More about our PhD Program and our Research Associates Program

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  • PhD Program


The Berlin School of Economics PhD Program provides outstanding doctoral students with a vibrant, intensively networked research community. The program develops the students’ talents in a unique combination of a high-level, academic research environment together with applied, policy-oriented research opportunities. Students receive state-of-the-art coursework training and can select from a wide array of specializations. For each specialization, a professional research environment is provided by Berlin’s universities and economic research institutes.

How to apply

Course catalog

Program structure and curriculum

All PhD tracks offered in the PhD Program share the same structure and general curriculum. The program’s curriculum is divided into a qualification and a dissertation phase:

Qualification Phase

During the qualification phase (about three semesters), students acquire methodological and research-oriented training in mandatory course work in economic theory, applied economics, business studies, econometrics, and economic policy. Students define their research area and find supervisory support from two supervisors. They write research proposals that are discussed with faculty members individually and in seminars in order to provide early feedback on the scientific potential of research ideas. This is a central part of the PhD Program, in which the students have full flexibility in the choice of their research topics and of the supervisors. During this phase, students are funded through stipends that allow for this flexibility. In total, students have to complete a  minimum of 90 ECTS credits  in order to finish the qualification phase of the program.

Dissertation Phase

During the subsequent dissertation phase (about three years), students write a doctoral thesis while having the opportunity to apply their knowledge in the professional research environment that is provided at the Berlin universities and research institutes participating in the Berlin School of Economics. In this phase, students are typically employed at their supervisor’s chair or in research groups at research institutes.

The PhD will be awarded by one of the institutions in the Berlin School of Economics with the right to award doctoral degrees. In most cases, the PhD is awarded by the institution the student’s first supervisor is affiliated with.

The following chart gives an overview of the general structure of the PhD Program:

Application to one of the four PhD tracks

(semesters 1 - 3)

(semesters 4 - 10)
Hand-in and defense of the thesis

university berlin phd

Researchers Guide

This guide includes academic advices from the researchers of the Berlin School of Economics.

Special thanks to the INSIGHTS Team, researchers of Berlin School of Economics, Agne Kajackaite, Aleks Zaklan, Alexander Kriwoluzky, Ally Xin Lin, Annekatrin Schrenker, C. Katharina Spieß, Christian Basteck, Ciril Bosch-Rosa, Dorothea Kübler, Francis de Véricourt, Georg Weizsäcker, Gyula Seres, Hande Erkut, Hannes Ullrich, Jana Hamdan, Levent Neyse, Lisa Bruttel, Lutz Weinke, Mira Fischer, Müge Süer, Nikolaus Wolf, Peter Haan, Robert Stüber, Sebastian Schweighofer-Kodritsch, Simone Maxand, Vincent Meisner, and Pablo Brañas-Garza.

You can download the web version

or print the printable version

Also note the compiled information on our website about support and resources, for example Mental Health.

Qualification phase
(year 1 & 2)
45 ECTS in total
45 ECTS in total
Dissertation phase
(year 3 - 5)
Hand-in and defense of the thesis, placement

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Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Humboldt Graduate School

Structured doctoral programs.

Participating in a doctoral program at Humboldt Graduate School means having the opportunity to earn your doctoral degree in the inspiring interdisciplinary and international atmosphere of our excellent doctoral programs. You conduct your research in a group with colleagues from your area of research, with whom you regularly have the opportunity to share experiences, exchange views and give and receive support. Your thesis work will be intensively monitored and supported by leading faculty, so that you can successfully complete your degree within three years.

You also receive scientific instruction in your area of research. Humboldt Graduate School provides you with trainings in basic competencies relevant to your thesis, such as writing and methods, and supports you in administrative questions.

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  • Mitteilungen der BGSS / HCSP

Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Department of Social Sciences - Berlin Graduate School of Social Science

Berlin graduate school of social sciences.


The graduate school´s mission is to train and promote doctoral researchers from Germany and abroad/the world for both scientific and professional careers. Doctoral researchers who participate in the training structure of the BGSS International Doctoral Program complete their doctoral degrees in either Sociology or Political Sciences. The degree is awarded by Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences of Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin.

BGSS has been funded by the Excellence Initiative of the German Federal and State Governments via the German Research Association from 2007 - 2014.

Starting from October 2020 applications for BGSS are seeked for on an ongoing basis .

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university berlin phd

"I am part of an incredible research group and I'm able to attend all the events that are constantly happening at the universities or other institutions, while getting to travel around the world for regular conferences and workshops. Due to this wonderful mix of activities I get to grow more and more academically and personally."

/// Sofía Garzón, Colombia, Berlin Mathematical School - BMS

university berlin phd

„Berlin offers an excellent environment for my doctoral studies in the history of ancient Israel, providing access to renowned experts in the field and fostering interdisciplinary collaboration for a comprehensive exploration of the subject.“

/// Jonathan Böhm, Germany, Berlin Graduate School of Ancient Studies

university berlin phd

“The foundation of my research lies in the seamless collaboration of diverse disciplines. The Berlin Graduate School of Ancient Studies not only provides me with a comprehensive platform to embark on my PhD journey, but also offers me invaluable opportunities to foster interdisciplinary perspectives.”

/// Lu Tian, China, Berliner Antike-Kolleg


The capital region of Germany is the place to be for

Doctoral researchers:.

Five universities offer doctoral programs with excellent funding opportunities and join forces with outstanding non-university research institutions to generate a unique, vibrant academic environment.

This website will give you an insight into what the Berlin area has in store in all disciplines, ranging from ancient history to astrophysics – browse and be inspired!

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Klick here if you wish to browse through relevant disciplines.

Doctoral Programs

university berlin phd

The Literary and Epistemic History of Small Forms

/// Humanities, Languages and literature

Logo of the Berlin School of Integrative Oncology

Berlin School of Integrative Oncology

/// Berlin School of Integrative Oncology, BSIO, Cancer

Logo of the Berlin School of Mind and Brain

Berlin School of Mind and Brain

/// Berlin School of Mind and Brain, mind sciences, brain sciences, linguistics

university berlin phd

Berlin School for Regenerative Therapies

/// Berlin-Brandenburg School for Regenerative Therapies, BSRT, endogenous tissue...

university berlin phd

Bernstein Center for Computational Neuroscience

/// Bernstein Center for Computational Neuroscience, BCNN Berlin, brain

Logo of the Doctoral Program Clinical Exercise Science

Clinical Exercise Science

/// exercise, prevention and rehabilitation

university berlin phd

Biomedical Sciences (DRS)

/// life sciences, infectious diseases

Logo of the Hertie School of Governance

Hertie School of Governance

/// Governance, social science

Logo of the International Doctorate for Experimental Approaches to Language And Brain

International Doctorate for Experimental Approaches to Language And Brain

/// Erasmus Mundus, laboratory-based, language, brain

Logo of the MDC-NYU PhD Exchange Program of the Berlin Institute for Medical Systems Biology

MDC-NYU PhD Exchange Program of the Berlin Institute for Medical Systems Biology

/// Genomics, Medical Systems Biology

university berlin phd

International Graduate Program Medical Neurosciences

/// Neurosciences, central nervous systems, peripheral nervous systems, medical...

Logo of the International Max Planck Research School on Multiscale Bio-Systems

Multiscale Bio-Systems

/// biosystems, macromolecules in aqueous solutions, molecular recognition, free energy...

Logo of the Graduate School of Plant Sciences

Plant Sciences

/// Plant Sciences, extinction of species, climate change

university berlin phd

ZIBI Graduate School Berlin

/// infection biology, immunology, virology, bacteriology, parasitology

university berlin phd

The International Max Planck Research School on Computational Methods in Psychiatry and Ageing Research

/// computer science, applied mathematics and statistics, psychology, psychiatry

university berlin phd

Einstein Center of Catalysis/Berlin International Graduate School of Natural Sciences and Engineering

/// catalysis-related research, natural sciences, engineering

university berlin phd

Berlin Mathematical School

/// Mathematics

Dahlem Research School of Molecular Science

/// molecular natural science, Molecular Switches on Surfaces, Protonation Dynamics in...

Logo of the International Research Training Group Dynamical Phenomena in Complex Networks

Dynamical Phenomena in Complex Networks

/// Networks with complex topology, self- organization in evolving complex networks

Logo of the International Max Planck Research School of Gravitational Wave Astronomy

Gravitational Wave Astronomy

/// gravitational waves, astronomy, GEO600 gravitational wave detector

Logo of the Helmholtz Graduate School for Macromolecular Bioscience

Helmholtz Graduate School for Macromolecular Bioscience

/// Biomaterial Science, Macromolecular Bioscience, natural sciences, engineering

Logo of the Research Training Group Mass, Spectrum, Symmetry: Particle Physics in the Era of the Large Hadron Collider

Mass, Spectrum, Symmetry: Particle Physics in the Era of the Large Hadron Collider

/// Large Hydron Collider, elementary particle physics, astro-particle physics

Research School Materials for Solar Energy Conversion (MatSEC)

/// kesterite materials, semiconductor, absorber material, film solar cells,...

Logo of the Doctoral Program Molecular Biophysics

Molecular Biophysics

/// biophysics, biomolecular processes, protein-protein interactions

university berlin phd

PharMetrX: Pharmacometrics & Computational Disease Modelling

/// life sciences, pharmacy, drug development, drug therapy, pharmacotherapy,...

Logo of the International Max Planck Research School Primary Metabolism and Plant Growth

IMPRS for Molecular Plant Science

/// biochemistry, biology, plant science, plant growth, plant biomass, primary metabolism

Logo of the Leibniz Graduate School for Quantitative Spectroscopy in Astrophysics

Quantitative Spectroscopy in Astrophysics

/// Quantitative Spectroscopy, Astrophysics, solar physics, stellar research,...

university berlin phd

School of Analytical Sciences Adlershof

/// chemistry, biology, physics, natural sciences, analytical sciences

Logo of the Helmholtz Research School on Security Technologies

Helmholtz Research School on Security Technologies (HRSST)

/// physics, optical engineering, electrical engineering, informational techniques,...

Logo of the Doctoral Program Service-Oriented Systems Engineering

Service-Oriented Systems Engineering

/// Software Systems Engineering, IT Systems, Human Computer Interaction, Computer...

university berlin phd

Berlin Graduate School for Global and Transregional Studies

/// transnational relations, international relations, globalization, governance, regional...

university berlin phd

Berlin Graduate School of Ancient Studies

/// Berliner Antike-Kolleg, ancient languages and texts, ancient philosophy, ancient...

Logo of the Berlin Graduate School of Social Science

Berlin Graduate School of Social Sciences

/// sociology, political science, social inclusion, democratic performance

Logo of the Berlin Graduate School Muslim Cultures and Societies

Berlin Graduate School Muslim Cultures and Societies

/// Islam, muslim cultures, muslim societies, Area Studies, Interdisciplinary Studies

Doctoral Program in Business Research

/// business administration, management, marketing, information systems, FACTS, business...

university berlin phd

Graduate School Global Intellectual History

/// intellectual history

Logo of the Centre for Contemporary History

Centre for Contemporary History

/// Cold War, contemporary german history, contemporary european history, communist...

Logo of the Doctoral Program Das Wissen der Literatur

Das Wissen der Literatur

/// deutsche Literatur, german literature

Logo of the European PhD in Socio-Economic and Statistical Studies

European PhD in Socio-Economic and Statistical Studies

/// socio-economic research, labor markets, employment, inequality, Welfare state, social...

Logo of the Friedrich Schlegel Graduate School of Literary Studies

Friedrich Schlegel Graduate School of Literary Studies

/// literature, textaul practice, transnational perspective, intermediality

Logo of Graduate School of East Asian Studies

Graduate School of East Asian Studies

/// east asia, social sciences, institutions in east asia, interdependence of...

Logo of the Graduate School of North American Studies

Graduate School of North American Studies

/// American Studies, Area Studies, Interdisciplinary Studies, American Literature,...

Logo of the Doctoral Program High Dimensional Non Stationary Time Series

High Dimensional Non Stationary Time Series

/// stochastics, statistics, volatility, copulae, high-dimensional time series,...

Logo of the International Max Planck Research School on the Life Course

International Max Planck Research School on the Life Course (LIFE)

/// development of human behaviour, human life course, evolution of culture, learning,...

Logo of the graduate program Knowledge of the Arts

Knowledge of the Arts

/// artistic knowledge, art history, media studies, philosophy, engineering, pedagogy

Latin American Studies from a Comparative and Transregional Perspective

/// Cultural Anthropology, Social Anthropology, Gender Studies, History, Literature of...

Ludwig Rosenberg Kolleg: Historical Relations between Labor Movements and Modern Jewry

/// european-jewish studies, laboro movements, modern jewry

Logo of the PhD Program in Economics at the DIW Graduate Center

DIW Graduate Center PhD in economics

/// economics, microeconomics, macro-economics, econometrics, public economics,...

Logo of the THESys Graduate Program

THESys Graduate Program - Transformations of Human-Environment Systems

/// IRI THESys, use of land, use of resources, urbanization, climate change impact, ...

university berlin phd

Selma Stern Zentrum für Jüdische Studien Berlin-Brandenburg (ZJS)

/// jewish studies, jewish history, jewish philosophy, jewish theology, jewish...

Logo of the Doctoral Program Thinking Differences: Structures – Order – Communication

Thinking Differences: Structures – Order – Communication

/// comparative history, histoire croisée

Walther Rathenau Kolleg: Liberalism and Democracy

/// European-Jewish Studies, democratic constitutional state, european post-war...

Logo of the Doctoral Program Wicked Problems, Contested Administrations: Knowledge, Coordination, Strategy

Wicked Problems, Contested Administrations: Knowledge, Coordination, Strategy

/// public administration, climate change, demographic tranistion, international...

Logo of the Doctoral Program Computational Systems Biology

Computational Systems Biology

/// biological networks, cellular systems, protein-protein interactions, systems biology

Logo of the Global and Area Studies PhD Program

Global and Area Studies PhD Program

/// Globalization, Alternative Futures

Logo of the Research Training Group Philosophy, Science and the Sciences

Philosophy, Science and the Sciences

/// philosophy, ancient Greek, ancient Roman, ancient Arabic, classicist, ancient...

Logo of the Berlin Graduate School of British Studies

Berlin Graduate School of British Studies

/// british studies

university berlin phd

Parasite Infections: From Experimental Models to Natural Systems

/// Parasite Infections, Immunology, molecular approaches, cellular interactions,...

university berlin phd

Berlin International Graduate School in Model and Simulation based Research (BIMoS)

/// Modellierung, Smimulierung, modelling, modeling, simulation, optimation

university berlin phd

Urban Water Interfaces (UWI)

/// urban water (systems), interfaces, modelling, urban soil, surface water, groundwater,...

Logo of the Doctoral Program Geometric Analysis, Gravitation and String Theory

IMPRS for Mathematical and Physical Aspects of Gravitation, Cosmology and Quantum Field Theory

/// Gravitational Physics, Geometric Analysis, String Theory, quantum mechanics, black...

university berlin phd

Religion – Knowledge – Discourse

/// Humanities, Social Sciences, Sociology, Political Sciences, Economics, Law

university berlin phd

Berlin School of Movement Science (BSMS)

/// Humanities, Social Sciences, Sociology,

university berlin phd

/// education, mathematics, informatics, natural sciences, technology, engineering

university berlin phd

Identity and Heritage

university berlin phd

StRATEGy: Surface processes, Tectonics and Georesources: The Andean foreland basin of Argentina

Cropstrengthen - european industrial doctorate.

/// PhD training, stress acclimation in plants, crop improvement, plant priming

university berlin phd

Natural Hazards and Risks in a Changing World

/// natural hazards, risk, climate change, floods, landslides, earthquakes

university berlin phd

BioMove - Integrating Biodiversity Research with Movement Ecology in dynamic agricultural landscapes

/// Biodiversity, Movement Ecology, Biological Science, Natural Science

university berlin phd

Minor Cosmopolitanisms

/// Humanities; Social Sciences; Postcolonial Studies; Cultural Studies; Anglophone...

university berlin phd

Theory – Empirics – Practices of Pedagogical Teaching Processes

/// Educational science – adult and further education – music pedagogy – school pedagogy...

university berlin phd

Agricultural Economics

/// Agriculture, Doctoral Program

Research School Future Information Technologies (FIT)

/// information technologies, energy consumption, fundamental physics, communications...

university berlin phd

Biodiversity, Evolution & Ecology

/// Biological sciences, Natural Sciences

university berlin phd

CRC 1114 Scaling Cascades in Complex Systems

/// /// Mathematics, Biochemistry, Physics, Geo-Sciences

university berlin phd

CRC / TRR 227 Ultrafast Spin Dynamics

university berlin phd

TRR 170 Integrated Research Training Group in Planetary Sciences

university berlin phd

Cinepoetics - Center for Advanced Film Studies

/// poetologies, audiovisual images, cinema, film philosophy, aesthetics

university berlin phd

BB3R - Innovations in the 3R Research: Genetic Engineering, Tissue Engineering and Bioinformatics

/// Berlin-Brandenburg research platform BB3R, 3 R, Genetic Engineering, Tissue...

university berlin phd

CRC / SFB 1078 Protonation Dynamics in Protein Function

/// CRC SFB Protonation Dynamics in Protein Function

university berlin phd

Re-Figuration of Spaces

university berlin phd

Helmholtz Einstein International Berlin Research School in Data Science (HEIBRiDS)

university berlin phd

Health Data Sciences

/// Epidemiology, Biostatistics, Meta-research, Big Data, Health Data Sciences, Causal...

university berlin phd

IMPRS Biology And Computation

/// sequence analysis, theoretical structural biology, computational chemistry, drug...

university berlin phd

Robert Koch Doctoral Program

/// Robert Koch Doctoral Program, RoKoDoKo

university berlin phd

Fluorine-Specific Interactions: Fundamentals and Functions

/// Collaborative Research Center 1349 „Fluorine-Specific Interactions: Fundamen-tals and...

university berlin phd

Research Training Group (RTG) "Bioactive Peptides – Innovative Aspects of Synthesis and Biosynthesis"

/// Natural Sciences, Computer and information sciences, Chemical sciences, Biological...

university berlin phd

Temporalities of Future in Latin America: Dynamics of Aspiration and Anticipation

/// Latin American Studies, social globalization, cultural globalization, cultural...

university berlin phd

Berlin School of Economics

university berlin phd

Max Delbrück Center Graduate School

/// Biochemistry, Cancer research, Cardiovascular biology, Cell biology, Computational...

university berlin phd

Differential Equation- and Data-driven Models in Life Sciences and Fluid Dynamics: An Interdisciplinary Research Training Group

university berlin phd

BfR Doctoral Training Programme

/// Aasessment of food and feed, microbiological and chemical substance safety, safety...

university berlin phd

Stochastic Analysis in Interaction

university berlin phd

iNAMES-MDC-Weizmann Helmholtz International Research School for Imaging from the NAno to the MESo

/// computational sciences, imaging data sciences, artificial intelligence, machine...

university berlin phd

BIOphysical Quantitative Imaging Towards Clinical Diagnosis

/// Bridge, imaging, clinical, translation, medicine

university berlin phd

Berlin School of Optical Sciences and Quantum Technologies (BOS.QT)

university berlin phd

Berlin Industrial Engineering and Management (BIEM)

/// Engineering, Technology, Economics, Business

university berlin phd

Doctoral Program History and Cultural Studies

university berlin phd

Berlin Institute for the Foundation of Learning and Data (BIFOLD)

/// Natural Sciences, Mathematics, Computer and information sciences, Physical sciences,...

university berlin phd

"Charging into the future": Understanding the interaction of polyelectrolytes with biosystems

/// GRK 2662 „Charging into the future“: Understanding the interaction of...

university berlin phd

Science of Intelligence (SCIoI)

university berlin phd

Dynamic Hydrogels at Biointerfaces

/// IRTG of CRC / SFB 1449 Dynamic Hydrogels at Biointerfaces Biophysics,...

Doctoral Program Natural Sciences

/// Natural Sciences, Biology, Chemistry, Pharmacy, Physics

university berlin phd

IMPRS - Knowledge and Its Resources: Historical Reciprocities

/// Media and communications Humanities History and archaeology Languages and...

university berlin phd

Normativity - Critique - Change

Crc1644: phenotypic plasticity in plants – mechanisms, constraints, and evolution, data assimilation - the collaborative research centre sfb1294.

university berlin phd

Global Health

university berlin phd

Einstein Center for Neurosciences Berlin

/// neurology, neuroscience, neurosciences, translation, translational neuroscience,...

university berlin phd

TJ-Train – Tight junctions and their proteins: Molecular features and actions in health and disease

/// proteins, tight junctions, medicine, translation, molecular, regulation,...

approx. 3000

Graduate School Students

university berlin phd

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Ein Student sitzt in einem Konferenzraum im CharitéCrossOver-Forschungsgebäude, Foto: Charité

  • Enrollment for a doctoral degree
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Information about enrollment

The Berliner Hochschulgesetz section 25, paragraph 2 regulates: "Doctoral students are members of the university at which they were admitted to do a doctorate. Unless they are already members of the university due to an employment relationship, they are to be enrolled as students for a doctorate. " 

In order to enrol on a doctoral degree programme, you must have your doctoral project registration confirmed by the Doctoral Studies Office.  Information on this can be found on the pages of the doctoral office .

Enrollment for doctoral studies is not bound to any deadlines and can be applied for at any time.

Please note that it may currently take longer to process your enrollment documents!

Enrollment process, 1. complete online application for enrollment, link to the online application.

Instructions for filling in:

Personal data Applicants enter all surnames/first names in the application for enrollment in accordance with the information in the official identity document (e.g. identity card).

First higher education entrance qualification Select the type of higher education entrance qualification from the list and then enter both the location and the date of completion.

Abbreviations : aHR = G eneral higher education entrance qualification fgHR = S ubject-related higher education entrance qualification FHR = A dvanced technical college entrance qualification

University history “Have you already been enrolled at a German or foreign university?" This question refers to the very first university at which you began studying. In the course of the application, a similar question comes up again - "Insert the semester of your FIRST matriculation". For some applicants, the answer will be the same, but it doesn't have to be.

Example Max Musterfrau started studying in Greece in 2009, later in his life he started a new course in Hamburg.

1. Question: 2009 - Greece

2. Question: 2014 - Hamburg - and the corresponding university

University semesters are only to be stated by the universities that were attended in Germany.

First / second degree If you have already acquired one or more degrees, these must be proven with certificates. If the degree was completed in Germany, an exmatriculation (usually from the last university attended) is also required, from which the entire university semesters (including semesters of leave) can be seen. This allows us to fully understand your university past.

Right to vote You are entitled to a one-time right of election that cannot be changed later. You can choose between Humboldt-Universität Berlin or Freie Universität Berlin and thus decide at which university you wish to exercise your status rights. The choice may have an effect on the amount of semester fees. Furthermore, students of Charité are considered students of both Freie Universität Berlin and Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin.

You can find information about this at:


2. Complete and sign attachments

Personal statement Declaration of confidentiality Company medical examination

3a. Make payment of the enrollment fee (summer term 2024)

The enrollment fee depends on your student voting rights in the enrollment application form. Information on enrollment fee can be found at  Campusnet .

Doctoral students are not entitled to the Deutschlandsemesterticket in summer semester 2024. From winter semester 24/25, it will be compulsory.

Amount of the enrollment fee according to the student voting right Humboldt-Universität Berlin:             114,59 €      Freie Universität Berlin:                        114,09 €      

Bank details: Account holder:                                   Charité –  Universitätsmedizin Berlin IBAN:                                                     DE24 100 100 10 0000 395 104 BIC:                                                        PBNKDEFF Reference:                                            family name, first name (of future student)  or  if already available matriculation number                                             

Hint! From January to mid-February of the year for the summer semester, and from June to mid-July of the year for the winter semester, the registration period for the coming semester is running. If you are enrolling for the current semester, please note that the registration fee for the following semester has to be paid in a timely manner.

3b. Make payment of the enrollment fee (winter term 2024/2025)

The enrollment fee depends on your student voting right in the enrollment application form. Information on enrollment fee can be found at  Campusnet .

ALL doctoral students must pay for the Deutschlandsemesterticket from winter semester 2024/2025. 

Amount of the enrollment fee according to the student voting right Humboldt-Universität Berlin:             299,90 €      Freie Universität Berlin:                       304,40 €      

The enrollment fee includes the Deutschlandsemesterticket, which is compulsory for all doctoral students.   

Bank details: Account holder:                                   Charité –  Universitätsmedizin Berlin IBAN:                                                     DE24 100 100 10 0000 395 104 BIC:                                                        PBNKDEFF Reference:                                            family name, first name (of future student)  or  if already available matriculation number 

Hint! From January to mid-February of the year for the summer semester, and from June to mid-July of the year for the winter semester, the registration period for the coming semester is running. If you are enrolling for the current semester, please note that the registration fee for the following semester has to be paid in a timely manner. Doctoral students who were enrolled more than one month after the start of the semester can apply for a refund of the full unused months at the Studierendensekretariat .

4. Compile and send documents according to checklist

In addition to the online application and the already signed attachments, the documents listed in the

must be compiled and submitted under  promotion-immatrikulation(at)  

Please follow our instructions in the checklist. We will request incomplete documents but will delay the enrollment process.

Upon receipt of your documents, you will receive an automated email.

You will receive another email with the enrollment certificate including the matriculation number and the service number after processing.

5. Have you ever been enrolled at the Charité?

Often the studies have been completed but the doctorate has not yet been completed.

The following applies to medicine and dentistry:   The Landesamt für Gesundheit und Soziales will inform the Charité about your successful completion. You will then be exmatriculated by the Student Secretariat at the end of the semester (September 30th or March 31st). You will be informed about this in advance via your Charité email address, but also by post. You can find more information here

If you need the exmatriculation certificate sooner, apply for exmatriculation yourself at the student office. You can find the application on Campusnet.

The following applies to all other study programs: There is no automated de-registration by the student office. Apply for de-registration at the student office by September 30th. or March 31st. You can find the application on Campusnet . Only then is it possible to enroll for a doctorate.

When can I enroll for a doctorate? Enrollment is not subject to any deadlines and is possible at any time.

I have not yet received confirmation of my doctoral registration from the doctoral office. Can I enrol anyway? Enrolment is NOT possible without this confirmation! Do not submit the documents for enrolment until you have the confirmation.

I'm studying at another German or foreign university and don't yet have a university degree? But I would like to start my doctorate at the Charité. Is enrollment possible? No, a degree is required for enrollment.

I am enrolled for my doctorate, can I also enroll in another course of study? Further enrollment is possible. If this is a state university in Berlin/Brandenburg, you only pay the enrollment fees at one university and prove this at the other university with the enrollment certificate.

My employment with the Charité is ending, but I haven't finished my doctorate yet. According to Section 25 Paragraph 2 of the Berlin Higher Education Act, you are then obliged to enroll.

I am employed by the Charité. Do I have to enroll for my doctorate? Enrollment is not required, but possible.

It's been so long since I graduated that I no longer have a certificate of exmatriculation. Contact the university you last attended and they will issue you a new certificate stating the university semesters. Only then can we enroll you.

How long do I have to be enrolled? You must remain enrolled until the defence and receipt of the doctoral certificate.

What else is important to know? After enrollment, communication only takes place via the Charité email address. Among other things, you will be reminded at this email address to re-register for the following semester. You will receive the necessary information to set up the Charité email address and the student account when you send the enrollment certificate.

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The Charité offers all employees and students of the Charité VPN access. This service is particularly useful if you want to dial into the Charité network from home or another location in order to use services that are only offered on the internal network (intranet) of the Charité applied for the establishment of a VPN access for students. Included are the default permissions »Internet Proxy« and »Intranet«.

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International Graduate Program Medical Neurosciences 

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Humboldt Graduate School Charitéplatz 1 (local address: Luisenstraße 56) 10117 Berlin

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university berlin phd

  • Doctoral Program

In this section you find information on how to apply for a

position as well as a short overview of the structure of the programs.

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Doctoral studies in medical neurosciences: phd and md/phd.

The doctoral program takes an interdisciplinary approach to neurosciences linking basic and clinical brain research. The program prepares students for careers at the interface of bench and bedside in the academic neurosciences as well as in the application oriented biomedical industry.

PhD in Medical Neurosciences

  • Complete our PhD program
  • Publish your Research results either as Cumulative Thesis or Monograph

MD/PhD in Medical Neurosciences :

  • Obtained a German medical degree (Arzt) or an equivalent

The central part of the PhD program is the PhD project. For three years you will work in a research group conducting experiments, discussing results in your group, reading up on the literature and publishing. In additon, a PhD curriculum will expose you to important neuroscientific topics outside your immediate research focus. Besides courses or symposia you choose to attend,the program offers two one-week PhD training courses per year. Topics can range from "Quantification of Damage in the CNS" to "Basic and Clinical Neuroimmunology" and take into consideration PhD student suggestions. Complementary or professional skills like scientific writing or giving presentations are also planned.

In addition, lecture series, seminars, symposia, journal clubs, etc. are offered to our PhD students. This allows for either further focus and theoretical background in your research area or for expanding your neuroscientific horizon by delving into other topics.

Please go to admission for application details.

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Berlin School of Public Health 

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Charité Campus Mitte Bonhoefferweg 3a 10117 Berlin

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  • PhD Global Health

The structured PhD program Global Health at the Charité is a collaboration between seven partnering institutions. It aims to train excellent scientists for leadership positions in global health. The program imparts an interdisciplinary  perspective on health and a sensitivity to inter-cultural factors affecting health.

Applications are accepted from June 20 to August 20, 2024 for admission in October 2024.

The next application window will be January 15 to March 1, 2025  for admission in October 2025.

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  • Academic Programs .
  • PhD Programs .

Key Facts - PhD Global Health

Seven collaborating partners in Berlin

  • Enrollment at the Charité
  • Language of instruction is English
  • University degree conferred: Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

Standard period of study 3 years / 6 semesters

  • 30 ECTS course work
  • 150 ECTS scientific research work (dissertation)

Admission of 15 doctoral candidates per year

  • Eligibility requirements are a master’s degree or equivalent
  • Application period 2024 TBA
  • First PhD Cohort starting October 2024

The structured PhD Global Health is tuition free

If you have any questions please check our FAQs oder send an Email to  phd-globalhealth(at)

Cooperating Partners - PhD Global Health

university berlin phd

The structured PhD Global Health is a joint doctoral program hosted at the Charité. It brings together the outstanding expertise in Global Health of the following seven cooperating partners (in alphabetical order):

  • Charité -  Universitätsmedizin Berlin
  • Freie Universität Berlin (FU)
  • Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin (HU)
  • Robert Koch-Institut (RKI)
  • Technische Universität Berlin (TU)
  • Universität Potsdam
  • Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin (WZB)

PhD candidates are enrolled at the Charité. The degree awarded upon completion of the three year program is PhD in Global Health. The program requires participants to complete 30 ECTS of coursework divided over the 6 semesters and work on a research project (equivalent to 150 ECTS / 5 Semesters) that will result in publications in peer-reviewed scientific journals (doctorate by publication). The program concludes with an oral defense.

The thematic focus of the doctoral program is based on the health-relevant Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The topics we wish to address include communicable and non-communicable diseases, the prevention and control of disease outbreaks, global health security, migration and health, universal health coverage, the role of climate and the environment as determinants of health, One Health, governance and health policy, health economics, community engagement as well as digitalization in healthcare. The doctoral program approaches research topics from an interdisciplinary perspective and incorporates a variety of methodological and conceptual approaches. Through the close exchange between teachers, supervisors and doctoral students, we support the critical examination of institutional and political constellations in the field of global health.

Modes of Study

The PhD Global Health seeks to develop expertise around the globe. We hope to provide prospective students with modes of participation that match their needs and their lifestyles, regardless of where they are from. You can chose to relocate to Berlin for the program or you can stay in your home country and travel to Berlin to participate in coursework and for temporary research stays.

Berlin-based track

  • The Berlin-based PhD allows you to live in Berlin and expects you to travel for field research, research exchanges or conferences. This path is often more convenient for EU candidates.

Sandwich track

The intent of the sandwich track is for PhD students to conduct their research as well as to continue their work and career development in their home country, while receiving input and exchange opportunities in Berlin. Sandwich track PhD students join a cohort of young researchers in Berlin, but also maintain a strong research network and the career support of a sending institution in their home country, where their PhD research is embedded. Sandwich track PhD students expand the Berlin PhD Global Health program’s research networks and collaborative reach. The sandwich track allows PhD students to limit the time spent in Berlin to research stays of 3 months or less per year. This often makes it easier to meet visa requirements and limits costs.

  • Sandwich track PhD students start the doctoral program by spending 3 months from October to December in Berlin, while completing the required Core Course in Global Health. They subsequently return to their home country to continue their work and pursue their research project in their home country. Sandwich track PhD students participate in the required course Doctoral Student Seminar remotely, together will all the other PhD students.  
  • Sandwich track PhD students come back to Berlin for a second research stay the following year, again for 3 months from October to December, while completing the required course Mentored Teaching in Global Health.
  • Sandwich track PhD students can complete their elective courses either in their home country, or during their research stays in Germany, or in any other country of their choice.
  • Sandwich track PhD students are supervised by an interdisciplinary supervisory team that includes researchers from Berlin and their home institution. Though the first supervisor must come from the Berlin Coorperating Partners, we aim to provide sandwich track PhD students with a shared and collaborative supervision.
  • The oral defence of the PhD can take place either online or in-person.

What is Global Health?

Global Health is a dynamic and interdisciplinary field dedicated to addressing health challenges on a global scale. Focused on promoting well-being, preventing diseases, and improving healthcare access for all , it transcends national borders to tackle complex health issues that affect diverse populations worldwide. Global Health professionals work collaboratively to understand and address the social, economic, and environmental determinants of health, striving to create equitable and sustainable solutions.

From infectious diseases to non-communicable illnesses, Global Health emphasizes the importance of international cooperation, research, and policy development to build resilient healthcare systems and foster a healthier future for communities across the globe.

The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) guide the major themes of  PhD Global Health program. Program participants are encouraged to approach their research from conceptually and methodologically innovative perspectives. The topics to be addressed include communicable and non-communicable diseases, pandemic intelligence, monitoring, surveillance and prevention, migration and health, universal health coverage, the role of climate and environment as determinants of health, One Health, governance and health policy, as well as digitalization and health. The PhD Global Health aims to approach research from an interdisciplinary perspective, incorporating a variety of methodological and conceptual approaches. Close exchanges between faculty, supervisors and doctoral candidates encourage critical thinking and innovation in Global Health.

A PhD in Global Health opens the door to a myriad of impactful and diverse career prospects at the intersection of healthcare, research, and policy. Graduates are well-equipped to take on leadership roles in international organizations, governmental agencies, non-profit institutions, and academic settings. As researchers, they contribute to advancing our understanding of global health challenges, developing innovative interventions, and shaping evidence-based policies. Professionals with a PhD in Global Health may also engage in fieldwork, implementing health programs and strategies in diverse communities around the world. Additionally, opportunities exist in academia, where individuals can contribute to the education and mentorship of the next generation of global health leaders. With a unique skill set that combines research, critical thinking, and cross-cultural understanding , those with a PhD in Global Health are poised to make a meaningful impact on global healthcare disparities and contribute to the development of sustainable and equitable health systems worldwide.

Further information

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#LastSeen Image Atlas Nominated for Grimme Online Award 2024: Research project at Freie Universität Berlin documenting historic photographs of deportations in Nazi Germany nominated for prestigious online award

Press release

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The Lankwitz Extras Take Cambridge by Storm – Fresh off their first international tour, a member of the university’s amateur cricket team spoke to campus.leben about their experiences

Featured Stories

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American Author Mark Haber Appointed Visiting Professor at Freie Universität Berlin

A call for compassion, respect, and tolerance: counseling and advice services, events, university communication regarding the conflict in the middle east.

Freie Universität Berlin offers over 150 degree programs in all areas of study. Whether you are looking to do a bachelor’s, master’s, or even a doctoral degree, we have the program for you. Freie Universität students benefit from our partnerships with hundreds of universities around the world. The Student Service Center is happy to help answer any questions you have about applying, enrolling, and planning your studies.

Students on the campus of Freie Universität

Students on the campus of Freie Universität Image Credit: Michael Fahrig

Researchers at Freie Universität Berlin benefit from access to a wide range of academic networks around the world. They produce groundbreaking results and set tomorrow’s research trends through interdisciplinary work with an international focus. Freie Universität Berlin is among the select few German institutions of higher education supported by the German federal and state governments’ Excellence Strategy.

A Manduca sexta larva at the Institute of Biology

A Manduca sexta larva at the Institute of Biology Image Credit: Bernd Wannenmacher

Global Connections

Freie Universität Berlin is one of Europe’s leading research universities. Our scope is global – people from more than 150 countries around the world work and study at Freie Universität. Our alumni actively help to shape the world today, and opportunities to study and work abroad are woven into our university culture. At Freie Universität Berlin, this international focus is reflected in our research, teaching, and day-to-day lives. It has been an integral part of our history since 1948.

People from more than 150 countries around the world work and study at Freie Universität Berlin

People from more than 150 countries around the world work and study at Freie Universität Berlin Image Credit: Bernd Wannenmacher

audit familiengerechte Hochschule

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Doctorates are possible at any time in the research areas of the department. Here you can find all information about doctoral studies in our department.

Research Areas

Here you can find more information about our research areas. Please contact the appropriate person for PhD opportunities.

Completed Dissertations

Here you can find a list of theses and dissertations completed in our department.

Open Positions

Here you can find the currently open PhD positions in our department.

Promotion of Junior Scholars

The Center for Junior Scholars (CJS) is the central service institution for the promotion of junior scholars at the Technische Universität Berlin.


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  6. Law Faculty Humboldt University Berlin


  1. Doctorate • International • Freie Universität Berlin

    Mobility: Erasmus+ Europe and Worldwide. As part of Erasmus+ enrolled doctoral researchers at Freie Universität Berlin can apply for student mobility, teaching stays and internships in Europa and beyond. Doctoral researchers with an employment contract can also participate in training stays. Erasmus+ Teaching and Training Stays.

  2. PhD Studies

    Unter den Linden 6. 10117 Berlin. Contact person: Ms. Olga Vorobyeva. E-mail: [email protected] *. Consultation hour by phone. Wednesday 09:00 - 10:00 a.m. Phone: (+49) 30 2093-70330. *If you are already enrolled or registered at HU Berlin, please submit your full name, your enrollment or registration number, your date and place of birth.

  3. Applying & Enrolling for Doctoral Studies

    Applying & Enrolling for Doctoral Studies

  4. Enrollment in PhD and doctoral programs (doctoral degree)

    3. Completed and signed application for enrollment. If you are already enrolled at Freie Universität Berlin please use the application for change of programs (see also change of programs into a doctoral program). 4. Identification document showing your full last name, first name, date of birth and expiration date.

  5. Doctoral Degree • Education • Freie Universität Berlin

    Dahlem Research School: Earning a Doctorate at Freie Universität Berlin; Enrollment in PhD and doctoral programs (doctoral degree) Ein Icon mit einem nach rechts zeigendem Pfeil. Deadlines for Applying, Registering, and Enrolling | Winter Semester 2024/2025 ... 14195 Berlin. Monday, Wednesday, Friday: 9.00-15.00 h Tuesday, Thursday: 9.00-17.00 ...

  6. Doctoral Candidates' Portal

    Humboldt-Universität has proved to be a particularly attractive place for doctoral students. Every year hundreds of top achievers on Master's courses at German and international universities decide to take up doctoral studies at Humboldt, either within a structured doctoral programme or individually under the supervision of a professor.


    non-university research institutions to generate a unique, vibrant academic environment. ... E-mail:[email protected] Web: Facts Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin 8 Departments 1 Medical School (with FU Berlin) 33,540 Students approx. 5,000 Doctoral Candidates

  8. PhD Program

    PhD Program. The Berlin School of Economics PhD Program provides outstanding doctoral students with a vibrant, intensively networked research community. The program develops the students' talents in a unique combination of a high-level, academic research environment together with applied, policy-oriented research opportunities.

  9. Structured Doctoral Programs

    Structured Doctoral Programs. Participating in a doctoral program at Humboldt Graduate School means having the opportunity to earn your doctoral degree in the inspiring interdisciplinary and international atmosphere of our excellent doctoral programs. You conduct your research in a group with colleagues from your area of research, with whom you ...

  10. Doctorate

    An individual doctorate is completed by a candidate employed at Technische Universität Berlin in a position funded by the University budget or by third-party funding, or who is receiving a doctoral fellowship, or earning their money outside of the University. If you choose to do an individual doctorate, you will be supervised by one doctoral ...

  11. Berlin Graduate School of Social Sciences

    The degree is awarded by Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences of Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. BGSS has been funded by the Excellence Initiative of the German Federal and State Governments via the German Research Association. from 2007 - 2014. Starting from October 2020 applications for BGSS are seeked for on an ongoing basis. Nov 23, 2022.

  12. Berlin Doctoral Programs: Welcome

    The Berlin Graduate School of Ancient Studies not only provides me with a comprehensive platform to embark on my PhD journey, but also offers me invaluable opportunities to foster interdisciplinary perspectives." ... The Integrated Graduate School 1078 is a joint graduate school of the Freie Universität (FU), Technical University Berlin (TU ...

  13. Admission and Enrollment

    Admission and Enrollment. Individuals interested in pursuing a doctoral degree must apply for admission to the relevant Department and, unless they have an employment relationship with Freie Universität, must enroll as doctoral researchers in the Registration Office of Freie Universität within the deadline set by the Department once they have ...

  14. Doctoral programs

    Doctoral programs at the department

  15. Freie Universität Berlin

    Freie Universität is a full-spectrum university, comprising twelve departments and three Central Institutes that together offer more than 150 different academic programs in a broad range of disciplines. Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin is the joint medical school of Freie Universität Berlin and Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin.

  16. Enrollment for a doctoral degree: Charité

    Enrollment for a doctoral degree: Charité

  17. Doctoral Program

    Inform yourself about our International Graduate Program Medical Neurosciences, how to apply and general information about our PhD and MD/PhD programs. Deadlines for applications are 15 January, 15 May and 15 September every year. ... Charitéplatz 1, 10117 Berlin Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin. Special pages: Home. Search. Glossary ...

  18. PhD Global Health

    Standard period of study 3 years / 6 semesters. 30 ECTS course work. 150 ECTS scientific research work (dissertation) Admission of 15 doctoral candidates per year. Eligibility requirements are a master's degree or equivalent. Application period 2024 TBA. First PhD Cohort starting October 2024. The structured PhD Global Health is tuition free.

  19. List of Available PhD positions 2025 • Freie Universität Berlin

    Studying. Freie Universität Berlin offers over 150 degree programs in all areas of study. Whether you are looking to do a bachelor's, master's, or even a doctoral degree, we have the program for you. Freie Universität students benefit from our partnerships with hundreds of universities around the world. The Student Service Center is happy ...

  20. Doctoral Programs

    BSoE PhD Program. The structured doctorate program offered by the Berlin School of Economics (BSoE) is run jointly with HU, FU, the University of Potsdam, ESMT, Hertie School and WZB. MINE students can already choose courses in the doctoral programs that count towards the master's degree and apply for admission to the program after completing ...

  21. Freie Universität Berlin: Homepage

    Freie Universität Berlin: Homepage

  22. Study PhD Programmes in Berlin, Germany

    Weather Berlin. In the summer, the temperature average is around 20-24°C (68-75°F) and you can expect some rainy days, so visit Berlin equipped with a waterproof jacket or an umbrella. During the coldest months, December, January and February, the average temperature can drop to -1°C (30°F). Study a PhD Programme in Berlin, Germany 2025.

  23. Doctorate

    The Society of Friends of the TU Berlin University Shop History. History of the University People & Portraits Artworks & Monuments Catalogus Professorum ... Please contact the appropriate person for PhD opportunities. more Completed Dissertations. Here you can find a list of theses and dissertations completed in our department. more ...