cross industry transfer map assignment submission

Cross-industry transfer map

1. Select or come up with an innovation challenge 2. Choose an innovative company (preferably one that one of the participants has experience with!) 3. List the unique ways this organisation operates focus on the ‘HOW’ (write them on post-its) 4. After about 7-10 items, select 2 or 3 ‘cool’ items (post-its) and transfer them to the right side 5. Past another color post-it over the items (post-its) on the right side 6. And do ‘copy-adapt-paste’ on the selected insight 7. If additional ideas come up, write them down too!

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Knowledge transition: a conceptual model of knowledge transfer for cross-industry innovation.

  • Hilda Bø Lyng  and 
  • Eric Christian Brun

Department of Safety, Economics and Planning, Faculty of Science and Technology, University of Stavanger, N-4036 Stavanger, Norway

E-mail Address: [email protected]

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There is a gap in research literature between cross-industry innovation (CII), knowledge transfer, and relational proximities. In this study, we analyze contributions from these three streams of literature and an empirical case of CII, and propose a conceptual model for knowledge transfer in CII, which also incorporates the influences of proximities. The focus of our study is on CII from the petroleum industry to the medical industry. Theoretical and practical implications are discussed in the paper.

  • Knowledge transfer
  • cross-industry innovation
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  • HILDA B. LYNG  and 
  • Wagner Cezar Lucato , 
  • Ariane Gaiola de Oliveira Sanches , and 
  • Renato Logiudice


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Received 30 January 2017 Accepted 26 July 2017 Published: 20 June 2018

+25 inspiring examples of cross-industry innovation in action

Cross-industry innovation is a clever way to jump-start your innovation efforts by drawing analogies and transferring approaches between contexts, beyond the borders of your own industry, sector, area or domain. These analogies can be drawn at various levels, from products to services, to processes, to strategies, to business models, to culture and leadership. If you want custom support or a report for your business/sector/area, just contact us!

Restaurant meets airport

This ‘take what you want’ Shushi bar uses the baggage carousel system from airports.

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A bank that buys the rights to broadcast soccer games via their mobile banking app. That would have sound like the craziest idea in the world a couple of years ago. Today, it may be a smart move to reward existing customer and to find new customers.

KBC wants to offer soccer fans that don’t have the time to watch full games a user friendly solution to follow their favorite team(s). All goals and other highlights will be pushed in real time to fans their mobile phones during the game. It allows you to follow the game in real time without watching every single minute of it." (read the article by Steven van Belleghem)

Your Guide to Making a Cross-Industry Move

When browsing through job descriptions, it’s easy to get the impression that many fields are incredibly siloed. Finance organizations all seem to want finance experience, while the technology sector seeks candidates from similar technology companies. It begins to look a bit like competing companies are just shuffling talent around between one another – and in a lot of ways that’s exactly what they’re doing. However, there exists a great opportunity to grow your career cross-industry. You may have somewhat of an uphill battle as you attempt to transition your role to a new industry, but with the tips below your move will be far easier.

1. Play up your likenesses, diminish your differences

Most organizations prefer to hire from within the industry specifically because the candidates that they bring in are guaranteed to have some legacy knowledge about their business. However, if you’re looking to make a cross-industry move, you can help to bridge the gap by highlighting the similarities between your current industry and the one you’re looking to move into. For instance, both the pharmaceutical and finance industries are heavily regulated and rather compliance-driven, which makes a move between these industries a bit easier. If the organization you’re courting is in an industry where security is paramount, make sure your resume and your interview answers play up your relevant experience in that field.

2. Be vocal about your objectives

One of the most attractive things to a hiring authority is a candidate who truly wants the job. For this reason, it will serve you well to speak early and often about what excites you about their business. Don’t be afraid to share with the hiring manager that you are actively seeking to break into a new industry. Companies like to hire candidates who want the job, so there is no sense in acting aloof in this case. Bring your enthusiasm for the new industry to the table and be prepared to speak as to why you want to make that move.

3. Take the initiative outside of work

The fact of the matter is that some industry barriers exist for a reason. For instance, specific tools are often only employed by select industries. While you may be certain that you could easily pick up new technologies, the fact remains that you will likely lose out on a position if there is a candidate who already knows the ropes and requires less training. You can help close the gap by taking the initiative to learn new skills that your current industry just doesn’t give you exposure to. Take a look at relevant cross-industry job descriptions. Is there a job-specific tool that comes up time and time again? If so, you’ll give yourself a huge advantage in the market if you are willing to learn it. You may even want to get certified in its use, to show off your skills and your commitment.

4. Preparation is key

As an industry outsider, you simply lack a lot of insider knowledge that others who’ve spent their careers in that specific job have gained. For this reason, you should expect to prepare harder than other candidates if you want to get the job. Read articles from outside of your industry, do your homework about potential employers, and most importantly don’t give up. You might knock it out of the park on your first outside-industry interview, but you might not. Even if you don’t make the industry leap the first time around, you will gain invaluable insight into what you need to successfully transition. Pay attention to the interview questions you are asked, the specific tools that are mentioned, and the skillsets that are requested. If you don’t have something they’re looking for, seek it out before your next interview. Part of preparing to make a cross-industry move is learning what’s expected of you in a different industry, so take advantage of the interview process as the great tool that it is for preparing you for the next stage in your career.

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Unleashing Beyond-belief Banking Leveraging 5G and the Digital Trinity

Ponmeena shankar kannan kanagaraj.

Business Relationship Manager, BFSI, TCS

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Leveraging ecosystem banking models to deliver improved value for customers

The pace of business transformation will accelerate with the rollout of the 5G network added to the rise of the digital trinity – AI, big data, and cloud. This combination will allow banks to seamlessly connect with insurance, travel, and hospitality partners and facilitate the development of ecosystem banking models. Cross-industry collaboration can help banks offer a more personalized customer experience and deliver ‘beyond-belief’ banking solutions.

Banks will need to create an overarching technology-led and data-driven strategy considering some critical aspects:

  • Digital customer onboarding and engagement: Digitalize channels with enhanced data collection capabilities
  • Customer data and analytics: Adoption of data analytics to identify evolving customer expectations
  • Data privacy and secure data transmission: Secure cloud data lakes to manage the abundance of data
  • Seamless customer service for sophisticated customer experience : Deployment of conversational bots, digital assistants, and voice chats

About the author

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New Compliance Obligations for Cross-Border Data Transfers

For several years, cross-border data transfers functioned similar to airport security checks for international travel, with the Privacy Shield operating as a fast check-in lane. After the European Union (EU) Court invalidated the Privacy Shield in July 2020 ( Schrems II decision), EU-U.S. data transfers faced greater uncertainties. While other mechanisms existed, Privacy Shield was a common compliance tool. Given the inability to utilize the Privacy Shield concept, the EU introduced an update to an alternative mechanism, new standard contractual clauses (New SCC), which replace the 2010 version and facilitate post- Schrems II cross-border data transfers. Beginning September 27, 2021, most organizations will need to amend their commercial agreements with the New SCC for transatlantic data transfer. These new processes will add significant compliance obligations for customers and vendors to assess, document, and implement to ensure additional safeguards for protecting EU personal data.

Why the EU Invalidated the Privacy Shield

Before July 2020, more than 5,000 companies transferred EU personal data to the U.S. through the Privacy Shield framework approved by the U.S. and the EU. For 15 months following the Schrems II decision, companies have been struggling with this "Suez Canal moment" that places severe hurdles for transatlantic data transfer. Similar to the Evergreen container ship's accidental blockage of the Suez Canal in 2021, the impasse in cross-border data transfer jeopardizes EU-U.S. trade at an estimated $1 trillion per year.

The EU-U.S. friction over cross-border data transfer arises because of their differing approaches in privacy and data protection: while the U.S. considers data privacy important, the EU sees it as inalienable and sacred. Edward Snowden's revelation about U.S. surveillance programs further demonstrated that the U.S. federal government can compel companies such as Facebook to turn over EU residents' data. In response, the EU court found that U.S. laws undermine the protections of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). The court noted in its opinion that U.S. national security laws do not afford individuals sufficient rights when their personal data is intercepted by U.S. intelligence agencies. 

Options for Cross-Border Data Transfers

U.S. organizations must undergo a thorough case-by-case assessment of cross-border data transfers, known as a transfer impact assessment (TIA). Other options are binding corporate rules (BCR), however these are generally not favored by most organizations.

When to Amend Existing Agreements with the New SCC

For contracts signed before September 27, 2021 under the old SCC, companies have until December 27, 2022 to amend with the New SCC. The New SCC comes in one document with four separate cross-border transfer scenarios or modules:

  • Controller to controller,
  • Controller to processor,
  • Processor to processor, and
  • Processor to controller.

A business must select the applicable module before initiating the transfer based on the executed New SCC. A key step for the TIA outlined below is that the business must also adopt supplementary measures, in addition to the New SCC, to provide GDPR-equivalent data protection to EU residents. 

The Six Steps for a Transfer Impact Assessment

The European Data Protection Board (EDPB), the EU body responsible for GDPR implementation, directed businesses exporting EU personal data to the U.S. perform the following six-step assessment:

Step 1: Perform data mapping for cross-border data transfer.

Step 2: Identify appropriate transfer tools, i.e., the New SCC or a few other mechanisms.

Step 3: Assess whether the GDPR will be undermined under any laws and/or practices in the third country (i.e., the U.S.) that are applicable to the specific data being transferred based on relevant, objective, and publicly available information.

Step 4: Identify and adopt appropriate contractual, technical, and organizational measures (supplementary measures) if the third country's laws lack GDPR-equivalent protection.

Step 5: Take formal procedural steps to adopt supplementary measures.

Step 6: Re-evaluate at appropriate intervals the protection afforded to the EU personal data transferred.

cross industry transfer map assignment submission

Whether organizations choose the New SCC or other transfer tools for cross-border transfers, they should involve their data privacy counsel to conduct the six-step TIA mandated by the EDPB.

The good news is an organization does not need to repeat the assessment every time it transfers the same specific categories of personal data to the same country outside the EU. For example, if a company regularly transfers to the U.S. a dataset with EU residents' names, emails, and job titles, the company must complete and document a TIA specific to transferring this type of dataset to the U.S. in order to comply with the EDPB guidelines. For this specific scenario, the company can rely on the documented TIA without repeating the same process each time it transfers the data, subject to the following conditions:

  • The transfer involves the same specific type of data from the EU to the same third party, i.e., the U.S. in this case,
  • It continues to implement the necessary supplementary measures, and
  • It re-evaluates and monitors the level of data protection afforded to this specific dataset by keeping continuous vigilance of the third country laws and practices.

Similar to the 2021 Suez Canal blockage that disrupted global trade, companies will feel the rippling impacts of the Schrems II decision as they operationalize and implement the New SCC. Most U.S. organizations will now need to rely on the New SCC as the primary tool for cross-border transfers. The New SCC provides a mechanism to facilitate trade, while imposing complex, ongoing contractual obligations for data protection. All organizations should thoroughly review the terms and implement supplementary measures, or risk cross-border data transfers on tenuous grounds.

If you have any questions about cross-border transfers or any other privacy matters, please contact Vivien F. Peaden , CIPP/US, CIPP/E, CIPM or any member of Baker Donelson's Data Protection, Privacy, and Cybersecurity Practice Team .

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