1. [Critical Thinking] Vagueness and Ambiguity by Ben Matthews on Prezi

    critical thinking errors

  2. 9 common thinking errors

    critical thinking errors

  3. blaming thinking errors

    critical thinking errors

  4. 10 Errors In Critical Thinking

    critical thinking errors

  5. Thinking Errors by Pilar Rodriguez on Prezi

    critical thinking errors

  6. PPT

    critical thinking errors


  1. Neil deGrasse Tyson: Confirmation Bias 🧐🤔 #shortspeeches #shorts

  2. How Mind Errors Impact our Decisions: Cognitive Biases Explained

  3. Unmasking Cognitive Biases: How Your Mind Playing Tricks on YOU?

  4. Critical Thinking: an introduction (1/8)

  5. Cognitive Distortions or Thinking Error and It's Types Psychology/Urdu/Hindi

  6. EPICTETUS Reveals the Shocking TRUTH About Common CRITICAL THINKING Mistakes


  1. 17 Common Thinking Errors: How to Identify and Replace Them

    17 Common Thinking Errors 1. All or Nothing Thinking. Right/Wrong Thinking; Black/White; Good/Bad; Absolute or Extreme Categories; Desire for perfection; Can leave us feeling trapped, helpless, or lack choices and compromise; Examples: “I completely failed my interview.” “He’s disgusting.” 2. Magnification/Minimization