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Story Writing Class 9 Format, Examples, Topics, Exercises

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Embark on a journey into the world of storytelling with our guide to story writing for Class 9. From understanding the format and important aspects of storytelling to exploring tips and examples, this blog is your one-stop destination for mastering the art of storytelling. Let’s dive in and unleash your creativity!

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As per the CBSE syllabus for Class 9 , story writing is an essential component of the English curriculum, designed to foster creativity, imagination, and language skills among students. Through a combination of examples, exercises, and discussions, we will explore various elements of storytelling, such as character development, plot structure, setting, and themes.

To assist you in your learning journey, we will make use of NCERT solutions , class 9 notes and class 9 worksheets tailored to enhance your understanding and proficiency in story writing. Our aim is not only to help you excel in academic assessments but also to equip you with the tools and techniques necessary to express yourself confidently through the written word.

Story Writing for Class 9

Story writing for Class 9 is a creative exercise that allows students to craft narratives using their imagination and writing skills. It involves creating characters, developing a plot, and setting the scene to tell a compelling story. Story writing helps students express their ideas, emotions, and experiences in a structured and engaging manner, fostering creativity and improving writing abilities.

Also Refer to NCERT Solutions for Class 9

Story Writing for Class 9 Format

The format for story writing in Class 9 typically follows a structured approach to ensure a well-developed and engaging narrative. Here’s a basic format you can use:

  • Title: Choose a catchy and relevant title for your story.
  • Introduction: Introduce the main characters and setting of the story. Set the tone and context for the narrative.
  • Body: Develop the plot with a clear beginning, middle, and end. Build suspense and tension to keep the reader interested.
  • Conflict: Introduce a conflict or problem that the characters must face. This is a crucial element that drives the story forward.
  • Climax: The turning point of the story where the conflict reaches its peak. This is a critical moment that leads to the resolution.
  • Resolution: Resolve the conflict and provide a satisfying conclusion to the story. Tie up any loose ends and leave a lasting impression on the reader.
  • Conclusion: End the story with a thought-provoking or memorable conclusion. Reflect on the theme or message of the story.

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Important Aspects of Story Writing For Class 9

Story writing involves several important aspects that contribute to the overall quality and impact of the narrative. Here are some key aspects to consider when writing a story:

  • Character Development: Create believable and relatable characters that readers can connect with. Develop their personalities, motivations, and relationships throughout the story.
  • Setting: Describe the setting of your story in detail to create a vivid and immersive world for your characters. The setting can greatly impact the mood and atmosphere of the story.
  • Plot: Develop a well-structured plot with a clear beginning, middle, and end. Include a central conflict or problem that drives the narrative forward and keeps readers engaged.
  • Theme: Explore a central theme or message in your story. Themes can range from love and friendship to courage and betrayal. Use the theme to convey deeper meanings and insights.
  • Narrative Voice: Choose a narrative voice that suits the tone and style of your story. You can use first-person, third-person, or omniscient narration to tell your story.
  • Pacing: Maintain a good pace throughout your story to keep readers interested. Balance moments of action and suspense with quieter, reflective moments.
  • Dialogue: Use dialogue to develop your characters and advance the plot. Dialogue can reveal character traits, relationships, and emotions in a natural and engaging way.
  • Conflict: Introduce conflict early in your story and escalate it to create tension and drama. The resolution of the conflict should be satisfying and meaningful.
  • Descriptive Language: Use descriptive language to paint vivid images in the minds of your readers. Describe characters, settings, and events in detail to create a rich and immersive reading experience.
  • Editing and Revision: Finally, edit and revise your story to ensure it is well-written and error-free. Pay attention to grammar, punctuation, and sentence structure to make your story polished and professional.

Also Refer to Other Resources of Class 9

  • Lesson Plan For Commerce Class 9
  • 5 Benefits Of Using NCERT Books For CBSE Class 9
  • Notice Writing For Class 9 Format, Topics, Examples
  • Tips and Suggestions to Score High Marks in Class 9
  • How To Score Full Marks In CBSE Class 9 Science Exam
  • CBSE Class 9th Blueprint 2024

10 Important Tips to Write Stories

  • Start with a strong opening to grab the reader’s attention.
  • Develop your characters to make them relatable and believable.
  • Create a clear and engaging plot with a beginning, middle, and end.
  • Use descriptive language to paint a vivid picture for the readers.
  • Show, don’t tell. Use actions and dialogue to reveal character traits and emotions.
  • Keep the story moving forward with a series of events that build tension.
  • Use dialogue to bring your characters to life and move the story along.
  • Use literary devices such as foreshadowing, irony, or symbolism to add depth to your story.
  • Edit and revise your story to ensure it is well-written and error-free.
  • End your story with a satisfying conclusion that leaves a lasting impression.

Story Writing Examples for Class 9

Here are a few story writing examples suitable for Class 9 students:

The Unexpected Journey

Title: “The Mysterious Cabin”

  • Introduction: Introduce the main character, Sarah, and her adventurous spirit.
  • Plot: Sarah discovers a hidden cabin in the woods and decides to explore it. Inside, she finds a map that leads to a hidden treasure.
  • Conflict: Sarah must navigate through various obstacles and challenges to reach the treasure.
  • Climax: Sarah finally finds the treasure, but it holds a surprising twist.
  • Resolution: Sarah learns a valuable lesson about perseverance and the true meaning of treasure.

Introduction: Sarah, a curious and adventurous girl, stumbled upon a hidden cabin in the woods during one of her solo walks. Intrigued by its mysterious appearance, she decided to explore further.

Plot: Inside the cabin, Sarah found an old map tucked away in a dusty corner. The map seemed to lead to a hidden treasure buried deep within the forest.

Conflict: Excited by the prospect of a treasure hunt, Sarah faced various obstacles along the way, including deciphering the map’s clues, navigating through thick foliage, and avoiding wildlife.

Climax: After a series of challenges, Sarah finally unearthed the treasure. However, instead of gold and jewels, she found a chest filled with old journals and letters.

Resolution: As Sarah read through the journals, she discovered that the treasure was not material wealth but the stories and experiences of the cabin’s previous occupants. The treasure hunt had led her to uncover a rich history and a deeper appreciation for the wonders of nature.

2. A Lesson in Friendship

Title: “The New Student”

  • Introduction: Introduce the main character, Alex, and his struggles to fit in at school.
  • Plot: A new student, Maya, joins Alex’s class, but she struggles to make friends due to her shyness.
  • Conflict: Alex decides to befriend Maya and help her feel welcome, despite facing resistance from his classmates.
  • Climax: Maya opens up to Alex about her struggles, and they develop a strong bond of friendship.
  • Resolution: Alex learns the importance of kindness and empathy, and Maya finds a true friend in Alex.

Introduction: Alex, a popular student at school, noticed a new student named Maya who seemed shy and reserved. Despite his busy schedule, Alex felt compelled to reach out to Maya and make her feel welcome.

Plot: Alex started talking to Maya during breaks, trying to include her in group activities and conversations. However, Maya seemed hesitant to open up and make friends.

Conflict: Despite Alex’s efforts, Maya continued to struggle with fitting in and making friends. Alex faced resistance from his classmates, who were not as accepting of Maya’s differences.

Climax: One day, Maya opened up to Alex about her past experiences and the difficulties she faced in her previous school. Alex listened attentively and empathized with her struggles.

Resolution: Moved by Maya’s story, Alex rallied his classmates to show kindness and acceptance towards Maya. Slowly but surely, Maya started to feel more comfortable and found genuine friends in Alex and his classmates.

3. The Power of Imagination

Title: “The Magic Paintbrush”

  • Introduction: Introduce the main character, Lily, and her love for art.
  • Plot: Lily receives a magical paintbrush that brings her drawings to life.
  • Conflict: Lily’s creations start causing chaos, and she must find a way to control them.
  • Climax: Lily uses her creativity and imagination to turn the chaos into something beautiful.
  • Resolution: Lily learns that true creativity comes from the heart and that her art has the power to inspire and bring joy to others.

Introduction: Lily, a young and talented artist, received a mysterious paintbrush that had the power to bring her drawings to life. Excited by the possibilities, Lily began experimenting with her newfound ability.

Plot: Lily’s drawings started coming to life in magical and unexpected ways. Flowers bloomed, animals danced, and landscapes transformed before her eyes.

Conflict: However, Lily soon realized that her creations were causing chaos and confusion among the townspeople. She had to find a way to control her magical paintbrush and its effects.

Climax: With the help of her friends and her own creativity, Lily devised a plan to use her magical paintbrush for good. She painted a beautiful mural that spread joy and harmony throughout the town.

Resolution: Lily learned that true creativity comes from the heart and that her art had the power to inspire and bring people together. She continued to paint, using her gift to make the world a more beautiful and magical place.

These examples can serve as inspiration for Class 9 students to create their own unique and engaging stories.

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Story writing is a creative and rewarding exercise that allows students to explore their imagination and develop their writing skills. By following the format, tips, and examples provided, students can create compelling and engaging stories that captivate readers.

Story Writing for Class 9 FAQs

What is the format for story writing class 9.

The format for story writing in Class 9 typically includes a title, introduction, body (with a plot, conflict, climax, and resolution), and conclusion.

Which is the best topic for story writing?

The best topic for story writing is one that inspires you and allows you to explore your creativity. It could be based on personal experiences, current events, or even a fictional world you create.

What is story writing examples?

Story writing examples are narrative compositions that demonstrate the elements of storytelling, such as character development, plot structure, and thematic exploration.

How can I get full marks in story writing class 9?

To get full marks in story writing, focus on creating a well-structured narrative with engaging characters, a compelling plot, and a clear theme. Pay attention to grammar, punctuation, and vocabulary usage.

Story writing for class 9 with moral

A story for Class 9 with a moral should convey a lesson or message that teaches readers something valuable about life, ethics, or human nature.

Story writing for class 9 format

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Story Writing for Class 9 CBSE

Story Writing for Class 9 CBSE Format, Examples, Topics, Exercises

A story is an account of imaginary or real people and events told for entertainment. Stories cast a magic spell on all of us and have mind-altering effects. Stories give us inspiration and sometimes challenge our beliefs.

Story writing is an art It is the oldest form of written composition. It is a work of imagination that is written in an easily understandable grammatical structure. a short story is meant to be read in a single sitting and therefore it should be as direct and brief as possible.

Basic  English Grammar  rules can be tricky. In this article, we’ll get you started with the basics of sentence structure, punctuation, parts of speech, and more.

We also providing Extra Questions for Class 9 English Chapter wise.

Story Writing for Class 9 Format, Examples, Topics, Exercises

Usually, a short story focusses on only one incident, has a single plot, a single setting, a small number of characters and covers a short period of time.

  • Plot: Select a situation from real life. Define the place and time.
  • Main character: Define your protagonist, and set your focus right about what he or she wants.
  • Conflict: Suggest basic outlines of the conflict; what all the trouble is going to be about. The complication describes all the troubles and incidents of action dramatised into scenes.
  • Dramatic intensity: After a number of crises a climax is reached. Then came the turning point and the beginning of the end.
  • Resolution: Make clear the consequences of the action. There must be a clear connection to the narrative. Twists in the plot make the story interesting. Innovative use of language and structure fused with humour, haunting images and style add flavour.

Write a story people would remember.

Story Writing Sample Stories for Class 9 CBSE

1. Two friends were passing through a dense forest. Suddenly they heard some animal screaming Complete the story in 150-200 words.

They froze in fear, but when the sound persisted, they decided to help the stricken beast, even at the risk of their own lives.

They walked towards the direction of the sound, arming themselves with staves made from tree branches.

The rest of the forest was still, and only the monkeys overhead were chattering. Imagine their surprise when the friends discovered that the agonizing sounds were the work of a little herder and his friends. They were from the village nearby and this was their form of recreation every afternoon. Imitating jungle sounds to perfection was a game they played in the afternoon.

To make amends, the boys decided to entertain their guests by imitating the chattering of monkeys, the call of the koyal, the sound of gurgling water, and even the whistling of the breeze.

As the two friends turned to leave, the cowherd party regaled them with a spine chilling tiger roar.

This time the friends knew better. They yelled back a friendly farewell saying: See you soon…….

Story Writing Practice Stories for Class 9 CBSE

1. Imagine that you are Jeet/Gita. You have moved into a new house and decide to explore a little. After an hour of going through the rooms, you stumble into the basement. Here, you find a small diary. The diary tells you the story about the person who lived in this house before. Use your imagination to complete the story.

2. You saved your pocket money to buy one of your favourite books. You decided to read it on Sundays. But one day on your way back from school you lost the book in your school bus and couldn’t find it. You pasted a notice on the notice board and finally, someone returned it to you. Write a story in 150-200 words about the whole experience.

A Lucky Find

The money I had received on my 14th birthday, sufficed to buy the complete Harry Potter series.

I started reading volume I. I carried the book to school and showed it around on the school bus.

When we reached school and began asking for the book, no one owned up to having it.

I decided to put up a notice on the notice board and offered the finder a handsome treat of double ice cream and cold drinks alongside.

On the second day, a junior from the NCC squad walked up with the book. He had found it thrown in the bushes behind the school garden. I thanked the boy very much and kept my promise. My week’s pocket money was gone in treating him. I felt a sense of relief as I put the book safely back in my school bag.

For the first time, I realized what it feels to lose something that is dear to oneself.

Diagnostic test 6

Write a short story of about 150—200 words on the theme, ‘In the Jungle’. Make sure you use at least five words from the box given below.

No one would have said that is was merely (a) ………………………………………… The sky was overcast with clouds as Meighan and John made their way back to their camp (b) ………………………………………… Suddenly, John heard a faint growl following by rustling of leaves. He motioned Meigha to stop and listen, (c) ………………………………………… There was another growl. John scanned the area (d) ………………………………………… (e) ……………………………………….. . that was slowly strolling towards the two children. Meighan aimed her catapult towards it. It walked closer to them It seemed merely curious.

As they looked at each other, it decided to sit down and make itself comfortable. He did not seem to have any intention of leaving. On Meigha’s gesture, the two slowly started walking backward, (g) ………………………………………… Answer:

“In the Jungle”

Jitu was one of the best sharpshooter in the village. He always hung his trusty catapult on the side of his shoulder and carried it everywhere. All the boys used to praise Jitu when he used to shoot birds and squirrels. One day, Jitu and his gang decided to go hunt in the jungle. Excited, Jitu rushed off with his catapult and a few pellets. One of his friends spotted a flock of birds fly past them. He whispered, ‘quick, quick’.

Jitu positioned himself, aimed and fired a pellet at one of the birds. The pellet flew up only to miss by a hair’s breadth. All of a sudden, they heard a loud growl coming from one of the bushes. The growl was from a huge brown bear coming at them. The pellet must’ve missed and landed on the sleeping bear.

The boys screamed in fear and ran for their lives. They dashed headlong through bramble, bush and tree. Finally, Jitu and his gang managed to outrun the bear. They vowed never to go recklessly into the jungle or shoot at any bird or bear.

1. Captain Risha Meher, the captain of a merchant ship S.S. Ashwamedha, found the ship caught in a storm off the coast of Nicobar Islands. She ordered her team to take the lifeboats and abandon the ship. Captain Risha Meher was the last to leave the ship, along with her first mate, Jatin Handa. The two were carried to an island. The next morning, strange sounds woke up Captain Risha Meher. She found Jatin was not there with her. Stealthily moving forward, she peeped to see what the shouts were about. She found a tied and bound Jatin surrounded by some stranger. As Captain Risha Meher, write the story of your adventure in 150-200 words.

2. An eminent bacteriologist, Dr Hargobind Narula, went to the tropical rainforests of South America to study some new strains of disease-causing bacteria. There, while carrying out his explorations, he came across a remote, uninhabited area and set up his camp there. A few months later he wrote to his friend. Given below is an excerpt from his letter:

As Dr Hargobind Narula, write a story about your adventure with the dinosaurs. Do not exceed 150 words.

3. This is the year 3500. While cleaning up the garage in your house, you come across your great-great-grandfather’s diaries about his days in school. Using the hints given, write a story about the changes that have taken place between 20XX (the current year) and 3500 (150 words).

4. Choose one of the well-known characters/people given below in the box and write a short story on a day in their life. Remember to use your imagination to make them come to life even if you don’t know the characters. Write the story in about 150-200 words.

5. Imagine that these two aliens, who look like giant ants, came to your school one day. Write a story in about 150-200 words about the incident.

6. Use the given words as hints and write a story in about 150-200 words. Also give a suitable title.

7. Your school is celebrating Road Safety Week. You are participating in a short story competition to make people aware of the importance of road safety. Write a moving short story titled “The Rules of the Road” in about 150-200 words.


  • Some Effective Strategies for...

Some Effective Strategies for Succeeding in CBSE Class 9 English

Table of Contents

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The CBSE secondary examinations place great importance on English, as it is one of the key components. Scoring well in this subject is crucial for achieving a good percentage in grade 9. To excel in the English examination, students must adopt a well-balanced strategy and a systematic approach. It is essential for students to thoroughly review the entire syllabus for the current year to gain a better understanding of the chapters and topics. The Class 9 English syllabus comprises two sections:

  • Communicative English
  • Language and Literature.

CBSE Class 9 English Syllabus

The exhaustive list of topics covered as part of the class 9 CBSE Syllabus for English (Language and Literature) subject has been provided on This syllabus includes details of topics to be prepared for all three sections of the paper –


Reading Skills (20 marks) Writing Skills with Grammar (20 marks) Literature Textbooks and Supplementary Reading Text (40 marks)

Section A Reading Skills

Reading Comprehension through Unseen Passage (20 Marks)

  • Discursive passage of 400-450 words. (10 marks)
  • Case-based passage (with visual input- statistical data, chart etc.) of 200-250 words. (10 marks)

(Total length of two passages to be 600-700 words)

Multiple Choice Questions/Objective Type Questions will be asked to assess inference, analysis, interpretation, evaluation and vocabulary.

Ways to Increase Your Reading Section Score

You can score 100% in this section if you follow some of the given tips:

  • To prepare for the CBSE class 9 English examination, it is recommended that you practice extensively by reading at least 20 passages
  • It is a must to conduct an in-depth study of each passage
  • Do read the questions before reading the passage.
  • Additionally, working to enhance your vocabulary can be helpful in achieving success in the examination.

The given passage can be quite easily solved by following the 3 steps:

  • To save time during an examination, it is advisable to quickly glance at the given passage.
  •  Before delving into a detailed reading of the passage, it is helpful to first read the questions asked.
  • This will enable you to scan the reading passage and locate the answers more efficiently.

Section II: Writing And Grammar

  writing section: creative writing skills (10 marks).

This section will have short as well as long writing tasks including compositions.

  • Writing a Descriptive Paragraph (word limit 100-120 words) on a person/event/situation based on visual or verbal cue/s. One out of two questions is to be answered. (5 marks)
  • Writing a Diary Entry/ Story on a given title in 100-120 words. One out of two questions is to be answered. (5 marks)

  Achieving Success in the Writing Secti on

Scoring well in the writing section of the grade 9 CBSE English examination is achievable for students, with some tips to follow.

  •  Firstly, the prescribed format of the answer should be studied carefully, as this is the most important aspect of scoring high. By following the right format, students can easily score a perfect score.
  •  Secondly, the speed of writing should be worked on, to ensure that the section can be completed within the given time frame.
  •  Additionally, handwriting should be neat and legible, as a well-presented answer can create a positive impression on the examiner.
  •  Using an extensive vocabulary and avoiding grammatical errors is also essential.
  • Finally, it is important to ensure that ideas are expressed coherently and there is a logical flow between different points in the answer.

Achieving a flawless score: A guide to impeccable grammar

 Grammar (10 Marks)

  • Subject-verb concord
  • Commands and requests
  • Determiners

The courses at the secondary level seek to cement a high professional grasp of grammatical items and levels of accuracy. Accurate use of spelling, punctuation and grammar will be assessed through Gap Filling/ Editing/Transformation exercises. Ten out of 12 questions will be attempted.

This is the most scoring part of the CBSE English class 9 examination/ question paper. By studying the topics designated by CBSE and thoroughly reviewing them, students can secure a perfect score of 100%. Additionally, attempting previous year’s papers and mock tests can be highly beneficial. An excellent grasp of grammar is essential for excelling in this subject in class 9. Thus, this examination section presents a chance for students to obtain high marks with minimal effort.

Proofread your work: Always proofread your work for grammar and spelling errors. It can help you catch mistakes you may have missed while writing.


Prescribed Books: Published by NCERT, New Delhi

The Literature section in the class 9 examination/ question paper carries a substantial weightage of  40 marks. It consists of 2 references to context questions (5+5), with one type from a prose text and the other from the poems. Both questions offer an internal choice, and the extracts could be from either of the 2 recommended textbooks. Additionally, there are 6 short answer questions and 2 long answer questions( one from each book. To perform well in this section, CBSE students in class 9 should diligently review the NCERT-prescribed books and adhere to the provided guidelines.

Key Points To Excel In Literature Section

  • Go through the entire chapter.
  • After reading the synopsis alone, do not take the exam.
  • Learn the titles of the chapters and the authors’ names.
  • Recognize the central topic of the story/plot
  • Write responses based on understanding, inference, and interpretation.
  • Be impulsive and come up with unique responses.
  • Never copy and paste from reference materials.
  • Stick to the prescribed word limit

Remember that for value-based and extract-based questions it is mandatory to religiously go through the entire chapter. No shortcuts will do. Only an in-depth study of the plot/ poem will enable the student to attempt the questions and fetch a decent score in this particular section. Multiple choice questions/Objective type questions are asked in the English class 9 examination to assess:

  • Interpretation

Ace the CBSE English Exam (Grade 9) in 2022-23 with these general tips

  • It is important for students to adhere to the prescribed word limit: Many students tend to exceed the prescribed word limit, which consumes more time than they should have devoted to that particular question and negatively impacts their performance in other sections and questions.
  • Be confident and calm-minded: Approach the CBSE English exam with a positive outlook.
  • Work on your
  • Handwriting
  • Presentation
  • Since English carries the same weightage as other domain-specific subjects, try to attend the classes regularly.  Prepare well in advance, and do not pile up content for the last day.
  • Try to exhibit a sense of originality in your responses, particularly in the literature and writing sections which will cast a sense of command over the subject in view of the examiner.
  • Make sure you give yourself time for final revisions: If you finish the exam ahead of schedule, at least 10 minutes before the exam is due, you will have the opportunity to review, revise and improve your presentation.
  • Put some effort into your presentation. The following points should be kept in mind;
  • Underline important words
  • Write neatly, avoid scribbling
  • Maintain proper spacing
  • Write 8-10 words in a line
  • Don’t write too small or too big
  • Use headings/subheadings/ bullet points
  • Do read the question paper carefully; the general instructions etc.

The student can confidently and successfully pass the CBSE English examination with flying colors by adhering to these straightforward guidelines

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Check Writing for Class 9, with formats and practice questions according to the CBSE.

Here, we give examples of 

  • Diary Entry
  • Story Writing 

Story Writing

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Sun, 02 Feb, 2020

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Every parent wants their child to receive the world’s best education for the betterment of their future. Our English creative writing course for grade 9 students helps them prepare for upcoming life opportunities. With a team of world-class teachers in over 13 countries around the globe, your child will receive the best education. We strive to educate your children with a wide and diverse variety of topics along with school textbooks. Our teachers are experienced and can quickly and efficiently solve problems your child might face. The lesson plan about creative writing created by our team of experts will help your child not only help in their school studies but also in other competitive exams. Our goal is to bring out the creative minds of every child and let them tell the world their stories. Want your child to experience this? BOOK a FREE Class with our Expert today!

With technology improving every second, it has made an enormous impact on the education industry. Technology has made it possible for teachers and students to connect from every corner of the world. Our English creative writing for class 9 employs such technology to give your child the best learning experience. Our courses aim to develop your child’s cognitive skills, too, along with creative writing skills. The informative yet fun games and innovative technology to teach topics will help your child learn creative writing skills swiftly and in a fun way. This will also help the child retain what he learned in each class every day. Our technology-backed education curriculum will provide your child with entertaining yet educational lectures every day. Book your free demo class TODAY!

Well, you might be wondering what qualities make us the providers of the best creative writing course for 9th grade. Here’s why:

Fun and Engaging: Our classes and curriculum are structured to ensure your child enjoys their classes and keeps coming back without annoyance. Our English creative writing course for class 9 aims to teach the students with informative and knowledgeable games that help them retain their concepts better and keep them engaged in every lesson. With a rise in technology, online teaching and learning have become possible from every corner of the world. Give your child the best online training for creative writing skills and motivate them to expand their horizon and see beyond the clouds.

School Aligned Curriculum: We know that performing well in school and exams is highly important for students and parents. That is why the 9th-grade creative writing classes include your child’s school studies and their daily homework and assignments while also helping them learn creative writing skills. This won’t pressure your child, we promise, as our teaching tools and methods are robust in technology that allows grasp concepts and ideas efficiently. Your child can focus on their school and creative writing skills simultaneously. Get your kid enrolled now!

Education with Games: Our creative writing course for class 9 students is entertaining and educational at the same time. With innovative and skill-based games to engage your child in quick problem-solving and educational games to help understand concepts and ideas, we strive to improve your child’s cognitive development and enhance motor skills. Our lesson plan about creative writing makes sure your child has good exposure to only the best type of education with just a slight touch of gaming. These games will help your child stay interested in the topic being taught and make them remember the concepts for a long time.

Personalized one-on-one learning experience: Get personalized one-on-one tutoring for your child’s every lecture in our creative writing course for class 9. Each teacher/tutor is skilled in their domain and will be able to provide an intellectual and efficient study environment. Our practically structured curriculum for creative writing helps your kid incorporate their school studies. With this one-on-one interaction, they can ask your queries during the class. Get your child enrolled in our creative writing class for class 9 students and provide them with a technologically advanced learning experience.

creative writing skills class 9

It is a boon for parents to let them keep track of their child’s studies and the English creative writing Course for grade 9 students.

Parents often worry and wonder how their ward is doing in their studies. They wish they had a daily update and the doings of their child and their studies. PlantSpark solves this issue with our PlanetSpark Parents App, an app where you can daily check your child’s progress for every course and give your feedback as well. By enrolling your child in our creative writing skills course for 9th grade, you can track their daily progress. Our app is designed to provide you with daily, weekly, or monthly progress and help you maintain a record of the same. Not just that, you can also access the personalized performance-based reports for your kid’s creative writing course for grade 9.

Our aim is to help you provide a world-class education to your child that not only teaches them school prescribed syllabus but also enhances and develops their cognitive and creative skills. We provide the best creative writing course for class 9 and help you improve your child’s writing skills in English. PlantSpark’s Parent App lets you personalize and customize your child’s learning and lectures based on their school syllabus and curriculum. Our 9th class creative writing training is not limited to just enhancing writing skills. Our technologically advanced teaching techniques and employment of games help teach topics and concepts in a fun and entertaining manner. Start the course now and let your child experience the new age of learning.

Frequently asked questions 

What benefits will my child receive when enrolled in the English creative writing skills course for class 9 students?

While enrolled in the course, your child will learn to enhance and develop their creative writing and thinking skills. They will be able to incorporate reading habits and learn to analyze stories and poems critically like a master of English. With the online training for creative writing skills, you will see a visible improvement in your child’s verbal and written English, which will help them express themselves and their stories and ideas more efficiently.

2.  Will adequate time be given to school studies along with the English creative writing course for class 9?

An ample amount of time will be devoted to your child’s daily school studies, along with developing their creative writing skills. You can keep a check on their progress through our app and also customize their learning as per the school curriculum.

3.   Can I get a demo of the creative writing course for grade 9 before enrolling my child in the said course?

Yes. You can get a demo with quick and easy steps from our website or app. We provide free trials to help you understand how your child’s educational needs will be taken care of. Click here for a demo class and learn about the new age of technological education.

4.  Will my child receive undistributed attention in the creative writing skills course for class 9?

Yes, with our one-on-one tutoring and lectures, your child will receive undivided attention at all times.

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Writing And Grammar Class 9 Pdf Format, Examples, Topics, Exercises

Writing and grammar are fundamental skills that play a crucial role in effective communication and academic success. Class 9 is a critical stage in a student’s educational journey, where they develop and refine their language abilities. This article explores the importance of writing and grammar class 9, the benefits of utilizing PDF format, examples of writing genres covered, topics included in the curriculum, and exercises to enhance skills.

Format For Writing And Grammar Class 9 Pdf:

Benefits of PDF Format PDF (Portable Document Format) offers numerous advantages for writing and grammar class 9 materials. It provides a standardized format that ensures consistency across different devices and platforms. PDFs are also easy to share, print, and store, making them a convenient option for both teachers and students.

Availability and Accessibility PDF materials for writing and grammar class 9 are widely available online, either through educational websites or digital learning platforms. Students can access these resources from anywhere, anytime, allowing for flexible learning opportunities.

Interactive Learning Experience Many PDF resources for writing and grammar class 9 incorporate interactive elements, such as quizzes, exercises, and multimedia content. These features engage students actively, making the learning experience more dynamic and enjoyable.

Also Read: Writing Skills English Class 10

Examples Of Writing And Grammar Class 9 Pdf:

Writing and Grammar class 9 covers various genres to expose students to different writing styles and purposes. Here are some examples commonly explored in the curriculum:

Narrative Writing Narrative writing involves storytelling and requires students to create engaging narratives with well-developed characters, settings, and plots. It helps students hone their descriptive skills and narrative techniques.

Descriptive Writing Descriptive writing focuses on creating vivid descriptions to paint a picture in the reader’s mind. Students learn to use sensory language, figurative expressions, and precise vocabulary to bring their writing to life.

Argumentative Writing Argumentative writing teaches students to present persuasive arguments and support their claims with evidence. It encourages critical thinking, logical reasoning, and the ability to construct coherent arguments.

Topics Covered In Writing And Grammar Class 9 Pdf:

Writing and Grammar class 9 covers a wide range of topics to strengthen language skills and writing proficiency.

Sentence Structure and Formation Students learn about sentence construction, subject-verb agreement, modifiers, phrases, and clauses. They gain a solid understanding of sentence components and how to create grammatically correct and meaningful sentences.

Parts of Speech The class delves into the study of different parts of speech, such as nouns, pronouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, prepositions, conjunctions, and interjections. Students learn their roles, usage, and how to apply them appropriately in writing.

Punctuation and Capitalization The curriculum covers punctuation rules, including the correct use of commas, periods, question marks, exclamation marks, and quotation marks. Additionally, students learn the rules of capitalization, ensuring proper usage in their writing.

Verb Tenses and Agreement Students explore verb tenses, such as present, past, future, and their various forms. They also learn about subject-verb agreement to ensure consistency and grammatical accuracy in their writing.

Paragraph and Essay Writing Class 9 focuses on developing paragraph and essay writing skills. Students learn about the structure, coherence, and organization of paragraphs and essays, including the introduction, body, and conclusion.

Creative Writing Creative writing encourages students to explore their imagination and express themselves artistically. They engage in activities such as poetry writing, short story creation, and journaling to nurture their creativity.

Exercises For Writing And Grammar Class 9 Pdf:

To reinforce the concepts learned in writing and grammar class 9, students are provided with various exercises and tasks. These activities aim to enhance writing skills, grammar proficiency, and critical thinking abilities. Some common exercises include:

Grammar Drills and Practice Students engage in grammar drills that focus on specific grammar concepts. These exercises help them grasp grammar rules and apply them correctly in their writing.

Sentence Construction Exercises Students practice constructing sentences using different sentence structures, verb tenses, and parts of speech. This exercise improves sentence formation and strengthens language proficiency.

Editing and Proofreading Tasks Editing and proofreading exercises help students refine their writing by identifying and correcting errors in grammar, punctuation, and sentence structure. These tasks promote attention to detail and improve overall writing quality.

Essay Writing Prompts Students are given essay prompts on various topics to develop their writing skills. This exercise allows them to practice organizing their thoughts, presenting arguments, and structuring coherent essays.

Conclusion On The Writing And Grammar Class 9 Pdf:

Writing and Grammar class 9 plays a vital role in developing essential language skills and laying the foundation for future academic success. By focusing on grammar, writing genres, topics, and engaging exercises, students gain the necessary tools to become effective communicators and proficient writers. It fosters critical thinking, analytical abilities, self-expression, and language proficiency, enabling students to thrive academically and in their future endeavors.

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Creative Writing Skills: 6 Lessons You Need To Teach Today

Creative Writing Skills: 6 Lessons You Need To Teach Today

So, you’re going to teach Creative Writing. Congratulations! Now comes the hard part–what exactly does that mean? What should you be teaching? What skills should your students be learning? In this post, I’m going to share some essential Creative Writing skills you should be teaching in your high school Creative Writing class. 

If you’re looking for more tips to teach Creative Writing, check out this post . And if you need help planning the Creative Writing semester, this post should help . 

(Looking to skip the planning entirely? Grab all of my Creative Writing skills lessons right here! )

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Creative Writing Skills #1: Show. Don’t Tell.

The advice to “show, don’t tell” is some of the oldest and most consistent advice given to young writers. And it’s for a good reason–they really struggle with it!

About half of my students come into Creative Writing with these big elaborate stories they want to tell. But when they actually get into writing, their stories feel more like a list of events that happened. 

I’ve seen months of plot happen in just a paragraph of my students’ writing. Students need to learn to slow down and create an experience for their readers. It’s how a story unfolds, after all, that makes it worthwhile–not the events themselves. 

Tips for Teaching “Show. Don’t Tell”

Cover of It's Lit Teaching Product: Creative Writing Workshop and Mini Lesson for Showing, Not Telling in Writing

Like all creative writing skills, you’ll want to show your students some really good mentor texts first . Find some excerpts from books with really juicy descriptions. Share these with your students. 

After they have some examples, give students time to try “telling” an event, description, or emotion instead of “showing” it. 

I do this by giving each student a “telling sentence” and asking them to turn it into a “showing” paragraph. A student might get a sentence that says something like, “Billy felt angry.” Then, they’ll have to write a whole paragraph that implies Billy is angry without actually saying it bluntly. 

If you want to save yourself some time (and the mental anguish of brainstorming a bunch of bland sentences), you can get my “Show. Don’t Tell” Mini-Lesson right here. It includes a slideshow, student worksheets, and those telling sentences.  

creative writing skills class 9

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Creative Writing Skills #2: Precise and Concise Language Choice

Now that your students are learning to slow down and offer descriptions in their writing, it’s time to help them focus on their word choice. 

Diction is immensely important to a writer–especially when storytelling gets more advanced. A lot of our students want to write down the first words that come to their minds and then “be done.” 

But we know great writing doesn’t happen like that. We have to teach our students to find the best word, not the first word–without abusing a thesaurus. 

Tips for Teaching Better Word Choice

First, you’ll want to show your students some examples of really great concise and precise word choice. You’ll also want to show some not-so-great examples. The comparison should be eye-opening for your students. 

Now, the best way to become more precise in your diction is to improve your vocabulary. We probably can’t make great strides in improving our students’ vocabulary in just a quarter or semester of Creative Writing. 

creative writing skills class 9

But we can show them how to improve some of the most commonly used vague language . One great example of this is the word “got.” 

It’s pretty rare that “got” is the best verb for a situation, but we–and our students–use it all the time. If we can teach students that “got” is a red flag for vague language, that’s a huge step!

We can also teach our students to avoid filler words. 

If you need help putting this all together in a lesson, I have a no-prep Precise and Concise Langauge Mini-Lesson right here for you . Included is a slideshow, students worksheets, and a reference handout for students they can use every day. 

Creative Writing Skills #3: Dialogue

Your students are starting to put words on a page and–hey–they’re not bad!

But at some point, your students are going to have their characters talk to each other. And this can be when stories get really, really bad. 

Early on in your Creative Writing class, encourage your students to start listening to the way others speak. Where do they pause? What slang do they use? When do they use complete sentences and when don’t they? You can even ask students to jot down conversations they overhear.

A great writer has an ear for dialogue, and this skill begins when students become aware of speech around them. Encouraging them to eavesdrop will help them write realistic dialogue later.  Just remind them to be respectful. Eavesdropping in the cafeteria is one thing. Listening outside someone’s bedroom door is another.

Our students not only struggle with mimicking real, authentic speech, but they also struggle with punctuating it. Depending on the skill level of your students, you may have to pick your battles here. Cheesy speech might be worth ignoring if there’s no quotation mark in sight. 

Tips for Teaching Dialogue Writing

First, and foremost, I like to cover punctuating dialogue first. For one reason, it’s because punctuating dialogue is either right or wrong. It’s easier to learn something that is objective. 

creative writing skills class 9

For another reason, I, personally, can’t stand reading poorly punctuated dialogue. My English teacher’s eyes just can’t see past it. 

Only once the quotation marks, commas, and periods are at least close to the right spot do I focus on trying to improve the content of students’ dialogue. 

Students’ dialogue writing is only going to get better through practice and observing real-life speech. However, you can give them some tips for writing dialogue better. 

For example, remind your students not to have characters talk too much . I’ve seen stories with pages and pages of dialogue. Each character’s every little “hi,” “‘sup?” and “‘nothin’ much” gets recorded. Let your students know they can skip anything that doesn’t add value to the story. 

If you need help planning this lesson, I have a done-for-you Dialogue Mini-lesson right here. It includes a slideshow lesson, worksheets for focusing on both punctuation and craft, and a writing exercise. Get it here. 

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Creative Writing Skills #4: Mood

If you can only teach your students the above Creative Writing skills, you will no doubt improve their writing tremendously. But if you want to take your students’ writing up a notch, encourage them to think about the mood in their poetry and stories.  

Students will no doubt have heard this literary term from their regular English classes, but it’s always worth reviewing first. Plus, they’ve probably read for mood, but creating it is a totally different game. 

Tips for Teaching Mood

There are so many ways you can teach your students to create mood. It’s a pretty fun topic!

You might want to begin with some brainstorming. Like, what kind of mood might a horror story have? A comedy? You want students to understand why, as a writer, mastering mood is important to them. 

creative writing skills class 9

Then, like always, you’ll want to share some solid mentor texts. I love horror stories for showcasing well-written mood, but love poems are also good for this. 

Whenever possible in Creative Writing, I like to mix up the media, so I have students first analyze the mood of various classic paintings. As an English teacher, it tickles me to show students that these literary terms apply to art of all kind. Film clips would work really well, too. 

Then, challenge students to write a scene and evoke a specific mood. You could randomly assign the mood or let students pick. 

In my Mood Mini-Lesson , I have students analyze the mood in painting first. Then, I have them choose a card. Each card has a different mood written on it. Then, students must describe a setting that evokes that mood. You can get this mood lesson for yourself here.  

Creative Writing Skills #5: Tone

Well, if you’re going to teach mood, then tone is the likely next skill, right?

Teaching tone and mood is important because their differences are subtle, but important. Until students study tone, they might mistake it for mood and mix the two together. 

I never expect my students to master tone. It’s difficult and something that even professional writers polish over the course of many drafts. But it doesn’t hurt to get students thinking about the impact of their word choice. 

Don’t forget to remind students of the importance of choosing those precise and concise words. With tone, it’s truly what makes a difference. 

Tips for Teaching Tone

After defining tone and showing great examples of it to your students, give them some space to practice identifying it.  

Cover for It's Lit Teaching product: Creative Writing Mini Lesson and Workshop Tone

I like to cover informal and formal tones–not just emotional tones. Identifying whether a piece of writing is formal or informal is a great first step for students. It’s a little easier but an important skill and might give your students a bit of confidence in their tone-identifying skills. 

Once they know what tone looks like, they can try to create it themselves.  

The activity I do involves having students write a short scene.

I randomly give my students a tone to use. I also randomly give them a situation. So, a student may have to describe “eating lunch in the cafeteria” with a “romantic” tone. The results can be pretty entertaining!

If that sounds like a lesson you’d like, you can get my Tone Mini-Lesson right here . Includes are a slideshow, students worksheets, and the slips for tones and situations.

And, if you’re teaching mood and tone, I have a FREE Mood and Tone Handout right here!

Creative Writing Skills #6: Voice

I put voice last in this blog post, but it could just as easily have been first. Voice is difficult to define for students, but it’s something they should be working on crafting throughout your whole Creative Writing class. 

Even if your students never quite master their literary voice (who does?), it’s a good skill to discuss with them. If students understand the concept of literary voice, it will make them better writers and more analytical readers. 

Tips for Teaching Literary Voice

You’ll first have to define voice for your students. This can be challenging. It might be easier to focus on a few aspects of voice–like diction or syntax–in order to explain the concept. 

Discuss with students their favorite authors. What does their “voice” sound like? What about the authors you’ve read and studied together?

creative writing skills class 9

Give students examples of strong voice to examine (the stronger the better). Have them discuss the techniques and style of each mentor text. 

To drive this home, I do a fun activity with my students. I take three very different poems by authors with very different voices. Then, I cut them up, line by line, and mix the three poems together. My students are then tasked with putting the poems back together!

To do this successfully, they’ll have to look for styles that match. Rhyming may be part of one author’s voice, but not another. One author may create a dark mood while another uses humor consistently. It’s a great way to drive home how voice can be an author’s calling card. 

This activity and some additional practice are included in my Voice Mini-lesson . Also included is a slideshow to introduce the concept. You can save yourself some time and get the lesson here. 

"Creative Writing Skills: 6 Lessons You Need to Teach Today" It's Lit Teaching blog post Pinterest pin

These are some skills that I think are essential for any Creative Writing class. There’s no one right way to teach any of these skills, and teaching from multiple angles is best. 

Whenever possible, I like to make my Creative Writing lessons hands-on. Even the most die-hard students get sick of writing every minute of every class. 

If you, too, would like some hands-on lessons and short activities that cover these essential skills, check out my Creative Writing Workshops Bundle . Each lesson includes everything you need to teach, model, and help your students master these skills one at a time. 

Cover for It's Lit Teaching Product: Creative Writing Workshops Mini Lessons Bundle


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    Write in a different genre. Give yourself a single-day challenge of writing in a genre you don't know that well. Try writing about an event from your life like in the style of crime fiction. 5. Imagine you're writing for your best friend. Keeping a particular audience in mind helps some writers draft their work.

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    Creative Writing Skills #1: Show. Don't Tell. The advice to "show, don't tell" is some of the oldest and most consistent advice given to young writers. And it's for a good reason-they really struggle with it! About half of my students come into Creative Writing with these big elaborate stories they want to tell.

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  19. Develop Creative Writing Skills English Year 9 Lesson with ...

    Activity 1 - Revise Your Adjectives: Comparatives and Superlatives. Activity 2 - Correct Common Punctuation Errors. Activity 3 - Understand That Words Can Have Positive and Negative Connotations. Activity 4 - Writing to Describe A Special Place. Activity 5 - Writing a Short Story: The Train Station.

  20. Top Creative Writing Courses for Beginners [2024]

    In summary, here are 10 of our most popular creative writing courses. Creative Writing: Wesleyan University. Write Your First Novel: Michigan State University. Good with Words: Writing and Editing: University of Michigan. English Composition I: Duke University.

  21. Story Writing for Class 9 ICSE Format, Examples, Topics, Exercises

    Story writing: Story writing is a creative art, but rather a difficult one. It requires a lot of creative thinking, planning and mastery of narrative skills and language. A short story is a narrative of moderate length that revolves around a single incident involving one or more characters. ... Story Writing for Class 9 ICSE Format, Examples ...