100 Best Case Study Questions for Your Next Customer Spotlight

Brittany Fuller

Published: November 29, 2022

Case studies and testimonials are helpful to have in your arsenal. But to build an effective library, you need to ask the right case study questions. You also need to know how to write a case study .

marketing team coming up with case study questions

Case studies are customers' stories that your sales team can use to share relevant content with prospects . Not only that, but case studies help you earn a prospect's trust, show them what life would be like as your customer, and validate that your product or service works for your clients.

Before you start building your library of case studies, check out our list of 100 case study questions to ask your clients. With this helpful guide, you'll have the know-how to build your narrative using the " Problem-Agitate-Solve " Method.

Download Now: 3 Free Case Study Templates

What makes a good case study questionnaire?

The ultimate list of case study questions, how to ask your customer for a case study, creating an effective case study.

Certain key elements make up a good case study questionnaire.

A questionnaire should never feel like an interrogation. Instead, aim to structure your case study questions like a conversation. Some of the essential things that your questionnaire should cover include:

  • The problem faced by the client before choosing your organization.
  • Why they chose your company.
  • How your product solved the problem clients faced.
  • The measurable results of the service provided.
  • Data and metrics that prove the success of your service or product, if possible.

You can adapt these considerations based on how your customers use your product and the specific answers or quotes that you want to receive.

What makes a good case study question?

A good case study question delivers a powerful message to leads in the decision stage of your prospective buyer's journey.

Since your client has agreed to participate in a case study, they're likely enthusiastic about the service you provide. Thus, a good case study question hands the reins over to the client and opens a conversation.

Try asking open-ended questions to encourage your client to talk about the excellent service or product you provide.

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Categories for the Best Case Study Questions

  • Case study questions about the customer's business
  • Case study questions about the environment before the purchase
  • Case study questions about the decision process
  • Case study questions about the customer's business case
  • Case study questions about the buying team and internal advocates
  • Case study questions about customer success
  • Case study questions about product feedback
  • Case study questions about willingness to make referrals
  • Case study question to prompt quote-worthy feedback
  • Case study questions about the customers' future goals

customer service case study questions and answers

Showcase your company's success using these three free case study templates.

  • Data-Driven Case Study Template
  • Product-Specific Case Study Template
  • General Case Study Template

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Case Study Interview Questions About the Customer's Business

Knowing the customer's business is an excellent way of setting the tone for a case study.

Use these questions to get some background information about the company and its business goals. This information can be used to introduce the business at the beginning of the case study — plus, future prospects might resonate with their stories and become leads for you.

  • Would you give me a quick overview of [company]? This is an opportunity for the client to describe their business in their own words. You'll get useful background information and it's an easy prompt to get the client talking.
  • Can you describe your role? This will give you a better idea of the responsibilities they are subject to.
  • How do your role and team fit into the company and its goals? Knowing how the team functions to achieve company goals will help you formulate how your solution involves all stakeholders.
  • How long has your company been in business? Getting this information will help the reader gauge if pain points are specific to a startup or new company vs. a veteran company.
  • How many employees do you have? Another great descriptor for readers to have. They can compare the featured company size with their own.
  • Is your company revenue available? If so, what is it? This will give your readers background information on the featured company's gross sales.
  • Who is your target customer? Knowing who the target audience is will help you provide a better overview of their market for your case study readers.
  • How does our product help your team or company achieve its objectives? This is one of the most important questions because it is the basis of the case study. Get specifics on how your product provided a solution for your client. You want to be able to say "X company implemented our solution and achieved Y. "
  • How are our companies aligned (mission, strategy, culture, etc.)? If any attributes of your company's mission or culture appealed to the client, call it out.

How many people are on your team? What are their roles? This will help describe key players within the organization and their impact on the implementation of your solution.


Case Study Interview Questions About the Environment Before the Purchase

A good case study is designed to build trust. Ask clients to describe the tools and processes they used before your product or service. These kinds of case study questions will highlight the business' need they had to fulfill and appeal to future clients.

  • What was your team's process prior to using our product? This will give the reader a baseline to compare the results for your company's product.
  • Were there any costs associated with the process prior to using our product? Was it more expensive? Was it worth the cost? How did the product affect the client's bottom line? This will be a useful metric to disclose if your company saved the client money or was more cost-efficient.
  • What were the major pain points of your process prior to using our product? Describe these obstacles in detail. You want the reader to get as much information on the problem as possible as it sets up the reasoning for why your company's solution was implemented.
  • Did our product replace a similar tool or is this the first time your team is using a product like this? Were they using a similar product? If so, having this information may give readers a reason to choose your brand over the competition.
  • What other challenges were you and your team experiencing prior to using our product? The more details you can give readers regarding the client's struggles, the better. You want to paint a full picture of the challenges the client faced and how your company resolved them.
  • Were there any concerns about how your customers would be impacted by using our product? Getting answers to this question will illustrate to readers the client's concerns about switching to your service. Your readers may have similar concerns and reading how your client worked through this process will be helpful.
  • Why didn't you buy our product or a similar product earlier? Have the client describe any hesitations they had using your product. Their concerns may be relatable to potential leads.
  • Were there any "dealbreakers" involved in your decision to become a customer? Describing how your company was able to provide a solution that worked within those parameters demonstrates how accommodating your brand is and how you put the customer first. It's also great to illustrate any unique challenges the client had. This better explains their situation to the reader.
  • Did you have to make any changes you weren't anticipating once you became a customer? Readers of your case study can learn how switching to your product came with some unexpected changes (good or bad) and how they navigated them. If you helped your client with troubleshooting, ask them to explain that here.

How has your perception of the product changed since you've become a customer? Get the interviewee to describe how your product changed how they do business. This includes how your product accomplished what they previously thought was impossible.


Case Study Interview Questions About the Decision Process

Readers of the case study will be interested in which factors influenced the decision-making process for the client. If they can relate to that process, there's a bigger chance they'll buy your product.

The answers to these questions will help potential customers through their decision-making process.

  • How did you hear about our product? If the client chose to work with you based on a recommendation or another positive case study, include that. It will demonstrate that you are a trusted brand with an established reputation for delivering results.
  • How long had you been looking for a solution to this problem? This will add to the reader's understanding of how these particular challenges impacted the company before choosing your product.
  • Were you comparing alternative solutions? Which ones? This will demonstrate to readers that the client explored other options before choosing your company.
  • Would you describe a few of the reasons you decided to buy our product? Ask the interviewee to describe why they chose your product over the competition and any benefits your company offered that made you stand out.
  • What were the criteria you used when deciding to buy our product? This will give readers more background insight into the factors that impacted their decision-making process.
  • Were there any high-level initiatives or goals that prompted the decision to buy? For example, was this decision motivated by a company-wide vision? Prompt your clients to discuss what lead to the decision to work with you and how you're the obvious choice.
  • What was the buying process like? Did you notice anything exceptional or any points of friction? This is an opportunity for the client to comment on how seamless and easy you make the buying process. Get them to describe what went well from start to finish.
  • How would you have changed the buying process, if at all? This is an opportunity for you to fine-tune your process to accommodate future buyers.
  • Who on your team was involved in the buying process? This will give readers more background on the key players involved from executives to project managers. With this information, readers can see who they may potentially need to involve in the decision-making process on their teams.


Case Study Interview Questions About the Customer's Business Case

Your case study questions should ask about your product or solution's impact on the customer's employees, teams, metrics, and goals. These questions allow the client to praise the value of your service and tell others exactly what benefits they derived from it.

When readers review your product or service's impact on the client, it enforces the belief that the case study is credible.

  • How long have you been using our product? This will help readers gauge how long it took to see results and your overall satisfaction with the product or service.
  • How many different people at your company use our product? This will help readers gauge how they can adapt the product to their teams if similar in size.
  • Are there multiple departments or teams using our product? This will demonstrate how great of an impact your product has made across departments.
  • How do you and your team currently use the product? What types of goals or tasks are you using the product to accomplish? Get specifics on how the product actively helps the client achieve their goals.
  • If other teams or departments are using our product, do you know how they're using it? With this information, leads can picture how they can use your product across their teams and how it may improve their workflow and metrics.
  • What was the most obvious advantage you felt our product offered during the sales process? The interviewee should explain the benefits they've gained from using your product or service. This is important for convincing other leads you are better than the competition.
  • Were there any other advantages you discovered after using the product more regularly? Your interviewee may have experienced some additional benefits from using your product. Have them describe in detail what these advantages are and how they've helped the company improve.
  • Are there any metrics or KPIs you track with our product? What are they? The more numbers and data the client can provide, the better.
  • Were you tracking any metrics prior to using our product? What were they? This will allow readers to get a clear, before-and-after comparison of using your product.
  • How has our product impacted your core metrics? This is an opportunity for your clients to drive home how your product assisted them in hitting their metrics and goals.


Case Study Interview Questions About the Buying Team and Internal Advocates

See if there are any individuals at the customer's company who are advocates for your product.

  • Are there any additional team members you consider to be advocates for our product? For example, does anyone stick out as a "power user" or product expert on your team? You may want to interview and include these power users in your case study as well. Consider asking them for tips on using your service or product.
  • Is there anyone else on your team you think we should talk to? Again, the more people can share their experience using your product, the better.
  • Are there any team members who you think might not be the biggest fans of our product or who might need more training? Providing extra support to those struggling with your product may improve their user experience and turn into an opportunity to not only learn about their obstacles but turn them into a product fan
  • Would you share some details about how your team implemented our product? Get as much information as possible about the rollout. Hopefully, they'll gush about how seamless the process was.
  • Who from your company was involved in implementing our product? This will give readers more insight into who needs to be involved for a successful rollout of their own.
  • Were there any internal risks or additional costs involved with implementing our product? If so, how did you address them? This will give insight into the client's process and rollout and this case study question will likely provide tips on what potential leads should be on the lookout for.
  • Is there a training process in place for your team's use of our product? If so, what does it look like? If your company provided support and training to the client, have them describe that experience.
  • About how long does it take a new team member to get up to speed with our product? This will help leads determine how much time it will take to onboard an employee to your using your product. If a new user can quickly get started seamlessly, it bodes well for you.
  • What was your main concern about rolling this product out to your company? Describing their challenges in detail will provide readers with useful insight.


Case Study Interview Questions About Customer Success

Has the customer found success with your product? Ask these questions to learn more.

  • By using our product can you measure any reduced costs? If it has, you'll want to emphasize those savings in your case study.
  • By using our product can you measure any improvements in productivity or time savings? Any metrics or specific stories your interviewee can provide will help demonstrate the value of your product.
  • By using our product can you measure any increases in revenue or growth? Again, say it with numbers and data whenever possible.
  • Are you likely to recommend our product to a friend or colleague? Recommendations from existing customers are some of the best marketing you can get.
  • How has our product impacted your success? Your team's success? Getting the interviewee to describe how your product played an integral role in solving their challenges will show leads that they can also have success using your product.
  • In the beginning, you had XYZ concerns; how do you feel about them now? Let them explain how working with your company eliminated those concerns.
  • I noticed your team is currently doing XYZ with our product. Tell me more about how that helps your business. Illustrate to your readers how current customers are using your product to solve additional challenges. It will convey how versatile your product is.
  • Have you thought about using our product for a new use case with your team or at your company? The more examples of use cases the client can provide, the better.
  • How do you measure the value our product provides? Have the interviewee illustrate what metrics they use to gauge the product's success and how. Data is helpful, but you should go beyond the numbers. Maybe your product improved company morale and how teams work together.


Case Study Interview Questions About Product Feedback

Ask the customer if they'd recommend your product to others. A strong recommendation will help potential clients be more open to purchasing your product.

  • How do other companies in this industry solve the problems you had before you purchased our product? This will give you insight into how other companies may be functioning without your product and how you can assist them.
  • Have you ever talked about our product to any of your clients or peers? What did you say? This can provide you with more leads and a chance to get a referral.
  • Why would you recommend our product to a friend or client? Be sure they pinpoint which features they would highlight in a recommendation.
  • Can you think of any use cases your customers might have for our product? Similar industries may have similar issues that need solutions. Your interviewee may be able to provide a use case you haven't come up with.
  • What is your advice for other teams or companies who are tackling problems similar to those you had before you purchased our product? This is another opportunity for your client to talk up your product or service.
  • Do you know someone in X industry who has similar problems to the ones you had prior to using our product? The client can make an introduction so you can interview them about their experience as well.
  • I noticed you work with Company Y. Do you know if they are having any pain points with these processes? This will help you learn how your product has impacted your client's customers and gain insight into what can be improved.
  • Does your company participate in any partner or referral programs? Having a strong referral program will help you increase leads and improve customer retention.
  • Can I send you a referral kit as a thank-you for making a referral and give you the tools to refer someone to us? This is a great strategy to request a referral while rewarding your existing customers.
  • Are you interested in working with us to produce additional marketing content? The more opportunities you can showcase happy customers, the better.


Case Study Interview Questions About Willingness to Make Referrals

  • How likely are you to recommend our product to a friend or client? Ideally, they would definitely refer your product to someone they know.
  • Can you think of any use cases your customers might have for our product? Again, your interviewee is a great source for more leads. Similar industries may have similar issues that need solutions. They may be able to provide a use case you haven't come up with.
  • I noticed you work with Company Y; do you know if they are having any pain points with these processes? This will help you learn how your product has impacted your client's customers and gain insight into what can be improved.


Case Study Interview Questions to Prompt Quote-Worthy Feedback

Enhance your case study with quotable soundbites from the customer. By asking these questions, prospects have more insight into other clients and their success with your product — which helps build trust.

  • How would you describe your process in one sentence prior to using our product? Ideally, this sentence would quickly and descriptively sum up the most prominent pain point or challenge with the previous process.
  • What is your advice to others who might be considering our product? Readers can learn from your customer's experience.
  • What would your team's workflow or process be like without our product? This will drive home the value your product provides and how essential it is to their business.
  • Do you think the investment in our product was worthwhile? Why? Have your customer make the case for the value you provide.
  • What would you say if we told you our product would soon be unavailable? What would this mean to you? Again, this illustrates how integral your product is to their business.
  • How would you describe our product if you were explaining it to a friend? Your customers can often distill the value of your product to their friends better than you can.
  • What do you love about your job? Your company? This gives the reader more background on your customer and their industry.
  • What was the worst part of your process before you started using our product? Ideally, they'd reiterate how your product helped solve this challenge.
  • What do you love about our product? Another great way to get the customer's opinion about what makes your product worth it.
  • Why do you do business with us? Hopefully, your interviewee will share how wonderful your business relationship is.


Case Study Interview Questions About the Customers' Future Goals

Ask the customer about their goals, challenges, and plans for the future. This will provide insight into how a business can grow with your product.

  • What are the biggest challenges on the horizon for your industry? Chances are potential leads within the same industry will have similar challenges.
  • What are your goals for the next three months? Knowing their short-term goals will enable your company to get some quick wins for the client.
  • How would you like to use our product to meet those challenges and goals? This will help potential leads understand that your product can help their business as they scale and grow.
  • Is there anything we can do to help you and your team meet your goals? If you haven't covered it already, this will allow your interviewee to express how you can better assist them.
  • Do you think you will buy more, less, or about the same amount of our product next year? This can help you gauge how your product is used and why.
  • What are the growth plans for your company this year? Your team? This will help you gain insight into how your product can help them achieve future goals.
  • How can we help you meet your long-term goals? Getting specifics on the needs of your clients will help you create a unique solution designed for their needs.
  • What is the long-term impact of using our product? Get their feedback on how your product has created a lasting impact.
  • Are there any initiatives that you personally would like to achieve that our product or team can help with? Again, you want to continue to provide products that help your customers excel.
  • What will you need from us in the future? This will help you anticipate the customer's business needs.
  • Is there anything we can do to improve our product or process for working together in the future? The more feedback you can get about what is and isn't working, the better.


Before you can start putting together your case study, you need to ask your customer's permission.

If you have a customer who's seen success with your product, reach out to them. Use this template to get started:

Thank you & quick request

Hi [customer name],

Thanks again for your business — working with you to [solve X, launch Y, take advantage of Z opportunity] has been extremely rewarding, and I'm looking forward to more collaboration in the future.

[Name of your company] is building a library of case studies to include on our site. We're looking for successful companies using [product] to solve interesting challenges, and your team immediately came to mind. Are you open to [customer company name] being featured?

It should be a lightweight process — [I, a product marketer] will ask you roughly [10, 15, 20] questions via email or phone about your experience and results. This case study will include a blurb about your company and a link to your homepage (which hopefully will make your SEO team happy!)

In any case, thank you again for the chance to work with you, and I hope you have a great week.

[Your name]

customer service case study questions and answers

If one of your customers has recently passed along some praise (to you, their account manager, your boss; on an online forum; to another potential customer; etc.), then send them a version of this email:

Hey [customer name],

Thanks for the great feedback — I'm really glad to hear [product] is working well for you and that [customer company name] is getting the results you're looking for.

My team is actually in the process of building out our library of case studies, and I'd love to include your story. Happy to provide more details if you're potentially interested.

Either way, thank you again, and I look forward to getting more updates on your progress.

customer service case study questions and answers

You can also find potential case study customers by usage or product data. For instance, maybe you see a company you sold to 10 months ago just bought eight more seats or upgraded to a new tier. Clearly, they're happy with the solution. Try this template:

I saw you just [invested in our X product; added Y more users; achieved Z product milestone]. Congratulations! I'd love to share your story using [product] with the world -- I think it's a great example of how our product + a dedicated team and a good strategy can achieve awesome results.

Are you open to being featured? If so, I'll send along more details.

customer service case study questions and answers

Case Study Benefits

  • Case studies are a form of customer advocacy.
  • Case studies provide a joint-promotion opportunity.
  • Case studies are easily sharable.
  • Case studies build rapport with your customers.
  • Case studies are less opinionated than customer reviews.

1. Case studies are a form of customer advocacy.

If you haven't noticed, customers aren't always quick to trust a brand's advertisements and sales strategies.

With every other brand claiming to be the best in the business, it's hard to sort exaggeration from reality.

This is the most important reason why case studies are effective. They are testimonials from your customers of your service. If someone is considering your business, a case study is a much more convincing piece of marketing or sales material than traditional advertising.

2. Case studies provide a joint-promotion opportunity.

Your business isn't the only one that benefits from a case study. Customers participating in case studies benefit, too.

Think about it. Case studies are free advertisements for your customers, not to mention the SEO factor, too. While they're not promoting their products or services, they're still getting the word out about their business. And, the case study highlights how successful their business is — showing interested leads that they're on the up and up.

3. Case studies are easily sharable.

No matter your role on the sales team, case studies are great to have on hand. You can easily share them with leads, prospects, and clients.

Whether you embed them on your website or save them as a PDF, you can simply send a link to share your case study with others. They can share that link with their peers and colleagues, and so on.

Case studies can also be useful during a sales pitch. In sales, timing is everything. If a customer is explaining a problem that was solved and discussed in your case study, you can quickly find the document and share it with them.

4. Case studies build rapport with your customers.

While case studies are very useful, they do require some back and forth with your customers to obtain the exact feedback you're looking for.

Even though time is involved, the good news is this builds rapport with your most loyal customers. You get to know them on a personal level, and they'll become more than just your most valuable clients.

And, the better the rapport you have with them, the more likely they'll be to recommend your business, products, or services to others.

5. Case studies are less opinionated than customer reviews.

Data is the difference between a case study and a review. Customer reviews are typically based on the customer's opinion of your brand. While they might write a glowing review, it's completely subjective and there's rarely empirical evidence supporting their claim.

Case studies, on the other hand, are more data-driven. While they'll still talk about how great your brand is, they support this claim with quantitative data that's relevant to the reader. It's hard to argue with data.

An effective case study must be genuine and credible. Your case study should explain why certain customers are the right fit for your business and how your company can help meet their specific needs. That way, someone in a similar situation can use your case study as a testimonial for why they should choose your business.

Use the case study questions above to create an ideal customer case study questionnaire. By asking your customers the right questions, you can obtain valuable feedback that can be shared with potential leads and convert them into loyal customers.

Editor’s Note: This article was originally published in June 2021 and has been updated for comprehensiveness.


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Customer Experience

5 Case Studies to Improve Your Customer Service


As more and more customer transactions occur virtually, the quality of online help desks and customer service support is becoming an essential differentiator for companies. An estimated  73% of consumers say a good experience is critical in influencing their brand loyalties.

Customer satisfaction directly impacts the bottom line, too, as 84% of companies that work to improve their customer experience report an increase in their revenue.

Apart from the stats, it is important to look for examples of company success stories improving customer service and productivity. Having high-performance customer service is essential for any company, regardless of industry. Check out these five case studies that will help you improve this process in your business.

How Quick Heal optimized their customer service, extending support hours and responding to inquiries faster

Quick Heal Technologies is a leading provider of internet security tools and anti-virus software, serving millions of users worldwide. Like many fast-growing companies, they experienced bottlenecks in their customer service process due to the high volume of requests.

  • No system to track requests from different sources. 
  • Agents could not maintain a global view of the customer request, negatively impacting customer service.  
  • High incidence of lost tickets and incomplete information.
  • Customers were not happy with the support delays.  
  • The existing system did not manage its workflow.

Quick Heal researched several options yet didn’t find a solution with the right blend of factors. That’s when the team signed up for a free trial of Kayako. Before the free trial even ended, Quick Heal decided that Kayako was the right solution.

Kayako’s Shared Inbox Solution creates a frictionless experience by unifying interactions from different sources like email, Facebook, Twitter, and live chat. The Shared Inbox Solution means QuickHeal agents can serve customers more efficiently while preventing dropped tickets and lost conversations.

Kayako Benefits for Quick Heal:

  • Reduced ticket response and resolution times
  • Improved collaboration and reduced duplication of effort
  • Extended support hours
  • Consolidated conversations from multiple sources
“Without Kayako, we would not be able to manage all of the incoming ticket requests in an organized manner nor provide the quality of support we stand for. Kayako is far more efficient than our previous help desk system.” Sushant Dashputre, Assistant Manager of Technical Support at Quick Heal

Are you ready to deliver Friction-Free Customer Service? Capture your customer’s entire journey in a way a support ticket or traditional help desk never could. Discover Kayako Single View

Increasing NameCheap’s agent productivity through a self-service knowledge base

Namecheap is a leading domain registrar and technology company that offers domain registration, hosting packages, and related services. Customer support is vital to Namecheap, especially because they serve many repeat customers. Scaling personalization in support is imperative to avoid customer churn.

  • No optimized workflow for the high volume of requests led to customer complaints.
  • Due to a complicated and overwhelming process when responding to customer tickets, Agents became stressed. 
  • Low productivity for service agents.

Namecheap began to look for a reliable, unified customer service software solution. They had difficulty finding an option that fit all their needs. The Namecheap team then learned about Kayako and decided to try it.

After Namecheap integrated Kayako into their website, they saw an immediate improvement in agent productivity. They implemented a Self-Service Portal with tools like macro-libraries of responses, automated replies, and a self-help knowledge base to help customers get helpful answers anytime they need help.

Kayako’s SingleView gives agents a complete visualization of the entire customer journey, from initial purchase to most recent customer service inquiry for individualized customer questions needing personalized support. Kayako enables Namecheap to scale personalized customer service, the holy grail for companies with a high volume of repeat customers.

Kayako Benefits for Namecheap:

  • Improved self-service knowledge base.
  • Streamlined ticket management.
  • Boosted productivity.
  • Increased customer satisfaction.
“One of the things we most value about Kayako is how carefully they have thought about real-life support processes. In all aspects, Kayako provides us with value in buckets.” Nata Trusova, Director of Customer Support at Namecheap

How Envato manages multiple customer bases in one place and resolves tickets faster

Envato is a world-leading online community for creatives. The company’s steady growth since 2006 outpaced its existing resources for support requests. Envato tried building their own help desk and quickly saw that a DIY solution would be prohibitively expensive in terms of time and money.

They began to search for an existing customer service software solution that could meet their needs and fit their budget.

  • Existing support system not keeping up with the volume of requests. 
  • Support requests were hard to track, sometimes going to individual emails. 
  • Envato managed multiple customer databases and needed a way to coordinate them.

Using Kayako’s SingleView dashboard, Envato could access multiple customer databases in just one place. SingleView provides a complete view of the customer journey so that customer service agents can provide personalized support to every customer.

Using features like Kayako’s ticket parsing rules, Smart Routing and internal collaboration tools helps Envato efficiently give customers accurate answers every time. With Kayako, the Envato team handles more requests in less time while increasing the quality of customer service. Best of all, Kayako is a scalable solution that can grow with Envato.

Kayako Benefits for Envato:

  • Resolved tickets faster.
  • Managed all customer databases in a single system.
“Kayako has allowed us to extensively customize our help desk. This really meant that we can just make our help desk work in the way we want, rather than coming up with an elaborate system to fit into the technical requirements of other help desks. It has functionality that other support providers have not been able to match.” Jordan McNamara, Community Manager, Envato

Increasing Texas Tech´s customer satisfaction with a communication and collaboration platform

Texas Tech University is a top institution focused on advancing higher education, research, and health care. With more than 10,000 employees and over 36,000 students, their support team was overwhelmed with the volume of service requests.

  • Support staff, students, faculty, and many other stakeholders were frustrated because the system couldn’t handle the high volume of support requests. 
  • The situation reflected poorly on their brand as a top higher education institution. 
  • Staff was trying to manage support requests using a shared Outlook account.
  • They had no way to collaborate internally on support requests.

After comparing different options, Texas Tech chose Kayako because it offered  Kayako Collaborators Feature they needed to coordinate internal communications and to serve customers with faster responses.

Their team quickly implemented Kayako’s out-of-the-box features and immediately saw improvement.

“Once we implemented Kayako, we immediately noticed an increase in the quality of communication and collaboration, especially between our support and development team. Our customers also praised the improved communication.” Kevin Eyck, Enterprise Server Administrator, Texas Tech University

Kayako’s integrated self-service feature helped Texas Tech reduce the number of live-agent.

tickets by assisting customers in helping themselves. Texas Tech also leveraged Kayako’s customization options, using a custom LoginShare and integrating it with the intranet and applications used on their campus.

Kayako didn’t just help Texas Tech improve the support experience for the customer; it also enhanced their internal team’s productivity.

With Kayako, Texas Tech University handles all of its support requests quickly and easily resolves customer problems. Customers also benefit from the improved processes for ticket management and communication.

Kayako Benefits for Texas Tech University:

  • Reduced the number of support tickets.
  • Improved internal collaboration.
  • Gained self-service capability.

How Kayako helped CoinStop reduce average response time and implement omnichannel customer support

Coinstop is a trusted provider of cold storage cryptocurrency hardware wallets. After launching in 2016, Coinstop experienced extremely rapid growth.

They soon struggled to manage and respond to all of the support inquiries and questions from potential customers. The Coinstop team began searching for a customer service software solution that was easy to use and implement.

  • Rapid growth was putting a strain on the existing bare-bones support process.
  • Coinstop must spend time educating customers as well as selling to them.
  • Customer service practices did not scale with the company.
  • Coinstop was providing customer support using a single email account. 
  • Manually responding to hundreds of emails per day wasn’t a productive use of time. 
  • There was no way to track the progress of support requests, they couldn’t standardize responses across the various agents, and they found themselves asking repetitive questions that frustrated their customers. 

Coinstop needed a help desk and live chat software to organize and optimize their support. They chose Kayako customer support software because it offers the best experience for both support agents and customers.

Using the Kayako dashboard, agents can interact with customers across multiple social platforms, email, and live chat. Agents can see the customer’s history from all channels, not just chat or email.

Everyone on the Coinstop team has immediate access to all the information they need to provide quick, personalized support to customers with Kayako’s SingleView.

Kayako Benefits for Coinstop:

  • Reduced average response time.
  • Managed a higher volume of tickets with the same number of agents.
  • Improved collaboration between departments.
  • Implemented omnichannel support.
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Case Study Questions: How to Get Satisfied Customers to Make a Case for Your Brand [Video + Infographic]

customer service case study questions and answers

Why Case Studies?

A potential customer expects to hear good things about your products and services from you. But their ears perk up when they hear real customers corroborate those claims.

Enter case studies. They:

  • Provide social proof for your product or service’s value.
  • Tell prospects in the middle or bottom of your sales funnel real-world, relatable success stories .
  • Work. Marketers say case studies are one of the most effective middle- to late-funnel assets .

But not all case studies are created equal. The best customer success stories fully capture the stakes and show how a product or service helped solve a problem or seize an opportunity. Ultimately, a case study should help prospective customers with their decision making process.

customer service case study questions and answers

Your ability to bring that story to life depends almost entirely on your line of questioning during a case study interview. Think of this process as an elaborate game of 21 questions.

Prevail, and you get an asset that’s sure to help you win new business. Keep reading for interview tips that will help you structure your thought process and improve your workflow.

Here’s a look at the downloadable version of the guide:

Download the printer-friendly PDF version here:

customer service case study questions and answers

Who You Interview Is As Important as What You Ask Them

Choose your brand advocates carefully. Ideally, your interview subject will be a customer that’s highly representative of your target audience, and that has a strong rapport with your company.

( Note: You can technically write a case study without the customer’s voice, but peppering in direct quotes can make a good case study great.)

Once you have the customer in mind, the first question you should ask is, “What stakeholder can best help me tell this story?”

Ideally, your interview subject will be a customer that’s highly representative of your target audience.

This is a question for your main client contact. If they aren’t the ideal interviewee, they can probably direct you to the people who were most affected by your brand’s involvement in their business.

With B2C markets, finding the right interview subject is a little more direct in the sense that the customer is an individual and not an organization.

In-Person, via Phone and Video Chat, or via Email?

Each interview format has its pros and cons:

Pros: Face-to-face interactions, unrehearsed answers, non-verbal cues, visual elements such as physical setting that can be useful for storytelling.

Cons: May require travel, some interview subjects might give better answers if they have more time to think about them; also, some people get frazzled or camera shy in cases of video testimonials.

Phone and Video Chat

Pros: Easy to ask follow-up questions or probe for more detail, more conversational than email interviews, no travel required, easy call recording.

Cons: No non-verbal cues if the conference doesn’t include video, harder to interject and control the conversation, you don’t get to place the subject in a scene.

Pros: Ample time to ponder and answer each question, no need to record or take notes since everything is written down, less planning involved than for the other methods.

Cons: Less room for conversational back-and-forth, harder to really capture the voice of the person you’re interviewing, more pressure to ask the right question every time, responses can be terse or may sound overly formal.

An in-person interview is almost always ideal, and is necessary if you’re creating a video case study or testimonial.

However, video chat or phone interviews work for most written case studies that won’t include video testimonial. The call recording feature is particularly useful for recall and the collection of direct quotes.

Just remember that some states require permission to record calls:

customer service case study questions and answers

  • Connecticut
  • Massachusetts
  • New Hampshire
  • Pennsylvania

And even in states that don’t require permission, it’s a best practice to always ask before proceeding with call recording.

Once you’ve started recording, confirm that everyone is OK with it on the line so you have a record of consent.

Planning Your Line of Questioning

Every case study has a few core components that your questions can be constructed around:

customer service case study questions and answers

  • Introduction: Setting the scene, or providing background on the company.
  • Problem: Presenting the key issues that need to be resolved or addressed.
  • Solution: The measures taken to solve the problem.
  • Benefit: The outcome of those measures.
  • Looking ahead: How the company continues to benefit, and how they may benefit more in the future.

Try to avoid asking questions that you easily find online via the company’s website or on LinkedIn. Remember that you’re taking time out of this person’s day. As an interviewer, it’s important to make the most of the minutes you have with your subject.

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A Few Key Factors To Keep in Mind

Before we dive into specific case study interview questions, let’s review tips and tricks and general considerations as you plan your interview:

  • Write down your questions and the order in which you wish to ask them. You don’t have to stick to this list rigidly, but they can help you get back on track as the conversation meanders.
  • Ask follow-up questions as needed.
  • Take notes, and be sure to mark the time in the recording when you hear something quoteworthy. It makes your life easier later on.
  • Have a sense of the story you want to tell ahead of time. This will help direct the type of information you ask for.
  • Ask open-ended questions. They’re great for getting quotes, and can be especially useful for the less verbose subjects.
  • Get permission to quote the interviewee directly.
  • Pivot your angle and tweak your line of questioning as you go if the story turns out to be different than you envisioned.
  • Interject if the interviewee rambles or digresses. You only have so much time to get through your questions.
  • Be clever as you dig for quotes. For instance, use a particular phrasing or analogy in a follow-up question and your interviewee will likely mirror that language in their answer.
  • Be sensitive and non-judgemental. This is particularly true for B2C brands, which may be oriented around personal goals as opposed to organizational goals.
  • More detail is always better than less. Yes, it’s more to wade through later on, but it’s preferable to learning you don’t have enough when you sit down to start writing.
  • Thank your subject for their time, as there are almost certainly better things they could be doing with it.

With all of this in mind, let’s move on to some examples of case study questions.

Note that this is by no means an exhaustive list of questions, and we wouldn’t necessarily recommend asking all of them verbatim. Use them as inspiration to get you started.

Download the PDF: 21 Case Study Questions to Ask Your Satisfied Customers .

Background questions.

1. Provide us an overview of your company and your role and responsibilities in it.

2. How big is your department or your team?

3. Tell us about your target customers and the clients you work with. What do they care about most?

4. What are some of the issues that are unique to the industry you operate in?

Always be on the lookout for follow-up questions that can help color your narrative.

If you’re operating in a B2C market take a similar approach. Ask open-ended questions to get a foundation of who the customer is. For instance, “tell us a little bit about yourself.”

Always be on the lookout for follow-up questions that can help color your narrative. They give you more to work with as you start writing your case study.

Problem Questions

5. What drove you to seek out a partnership with our brand?

6. Can you elaborate on some specific pain points you were experiencing?

7. Explain how you were previously dealing with those issues. What was the outcome of those efforts?

8. How did these issues affect morale, efficiency, customer satisfaction, etc.?

The purpose of your problem questions is to fully understand the conflict and what was at stake.

B2C brands might ask similar questions with minor adjustments. For example, instead of asking about morale or customer satisfaction, tailor questions around the challenges they face and any relevant pain points. A mortgage lender, for instance, might ask about some of the concerns that a homebuyer had going into the process, and how they had been dealing with that.

Think of the purpose of your problem questions as a way to fully understand the business problem or key issues and what was at stake.

Solution Questions

9. How did you first hear about our products and services?

10. Which products and services did you use? Elaborate on how you used them to help resolve the issues you were experiencing.

11. Were you looking at other vendors? If so, tell us about that process and why you chose us instead. What capabilities made our solution stand out?

12. Tell us about the implementation. How long did it take, and who championed it in your organization?

Learn why they chose your brand, and the capabilities of your products that were most useful for their problem.

This is the problem-solving part of your line of interview questions. Your goal is to learn why they chose your brand, the capabilities of your products that were most useful for their problem, the ease or difficulty of implementing and using those products, the quality of customer support and what stakeholders were involved.

Benefits Questions

13. What KPIs or metrics were you tracking throughout implementation (productivity, time-saving, cost, employee morale, etc.)? And what sorts of changes/improvements did you see after using our product/service?

14. What did you do with the time/money/energy saved?

15. What were some of the unexpected or less quantifiable benefits?

16. How was the product/service received among other stakeholders and team members?

17. What did you like most about the experience with our product or service?

Pay close attention to intangible benefits such as less stress, greater employee retention or boosted confidence.

Your goal here is to learn how the client measured the value of your product or service. Try to get them to elaborate on specific results. The more hard numbers and percentages you can get, the better. Don’t hesitate to request internal reports or documentation, as well as any imagery they might have (if relevant).

And lastly, pay close attention to intangible benefits such as less stress, greater employee retention, boosted confidence, etc.

‘What’s Next?’ Questions

18. How do you intend to maximize the value that our product or service provides in the future?

19. Tell us about any upcoming initiatives or expanded uses for our product or service.

20. Explain what, if anything, you would like to see added or changed about the product or service.

21. Do you have anything to add that we haven’t covered, or that you think is important for someone reading this to understand about your experience?

Demonstrate how your brand’s value extends beyond the life of just one problem.

This part of the case study interview is your opportunity to learn about the longevity of your relationship with the customer. You want to demonstrate how your brand’s value extends beyond the life of just one problem, and how it can continue to be relevant.

With all the facts and insights of the story in hand, there’s only one thing left to do: Go and write a great case study.

Remember to break up the copy with plenty of subheads, pull quotes, imagery and bulleted lists. Don’t be afraid to slightly clean up direct quotes as long as you don’t change the meaning of what was said.

If you have follow-up questions or need clarification or insight, you can most likely reach out via email. Once your first draft is complete, share with the interview subject. Implement any changes, add in any design elements and begin using the asset as part of your content marketing strategy.

Any questions?

Editor’s note: Updated November 2020.

Dominick Sorrentino

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14 Best Case Study Questions to Ask Your Top Customers

Illustration Of Case Study Questions

If you want to show interested leads that you can put your money where your mouth is, case studies are a good way to go. They’re a valuable form of content that can even be used as lead magnets under the right conditions, and they have a singular purpose: To show how your clients achieved specific, significant results with your product or service. 

Knowing how to write a great case study is an important part of success, but there’s a part of the process that comes before that: Knowing which questions to ask, which you’ll determine when you’re preparing for a case study interview. 

The questions you ask can make the difference between a case study that feels like it’s been churned out by a low-quality AI machine compared to one that feels actionable, engaging, and high-stakes to your readers. 

In this post, we’re going to go over the 14 best case study questions to ask, along with discussing some tips to improve the results you’ll get. 

How to Structure Your Case Study Questions

Before we dive in, we want to talk about how to structure your questions in the interview.

In this post specifically, we’re going to look at individual questions you should ask around pointed topics, like about the client’s brand, solutions they’ve tried already, and their results. 

It’s best to stick close to the progression outlined here because it will give you the basic information you need at every level of the case study interview . You can’t ask what solutions they’ve tried before when you don’t even understand their brands’ needs. 

And keep in mind that when you’re asking users to provide specific information about a topic up front, they’ll often reference it later, strengthening the overall case study and sometimes encouraging them to share information they may not have thought to share otherwise. 

That being said, let’s go ahead and start to dive in to the best case study questions you should ask. 

Questions About Their Brand 

The best case studies will have some information about the brand they’re featuring and not just about how the brand uses their product. Information about the brand size, industry, and unique selling propositions (USPs ) can all play a valuable part in building a strong case study. 

Case Study Questions About Branding

These are a few important case study questions to consider asking about branding: 

1. Can you tell us a little bit about your brand? 

This is a great way to start the interview off strong. Ask the client to tell you about the brand, plain and simple. See what they have to say; they may share information about their product or service, how they fit into their industry, what differentiates them, and more. 

Leaving this first question relatively vague and open-ended helps them feel more comfortable while giving you some good ideas for where to go. 

If they’re stumped, ask them to provide a brief description of what their company does.

2. Can you tell me about your business’s structure, including industry, company size, or years in business? 

While this may feel technical, it can be exceptionally valuable to readers of the case study to help them relate or get a good understanding of who is using your products. 

3. An industry-relevant question 

SaaS tools that help with ad management may ask clients about their total monthly ad spend, for example. An eco-friendly company may ask clients what their “green goals” are or their previous carbon emissions. 

Think about what would benefit you to have in the case study, and ask it here if possible. 

Questions About Their Challenge & Pain Points 

We know that all great case studies will highlight the challenges that clients have before finding your product or service as their solution, exacerbated by key pain points. 

It’s so important to get enough information that these challenges feel real and significant in the case study; if you neglect to explain why a challenge was an actual obstacle, it can come across as seeming trivial. That can make your solution seem trivial, too.

Case Study Questions About Challenge And Pain Points

These are the best case study questions to ask for this stage of the interview.   

4. What were the challenges you needed to solve before finding our product? 

This is a specific, pointed question, which helps make it effective. 

If I ask my content marketing clients this question, for example, they might say, “we didn’t know how to create content that ranked well” or “we needed help creating content at scale.” 

You can dive deeper by asking pointed questions about their key problems, which brings us to the next question. 

5. Why did this challenge have such a significant impact on your business?

This is the golden ticket right here, because it’s about pain points. 

Say you’re selling marketing services, and the client’s challenge is that they wanted help with lead generation . 

The pain points of “organic channels were too slow in driving customer acquisition, and our churn rates were eviscerating our client numbers” or “we tried to run ads ourselves but ended up losing hundreds of dollars to no avail.” 

Wasted money. Bleeding clients. Too-slow organic channels. These are pain points that make the case study feel real, and that other customers will connect to.  

6. What other solutions had you tried before and why didn’t they work? 

While it’s best to skip out on trash-talking competitors in the case study, asking this question during the interview can give you valuable context and a lot to work with. 

If, for example, I’m a weight loss coach, my clients may have tried the keto diet and Weight Watchers to no avail. Knowing that the keto diet made them feel queasy and that they found the point-tracking Weight Watchers to be too much work can be useful information for the study, even if you don’t ever name the alternatives.

These are pain points in their own right, and can be utilized like the following: 

 “The client had tried different solutions before but found that the diets either made them sick or were too much work to maintain.” It positions your solution to be the winning option. 

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Questions About How They Discovered You 

While it may seem irrelevant, information about how customers discovered you and why they decided to work with you can actually become compelling parts of a case study— even if only mentioned in brief. 

Here’s an example of how you can use this information in the case study: 

“We found Breadcrumbs after our business partner mentioned it to us, and after reading about their easy-to-use interface and accessible lead scoring , we decided to give it a try.” 

You’ve got social proof (business partner referred them) and a promo for a unique feature that made them convert. 

Case Study Questions About How They Discovered Your Product

Here are the case study questions you can ask to get this information:

7. How did you find out about our brand? 

It’s a simple question, and it will likely be a simple answer. Nice and easy. 

8. What made you decide to try our product over other solutions? 

This essentially gets the customer to sell your product back to you, which is phenomenal. And someone reading the case study might think, “They’re right; I’ve also looked for a lead scoring tool with a great interface, I’d try that.” 

Questions About How They Used The Product or Service 

This will likely be one of the meatier parts of the case study interview because this is where some of the actionable information comes into play. How did your clients use your product or service, what steps did they take, and how can others use this to replicate the eventual results we’ll discover? 

Case Study Questions About How They Used Your Product Or Service

These are the case study questions to ask: 

9. Which specific products and product features did your team use? 

Say you’re selling invoicing software to small businesses. Not all clients will use every feature.

Graphic designers, for example, may take advantage of project estimates for upfront deposits more than a copywriter who only works for flat fees. That copywriter, however, might be more likely to use invoice templates for retainer clients or automated billing features. 

Ask about the products and services the team used. 

10. How did your team use our products and services to meet their needs? 

You know what products or services were used, but now it’s time to ask how they were used.

Project estimates, for example, allowed graphic designers to send more professional-looking invoices to clients, who could pay upfront deposits through credit card, check, or bank deposit. This helped that designer weed out clients who had no intention of paying and gave them the funds they needed to secure the supplies to begin working.

And for the copywriter who used automated billing, it saved her an exceptional amount of time and ensured she got paid on time because she sent those invoices on time. 

11. How was your experience? 

Was the SaaS tool user-friendly? Did your clients take advantage of a free demo program or the option to have an account manager get their entire account up and running?

Ask about their specific transition process using the tool and what made the experience a more positive one. 

Questions About Their Results 

Last but not least… the results. Believe it or not, some case studies skip this part of the interview, but you definitely want to include hard, quantifiable data in as many case studies as possible. 

Case Study Questions About Their Results

12. What end results did you get after using our product? 

Ask for the results your clients achieved. If they’re comfortable sharing the information, ask for KPIs. 

How did using our social media marketing software increase message response rates? 

How did our marketing service improve lead generation efforts, and customer acquisition costs? 

How did our lead scoring software reduce the contact-to-close period for leads or increase the overall financial value of leads acquired? 

Be as specific as the client will allow. The more definitive the data you can share, the better. 

13. What impact did these results have on your business? 

While this may seem self-explanatory, this is a great final question that again helps the impact of your product or service really stand out.

We saw customer satisfaction increase and sales go up by about 15% by improving message response rates on social media. 

Or, by getting more leads at lower costs, our business was able to reinvest those accelerated profits into additional campaigns to scale exponentially at an unprecedented rate, and now we’re opening two new branches. 

This can be a combination of data-focused or story-driven impacts. Either (or both!) works well. 

14. Is there anything else we should know? 

Anything else you want to share? This is a short but powerful question, and while some clients will say, “nope, that’s it,” you may be surprised what some other people share with you. 

There may be something they’ve been excited to talk about that hasn’t come up in the questions yet, or something may pop into mind to elaborate on something you’d discussed earlier.

Give them the floor, and see what they have to say. 

Final Thoughts 

If you’re going to take the time needed to conduct and write up a case study (both your own time and the client’s), you want to get it right. Coming prepared with a list of strong case study questions can help you create content that will be highly effective at generating leads and converting customers for a long time to come. 

Want to speed up the lead conversion funnel with lead scoring software? Create a Breadcrumbs account for free here ! 

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47 case interview examples (from McKinsey, BCG, Bain, etc.)

Case interview examples - McKinsey, BCG, Bain, etc.

One of the best ways to prepare for   case interviews  at firms like McKinsey, BCG, or Bain, is by studying case interview examples. 

There are a lot of free sample cases out there, but it's really hard to know where to start. So in this article, we have listed all the best free case examples available, in one place.

The below list of resources includes interactive case interview samples provided by consulting firms, video case interview demonstrations, case books, and materials developed by the team here at IGotAnOffer. Let's continue to the list.

  • McKinsey examples
  • BCG examples
  • Bain examples
  • Deloitte examples
  • Other firms' examples
  • Case books from consulting clubs
  • Case interview preparation

Click here to practise 1-on-1 with MBB ex-interviewers

1. mckinsey case interview examples.

  • Beautify case interview (McKinsey website)
  • Diconsa case interview (McKinsey website)
  • Electro-light case interview (McKinsey website)
  • GlobaPharm case interview (McKinsey website)
  • National Education case interview (McKinsey website)
  • Talbot Trucks case interview (McKinsey website)
  • Shops Corporation case interview (McKinsey website)
  • Conservation Forever case interview (McKinsey website)
  • McKinsey case interview guide (by IGotAnOffer)
  • McKinsey live case interview extract (by IGotAnOffer) - See below

2. BCG case interview examples

  • Foods Inc and GenCo case samples  (BCG website)
  • Chateau Boomerang written case interview  (BCG website)
  • BCG case interview guide (by IGotAnOffer)
  • Written cases guide (by IGotAnOffer)
  • BCG live case interview with notes (by IGotAnOffer)
  • BCG mock case interview with ex-BCG associate director - Public sector case (by IGotAnOffer)
  • BCG mock case interview: Revenue problem case (by IGotAnOffer) - See below

3. Bain case interview examples

  • CoffeeCo practice case (Bain website)
  • FashionCo practice case (Bain website)
  • Associate Consultant mock interview video (Bain website)
  • Consultant mock interview video (Bain website)
  • Written case interview tips (Bain website)
  • Bain case interview guide   (by IGotAnOffer)
  • Bain case mock interview with ex-Bain manager (below)

4. Deloitte case interview examples

  • Engagement Strategy practice case (Deloitte website)
  • Recreation Unlimited practice case (Deloitte website)
  • Strategic Vision practice case (Deloitte website)
  • Retail Strategy practice case  (Deloitte website)
  • Finance Strategy practice case  (Deloitte website)
  • Talent Management practice case (Deloitte website)
  • Enterprise Resource Management practice case (Deloitte website)
  • Footloose written case  (by Deloitte)
  • Deloitte case interview guide (by IGotAnOffer)

5. Accenture case interview examples

  • Case interview workbook (by Accenture)
  • Accenture case interview guide (by IGotAnOffer)

6. OC&C case interview examples

  • Leisure Club case example (by OC&C)
  • Imported Spirits case example (by OC&C)

7. Oliver Wyman case interview examples

  • Wumbleworld case sample (Oliver Wyman website)
  • Aqualine case sample (Oliver Wyman website)
  • Oliver Wyman case interview guide (by IGotAnOffer)

8. A.T. Kearney case interview examples

  • Promotion planning case question (A.T. Kearney website)
  • Consulting case book and examples (by A.T. Kearney)
  • AT Kearney case interview guide (by IGotAnOffer)

9. Strategy& / PWC case interview examples

  • Presentation overview with sample questions (by Strategy& / PWC)
  • Strategy& / PWC case interview guide (by IGotAnOffer)

10. L.E.K. Consulting case interview examples

  • Case interview example video walkthrough   (L.E.K. website)
  • Market sizing case example video walkthrough  (L.E.K. website)

11. Roland Berger case interview examples

  • Transit oriented development case webinar part 1  (Roland Berger website)
  • Transit oriented development case webinar part 2   (Roland Berger website)
  • 3D printed hip implants case webinar part 1   (Roland Berger website)
  • 3D printed hip implants case webinar part 2   (Roland Berger website)
  • Roland Berger case interview guide   (by IGotAnOffer)

12. Capital One case interview examples

  • Case interview example video walkthrough  (Capital One website)
  • Capital One case interview guide (by IGotAnOffer)

13. Consulting clubs case interview examples

  • Berkeley case book (2006)
  • Columbia case book (2006)
  • Darden case book (2012)
  • Darden case book (2018)
  • Duke case book (2010)
  • Duke case book (2014)
  • ESADE case book (2011)
  • Goizueta case book (2006)
  • Illinois case book (2015)
  • LBS case book (2006)
  • MIT case book (2001)
  • Notre Dame case book (2017)
  • Ross case book (2010)
  • Wharton case book (2010)

Practice with experts

Using case interview examples is a key part of your interview preparation, but it isn’t enough.

At some point you’ll want to practise with friends or family who can give some useful feedback. However, if you really want the best possible preparation for your case interview, you'll also want to work with ex-consultants who have experience running interviews at McKinsey, Bain, BCG, etc.

If you know anyone who fits that description, fantastic! But for most of us, it's tough to find the right connections to make this happen. And it might also be difficult to practice multiple hours with that person unless you know them really well.

Here's the good news. We've already made the connections for you. We’ve created a coaching service where you can do mock case interviews 1-on-1 with ex-interviewers from MBB firms . Start scheduling sessions today!

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  • Customer Interaction

4 Customer Service Case Studies to Inspire You

Customer service case studies help attract new customers to your business by showing them how your company can help them. Instead of simply telling customers what you can do for them, you demonstrate it with storytelling and draw them in.

November 24, 2022

6 mins read

If you’ve researched any brand it’s more than likely you’ve come across a customer service case study. Real-life customer experiences are a powerful way to advertise a brand and showcase the real interactions customers have when approaching a company’s customer service department.

Instead of simply telling a customer what it’s like to benefit from a company’s customer service, they demonstrate genuine examples of customers who have submitted tickets to their customer service team. 

On the surface of it, one company can appear much like another without powerful customer service case studies to demonstrate its impact. Customers will be required to actually sign up to your service before they can experience your customer support for themselves. 

What is a customer service case study?

A customer service case study is a strategy to show the experiences of customers that have actually signed up to use your product or service and have actually witnessed your customer service for themselves. 

Potential customers who are researching what your company has to offer will benefit from the case studies of customers that have already passed through the buying decision. Instead of a company simply telling prospective customers what they have to offer, they will be able to demonstrate their service in reality. 

A customer service case study goes beyond being a simple testimonial, however. It’s factual evidence of customers who have implemented your company’s product or service and a demonstration of its ability to actually deliver results. 

Why are customer service case studies important? 

Without customer service case studies, your business will struggle to show how it is helping its customers. A case study shows your prospective customers how the business has performed in a real-life example of customer service, and helps them imagine what it would be like to do business with your company. 

Customer service case studies show potential customers how your business has helped customers to solve their problems and further their business goals. Although there are other ways to market your business, customer service case studies are a solid way to reach out to new prospects and convert them into customers. 

Successful customer case studies showcase successful examples of customer service that persuade your prospects to actually buy. They show prospects how well your customer service actually works and highlights your product’s value. 

How do you write a customer service case study?

There are a few strategies you need to follow when writing a customer service case study. Having a variety of different case studies will enable you to reach more potential customers which cover a range of situations and needs. 

1. Focus on your personas

You need to consider the type of the customer that you want to attract with your customer service case study. Mapping out your personas is an important part of your marketing strategy because it helps you identify prospects with unique wants and needs. Your customer service may appeal to different types of individuals and it’s crucial to target each one specifically. 

2. Tell a story

At their core, customer service case studies are stories about particular customers. Simply raving about how great your company is wil be boring for your readers, and you need to take them on a journey. Stories need to have obstacles to overcome, and your case study should show how your product or service is the hero of the narrative. 

3. Emphasize benefits

The benefits of your customer service will help to appeal to customers that have a specific pain point to solve. Instead of focusing on products or features it’s important to show how your service will help them. Your customer service case study is likely to be a representative example of a customer that has similar problems to other prospects, and it’s important to help prospective customers visualize using your service. 

4. Highlight the results 

Highlighting the results that your customer service will help your customers achieve means focusing on the before and after of using your service. Genuine improvements to your customer’s business will help to convince them that your product or service is the answer. Showing the results of your customer service helps customers see how they can save or make more money after choosing your business. 

4 interesting customer service case studies

Quick heal and kayako.

Here’s the first interesting customer service case study from Kayako. There was a company called Quick Heal Technologies which was a provider of internet security tools and anti-virus software. They had millions of global users, but they were struggling to deliver outstanding customer service due to a high volume of customer service requests. 

One of their main issues was the absence of a system to track requests from different sources. Agents were checking many different platforms for customer service requests, and lacked a vital overview of the customer experience. They were losing tickets and suffering from incomplete information. There were delays in the customer support experience and the existing system couldn’t manage its workflow. 

Enter Kayako, help desk software. Their Shared Inbox Solution brought together the different customer service platforms such as email, Facebook, Twitter, and live chat. Quick Heal agents were able to support customers seamlessly and minimize the number of tickets that were dropped. They could significantly reduce their ticket response times and accelerate the time to resolution. Agents were able to much more effectively collaborate and reduce duplication of effort. 

Springboard and Help Scout

The next customer service case study is about Springboard, a platform which provides online resources and personalized mentors to help students build their dream careers. Their aim is to make a great education accessible to anyone in the world. 

So far, they have worked with 250 mentors to train more than 5,000 students over 6 continents. Their success has depended on their ability to create an open environment where students feel comfortable requesting feedback and discovering course information on their own. 

Springboard needed a solution that could help them build relationships with their students, even if it’s over email, and they decided that Help Scout was the answer. They chose Help Scout because it means they can have human conversations rather than treating their students like a ticket number. 

They make use of Help Scout’s help desk features to find key insights into students’ conversations, as well as their Docs knowledge base which provides answers to common questions. As a result, students are able to more effectively learn and overcome problems when they arise. 

We’ve got another customer service case study from an airline – in this case, JetBlue. They really know how to make their customers smile with small gestures and ensure they can win customers for life. 

One customer called Paul Brown was flying with JetBlue from the smaller terminal at Boston’s Logan airport. He realized that he couldn’t grab his usual Starbucks coffee because there was no Starbucks at the terminal. On a whim, he sent a tweet to JetBlue asking them to deliver his venti mocha, and to his surprise they obliged! Within minutes JetBlue customer service representatives had delivered the coffee to Paul’s seat on the plane. 

This example of customer service shows that JetBlue is willing to go the extra mile for customers and will ensure that the company can continue to attract more customers.

Gympass and Slack

Gympass is an international platform that gives companies and their employees 50% to 70% off a global network of fitness studios, digital workouts, and mental health and nutrition services. It was founded in 2012 and has experienced steady growth, now worth more than USD $1 billion. Users of Gympass have access to 50,000 gyms and studios in more than 7,000 cities, so they can work out while they are on the move. 

The problem with this growing company was communication across the globe. The company was overly reliant on emails which led to silos and employees missing out on vital information. The solution to this problem was Slack, a communications platform which is made accessible to all new employees so they have everything they need right from the start. 

Now, teams at Gympass work across a range of 2,000 Slack channels which are open to 1,000 employees. They can share documents, messages and information, keeping connected across locations and facilitating new projects like event planning. It’s enabled Gympass to build a strong culture of collaboration and ensure that every employee can find the information they need. 

Wrapping up

Customer service case studies help attract new customers to your business by showing them how your company can help them. Instead of simply telling customers what you can do for them, you demonstrate it with storytelling and draw them in. Showing your customers benefits and outcomes support them to make the decision to purchase. 

Before they actually have a trial of using your product or service, it’s hard for customers to know what it would be like. Case studies can give a valuable preview into what it would be like to work with your company and highlight customers that have already achieved success. 

Catherine is a content writer and community builder for creative and ethical companies. She often writes case studies, help documentation and articles about customer support. Her writing has helped businesses to attract curious audiences and transform them into loyal advocates. You can find more of her work at https://awaywithwords.co.

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46 case study questions to build trust with your target audience

Building trust with your target audience is essential to the success of your business and marketing strategy. One way to do this is to prove that your products work and solve their pain points. 

How can you do that? With the help of case studies. In a case study, you take an opportunity to show just how effective your product or service can be. But for a compelling case study, you need to ask the right questions and deliver valuable insights.

We'll share the most burning and needed case study questions you can ask your clients to find out what they want. These questions will also help you to tailor your products and services to meet their needs better.

What is a case study?

Businesses must comprehensively understand their potential customers' needs and behaviors when it comes to decision-making and product development. Case studies are an excellent tool for understanding the behavior of a particular individual, organization, or event.

A study seeks to investigate practically every area of the user's life, looking at the activities and motivations that make up who they are. This analysis is invaluable to businesses as it gives them the insights they need to develop products and services tailored to their customer's needs and wants.

Not only do case studies provide valuable data, but they can also be used in various fields, such as social work, education, and medicine. Companies can use the collected data to show the effectiveness of their product or service for a specific problem. 

Also, case studies can help with successful marketing. You can use them to showcase the successes of your business's strategies and tactics, giving potential customers a better understanding of how the services or products could benefit them.

What are the benefits of case studies?

Case studies can be invaluable tools in the business world. They comprehensively understand a business's situation, allowing all stakeholders to analyze data, understand the context, and draw lessons from a real-life situation.

You can use them to build trust with your customers. These studies prove that you have solved similar problems of other clients in the past. 

Some of the significant benefits of case studies:

  • Accumulates a considerable amount of data
  • Assists in the development of hypotheses
  • Increases brand reliability and loyalty
  • Creates a case for more investigation
  • Reveals fresh insights into a subject
  • Uses storylines to bring in consumers

The methods of a case study

Case studies are generally qualitative and are constructed on interviews, observations, and in-depth subject analysis. They can describe an event or phenomenon by providing detailed information about its context and circumstances.

While various steps are involved in conducting a successful case study, the following points outline the general process for how a content writing business can do this.

Identify a subject

The subjects could be previous customers who have had success working with your business and are willing to provide insight into their experiences. It should be someone who can accurately represent the business and will be a positive reflection on its services.

Collect data

Listen carefully to everything the subject says. Use the collected data to illustrate your service's success in solving the subject's issues. It should include quotes from the subject, compelling statistics, and other relevant information showcasing your strategy's effectiveness.

Analyze and interpret data

After collecting the essential data, analyze and interpret the information. Flesh out the story that the data are telling and decode their implications. Doing so will help your agency create a compelling case study that accurately conveys your service's value.

Write the case study

Now you can craft a narrative that explains the project in detail, including information about the strategies and results.

For added credibility, include quotes from the client or other third parties involved in the project and visual elements such as screenshots, images, or graphs. It will help show the reader the tangible results and make the report more persuasive.

Publish the study

Finally, publish the study on your website and other digital platforms. It will showcase the expertise and results of your services and position the business as an authority in the field.

By following these steps, your content writing agency can effectively conduct a case study to promote the services and drive more business. 

Still trying to figure out how to start one? Check these wonderful examples . 

The categories of case study questions

Most of the case study questions fall into these categories.

Estimation questions

These questions allow you to make informed assumptions from data and business knowledge to determine the market size.

Business case study questions

These inquiries measure your analytical skills and ability to make judgment calls in light of the available data.

Value proposition questions

In addition to business principles, research techniques, and intuition, these questions assess the capacity to recognize client behavior and preferences.

Logic and reasoning questions

These questions are more general and primarily connected to non-business themes, measuring analytical thinking and creativity.

Of course, there are other question types, many of which cross two or more categories. These classifications are meant to help you prepare case study question lists.

The best ways to perform a business case study interview

Once you've found your subject willing to talk to you about how your service led to their company's success, you'll need to draft your interview questions. It will help your readers know your company's contribution to their success. 

Gather as much information about the client as possible. It includes their background, history, financial status, and anything relevant to the case study you're trying to write. You can even contact the sales team to learn more about customer preferences.

Once you've gathered all that data, it's time to conduct a mock interview with someone familiar with the client.

Ask open-ended questions

These encourage the interviewee to talk and expand on their answers. For example, you can ask, "What was the biggest challenge you faced when working with X?" They might respond, "Our team didn't have much experience with a writing solution." 

You could follow up with, "How did our content writing service company help your team overcome that challenge?"

Keep records

When performing a business case study interview, recording and transcribing your conversations can be very helpful. They will work as sources and references whenever you need them.

How to format questions for your case study

Creating a solid structure for your case study questions can produce better results. 

And one of the most important things you can do when creating a case study is to ask questions that give you the information you need to make a compelling case for your service.

You'll probably get stuck in a rut and ask the same old questions, but that will not help you sell anything. You want your case studies to be tailored to your interested leads as possible, so it's necessary to make your questions more specific.

For instance, you should inquire about the client's brand, other solutions they've tried in the past, and how they feel about the outcomes. And you can only ask those questions to a brand, a person, or an organization if you are familiar with them.

What defines a solid case study question?

A good case study question should initiate a dialogue and give the subject control over the narrative. Questions should be open-ended, allowing prospects to tell their story. You must know how to make these questions relevant to your product or service.

Case studies are the most effective when you present them as a solution instead of making them your company's advertisement. It shows the audience you care about your clients, whether they are big or small businesses, and want to help them grow. It lets them know your company is concerned with customer satisfaction and long-term success.

Well-crafted case study questions send a strong message to customers at the decision stage of their buyer's journey and turn them into loyal customers.

What makes a questionnaire perfect for a case study?

One of the most important things you can do when developing a case study questionnaire is to ensure that it doesn't feel like an interrogation. The last thing you want is to let your clients feel like they are being investigated.

To avoid this, create a list of questions that sound like having a friendly conversation. You just want honest answers from them to use the information in your case study report with integrity.

The following are just a few of the key topics your questionnaire has to touch on:

  • The issues the client had before selecting your service.
  • Reasons they chose your company.
  • How did your products solve their problems?
  • The measurable outcomes of the provided solution.
  • Data and metrics (if available) that demonstrate the effectiveness of your products.

Need help with showing your service's worth to your potential customers? Try our expert white paper writers . They will craft compelling papers to educate your audience about your authority in your field or the effectiveness of your services. 

The most important case study interview questions

Here we'll outline the most fundamental case study questions you should ask.

Begin with the background

When drafting case study questions, the first thing is to determine why you're doing it. Outline questions based on the primary issues you want to emphasize. 

So, what questions will allow you to explain how you solved others' problems? 

Ideally, you should ask previous clients about their company's history. It's an excellent method to introduce them to the readers. Then, begin the report by introducing the initial problems.

We'll provide a list of case study interview questions below that you can ask your clients to learn about their industry. Remember to modify them depending on the client's business and your objectives.

Give a brief description of your company and its beginnings.

The customer has the chance to describe their business at this point, including information about the company size, work environment, etc. In addition to getting helpful background information, it's a simple way to start a conversation with the client.

Who are your ideal clients?

The readers of your case study will get a better insight into their industry by knowing the target audience.

Explain your position inside the organization.

The interviewee's answer will give a better understanding of the obligations they're entitled to.

What are some of the most prevalent difficulties that firms in your industry face?

Request the subject to elaborate on this topic as much as possible. For example, they might struggle to find a service for writing high-quality content or plan an effective SEO strategy . That way, the readers can get some ideas about the topics to be discussed. 

What concerns or obstacles prompted you to seek out our product or service?

Give specific examples of these challenges. Suppose your client took professional content writing services from you to solve their issues. 

The readers should learn as much as possible about the issue since this will help them understand why others took your company's service. It will also make it easier for them to make a purchase decision.

Why was this particular problem a top priority?

If your customer has a particular problem, the readers will benefit from knowing about it. They will learn about which issues to prioritize.

How did this issue affect your business?

Explain the significant impact of the issue, so the readers become curious to seek your solutions.

What other viable solutions have you attempted in the past?

This will show readers that the customer considered alternative solutions before selecting your service.

How many people work in your company?

The client’s description will help your readers to compare their company size with the highlighted firm.

How long have you been operating your business?

From this information, your readers can evaluate if the challenges are more relevant to a fresh or starting firm or an established one.

Build your connection

The most important questions you can ask clients are about their connection with your business. Answers to these queries will give you a deep understanding of why they chose to work with you and what makes them repeat customers.

When speaking with a new client, find out what made them choose your company over others. In the case of repeat customers, ask them how they found you, the reasons to pick your content marketing service, and most importantly, what made them come back.

You can include some questions like the following:

When have you signed up as a client of ours?

The readers will feel more confident about your product's performance if they attribute a timeframe to it.

How did you discover our company?

Ask the subject about how they found your service. Was it through a referral, an online search, or a case study? It'll show that you are a dependable brand with a track record of producing outcomes.

From when have you been searching for a solution to your problem?

It will give the customers an idea about how difficult (or easy) it is to find a solution to that particular problem. 

Why did you pick our business over the main competitors?

It will answer why the client chose your product over competitors. Let them explain this point in detail because it may bring in more leads.

How was the buying procedure for our service?

The readers will get the chance to know how smooth and straightforward the purchasing procedure of your service is. This is an essential point because many customers make the buying decision based on the purchasing experience. 

How did you plan to use our product to enable the solution?

Your readers will better understand how they can use your product to solve their problems.

Allow your clients to explain your solutions

Now that you've established the primary problem and explained why your client picked your service, it's time to move into specific questions. Now you'll ask about your client's experience regarding your product. These queries will elicit the most valuable information for your target audience. 

Try to ask direct questions to create a solid case study based on those answers. That way, potential leads experiencing the same problem will consider buying your service.

How did our product solve your problem?

This is one of the most critical questions since it serves as the foundation for the case study. It will educate your audience and convince them to try your service. 

The responses are a testament that your business does an excellent job for the clients. It also gives you the ground to declare, "X firm utilized our service and accomplished Y."

Which aspects of the service you found most helpful?

The elements will help the readers understand the value of your service better.

Was this service a substitute for a similar tool you previously used?

The subject could have used other services first. If so, providing this data could influence your readers' decision-making process and convince them to select your product over competitors.

What are the benefits of choosing our company over others?

The subject should highlight the unique values they received by choosing your business over your competitors. It's crucial for persuading potential customers about the worth of your service over the competitors.

Did you get in touch with the customer support team at any point during the process?

Customers may encounter various issues when utilizing your service. User experience on customer assistance will persuade the readers that you have their back when it matters the most. 

If yes, how was our customer assistance?

Readers will feel more confident if your clients perceive your customer service helpful.

How many employees in your company utilize our brand?

Readers can assess whether your solution suits their business needs with this information.

How many teams or departments in your company use our service?

This will illustrate how far your service has spread throughout departments.

How did you feel about the configuration and implementation process?

Readers can understand how accessible your service is from your clients' experiences.

Who was engaged in the execution of our product?

This will provide readers with a better understanding of who should be engaged when using your service. 

How did the rollout go?

Find out as many details as you can regarding the rollout. We can only hope that they'll praise just how easy it was.

What kind of comments have you heard from your employees regarding our service?

If the conversation has gone well, you can anticipate positive feedback from your client's staff. So, this feedback will help you stay one step ahead of your competitors.

Define the product's advantages


Here comes the most crucial part of the interview. You'll ask the client about particular outcomes and the metrics they used to monitor the performance of your service.

How did our service handle your particular problems?

When it comes to solving issues, your clients can often better explain the contribution of your service than you.

What sort of measurable results did you observe?

Any data provided by your respondent will highlight the significance of your product.

How has your business changed since you started using our service?

Your clients now have the chance to emphasize how your solution helped them achieve their measurements and objectives.

Which metrics or KPIs did you track to see if our solution effectively resolved your issue?

It'd be best for the customer to provide as many figures and data as possible. The more, the better for you.

How did your original issue affect your business? Does the problem still exist or get fixed?

Let them comprehensively answer how the problem initially hurt their business and how your services resolved those hurdles.

What's your suggestion to other customers who’ll use our services for optimum results?

Suggestions from your existing client can play a vital role. Make sure that they specifically talk about the features of your service.

Fortify your relationship with the client

Now, we'll list questions that'll fortify your relationship with the client and make it long-lasting. 

Ask them the case study questions listed below.

Do you believe our product was beneficial for your business? How so?

This is a great question to ask at the end of a case study interview. It's an excellent way to grab the attention of your potential customers. You can ask the subject how your company offers a valuable product and service and why they think that is.

How much time does a new employee need to become familiar with our product? 

Your potential leads will know the estimated time to train a new employee to use your solution. It's good for you if a newbie can easily and quickly get up and running.

What are the reasons to recommend our service to a customer or friend?

Ensure that your client describes the aspects they’d emphasize when recommending to a customer.

Have you spoken to any of your coworkers about our product?

It’s a great opportunity to get more potential leads and a referral.

What would happen if your team didn’t use our service?

The answer will focus on the value your service provides and its importance.

What else can we do to help your company gain your objectives?

This can be helpful in terms of making sure you're giving them exactly what they want and need. It will also help with building a long-term relationship with them. 

What would it take for your company to derive the biggest return from our product?

You'll be able to provide more assistance to them through this information.

What feature of our company do you admire the most?

It’ll illustrate the value of your service in detail to the readers.

What makes you choose to work with us?

The subject is likely to talk about how professional and efficient you are. It may make the readers gain confidence in your work ethic. 

Talk about the future objectives of your client

Try to get more involved with your clients by discussing their future objectives. They know what they want, but they want assistance in obtaining it. And your relationship with them will become stronger if you demonstrate that you're prepared to go above and beyond to assist them.

How can we assist you in achieving your company's goals?

You'll learn more about how you can support your clients more effectively. 

What objectives do you have for the following three months? 

Your organization can make a particular strategy to help the clients by learning their objectives.

How can we assist you in achieving long-term objectives?

If you know your customer's specific requirements, you'll be able to provide more effective solutions.

Case studies are an effective way to market your business, one that you should plan on integrating into your marketing strategy sooner rather than later. If you want your brand to stand out amongst thousands of competitors online, we urge you to set up a case study questions campaign for your business. You'll be amazed to see traffic and leads acquired through this content. 

Are you looking to build more trust with your target audience? Let our industry-leading content writing agency help you craft the perfect case study questions to get the results you desire.

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15 Examples of Tricky Customer Service Scenarios + Ready-Made Answers

15 Examples of Tricky Customer Service Scenarios + Ready-Made Answers

People can be jerks. But still… upset, disgruntled, angry ー even the most difficult client can be negotiated. It’s a lesson Kevin took this week, the hardest of his career in customer support. During these days, he handled 15 tricky customer service scenarios, most of which looked like lion-taming. Never once Kevin fell for the provocations, dodged all the client biting and scratching attempts without a shadow of fear. 

How did he turn the lion’s roar into the kitten’s purr? Neither years of negotiator experience nor secret FBI methods of mind control nor superpowers are needed. 

It’s just excellent training to answer all the same customer service scenario questions repeatedly. Since most are repetitive and fall into a finite number of categories, we’ve collected them into this guidance! 

Here you’ll find examples of the most difficult cases for role-plays and free scripts for dealing with angry customers to provide excellent customer service.

Let’s dive into customer service scenarios and answers 👇

What Are Customer Service Scenarios?

You’ve probably had that déjà vu feeling when it seems you’ve been somewhere or done something before. Working with customers, you feel it daily. Most of the issues are typical situations. But putting them together, you’ll have a set of repeatable problems and a set of relevant replies accordingly.

Customer service scenario is  a schematic script of pre-made actions and answers to solve an irate customer’s situation that you’re likely to encounter as a support manager.

Let’s say you’re starting your first shift. There’s one more customer ticket. But instead of ordinary sentences describing an issue, you see a crazy rant from an angry customer. 

The longer it takes you to answer, the higher chances you can kiss that customer goodbye. 

That’s when you’ll be thankful to have a list of ready-made reply options . It can be a flowchart describing possible questions and answers to them


…or step-by-step role-play script on how to solve the problem. I say ‘a problem’ because dealing with difficult customers can drive you crazy. That’s why all the relevant content you may google concentrates on challenging situations first. Just like the ones Kevin had this week.

In case you don’t have time to read our customer service role play scenarios👇

Thanks! Now check your inbox

Download 15 scenarios for customer service role-playing for your team or AI chatbot and deal with difficult issues like a pro

How can role-playing help to improve your customers’ experience?

The problem-solving skill that emerged through hands-on experience is a good advantage. The primary task here is not to lose your mind while learning. There is a kind of experience that is better to have in theory. Your nervous system will be thankful if you develop it through training exercises like customer service scenarios scripts.  Consider role-playing scenarios if you don’t want nervous wreck crazies in your service team. 

Customer service managers training via acting out roles in retail, pharmacy, SaaS, etc. scenarios are usual. That’s what helped Kevin to succeed. Each week he did role-playing exercises where you offer one-the-fly solutions to irate customer situations represented by a supervisor. It helps to fill the knowledge gaps and points them in the right direction.

Save your team time by delegating clients FAQs to Dashly AI chatbot. He can easily answer even difficult questions based on your knowledge base info

Customers service role-play is a quick way to:

  • Test how newcomers would cope with typical client service scenarios in an interview
  • Training your managers to deal with difficult customers
  • Adopt the best customer communication practices
  • Deal with business crisis scenarios (website crash, data loss, payment difficulty, etc.)

But the primary job it does is improving your service.  Time to move to practice difficult customer service scenarios. So, let’s go back to Kevin.

15 tricky customer service cases to practice

Speaking about a rough week, I meant 15 customer service situations Kevin dialled with. It’ll be honest to nominate him for the title of customer support knight after this story. Believe me, there’s a lot to learn 👇 

1. Customer requested a product feature

2. Customer asked for an item that is missing 

3. When you have to transfer a call to another manager

4. Customer asked a question you can’t answer

5. Customer asked, ‘Why is your tool the best alternative? ’ 

6. When you have to say NO

7. Customer asks you to violate the company’s rules

8. Customer breaches company’s terms of use

9. When it was your fault

10. Angry customer asks for a manager

11. When the price is too high for a customer

12. Customer asks for a refund

13. Irate customer complaints about a shipping delay

14. Customers complain about a product quality

15. Angry customer is verbally abusive

Customer case 1: Feature request 


Customers are a precious source of  ideas for business growth . That’s why this type of customer should be a priority for any company.

Client request example: 

Hi! I purchased your tool two months ago, and it works great! But it could be better if it had a [feature]. I think it will be helpful for many clients. Can you add it in the next update?

But it’s problematic since a new feature implementation isn’t a matter of minutes. No false promises ─ the first rule here.   Such tickets can make newbies nervous. But not Kevin. The first thing he thought about after reading the request for a specific feature was whether the business plans to add it. 

An example of a customers service scenario script if ‘YES’

Hello [First name]! Thanks for your feedback, we are happy you liked the product. Moreover, your idea sounds great. Can you provide more details to share? It will help to prioritize their resources, so you can see the results faster. I’ll back you as soon as [the feature] is ready, and you’ll be the first to enjoy its advantages. 

An example of a customer service scenario script if ‘NO’

Hello [First name]! Thanks for sharing your idea. It’s fascinating. Many of our customers agree with you. It’s already in our backlog, and I’ll add your vote to move it further. Because of limited resources, we can’t implement it in the next update. But I’ll notify you when we’re ready to present the [new feature]. In the meantime, you can try [an alternative solution]. Do you need my help with it?

Tips to keep in mind: 

  • Thank a prospect for the advice 
  • Explain when you are going to add the feature or why not
  • Offer an alternative solution

Eliminate mistakes by delegating resolution of such requests to AI chatbot. Teach him based on scripts from this article or your knowledge base

Customer request 2. The asked item is missing 


The following customer asked Kevin about a particular product. That isn’t a big thing, but…

Customer request example: 

Hi, I saw this excellent [product] in your Instagram Ads. How can I order it?

Going to grant the request and close the deal, but he found it’s unavailable. There is still a chance to save the customer interest in saying when it will be in supply.

An example of a poor answer

It’s out of stock. You can buy it in two weeks

But usually, they don’t do that. At the end of this scenario, potential customers go to the next tab where the competitors’ website is already open.

An example of a pro answer

‘The item you are interested in will be available in two weeks. I can place your order first in line, so you’ll get it as soon as it reaches our warehouse! ’

Thus, you don’t ruin customers’ expectations but just postpone their realization. The tandem of positive connotation and VIP customer treatment does its job. Do you see the difference? Choosing the second scenario, Kevin provided a company with a new customer. 

  • Focus on positive things, offer the solution, say when the item will be available. 
  • Avoid negative language like ‘I can’t…’, ‘We don’t do that’.

Customer request 3. ‘Your call is transferred’


Forced meditation — here is how Kevin calls the time that customer is waiting for the transfer to the other manager. He doesn’t like to leave the potential customer with the vague ‘Hold on while I transfer you, please.’ But we are not Wikipedia to know everything. At least for now? Even if the customers’ question is way below his specialization, Kevin tries to provide them with the transfer details and prevent scenarios where:

  • Customer hangs up
  • Customer killing the expert/manager

So he did this time. 

‘Hi, I have a checkout issue, my e-wallet isn’t among your payment options. How can I pay for the product? ’

An example of a typical answer:

Can you hold on for one second? I’ll transfer your call to an [expert].

That usually means that the manager is glad to hear from you. He has got your problem. Trying to save your time, he has found an expert who will do it better and faster.  Unfortunately, consumers can’t read minds. They expect to get a response immediately. But… This phrase lacks the certainty that a manager has the customer’s problem in mind. 

An example of a pro answer:

Hi [First name], I understand your problem. Let’s get it resolved for you. Don’t you mind if I transfer you to the expert who is the best-suited specialist to help with your situation? It won’t take a minute.

Sounds much better. Isn’t it? The expert is safe, and the customer is happy. Mission complete.

Tips to keep in mind:

  • Explain the reasons for the call transfer
  • Focus on the customer. Use more ‘you’ sentences and less ‘we/I’.

Scale your customer service with the power of generative AI, paired with your knowledge base and scripts. Sign up to see how this technology saves your agents time and increases customer loyalty

Customer request 4: The question you can’t answer


‘ I don’t know’  — the Phrase-That-Must-Not-Be-Said in your service. But Kevin really didn’t know how to resolve the customer’s question:

Hi! I like your brand and want to buy 20 items. Is there any discount for customers who buy in large quantities?

Yes, we are only humans: there may be a newcomer to the team, a poor announced update, etc. But customers don’t care. They need an answer.  So, Kevin needed to do a little research. But first, he should respond.

An example of poor response (live chat or social media):

Hi! Unfortunately, I can’t process your question now.

A simple ‘ Can I call you back? ’ and more details could improve that scenario.

An example of a pro response (live chat):

Hi [First name]! Thanks for your choice. Give me a sec to clarify this moment for you! And while I talk to the supervisor, you can browse our products on sale. Here is the link

This shows that you understand the customers’ questions and will do whatever it takes to find out for them.

  • Assure consumers you will get back to them with an answer. 
  • Before customers go elsewhere, recommend an alternative solution.

Customer request 5: ‘Why is your tool the best alternative? ’ 


95% of all companies do not know what their competitive advantages are.

So how can customer service respond to this scenario? Empty phrases like ‘we have an excellent team’ don’t work here. Only proofs matter.

Hello, I was a [specific product] user for a long time, but now it’s become too expensive, so I’m looking for an alternative. Can you please tell me how your tool is different from theirs?

When a company hasn’t delivered this info to the team, managers may draw their conclusions (sometimes wrong) or use vague phrases and clichés to respond to this question. Like this one.

An example of poor answer:

Hi! [The competitors’] is really expensive. You’re not the only person who noticed this fact. In terms of price, [Our product] is more profitable. By choosing it, you get more and pay less. The best value for money on the market. Do you want to schedule a demo to know more?

Good thing Kevin was equipped with a  relevant article explaining the difference. Moreover, he knew the competitors’ weak points and the business product.

Hi [First name]! Yes [competitor’s product] is a good option, but [our product] beats it by [price, feature 1, 2]. Here is a detailed comparison you can read for more: [link] If you are still on the fence about that, we can schedule a demo to see the proofs in action.

  • Respect your competitors. Saying anything about them, you talk about the choice of your potential customer in this case. The comparison should be objective.
  • Provide proof: facts, numbers. For example, instead of ‘[our product] is cheaper,’ use ‘Using [competitor’s product] for a month, you’ll pay only $$ while we offer wider functionality for half of this price. I mean, for $ you’ll get …’
  • Ensure your agents get the results of the competitors’ reviews and know the advantages.
  • Write an article comparing your solution with competitors. Choose the main one and write different comparisons with each of them. Then share it on demand.

Reduce your team’s workload and free your agents to address high-value tasks and complex customer issues with Dashly AI chatbot

Customer request 6: When a support manager has to say NO


Do you know that awkward feeling when refusing somebody’s request? The same one felt Kevin talking to the loyal customer and affiliate who was asking for the s ervice the company doesn’t offer. 

Customer request example:

Hi, I’m Jason, your affiliate. I want to launch a Halloween email campaign about your product. I wrote the text, but I want this newsletter to have a unique illustration and CSS animation. Can you do it for me, please? Find the tech requirement in the attachments. If you face any difficulties, please let me know. We can schedule a call, and I’ll tell you everything step by step.

But there is no such option. Kevin knew this man spent much time working on the idea and tech requirements, so he probably won’t be happy to know that. So, how to say NO and don’t lose the customer/affiliate? 

An example of a poor answer: 

Hi! Your idea sounds great, but we don’t provide such a service!

At the end of the dialog and disappointed the client. Can it be different?  Yes. 

‘Hi [First name]! I appreciate you taking the time to share your idea. Because of the lack of resources at this time, we don’t provide such a service. You can see it in the affiliate agreement document [link].  Anyway, here are:  – Email newsletter builder we use. It has all the tools necessary for carrying out your idea [link] – The stock of free-to-use illustrations [link] – Websites to look for a specialist with relevant experience [links] Hope it will help you. I’ll notify you if anything changes.’

Of course, this isn’t the result that an affiliate is expected to get. But still, Kevin smoothed things over by offering an alternative solution.

  • Don’t give a false hope
  • Ask why when it isn’t clear 
  • Explain why not 
  • Express an empathy

Since you are in the middle of the article, it’s by far the last difficult customer example Kevin had to deal with.

Thanks! Your map with ready-made campaigns is already in your inbox

4 campaign templates to complement your popups with emails, chatbots, and other tools

Customer request 7: Customer asks you to violate the company’s rules


This time it’s a NO reply situation again. The only difference is a request. It was one of those customers who used to get ‘ an extra slice of a pickle ‘ for free.  There is nothing terrible about filling a small request to please your customer. But what if it goes against the company rules?  

Hi, I’ve noticed that the demo version lacks some features I need to make a purchase decision. I’m ready to buy, but I need to make sure. Can you give me access to full functionality during the trial period?

Nice try. But the pricing is clear about the trial version features. No exceptions.  But this deal promised to be pretty big.

An example of a poor answer:

Hi! We are glad to know you like the product. What email should I send a login and a password to?

Sounds good, except for the part that violates your business rules.

Hi [First name]! Thanks for your choice. It’s a pleasure to know you appreciated our efforts on the product. As much as I enjoy fulfilling our customers’ requests, I’m afraid your one goes beyond a company’s rules. If the question is about the functionality, we can schedule a demo. I’ll show you the full potential of our solution and how it can work for your business. Meanwhile, you can look through our special offers. Here is a link.  

Even if you have to respond negatively, the customer should be offered alternative solutions. 

Tips to keep in mind when implementing customer service scenarios examples :

  • Explain why not
  • Make sure everyone knows a business Privacy Policy

That is the scenario you can control. But what would you do if someone had already done the illegal action?

Customer request 8: Account breaches company’s terms of use


We like to judge. But nobody wants to be an executioner. Neither did Kevin. And he wasn’t. Even when the situation implied that. 

Like when a customer purchases a course. The terms of use were clear a customer can’t share the content or the login data with others. Anyway, there were efforts to log in to the system under the same ID from multiple IP addresses and devices simultaneously. Since the customer can’t be in several countries simultaneously, his account was blocked. Not an hour passed like the owner noticed that.

Hi, A month ago I bought a course at your company. But the login and the password you gave me don’t work. Can you fix that?

Kevin was the one who had to clear things up. 

An example of a poor message:

Hi! To prevent data loss, it was blocked.

Clear and understandable. But there’s no attempt to help, no empathy. It can be not a deliberate violation but a mistake. Remember about the presumption of innocence ☝️

An example of a pro message:

Dear customer! We noticed suspicious attempts to access your account from multiple devices simultaneously while registered with a set of a single device package. To prevent data loss, it was blocked. Did you happen to share the login data with somebody? Please let us know. If it repeats, it can lead to your data loss. 

Sounds better, isn’t it? A detailed explanation of the situation and possible consequences. And notice, no threats. 

  • Determine the customer needs and try to fulfill them 
  • No blames without proof

Build better customers service and alleviate your agents’ workload with Dashly AI

Customer situation 9: It was your fault


Talking with a previous customer was difficult, but who knew it could be worse? The server crashed, and for half a day, service wasn’t available. Guess who had to explain this to the customers? Everyone on the team, including Kevin, of course.  Because of the specificity of the business, this caused many troubles for the customers. They deserve to be notified about the issue, at least. Better yet, an excuse.

An example of poor customer service:

Sticking the heads in the sand, hoping that nobody would notice.

Dear customer, this Monday the [Company First name] server crashed. Now it’s working, but we understand the issues it may have caused you. Please accept our apologies for such a poor experience. It’s critical for [Company name] to be running, the lesson is learned, and now we will improve [company product] to prevent such situations. 

Nothing special, but instead of angry customers tickets, Kevin replied, ‘Thanks, it’s all right. You’re cool’ messages.

Customer service scenarios and answers tips to keep in mind:

  • Own up to your mistakes
  • Explain the plan
  • Notify when it’ll be implemented 

But nothing lasts forever, especially the good one. The next day Kevin received a ‘ Can I speak to your manager? ‘ message. And that wasn’t another meme in the company chat.

Customer request 10: Release The Kraken Manager


It was the 15th minute of Kevin explaining to an angry customer the delivery rules. The last one asked the same questions in different forms, but the client’s response was the same. Things got hairy. Polite attempts to help, arguments, and offered alternatives didn’t matter. 

‘You don’t understand me. I’d like to speak to a manager’

But it was a kind of overattentive customer who didn’t want to accept the answer he didn’t like. Anyway, the company couldn’t fulfill the customer’s request. 

An example of a client’s response:

‘I’m afraid my manager must tell you the same things. I’m really sorry [Company name] doesn’t have a better solution for your situation! ’ 

It’s enough to convince a customer, except for the angry scenario.  Since Kevin was 100% sure in the info he operated, he just handed off the conversation to another manager who said the same in different words:

‘Unfortunately, Kevin is right. We now don’t have any other delivery solutions to your location except the offered one. I’m sorry about that! ’

If you’re not as sure as Kevin, ask for a supervisor.

  • Show empathy
  • Speak with kind authority

Reduce escalations to the support team with Dashly AI chatbot. It will easily answer FAQs about delivery or payment based on your scripts or knowledge base info and rote difficult requests to relevant experts on autopilot

Customer request 11: The price is too high 


There will always be someone who doesn’t like you, your job, product, much less its price. The true art of customer service is convincing them to purchase. That was Kevin’s next achievement.

Customer’s request example:

Hi! Your solution is excellent, but I found it’s too expensive. I’m ready to buy it, but the full plan price is too high. Are you going to update the pricing? Or maybe there is a discount for a new customer? 

The task was clear. This scenario assumed Kevin explaining the value it can bring to the customers. What do they pay for: elements of the chosen plan, tool advantages?

An example of poor service response:

Hi! We are happy you liked the product. The pricing was updated last month, so we are not going to change it in the near future. Check out our upcoming Halloween sale If you want to get it cheaper [link].

The offered solution seems quite fair: Wanna discount ─ wait for the sale. But it doesn’t solve the reason for the request ─ a  lack of value understanding .

An example of a pro service agent message: 

Hi [First name]! We are happy you liked it. My colleague put much effort into providing its sustainable workflow, security, and various features. By purchasing the service, you get not just a set of features but a [advantage №1, advantage №2, advantage №3]. Daily our developers, designers, marketers, and support managers work to [a core job your tool does]. If it seems steep, you can check our upcoming Halloween sale [link] to get it cheaper. Is it what you’re looking for?

It will help customers understand your product’s value and price.

Use Dashly's completely free plan to build the best customer support service

Customer situation 12: The refund request 


The rest of the week promised to be easy… but not for Kevin. This time he had to deal with a customer asking for his money back. Usually, it’s a relatively easy task, except when you can’t provide a refund.  

There’s something wrong with your product. Some bug must have deleted all my settings and now [the product] doesn’t work properly. I want a refund! 

Even if the tool settings were wrong, it still worked. So a refund wasn’t an option. That was written in the user agreement. Thus, Kevin had to find an alternative solution.

An example of poor service agent response:

Hi! I’m sorry, but this case doesn’t fall for [Company name] refund policy [link]. Thus, I cannot offer you an account credit.

An example of a pro service agent response: 

H i!  I understand how this can be frustrating and really sorry about that. But I can’t provide you a refund because this bug can be fixed easily. I’d be happy to help you configure your settings again.

This message doesn’t end on the refuse. A little empathy and desire to help do magic: there’s no customer aggression, no need for a refund.

  • Consult the team

Here is how we do this when comparing Dashly with Intercom, Drift, LiveChat:

15 Best Intercom Alternatives in 2023

Client request 13: Shipping delay


Minutes stench into hours, days — into years. Waiting for the ordered item can be torture. Unsurprisingly, even a day’s shipping delay makes people crazy. That’s why Kevin’s company is so careful about this process. But a quarantine made its amendments. 

A customer ordered [a product] for his brother’s birthday. The website says about the three days shipping, which was perfect for preparing the gift for the celebration. But the package arrived two days later after the deadline. It hadn’t damaged the party, but the same cannot be said of the customer’s mood. 

[Company name], you screwed me! I ordered [your product] a week ago. The website says the package had to arrive 4 days ago, but it didn’t. The delivery was late for two days which ruined my plans! You put me on the spot. So, I’m disappointed with your service!

How to make this customer happy?

Hi! The item was sent on time. It probably was a shipping company mistake.

That is true. But does it make this customer happy? That’s why Kevin chose another tactic…

Dear customer, thank you for choosing [Company name]. We’re really sorry you didn’t receive the package in time. Checking the shipping company info, I noticed they had a problem because of the weather conditions. We’ll do everything to notify you about any delays as soon as possible. Please accept our apologies and free shipping for the next order.

Sounds better, heh? It changes nothing but can provide a better customer experience.

  • Explain what happened
  • Tell how you are going to fix the situation
  • Offer compensation
  • End on a positive note

The customer is satisfied. The company image is saved. But what if the problem is on your side? 

Client request 14: Quality issues

Tricky Customer Service Scenarios

You may know this Expectation vs Reality frustration feeling. The website images tell about the perfect high-quality product, but it’s nothing like the one that had arrived. It’s the usual case in retail. But now it had happened to Kevin’s next customer.

Hi! Recently I’ve bought [your product], but it’s nothing like on the website! It arrived damaged. Since the box wasn’t broken, I’m sure it’s a manufacturing mistake. Give me my money back!

Seems like it’s your fault. Time to save the customer and the company’s image.

An example of poor agent response copy:

Hi [First name]! Can you take some pictures of the defect and send them here in the chat, please? 

Asking for proof is ok, but not in the first sentence. This makes you feel like you don’t believe the customer.

If you wanna proof, argue it by a need for a report. Like Kevin did.

An example of a pro agent response: 

Hi [First name]! Manufacturing mistakes are a rarity in our company. I’m so sorry it happened to you. We can send you a refund, or would you like to get a new one right away? The only thing I need is a photo of the defect for the report. Can you send it to me, please? 

Thus, you apologize for the customer’s frustrating experience and offer an alternative solution.

But what if it was a customer who made a mistake?  And this time, it really was so. Kevin checked the photos and noticed that [the product] was in use. So that wasn’t a manufacturing mistake, but a customer who ruined it.  

Kevin had to use a ninja-like finesse to explain this to a customer.

An example of a poor response:

Checking the photos you sent, I noticed you’ve used [a product]. I’m afraid I can’t help you in this case.

I’m afraid the issue appears to stem from (the mistake customer made). If you look at the ‘terms of use’ brochure in the product’s set, you’ll find the directions on how to [do the thing the customer mistake in] right. Trust me. I’ve been there before! That thing can be tricky. But the only solution I can offer you, in this case, is 10% OFF for the following order. Let me know if you need my help.

This script demonstrates more empathy to a customer through the detailed ‘Why-Not’ explanation and proofs.

  • If an item can be fixed, offer a solution
  • Avoid blaming tone
  • Teach them how to do/use [the things they did wrong] right

And now ‘the cream of the crop’ among complex scenarios: Brace yourself, the irate customers are coming.

The most difficult of service scenarios 15: Angry customer 


In nearly every problematic case I mentioned above was an irate customer. Dealing with each of them, Kevin was polite. But there is a line between anger and abuse. 

Angry customer’s request example:

Your solution doesn’t work! I can’t do [process №1, process № 2, process №3]. Jesus Christ, how much of a jerk can you be? WTF is your gain from there? I’ve fu###g paid you $$$!  

An example of a poor customer service response:

‘Please, calm down. Contact us again once you’re willing to be more respectful.’ Operator disconnects.

Neither warning nor chances for the customer to excuse and explain the details.

An example of a pro customer service response: 

Hi [First name]! I’m really sorry about that. There are easy steps to fix the issue: First, you should [a step-by-step instruction]. That will help you. Let me know if there is anything else I can do for you.

It’s another when anger is directed at a company or you personally without connection to an issue. 

Abusive customer request example:

Go to hell! Your service is a piece of sh#t just like you!!!! 

An example of a pro customer service message: 

Hi [First name], we are really sorry to hear about your frustration! Let us know if there is anything we can do to make you feel better. 

If it doesn’t work:

I’m really willing to listen to your issue and solve it. But if you continue using such aggressive language, I’ll end this conversation.

That was the most difficult customer Kevin dialed with this week. I think you’ll agree, he deserved rest. Moreover, I’d say he deserved an extra day off.  

  • Show that you understand the customer’s situation
  • Ask for the details to cool down the customer

Save your agents time and mental health with Dashly AI chatbot. It can be a first line of qualifying angry client request and then route them to the relevant agent

There’s not just a story about a terrible week. It’s a great experience you can use for role-playing scenarios to  improve your customer service . Since angry customer scenarios are quite similar, you can quickly adapt these customer service examples and use them in retail, pharmacy, healthcare, etc.

Customer service agents like Kevin are modern knights. They help struggling customers and defend the honor (image) of a company. Pre-made scripts based on popular customer service scenarios are their weapon and assistant to refer to in uncertain situations. Customer service scenarios’ role-play is their regular training to deal with dragons angry customers. 

Optimize the work of your customer support with Dashly AI Sign up for a free Dashly trial to implement these customer service scenarios immediately. Use them as a base to learn an AI chatbot on how to answer FAQs or store the script examples in the ‘Saved Replies’ section to dramatically reduce customer service response time.

FAQ on customer service scenarios

At Dashly, when we face customer service scenario questions, we don’t just wing it—we use these gems to train our agents and our nifty AI chatbot. We learn from the toughest bad customer service scenarios to ensure top-notch experiences. Our chatbot can already nail those simple Qs like a boss. Want to see an example? Swing by our article for a sneak peek at how we do it.

Customer service scenarios are like real-world simulations that our team uses to flex their problem-solving muscles. Picture customer service role play scenarios where agents and our AI chatbot practice their Jedi-like support skills. These drills are key—by running through these tailored customer service scenarios, we save our managers time and level up support, equipping both human agents and bots to handle the curveballs customers throw our way with ease and grace.

Our approach to customer service training is dynamic and data-driven, rooted in real-life customer service training scenarios. We leverage our knowledge base to clue in agents and our AI chatbot on navigating scenarios for customer service, specifically honing in on challenging customer service scenarios like refund issues or delivery slowdowns. When new situations arise—maybe a conflict that wasn’t in the script—we update our chatbot immediately, ensuring it’s prepped to handle any scenario thrown its way with flawless accuracy.

An example of customer service scenarios for role plays could be simulating a dissatisfied customer reporting a product defect, with one person acting as the customer and the other as the service rep, navigating through resolution steps. Find more examples in this article.

A customer service scenarios worksheet is essentially a detailed guide often presented as a PDF document. It’s packed with pre-written conversations that outline various tough customer service situations and the best responses to them. For instance, the PDF might offer a step-by-step script for dealing with a heated product return dispute, guiding the service rep through calming the customer, addressing their concerns, and offering a viable solution. Always looking to sharpen your service skills? Our article has these worksheets ready for download, giving you the exact wording you’ll need to smoothly navigate challenging customer interactions.

Anastasia Sukhareva

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20 Customer Service Analyst Interview Questions and Answers

Common Customer Service Analyst interview questions, how to answer them, and sample answers from a certified career coach.

customer service case study questions and answers

Being a customer service analyst is more than just responding to customer inquiries and complaints. It’s about understanding customer pain points, anticipating their needs, and providing solutions that make them happy—all while keeping your company profitable.

If you’re interviewing for a customer service analyst role, the hiring manager will want to know if you have what it takes to be successful in this position. To help you prepare, we’ve rounded up some of the most common customer service analyst interview questions along with advice on how to answer them. Read on, and get ready to ace your next job interview!

  • What experience do you have in customer service?
  • Describe a time when you had to handle an angry or difficult customer.
  • How do you stay up-to-date on the latest trends and technologies related to customer service?
  • Explain your understanding of customer segmentation and how it can be used to improve customer service.
  • What strategies do you use to ensure that customers are satisfied with their interactions with our company?
  • Describe a time when you had to resolve a complex customer issue.
  • How do you measure customer satisfaction and loyalty?
  • What methods do you use to collect customer feedback?
  • Are you familiar with any customer service software programs?
  • How do you handle customer complaints?
  • What techniques do you use to identify potential areas for improvement in customer service?
  • How do you prioritize tasks when faced with multiple customer requests?
  • What strategies do you use to build relationships with customers?
  • How do you handle customer inquiries that require technical knowledge?
  • Do you have experience working with customer service teams across different departments?
  • How do you handle customer data privacy and security issues?
  • What is your experience with developing customer service policies and procedures?
  • How do you handle customer escalations?
  • What strategies do you use to motivate customer service team members?
  • How do you ensure that customer service standards are consistently met?

1. What experience do you have in customer service?

Customer service analysts are responsible for overseeing customer service operations, so it’s important for employers to know that you have the necessary experience and skills to do the job. They’ll want to know what kind of customer service roles you’ve had in the past and what strategies you used to ensure customer satisfaction. They’ll also want to know if you’re familiar with the latest customer service trends and technologies.

How to Answer:

You should be prepared to discuss your past customer service roles and the strategies you used to ensure customer satisfaction. Talk about any customer service certifications or training courses you’ve taken, as well as any awards or recognition you’ve received for your work in customer service. You should also mention any experience you have with customer service software and other technologies, such as help desk systems or CRM tools. Finally, make sure to emphasize how your customer service experience has helped you develop strong interpersonal skills and a deep understanding of customer needs.

Example: “I have five years of experience as a customer service specialist in the retail industry. I’ve handled hundreds of customer inquiries, both in person and over the phone, and I’m experienced with using help desk software to track customer issues and resolutions. I also have an advanced certification in customer service from ABC Training Institute, which has given me insight into the latest trends and best practices for providing excellent service. My experience has helped me develop strong interpersonal skills and an understanding of how to handle difficult customers and situations. I believe these qualities make me an ideal candidate for this role.”

2. Describe a time when you had to handle an angry or difficult customer.

Customer service is all about problem solving, but it also requires having the right attitude and demeanor. When customers call in with a problem, they can often be frustrated and angry. In this situation, it’s important for the customer service analyst to keep their cool, remain professional, and find the best solution for the customer. This question is to assess a candidate’s ability to remain composed in a difficult situation and to look for solutions.

To answer this question, think of a time when you had to handle an angry or difficult customer. Talk about the steps you took to deescalate the situation and how you were able to find a solution that was satisfactory for both parties. If you’re new to customer service, talk about how you would handle such a situation in theory, drawing from your past experiences with problem solving.

Example: “I am always looking for ways to stay on top of the latest customer service trends and technologies. I read industry publications, attend conferences, take courses, and belong to professional organizations that help me keep my skills up-to-date. For example, last year I attended a conference on customer experience management, where I learned about the newest tools and strategies for improving customer satisfaction. I also recently completed a course in data analysis which has helped me better understand customer needs and behaviors. As a result, I’m able to use this information to inform our customer service strategy and ensure we are providing an optimal experience for our customers.”

3. How do you stay up-to-date on the latest trends and technologies related to customer service?

Customer service is a constantly evolving field, and the job of the customer service analyst requires staying on top of the latest trends, technologies, and industry changes. You should be able to demonstrate that you’re an informed and knowledgeable professional who can stay abreast of the latest developments and use them to drive effective customer service.

Your answer should demonstrate that you stay up-to-date on the latest trends and technologies related to customer service. Talk about any industry publications or websites you read, conferences you attend, or courses you’ve taken. You can also mention any professional organizations you belong to and how they help you stay current in your field. Showing that you have a commitment to staying informed will be impressive to potential employers.

Example: “I stay up-to-date on the latest customer service trends and technologies by reading industry publications such as Customer Service Magazine, attending conferences like the National Customer Service Association’s annual event, and taking courses offered through organizations like the International Customer Service Institute. I’m also a member of the American Quality Assurance Professionals organization, which provides great opportunities to network with other professionals in my field and learn about new developments.”

4. Explain your understanding of customer segmentation and how it can be used to improve customer service.

Companies need customer service analysts to understand the nuances of customer service and how it can be improved. By segmenting customers into different groups, you can tailor the services and solutions you provide to better meet their individual needs. This question allows interviewers to gauge your understanding of customer segmentation and how it can be used to improve customer service.

Start by explaining what customer segmentation is and how it can be used to improve customer service. Explain that customer segmentation involves dividing customers into different groups based on their needs, preferences, and behaviors. You can then explain how this data can be used to create targeted solutions for each group of customers—such as providing discounts or special offers to specific segments of customers. Finally, emphasize the importance of understanding customer segmentation in order to provide tailored solutions and improved customer service.

Example: “Customer segmentation is the process of dividing customers into different groups based on their needs, preferences, and behaviors. By understanding customer segmentation, companies can create tailored solutions to meet the individual needs of each group—such as providing discounts or special offers to specific segments of customers. This helps improve customer service by creating a more personalized experience for each customer. I have experience using customer segmentation data to identify areas of improvement in customer service, as well as develop strategies to provide better customer experiences.”

5. What strategies do you use to ensure that customers are satisfied with their interactions with our company?

Customer satisfaction is essential to any business. It is important to show that you understand the importance of customer service and that you have a plan in place to ensure customers have a positive experience. In this question, the interviewer is looking for evidence that you are familiar with the customer service process and that you can come up with solutions to any customer issues that may arise.

To answer this question, you should demonstrate your understanding of customer service best practices. Talk about the strategies that you have employed in previous roles to ensure customer satisfaction such as providing prompt responses to customer inquiries, offering personalized solutions to customer issues, and proactively reaching out to customers to check in on their experience with our company. You can also discuss any feedback loops or surveys you have implemented to measure customer satisfaction. Finally, talk about how you use data to identify trends in customer interactions and develop strategies to improve the customer experience.

Example: “I believe that the key to providing excellent customer service is creating positive experiences for customers. To ensure this, I have implemented a number of strategies such as responding quickly and professionally to customer inquiries, offering personalized solutions to their issues, and proactively reaching out to customers to check in on their experience with our company. Additionally, I regularly review customer feedback loops and surveys to identify trends in customer interactions and use the data to develop strategies to improve the customer experience.”

6. Describe a time when you had to resolve a complex customer issue.

This question allows the interviewer to assess your problem-solving skills and your ability to think outside the box when it comes to customer service. It also allows them to see how you handle difficult customers and how you go about resolving complex customer issues. The interviewer wants to see that you can take initiative and think critically when it comes to customer service.

To answer this question, start by describing the issue in detail. Explain how you identified the problem and then outline the steps you took to resolve it. Make sure to emphasize any creative solutions that you used and explain why they were successful. Finally, be sure to discuss the end result of your efforts and how it benefited the customer.

Example: “I recently had to resolve a complex customer issue involving a billing error. I identified the problem quickly and then worked with the customer service team to develop a plan of action. We decided to offer the customer an extended payment plan so that they could pay off their balance over time without incurring late fees. This solution allowed us to meet the customer’s needs while still ensuring that we were able to recoup our losses. In the end, the customer was satisfied and we avoided any further complications.”

7. How do you measure customer satisfaction and loyalty?

Customer service analysts are responsible for collecting data on customer satisfaction levels, so it’s important for recruiters to make sure you have a plan for measuring customer satisfaction and loyalty. This question will help the interviewer understand how you go about assessing customer sentiment and how you use that data to make decisions that will improve customer satisfaction and loyalty.

There are many ways to measure customer satisfaction and loyalty, so it’s important to be prepared to discuss your approach. You can talk about methods such as surveys, focus groups, interviews, or even analyzing customer feedback from social media platforms. Be sure to mention any metrics you use to track customer sentiment, such as Net Promoter Score (NPS) or Customer Satisfaction Score (CSAT). Finally, explain how you use the data you collect to make decisions that will improve customer experience.

Example: “I measure customer satisfaction and loyalty through a variety of methods, including surveys, focus groups, interviews, and analyzing customer feedback on social media platforms. I also use metrics like Net Promoter Score (NPS) and Customer Satisfaction Score (CSAT) to track customer sentiment. By gathering this data, I can identify areas for improvement in the customer experience, such as customer service response times or product features. Once I have identified these areas, I work with my team to develop strategies that will address customer needs and increase customer satisfaction and loyalty.”

8. What methods do you use to collect customer feedback?

Collecting customer feedback is one of the most important tasks of a Customer Service Analyst. You need to be able to understand customer needs and preferences in order to provide better service. Interviewers want to know that you understand the importance of feedback and that you have experience using various methods to collect it. Examples of methods could include surveys, questionnaires, interviews, focus groups, or customer satisfaction surveys.

Start by discussing the methods you have used in the past. Talk about how you have implemented these methods and what results you saw from them. If you haven’t had much experience with collecting customer feedback, discuss the methods that you would like to use and why they would be effective. Be sure to emphasize your understanding of the importance of customer feedback and your commitment to using it to improve customer service.

Example: “I have experience using a variety of methods to collect customer feedback. I have used surveys, questionnaires, interviews, focus groups, and customer satisfaction surveys. I have found that these methods are effective in gathering valuable feedback from customers. I am also open to exploring new methods to gather feedback, such as using social media or online forums. I understand the importance of customer feedback and am committed to using it to improve customer service and the overall customer experience.”

9. Are you familiar with any customer service software programs?

Any customer service role requires knowledge of customer service software programs. Whether it’s a help desk ticketing system, a customer relationship management program, or a customer feedback platform, the interviewer wants to know that you understand the software tools that are used to provide excellent customer service.

Begin by listing the customer service software programs you’re familiar with. Be sure to include any that are mentioned in the job description. If there are any you have not used, explain how you would go about learning them quickly. Talk about any past experiences you have had using customer service software and how it has helped you provide better customer service. Finally, emphasize your ability to learn new technologies quickly and effectively.

Example: “I am very familiar with many customer service software programs, including Zendesk, Salesforce, and Help Scout. I have used these programs for several years and understand their features and capabilities. I am also able to learn new programs quickly, as I did when I recently had to learn a new customer feedback platform for my last job. I am confident that I can become familiar with any customer service software program that is needed for this role.”

10. How do you handle customer complaints?

Customer service analysts are responsible for responding to customer inquiries and complaints. They need to be able to handle these situations in a way that is both professional and efficient. This question allows the interviewer to gauge your ability to remain calm and composed in difficult situations, as well as your ability to think on your feet.

Start by describing the steps you take when a customer complaint arises. Explain that you listen carefully to the customer and try to understand their issue, respond in an empathetic manner, and work with them to find a resolution that is satisfactory for both parties. Additionally, mention any methods or processes you have implemented in order to ensure customer satisfaction. Finally, emphasize your ability to remain composed and professional even in difficult situations.

Example: “When dealing with customer complaints, I always try to remain calm and professional. I listen carefully to the customer’s concerns and try to understand the issue from their perspective. I respond to them in an empathetic manner and work with them to find a resolution that is satisfactory for both parties. I also have a system in place to ensure customer satisfaction and follow up with customers after the resolution is implemented to make sure they are still satisfied. I’m confident in my ability to remain composed and professional in any situation.”

11. What techniques do you use to identify potential areas for improvement in customer service?

This question demonstrates the interviewer’s interest in your ability to analyze customer service data and use that data to identify areas of improvement. It also shows that they are looking for someone who is proactive and able to identify potential problems before they arise. The interviewer is also likely looking for someone who is able to come up with creative solutions to existing problems and who is eager to learn and grow.

Your answer should demonstrate your ability to analyze customer service data and identify potential areas for improvement. Talk about the techniques you use to look at customer feedback, complaints, surveys, etc., and how you use that information to identify areas of improvement. You should also talk about how you collaborate with other departments and stakeholders to develop creative solutions to existing problems. Finally, mention any research or experimentation you’ve done in order to improve customer service.

Example: “I use a variety of techniques to identify potential areas for improvement in customer service. I start by looking at customer feedback, complaints, surveys, and other customer data to identify trends and pain points. I also collaborate with other departments and stakeholders to develop creative solutions to existing problems. I also conduct research and experiments to test new ideas and approaches. I’m constantly looking for ways to improve customer service and make sure we are meeting our customers’ needs.”

12. How do you prioritize tasks when faced with multiple customer requests?

Prioritizing tasks is an important part of any customer service analyst role, as you’ll need to be able to quickly assess the urgency of customer requests and decide which ones to handle first. This question is designed to test your ability to think on your feet and make decisions quickly and effectively. It also shows the interviewer that you understand the importance of customer service and that you’re capable of managing multiple requests efficiently.

You should explain the process you use to prioritize customer requests. For example, you can explain that you first assess the urgency of each request and then categorize them based on their level of importance (e.g., high priority vs. low priority). You can also mention that you take into account factors such as customer loyalty or any other preferences they may have when making your decisions. Finally, be sure to emphasize that you always strive to provide the best possible service to all customers, regardless of their individual needs.

Example: “When I’m faced with multiple customer requests, I prioritize them by assessing their urgency and categorizing them based on their level of importance. I also take into account customer loyalty or any other preferences they may have when making my decisions. I’m always striving to provide the best possible service to all customers, regardless of their individual needs. I’m able to quickly assess customer requests and prioritize them accordingly, ensuring that I’m able to provide the best customer service in the most efficient manner.”

13. What strategies do you use to build relationships with customers?

Customer service is about more than just solving problems. It’s about building relationships. Your interviewer wants to know that you understand this and can demonstrate it with concrete examples. Being able to form genuine connections with customers can be the difference between a satisfied customer and one who decides to take their business elsewhere.

There are many strategies you can use to build relationships with customers. Talk about how you take the time to get to know your customer and their needs, listen actively to what they’re saying, and be empathetic when responding to their concerns. You can also mention that you make it a priority to follow up with customers after solving their issues to ensure satisfaction and provide additional support if needed. Additionally, emphasize that you always strive to exceed customer expectations by going above and beyond in your service delivery.

Example: “I believe that building relationships with customers is key to providing excellent customer service. To do this, I take time to get to know my customers, actively listen to their concerns, and show empathy when responding to their issues. I also make sure to follow up with customers after resolving their issues to ensure satisfaction and provide additional support if needed. I strive to exceed customer expectations by going the extra mile in my service delivery, such as offering tips or advice that can help them in the future.”

14. How do you handle customer inquiries that require technical knowledge?

Customer service analysts are expected to be able to provide technical support for customers, so it’s important for them to be able to quickly assess a customer’s issue and understand how to best address it. This question is designed to get a better understanding of how you approach these kinds of inquiries and how you would use your technical knowledge to help solve customer problems.

Start by describing your technical background, such as any certifications or degrees you have. Then explain how you use that knowledge to address customer inquiries. You could mention the steps you take when a customer has an issue, such as researching and understanding the problem, troubleshooting potential solutions, and providing detailed instructions on how to resolve the issue. Finally, discuss any strategies you’ve developed to make sure customers understand the solution you provided. This will show the interviewer that you are able to think critically and provide effective customer service.

Example: “I have a degree in computer science and am certified in numerous technical support programs. When I receive a customer inquiry that requires technical knowledge, I always start by researching the issue to better understand what problem the customer is facing. I then use my technical background to troubleshoot potential solutions and provide detailed instructions on how to resolve the issue. I also make sure to check in with the customer to make sure they understand the solution I provided. Additionally, I’ve developed strategies to help me better explain technical concepts to customers, such as using analogies and visuals to help them better understand the problem and solution.”

15. Do you have experience working with customer service teams across different departments?

Customer service analysts need to have the ability to understand customer service needs across different departments and have the ability to work with teams in different departments to ensure customer satisfaction. They need to have a good understanding of how different departments work together and how they can collaborate to meet customer needs. This question is a great way to get a sense of how much experience the candidate has in this area.

The best way to answer this question is to provide concrete examples of how you have worked with customer service teams across different departments. Talk about any initiatives that you have been involved in and the results that were achieved. Be sure to emphasize your ability to work with different teams and communicate effectively to ensure customer satisfaction. Also, mention any specific tools or processes that you have used to facilitate collaboration between different departments.

Example: “Yes, I have extensive experience working with customer service teams across different departments. In my previous role, I was responsible for coordinating with the sales, marketing, and product teams to ensure that customer needs were met. I developed a process for better communication between departments, which resulted in improved customer satisfaction. I also worked with the technical team to develop new customer service tools that streamlined our customer service operations. I am confident that my experience will be a great asset to your team.”

16. How do you handle customer data privacy and security issues?

Companies take data privacy and security seriously and it’s important for customer service representatives to understand the importance of protecting customer data. Interviewers want to know that you are aware of the importance of customer data privacy and security and can handle customer data in a responsible manner. They also want to know that you have the knowledge to advise customers on how to protect their data and can answer any questions they may have about data privacy.

You should be prepared to discuss the steps you have taken in the past to protect customer data and any policies or procedures you are familiar with. Show that you understand the importance of data privacy and security by discussing how it affects customers and your company. You can also mention any certifications, trainings, or courses you have completed related to data privacy and security. Finally, emphasize your commitment to protecting customer data and show that you take this responsibility seriously.

Example: “I understand the importance of data privacy and security and take it very seriously. I have taken courses on data privacy and security and am familiar with the relevant laws and regulations. I have also implemented policies and procedures to protect customer data, including using encryption technologies and secure servers. I always advise customers on how to protect their data and answer any questions they may have. I am committed to protecting customer data and take all necessary precautions to ensure it is kept secure.”

17. What is your experience with developing customer service policies and procedures?

This question is meant to assess your understanding of the customer service process, from the initial contact to how you handle customer complaints. Companies typically have a set of policies and procedures in place for customer service and support, and it’s important that you know how to effectively implement them. The interviewer wants to know that you understand the customer service process and how to best handle customer inquiries, complaints, and other issues.

To answer this question, you should talk about your experience with developing customer service policies and procedures. If you have prior experience in a customer service role, then it’s important to highlight the specific processes that you implemented or helped develop. You can also provide examples of how you handled difficult customer situations and explain what steps you took to resolve them. Additionally, emphasize any successes that you had while working on customer service projects or initiatives.

Example: “In my previous role as a Customer Service Analyst, I was responsible for developing and implementing customer service policies and procedures. I worked with a team to create a standard operating procedure for customer service inquiries, which I then presented to the executive team for review and approval. I also developed a process for handling customer complaints and worked to ensure that all customer inquiries were addressed in a timely and professional manner. I was able to successfully reduce customer complaints by 15% within the first six months of implementation.”

18. How do you handle customer escalations?

Customer escalations are an inevitable part of customer service. It’s important for a customer service analyst to be able to handle these situations calmly, quickly, and efficiently. The interviewer wants to make sure you have the skills and experience to handle customer escalations in a professional manner.

Your answer should focus on the steps you take to de-escalate a situation. Explain that you understand customer escalations can be stressful, but you always strive to remain calm and professional. Describe how you listen closely to the customer’s concerns and work with them to find a solution. Talk about how you document all conversations and interactions, so you have a record of what was said and done. Finally, emphasize your ability to stay composed under pressure and maintain a positive attitude throughout the process.

Example: “When I handle customer escalations, I always strive to remain calm, professional, and focused on finding a solution that is satisfactory for both parties. I take the time to listen to the customer’s concerns and ask questions to better understand their point of view. I document all conversations and interactions so I have a record of what was said and done. I’m also very aware of the customer’s emotions and I use my interpersonal skills to de-escalate the situation. I understand that these types of conversations can be difficult, but I’m confident in my ability to stay composed under pressure and maintain a positive attitude throughout the process.”

19. What strategies do you use to motivate customer service team members?

Customer service analysts are responsible for not only solving customer service inquiries and problems but also for leading teams of customer service representatives. It is important for interviewers to understand what strategies you use to motivate and inspire your customer service team members. They want to know that you have the leadership skills necessary to get the most out of your staff and ensure customer satisfaction.

The best way to answer this question is to provide specific examples of strategies you have used in the past. You can talk about how you use positive reinforcement, such as praising team members for a job well done or providing incentives for meeting goals. Additionally, you should discuss how you encourage collaboration and communication within the team, such as regular check-ins or team meetings. Finally, be sure to mention any creative approaches you’ve taken to motivate your team, such as introducing gamification into customer service tasks.

Example: “I believe that motivation is key to a successful customer service team. To ensure that my team is motivated and performing their best, I use a variety of strategies. First, I focus on positive reinforcement. I make sure to recognize team members for their hard work and accomplishments. I also provide incentives for meeting goals, such as bonus pay or flexible hours. Additionally, I make it a point to foster collaboration and communication within the team by holding regular check-ins and team meetings. Finally, I have introduced gamification into our customer service tasks to make them more engaging and enjoyable. My team has responded positively to these strategies, and I’m confident that I can use them to ensure the success of your customer service team.”

20. How do you ensure that customer service standards are consistently met?

Customer service can often be a thankless job. You have to be able to stay on top of customer service standards while still providing exceptional service. The interviewer wants to know that you understand the importance of maintaining high customer service standards and that you have a plan for doing so. They also want to know that you have the problem-solving and communication skills necessary to ensure these standards are met.

You’ll want to show that you understand the importance of customer service standards and how they contribute to customer loyalty. Then, discuss your strategies for ensuring those standards are consistently met. These could include developing customer service protocols and training materials, creating performance metrics, or setting up customer feedback systems. You should also emphasize any experience you have with problem-solving and communication skills as these will be essential in this role.

Example: “I understand that consistently meeting customer service standards is essential for maintaining customer loyalty and satisfaction, so I make sure to stay up-to-date on industry standards and customer expectations. I believe that communication and problem-solving are key elements of excellent customer service, so I always strive to be proactive in addressing customer issues. I also develop training materials and customer service protocols to ensure that everyone on the team understands the importance of high customer service standards. Additionally, I set up customer feedback systems to track customer satisfaction and make sure that our standards are always being met.”

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customer service case study questions and answers

5 mini case studies about understanding and serving the customer

Understanding What Customers Want: 5 mini case studies

This article was originally published in the MarketingSherpa email newsletter .

Mini Case Study #1: 34% increase in conversion for powdered health drink company by helping customers come to their own conclusions

A single-product company that sells high-quality, all-natural, powdered health drinks engaged MECLABS Institute to help better understand their potential customers and increase the conversion rate of prospects reaching the homepage.

The original homepage took a claims-driven approach – it provided several bold statements about what the product would do for a customer with no information about the product to help the customer understand why it would work for them. Here is a look at the upper left of the original homepage.

Creative Sample #1: Upper left of original homepage for health drink company

Creative Sample #1: Upper left of original homepage for health drink company

The MECLABS team created a version of the homepage that took a conclusion-driven approach – instead only trying to convince potential customers with only bold claims about the product, the homepage copy included information about the product to help customers understand why the product would help them.

Creative Sample #2: Upper left of treatment homepage for health drink company

Creative Sample #2: Upper left of treatment homepage for health drink company

The team tested this version as the treatment against the original homepage (the control) to help better understand what communication style customers would respond to.

The treatment generated a 34% increase in conversion rate.

This experiment highlights a classic disconnect between customers and marketers. If you work in a company or with a client, you have intimate knowledge of the product and believe in its effectiveness. You spend all day thinking about it. You personally know some of the people who designed it. Your paycheck depends on the success of the product.

A customer does not have this same understanding or belief in the product. They have a significant gap in their knowledge about your product. Bold claims alone are not enough to close that gap. They have to understand why the product will work and come to their own conclusions about the company’s ability to deliver on its promises.

You can learn more about this experiment in The Conversion Heuristic Analysis: Overcoming the prospect’s perception gap from MarketingExperiments (MarketingSherpa’s sister publication).

Mini Case Study #2: Bags company increases conversion 191% by adding clarity to homepage

“I'm the CEO of Doubletake , a tennis and pickleball bag company, but I spent the majority of my career focused on messaging and research, consulting as a strategist for top brands for the last 10 plus years, and in-house prior to that. I'm almost embarrassed that I have this example to share, but I thankfully came to my senses!,” Shawna Gwin Krasts told me.

“It is interesting that crafting messaging/copy for products that aren't ‘your baby’ is so much easier – there is just more distance to see it for what it is. If this wasn't so near and dear to my heart, I would have caught it in a second.”

The team launched its homepage with only the headline “Sports Meets Style” over a photo of a bag. The headline was meant to differentiate the brand from competitors that were either only sporty or fashionable. Below the headline was a call-to-action (CTA) button with the word “shop.”

Creative Sample #3: Previous homepage copy for bag company

Creative Sample #3: Previous homepage copy for bag company

Internally it seemed obvious that the company sells tennis and pickleball bags since a bag was in the photo.

But they came to realize that it might not be as clear to website visitors. So the team added the subhead “Gorgeous Yet Functional Tennis and Pickleball Bags.” They also added the word “bags” to the CTA so it read “shop bags.”

Creative Sample #4: New homepage copy for bag company

Creative Sample #4: New homepage copy for bag company

These simple changes increased the website's conversion rate by 191%.

“It is so important for marketers to get out of their own heads,” Krasts said. “I suppose this is why I struggle with messaging so much for Doubletake. I am the target customer – I have the answers in my head and I suppose my natural curiosity isn't as strong. But clearly, I also have to remember that I've seen my homepage 10,000 more times than my customers, which means things that seem obvious to me, like the fact that Doubletake is a tennis brand not a reseller, might not be obvious.”

Mini Case Study #3: Online motorcycle gear retailer doubles conversion with personalized emails

There are ways to better tap into what customers perceive as valuable built into certain marketing channels. Email marketing is a great example. Marketers can build off information they have on the customer to send more relevant emails with information and products the customer is more likely to value.

"Very early in my marketing career I was taught, 'You are not the target audience' and told to try to see things from my customer's perspective. Empathizing with customers is a good start towards seeing products from the customers' perspective, but marketers really need to focus on quantifiable actions that can help identify customers' needs. That means continuous testing across messaging, price points, packaging, and every other aspect of a product. This is where personalization can really shine. Every time a marketer personalizes a message, it brings them closer to their customer and closes that gap," said Gretchen Scheiman, VP of Marketing, Sailthru.

For example, 80% of the email messages RevZilla sent were generic. But the website sells motorcycle parts and gear to a wide range of riders, each with their own preference in brand and riding style. The online motorcycle gear retailer partnered with Sailthru to better connect with customer motivations. The team started by upgrading the welcome series for new customers by personalizing the email messages based on the customers’ purchases and preferences.

The company has tested and added many new triggers to the site, and now has 177 different automation journeys that include triggers for browse and cart abandonment as well as automations for different product preferences, riding styles and manufacturer preferences.

The conversion rate from personalized email is double what RevZilla was getting for generic batch-and-blast sends. Automated experiences now account for 40% of email revenue. Triggered revenue is up 22% year-over-year and site traffic from triggers has increased 128% year-over-year.

"Customizing the buyer journey isn't about one long flow, but about lots of little trigger points and tests along the way. For any marketer that is intimidated about getting started with personalization, it's important to realize that it's more like a lot of small building blocks that create a whole experience. We started with a custom welcome series using testing and built from there. We're still adding new tests and new trigger points, but it's with the same concept that we started with,” said Andrew Lim, Director of Retention Marketing, RevZilla.

Mini Case Study #4: Pet protection network increases revenue 53% thanks to survey feedback

Huan makes smart tags for pets to help owners find their pets if they go missing. Initially, the company focused on the technical features in its homepage copy. For example, the tags don’t emit harmful radiation, are water-resistant and have a replaceable one-year battery.

From customer feedback surveys, the team discovered that customers purchased the product because they were worried they wouldn’t be able to find their pet if the pet went missing. This discovery prompted the team to change its messaging.

The new messaging on the homepage read, “Keep your pet safe and prevent heartbreak. Huan Smart Tags help you find your missing pet automatically.”

Revenue increased 53% increase following the change in messaging. “We immediately saw an increase in engagement on our website, with a lower bounce rate, higher click-through rate and a higher conversion rate. There were also a few people who messaged us on social media saying how our new message resonated with them,” said Gilad Rom, Founder, Huan.

Mini Case Study #5: Talking to new customers leads SaaS to change strategy, increase sales 18%

When Chanty launched, the marketing messages focused on pricing since the Saas company is 50% less expensive than the best-known competitor. However, when the team started talking to customers, they discovered most people had switched from the competitor for different reasons – ease of use, better functionalities in the free plan, better experience with the customer support team, and a better mobile app.

The team changed its marketing to focus around these product attributes and only listed pricing in the end as an additional benefit.

“It turned out that this was the way to go because we attracted people who wanted a better experience, rather than just customers who wanted to save money. After six months of implementing this new marketing and sales strategy, our sales grew by 18%,” said Jane Kovalkova, Chief Marketing Officer, Chanty.

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Customer Service Case Studies: Real-Life Examples Of Service Scenarios.

Customer Service Case Studies

Are you looking for real-life examples of customer service scenarios that can help you improve your own customer service skills? Look no further!

In this article, we will explore a series of case studies that highlight different aspects of effective customer service. These case studies will provide you with valuable insights into how to handle challenging situations, resolve issues, and create positive experiences for your customers.

Customer service plays a crucial role in the success of any business. It is not just about answering phone calls or responding to emails; it is about building relationships and exceeding customer expectations. By studying real-life examples, you can gain a deeper understanding of the importance of effective customer service and learn strategies to enhance your own skills.

In each case study, we will delve into different scenarios and examine how businesses successfully handled them. From resolving product quality issues to dealing with difficult customers, these case studies will showcase various approaches and solutions that you can apply in your own work.

Get ready to dive into these insightful stories that demonstrate the power of exceptional customer service!

Table of Contents

Key Takeaways

  • Effective customer service is crucial for the success of a business.
  • Empathy and proactive customer service are essential aspects of providing excellent customer service.
  • Prompt resolution of product quality issues, with notification and compensation for affected customers, helps maintain customer satisfaction and loyalty.
  • Handling difficult customers with a calm and empathetic approach, offering alternatives, and empowering them to make choices can build trust and loyalty.

The Importance of Effective Customer Service

You can’t underestimate the impact of great customer service – it’s like a warm cup of coffee on a chilly morning, instantly making you feel valued and appreciated.

In today’s competitive business landscape, providing effective customer service is more important than ever. Customers have numerous options at their fingertips, and one bad experience can send them running to your competitors. That’s why empathy plays a crucial role in customer service.

When customers feel understood and cared for, they’re more likely to become loyal advocates for your brand. Empathy is the ability to understand and share the feelings of others. In customer service, this means putting yourself in the shoes of your customers and genuinely listening to their concerns.

By showing empathy, you demonstrate that you value their emotions and are committed to finding a solution that meets their needs. This not only helps resolve issues effectively but also builds trust and strengthens the relationship with your customers.

Proactive customer service is another essential aspect of providing exceptional support. Instead of waiting for customers to come to you with problems or complaints, proactive customer service involves anticipating their needs and addressing any potential issues before they arise.

This approach shows that you’re dedicated to delivering an outstanding experience from start to finish. By taking the initiative, you can prevent problems from escalating and create positive interactions that leave a lasting impression on your customers.

The importance of effective customer service cannot be overstated. Empathy allows you to connect with your customers on a deeper level by understanding their emotions and concerns. Proactive customer service demonstrates your commitment to going above and beyond expectations by anticipating needs before they become problems.

By prioritizing these aspects in your approach to customer service, you can foster loyalty, build strong relationships with customers, and ultimately drive success for your business.

Case Study 1: Resolving a Product Quality Issue

Resolving a product quality issue can be challenging, but did you know that 86% of customers are more likely to repurchase from a company that resolves their complaint? When faced with a product quality issue, it’s important for companies to take immediate action and address the problem effectively.

One notable case study involves a product recall due to safety concerns. The company promptly notified customers about the recall through multiple channels such as email, social media, and website announcements. This proactive approach not only ensured customer safety but also demonstrated the company’s commitment to resolving the issue.

To further enhance customer satisfaction during this challenging time, the company offered compensation to affected customers. The compensation included a full refund for the recalled product as well as additional discounts on future purchases. By going above and beyond in compensating their customers, the company not only mitigated any potential negative feelings but also showed genuine concern for their customers’ wellbeing.

In addition to addressing individual complaints, the company took steps towards preventing similar issues in the future. They implemented stricter quality control measures throughout their production process and conducted thorough inspections before releasing any products into the market. This proactive approach reassured customers that their concerns were taken seriously and instilled confidence in the brand’s commitment to delivering high-quality products.

By resolving a product quality issue promptly and ensuring customer satisfaction through compensation and preventive measures, companies can not only retain existing customers but also build trust with new ones. It’s crucial for businesses to recognize that effective customer service goes beyond simply resolving complaints; it requires taking responsibility for failures, implementing meaningful solutions, and continuously improving processes to prevent similar issues from arising again in the future.

Case Study 2: Handling a Difficult Customer

Navigating through challenging interactions with clients can be a test of your company’s ability to handle difficult situations. Dealing with angry customers requires a delicate balance of empathy, patience, and problem-solving skills.

One real-life example of a company successfully managing a difficult situation involved an irate customer who had received a damaged product.

In this case, the customer contacted the company’s customer service department immediately after receiving the damaged product. The representative on the phone remained calm and empathetic throughout the conversation, acknowledging the customer’s frustration. They apologized sincerely for any inconvenience caused and assured the customer that they would resolve the issue promptly.

The representative then offered several options to address the problem, including sending a replacement or providing a refund. By presenting these alternatives, they empowered the customer to choose what solution best suited their needs. This approach helped defuse tension and created an atmosphere of collaboration rather than confrontation.

Ultimately, by effectively managing this difficult situation and prioritizing customer satisfaction, the company not only resolved the issue but also built trust and loyalty with their client base.

Case Study 3: Going Above and Beyond for a Customer

Exceeding expectations and leaving a lasting impression, one company went the extra mile to ensure a memorable experience for a dissatisfied client. The customer, let’s call her Sarah, had purchased a high-end laptop from this company but encountered numerous technical issues soon after receiving it. Frustrated with the product’s performance and the lack of support she received initially, Sarah reached out to the company’s customer service department for assistance.

To address Sarah’s concerns promptly, the customer service representative assigned to her case took immediate action. Recognizing that resolving her technical issues alone would not suffice in restoring Sarah’s trust and satisfaction, they decided to go above and beyond what was expected. The representative personally followed up with Sarah daily to provide updates on their progress in fixing her laptop. They also offered additional compensation for the inconvenience caused by sending her a complimentary accessory package.

In addition to their exceptional level of communication, this company created a personalized experience for Sarah through small gestures that left an indelible mark on her overall perception of their brand. One example was when they surprised her by upgrading her laptop’s warranty without any additional cost. This unexpected act not only demonstrated their commitment to providing quality products but also highlighted their dedication towards ensuring customer satisfaction.

By going above and beyond in addressing Sarah’s concerns and surpassing her expectations at every turn, this company exemplified outstanding customer service. Their proactive approach not only resolved technical issues efficiently but also left a lasting impression on Sarah concerning how much they valued her as a loyal customer. Through personalized attention, generous compensation, and unexpected upgrades, they not only ensured Sarah’s satisfaction but also fostered a long-term relationship based on trust and loyalty. This case study serves as a powerful reminder that going the extra mile can make all the difference in customer satisfaction and retention.

Case Study 4: Turning a Negative Review into a Positive Experience

If your business has ever received negative feedback, it’s important to know how to turn that experience into a positive one.

In this case study, we will explore how a business addressed a customer’s concerns and transformed their perception from negative to positive.

By taking the necessary steps and going above and beyond, the business not only resolved the issue but also improved their reputation in the process.

The negative feedback received by the business

Despite your best efforts, your business was bombarded with a barrage of scathing feedback that left you reeling. Customers expressed their dissatisfaction with the quality of your products and the poor customer service they received.

These negative reviews not only affected customer retention but also posed a threat to your brand reputation. The negative feedback highlighted areas where improvements were needed. It pointed out flaws in your product design, manufacturing processes, and communication channels.

While it may be disheartening to receive such criticism, it presents an opportunity for you to address these issues and enhance the overall customer experience. By acknowledging the shortcomings and taking immediate action to rectify them, you can regain customers’ trust and loyalty while rebuilding your brand’s reputation.

The steps taken to address the customer’s concerns

After receiving the negative feedback, we quickly took action to address the customer’s concerns and improve our products and services. We understand that addressing customer complaints is essential for maintaining a positive reputation and ensuring customer satisfaction.

Our first step was to reach out to the customer directly, expressing our apologies for any inconvenience caused and assuring them that their concerns were being taken seriously.

To resolve the customer’s issues, we implemented a thorough investigation into the matter. This involved examining the specific details of their complaint, evaluating our internal processes, and identifying any areas where improvements could be made. By conducting this analysis, we were able to pinpoint the root cause of the problem and develop an effective solution.

Once we identified areas for improvement, we promptly made necessary changes to prevent similar issues from occurring in the future. This included updating our training programs for staff members involved in customer service interactions and enhancing quality control measures throughout our production process. We also communicated these updates transparently with all relevant stakeholders to ensure everyone understood our commitment to resolving customer issues.

Addressing customer complaints is not just about solving individual problems; it is about continuously improving our overall products and services. By taking immediate action upon receiving negative feedback, we demonstrate our dedication to providing exceptional experiences for every customer.

We remain committed to resolving any issues promptly while striving to exceed expectations in delivering high-quality products and top-notch service.

The transformation of the customer’s perception and improved reputation

Now that the steps have been taken to address the customer’s concerns, let’s discuss the transformation of their perception and the improved reputation of your business.

By promptly addressing the customer’s issues and providing a satisfactory resolution, you’ve demonstrated your commitment to customer satisfaction. This level of responsiveness not only resolves the immediate problem but also leaves a lasting impression on the customer.

As a result, their perception of your brand is likely to improve significantly. They’ll appreciate your willingness to listen, understand, and take action to rectify any issues they may have faced. This positive experience can lead to increased brand loyalty as customers recognize that you value their feedback and are committed to delivering exceptional service.

To further enhance customer satisfaction and foster brand loyalty, consider implementing these strategies:

  • Personalized follow-up: Reach out to customers after resolving their concerns with personalized messages or phone calls. This gesture shows that you genuinely care about their experience and want to ensure their ongoing satisfaction.
  • Proactive communication: Keep customers informed about any changes or improvements related to the issue they encountered. Sharing updates showcases transparency and builds trust in your ability to continuously improve.
  • Loyalty rewards program: Offer incentives or exclusive benefits for loyal customers who continue choosing your brand despite any initial challenges they may have faced. Rewarding their loyalty encourages repeat business and strengthens long-term relationships.

By investing in improving customer satisfaction and building brand loyalty, you can create a positive reputation for your business while fostering long-term success in an increasingly competitive market.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the key elements of effective customer service.

Effective customer service requires several key elements.

One interesting statistic is that 86% of customers are willing to pay more for a better customer experience. This highlights the importance of providing exceptional service.

Effective communication plays a crucial role in customer service as it allows you to understand the needs and concerns of your customers, while also conveying information clearly and concisely.

Empathy and understanding are equally important, as they enable you to connect with customers on an emotional level, showing them that their satisfaction is your top priority.

By incorporating these elements into your customer service approach, you can create positive experiences that leave a lasting impression on your customers.

How can companies measure the success of their customer service efforts?

To measure the success of your customer service efforts, you can utilize various customer satisfaction metrics and conduct thorough customer feedback analysis.

Customer satisfaction metrics, such as Net Promoter Score (NPS) or Customer Effort Score (CES), provide valuable insights into how satisfied your customers are with the service they received. These metrics allow you to quantify customer sentiment and identify areas for improvement.

Additionally, analyzing customer feedback through surveys or social media monitoring enables you to understand specific pain points and address them proactively.

By consistently measuring these indicators and taking action based on the results, you can continuously enhance your customer service performance and ensure a positive experience for your customers.

What are some common challenges faced by customer service representatives?

Handling difficult customers and managing high call volumes can be incredibly challenging for customer service representatives. Dealing with irate customers can feel like trying to calm a hurricane with a feather, as their frustrations can reach astronomical levels. It requires an extraordinary level of patience and empathy to navigate through their anger and find a resolution that satisfies both parties.

Additionally, managing high call volumes can feel like juggling flaming swords while walking on a tightrope. The constant influx of calls puts immense pressure on representatives to provide quick and efficient assistance without compromising the quality of service.

However, despite these Herculean tasks, customer service representatives rise above the challenges by employing exceptional communication skills, problem-solving abilities, and an unwavering commitment to customer satisfaction.

How can companies improve their customer service skills and knowledge?

To improve their customer service skills and knowledge, companies should invest in comprehensive training programs that provide employees with the necessary tools and techniques to handle different scenarios. These programs can include modules on effective communication, problem-solving, and empathy to ensure that representatives are equipped to handle any customer interactions.

Additionally, implementing feedback systems that allow customers to provide their input and suggestions can also be beneficial. This feedback can help identify areas for improvement and enable companies to make necessary adjustments in their processes or training programs.

By prioritizing ongoing training initiatives and actively seeking customer feedback, companies can continually enhance their customer service skills and knowledge, leading to improved overall customer satisfaction levels.

What are some best practices for handling customer complaints and resolving issues?

When it comes to handling customer complaints and resolving issues, think of yourself as a skilled navigator guiding a ship through stormy waters. Customer feedback is like the wind, sometimes gentle and other times fierce, but always pushing you towards improvement.

Conflict resolution is your compass, helping you find the right path to address concerns and turn unhappy customers into satisfied ones. Actively listen to their grievances, empathize with their frustrations, and offer swift solutions that demonstrate your commitment to their satisfaction.

By taking ownership of the problem and going above and beyond to resolve it, you can transform a dissatisfied customer into a loyal advocate for your brand.

In conclusion, effective customer service is crucial for businesses to thrive in today’s competitive market. As demonstrated by the case studies discussed, handling product quality issues, difficult customers, and negative reviews with empathy and proactive solutions can turn potentially negative experiences into positive ones.

One interesting statistic that highlights the impact of great customer service is that 86% of consumers are willing to pay more for a better customer experience (Source: PwC). This statistic evokes an emotional response as it emphasizes the value customers place on exceptional service. By investing in providing top-notch customer service, businesses not only create loyal customers but also have the potential to increase their revenue.

To ensure success in customer service scenarios, it is essential for businesses to empower their employees with proper training and resources. By equipping them with problem-solving skills, effective communication techniques, and a genuine desire to help customers, companies can build strong relationships and foster trust. Additionally, embracing technology solutions such as AI-powered chatbots or self-service options can streamline processes and provide faster resolutions.

In summary, delivering exceptional customer service requires a proactive approach that focuses on resolving issues promptly while exceeding expectations. By prioritizing the needs of customers and going above and beyond to provide personalized solutions, businesses can create memorable experiences that result in increased customer satisfaction and loyalty. Remember, investing in superior customer service is not just about satisfying your current customers; it’s about attracting new ones who’re willing to pay more for an outstanding experience.

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The eSoft Editorial Team, a blend of experienced professionals, leaders, and academics, specializes in soft skills, leadership, management, and personal and professional development. Committed to delivering thoroughly researched, high-quality, and reliable content, they abide by strict editorial guidelines ensuring accuracy and currency. Each article crafted is not merely informative but serves as a catalyst for growth, empowering individuals and organizations. As enablers, their trusted insights shape the leaders and organizations of tomorrow.

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23 Case Study Questions Every Marketer Should Ask

Template: 23 Case Study Questions Every Marketer Should Ask

December 16, 2022

By Joe Gillespie

Case studies offer one of the most powerful types of content in the inbound marketer’s toolbox.

When done right—with descriptive storytelling and a powerful visual presentation—a case study can deliver a clinching message to leads in the decision stage of the buyer’s journey . Prospects who already know they need a solution to their problems read the case study and see how your company has helped others, which nudges them closer to becoming customers.

That said, case studies are a different animal from other inbound marketing content, such as blogs , e-books, pillar pages, and infographics. Most content in the awareness and consideration stages of the buyer’s journey doesn’t self-promote much but, instead, simply gives the reader information. The decision stage, however, is a chance to persuade leads that your solution is their best option. 

Shifting gears usually isn’t much of a problem for marketers, but switching to the case study format can be. The process is more journalistic—you conduct interviews, gather information, and weave a narrative—and that can be daunting for someone more accustomed to blogging than article writing.

Don’t stress out: Case studies aren’t difficult if you take your time, are diligent about gathering information and writing the content, and ask the right questions. And we can help with the questions! Below are 23 to ask when conducting the interviews.

Case Study Questions to Ask Your Project Manager

Usually, you will interview someone at your company—maybe a project manager, salesperson, client manager, customer liaison, or other colleague who deals with customers—who worked with the client you are profiling for the case study. 

Often, this interview will occur first and give you a good launching point for subsequent interviews with the customer’s representatives. You might already know the answers, but ask these questions anyway. You may get a deeper explanation from your interview subject and something quotable you can use in the case study.

(Note: I’m using product , solution , and service interchangeably throughout these case study questions; simply use the term that best applies to your company during the actual interviews.)

  • What initial challenges did you encounter with the client that could be overcome with our product? This question is good to establish what problem the customer was experiencing and how your organization was poised to help.
  • What process did you follow during implementation? Again, this may be obvious to you but is worth hearing from the PM. A little bit of process info in your case study can go a long way toward showing leads how you, step by step, can help solve their problem.
  • What roadblocks for implementation did you help the client overcome? Highlighting how you assisted shows that no matter how messy a customer’s status with its previous solution is, you are positioned to overcome the hurdles that get in the way.
  • How have we helped the client since implementation/introduction? Some customers are good to go after your solution is implemented, but others rely on additional support—be sure to find out what that support entails.
  • What kind of success did the client enjoy with our product? Results, results, results!
  • Did we go above and beyond with our service? If the answer to this is no, that’s OK, and perhaps you don’t want to set unreasonable expectations—even if you did go above and beyond—with the case study, which is also fine. That said, showing how you went the extra mile or were unusually innovative stands out to readers looking for a company that will take care of its customers.

Template: 23 Case Study Questions Every Marketer Should Ask

Case Study Questions to Ask the Client

If a client has agreed to be the subject of a case study, they obviously are happy with the service you provided. Take advantage of this enthusiasm by asking open-ended questions and letting your interviewee gush about your organization and your solution.

Some of the case study questions listed here may seem redundant to the ones you asked internally, but ask them anyway. You want both perspectives, and often, the best quotes you hear and use will be from the client.

  • Can you give a brief description of your company? If you aren’t familiar with the client, ask for some basic background. Yes, you usually can find such information online, but this is a good icebreaker to get the interviewee talking.
  • How did you first hear about our service? If the client learned about you via other case studies or articles in outside publications or websites—or they simply knew about you by reputation or word of mouth—you definitely want to include that in the case study. For the reader, this info strengthens your industry presence and thought leadership. This question is also a good lead-in to learn about how the deal between the client and your company was finalized.
  • What challenges/problems necessitated a change? Listen carefully to the answer to this question. Ideally, the challenges and problems the client was facing are exactly what your organization’s product addresses.
  • What trends in your industry drove the need to use our product?
  • What were you looking for in a solution?
  • What made our solution stand out over others that you researched? Ideally, you want the interviewee to say how great your product is. This and other questions lead them to be your greatest advocate.
  • What feature of our product was most appealing?
  • How did you implement/introduce our solution? The rollout, and the steps taken to get to that point, can make or break the success of the solution. Ideally, the client will say the process was seamless and that your product and team were the reasons for such ease.
  • How did our team help with implementation?
  • What was the initial reaction to our product? In other words, how did the client’s users and customers accept and utilize the solution?
  • How has our solution helped since implementation? Dig into the success realized by your product. This is important because it provides the basis of the case study: “X Company Used Our Solution and Achieved X Hundred Percent Growth.”
  • Has this solution saved money and/or increased productivity?
  • Can you share any metrics/KPIs that show the success you have enjoyed with our service? The more hard numbers, the better.
  • What have you been most impressed with? Here’s another chance for the client to gush.
  • What surprised you about us? Hopefully, the customer will share the positive unexpected—things that make you stand out amid the competition.
  • What plans do you have to use our solution in the future? After initial success, many companies expand the use of a product, either to more people or additional applications. This info is also important to include in the case study because it shows that the client is not only sticking with your product but also using it to foster more growth and productivity.
  • Is there anything else we should know? If you’ve been thorough, the answer to this is likely no, but the question still offers a chance for the interviewee to conclude.

A case study is a wonderful inbound marketing opportunity for your organization. Ask these questions, and use the answers to write a case study that helps your product and your company shine in the eyes of leads.

This blog was originally published on 2017 and has been updated since. 


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About the author

Joe Gillespie is Director of Inbound Copy for SmartBug Media. He graduated from Marquette University with a B.A. in journalism and, before coming to SmartBug, was a two-decade veteran of the newspaper industry. Read more articles by Joe Gillespie .

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