
Essay on War and Peace

Students are often asked to write an essay on War and Peace in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

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100 Words Essay on War and Peace

Understanding war and peace.

War and peace are two sides of the same coin, representing conflict and harmony respectively. War often arises from disagreements, leading to violence and destruction. On the other hand, peace symbolizes tranquility, unity, and cooperation.

The Impact of War

War can cause immense suffering and loss. It destroys homes, breaks families, and causes physical and emotional pain. Moreover, it can lead to economic instability and environmental damage, affecting future generations.

The Importance of Peace

Peace is essential for the well-being of individuals and societies. It fosters growth, prosperity, and happiness. Peace encourages dialogue, understanding, and mutual respect, helping to resolve conflicts peacefully.

250 Words Essay on War and Peace


War and peace, two contrasting states, have shaped human civilization, politics, and cultural identity. The dichotomy between these two conditions is not merely a matter of physical conflict or tranquility but extends to philosophical, psychological, and ethical dimensions.

War: A Double-Edged Sword

The necessity of peace.

Peace, on the other hand, is a state of harmony and cooperation, conducive to prosperity, growth, and human development. It fosters an environment where creativity, innovation, and collaboration can thrive. Peace is not merely the absence of war but also the presence of justice and equality, which are fundamental for sustainable development.

Striking a Balance

The challenge lies in striking a balance between the pursuit of peace and the inevitability of war. This balance is not about accepting war as a necessary evil, but about understanding its causes and working towards preventing them. Peacebuilding efforts should focus on addressing root causes of conflict, like inequality and injustice, and promoting dialogue, understanding, and cooperation.

In conclusion, the complex relationship between war and peace is a reflection of the human condition. Striving for peace while understanding the realities of war is a delicate but necessary balance we must achieve. It is through this equilibrium that we can hope to progress as a society, ensuring a better future for generations to come.

500 Words Essay on War and Peace

War and peace are two polar opposites, yet they are inextricably linked in the complex tapestry of human history. They represent the dual nature of humanity: our capacity for both destruction and harmony. This essay explores the intricate relationship between war and peace, the impacts they have on societies, and the philosophical perspectives that underpin both.

The Dualism of War and Peace

War and peace are not merely states of conflict and tranquility, but rather manifestations of human nature and societal structures. War, in its essence, is a reflection of our primal instincts for survival, dominance, and territoriality. It exposes the darker side of humanity, where violence and power struggles prevail. Conversely, peace symbolizes our capacity for cooperation, empathy, and mutual understanding. It showcases the brighter side of humanity, where dialogue and diplomacy reign.

Impacts of War and Peace

On the other hand, peace allows societies to flourish. It fosters economic growth, social development, and cultural exchange. Yet, peace is not merely the absence of war. It requires active effort to maintain social justice, equality, and mutual respect among diverse groups.

Philosophical Perspectives

War and peace have been subjects of philosophical debate for centuries. Realists argue that war is an inevitable part of human nature and international relations, while idealists contend that peace can be achieved through international cooperation and diplomacy.

In conclusion, war and peace are multifaceted concepts that reveal much about the human condition. Understanding their dynamics is crucial to shaping a world that leans towards peace, even as it acknowledges the realities of war. The challenge lies in mitigating the triggers of war and nurturing the conditions for peace. It is a task that requires not just political and diplomatic effort, but also a deep introspection into our collective values and aspirations.

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essay of peace and war


Essay on Peace and War

Surendra Kumar

Introduction to Peace and War

“Peace: The Path to Prosperity, War: The Road to Ruin.”

In the complex tapestry of human history, few themes resonate as profoundly as the dichotomy between peace and war. These two forces, often depicted as opposed, are intrinsic to the human experience, shaping societies, cultures, and civilizations throughout the ages. While peace embodies harmony, stability, and cooperation among individuals and nations, war symbolizes conflict, turmoil, and the breakdown of social order. Understanding the dynamics between peace and war is paramount, as it illuminates the complexities of human interaction and the perennial struggle for equilibrium on a global scale.

At its core, peace entails societies experiencing tranquility and harmony, characterized by the absence of conflict within and among them. It encompasses a spectrum of meanings, ranging from inner serenity to societal cohesion and international diplomacy. Conversely, war epitomizes the ultimate manifestation of conflict, characterized by violence, aggression, and the pursuit of dominance or territorial expansion. The interplay between these two forces is not merely theoretical but has profound real-world implications, shaping the course of history and the destiny of nations.

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Essay on Peace and War

Historical Perspectives of Peace and War

1. Marked Peaceful Periods

Historically, notable periods have seen societies experiencing relative peace and stability, minimizing conflicts, and flourishing in harmony. These epochs test humanity’s capacity for cooperation and progress amidst historical upheavals. Some of the marked peaceful periods include:

  • Pax Romana (Roman Peace) : A period of relative peace and stability that lasted around 200 years (27 BCE – 180 CE) within the Roman Empire, characterized by minimal military campaigns and internal strife. It facilitated economic prosperity, cultural exchange, and the spread of Roman civilization across vast territories.
  • Pax Mongolica (Mongol Peace) : During the 13th and 14th centuries, large areas of Eurasia saw a degree of economic unification and relative peace under the rule of the Mongol Empire. The Mongol Empire’s expansive trade networks and diplomatic efforts fostered stability and cultural exchange across diverse societies.
  • European Enlightenment : The 17th and 18th centuries witnessed the emergence of the European Enlightenment, a philosophical and intellectual movement that emphasized reason, human rights , and the pursuit of knowledge. Despite political tensions and occasional conflicts, this era saw significant advancements in science, philosophy, and governance, contributing to intellectual and cultural harmony.

2. Major Wars in History

World War I (1914-1918)

  • Causes: The conflict began due to imperial competition, tensions between European nations, and the assassination of Austria-Hungary’s Archduke Franz Ferdinand.
  • Consequences: The Treaty of Versailles, which laid the groundwork for World War II , resulted in millions of casualties, political upheavals, and the redrawing of national boundaries.

World War II (1939-1945)

  • Causes: Expansionist policies of Nazi Germany, militaristic ambitions of Japan, and unresolved issues from World War I .
  • Consequences: Unprecedented devastation, including genocide such as the Holocaust, marked the emergence of the United Nations and the onset of the Cold War era.

Cold War (1947-1991)

  • Causes: Ideological rivalry between the United States and the Soviet Union, nuclear arms race, and geopolitical competition for global influence.
  • Consequences: The dynamics of international politics during the Cold War era were affected by proxy conflicts like the Korean and Vietnam conflicts, the weapons race, the space race, and the segmentation of the globe into spheres of influence.

Importance of Peace

  • Human Flourishing: Peace provides the conditions for individuals to thrive, pursue their aspirations, and contribute meaningfully to their communities. It constructs an atmosphere where people can focus on personal and collective development, fostering creativity, innovation, and overall well-being.
  • Social Cohesion: Social cohesion and unity are more likely in peaceful societies. People are more inclined to work together for common goals, fostering a sense of community and shared responsibility . It, in turn, contributes to creating resilient and supportive social structures.
  • Economic Prosperity: Peace is a catalyst for economic growth and prosperity. Stable environments attract investments, encourage entrepreneurship, and facilitate trade. Nations at peace can allocate resources to development rather than defense, leading to sustainable economic progress.
  • Health and Safety: Peace directly correlates with improved public health and safety. During peace, efficient operation of healthcare systems allows for the directed allocation of resources towards disease prevention and healthcare infrastructure. Additionally, reduced conflict-related hazards contribute to overall safety.
  • Educational Opportunities: Peaceful environments foster conducive conditions for education. Schools and educational institutions can operate without the disruptions caused by conflicts. This enables the population to access quality education, empowering someone with the knowledge and skills necessary for personal and societal advancement.
  • Environmental Conservation: Peace plays a crucial role in environmental conservation. During conflict, parties often ravage ecosystems and exploit resources for strategic advantage. In peaceful conditions, societies are more likely to prioritize sustainable practices and environmental stewardship.
  • International Cooperation: Peace is essential for fostering diplomatic relations and international cooperation on the global stage. Nations can work together to address common challenges, such as climate change , poverty, and pandemics, leading to collective solutions that benefit the entire global community.

Impact of War

The impact of war is profound and far-reaching, leaving enduring scars on individuals, societies, and the world. War inflicts a multitude of consequences, both immediate and long-term, across various aspects of human existence. Understanding the multifaceted impact of war is crucial for appreciating the urgent need for conflict resolution and peacebuilding. Some of the key dimensions of the impact of war include:

  • Human Casualties and Suffering: War results in the loss of countless lives, causing immeasurable pain and suffering for individuals and their families. The direct impact includes fatalities, injuries, displacement, and the psychological trauma endured by those directly involved or affected by the conflict.
  • Destruction of Infrastructure: Armed conflicts often lead to the destruction of infrastructure, including homes, hospitals, schools, and vital public facilities. The devastation disrupts daily life and hinders post-war reconstruction efforts, prolonging the recovery process for affected communities.
  • Economic Consequences: War has severe economic ramifications, causing disruptions to trade, production, and investment. The allocation of resources to military efforts drains financial reserves that could otherwise be used for development, leading to long-term economic setbacks for nations involved in conflicts.
  • Social Disintegration: War can result in the breakdown of social structures and community ties. Displacement, loss of cultural heritage, and the erosion of social trust contribute to a sense of dislocation and disarray within affected societies.
  • Environmental Degradation: Conflict often brings about environmental degradation , as resources are exploited for strategic advantage, leading to deforestation, pollution, and habitat destruction. The long-term environmental impact can exacerbate ecological challenges and hinder sustainable development.
  • Political Instability: War frequently begets political instability, fostering conditions conducive to authoritarianism, corruption, and power struggles. The aftermath of conflict may see the emergence of fragile governments, contributing to ongoing tensions and regional instability.
  • Generational Trauma: Subsequent generations inherit war trauma. Trauma leaves a legacy that impacts the mental health and general well-being of succeeding generations. These consequences include psychological scars, cultural upheavals, and generational knowledge loss.
  • Humanitarian Crises: War often leads to humanitarian crises, with widespread displacement, food insecurity, and inadequate access to healthcare. The challenges humanitarian organizations encounter in delivering relief worsen the suffering of marginalized communities.
  • Global Repercussions: The impact of war extends beyond national borders, influencing geopolitics, international relations, and global security. Wars can create refugee crises, trigger regional instability, and contribute to the proliferation of weapons, affecting the broader international community.

The Dynamics Between Peace and War

  • Geopolitical Forces: Nations often navigate a delicate balance between cooperation and competition. Geopolitical considerations, such as territorial disputes, resource competition, and power dynamics, can foster collaboration or escalate tensions, influencing the trajectory toward peace or conflict.
  • Diplomacy and Negotiation: The diplomatic efforts of nations play a vital function in shaping the dynamics between peace and war. Successful negotiations and diplomatic initiatives can lead to peaceful resolutions, while breakdowns in communication or failed diplomacy may escalate tensions and trigger conflicts.
  • Arms Race and Military Buildup: The accumulation of military capabilities and the pursuit of technological advancements in weaponry can create a precarious environment. An arms race may heighten the likelihood of conflict as nations seek to assert their military prowess or deter potential adversaries.
  • Economic Factors: The dynamics of peace and war closely link economic stability and prosperity. Nations experiencing economic hardships may be more prone to internal strife or external aggression. Conversely, peaceful cooperation can contribute to economic development and shared prosperity.
  • Cultural and Ideological Differences: Cultural and ideological disparities can be sources of cooperation and conflict. Understanding and respecting diversity can foster peace, while intolerance and cultural misunderstandings may contribute to tensions and confrontations.
  • Global Governance and Institutions: The effectiveness of international organizations and governance structures, such as the United Nations, is pivotal in maintaining global peace. These institutions serve as platforms for diplomatic dialogue, conflict resolution, and establishing norms that guide state behavior.
  • Civil Society and Grassroots Movements: The engagement of civil society, grassroots movements, and non-governmental organizations can influence the dynamics between peace and war. Advocacy for human rights, social justice , and diplomacy at the grassroots level can contribute to peacebuilding efforts.
  • Technological Advancements: Technological progress introduces new dynamics into the peace-war continuum. Advancements in communication, cyber capabilities, and artificial intelligence can either facilitate peaceful purposes or present new challenges and risks that could escalate into conflict.
  • Environmental Pressures: Environmental issues, such as resource scarcity, climate change, and competition for natural resources , can influence the dynamics between peace and war. Preventing conflicts caused by environmental stressors relies on individuals and communities actively cooperating to address these challenges.
  • Historical Context and Memory: Historical events and collective memory can shape perceptions and attitudes toward peace and war. Learning from past conflicts and understanding historical grievances can contribute to conflict prevention, while unresolved historical issues may perpetuate tensions.

Factors Affecting War

1. Political Factors

  • Geopolitical Competition: Rivalry between nations for strategic influence, resources, and territory can escalate tensions and lead to armed conflict.
  • Government Instability: Weak or unstable governments may resort to militarization or aggression to maintain power or divert attention from internal issues.
  • Ideological Conflicts: Clashes of ideology, such as communism versus capitalism or religious fundamentalism, can fuel conflicts driven by ideological differences.

2. Economic Factors

  • Resource Scarcity: Competition over scarce resources, such as oil, water , or arable land, can trigger conflicts, especially in regions prone to environmental degradation or climate change.
  • Economic Inequality: Disparities in wealth distribution and access to economic opportunities can exacerbate social tensions and lead to unrest and conflict.
  • War Profiteering: Actors may perpetuate or escalate conflicts for financial gain by engaging in economic interests such as arms sales and exploiting conflict resources like minerals and drugs.

3. Social Factors

  • Ethnic and Religious Divisions: Deep-seated ethnic or religious tensions can erupt into violence, often exacerbated by historical grievances or competition for resources and power.
  • Social Injustice: Discrimination, marginalization, and unequal treatment of certain social groups can lead to resentment and social unrest, contributing to the likelihood of conflict.
  • Demographic Pressures: Rapid population growth, urbanization , and youth bulges can strain resources and exacerbate socioeconomic inequalities, increasing the risk of conflict.

4. Military Factors

  • Arms Proliferation: The widespread availability and proliferation of weapons, including small arms and light weapons, increase the likelihood of armed conflict and escalate existing conflicts.
  • Military Buildup: The buildup of military capabilities and the pursuit of military superiority can create a security dilemma, leading to arms races and heightened tensions between nations.
  • Proxy Warfare: External powers may support or sponsor proxy groups or insurgencies to advance their geopolitical interests, leading to localized or regional conflicts.

5. Environmental Factors

  • Climate Change: Environmental degradation, resource scarcity, and climate-induced disasters can exacerbate tensions and trigger conflicts over land, water, and natural resources.
  • Natural Disasters: The devastation caused by natural disasters, such as earthquakes, floods, or famines, can destabilize regions and create conditions conducive to conflict, especially in vulnerable or fragile states.

6. Ideological and Cultural Factors

  • Nationalism and Patriotism: Political leaders can manipulate ideological narratives based on nationalism or patriotism to justify aggression or military intervention, thereby fostering a culture of militarism.
  • Ideological Extremism: Radical ideologies, including religious extremism, nationalism, or separatism, can fuel conflicts by promoting intolerance, exclusion, and violence.

7. Historical Context and Legacy

  • Historical Grievances: Lingering historical grievances, unresolved conflicts, and unresolved territorial disputes can serve as sources of tension and contribute to the outbreak of war.
  • Legacy of Colonialism: The legacy of colonialism, including arbitrary borders, ethnic divisions, and economic exploitation, can contribute to instability and conflict in post-colonial societies.

8. Technological Factors

  • Military Technology: Advancements in military technology, including drones, cyber weapons, and precision-guided munitions, can change the dynamics of warfare and influence the decision-making of actors involved in conflicts.
  • Information Warfare: Using propaganda, misinformation, and disinformation in information warfare can shape public perceptions, manipulate public opinion, and influence the outcome of conflicts.

9. International Relations

  • Alliances and Treaties: International alliances, security treaties, and defense pacts can draw nations into conflicts or serve as deterrents against aggression.
  • Foreign Interventions: Foreign interventions, including military interventions, covert operations, or diplomatic meddling, can exacerbate existing conflicts or trigger new ones.

10. Psychological Factors

  • Perceived Threats: Perceptions of threat, insecurity, or vulnerability can fuel fear, mistrust, and aggression, contributing to the escalation of conflicts.
  • Psychological Warfare: Psychological warfare tactics, including propaganda, fear-mongering, and manipulation of public opinion, can shape perceptions and attitudes, influencing the behavior of conflict actors.

Peacebuilding Efforts

Peacebuilding efforts encompass a range of initiatives to address the root causes of conflict, promote reconciliation, and foster sustainable peace within and among societies. Governments, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), and international organizations often lead these efforts, each playing a distinct role in advancing the peacebuilding agenda. Here’s a closer look at the initiatives undertaken by these entities:

Initiatives by Governments and NGOs:

  • Conflict Resolution and Mediation: Governments and NGOs actively engage in conflict resolution and mediation processes to facilitate dialogue and negotiation between conflicting parties. They serve as mediators, facilitators, or impartial observers, bridging differences and building stakeholder trust.
  • Peacekeeping Operations: Governments contribute troops and resources to international peacekeeping missions authorized by the United Nations or regional organizations. These missions aim to stabilize conflict-affected areas, protect civilians, and create conditions conducive to peacebuilding and reconstruction.
  • Reconciliation and Peacebuilding Programs: Governments and NGOs implement reconciliation, peacebuilding, and post-conflict reconstruction programs. These initiatives may include trauma healing, community dialogue forums, capacity-building for local institutions, and socioeconomic development projects to manage the underlying drivers of conflict.
  • Humanitarian Assistance and Development Aid: Governments and NGOs provide humanitarian assistance and development aid to conflict-affected regions, addressing immediate needs such as food, shelter, healthcare, and education. These efforts help alleviate suffering, build resilience, and create long-term stability and peace opportunities.
  • Promotion of Human Rights and Rule of Law: Governments and NGOs advocate for human rights, justice, and the rule of law as essential pillars of sustainable peace. They support efforts to strengthen legal institutions, promote accountability for human rights violations, and empower marginalized groups, including women and youth.

Role of International Organizations

  • United Nations (UN): The UN plays a central role in international peacebuilding efforts through its various organs, including the Security Council, General Assembly, and specialized agencies such as UNDP and UNICEF. The UN facilitates worldwide conflict prevention, peacekeeping, peacemaking, and peacebuilding activities.
  • North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO): NATO contributes to peacebuilding through its military and civilian operations, crisis management, and partnership programs. NATO-led missions focus on stabilizing conflict-affected regions, strengthening security sector reform, and promoting good governance in partnership with other international actors.
  • Peacebuilding Commissions and Special Envoys: The UN Peacebuilding Commission and special envoys appointed by the Secretary-General are critical in coordinating international efforts and mobilizing support for peacebuilding initiatives in post-conflict countries. They provide strategic guidance, resources, and advocacy to facilitate sustainable peace processes.
  • Peacekeeping Operations: UN peacekeeping operations, authorized by the Security Council, deploy military, police, and civilian personnel to conflict-affected regions to help maintain peace, protect civilians, and support the implementation of peace agreements. These missions work closely with governments, local communities, and other stakeholders to build trust and support long-term peacebuilding efforts.

The Role of Individuals in Promoting Peace

1. Interpersonal Relationships

  • Conflict Resolution Skills: Individuals can cultivate and employ practical conflict resolution skills in their relationships. By practicing active listening, empathy, and open communication, individuals can contribute to resolving disputes peacefully.
  • Promoting Tolerance and Understanding: Embracing diversity and fostering a spirit of tolerance in personal interactions helps break down stereotypes and prejudices. Individuals can actively seek to understand different perspectives, fostering an environment of mutual respect.

2. Community Engagement

  • Community Building: Individuals can engage in community-building activities that promote social cohesion and solidarity. Participating in local initiatives, events, and neighborhood projects helps build a sense of shared responsibility and belonging.
  • Supporting Local Peacebuilding Initiatives: Individuals can actively support and participate in local peacebuilding initiatives led by community organizations, NGOs, or grassroots movements. These efforts may include dialogue sessions, conflict resolution workshops, and community development projects.

3. Education and Advocacy

  • Promoting Peace Education: Individuals can advocate for and engage in peace education initiatives, both formal and informal. Promoting awareness of conflict resolution, human rights, and social justice helps instill values that contribute to a culture of peace.
  • Advocacy for Peaceful Solutions: Individuals can use their voices to advocate for peaceful solutions to local, national, and international conflicts. It may involve supporting campaigns, participating in advocacy groups, and influencing public opinion.

3. Nonviolent Activism

  • Civil Disobedience: Engaging in nonviolent civil disobedience and activism can be a powerful tool for individuals promoting peace and justice. Peaceful protests, demonstrations, and advocacy campaigns draw attention to social issues and encourage positive change.
  • Supporting Human Rights: Individuals can actively support and champion human rights causes. Advocating for protecting basic rights, including freedom of expression, equality, and justice, builds a foundation for lasting peace.

4. Conflict Prevention and Mediation

  • Early Warning and Conflict Prevention: Individuals can contribute to conflict prevention by identifying and addressing potential sources of tension within their communities. Early intervention and dialogue can prevent conflicts from escalating.
  • Mediation Skills: Acquiring mediation skills allows individuals to play a direct role in resolving disputes. Training in mediation techniques equips individuals to facilitate constructive dialogues and help parties find mutually acceptable solutions.

5. Promoting Gender Equality and Social Justice

  • Empowering Women and Minorities: Recognizing and advocating for the rights and empowerment of women and marginalized groups contributes to creating a more inclusive and just society. Gender equality and social justice are integral to building sustainable peace.
  • Addressing Structural Injustices: Individuals can work towards addressing systemic issues contributing to inequality and injustice. Advocating for fair policies, challenging discriminatory practices, and supporting social reforms contribute to a more equitable and peaceful society.

The essay has explored the intricate dynamics between peace and war, highlighting the historical perspectives, the importance of peace, the impact of war, peacebuilding efforts, and factors influencing conflict. Understanding these complexities fosters global cooperation, conflict resolution, and lasting peace.


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December 2, 2021

Peace Is More Than War’s Absence, and New Research Explains How to Build It

A new project measures ways to promote positive social relations among groups

By Peter T. Coleman , Allegra Chen-Carrel & Vincent Hans Michael Stueber

Closeup of two people shaking hands

PeopleImages/Getty Images

Today, the misery of war is all too striking in places such as Syria, Yemen, Tigray, Myanmar and Ukraine. It can come as a surprise to learn that there are scores of sustainably peaceful societies around the world, ranging from indigenous people in the Xingu River Basin in Brazil to countries in the European Union. Learning from these societies, and identifying key drivers of harmony, is a vital process that can help promote world peace.

Unfortunately, our current ability to find these peaceful mechanisms is woefully inadequate. The Global Peace Index (GPI) and its complement the Positive Peace Index (PPI) rank 163 nations annually and are currently the leading measures of peacefulness. The GPI, launched in 2007 by the Institute for Economics and Peace (IEP), was designed to measure negative peace , or the absence of violence, destructive conflict, and war. But peace is more than not fighting. The PPI, launched in 2009, was supposed to recognize this and track positive peace , or the promotion of peacefulness through positive interactions like civility, cooperation and care.

Yet the PPI still has many serious drawbacks. To begin with, it continues to emphasize negative peace, despite its name. The components of the PPI were selected and are weighted based on existing national indicators that showed the “strongest correlation with the GPI,” suggesting they are in effect mostly an extension of the GPI. For example, the PPI currently includes measures of factors such as group grievances, dissemination of false information, hostility to foreigners, and bribes.

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The index also lacks an empirical understanding of positive peace. The PPI report claims that it focuses on “positive aspects that create the conditions for a society to flourish.” However, there is little indication of how these aspects were derived (other than their relationships with the GPI). For example, access to the internet is currently a heavily weighted indicator in the PPI. But peace existed long before the internet, so is the number of people who can go online really a valid measure of harmony?

The PPI has a strong probusiness bias, too. Its 2021 report posits that positive peace “is a cross-cutting facilitator of progress, making it easier for businesses to sell.” A prior analysis of the PPI found that almost half the indicators were directly related to the idea of a “Peace Industry,” with less of a focus on factors found to be central to positive peace such as gender inclusiveness, equity and harmony between identity groups.

A big problem is that the index is limited to a top-down, national-level approach. The PPI’s reliance on national-level metrics masks critical differences in community-level peacefulness within nations, and these provide a much more nuanced picture of societal peace . Aggregating peace data at the national level, such as focusing on overall levels of inequality rather than on disparities along specific group divides, can hide negative repercussions of the status quo for minority communities.

To fix these deficiencies, we and our colleagues have been developing an alternative approach under the umbrella of the Sustaining Peace Project . Our effort has various components , and these can provide a way to solve the problems in the current indices. Here are some of the elements:

Evidence-based factors that measure positive and negative peace. The peace project began with a comprehensive review of the empirical studies on peaceful societies, which resulted in identifying 72 variables associated with sustaining peace. Next, we conducted an analysis of ethnographic and case study data comparing “peace systems,” or clusters of societies that maintain peace with one another, with nonpeace systems. This allowed us to identify and measure a set of eight core drivers of peace. These include the prevalence of an overarching social identity among neighboring groups and societies; their interconnections such as through trade or intermarriage; the degree to which they are interdependent upon one another in terms of ecological, economic or security concerns; the extent to which their norms and core values support peace or war; the role that rituals, symbols and ceremonies play in either uniting or dividing societies; the degree to which superordinate institutions exist that span neighboring communities; whether intergroup mechanisms for conflict management and resolution exist; and the presence of political leadership for peace versus war.

A core theory of sustaining peace . We have also worked with a broad group of peace, conflict and sustainability scholars to conceptualize how these many variables operate as a complex system by mapping their relationships in a causal loop diagram and then mathematically modeling their core dynamics This has allowed us to gain a comprehensive understanding of how different constellations of factors can combine to affect the probabilities of sustaining peace.

Bottom-up and top-down assessments . Currently, the Sustaining Peace Project is applying techniques such as natural language processing and machine learning to study markers of peace and conflict speech in the news media. Our preliminary research suggests that linguistic features may be able to distinguish between more and less peaceful societies. These methods offer the potential for new metrics that can be used for more granular analyses than national surveys.

We have also been working with local researchers from peaceful societies to conduct interviews and focus groups to better understand the in situ dynamics they believe contribute to sustaining peace in their communities. For example in Mauritius , a highly multiethnic society that is today one of the most peaceful nations in Africa, we learned of the particular importance of factors like formally addressing legacies of slavery and indentured servitude, taboos against proselytizing outsiders about one’s religion, and conscious efforts by journalists to avoid divisive and inflammatory language in their reporting.

Today, global indices drive funding and program decisions that impact countless lives, making it critical to accurately measure what contributes to socially just, safe and thriving societies. These indices are widely reported in news outlets around the globe, and heads of state often reference them for their own purposes. For example, in 2017 , Honduran President Juan Orlando Hernandez, though he and his country were mired in corruption allegations, referenced his country’s positive increase on the GPI by stating, “Receiving such high praise from an institute that once named this country the most violent in the world is extremely significant.” Although a 2019 report on funding for peace-related projects shows an encouraging shift towards supporting positive peace and building resilient societies, many of these projects are really more about preventing harm, such as grants for bolstering national security and enhancing the rule of law.

The Sustaining Peace Project, in contrast, includes metrics for both positive and negative peace, is enhanced by local community expertise, and is conceptually coherent and based on empirical findings. It encourages policy makers and researchers to refocus attention and resources on initiatives that actually promote harmony, social health and positive reciprocity between groups. It moves away from indices that rank entire countries and instead focuses on identifying factors that, through their interaction, bolster or reduce the likelihood of sustaining peace. It is a holistic perspective.  

Tracking peacefulness across the globe is a highly challenging endeavor. But there is great potential in cooperation between peaceful communities, researchers and policy makers to produce better methods and metrics. Measuring peace is simply too important to get only half-right. 

Essay on Peace

500 words essay peace.

Peace is the path we take for bringing growth and prosperity to society. If we do not have peace and harmony, achieving political strength, economic stability and cultural growth will be impossible. Moreover, before we transmit the notion of peace to others, it is vital for us to possess peace within. It is not a certain individual’s responsibility to maintain peace but everyone’s duty. Thus, an essay on peace will throw some light on the same topic.

essay on peace

Importance of Peace

History has been proof of the thousands of war which have taken place in all periods at different levels between nations. Thus, we learned that peace played an important role in ending these wars or even preventing some of them.

In fact, if you take a look at all religious scriptures and ceremonies, you will realize that all of them teach peace. They mostly advocate eliminating war and maintaining harmony. In other words, all of them hold out a sacred commitment to peace.

It is after the thousands of destructive wars that humans realized the importance of peace. Earth needs peace in order to survive. This applies to every angle including wars, pollution , natural disasters and more.

When peace and harmony are maintained, things will continue to run smoothly without any delay. Moreover, it can be a saviour for many who do not wish to engage in any disrupting activities or more.

In other words, while war destroys and disrupts, peace builds and strengthens as well as restores. Moreover, peace is personal which helps us achieve security and tranquillity and avoid anxiety and chaos to make our lives better.

How to Maintain Peace

There are many ways in which we can maintain peace at different levels. To begin with humankind, it is essential to maintain equality, security and justice to maintain the political order of any nation.

Further, we must promote the advancement of technology and science which will ultimately benefit all of humankind and maintain the welfare of people. In addition, introducing a global economic system will help eliminate divergence, mistrust and regional imbalance.

It is also essential to encourage ethics that promote ecological prosperity and incorporate solutions to resolve the environmental crisis. This will in turn share success and fulfil the responsibility of individuals to end historical prejudices.

Similarly, we must also adopt a mental and spiritual ideology that embodies a helpful attitude to spread harmony. We must also recognize diversity and integration for expressing emotion to enhance our friendship with everyone from different cultures.

Finally, it must be everyone’s noble mission to promote peace by expressing its contribution to the long-lasting well-being factor of everyone’s lives. Thus, we must all try our level best to maintain peace and harmony.

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Conclusion of the Essay on Peace

To sum it up, peace is essential to control the evils which damage our society. It is obvious that we will keep facing crises on many levels but we can manage them better with the help of peace. Moreover, peace is vital for humankind to survive and strive for a better future.

FAQ of Essay on Peace

Question 1: What is the importance of peace?

Answer 1: Peace is the way that helps us prevent inequity and violence. It is no less than a golden ticket to enter a new and bright future for mankind. Moreover, everyone plays an essential role in this so that everybody can get a more equal and peaceful world.

Question 2: What exactly is peace?

Answer 2: Peace is a concept of societal friendship and harmony in which there is no hostility and violence. In social terms, we use it commonly to refer to a lack of conflict, such as war. Thus, it is freedom from fear of violence between individuals or groups.

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Essays on War and Peace

The importance of writing an essay on war and peace.

Writing an essay on War and Peace is important because it allows us to explore the complexities of human conflict and the potential for peace. War and Peace is a timeless topic that has shaped history and continues to impact societies around the world. By delving into this subject through writing, we can gain a deeper understanding of the causes and consequences of war, as well as the efforts to achieve peace.

When writing an essay on War and Peace, it is important to consider the historical context and the various perspectives involved. This includes examining the political, social, and cultural factors that contribute to war, as well as the diplomatic and humanitarian efforts to promote peace. Additionally, it is crucial to analyze the impact of war on individuals and communities, and the strategies for reconciliation and conflict resolution.

Here are some tips for writing an essay on War and Peace:

  • Research extensively to gain a comprehensive understanding of the topic.
  • Consider different viewpoints and analyze the complexities of war and peace.
  • Use evidence and examples to support your arguments and insights.
  • Craft a compelling thesis statement that captures the essence of your essay.
  • Organize your ideas logically and coherently to present a well-structured argument.
  • Use clear and concise language to communicate your ideas effectively.
  • Revise and edit your essay to ensure clarity, coherence, and accuracy.

By writing an essay on War and Peace, we can contribute to the discourse on conflict and resolution, and help foster a deeper understanding of the complexities of human interaction. It is through thoughtful and insightful writing that we can promote empathy, dialogue, and ultimately, the pursuit of peace.

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War and Peace offers a rich tapestry of themes, characters, and ideas that can be explored through a multitude of essay topics. Whether you are interested in history, literature, philosophy, or psychology, there is ample material in this classic novel to inspire thought-provoking essays. By delving into the complexities of war, peace, and the human spirit, you can gain a deeper understanding of Tolstoy's masterpiece and its enduring relevance.

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Serialised 1865–1867; book 1869

Leo Tolstoy

Historical novel

The novel tells the story of five families - the Bezukhovs, the Bolkonskys, the Rostovs, the Kuragins, and the Drubetskoys

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essay of peace and war

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  • How to End a War

How to End a War

Essays on justice, peace, and repair.

essay of peace and war

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  • Edited by Graham Parsons , United States Military Academy , Mark Wilson , Villanova University, Pennsylvania
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Book description

How and when should we end a war? What place should the pathways to a war's end have in war planning and decision-making? This volume treats the topic of ending war as part and parcel of how wars begin and how they are fought – a unique, complex problem, worthy of its own conversation. New essays by leading thinkers and practitioners in the fields of philosophical ethics, international relations, and military law reflect on the problem and show that it is imperative that we address not only the resolution of war, but how and if a war as waged can accommodate a future peace. The essays collectively solidify the topic and underline its centrality to the future of military ethics, strategy, and war.

‘How to End a War is a strong anthology by a major group of scholars which makes important contributions to the crucial issues in the area that has come to be called jus post bellum.'

Steven P. Lee - Hobart and William Smith Colleges

‘A marvellous set of essays that together provide a stimulating overview of cutting-edge issues in contemporary ethics of war.’

Source: Journal of Peace Research

‘How to End a War is worthwhile reading for its new perspectives on jus ex bello and jus post bellum, the integral view on just war theory (where the different branches are intimately connected), and for highlighting the links between the theory and related issues that are equally important for the justice of ending wars. In this way, the volume also draws much needed attention to the experiences of the combatants that we send to war.’

Source: Ethics and International Affairs

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How to End a War pp i-ii

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How to End a War - Title page pp iii-iii

  • Essays on Justice, Peace, and Repair

Copyright page pp iv-iv

Contents pp v-vi, contributors pp vii-viii, acknowledgments pp ix-x, introduction pp 1-9.

  • The Ethics of War after the Longest War
  • By Graham Parsons , Mark A. Wilson

Chapter 1 - The Lament of the Demobilized pp 10-30

  • By Cheyney Ryan

Chapter 2 - Moral Injury and Moral Failure pp 31-58

  • By Lisa Tessman

Chapter 3 - Stoic Grit, Moral Injury, and Resilience pp 59-76

  • By Nancy Sherman

Chapter 4 - Political Humiliation and the Sense of Replacement pp 77-91

  • By Nir Eisikovits

Chapter 5 - Minimum Moral Thresholds at War’s End pp 92-110

  • By Colleen Murphy

Chapter 6 - Ending Endless Wars pp 111-131

  • By Alex J. Bellamy

Chapter 7 - Forever Wars pp 132-149

  • Time and Value in War
  • By David Rodin

Chapter 8 - Two Conceptions of the Proportionality Budget for Jus Ex Bello pp 150-169

  • By Darrel Moellendorf

Chapter 9 - Toward a Post Bellum Lieber Code pp 170-193

  • By Dan Maurer

Chapter 10 - Reconciliation Is Justice – and a Strategy for Military Victory pp 194-214

  • By Daniel Philpott

Bibliography pp 215-232

Index pp 233-234, altmetric attention score, full text views.

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Peace Importance and War Effects on Countries Essay

  • To find inspiration for your paper and overcome writer’s block
  • As a source of information (ensure proper referencing)
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World war ii, effects or war/lack of peace, importance of peace, works cited.

The emphasis of peaceful interactions among the nations cannot be undermined at any cost. Peace is one of the fundamental factors that influence growth in economic activities, development of political governance, among other important aspects of living. Without peace, many areas of human existence are affected. Peace is the essence of living, and the lack of it can be termed as the opposite of life. When people cannot interact peacefully, there will be chaos and disarray. Therefore peace is supreme in the world, and without it, nothing is achievable. This essay seeks to outline several evidences to prove that peace is the most important thing in the world.

The Second World War was one of the most destructive battles in the world. Its effects especially in Japan are felt up to date. The war broke out form a simple conflict between nations, and it eventually turned into a global conflict. As seen in the picture, American soldiers are kissing and celebrating with their wives their victory against Japan. Looking at the picture, one can clearly see that all the people captured are happy and excited to know that their spouses are back home safe and sound. Peace brings happiness to families and among nations. It took years before Iraq became a fully politically run state (Dumas and Thee 89).

World War II had greatly destabilized Europe, and all that people wanted to be an end to the fighting. This photograph was taken in Times Square on the 14 th of august 1945, and it has been used in many occasions to commemorate the day of peace in America ( History.com par. 2). The conflict between 30 countries including Japan, Germany, the Great Britain, France among others led to a war that lasted for six years and caused millions of deaths both military and civilians ( History.com par 2). Considering such damage, peace is therefore one of the most important things in the world today.

Where there is no peace, there is war. War can be among people from different races, clans, tribes, religion among other profiling strategies. Nonetheless, when war occurs in a particular region or country, the effects are horrible. One of the major effects of war is hunger and starvation. the World War II was greatly influenced by the instability that was created by the first world war which had only ended two decades earlier ( History.com par. 8).Adolf Hitler’s greed for power and his urge to dominate the world led him to rearm his nation. As Germany invaded Poland, the Great Britain and France reacted in protest declaring war against Germany ( History.com par. 8).

This regional conflict ended up in a global and the destruction caused was beyond measure. As Hitler rose to power, he believed that the only way for humans to acquire enough living space was through war ( History.com par. 8). Unfortunately, he was obsessed with the idea of domination and he believed that pure Germans were the only race worth of the living space. Such a mentality can ruin and comprise any efforts to achieve peaceful coexistence among nations.

Peace is a very crucial aspect of human life. Peace allows people to interact in civilized and planned structures which give life a meaning. Through peace, people are able to shear common values and enhance the promotion of common decency through laws and policies (Acharya 45).

Governance and political structures are products of peaceful agreements brokered with the best interests of the people at heart. Peace has enabled the world to come together in many occasion and to work together to fight some of the deadly vices in the world. For instance, the United Nations that was formed as a result of an end to a deadly conflict among nations is a product of peace. It is very important to foster peaceful relations among nations because it allows interaction and through such interactions there are major benefits that may accrue. Peaceful nations for instance trade together and they allow their citizens to trade in better terms of trades.

In every country, peace is the major influence of any positive development. Whether it is political, economic, social or infrastructural success, peace is the key to achieving it. Without peace the world can achieve nothing. According to the evidenced given in this essay, one can evidently connect peace to other areas of growth in a country. For instance, Somalia has been mentioned and clearly one can understand the impacts of peace just by looking at the country’s development and infrastructural growth. Somalia is one of the poorest countries in terms of GDP while its wealth in fuel is one of the bets world’s known.

Therefore, this essay shows that regardless of a country’s natural resources, peace is paramount. Rwanda has also been used in this essay as an example and clear the country’s fertility was compromised the 1994 genocide where conflicting communities were starving in a land of great agricultural potential.

Acharya, Amitav. Constructing a Security Community in Southeast Asia: ASEAN and the Problem of Regional Order: ASEAN and the Problem of Regional Order , New York, NY: Routledge, 2014. Print.

Dumas, Lloyd J., and Marek Thee. Making peace possible: the promise of economic conversion , New York, NY: Elsevier, 2014. Print.

History.com: America Enters World War II . 2009. Web.

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IvyPanda. (2020, August 15). Peace Importance and War Effects on Countries. https://ivypanda.com/essays/peace-importance-and-war-effects-on-countries/

"Peace Importance and War Effects on Countries." IvyPanda , 15 Aug. 2020, ivypanda.com/essays/peace-importance-and-war-effects-on-countries/.

IvyPanda . (2020) 'Peace Importance and War Effects on Countries'. 15 August.

IvyPanda . 2020. "Peace Importance and War Effects on Countries." August 15, 2020. https://ivypanda.com/essays/peace-importance-and-war-effects-on-countries/.

1. IvyPanda . "Peace Importance and War Effects on Countries." August 15, 2020. https://ivypanda.com/essays/peace-importance-and-war-effects-on-countries/.


IvyPanda . "Peace Importance and War Effects on Countries." August 15, 2020. https://ivypanda.com/essays/peace-importance-and-war-effects-on-countries/.

The Ethics of War and Peace

Terry Nardin

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The Ethics of War and Peace: Religious and Secular Perspectives

  • Edited by Terry Nardin

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A superb introduction to the ethical aspects of war and peace, this collection of tightly integrated essays explores the reasons for waging war and for fighting with restraint as formulated in a diversity of ethical traditions, religious and secular. Beginning with the classic debate between political realism and natural law, this book seeks to expand the conversation by bringing in the voices of Judaism, Islam, Christian pacifism, and contemporary feminism. In so doing, it addresses a set of questions: How do the adherents to each viewpoint understand the ideas of war and peace? What attitudes toward war and peace are reflected in these understandings? What grounds for war, if any, are recognized within each perspective? What constraints apply to the conduct of war? Can these constraints be set aside in situations of extremity? Each contributor responds to this set of questions on behalf of the ethical perspective he or she is presenting. The concluding chapters compare and contrast the perspectives presented without seeking to adjudicate their differences. Because of its inclusive, objective, comparative, and dialogic approach, the book serves as a valuable resource for scholars, journalists, policymakers, and anyone else who wants to acquire a better understanding of the range of moral viewpoints that shape current discussion of war and peace. In addition to the editor, the contributors are Joseph Boyle, Michael G. Cartwright, Jean Bethke Elshtain, John Finnis, Sohail H. Hashmi, Theodore J. Koontz, David R. Mapel, Jeff McMahan, Richard B. Miller, Aviezer Ravitzky, Bassam Tibi, Sarah Tobias, and Michael Walzer.

"It is apparent that discussions in the international arena, of justice in general and war in particular, will have to pay increasing attention to a diversity of religious views. With this growing awareness of religion in mind, the appearance of The Ethics of War and Peace is fortuitous."—Shaun Casey, Harvard Divinity Bulletin

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  7. How to End a War - Cambridge University Press & Assessment

    New essays by leading thinkers and practitioners in the fields of philosophical ethics, international relations, and military law reflect on the problem and show that it is imperative that we address not only the resolution of war, but how and if a war as waged can accommodate a future peace.

  8. Peace Importance and War Effects on Countries Essay - IvyPanda

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  10. The Ethics of War and Peace | Princeton University Press

    A superb introduction to the ethical aspects of war and peace, this collection of tightly integrated essays explores the reasons for waging war and for fighting with restraint as formulated in a diversity of ethical traditions, religious and secular.