
Chicago Research Paper Formatting

Chicago manual of style (cmos - 17th edition).

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The templates provided will be sufficient for most student Chicago Style papers. For more information on formatting, please check out The Chicago Manual of Style Online Resources for Students page at . 

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  • Purdue Owl Author Date Sample Paper Sample paper is downloadable.
  • Purdue Owl Notes Bibliography Sample Paper Sample paper is downloadable.
  • Turabian: Student Paper-Writing Tip Sheets Official Chicago style, in easy-to-use, printable PDF paper-writing tip sheets for students, teachers, and librarians. Guidelines are per Kate L. Turabian, A Manual for Writers of Research Papers, Theses, and Dissertations (9th ed.) and are fully compatible with The Chicago Manual of Style (17th ed.).
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The Complete Guide to Chicago Style

Allison Bressmer

Allison Bressmer

Chicago Style cover

The Chicago Manual of Style (CMOS) is a widely used style guide that covers topics like preparing manuscripts for publication, grammar rules, and word usage. It also offers two style options for source citation .

While Chicago Style is more often used for published works than high school or undergraduate class papers, Kate Turabian developed a simplified version of the CMOS’s citation styles, with modifications that address the needs of student writers.

What is the Chicago manual of style

What Does the Chicago Manual of Style Do?

Chicago manual of style general formatting guidelines, how to format an in-text chicago-style citation, guidelines for formatting reference and bibliography pages, why are citations and references necessary.

The purpose of CMOS, or any style guide, is to create a system of standardization across a publication, company, publishing house, or project, etc.

Language and conventions of language, grammar, and word usage are fluid and influenced by social location or other factors, so style manuals provide rules or guidelines to establish consistency.

Additionally, style guides provide easy navigation for readers by creating a clear framework for how sources are cited, documented, and located, should the reader want to investigate that source further.

Why do we need style guides

The CMOS offers these general guidelines for formatting papers:

  • Margins should be no less than 1 inch and no more than 1.5 inches around the paper; margins should be consistent throughout.
  • The body of the main text should be double spaced .
  • Block quotations, notes, bibliography entries, table titles, and figure captions are single spaced .
  • Text should be left-justified .
  • New paragraphs should be indented by one half inch.
  • Font size and style should be legible . While CMOS does not offer a specific font preference, the Turabian guide recommends Times New Roman (12 point) or Calibri (11 point) for student papers.
  • Each page of the document should have a header in the top-right corner that includes the page number .

What About a Title Page?

How to do title pages in chicago style

CMOS does not require a title page. However, if the publication you’re writing for requires one, you’ll need to follow their format.

The Turabian guide states that class papers may require either a title on the first page of text or a title page. If you need to include a title page, the recommendations are as follows:

  • Center the title one-third of the way down the page.
  • The subtitle , if you have one, goes under the title . Put a colon after the title if you have a subtitle.
  • Your name , class information , and the date should be included a few lines (3-4 return hits) later, each a separate line.
  • All information should be double-spaced .

What About Headings?

In CMOS, consistency is key. There is no set rule for headings and subheadings, other than that they should be consistent throughout the work. Think of them as visual cues.

A reader should be able to recognize that “this font at that size” is a chapter beginning. Or “that font in this size” signals a main subsection of a chapter, and so on.

How to do headings in chicago style

Other CMOS Style Elements to Know

Because there is variety even within the CMOS, it’s important to remember to check with your instructor or publisher about the specific style methods they follow and to ensure you understand any preferences not specifically stated in the CMOS guidelines.

Here are some common sticking points you may have questions about.

Introduce acronyms the first time you refer to the entity or concept, etc., that they stand for. The first line of this article demonstrates that practice.

The Chicago Manual of Style (CMOS) is a widely used style guide . . . .

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Use words rather than numerals for numbers under 100. For example, write out twenty-eight instead of 28. There are exceptions to this rule: Use numerals when referring to a specific measurement; for example, 1 inch, and when using decimals. Also, for more technical writing, CMOS advocates spelling out numbers one through nine, but using numerals for any figure with two or more digits.

“Block” a prose quotation of five or more lines. This means the entire quote should be indented, or set off, from the surrounding text. Do not use quotation marks around blocked quotations. Use the same font style and size for the blocked quote as you used for the surrounding text.

Use “headline-style” capitalization for titles mentioned in the text, notes, or bibliography. Headline style means the first words of titles and subtitles, as well as any principal words that follow, are capitalized. Principal words include the first and last words of the title, as well as any words that are not conjunctions, articles, or prepositions. Use italics or quotation marks for titles depending on the works they represent.

Figures and Tables

If you include a figure or table in your work, follow these elements of CMOS:

  • Position the figure under the information that discusses that figure.
  • Put the caption directly under the image or figure and flush with the left edge of the figure. Use single spacing for the caption.
  • Leave at least one blank line between the caption and the continuing text in your document.
  • Label the image and ensure that labels are consecutive. For example, Figure 1; Figure 2; Figure 2.1.

CMOS offers two options for in-text citations and their respective reference or bibliography pages: author-date and notes and bibliography .

In-text citations in chicago style

The Author-Date System

The author-date style is used more commonly in physical and social sciences. With this method, sources are cited in the text, usually with a parenthetical citation that includes the author’s last name and the year the cited work was published.

To find full bibliographic information on the source, the reader can consult the reference list and find the corresponding entry.

This method offers the writer some flexibility in how to integrate citations into their texts.

Examples of Author-Date Style

Let's pretend I ran an experiment on the most popular color of M&Ms among five-year-olds. I conducted the study in 2020 (because what else was there to do during a pandemic?), and you want to include my findings in your paper.

How to format author-date style

With the author-date format, you could use either of these possibilities:

The study revealed that five-year-olds prefer blue and green M&Ms to brown and yellow ones (Bressmer 2020).

Bressmer (2020) determined that five-year-olds prefer blue and green M&Ms to brown and yellow ones.

If I had worked with one or two others—say, Johnson and Smith—on my study, you would simply add their names to the citation, like this:

  • The study revealed that five-year-olds prefer blue and green M&Ms to brown and yellow ones (Bressmer, Johnson, and Smith 2020).

If any additional researchers were involved in the study (making the total four or more names), you would use (Bressmer et al. 2020).

If you need to cite more than one reference in a single in-text citation, use semicolons to separate those references.

  • One study revealed that five-year-olds prefer blue and green M&Ms to brown and yellow ones, but a subsequent study indicates that blue is preferred even over green (Bressmer 2020; Phillips 2021).

If I had conducted both of those studies (not Phillips), only a comma would be required between the dates: (Bressmer 2020, 2021).

Author-Date Reference List

If you use the author-date style, you must include a list of references as the last page of your work. Each of your in-text citations must have a corresponding entry on the reference list that includes the full bibliographic information for the source.

The reference list should only include sources you’ve cited in the document.

The Notes and Bibliography System

This system is often preferred by those working in the humanities. It has flexibility and provides an opportunity for commenting on sources, if the writer feels a comment is necessary.

In the notes and bibliography style, writers acknowledge they have used a source by putting a superscript number at the end of the sentence in which that source is referenced. If the reference is a direct quote, then the superscript should immediately follow the quotation. The note number should also follow punctuation, rather than precede it.

Notes and bibliography citation

Footnotes and Endnotes

Using either footnotes or endnotes , the writer includes a numbered note that corresponds to the in-text superscript number either at the bottom of the page on which the reference is used, in which case the note is called a footnote , or in a compiled list of notes at the end of a chapter, or the entire document, called endnotes .

Footnotes and endnotes include bibliographic information for the cited source. These notes then correspond to entries on the last page of the paper, the bibliography.

Usually, the first time a source is listed as a footnote or endnote , it is appropriate to use a full note, which includes full publication details of the source.

If a source is included in subsequent footnotes or endnotes , it’s common practice to use short notes , which include the author’s last name, title of the work, and page number, if relevant. However, always check with your instructor or publisher and follow their recommendations.

Example of Notes and Bibliography Style

Imagine the sentence below appears in the text of a document in which the writer referenced my M&M study. Note the superscript after the referenced material and the corresponding footnote (full-note form) at the “bottom” of my page. A thin line separates footnotes from the main text, and the footnotes appear in a font of the same or smaller size than the main text.

The study revealed that five-year-olds prefer blue and green M&Ms to brown and yellow ones.1

  • Allison Bressmer, “The M&M Attraction Study,” The Journal of Imagined Studies 100, no. 1, (August 2020): 5.

A short-note version would simply include

  • Bressmer, “The M&M Attraction Study,” 5.

The Notes-Bibliography Style Bibliography Page

While a reference list is required for papers written with the author-date system, a bibliography is not required for works written with the notes-and-bibliography system, though they are generally preferred. Once again, check with your instructor or publisher.

The bibliography includes sources cited in your paper and may list other sources you referenced in preparing the work but did not specifically cite.

Formatting reference and bibliography pages

For the most part, format the reference and bibliography pages the same way.

Either list starts on a new, blank page that comes at the end of your document.

  • Title the document as References or Bibliography , depending on the CMOS citation system used in the document. Center that title word, but do not underline or put it in quotation marks.
  • Leave two blank lines between the title and your first entry.
  • Single space the lines of each entry; if the entry has more than one line, use a hanging indent for all subsequent lines (this just means the lines are indented, or “tabbed”).
  • Leave one blank line between entries.
  • Alphabetize entries by author’s name; if no author, then by the first word of the entry (probably the title of the article/work).

What to Include in Chicago-Style Reference and Bibliography Entries

Other than their titles, the only other difference between the reference and bibliography pages is regarding the placement of the publication date. On a reference list, place the year of publication immediately after the author’s name.

elements of bibliography and reference pages

Major Elements

Include the following major elements in reference and bibliography entries and separate the elements with periods:

  • Author’s name: last name first, with a comma separating the names. For example, Johnson, Joan.

Reminder: on a reference list , the publication date appears directly after the author’s name.

Title: Italicize titles of books and journals. Use quotation marks for titles of articles, chapters, short stories, or poems.

Publication information: Name of journal (or larger work in which the cited article, chapter, etc., appears), publisher, year of publication.

If additional information about the source is available:

  • After the title, include others involved in producing the work (editors, translators, compilers); edition number if the work is not the first edition; volume or series numbers.
  • After publication information, include page numbers; URLs, or DOIs (digital object identifiers) of sources accessed through electronic databases.

By acknowledging the author of a source cited in your paper, you do the following:

  • Uphold standards of intellectual and academic honesty by acknowledging the authors of the information you’ve borrowed for your paper. It’s never okay to try to pass off someone else’s work or ideas as your own—that is called plagiarism.

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Establish credibility by including the voices and works of others as support for your ideas, arguments, or proposals. When you do this, you validate the credibility of your ideas.

Help your readers by leading them to the source of each of your citations. Should they want to investigate further, your citations will lead to your reference page, which provides the location of your source.

The Chicago Manual of Style offers versatility for writers, allowing them to adapt their citations to the style that suits their work (or their instructor’s or publisher’s request), while ensuring readers can easily identify and locate those cited sources for further investigation.

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chicago style essay format

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Allison Bressmer is a professor of freshman composition and critical reading at a community college and a freelance writer. If she isn’t writing or teaching, you’ll likely find her reading a book or listening to a podcast while happily sipping a semi-sweet iced tea or happy-houring with friends. She lives in New York with her family. Connect at

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How to Write and Format a Chicago Style Paper [With Examples]

How to Write and Format a Chicago Style Paper [With Examples]

3-minute read

  • 18th August 2023

Are you working on a Chicago style project but struggling with the question, “just what is it?!”

Fear not, this post will walk you through Chicago style basics.

What Is Chicago Style?

The Chicago Manual of Style (CMoS) is a comprehensive style guide primarily used by professional writers, publishers, and researchers. It covers various forms of writing, including books, journals, magazines, and other publications. It’s often the go-to style for publishers and editors. CMoS is also known for its emphasis on scholarly writing and is suitable for a wide range of disciplines, including history, literature, the arts, and social sciences.

However, there’s an important distinction between Chicago style and Turabian style , which is essentially a simplified version of CMoS used in scholarly writing. Turabian omits some of the complexities and focuses on the needs of academic writers, especially those in the humanities and social sciences.

With either style, it’s essential to consult the relevant edition of the style guide specified by your institution or publication: either The Chicago Manual of Style or A Manual for Writers by Kate L. Turabian (currently in its ninth edition).

How Are Chicago Style Citations Formatted?

CMoS emphasizes two primary documentation systems : the notes and bibliography system (often used in the humanities) and the author–date system (preferred in the sciences and social sciences). When formatting a CMoS/Turabian paper, you’ll need to adhere to the guidelines associated with your chosen documentation system.

Notes and Bibliography System:

●  In this system, you’ll use footnotes or endnotes to cite sources within the text.

●  A corresponding bibliography is included at the end of the paper, listing all sources in alphabetical order.

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●  Citations typically include author names, titles, publication details, and page numbers.

Author–Date System:

●  In the author–date system, you’ll incorporate in-text citations within parentheses.

●  A reference list is included at the end of the document, providing full details for each cited source.

●  Citations include author’s last names, publication year, and page numbers (if applicable).

What Does Turabian Style Formatting Look Like?

A well-structured Turabian Style paper should adhere to the following formatting guidelines :

  •   Title page : Include the title of your paper, your name, the course name/number, instructor’s name, and the date on a separate page, starting a third of the page down. Alternatively, write the title on the first page.
  •   Margins : Apply one-inch margins on all sides.
  • Indentation and spacing : Indent paragraphs and double-space the main text.
  • Font : Use a legible 12-point font (e.g., Times New Roman).
  • Page numbers : Number all pages consecutively in the top right corner, starting with the first page. Alternatively, page numbers may be placed at the bottom center of the page.
  • Headings and subheadings : Use headline-style capitalization for headings and subheadings, with different levels distinguished.
  • Footnotes or in-text citations: Implement your chosen citation system consistently throughout the paper.
  • Bibliography or reference list : Include a comprehensive list of all sources used, following Chicago style citation guidelines for your chosen system.

How Should I Choose Which Chicago Style Documentation to Use?

It’s crucial to find out which specific CMoS system is preferred by your institution, publisher, or field of study. Always consult your assignment guidelines or style manual to determine whether you should use the notes and bibliography system or the author–date system. This choice will significantly impact how you format your citations and references.

Remember that mastering CMoS takes practice. By following these guidelines, you’ll be well on your way to crafting polished, professionally formatted papers that meet the expectations of your academic or professional audience.

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Chicago Style Guide - 17th Edition

  • Chicago Style
  • Title Page and Pagination
  • Quotations and Signal Phrases
  • Bibliography
  • Chicago's Citation Parts
  • Articles - Online
  • Articles - Print
  • Blogs and Social Media
  • Government Publications
  • Elders & Knowledge Keepers
  • Other Sources
  • Secondary Sources
  • Generative AI Tools (e.g., ChatGPT, DALL·E 2)
  • Author/Date (Scientific) System
  • Need More Help?

Useful Links

  • Chicago Manual of Style Online - Quick Guide
  • Douglas College Library - Chicago Style Guide (PDF)
  • Purdue OWL - Chicago Manual of Style (17th ed.)
  • SFU Library - Chicago/Turabian (17th ed.) Citation Guide

Avoid Plagiarism

  • Camosun Academic Integrity Guide
  • Camosun Plagiarism Guide
  • Douglas College Learning Centre - Paraphrasing Without Plagiarizing
  • Purdue OWL - Avoiding Plagiarism
  • SFU Library - Plagiarism Tutorial

Chicago Style Sample Research Paper

Formatting and Sample Paper

The formatting guidelines listed on this page, provide general best practices for formatting your work using the Chicago style. Detailed information about formatting your title page , using quotes and signal phrases , and creating a bibliography , can be found by navigating to various sub-pages of this "Formatting Your Paper" page.

Learning how to correctly format your research paper into Chicago style can seem overwhelming, especially if the style is new to you. One of the best ways to help visualize what your paper needs to look like is by checking out an example of a paper that has already been formatted correctly.

View this  sample Chicago style research paper   ( notes and bibliography/humanities system ) from Purdue OWL for examples on how to format:

  • A title page
  • Headers and page numbers
  • A bibliography

For a sample paper in the Chicago author/date style , visit the "Author/Date (Scientific) System" page in this guide.

Paragraphs and Spacing

The first line of all new paragraphs should begin with an indent . You can use either the tab key or your word processor's indentation tool to make your indentations–just be sure to be consistent and use the same process throughout your paper.

Your paper should be double spaced throughout its main body , with the following exceptions: 

  • Block quotations , table titles , and figure captions should be single-spaced . 
  • ​An extra line of space should be inserted both before and after a block quotation. 

Entries in the bibliography and footnotes/ endnotes are single spaced within entries , but double-spaced between entries (unless your instructor prefers double-spacing throughout).​

Footnotes and Endnotes

  • Notes can be either  footnotes   (placed at the  foot   (bottom) of the same page  as the referenced text) or  endnotes   (listed on a  separate sheet at the end  of the essay, before the bibliography).
  • Other than placement in your document, footnotes and endnotes are  structured in exactly the same way .
  • Notes are  numbered consecutively  throughout the paper. Most word processing programs (such as MS Word) handle footnotes automatically.
  • Follow your instructors’ directions when deciding whether to use footnotes or endnotes.

To insert a footnote in a Microsoft Word document:

  • Place the cursor after the text you want to cite.
  • Click on the " References "   tab.
  • In the " Footnotes " section , click on the " In sert Footnote " button.
  • A superscript number 1 will appear after the text you want to cite.
  • A superscript number 1 will also appear at the bottom of page.
  • At the bottom of the page next to the superscript number, enter the citation information for your resource (see the citation examples in this guide for how to create footnotes).
  • Repeat these steps to insert and consecutively number your footnotes.

Some instructors may ask you to use endnotes, instead of footnotes. For information on inserting endnotes, see the  Microsoft Office Tutorial .

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Information Guides

  • University of Northwestern - St. Paul
  • Berntsen Library
  • Information Guides

Chicago Style Guide

  • Chicago Style Page Formatting

Chicago Manual of Style Online

  • Chicago/Turabian PowerPoint presentation

How to Format a Chicago-style Paper

  • Sample Pages
  • Image/Chart
  • Indirect Source
  • Legal/Government
  • Letter/Memo
  • Microfiche/Microfilm
  • Reference Work
  • Speech/Lecture


This guide was adapted from the Chicago Style Guide by Cathy Rettberg at Menlo School Library.

  • Chicago Manual of Style This link opens in a new window The time-tested guide to style, usage, and grammar in an accessible online format.

Your professors expect to receive papers that are properly formatted and laid out. Use the following guidelines when setting up your paper. It is easiest if you use the correct settings from the beginning; otherwise you will have to go back and reformat your paper.

Overall page layout

  • One inch margins on sides, top and bottom.
  • Use Times or Times New Roman 12 pt font.
  • Double-space the text of the paper.
  • Use left-justified text, which will have a ragged right edge. Do not use fully (newspaper-style) justified text.
  • Use a 1/2" indent for paragraph beginnings, block quotes and hanging (bibliography) indents.
  • Number the pages in the top right corner of the paper, beginning with the first page of text. It's a good idea to include your last name as well, in case pages become separated. Number straight through from the first text page to the final bibliography page but do not count any pages after the end of the text as part of your page count. (A five-page paper may also have a cover page, two pages of notes and one page of bibliography which is nine pieces of paper.)
  • Center the title of your paper in the middle of the page, halfway down.
  • Center your name directly under the title.
  • Your professor's name, course title, and date should be written in three lines and centered at the bottom of the page.
  • Use Times or Times New Roman 12 pt font for the title page. Do not try to make your cover page decorative by using bold , underline , or creative fonts.
  • Do not put a page number on the cover page, and do not count it as part of the total page count.

Assemble your paper in the following order

  • Cover/title page
  • Body of the paper
  • Appendix (if needed)


Names and numbers.

  • Use full names of people and agencies/legislation the first time you use them. For agencies, include the acronym in parentheses after the full name when first used, e.g. Federal Emergency Relief Administration (FERA).
  • After the first time you can refer to people by their last name or agencies/bills by their acronyms for the rest of the paper.
  • Write out numbers lower than 100. (“All nine members of the Supreme Court...”)

Footnotes and endnotes

  • Footnotes go at the bottom of the page where the reference occurs; endnotes go on a separate page after the body of the paper. Both use the same formatting guidelines.
  • Within the essay text: put the note number at the end of the sentence where the reference occurs, even if the cited material is mentioned at the beginning of the sentence.
  • The note number goes after all other punctuation.
  • Be sure to use Arabic numerals (1, 2, 3) nor Roman (i, ii, iii).
  • Put the word Notes (not Endnotes) at the top of the page with your endnotes. Use Times/Times New Roman 10 pt font.
  • Single space each entry; double space between entries.
  • Indent the first line of each note.
  • Never reuse a number - use a new number for each reference, even if you have used that reference previously.
  • Be sure to look at shortened form examples for sources you refer to more than once.
  • To cite multiple sources in a single note, separate the two citations with a semicolon. Never use two note numbers at the end of a sentence.
  • Your bibliography should go on a separate page, with the word Bibliography centered at the top of the page in Times/Times New Roman 12 pt font. Do not use bold or large size font for the heading.
  • Be sure to use proper formatting - note and bibliography styles are different.
  • Use a "hanging indent" - the first line of the citation begins at the margin, subsequent lines are indented.
  • If your source has no author, alphabetize by title within the authors - don't make a separate list.
  • Don't separate primary and secondary sources unless your professor requests it.

Watch out for these common errors:

  • Note format uses first name last name, bibliography uses last name, first name.
  • In your notes, do not reuse numbers! Each citation gets a new number.
  • Pay attention to indents. Notes use a first line indent, a bibliography uses a hanging indent.
  • A bibliography goes in alphabetical order by author (or title if there is no author). Notes are numbered and are listed in the order the sources are used.
  • Don't put Works Cited at the top of your bibliography - that is MLA style.
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This resource contains the Notes and Bibliography (NB) sample paper for the Chicago Manual of Style 17 th edition. To download the sample paper, click this link .

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Formatting a paper in Chicago style

Published February 16, 2021. Updated August 15, 2021.

An important part of writing your paper is formatting it so that it is easy to read. This guide covers the Chicago guidelines for formatting your paper and bibliography or reference list. The guidelines here come from the most recent edition of Kate L. Turabian’s A Manual for Writers of Research Papers, Theses, and Dissertations (9th edition) but this guide is not linked to the Turabian manual or The Chicago Manual of Style .

Because the Turabian manual is intended more for students, it is filled with practical information on how to format your paper. Turabian is still considered Chicago style. It is important, though, to check with your instructor and make sure they do not have any formatting guidelines you need to follow. If they do, follow their guidelines and not Chicago’s formatting recommendations.

Here’s what you’ll find on this page:

  • how to format your paper
  • how to format your bibliography or reference list

For help writing your essay, research paper , or other project, check out these writing tips .

How to format your paper

This section will cover the basics of Chicago style–paper formatting. If you are writing a thesis or dissertation and using Chicago style, be sure to adhere to the style guide for your institution (and not Chicago style) for formatting. There will often be very specific rules for formatting these documents as they will be uploaded into various repositories and databases after degree completion.

The Turabian recommendations for formatting your paper include the following:

  • margins of at least 1 inch on all sides of the document
  • readable font (e.g., Times New Roman or Arial)
  • 12-point font size for the body of text (you might use a smaller font for footnotes/endnotes)
  • double-space your main text
  • single-space any block quotations, lists, or figure/table titles
  • footnotes and endnotes should be single-spaced internally but include a blank line between each note
  • tab or indent to mark a paragraph start
  • single-space after a period that ends a sentence (i.e., do not double-space at the end of a sentence)

If you use page numbers, be consistent in where you place them. You should also be consistent in your use of headings and titles. Use the same format for the same heading level. Turabian also recommends headline-style capitalization (e.g., A Study on the History of the World) as opposed to sentence-style capitalization (e.g., A study on the history of the world). For more specific guidance, check out this headings guide .

How to format your bibliography or reference list

The basic Turabian formatting recommendations for your bibliography or reference list include:

  • For bibliographies, title the first page of your bibliography “Bibliography.” For reference lists, title your first page “References.”
  • Make sure to leave two blank lines after the title and before your first entry.
  • Bibliography or reference list entries should be single-spaced internally but have a blank line between each entry. The first line of each entry should be flush with the left margin. Any second or subsequent lines of an entry should use a hanging indent.
  • You should almost always arrange your entries alphabetically. If you do not, you’ll need to note why you’ve done this differently and explain your organization.

For more detailed information on formatting, check out our guides on bibliographies and reference lists .

You can also check out Appendix A in the Turabian manual for further examples and suggestions.

Works Consulted:

The Chicago Manual of Style , 17th ed. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2017.

Turabian, Kate L. A Manual for Writers of Research Papers, Theses, and Dissertations , 9th ed. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2018.

Chicago Style Guides

Chicago Style : Annotated bibliography | Abstract | Block Quote | Headings | Outline | Page Numbers | Title page

Citing sources : In-text citations | Bibliography | Reference list | Footnotes | Citing Multiple Authors | Citing Sources with No Authors

Chicago Style Citation Generator : Article | Book | Image | Interview | Journal | Movie | PDF | Textbook | Website | YouTube

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chicago style essay format

Chicago Style Format: A Step-by-Step Manual

chicago style essay format

The Chicago Manual of Style, a literary authority that has significantly shaped the world of writing and publishing, boasts a legacy that spans well over a century. Since its establishment in 1906, this venerable style guide has played a pivotal role in maintaining the highest standards of writing and publishing across various disciplines. Its enduring influence is nothing short of remarkable, leaving an indelible mark on the realms of academia, journalism, and professional publishing.

Chicago Style Format: Short Description

In this article, our experts, who handle your ' write my paper ' requests, will embark on a journey through the corridors of this iconic guide, delving into its rich history, indispensable guidelines, and the profound impact it continues to exert on the world of written communication. Whether you're a student striving for academic excellence, a seasoned writer crafting prose, or an editor refining manuscripts, the Chicago Manual of Style remains an indispensable companion in your quest for precision and eloquence in language and presentation.

What Is the Chicago Manual of Style

The Chicago Manual of Style, often affectionately referred to as 'Chicago,' stands as a formidable pillar of authority in the realm of writing and publishing. First published in 1906 by the University of Chicago Press, this venerable guide is much more than a rulebook; it is an enduring testament to the meticulous artistry of language and presentation.

At its core, the Chicago Manual of Style serves as a comprehensive reference for writers, editors, and publishers, offering guidance on everything from grammar and punctuation to citation styles and manuscript formatting. Its authority extends across an array of disciplines, making it a trusted companion for academics, journalists, historians, and authors alike.

The difference between MLA and APA and Chicago Styles :

While the goal of all major style guides is to ensure clarity, consistency, and credibility in writing, each has its own unique approach.

Chicago is renowned for its flexibility, making it a preferred choice for disciplines like history and the humanities. It utilizes both footnotes or endnotes and a bibliography to cite sources, allowing for detailed referencing and extensive historical context.

In contrast, the Modern Language Association (MLA) style is commonly adopted in the fields of literature, arts, and humanities. MLA is known for its straightforward, in-text citation style and Works Cited page.

The American Psychological Association (APA) style, favored in the social sciences, psychology, and education, employs a concise in-text citation system and a references page, which highlights the publication date and emphasizes the currency of research.

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Distinguishing Chicago from Turabian Style

Is Chicago the same as Turabian? It's a question that often leaves students scratching their heads in confusion. Chicago and Turabian are like two branches of the same family tree, both descended from the hallowed halls of the University of Chicago.

Chicago Style format comes in two flavors: notes and bibliography, often favored in humanities, and the author-date system, more prevalent in the sciences. Turabian, created as a student-friendly adaptation of Chicago, primarily employs the notes and bibliography system. Thus, if you're a student or navigating the social sciences and humanities, Turabian might be your go-to choice.

Another key difference lies in the level of detail. Chicago is comprehensive, bordering on exhaustive, making it ideal for complex research projects. Turabian, in contrast, provides clear and concise guidelines suitable for most academic endeavors. While Chicago exudes a sense of scholarly tradition, Turabian is seen as more practical and approachable. Ultimately, your choice between these two styles depends on your academic journey and the expectations of your scholarly audience, akin to selecting the right wine from the same vineyard with distinct flavors.

chicago citation format

Basic Guidelines

Chicago Style citation, renowned for its versatility and rigorous standards, provides a structured framework for scholars to create their intellectual canvases. Our expert service, where you have the option to buy essay , delves into the fundamental principles that underpin this renowned style, ensuring your academic work shines with precision and clarity.

chicago style format

Chicago Style Cover Page

The title page, often considered the gateway to your scholarly journey, holds the key to making a striking first impression. While specifics may vary per your instructor's preferences, here are the foundational principles to craft a compelling Chicago cover page:

Title Placement The title of Chicago-style papers should take center stage, situated one-third of the way down from the top of the page.
Comprehensive Information Following the title, provide essential details such as the author's name, class information, and the date, each on separate lines and all generously double-spaced.
Subtitle Synergy Should your work demand a subtitle, elegantly incorporate it by ending the title line with a colon, followed by the subtitle on the subsequent line.

Understanding the difference between Chicago and Turabian styles is crucial. In Chicago Style, having a title page is typically the norm. However, Turabian provides more flexibility, similar to the choice you have when learning how to write an essay introduction in Turabian.

In Turabian, you can either opt for a title page or simply start your document with the title on the first page before your main content. If your professor requests a title page in Turabian, apply the same rules discussed earlier. Keep in mind that whether you're following Chicago or Turabian, your title page plays a role akin to an introduction in your academic work. Hence, it's essential to format it correctly and adhere to the guidelines.

Whether you're writing a synthesis essay or any other Chicago-style paper, the main body is where scholarly communication and rigorous research intersect, requiring clarity, precision, and adherence to citation standards.

Structured Organization Divide content into sections or headings for clarity.
Citational Rigor Follow strict citation rules, aligning with Chicago's guidelines.
Clarity and Precision Emphasize clear language, grammar, and syntax.
Evidence Integration Seamlessly incorporate evidence and data into the narrative.
Depth of Analysis Encourage in-depth exploration and critical engagement.
Scholarly Voice Balance academic rigor with accessible language.
Interdisciplinary Flexibility Adapt to various academic disciplines effectively.

Headings in the Chicago Manual of Style play a pivotal role in guiding readers through the complexities of academic writing. 

Chicago Style Format

Here's a succinct overview:

Hierarchy Matters Chicago Style recognizes several levels of headings, each serving a distinct purpose. These include: Centered, bold or italicized, headline-style capitalization. Centered, regular font, headline-style capitalization. Flush left, bold or italicized, headline-style capitalization. Flush left, regular font, headline-style capitalization.
Clarity Is Key Headings should be clear and informative. They should give the reader a sense of the section's content without the need to delve into the details.
Consistency Rules Maintain a consistent hierarchy throughout your work. If you start with a Level 1 heading, continue in the same fashion for subsequent sections. Consistency enhances readability.
Avoid Overuse Don't clutter your text with too many headings. Use them judiciously to highlight major sections or key points within those sections.
Capitalization Rules Pay close attention to capitalization style within headings. In headline-style capitalization, major words are capitalized, while minor words are in lowercase unless they are the first or last words in the heading.

In-Text Citations and Notes

Chicago Style Format

In Chicago Style format, the judicious use of in-text citations and notes is a hallmark of academic rigor. Here's a helpful guide on how to employ them effectively, even when learning how to write a nursing essay :

Block Quotes

Chicago Style Format

Block quotes, a distinctive feature of the Chicago Manual of Style, serve as a powerful tool for amplifying the wisdom of experts and honoring the sources that enrich your academic work. Here's a succinct guide on how to effectively employ block quotes:

Block Quote Length Use block quotes for substantial text excerpts, usually 100 words or more in Notes and Bibliography or 50 words or more in Author-Date.
Block Quote Format Chicago Style indents block quotes 0.5 inches from the left margin. No quotation marks are needed, just a single space before and after.
Cite in Block Quotes Always include proper citations in block quotes, either within the quote or immediately following it, with author, date, and page number.
Consistent Usage If using block quotes, apply them consistently throughout your document, following Chicago Style guidelines.
Integrate with Context Seamlessly integrate block quotes into your text, providing context before and after. Explain their relevance to your argument.
Citation Style Consistency Ensure block quote citations match the chosen Chicago Style system (Notes and Bibliography or Author-Date) and place citations correctly.
Shortening Block Quotes Use ellipses (...) to shorten block quotes when necessary, ensuring the original meaning is preserved.
Adding Clarity If you insert your own words within a block quote for clarity, enclose them in square brackets ([...]) to differentiate them from the original text.
Punctuation Placement Final punctuation (period, question mark, exclamation point) goes inside the quotation mark unless it's part of the original quote.

Numbers and Acronyms

Chicago Style Format

In Chicago Style Format, it's generally advisable to express numbers below 100 in words rather than numerals. Therefore, it's preferable to write 'seventy-five' instead of '75.' However, when referring to specific measurements, such as '15 pounds,' you should still use numerals.

Regarding acronyms, it's essential to provide an explanation the first time you introduce them, along with their full expansion in parentheses.

Example: The House Price Index (HPI) reveals...

Subsequently, you can use the acronym alone. Avoid starting sentences with numerals or acronyms. You should either rephrase the sentence to place the numeral or acronym elsewhere or spell out the complete phrase or number. Instead of '200 people answered the question' or 'Two hundred people answered the question,' use 'We received 200 responses.'

Chicago Style Bibliography: Footnotes and Endnotes

In Chicago Style, the use of footnotes and endnotes is a distinctive feature of the Notes and Bibliography system. These notes serve a dual purpose: providing additional information or explanations while also citing sources.

Footnotes appear at the bottom of the page where a reference or explanation is needed. They are marked with superscript numbers in the text, corresponding to the note at the bottom of the page .

Placement Place footnotes at the bottom of the page where the reference or explanation is needed.
Superscript Numbers In the text, mark the location for a footnote with a superscript numeral, usually placed after punctuation marks.
Content Footnotes can include additional information, explanations, or citations. Provide enough detail to support your argument or provide context.
Citations When citing a source in a footnote, use the full citation format, including author, title, publication details, and page number. Follow Chicago Style citation guidelines.

Endnotes in Chicago style, on the other hand, are placed at the end of the document, often before the bibliography section. They follow the same numbering system as footnotes but are collected in one place.

Placement Place endnotes at the end of the document, often just before the bibliography section.
Numerical Continuity Use the same numbering system as footnotes throughout the document for consistency.
Content Similar to footnotes, endnotes can contain additional information, explanations, or citations. They serve the same purposes as footnotes but are collected in one location.
Citations When citing a source in an endnote, use the full citation format, following Chicago Style guidelines.

Chicago Style Citations

Prior to embarking on an essay outline , it's crucial to understand the correct usage of Chicago-style citations. Below, you'll find illustrative examples of Chicago Style citations for different types of works and authors, utilizing both the Notes and Bibliography (NB) system and the Author-Date (AD) system:

Chicago Style Format

Books - Single Author:

Notes and Bibliography System:

Author's First Name, Last Name, Book Title (Place of Publication: Publisher, Year), Page Number.

  • Jane Doe, The Art of Writing (Chicago: University Press, 2020), 45.

Author-Date System:

(Author's Last Name Year, Page Number)

Example: (Doe 2020, 45)

Books - Multiple Authors:

Author 1's First Name Last Name and Author 2's First Name Last Name, Book Title (Place of Publication: Publisher, Year), Page Number.

  • John Smith and Sarah Johnson, The Craft of Collaboration (New York: Academic Press, 2019), 72.

(Author 1's Last Name and Author 2's Last Name Year, Page Number)

Example: (Smith and Johnson 2019, 72)

Journal Articles:

Author's First Name Last Name, 'Article Title,' Journal Title Volume, no. Issue (Year): Page Range.

  • Mary Brown, 'The Role of Biodiversity in Ecosystem Stability,' Ecology 45, no. 2 (2018): 123-135.

(Author's Last Name Year, Page Range)

Example: (Brown 2018, 123-135)

Author's First Name Last Name, 'Title of Webpage,' Name of Website, Publication Date, URL.

  • Mark Johnson, 'The Impact of Climate Change,' Climate News, last modified July 10, 2021, .

(Author's Last Name Year)

Example: (Johnson 2021)

Edited Books:

Author's First Name Last Name, 'Chapter Title,' in Book Title , ed. Editor's First Name Last Name (Place of Publication: Publisher, Year), Page Range.

  • Sarah Adams, 'Feminism in the 21st Century,' in Women's Voices: Essays on Gender Equality , ed. Emily White (Chicago: Academic Press, 2017), 56-71.

Example: (Adams 2017)

Final Remarks

Mastering the Chicago Style paper is essential for academic excellence. Whether you're navigating citations, formatting your text, or crafting compelling block quotes, attention to detail is key. Chicago Style empowers you to present your ideas with precision and credibility, enhancing your scholarly journey. So, embrace its guidelines, elevate your academic writing, and excel in the world of scholarship.

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Fear not, for our skilled wordsmiths are ready to craft your paper with the finesse and flair it deserves!

Is APA a Turabian Style?

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  • Chicago Citation Generator

Free Chicago Citation Generator

Generate citations in Chicago style automatically, with MyBib!

Chicago style guidebook cover

😕 What is a Chicago Citation Generator?

A Chicago Citation Generator is a software tool that automatically generates citations and bibliographies in the Chicago citation style.

Citations can be created by entering an identifying piece of information about a source, such as a website URL, book ISBN, or journal article DOI to the generator. The generator will then create a fully formatted citation in the Chicago style containing all the required information for the source.

Chicago style citations are used to give credit to the authors of supporting work that has been used to write an academic paper or article.

👩‍🎓 Who uses an Chicago Citation Generator?

The Chicago style is primarily used by college and university students studying business, history, social sciences, the fine arts, amongst others.

🙌 Why should I use a Chicago Citation Generator?

Citing sources is often an afterthought in paper writing because formatting citations correctly is time-consuming and confusing, and staying on top of source management manually can be hard. A citation generator makes this easier by:

  • Decreasing the time you would spend formatting citations correctly
  • Managing the recording and organization of every citation for you

In short, there is no reason not to use a citation generator in academic writing.

⚙️ How do I use MyBib's Chicago Citation Generator?

To get started, scroll up back up to the tool at the top of the page and follow these steps:

  • Select the type of source you want to cite
  • If it's a website, enter the URL in the search bar. If it's a book, enter the ISBN or title. If it's a journal article, enter the DOI or title. For all other sources, enter the details of the source into the form
  • Select the search result that most closely represents the source you referred to in your paper
  • Shazam! The generator will automatically format the citation in the Chicago style. Copy it into your paper, or save it to your bibliography to download later
  • Repeat for every other citation you need to create for your paper

MyBib supports the following for Chicago style:

⚙️ StylesChicago 17th edition
📚 SourcesWebsites, books, journals, newspapers
🔎 AutociteYes
📥 Download toMicrosoft Word, Google Docs

Image of daniel-elias

Daniel is a qualified librarian, former teacher, and citation expert. He has been contributing to MyBib since 2018.

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  • Chicago Style

Chicago Style Citation Examples | Website, Book, Article, Video

Published on July 25, 2018 by Courtney Gahan . Revised on April 9, 2024.

The Chicago Manual of Style provides guidelines for two styles of citation: author-date and notes and bibliography:

  • In notes and bibliography style (mostly used in the humanities), you use footnotes or endnotes to cite sources.
  • In author-date style (mostly used in the sciences), you use brief parenthetical references to cite sources in the text.

Chicago Citation Generator

In both styles, full source citations are listed in an alphabetized Chicago style bibliography or reference list . Make sure to pay attention to punctuation (e.g., commas , parentheses , and quotation marks ) in your notes and citations.

The Chicago Manual of Style is regularly updated. Our examples are all based on the 17th edition, which is the most recent (published in 2017).

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Table of contents

Chicago book citation, chicago journal article citation, chicago website citation (no author or date), chicago newspaper citation, chicago youtube citation.

Chicago Notes and Bibliography
Footnote or endnote format Author first name last name, (Place of publication: publisher, year), page number(s).
Full note (first mention) Albert Einstein, (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1923), 44–45.
Short note (subsequent mentions) Einstein, , 89.
Bibliography format Author last name, first name. . Place of publication: publisher, year.
Bibliography example Einstein, Albert. . Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1923.
Chicago Author-Date
In-text citation format (Author last name year, page number(s))
In-text citation example (Einstein 1923, 44–45)
Reference list format Author last name, first name. Year. . Place of publication: publisher.
Reference list example Einstein, Albert. 1923. . Princeton: Princeton University Press.

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Chicago Notes and Bibliography
Footnote or endnote format Author first name last name, “Title of Article,” volume, no. issue (month and year): page number(s). DOI if applicable.
Full note (first mention) Morris Dickstein, “A Literature of One’s Own: The Question of Jewish Book Awards.” Princeton University Library Chronicle 63, no. 1–2 (Winter 2002): 71.
Short note (subsequent mentions) Dickstein, “A Literature of One’s Own,” 73.
Bibliography format Author last name, first name. “Title of Article.” volume, no. issue (month/season year): page range of article. DOI if applicable.
Bibliography example Dickstein, Morris. “A Literature of One’s Own: The Question of Jewish Book Awards.” 63, no. 1–2 (Winter 2002): 70–74.
Chicago Author-Date
In-text citation format (Author last name year, page number(s))
In-text citation example (Dickstein 2002, 71)
Reference list format Author last name, first name. Year. “Title of article.” volume, no. issue (month/season): page range of article. DOI if applicable.
Reference list example Dickstein, Morris. 2002. “A Literature of One’s Own: The Question of Jewish Book Awards.” 63, no. 1–2 (Winter): 70–74.

Linking to online journal articles

When citing online journal articles, use the Digital Object Identifier (DOI) or a stable URL, not the URL that appears in the address bar.

Chicago Notes and Bibliography
Footnote or endnote format Title of Page,” Website, accessed month date, year, URL.
Full note (first mention) “About the UvA,” University of Amsterdam, accessed July 24, 2018,
Short note (subsequent mentions) “About the UvA.”
Bibliography format Website. “Title of Page.” Accessed month date, year. URL.
Bibliography example University of Amsterdam. “About the UvA.” Accessed July 24, 2018.
Chicago Author-Date
In-text citation format (Website n.d.)
In-text citation example (University of Amsterdam n.d.)
Reference list format Website. n.d. “Title of work.” Accessed month date, year. URL.
Reference list example University of Amsterdam. 2018. “About the UvA.” Accessed July 24, 2018.

Authors and dates in website citations

If the web page has a named author, use this at the start of the citation as you would for any other source. If there is a date of publication or last revision, include this instead of the access date.

Chicago Notes and Bibliography
Footnote or endnote format Author first name last name, “Title of Article,” , month date, year, page number or URL.
Full note (first mention) Alex Marshall, “Graphic Novel in Running for Man Booker Prize for First Time,” , July 23, 2018,
Short note (subsequent mentions) Marshall, “Graphic Novel in Running for Man Booker Prize.”
Bibliography format Author last name, first name. “Title of Article.” , month date, year. URL if applicable.
Bibliography example Marshall, Alex. “Graphic Novel in Running for Man Booker Prize for First Time.” , July 23, 2018.
Chicago Author-Date
In-text citation format (Author last name year, page number if applicable)
In-text citation example (Marshall 2018)
Reference list format Author last name, first name. Year. “Title of Article.” , month date, year. URL if applicable.
Reference list example Marshall, Alex. 2018. “Graphic Novel in Running for Man Booker Prize for First Time.” , July 23, 2018.

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chicago style essay format

Chicago Notes and Bibliography
Footnote or endnote format Channel name, “Video Title,” month date, year, video, length, URL.
Full note (first mention) MSNBC, “The Rachel Maddow Show: ‘Never Stop Asking,’” July 23, 2018, video, 0:30,
Short note (subsequent mentions) MSNBC, “Never Stop Asking.”
Bibliography format Channel name. “Video Title.” Month date, year. Video, length. URL.
Bibliography example MSNBC. “The Rachel Maddow Show: ‘Never Stop Asking.’” July 23, 2018. Video, 0:30. .
Chicago Author-Date
In-text citation format (Channel name year)
In-text citation example (MSNBC 2018)
Reference list format Channel name. Year. “Video Title.” Month date, year. Video, length. URL.
Reference list example MSNBC. 2018. “The Rachel Maddow Show: Never Stop Asking.” Video, July 23, 2018.

Cite this Scribbr article

If you want to cite this source, you can copy and paste the citation or click the “Cite this Scribbr article” button to automatically add the citation to our free Citation Generator.

Gahan, C. (2024, April 09). Chicago Style Citation Examples | Website, Book, Article, Video. Scribbr. Retrieved July 5, 2024, from

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Chicago-Style Citation Quick Guide

Chicago-style source citations come in two varieties: (1) notes and bibliography and (2) author-date. If you already know which system to use, follow one of the links above to see sample citations for a variety of common sources. If you are unsure about which system to use, read on.

Notes and Bibliography or Author-Date?

The notes and bibliography system is preferred by many working in the humanities—including literature, history, and the arts. In this system, sources are cited in numbered footnotes or endnotes. Each note corresponds to a raised (superscript) number in the text. Sources are also usually listed in a separate bibliography. The notes and bibliography system can accommodate a wide variety of sources, including unusual ones that don’t fit neatly into the author-date system.

The author-date system is more common in the sciences and social sciences. In this system, sources are briefly cited in the text, usually in parentheses, by author’s last name and year of publication. Each in-text citation matches up with an entry in a reference list, where full bibliographic information is provided.

Aside from the use of numbered notes versus parenthetical references in the text, the two systems share a similar style. Follow the links at the top of this page to see examples of some of the more common source types cited in both systems.

Most authors choose the system used by others in their field or required by their publisher. Students who are unsure of which system to use will find more information here .

For a more comprehensive look at Chicago’s two systems of source citation and many more examples, see chapters 14 and 15 of The Chicago Manual of Style.


  1. Chicago Style Format for Papers

    When writing a paper in Chicago style, these are the guidelines to follow; for the sake of simplicity, the term "Chicago" is used here. To automatically generate accurate Chicago references, you can use Scribbr's free Chicago Citation Generator: Chicago Citation Generator. To apply Chicago format: Use a standard font like 12 pt. Times New ...

  2. General Format

    Learn how to format your paper according to the Chicago Manual of Style (CMOS) or the Notes-Bibliography System. Find examples, tips, and rules for title page, headings, quotations, citations, and references.

  3. Chicago Manual of Style 17th Edition

    Author-Date Sample Paper. NB Sample Paper. In addition to consulting The Chicago Manual of Style (17th edition) for more information, students may also find it useful to consult Kate L. Turabian's Manual for Writers of Research Papers, Theses, and Dissertations (8th edition). This manual, which presents what is commonly known as the "Turabian ...

  4. Chicago Research Paper Formatting

    Official Chicago style, in easy-to-use, printable PDF paper-writing tip sheets for students, teachers, and librarians. Guidelines are per Kate L. Turabian, A Manual for Writers of Research Papers, Theses, and Dissertations (9th ed.) and are fully compatible with The Chicago Manual of Style (17th ed.).

  5. The Complete Guide to Chicago Style

    Learn how to use Chicago Style for academic writing, with guidelines for formatting, citation, and reference pages. Find out the differences between author-date and notes and bibliography systems, and see examples of both.

  6. The Chicago Manual of Style

    Find it. Write it. Cite it. The Chicago Manual of Style Online is the venerable, time-tested guide to style, usage, and grammar in an accessible online format. ¶ It is the indispensable reference for writers, editors, proofreaders, indexers, copywriters, designers, and publishers, informing the editorial canon with sound, definitive advice. ¶ Over 1.5 million copies sold!

  7. How to Write and Format a Chicago Style Paper [With Examples]

    Learn the basics of Chicago style, a comprehensive style guide for professional writers and researchers. Find out how to choose between the notes and bibliography system and the author-date system, and see examples of formatting and citation.

  8. PDF Chicago-Style Paper Formats Main Text Chicago-Style Paper Formats

    on in theiradvertisements.Ther. should be at least twosubheads at each level per chapter(or, if no chapters, per paper).Put more s. (two blank lines) than after (one blank line, or double line spacing).Flying as UnnaturalAn alternative to subheads: Between sections, use thr. w.Other scholars have taken up the idea that flight is so unna.

  9. Student-Tip-Sheets

    Turabian Student Paper-Formatting Tip Sheets. Official Chicago style, in easy-to-use, printable PDF paper-writing tip sheets for students, teachers, and librarians. Guidelines are per Kate L. Turabian, A Manual for Writers of Research Papers, Theses, and Dissertations (9th ed.) and are fully compatible with The Chicago Manual of Style (17th ed.).

  10. Chicago Style Citation Guide

    The Chicago Manual of Style (17th edition) contains guidelines for two styles of citation: notes and bibliography and author-date.. Notes and bibliography is the most common type of Chicago style citation, and the main focus of this article. It is widely used in the humanities. Citations are placed in footnotes or endnotes, with a Chicago style bibliography listing your sources in full at the end.

  11. Formatting Your Paper

    Formatting and Sample Paper. The formatting guidelines listed on this page, provide general best practices for formatting your work using the Chicago style. Detailed information about formatting your title page, using quotes and signal phrases, and creating a bibliography, can be found by navigating to various sub-pages of this "Formatting Your Paper" page.

  12. Chicago Style Sample Paper

    In general, the following formatting guidelines apply for all Chicago/Turabian-style papers (based on Kate L. Turabian's A Manual for Writers of Research Papers, Theses, and Dissertations, which adapts The Chicago Manual of Style 's guidelines for articles and papers): Paper size: The paper should be written on a standard 8.5" x 11" page.

  13. Chicago Style Page Formatting

    Use the following guidelines when setting up your paper. It is easiest if you use the correct settings from the beginning; otherwise you will have to go back and reformat your paper. Overall page layout. One inch margins on sides, top and bottom. Use Times or Times New Roman 12 pt font. Double-space the text of the paper.

  14. CMOS NB Sample Paper

    CMOS NB Sample Paper. This resource contains the Notes and Bibliography (NB) sample paper for the Chicago Manual of Style 17 th edition. To download the sample paper, click this link.

  15. Chicago Style: Paper format

    The Turabian recommendations for formatting your paper include the following: margins of at least 1 inch on all sides of the document. readable font (e.g., Times New Roman or Arial) 12-point font size for the body of text (you might use a smaller font for footnotes/endnotes) double-space your main text.

  16. Format a Paper in Chicago

    View examples, get interactive practice, and format your paper with Chicago Style citation Follow this guide to format a document in Chicago format. Skip to Main Content. Lone Star College-CyFair, including the library, is CLOSED Thursday, July 4, 2024, in observance of the July 4th Holiday.

  17. Resources for Students

    Find it. Write it. Cite it. The Chicago Manual of Style Online is the venerable, time-tested guide to style, usage, and grammar in an accessible online format. ¶ It is the indispensable reference for writers, editors, proofreaders, indexers, copywriters, designers, and publishers, informing the editorial canon with sound, definitive advice. ¶ Over 1.5 million copies sold!

  18. Chicago In-text Citations

    Option 1: Author-date in-text citations. Author-date style places citations directly in the text in parentheses. In-text citations include the author's last name, the year of publication, and if applicable, a page number or page range: This style of Chicago in-text citation looks the same for every type of source.

  19. Chicago Style Format: A Writer's Guide

    Chicago Style Format: Short Description. In this article, our experts, who handle your 'write my paper' requests, will embark on a journey through the corridors of this iconic guide, delving into its rich history, indispensable guidelines, and the profound impact it continues to exert on the world of written communication. Whether you're a student striving for academic excellence, a seasoned ...

  20. Free Chicago Citation Generator [Updated for 2024]

    Generate citations in Chicago style automatically with MyBib, a software tool that supports websites, books, journals, and more. Learn how to use the tool, choose the right style, and download or copy your citations.

  21. Chicago Style Citation Examples

    The Chicago Manual of Style provides guidelines for two styles of citation: author-date and notes and bibliography: In notes and bibliography style (mostly used in the humanities), you use footnotes or endnotes to cite sources. In author-date style (mostly used in the sciences), you use brief parenthetical references to cite sources in the text.

  22. Author-Date: Sample Citations

    Find it. Write it. Cite it. The Chicago Manual of Style Online is the venerable, time-tested guide to style, usage, and grammar in an accessible online format. ¶ It is the indispensable reference for writers, editors, proofreaders, indexers, copywriters, designers, and publishers, informing the editorial canon with sound, definitive advice. ¶ Over 1.5 million copies sold!

  23. Research Paper Format: APA, MLA, and Chicago-Style How-Tos

    Chicago-style research paper format. Though APA style comes with a lot of detail and MLA style is simpler, CMOS is probably the most exhaustive style guide out there. However, Chicago style is all about simplicity and flexibility, tempered by consistency. CMOS recommends following the general formatting guidelines at the beginning of this ...

  24. PDF The Chicago Manual of Style Online Manual: Scientific Style and Format

    The Chicago Manual of Style Online, and The CSE Manual: Scientific Style and Format for Authors, Editors, and Publishers. Contact Information: Mailing Address: The University of Chicago Press . Subscription Fulfillment . 1427 E. 60. th. Street . Chicago, IL 60637-2902 USA . Phone: (877) 705-1878 (US and Canada only) or +1 (773) 753-3347 ...

  25. Chicago-Style Citation Quick Guide

    Learn how to cite sources in Chicago style, with two options: notes and bibliography or author-date. Find sample citations for common sources and tips for choosing the right system.