Network assignment
What is Network Assignment?
Role of Network Assignment in Travel Forecasting
Overview of Methods for Traffic Assignment for Highways
All-or-nothing Assignments
Incremental assignment
Brief History of Traffic Equilibrium Concepts
Calculating Generalized Costs from Delays
Challenges for Highway Traffic Assignment
Transit Assignment
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# what is network assignment.
In the metropolitan transportation planning and analysis, the network assignment specifically involves estimating travelers’ route choice behavior when travel destinations and mode of travel are known. Origin-destination travel demand are assigned to a transportation network in order to estimate traffic flows and network travel conditions such as travel time. These estimated outputs from network assignment are compared against observed data such as traffic counts for model validation .
Network assignment is a mathematical problem which is solved by a solution algorithm through the use of computer. It is usually resolved as a travel cost optimization problem for each origin-destination pair on a model network. For every origin-destination pair, a path is selected that typically minimizes travel costs. The simplest kind of travel cost is travel time from beginning to end of the trip. A more complex form of travel cost, called generalized cost, may include combinations of other costs of travel such as toll cost and auto operating cost on highway networks. Transit networks may include within generalized cost weights to emphasize out-of-vehicle time and penalties to represent onerous tasks. Usually, monetary costs of travel, such as tolls and fares, are converted to time equivalent based on an estimated value of time. The shortest path is found using a path finding algorithm .
The surface transportation network can include the auto network, bus network, passenger rail network, bicycle network, pedestrian network, freight rail network, and truck network. Traditionally, passenger modes are handled separately from vehicular modes. For example, trucks and passenger cars may be assigned to the same network, but bus riders often are assigned to a separate transit network, even though buses travel over roads. Computing traffic volume on any of these networks first requires estimating network specific origin-destination demand. In metropolitan transportation planning practice in the United States, the most common network assignments employed are automobile, truck, bus, and passenger rail. Bicycle, pedestrian, and freight rail network assignments are not as frequently practiced.
# Role of Network Assignment in Travel Forecasting
The urban travel forecasting process is analyzed within the context of four decision choices:
- Personal Daily Activity
- Locations to Perform those Activities
- Mode of Travel to Activity Locations, and
- Travel Route to the Activity Locations.
Usually, these four decision choices are named as Trip Generation , Trip Distribution , Mode Choice , and Traffic Assignment. There are variations in techniques on how these travel decision choices are modeled both in practice and in research. Generalized cost, which is typically in units of time and is an output of the path-choice step of the network assignment process, is the single most important travel input to other travel decision choices, such as where to travel and by which mode. Thus, the whole urban travel forecasting process relies heavily on network assignment. Generalized cost is also a major factor in predicting socio-demographic and spatial changes. To ensure consistency in generalized cost between all travel model components in a congested network, travel cost may be fed back to the earlier steps in the model chain. Such feedback is considered “best practice” for urban regional models. Outputs from network assignment are also inputs for estimating mobile source emissions as part of a review of metropolitan area transportation plans, a requirement under the Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990 for areas not in attainment of the National Ambient Air Quality Standard.
# Overview of Methods for Traffic Assignment for Highways
This topic deals principally with an overview of static traffic assignment. The dynamic traffic assignment is discussed elsewhere.
There are a large number of traffic assignment methods, but they all have at their core a procedure called “all-or-nothing” (AON) traffic assignment. All-or-nothing traffic assignment places all trips between an origin and destination on the shortest path between that origin and destination and no trips on any other possible path (compare path finding algorithm for a step-by-step introduction). Shortest paths may be determined by a well-known algorithm by Dijkstra; however, when there are turn penalties in the network a different algorithm, called Vine building , must be used instead.
# All-or-nothing Assignments
The simplest assignment algorithm is the all-or-nothing traffic assignment. In this algorithm, flows from every origin to every destination are assigned using the path finding algorithm , and travel time remains unchanged regardless of travel volumes.
All-or-nothing traffic assignment may be used when delays are unimportant for a network. Another alternative to the user-equilibrium technique is the stochastic traffic assignment technique, which assumes variation in link level travel time.
One of the earliest, computationally efficient stochastic traffic assignment algorithms was developed by Robert Dial. [1] More recently the k-shortest paths algorithm has gained popularity.
The biggest disadvantage of the all-or-nothing assignment and the stochastic assignment is that congestion cannot be considered. In uncongested networks, these algorithms are very useful. In congested conditions, however, these algorithm miss that some travelers would change routes to avoid congestion.
# Incremental assignment
The incremental assignment method is the simplest way to (somewhat rudimentary) consider congestion. In this method, a certain share of all trips (such as half of all trips) is assigned to the network. Then, travel times are recalculated using a volume-delay function , or VDF. Next, a smaller share (such as 25% of all trips) is assigned based using the revised travel times. Using the demand of 50% + 25%, travel times are recalculated again. Next, another smaller share of trips (such as 10% of all trips) is assigned using the latest travel times.
A large benefit of the incremental assignment is model runtime. Usually, flows are assigned within 5 to 10 iterations. Most user-equilibrium assignment methods (see below) require dozens of iterations, which increases the runtime proportionally.
In the incremental assignment, the first share of trips is assigned based on free-flow conditions. Following iterations see some congestion, on only the very last trip to be assigned will consider true congestion levels. This is reasonable for lightly congested networks, as a large number of travelers could travel at free-flow speed.
The incremental assignment works unsatisfactorily in heavily congested networks, as even 50% of the travel demand may lead to congestion on selected roads. The incremental assignment will miss the fact that a portion of the 50% is likely to select different routes.
# Brief History of Traffic Equilibrium Concepts
Traffic assignment theory today largely traces its origins to a single principle of “user equilibrium” by Wardrop [2] in 1952. Wardrop’s “first” principle simply states (slightly paraphrased) that at equilibrium not a single driver may change paths without incurring a greater travel impedance . That is, any used path between an origin and destination must have a shortest travel time between the origin and destination, and all other paths must have a greater travel impedance. There may be multiple paths between an origin and destination with the same shortest travel impedance, and all of these paths may be used.
Prior to the early 1970’s there were many algorithms that attempted to solve for Wardrop’s user equilibrium on large networks. All of these algorithms failed because they either did not converge properly or they were too slow computationally. The first algorithm to be able to consistently find a correct user equilibrium on a large traffic network was conceived by a research group at Northwestern University (LeBlanc, Morlok and Pierskalla) in 1973. [3] This algorithm was called “Frank-Wolfe decomposition” after the name of a more general optimization technique that was adapted, and it found the minimum of an “objective function” that came directly from theory attributed to Beckmann from 1956. [4] The Frank-Wolfe decomposition formulation was extended to the combined distribution/assignment problem by Evans in 1974. [5]
A lack of extensibility of these algorithms to more realistic traffic assignments prompted model developers to seek more general methods of traffic assignment. A major development of the 1980s was a realization that user equilibrium traffic assignment is a “variational inequality” and not a minimization problem. [6] An algorithm called the method of successive averages (MSA) has become a popular replacement for Frank-Wolfe decomposition because of MSA’s ability to handle very complicated relations between speed and volume and to handle the combined distribution/mode-split/assignment problem. The convergence properties of MSA were proven for elementary traffic assignments by Powell and Sheffi and in 1982. [7] MSA is known to be slower on elementary traffic assignment problems than Frank-Wolfe decomposition, although MSA can solve a wider range of traffic assignment formulations allowing for greater realism.
A number of enhancements to the overall theme of Wardop’s first principle have been implemented in various software packages. These enhancements include: faster algorithms for elementary traffic assignments, stochastic multiple paths, OD table spatial disaggregation and multiple vehicle classes.
# Calculating Generalized Costs from Delays
Equilibrium traffic assignment needs a method (or series of methods) for calculating impedances (which is another term for generalized costs) on all links (and nodes) of the network, considering how those links (and nodes) were loaded with traffic. Elementary traffic assignments rely on volume-delay functions (VDFs), such as the well-known “BPR curve” (see NCHRP Report 365), [8] that expressed travel time as a function of link volume and link capacity. The 1985 US Highway Capacity Manual (and later editions through 2010) made it clear to transportation planners that delays on large portions of urban networks occur mainly at intersections, which are nodes on a network, and that the delay on any given intersection approach relates to what is happening on all other approaches. VDFs are not suitable for situations where there is conflicting and opposing traffic that affects delays. Software for implementing trip-based models are now incorporating more sophisticated delay relationships from the Highway Capacity Manual and other sources, although many MPO forecasting models still use VDFs, exclusively.
# Challenges for Highway Traffic Assignment
Numerous practical and theoretical inadequacies pertaining to Static User Equilibrium network assignment technique are reported in the literature. Among them, most widely noted concerns and challenges are:
- Inadequate network convergence;
- Continued use of legacy slow convergent network algorithm, despite availability of faster solution methods and computers;
- Non-unique route flows and link flows for multi-class assignments and for assignment on networks that include delays from opposing and conflicting traffic;
- Continued use of VDFs , when superior delay estimation techniques are available;
- Unlikeness of a steady-state network condition;
- Impractical assumption that all drivers have flawless route information and are acting without bias;
- Every driver travels at the same congested speed, no vehicle traveling on the same link overtakes another vehicle;
- Oncoming traffic does not affect traffic flows;
- Interruptions, such as accidents or inclement weather, are not represented;
- Traffic does not form queues;
- Continued use of multi-hour time periods, when finer temporal detail gives better estimates of delay and path choice.
# Transit Assignment
Most transit network assignment in implementation is allocation of known transit network specific demand based on routes, vehicle frequency, stop location, transfer point location and running times. Transit assignments are not equilibrium, but can be either all-or-nothing or stochastic. Algorithms often use complicated expressions of generalized cost which include the different effects of waiting time, transfer time, walking time (for both access and egress), riding time and fare structures. Estimated transit travel time is not directly dependent on transit passenger volume on routes and at stations (unlike estimated highway travel times, which are dependent on vehicular volumes on roads and at intersection). The possibility of many choices available to riders, such as modes of access to transit and overlaps in services between transit lines for a portion of trip segments, add further complexity to these problems.
# Latest Developments
With the increased emphasis on assessment of travel demand management strategies in the US, there have been some notable increases in the implementation of disaggregated modeling of individual travel demand behavior. Similar efforts to simulate travel route choice on dynamic transportation network have been proposed, primarily to support the much needed realistic representation of time and duration of roadway congestion. Successful examples of a shift in the network assignment paradigm to include dynamic traffic assignment on a larger network have emerged in practice. Dynamic traffic assignments are able to follow UE principles. An even newer topic is the incorporation of travel time reliability into path building.
# References
Dial , Robert Barkley, Probabilistic Assignment; a Multipath Traffic Assignment Model Which Obviates Path Enumeration, Thesis (Ph.D.), University of Washington, 1971. ↩︎
Wardrop, J. C., Some Theoretical Aspects of Road Traffic Research, Proceedings, Institution of Civil Engineers Part 2, 9, pp. 325–378. 1952. ↩︎
LeBlanc, Larry J., Morlok, Edward K., Pierskalla, William P., An Efficient Approach to Solving the Road Network Equilibrium Traffic Assignment Problem, Transportation Research 9, 1975, 9, 309–318. ↩︎
(opens new window) ) ↩︎
Evans, Suzanne P., Derivation and Analysis of Some Models for Combining Trip Distribution and Assignment, Transportation Research, Vol 10, pp 37–57 1976. ↩︎
Dafermos, S.C., Traffic Equilibrium and Variational Inequalities, Transportation Science 14, 1980, pp. 42-54. ↩︎
Powell, Warren B. and Sheffi, Yosef, The Convergence of Equilibrium Algorithms with Predetermined Step Sizes, Transportation Science, February 1, 1982, pp. 45-55. ↩︎
(opens new window) ). ↩︎
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Networking assignment help, computer network and communication assignment help.
A connection of various computers together in order to share data, information and resources is termed as a computer network. Currently, the internet has grown to be the most common and the largest computer network people access, and it comprises of billions of computers, smart devices, and servers connected with each other all over the world. A more pronounced definition of computer network by one of our Computer network assignment help experts states that, “A computer network is the combination of interconnected computers with the objective of interaction and communication. Computer networks can be characterized on the basis of network topology on which the network is based. A network can be based on a star topology, bus topology, ring topology, mesh topology, tree or hierarchical topology.”
Why to look for Computer network assignment help?
We at Total Assignment Help have highly qualified experts from computer network engineering backgrounds who are assigned these computer networking assignments to ensure maximum grades. Our team of computer networking engineers offers top quality computer network assignment help to students seeking assistance to resolve their term work or projects. They have vast experience in the field of networking and in-depth knowledge on theoretical and practical aspects of computer networking and communication. According to our Computer network assignment help experts; there are various devices which help to set up a computer network. Some of the important devices are a router, distributor, network cables, network card and USB (Universal Serial Bus). Our experts firmly believe that a good computer network must be strong on parameters like reliability, good performance, and safety from unauthorized sources. To get further information on Computer network and communication assignment help, feel free to contact us.
Types of network topologies:
The method of connection of devices in a network is called topology. Our Computer network assignment help tutors are expert at creating networks of diverse type of topologies to suit your assignment needs and some of which are discussed below:
- Star topology: Star topology includes a central node to which every device in the network is connected. No device is directly connected to another device or a computer and can, therefore, communicate by passing data through hub. Since the number of hops is limited, this topology provides good performance with less lag. One of the major disadvantages of this topology is that it is expensive to build.
- Ring topology: In this topology, every device is linked with every adjacent device creating a ring like structure. The data has to move through every node before it finds the right destination terminal. A central hub is not needed to control the flow of data and all data flows in one direction reducing the chance of packet collision.
- Bus topology: In such kind of topology, the network devices and computers are linked to each other by a single cable, so that all the connections obtain the data at the same time. Also, one of the major disadvantages is that a break in central cable can cause the entire system to shut down.
Types of computer network
Our Computer network assignment help experts and professionals also have deep knowledge of different types of computer networks some of which are briefly discussed below:
- Local Area Network: This kind of network is utilized to provide service to few people residing in the same geological region. This network is commonly used in the organizations, offices colleges, universities, and schools and span to areas within a radius of 1km.
- Metropolitan Area Network: This network is also known as MAN which connects the computer devices in a larger area as compared to LAN. It can span to an area including few buildings or even a whole town.
- Wide Area Network: This is known as WAN which serves a greater community situated in large geological region. It includes of other MANs and LANs.
- Wireless Local Area Networks: This network can be used without any physical media or wires in order to join various computers with one server.
Our experts can help you answer questions about above areas and more networks such as Campus Area Network (CAN), Personal area Network (PAN), System Area Network (SAN) and Storage Area Network (SAN) on which our experts have in-depth knowledge.
Important network devices
Network devices perform various tasks and help carry data to different devices of a computer network. Our computer network assignment helps experts also have knowledge of these key network devices which are commonly used for creation of different networks:
- Modem: Modem is an important device which is used for modulation and demodulation of data. It transmits the information to telephone lines as analogue signal and converts them back into digital signals while receiving them.
- Repeater: This is an electronic device which can be used to receive the signals and retransmits them with higher level and power.
- Hub: This device can connect various computers with each other in a single topology network.
- Media converters: These devices help uncomplicated systems and connect different media types like fiber optic cables and twisted pair.
- Network Interface card (NIC): This is a computer hardware device which is intended to connect the computers with the internet or network.
- Router: This device operates at the network layer of OSI model and effectively transfers data between different local area networks. Basically, they are devices which join multiple computer networks via wired or wireless connections.
- Switch: This is the tool which obtains information from various systems in a network and transfers it to definite output ports to fulfill its desired objective. A switch is nothing but a smart hub which instead of transmitting data to every port, selects the desired port basis information in the data.
- Firewall: This is the part of networks which is designed for blocking unauthorized access to or from the network at the same time allowing the passage of authorized information. Firewall can be software, hardware or a combination of both.
- Bridge: This network tool that connects multiple communicating networks or network segments effectively. Experienced computer networking experts know that bridges operate at data link layer of the OSI reference model. It can interconnect two of the points mutually with data flowing at extremely high velocity.
Important concepts of computer networks:
Our assignment help specialists are experienced and knowledgeable in the field of networking. Our students seek Computer network assignment help on tasks which first require concept building around the basics of networking. Some of the important topics are covered below briefly:
- Introduction to networking: Important concepts of computer networking include a seven-layer structural design. This is identified as OSI model in which every level has defined tasks to execute. Our experts can answer questions in detail about the different layers and their functions.
- Topology and transmission media: This includes transmission of data packet in all the networks. The method of transmission can be visual cable and a wire. Topology is accountable for the efficient spread of network. It can be bus, ring or star topology. Our Computer network assignment help experts can be helpful for you to answer networking topology-based assignments.
- Routing algorithm: There are various routing algorithm that gives an effective and safe way to transmit the information. Along with this, the routing algorithm is difficult to understand and hard to run. The team of our professionals and experts are helpful to solve the programming assignments around routing algorithms.
- Blocking control techniques: Just like traffic jams on roads, there is a problem of congestion in networking. If various data packets are passing in the network then there must be the problem of congestion. Our Computer network assignment helps experts have proper solutions to overcome such issues. This problem can be managed by applying network congestion control method using java or other programming languages.
- Management of network and safety- Hacking and data theft in a network is one of the biggest problems faced by network creators. So, you must understand the role and importance of network safety management. A student might get assignments around creation of network security for a given network and may involve studying packet filters, and tracer. For such assignments, you can take great help from our experienced Computer network assignment help experts.
- IPV4 and IPV6- These is one of the renowned TCP protocols in the networking which came into existence recently. One of the advantages of IPV6 is that it provides much bigger address space than IPV4. We can provide Computer network assignment help to the students with IPV6 and IPV4 assignments and networking essays.
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Computer Network
The Internet is the worldwide, publicly accessible network of interconnected computer networks that transmit data by packet switching using the standard Internet Protocol (IP). It is a “network of networks” that consists of millions of smaller domestic, academic, business, and government networks, which together carry various information and services, such as electronic mail, online chat, file transfer, and the interlinked Web pages and other documents of the World Wide Web. The Internet was named by the American television show Good Morning America and newspaper USA Today as one of the “New Seven Wonders of the World” [1] in 2006.
Contrary to some common usage, the Internet and the World Wide Web are not synonymous: the Internet is a collection of interconnected computer networks, linked by copper wires, fiber-optic cables, wireless connections, etc.; the Web is a collection of interconnected documents and other resources, linked by hyperlinks and URLs. The World Wide Web is accessible via the Internet, as are many other services including e-mail, file sharing, and others described below.
Creation of the Internet
The Internet is the worldwide, publicly accessible network of interconnected computer networks that transmit data by packet switching using the standard Internet Protocol (IP). It is a “network of networks” that consists of millions of smaller domestic, academic, business, and government networks, which together carry various information and services, such as electronic mail, online chat, file transfer, and the interlinked Web pages and other documents of the World Wide Web.
The USSR’s launch of Sputnik spurred the United States to create the Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA, later known as the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, or DARPA) in February 1958 to regain a technological lead. ARPA created the Information Processing Technology Office (IPTO) to further the research of the Semi Automatic Ground Environment (SAGE) program, which had networked country-wide radar systems together for the first time. J. C. R. Licklider was selected to head the IPTO, and saw universal networking as a potential unifying human revolution.
In 1950, Licklider moved from the Psycho-Acoustic Laboratory at Harvard University to MIT where he served on a committee that established MIT Lincoln Laboratory. He worked on the SAGE project. In 1957 he became a Vice President at BBN, where he bought the first production PDP-1 computer and conducted the first public demonstration of time-sharing.
Licklider recruited Lawrence Roberts to head a project to implement a network, and Roberts based the technology on the work of Paul Baran who had written an exhaustive study for the U.S. Air Force that recommended packet switching (as opposed to Circuit switching) to make a network highly robust and survivable. After much work, the first node went live at UCLA on October 29, 1969 on what would be called the ARPANET, one of the “eve” networks of today’s Internet. Following on from this, the British Post Office, Western Union International and Tymnet collaborated to create the first international packet switched network, referred to as the International Packet Switched Service (IPSS), in 1978. This network grew from Europe and the US to cover Canada, Hong Kong and Australia by 1981.
The first TCP/IP wide area network was operational by 1 January 1983, when the United States’ National Science Foundation (NSF) constructed a university network backbone that would later become the NSFNet. (This date is held by some to be technically that of the birth of the Internet.) It was then followed by the opening of the network to commercial interests in 1985. Important, separate networks that offered gateways into, then later merged with, the NSFNet include Usenet, Bitnet and the various commercial and educational X.25 Compuserve and JANET. Telenet (later called Sprintnet), was a large privately-funded national computer network with free dialup access in cities throughout the U.S. that had been in operation since the 1970s. This network eventually merged with the others in the 1990s as the TCP/IP protocol became increasingly popular. The ability of TCP/IP to work over these pre-existing communication networks, especially the international X.25 IPSS network, allowed for a great ease of growth. Use of the term “Internet” to describe a single global TCP/IP network originated around this time.
The network gained a public face in the 1990s. On August 6th, 1991 CERN, which straddles the border between France and Switzerland publicized the new World Wide Web project, two years after Tim Berners-Lee had begun creating HTML, HTTP and the first few Web pages at CERN.
An early popular Web browser was ViolaWWW based upon HyperCard. It was eventually replaced in popularity by the Mosaic Web Browser. In 1993 the National Center for Supercomputing Applications at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign released version 1.0 of Mosaic and by late 1994 there was growing public interest in the previously academic/technical Internet. By 1996 the word “Internet” was coming into common daily usage, frequently misused to refer to the World Wide Web.
Meanwhile, over the course of the decade, the Internet successfully accommodated the majority of previously existing public computer networks (although some networks such as FidoNet have remained separate). This growth is often attributed to the lack of central administration, which allows organic growth of the network, as well as the non-proprietary open nature of the Internet protocols, which encourages vendor interoperability and prevents any one company from exerting too much control over the network.
Today’s Internet
Aside from the complex physical connections that make up its infrastructure, the Internet is facilitated by bi- or multi-lateral commercial contracts (e.g., peering agreements), and by technical specifications or protocols that describe how to exchange data over the network. Indeed, the Internet is essentially defined by its interconnections and routing policies.
As of September 18, 2006, over 1.09 billion people use the Internet according to Internet World Stats.
Internet protocols
In this context, there are three layers of protocols:
- At the lowest level is IP (Internet Protocol), which defines the datagrams or packets that carry blocks of data from one node to another. The vast majority of today’s Internet uses version four of the IP protocol (i.e. IPv4), and although IPv6 is standardised, it exists only as “islands” of connectivity, and there are many ISPs who don’t have any IPv6 connectivity at all.
- Next come TCP (Transmission Control Protocol) and UDP (User Datagram Protocol) – the protocols by which one host sends data to another. The former makes a virtual ‘connection’, which gives some level of guarantee of reliability. The latter is a best-effort, connectionless transport, in which data packets that are lost in transit will not be re-sent.
- On top comes the application protocol . This defines the specific messages and data formats sent and understood by the applications running at each end of the communication.
Internet structure
There have been many analyses of the Internet and its structure. For example, it has been determined that the Internet IP routing structure and hypertext links of the World Wide Web are examples of scale-free networks.
Similar to the way the commercial Internet providers connect via Internet exchange points, research networks tend to interconnect into large subnetworks such as:
- JANET (the UK’s Joint Academic Network aka UKERNA)
These in turn are built around relatively smaller networks. See also the list of academic computer network organizations
In network schematic diagrams, the Internet is often represented by a cloud symbol, into and out of which network communications can pass.
The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) is the authority that coordinates the assignment of unique identifiers on the Internet, including domain names, Internet protocol addresses, and protocol port and parameter numbers. A globally unified namespace (i.e., a system of names in which there is one and only one holder of each name) is essential for the Internet to function. ICANN is headquartered in Marina del Rey, California, but is overseen by an international board of directors drawn from across the Internet technical, business, academic, and non-commercial communities. The US government continues to have the primary role in approving changes to the root zone file that lies at the heart of the domain name system. Because the Internet is a distributed network comprising many voluntarily interconnected networks, the Internet, as such, has no governing body. ICANN’s role in coordinating the assignment of unique identifiers distinguishes it as perhaps the only central coordinating body on the global Internet, but the scope of its authority extends only to the Internet’s systems of domain names, Internet protocol addresses, and protocol port and parameter numbers.
On Nov. 16, 2005, the World Summit on the Information Society, held in Tunis, established the Internet Governance Forum (IGF) to discuss Internet-related issues.
Graphic representation of a very small part of the WWW, representing some of the hyperlinks
The World Wide Web
Through keyword-driven Internet research using search engines, like Google, millions worldwide have easy, instant access to a vast and diverse amount of online information. Compared to encyclopedias and traditional libraries, the World Wide Web has enabled a sudden and extreme decentralization of information and data.
Many individuals and some companies and groups have adopted the use of “Web logs” or blogs, which are largely used as easily-updatable online diaries. Some commercial organizations encourage staff to fill them with advice on their areas of specialization in the hope that visitors will be impressed by the expert knowledge and free information, and be attracted to the corporation as a result. One example of this practice is Microsoft, whose product developers publish their personal blogs in order to pique the public’s interest in their work.
For more information on the distinction between the World Wide Web and the Internet itself — as in everyday use the two are sometimes confused — see Dark internet where this is discussed in more detail.
The low-cost and nearly instantaneous sharing of ideas, knowledge, and skills has made collaborative work dramatically easier. Not only can a group cheaply communicate and test, but the wide reach of the Internet allows such groups to easily form in the first place, even among niche interests. An example of this is the Free/Libre/Open-Source Software (FLOSS) movement in software development, such as Linux, Mozilla, and Cooperation has been greatly eased in other fields, as well.
The most prevalent language for communication on the Internet is English. This may be a result of the Internet’s origins, as well as English’s role as the lingua franca. It may also be related to the poor capability of early computers to handle characters other than those in the basic Latin alphabet.
The Internet’s technologies have developed enough in recent years that good facilities are available for development and communication in most widely used languages. However, some glitches such as mojibake (incorrect display of foreign language characters, also known as krakozyabry) still remain.
Internet and the workplace
The Internet is allowing greater flexibility in working hours and location, especially with the spread of unmetered high-speed connections and Web applications.
The Internet has given employees a forum from which to voice their opinions about their jobs, employers and co-workers, creating a massive amount of information and data on work that is currently being collected by the project run by Harvard Law School’s Labor & Worklife Program.
The name Internet
Internet is traditionally written with a capital first letter, as it is a proper noun. The Internet Society, the Internet Engineering Task Force, the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers, the World Wide Web Consortium, and several other Internet-related organizations use this convention in their publications.
Many newspapers, newswires, periodicals, and technical journals capitalize the term. Examples include the New York Times, the Associated Press, Time, The Times of India, Hindustan Times, and Communications of the ACM.
Others assert that the first letter should be written in lower case (internet). A significant number of publications use this form, including The Economist, the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, the Financial Times, The Guardian, The Times, and The Sydney Morning Herald. As of 2005, many publications using internet appear to be located outside of North America—although one U.S. news source, Wired News, has adopted the lower case spelling.
Historically, Internet and internet have had different meanings, with internet being a contraction of internetwork or internetworking and Internet referring to the worldwide network. Under this distinction, the Internet is a particular internet, but the reverse does not apply. The distinction was evident in many RFCs, books, and articles from the 1980s and early 1990s (some of which, such as RFC 1918, refer to “internets” in the plural), but has recently fallen into disuse [citation needed] .
- The Dream Machine: J.C.R. Licklider and the Revolution That Made Computing Personal M. Mitchell Waldrop.
- The Internet Society History Page.
- How the Internet Came to Be
- Hobbes’ Internet Timeline v8.1
- Futures and Non-futures for Scholarly Internet.
- History of the Internet links.
- RFC 801, planning the TCP/IP switchover
- Video of a report on the Internet – before the Web
- Vinton Cerf’s short history of the Internet
- Internet Archive – A searchable database of old cached versions of Web sites dating back to 1996
- A comprehensive history with people, concepts and many interesting quotations
- CBC Digital Archives – Inventing the Internet Age
- A list of lectures, some of which relate to the Internet, from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology is available here. Of particular interest is lecture #3 The Next Big Thing: Video Internet which is delivered in Real Player format. The lecture gives a brief history of networking; discusses convergence between the Internet/telephone/television networks; the expansion of broadband access; makes predictions about the future of delivery of video over the Internet.
NSFNET — The National Science Foundation Network
The time of a federally provided general purpose backbone network for the research and science community is coming to a close as of April of 1995. Its roots stem from early ARPA research on packet switching and its development of the TCP/IP protocol suite, which the NSF elected for its NSFNET program in the mid-eighties, at a time of strong tendency towards GOSIP ISO protocols and support for X.25.
Evolving from the Arpanet core model which centered around a single infrastructure to interconnect campuses, the NSFNET focused on broad operation al interconnection infrastructure which considered regional clients and agency peer networks, each of which would connect to their respective clients.
The TCP/IP selection for the NSFNET resulted in a strong acceptance worldwide in the ten years since the mid-eighties, as the NSFNET creation was the enabler for broad interconnectability in the Internet community. The NSFNET program itself initially came out of the NSF supercomputing center program, with two of the awardees, SDSC and JvNC, having proposed a consortium network. NSF then orchestrated the interconnection of its supercomputing centers via a 56kbps “Fuzzball” based backbone (already synchronized to radio clocks), to which shortly thereafter regional (or mid-level) networks connected, which used the 56kbps NSFNET backbone as the national interconnection fabric. In July 1988, a 1.544 Mbps
T1 (sorry, photo shows the now empty rack) replacement of the NSFNET backbone operationally started, and was replaced by a 45Mbps T3 backbone in the early nineties, to meet growing demand patterns. By then the commercialization and privatization of the Internet started to significantly take off, with the NSF getting under increating pressure to move networking activities to the private sector, rather than bulk-providing general networking services by the federal government. This pressure has resulted in a rethinking of the NSFNET architecture, to ensure Internet stability for the time window between government supported services and full privatization of the network.
Topology history
- 56kbps NSFNET backbone
- T1/448kbps physical NSFNET backbone
- T1/448kbps logical NSFNET backbone
- T1 non-muxed NSFNET backbone
- T3 NSFNET backbone service
The new NSFNET architecture
To address the aforementioned time window, the National Science Foundation created four new projects, three of the infrastructure related, and one of them supporting network research and development activities. Those are:
- support for regional interconnectivity to regional networks
- general purpose Network Access Points (NAP)
NSF priority NAP details:
- Ameritech NAP (mid west area)
- Pacific Bell NAP (west coast area)
- Sprint NAP (east coast area)
fourth NSF NAP:
- MFS Datanet NAP (Washington DC area)
generic NAP related information:
- Commercial Internet EXchange, a trade association and interconnect point in California
- European Interconnect Information — RIPE Connectivity Fact Sheets
- US Network Service Provider interconnect map by CERFnet
routing arbiter functions
- routing server description
- network research and development
- very High Speed Backbone Network Services (vBNS)
Network services evolution
In its initial implementation network users typically selected specific services that they explicitly connected to in a one-to-one connection, largely to transfer files, for interactive access to remote machines, and for electronic mail to other users.
This has evolved in the last few years towards a broad “information perimeter” as seen by individual users. The information source is not perceived as specific machines any more, but a horizon consisting of the available information resources, with a one-to-many mapping between a user and information resources.
This has contributed to the notion of an information infrastructure. In the future, even that view will be too limiting, as a many-to-many weave of connectivity is arising, from a mixture of collaboration, information, and generic facility resources environment.
The NSFNET has been shaping the Internet from a federal network research effort, via a federally provided infrastructure, towards a commercialized environment. Some of the next challenges will be in the focus on applications, and how they are provisioned throughout the networked environment, and to support collaboration, information, and facilities resources. Some of the network analysis over the years has shown a dramatic impact of new applications on the IP switching substrate, something that will have to be considered for the overall traffic profiles, as new high end applications demand significant amounts of bandwidth for extensive periods of time.
Some of this is seen already by the increasing use of audio and video applications on the Internet. A lot of areas need further exploration, including:
- information resource discovery
- network/server load considerations
- architected information cache infrastructure
- architected information brokerage
- collaboration resource discovery
- hierarchical server structures
- movability of clients among servers
- dynamic creation and support for collaboration groups
- environment status information (e.g., air quality)
- aggregation of data from many sources
- provisioning of data silos/warehouses
- data base support for the data access
The Advanced Research Projects Agency Network (ARPANET) developed by ARPA of the United States Department of Defense was the world’s first operational packet switching network, and the progenitor of the global Internet.
Packet switching, now the dominant basis for both data and voice communication worldwide, was a new and important concept in data communications. Previously, data communications was based on the idea of circuit switching, as in the old typical telephone circuit, where a dedicated circuit is tied up for the duration of the call and communication is only possible with the single party on the other end of the circuit.
With packet switching, a system could use one communication link to communicate with more than one machine by assembling data into packets. Not only could the link be shared (much as a single mail person can be used to post letters to different destinations), but each packet could be routed independently of other packets. This was a major advance.
Background of the ARPANET
The earliest ideas of a computer network intended to allow general communication between users of various computers were formulated by J.C.R. Licklider of Bolt, Beranek and Newman (BBN) in August 1962, in a series of memos discussing his “Galactic Network” concept. These ideas contained almost everything that the Internet is today.
In October 1963, Licklider was appointed head of the Behavioral Sciences and Command and Control programs at ARPA (as it was then called), the United States Department of Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency. He then convinced Ivan Sutherland and Bob Taylor that this was a very important concept, although he left ARPA before any actual work on his vision was performed.
ARPA and Taylor continued to be interested in creating a computer communication network, in part to allow ARPA-sponsored researchers in various locations to use various computers which ARPA was providing, and in part to quickly make new software and other results widely available. Taylor had three different terminals in his office, connected to three different computers which DARPA was funding: one for the SDC Q-32 in Santa Monica, one for Project Genie at the University of California, Berkeley, and one for Multics at MIT. Taylor later recalled:
For each of these three terminals, I had three different sets of user commands. So if I was talking online with someone at S.D.C. and I wanted to talk to someone I knew at Berkeley or M.I.T. about this, I had to get up from the S.D.C. terminal, go over and log into the other terminal and get in touch with them.
I said, oh, man, it’s obvious what to do: If you have these three terminals, there ought to be one terminal that goes anywhere you want to go where you have interactive computing. That idea is the ARPAnet.[1].
Roughly contemporaneously, a number of people had (mostly independently) worked out various aspects of what later became known as “packet switching”; the people who created the ARPANET would eventually draw on all these different sources.
Origins of the ARPANET
At the end of 1966, Taylor brought Larry Roberts to ARPA from MIT Lincoln Laboratory to head a project to create the network. Roberts had some initial experience in this area: two years previously, in 1965, while at MIT Lincoln Laboratory, he had connected the TX-2 to System Development Corporation’s Q-32 over a telephone line, conducting some of the earliest experiments in which two computers communicated that way. Roberts’ initial concept for the network for ARPA was to hook the various time-sharing machines directly to each other, through telephone.
At a meeting at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor, Michigan in early 1967, many of the participants were unenthusiastic at having the load of managing this line put directly on their computers. One of the participants, Wesley Clark, came up with the idea of using separate smaller computers to manage the communication links; the small computers would then be connected to the large time-sharing mainframe computers which were the typical machines to be connected to the ARPANET. This concept allowed most of the detailed work of running the network to be offloaded from the large mainframes; it also meant that correct operation of the network as a whole was not subject to the vagaries of individual host implementations, and that DARPA would have complete control over the network itself.
Initial planning for the ARPANET began on that basis, with a number of working groups on specific technical subjects meeting during the late spring and summer of 1967.
Roberts then proceeded to author a “plan for the ARPANET”, which was presented at a symposium in Gatlinburg, Tennessee in October, 1967. Also presenting there was Roger Scantlebury, from Donald Davies’ group at NPL. (Roberts had previously encountered Davies at a conference in Britain about time-sharing, in November, 1965.) He discussed Davies’ packet switching ideas with Roberts, and introduced Roberts to Paul Baran’s work.
The exact impact of all this is unclear, and somewhat controversial; memoirs by different people involved in the process give sharply conflicting accounts, often in conflict with their earlier recorded statements. The general view of most historians is that all four (Baran, Kleinrock, Davies and Roberts) had important contributions:
- Davies was instrumental in passing on the knowledge of packet switching that he and Baran had developed to Lawrence Roberts [1]
- Roberts’ ideas for the network were modified by his discussions with Scantlebury. .. According to his later description, upon returning to Washington from the Gatlinburg meeting [Roberts] was influenced by Baran’s reports [2]
- If anyone influenced Roberts in his earliest thinking about computer networks, it was Kleinrock. … Baran’s insights into data communications intrigued [Roberts] … The Gatlinburg paper presented by Scantlebury on behalf of the British effort was clearly an influence, too.
Creation of the ARPANET
By the summer of 1968, a complete plan had been prepared, and after approval at ARPA, a Request For Quotation (RFQ) was sent to 140 potential bidders. Most regarded the proposal as outlandish, and only 12 companies submitted bids, of which only four were regarded as in the top rank. By the end of the year, the field had been narrowed to two, and after negotiations, a final choice was made, and the contract was awarded to BBN on 7 April 1969.
BBN’s proposal followed Roberts’ plan closely; it called for the network to be composed of small computers known as Interface Message Processors (more commonly known as IMPs). The IMPs at each site performed store-and-forward packet switching functions, and were connected to each other using modems connected to leased lines (initially running at 50 kbit/second). Host computers connected to the IMPs via custom bit-serial interfaces to connect to ARPANET.
BBN initially chose a ruggedized version of Honeywell’s DDP-516 computer to build the first-generation IMP. The 516 was originally configured with 24 kbytes of core memory (expandable) and a 16 channel Direct Multiplex Control (DMC) direct memory access control unit. Custom interfaces were used to connect, via the DMC, to each of the hosts and modems. In addition to the lamps on the front panel of the 516 there was also a special set of 24 indicator lights to show the status of the IMP communication channels. Each IMP could support up to four local hosts and could communicate with up to six remote IMPs over leased lines.
The small team at BBN (initially only seven people), helped considerably by the detail they had gone into to produce their response to the RFQ, quickly produced the first working units. The entire system, including both hardware and the world’s first packet switching software, was designed and installed in nine months.
The initial ARPANET consisted of four IMPs. They were installed at:
- UCLA, where Leonard Kleinrock had established a Network Measurement Center (with an SDS Sigma 7 being the first computer attached to it).
- The Stanford Research Institute’s Augmentation Research Center, where Douglas Engelbart had created the ground-breaking NLS system, a very important early hypertext system (with the SDS 940 that ran NLS, named ‘Genie’, being the first host attached).
- The University of California, Santa Barbara (with the Culler-Fried Interactive Mathematics Centre’s IBM 360/75, running OS/MVT being the machine attached).
- The University of Utah’s Graphics Department, where Ivan Sutherland had moved (for a DEC PDP-10 running TENEX).
The first ARPANET link was established on October 29, 1969, between the IMP at UCLA and the IMP at SRI. By December 5, 1969, the entire 4-node network was connected [2].
Software and protocol development
The starting point for host-to-host communication on the ARPANET was the 1822 protocol which defined the way that a host sent messages to an ARPANET IMP. The message format was designed to work unambiguously with a broad range of computer architectures. Essentially, an 1822 message consisted of a message type, a numeric host address, and a data field. To send a data message to another host, the sending host would format a data message containing the destination host’s address and the data to be sent, and transmit the message through the 1822 hardware interface. The IMP would see that the message was delivered to its destination, either by delivering it to a locally connected host or by delivering it to another IMP. When the message was ultimately delivered to the destination host, the IMP would send an acknowledgment message (called Ready for Next Message or RFNM) to the sending host.
Unlike modern Internet datagrams, the ARPANET was designed to transmit all 1822 messages reliably, or at least to be able to tell the host when a message was lost. Nonetheless, the 1822 protocol did not prove to be adequate by itself for juggling multiple connections between different applications residing on a single host. This problem was addressed with the Network Control Program or NCP, which provided a standard method to establish reliable, flow-controlled, bidirectional communications links between different processes on different hosts. The NCP interface allowed application software to connect across the ARPANET implementing higher-level communication protocols. This was an early example of the protocol layering concept incorporated into the OSI model.
In 1983, TCP/IP protocols replaced NCP as the principal protocol of the ARPANET, and the ARPANET became just one component of the fledgling Internet.
Network Applications
NCP provided a standard set of network services that could be shared by several applications running on a single host computer. This led to the evolution of application protocols that operated more or less independently of the underlying network service. When the ARPANET migrated to the Internet protocols in 1983, the major application protocols migrated along with it.
- E-mail: In 1971, Ray Tomlinson of BBN sent the first network email [3]. By 1973, 75% of the ARPANET traffic was email.
- File transfer: By 1973, the File Transfer Protocol (FTP) specification had been defined and implemented, enabling file transfers over the ARPANET.
- Voice traffic: A Network Voice Protocol (NVP) specifications was also defined (RFC 741) and then implemented, but conference calls over the ARPANET never worked well, for technical reasons; packet voice would not become a workable reality for several decades.
Growth of the network
In March, 1970, the ARPANET reached the U.S. East Coast, when an IMP at BBN itself was joined up to the network. Thereafter, the network grew quickly: 9 IMPs by June of 1970, and 13 by December; 18 by September, 1971 (at which point twenty-three hosts, at universities and government research centers, were connected to the ARPANET); 29 by August, 1972, and 40 by September, 1973.
At that point two satellite links, across the Pacific and AtlanticOceans to Hawaii and Norway (Norwegian Seismic Array) respectively, had been added to the network. From Norway, a terrestrial circuit added an IMP in London to the growing network.
By June, 1974 there were 46 IMPs, and the network reached 57 in July, 1975. By 1981, the number of hosts had grown to 213, with a new host being added approximately every twenty days.
After the ARPANET had been up and running for several years, ARPA looked for another agency to hand off the network to; ARPA’s primary business was funding cutting-edge research and development, not running a communications utility. Eventually, in July 1975, the network was turned over to the Defense Communications Agency, also part of the Department of Defense.
In 1984, the U.S. military portion of the ARPANet was broken off as a separate network, the MILNET.
Later hardware developments
Support for inter-IMP circuits of up to 230.4 kbit/s was added in 1970, although considerations of cost and IMP processing power meant this capability was not much used.
1971 saw the start of the use of the non-ruggedized (and therefore significantly lighter) H-316 as an IMP. It could also be configured as a Terminal IMP (TIP), which added support for up to 63 ASCII serial terminals through a multi-line controller in place of one of the hosts. The 316 featured a greater degree of integration than the 516, which made it less expensive and easier to maintain. The 316 was configured with 40 Kbytes of core memory for a TIP. The size of core memory was later increased, to 32 Kbytes for the IMPs, and 56Kbytes for TIPs, in 1973.
The Honeywell based IMPs were eventually superseded by multi-processor BBN Pluribus IMPs in 1975. These in turn were later phased out in favor of machines called C/30s, which were custom built by BBN.
The original IMPs and TIPs were phased out as the ARPANET was shut down after the introduction of the NSFNet, but some IMPs remained in service as late as 1989.
The ARPANET and nuclear attacks
A common semi-myth about the ARPANET states that it was designed to be resistant to nuclear attack. The Internet Society writes about the merger of technical ideas that produced the ARPANET in A Brief History of the Internet, and states in a note:
It was from the RAND study that the false rumor started claiming that the ARPANET was somehow related to building a network resistant to nuclear war. This was never true of the ARPANET, only the unrelated (sic) RAND study on secure voice considered nuclear war. However, the later work on Internetting did emphasize robustness and survivability, including the capability to withstand losses of large portions of the underlying networks.
The ARPANET was designed to survive network losses, but the main reason was actually that the switching nodes and network links were not highly reliable, even without any nuclear attacks. Charles Herzfeld, ARPA director from 1965 to 1967, speaks about limited computer resources helping to spur ARPANET’s creation:
The ARPANET was not started to create a Command and Control System that would survive a nuclear attack, as many now claim. To build such a system was clearly a major military need, but it was not ARPA’s mission to do this; in fact, we would have been severely criticized had we tried. Rather, the ARPAnet came out of our frustration that there were only a limited number of large, powerful research computers in the country, and that many research investigators who should have access to them were geographically separated from them.
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Home Network Diagram – All network layouts explained
A home network diagram is a schematic drawing of a home network layout. It helps you plan your home network, and figuring the best layout for it. But home network diagrams are also used as part of network documentation.
Most network layouts are a variation of a couple of common network designs. In this article, we are going to take a look at those common network diagrams. We are going to start with the most basic home network diagram and expand it until a full complex home network.
In this article
Under each layout you will find a description with tips, pros and cons of the layout.
Basic home network diagram
This is the most basic home network diagram that you can have. We have a router with a built-in modem and an access point that we got from our ISP (Internet Service Provider). These kinds of routers typically allow you to connect up to four devices using a network (UTP) cable.
If you live in a small house, and only have a limited amount of devices, then this basic network layout can work for you. You don’t have to buy any network equipment for this, so it’s really simple to setup.
If you look at this network diagram, you might think, this is all I need. I can connect my computer(s) and printer with a network cable and wirelessly connect my mobile phones and/or laptops.
But there is a big downside to this layout. You will have to place the router close to the point where the internet connection comes into your house. Most of the time this is hidden in a utility room or garage. The wireless network range is limited, so you probably won’t have a good wireless network connection with this setup.
You can only connect four wired devices. Keep in mind that a wired connection is the best connection that you can have. So ideally you want to connect your Smart TV, Game console, Printer, etc with a wired connection. Then 4 network connections aren’t a lot.
Another downside is that you don’t have full control of the router. So from a security perspective, you might want to use your own router instead of the router from the ISP.
If you are using this layout, make sure you change the default passwords for the router. The default password can easily be found on the internet, so to keep your network save, start with changing the passwords.
Also change the password, and network security key, from the wireless network, and disable WPS if it’s enabled in the router. Read more tips on s ecuring your home network here .
Home network diagram with Modem and Router
Still has a pretty basic network layout, but as you can see in the network diagram, we have added our own router. If you have a fiber connection for example, you only get a modem from your ISP. The modem can only setup the internet connection and delivery it to one network device.
So in theory you could connect one computer to a modem with a UTP cable and you would have internet. But to use the internet connection with multiple devices, you will need a router. Most routers have a WAN port which you can use to connect a modem to it, still leaving four network ports free for your computers and printer.
This setup can also be used to replace the modem/router from the first diagram with your own router.
It’s always good to use your own router. They get more frequent security updates, you will have full control over who has access to it, port forwarding, vLAN, etc.
Again, this setup can work if you have a small house or if you can place your router close to the room where you use wireless devices the most.
Just like with the basic network diagram, you can only connect a limited amount of wired devices, and you will have poor wireless network coverage in your house.
Router Switch Network Diagram
If you have more then four wired network devices (computers, game console, tv, etc), then you will have to add a network switch to your network layout. As you can see in this network diagram, we have added a switch below the router.
Network switches come in different sizes, they start with from 4 network ports up to 48 ports. In your typical home network, you would use an 8-ports network switch . Keep in mind that you need one port to connect the switch to the router, so you can effectively only use 7 ports of the switch.
Different use cases for a switch
Using a switch isn’t only necessary when you want to connect more than 4 network devices, but also when you don’t want to pull all the cables to your router. For example, you have your router in the garage, but most of your network devices on the first floor.
Now instead of running multiple network cables from the first floor to the garage, you can also pull one cable to the garage and place a switch on the first floor.
It’s also possible to daisy chain network switches. Only do this when you can’t pull individual cables from a switch to a router. Daisy chaining will have a downside on the performance of switch 1 because it will also have to process the traffic from switch 2. Also, the connection between the router and switch 1 will have to process more data.
If you are adding a switch to your network, also choose a modal that also has one or more PoE ( Power over Ethernet ) ports. This way you can easily connect an access point to it. A good 8 ports switch with PoE ports is an Unifi US-8-60W .
Wireless Network Diagram
A full wireless network is also possible. In this wireless network diagram, all devices are connected wirelessly to the network. In this example, we are using a separate access point instead of the built-in access point of the router.
Access points can connect up to 20 or 30 devices at the same time. So one access point could connect every device in your house, as long as they are in range.
With a fully wireless network, you don’t have to pull network cables through your house. This can be a daunting task to do when you are not remodeling your house. Another advantage of this network layout is that you can use and place every device in a location that you want.
The advantage of using a separate/dedicated access point is that you can place it in the most optimal location . This will give you the best wireless network performance possible.
Wireless networks can suffer from interference from other devices in your household (like microwaves, dryers, etc). But also walls and floors will have an impact on the signal quality.
If you are going for a fully wireless network, then place an access point on each floor. This way you will have the best signal strength on each floor.
Also go for an access point that supports MU-MIMO (Multi-User, Multi-Input, Multi-Output). This allows multiple devices to use the same access point at the same time. MIMO alone allows one device to use multiple connections at the same time to an access point. This way higher speeds can be reached between the device and the access point.
Advanced Network Diagram
What you see here is an extended home network diagram. We got multiple switches and access points, providing good wireless network coverage and efficient wired connections. This diagram could be used for a two-story house for example.
Always try to connect your switches directly to your router for the best performance. In this case, we used an Edge Router X SFP (one of the best value-for-money routers in the market), that comes with multiple PoE ports. This way we can connect access points to it and provide it with power and network connection with the use of only a single network cable.
Also the access points, Unifi US-8-60W, have PoE ports. This way we can easily connect an IP Camera or Access Point to it.
Mesh Network Layout
In a mesh network, you can connect multiple access point wireless together. Not to create one big wireless network, but to extend your network wireless (without pulling cables). If you are using more then 2 access points in a mesh network, then the network will find the best connection dynamically.
A mesh network can be used in-house, in case you are unable to pull cables through your house. Or it can also be used to extend your network to another building on your property (the garage for example).
If you are renting a house, for example, you can’t really drill holes to pull the cable to the first and/or second floor. With a mesh network, you can wirelessly extend your network through your house. As you can see in the diagram, you can connect a switch to a (receiving) access point. This allows you to connect multiple devices behind the access point.
A wireless signal is always prone to interference. One day your network can work fine, and the next it can be slow and disconnecting all the time. Interference from other devices, or neighboring wireless networks, can disturb your signal.
If you are planning to use 3 or more mesh access points, always go for a brand that supports self-forming and healing. With self-forming, the network will determine self what the best connections are.
Self-healing ensures that your network will always have backup connections ready. If an access point fails or is turned off, the network will switch over to another access point for the uplink.
The Unifi Amplifi is a really great mesh network. It’s fast and really easy to set-up.
Powerline Network Diagram
If you want to extend your network, but are unable to pull extra ethernet cables, then you could use your existing electrical wires. With Powerline Adapters you can extend your network through your electrical wires.
A Powerline adapter is plugged-in into a wall socket and needs to be connected to your network with a network cable. Other adapters can broadcast a wireless network and/or allows you to plug in a network cable for a switch or computer, for example.
Powerline adapters are really easy to use, they are simple plug-and-play devices that don’t need any configuration. There is also no limit on the number of powerline adapters that you can use in a single network. The ability to combine both wireless adapters and ethernet adapters makes it even easier to use.
Keep in mind that power lines are not designed to carry data. Any electrical device connected to the same powerline can cause issues with the signal. Especially devices with large motors like washing machines, refrigerators, etc, will cause problems.
Powerline adapters work best when you use them in the same electrical circuit. They often don’t work across breakers.
Powerline adapters are great to fix that one spot where you can’t get a network connection, or that is just out of range of your wireless network. Don’t use them as the main backbone of your network.
It’s better to use a mesh network then powerline adapters. Only use them if nothing else works, or if you don’t have the budget for them.
Tip on creating a home network diagram
As your networks grow it’s a good practice of documenting it. Writing down the IP Address of the network devices, how they are connected together, and maybe even naming them, can help you troubleshoot network issues later on.
Microsoft Visio or Lucidchart are both great tools for great network diagrams. The diagram should give an overview of your network. How devices are connected, the name and IP address (in case of a static IP address). It can also help to write down the brand/model of the device.
If you have a larger network to document, you can use different colors of the connection depending on the connection type. So orange maybe for a fiber connection, and blue of UTP for example. This way you can easily recognize the different types of connections.
Wrapping up
As you can see the general structure of a home network is pretty much the same. You got your internet connection, a modem/router and then you extend it with switches and access points. I hope that this article gave you a couple of ideas on how to build your own network.
If you want more tips on setting up a good home network, then make sure you read this article with a lot of tips on creating your network.
Icons used in diagrams made by Freepik from
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38 thoughts on “home network diagram – all network layouts explained”.
It may seem obvious to you, but it’s not obvious to newbies that Cat6 is point to point and cannot be joined/tee’d/branched as implied by your diagrams. I think your diagrams would be improved if you showed that for the wired connections, each node needs a separate cable to the switch, and show multiple lines in parallel arriving at the switch.
My network is a ISP router/modem with a router behind it. Only extra is that all my wired ethernet ports in the walls go to the ISP router and everything wireless + 2/3 wired devices goes to the router I added. Both devices are in normal mode so I have 2 networks now with a double NAT issue. What do I need to change to get 1 network? I can’t move the wired ports to my 2nd router.
You will need to place your ISP modem/router in bridge-mode, and only use your second router. For the wired connection, use a network switch .
Advanced Network and/or mesh network seems to be the type of network for my home network scenario. but what if i also want to add a firewall? one thing i never understood, for either the type of network I mentioned, what if i have a new device, will internet on it automatically work when I put the wifi password (i.e. iphone) or plug in ethernet cable to the switch (i.e. new printer/pc)? or do i need to change any settings on the switch/router and/or new target device?
In both case a device that you connect to the internal network will immediately have access to the internet. You don’t need to change any firewall settings for that.
Hi Rudy – your site is a great resource. Thanks. Replacing my doorbell triggered a review on my home network design. I realized I have added many smart home devices (lighting, garden irrigation, temperature control, audio and so on) to my network over time without too much thought. I started to become a little concerned (security) about how I designed my network setup and wondered if you have any best practices and recommendations to share?
It’s a good idea to use a separated virtual network (vLAN) for your smart home devices. Checkout this article and this article about home network setup for more information.
I work in a small office, but we have two network connections should one go out, we can always rely on the other. The only issue with this is our printer works on one IP address, so I’m needing to get a bonding router to join the two to one IP address. My question is, how many ports will I need on the bonding router? Will I need to move our computer hardwires to the new bonding router or will they stay in their original router? What about size/speed? I know we have 300G for one network and a 1000 for the other. There is too much for me to grasp what the best bonding router would be. Any information woudl be helpful. T
Thank you! Amanda
Bonding needs to be done on both sides. If you bond your WAN connections to use it as one, then your ISP will need to do the same on their side. So true bonding isn’t possible in most cases. You are looking for a router that supports 2 WAN connections and fail-over. You can set one WAN connection as primary and the other as fail-over if your primary connection goes down.
Very helpful articles – thank you. Remedial question: If I use a Unifi Dream Machine router, and add Unifi wireless access points on each of the three levels in my house, can I configure this as one network? I’m assuming yes, but in a previous house with wireless access points, new networks were created. Want to double check before I start 🙂
Yes, you can create one wireless network that will be available on all access points.
What tool did you use to diagram out the different home networks? Really like the icons and labels and want to use something similar.
I used PhotoShop and icons from
Very informative, thank you. Couple questions: 1) On the schematics above where the router after the modem doesn’t have wifi on, it could be, correct? Because maybe I still want wifi in the garage. 2) And for my understanding, can you confirm whenever there are blue lines connected together (such as to the four computers), that’s all being done by those four Ethernet cables being attached to the device (switch/router) ?
1 – yes, you can enable the wifi on the router 2 – yes, each device uses an individual ethernet cable to the switch / router
Hi Rudy, I’m trying setup our security DVR for access remotely via Internet, but the D-Link router in our cafe shows different internal IP’s for WAN and LAN. The DVR is (Ports 80,8000,554,443) are forwarded to that IP and the office computer can access the DVR using that address but no access from outside the LAN. Ipconfig shows as the gateway and (all is setup properly in the DVR). …but in the routing table (in the router) I see under “Net Destination ID 1” Subnet Gateway WAN “ID 2” subnet Gateway LAN “ID 3” subnet Gateway
The DVR setting a Gateway setting and does not seem correct??? Not sure what to do. A direct wired PC on the LAN with an address of will access the DVR at and will also access the Internet but accessing the DVR from outside via the external IP nor DDNS will not work. Pinging the ports show “timed out”.
To access the DVR from the internet you will indeed need to use port forwarding. Check this guide for more information about port forwarding
I am upgrading my ISP from DSL to cable internet. I have a cable MODEM with TV, voice lines, and an Ethernet port. My home is premises wired with Netgear unmanaged gigabit switches. I plan to add a WAP and am considering a Netgear WAX615. You show a Netgear wired router. Can I still buy one of these? What model do you show in your diagrams? So I will have a Cox MODEM, then a router with the home network and my security system off of it. The home network main switch will have the new WAP, video camera, and drops to each room.
If you are looking for a simple straight-forward Netgear router, then take a look at the R6700AX for example.
The drawings are just icons with a label, not a particular router.
This is one of the best websites that helped me in my SA task and it is super helpful to build a good network model and it is a very educational website where you can learn about the different types of networks like a home area network, thank you so much!!!!
Hi Ruud, my home network resembles your ‘Advanced Network Diagram’, with one exception. Instead of using a separate switch plus a separate WAP I use a router, which combines an internal switch plus an internal WAP. I started this configuration because I had a spare router and found out that it worked well just by testing. Right now I have three extra routers connected to my Ziggo Modem/Router in three separate rooms. I found out that a router is a cheaper option than a switch plus a WAP. I am interested in your opinion about this solution…
Yes it would work and I agree, it’s an affordable solution if you have the equipment laying around. The downside is that you have 3 devices that don’t know of each other. So they could be transmitting on the same channel for example (you can fix that by settings fixed channels). The wireless network coverage per device would be less optimal than with an access point.
Love this article and am trying to base my home network around the advanced setup. In regards to the WAP’s, I was told to stay away from these and use the units provided by my service provider. He said, they require frequent updating and would be in PIA in the future. Is this a valid concern?
Not really in my opinion. Yes, they need some updating, but that is not required to do every month. You will get better performance with these access points then with the built-in access point from your provider.
May I know which software and which SVG icon pack(s) you are using?
Thanks a lot!
(please ignore previous message as the message format changed once posting and was not clear)
Hi there, hope you are well. Im new to all this home networking world. I am planning to setup a home mesh network with a switch to also manage all direct wired connections.
During renovations i placed cat6 wires through the house. Im not sure where to place the switch within the chain though.
the options i have are –
1) ISP Modem –> Router 1 (of mesh system) –> switch –> router 2 (of mesh system) …………………………………….I–> TV ………………………………………….I–> media/ storage server ……………………………………..I–> PS5 ……………………………………….I–> PC ……………………………………………………………………………………………..I–> printer
2) ISP Moden –> Router 1 (of mesh system) –> switch –> PC ……………………………………….I–> TV ……………………………………….I–> printer ……………………………………….I–> PS5 …………………………………….. I–> media/storage server ………………………………………..I–> router 2 (of mesh system)
the arrows ‘–>’ indicate a wired connection
Not sure which way to wire it, or if it even makes a difference?
Any help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.
It’s still pretty difficult to understand how you exactly want to wire it.
First off, you should only have one router in your network. I assume that router 2 is a hub of the Mesh system that needs to be connected to router 1? Mesh networks are wireless, but if you can/must connect router 2 with a cable then you can plug it in either the switch or router 1. That doesn’t matter.
Modem > router > switch is fine. You can connect all your network clients to either your switch and/or router. There is not really a difference. There is only a slight network performance advantage if you are working with large files from the NAS on your PC to connect them both to the switch (instead of one to the switch and one to the router).
What tool do you use to create your network diagrams? They look really nice!
Nice articles and please keep it up!
I have a new Ziggo router with 4 LAN Ports then each has a cable connected going to the Living Room, Master Bedroom, Attic Room, and the Powerline Adapter. The WiFi Powerline Adapter is located in the kid bedroom and Garde Sched.
My concerns are; 1. I want to have a wired internet to my Smart TV, Playstation, & Firestick but the LAN socket in the Living Room is not the same location as the Coaxial socket for the Ziggo TV. Therefore, my three devices are connected to the WiFi. 2. I need more LAN ports in the attic room.
I was thinking to go like this; 1. Ziggo Router -> MOCA 2.5 for my Smart TV, Playstation, & Firestick in the living room 2. I am thinking to put a switch. 3. I am thinking to replace my old Powerline Adaptor with Devolo Magic 2 (Powerline MESH Function so that the Garden and kid bedroom much better.
Your opinion is very welcome and thanks!
In general, using any kind of adapters to convert cat to coax or to powerlines cables will hurt the performance and stability of your network. But sometimes you simply don’t have the option to pull ethernet cables.
Using a Moca or Inca is indeed a good option for the living room. And adding a switch in the attic will also work (if possible, place the switch next to the router, which allows you to further expand your network easily)
With Powerline adapters, make sure you don’t place them on the same electrical group as heavy power-consuming devices (like washing machine, refrigerator, etc).
Hi, thanks so much for the explanations and diagrams. Can you have a switch upstream of the router (ie. before the router)?
I live in an apartment that is prewired with LAN ports on the wall in each of the bedrooms and want to make use of these. The current set up is that the modem is located in a communications box in the laundry. This box contains the termination points from the LAN ports in each of the bedrooms. Currently the modem is connected to one of these termination ports in the communications box labelled “Living Room”. The wireless router is connected to the LAN port in the living room.
I connected a switch to the modem in the laundry. From the switch I connected into the living room LAN port that is the commuications box. I also connected a cable from the switch to each of the bedrooms. Unfortunately, when I use wired connection from the LAN port in the bedroom, I can’t connect to the internet. The corresponding connection on the switch is flashing green.
The only way I seem to be able to get a wired internet connection to work is if I connect a device to the router in the living room. Any help would be appreciated – I’m confused!
Hi, you can’t place a switch for the router in this situation. The routers assigned the IP Addresses and makes the connection with the modem. You really need to place the switch after the router.
If you want to know more about home network setup, then you really should read this article .
Very informative and helpful. I’m new to the Unifi platform having ordered a US 8. My current home network is a Mesh Network. My current hardware is Surfboard SB8200 modem, Linksysm 8-port unmanaged (1) switch and Linksys Velop Access Points (5) using Linksys Velop Access Points and a Surfboard SB8200 modem. I understand somewhat how I should be connecting everything together; however, my question is using the Unifi Controller and the US 8 can I still use the Velop Access Points or do I need to migrate to Unifi hardware?
Thanks in advance for the help.
You can use the Velop Access Points, but for the best performance, I really recommend buying the Unifi Access Points (but you can always do that later 😉 )
Nice, very informative yet easy to understand. Many thanks.
What do you network diagram yourecommend for keeping below in mind?
Rasberry Pi – Ad BlockFirewall at Router / Network Level VPN Service at Router / Network Level NAS Three network ( Primary / Guest / IoT)
Use the router switch diagram and use VLANs to separate the three networks.
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Get the Best Computer Network Assignment Help and Submit Accurate Assignments.
COMPUTER NETWORK ASSIGNMENT HELP Still Finding Computer Network Assignment Help? You’ve Come To The Right Place!
Are you looking for reliable computer network assignment help? If yes, then you are at the right place.
By seeing the difficulties, scholars face in completing their complex computer network assignments. We have created incredible computer network assignment help. However, when you pursue the computer network course, you will get to know the complexity of its assignment, which can drain you. On the other hand, academics are a very important phase in one’s life, but you should not let it stress you. Instead, you can opt for our impeccable computer network assignment help. By choosing us, you can get the best possible assignment.
What is Computer Network?
Computer networks are a group of computers on the network that is interconnected to interchange the data or information between themselves. Normally, all of these computers are placed at different locations or might be at the same place. Nowadays the internet is growing at a fast pace and for that, the computer network contains millions of computers, smartphones, and servers are joined together. However, it is quite a complicated subject for which scholars look for best computer network assignment help Australia.
Have A Look To Our Assignment Samples
Our experts gave an alternative definition on a computer network assignment help that says “Interaction and communication between interconnected computers is the combination of a Computer network.” Characteristics of computer networks can be explained on the foundation of topology. Some instances of topology are star topology, ring topology, tree topology, and mesh topology.
Why Our Computer Networking Assignment Help Is The Most Preferred One?
The Assignment Helpline is focused on understanding all the requirements and guidelines of the assignment, and our experts are bound to follow the proper format and structure. In addition, our quality analyst is highly talented and experienced and is dedicated to delivering only error-free and flawless, meeting all your expectations. Our computer network assignment help also pass your assignment through different authorized tools to check the inclusion of plagiarism and errors. In short, we examine the completed project multiple times to ensure its authentic and correct.
That’s not all; we have spread our amazing computer network assignment help services worldwide. We intend to help every academic student who is struggling to complete their academic assignments for any reason. Therefore if you are also one who finds it hard to make a project on a computer network, you can opt-out of assignment help India .
Why does a student look for Computer network assignment help?
The Assignment Helpline assigns the computer network assignments topics to one of the best experts computer network assignment help who are from the background of computer network engineering. They assure that students can get good marks in their academics. In the assignment helpline , experts give their top-notch quality knowledge on computer network assignments for the students to solve their problems in assignments and projects. Our experts on computer network assignment help aim that computer network takes help from many devices for setting up and those devices are USB(Universal Serial Bus), routers, cables, network card. If there is any kind of query related to computer network assignment help then feel free to associate with us.
However, there can be many reasons why students may need computer network assignment help. But our computer networking assignment help experts have noticed some of the common reasons why many students come to us. Let’s have a look:
Time Constraints:
One of the biggest problems students face during their academics is a lack of time. As they have to manage several important tasks such as extracurricular activities, part-time jobs, multiple assignments, a huge curriculum, etc. Hence, to ease some of their stress and get some free time, students look for computer network assignment writing help.
Complexity of Subject:
A computer network is a complex subject in itself, and preparing an effective assignment on it is much more complicated. As a result, you are required to have complete knowledge of the topic, but sometimes students lack it and need computer networking homework help.
Error-free and Flawless Work:
As already discussed, students lack complete knowledge. Moreover, it is quite a complex topic. As a result, there is a high chance of committing mistakes or errors. That’s why to submit a flawless paper, scholars take professional help.
On-Time Submission:
It is very important to submit college projects on time. Otherwise, it may affect your overall grades badly. But, due to lack of time, it sometimes becomes impossible for students. In addition, professors assign students many assignments they need to submit in a short time frame. Hence, in this situation, an excellent computer network assignment help can be the wisest decision students can take.
Computer Networks Types:
(LAN) Local Area Network:
(LAN) Local Area Network: The use of the network that provides services in a few ranges like in a building or the same region. Normally, this type of network is used in colleges, schools, universities, and small organizations within an area of 1 km. Nowadays, Wi-Fi or Ethernet is the most familiar form of LAN usage. In LAN Four to Five switches are associated with the modem to access the internet.
(MAN) Metropolitan Area Network:
Metropolitan is the kind of web that connects many computer devices in the entire city similarly to cable TV networks. There are various forms where MAN network is used such as ATM, Token-ring, and Ethernet. It covers more area in comparison to LAN but lesser than WAN. It can cover approx. 40 km without disturbing the speed issue.
(WAN) Wide Area Network:
This type of network covers a huge area in computer networking. It provides high internet speed. Users pay a vast amount of money to obtain this service. The WAN network has improved the quality of speed, in the year 1960 the speed of WAN was approx. 110 bits per/sec and now the speed is approx. 100 G/bits per sec.
Personal Area Network:
PAN network is used within a very small range like a room where the reach of this network is only used to make the interchange of data between one or two devices inside two or three meters. An individual working on a laptop with an attached printer and smartphone by using wireless technology is formed of Personal Area Network. Hence, if you are required to write assignment on any of its type and you find it hard, then you can opt our best computer network assignment help.
However, the university may ask students to draft assignments including these topics, which may sound difficult to them. So if you are also one of those who find it difficult to do, then you should make our computer network assignment help without hesitation. Our writers have a thorough knowledge of all the topics of computer networking.
Network Devices used in Computer Network:
Network devices execute several networking units that transfer data across the computer network. These network devices are often used for the formation of various networks. Consequently, at times you may be asked to write an assignment on it, for which you may need computer network assignment help. Some of the devices are mentioned below:
• Repeater:
The Repeater is used to retransmits the signals of an electronic device to elevated power and level. The most important thing in the repeater is that it never increases the power of the signal rather than regenerates the signal bit at real power when it becomes weak.
• Hub:
Hubs are used to connect the pieces of the network with the help of multiple ports. The process of a hub is like one data packet installs into one of its kind port then it is copied to another port to provide all pieces to perceive the packet. On a single topology, network hub can join as many computers with each and every one.
• Modem:
The process of modulation and demodulation is done by modem devices. All of the data is converted into analogue waves that can be transmitted across cable wires by the modem. After receiving that signal it converts back into the digital signal.
• Router:
For transferring the data on various LAN (Local Area Network) and usually operate the OSI model at the network layer is a functionality of the router. Primarily, connecting with wired or wireless this device is useful for joining many computer networks. The router sends the data packets through the network. The basic difference between hub and router is that a router will analyze the data and then send the data.
• Firewall:
A firewall is used for blocking an unauthorized person on the network during external communication. The device of the firewall can be designed by a mixture of hardware and software or paired. With the help of a firewall, users can save their systems from unauthorized access.
Hence, whenever you are asked to create projects on these topics, and if you find yourself incapable of doing so. Further, you can opt for the best computer network assignment help, as they give a guarantee of delivering the top-notch paper.
Topology and its types:
The connection of devices over the network is known as topology.
There are some topologies mentioned below:
- Bus Topology:
In a bus topology, the network devices and the computer devices are connected in one single lane or by a single cable so that data will be obtained at the same time. The prime disadvantage of the bus topology is that if suppose one cable breaks then the entire cable will be affected or maybe close to forward the information. The most popular cablings in bus topology are Coaxial (10Base-2, 10Base5).
Advantage | Disadvantage |
Implementation is easy and very low cost | Network disturbed when new device add or remove |
Less cable needed |
- Ring Topology:
Ring Topology is the structure of linking the devices in the pattern of the ring. In-ring topology there is no requirement of the central node.
Advantage | Disadvantage |
Finding fault in a cable is easier | Extension of the network can affect the network. |
Easy to install | The entire network will disconnect on one single break |
- Star Topology:
In star topology, the central device is connected with all computers or devices. A single cable is required for every system. The connection between the devices and hub is point-to-point. The implementation is complex in this topology. The single-point failure is known as a hub.
Advantage | Disadvantage |
If cable break at one point so another will not affect. | Much more requirements for the cables. |
Easy to elaborate without affecting the network. | Implementation is very difficult |
Therefore, if in case you are asked to prepare an assignment on topologies, then you need to have proper knowledge of its types. But, in case you lack at it, then you don’t need to get stressed about it. As our computer network assignment help experts have a thorough knowledge of these types and can provide you with a well-formatted assignment.
Access Our Computer Network Assignment Help in Easy Ways
Now you can avail of the most amazing computer network assignment help in 3 easy. Know how:
Tell Us Your Requirements:
First, you must fill in the form with basic requirements like a topic, subject, university guidelines and requirements. In addition, if you have any special requirements, you can also add that. Hence after receiving all the essential details and understanding your assignment’s nature. We will provide you with a reasonable price quote accordingly.
Pay The Quoted Amount:
Now you need to pay the required amount once you receive it. However, you don’t need to worry about your details while opting our assignment help USA . As we have created the most secure payment system acknowledging your concerns. Hence, you can pay us through different modes, whichever you find suitable such as various modes of credit cards and PayPal.
Receive Best Quality Work:
Once you hand over to us the requirements of your assignment and payment. You can sit back and relax. Our experts will ensure to deliver of the best possible assignment within the estimated time. Our computer network assignment experts have years of expertise in this field and contain knowledge of every essential topic.
Need Professional Computer Network Assignment Help?
So do you need the finest computer network assignment helpers? If yes, you can consider opting for our amazing services. However, first, let’s have a look at our finely personalized services.
100% Unique Content:
At The Assignment Helpline, through our computer network assignment help, we focus on creating solely unique and plagiarism-free work while writing assignment on computer network. Therefore if you hire our services, you are surely going to submit unique content.
Free Turnitin Report:
As stated above, we guarantee you to provide unique work. In addition to that, we also offer free Turnitin report to ensure our delivered paper’s uniqueness. As it is a certified tool by esteemed universities used to find the existing plagiarism percentage in the targeted project?
550+ Qualified Experts:
At our company, we have 550+ experts who are highly qualified in their fields. Moreover, they are highly experienced in writing academic assignments. On the other hand, we have some computer network assignment help experts, especially for this course, who contains the essential knowledge of this particular course and have expertise in preparing it effectively.
Detailed and Accurate Content:
Our computer network assignment help writers are bound to follow the HD criteria while drafting any assignment. Consequently, they read all the given requirements and guidelines minutely and carefully. They create the project by following a proper format, including all the essential topics. Hence, they ensure you accomplish the highest grades.
Pocket Friendly:
We have designed our computer network assignment help affordably without compromising content quality.
Round The Clock Assistance:
We have in-built user-friendly 24*7 support, where we have hired a team of dedicated employees to clear all your queries and doubts related to assignments. Hence, contact our computer network assignment help support if you have any doubts. In addition, you can also check the samples of our work on the website for your clarity.
Exciting Discounts:
We are offering some exciting discounts such as referral and new customer discounts. So if you have friends looking for reliable computer network assignment help, you can refer them to us and earn discounts.
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10.4.4 Lab – Build a Switch and Router Network (Answers)
10.4.4 lab – build a switch and router network.
Addressing Table
Device | Interface | IP Address / Prefix | Default Gateway |
R1 | G0/0/0 | /24 | N/A |
2001:db8:acad::1/64 | |||
fe80::1 | |||
G0/0/1 | /24 | N/A | |
200:db8:acad:1::1/64 | |||
fe80::1 | |||
S1 | VLAN 1 | /24 | |
PC-A | NIC | /24 | |
2001:db8:acad:1::3/64 | fe80::1 | ||
PC-B | NIC | /24 | |
2001:db8:acad::3/64 | fe80::1 |
- Part 1: Set Up the Topology and Initialize Devices
Part 2: Configure Devices and Verify Connectivity
Background / scenario.
This is a comprehensive lab to review previously covered IOS commands. In this lab, you will cable the equipment as shown in the topology diagram. You will then configure the devices to match the addressing table. After the configurations have been saved, you will verify your configurations by testing for network connectivity.
After the devices have been configured and network connectivity has been verified, you will use IOS commands to retrieve information from the devices to answer questions about your network equipment.
This lab provides minimal assistance with the actual commands necessary to configure the router. Test your knowledge by trying to configure the devices without referring to the content or previous activities.
Note: The routers used with CCNA hands-on labs are Cisco 4221 with Cisco IOS XE Release 16.9.4 (universalk9 image). The switches used in the labs are Cisco Catalyst 2960s with Cisco IOS Release 15.2(2) (lanbasek9 image). Other routers, switches, and Cisco IOS versions can be used. Depending on the model and Cisco IOS version, the commands available and the output produced might vary from what is shown in the labs. Refer to the Router Interface Summary Table at the end of the lab for the correct interface identifiers.
Note: Ensure that the routers and switches have been erased and have no startup configurations. Consult with your instructor for the procedure to initialize and reload a router and switch.
The default bias template used by the Switch Database Manager (SDM) does not provide IPv6 address capabilities. Verify that SDM is using either the dual-ipv4-and-ipv6 template or the lanbase-routing template. The new template will be used after reboot even if the configuration is not saved.
Use the following commands to assign the dual-ipv4-and-ipv6 template as the default SDM template.
Required Resources
- 1 Router (Cisco 4221 with Cisco IOS XE Release 16.9.4 universal image or comparable)
- 1 Switch (Cisco 2960 with Cisco IOS Release 15.2(2) lanbasek9 image or comparable)
- 2 PCs (Windows with a terminal emulation program, such as Tera Term)
- Console cables to configure the Cisco IOS devices via the console ports
- Ethernet cables as shown in the topology
Note: The Gigabit Ethernet interfaces on Cisco 4221 routers are autosensing and an Ethernet straight-through cable may be used between the router and PC-B. If using another model Cisco router, it may be necessary to use an Ethernet crossover cable.
Instructor Note: A USB driver must be installed prior to connecting a Microsoft Windows-based PC to a Cisco IOS device with a USB cable. The driver can be found on with the related Cisco IOS device. The USB driver can be downloaded from the following link:
Instructor Note: You must have a valid Cisco Connection Online (CCO) account to download the USB driver file.
Part 1: set up topology and initialize devices, step 1: cable the network as shown in the topology..
a. Attach the devices shown in the topology diagram, and cable, as necessary.
b. Power on all the devices in the topology.
Step 2: Initialize and reload the router and switch.
If configuration files were previously saved on the router and switch, initialize and reload these devices back to their default configurations.
In Part 2, you will set up the network topology and configure basic settings, such as the interface IP addresses, device access, and passwords. Refer to the Error! Reference source not found. and Error! Reference source not found . at the beginning of this lab for device names and address information.
Step 1: Assign static IP information to the PC interfaces.
Why were the pings not successful?
The router interfaces (default gateways) have not been configured yet so Layer 3 traffic is not being routed between subnets.
Step 2: Configure the router.
b. Enter configuration mode.
c. Assign a device name to the router.
d. Disable DNS lookup to prevent the router from attempting to translate incorrectly entered commands as though they were host names.
e. Assign class as the privileged EXEC encrypted password.
f. Assign cisco as the console password and enable login.
g. Assign cisco as the VTY password and enable login.
h. Encrypt the plaintext passwords.
i. Create a banner that warns anyone accessing the device that unauthorized access is prohibited.
j. Configure and activate both interfaces on the router.
k. Configure an interface description for each interface indicating which device is connected to it.
l. To enable IPv6 routing, enter the command ipv6 unicast-routing.
m. Save the running configuration to the startup configuration file.
n. Set the clock on the router.
Note: Use the question mark (?) to help with the correct sequence of parameters needed to execute this command.
Were the pings successful? Explain.
Yes. The router is routing the ping traffic across the two subnets. The default settings for the 2960 switch will automatically turn up the interfaces that are connected to devices.
Step 3: Configure the switch.
In this step, you will configure the hostname, the VLAN 1 interface and its default gateway.
c. Assign a device name to the switch.
e. Configure and activate the VLAN interface on the switch S1.
f. Configure the default gateway for the switch S1.
g. Save the running configuration to the startup configuration file.
Step 4: Verify connectivity end-to-end connectivity.
a. From PC-A, ping PC-B.
b. From S1, ping PC-B.
All the pings should be successful.
Part 3: Display Device Information
In Part 3, you will use show commands to retrieve interface and routing information from the router and switch.
Step 1: Display the routing table on the router.
a. Use the show ip route command on the router R1 to answer the following questions.
What code is used in the routing table to indicate a directly connected network?
The C designates a directly connected subnet. An L designates a local interface. Both answers are correct.
How many route entries are coded with a C code in the routing table?
What interface types are associated to the C coded routes?
Answers may vary depending of router type, but on the 4221 the correct answer is G0/0/0 and G0/0/1.
b. Use the show ipv6 route command on router R1 to display the IPv6 routes.
Step 2: Display interface information on the router R1.
a. Use the show ip interface g0/0/1 to answer the following questions.
What is the operational status of the G0/0/1 interface?
GigabitEthernet0/0/1 is up, line protocol is up
What is the Media Access Control (MAC) address of the G0/1 interface?
Answers will vary but will appear in the form of: xxxx.xxxx.xxxx, where each x will be replaced with a hexadecimal number.
How is the Internet address displayed in this command?
Internet address is
b. For the IPv6 information, enter the show ipv6 interface interface command.
Step 3: Display a summary list of the interfaces on the router and switch.
There are several commands that can be used to verify an interface configuration. One of the most useful of these is the show ip interface brief command. The command output displays a summary list of the interfaces on the device and provides immediate feedback to the status of each interface.
a. Enter the show ip interface brief command on the router R1.
b. To see the IPv6 interface information, enter the show ipv6 interface brief command on R1.
c. Enter the show ip interface brief command on the switch S1.
Reflection Questions
1. If the G0/0/1 interface showed that it was administratively down, what interface configuration command would you use to turn the interface up?
2. What would happen if you had incorrectly configured interface G0/0/1 on the router with an IP address of
PC-A would not be able to ping PC-B. This is because PC-B is on a different network than PC-A which requires the default-gateway router to route these packets. PC-A is configured to use the IP address of for the default-gateway router, but this address is not assigned to any device on the LAN. Any packets that need to be sent to the default-gateway for routing will never reach their destination.
Router Interface Summary Table
Router Model | Ethernet Interface #1 | Ethernet Interface #2 | Serial Interface #1 | Serial Interface #2 |
1800 | Fast Ethernet 0/0 (F0/0) | Fast Ethernet 0/1 (F0/1) | Serial 0/0/0 (S0/0/0) | Serial 0/0/1 (S0/0/1) |
1900 | Gigabit Ethernet 0/0 (G0/0) | Gigabit Ethernet 0/1 (G0/1) | Serial 0/0/0 (S0/0/0) | Serial 0/0/1 (S0/0/1) |
2801 | Fast Ethernet 0/0 (F0/0) | Fast Ethernet 0/1 (F0/1) | Serial 0/1/0 (S0/1/0) | Serial 0/1/1 (S0/1/1) |
2811 | Fast Ethernet 0/0 (F0/0) | Fast Ethernet 0/1 (F0/1) | Serial 0/0/0 (S0/0/0) | Serial 0/0/1 (S0/0/1) |
2900 | Gigabit Ethernet 0/0 (G0/0) | Gigabit Ethernet 0/1 (G0/1) | Serial 0/0/0 (S0/0/0) | Serial 0/0/1 (S0/0/1) |
4221 | Gigabit Ethernet 0/0/0 (G0/0/0) | Gigabit Ethernet 0/0/1 (G0/0/1) | Serial 0/1/0 (S0/1/0) | Serial 0/1/1 (S0/1/1) |
4300 | Gigabit Ethernet 0/0/0 (G0/0/0) | Gigabit Ethernet 0/0/1 (G0/0/1) | Serial 0/1/0 (S0/1/0) | Serial 0/1/1 (S0/1/1) |
Note: To find out how the router is configured, look at the interfaces to identify the type of router and how many interfaces the router has. There is no way to effectively list all the combinations of configurations for each router class. This table includes identifiers for the possible combinations of Ethernet and Serial interfaces in the device. The table does not include any other type of interface, even though a specific router may contain one. An example of this might be an ISDN BRI interface. The string in parenthesis is the legal abbreviation that can be used in Cisco IOS commands to represent the interface.
Device Configs
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A computer network is a cluster of computers over a shared communication path that works to share resources from one computer to another, provided by or located on the network nodes. In this article, we will discuss computer networks and their types.
What is a Computer Network?
A computer network is a system that connects many independent computers to share information (data) and resources. The integration of computers and other different devices allows users to communicate more easily. A computer network is a collection of two or more computer systems that are linked together. A network connection can be established using either cable or wireless media. Hardware and software are used to connect computers and tools in any network.
Uses of Computer Networks
- Communicating using email, video, instant messaging, etc.
- Sharing devices such as printers, scanners, etc.
- Sharing files.
- Sharing software and operating programs on remote systems.
- Allowing network users to easily access and maintain information.
There are mainly five types of Computer Networks
Personal Area Network (PAN)
Local Area Network (LAN)
Campus Area Network (CAN)
Metropolitan Area Network (MAN)
Wide Area Network (WAN)
1. Personal Area Network (PAN)
PAN is the most basic type of computer network. It is a type of network designed to connect devices within a short range, typically around one person. It allows your personal devices, like smartphones, tablets, laptops, and wearables, to communicate and share data with each other. PAN offers a network range of 1 to 100 meters from person to device providing communication. Its transmission speed is very high with very easy maintenance and very low cost. This uses Bluetooth , IrDA , and Zigbee as technology. Examples of PAN are USB, computer, phone, tablet, printer, PDA, etc.
Types of PAN
- Wireless Personal Area Networks: Wireless Personal Area Networks are created by simply utilising wireless technologies such as WiFi and Bluetooth. It is a low-range network.
- Wired Personal Area Network: A wired personal area network is constructed using a USB.
Advantages of PAN
- PAN is relatively flexible and provides high efficiency for short network ranges.
- It needs easy setup and relatively low cost.
- It does not require frequent installations and maintenance
- It is easy and portable.
- Needs fewer technical skills to use.
Disadvantages of PAN
- Low network coverage area/range.
- Limited to relatively low data rates.
- Devices are not compatible with each other.
- Inbuilt WPAN devices are a little bit costly.
Applications of PAN
- Home and Offices
- Organizations and the Business sector
- Medical and Hospital
- School and College Education
- Military and Defense
2. Local Area Network (LAN)
LAN is the most frequently used network. A LAN is a computer network that connects computers through a common communication path, contained within a limited area, that is, locally. A LAN encompasses two or more computers connected over a server. The two important technologies involved in this network are Ethernet and Wi-fi . It ranges up to 2km & transmission speed is very high with easy maintenance and low cost. Examples of LAN are networking in a home, school, library, laboratory, college, office, etc.
Advantages of a LAN
- Privacy: LAN is a private network, thus no outside regulatory body controls it, giving it a privacy.
- High Speed: LAN offers a much higher speed(around 100 mbps) and data transfer rate comparatively to WAN.
- Supports different transmission mediums: LAN support a variety of communications transmission medium such as an Ethernet cable (thin cable, thick cable, and twisted pair), fiber and wireless transmission.
- Inexpensive and Simple: A LAN usually has low cost, installation, expansion and maintenance and LAN installation is relatively easy to use, good scalability.
Disadvantages of LAN
- The initial setup costs of installing Local Area Networks is high because there is special software required to make a server.
- Communication devices like an ethernet cable, switches, hubs , routers, cables are costly.
- LAN administrator can see and check personal data files as well as Internet history of each and every LAN user. Hence, the privacy of the users are violated
- LANs are restricted in size and cover only a limited area
- Since all the data is stored in a single server computer, if it can be accessed by an unauthorized user, can cause a serious data security threat .
3. Campus Area Network (CAN)
CAN is bigger than a LAN but smaller than a MAN. This is a type of computer network that is usually used in places like a school or colleges. This network covers a limited geographical area that is, it spreads across several buildings within the campus. CAN mainly use Ethernet technology with a range from 1km to 5km. Its transmission speed is very high with a moderate maintenance cost and moderate cost. Examples of CAN are networks that cover schools, colleges, buildings, etc.
Advantages of CAN
- Speed: Communication within a CAN takes place over Local Area Network (LAN) so data transfer rate between systems is little bit fast than Internet.
- Security: Network administrators of campus take care of network by continuous monitoring, tracking and limiting access. To protect network from unauthorized access firewall is placed between network and internet.
- Cost effective: With a little effort and maintenance, network works well by providing fast data transfer rate with multi-departmental network access. It can be enabled wirelessly, where wiring and cabling costs can be managed. So to work with in a campus using CAN is cost-effective in view of performance
4. Metropolitan Area Network (MAN)
A MAN is larger than a LAN but smaller than a WAN. This is the type of computer network that connects computers over a geographical distance through a shared communication path over a city, town, or metropolitan area. This network mainly uses FDDI, CDDI, and ATM as the technology with a range from 5km to 50km. Its transmission speed is average. It is difficult to maintain and it comes with a high cost. Examples of MAN are networking in towns, cities, a single large city, a large area within multiple buildings, etc.
Advantages of MAN
- MAN offers high-speed connectivity in which the speed ranges from 10-100 Mbps.
- The security level in MAN is high and strict as compared to WAN.
- It support to transmit data in both directions concurrently because of dual bus architecture.
- MAN can serve multiple users at a time with the same high-speed internet to all the users.
- MAN allows for centralized management and control of the network, making it easier to monitor and manage network resources and security.
Disadvantages of MAN
- The architecture of MAN is quite complicated hence, it is hard to design and maintain.
- This network is highly expensive because it required the high cost to set up fiber optics.
- It provides less fault tolerance.
- The Data transfer rate in MAN is low when compare to LANs.
5. Wide Area Network (WAN)
WAN is a type of computer network that connects computers over a large geographical distance through a shared communication path. It is not restrained to a single location but extends over many locations. WAN can also be defined as a group of local area networks that communicate with each other with a range above 50km. Here we use Leased-Line & Dial-up technology. Its transmission speed is very low and it comes with very high maintenance and very high cost. The most common example of WAN is the Internet.
Advantages of WAN
- It covers large geographical area which enhances the reach of organisation to transmit data quickly and cheaply.
- The data can be stored in centralised manner because of remote access to data provided by WAN.
- The travel charges that are needed to cover the geographical area of work can be minimised.
- WAN enables a user or organisation to connect with the world very easily and allows to exchange data and do business at global level.
Disadvantages of WAN
- Traffic congestion in Wide Area Network is very high.
- The fault tolerance ability of WAN is very less.
- Noise and error are present in large amount due to multiple connection point.
- The data transfer rate is slow in comparison to LAN because of large distances and high number of connected system within the network.
Comparison between Different Computer Networks
Parameters | PAN | LAN | CAN | MAN | WAN |
Full Name | Personal Area Network | Local Area Network | Campus Area Network | Metropolitan Area Network | Wide Area Network |
Technology | Bluetooth, IrDA,Zigbee | Ethernet & Wifi | Ethernet | FDDI, CDDi. ATM | Leased Line, Dial-Up |
Range | 1-100 m | Upto 2km | 1 – 5 km | 5-50 km | Above 50 km |
Transmission Speed | Very High | Very High | High | Average | Low |
Ownership | Private | Private | Private | Private or Public | Private or Public |
Maintenance | Very Easy | Easy | Moderate | Difficult | Very Difficult |
Cost | Very Low | Low | Moderate | High | Very High |
Other Types of Computer Networks
Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN)
Storage Area Network (SAN)
- System-Area Network (SAN)
Passive Optical Local Area Network (POLAN)
Enterprise Private Network (EPN)
Virtual Private Network (VPN)
Home Area Network (HAN)
1. Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN)
WLAN is a type of computer network that acts as a local area network but makes use of wireless network technology like Wi-Fi. This network doesn’t allow devices to communicate over physical cables like in LAN but allows devices to communicate wirelessly. The most common example of WLAN is Wi-Fi.
There are several computer networks available; more information is provided below.
2. Storage Area Network (SAN)
SAN is a type of computer network that is high-speed and connects groups of storage devices to several servers. This network does not depend on LAN or WAN. Instead, a SAN moves the storage resources from the network to its high-powered network. A SAN provides access to block-level data storage. Examples of SAN are a network of disks accessed by a network of servers.
3. Passive Optical Local Area Network (POLAN)
A POLAN is a type of computer network that is an alternative to a LAN. POLAN uses optical splitters to split an optical signal from a single strand of single-mode optical fiber to multiple signals to distribute users and devices. In short, POLAN is a point to multipoint LAN architecture.
4. Enterprise Private Network (EPN)
EPN is a type of computer network mostly used by businesses that want a secure connection over various locations to share computer resources.
5. Virtual Private Network (VPN)
A VPN is a type of computer network that extends a private network across the internet and lets the user send and receive data as if they were connected to a private network even though they are not. Through a virtual point-to-point connection users can access a private network remotely. VPN protects you from malicious sources by operating as a medium that gives you a protected network connection.
6. Home Area Network (HAN)
Many of the houses might have more than a computer. To interconnect those computers and with other peripheral devices, a network should be established similar to the local area network (LAN) within that home. Such a type of network that allows a user to interconnect multiple computers and other digital devices within the home is referred to as Home Area Network (HAN). HAN encourages sharing of resources, files, and programs within the network. It supports both wired and wireless communication.
An internet network is defined as two or more computer network LANs, WANs, or computer network segments that are connected by devices and configured with a local addressing system. The method is known as internetworking. There are two types of Internetwork.
- Intranet : An internal network within an organization that enables employees to share data, collaborate, and access resources. Intranets are not accessible to the public and use private IP addresses.
- Extranet : Extranets extend the intranet to authorized external users, such as business partners or clients. They provide controlled access to specific resources while maintaining security.
Advantages of Computer Network
- Central Storage of Data: Files are stored on a central storage database which helps to easily access and available to everyone.
- Connectivity: A single connection can be routed to connect multiple computing devices.
- Sharing of Files: Files and data can be easily shared among multiple devices which helps in easily communicating among the organization.
- Security through Authorization: Computer Networking provides additional security and protection of information in the system.
Disadvantages of Computer Network
- Virus and Malware: A virus is a program that can infect other programs by modifying them. Viruses and Malware can corrupt the whole network.
- High Cost of Setup: The initial setup of Computer Networking is expensive because it consists of a lot of wires and cables along with the device.
- loss of Information: In case of a System Failure, might lead to some loss of data.
- Management of Network: Management of a Network is somehow complex for a person, it requires training for its proper use.
In conclusion, computer networks are essential components that connect various computer devices in order to efficiently share data and resources. PAN, LAN, CAN, MAN, and WAN networks serve a wide range of applications and purposes, each with its own set of advantages and drawbacks. Understanding these networks and their applications improves connectivity, data exchange, and resource utilization in a variety of applications from personal use to global communications.
Frequently Asked Questions on Types of Computer Network – FAQs
What are the types of service in cn.
Internet and cloud connectivity. Branch office and campus connectivity. Private data center services. Secure cloud-connectivity services. Virtual network services.
What are the types of channel in CN?
Simplex Half-Duplex Full-Duplex
What is WAN-as-a-service?
One type of cloud-based WAN model is WAN-as-a-service. WAN-as-a-service options are intended to take the place of legacy WAN arrangements, which are hard to scale up, rely on hardware, and require communication protocols like multiprotocol label switching (MPLS) .
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Volunteer or Voluntold: Marines Announce Special Duty Assignment Campaign for Active Reserves
The Marine Corps announced a campaign Wednesday to draw certain Marines into special duty assignments, an annual push to fill some of its most critical jobs.
The campaign is aimed at Active Reserve Marines, a small component within the Corps that serves full-time in the reserves and provides support for reserve units. According to the service, those troops also help integrate the reserve component into the rest of the Marine Corps.
The service will use the campaign, which was announced via an administrative message last week, to fill recruiter , drill instructor and combat instructor roles with volunteers from the Active Reserve component. If not enough volunteers apply for the positions by the end of February, the service will begin assigning Active Reserve Marines to them.
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Special duty assignments, or SDAs, are jobs that fall outside of a Marine's primary duty. As all the services face recruiting woes, recruiter duty has proven to be a critical job for the Corps, one that it has commonly found difficult to fill.
"Historically, recruiting duty has been the most challenging special duty assignment (SDA) billet to fill -- with drill instructor duty being the least difficult," 1st Lt. Ryan Tobin, a spokesperson for the Corps' Manpower and Reserve Affairs, told on Thursday. "As SDA assignments are critical to recruiting, training, or developing future and present Marines, it is vital to ensure we have the best Marines for these unique opportunities."
Over the last two years, nearly 70% of the SDA billets have been filled by volunteers, according to Tobin. He said that there is no limit for SDA volunteers, adding that the service is encouraging Marines to take advantage of benefits associated with the campaign before spots fill up.
Certain volunteers can receive a "voluntary supplemental incentive" of up to $10,000, paid either in monthly installments or a lump sum. Once those volunteers complete their special duty tour, they can choose a specific geographic location for their next assignment, offering what Tobin called "more certainty" over their future assignment.
Those volunteering for the all-important recruiting billet are offered a "recruiter station incentive," Tobin said.
Currently, there are 2,379 Marines in the Active Reserve program, and they are eligible for all SDA positions, except Marine Security Guard duty.
"It is a leadership imperative to care about Marines' futures, including proper career counseling and mentorship on SDA opportunities and associated timelines," Tobin said.
The annual announcement comes as each branch of the service is struggling to bring in recruits. The Marine Corps, unlike most of the other branches, has continued to meet its recruiting goals in recent years, though sometimes only by a hair. That said, The Associated Press reported last summer that the service had a "surge" in recruiting and expected to achieve its recruiting goal of roughly 33,000 in 2024.
Special duty assignments have been found to produce adverse results for those assigned or volunteering for them. In 2019, the Marine Corps released a study that found some special duty assignments, such as recruiting and drill instructor duty, can result in higher rates of suicidal behaviors, marital issues, and substance misuse.
Still, they are some of the most important jobs in the Corps and are often seen as a potential career boost.
"SDAs are career-enhancing billets and often produce more well-rounded Marines who can return to the Fleet Marine Force with specialized skills and talents," Tobin said.
Related: Marine Corps Combat Instructor Role Once Again a Special Duty Assignment
Drew F. Lawrence
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Harris' border work was on 'root causes' of migration; she wasn't in charge | Fact check
The claim: Kamala Harris was 'put in charge of the border'
A July 21 Instagram post ( direct link , archive link ) by Donald Trump Jr. blames Vice President Kamala Harris for the country's immigration problems.
"She was put in charge of the border and we saw the worst invasion of illegals in our history!!!" reads part of the post, which is a screenshot of a post from X, formerly Twitter.
Similar posts on Threads have described Harris as the Biden administration's "border czar."
The Instagram post was liked more than 200,000 times in a day.
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Our rating: False
The post exaggerates the vice president's role in addressing migration at the southern border. Harris was never put in charge of the border or made "border czar," immigration experts said. President Joe Biden tasked Harris with leading the administration's diplomatic efforts addressing the "root causes" of migration in El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras.
Harris led effort addressing 'root causes' of migration in Central America
Early in his presidency, Biden tasked Harris with addressing the “root causes” of migration in Central America. The assignment came out of an executive order Biden issued in February 2021 that sought to reduce migration from the Northern Triangle countries of El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras, where gang violence, trafficking networks and economic insecurity have caused people to flee.
But the vice president’s role was more limited than being put in charge of the southern border, or being named a so-called “border czar,” immigration experts said.
"VP Harris was never made the border czar or charged with managing the border," Andrew Salee , president of the Migration Policy Institute , said in an email. "That role has always been held by the secretary of Homeland Security . She was asked to be the chief diplomatic officer with Central American countries at a time when most of the increase in unauthorized immigration was coming from three countries in Central America and to help lead a private investment strategy in the region."
Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas himself noted the different responsibilities between himself and Harris in June 2021 comments at the El Paso, Texas, border.
"The vice president is leading our nation’s efforts to address the root causes – that fundamental question of why people leave their homes," Mayorkas said. "And it is my responsibility as the secretary of Homeland Security to address the security and management of our border."
In March 2021, Biden announced Harris would lead the administration's diplomatic efforts with the Northern Triangle countries to stem migration to the U.S. southern border and work with these nations to enhance migration enforcement at their borders. Harris said at the time that the administration "must address the root causes that – that cause people to make the trek, as the president has described, to come here."
Aaron Reichlin-Melnick , policy director at the American Immigration Council , said the "root causes" work Harris took on is distinct from border policy because it focuses on different problems and targets.
"Border policy focuses on individuals who have already made the decision to leave home and have made it to the U.S.-Mexico border and aims to either prevent them or to quickly process them for humanitarian relief or deportation once they cross," Reichlin-Melnick said in an email. "By contrast, 'root causes' policy focuses on individuals who have not left their homes yet, and aims to convince them to stay in their home countries either through economic development – which discourages migration for economic opportunities – or through reduction of violence and persecution that forces people to seek protection elsewhere."
The White House released the administration's " Root Causes Strategy " in July 2021. Its implementation was ongoing as of March when the vice president and the Partnership for Central America , a non-governmental organization, jointly announced $1 billion in new private-sector commitments to address the underlying conditions leading to migration in Guatemala, El Salvador and Honduras. The public-private partnership has generated more than $5.2 billion since May 2021 , the White House said.
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Elina Treyger , a senior political scientist at the RAND Corporation whose research includes migration and immigration enforcement, also said Harris' diplomatic role with the Central American countries "is in no way a 'border czar'-like position." Treyger said border policy involves many other issues such as enforcement policies, how to process migrants expressing fear of prosecution or torture and how to allocate resources at the border.
U.S. Border Patrol encounters with migrants at the southern border have soared under the Biden administration . Illegal crossings at the U.S.-Mexico border hit a record high of 2.2 million in 2022, and the number of people taken into custody by U.S. Border Patrol has reached the highest levels in the agency's history under Biden, the Washington Post reported .
After a bipartisan border security bill failed to advance in Congress, Biden issued a directive in June to turn away migrants who do not enter the country through legal ports of entry when the number of crossings is high.
Trump, the son of former President Donald Trump, did not immediately respond to a request for comment.
Our fact-check sources:
- Aaron Reichlin-Melnick , July 22, Email exchange with USA TODAY
- Andrew Salee , July 22, Email exchange with USA TODAY
- Elina Treyger , July 22, Email Exchange with USA TODAY
- White House, Feb. 2, 2021, Executive Order on Creating a Comprehensive Regional Framework to Address the Causes of Migration, to Manage Migration Throughout North and Central America, and to Provide Safe and Orderly Processing of Asylum Seekers at the United States Border
- White House, Feb. 6, 2023, FACT SHEET: Vice President Harris Announces Public-Private Partnership Has Generated More than $4.2 Billion in Private Sector Commitments for Northern Central America
- White House, March 24, 2021, Remarks by President Biden and Vice President Harris in a Meeting on Immigration
- White House, June 25, 2021, Remarks by Vice President Harris, Secretary of Homeland Security Mayorkas, Chairman Durbin, and Representative Escobar in Press Gaggle
- White House, July 29, 2021, FACT SHEET: Strategy to Address the Root Causes of Migration in Central America
- White House, March 25, FACT SHEET: Vice President Harris Announces Public-Private Partnership Has Generated More Than $5.2 Billion in Private Sector Commitments for Northern Central America
- White House, July 2021, U.S. Strategy for Addressing the Root Causes of Migration in Central America
- Department of State, Aug. 1, 2023, Central America Forward
- The Washington Post, Feb. 11, Trump vs. Biden on immigration: 12 charts comparing U.S. border security
- USA TODAY, July 17, Border security takes center stage at RNC. Here's the actual data under Trump, Biden
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USA TODAY is a verified signatory of the International Fact-Checking Network, which requires a demonstrated commitment to nonpartisanship, fairness and transparency. Our fact-check work is supported in part by a grant from Meta .
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The assignment came out of an executive order Biden issued in February 2021 that sought to reduce migration from the Northern Triangle countries of El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras, where gang ...