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6.3 IR Spectrum and Characteristic Absorption Bands

With a basic understanding of IR theory, we will now take a look at the actual output from IR spectroscopy experiments and learn how to get structural information from the IR spectrum. Below is the IR spectrum for 2-hexanone.


Notes for interpreting IR spectra:

  • The vertical axis is ‘% transmittance’, which indicates how strongly light was absorbed at each frequency. The solid line traces the values of % transmittance for every wavelength passed through the sample. At the high end of the axis, 100% transmittance means no absorption occurred at that frequency. Lower values of % transmittance mean that some of the energy is absorbed by the compound and gives downward spikes. The spikes are called absorption bands  in the IR spectrum. A molecule has a variety of covalent bonds, and each bond has different vibration modes, so the IR spectrum of a compound usually shows multiple absorption bands.

ir peak assignment table

Please note that the direction of the horizontal axis (wavenumber) in IR spectra decreases from left to right. The larger wavenumbers (shorter wavelengths) are associated with higher frequencies and higher energy. 

Stretching Vibrations

Generally, stretching vibrations require more energy and show absorption bands in the higher wavenumber/frequency region. The characteristics of stretching vibration bands associated with the bonds in some common functional groups are summarized in Table 6.1 .

Table 6.1 Characteristic IR Frequencies of Stretching Vibrations

The information in Table 6.1 can be summarized in the diagram for easier identification   (Figure 6.3b) , in which the IR spectrum is divided into several regions, with the characteristic band of certain groups labelled.


The absorption bands in IR spectra have different intensities that can usually be referred to as strong (s), medium (m), weak (w), broad and sharp. The intensity of an absorption band depends on the polarity of the bond, and a bond with higher polarity will show a more intense absorption band. The intensity also depends on the number of bonds responsible for the absorption, and an absorption band with more bonds involved has a higher intensity.

The polar O-H bond (in alcohol and carboxylic acid) usually shows strong and broad absorption bands that are easy to identify. The broad shape of the absorption band results from the hydrogen bonding of the OH groups between molecules. The OH bond of an alcohol group usually has absorption in the range of 3200–3600 cm -1 , while the OH bond of the carboxylic acid group occurs at about 2500–3300 cm -1 (Figure 6.4a and Figure 6.4c).

The polarity of the N-H bond (in amine and amide) is weaker than the OH bond, so the absorption band of N-H is not as intense or as broad as O-H, and the position is in the 3300–3500 cm -1 region.

The C-H bond stretching of all hydrocarbons occurs in the range of 2800–3300 cm -1 , and the exact location can be used to distinguish between alkane, alkene and alkyne. Specifically:

  • ≡C-H (sp C-H) bond of terminal alkyne gives absorption at about 3300 cm -1
  • =C-H (sp 2 C-H) bond of alkene gives absorption at about 3000-3100 cm -1
  • -C-H (sp 3 C-H) bond of alkane gives absorption at about ~2900 cm -1 (see the example of the IR spectrum of 2-hexanone in Figure 6.3a; the C-H absorption band at about 2900 cm -1 )

A special note should be made for the C-H bond stretching of an aldehyde group that shows two absorption bands: one at ~2800 cm -1   and the other at ~ 2700 cm -1 . It is therefore relatively easy to identify the aldehyde group (together with the C=O stretching at about 1700 cm -1 ) since essentially no other absorptions occur at these wavenumbers (see the example of the IR spectrum of butanal in  Figure 6.4d ).

The stretching vibration of triple bonds C≡C and C≡N have absorption bands of about 2100–2200 cm -1 . The band intensity is in a medium to weak level. The alkynes can generally be identified with the characteristic weak but sharp IR absorbance bands in the range of 2100–2250 cm -1   due to stretching of the C≡C triple bond, and terminal alkynes can be identified by their absorbance at about 3300 cm -1 due to stretching of sp C-H.

As mentioned earlier, the C=O stretching has a strong absorption band in the 1650–1750 cm -1  region. Other double bonds like C=C and C=N have absorptions in lower frequency regions of about 1550–1650 cm -1 . The C=C stretching of an alkene only shows one band at ~1600 cm -1   (Figure 6.4b) , while a benzene ring is indicated by two sharp absorption bands: one at ~1600 cm -1  and one at 1500–1430 cm -1  (see the example of the IR spectrum of ethyl benzene in  Figure 6.4e ) .

You will notice in Figure 6.3a and 6.3b that a region with the lower frequency 400–1400 cm -1 in the IR spectrum is called the fi ngerprint region . Similar to a human fingerprint, the pattern of absorbance bands in the fingerprint region is characteristic of the compound as a whole. Even if two different molecules have the same functional groups, their IR spectra will not be identical, and such a difference will be reflected in the bands in the fingerprint region. Therefore, the IR from an unknown sample can be compared to a database of IR spectra of known standards in order to confirm the identification of the unknown sample.

Organic Chemistry I Copyright © 2021 by Xin Liu is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License , except where otherwise noted.

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ir peak assignment table

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The Infrared Spectra of Polymers III: Hydrocarbon Polymers

We continue to examine the spectra of polymers because they are important materials, and this exercise makes for an excellent infrared (IR) spectral interpretation review. In this installment, we look at the spectra of more hydrocarbon polymers, including polypropylene and polystyrene. We look at the IR spectra of these materials in detail, and see how IR spectroscopy can be used to distinguish them from each other.

In the first two installments (1,2) in our examination of polymer infrared (IR) spectra, the only material whose spectrum we have studied so far is polyethylene (PE). In this column, we move on to examine the spectra of some related materials: hydrocarbon polymers.

I define hydrocarbon polymers as polymers that are composed only of hydrogen and carbon. This restriction to only two chemical elements may seem to limit the substances we can study, but the beauty of carbon is that it exhibits such a rich and varied chemistry that, even with just C and H as building blocks, an amazing variety of polymeric materials can be synthesized. By the way, I realize PE is a hydrocarbon polymer, but I chose to not discuss this term until now.


Most of the us know polymers by another name—plastics. And although I am not sure that they are the future as a young Benjamin Braddock was advised in the movie “The Graduate” (3), plastics certainly abound, which is why they need to be recycled. In the recycling business, it is best to sort plastics by their chemical composition to obtain purer material that is more valuable and easier to process into new things. As you may know, if you have ever looked closely at an article made of plastic, they are often stamped with a number from 1 to 7 to denote their composition. In this scheme, high density polyethylene is identified by a 2, low density polyethylene a 4, and polypropylene a 5. However, not all plastic articles have these identifying numbers, and manual sorting by reading the numbers and tossing into bins is too slow for the vast amount of plastics being recycled these days. That is why automatic sorters have been invented that use IR spectroscopy to identify objects as they go by on a conveyor belt, and then a puff of air blows the object into the appropriate bin when it leaves the belt (4). The infrared spectrum of polypropylene (PP) is sufficiently different from that of the polyethylenes to make sorting them easy. The chemical structure, infrared spectrum, and peak assignments for polypropylene are seen in Figure 1.

FIGURE 1: The chemical structure, infrared (IR) spectrum, and peak assignments for polypropylene.

FIGURE 1: The chemical structure, infrared (IR) spectrum, and peak assignments for polypropylene.

ir peak assignment table

Like PE, which is made from the ethylene monomer and where the C=C bond splits open to form chains, PP is also made from a monomer where the C=C reacts to form chains. Note from Figure 1 that the PP repeating unit contains a CH 2 and a CH 3 , and that the methyl group is not part of the polymer chain, but hangs down from it, which is why it is called a pendant group. The major structural difference, then, between polyethylene (PE) and polypropylene (PP) is that PE contains no methyl groups (the high density version at least) (1,2), whereas PP clearly contains them. Figure 1 shows that PP has CH 3 stretching peaks at 2956 and 2875 (going forward all peak positions will be in wavenumber [cm -1 ] units even if not noted) labeled A, CH 2 stretching peaks at 2921 and 2840 labeled B, and the methyl group umbrella mode at 1377 labeled C.

One of the beauties of our study of polymers is the opportunity to review some of what we have learned about IR spectral interpretation. Recall that methyl and methylene groups both have asymmetric and symmetric C-H stretching vibrations. Their peak positions are listed in Table I (5).

ir peak assignment table

FIGURE 2: The chemical structure, infrared (IR) spectrum, and peak assignments for polystyrene.

ir peak assignment table

Note that the structure of polystyrene contains a CH 2 and a mono-substituted benzene ring pendant group. Recall that saturated C-H stretches fall below 3000 as we have seen above, and that unsaturated C-H stretches fall above 3000 (8). The fact that polystyrene has C-H stretches above and below 3000 means it is a mixed molecule, that is it contains saturated and unsaturated carbons; in this case, the unsaturated carbons are from the benzene ring. The unsaturated C-H stretching peaks are at 3081, 3059, and 3025, and are labeled A in Figure 2. Polystyrene has only two saturated C-H stretching peaks between at 2923 and 2850, labeled B in Figure 2, because it contains methylene only, congruent with Table II.

Recall (8) that benzene rings have what are called “ring modes” from the stretching of the carbon-carbon bonds in the ring. These typically fall from 1620 to 1400 (8). In Figure 2, the peak at 1600 is a ring mode and is labeled C. This peak also has great importance outside the field of polymers. Most infrared spectrometers are sold with a polystyrene sample, and the position of this peak at 1600 has been used for decades as a wavenumber standard (9). Now you know that it is a benzene ring mode.

We have also studied how to distinguish between mono- and di-substituted benzene rings using the presence or absence of the ring bending band at 690±10 and the position of the C-H wagging vibration (10). This info is summarized in Table III.

ir peak assignment table

FIGURE 3: The “benzene finger” peaks for mono-, ortho-, meta-, and para- substituted benzene rings.

ir peak assignment table

Recall that mono-rings have four evenly spaced benzene fingers, as illustrated by the spectrum of toluene seen in the top of Figure 3, and that meta-molecules have three benzene fingers, as seen in the spectrum of meta-xylene in the figure.

The benzene fingers of polystyrene are labeled in Figure 2. Note that there are four of them evenly spaced, which corresponds to the pattern seen for toluene in Figure 3, a mono-substituted benzene ring. Hence, we conclude that polystyrene contains a mono-substituted benzene ring. Note the low intensity of the benzene finger peaks in Figure 3, which means they may not always appear if there are stronger peaks in this wavenumber region, or if the molecule containing the benzene ring is present in low concentration. We learned here that the benzene fingers are useful—when we can see them.


Two hydrocarbon polymers that are commonly found and recycled are polypropylene (PP) and polystyrene. PP is the first example we have seen of a pendant group, where a functional group hangs off the chain. In the case of PP, it is a methyl group. We found that PP and polyethylene are easy to distinguish because the former contains CH2 groups only, and has just two C-H stretching peaks between 3000 and 2850, whereas PP has methyl and methylene groups so has four peaks in this range. PP also has a clear CH 3 umbrella mode at 1377. We also studied the spectrum of polystyrene, and found that we had to use the benzene fingers to determine whether its pendant benzene ring is mono- or meta-substituted. In this case, it is mono-substituted.

(1) B.C. Smith, Spectroscopy 36 (9), 24–29 (2021).

(2) B.C. Smith, Spectroscopy 36 (7), 17–22 (2021).

(3) “The Graduate,” directed by M. Nichols, United Artists (1967).

(4) B. Sinram, I. Lavasseur, and N. Lortie, Canadian patent 2,642,690.

(5) B.C. Smith, Spectroscopy 30 (4), 18–23 (2015).

(6) B.C. Smith, Spectroscopy 30 (7), 26–31, 48 (2015).

(7) B.C. Smith, Spectroscopy 30 (9), 40–46 (2015).

(8) B.C. Smith, Spectroscopy 31 (3), 34–37 (2016).

(9) B.C. Smith, Fundamentals of Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (CRC Press, Boca Raton, Florida, 2nd Ed., 2011).

(10) B.C. Smith, Spectroscopy 31 (5), 36–39 (2016).

(11) B.C. Smith, Spectroscopy 31 (9), 30–33 (2016).

Brian C. Smith, PhD, is the founder and CEO of Big Sur Scientific, a maker of portable mid-infrared cannabis analyzers. He has over 30 years experience as an industrial infrared spectroscopist, has published numerous peer-reviewed papers, and has written three books on spectroscopy. As a trainer, he has helped thousands of people around the world improve their infrared analyses. In addition to writing for Spectroscopy, Dr. Smith writes a regular column for its sister publication Cannabis Science and Technology and sits on its editorial board. He earned his PhD in physical chemistry from Dartmouth College. He can be reached at: SpectroscopyEdit@MMHGroup.com ●

Brian C. Smith, PhD, is the founder and CEO of Big Sur Scientific, a maker of portable mid-infrared cannabis analyzers. He has over 30 years experience as an industrial infrared spectroscopist, has published numerous peer-reviewed papers, and has written three books on spectroscopy. As a trainer, he has helped thousands of people around the world improve their infrared analyses. In addition to writing for Spectroscopy , Dr. Smith writes a regular column for its sister publication Cannabis Science and Technology and sits on its editorial board. He earned his PhD in physical chemistry from Dartmouth College. He can be reached at: [email protected]

ir peak assignment table

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Home / Infrared Spectroscopy: A Quick Primer On Interpreting Spectra


By James Ashenhurst

  • Infrared Spectroscopy: A Quick Primer On Interpreting Spectra

Last updated: October 31st, 2022 |

How To Interpret IR Spectra In 1 Minute Or Less: The 2 Most Important Things To Look For [Tongue and Sword]

Last post , we briefly introduced the concept of bond vibrations, and we saw that we can think of covalent bonds as a bit like balls and springs:  the springs vibrate, and each one “sings” at a characteristic frequency, which depends on the strength of the bond and on the masses of the atoms.  These vibrations have frequencies that are in the mid-infrared (IR) region of the electromagnetic spectrum.

We can observe and measure this “singing” of bonds by applying IR radiation to a sample and measuring the frequencies at which the radiation is absorbed. The result is a technique known as Infrared Spectroscopy , which is a useful and quick tool for identifying the bonds present in a given molecule.

We saw that the IR spectrum of water was pretty simple – but moving on to a relatively complex molecule like glucose (below) we were suddenly confronted with a forest of peaks!

ir spectrum of glucose how do we analyze this with so many peaks dont panic

Your first impression of looking at that IR might be: agh!  how am I supposed to make sense of that??

To which I want to say:  don’t panic! 

Table of Contents

  • Let’s Correct Some Common Misconceptions About IR
  • Starting With “Hunt And Peck” Is Not The Way To Go
  • IR Spectroscopy: The Big Picture
  • The Two Main Things To Look For In An IR Spectrum: “Tongues” and “Swords”.
  • Alcohols and Carboxylic Acids: More Detail
  • Specific Examples of IR Spectra of Carbonyl Functional Groups
  • Less Crucial, But Still Useful: Two More Very Diagnostic Areas.
  • Glucose, Revisited: The 1 Minute Analysis

1. Let’s Correct Some Common Misconceptions About IR

In this post, I want to show that a typical analysis of an IR spectrum is much simpler than you might think. In fact, once you learn what to look for, it can often be done in a minute or less.  Why?

  • IR is not generally used to determine the whole structure of an unknown molecule. For example, there isn’t a person alive who could look at the IR spectrum above and deduce the structure of glucose from it. IR is a tool with a very specific use. [Back in 1945 when IR was one of the few spectral techniques available, it was necessary to spend a lot more time trying to squeeze every last bit of information out of the spectrum. Today, with access to NMR and other techniques, we can do more cherry-picking]
  • We don’t need to analyze every single peak  ! (as we’ll see later, that’s what NMR is for : – )  ).   Instead, IR is great for  identifying certain specific functional groups , like alcohols and carbonyls. In this way it’s complimentary to other techniques (like NMR) which don’t yield this information as quickly.

With this in mind, we can simplify the analysis of an IR spectrum by cutting out everything except the lowest-lying fruit. 

See that forest of peaks from 500-1400 cm -1 ? We’re basically going to ignore them all!

80% of the most useful information for our purposes can be obtained by looking at  two specific areas of the spectrum : 3200-3400 cm -1 and 1650-1800 cm -1 . We’ll also see that there are at least two more regions of an IR spectrum worth glancing at, and thus conclude a “first-order” analysis of the IR spectrum of an unknown. [We might write a subsequent post which gets nittier and grittier about the finer points of analyzing an IR spectrum]

Bottom line: The purpose of this post is to show you how to  prioritize your time  in an analysis of an IR spectrum.

[BTW: all spectra are from the NIST database . Thank you, American taxpayers!]

2. Starting With “Hunt And Peck” Is Not The Way To Go

Confronted with an IR spectrum of an unknown (and a sense of rising panic), what does a typical new student do?

They often reach for the first tool they are given, which is a table of common ranges for IR peaks given to them by their instructor.

The next step in their analysis is to go through the spectrum from one side to the next, trying to match every single peak to one of the numbers in the table. I know this because this is exactly what I did when I first learned IR.  I call it “hunting and pecking”.

for gods sake when interpreting ir spectra dont hunt and peck with a table instead know what to look for

The only people who “hunt and peck” as their first step are people who have no plan  (i.e. “newbies”).

So by reading the next few paragraphs you can save yourself a lot of time and confusion.

[Hunt and peck has its place, but only AFTER  you’ve looked for “tongues” and “swords”, below. Hunting and pecking is great to make sure you didn’t miss anything big – but as a first step, it’s bloody awful!]

3. The Big Picture

In IR spectroscopy we measure where molecules absorb photons of IR radiation. The peaks represent areas of the spectrum where specific bond vibrations occur. [for more background, see the previous post, especially on the “ball and spring” model] . Just like springs of varying weights vibrate at characteristic frequencies depending on mass and tension, so do bonds.

Here’s an overview of the IR window from 4000 cm  -1  to 500 cm  -1  with various regions of interest highlighted.

An even more compressed overview looks like this: ( source )

Within these ranges, there are  two high-priority areas to focus on , and two lesser-priority areas we’ll discuss further below.

4. The Two Main Things To Look For In An IR Spectrum: “Tongues” and “Swords”.

When confronted with a new IR spectrum, prioritize your time by asking two important questions:

  • Is there a broad, rounded peak in the region around 3400-3200 cm -1 ? That’s where hydroxyl groups ( OH ) appear.
  • Is there a sharp, strong peak in the region around 1850-1630 cm -1 ? That’s where carbonyl groups ( C=O ) show up.

First, let’s look at some examples of hydroxyl group peaks in the 3400 cm -1 to  3200 cm -1  region,  which Jon describes vividly as “tongues”. The peaks below all belong to alcohols. Hydrogen bonding between hydroxyl groups leads to some variations in O-H bond strength, which results in a range of vibrational energies. The variation results in the broad peaks observed.

Hydroxyl groups that are a part of carboxylic acids have an even broader appearance that we’ll describe in a bit.

collection of o h stretches for alcohols 5 examples

[Sometimes it helps to know what not to look for. On the far right hand side is included one example of a very weak peak on a baseline that you can safely ignore.]

The main point is that  a hydroxyl group isn’t generally something you need to go looking for in the baseline noise.

Although hydroxyl groups are the most common type of broad peak in this region, N-H peaks can show up in this area as well (more on them in the Note 1 ). They tend to have a sharper appearance and may appear as one or two peaks depending on the number of N-H bonds.

Next,  let’s look at some examples of   C=O peaks, in the region around 1630-1800 cm -1. . These peaks are almost always the strongest peaks in the entire spectrum and are relatively narrow, giving them a somewhat “sword-like” appearance.

collection of c o stretches around 1700 for aldehydes ketones esters carboxylic acids

That sums up our 80/20 analysis: look for tongues and swords.

If you learn nothing else from this post, learn to recognize these two types of peaks!

Two other regions of the IR spectrum can quickly yield useful information if you train yourself to look for them.

3. The line at 3000 cm -1 is a useful “border” between alk ene  C–H (above 3000 cm -1 )   and alk ane C–H (below 3000 cm -1  ) This can quickly help you determine if double bonds are present.

4. A peak in the region around 2200 cm -1 – 2050 cm -1  is a subtle indicator of the presence of a triple bond [C≡N or C≡C] . Nothing else shows up in this region.

A Common Sense Reminder

First, some obvious advice:

  • if you’re given the molecular formula, that will determine what functional groups you should look for. It makes no sense to look for OH groups if you have no oxygens in your molecular formula, or likewise the presence of an amine if the formula lacks nitrogen.
  • Less obviously,  calculate the degrees of unsaturation   if you are given the molecular formula, because it will provide important clues. Don’t look for C=O in a structure like C 4 H 10 O which doesn’t have any degrees of unsaturation.

5. Alcohols and Carboxylic Acids: More Detail

Let’s look at a specific example so we can see everything in perspective. The spectrum below is of 1-hexanol.

Note the hydroxyl group peak around 3300 cm -1  , typical of an alcohol   (That sharp peak around 3600 cm -1  is a common companion to hydroxyl peaks: it represents non-hydrogen bonded O-H). 

ir spectrum of hexanol

To gain some familiarity with variation,  here’s some more examples of entire IR spectra of various alcohols.

  • Cyclohexanol 

Carboxylic Acids

Hydroxyl groups in carboxylic acids are considerably broader than in alcohols. Jon calls it a “hairy beard”, which is a perfect description. Their appearance is also highly variable. The OH absorption in carboxylic acids can be so broad that it extends below 3000 cm -1 , pretty much “taking over”  the left hand part of the spectrum.

Here’s an example: butanoic acid.

ir spectrum of butanoic acid

Here’s some more examples of full spectra so you can see the variation.

  • Benzoic acid ,
  • Pentanoic acid ,
  • Acetic acid

The difference in appearance between the OH of an alcohol and that of a carboxylic acid is usually diagnostic. In the rare case where you aren’t sure whether the broad peak is due to the OH of an alcohol or a carboxylic acid, one suggestion is to check the region around 1700 cm for the C=O stretch. If it’s absent, you are likely looking at an alcohol.

[ Note 1 for more detail on the 3200-3500 cm -1 region : Amines, Amides, and Terminal Alkynes]

6. Specific Examples of IR Spectra of Carbonyl Functional Groups

The second important peak region is the carbonyl C=O stretch area at about 1630-1830 cm. Carbonyl stretches are sharp and strong.

Once you see a few of them they’re impossible to miss. Nothing else shows up in this region.

To put it in perspective, here’s the IR spectrum of hexanal. That peak a little after 1700 cm -1 is the C=O stretch.  When it’s present, the C=O stretch is almost always the strongest peak in the IR spectrum and impossible to miss.

ir spectrum of hexanal

The position of the C=O stretch varies slightly by carbonyl functional group. Some ranges (in cm -1 ) are shown below:

  • Aldehydes (1740-1690): benzaldehyde , propanal , pentanal
  • Ketones (1750-1680): 2-pentanone , acetophenone
  • Esters (1750-1735): ethyl acetate , methyl benzoate
  • Carboxylic acids (1780-1710): benzoic acid , butanoic acid
  • Amide (1690-1630): acetamide , benzamide ,  N,N -dimethyl formamide (DMF)
  • Anhydrides (2 peaks; 1830-1800 and 1775-1740): acetic anhydride , benzoic anhydride

Conjugation will affect the position of the C=O stretch somewhat, moving it to lower wavenumber.

A decent rule of thumb is that you will never, ever see a C=O stretch below 1630. If you see a strong peak at 1500, for example, it is  not C=O. It is something else.

7. Less Crucial, But Still Useful: Two More Very Diagnostic Areas.

  • The C-H Stretch Boundary at 3000 cm -1

3000 cm -1 serves as a useful dividing line. Above this line is observed higher frequency C-H stretches we attribute to sp 2 hybridized C-H bonds. Two examples below: 1-hexene (note the peak that stands a little higher) and benzene.

For a molecule with only sp 3 -hybrized C-H bonds, the lines will appear below 3000 cm -1 as in hexane, below.

the dividing line at 3000 cm 1 between sp3 ch bonds and sp2 c h bonds

2. The Distinctive Triple Bond Region around 2200 cm -1

Molecules with triple bonds appear relatively infrequently in the grand scheme of things, but when they do, they do have a distinctive trace in the IR.

The region between 2000 cm -1 and 2400 cm -1   is a bit of a “ghost town” in IR spectra; there’s very little that appears in this region. If you do see peaks in this region, a likely candidate is a triple bonded carbon such as an alkyne or nitrile .

triple bonds have distinctive stretch around 2050 to 2250 nitriles alkynes

Note how weak the alkyne peaks are.  This is one exception to the rule that one should ignore weak peaks. Still, caution is required: if you’re given the molecular formula, confirm that an alkyne is possible by calculating the degrees of unsaturation and ensuring that it is at least 2 or more.

Terminal alkynes (such as 1-hexyne) also have a strong C-H stretch around 3400 cm -1  that is more strongly diagnostic.

8. Glucose, Revisited: The 1 Minute Analysis

OK. We’ve gone over 4 regions that are useful for a quick analysis of an IR spectrum.

  • (important!) O-H around 3200-3400 cm -1
  • (important!) C=O around 1700 cm -1
  • C-H dividing line at 3000 cm -1
  • (rare) Triple bond region around 2050-2250 cm -1

Now let’s go back and look at the IR of glucose. What do we see?

1 minute analysis of ir of glucose has oh no alkene ch no c o double bond

Here are the two big things to note:

  • OH present around 3300 cm -1  . (in fact, this was included as one of the “swords” in section #3,  above)
  • No C=O stretch present. No strong peak around 1700 cm -1   . (The peak at 1450 cm -1   isn’t a C=O stretch).

Also, if we take a bit of extra time we can see:

  • No alkene C-H (no peaks above 3000 cm -1  )
  • Nothing in triple bonded region (rare, but still an easy thing to learn to check)

Now: If you were given this spectrum as an “unknown” along with its molecular formula, C 6 H 12 O 6 , what conclusions could you draw about its structure?

  • The molecule has at least one OH group (and possibly more)
  • The molecule doesn’t have any C=O groups
  • The molecule *likely* doesn’t have any alkenes. If any alkenes are present, they don’t bear any C-H bonds, because we’d see their C-H stretch above 3000 cm -1 .

A molecule with one degree of hydrogen deficiency (C 6 H 12 O 6 ) but no C=O, and likely no C=C ?

A good guess would be that the molecule contains a ring . (We know this is the case, of course, but it’s nice to see the IR confirming what we already know).

This is what a 1-minute analysis of the IR of glucose can tell us. Not the whole structure, mind you, but certainly some important bits and pieces.

That’s enough for today. In the next post we’ll do some more 1-minute analyses and give more concrete examples of how to use the information in an IR spectrum to draw conclusions about molecular structure.

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  • IR Spectroscopy: 4 Practice Problems
  • Bond Vibrations, Infrared Spectroscopy, and the “Ball and Spring” Model
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  • UV-Vis Spectroscopy: Practice Questions
  • UV-Vis Spectroscopy: Absorbance of Carbonyls
  • Degrees of Unsaturation (or IHD, Index of Hydrogen Deficiency)

More on the 3200 region: Amines, Amides, and Terminal Alkyne C-H

While we’re in the 3200 region…. Amines and Amides

examples of amine stretches in ir primary secondary and primary amide secondary amide

Amines and amides also have N-H stretches which show up in this region. [update: a comment from Paul Wenthold mentions some helpful advice about amides – they are rare – look for confirming evidence from the mass spectrum or other sources before assigning an amide based on a stretch in this region, as this region can also contain carbonyl “overtone” peaks]

Notice how the primary amine and primary amide have two “fangs”, while the secondary amine and secondary amide have a single peak.

The amine stretches tend to be sharper than the amide stretches; also the amides can be distinguished by a strong C=O stretch (see below).

Primary amines (click for spectra)

  • Benzylamine
  • Cyclohexylamine

Secondary amines:

  • N-methylbenzylamine
  • N,N-dibenzylamine
  • N-methylaniline

Primary amides

  • Propionamide

Secondary amides

  • N-methyl benzamide

Terminal alkyne C-H

Terminal alkynes have a characteristic C-H stretch around 3300 cm -1 . Here it is for ethynylbenzene, below.

  • Ethynylbenzene

triple bond ch stretch about 3400

00 General Chemistry Review

  • Lewis Structures
  • Ionic and Covalent Bonding
  • Chemical Kinetics
  • Chemical Equilibria
  • Valence Electrons of the First Row Elements
  • How Concepts Build Up In Org 1 ("The Pyramid")

01 Bonding, Structure, and Resonance

  • How Do We Know Methane (CH4) Is Tetrahedral?
  • Hybrid Orbitals and Hybridization
  • How To Determine Hybridization: A Shortcut
  • Orbital Hybridization And Bond Strengths
  • Sigma bonds come in six varieties: Pi bonds come in one
  • A Key Skill: How to Calculate Formal Charge
  • The Four Intermolecular Forces and How They Affect Boiling Points
  • 3 Trends That Affect Boiling Points
  • How To Use Electronegativity To Determine Electron Density (and why NOT to trust formal charge)
  • Introduction to Resonance
  • How To Use Curved Arrows To Interchange Resonance Forms
  • Evaluating Resonance Forms (1) - The Rule of Least Charges
  • How To Find The Best Resonance Structure By Applying Electronegativity
  • Evaluating Resonance Structures With Negative Charges
  • Evaluating Resonance Structures With Positive Charge
  • Exploring Resonance: Pi-Donation
  • Exploring Resonance: Pi-acceptors
  • In Summary: Evaluating Resonance Structures
  • Drawing Resonance Structures: 3 Common Mistakes To Avoid
  • How to apply electronegativity and resonance to understand reactivity
  • Bond Hybridization Practice
  • Structure and Bonding Practice Quizzes
  • Resonance Structures Practice

02 Acid Base Reactions

  • Introduction to Acid-Base Reactions
  • Acid Base Reactions In Organic Chemistry
  • The Stronger The Acid, The Weaker The Conjugate Base
  • Walkthrough of Acid-Base Reactions (3) - Acidity Trends
  • Five Key Factors That Influence Acidity
  • Acid-Base Reactions: Introducing Ka and pKa
  • How to Use a pKa Table
  • The pKa Table Is Your Friend
  • A Handy Rule of Thumb for Acid-Base Reactions
  • Acid Base Reactions Are Fast
  • pKa Values Span 60 Orders Of Magnitude
  • How Protonation and Deprotonation Affect Reactivity
  • Acid Base Practice Problems

03 Alkanes and Nomenclature

  • Meet the (Most Important) Functional Groups
  • Condensed Formulas: Deciphering What the Brackets Mean
  • Hidden Hydrogens, Hidden Lone Pairs, Hidden Counterions
  • Don't Be Futyl, Learn The Butyls
  • Primary, Secondary, Tertiary, Quaternary In Organic Chemistry
  • Branching, and Its Affect On Melting and Boiling Points
  • The Many, Many Ways of Drawing Butane
  • Wedge And Dash Convention For Tetrahedral Carbon
  • Common Mistakes in Organic Chemistry: Pentavalent Carbon
  • Table of Functional Group Priorities for Nomenclature
  • Summary Sheet - Alkane Nomenclature
  • Organic Chemistry IUPAC Nomenclature Demystified With A Simple Puzzle Piece Approach
  • Boiling Point Quizzes
  • Organic Chemistry Nomenclature Quizzes

04 Conformations and Cycloalkanes

  • Staggered vs Eclipsed Conformations of Ethane
  • Conformational Isomers of Propane
  • Newman Projection of Butane (and Gauche Conformation)
  • Introduction to Cycloalkanes (1)
  • Geometric Isomers In Small Rings: Cis And Trans Cycloalkanes
  • Calculation of Ring Strain In Cycloalkanes
  • Cycloalkanes - Ring Strain In Cyclopropane And Cyclobutane
  • Cyclohexane Conformations
  • Cyclohexane Chair Conformation: An Aerial Tour
  • How To Draw The Cyclohexane Chair Conformation
  • The Cyclohexane Chair Flip
  • The Cyclohexane Chair Flip - Energy Diagram
  • Substituted Cyclohexanes - Axial vs Equatorial
  • Ranking The Bulkiness Of Substituents On Cyclohexanes: "A-Values"
  • Cyclohexane Chair Conformation Stability: Which One Is Lower Energy?
  • Fused Rings - Cis-Decalin and Trans-Decalin
  • Naming Bicyclic Compounds - Fused, Bridged, and Spiro
  • Bredt's Rule (And Summary of Cycloalkanes)
  • Newman Projection Practice
  • Cycloalkanes Practice Problems

05 A Primer On Organic Reactions

  • The Most Important Question To Ask When Learning a New Reaction
  • Learning New Reactions: How Do The Electrons Move?
  • The Third Most Important Question to Ask When Learning A New Reaction
  • 7 Factors that stabilize negative charge in organic chemistry
  • 7 Factors That Stabilize Positive Charge in Organic Chemistry
  • Nucleophiles and Electrophiles
  • Curved Arrows (for reactions)
  • Curved Arrows (2): Initial Tails and Final Heads
  • Nucleophilicity vs. Basicity
  • The Three Classes of Nucleophiles
  • What Makes A Good Nucleophile?
  • What makes a good leaving group?
  • 3 Factors That Stabilize Carbocations
  • Equilibrium and Energy Relationships
  • What's a Transition State?
  • Hammond's Postulate
  • Learning Organic Chemistry Reactions: A Checklist (PDF)
  • Introduction to Free Radical Substitution Reactions
  • Introduction to Oxidative Cleavage Reactions

06 Free Radical Reactions

  • Bond Dissociation Energies = Homolytic Cleavage
  • Free Radical Reactions
  • 3 Factors That Stabilize Free Radicals
  • What Factors Destabilize Free Radicals?
  • Bond Strengths And Radical Stability
  • Free Radical Initiation: Why Is "Light" Or "Heat" Required?
  • Initiation, Propagation, Termination
  • Monochlorination Products Of Propane, Pentane, And Other Alkanes
  • Selectivity In Free Radical Reactions
  • Selectivity in Free Radical Reactions: Bromination vs. Chlorination
  • Halogenation At Tiffany's
  • Allylic Bromination
  • Bonus Topic: Allylic Rearrangements
  • In Summary: Free Radicals
  • Synthesis (2) - Reactions of Alkanes
  • Free Radicals Practice Quizzes

07 Stereochemistry and Chirality

  • Types of Isomers: Constitutional Isomers, Stereoisomers, Enantiomers, and Diastereomers
  • How To Draw The Enantiomer Of A Chiral Molecule
  • How To Draw A Bond Rotation
  • Introduction to Assigning (R) and (S): The Cahn-Ingold-Prelog Rules
  • Assigning Cahn-Ingold-Prelog (CIP) Priorities (2) - The Method of Dots
  • Enantiomers vs Diastereomers vs The Same? Two Methods For Solving Problems
  • Assigning R/S To Newman Projections (And Converting Newman To Line Diagrams)
  • How To Determine R and S Configurations On A Fischer Projection
  • The Meso Trap
  • Optical Rotation, Optical Activity, and Specific Rotation
  • Optical Purity and Enantiomeric Excess
  • What's a Racemic Mixture?
  • Chiral Allenes And Chiral Axes
  • Stereochemistry Practice Problems and Quizzes

08 Substitution Reactions

  • Introduction to Nucleophilic Substitution Reactions
  • Walkthrough of Substitution Reactions (1) - Introduction
  • Two Types of Nucleophilic Substitution Reactions
  • The SN2 Mechanism
  • Why the SN2 Reaction Is Powerful
  • The SN1 Mechanism
  • The Conjugate Acid Is A Better Leaving Group
  • Comparing the SN1 and SN2 Reactions
  • Polar Protic? Polar Aprotic? Nonpolar? All About Solvents
  • Steric Hindrance is Like a Fat Goalie
  • Common Blind Spot: Intramolecular Reactions
  • The Conjugate Base is Always a Stronger Nucleophile
  • Substitution Practice - SN1
  • Substitution Practice - SN2

09 Elimination Reactions

  • Elimination Reactions (1): Introduction And The Key Pattern
  • Elimination Reactions (2): The Zaitsev Rule
  • Elimination Reactions Are Favored By Heat
  • Two Elimination Reaction Patterns
  • The E1 Reaction
  • The E2 Mechanism
  • E1 vs E2: Comparing the E1 and E2 Reactions
  • Antiperiplanar Relationships: The E2 Reaction and Cyclohexane Rings
  • Bulky Bases in Elimination Reactions
  • Comparing the E1 vs SN1 Reactions
  • Elimination (E1) Reactions With Rearrangements
  • E1cB - Elimination (Unimolecular) Conjugate Base
  • Elimination (E1) Practice Problems And Solutions
  • Elimination (E2) Practice Problems and Solutions

10 Rearrangements

  • Introduction to Rearrangement Reactions
  • Rearrangement Reactions (1) - Hydride Shifts
  • Carbocation Rearrangement Reactions (2) - Alkyl Shifts
  • Pinacol Rearrangement
  • The SN1, E1, and Alkene Addition Reactions All Pass Through A Carbocation Intermediate

11 SN1/SN2/E1/E2 Decision

  • Identifying Where Substitution and Elimination Reactions Happen
  • Deciding SN1/SN2/E1/E2 (1) - The Substrate
  • Deciding SN1/SN2/E1/E2 (2) - The Nucleophile/Base
  • SN1 vs E1 and SN2 vs E2 : The Temperature
  • Deciding SN1/SN2/E1/E2 - The Solvent
  • Wrapup: The Quick N' Dirty Guide To SN1/SN2/E1/E2
  • Alkyl Halide Reaction Map And Summary
  • SN1 SN2 E1 E2 Practice Problems

12 Alkene Reactions

  • E and Z Notation For Alkenes (+ Cis/Trans)
  • Alkene Stability
  • Alkene Addition Reactions: "Regioselectivity" and "Stereoselectivity" (Syn/Anti)
  • Stereoselective and Stereospecific Reactions
  • Hydrohalogenation of Alkenes and Markovnikov's Rule
  • Hydration of Alkenes With Aqueous Acid
  • Rearrangements in Alkene Addition Reactions
  • Halogenation of Alkenes and Halohydrin Formation
  • Oxymercuration Demercuration of Alkenes
  • Hydroboration Oxidation of Alkenes
  • m-CPBA (meta-chloroperoxybenzoic acid)
  • OsO4 (Osmium Tetroxide) for Dihydroxylation of Alkenes
  • Palladium on Carbon (Pd/C) for Catalytic Hydrogenation of Alkenes
  • Cyclopropanation of Alkenes
  • A Fourth Alkene Addition Pattern - Free Radical Addition
  • Alkene Reactions: Ozonolysis
  • Summary: Three Key Families Of Alkene Reaction Mechanisms
  • Synthesis (4) - Alkene Reaction Map, Including Alkyl Halide Reactions
  • Alkene Reactions Practice Problems

13 Alkyne Reactions

  • Acetylides from Alkynes, And Substitution Reactions of Acetylides
  • Partial Reduction of Alkynes With Lindlar's Catalyst
  • Partial Reduction of Alkynes With Na/NH3 To Obtain Trans Alkenes
  • Alkyne Hydroboration With "R2BH"
  • Hydration and Oxymercuration of Alkynes
  • Hydrohalogenation of Alkynes
  • Alkyne Halogenation: Bromination, Chlorination, and Iodination of Alkynes
  • Alkyne Reactions - The "Concerted" Pathway
  • Alkenes To Alkynes Via Halogenation And Elimination Reactions
  • Alkynes Are A Blank Canvas
  • Synthesis (5) - Reactions of Alkynes
  • Alkyne Reactions Practice Problems With Answers

14 Alcohols, Epoxides and Ethers

  • Alcohols - Nomenclature and Properties
  • Alcohols Can Act As Acids Or Bases (And Why It Matters)
  • Alcohols - Acidity and Basicity
  • The Williamson Ether Synthesis
  • Ethers From Alkenes, Tertiary Alkyl Halides and Alkoxymercuration
  • Alcohols To Ethers via Acid Catalysis
  • Cleavage Of Ethers With Acid
  • Epoxides - The Outlier Of The Ether Family
  • Opening of Epoxides With Acid
  • Epoxide Ring Opening With Base
  • Making Alkyl Halides From Alcohols
  • Tosylates And Mesylates
  • PBr3 and SOCl2
  • Elimination Reactions of Alcohols
  • Elimination of Alcohols To Alkenes With POCl3
  • Alcohol Oxidation: "Strong" and "Weak" Oxidants
  • Demystifying The Mechanisms of Alcohol Oxidations
  • Protecting Groups For Alcohols
  • Thiols And Thioethers
  • Calculating the oxidation state of a carbon
  • Oxidation and Reduction in Organic Chemistry
  • Oxidation Ladders
  • SOCl2 Mechanism For Alcohols To Alkyl Halides: SN2 versus SNi
  • Alcohol Reactions Roadmap (PDF)
  • Alcohol Reaction Practice Problems
  • Epoxide Reaction Quizzes
  • Oxidation and Reduction Practice Quizzes

15 Organometallics

  • What's An Organometallic?
  • Formation of Grignard and Organolithium Reagents
  • Organometallics Are Strong Bases
  • Reactions of Grignard Reagents
  • Protecting Groups In Grignard Reactions
  • Synthesis Problems Involving Grignard Reagents
  • Grignard Reactions And Synthesis (2)
  • Organocuprates (Gilman Reagents): How They're Made
  • Gilman Reagents (Organocuprates): What They're Used For
  • The Heck, Suzuki, and Olefin Metathesis Reactions (And Why They Don't Belong In Most Introductory Organic Chemistry Courses)
  • Reaction Map: Reactions of Organometallics
  • Grignard Practice Problems

16 Spectroscopy

  • Conjugation And Color (+ How Bleach Works)
  • Bond Vibrations, Infrared Spectroscopy, and the "Ball and Spring" Model
  • 1H NMR: How Many Signals?
  • Homotopic, Enantiotopic, Diastereotopic
  • Diastereotopic Protons in 1H NMR Spectroscopy: Examples
  • C13 NMR - How Many Signals
  • Liquid Gold: Pheromones In Doe Urine
  • Natural Product Isolation (1) - Extraction
  • Natural Product Isolation (2) - Purification Techniques, An Overview
  • Structure Determination Case Study: Deer Tarsal Gland Pheromone

17 Dienes and MO Theory

  • What To Expect In Organic Chemistry 2
  • Are these molecules conjugated?
  • Conjugation And Resonance In Organic Chemistry
  • Bonding And Antibonding Pi Orbitals
  • Molecular Orbitals of The Allyl Cation, Allyl Radical, and Allyl Anion
  • Pi Molecular Orbitals of Butadiene
  • Reactions of Dienes: 1,2 and 1,4 Addition
  • Thermodynamic and Kinetic Products
  • More On 1,2 and 1,4 Additions To Dienes
  • s-cis and s-trans
  • The Diels-Alder Reaction
  • Cyclic Dienes and Dienophiles in the Diels-Alder Reaction
  • Stereochemistry of the Diels-Alder Reaction
  • Exo vs Endo Products In The Diels Alder: How To Tell Them Apart
  • HOMO and LUMO In the Diels Alder Reaction
  • Why Are Endo vs Exo Products Favored in the Diels-Alder Reaction?
  • Diels-Alder Reaction: Kinetic and Thermodynamic Control
  • The Retro Diels-Alder Reaction
  • The Intramolecular Diels Alder Reaction
  • Regiochemistry In The Diels-Alder Reaction
  • The Cope and Claisen Rearrangements
  • Electrocyclic Reactions
  • Electrocyclic Ring Opening And Closure (2) - Six (or Eight) Pi Electrons
  • Diels Alder Practice Problems
  • Molecular Orbital Theory Practice

18 Aromaticity

  • Introduction To Aromaticity
  • Rules For Aromaticity
  • Huckel's Rule: What Does 4n+2 Mean?
  • Aromatic, Non-Aromatic, or Antiaromatic? Some Practice Problems
  • Antiaromatic Compounds and Antiaromaticity
  • The Pi Molecular Orbitals of Benzene
  • The Pi Molecular Orbitals of Cyclobutadiene
  • Frost Circles
  • Aromaticity Practice Quizzes

19 Reactions of Aromatic Molecules

  • Electrophilic Aromatic Substitution: Introduction
  • Activating and Deactivating Groups In Electrophilic Aromatic Substitution
  • Electrophilic Aromatic Substitution - The Mechanism
  • Ortho-, Para- and Meta- Directors in Electrophilic Aromatic Substitution
  • Understanding Ortho, Para, and Meta Directors
  • Why are halogens ortho- para- directors?
  • Disubstituted Benzenes: The Strongest Electron-Donor "Wins"
  • Electrophilic Aromatic Substitutions (1) - Halogenation of Benzene
  • Electrophilic Aromatic Substitutions (2) - Nitration and Sulfonation
  • EAS Reactions (3) - Friedel-Crafts Acylation and Friedel-Crafts Alkylation
  • Intramolecular Friedel-Crafts Reactions
  • Nucleophilic Aromatic Substitution (NAS)
  • Nucleophilic Aromatic Substitution (2) - The Benzyne Mechanism
  • Reactions on the "Benzylic" Carbon: Bromination And Oxidation
  • The Wolff-Kishner, Clemmensen, And Other Carbonyl Reductions
  • More Reactions on the Aromatic Sidechain: Reduction of Nitro Groups and the Baeyer Villiger
  • Aromatic Synthesis (1) - "Order Of Operations"
  • Synthesis of Benzene Derivatives (2) - Polarity Reversal
  • Aromatic Synthesis (3) - Sulfonyl Blocking Groups
  • Birch Reduction
  • Synthesis (7): Reaction Map of Benzene and Related Aromatic Compounds
  • Aromatic Reactions and Synthesis Practice
  • Electrophilic Aromatic Substitution Practice Problems

20 Aldehydes and Ketones

  • What's The Alpha Carbon In Carbonyl Compounds?
  • Nucleophilic Addition To Carbonyls
  • Aldehydes and Ketones: 14 Reactions With The Same Mechanism
  • Sodium Borohydride (NaBH4) Reduction of Aldehydes and Ketones
  • Grignard Reagents For Addition To Aldehydes and Ketones
  • Wittig Reaction
  • Hydrates, Hemiacetals, and Acetals
  • Imines - Properties, Formation, Reactions, and Mechanisms
  • All About Enamines
  • Breaking Down Carbonyl Reaction Mechanisms: Reactions of Anionic Nucleophiles (Part 2)
  • Aldehydes Ketones Reaction Practice

21 Carboxylic Acid Derivatives

  • Nucleophilic Acyl Substitution (With Negatively Charged Nucleophiles)
  • Addition-Elimination Mechanisms With Neutral Nucleophiles (Including Acid Catalysis)
  • Basic Hydrolysis of Esters - Saponification
  • Transesterification
  • Proton Transfer
  • Fischer Esterification - Carboxylic Acid to Ester Under Acidic Conditions
  • Lithium Aluminum Hydride (LiAlH4) For Reduction of Carboxylic Acid Derivatives
  • LiAlH[Ot-Bu]3 For The Reduction of Acid Halides To Aldehydes
  • Di-isobutyl Aluminum Hydride (DIBAL) For The Partial Reduction of Esters and Nitriles
  • Amide Hydrolysis
  • Thionyl Chloride (SOCl2)
  • Diazomethane (CH2N2)
  • Carbonyl Chemistry: Learn Six Mechanisms For the Price Of One
  • Making Music With Mechanisms (PADPED)
  • Carboxylic Acid Derivatives Practice Questions

22 Enols and Enolates

  • Keto-Enol Tautomerism
  • Enolates - Formation, Stability, and Simple Reactions
  • Kinetic Versus Thermodynamic Enolates
  • Aldol Addition and Condensation Reactions
  • Reactions of Enols - Acid-Catalyzed Aldol, Halogenation, and Mannich Reactions
  • Claisen Condensation and Dieckmann Condensation
  • Decarboxylation
  • The Malonic Ester and Acetoacetic Ester Synthesis
  • The Michael Addition Reaction and Conjugate Addition
  • The Robinson Annulation
  • Haloform Reaction
  • The Hell–Volhard–Zelinsky Reaction
  • Enols and Enolates Practice Quizzes
  • The Amide Functional Group: Properties, Synthesis, and Nomenclature
  • Basicity of Amines And pKaH
  • 5 Key Basicity Trends of Amines
  • The Mesomeric Effect And Aromatic Amines
  • Nucleophilicity of Amines
  • Alkylation of Amines (Sucks!)
  • Reductive Amination
  • The Gabriel Synthesis
  • Some Reactions of Azides
  • The Hofmann Elimination
  • The Hofmann and Curtius Rearrangements
  • The Cope Elimination
  • Protecting Groups for Amines - Carbamates
  • The Strecker Synthesis of Amino Acids
  • Introduction to Peptide Synthesis
  • Reactions of Diazonium Salts: Sandmeyer and Related Reactions
  • Amine Practice Questions

24 Carbohydrates

  • D and L Notation For Sugars
  • Pyranoses and Furanoses: Ring-Chain Tautomerism In Sugars
  • What is Mutarotation?
  • Reducing Sugars
  • The Big Damn Post Of Carbohydrate-Related Chemistry Definitions
  • The Haworth Projection
  • Converting a Fischer Projection To A Haworth (And Vice Versa)
  • Reactions of Sugars: Glycosylation and Protection
  • The Ruff Degradation and Kiliani-Fischer Synthesis
  • Isoelectric Points of Amino Acids (and How To Calculate Them)
  • Carbohydrates Practice
  • Amino Acid Quizzes

25 Fun and Miscellaneous

  • A Gallery of Some Interesting Molecules From Nature
  • Screw Organic Chemistry, I'm Just Going To Write About Cats
  • On Cats, Part 1: Conformations and Configurations
  • On Cats, Part 2: Cat Line Diagrams
  • On Cats, Part 4: Enantiocats
  • On Cats, Part 6: Stereocenters
  • Organic Chemistry Is Shit
  • The Organic Chemistry Behind "The Pill"
  • Maybe they should call them, "Formal Wins" ?
  • Why Do Organic Chemists Use Kilocalories?
  • The Principle of Least Effort
  • Organic Chemistry GIFS - Resonance Forms
  • Reproducibility In Organic Chemistry
  • What Holds The Nucleus Together?
  • How Reactions Are Like Music
  • Organic Chemistry and the New MCAT

26 Organic Chemistry Tips and Tricks

  • Common Mistakes: Formal Charges Can Mislead
  • Partial Charges Give Clues About Electron Flow
  • Draw The Ugly Version First
  • Organic Chemistry Study Tips: Learn the Trends
  • The 8 Types of Arrows In Organic Chemistry, Explained
  • Top 10 Skills To Master Before An Organic Chemistry 2 Final
  • Common Mistakes with Carbonyls: Carboxylic Acids... Are Acids!
  • Planning Organic Synthesis With "Reaction Maps"
  • Alkene Addition Pattern #1: The "Carbocation Pathway"
  • Alkene Addition Pattern #2: The "Three-Membered Ring" Pathway
  • Alkene Addition Pattern #3: The "Concerted" Pathway
  • Number Your Carbons!
  • The 4 Major Classes of Reactions in Org 1
  • How (and why) electrons flow
  • Grossman's Rule
  • Three Exam Tips
  • A 3-Step Method For Thinking Through Synthesis Problems
  • Putting It Together
  • Putting Diels-Alder Products in Perspective
  • The Ups and Downs of Cyclohexanes
  • The Most Annoying Exceptions in Org 1 (Part 1)
  • The Most Annoying Exceptions in Org 1 (Part 2)
  • The Marriage May Be Bad, But the Divorce Still Costs Money
  • 9 Nomenclature Conventions To Know
  • Nucleophile attacks Electrophile

27 Case Studies of Successful O-Chem Students

  • Success Stories: How Corina Got The The "Hard" Professor - And Got An A+ Anyway
  • How Helena Aced Organic Chemistry
  • From a "Drop" To B+ in Org 2 – How A Hard Working Student Turned It Around
  • How Serge Aced Organic Chemistry
  • Success Stories: How Zach Aced Organic Chemistry 1
  • Success Stories: How Kari Went From C– to B+
  • How Esther Bounced Back From a "C" To Get A's In Organic Chemistry 1 And 2
  • How Tyrell Got The Highest Grade In Her Organic Chemistry Course
  • This Is Why Students Use Flashcards
  • Success Stories: How Stu Aced Organic Chemistry
  • How John Pulled Up His Organic Chemistry Exam Grades
  • Success Stories: How Nathan Aced Organic Chemistry (Without It Taking Over His Life)
  • How Chris Aced Org 1 and Org 2
  • Interview: How Jay Got an A+ In Organic Chemistry
  • How to Do Well in Organic Chemistry: One Student's Advice
  • "America's Top TA" Shares His Secrets For Teaching O-Chem
  • "Organic Chemistry Is Like..." - A Few Metaphors
  • How To Do Well In Organic Chemistry: Advice From A Tutor
  • Guest post: "I went from being afraid of tests to actually looking forward to them".

Comment section

84 thoughts on “ infrared spectroscopy: a quick primer on interpreting spectra ”.

this quick guide is awesome, I’ve learned so much reading it. To recall whatever you forgot over time, this is the best option. Thank you

Glad you found it useful for refreshing your memory!

This has really been helpful for my studies in chemistry

I am glad you find it helpful Cirona!

This is very helpful

Glad you find it helpful Anand

I love this analysis very much impressive thanks 👍

Glad you find it helpful!

A lifesaver if there was ever one. Infrared Spectroscopy was so confusing for me in undergrad,and post grad had me even more muddled.One look at this article on the morning of the test was enough to make me take my test confidently and do it well! The way you simplified it while highlighting important points is crazy. I was trying to remember all the values given from the typical IR frequency table which wasn’t working at all and was leaving me anxious. Tongues and Swords made it so simple and memorable. Thanks for all that you do and more! This is Monica Rao all the way from India!

Glad to hear you found it useful! I had a similar experience in undergraduate and glad that this simplified things for you!

i love you, you just saved my life

explanation is very easy to understand. thank you

Best Explanation so far. Really helpful

  • Pingback: FTIR spectroscopy - Easy To Calculate
  • Pingback: IR Spectroscopy and FTIR Spectroscopy: How an FTIR Spectrometer Works and FTIR Analysis - Technology Networks - Mubashir Khan.
  • Pingback: IR spectroscopy - Easy To Calculate

This is so helpful thank you

Best Review on IR

Thank you Sagar.

Hi James, Thank you for your very clear tutorials on interpreting IR spectra. They have been really helpful to me.

I have a few questions regarding a compound with an unknown structure, which I am trying to decipher using FTIR. Would you be happy to have a look at this for me and confirm whether or not I have done it right, based on the information on your tutorials?

Thanks I am newbie and this finally made a pathway in my grey cells :)

Thanks a lot. This has really helped me I understood everything in it

Thank you so much for this great work. I have one problem: I used to work with polymers (in my particular case I am working with PVC films). Firstly, I do an FTIR spectrum of the “as received” PVC film. Next, I carry out a thermal treatment of the PVC film (below its Tg) and repeat the FTIR. The peaks have not change, however the intensity of them is different. I have tried to figure out an explanation for this phenomenon (searching in bibliography), but I didn´t found an answer. Do you have any idea of why this happen?

thank you very much.

You are absolutely amazing. I feel so happy and satisfied reading this. Your style of presenting the context is so good. Thank You for your hard work for us.

Thank you so much. Two month i have struggled about this topic. Full of detail in simple words with various example. Thank you again

I am really grateful this lesson is really awesome.

Thank you so much!! Your post really helped understangding IR :)

Thank you so much for this great information sir

Thank you!! This is so easy explained and helpful. I have one question: How much can I trust in my software suggestions? the software of my FTIR instrumen has some libraries included.

I’m not sure. There can be considerable variability between samples of the same molecule, depending on how the sample is prepared (thickness of film) and the amount of water present (which affects hydrogen bonding). The libraries are a good starting point but not a magic bullet, good when part of a more holistic approach to combine with other information (e.g. HRMS data)

Thanks Paul – I was unaware of the overtones in that region. Very helpful, thank you!

One thing you didn’t mention is the carbonyl overtone peaks, which result when the molecule absorbs two photons of IR light. These show up as weak peaks at 2 x the carbonyl frequency, so are in that 3300 – 3500 range.

It’s important know about this because beginning students very often assign those peaks to NH stretches. And it’s not crazy, because NH stretches in monosubstituted amides can be relatively weak, so it can be difficult to distinguish them.

This isn’t perfect, but, from an instructor perspective, my advice is to avoid the urge to assign them to amine or amide. If you see a carbonyl, expect to see that overtone and don’t call it an NH stretch. Now, this means you might miss an amide, but that alone is not sufficient to conclude it is amide. You would need to verify it by other means. As noted, amide C=O stretches tend to be lower energy than other functional groups, but even then I’d be careful about putting too fine a point on it (absorptions usually come in ranges, not in specific spots – the C=O is 1680: does that mean it’s amide? Could be, but it could also be a ketone at the edge of its range; it’s consistent with both). Now, if you have a mass spectrum that indicates the presence of a N (by having an odd molecular mass), so you know N is present, then sure, it could be NH stretching. But absent other information that indicates an amide, my advice is don’t go that direction.

This is the best review I have ever seen-splendid!

This is an excellent resource on IR for a newbie…love to give this to my students for reading. Looking for posts on mass spectrometry..

Thanks Anju – appreciate it. This is what I wish someone told me when I was learning how to interpret IR spectra.

Very clear, lots of examples and well thought out instructions. I feel so much more confident! Thank you soo much!!!

Great! So glad you feel more confident!

Symply excellent. Please, we need MOC Text book.

Not happening! But thank you

Seriously it is the best of all explanation I have seen ,it really helpful 💖

Very helpful. I can understand the materials much better

Thanks for the wonderful lecture, my question is how can one identify aromatic or the benzene ring absorption. Please I also need your email address

Look for the C-H bond stretch below 3000 cm-1. It is not specific for the aromatic ring but at least points to an sp2 hybridized carbon bonded to H.

saved my life honestly.

Honestly? Awesome!

Best explanation ever ! The only one I understood .. Thank you a lot!

Thanks Olivia! Glad you found it helpful!

I was completely lost at lecture on IR but after reading this, i realized its simple things made difficult. You saved me a failure.

So glad to hear it Josan.

Thanks! This article saved me. Recommended this to all my friends.

Thanks for letting me know Harshit!

Wow! Thanks – you will never know how much time this saved me.

So glad to hear it Freeman.

Excellent explanation! Thank you for all the hard work.

Thanks Zeke!

Thank you! you just saved my life

If it made IR less painful, that’s awesome Alejandra!

I see nothing about <500 cm-1 which is what I need to know

Really? I wish I had a better answer for you. The region below 500 cm-1 is an “enduring mystery” for many of us. https://amphoteros.com/2019/01/18/an-enduring-mystery/

Loved this!!!!!


I know your faculty plans did not work out, but you are so better than many professors! Thank you! Never stop chasing your dreams!

Beautifully explained Sir !!

Best explanation of IR spectra I’ve came across. Waiting for your next post :)

I completely agree with the above posts. You should Youtube as well my friend. Great job!

I do have a Youtube channel but it has been quite neglected!

I COMPLETELY AGREE 100% with the previous praises and comments – you have been a SAVING grace in my organic chemistry understanding and I appreciate your approach in simplifying the most complex things. I have honestly spent 4+hrs in attempting 2 problems in figuring out the structures and feel so much better moving forward. THANK YOU! Keep up the phenomenal job!

Thank you Maribel!

Thanks for such a great focused article. It’s really very helpful.

Tried to make it useful. If it succeeded, great!

This is very clear and understandable even to a layman. Thanks a lot

You’re welcome!

why alkenes group (3000 -3100) & alkyl halides (500 -539) are added to NORYL (PPE + PS) plastic? which properties are affected?

How do you know the peak in the 3000-3100 isn’t from the styrene?

Thank you so much for this guide! Very thorough approach and great explanation.

Meg – so glad you’ve found it helpful. Put a lot of work into it!

Great work! best I could find in all these years in fact.

Never using another website or youtube vid (unless its yours) for help again. You’re amazing

Beautifully explained!

This is the best review for IR Spectroscopy out there!

THIS IS SO HELPFUL!! so many different examples were used and I understand everything now! Will there be a quick tutorial for carbon and proton NMR as well?

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Photometry & Reflectometry

Principle of photometry demonstrated with a schematic of light absorption when passing through a solution

Photometry is the measurement of light absorbed in the ultraviolet (UV) to visible (VIS) to infra-red (IR) range. This measurement is used to determine the amount of an analyte in a solution or liquid. Photometers utilize a specific light source and detectors that convert light passed through a sample solution into a proportional electric signal. These detectors may be for example photodiodes, photoresistors, or photomultipliers. Photometry uses Beer–Lambert’s law to calculate coefficients obtained from the transmittance measurement. A correlation between absorbance and analyte concentration is then established by a test-specific calibration function to achieve highly accurate measurements.

Photometry is a widely used quantitative analysis in research laboratories to determine the amounts of inorganic and organic compounds in solutions and other liquids. Photometry also has broad industrial applications in the determination of contaminants in drinking and wastewater, analysis of nutrients in soil, food and beverage samples, building material composition, and many other areas.

Construction and Working of Photometer

The components of a typical photometer include a light source, monochromator, sample, and detector. Light sources can be tungsten-halogen lamps (generally the source of light used for analyses in the visible light range) or LEDs. For measurements in the UV–Visible range a xenon flash lamp may be used. The monochromator filters the light radiated by the light source to allow only a very narrow spectrum to pass. The light then passes through the cuvette or the sample holding cell. Based on the amount of analyte (or a dye derived from it) that is present in the sample solution, some part of the light is absorbed by the solution and the remaining is transmitted. The transmitted light is directed towards the detectors, which produce an electric current proportional to the light intensity.

Beer–Lambert Law

Beer–Lambert law, also known as Beer’s law, states that the quantity of light absorbed by a sample is directly proportional to the concentration of the analyte present and path length of the light through the sample. “Sample” in this context means either the analyte itself (direct measurement) or a dye derived from the analyte (when using reagents or kits). The relationship is described by the formula:


Reflectometry (also known as remission photometry) is a non-destructive analytical technique that uses the reflection of light by surfaces and interfaces to measure characteristics such as color intensity, film thickness and refractive index.

As with other photometers, the main elements of reflectometers include a light source, usually long-life LEDs of specific wavelengths that are focused onto a sample surface via a lens system and the reflected light is measured by detectors.

Reflectometers are often designed to measure physical characteristics of surfaces like color changes on a test strip. In this approach, a sample can be placed on a test strip and its remission (REM) value can be compared against appropriate controls and standards. As in photometry, the difference in intensity between emitted and reflected light allows a quantitative determination of the concentration of specific analytes.

Reflectometry is commonly used in industrial applications as a rapid, sensitive method for quantitating a wide variety of organic and inorganic parameters in water, food, beverages, and environmental samples as well as other diverse uses such as surface analysis of building materials and skin color quantification.

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R&K Essentials: Mayakovskaya Metro Station

Mar 18 2018.

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WHAT TO SEE: Mayakovskaya Metro Station

Designed and constructed during the optimistic Futurist moment of the early 20th century, Mayakovskaya metro station is a relic from the early days of Soviet Russia. Named after the Futurist poet Vladimir Mayakovsky, who conceptualized it, and built by architect Alexey Dushkin, the metro station transports you to the imagination of those who envisioned a better future for Russia in a Communist society. The station was built deep underground in 1938 using aeronautical engineering techniques, just in time to be used as a bomb shelter for World War II. Joseph Stalin famously gave a radio-broadcast speech there in 1941, celebrating the 24th anniversary of the Bolshevik Revolution. There are thirty-four ceiling mosaics by artist Aleksandr Deyneka, comprising a piece called “24-Hour Soviet Sky,” which depicts idealized tableaus of Soviet life. The mosaics are inlaid into deep-carved niches, and can only be viewed when standing directly underneath them looking up, as if looking upwards through the ceiling and at the city above ground.

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12.8: Infrared Spectra of Some Common Functional Groups

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After completing this section, you should be able to use an infrared spectrum to determine the presence of functional groups, such as alcohols, amines and carbonyl groups, in an unknown compound, given a list of infrared absorption frequencies.

Study Notes

In Chapter 12.7 you should have learned, in broad terms, where a few key absorptions occur. Otherwise, to find the characteristic infrared absorptions of the various functional groups, refer to this IR table .

Spectral Interpretation by Application of Group Frequencies

One of the most common application of infrared spectroscopy is to the identification of organic compounds. The major classes of organic molecules are shown in this category and also linked on the bottom page for the number of collections of spectral information regarding organic molecules.


Hydrocarbons compounds contain only C-H and C-C bonds, but there is plenty of information to be obtained from the infrared spectra arising from C-H stretching and C-H bending.

In alkanes, which have very few bands, each band in the spectrum can be assigned:

  • C–H stretch from 3000–2850 cm -1
  • C–H bend or scissoring from 1470-1450 cm -1
  • C–H rock, methyl from 1370-1350 cm -1
  • C–H rock, methyl, seen only in long chain alkanes, from 725-720 cm -1

Figure 3. shows the IR spectrum of octane. Since most organic compounds have these features, these C-H vibrations are usually not noted when interpreting a routine IR spectrum. Note that the change in dipole moment with respect to distance for the C-H stretching is greater than that for others shown, which is why the C-H stretch band is the more intense.

Spectrum shows CH stretch at 2971 and 2863, CH scissoring at 1470, CH methyl rock at 1383, and long chain methyl rock at 726.

In alkenes compounds, each band in the spectrum can be assigned:

  • C=C stretch from 1680-1640 cm -1
  • =C–H stretch from 3100-3000 cm -1
  • =C–H bend from 1000-650 cm -1

Figure 4. shows the IR spectrum of 1-octene. As alkanes compounds, these bands are not specific and are generally not noted because they are present in almost all organic molecules.

Spectrum shows double bond CCH stretch at 3083, CH stretch at 2966 and 2863, CH scissoring at 1465, CH methyl rock at 1378, and double bond CCH bend at 1004 and 917.

In alkynes, each band in the spectrum can be assigned:

  • –C≡C– stretch from 2260-2100 cm -1
  • –C≡C–H: C–H stretch from 3330-3270 cm -1
  • –C≡C–H: C–H bend from 700-610 cm -1

The spectrum of 1-hexyne, a terminal alkyne, is shown below.

Spectrum shows triple bond CCH stretch at 3824, CH stretch at 2971 and 2879, triple bond CC stretch at 2126, CH scissoring at 1470, CH methyl rock at 1383, and triple bond CCH bend at 636.

In aromatic compounds, each band in the spectrum can be assigned:

  • C–H stretch from 3100-3000 cm -1
  • overtones, weak, from 2000-1665 cm -1
  • C–C stretch (in-ring) from 1600-1585 cm -1
  • C–C stretch (in-ring) from 1500-1400 cm -1
  • C–H "oop" from 900-675 cm -1

Note that this is at slightly higher frequency than is the –C–H stretch in alkanes. This is a very useful tool for interpreting IR spectra. Only alkenes and aromatics show a C–H stretch slightly higher than 3000 cm -1 .

Figure 6. shows the spectrum of toluene.

Spectrum shows aromatic CH stretch at 3099,3068, and 3032, alkyl CH stretch at 2925, aromatic CC stretchs at 1614, 1506, and 1465, in plane CH bending at 1086 and 1035, and out of plane CH bending at 735.

Functional Groups Containing the C-O Bond

Alcohols have IR absorptions associated with both the O-H and the C-O stretching vibrations.

  • O–H stretch, hydrogen bonded 3500-3200 cm -1
  • C–O stretch 1260-1050 cm -1 (s)

Figure 7. shows the spectrum of ethanol. Note the very broad, strong band of the O–H stretch.

Spectrum shows OH stretch at 3391, CH stretch at 2961, and CO stretches at 1102, and 1055.

The carbonyl stretching vibration band C=O of saturated aliphatic ketones appears:

  • C=O stretch - aliphatic ketones 1715 cm -1
  • α, β -unsaturated ketones 1685-1666 cm -1

Figure 8. shows the spectrum of 2-butanone. This is a saturated ketone, and the C=O band appears at 1715.

Spectrum shows CH stretch at 2991 and double bond CO at 1715.

If a compound is suspected to be an aldehyde, a peak always appears around 2720 cm -1 which often appears as a shoulder-type peak just to the right of the alkyl C–H stretches.

  • H–C=O stretch 2830-2695 cm -1
  • aliphatic aldehydes 1740-1720 cm -1
  • α, β -unsaturated aldehydes 1710-1685 cm -1

Figure 9. shows the spectrum of butyraldehyde.

Spectrum shows alkyl CH stretch at 2987, aldehyde CH sketches at 2827 and 2725, and double bond CO stretch at 1731.

The carbonyl stretch C=O of esters appears:

  • aliphatic from 1750-1735 cm -1
  • α, β -unsaturated from 1730-1715 cm -1
  • C–O stretch from 1300-1000 cm -1

Figure 10. shows the spectrum of ethyl benzoate.

Spectrum shows aromatic CH stretch at 3078, alkyl CH stretch at 1986, double bond CO stretch at 1726, and CO stretches at 1286 and 1117.

The carbonyl stretch C=O of a carboxylic acid appears as an intense band from 1760-1690 cm -1 . The exact position of this broad band depends on whether the carboxylic acid is saturated or unsaturated, dimerized, or has internal hydrogen bonding.

  • O–H stretch from 3300-2500 cm -1
  • C=O stretch from 1760-1690 cm -1
  • C–O stretch from 1320-1210 cm -1
  • O–H bend from 1440-1395 and 950-910 cm -1

Figure 11. shows the spectrum of hexanoic acid.

Spectrum shows OH and CH stretch at 2971, double bond CO stretch at 1721, OH bend at 1419, CO stretch at 1296, and OH bend at 948.

Organic Nitrogen Compounds

  • N–O asymmetric stretch from 1550-1475 cm -1
  • N–O symmetric stretch from 1360-1290 cm -1

Spectrum shows NO stretch at 1573 and 1383.

Organic Compounds Containing Halogens

Alkyl halides are compounds that have a C–X bond, where X is a halogen: bromine, chlorine, fluorene, or iodine.

  • C–H wag (-CH 2 X) from 1300-1150 cm -1
  • C–Cl stretch 850-550 cm -1
  • C–Br stretch 690-515 cm -1

The spectrum of 1-chloro-2-methylpropane are shown below.

Spectrum shows CH stretch at 2976 and 2873, terminal alkylhalide CH wag at 1271, and CCl stretch at 743.

For more Infrared spectra Spectral database of organic molecules is introduced to use free database. Also, the infrared spectroscopy correlation table is linked on bottom of page to find other assigned IR peaks.

Exercise \(\PageIndex{1}\)

Caffeine has a mass of 194.19 amu, determined by mass spectrometry, and contains C, N, H, O. What is a molecular formula for this molecule?

C 8 H 10 N 4 O 2

C = 12 × 8 = 96

N = 14 × 4 = 56

H = 1 × 10 = 10

O = 2 × 16 = 32

96+56+10+32 = 194 g/mol

Exercise \(\PageIndex{2}\)

The following are the spectra for 2-methyl-2-hexene and 2-heptene, which spectra belongs to the correct molecule. Explain.

Source: SDBSWeb : http://sdbs.db.aist.go.jp (National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology, 2 December 2016)

The (A) spectrum is 2-methyl-2-hexene and the (B) spectrum is 2-heptene. Looking at (A) the peak at 68 m/z is the fractioned molecule with just the tri-substituted alkene present. While (B) has a strong peak around the 56 m/z , which in this case is the di-substituted alkene left behind from the linear heptene.

Exercise \(\PageIndex{3}\)

What are the masses of all the components in the following fragmentations?

Exercise \(\PageIndex{4}\)

Which of the following frequencies/wavelengths are higher energy

A. λ = 2.0x10 -6 m or λ = 3.0x10 -9 m

B. υ = 3.0x10 9 Hz or υ = 3.0x10 -6 Hz

A. λ = 3.0x10 -9 m

B. υ = 3.0x10 9 Hz

Exercise \(\PageIndex{5}\)

Calculate the energies for the following;

A. Gamma Ray λ = 4.0x10 -11 m

B. X-Ray λ = 4.0x10 -9 m

C. UV light υ = 5.0x10 15 Hz

D. Infrared Radiation λ = 3.0x10 -5 m

E. Microwave Radiation υ = 3.0x10 11 Hz

A. 4.965x10 -15 J

B. 4.965x10 -17 J

C. 3.31x10 -18 J

D. 6.62x10 -21 J

E. 1.99x10 -22 J

Exercise \(\PageIndex{6}\)

What functional groups give the following signals in an IR spectrum?

A) 1700 cm -1

B) 1550 cm -1

C) 1700 cm -1 and 2510-3000 cm -1

Exercise \(\PageIndex{7}\)

How can you distinguish the following pairs of compounds through IR analysis?

A) CH 3 OH (Methanol) and CH 3 CH 2 OCH 2 CH 3 (Diethylether)

B) Cyclopentane and 1-pentene.

A) A OH peak will be present around 3300 cm -1 for methanol and will be absent in the ether.

B) 1-pentene will have a alkene peak around 1650 cm -1 for the C=C and there will be another peak around 3100 cm -1 for the sp 2 C-H group on the alkene

C) Cannot distinguish these two isomers. They both have the same functional groups and therefore would have the same peaks on an IR spectra.

Exercise \(\PageIndex{8}\)

The following spectra is for the accompanying compound. What are the peaks that you can I identify in the spectrum?

Frequency (cm-1) Functional Group

3200 C≡C-H

2900-3000 C-C-H, C=C-H

2100 C≡C

(There is also an aromatic undertone region between 2000-1600 which describes the substitution on the phenyl ring.)

Exercise \(\PageIndex{9}\)

What absorptions would the following compounds have in an IR spectra?

3300 (broad) O-H

2000-1800 Aromatic Overtones

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FEIG ELECTRONIC: Moscow-City Skyscrapers Streamline Parking Access and Control with Secure RFID

Feig electronic partners with isbc group to deploy ucode dna rfid security and parking access control solution in moscow business district.

Weilburg, Germany  — December 3,  2019  —  FEIG ELECTRONIC , a leading global supplier of radio frequency identification (RFID) readers and antennas with fifty years of industry experience, announces deployment of the UCODE DNA RFID security and parking contactless identification solution in the Moscow International Business Center, known as Moscow-City, one of the world’s largest business district projects.

The management of Moscow-City not only selected long-range, passive UHF RFID to implement in its controlled parking areas, it also chose to implement UCODE DNA , the highest form of secure RAIN RFID technology, developed by NXP Semiconductors.

ir peak assignment table

Panoramic view of Moscow city and Moskva River at sunset. New modern futuristic skyscrapers of Moscow-City – International Business Center, toned

“Underscoring NXP’s innovation and leadership in developing advanced RAIN RFID technologies, our UCODE DNA was chosen to be incorporated with the FEIG and ISBC implementation of the contactless identification system in the prestigious Moscow-City,” said Mahdi Mekic, marketing director for RAIN RFID with NXP Semiconductors. “This exciting project represents yet another successful deployment of NXP’s contactless portfolio, and showcases our continued ability to meet the high-security requirements of highly demanding applications without compromising user convenience.”

“UCODE DNA is considered the only identification technology to match the physical protection of a barrier with the cybersecurity necessary to truly protect entrances from unauthorized access,” said Manuel Haertlé, senior product manager for FEIG Electronic. “As a respected contactless payment technology company, FEIG applies security know-how from its payment terminals, which are fully certified according to the latest high-class security standards, into our RFID systems. FEIG vehicle access control RFID readers incorporate advanced secure key storage elements, supporting various methods for secure key injection.”

FEIG’s partner ISBC Group provided the knowledge and support for this successful implementation using  FEIG’s long-range UHF RFID . The resulting system enables authorized vehicle entry into areas reserved for private residential use or corporate tenants, while also allowing availability of temporary, fee-based visitor parking. Thanks to the cryptographic authentication of UCODE DNA, both the tag and reader must go through an authentication procedure before the reader will validate the data from the tag, which is transmitted wirelessly. This level of authentication is typically used in the most secure data communication networks.

“The system’s two-step authentication means that only authorized equipment can handle the secure protocol and the data exchange with the UCODE DNA based tag. Without the required cryptographic secrets, other readers would query the tag in vain, because the tag’s response cannot be interpreted or understood,” said Andrey Krasovskiy, director of the RFID department at ISBC Group. “On top of this, each data exchange in the authentication process is unique, so even if a malicious actor were to intercept the communication, the transmission is only good for a single exchange and the tag’s unique identity is protected from cloning.”

Established in 1992 and still growing, Moscow-City is the revitalization and transformation of an industrial riverfront into a new, modern, vibrant and upscale business and residential district. A mix of residential, hotel, office, retail and entertainment facilities, it is located about four kilometers west of Red Square along the Moscow River. Twelve of the twenty-three planned facilities have already been completed, with seven currently under construction. Six skyscrapers in Moscow-City reach a height of at least 300 meters, including Europe’s tallest building, Federation Tower, which rises more than 100 stories.

Partnering with ISBC and deploying FEIG Electronic RFID solutions, the Moscow International Business Center is delivering security and access control to its city center today, as it grows into the city of tomorrow.


FEIG ELECTRONIC GmbH, a leading global supplier of RFID readers and antennas is one of the few suppliers worldwide offering RFID readers and antennas for all standard operating frequencies: LF (125 kHz), HF (13.56 MHz), UHF (860-960 MHz). A trusted pioneer in RFID with more than 50 years of industry experience, FEIG ELECTRONIC delivers unrivaled data collection, authentication, and identification solutions, as well as secure contactless payment systems. Readers from FEIG ELECTRONIC, which are available for plug-in, desktop, and handheld applications, support next-generation contactless credit cards, debit cards, smart cards, NFC and access control credentials to enable fast, accurate, reliable and secure transactions. For more information, visit:  www.feig.de/en

Founded in Moscow in 2002, ISBC Group provides knowledge and support to integrators for their successful implementation of RFID and smart card-based solutions. The company specializes in the distribution of smart card equipment, contact and contactless card manufacturing, smart card and RFID personalization services, and information security.  Its Research and Design Center is focused specifically on RFID, primarily HF and UHF solutions with NXP tags, and software development for the smart card industry. For more information visit:  https://isbc-cards.com/

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    When answering assignment questions, you may use this IR table to find the characteristic infrared absorptions of the various functional groups. ... Alkynes have characteristic IR absorbance peaks in the range of 2100-2250 cm-1 due to stretching ... which are summarized in this table. As you can imagine, obtaining an IR spectrum for a compound ...

  7. IR Absorption Table

    1780 - 1710 (s) 1690 - 1630 (s) The carbonyl stretching absorption is one of the strongest IR absorptions, and is very useful in structure determination as one can determine both the number of carbonyl groups (assuming peaks do not overlap) but also an estimation of which types. Amide N-H Stretch. 3700 - 3500 (m)

  8. IR handout

    This is due to the CO 2 in the beam (poor background correction). c. From 1500 - 2000 cm-1(E-X-double bonds: E=X=C, N, O) This is the most important range in the entire IR spectrum for organic chemists. If there is a very strong peak between 1640 and 1850 cm -1, there is most likely a carbonyl function in the molecule.

  9. PDF Table of Characteristic IR Absorptions

    Table of Characteristic IR Absorptions m=medium, w=weak, s=strong, n=narrow, b=broad, sh=sharp frequency, cm -1 bond functional group 3640-3610 (s, sh) O-H stretch, free hydroxyl alcohols, phenols

  10. 6.3 IR Spectrum and Characteristic Absorption Bands

    Table 6.1 Characteristic IR Frequencies of Stretching Vibrations. The information in Table 6.1 can be summarized in the diagram for easier identification (Figure 6.3b), in which the IR spectrum is divided into several regions, with the characteristic band of certain groups labelled.. Figure 6.3b Approximate IR Absorption Range. The absorption bands in IR spectra have different intensities that ...

  11. IR table

    Functional Group Frequency (cm-1) intensity; water OH Stretch: 3700-3100: strong: alcohol OH stretch: 3600-3200: strong: carboxylic acid OH stretch: 3600-2500: strong

  12. The Infrared Spectra of Polymers III: Hydrocarbon Polymers

    Their peak positions are listed in Table I (5). We have also learned that methyl and methylene groups have C-H stretching peaks (6), ... (IR) spectrum, and peak assignments for polystyrene. Note that the structure of polystyrene contains a CH 2 and a mono-substituted benzene ring pendant group. Recall that saturated C-H stretches fall below ...

  13. 6.3: IR Spectrum and Characteristic Absorption Bands

    The wavenumber is defined as the reciprocal of wavelength ( Formula 6.3 ), and the wavenumbers of infrared radiation are normally in the range of 4000 cm -1 to 600 cm -1 (approximate corresponds the wavelength range of 2.5 μm to 17 μm of IR radiation). Formula 6.3 Wavenumber. Please note the direction of the horizontal axis (wavenumber) in IR ...

  14. PDF Chart of Near-IR Absorption Bands

    Chart of Near-IR Absorption Bands THIRD OVERTONE REGION FIRST OVERTONE REGION SECOND OVERTONE REGION COMBINATION BANDS REGION CH 4th Overtone NH 3rd Overtone OH 2nd Overtone OH 3rd Overtone CH 3rd Overtone NH 2nd Overtone CH 2nd Overtone *CH 1st Overtone Combinatons OH 1st Overtone NH 1st Overtone CH 1st Overtone SH 1st Overtone C = O 2nd ...

  15. Interpreting IR Specta: A Quick Guide

    Here's an overview of the IR window from 4000 cm -1 to 500 cm -1 with various regions of interest highlighted. An even more compressed overview looks like this: ( source) 3600 - 2700 cm -1. X-H (single bonds to hydrogen) 2700 - 1900 cm -1. X≡X (triple bonds) 1900 - 1500 cm -1. X=X (double bonds) 1500 - 500 cm -1.

  16. PDF IR spectrum of saffron

    Table S1.Major IR absorption bands and possible assignmentin the typicalFT- IR spectrumof saffron Band (cm-1)* Assignment 3365-3333 (broad) Stretching vibration of bonded and non-bonded -O-H groups 2924 (m) and 2857 (m) Asymmetric -CH2 ... The results of PCA application on the transmittance FT-IR spectral data of Saffron samples

  17. Photometry & Reflectometry

    Photometry. Photometry is the measurement of light absorbed in the ultraviolet (UV) to visible (VIS) to infra-red (IR) range. This measurement is used to determine the amount of an analyte in a solution or liquid. Photometers utilize a specific light source and detectors that convert light passed through a sample solution into a proportional electric signal.

  18. 11.5: Infrared Spectra of Some Common Functional Groups

    The following table provides a collection of such data for the most common functional groups. ... Assignment. Range (cm-1) Intensity. Assignment. Alkanes. 2850-3000: str: CH 3, CH 2 & CH 2 or 3 bands: 1350-1470 1370-1390 ... They both have the same functional groups and therefore would have the same peaks on an IR spectra. 3. Frequency (cm-1 ...

  19. List of tallest buildings in Moscow

    The MIBC skyline in May 2018 Tallest buildings in Moscow (pre-2019). Moscow, the capital and largest city of Russia, is home to 12,719 completed high-rises, 22 of which stand taller than 183 metres (600 ft). The tallest building in the city is the 101-story East Tower of the Federation Tower complex, which rises 410 metres (1,350 ft) in the Moscow International Business Center (MIBC) and was ...

  20. R&K Essentials: Mayakovskaya Metro Station

    R&K Essentials. Europe. WHAT TO SEE: Mayakovskaya Metro Station. Designed and constructed during the optimistic Futurist moment of the early 20th century, Mayakovskaya metro station is a relic from the early days of Soviet Russia. Named after the Futurist poet Vladimir Mayakovsky, who conceptualized it, and built by architect Alexey Dushkin ...

  21. Moscow City Environmental Profile

    The Moscow Master Plan up to 2020 should be aimed at the increase of life quality, decrease of negative environmental effects from the household and industrial activities, preservation of architectural and historical heritage in Moscow for the future generations, complex and balanced development of all branches of the city infrastructure.

  22. 12.8: Infrared Spectra of Some Common Functional Groups

    If a compound is suspected to be an aldehyde, a peak always appears around 2720 cm-1 which often appears as a shoulder-type peak just to the right of the alkyl C-H stretches. H-C=O stretch 2830-2695 cm-1; C=O stretch: aliphatic aldehydes 1740-1720 cm-1; α, β-unsaturated aldehydes 1710-1685 cm-1; Figure 9. shows the spectrum of butyraldehyde.

  23. FEIG ELECTRONIC: Moscow-City Skyscrapers Streamline Parking Access and

    FEIG ELECTRONIC: Moscow-City Skyscrapers Streamline Parking Access and Control with Secure RFID FEIG ELECTRONIC partners with ISBC Group to deploy UCODE DNA RFID security and parking access control solution in Moscow Business District Weilburg, Germany — December 3, 2019 — FEIG ELECTRONIC, a leading global supplier of radio frequency identification […]