Think of yourself as a member of a jury, listening to a lawyer who is presenting an opening argument. You'll want to know very soon whether the lawyer believes the accused to be guilty or not guilty, and how the lawyer plans to convince you. Readers of academic essays are like jury members: before they have read too far, they want to know what the essay argues as well as how the writer plans to make the argument. After reading your thesis statement, the reader should think, "This essay is going to try to convince me of something. I'm not convinced yet, but I'm interested to see how I might be."

An effective thesis cannot be answered with a simple "yes" or "no." A thesis is not a topic; nor is it a fact; nor is it an opinion. "Reasons for the fall of communism" is a topic. "Communism collapsed in Eastern Europe" is a fact known by educated people. "The fall of communism is the best thing that ever happened in Europe" is an opinion. (Superlatives like "the best" almost always lead to trouble. It's impossible to weigh every "thing" that ever happened in Europe. And what about the fall of Hitler? Couldn't that be "the best thing"?)

A good thesis has two parts. It should tell what you plan to argue, and it should "telegraph" how you plan to argue—that is, what particular support for your claim is going where in your essay.

Steps in Constructing a Thesis

First, analyze your primary sources.  Look for tension, interest, ambiguity, controversy, and/or complication. Does the author contradict himself or herself? Is a point made and later reversed? What are the deeper implications of the author's argument? Figuring out the why to one or more of these questions, or to related questions, will put you on the path to developing a working thesis. (Without the why, you probably have only come up with an observation—that there are, for instance, many different metaphors in such-and-such a poem—which is not a thesis.)

Once you have a working thesis, write it down.  There is nothing as frustrating as hitting on a great idea for a thesis, then forgetting it when you lose concentration. And by writing down your thesis you will be forced to think of it clearly, logically, and concisely. You probably will not be able to write out a final-draft version of your thesis the first time you try, but you'll get yourself on the right track by writing down what you have.

Keep your thesis prominent in your introduction.  A good, standard place for your thesis statement is at the end of an introductory paragraph, especially in shorter (5-15 page) essays. Readers are used to finding theses there, so they automatically pay more attention when they read the last sentence of your introduction. Although this is not required in all academic essays, it is a good rule of thumb.

Anticipate the counterarguments.  Once you have a working thesis, you should think about what might be said against it. This will help you to refine your thesis, and it will also make you think of the arguments that you'll need to refute later on in your essay. (Every argument has a counterargument. If yours doesn't, then it's not an argument—it may be a fact, or an opinion, but it is not an argument.)

This statement is on its way to being a thesis. However, it is too easy to imagine possible counterarguments. For example, a political observer might believe that Dukakis lost because he suffered from a "soft-on-crime" image. If you complicate your thesis by anticipating the counterargument, you'll strengthen your argument, as shown in the sentence below.

Some Caveats and Some Examples

A thesis is never a question.  Readers of academic essays expect to have questions discussed, explored, or even answered. A question ("Why did communism collapse in Eastern Europe?") is not an argument, and without an argument, a thesis is dead in the water.

A thesis is never a list.  "For political, economic, social and cultural reasons, communism collapsed in Eastern Europe" does a good job of "telegraphing" the reader what to expect in the essay—a section about political reasons, a section about economic reasons, a section about social reasons, and a section about cultural reasons. However, political, economic, social and cultural reasons are pretty much the only possible reasons why communism could collapse. This sentence lacks tension and doesn't advance an argument. Everyone knows that politics, economics, and culture are important.

A thesis should never be vague, combative or confrontational.  An ineffective thesis would be, "Communism collapsed in Eastern Europe because communism is evil." This is hard to argue (evil from whose perspective? what does evil mean?) and it is likely to mark you as moralistic and judgmental rather than rational and thorough. It also may spark a defensive reaction from readers sympathetic to communism. If readers strongly disagree with you right off the bat, they may stop reading.

An effective thesis has a definable, arguable claim.  "While cultural forces contributed to the collapse of communism in Eastern Europe, the disintegration of economies played the key role in driving its decline" is an effective thesis sentence that "telegraphs," so that the reader expects the essay to have a section about cultural forces and another about the disintegration of economies. This thesis makes a definite, arguable claim: that the disintegration of economies played a more important role than cultural forces in defeating communism in Eastern Europe. The reader would react to this statement by thinking, "Perhaps what the author says is true, but I am not convinced. I want to read further to see how the author argues this claim."

A thesis should be as clear and specific as possible.  Avoid overused, general terms and abstractions. For example, "Communism collapsed in Eastern Europe because of the ruling elite's inability to address the economic concerns of the people" is more powerful than "Communism collapsed due to societal discontent."

Copyright 1999, Maxine Rodburg and The Tutors of the Writing Center at Harvard University

is bachelor thesis hard

How to Write a Bachelor’s Thesis: A Step-by-Step Guide

Mimir Mentor graduated illustration

The bachelor’s degree is an important milestone in your academic life, and creating a successful bachelor’s thesis is an essential part of this process.

Although it can be a challenge, with a structured approach and a clear timetable, a well-researched, informed, and organized bachelor’s thesis can be created.

In this article, we explain how to write a bachelor’s thesis.

11 Facts About Bachelor’s Theses

  • The average length of a bachelor’s thesis is about 30-60 pages.
  • Most bachelor’s theses are written in the field of economics.
  • The average processing time for a bachelor’s thesis is 3-6 months.
  • Typically, bachelor’s theses are supervised by a professor or lecturer.
  • Most bachelor’s theses are still written and submitted on paper.
  • A bachelor’s thesis is always written within the framework of a study program and is an important part of the degree completion.
  • The topic selection for a bachelor’s thesis is usually free, as long as it falls within the field of study.
  • Adherence to citation rules and source references is an important part of a bachelor’s thesis.
  • Submission of a bachelor’s thesis is usually combined with an oral examination.
  • The bachelor’s thesis is the first longer scientific work that a student writes during their studies and therefore represents an important hurdle.
  • In 2021, approximately 260,000 students achieved their bachelor’s degree.

Scientific Formulations in Minutes Seconds

11 Tips for Academic Writing (Bachelor’s Theses)

  • Start your bachelor’s thesis early to have enough time for research, writing, and revision.
  • Choose an interesting and relevant topic that fits well with your field of study.
  • Create a detailed work plan to keep track of your steps and deadlines.
  • Use trustworthy and current sources to underpin your work.
  • Write clearly and precisely, avoid using unnecessarily complicated sentences.
  • Use a consistent citation style and pay attention to the correct source citation.
  • Logically structure your bachelor’s thesis and ensure that the common thread is recognizable.
  • Revise and polish your work multiple times to ensure that it is free from spelling and grammar errors.
  • Have your work read by others and seek feedback to recognize areas for improvement.
  • Consider publishing your bachelor’s thesis to make it accessible to others and to present your work.
  • Have your text scientifically rephrased by Mimir. Sample input : Potatoes are healthy… ➔ Result : Potatoes are rich in vitamins and minerals and can contribute to a balanced diet.

The Process of Writing a Bachelor’s Thesis: Step by Step Guide

The writing process of a bachelor’s thesis is a challenge for many students. In this section, we give an overview of the most important steps and tips to successfully master the process.

  • Determine the topic of the bachelor’s thesis and discuss it with the supervisor.
  • Conduct comprehensive research and collect relevant sources.
  • Create an outline and divide the topic into individual sections.
  • Write the main part of the paper by processing and summarizing the insights gained from the research.
  • Compose the concluding part, summarizing the main findings of the work and outlining possible further steps or implications.
  • Proofread the work and check for formal requirements.
  • Submit and defend the bachelor’s thesis.

Choosing a Topic: How to Find the Perfect Topic for Your Bachelor’s Thesis

The first step in creating a bachelor’s thesis is selecting the topic. It’s important that your topic is specific and answers a clear research question. If your topic is too general, it will be harder to achieve meaningful results.

Why is the topic important?

An interesting and relevant topic not only captivates your readers but also gives you the motivation to successfully complete the work.

The topic of your bachelor’s thesis is crucial for the success of your work.

A difficult or boring topic, on the other hand, can lead to you finding the writing process frustrating and ultimately not successfully completing the work. Therefore, it’s important to think carefully about which topic you choose for your bachelor’s thesis.

If you have difficulty finding a topic, you can turn to your supervisors and present your ideas to them.

Research & Study: The Right Way to the Perfect Bachelor’s Thesis

Once the topic is set, it’s time to collect the necessary information. This can be done by searching through libraries and databases, reading specialist literature, and interviewing experts. It’s important to carefully organize and document the collected information so that it’s easily accessible when writing the work.

It’s also important that your sources are current, as research and opinions in your subject area are constantly changing.

Possible Sources

  • Academic Publications
  • Professional Journals
  • Reputable Websites (you should consult your supervisor beforehand)

Structure: Setup and Organization of the Bachelor Thesis

It is important to have a clear structure for your bachelor thesis. This should include an introduction, a main part, and a conclusion. Within the main part, you can divide your arguments into different sections. This helps you to structure your thought process and ensure a smooth and logical flow.


  • Summary of the research thesis
  • Definition of the main terms
  • Explanation of the research question and area of interest
  • Conduct literature research
  • Develop arguments and hypotheses
  • Draw conclusions and results
  • Cite sources
  • Summary of the results
  • Comparison of hypotheses and results
  • Explanation of the implications of the results
  • Recommendations for further research

Writing: Tips and Tricks for the Writing Process

After you have completed your research and established your structure, it is time to write.

It is important that you write your work in simple, academic German/English.

Avoid using too many technical terms and ensure that each sentence conveys a clear thought.

Compose a clear introduction that explains your topic and presents your argumentation. In the main part of your work, you should provide your arguments and examples to prove your thesis. Make sure that your arguments are logical and understandable.

  • Write a simple and clear introduction
  • Compose the main part of your work
  • Ensure that each sentence conveys a clear thought
  • Provide your arguments and examples to prove your thesis
  • Ensure logical and understandable argumentation
  • Avoid too many technical terms
  • Avoid vague formulations
  • Avoid subjective opinions

Tip: Let Mimir formulate your bullet point ( Example input : Running is great ➔ Result (1/3) : Running is a healthy and effective form of physical activity that can contribute to improving cardiovascular fitness, mobility, and mental health.)

Formatting: How to Properly Format Your Bachelor Thesis

It is important that you adhere to your university’s guidelines when formatting your bachelor thesis. Check the requirements for margins, line spacing, font size, and font type prescribed by your university.

It is also important to format your work consistently to achieve a professional look.

  • Adhere to your university’s guidelines
  • Check margins, line spacing, font size, and font type
  • Consistently format your work
  • Create a professional layout

Citing and Referencing: Rules for Citing and Referencing in the Bachelor Thesis

When referring to the ideas of other authors in your work, it is important to cite and reference them correctly. There are various citation styles you can use, but most universities use the Harvard or APA style.

Make sure to properly cite and reference all sources you refer to, to avoid plagiarism.

  • Use the Harvard or APA style
  • Cite and reference all sources you refer to
  • Avoid plagiarism

Proofreading: Error Sources and Tips for a Flawless Bachelor Thesis

After you have written your bachelor thesis, it is important to thoroughly review it. Check the content for correct grammar, spelling, and structure. Also ensure that your arguments are clear and logical and that your statements are supported by your research.

It is important to proofread and edit your work several times. Make sure to correct all spelling and grammar errors so that your work looks professional.

  • Read your work aloud to detect errors in grammar, sentence structure, and pronunciation.
  • Use a dictionary or an online proofreading program to find errors in spelling and punctuation.
  • Have someone else read your work and ask for feedback to gain additional perspectives and suggestions for improvement.
  • Carefully review and revise your work to improve its quality and content. This can be done by adding examples, removing unnecessary information, or refining arguments.

Tip: Have your text checked by Mimir (Unscientific words, gender conformity, and more…)

Submission: How to Safely Submit and Defend Your Bachelor Thesis

Writing a bachelor thesis can be a challenging task, but if you follow the steps mentioned above, you will complete your work in a professional manner.

Don’t forget to adhere to the guidelines of your university.

Once you have reviewed and revised your bachelor’s thesis, it’s time to submit it. Make sure your work meets the requirements of your examiner and contains the correct information. If possible, have a friend or family member review it before you submit it.

Earning a bachelor’s degree is a great achievement, and creating a successful bachelor’s thesis is an essential part of this process. Remember, choosing a topic, conducting research, and writing a bachelor’s thesis can be a laborious process. However, if you have a clear schedule and follow the steps mentioned above, you can create a well-researched, informed, and organized bachelor’s thesis.

And last but not least: Congratulations!

Two Practical Examples of the Process

To better understand the steps and tips mentioned above, here are two examples from different academic areas:

  • A psychology student writes a bachelor’s thesis on the effects of social media on the mental health of adolescents. She chooses this topic because it combines her personal interest and her expertise in psychology. She gathers information by reading textbooks and conducting interviews with adolescents and experts. She creates an outline consisting of an introduction, three main chapters, and a conclusion, and writes her paper accordingly. She makes sure to use quotes and references and to adhere to the APA formatting requirements. Finally, she carefully corrects her work and has it read by her teacher and a fellow student for improvement suggestions.
  • A computer science student writes a bachelor’s thesis on the development of a new algorithm for machine learning. He chooses this topic because it reflects his expertise in computer science and his curiosity about new technologies. He gathers information by reading academic articles and communicating with other experts in his field. He creates an outline consisting of an introduction, three main chapters, a section on results, and a conclusion, and writes his paper accordingly. He makes sure to use citations and references and to adhere to the IEEE formatting requirements. Finally, he carefully corrects his work and has it read by his supervisor and a reviewer from a professional journal for improvement suggestions.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do you start writing a bachelor’s thesis.

Before you start writing your bachelor’s thesis, you should first plan the topic and structure of the paper. This also includes researching relevant sources and creating an outline. Once you have an overview of the structure of the paper, you can start writing.

How quickly can you write a bachelor’s thesis?

The duration of writing a bachelor’s thesis can vary greatly and depends on various factors, such as the complexity of the topic, the size of the paper, and the time spent on research. However, you should generally plan several weeks or even months for the actual writing of a bachelor’s thesis.

How do you properly write a bachelor’s thesis?

1. Start by selecting an interesting and relevant topic for your bachelor’s thesis. 2. Create a clear and detailed research plan that outlines the goals, methods, and timeline for your work. 3. Gather comprehensive and reliable sources to support your arguments and substantiate your theses. 4. Compose a clear and structured introduction that highlights the topic and significance of your work. 5. Develop your arguments in the main chapters of your bachelor’s thesis and use examples and evidence to support your statements. 6. Conclude your findings and conclusion in a conclusive and detailed section that summarizes the significance and implications of your work. 7. Thoroughly correct and revise your bachelor’s thesis to ensure it is logical, coherent, and error-free.

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Academic writing Mimir Mentor

Explorations in English Language Learning

Academic Writing: How I almost failed my bachelor’s thesis

von Anonymous | Freitag, November 23, 2018 | Learn , Writing effectively | 1 Kommentar

A book, it reads "How to pass exams", Overcoming Procrastination

A guest post by an anonymous student

I am a procrastinator. I do not know if it is because I work best under pressure or if I am simply used to working well under pressure, the ultimate result stays the same. This is an example of doing things the wrong way. The great thing about writing a thesis is that you have plenty of time and that there are set rules for everything . Three months is more than enough to write a bachelor’s thesis, especially when you consider that 25-30 pages is only a few pages longer than a regular term paper. If you write a little bit every day and talk to your examiner about your progress regularly, you are on the right track to getting a result you can be satisfied with.

I never talked to my examiner after signing up for my thesis, which was my first mistake. I had a title and a general idea but I was lacking both structure and a plan. While that was not a big problem initially – due to the fair amount of time allotted to writing the thesis – it quickly became one because time has the habit of flying, whether you work or not. This mistake could have easily been remedied. Had I made an appointment with my examiner at any time during this process, he certainly would have been able to help me, even if it was just by holding me accountable to a schedule. My piece of advice is: Make appointments with your examiner straight away so that you have soft deadlines by which a set amount of work has to be achieved. This would have saved my life.

When most of my allotted time had run out, I began to panic and I finally felt enough pressure to start doing something . I was lucky enough to have some experience with writing term papers. Before I could write anything, it was necessary to look at the literature at hand. Everyone works differently, and I like to collect quotes from sources which I believe to be relevant to my topic. So not only do I highlight relevant parts within the texts I read, I also create a document which simply serves as a collection of potentially useful quotes. Had I started this process at a reasonable time, I would not have had to deal with having to write my entire thesis in just a week. While I had laid the groundwork with the theory from secondary sources and a detailed analysis of my primary sources, none of this had been turned into a structured and cohesive paper.

At this point I ran into the problem that my initial ideas about the topic of the thesis were so vague, and the topic so big, that I did not know where to start. While that is a common problem that can be dealt with by discussing the question with your examiner, who will likely help you and advise you to look at one specific aspect that is worth analysing, I did not feel like I could approach my examiner and ask such a question with only days before the deadline.

In the end I pulled several all-nighters, culminating in a 27-hour writing session that lasted until the morning of the day of the deadline. I did not have time to proof-read most of what I had written. And even if I had somehow managed to do that, I do not believe I would have had the mental capacity to spot mistakes in that state. I had the thesis printed, handed it in and somehow, miraculously, I passed. Unsurprisingly, I did not receive the best grade and I am sure that I could have achieved a very good result, had I had an actual strategy to writing my thesis.

Long story short: Don’t be me.

  • Start early
  • Hold yourself accountable, set mini-deadlines during the process with your examiner – or even just a friend who will tell you off for procrastinating
  • Look at the relevant literature and figure out, with assistance if required, what specific aspect(s) you will look at in your paper
  • Write a little bit every day
  • When you finish your paper with time to spare, put it aside for a day or two, then reread, edit and finally have a friend proof-read it

I got lucky this time but I do not want to experience this again. Had I not written tons of papers before, there is no chance I would have been able to pass. That and a great portion of luck put me this position: Now I can tell you how not to approach writing a paper.

1 Kommentar

Many thanks to the anonymous author who shared their learning experiences here! Watch this space for an upcoming post on time management, both for specific assignments and throughout your studies!

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  • How to Write a Bachelor Thesis - Comprehensive Guide

How to Write a Bachelor Thesis - Comprehensive Guide

What Makes a Bachelor Thesis Important?

Bachelor thesis structure and components, how to pick a cool thesis topic, how to write a successful bachelor thesis.

Are you about to write a bachelor thesis? Congratulations - you are on the home straight and need to take the very last but important step to earn a bachelor’s degree. You have successfully handled all academic assignments; however, it doesn’t make bachelor thesis writing any easier. Writing a thesis takes a lot of time and requires real dedication to your theme in full.

Being one of the most important parts of your academic career, this assignment is to highlight your experience and knowledge in the chosen field of study. Therefore, it should be approached properly. Otherwise, you risk crapping all your academic achievements. Do not want this to happen to you? Then you need to plan your efforts properly or use writing thesis service  with professional writers to do the assignment for you. In the latter case, you can be sure that the paper you get is of top quality and meets academic writing standards at 100%.

The purpose of a bachelor’s thesis is to give students an opportunity to independently work on a complex assignment, demonstrate their ability to formulate a thesis topic , select relevant literature, and process the data. However, it is not all you need to do in order to produce a quality project. In order to deliver an all-covering paper, you are to conduct in-depth topic research, data analysis, apply relevant methodologies, make critical assessments, and present answers to questions raised in the problem statement. 

Thus, a bachelor’s thesis is far from being a purely writing assignment. It is more of a research nature and requires critical thinking from a student. Being the final task in your academic career, thesis writing is aimed at:

  • Teaching you to give an independent and clear treatment of a certain topic, discipline, or area of study;
  • Training you to independently identify and analyze a problem, find solutions, and predict outcomes;
  • Sharpening your skill to independently acquire and handle academic knowledge;
  • Cultivating your ability to evaluate and account for the key elements in a large literature base.

As you can see, bachelor thesis writing is a complex task that requires a step-by-step approach and proper planning of your actions. So what should you know about this type of writing? What should you take into account when coping with the task? And what makes a thesis good?

Your thesis is probably the longest piece of writing you’ve done so far, and it can be intimidating to know where to start. There is no general rule here. Not all dissertations follow the same thesis structure . Your discipline, topic, and research approach - these are what will determine paper formatting and structure. For example, theses in Humanities are often structured similarly to a long essay - with a central statement and arguments to support it. Paper chapters are organized around different themes or case studies bringing more details to help you with formulating research problem .

The situation is completely different when it comes to empirical research in scientific disciplines. In this case, your dissertation should generally contain the following components:

  • Title page;
  • Thesis acknowledgment ;
  • Abstract in dissertation ;
  • Table of contents;
  • List of tables / figures;
  • List of abbreviations;
  • Vocabulary;
  • Thesis introduction ;
  • Literature review ;
  • Dissertation methodology ;
  • Discussion in research ;
  • Thesis conclusion .

All these are intended to have thesis material structured in a proper way, ease its perception, and prove the relevance of your key research statement. If you are not a skillful scientist or writer and do not know what to start your writing with, then we strongly recommend that you develop a paper outline. Use it as the information backbone for your project, and you will never miss out on a single argument, paragraph, or a critical piece of research data.

Choosing a topic for your thesis can feel like a daunting point, but it can be an exciting thing to do. Picking the right theme for your thesis is a great chance for you to dive deep into a topic of interest to you and to contribute something new to your field. By the way, selecting your topic can ease thesis writing and make it a success with no special effort or labor on your end. So how choosy to be in order to pick a winning topic for your main academic project? Here are some points for your evaluation:

  • List your main interests related to your area of study;
  • Go through your past successful academic assignments;
  • Check gaps in current research related to your field;
  • Eliminate reserch topic ideas  that don’t promise avenues for new exploration;
  • Do preliminary research to estimate the scope of literature you can use as the source of information.

When picking a topic for your thesis, the main task you have is to make sure that it is acute, scientifically valuable, interesting to you, and provides you research perspectives.

Do not know what topic to go with? Need help with proper topic formulation? Or maybe you need someone to do the proofreading job for you? Let us do the service for you and polish your paper to make your thesis shine.

Thesis writing can be an easy task if you have a clear plan of action. We have done it for you, so you just need to stick to the following steps:

  • Research the topic;
  • Formulate the key statement based on research findings;
  • Build a thesis research design ;
  • Group the data around the key subject;
  • Develop an outline of your piece;
  • Write a paper draft (start your writing attempts with the discussion section of a project);
  • Edit a paper (pay attention to key formulations and content of your piece);
  • Fix formatting, punctuation, and spelling errors;
  • Run a plagiarism check and make sure that all quotes and references are properly cited.

As you follow the above approach, your thesis writing efforts reach your main target and will bring you recognition in your field of study. 

Selecting a good thesis topic might be a real nightmare to many college students since you are expected to write about something new although nobody expects that you make some groundbreaking discovery. If you are stuck with formulating the key theme for your thesis project, we will share with you so...

To successfully come up with your thesis acknowledgement, read this helpful guidance article or contact our pro writers to get dissertation help. How to write an acknowledgement for a thesis? This section should be presented only to express your sincere gratitude to individuals who helped you in you...

When you write a thesis, you should pay exceptional attention to the introduction. The reader will start your thesis from the introduction, and he will make up his view and understanding of the problem, your ideas, professionalism and writing skills based on the introduction. Your introduction is an...

How to Write an Undergraduate Dissertation – Tips for Students

Though rarely a requirement for graduation, an undergraduate thesis is usually an additional option that allows especially bright students a chance to participate deeply in research related to their major.

Often, those who complete an undergraduate thesis will graduate with an additional honor. This extra honor can really give you the edge in graduate applications and for future employment, so it is very much worth your while if you are up for the task.

Despite being a significant and difficult project, an undergraduate thesis should not be confused with graduate level theses. A master’s thesis is substantially more difficult and involves much more independent research, whereas a Ph.D. dissertation is a years-long project that is meant to represent an actual step forward in one’s field of study.

An undergraduate thesis is more like a term paper that has been expanded substantially, representing something like the culmination of your studies in your major throughout your time in college.

Nevertheless, faculty in the respective departments judge undergraduate theses as well as graduate theses, and you will be mentored by an adviser that was likely one of your professors.

Though it may seem daunting, an undergraduate thesis is doable. Read below for an overview of what to expect and how to prepare for your thesis.

Preparing for the Thesis

The first step in preparing for your thesis is to choose an advisor. This is a critical step, as you will be working hand-in-hand with this professor throughout the project. It is vital that you have a good working relationship with this professor and that their interests and expertise match the topic you are going to be writing on. It’s no good if you go to the wrong professor. Choose wisely!

Secondly, you will need to select a topic. Your adviser can help you on this point, but given that you will be writing and researching this topic, it is imperative that you choose something you can write well on and something that interests you. Your adviser will also mentor you about sources and the expectation of scope, both which will be important for making sure your project is not going to become way too unmanageable.

The timeframe for a thesis will differ depending on your department and major. You will have to check with your department and maybe book an appointment to speak to the department head to get a sense of when you should apply to start your thesis and how long it is expected to take. Most undergraduate theses are at least a semester-long affair, and some might take a year of work. You should definitely start thinking about the thesis as you enter into the last phase of study for your major.

Different degrees will also have different requirements. An English major may be able to submit a novel as a thesis, whereas a chemistry major might be expected to conduct an experiment. Talk with the department to determine what will be acceptable.

Beginning Research

In consultation with your adviser, you will begin to gather research materials well in advance of writing your paper. You are going to primarily deal with three major source types.

The first source will be scholarly journals. Your school library is likely to have an online service like JSTOR that will allow you to do a digital search for scholarly material and read it for free online. Your library will also have many volumes to browse in person as well.

Secondly, primary scholarly sources will also be frequently part of your research. You might have some of these on hand from your course work, but expect to go to the library and bookstore in order to pick up the necessary volumes.

Lastly, your college textbooks will usually have a wealth of information that can be useful. There is no problem whatsoever using material gathered in a textbook, and many of these will be of great assistance for writing.

Though Wikipedia and other sources are great for finding primary scholarly resources in their citations, it is highly advisable not to include any online source that isn’t scholarly for your research purposes. If it ends in .edu or is associated with a scholar or a university, then it is more or less acceptable, but popular websites are a big no-no. They aren’t reliable and aren’t written on a level suited to real research.

Structuring the Thesis

Before discussing specific points of structure, it is imperative that when writing a thesis you RIGOROUSLY adhere to the guidelines of academic integrity and cite all sources in your paper in the proper format that your department requests you to use! Any quotation, paraphrase, or factual claim that is not common knowledge must be cited. Anything less than this is plagiarism, a serious academic offense that can lead to expulsion!

Keeping in mind the standards of academic integrity always, your basic structure will run as follows:

First, your will introduce your paper with a substantial introduction stating the problem and the thesis that you will be arguing for. Think of this as setting the stage so that the reader can know what to expect this paper to be about.

Secondly, many theses involve a lengthy overview of academic literature, detailing the problem as already understood by scholars in the field. If you were writing a thesis on race relations in Huckleberry Finn , for instance, you’d write a substantial overview of multiple perspectives from scholars on this topic. This shows you’ve got a broad idea of the current ideas already swimming around.

You will also have to make explicit your methodology, detailing how you’ve decided to approach the topic.

Your findings will come next. This is where you will be showing the fruits of your research and arguing for your thesis. Depending on the topic, this is probably going to be where most of your writing comes into play. After all, you will be arguing for a specific viewpoint or establishing some point of fact.

Your conclusion will summarize your findings. You can also point out how some things were outside the scope of your paper and what paths future research might take.

Lastly, you will have your bibliography or works cited page. Here you will have to exhaustively list all your research materials. It is ABSOLUTELY VITAL to list EVERY source of research materials here!

You may also be called upon to write an abstract, which is a summary of your major points for quick reference for people interested in reading your work. This will generally be appended to the front of your thesis.

Editing the Thesis

It goes without saying that your thesis should be completely and utterly error free. You should never have any typographical, grammatical, spelling, formatting, or other errors in your thesis. You must make sure you submit only perfect work.

You will also want to make sure that your paper is structurally logically and each section follows a coherent order. Your adviser will help you perfect this structure as you go over your work with him routinely.

Be sure to stay on topic as well. Going on wild tangents will not only add bulk to the paper, but it will also be wasted space and effort. You will have to address enough topics as is. Trim away excess fat that does not contribute to the thesis

Further Advice

Success in thesis writing will require hard work, dedication, motivation, and making use of the help of your adviser and peers.

Hard work comes from you putting in the time and effort necessary. Give yourself plenty of time, and don’t put things off. It’s far more manageable to write 300 words a day than it is to write 30,000 words over the course of a weekend.

Dedication flows from interest but is improved by keeping engaged and realizing that this is for your future. Wed your passion to your work ethic and you will always succeed.

Always remember that your efforts will find a reward. Keeping in mind that you are doing this for some distinctive honor and your future will keep you focused on attaining your goal. Be relentless; this is for you!

Lastly, make sure you use your adviser and your peers to help review and read over your paper. Their insight can be of remarkable assistance. Your college’s writing center can also greatly contribute to your success if you find yourself in need of some further help.

Reach out and request aid when you need it. No one succeeds in life without the help of others.

The undergraduate thesis is no easy task. Any student who is setting out to write one will need to put in maximal effort and use their intelligence to the maximum extent. But following the above steps will make it a lot more doable.

So remember, make sure to prepare your thesis ahead of time, establish and gather your research in advance of writing, always follow the proper structure (and cite everything that must be cited!), edit your paper till it is flawless, and try to follow the additional advice for success.

Thousands upon thousands of students have come before you and managed to successfully complete their thesis. You can be one of them if you work hard enough.

Never despair: you can and will do it if you set your mind to it!

How do I write a good bachelor thesis quickly?

The official variant of the bachelor’s thesis: It is an examination in the form of a text on a specific topic. You are to collect and evaluate previous knowledge on the topic then gain new insight using so-called scientific techniques and methods.

The bachelor’s thesis is the final project of the Bachelor's program. You should prove that you can work and write scientifically. It’s a unique work because both the topic and the grade are written DIRECTLY and in the wording on the certificate. Thus, the bachelor’s thesis is the ONLY independent achievement of your entire studies that can be recognized by outsiders.

A top grade looks fantastic on the certificate!

That was the official description of the thesis...

The truth about the bachelor’s thesis (unofficial version):

  • The bachelor’s thesis is a tough nut to crack.
  • It is the ultimate barrier between you and your dream job or dream master’s degree.
  • The work shows you mercilessly what you can and cannot do.
  • You're alone with it.
  • No one understands you or your problems.
  • You feel more overwhelmed than you’ve ever been before in your entire life.
  • You read so many good articles that you feel very small and incompetent.
  • In addition, there is also the feeling of deteriorating good sentences from other texts. This feels completely meaningless.
  • Friends are constantly advising you not to worry so much and just write something down.
  • You are struggling with motivation, suffering from procrastination, receiving hardly any feedback and wishing this was all over as soon as possible.

In the end you are not even proud of your bachelor’s thesis. You can't rid yourself of the feeling that you have simply copied everything and hardly created anything by yourself. The many obviously copied passages in textbooks of other authors can puzzle you as well. Their apparent inability (or laziness?) makes you doubt the whole project even more. You lost your faith in the honesty of science long ago...

But there are ways and means not only to get through the project, but to complete your bachelor’s thesis fast and efficiently so you receive top marks!

What is the best approach to the bachelor’s thesis?

As a rule, 8-12 weeks are allowed for the bachelor’s thesis. However, an extension is usually necessary. In the end there is almost always stress, night shifts and dissatisfaction with the result of days and nights worked.

But you can plan your bachelor’s thesis like a project by dividing the work into 7 milestones and 30 sprints. The most important stages of the bachelor’s thesis are:

Milestone 1: The topic and suitable sources have been found.

Milestone 2: The outline and a proposal or introduction is written

Milestone 3: The theory chapter is finished.

Milestone 4: The chapter on the state of research is complete.

Milestone 5: The analysis and the results chapter are finished.

Milestone 6: The entire text is finished.

Milestone 7: The work is printed and submitted.

The grade of the thesis depends on:

  • The quality of the content,
  • Outline of the work,
  • Formalities and language.
  • The requirements are clear. Think carefully about what you need to do to receive the highest mark.

What are the hardest problems when it comes to writing the bachelor’s thesis:

  • Finding the topic at the beginning,
  • Finding enough suitable sources,
  • Quoting sources correctly,
  • Obtaining a functioning outline,
  • Creating a real personal contribution instead of just writing it off,
  • Formulating and writing scientifically,
  • Resisting the temptation of copy&paste of sources from the Internet,
  • Having a storyline in the text,
  • Producing a text free of errors,
  • and all within a tight schedule…

In addition, there are about 30 to 40 other challenges such as formatting, preparing presentations, citing obscure sources, setting up consultations, gathering data, finding survey participants, and so on and so forth. The right methods and Aristolo's thesis guide will help you overcome all of these problems.

Methods play an important role in the bachelor’s thesis.

Methods are all kinds of approaches, concepts, tools or aids with which knowledge can be gained. Most of the methods are not trained at the university. But now you need them. The following methods are important:

  • Methods for researching books and articles,
  • Evaluation of sources,
  • Formalizing and modeling,
  • Questioning techniques for interviews and surveys,
  • Evaluation of interviews,
  • Data analysis,
  • Writing techniques.

There are endless explanations for these methods on the Internet, but they require some time to get used to them.

What role do supervisors play in the bachelor’s thesis and what do they expect?

Supervisors are available for consultations. They accept your topic or help individually with the topic search. They often also evaluate your work. But in most cases, the supervisor is an assistant and the professor ultimately evaluates the bachelor’s thesis.

Supervisors expect two things above all: disciplined adherence to the rules of academic research and writing in addition to the student’s personal intellectual achievement. What they do not like are certain sayings.

The tiresome topic of Internet sources

Hardly anything is as frowned upon in a bachelor’s thesis as internet sources: Why is that? Because copy and paste has made it easy to build a text from bits and pieces from the Internet.

But there are very different types of Internet sources, and they're not all bad. Some can be used appropriately, which will allow you to make faster progress. In particular, Wikipedia offers many advantages for the thesis.

What aids will help me with the bachelor’s thesis?

There are numerous aids, helpers and assistance programs. But some of these sources are no helpful at all because they are frauds such as ghostwriting. By the way, it is not the ghostwriter who is the cheater, but the one who submits a foreign text as his or her own text. That's why ghostwriters have no inhibitions about actively advertising...

Beware of plagiarism!

The biggest risk of a bachelor’s thesis is plagiarism, copying without sufficient indication of the source or even completely without indication of the source. This violation will be severely punished. One should be happy if he/she is allowed to write the work again, if at all. However, the worst case is that you can't receive your degree...

The issue of plagiarism is widely discussed. However, hardly anyone knows how to spot plagiarism, how it can be recognized and how to avoid plagiarism in your own text. Unfortunately, anti-counterfeiting techniques are not on the curriculum...

I don't feel like it anymore...

Of course motivation is extremely important to the progression of your bachelor’s thesis. To be motivated, you need to create small successes in the bachelor’s thesis again and again. Complete work packages along the master plan and you'll feel better. That's how you will have "intermediate wins". Such easily measurable successes inspire the bachelor’s thesis:

  • Written pages,
  • Read pages,
  • Procured sources,
  • Topic is registered,
  • Outline is ready,
  • Outline is adopted,
  • Introduction is written,
  • Chapters are written,
  • Dates with experts are agreed upon,
  • Data is collected,
  • Personal contribution is written,
  • Conclusion is written and much more.

Unfortunately, motivation always goes down the drain when you need it most... This is when the work packages from the master plan help!

So, to sum up:

You need a plan, the right methods, motivation, tips and techniques against problems, tools against the time wasters and one goal: to do the work quickly and well. Aristolo's thesis guide will help you finish your bachelor’s thesis in 31 days and receive a top grade. Good luck writing your text!

Silvio and the Aristolo Team

PS: Check out the Thesis-ABC and the Thesis Guide for writing a bachelor thesis in 31 days.


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Printing and binding a thesis: your ultimate guide

A printed and bound thesis

You have finally completed your thesis . It has been a long process of getting your bachelor’s thesis or other college paper to completion. Before you can submit it, high-quality printing and binding is essential. Any student has two concerns when it comes to printing and binding their thesis:

  • What is the best way for printing and binding my thesis?
  • Which is the best place to have my thesis printed and bonded?

Here is a detailed guideline on salient issues to keep in mind when going about printing and binding your thesis .

What is the best way for printing and binding your thesis?

Most students have never printed and bound any research paper before their thesis paper. Therefore, it may be a difficult task selecting the ideal printing and binding configurations. This article provides all the information you need for printing and binding a thesis.

What issues do I have to keep in mind when printing a thesis?

Some of the questions that are in the minds of students when it comes to printing their papers include:

  • Do I print in colour or just black and white?
  • Which is the right kind of paper
  • Where do I get the best deal so that I can print at a reasonable price?

We have compiled some guidelines on printing a thesis to make it easier for you.

What issues do you have to watch out when binding your thesis?

Most students just think about the ‘how’ to go about binding as they do not know the best type of binding to pick for the thesis. Your choice depends on the type of thesis. A paper that requires extensive research and work, such as research paper may require better binding than your regular term paper that takes just a fraction of the time.

The weight of these papers also differs. Your term paper counts just a small percentage of your final mark where your thesis, whether masters, bachelors or a research paper takes the higher percentage.

Keep in mind: printing and binding your thesis is a very important thing. You should find a appropriate binding to make your dissertation worthy and unique. Here, a simple spiral binder may not be the best choice. It is best to go for leather book binding as it is sturdy and looks worthy of a major paper.

Essentially, the choice of the binding to use depends on the type of college paper that you would like to submit.

Most tertiary institutions have specific requirements when it comes to the type of binding to pick. Therefore, check with your institution, whether there any regulations on printing and binding your paper.

What is the right binding for my paper?

There are several options out there for your binding. We shall explain each to make it easier for you to make a choice.

Printing and binding your thesis with the leather book binding

A leather bound thesis

Our recommendation for important papers: thesis printing and binding with the high-quality leather book binding . The leather-look gives your thesis a solid look, which is classy and professional-looking. When you decide to use BachelorPrint, you are given a wide choice of customized options that include a bookmark, custom embossing and corner protectors to have a superb look for your thesis.


Leather book binding works great for your final papers such as

  • Research Paper
  • Bachelor thesis
  • Dissertation
  • Master’s thesis

Thermal binding as a classic way for printing and binding your thesis

A thermally bound thesis

Thermal binding is the most versatile type of binding. Its cover is transparent, thereby allowing you to show the title of your thesis right on the cover. Besides, it comes with a leather-like back cover and you get to choose the colour of the cover. A very good way for printing and binding your thesis.

Recommendation :

Thermal binding works great for smaller research papers. It is also ideal for situations where you need various print-outs of the paper.

The softcover as the most flexible way for printing and binding your thesis

A thesis with a softcover

If you would like to have a final paper that looks creative and stands out, consider going for the softcover. This is because it allows you to design the cover in the way you want. There is a wide choice of pictures, fonts and logos available when you need to go wild with your designs, especially if you are quite creative. However, ensure that your paper does not get too cluttered with creative pieces. You are interested in printing and binding your thesis, not a comic – it has to look serious and professional.


The cheapest way for printing and binding your thesis: the spiral binding

A bound thesis

Spiral binding is the simplest binding method and the sleekest. It has similarity to the thermal binding in that you have a transparent front cover and a leather-like back cover with several colour choices. However, unlike other binding types where your pages are glued together, in this case, your papers are held together by spirals. You have a choice of metal or plastic spirals if you decide for printing and binding your thesis with the spiral binding.

Spiral biding works well for small research papers like the term papers. It is not recommended for important, large final papers such as research papers and dissertations.

A quick look at binding methods

We have tabulated the information above about various types of binding to help you determine which would be the best way for printing and binding your thesis.

Where can I get thesis printing and binding services?

We have researched so that you find it easy when going about printing and binding your thesis. We would also like you to know where to get the best quality service. You can consider going to an online printing provider. This allows you to make an order from home, which saves you some time. Even when you are making online orders, it is important that you research on the providers that can offer quality service. In our research, we found one online printer that stood out from many others.

Bachelor Print logo

BachelorPrint is your choice thesis printing and binding provider. This authoritative online printing provider offers you several high-quality binding selections. They also have a free express shipping service that ensures that you have your paper soon after it has been printed.

Here are some of the benefits offered

  • There is free express shipping to all customers
  • There is a 3D preview function where you look at the inside and outside of your thesis in the selected binding using this function on their website.
  • They offer high-quality papers at reasonable prices

Ensure everything goes right in your thesis printing and binding

Writing a good thesis takes much time and effort. We guarantee that these tips shared above on Master’s thesis, term paper or dissertation printing and binding , your paper should get ready without any hiccups.

You are the one to determine where your papers will be printed. There is a choice of going to a copy shop or making an order online. However, if you would like to simplify the process of printing and binding your thesis and go for a high-quality paper and a smooth printing and binding process for your final paper, go for BachelorPrint. They have set up a user-friendly online print shop that not only allows you to put together your final thesis but also see how it looks like before it is completed. These are a few reasons why we recommend their services.

We wish you all the best as you complete your thesis!

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Bachelor Theses

The central concept behind the thesis is choosing a specific and practical problem and solving it with the knowledge the student has acquired during their studies.

Theses that have reached grades 90% or higher will be published here in regular intervals. By special requests of some students, their theses will be withheld for a certain time period (5 years max.) and will be published after that. 

Acceptance of AI by hospitality professionals - Mauritio Maria Ernst Lux ( abstract ) ( full text )

Understanding Consumer Behavior of Purchase Intention on OTT Streaming Services Against Digital Piracy - Claudia Mak ( abstract ) ( full text )

The Impact of Veganism on Destination Choice - Anna Schuhmann ( abstract ) ( full text )

Climate Change Impact on the US Real Estate Market; with Particular Examination of the Sea Level Rise - Christian Kadletz ( abstract ) ( full text )

The Influence of Music Festivals on Young Adult’s Mental Well-Being - Alexia Wilmink ( abstract ) ( full text )

Influence of Meat Alternatives Usages on Customer Hotel Choice - Haram Kim ( abstract ) ( full text )

Food Waste in the Hospitality Industry: How food waste mitigation affects customer’s intention to visit - Cheuk Hay Harry Chan ( abstract ) ( full text )

How Should a Metaverse be Designed to Attract Consumers Going for a Virtual Vacation? - Tianhao Xu ( abstract ) ( full text )

Website Service Quality Investigation of a Medium Sized Tour Operator in the case of Senior Travelers - Julia Moser ( abstract ) ( full text )

Emotionally-Induced Digital Music Streaming Behaviors: A Look into the Emotional Drivers of Consumer Decision-Making in Song Selection - Ian Brandenburg ( abstract ) ( full text )

TikTok and Virality: Exploring emotional triggers through trending content as a branding marketing tool - Nina Gogl ( abstract ) ( full text )

Dark Tourism: Understanding the Attraction to Death A Case Study on the Paris Catacombs - Leo Weis ( abstract ) ( full text )

Comparison Between the Marketing Strategies of Luxury Fashion and Luxury Hospitality Industry in Hong Kong - Leung Ka Seem, Vanessa ( abstract ) ( full text )

The Impact of COVID-19 on Travelers’ Destination Choice in Austria - Sabrina Kind ( abstract ) ( full text )

The Theory of Organizational Socialization and its Effect on Voluntary Employee Turnover: A critical incidents approach - Franziska Reichl ( abstract ) ( full text )

Influences of Night Shifts on Employee’s Mental Health in Hospitality - Abeer Juma ( abstract ) ( full text )

The Identification of Key ‘Green Industry’ Standards to Formulate a Catalogue for the International Hotel Industry - Fabian Flohr ( abstract ) ( full text )

Shaping the Guest Experience: How Personalized Services Improve Customer Satisfaction in Luxury Hotels and Create a Competitive Advantage - Carlotta Böhme ( abstract ) ( full text )

Employer Branding as a Tool to Facilitate Employee Retention - Richard Kummrov ( abstract ) ( full text )

The Country-of-Origin Effect in Airline Branding and its Impact on Booking Intentions - Julien David Behringer ( abstract ) ( full text )

The Role of Immerse Technology in the Hospitality and Tourism Industry - Donika Viqa ( abstract ) ( full text )

Sustainable Practices of Viennese City-centre and Outskirts Hotels - Beatrice Martinolli D’Arcy ( abstract ) ( full text )

The Impact of Influencer Marketing on Destination Choice - Florence Scholtes ( abstract ) ( full text )

How Can Business Process Automation Prepare Hotels to Increase Productivity in A Growing Digital World? - Felix Ferdinand Fuhrken ( abstract ) ( full text )

Observing the Significance of Digital Transformations in Post-Pandemic Hospitality - Samuel Theodore Humphrey Daniels ( abstract ) ( full text )

Tripadvisor's Influence on Customers' Booking Intentions in 5 Star Hotels - Alina Katharina Wehner ( abstract ) ( full text )

The Impact of Perceived Sustainability on Blockchain Adoption in the Hospitality Industry - Margarita Drozdova ( abstract ) ( full text )

Investigating the Drivers of Hotel Preferences Toward Minimalist Hotels - Sau Ching Chung ( abstract ) ( full text )

The Influence of Organizational Structures on Talent Development And Retention - Kay Gustav Dieckmann ( abstract ) ( full text )

How Different Aspects of Social Media Review Influence Staycation in Hong Kong - Luk Hei Yu, Rachel ( abstract ) ( full text )

Redifining the Idea of Luxory in the Hospitality Industry - Nora Grattoni ( abstract ) ( full text )

The Change of Customer Behavior and its Impact on Hotel Sustainability Management - Boya Zhang ( abstract ) ( full text )

Social Media Marketing and Gastronomic Tourism: the case of luxury restaurants in Italy - Giovanni Chizzolini ( abstract ) ( full text )

Assessing the Optimal Implementation of Artificial Intelligence Within the Hotel Industry for Generation Y - Jennifer Flöck ( abstract ) ( full text )

An Ecological-Economic Analysis of Allotment Gardens in Vienna from a Degrowth Perspective - Marie Greiner ( abstract ) ( full text )

The Challenges and Benefits of Implementing Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality in the Hotel Industry - Anna Elisabeth Thelen ( abstract ) ( full text )

The Impact of Different Leadership Styles on Employees’ Motivation and Workplace Satisfaction in the Financial Sector - Melanie Lechner ( abstract ) ( full text )

The influence of sustainable event management practices on consumers’ word-of-mouth and visit intention in the music event industry - Rada Assenova Kopreva ( abstract ) ( full text )

Are Attractions the Main Influencing Factor for Motivating Tourists to Travel to Dubai? - Donny de Wijs ( abstract ) ( full text )

Motivations and Intentions for Engaging in Dark Tourism - Isabel Jarl ( abstract ) ( full text )

The Role of Different Brand Collaborations on Influencers’ Trustworthiness in the Tourism Industry - Nina Rössler ( abstract ) ( full text )

The Impact of Gender Diversity in Leadership Positions in Asian Countries - Yan Wing Ng ( abstract ) ( full text )

The Long-Term Implications of the COVID-19 Pandemic on the Aviation Industry - Melánia Hudáková ( abstract ) ( full text )

Travel for Physical and Mental Health Improvement: Discovering the new concept of prescriptive health tourism - Nina Müller ( abstract ) ( full text )

Generational Differences in Using Social Media for Destination Choice - Lara Schischlik ( abstract ) ( full text )

Business Process Redesign in the Context of Quality Improvement Practices: Process modeling for the future state of a business process in the F&B department of a five-star hotel in Vienna - Soroush Golchini ( abstract ) ( full text )

The Shift in Significance of Hotel Choice and Satisfaction Attributes during the Covid-19 Pandemic in Respect of Changes made in the Hotel Industry  - Andre Schimanov ( abstract ) ( full text )

The Contribution of Influencers to Hotel Consumers' Decision-Making - Ka Wai Cartier Mok ( abstract ) ( full text )

The Role of Artificial Influencers in Tourism Marketing - Lara Schaffler ( abstract ) ( full text )

Social Media as a Promotional Strategy for Boutique Hotels - Felix Sung Chiu Ngui ( abstract ) ( full text )

How Movies influence the Destination Choice of Travellers - Sandra Smoliner ( abstract ) ( full text )

The Role of Travelling for Well-Being in Life Satisfaction - Darina Pashkovska ( abstract ) ( full text )

Identification of Motivation Strategies in Order to reduce Turnover in the Hospitality Industry - Markus Andre ( abstract ) ( full text )

Visiting Death and Life: tourists' motivation for engaging in dark tourism - Kathrin Gauß ( abstract ) ( full text )

Understanding the Impact of the #MeToo Movement on Leadership and Corporate Culture, with Regards to Female Inclusion and Value of Voices - Sara Praeceptor ( abstract ) ( full text )

The Impact of Perceived Talent Management Practice on Turnover Intention of Hotel Employee s - Tsz Ki Yau ( abstract ) ( full text )

The Main Drivers of Employee Retention: the case of Viennese luxury hotels - Jennifer Yanyu Hu ( abstract ) ( full text )

The Abolition of the Roaming Charges and its Effects on Tourist's Experience - Nadine Feigl ( abstract ) ( full text )

How popular culture influences Asia tourism trends within 10 years (especially in China and Korea)? - Wing Lam Venus Chow ( abstract ) ( full text )

The Role of Venture Capital in the Travel and Tourism Industry - Jan Alexander Jedlinski ( full text )

Motivational Differences among Millennial Participants and Non-Participants of Guided Coach Tours - Raphaela Böck ( abstract ) ( full text )

The Impact of the “Salzburg Festival” on Salzburg’s Tourism Based on the Three Pillars of Sustainability - Francesca Baratta-Dragono ( abstract ) ( full text )

The Phenomenon of Dental Tourism: The Case Study of Hungary - Anna Margit Gergely ( abstract ) ( full text )

Environmental and socio-cultural impacts of small-scale open-air festivals - Anthi Koumoutsea ( abstract ) ( full text )

The Impact of the Film Industry on Tourism - Andrea Zurdo Vara ( abstract ) ( full text )

Host Perceptions of Sociocultural Impacts of Tourism. The case of London, UK - Nina Jankovic ( full text )

Residents' Perspective on Overtourism in Vienna - Lara Maria Schmuck ( full text )

The Influence of Irregular Shifts on Stress Levels and the Human Psyche - Theresa Messerer ( full text )

Strategies to Cope with Climate Change in the Alpine Tourism Industry: The case of Zell am See-Kaprun - Lisa Unterganschnigg ( abstract ) ( full text )

Drivers of World War II Tourism: What motivations and factors attract tourists to WW2 sites - Karl Friedrich Thaler ( full text )

A Comparison Between Different Destination Image Measurement Constructs - Aboud Shahad ( abstract ) ( full text )

Eco-tourism for Youths in Austria - Katharina Strand ( full text )

Finding Women's Happiness in Hospitality: case study on how women feel at the beginning of their careers - Ruxandra Mihaela Baba ( full text )

Fighting Turnover: What do Viennese 5* hotels have to say about this? - Mengyuan Geng ( abstract ) ( full text )

To what extent do cultural differences diversify Tourism & Travel behavior and motivations? - Yannicka Thomas ( abstract ) ( full text )

Psychological Influences of Organizational Culture on Young Employees at Upscale Hotels - Kathatina Rakic ( abstract ) ( full text )

Impacts of Mass Tourism and Communication on the Image of a Destination: The Case of Barcelona - Paulin Heinrich ( abstract ) ( full text )

The Impacts of Terrorism on Tourism in the EU - Alexander Meindl ( abstract ) ( full text )

Chatbots as an Approach for a Faster Enquiry Handling Process in the Service Industry - Alina Weissensteiner ( abstract ) ( full text )

Understanding the Influence of Movie Production on DMO Strategies: the Case of "Game of Thrones" series in European Destinations - Johanna Schlenk ( abstract ) ( full text )

Development of Eco-Tourism in Third World Countries - Anastasiia Zraichikova ( full text )

Hotel Review Platform Comparison: A case study of the 25hours Hotel at MuseumsQuartier in Vienna - Sophie Paiker ( abstract ) ( full text )

Key Value Drivers for Sustainable Restaurant Business Models  – Robert Suga ( abstract ) ( full text )

Evaluation of Personnel’s Brand Involvement in a Private University Setting: The case of MODUL University Vienna – Katharina Reichmann ( abstract ) ( full text )

`Greenwashing`: deceptive Business Claims of Ecological-Friendly Marketing Strategies of Different Airlines in the Star Alliance Group – Hannah Kermer ( abstract ) ( full text )

Generation Y travelers' Hotel Consideration: The impact of travel mode and reference room price – Louisa von Oertzen ( abstract ) ( full text )

Employed Technological Trends for Enhancing the Tourist Experience in Vienna: A benchmark approach - Isabella Postl ( abstract ) ( full text )

Vienna Calling, Vienna Controlling: Crowd Management Dealing with Visitor Growth – Yasmin Taga ( abstract ) ( full text )

The Motivations of Airbnb Hosts and the Effects on their Lives - Ludmila Tibulschi ( abstract ) ( full text )

Comparison of Forecasting Methods for Stock Prices of Consumer Electronics Market - Selin Üzelgecici ( abstract ) ( full text )

Analyzing the Potential for Developing Luxury Tourism in Bulgaria - Katrin Malcheva ( abstract ) ( full text )

An Exploratory Analysis of the Barriers to Implementation of the Revenue Management in Upscale Hotel Restaurants in Vienna - Iryna Andrukh ( full text )

Training and Security in the Aviation Industry - Ines Prinz ( full text )

Examining the Interplay of Socio- and Economic Factors on the Financial Effects of Student Loans in Europe - David Kilian ( abstract ) ( full text )

The role of sound in audiovisual advertisements in prompting anger and its effects on brand image and purchase intention - Kathrin Zeller ( abstract ) ( full text )

The Contribution of Instagram to the Popularity and Promotion of Music Artists - Anna Lashmanova ( abstract ) ( full text )

Consumers’ Perception of Greenwashing in the Food Industry - Anna Maria Erhardt ( abstract ) ( full text )

The Development of Sustainable Construction in the European Union: Exploring Benefits and Challenges - Gregor Aichbichler ( abstract ) ( full text )

Workplace Motivators in Millennials and Generation Z: An Austrian and South African Perspective - Linda Vallant ( abstract ) ( full text )

An Investigation into Email Marketing Success: What Drives Recipient Engagement? - Raghda Albattal ( abstract ) ( full text )

Factors that Impact European Tourists’ Choices on Mode of Transportation - Kristi Miha ( abstract ) ( full text )

Implications of Hyperinflation on Economic Activities: The example of the Former Yugoslavia - Nevena Panić ( abstract ) ( full text )

End Consumers’ Perceptions of Blockchain-Enabled Traceability Systems in the Food Industry - Nikol Xheli ( abstract ) ( full text )

Exploring Innovative Financing Strategies for Illicit Flows: A Study of Current Trends and Implications - Younis Allosh ( abstract ) ( full te xt )

The Integration of Contemporary African Art into Western Auction Houses - Lena Frank ( abstract ) ( full text )

The Growing Relevance of Social Media Marketing and Augmented Reality in the Premium Residential Real Estate Market - Clara Sophie Pabinger ( abstract ) ( full text )

The Development of the Viennese Wirtshaus through the Commercialization of Veganism - Nikola Konstantin Stupar ( abstract ) ( full text )

The Contribution of New Technologies in Increasing Persuasion of Social Media Marketing - Jiafen Zhan ( abstract ) ( full text )

The Emergence of Alternative Workspaces in Redefining the Future of Work: A Qualitative Study - Angelika Leiler ( abstract ) ( full text )

Connection of Innovative Strategies and Technologies with the Interests of Different Stakeholders: A Case Study of Ukrainian Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises in Main Sectors - Roksolana Hrodzitska ( abstract ) ( full text )

The Implications of Universal Basic Income for Higher Education in Austria - Sandro E. Mangold ( abstract ) ( full text )

Social Media and its effects on adolescents’ mental health - Neza Susnik ( abstract ) ( full text )

Agile Project Management Methods and Techniques and their Influence on Start-ups - Viktor Georgiev ( abstract ) ( full text )

The Impact of Music on Athletes’ Motivation - Petra Dragičević ( abstract ) ( full text )

The Contribution of Instagram to Increasing Customer Engagement of Austrian-based Food and Beverage Startups - Victoria Klein ( abstract ) ( full text )

Effects of Influencer Marketing in the Cryptocurrency Sector - Matteo Bertoletti ( abstract ) ( full text )

The Development of Employer Branding in the hotel industry through new media - Lea Weichselbaumer ( abstract ) ( full text )

Netflix's Machine Learning: The correlation between film selection based on tailored thumbnails and genre preference - Emily Viola Brunner ( abstract ) ( full text )

The Impact of Transformational Leadership and Organizational Culture on CSR - Ariana Vorobeva ( abstract ) ( full text )

The Impact of Non-Fungible Tokens on Collectors and Artists - Paul Laurenz Kapl ( abstract ) ( full text )

The Socioeconomic Impacts of COVID-19 on the Manufacturing Industry in Vietnam - Carl Becker ( abstract ) ( full text )

The Role of Intermediaries in the Energy Transition Process of Companies in Vienna. The Example of klimaaktiv  - Klara Losert ( abstract ) ( full text )

The Effects of Customer Feedback on the Intrinsic Motivation of Employees within the Restaurant Industry - Tristan Ganahl ( abstract ) ( full text )

Co-Branding between Luxury and Mass Brands: its influence on consumers’ purchase intention - Eszter Schmidt ( abstract ) ( full text )

Examining the Factors that affect Housing Affordability in London - Beatrice Maier ( abstract ) ( full text )

Industrial Policy Options for a Post-Pandemic Global Economy - Anastasiia Solomakha ( abstract ) ( full text )

Passenger Intentions Toward the Use of Self-Service Technologies in the Air Transport Industry - Noel Demko ( abstract ) ( full text )

Examining Ethiopia’s Socioeconomic Development since 2010: An Examination of Development Strategies - Charlotte Haskamp ( abstract ) ( full text )

Examining the Consequences of Social Media Use on People’s Wellbeing - Szabolcs Olah ( abstract ) ( full text )

Data Analysis and Prediction with Medical Data and the Resulting Opportunities for Companies in the Medical Industry On the basis of an example analysis - Paul Zeileis ( abstract ) ( full text )

Exploring Innovative Financing Strategies for Illicit Flows: A Study of Current Trends and Implications - Younis Allosh ( abstract ) ( full text )

The Impact of Micro Influencer Marketing on Brand Image - Charlize Diehl ( abstract ) ( full text )

Consumers' Responses to Various Corporate Strategies aiming to cope with Ethical Failures in Companies - Lucia Klepetková ( abstract ) ( full text )

The Contribution of Generational Diversity to Employee’s Work Satisfaction - Stefanie Repnik ( abstract ) ( full text )

Gender Barrier: A Qualitative Approach to Gender Issues Present in Social and Work Environments - Seyed Amirhesam Pishnamazi ( abstract ) ( full text )

The Impact of Influencer Marketing on Brand Image and Brand’s Trustworthiness in the Fashion Industry - Valeriya Savyak ( abstract ) ( full text )

Can Digital Currencies Serve as an Everyday Means of Payment in Commerce? - Alexander Pink ( abstract ) ( full text )

Evolution of Cryptocurrency: Changes in the Use and Consumers’ Demands for Digital Transactions - Sahil Raza ( abstract ) ( full text )

The Impact of Covid-19 on Sponsor Agreements in Football in the Balkan Region - Milos Milojevic ( abstract ) ( full text )

Factors Influencing GenZ´s Intention to Purchase an Electric Vehicle - Fabio L. Santana Stork ( abstract ) ( full text )

Differences In Expectations And Demands on Leadership Between Students And Full-Time Employees - Moritz Schweitzer ( abstract ) ( full text )

The Relevance of Destination Placements in Movies for Tourism in Slovenia - Sara Siftar ( abstract ) ( full text )

To What Extent Do Health And Environmental Attitudes Influence The Purchase Behaviour Of Organic Food - Maximilian Knauer ( abstract ) ( full text )

What is the Role of Customer Centricity in Traditional Banks? - Ivan Ananiev ( abstract ) ( full text )

Different Leadership Styles and Their Impact on Generation Z's Employee Motivation - Katarina Nikolic ( abstract ) ( full text )

The Use Of Foreign Language On Product Packaging - Chih-Chi Luo ( abstract ) ( full text )

The Impact of Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) on Investment Choices in the Art Market - Laurids Walkensteiner ( abstract ) ( full text )

How the Floor Plan Layout of a Casino can Improve Customer Relations and Revenue for the Central and Eastern European Market - Nico Weissengruber ( abstract ) ( full text )

The Effect of the Covid-19 Pandemic on Hotel Supply Chains in Vienna - Lukas Kriegler ( abstract ) ( full text )

The Contribution of Transformational Leadership in Developing Intrinsic Motivation and Creativity of Employees - Eleonore Rupprecht ( abstract ) ( full text )

The Financial Effects of Sustainable Strategies in the Austrian Construction Industry - Felix Rametsteiner ( abstract ) ( full text )

The Development of Augmented Reality in the Retail Sector during the Covid-19 Pandemic - Milena Deenichina ( abstract ) ( full text )

Drivers of Investment Intention in Cryptocurrencies: Before and during COVID-19 - Mona Rotim ( abstract ) ( full text )

Factors Contributing to Brand Alliances Success - Gabriela Damyanova ( abstract ) ( full text )

The Influence of Health and Taste Claims in Consumer Perception of Food Products and Purchasing Intentions - Lauren Kelly ( abstract ) ( full text )

The Impact of Product Placements on Brand Attitude - Katharina Vilimsky ( abstract ) ( full text )

To What Extent do Health and Environmental Attitudes Influence the Purchase Behaviour of Organic Food - Maximilian Knauer ( abstract ) ( full text )

Gen Z’s Capacity for Leadership - William Burelli ( abstract ) ( full text )

Factors That Contribute to E-Loyalty in an Online Furniture Retailing Business - Nikolaus Huainigg ( abstract ) ( full text )

Which Budgets are Needed to Successfully Compete in the First and Second Professional Football Level in Austria? Is it Realistic for First Vienna FC to Play at the Second or First Level in Austria ? - Floris van Zaanen ( abstract ) ( full text )

The Underrepresentation of Women in Austrian Leadership Positions - Viktoria Julia Heinzl ( abstract ) ( full text )

Hotel Clustering & Sustainability: A Comparative Case Study of European Eco-certified Clustered and Unclustered Hotels - Eleonora Peruzzi ( abstract ) ( full text )

The Impact of Blockchain Technology on Hotel Booking Systems - Michael Katschnig ( abstract ) ( full text )

The Influence of Entrepreneurial Innovation on the Economic Development of Bulgaria - Daniela Ilieva ( abstract ) ( full text )

TripAdvisor reviews vs. Instagram posts: influence on consumer restaurant choice from Viennese perception -   Isidora Radujkovic ( abstract ) ( full text )

The Integration of the Republic of Albania in the European Union Economy: the case of the banking system of Albania - Ardita Bendo ( abstract ) ( full text )

Online VS. Offline shopping, impact of Covid-19 on the digitalization process in Austria - Maximilian Matz ( abstract ) ( full text )

Vertically Integrated Companies in Luxembourg: A case study on the organic grocery market - Rick Walentiny ( abstract ) ( full text )

The Influence of Emotional Customer Reviews on Perceived Usefulness, Credibility, and Booking Intention - Violetta Mucha ( abstract ) ( full text )

The Impact of the Covid-19 Pandemic on the Viennese Luxury Hotel Industry - Maximilian Strobl ( abstract ) ( full text )

Long-Term Effect of COVID-19 Outbreak on Consumer Behavior and Online Retail in the United Kingdom - Fedor Volchkov ( abstract ) ( full text )

Factors Consumers Consider When Purchasing Eyeglasses - Julian Tallier ( abstract ) ( full tex t )

Profiling Some Central and Eastern European Craft Beer Breweries through their Branding Strategies - Albert Andras ( abstract ) ( full text )

The Effects of Artificial Intelligence in the Future Economy - In Hong Kim ( abstract ) ( full text )

The Impact of Social Media Marketing on Customers´ Purchasing Intention in the Cosmetics Industry - Laura Höfer ( abstract ) ( full text )

Traditional VS. Virtual Banks in Ukraine: is there a pendulum swing happening impart due to COVID-19 - Maxim Zemtsov ( abstract ) ( full text )

A Research Study of how Equal Employment Opportunities are Practiced in Azerbaijan: A comparison look at local and international companies - Rashid Sadikhov ( abstract ) ( full text )

The Success Factors in Social Media Marketing in Start-Ups and Small and Medium Enterprises - Eva Johanna Vipavc ( abstract ) ( full text )

COVID-19 Country Comparison - The economic impact of the crisis management in Austria and Sweden - Roxelane Schön ( abstract ) ( full text )

The effects of the Covid-19 crisis on climate change mitigation and adaptation measures: The case study of Tyrolian holiday hotels - Julia Pulai ( abstract ) ( full text )

The Applicability of Austrian Support Measures during the COVID-19 crisis for Viennese Cafés - Linda Korak ( abstract ) ( full text )

Economic development in Slovakia during five cabinet ministers from 1998 until the present and its influence on SMEs - Soňa Cecília Hrivňáková ( abstract ) ( full text )

The Effect of Virtual Showrooms on The Watch Purchasing Process - Michaela Riedl & Kolja Heimberger ( abstract ) ( full text )

A Comparison of Consumers’ Perceptions of Sustainable Supply Chains Between the Luxury and the Fast Fashion Industry - Laura Ivaci ( abstract ) ( full text )

The Influence of Eco-Labels and their Diagnosticity on Credibility Perceptions, Consumer Trust and Visit Intentions in the Fashion Industry - Bertram Ponocny ( abstract ) ( full text )

A comparison between businesses and the general public when it comes to tax evasion and government fiscal policies. The case study of Albania  - Lorena Agalliu ( abstract ) ( full text )

Changing Cryptocurrency Perceptions: An Experimental Study - Evgenii Gorbunov ( abstract ) ( full text )

The Phenomenon of Consumer’s Showrooming behavior and what drives it  - Karapet Baghdasaryan ( full text )

The Role Of CSR with relation to Global Warming and its effects on Consumer Purchasing Behaviour in the fashion industry - Craig Leslie Pereira ( full text )

The Influence of Tradition on Consumer Behavior - Milica Jojic ( abstract ) ( full text )

Economic Development vs Debt Trap: Is China's involvement in East Africa's economy a front to take over the region for strategic purposes? A case study of Tanzania - Hamed Al Habsi ( abstract ) ( full text )

The Future Outlook regarding the Impact of Covid-19 Pandemic on Consumers' Food Purchase Behavior: A Case Study of Satu Mare, Romania - Marck Serban Pereni ( abstract ) ( full text )

Examining the Potential Benefits of the National Recovery and Resilience Plan on the Socioeconomic Systems of the Republic of Bulgaria - Sofia Rossen Jeliazkova ( abstract ) ( full text )

Successful Team Management in the Means of Increasing Team Performance and the Work Environment - Luis Eßmann ( abstract ) ( full text )

The Impact of Sustainability on SMEs and Company Valuation Methods to Measure Sustainable Development in SMEs - Paulina Rath ( abstract ) ( full text )

Social Perceptions of Women Executives at Work - Keisi Koni ( abstract ) ( full text )

What are Challenges Women face in the Workplace, especially in the Law Industry in France? - Chloé Staufer-Wierl ( abstract ) ( full text )

The Influence of the Role of Social Media on Generation Z's Choice to visit "Instagrammable Destinations" - Sebastian Janke ( abstract ) ( full text )

In what Way do Instagram Influencers impact the Promotion of Music Festivals among Millennials? - Josephine Nittel ( abstract ) ( full text )

What Start-Up Persona leads to Venture Capital Investment and why? - Denis Morozov ( full text )

The Role of Trust in Influencer Marketing when promoting two competing Brands - Anna Lechner ( abstract ) ( full text )

The NIS Law - a milestone for security standards - Larissa Reichl ( full text )

The Short Term and Medium Term Implications of the Brexit on the British Economy and its Industries - Isabelle Christin Sorf ( full text )

An Assessment of Trust in Blockchains and Bitcoin in Financial Applications - Hannah Nicole Griesmayr ( full text ) 

Investigating the Motivation of visiting a Dark Tourism Site - Ling Fung Hung ( abstract ) ( full text )

Can Fashion Retailers operate in a more socially and environmentally responsible Way, and which are the feasable approaches? - Mak Ho Sze ( abstract ) ( full text )

The Effects of Film-induced Tourism on the city of Dubrovnik from the Residents' Perception - Marlon Anthony Don Schmidt ( full text )

How does Economic Development affect Quality of Life in China and Taiwan in the past 40 Years - Pin Fei Huang ( abstract ) ( full text )

The Potential in Blockchain in Improving SME's Performance in Times of Crisis: the case of Slovenia - Zan Span ( abstract ) ( full text )

Impact of employee CSF in job satisfaction among developed and developing countries. A case study of Austria and Morocco - Karanfila Popovic ( abstract ) ( full text )

Exploring the Most Mentioned Factors of Why eSports has Grown so much in the Years of 2015 till 2020 - Lorenz Hirsch ( abstract ) ( full text )

The Effect of the European Corporate Green Bonds on Environmental Pollution - Gregor Potisk ( abstract ) ( full text )

Managing Intercultural Teams - Kristina Chaplik ( abstract ) ( full text )

Risk and Return of different Hedge Fund Strategies during the Financial Crisis 2008 - Jakob Kronawetter ( abstract ) ( full text )

The impact of blockchain technology on the music industry from the artists' perspective - Maximilian Kumptner ( abstract ) (full text)

Investment in Human Capital, in regard to the Direct Physical Work Environment, and its Effect on Productivity - Tara Shirepazazari ( abstract ) ( full text )

E-Invoicing in The Austrian Retail Sector: How to Increase Consumer Willingness to Adopt the New Technology - Daniel Mittheis ( full text )

Online versus offline grocery shopping: a segmentation approach - Richard Hinkelmann ( abstract ) ( full text )

Words decide what we eat - How sensory descriptive attributes on restaurant menus influence our food choice - Leonie Rocek ( abstract ) ( full text )

How employee satisfaction influences the attitudes towards innovation between Thailand and Austria - Patrizia Spiess ( abstract ) ( full text )

Outlier Detection, Explanation and Prediction: The influence of events on TV ratings - Sarah Fuchs ( abstract ) ( full text )

LGBTQ+ In Your Area - Dominique Dietz ( abstract ) ( full text )

The Impact of Generational Diversity on Organizational Culture within the Hotel Industry - Katharina Simic ( abstract ) ( full text )

How do Companies Benefit from Sponsoring an Event - Ariane Haager ( abstract ) ( full text )

An Assessment of Trust in Blockchain-based Assets and Technologies - Grigory Shkrbich ( abstract ) ( full text )

The Impact of Influencer Marketing in the Fitness Industry on Consumer's Trust - Rebecca Baranow ( abstract ) ( full text )

Responsible Gambling and the Communication to Customers through Casino Websites - Alexander Ullmann ( abstract ) ( full text )

The Performance of Impact Investing – a market comparison - Maximilian Schmerold ( abstract ) ( full text )

Trade Liberalization, The 2008 Food Price Crisis and The Philippines and Bangladesh's Efforts in Improving Food Security - Usman Abubakar ( abstract ) ( full text )

Internal Communication and Leadership: the effects on teams’ performances - Marcel Fassl ( abstract ) ( full text )

What makes a great Leader in the Hospitality Industry: the role of gender - Lucia Harbuláková ( abstract ) ( full text )

Service Quality in the Albanian Banking Sector - Aldi Ruli ( full text )

Gender Gap: Female Leader’s Perceptions in the Case of Austria - Katrin Schula ( abstract ) ( full text )

Implicit Patterns of Thoughts in Management in the Theoretic Methodic Field of Cognitive Framing - a cognitive discourse analysis of in-depth interviews - Martina Gragger ( abstract ) ( full text )

A Consumer Perspective on Shared Mobility Concepts: the case of GoUrban Vienna - Felix Painsi ( abstract ) ( full text )

Impact of Digitization and Web Technologies on Supply Chain Integration in Aviation MRO - Ivana Ivosevic ( full text )

Apple's iPhones in the Customer's Eyes: which features are the most important and what will the future bring? - Orsolya Schmidt ( abstract ) ( full text )

Marketing Tactics used by Early Stage Startups, an analysis of the Viennese startup scene  - Catharina Chalupa ( abstract ) ( full text )

Consumer Behavior of Female Millennials in the Case of Louis Vuitton: implications for Luxory Brand Management Practices  - Kristina Artner ( abstract ) ( full text )

Car Sharing as a new Dimension of Transportation among Millennials - Istvan Tamas Bito ( abstract ) ( full text )

Opinion Mining and Sentiment Analysis using Rapidminer - Parishek Singh Chauhan ( abstract ) ( full text )

Customer Relationship Management: analyzing differences of complaint management processes and procedures within the hotel environment: an investigation of differences between hotelgroups, individually/privately/family-owned hotels and non-classified lifestyle hotels within the luxury industry - Victoria Finger ( abstract ) ( full text )

Organizational Culture: A Link to High Performance – Nina Kollárová ( abstract ) ( full text )

How Does Search Advertisement Position Influence Readers' Awareness, Consideration and Willingness to Pay? – Fabian Kostrhon ( abstract ) ( full text )

Perception of the Service in Airlines: a comparison of Generation X and Generation Y – Diana Palnychenko ( abstract ) ( full text )

Human Resource Management in the Music Industry: Chances and Risks of New Platforms such as “SynchronStage” - Andreas Karall ( full text )

Pet Care Industry: Business Overview and Opportunities - Serena Ng ( abstract ) ( full text )

Identifying Product Values in the Corporate Sphere and Instilling these Values in Employees - Hubertus Kiesling ( abstract ) ( full text )

To What Extent Does Your Job Influence Your Overall Happiness? - Annika Lange ( abstract ) ( full text )

Change in Cultural Behaviour within the European Union, due to Impact of terroristic Activities and the Syrian refugee crisis, Case Study: “Brexit” - Markus Neubrand ( full text )

The role of Social Media in the Tourism Industry in Austria (How does Austria implement the social media to attract tourists?) - Liana Sabanaeva ( abstract ) ( full text )

Positive economic impact of a Free Trade Zone in the Dominican Republic - Thomas Wagner ( abstract ) ( full text )

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is bachelor thesis hard

English Recap

Bachelor Thesis or Bachelor’s Thesis?

is bachelor thesis hard

The correct term is bachelor’s thesis because you need to show that the thesis belongs to the bachelor. E.g., “Her bachelor’s thesis was on 18 th -century British poetry.” However, the term bachelor thesis , which is viewed as incorrect by some people, is more common.

The difference between the two terms is that the one with the apostrophe shows that the thesis belongs to the bachelor, which in this form is a noun.

  • His bachelor’s thesis was on crime statistics in New York City.

In contrast, in the version without the apostrophe, the word bachelor is an adjective that describes the thesis .

  • The college rejected her bachelor thesis for plagiarism.

The term bachelor thesis is unacceptable to many people . However, the word bachelor appears as an adjective in the dictionary. Furthermore, there are plenty of examples of people using the term without an apostrophe.

However, although the term bachelor thesis is common, the correct grammar is bachelor’s thesis , with an apostrophe and no capital letter.

Please keep reading the rest of the article to learn more about the different versions and to find out the rules regarding capitalization.

Bachelor’s Thesis

The term bachelor’s thesis is the correct way to refer to a thesis written by a bachelor.

The apostrophe is necessary to show that the thesis belongs to the bachelor.

  • He wrote a bachelor’s thesis on the consistency of different types of concrete.

Furthermore, there is no need to use capital letters for a bachelor’s thesis because neither word is a proper noun.

However, if you are writing the full title of a bachelor’s degree, then you should use a capital letter.

  • They awarded him with a Bachelor of Arts In French.

Bachelor Thesis

Although many people feel it is incorrect , people commonly use the term bachelor thesis to refer to a bachelor’s thesis .

In this form, the word bachelor is an adjective rather than a noun. Therefore, it doesn’t need an apostrophe.

  • I did not do a bachelor thesis , so I didn’t graduate with honors.
  • She is writing her bachelor thesis on the causes of poverty.

Please bear in mind that, although this version is common , if you are writing formally, it is best to stick to the correct grammatical version, which is bachelor’s thesis .

Bachelors Thesis

The term bachelors thesis is an incorrect form of bachelor’s thesis.

In this form, with the “s” at the end, the apostrophe is vital because you need to indicate that the thesis is the bachelors .

For example, it is similar to saying:

  • The thesis is Johns.
  • It is John’s thesis.

Therefore, you must always put an apostrophe in the word order where the bachelor comes first.

  • Correct: John wrote a bachelor’s thesis on economic development in Vietnam.
  • Incorrect: John wrote a bachelors thesis on economic development in Vietnam.

Bachelors’ Thesis

The term bachelors’ thesis is not correct because the thesis belongs to the bachelor. Therefore, you should always put the apostrophe before the “s.”

As shown in these examples:

  • Correct: Her bachelor’s thesis is on river pollution.
  • Incorrect: Her bachelors’ thesis is on river pollution.
  • Lady’s or Ladies’ or Ladies?
  • Saturdays or Saturday’s?
  • Secretary’s or Secretaries’ or Secretaries?
  • Nicholas’ or Nicholas’s?

We are a team of dedicated English teachers.

Our mission is to help you create a professional impression toward colleagues, clients, and executives.

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'Golden Bachelor' couple Gerry Turner and Theresa Nist announce they are divorcing

VIDEO: 'Golden Bachelor' couple announce they are divorcing

"The Golden Bachelor" couple Gerry Turner and Theresa Nist are getting divorced.

The couple, who fell in love on the first season of "The Golden Bachelor" last fall before tying the knot in a televised wedding earlier this year, announced the news Friday exclusively on "Good Morning America."

MORE: 'The Golden Bachelorette' announced for fall 2024

“Theresa and I have had a number of heart-to-heart conversations, and we’ve looked closely at our situation, our living situation, so forth and -- and we’ve kind of come to the conclusion mutually that it’s probably time for us to -- dissolve our marriage,” Turner told Juju Chang in an interview for “Good Morning America.”

“Get a divorce?” Chang clarified. “Yes,” Turner said.

“We have received so much love and support from so many people who watched ‘The Golden Bachelor,’ and I don’t think we can tell you how many people told us that it gave them so much hope,” Nist said. “We want none of that to change for anybody.”

Turner proposed to Nist on the season 1 finale of "The Golden Bachelor," which aired on Nov. 30.

During an interview that aired the morning after the finale, each told "GMA" they had found their "person."

In the new interview, Turner said, “The thing that strikes me the most in our conversations, it’s been how dedicated both of us are to our families … So we look at these situations and I think we just feel like it’s best for the happiness of each of us to, to live apart.”

Editor’s Picks

is bachelor thesis hard

Gerry Turner and Theresa Nist tie the knot during a golden wedding

  • Jan 05, 2024

is bachelor thesis hard

'Golden Bachelor' Gerry Turner and Theresa Nist talk upcoming wedding, blending families

  • Jan 02, 2024

is bachelor thesis hard

'Golden Bachelor' Gerry Turner, Theresa Nist talk upcoming wedding, what's next

  • Dec 01, 2023

When asked how this fell apart after both said they were 100% committed to making this work, Nist said “that was the plan.”

“We looked at homes in South Carolina, we considered New Jersey, and we just looked at homes after home, but we never got to the point where we made that decision.”

Turner and Nist got married during a televised wedding that aired Jan. 4, with their children and grandchildren in attendance.

MORE: Gerry Turner and Theresa Nist tie the knot during a golden wedding

The pair, holding hands during the interview, reiterated that they did not fall out of love.

“I still love this person,” Turner said. “There’s no doubt in my mind, I still am in love with her. I root for her every day.”

Nist added, “Yeah, I still love him.”

is bachelor thesis hard

The couple who brought hope to many looking for love later in life told “GMA” their message for others is to “‘Stay in it, stay hopeful,’” Nist said, “because we are.”

Both Turner and Nist were previously wed to their high school sweethearts, each of whom passed away after more than 40 years of marriage.

The couple was challenged with the realities of being in the public eye after their televised experience.

Both told “GMA” that reports of their dating history and past did not play into this decision.

“Gerry had already discussed that with me,” Nist said. He had explained it to me before the report was ever released, so we were good with that.”

Although this announcement seems abrupt, Nist said “We didn't want to pretend to anybody.”

The pair will give their rings back, “I think that’s the rule,” Nist said with a laugh. “But you know what? We don't have to give back the memories,” Turner added.

The couple had a prenuptial agreement and said they highly recommend it to others.

Nist also shared advice for the new, yet to be announced, Golden Bachelorette, "be authentic, be yourself."

The pair both said separately that they will continue to look for love.

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Class of 2024: tiffany tan shapes her phd journey from uncg.

Posted on April 22, 2024

UNCG student Tiffany Tan holds a vase

When Tiffany Tan graduates from UNC Greensboro in May 2024, she’ll earn two degrees: a bachelor of arts in studio art and a bachelor of science in psychology,  but doctoral studies are already on her horizon.

“I heard it’s unusual for students to get into a PhD program right after earning their bachelor’s degree,” says Tan, who is already accepted into the University of Kansas’s counseling psychology PhD program.

The arduous application process included a personal statement, three letters of recommendation, a CV, and an explanation of leadership experience. Tan applied to eight schools for her doctoral studies, receiving one preliminary interview and two formal interviews for spots in counseling psychology programs – ultimately going with the University of Kansas. Her achievement would not have been possible without her hard work and opportunities presented to her at UNCG.


Tan, who is originally from Chapel Hill, North Carolina, has loved art since high school. Her high school art teacher, a UNCG alumna, encouraged a love for ceramics and led Tan to tour UNCG’s Gatewood Studio Center . UNCG was one of only two schools Tan applied to, with some encouragement from her mother as well – another UNCG alumna.

“The Gatewood Studio Arts Center was very impressive and it solidified my decision to come here,” says Tan, who would later become a CVPA student ambassador to help other students see the benefit of the G. “The ceramics classes have been my favorite. You start with hand building, then wheel throwing and then slip casting. There’s something for everyone. There’s also a lot of non-art students taking the classes, so I’ve been able to make connections there as well.”

Tan began as a studio arts major with a f ocus in ceramics, but a general psychology class changed the direction of her education – adding psychology as a major. Tan is in the Lloyd International Honors College and was also the recipient of the Mildred Millner Alvarez Endowed Undergraduate Scholarship in Psychology. Her thesis focuses on minority mental health and academic achievement, specifically how college students of color talk with their parents about race, emotions, and academics.

is bachelor thesis hard


Her work with Dr. Gabriela Livas Stein in the CAMINOS Lab , a clinical psychology research lab at UNCG, sparked her interest in the thesis topic. Stein runs the lab which works to identify individual, familial, and cultural processes that place minoritized youth at risk of maladaptive psychological and education outcomes, focusing on immigrant and Latinx populations.

is bachelor thesis hard

“We have been so grateful to have Tiffany working with the CAMINOS lab,” says Livas Stein. “She helped shape three different research projects  that considered the experiences of racial-ethnic minority families in the US, and she developed a novel honor’s thesis that she presented at an international conference for the Society for Research on Adolescence. However, her contribution to class has been the most impactful as she is curious, insightful, collaborative, and passionate during discussions, and supportive and encouraging of her peers.”

UNCG’s Undergraduate Research, Scholarship, and Creativity (URSCO) funded Tan’s travel to the Society for Research on Adolescence Conference.

“The mentorship in the Caminos Lab is a standout from my time at UNCG,” says Tan. “Being able to have first-hand research experience and also having support from the URSCO has been great.”


Other faculty also helped Tan develop her thesis, specifically the Director of the Psychology Honors Program Dr. Janet Boseovski.

“We worked really closely with her, specifically on how to do a literature review and also talked about diversity and psychology’s history in general so we could have an inclusive process and measures in our study,” says Tan.

“Tiffany is a top student in the disciplinary honors program. She demonstrated strong conceptual knowledge about the field in general and on her project topic on psychological costs associated with resilience in minority youth. She is an excellent academic writer and has strong speaking skills,” says Boseovski.

Tiffany Tan stands in her graduation gown among books in the library

Tan’s hard work has also caught the attention of University leadership. In November 2023, she was chosen as a student representative at the joint UNC System Board of Governors and UNCG Board of Trustees meeting held at UNCG. The meeting included members of both boards, along with Chancellors from each of the UNC System institutions.

“I had the opportunity to speak with Chancellors from other universities and tell them about my UNCG experience and what my future plans are,” says Tan. “I even heard from one of the Chancellors who said he didn’t know how his school would top UNCG when it was his turn to host the event. It was very cool.”

Not only did she encourage prospective students to choose UNCG, Tan also worked to help fellow students succeed by tutoring in psychology and serving as a psychology peer advisor.

“Tiffany’s generous nature stands out just as much as her academic accomplishments: she was extremely supportive of her classmates and consistently offered constructive and encouraging feedback in class presentations,” says Boseovski. “She is an exemplary ambassador of the department and UNCG on the whole.”

Looking forward, Tan’s spirit of service to others will continue.

“I’m excited for what’s ahead with my PhD program. Lawrence, Kansas, where the University of Kansas is located, has a similar vibe to my hometown. Regardless of how long it takes, I would like to become a tenure-track professor in academia.”

Story by Avery Craine Powell, University Communications Photography by Sean Norona, University Communications


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Which 'Bachelor' And 'Bachelorette' Couples Are Still Together In 2024?

Posted: April 22, 2024 | Last updated: April 22, 2024

<p>The newest Bachelor Nation couple is still going strong. After <a href="">Daisy Kent</a> left the show during the finale, Joey proposed to <a href="">Kelsey Anderson</a>, and the two are just as loved-up as ever. They're planning a "long engagement" and are even planning on moving to New York City together, they told <em><a href="">People</a></em>. </p><p>"We want to promise our lives together, but we don't want to rush it," Joey said. "It's time now to enjoy this. We have the rest of our lives to celebrate it. We're going to take it day by day and just enjoy this time."</p>

1) Joey Graziadei and Kelsey Anderson

The newest Bachelor Nation couple is still going strong. After Daisy Kent left the show during the finale, Joey proposed to Kelsey Anderson , and the two are just as loved-up as ever. They're planning a "long engagement" and are even planning on moving to New York City together, they told People .

"We want to promise our lives together, but we don't want to rush it," Joey said. "It's time now to enjoy this. We have the rest of our lives to celebrate it. We're going to take it day by day and just enjoy this time."

<p>Like Pieper and Brendan, this couple's appearance on <em>Bachelor in Paradise</em> seemed a little too perfectly timed. Contestants accused them of already dating, and they were ousted from the show. They're still going strong off camera, though. </p>

2) Chris Conran and Alana Milne

This couple's appearance on season 7 of Bachelor in Paradise in 2021 seemed a little too perfectly timed. Contestants accused them of already dating before the show, and they were ousted from their season.

In August 2023, the couple celebrated their two-year anniversary and even got a pup together, per IG . And, in March 2024, they revealed their Bali engagement. “My dream girl said yes to forever ❤️,” Chris captioned several shots of the proposal, which featured a gorgeous waterside scene complete with lanterns and flowers.

<p>Brayden and Christina revealed their relationship during the season 9 finale of <em>Bachelor in Paradise</em>. Christina shared on <a href="">Instagram</a> that she slid into Brayden’s DMs, and things progressed from there. The two got engaged during Gerry Turner and Theresa Nist’s wedding ceremony (with the bride and groom's permission, of course!).</p><p>"Christina, from the moment that I picked you up from the airport with your crazy a** rose and your fake disguise, I just knew that there was something special and there was something different," Brayden said during his proposal. "I have no doubts that I want to spend the rest of my life with you.” Brayden also shared that he felt like he could be his full self with Christina. “I just know that I want to spend the rest of my days with you,” he said. Awww!</p>

3) Brayden Bowers and Christina Mandrell

Brayden and Christina revealed their relationship during the season 9 finale of Bachelor in Paradise . Christina shared on Instagram that she slid into Brayden’s DMs, and things progressed from there. The two got engaged during Gerry Turner and Theresa Nist’s wedding ceremony—with the bride and groom's permission, of course!

"Christina, from the moment that I picked you up from the airport with your crazy a** rose and your fake disguise, I just knew that there was something special and there was something different," Brayden said during his proposal. "I have no doubts that I want to spend the rest of my life with you.” Brayden also shared that he felt like he could be his full self with Christina. “I just know that I want to spend the rest of my days with you,” he said. Awww!

The couple confused fans in March when they shared BTS footage of an engagement photoshoot that had them dressing up and posing as bride and groom. “Going to @whitevelvetchapel and we’re gonna get married 💒😉,” Christina wrote on IG . “Since the day I bought my car @thedollycarton I’ve been dreaming of this elopement styled shoot."

<p>These two didn't <em>technically </em>meet on any <em>Bachelor </em>show, but are both franchise alums—Susie won Clayton Echard’s season of <em>The Bachelor</em>, while Justin competed on Katie Thurston’s season of <em>The Bachelorette. </em>After sparking dating rumors for months, Susie confirmed that they were a couple in late January 2024. “Okay fine… y’all were right 😂🫶,” she captioned a loved-up <a href="">Instagram post</a>. <br> <br>Justin has shared that they confessed their feelings for each other in October 2023. "We genuinely were friends,” he told <a href=""><em>E!</em></a>. “It's kind of what made a lot of this so easy in terms of a transition because, social media-wise, we were making the same videos and doing the same stuff romantically or non-romantically." Now, they’re regulars in each other’s social media posts.</p>

4) Justin Glaze and Susie Evans

These two didn't technically meet on any Bachelor show, but are both franchise alums—Susie won Clayton Echard’s season of The Bachelor , while Justin competed on Katie Thurston’s season of The Bachelorette. After sparking dating rumors for months, Susie confirmed that they were a couple in late January 2024. “Okay fine… y’all were right 😂🫶,” she captioned a loved-up Instagram post . Justin has shared that they confessed their feelings for each other in October 2023. "We genuinely were friends,” he told E! . “It's kind of what made a lot of this so easy in terms of a transition because, social media-wise, we were making the same videos and doing the same stuff romantically or non-romantically." Now, they’re regulars in each other’s social media posts.

<p>Doesn't this picture just make you want to scream? This adorable couple—<a href="">Charity Lawson</a> and Dotun Olubeko—was formed on the 20th season of <em>The Bachelorette</em>, and have already captured hearts all around Bachelor Nation. </p><p>Charity was a fan favorite on <a href="">Zach Shallcross's season of <em>The Bachelor</em></a>, so it was about time for her happily ever after as the star of <em>The Bachelorette</em>. <a href="">She and Dotun got engaged</a> during the finale episode, but won't officially tie the knot for at least a few years, the couple told <em><a href="">PEOPLE</a></em> in August 2023. Psst. They may have two ceremonies! </p><p>For right now, the couple is enjoying going public with their relationship. "I feel like [our relationship] never truly stops growing,” Charity told <em>PEOPLE</em>. “We are so in sync, it's crazy. We're so similar.” I am obsessed with this pair. </p>

5) Bachelorette Charity Lawson and Dotun Olubeko

Doesn't this picture just make you want to scream? This adorable couple— Charity Lawson and Dotun Olubeko—fell in love on the 20th season of The Bachelorette , and have already captured hearts all around Bachelor Nation.

Charity was a fan favorite on Zach Shallcross's season of The Bachelor , so it was about time for her happily ever after as the star of The Bachelorette . She and Dotun got engaged during the finale episode, but won't officially tie the knot for at least a few years, the couple told PEOPLE in August 2023. (Psst. They may have two ceremonies!)

For right now, the couple is enjoying going public with their relationship. "I feel like [our relationship] never truly stops growing,” Charity told PEOPLE . “We are so in sync, it's crazy. We're so similar.” Obsessed with this pair!

<p>The newest addition to the growing list of Bachelor Nation couples is also one of the cutest. Zach Shallcross and Kaity Biggar met during Zach's season (season 27) of <em>The Bachelor.</em> If you avidly watched their season, you'll know Zach and Kaity both call Austin, Texas home. </p><p>They're still very happily engaged, but haven't moved in together quite yet. "We're basically like a fully married couple we just haven't officially moved in yet," Zach said in May 2023 on the <a href=""><em>Almost Famous</em></a> podcast. </p>

6) Bachelor Zach Shallcross and Kaity Biggar

One of the cutest couples in Bach Nation, Zach Shallcross and Kaity Biggar , met during Zach's season (season 27) of The Bachelor. If you were an avid watcher, you'll know Zach and Kaity both call Austin, Texas home.

They're still engaged and have even moved in together! On July 9, 2023, Kaity dropped the news on Instagram , posting a picture of them seemingly in their new home with the caption, "Officially roommates🏡😜🍾💛." The two also attended the Golden Bachelor finale, looking super in love .

In March, Kaity shared that she and Zach are in couples counseling. “Zach and I started couples therapy right after the show,” she wrote on her Instagram Story, per Us Weekly . “Couples counseling can be incredibly beneficial even when things are going well in a relationship.”

<p><a href=""> Joe Amabile</a> (a.k.a. Grocery Store Joe) was a contestant on <a href="">Becca Kufrin</a>'s season of <em>The Bachelorette</em> before being eliminated on week one. Luckily, that didn't stop him in his pursuit of love, and he went on to <em>Bachelor in Paradise</em> for seasons 5 and 7.</p><p><a href="">Serena Pitt</a> was a contestant on <a href="">Matt James'</a> season of <em>The Bachelor</em> (season 25) and decided to self-eliminate during week eight.</p><p>When Serena met Joe on <em>BiP</em>, there was clear chemistry. Fast forward, and the couple ended up getting engaged and winning their season. </p><p>They <a href="">celebrated</a> being engaged for one year in late June and are now living together.</p>

7) Grocery Store Joe (Joe Amabile) and Serena Pitt

Joe Amabile (a.k.a. Grocery Store Joe) was a contestant on Becca Kufrin 's season of The Bachelorette before being eliminated on week one. Luckily, that didn't stop him in his pursuit of love, and he went on to Bachelor in Paradise for seasons 5 and 7.

Serena Pitt was a contestant on Matt James' season of The Bachelor (season 25) and decided to self-eliminate during week eight.

When Serena met Joe on BiP , there was clear chemistry. Fast forward, and the couple ended up getting engaged.

After celebrating their one year of engagement in June 2022, the couple decided to make their union official. Joe revealed in a TikTok in November 2022 that he and Serena tied the knot during an intimate ceremony at city hall with fellow Bachelor alum Natasha Parker as their witness.

"With everything being so public in our relationship, having a private moment just the two of us felt so special," they told People after the wedding. "Who doesn't want to marry the love of their life twice?" they added.

The two got married and had a beautiful wedding in Charleston on September 2, 2023. They shared a tear-jerking video of their special day on Instagram.

<p>Astrid (from Nick's season of <em>The Bachelor</em>) and Kevin (a <em>Bachelorette Canada </em>and <em>Bachelor Winter Games</em> alum) were solid during most of season five of <em>Bachelor In Paradise</em>, but they had an emotional breakup right before the season ended.</p><p>By the reunion special, however, they reunited. Astrid packed up and moved to Canada to be with the firefighter, and they announced their engagement in August 2019. They decided to postpone their wedding due to the pandemic and are now hoping to get hitched in November 2021, Astrid announced on <a href="">Instagram</a>.</p>

8) Astrid Loch and Kevin Wendt

Astrid (from Nick Viall 's season of The Bachelor ) and Kevin (a Bachelorette Canada and Bachelor Winter Games alum) were solid during most of season 5 of Bachelor In Paradise , but they had an emotional breakup right before the season ended.

By the reunion special, however, they had rekindled their romance. Astrid packed up and moved to Canada to be with the firefighter, and they announced their engagement in August 2019.

The couple postponed their wedding due to the pandemic and the upcoming birth of their son August or “Auggy,” who arrived on November 20, 2021, according to Astrid’s Instagram . But after a long wait, they finally tied the knot in late October 2022.

The couple held a 100-person ceremony at the Powel Crosley Estate in Sarasota, Florida, per US Weekly , and shared a wedding post : "The Wendts | 10.28.22."

The couple welcomed their second son, Nash, on October 7, 2023, per Astrid's Instagram .

<p>Season 14 Bachelorette <a href="">Becca Kufrin</a> and season 17 contestant <a href="">Thomas Jacobs</a> connected on <em>Bachelor in Paradise </em>season 7. </p><p>Becca was originally the winner of season 22 of <em>The Bachelor</em> before Bachelor Arie Luyendyk Jr decided to end their engagement. Meanwhile, Thomas was sent home on week three of Katie Thurston’s season. </p><p>Eventually Becca and Thomas met on <em>BiP</em> and had everyone convinced they were a sure thing. But to the surprise of many, Becca broke things off with him right before overnights. It was later announced that they rekindled their romance after filming wrapped. </p><p>Now they're new home owners living together with their two dogs. Oh! And they got engaged in May after Becca <a href="">proposed </a>to Thomas. "The ultimate UNO reverse card / power move. You keeping me on my toes for a lifetime has a great ring to it. Cheers to forever Boops," Thomas wrote in a post on Instagram.</p>

9) Bachelorette Becca Kufrin and Thomas Jacobs

Season 14 Bachelorette Becca Kufrin and season 17 contestant Thomas Jacobs connected on Bachelor in Paradise season 7.

Becca was originally the winner of season 22 of The Bachelor before Bachelor Arie Luyendyk Jr. decided to end their engagement. Meanwhile, Thomas was sent home on week three of Katie Thurston’s season.

Eventually Becca and Thomas met on BiP and had everyone convinced they were a sure thing. But to the surprise of many, Becca broke things off with him right before overnights. They rekindled their romance after filming wrapped.

Now they're home owners living together with their two dogs. Oh! And they got engaged in May 2022 after Becca proposed to Thomas. "The ultimate UNO reverse card / power move. You keeping me on my toes for a lifetime has a great ring to it. Cheers to forever Boops," Thomas wrote in a post on Instagram. (He also popped the question five months later, proposing to Becca in October of 2022, E! News reported.)

They welcomed a son , Benson, on September 21, 2023 and got married with little Benny in hand on October, 13, 2023.

<p>ABC's very first <em>Bachelorette</em> set a high standard for future series stars. Trista Rehn chose firefighter Ryan Sutter on the show, he proposed, and they wed in a televised ceremony in December 2003.</p><p>The couple welcomed their son, Maxwell Alston, in July 2007 and their daughter, Blakesley Grace, in April 2009.</p><p>Trista previously told <em><a href="">Women's Health</a></em> how they make their love last."You need to put the time and effort into your relationship just as much as you put time and effort into everything else," she said. </p><p>Speaking of effort, Ryan went full-on romantic for their wedding."The most romantic thing Ryan has done for me is write a poem to me on the show and then turn it into a song recorded by Brad Paisley," Trista recalled."He surprised me with that as our first dance on our wedding night."</p>

10) Bachelorette Trista Rehn and Ryan Sutter

ABC's very first Bachelorette set a high standard for future series stars. Trista Rehn chose firefighter Ryan Sutter on the show, he proposed, and they wed in a televised ceremony in December 2003.

The couple welcomed their son, Maxwell Alston, in July 2007, and their daughter, Blakesley Grace, in April 2009.

Trista previously told Women's Health how they make their love last. "You need to put the time and effort into your relationship just as much as you put time and effort into everything else," she said.

Speaking of effort, Ryan went full-on romantic for their wedding. "The most romantic thing Ryan has done for me is write a poem to me on the show and then turn it into a song recorded by Brad Paisley," Trista recalled. "He surprised me with that as our first dance on our wedding night."

<p>During season six of <em>Paradise</em>, Dean (best known from Rachel's season of <em>The Bachelorette</em> and season four of <em>Paradise</em>) broke up with new love interest Caelynn (from Colton Underwood's season of <em>The Bachelor</em>) on her <em>birthday</em>. Dean left the show, but returned a few episodes later to win her back, and they left as a couple.</p><p>Since then, the couple have traveled the world together, and even lived in Dean’s van. Dean shared on his <a href="" title="(opens new window)"><em>Help! I Suck At Dating </em>podcast</a> that they bought a house together in the Las Vegas area, so things seem to be going well between these two! </p>

11) Caelynn Miller-Keyes and Dean Unglert

During season six of Paradise , Dean (best known from Rachel Lindsay's season of The Bachelorette and season four of Paradise ) broke up with new love interest Caelynn (from Colton Underwood's season of The Bachelor ) on her birthday . Dean left the show, but returned a few episodes later to win her back, and they left as a couple.

Since then, the couple has traveled the world together. Dean shared on his Help! I Suck At Dating podcast that they bought a house together in the Las Vegas area.

The couple finally got engaged in October 2022. In what might be the sweetest proposal video ever, Dean shared the moment Caelynn said yes in an Instagram post .

"On the most beautiful beach in the world, I got to ask the most beautiful girl in the world if she’d let me be her husband (she said yes 😁)," he wrote.

Caelynn previously shared that after their engagement, the couple wants to elope, she told People in 2022. The two tied the knot on September 23, 2023 in Meredith, Colorado, close to where Dean grew up.

<p>Sean gave Catherine his final rose and a big rock from Neil Lane in the season 17 finale. Their TV love story was just the start. They said"I do" in the first-ever <em>Bachelor</em> live TV wedding in 2014. Now, they live in Dallas, Texas, as a family of five. They have two sons, Samuel and Isaiah, and welcomed a baby girl, Mia, at the end of 2019.</p><p>Catherine told <a href=""><em>E! News</em></a>,“I love having my best friend to wake up to, spend the day with, and kiss good night. I can count on Sean to make me feel loved every day and also give me sound advice when I need it. He’s honestly the best thing that has happened to me.”</p>

12) Bachelor Sean Lowe and Catherine Giudici

Sean Lowe gave Catherine Giudici his final rose and a big rock from Neil Lane in the season 17 finale. Their TV love story was just the start. They said "I do" in the first-ever Bachelor live TV wedding in 2014. Now, they live in Dallas, Texas, as a family of five. They have two sons, Samuel and Isaiah, and welcomed a baby girl, Mia, at the end of 2019.

Catherine told E! News , “I love having my best friend to wake up to, spend the day with, and kiss good night. I can count on Sean to make me feel loved every day and also give me sound advice when I need it. He’s honestly the best thing that has happened to me.”

In July 2023, Sean faked out Bachelor Nation by posting a video, saying "Catherine has decided to leave me and the kids." Catherine then interjected, "I'm only leaving for 10 days!" Phew. She was just taking a vacay!

<p>Some heartbreaks lead to happily ever after! Abigail and Noah broke up during their season of Bachelor in Paradise, but ultimately ended up getting back together. In March 2022, they seemed to be getting serious, as Abigail relocated to Los Angeles, where Noah also lives. They also recently <a href="">went to Cabo together</a>, per Abigail's Instagram. Awww. </p>

13) Abigail Heringer and Noah Erb

Some heartbreaks lead to happily ever after! Abigail and Noah broke up during their season of Bachelor in Paradise , but ultimately ended up getting back together.

In March 2022, they seemed to be getting serious, with Abigail relocating to Los Angeles, where Noah lived. They also recently went to Cabo together , per Abigail's Instagram.

In July 2023, Abigail bought her first house in Oklahoma, and it looks like Noah *might* be moving in with her! "About to enter our Chip and Joanna Gaines era because your girl bought her very first house!!! She needs a little TLC but I couldn’t be more in love 🥹🫶🏼 excited to start our next chapter and for all the memories we’ll create here!! 🤎" she wrote on Instagram .

And HUGE news! This couple is officially engaged. The couple officially announced they are getting married via Instagram on Aug. 9, 2023.

"She had no clue the engagement was happening until we walked up the stairs to the rooftop and saw the roses and candles overlooking the ocean," Noah later told PEOPLE . They also reportedly celebrated their engagement by attending closing night of The Eras Tour . An absolutely perfect proposal. I'm so happy for these love birds!

<p>Matt and Rachael got together on one wild season of <em>The Bachelor,</em> filled with lots of drama and controversy. While the couple were getting close on TV, Rachael was under fire for past racially insensitive photos from her college days. The scandal escalated as <a href="">Chris Harrison</a> defended Rachael before ultimately stepping down from his role as <em>The Bachelor</em> franchise host. </p><p>Matt picked Rachael in the season finale and the two left Nemacolin as a couple, but without rings. Then, after Rachael publicly apologized about the photos, the two broke up. On <em>After the Final Rose,</em> Rachael and Matt talked through their split and agreed to go their separate ways.</p><p>Flash forward to this spring, and Matt and Rachael were spotted together in public a few times, but both insisted they weren't together. Matt was also rumored to be seeing other women behind Rachael's back, per <em><a href="">Us Weekly.</a> </em>Finally, in May, Matt admitted that he and Rachael were dating again. </p><p>“There came a point in time where it was evident that my working on the relationship looked different than Rachael’s because I wasn’t really honoring that commitment that I made to working on the relationship," Matt said. "She was like, ‘If you’re going to make this work, let’s do it. But, if you’re not going to make it work, I’m going to let you do your own thing.’ That’s really all I needed. It was an ultimatum that I needed. It’s been great.”</p><p>So, for now, Matt and Rachael seem to be together. But will it last?</p>

14) Bachelor Matt James and Rachael Kirkconnell

Matt and Rachael got together on one wild season of The Bachelor, filled with lots of drama and controversy. While the couple was getting close on TV, Rachael was under fire for racially insensitive photos from her college days. The scandal escalated as Chris Harrison defended Rachael before ultimately stepping down from his role as The Bachelor franchise host.

Matt picked Rachael in the season finale and the two left as a couple, but without rings. Then, after Rachael publicly apologized for the photos, the two broke up. On After the Final Rose, Rachael and Matt talked through their split and agreed to go their separate ways.

The next spring, Matt and Rachael were spotted in public, but both insisted they weren't together. Finally, Matt said they were dating again.

The duo explained in 2022 that they were cutting ties with the franchise and doing things on their own timeline when talking to People .

“What matters is having a solid foundation and being able to communicate and care for each other," Matt said. "That's what we're going to continue to build. Just because we met on a TV show doesn't mean our relationship needs a TV timeline."

In July 2023, the pair confirmed that they were still together, but feel "no pressure" to get engaged any time soon, per PEOPLE .

<p>Mari had her heart set on Kenny when she arrived for <em>Bachelor in Paradise</em>'s seventh season. Although their relationship included a brief entanglement in a love triangle, things seem to be going perfectly for the <em>Bachelor</em> Nation alums now. They currently live together in Chicago, and are planning a Puerto Rico destination wedding. </p>

15) Kenny Braasch and Mari Pepin

Mari had her heart set on Kenny when she arrived for Bachelor in Paradise 's seventh season in 2021. Although their relationship included a brief entanglement in a love triangle, things seem to be going perfectly for the Bachelor Nation alums now. (In May 2023, the pair even got matching tattoos !) They currently live together in Chicago, and and had a Puerto Rico destination wedding on November 11, 2023 .

<p><em>Bachelorette</em> Desiree Hartsock made a quick recovery after front-runner Brooks Forester voluntarily left the show. She ended up picking Chris Siegfried and proved her critics wrong. They tied the knot in January 2015 in Los Angeles. Desiree shared on her <a href="">website:</a>"The moment I caught my eyes on his, the chapel stood still and nothing else mattered but sharing that day, our commitment, vows, and love with one another. In that moment I felt so blessed."</p><p>Desiree and Chris have two boys, Asher Wrigley was born in October 2016 and Zander Cruz in January 2019, per <em><a href="">People</a></em>.</p>

16) Bachelorette Desiree Hartsock and Chris Siegfried

Bachelorette Desiree Hartsock made a quick recovery after front-runner Brooks Forester left the show. She ended up picking Chris Siegfried and proved her critics wrong.

They tied the knot in January 2015, in Palos Verdes, California, per Us Weekly . Desiree and Chris have two boys, Asher Wrigley was born in October 2016 and Zander Cruz in January 2019, per People . The couple recently celebrated their anniversary eight-year anniversary. "All my love, all my years! 🥂Happy Anniversary!" Desiree wrote on Instagram .

<p>JoJo Fletcher and Jordan Rodgers fell hard for each other during season 12 of <em>The Bachelorette. </em>JoJo offered Jordan her final rose and accepted his proposal during the finale.</p><p>They've delayed setting a wedding date. In the meantime, JoJordan co-host a Youtube series about their relationship and multiple reality shows, including <em>Cash Pad</em> on CNBC and <em>Battle of the Fittest Couples</em> on Paramount, per <a href="">IMDB</a>.</p><p>“We’re really happy and enjoying our engagement and our life has been—and continues to get—so much busier and crazy,” JoJo told <a href=""><em>Us Weekly</em></a>.“And there’s just gonna be that moment where we look at each other and we’re like, <em>‘Okay...let’s do this, it’s time.’</em>”</p><p>One ring wasn't enough, though. Jordan re-proposed in August 2019 with a new sparkler. JoJo shared the news in an <a href="">Instagram</a> post:"I can’t wait to marry you!"</p>

17) Bachelorette JoJo Fletcher and Jordan Rodgers

JoJo Fletcher and Jordan Rodgers fell hard for each other during season 12 of The Bachelorette. JoJo offered Jordan her final rose and accepted his proposal during the finale.

Despite being ready to tie the knot in May 2020, the couple had to reschedule their big day multiple times amid the coronavirus pandemic. They eventually got hitched on May 14, 2022, per Us Weekly .

"I loved our life together before as an engaged couple, but there is this excitement now of talking about building a family together in the near future that is really special," Jordan told Ok!, per People in late 2022 .

In May 2023, the couple admitted they feel so established that it's "weird" to think about meeting on a dating show. "We always look back and think, we cannot believe we met the way we did. I can't believe we've been together seven years. I can't believe we're sitting here," JoJo told People .

<p>Ann and Jesse weren't technically matched on a Bachelor Nation show, but they're both alums of the franchise. Ann was a contestant on Jason Mesnick's season of <em>The Bachelor</em>, but eliminated after week 1. Jesse technically won his season of <em>The Bachelorette</em> (Season 4), but broke off his engagement to DeAnna Pappas pretty quickly afterward. </p><p>The couple now resides in Arizona, and have three children together, per <em><a href="">Entertainment Weekly</a></em>. </p>

18) Ann Lueders and Jesse Csincsak

Ann and Jesse weren't technically matched on a Bachelor Nation show, but they're both alums of the franchise. Ann was a contestant on Jason Mesnick's season of The Bachelor in 2009, but eliminated after week 1. Jesse technically won his season of The Bachelorette (Season 4) in 2009, but broke off his engagement to DeAnna Pappas pretty quickly afterward.

The couple now resides in Arizona, and have three children together, per Entertainment Weekly .

<p>Holly, from <em>The Bachelor</em>'s 12th season, and Blake, from <em>The Bachelorette</em> season 7, actually met on the set of <em>Bachelor Pad</em>, the precursor to <em>Bachelor in Paradise</em>. They met during Season 2 of the show, while Holly was actually engaged to another member of <em>Bachelor</em> Nation Michael Stagliano. </p><p>Holly and Blake got engaged shortly after filming <em>Bachelor Pad </em>and now live in South Carolina with their two children. </p>

19) Holly Durst and Blake Julian

Holly, from The Bachelor 's 12th season in 2002, and Blake, from The Bachelorette season 7 in 2003, actually met on the set of Bachelor Pad , the precursor to Bachelor in Paradise . They met during Season 2 of the show in 2011, while Holly was actually engaged to another member of Bachelor Nation Michael Stagliano.

Holly and Blake got engaged shortly after filming Bachelor Pad in 2011 and married in 2012, per People . They now live in South Carolina with their two children, per her Instagram .

<p>You know those couple who meet through friends? That's Peyton and Chris—only these pals were all featured on <em>The Bachelor</em> franchise. </p><p>He was sent home from Season 6 of <em>The Bachelorette</em>, and she was dumped by Andy Baldwin in Season 10 of <em>The Bachelor</em>. However, after the pair got married in 2012, it's been a happily ever after ever since. They currently live in Cape Cod with their two children, per <em>Entertainment Weekly</em>. </p>

20) Peyton Wright and Chris Lambton

You know those couple who meet through friends? That's Peyton and Chris—only these pals were all featured on The Bachelor franchise.

He was sent home from Season 6 of The Bachelorette in 2003, and she was dumped by Andy Baldwin in Season 10 of The Bachelor in 2002. However, after the pair got married in 2012, it's been a happily ever after ever since. They currently live in Cape Cod with their two children, per Us Weekly .

<p>How Jason Mesnick and Molly Malaney ended up together went down in dramatic fashion, even for <em>The Bachelor.</em> (Btw, you can re-live every cringey moment of <a href="">Jason's season on Netflix</a>.)</p><p>Jason gave his final rose to Melissa Rycroft, but then pulled a 180 and broke up with her. He reconciled with runner-up Molly, and the rest is history.</p><p>They wed in 2010 in a televised ceremony, because <em>Bachelor</em>. Molly became stepmother to Jason's son Ty from a previous relationship. Then, she gave birth to their daughter, Riley, in 2013.</p>

21) Bachelor Jason Mesnick and Molly Malaney

How Jason Mesnick and Molly Malaney ended up together went down in dramatic fashion, even for The Bachelor. (Btw, you can re-live every cringey moment of Jason's season on Amazon Prime .)

Jason gave his final rose to Melissa Rycroft in Season 13 in 2009, but then pulled a 180 and broke up with her. He reconciled with runner-up Molly, and the rest is history.

They wed in 2010 in a televised ceremony, because Bachelor . Molly became stepmother to Jason's son Ty from a previous relationship. Then, she gave birth to their daughter, Riley, in 2013, per Us Weekly .

<p>Arie Luyendyk Jr. managed to one-up Jason with his final decisions as <em>The Bachelor</em>. He proposed to Becca Kufrin during the finale only to later take it back. No fan will ever forget his camera-crew-toting breakup ambush for all of<em> Bachelor</em> Nation to see. Ultimately, he chose runner-up Lauren Burnham and proposed to her on"After the Final Rose."</p><p>Arie and Lauren married in Hawaii in January 2019. Not long after, they became a family of three, welcoming their baby girl, Alessi, in May 2019. And, now their family's growing again. The couple announced in December 2020 that they’re expecting twins—a boy and a girl. </p>

22) Bachelor Arie Luyendyk Jr. and Lauren Burnham

Arie Luyendyk Jr. managed to one-up Jason with his final decisions as The Bachelor . He proposed to Becca Kufrin during the finale only to later take it back in season 22, which premiered in 2018. No fan will ever forget his camera-crew-toting breakup ambush for all of Bachelor Nation to see. Ultimately, he chose runner-up Lauren Burnham and proposed to her on After the Final Rose .

Arie and Lauren married in Hawaii in January 2019. Not long after, they became a family of three, welcoming their baby girl, Alessi, in May 2019.

The couple welcomed twins—Senna and Lux—in 2021, per People .

After four years of marriage, they decided to renew their vows on August 12, 2023. The couple had a gorgeous beach wedding with their friends and family.

<p>Ashley I. and Jared met but didn't *exactly* find love on <em>Bachelor In Paradise</em>. Ashley (who appeared on Chris' season of <em>The Bachelor</em>) immediately zeroed in on Jared on season two of <em>BiP</em>, and they dated for a few weeks. But Jared ultimately broke her heart when he admitted he still wasn't over his <em>Bachelorette</em>, Kaitlyn.</p><p>The two had a sticky relationship on season three of <em>Paradise</em>, but they stayed friends before eventually falling in love three years later. They were married in August 2019 in a lavish Rhode Island wedding. The couple have said that they're now trying for a baby.</p>

23) Ashley Iaconetti and Jared Haibon

Bachelor In Paradise contestants Ashley Iaconetti and Jared Haibon met but didn't *exactly* find love on the beach the first two times they appeared in 2015 and 2016. Ashley (who appeared on Chris Soules' season of The Bachelor ) immediately zeroed in on Jared on season two of BiP , and they dated for a few weeks. But Jared ultimately broke her heart when he admitted he still wasn't over his Bachelorette , Kaitlyn.

The two had a sticky relationship on season three of Paradise , but they stayed friends before eventually falling in love three years later.

They were married in August 2019 in a lavish Rhode Island wedding. The couple welcomed their son, Dawson, in January 2022; in February, the couple revealed that they’re expecting another boy. “The idea that we're going to have two boys is going to be a lot of fun," Jared said on Amazon Live . "I'm very excited for the times where Dawson has a Little League game at 9, and then the other one has a game at 11, and we gotta get Dawson to karate while the other one has baseball."

<p>Jade (from Chris Soules' season of <em>The Bachelor</em>) and Tanner (from <a href="">Kaitlyn Bristowe's season of <em>The Bachelorette</em></a>) seemed like a perfect match, pretty much right away on <em>Bachelor In Paradise</em>.</p><p>The fan-favorite couple left the show engaged, and never looked back. They were married the following year in a televised wedding, and they just had their third child together in November 2020.</p>

24) Jade Roper and Tanner Tolbert

Bachelor In Paradise contestants Jade (from Chris Soules 'season of The Bachelor in 2015) and Tanner (from Kaitlyn Bristowe's season of The Bachelorette in 2015) seemed like a perfect match, pretty much right away.

The fan-favorite couple left the show engaged, and never looked back. They were married the following year in a televised wedding, and they had their third child, Reed, in November 2020, per Us Weekly .

In April 2023, Jade told Bachelor Nation that the couple is trying for Baby #4. "We are trying for a couple months and we’ll see what happens! We’ve both agreed though that after a few months we want to be content with three," she said at a recent Q & A. While she did get pregnant, she announced in a post that she sadly miscarried in August, 2023.

<p>Dylan (from <a href="">Hannah Brown's season of <em>The Bachelorette</em></a>) made it very clear on <em>BiP</em> that he was there for Hannah G. (runner-up on Colton's season of <em>The Bachelor</em>).</p><p>Hannah said she knew Dylan was the one after another contestant, Jordan Kimball, asked her out in <em>Paradise.</em>"And in that moment, I started crying. I was like,'What about Dylan?'" she told <a href=""><em>Elite Daily</em></a>."I think that’s when I was like,'Okay, I have major feelings for this dude.'"</p><p>These two became a serious thing, got engaged, and are still going strong.</p>

25) Hannah Godwin and Dylan Barbour

Dylan Barbour (from Hannah Brown's season of The Bachelorette ) made it very clear on BiP that he was there for Hannah Godwin (runner-up on Colton's season of The Bachelor ).

Hannah said she knew Dylan was the one after another contestant, Jordan Kimball , asked her out in Paradise. "And in that moment, I started crying. I was like, 'What about Dylan?'" she told Elite Daily . "I think that’s when I was like, 'Okay, I have major feelings for this dude.'"

These two got engaged and are still going strong. In February 2022, Hannah showed off their new home in San Diego. The couple previously postponed their wedding plans to save up for this house because “there's only so much money in the world," Hannah said in an Instagram story.

On August 23, 2023 , they got married in a stunning venue with their guests wearing all black.

<p>The relationship between Raven (from Nick's season of <em>The Bachelor</em>) and Adam (from <a href="">Rachel Lindsay</a>'s season of <em>The Bachelorette</em>) was a highlight on season four of <em>Bachelor in Paradise</em>.</p><p>When the season wrapped, the couple chose to continue dating outside the show instead of getting engaged right away. But, two years later, Adam proposed on a rooftop in Dallas. The two planned to get married in July 2020, but had to postpone the date due to the COVID-19 pandemic.</p>

26) Raven Gates and Adam Gottschalk

Bachelor In Paradise contestants Raven Gates (from Nick Viall's season of The Bachelor ) and Adam (from Rachel Lindsay's season of The Bachelorette ) were a highlight of season four in 2017.

When the season wrapped, the couple chose to continue dating outside the show instead of getting engaged right away. Two years later, Adam proposed on a rooftop in Dallas. The couple was finally able to have their dream wedding in April of 2021 after postponing the date three times due to COVID-19, People reported.

"I couldn't have imagined it any other way," Raven said. "We couldn't have asked for anything to work out more perfectly than it did. We feel so grateful." Awww!

The couple announced they were having a honeymoon baby in a July 2021 Instagram post. Their son, Gates, was born via emergency C-section on January 18, 2022, according to Us Weekly . They had their second baby in June 2023, the outlet reported.

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  1. Developing A Thesis

    A good thesis has two parts. It should tell what you plan to argue, and it should "telegraph" how you plan to argue—that is, what particular support for your claim is going where in your essay. Steps in Constructing a Thesis. First, analyze your primary sources. Look for tension, interest, ambiguity, controversy, and/or complication.

  2. How to Write a Bachelor's Thesis: A Step-by-Step Guide

    Determine the topic of the bachelor's thesis and discuss it with the supervisor. Conduct comprehensive research and collect relevant sources. Create an outline and divide the topic into individual sections. Write the main part of the paper by processing and summarizing the insights gained from the research.

  3. What Is a Thesis?

    A thesis is a type of research paper based on your original research. It is usually submitted as the final step of a master's program or a capstone to a bachelor's degree. Writing a thesis can be a daunting experience. Other than a dissertation, it is one of the longest pieces of writing students typically complete.

  4. PDF How to Write a BA Thesis

    have prepared you to write a BA thesis. You've taken the introductory and intermediate courses in your major, delved into more specialized topics in advanced courses, and written research papers. All of them prepare you to tackle your BA thesis, which many students say is the most rewarding project of their college years.

  5. Academic Writing: How I almost failed my bachelor's thesis

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  6. How difficult is it to write a thesis? Part 1

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  7. 10 tips to motivate you to write the bachelor or master Thesis

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  8. Bachelor Thesis

    What Makes a Bachelor Thesis Important? The purpose of a bachelor's thesis is to give students an opportunity to independently work on a complex assignment, demonstrate their ability to formulate a thesis topic, select relevant literature, and process the data.However, it is not all you need to do in order to produce a quality project. In order to deliver an all-covering paper, you are to ...

  9. How to Write an Undergraduate Dissertation

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    For example; start with your thesis statement at the beginning. Then list the major points that support your thesis. (I like to label using Roman Numerals) Next start listing supporting ideas or arguments for each major point. If applicable, continue to sub-divide each supporting idea until your outline is fully developed.

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    The most important stages of the bachelor's thesis are: Milestone 1: The topic and suitable sources have been found. Milestone 2: The outline and a proposal or introduction is written. Milestone 3: The theory chapter is finished. Milestone 4: The chapter on the state of research is complete.

  12. PDF What is a bachelor thesis?

    The Bachelor's thesis is a scientific paper. Its aim is for students to show that they are able to work on a problem independently and with scientific methods. 1. Find a topic Free yourself of the idea that you will make a scientific breakthrough in your bachelor thesis. This is rather reserved for the master thesis or dissertation. The ...

  13. Who typically writes a thesis?

    A thesis is typically written by students finishing up a bachelor's or Master's degree. Some educational institutions, particularly in the liberal arts, have mandatory theses, but they are often not mandatory to graduate from bachelor's degrees. It is more common for a thesis to be a graduation requirement from a Master's degree.

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  15. PDF Information guidelines on your final thesis

    1. Good to know about your thesis 2. When to write your bachelor thesis 3. How to find a topic 4. How to find a supervisor 5. How to apply for a chair´s topic or introduce your own topic 6. How to register for your bachelor thesis 7. How to submit your bachelor thesis 8. English Writing Center, Writing Consultation "Schreibberatung" and ...

  16. citations

    Moreover, if the hard copy of your work won't be allowed to change again, simply add a report paper on the thesis hardcopies devoted to the errors and typos in the thesis. ... I cannot read my bachelor thesis, it is awful and there are mistakes. But it was accepted and I defended it. I fear reading my masters, because there are mistakes, weak ...

  17. PDF Senior Thesis Guidelines

    2 keeping in mind the standards below as norms (for a creative thesis). The Senior Champagne Reception follows the thesis deadline, in the Thompson Room, Barker Center. April 30, May 1, May 4, 2020 Oral examinations scheduled for those thesis writers who might be candidates for the summa cum laude degree. *Note for JOINT CONCENTRATORS: you must follow the deadlines and formatting/style guidelines

  18. I'm having a hard time choosing a bachelor thesis theme : r/math

    What people in this subreddit probably did before tackling a bachelor's thesis in math was to spend years studying lots of different kinds of math: real/complex analysis, abstract algebra, geometry/topology, combinatorics, number theory, ODEs/PDEs, linear algebra, maybe harmonic or functional analysis, and so on. 9. BettaGeorge.

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    Bachelor thesis; Dissertation; Master's thesis; Thermal binding as a classic way for printing and binding your thesis. Thermal binding is the most versatile type of binding. Its cover is transparent, thereby allowing you to show the title of your thesis right on the cover. Besides, it comes with a leather-like back cover and you get to choose ...

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  21. word choice

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