuted.

Salem was an epicenter of the witchcraft trials in the US.

  • The Boston Tea Party as the key event of the American Revolution. The Boston Tea Party is a highly celebrated event in the history of the US. Discuss why is that? Why is it so important for the Americans? Talk about the birth of patriotism, resistance and the revolt against colonialism. What did the rebels mean by “taxation without representation?”
  • The American Revolutionary War and the Declaration of Independence. This topic is one of the most popular in the history of the United States. First, you could write about a military battle with Great Britain and the reasons for it. Second, talk about political battles within the US at that period. Examine the establishment of the new nation.
  • How the Revolutionary war changes American Society
  • Why was the Declaration of Independence written?
  • Was the American Revolution really revolutionary?
  • The meaning of the Constitution. This is one of the most fruitful and fascinating debates in US history. Some people argue that it is written in a very vague way to allow American society to evolve. Others say that its text allows minorities to be deprived of the very things it promises to establish. Elaborate if you find the Constitution to be a liberal, radical, or a conservative document.
  • Why the Bill of Rights was added to the Constitution. Talk about the first 10 amendments to the Constitution and explore why these amendments are so important. What did the amendments guarantee? Why was The Bill of Rights added to the Constitution in the first place?

James Madison wrote the amendments in response to calls from several states for greater constitutional protection for individual liberties.

  • The Founding Fathers’ influence on the US. The Constitution, the Bill of Rights, and the Declaration of Independence are sacred documents. The Founding Fathers are major figures for the Americans as well. Writing about the influence of the Founding Fathers, select one or two members to focus on. Consider the diversity among the members. How did it help the Founding Fathers in leading the war and framing a sustainable government?
  • What is the role of the Founding Fathers in American society and religion?
  • European Colonization influence on the Native American population
  • Removal of Indian tribes. American History is unjust at times. Explore how unconstitutional the treatment of Indian Americans was and why they find it this way. Look at the way the Founding Fathers addressed this issue. Examining the Indian Removal Act of 1830 will allow you to fully develop this topic. Analyze why the policy was accepted in the first place. Why is it called “ethnic cleansing” by the majority of historians nowadays?
  • Native Americans lost their freedom
  • The impact of railroads in America. The rapid expansion of America would be impossible without the railroad construction. The railroads triggered the development of the Midwest and the West. Despite that, the construction of the railroads was highly monopolistic and undemocratic. Comment on the richest men in the US – John D. Rockefeller, Andrew Carnegie, and Cornelius Vanderbilt.
  • The role of cotton in the American economy. The American Economy in the 19th century heavily depended on cotton production. There was even a saying “Cotton is King” that was very popular at that time. Besides cotton, it heavily depended on the slaves. This period in American History is called the Antebellum Era. Look at the role of cotton from several perspectives. How profitable was it? How did slaves contribute to the American economy? How financially unviable was the abolition of slavery?

he cotton plantation is “the Second Middle Passage.

  • History of American Transcendentalism.
  • Why was Transcendentalism important for American Culture? The essay can start with a broad explanation of what transcendentalism is. Explain where it started and how it evolved. Explore what views the group had on women’s rights, slavery, education, government, and religion. You could write about the most prominent transcendentalists – Ralph Waldo Emerson and Henry Thoreau.
  • Religions in the 19th Century America. Known as the Second Great Awakening or Christian Revivalism, religion in the 19th century America was altered. Look back at the beginning of the American Revolution. Anglicans, Methodists, and Quackers were the fastest-growing religious groups then. Discuss all of them.
  • The abolition of slavery and the Civil War . A lot of historians believe that slavery in itself did not cause the conflict. In this essay, you could elaborate on this idea and consider the other point of view. For a long essay, write about Abraham Lincoln’s thoughts on slavery. His ideas about slavery and racial inequality were one of the most discussed aspects of his entire life. Look at his letters and write about the complexity of his views.
  • The causes of the Civil War and the aftermath of war. This essay is one of the easiest American history essays to write. Talk about the causes and effects of the Civil War (1861-1865) in the US. Why did it happen? What was achieved?
  • The struggle over the goal and the meaning of the Fourteenth Amendment . You can elaborate on the goal of the amendment. Was it able to protect the rights of black citizens? Why was it still possible for the states to deny them their right to vote?
  • How did Reconstruction change the United States after the Civil war?
  • The Reconstruction governments. What type of reforms did the reconstruction government implement? What positive reforms happened during the Reconstruction Era? You could discuss radical reconstruction and white supremacy that spawned during the Reconstruction period. Elaborate on the idea of manifest destiny. Why was it so popular in the 19th century in the US?
  • The Compromise of 1850 . Why was reaching the compromise necessary? You can describe the terms of the compromise. Explain what results were achieved: political, economic, and cultural.

🌻 American History 1878-1899

The United States was going through many changes during this period: from various social changes and changes in foreign and domestic policies to rapid economic and cultural changes. This time saw the country changing for the best in some aspects and for the worst in others.

  • Industrialization after the Civil war. Industrialization of the United States was going on for almost half a century. However, the most impressive growth happened in 1880-1900. The expansion of the steel, iron and oil industries drove the American economy. Comment on all the inventions, technological advancements that happened in the US at that time.
  • Immigrants and their ideas of the American Dream
  • Social reforms during the Progressive Era
  • American Foreign Policy in the 1890s

George Washington's quote from his Farewell Address to the American people.

  • The importance of the Progressive Era reforms
  • Race relations during the Progressive Era reforms
  • Japanese Americans Immigration in the 19th century

🏙️ 20th Century US History Topics

The 20th century for the United States and the world, in general, was highly eventful. Economic crises, two World Wars, the Cold War, and the fight over civil rights. Plus, a huge economic and technological upheaval, the space program.

This list of American History topics after 1900 can be great for those looking for inspiration for a paper.

Here you go:

  • The door to America— Ellis Island. What are America’s best features? Economic opportunities, political and religious freedom? An abundance of jobs and opportunities? Land and natural resources? All of these made the United States experience the migration flux from all over the world. Elaborate on how Ellis island is a symbol of American immigration and the American dream.

Many immigrants entered the US through Ellis Island

  • The rise of capitalism
  • Work environments during the Progressive Era
  • Women’s suffrage movement in America
  • The causes and effects of women’s suffrage movement in the US
  • Changes in American Government after WWI
  • Is prohibition to blame for the organized crime in The United States?
  • The economic impact of the Great Depression. The Great Depression is one of the longest economic downturns in the history of the United States. You can talk about several main causes of the crisis. Another good approach would be to analyze the way American presidents handled this crisis.
  • Japanese American discrimination during the Great Depression
  • How did Roosevelt plan to end the Great Depression?
  • The Great Depression and what is the new deal?
  • The Role of the United States during World War 2
  • Why did the United States fight and lose the Vietnam War?
  • The war in Vietnam and the Civil Rights Movement
  • A Comparison of the traditional and the revisionist arguments regarding the Origins of The Cold War
  • The Cold War and US diplomacy
  • The Cold War and how it influenced American society

History is tough, but some significant historical events take our breath away even centuries later. Here is our list of cool American history topics. Even if you don’t find any topic that works for you, it can inspire you to look for moments in history that appeal to you personally.

  • The true Story of Pocahontas: An untold story of a Native American girl. The true story of Pocahontas is covered with myths. Critically examine the story of her life and death. Try to understand it from a standpoint of a 12 years old Native American girl kidnapped by a white colonizer.
  • Native American tribes in the US History
  • What was discussed at the Constitutional Convention?
  • The history of the Statue of Liberty
  • Henry Ford and how his inventions changed America
  • Moon landing conspiracy
  • The war on drugs in US History
  • Illegal immigrants in the US
  • The American sense of humor
  • American pop culture in the 1920s . This time period is called “the roaring twenties.” It was filled with drastic political and cultural changes in the United States. Jazz, flapper culture, prohibition, and economic abundance are important elements of the 1920s.

The 20s were“roaring” due to the popular culture of the decade.

  • The history of gangs in the US
  • What did hippies believe in?
  • History of Hippie’s Culture
  • Presidential assassinations in the United States History. Abraham Lincoln, James Garfield, William McKinley, and JFK were the only US Presidents murdered while in office. You don’t have to retell the stories of their deaths! Instead, explore how these assassinations triggered some vital political reforms.
  • The history of the Fifth Amendment

🙌 Most Interesting American History Topics

Use the following list of most interesting US History topics for your next essay. Choose what US history interesting event or a historic figure captures your attention the most.

🧐 US History Regent Topics

  • The Relationships Between Federal and State Governments
  • Was there a need to bomb Hiroshima and Nagasaki?
  • The Cold War: Origins, Causes, Phases, and the Results
  • Why and How the Cold War Was Fought
  • The US Army in the Iraq War
  • The Iraq War: Background and Issues
  • Why did the Iraq War go against the plan?
  • Executive Orders and Presidential Power in the United States
  • History of the American Constitution
  • The Turning points of the American Revolution

The Battle of Saratoga was a key turning point of the Revolutionary War.

✊ Black History Essay Topics

Studying the history of the United States without studying slavery is impossible, mainly because the issue of race is ingrained into the DNA of America.

Black African American history allows students to get a different perspective on the same events. It lets them hear the voices that are so often erased from the history books. These African American history essays can help anyone looking for a good topic to write about.

  • Slave Resistance in the Eighteen Century. Continuously throughout history, African American slaves were portrayed as voiceless and victimized. Others presented them as almost indifferent and passive to their own destiny. You can examine a different perspective, an Afrocentric one. The history of slavery was not the history of passivity, it was a history of black resistance.
  • African American Music as a Form of Resistance
  • African American Religion and Spirituality in the United States
  • The 13th Amendment and the End of Slavery
  • The Jim Crow Laws in the United States History . Jim Crow Laws were the laws that enforced racial segregation in the country. Dedicate an introduction to discuss where the name “Jim Crow” comes from. Give a historical background to how the laws were used. This topic can make a strong essay because no one can stay indifferent.
  • Gender and Jim Crow
  • The Role of Martin Luther King, Jr in The Civil Right Movement
  • Martin Luther King’s speech “I have a dream”
  • Brown vs The Board of Education . The ruling in Brown vs. The Board of Education was one of the most fundamental changes in the US educational system. How did the general public receive the news about the desegregation of public schools? How did the American educational system change after this case?
  • The Significance of the Harlem Renaissance
  • Barack Obama: The First African American President
  • Barack Obama’s healthcare reforms
  • Has Obama’s Presidency changed America?

Obama prevented a few crises in the US.

  • The Cowboy Culture in the US
  • How Did Yellow Journalism Start?
  • Why is Superman the most American of all the heroes?
  • The History of American Flag
  • History of Sports in the United States
  • History of Thanksgiving Turkey in the United States
  • How Did Highways Change the United States of America?
  • American History through Hollywood Film

Sometimes you simply do not have enough time to write a profound essay. These American history topics are relatively easy, and you don’t have to research them a lot. Even if you do, there is a ton of information available.

  • British Colonization of the Americas
  • Slavery and racism in the United States
  • The Puritans Influence on the American Society
  • The pilgrims and the puritans
  • The Causes of the Vietnam War
  • Why Was Martin Luter King Assassinated?
  • American Moon Landing
  • What Are Major Events in the US History?
  • What Started the US History?
  • What Is the Most Important Piece of the US History?
  • What Is the US History Summary?
  • What City Was the First Capital in the US History?
  • What Was the First American State in the US History?
  • What Are Some Controversies in the US History?
  • How Far Was the New Deal a Turning Point in the US History up to 1941?
  • How the Airplane Industry Changed US History?
  • What Was President Reagan Known For in the US History?
  • How Reagan’s Ideology Shaped the US History?
  • Why Is the Reagan Revolution in the US History?
  • How Richard Nixon Influenced the US History?
  • What Vietnam War Showed About US History?
  • Did the Concept of Imperialism Exist in the US History?
  • Why Did the Wars in the Middle East Go Down in the US History as Unnecessary?
  • What Is the Most Popular Ideology in the US History?
  • How Does the US History Describe George W. Bush?
  • How Did the Use of Nuclear Weapons in Japan Affect the US History?
  • What Are Some Horrible and Forgotten Events in the US History?
  • Is Donald Trump the Second Worst President in the US History?
  • What Was the Biggest Political Miscalculation in the US History?
  • Who Is the Most Overrated First Lady in the US History?
  • How Well Do US History Teachers Really Know About the US History?
  • Who Was the Wimpiest President in the US History?
  • Who Are Some of the Great Asian Americans in the US History?
  • What Was the Most Corrupt Time in the US History?
  • What Was the Bloodiest Single Day Battle in the US History?
  • Who Is the Greatest Hero in the US History?
  • How Did King Philip’s War Change the US History?

Your citation will depend on the type of requirements your instructor will provide you with. You can ask your teacher which style of citation is preferable before the essay writing. The school itself may have specific guidelines for every typeof academic writing.

Chicago, MLA, APA are the main styles of citation in academic writing.

For history essays, there are two key methods of referencing both primary and secondary sources:

  • In-text citation. In this method, you mention the author and the year in the body of the essay. The list of references is placed at the end of the essay.
  • Footnote Referencing. In this method, you put a number in the body. It corresponds with the reference at the bottom of each page. At the end of the essay, a list of works read rather than cited should be included.

All the citation entries should be listed in alphabetical order. If you mention the same author multiple times with different works, use chronological order.

Keeping track of all the sources, both read and cited, is time-consuming. For that, students can try to use different online software systems. These systems can help arrange the list alphabetically and correctly organize all the citations.

Reference list

These digital tools are worth checking out:

Thank you for reading so far! Now you’re ready to start an amazing paper on US history. Share this article with those who may find it helpful, and leave a comment below.

🔗 References

  • U.S. History and Historical Documents: USAGov, the Official Guide to Government Information and Services.
  • All Topics: National Museum of American History.
  • TIMELINE, United States History: World Digital Library.
  • How Do I Cite Sources:
  • Citing Primary Sources, Chicago: Teacher Resources, Library of Congress.
  • Black History, Topical: National Archives.
  • Black History Month: National Geographic Society.
  • College Writing: The Writing Center, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.
  • Writing Historical Essays, A Guide for Undergraduates: Department of History, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey.
  • Writing an Essay Introduction: Research & Learning Online.
  • Research and Citation Resources: Purdue Writing Lab, College of Liberal Art.
  • Citing Your Sources, Citing Basics: Research Guides at Williams College Libraries.
  • Citing Electronic Sources: Academic Integrity at MIT, a Handbok for Students.
  • Generate Topic Ideas Quickly and Easily: Online Research Library Questia.
  • Chicago (A-D)
  • Chicago (N-B)

IvyPanda. (2024, March 12). 153 US History Topics [2024 US History Essay Ideas].

"153 US History Topics [2024 US History Essay Ideas]." IvyPanda , 12 Mar. 2024,

IvyPanda . (2024) '153 US History Topics [2024 US History Essay Ideas]'. 12 March.

IvyPanda . 2024. "153 US History Topics [2024 US History Essay Ideas]." March 12, 2024.

1. IvyPanda . "153 US History Topics [2024 US History Essay Ideas]." March 12, 2024.


IvyPanda . "153 US History Topics [2024 US History Essay Ideas]." March 12, 2024.

  • California History Essay Titles
  • African American History Essay Ideas
  • Modern History Topics
  • Canadian History Topics
  • Ancient History Topics
  • European History Essay Titles
  • Economic Growth Research Ideas
  • Colonization Essay Ideas
  • Political Parties Research Ideas
  • Culture Topics
  • Demography Paper Topics
  • Financial Crisis Paper Topics
  • Ethnographic Paper Topics
  • Obamacare Questions
  • Urbanization Ideas
  • New Visions Social Studies Curriculum
  • Curriculum Development Team
  • Content Contributors
  • Getting Started: Baseline Assessments
  • Getting Started: Resources to Enhance Instruction
  • Getting Started: Instructional Routines
  • Unit 9.1: Global 1 Introduction
  • Unit 9.2: The First Civilizations
  • Unit 9.3: Classical Civilizations
  • Unit 9.4: Political Powers and Achievements
  • Unit 9.5: Social and Cultural Growth and Conflict
  • Unit 9.6: Ottoman and Ming Pre-1600
  • Unit 9.7: Transformation of Western Europe and Russia
  • Unit 9.8: Africa and the Americas Pre-1600
  • Unit 9.9: Interactions and Disruptions
  • Unit 10.0: Global 2 Introduction
  • Unit 10.1: The World in 1750 C.E.
  • Unit 10.2: Enlightenment, Revolution, and Nationalism
  • Unit 10.3: Industrial Revolution
  • Unit 10.4: Imperialism
  • Unit 10.5: World Wars
  • Unit 10.6: Cold War Era
  • Unit 10.7: Decolonization and Nationalism
  • Unit 10.8: Cultural Traditions and Modernization
  • Unit 10.9: Globalization and the Changing Environment
  • Unit 10.10: Human Rights Violations
  • Unit 11.0: US History Introduction

Unit 11.1: Colonial Foundations

Unit 11.2: American Revolution

Unit 11.3A: Building a Nation

  • Unit 11.03B: Sectionalism & the Civil War

Unit 11.4: Reconstruction

Unit 11.5: Gilded Age and Progressive Era

Unit 11.6: Rise of American Power

Unit 11.7: Prosperity and Depression

Unit 11.8: World War II

Unit 11.9: Cold War

  • Unit 11.10: Domestic Change

Resources: Regents Prep: Global 2 Exam

Regents Prep: Framework USH Exam: Regents Prep: US Exam

  • Find Resources

Regents Prep: US Exam


KEY IDEA: COLONIAL FOUNDATIONS (1607– 1763): European colonization in North America prompted cultural contact and exchange between diverse peoples; cultural differences and misunderstandings at times led to conflict. A variety of factors contributed to the development of regional differences, including social and racial hierarchies, in colonial America.

CONCEPTUAL UNDERSTANDING: Contact between Native American groups and Europeans occurred through cultural exchanges, resistance efforts, and conflict. 

CONTENT SPECIFICATION:  Students will trace European contact with Native Americans, including the Dutch, the English, the French and the Spanish. 

CONTENT SPECIFICATION:  Students will examine the impacts of European colonization on Native Americans, who eventually lost much of their land and experienced a drastic decline in population through diseases and armed conflict. 

CONCEPTUAL UNDERSTANDING:  A number of factors influenced colonial economic development, social structures, and labor systems, causing variation by region. 

CONTENT SPECIFICATION: Students will examine the impacts of geographic factors on patterns of settlement and the development of colonial economic systems. 

CONTENT SPECIFICATION: Students will examine the factors influencing variations in colonial social structures and labor systems. 

CONTENT SPECIFICATION:  Students will analyze slavery as a deeply established component of the colonial economic system and social structure, indentured servitude vs. slavery, the increased concentration of slaves in the South, and the development of slavery as a racial institution. 

CONCEPTUAL UNDERSTANDING:  Colonial political developments were influenced by British political traditions, Enlightenment ideas, and the colonial experience. Self-governing structures were common, and yet varied across the colonies. 

CONTENT SPECIFICATION:  Students will examine colonial political institutions to determine how they were influenced by Enlightenment ideas, British traditions such as the Magna Carta, and the colonial experience. 

CONTENT SPECIFICATION:  Students will examine colonial democratic principles by studying documents such as the Mayflower Compact and the Maryland Toleration Act of 1649, colonial governmental structures such as New England town meetings and the Virginia House of Burgesses, and the practice of the right of petition in New Netherland. 

New Visions USH Exam Update 

Prototype Exam 

Educator's Guide by NYSED Office of State Assessment 

NYSED Office of State Assessment - Anchor papers for part 2 

Regents Prep: Framework USH Exam

Student preparedness see 2 items hide 2 items.

These resources help students prepare for the US History Regents exam by exposing them to the format of the exam, asking them to reflect on their current confidence levels, and helping them prepare a study plan for the months and days leading up to the exam.  

Regents Readiness

Student Preparedness - US Regents: My Strategy Framework USH Exam

This document helps students and teachers make a plan for the USH exam (aligned to the new framework regents exam) 

us history short essay

Teacher Feedback

Please comment below with questions, feedback, suggestions, or descriptions of your experience using this resource with students.

If you found an error in the resource, please let us know so we can correct it by filling out this form . 

Student Preparedness - US Regents: June 2024 USH Regents Preparation Plan for Students

An 8 week plan for students to study and prepare for the US Regents. 

USHG Framework Aligned Practice Exam See 2 items Hide 2 items

USHG Practice Regents Exam based on items from the NYS USHG Prototype Exam and New Visions end of unit assessments. 

Find the NYSED Prototype, Educator's Guide, and Part 2 Anchor Papers here:

USHG Framework Aligned Practice Exam: USH Practice Exam w/ Teacher Materials

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We will try to respond to all access requests within 72 hours. We are sorry if this delay causes any inconvenience.

An analysis of the stimuli and prompts of the Regents Exam and an item-by-item break down of its characteristics.

US Regents Exam Itemization & Analyses See 1 item Hide 1 item

As each US History Regents Exam is administered we put together an analysis of the stimuli and prompts to more easily examine the content and skills students need to perform well. 

An analysis of the stimuli and prompts of the Regents Exam from the June 2023 onwards and an item-by-item break down of its characteristics.

Exam Question Bank See 1 item Hide 1 item

The USH Regents Exam Question Bank containing all of the items created and adapted by New Visions. The bank includes stimulus-based multiple choice questions (Part I), Short Essay Tasks (Part II), and Civic Literacy Document Based Essays (Part III).

Exam Question Bank: Exam Question Bank aligned to Framework USH Regents Exam

Starting in  June 2020 , US History and Government students in New York State will be able to take the  USHG Framework exam . To help administrators, teachers, and students prepare for the exam, we have written test items that align with the prototype put out by the New York State Education Department (NYSED) in June 2019.

As we learn more about the assessment and get feedback on these items we will revise and add to this exam bank. In addition, we hope to include exemplars and example student responses in the future.

As social studies educators in New York State, we are all in this together, so let’s collaborate! If you would like to share test items you have written with others, please send items to  [email protected] . We’ll be glad to give you credit for the items you’ve created.

End of Unit Assessments Aligned to the NYS Social Studies Framework See 18 items Hide 18 items

The end of unit assessments below come from units in the New Visions Social Studies Curriculum. They are aligned to the new US History Regents Exam aligned to the NYS Social Studies Framework first administered in June 2020. Most exams include Part 1: Stimulus-based Multiple Choice Questions, Part 2: Short Essay Questions, Part 3: Civil Literacy Essay. 

U.S. History

End of Unit Assessment: End of Unit Assessment- NYS Framework Aligned

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End of Unit Assessment: End of Unit Assessment- NYS Framework Aligned- Teacher Materials

KEY IDEA:  CONSTITUTIONAL FOUNDATIONS (1763 – 1824): Growing political and economic tensions led the American colonists to declare their independence from Great Britain. Once independent, the new nation confronted the challenge of creating a stable federal republic.

CONCEPTUAL UNDERSTANDING:  Following the French and Indian War, the British government attempted to gain greater political and economic control over the colonies. Colonists resisted these efforts, leading to increasing tensions between the colonists and the British government.

CONTENT SPECIFICATION:  Students will examine British efforts to gain greater political and economic control, such as the Proclamation of 1763, the Stamp Act, the Townsend Acts, the Tea Act, the Boston Massacre, and the Coercive Acts, and colonial reactions to these efforts.

CONCEPTUAL UNDERSTANDING:  Failed attempts to mitigate the conflicts between the British government and the colonists led the colonists to declare independence, which they eventually won through the Revolutionary War, which affected individuals in different ways.

CONTENT SPECIFICATION:  Students will examine the purpose of and the ideas contained in the Declaration of Independence and consider its long term impacts.

CONTENT SPECIFICATION:  Students will examine the impacts of the Revolutionary War on workers, African Americans, women, and Native Americans.

CONCEPTUAL UNDERSTANDING:  Weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation led to a convention whose purpose was to revise the Articles of Confederation but instead resulted in the writing of a new Constitution. The ratification debate over the proposed Constitution led the Federalists to agree to add a bill of rights to the Constitution.

CONTENT SPECIFICATION:  Students will examine the weaknesses and successes of government under the Articles of Confederation.

CONTENT SPECIFICATION:  Students will explore the development of the Constitution, including the major debates and their resolutions, which included compromises over representation, taxation, and slavery.

CONTENT SPECIFICATION:  Students will examine the structure, power, and function of the federal government as created by the Constitution, including key constitutional principles such as the division of power between federal and state government, the separation of powers at the federal level, the creation of checks and balances, the sovereignty of the people, and judicial independence.

CONTENT SPECIFICATION:  Students will examine the key points of debate expressed in the Federalist Papers and the Antifederalist Papers, focusing on the protection of individual rights and the proper size for a republic.

CONTENT SPECIFICATION:  Students will examine the rights and protections provided by the Bill of Rights and to whom they initially applied.

CONCEPTUAL UNDERSTANDING:  Under the new Constitution, the young nation sought to achieve national security and political stability, as the three branches of government established their relationships with each other and the states.

CONTENT SPECIFICATION:  Students will identify presidential actions and precedents established by George Washington, including those articulated in his Farewell Address

CONTENT SPECIFICATION:  Students will examine Hamilton’s economic plan, the debate surrounding the plan, and its impacts on the development of political parties.

CONTENT SPECIFICATION:  Students will examine the tradition of a peaceful transfer of power established in the presidential election of 1800 and compare it to the presidential election of 2000, focusing on the roles of the Electoral College and Congress in 1800 and the Electoral College and the Supreme Court in 2000.

CONTENT SPECIFICATION:  Students will examine Supreme Court cases, including Marbury v. Madison, McCulloch v. Maryland, and Gibbons v. Ogden, and analyze how these decisions strengthened the powers of the federal government.

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Content Review Resources See 5 items Hide 5 items

The resources below provide some suggestions for structuring Regents readiness throughout the year and in the last months of the USHG course. They include materials for teachers and students. 

Content Review Resources: 15 Day Regents Prep Plan

15 day Regents Prep Plan includes: 

  • Review of the 5 most high leverage topics: Constitution, Sectionalism leading to the Civil War, Gilded Age, Progressive Era, and the Cold War.  
  • Sample 15 day outline of in class and out of class review activities 
  • Suggestions for NV resources to use during Regents Prep periods 

Content Review Resources: Sprints for Stimulus Based MC Questions Review

us history short essay

Content Review Resources: New Visions USH Review Sheets and Concept Maps for the Full Course

Review sheets for ALL of the topics in the USH curriculum and concept mapping activities to organize that information. Students contextualize the event, discuss its significance and think about related constitutional and civic issues. 

Content Review Resources: PAGE Annotation Protocol for Stimulus Based MC Questions

Annotation protocol for Stimulus Based MC Questions 

Content Review Resources: Kahoot! Social Studies Review

Kahoot quizzes for Global II and US History Regents review.

us history short essay

Resources for Part 2: Short Essays See 3 items Hide 3 items

These resources help teachers and students prepare for Part 2 of the new Framework USH exam: Short Essay 

Document Set #1: Historical Context & Relationship 

Document Set #2: Sourcing & Reliability 

Resources for Part 2: Short Essays: Short Essay Checklist

Students can use this checklist while writing OR teachers can use this checklist to give students feedback on their short essay responses. 

Resources for Part 2: Short Essays: Document Set #1 - Rubric

Rubric based on OSA NYSED Educator's Guide and Anchor papers 

Resources for Part 2: Short Essays: Document Set #2 - Rubric

Rubric based on OSA / NYSED Anchor papers 

Resources for Part 3: Civic Literacy Document Based Essay See 8 items Hide 8 items

Resources for Part 3: Civic Literacy Document Based Essay: Constitutional Issues Check- In: Presentation

The Constitutional and Civic Issues Check-In is an instructional routine to support teachers and students in reviewing content that support Part 3 of the US History Framework Aligned Regents exam 

us history short essay

Resources for Part 3: Civic Literacy Document Based Essay: Constitutional Issues Check-In: Worksheets

Materials to support the constitutional and civic-issue check-in 

us history short essay

Resources for Part 3: Civic Literacy Document Based Essay: Concept Maps

Concept maps can support both the USHG and GHG regents exams. 

us history short essay

Resources for Part 3: Civic Literacy Document Based Essay: Constitutional and Civic Issues Graphic Organizer: Presentation

Presentation for teachers to unpack the graphic organizer supporting constitutional and civic issues check-in

us history short essay

Resources for Part 3: Civic Literacy Document Based Essay: Constitutional and Civic Issues Graphic Organizer

Constitutional Civic Issue Graphic Organizer 

us history short essay

Resources for Part 3: Civic Literacy Document Based Essay: Constitutional and Civic Issues Graphic Organizer - Model

Model for teachers to review 

Resources for Part 3: Civic Literacy Document Based Essay: Civic Literacy Essay Checklist

Students can use this checklist to write their essay, teachers can use this checklist to give students feedback 

Resources for Part 3: Civic Literacy Document Based Essay: Rubric - Part 3 - Civic Literacy Essay

Rubric based on NYSED Educator's Guide 

American History - Free Essay Examples And Topic Ideas

American History encompasses the historical events, individuals, and movements that shaped the United States. An essay could explore significant periods like the Revolutionary War, Civil Rights Movement, or discuss the impact of historical events on contemporary American society and its global interactions. We have collected a large number of free essay examples about American History you can find at PapersOwl Website. You can use our samples for inspiration to write your own essay, research paper, or just to explore a new topic for yourself.

Significance of Lewis and Clark Lake to the American History Working

Thesis:Lewis and Clark Lake holds numerous types of fish that display different characteristics and therefore the lake forms a vital part of the American History. This article explores the topic of percid fishes which are freshwater derivatives of marine perciform. The fishes have undergone tremendous radiation and hence they comprise of 151 species available in North America. Nelson explores some of the reasons as to why it is essential to study the reproductive habits exhibited by organisms. In addition, Nelson […]

14th Amendment in American History

In June of 1982, the Supreme Court ruled that educational services and/or the right to an education could not be denied to students who had not been legally admitted into the United States. The state of Texas attempted to argue that they enforced that section of their Education Code because it was intended to prevent illegal immigrants from taking up residence in Texas. The immigrant students would then strain the educational system of the state. However, a counter argument was […]

Aftershock: Beyond the Civil War Summary

Aftershock: Beyond the Civil War is a documentary aired on history channel on TV. The movie was directed by David Padrusch in the year 2006. The documentary is segmented into various series that describe the history of the time of the civil war in America. During that time, there was a deadly conflict between various races represented in America. The southern part of America was experiencing angry rebellion from the people. The Aftershock documentary is mainly focused on broadcasting the […]

We will write an essay sample crafted to your needs.

The Turning Point of the Civil War: a Game-Changer in American History

The American Civil War, a turbulent and transformative chapter in the nation's history, witnessed a series of significant battles and events that shaped its course. Yet, one moment emerges as the critical turning point that left an indelible mark on the conflict's outcome. In this essay, we will explore this defining juncture, uncovering the reasons for its exceptional significance and its profound impact on the Civil War's trajectory. The Battle of Gettysburg: A Momentous Encounter At the heart of the […]

The Lowell Mills Story in American History: more than Just Threads and Looms

Let's take a trip back to the early 19th century, to a bustling town called Lowell in Massachusetts. This isn't your average town; it's the heart of the American Industrial Revolution, and it's buzzing with the sound of looms and the spirit of change. The Lowell Mills aren't just a bunch of buildings where textiles are made; they're the stage for a whole new act in American history, one where industry, innovation, and social change collide. Imagine this: massive mills […]

Great Depression Vs. Great Recession

Both the Great Depression and the Great Recession were major events that have occurred in the United States economy that have had lasting effects on the country and other countries around the world. But these events were necessarily good ones. They were two of the greatest crises in American economic history. The Great Depression was first, occurring from 1929 to1939. The Great Recession happened many decades in the future, starting in late 2007 and ending in early 2010. Comparison of […]

The Jacksonian Era: a Transformative Period in American History

The years 1829–1837, known as the Jacksonian Period, were a pivotal time in American history. The significant influence Andrew Jackson's presidency had on the political climate and social mores of the country makes this era commonly remembered. It was a period of intense populism, turbulent economic times, and divisive discussions that affected American history. The victory of Andrew Jackson in 1828 marked a dramatic change in American politics. Being the first president who wasn't from the Eastern aristocracy, he symbolized […]

Ronald Reagan’s Unparalleled Role in Shaping the Cold War: a Revolutionary Era in American History

Introduction The Cold War, a long and intense ideological and geopolitical struggle between the United States and the Soviet Union, profoundly influenced the second half of the 20th century. Among the American presidents who grappled with the complexities of this era, Ronald Reagan emerges as a singular and transformative figure. His leadership during the Cold War not only marked a pivotal point in American history but also played a central role in bringing an end to the protracted conflict. This […]

Enlightenment Ideas Reflected in the Declaration of Independence

The Declaration of Independence reflects a great extent the values of Enlightenment. The Declaration of Independence is a formal statement written by Thomas Jefferson asserting freedom from Great Britain. The Enlightenment was an intellectual and philosophical movement that dominated the world of ideas in Europe. The Enlightenment brought ideas of scientific reasoning over religious reasoning which propelled a huge transition in American views. The movement stimulated religious tolerance and democratic revolutions around the world. Most of the Enlightenment ideas reflected […]

FDR’s Pearl Harbor Speech: a Turning Point in American History

Introduction The early morning of December 7, 1941, had barely begun when the tranquility of Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, was shattered by the thunderous roar of Japanese warplanes. The attack on Pearl Harbor was a cataclysmic event that thrust the United States into the midst of World War II. President Franklin D. Roosevelt's speech to Congress the following day is not just a historical footnote but a pivotal moment that redefined the course of American history. This essay delves into the […]

Dred Scott V. Sandford: a Landmark Case in American History

The Dred Scott v. Sandford judgment, made in 1857, is one of the most notorious Supreme Court rulings in American history. This key case not only highlighted the difficult topic of slavery, but it also had a huge impact on the country's journey to Civil War. The implications of the verdict were felt profoundly in the fabric of American society and law, and its echoes may still be heard today in questions about civil rights and citizenship. Dred Scott, an […]

Why was Herbert Hoover Blamed for the Great Depression?

President Herbert Hoover is often blamed for the great depression for many reasons, he had ideas put into place that were meant to aid the problems in the economy but hurt it instead. Pro-labour policies made by President Hoover after the stock market crash of 1929 caused the majority of the nation's gross domestic product to decline over the next two years. This made what could have been a bad recession turn into the Great Depression. There were many reasons […]

Arrowheads of the Past: a Journey through Native American History

Picture this: you're walking through a field, and there, half-buried in the dirt, you find a small, pointed stone. It's an Indian arrowhead, a silent storyteller of a time long gone. These arrowheads, shaped by the hands of Native Americans centuries ago, aren't just cool, ancient trinkets; they're like time capsules, offering us a glimpse into a world that predates modern history books. So, let's take a walk through the history and significance of these fascinating artifacts. First off, think […]

Ideological Foundations of the Whig Party in American History

A significant political entity in the United States throughout the middle of the 19th century, the Whig Party exerted considerable influence over the country's political terrain. Established during the turbulent 1830s in opposition to the policies of Democratic Party President Andrew Jackson, the Whigs formulated a distinctive set of principles and beliefs that set them apart during that period in American politics. The purpose of this paper is to examine the Whig Party's foundational tenets, their influence on American political […]

American History’s Tempests: the Weather Underground’s Ann Arbor Origins

The tapestry of American history is woven with the threads of various social movements that have influenced the nation's political, cultural, and ideological landscapes. One of the more turbulent threads is that of the Weather Underground, a radical left-wing organization that gained notoriety in the late 1960s and 1970s. Ann Arbor, Michigan, known primarily for its prestigious university and its progressive ideals, served as an influential hub for the Weather Underground, catalyzing a tempest of activism that swept across the […]

Theodore Roosevelt’s Square Deal in American History: Unpacking a Progressive Promise

In the annals of American history, few presidential promises have resonated through the ages quite like Theodore Roosevelt's Square Deal. Conceived as a cornerstone of his domestic policy, the Square Deal was Roosevelt’s ambitious blueprint to offer a fair shake to every American citizen. Not merely a set of isolated reforms, the Square Deal was an ethos, a political philosophy, and a rallying cry for equity that has since become emblematic of early 20th-century progressivism. At the heart of the […]

How the Great Depression Affected African Americans

In the 1920s, African Americans were looked upon as lower class individuals and as a result, had very low paying jobs. Now, just imagine an economic crisis in such a situation. It will be chaotic. Unfortunately, an economic crisis did hit, and many African Americans lost their jobs, to leave the jobs for the white Americans. This economic crisis, plus the racial inequality African Americans faced caused a great depression amongst African Americans, which affected them till 1960. During this […]

American History Unraveled: Ripples of Dissent and the Paxton Boys in Colonial America

In the patchwork quilt of American history, there are swatches stained with the darker hues of aggression and injustice. One such fragment is the story of the Paxton Boys, a group whose actions in the 1760s offer a revealing glimpse into the frictions and factions of colonial Pennsylvania. The Paxton Boys’ narrative is not just a local tale of a vigilante group; it embodies the broader dynamics of colonial unrest, the complicated relationships with Native Americans, and the seeds of […]

Heroification: the Impact on American History

Introduction James Loewen’s 1995 book, Lies My Teacher Told Me captiously, explores twelve idealistic high school textbooks and establishes the Eurocentric and factious sentiments of American history. In a critique of prevalent historical themes, Lies My Teacher Told Me analyzes how American history courses and, more notably, their textbook counterparts act as an injustice to students and the nation they aspire to conserve. In the opening remarks, Something Has Gone Very Wrong, Loewen scrutinizes the rampant dislike of history courses […]

What was the Great Depression?

The Great Depression was a dramatic shift in the US economy leaving people homeless and people didn't have a way to make a living. .This made the government create new programs called the New Deal it however failed to stop the Great Depression and these programs wasted a lot of money..The Great Depression started in 1929 it was the biggest economic downfall in US History it left a lot people without jobs and banks started going out of business all […]

Causes of the Great Depression (1929-1939)

During the Great Depression, Franklin D.Roosevelt stated, "The only thing we have to fear is fear itself." As World War I ended and the 1920's boom in the industry deteriorated, the Great Depression developed and the result was dreadful. The crash affected millions of people and lasted for about a decade. United States was in a state of despair, as banking systems failed, many people were unemployed, and prices drastically fell. War-producing factories shut down, farms/homes were lost to possession […]

Effects of the Great Depression on Life of Americans

The Great Depression is a major event in American history impacted the lives of many Americans and others around the World. Following World War I, the Great Depression brought pain, confusion, and suffering to a countless amount of Americans lives. Any hope Americans had at the time was lost because of this tragic event. Unfortunately, all workers at this time no longer could feel comfortable with the economy around them. Essentially, the economy was ruined and created chaos across America. […]

What Ended the Great Depression?

The Great Depression had a devastating impact on the nation, spreading across the countryside and bringing hardship to big cities and small towns. No social, racial, or economic class was excluded. At the depth of the depression, in 1933: 13 million people were unemployed, 50% percent of the banks had foreclosed, national income fell by 42% and one million people were homeless. There were multiple reasons the depression occurred. The series of factors that caused this event were the 1929 […]

Government Response to the Great Depression

Black Tuesday was the start of the depression. Also, Herbert Hoover did not want to give the people federal money. He thought they had to get themselves out of the problem. This made many people go homeless and plus the Dust Bowl which also destroyed people's homes. The Great Depression was defined as a dark age in the 1930's. Although, there are causes that made the Great Depression happen, like the farm industry failing, low income families, and lastly World […]

Declaration of Independence Enlightened Thought Essay

The Declaration of Independence is a document declaring the colonies' freedom from Britain; however, it was not an original work, many of the thoughts were just being used from the English philosopher John Locke. Some of the theories that John Locke created,  Thomas Jefferson used, in the Declaration of Independence, such as the ideas of natural rights, how to run the government, and identifying the basis of government. In many ways the Declaration of Independence seems as if it is […]

What was the Great Depression and why did it Start in the USA

There are many significant events that have shaped America’s history. Some were infamous, some scandalous and some we choose to overlook..According to the PBS film “The Great Depression”, The Great Depression was one of the most traumatic and gut wrenching event throughout history. This film outline the events leading up to the great depression and highlights some of the significant events during this time period. The Great Depression was an economic downturn that began in 1929 while president Herbert Hoover […]

Great Depression: what Happened, Causes, how it Ended

During the 1930s. America went through one of the worst economic declines in world history, The Great Depression. Many believe it was sole because of the stock market crash, however other factors played a huge role in causing the Great Depression to occur. Bank failures, the Smoot-Hawley Tariff in the 1930s, and weather conditions from the Dust Bowl all played a critical factor in influencing this economic depression within America. Throughout America's history, much examination has been placed in the […]

Great Depression: Causes and Definition

The Great Depression was the worst economic problem in the history of the world, from 1929 to 1939. It caused many problem and difficulty like, Overproduction, Big crash, weak banking systems, and buying on margins. The Great Depression made everyone forget about the wealth, growth and prosperity of last period of ten years and face new economically unfair conditions of business and living in a bad situation. The government should’ve involve more in the Great Depression to help people and […]

September 11th 2001 Attack

The attack of September 11th 2001 was one that really shock America. It left many people dead and other wounded. The total number of people who died in the attack was 2,996 while those got serious injuries were more than 6000. People who died in the incidence included those who were in the building, outside, firefighters and also some terrorists. It was a shock to many people how so many people could die within a very short period of time. […]

Great Depression in the United States

The Great depression was a time when America could not see the future and felt doubtful about the future to come. This was the worst economic downfall in the history of the United States. The Depression started in 1929 and happened to end in the end of 1930. More than a third of the nation's banks had failed and this caused the major stock market to come crashing down. The Great Depression was horrifying for many Americans because of its […]

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How To Write An Essay On American History

Introduction to american history as an essay topic.

Writing an essay on American history involves delving into the rich and complex narrative of the United States' past. It's a journey through significant events, influential figures, and transformative periods that have shaped the nation. In your introduction, specify the particular aspect or period of American history you will focus on, such as the Revolutionary War, the Civil Rights Movement, or a specific presidency. Establish the importance of this topic in understanding the current social, political, and cultural landscape of the United States. This introduction should provide a brief overview of the historical context and set the stage for a deeper analysis.

Researching and Presenting Historical Facts

When exploring a topic in American history, thorough research is crucial to understand the events, their causes, and their effects. Use credible sources like academic journals, history books, and primary documents to gather information. In presenting these facts, maintain a clear and organized structure, guiding the reader through the chronological order or thematic development of your topic. For instance, if writing about the Civil Rights Movement, discuss key events like the Montgomery Bus Boycott, the March on Washington, and landmark legislation. Accurate representation of historical facts forms the backbone of your essay, providing the reader with a well-informed perspective.

Analyzing and Interpreting Historical Events

Beyond presenting historical facts, your essay should analyze and interpret these events. Discuss the broader implications of these events on American society, politics, and culture. For example, analyze how the Industrial Revolution changed economic structures and social dynamics in America, or how the outcomes of the Civil War shaped the nation's future. This analysis should offer insight into the complexities of historical events, revealing the interconnectedness of various factors and the long-term impacts on the United States.

Concluding with Reflections on American History

Conclude your essay by summarizing the main points of your discussion and offering reflections on the significance of your historical topic. Consider how understanding this aspect of American history provides insights into contemporary issues facing the nation. Reflect on the lessons that can be learned from the past and how they can inform present and future decisions. A well-crafted conclusion will not only encapsulate your analysis but also emphasize the relevance of studying American history, inspiring readers to appreciate its impact on today's society and their own lives.

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For Black History Month, a look at what Black Americans say is needed to overcome racial inequality

us history short essay

Black History Month originated in 1926 as Negro History Week. Created by Carter G. Woodson, a Black historian and journalist, the week celebrated the achievements of Black Americans following their emancipation from slavery.

Since 1928, the organization that Woodson founded, the Association for the Study of African American Life and History, has selected an annual theme for the celebration . The theme for 2023, “Black Resistance,” is intended to highlight how Black Americans have fought against racial inequality.

Black Americans’ resistance to racial inequality has deep roots in U.S. history and has taken many forms – from slave rebellions during the colonial era and through the Civil War to protest movements in the 1950s, ’60s and today. But Black Americans have also built institutions to support their communities such as churches, colleges and universities, printing presses, and fraternal organizations. These movements and institutions have stressed the importance of freedom, self-determination and equal protection under the law. 

Black Americans have long articulated a clear vision for the kind of social change that would improve their lives. Here are key findings from Pew Research Center surveys that explore Black Americans’ views about how to overcome racial inequality.

This analysis examines how Black people view issues of racial inequality and social change in the U.S. It is part of a larger Pew Research Center project that aims to understand Americans’ views of racial inequity and social change in the United States.

For this analysis, we surveyed 3,912 Black U.S. adults from Oct. 4-17, 2021. Black U.S. adults include those who are single-race, non-Hispanic Black Americans; multiracial, non-Hispanic Black Americans; and adults who indicate they are Black and Hispanic. The survey includes 1,025 Black adults on Pew Research Center’s American Trends Panel (ATP) and 2,887 Black adults on Ipsos’ KnowledgePanel. Respondents on both panels are recruited through national, random sampling of residential addresses.

Recruiting panelists by phone or mail ensures that nearly all U.S. adults have a chance of selection. This gives us confidence that any sample can represent the whole population (see our Methods 101 explainer on random sampling).

Here are the questions used for the survey, along with responses, and its methodology .

A bar chart showing that majorities of Black adults say voting and supporting Black businesses are effective ways to move toward equality

Most Black adults see voting as an extremely or very effective strategy for helping Black people move toward equality, but fewer than half say the same about protesting. More than six-in-ten Black adults (63%) say voting is an extremely or very effective strategy for Black progress. However, only around four-in-ten (42%) say the same about protesting. 

There are notable differences in these views across political and demographic subgroups of the Black population.

Black Democrats and Democratic-leaning independents are more likely than Black Republicans and Republican leaners to say voting is an extremely or very effective tactic for Black progress (68% vs. 46%). Black Democrats are also more likely to say the same about supporting Black businesses (63% vs. 41%) and protesting (46% vs. 32%).

Views also differ by age. For example, around half of Black adults ages 65 and older (48%) say protests are an extremely or very effective tactic, compared with 42% of those ages 50 to 64 and 38% of those 30 to 49.

A bar chart showing nearly four-in-ten Black adults say Black Lives Matter has done the most to help Black people in recent years

Black Americans say Black Lives Matter has done the most to help Black people in recent years. Around four-in-ten Black adults (39%) say this, exceeding the share who point to the NAACP (17%), Black churches or other religious organizations (13%), the Congressional Black Caucus (6%) and the National Urban League (3%).

Black Democrats are more likely than Black Republicans (44% vs. 26%) to say Black Lives Matter has done the most to help Black people in recent years. And Black adults with at least a college degree are more likely than those with less education (44% vs. 37%) to say Black Lives Matter has done the most.

Some Black adults see Black-owned businesses and Black-led communities as effective remedies for inequality. When it comes to moving Black people toward equality, about four-in-ten Black adults (39%) say having all businesses in Black neighborhoods be owned by Black people would be an extremely or very effective strategy. Smaller shares say the same about establishing a national Black political party (31%) and having all the elected officials governing Black neighborhoods be Black (27%).

While none of these strategies have majority support among Black adults, certain groups are more likely than others to say they would be effective. Those who say being Black is at least very important to their identity are especially likely to say each of the three strategies are effective, for example.

Those with a high school education or less are more likely than college graduates to say establishing a national Black political party would be effective at achieving equality for Black people. Meanwhile, younger Black adults (ages 18 to 49) are more likely than older ones (50 and older) to say Black officials governing Black neighborhoods would help make progress toward equality.

A chart showing that roughly a third of Black adults say establishing a national Black political party would be effective for achieving equality in the U.S.

The vast majority of Black adults say the prison system needs significant changes for Black people to be treated fairly. That includes a majority of Black adults (54%) who say the prison system needs to be “completely rebuilt” in order to ensure fair treatment. Groups especially likely to say this include Black Democrats and those who say being Black is extremely or very important to how they see themselves.

Far smaller shares of Black adults say the prison system requires only minor or no changes, though this view is more common among Black Republicans and those who say being Black is somewhat, a little or not at all important to their identity.

A chart showing that the vast majority of Black adults say the prison system needs major changes or needs to be completely rebuilt

Clear majorities of Black adults say people of other races or ethnicities could make good political allies for Black people. About four-in-ten Black adults (42%) say White people would make good political allies only if they experience the same hardships as Black people; another 35% say White people would make good political allies even if they don’t experience these same hardships. Around one-in-five Black adults (18%) say White people would not make good political allies.

About four-in-ten Black adults (37%) say Latinos would make good allies only if they experience the same hardships as Black people, while a similar share (40%) say Latino people would make for good allies even if they don’t experience the same hardships. Some 16% of Black adults say Latinos would not make good political allies.

The views of Black adults on this question are similar when it comes to Asian people, though a somewhat higher share (23%) say Asian Americans would not make good political allies.

Note: Here are the questions used for the survey, along with responses, and its methodology .

  • Black Americans
  • Criminal Justice
  • Race, Ethnicity & Politics
  • Racial Bias & Discrimination

Jens Manuel Krogstad's photo

Jens Manuel Krogstad is a senior writer and editor at Pew Research Center

Kiana Cox's photo

Kiana Cox is a senior researcher focusing on race and ethnicity at Pew Research Center

A look at Black-owned businesses in the U.S.

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    Download free-response questions from past exams along with scoring guidelines, sample responses from exam takers, and scoring distributions. If you are using assistive technology and need help accessing these PDFs in another format, contact Services for Students with Disabilities at 212-713-8333 or by email at [email protected]. The ...

  3. PDF Regents High School Examination Short-essay Questions United States

    For Part II Short-Essay Questions (SEQs Set 1 and Set 2): † A content-specific rubric for each SEQ † Prescored answer papers. Score levels 5 through 1 have one paper ... UNITED STATES HISTORY AND GOVERNMENT (FRAMEWORK) Thursday, June 1, 2023 — 9:15 a.m. to 12:15 p.m., only RATING GUIDE FOR PART II (SHORT-ESSAY QUESTIONS) VOLUME 1 OF 2

  4. AP US History periods and themes

    We've put together some video examples of how to tackle each section of the AP US history exam. Find them here: Multiple choice section: How to approach multiple choice questions. Short answer section: How to approach short answer questions. Document-based essay: How to approach the DBQ. Long essay: How to approach the long essay question/LE.

  5. The Best US History Regents Review Guide 2020

    Beginning in 2020, the US History Regents exam will have a new format. Previously, the test consisted of 50 multiple-choice questions with long essays, but now it will have a mix of multiple choice, short answer, short essay, and long essay questions (schools can choose to use the old version of the exam through June 2021).

  6. PDF AP U.S. History Sample Questions

    These sample exam questions were originally included in the AP U.S. History Curriculum Framework, published in fall 2012. The AP U.S. History Course and Exam Description, which is out now, includes that curriculum framework, along with a new, unique set of exam questions. Because we want teachers to have access to all available questions that ...

  7. The Ultimate Guide to the AP US History Exam

    The AP US History exam is one of the longer AP tests, and it has four different types of questions: Multiple Choice, Short Answer, Document-Based Question (DBQ), and Long Essay. The main thread running through this test is an emphasis on analyzing historical evidence and applying outside knowledge in context.

  8. AP United States History Exam

    Students assess these written, quantitative, or visual materials as historical evidence. Students develop an argument supported by an analysis of historical evidence. The document-based question focuses on topics from 1754 to 1980. Long Essay. Recommended time: 40 Minutes | 15% of Exam Score.

  9. AP US History short answer example 1 (video)

    Video transcript. - [Voiceover] So this video is about the short answer section on the AP U.S. history exam. So this is a real practice problem from the AP exam and I'd like to go through it step-by-step with you to give you an idea of how to approach these problems really well. So each of the short answer problems is three questions long and ...

  10. AP US History DBQ example 1 (video)

    AP US History DBQ example 1. Google Classroom. About. Transcript. The document-based question (DBQ) is one of two main essays on the AP US History exam and usually requires analyzing changes or continuities over time in US history. In this video, learn about the structure of DBQs and tips and tricks to help you succeed on this challenging part ...

  11. AP United States History Exam

    The AP U.S. History Exam will test your understanding of the historical concepts covered in the course units, as well as your ability to analyze primary and secondary sources and identify patterns and connections that can support a historical interpretation. Exam Duration. 3hrs 15mins.

  12. PDF Educator Guide to the Regents Examination in United States History and

    3.2 Student identifies and analyzes similarities and differences between issues, historical developments, and/or events in different geographic and cultural contexts. 3.3 Student compares and analyzes issues or events in depth and with accuracy. United States History and Government (Framework) Educator Guide. 16.

  13. United States History and Government (Framework)

    Also included are Scoring Worksheets A and B, which can be used for training in conjunction with the practice papers. The 5-point scoring rubric is the same rubric used to score the Document-Based Question essay on the current United States History and Government Regents Examination. Part III: Civic Literacy Essay Question Sample Student Papers.

  14. PDF United States History and Government

    UNITED STATES HISTORY AND GOVERNMENT Wednesday, January 22, 2020 — 9:15 a.m. to 12:15 p.m., only ... Part III B contains one essay question based on the documents. Write your answer to this question in the essay booklet, beginning on page 7. When you have completed the examination, you must sign the declaration printed at the ...

  15. Essay #1

    Essay #1. For our first paper assignment, you will be asked to write a short essay that responds to the following prompt: The historian Eric Foner argues that Reconstruction should be understood as an "unfinished revolution." 1 In what ways, if any, were the American Civil War and the Reconstruction period that followed revolutionary, and ...

  16. AP US History Practice

    AP US History Practice Multiple-Choice Questions: Period 1: 1491-1607. AP US History Practice Multiple-Choice Questions: Period 2: 1607-1754. AP US History Practice Multiple-Choice Questions: Period 3: 1754-1800. AP US History Practice Multiple-Choice Questions: Period 4: 1800-1848.

  17. PDF Regents Examination in United States History and Government (Framework

    SHORT ESSAY QUESTION—SET 2 Task: Read and analyze the following documents, applying your social studies knowledge and skills to write a short essay of two or three paragraphs in which you: •Describe the historical context surrounding documents 1 and 2 •Analyze Document 2 and explain how audience, or purpose, or bias, or point of view affects

  18. PDF Regents Examination in United States History and Government (Framework

    Content-Specific Rubric Short Essay Question-Set 1 Scoring Notes: 1. This short essay question has two components (describing the historical context surrounding these two documents and identifying and explaining the relationship between the events and/or ideas found in these documents).

  19. 153 US History Topics [2024 US History Essay Ideas]

    153 US History Topics [2024 US History Essay Ideas] Updated: Mar 12th, 2024. 13 min. American history is not as long as the European one. However, it's one of the richest histories in the world. It's full of controversies, different opinions, and interesting facts. Those who study American history will find how many voices, perspectives ...

  20. Regents Prep: US Exam

    They are aligned to the new US History Regents Exam aligned to the NYS Social Studies Framework first administered in June 2020. Most exams include Part 1: Stimulus-based Multiple Choice Questions, Part 2: Short Essay Questions, Part 3: Civil Literacy Essay.

  21. Archive: Regents Examination in United States History & Government

    Notice to Teachers: June 2013 Regents Examination in United States History and Government, Chinese Edition, only, Part I, Question 19 and Part IIIA, Question 1 (10 KB) January 2013 Regents Examination in United States History and Government (588 KB) Scoring Key, Part I (37 KB) Scoring Key, Part I and Rating Guide Part II - Thematic Essay (708 KB)

  22. American History Essay Examples & Topics on US History

    184 essay samples found. American History encompasses the historical events, individuals, and movements that shaped the United States. An essay could explore significant periods like the Revolutionary War, Civil Rights Movement, or discuss the impact of historical events on contemporary American society and its global interactions.

  23. For Black History Month, a look at what Black Americans say is needed

    This analysis examines how Black people view issues of racial inequality and social change in the U.S. It is part of a larger Pew Research Center project that aims to understand Americans' views of racial inequity and social change in the United States. For this analysis, we surveyed 3,912 Black U.S. adults from Oct. 4-17, 2021.

  24. PDF For Teachers Only

    United States History and Government (Framework) Short-Essay Question Set 1 (Question 29) August 2023 Task: Read and analyze the following documents, applying your social studies knowledge and skills to write a short essay of two or three paragraphs in which you: • Describe the historical context surrounding these documents