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Critical Thinking: 43+ (Good & Bad) Performance Review Phrases

There are many careers that require critical thinking or “common sense” to be successful in a specific role. Restaurant managers need to make fast and optimal staffing decisions on an hourly basis to remain profitable. Doctors and nurses must make accurate diagnoses and determine treatment plans for patients. Construction workers need to make the right decisions to maintain profitability and integrity of a building for safety and longevity.

Whether you’re a manager or conducting a self-review, here are performance review sample phrases you could include in an employee assessment about critical thinking skills. I share examples you can use for employees who meet or exceed expectations and even some blunt feedback for those who aren’t hitting the bar.

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Critical Thinking Comments for Performance Review

Critical thinking comments for students, conceptual thinking comments for performance reviews, checklist for measuring critical thinking, why is critical thinking important for businesses.

Critical Thinking: 43+ (Good & Bad) Performance Review Phrases.

Performance Review for Critical Thinking.

Positive Performance Review Comments about Critical Thinking 

Over the past year, your exceptional critical thinking skills have been a driving force behind our restaurant’s success. Your strategic decision-making has not only enhanced operational efficiency but also significantly boosted our bottom line. Your ability to analyze sales trends and adjust inventory accordingly has reduced waste and maximized profitability.

[Employee name] thoughtful hiring decisions have resulted in a team that is not only skilled but also highly motivated, contributing to an atmosphere of excellence that keeps our customers coming back. Your knack for forecasting staffing needs, especially during peak times, has ensured smooth operations, enhancing our reputation for prompt service.

The employee’s critical thinking skills have been a key asset to our management team. Your decisions are always well-considered, taking into account both immediate needs and long-term objectives. This is particularly evident in your approach to cost management and menu pricing, which has had a direct positive impact on our profit margins.

You’ve built a team that not only delivers exceptional service but also works efficiently, reducing labor costs while maintaining high-quality standards. Your ability to align staffing levels with business needs has been remarkable, ensuring we operate at optimum capacity without overstaffing.

In your role as restaurant manager, your critical thinking abilities have shone through in various aspects of the business. Your decision-making, particularly when faced with unexpected challenges, has helped maintain operational continuity and protect our bottom line.

Related Reading: 51+ (Good + Bad) Job Knowledge Performance Review Samples 

[Employee Name]’s ability to critically analyze complex issues and make informed decisions quickly has been instrumental in navigating the team through challenging projects. [Their/His/Her] foresight and strategic thinking have consistently delivered outstanding results.

[Employee Name]’s critical thinking skills have been a major asset, especially during crisis management situations. [Their/His/Her] knack for assessing risks and creating contingency plans has ensured our team’s success under pressure.

[Employee Name]’s keen eye for detail and analytical thinking have greatly enhanced our financial processes. [They/He/She] consistently identify areas for cost savings and efficiency, significantly contributing to our fiscal health.

Excellent management of the produce section, showing innovative approaches in display and waste reduction.

[Employee Name]’s critical thinking skills have revolutionized our inventory management, leading to significant reductions in overhead costs. [Their/His/Her] innovative solutions for streamlining logistics have set a new standard in operational efficiency.

In a world full of noise, critical thinking is your best filter.

Your best filter.

Met Expectations Examples 

You demonstrated exceptional critical thinking skills in the XYZ project by identifying potential risks and proposing innovative solutions.

Your ability to analyze data from various sources and draw insightful conclusions has significantly contributed to our team’s success.

[Employee Name]’s meticulous attention to detail in financial reporting has ensured accuracy and compliance, directly contributing to our organization’s financial stability and integrity.

[Employee Name]’s timely and accurate budget forecasting has been instrumental in helping us make informed financial decisions, positively impacting our bottom line.

[Employee Name]’s proactive identification and resolution of discrepancies in our financial records have safeguarded us against potential losses, enhancing our financial health.

Consistently high-quality bakery products; however, there’s a reluctance to experiment with new, healthier recipes.

[Employee Name] has consistently met the expectations of their role as a Marketing Coordinator. They have delivered all their projects on time and adhered to the department’s guidelines. While their work is reliable, there is room for taking more initiative and bringing innovative ideas to the table.

Good performance in food preparation and hygiene but lacking initiative in customer service and product promotion.

Continue to hone critical thinking skills, particularly in crisis management, to lead the team more effectively during challenging times.

Related Reading: 45+ (Excellent – Poor) Performance Reviews for Interns 

Expertise in butchery is evident, but customer queries regarding meat origins and sustainability practices often go unanswered. Use critical thinking to understand and communicate the importance of organic and sustainable meat sources to customers.

Employ critical thinking to educate customers about the benefits of sustainable seafood choices.

[Employee Name] has met the expected sales targets this quarter and has maintained good relationships with existing clients. However, there is potential for increasing new client acquisition and demonstrating more proactive sales strategies.

[Employee Name] has effectively managed their administrative responsibilities, ensuring smooth day-to-day operations. However, there’s an opportunity for them to enhance their role by improving their time management skills and taking on more complex tasks.

Did Not Meet Expectations Samples

While your analytical skills are strong, further developing your ability to consider diverse perspectives could lead to more comprehensive solutions.

I encourage you to take more initiative in questioning assumptions during our brainstorming sessions, as your insights are valuable.

Adaptability is crucial in the culinary world, but [Chef’s Name] has shown difficulty in evolving [their/his/her] cooking style and menu offerings to keep pace with industry trends. This resistance to change has hindered the restaurant’s potential to stay relevant and competitive.

Successful campaigns, but a lack of data-driven strategy to reach a broader, health-conscious audience.

[Chef’s Name] has struggled to innovate and create menu items that align with current consumer tastes and preferences. There’s a noticeable gap in [their/his/her] ability to develop forward-thinking recipes that could potentially attract a broader customer base.

[Employee Name] has shown a lack of critical thinking in their approach to marketing strategies. There’s a noticeable deficit in analyzing market trends and consumer behavior, leading to less effective campaigns.

[Employee Name]’s financial analyses often lack depth and foresight, showing a deficiency in critical thinking. Their reports rarely offer strategic insights or forward-thinking financial solutions.

Businesses that prioritize critical thinking are better equipped to adapt, innovate, and thrive in a rapidly changing environment.

Prioritizing critical thinking in a rapidly changing environment.

Excellent Critical Thinking Sample Phrases

  • [Student Name]’s ability to analyze complex topics and present well-reasoned arguments is exceptional. [They/He/She] consistently demonstrate deep understanding and apply critical thinking skills effectively in [their/his/her] assignments.
  • [Student Name] excels in critical thinking, often providing unique insights during class discussions. [Their/His/Her] approach to problem-solving is sophisticated, showing a high level of analytical ability.
  • [Student Name] displays a good grasp of critical thinking, particularly in [their/his/her] ability to analyze different perspectives. Continue to develop these skills by questioning assumptions and exploring alternative solutions.
  • [Student Name]’s critical thinking skills are evident in [their/his/her] work, but there’s room for growth. [They/He/She] show potential in analytical thinking; further cultivating these skills will enhance [their/his/her] academic performance.

Critical Thinking Meets Expectations Examples 

  • [Student Name] shows some understanding of critical thinking concepts, but there’s a need for more consistent application. Try to delve deeper into topics and question underlying assumptions more frequently.
  • [Student Name]’s critical thinking is developing, but at times, [their/his/her] arguments lack depth. Focus on building stronger connections between ideas and backing up [your/his/her] points with evidence.

Poor Critical Thinking Skills

  • There’s a significant need for improvement in [Student Name]’s critical thinking skills. [Their/His/Her] work often shows a lack of analysis and reliance on unsupported assertions. Engaging more critically with material will be essential for academic progress.
  • Critical thinking appears to be a challenge for [Student Name], as seen in [their/his/her] reluctance to question or analyze information presented. It’s important to develop these skills to enhance [your/his/her] understanding and academic performance.

Conceptual thinking involves the ability to understand complex ideas, see patterns and connections, and apply abstract concepts to solve problems in innovative ways. Employee with strong conceptual thinking skills can grasp the bigger picture and devise strategic solutions that drive progress.

Excellent Conceptual Thinking Feedback

  • [Employee Name]’s ability to grasp complex concepts and apply them innovatively is impressive. [Their/His/Her] strategic thinking significantly contributes to our team’s success.
  • [Employee Name] excels at connecting disparate ideas to form cohesive strategies. [Their/His/Her] conceptual thinking skills are a valuable asset to our organization.
  • [Employee Name] demonstrates a solid understanding of abstract concepts and often applies them effectively. Further development in this area could lead to even more innovative solutions.
  • [Employee Name]’s grasp of broader concepts is good, but there’s potential for deeper exploration. Continue to hone [their/his/her] ability to think abstractly and apply it practically.

Critical thinking is the cornerstone of informed decision-making.

The cornerstone of informed decision-making.

Meets Expectations Conceptual Thinking Feedback

  • [Employee Name] shows some capability in conceptual thinking, but there’s room for more consistent application. Try to think beyond the immediate task and consider the bigger picture.
  • [Employee Name]’s ability to understand abstract ideas is developing. Focus on making more connections between theory and practice to enhance [their/his/her] conceptual thinking.

Needs Improvement Feedback 

  • [Employee Name]’s work reflects a need for significant improvement in conceptual thinking. Engaging more with abstract ideas and understanding their practical applications is crucial.
  • There’s a noticeable difficulty for [Employee Name] in grasping broader concepts and applying them. Focusing on developing [their/his/her] conceptual thinking skills is essential for [their/his/her] role.

Here are some ways to build critical thinking int your goals during the annual review process. Keep in mind that every role may have slightly different critical thinking objectives.

For All Employees:

  • Problem-Solving Skills : Demonstrates ability to analyze problems and develop effective solutions.
  • Analytical Thinking : Breaks down complex information into understandable parts.
  • Decision-Making : Makes informed decisions based on analysis and understanding of consequences.
  • Creativity and Innovation : Generates new ideas and approaches to challenges.
  • Questioning and Investigating : Regularly questions assumptions and investigates alternatives.
  • Adaptability : Adjusts thinking and approach in response to changing situations.
  • Communication of Thought Process : Clearly articulates the reasoning behind decisions and ideas.
  • Open-Mindedness : Shows willingness to consider different perspectives and ideas.
  • Evidence-Based Reasoning : Bases conclusions on appropriate evidence and data.

Specific to Restaurant Industry Roles:

  • Menu Development and Adaptation : Applies critical thinking to menu design and adaptation based on customer preferences and seasonal availability.
  • Cost Control and Waste Reduction : Strategically analyzes and implements methods to minimize costs and waste.
  • Customer Feedback Analysis : Effectively analyzes and responds to customer feedback to improve service and offerings.
  • Staffing and Scheduling : Thoughtfully considers staffing needs and creates schedules that optimize labor and service quality.
  • Health and Safety Compliance : Diligently ensures compliance with health and safety standards through careful analysis and implementation.

In the business world, critical thinking is the bridge that connects information to action.

The bridge that connects information to action.

Not sure if critical thinking can really help your business? One real-world example of a food service business that improved due to critical thinking is Starbucks’ with the introduction of mobile ordering and payment.

Back in the mid-2010s, the global coffee brand faced challenges with long queues and wait times, affecting customer satisfaction and sales. Starbucks employed critical thinking to address this issue. They recognized the growing trend of mobile usage and the potential to leverage technology for customer convenience.

In 2015, Starbucks launched the Mobile Order & Pay feature in their app, allowing customers to order and pay for their drinks and food items in advance and pick them up at a selected store.

Results: The introduction of this feature had a significant positive impact on the companies bottom line according to earnings releases :

  • Increased Sales : The mobile ordering system contributed to a considerable increase in sales. For instance, in the third quarter of fiscal 2016, Starbucks reported that mobile ordering accounted for 5% of U.S. transactions, a figure that has been growing steadily.
  • Improved Efficiency : The mobile order and pay system streamlined operations and reduced waiting times, enhancing overall customer experience.
  • Customer Loyalty : This innovation boosted the Starbucks Rewards loyalty program with more customers signing up to use the mobile app. You can order anything on the menu through this app and earn loyalty points or stars with each purchase. You also get some valuable perks like a free birthday reward.

Now that you’ve seen an example of critical thinking in action, what ways could this skill be utilized to improve your business? By prioritizing innovation and encouraging creativity in the workplace you could come up with ideas that are truly transformative to your business.

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Hey! 👋I’m Brett Lindenberg, the founder of Food Truck Empire.

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About the Author: Brett Lindenberg

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Critical Thinking Performance Review Phrases Examples

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Critical Thinking Sample Phrases To Write A Performance Appraisal Feedback

Performance review phrases for employee evaluation (with examples)

performance review phrases

The purpose of employee performance reviews is to evaluate an employee’s work performance, provide feedback on strengths and areas for improvement, set goals for future development, and foster communication and alignment between employees and management regarding expectations and objectives. The important thing is to communicate feedback in a way that is objective as possible and easy for employees and managers to understand . This list of performance review phrases will help you conduct evaluations fairly and effectively .


Performance review comments example

Phrases for employee strengths and weaknesses, performance review career goals examples.


  • Collaboration performance review comments
  • Teamwork performance review comments
  • Professionalism and Commitment phrases
  • Attendance performance review comments
  • Productivity and Quality of Work phrases
  • Adaptability performance review comments
  • Communication Skills/Interpersonal skills phrases
  • Innovation and Creativity performance review comments
  • Accountability performance review comments
  • Customer Focus and Customer Satisfaction phrases
  • Decision making and problem solving phrases
  • Dependability and Reliability performance review comments
  • Integrity performance review comments
  • Flexibility performance review comments
  • Leadership and Management performance review comments
  • Initiative performance review comments
  • Job knowledge performance review comments
  • Planning and Organization performance review comments
  • Time Management performance review comments
  • Attitude performance review comments

Performance review closing comments

  • Do performance reviews with software ✅

There are many different types of employee performance reviews , using a variety of performance management tools such as a 9-box grid . Another type of review employs 360 degree feedback which is a common feature of continuous performance management .

The way the phrases listed in this article could be used are demonstrated in the performance review comment example below:

During an annual employee performance review , a manager might provide a comment such as “John consistently demonstrates exceptional problem-solving skills, effectively resolving complex challenges.” This comment serves as an example of John’s strength in problem-solving and can be used to highlight his positive contributions and areas of expertise within the team. Additionally, it can serve as a basis for discussing specific accomplishments and areas for further development during the performance review discussion.

Employee strengths and weaknesses can be gauged in a performance review through objective metrics, self-assessment, manager evaluation, 360-degree feedback, performance appraisal forms, behavioral interviews, and skill assessments. These methods provide a comprehensive understanding of an employee’s performance, helping to identify areas of excellence and areas needing improvement.

When phrasing employee strengths and weaknesses during a performance review, it’s important to be specific, objective, and constructive. Here are some tips:

  • Be Specific: Use concrete examples and evidence to support your assessments rather than generalizations.
  • Focus on Behaviors: Describe observable behaviors and actions rather than making assumptions about personality traits.
  • Use Positive Language: Frame strengths positively to acknowledge achievements and motivate further development. For weaknesses, use constructive language that emphasizes opportunities for improvement.
  • Provide Context: Consider the employee’s role, responsibilities, and the organization’s goals when evaluating strengths and weaknesses.
  • Offer Support: For weaknesses, suggest strategies for improvement and offer resources or training opportunities to help the employee develop.
  • Balance: Recognize that every employee has strengths and weaknesses, and aim to provide a balanced assessment that acknowledges both.
  • Remove bias: Removing bias from reviews involves objectively evaluating employees’ performance based on measurable criteria and avoiding subjective judgments or preconceived notions.

Take a look at the following examples on how employee strengths and weaknesses can be phrased during a performance review cycle.

Performance review strength

Example Phrases for addressing employee strengths:

  • “Sarah consistently demonstrates strong leadership skills by effectively guiding her team to achieve project milestones ahead of schedule.”
  • “Tom’s exceptional communication skills foster a positive team dynamic and enhance collaboration across departments.”
  • “Lisa’s attention to detail ensures accuracy and precision in all her work, contributing to the high quality of deliverables.”

Performance review weakness

Example Phrases for addressing employee weaknesses:

  • “While John excels in technical skills, he could benefit from improving his time management to meet project deadlines more consistently.”
  • “While Rachel demonstrates creativity in problem-solving, she occasionally struggles with accepting feedback and incorporating it into her work.”
  • “David’s excellent interpersonal skills could be further enhanced by actively seeking out opportunities to mentor junior team members.”

Now that you know how to conduct performance reviews and phrase feedback in a way that is useful to employees and managers, read through the examples below to find the phrases you need for all situations.

Although performance reviews can be stressful for managers and employees alike, they provide an excellent opportunity to connect with employees and understand their career aspirations . By engaging in these discussions, managers can gain valuable insights into employees’ goals and preferences, helping to align organizational objectives with individual development paths . This proactive approach fosters a supportive and collaborative work environment, ultimately benefiting both employees and the organization as a whole.

Performance review phrases collaboration

Giving employees feedback on collaboration is crucial. It helps improve teamwork, resolves conflicts, and builds trust. Feedback also guides continuous learning and ensures everyone is working towards the same goals.

Use these phrases to give employees constructive performance review feedback on collaboration.

Meets or Exceeds Expectations

  • Demonstrates assistance to coworkers with tasks, even if outside direct responsibility.
  • Consistently aids coworkers facing task difficulties.
  • Effectively promotes cooperation to ensure team productivity and meet deadlines.
  • Displays willingness to offer assistance.
  • Receives constructive criticism positively.
  • Ensures assignments are followed through and followed up with.
  • Volunteers to aid other teams in meeting their goals.
  • Readily shares information and resources with colleagues.
  • Strives to understand diverse perspectives and find common ground.
  • Recognizes and credits others’ contributions.
  • Facilitates constructive conflict resolution by considering all sides.
  • Treats all colleagues equally regardless of role or level.
  • Keeps others informed of progress for collaborative input.
  • Demonstrates flexibility in reaching mutually beneficial agreements.
  • Respects others’ time by communicating delays and being punctual.
  • Supports team decisions even when differing from personal viewpoints.
  • Assists in the integration of new coworkers and their role understanding.
  • Identifies opportunities for effective coworker collaboration.
  • Promotes unity around shared goals.
  • Considers multiple viewpoints when evaluating alternatives.
  • Facilitates cooperation across departments and organizational boundaries.
  • Aids in orienting newcomers to workplace norms and policies.
  • Takes initiative to maintain positive working relationships.
  • Shows active interest in coworkers’ work and offers assistance.
  • Expresses appreciation for contributions to team success.
  • Maintains an open mind and reevaluates assumptions.
  • Acknowledges personal limitations and involves others as needed.
  • Prioritizes team needs over personal preferences.
  • Shares credit and deflects praise onto coworkers.
  • Makes an effort to connect with coworkers beyond work responsibilities.
  • Advocates for the team’s interests when interacting with other groups.
  • Helps foster an environment conducive to cooperation and mutual support.
  • Brings out the best in coworkers through respect, support, and positivity.
  • Integrates cooperation and collaboration into regular work approach.

Below Expectations

  • Demonstrates unwillingness to collaborate and prefers solitary work.
  • Unwilling to assist coworkers, even upon request.
  • Professional in work but hesitant to offer advice to others.
  • Demonstrates reluctance to work with others.
  • Least likely to offer assistance when needed.
  • Adapts to new tasks effectively but fails to communicate with and train others.
  • Withholds information and resources rather than sharing.
  • Dismisses others’ viewpoints without consideration.
  • Takes credit for joint work without acknowledging contributions.
  • Tends to argue rather than seek consensus.
  • Fails to make an effort to understand perspectives different from own.
  • Shows favoritism towards certain coworkers.
  • Keeps teammates uninformed about progress and plans.
  • Unwilling to compromise on issues important to others.
  • Misses deadlines without communicating delays appropriately.
  • Undermines group decisions that don’t align with preferences.
  • Fails to help new coworkers or ensure they understand their roles.
  • Fails to identify ways for coworkers to work together effectively.
  • Allows disagreements to divide the team rather than unite them.
  • Considers only personal perspective rather than multiple viewpoints.
  • Fails to facilitate cooperation between departments.
  • Fails to help orient newcomers or introduce workplace standards.
  • Does little to build positive relationships with coworkers.
  • Uninterested in others’ work and does not offer assistance.
  • Fails to acknowledge others’ contributions to success.
  • Closedminded and does not rethink assumptions.
  • Takes on too much personally rather than involving others.
  • Prioritizes selfinterests over team needs.
  • Takes credit for self and does not recognize others.
  • Detached from coworkers outside of work responsibilities.
  • Does not represent team interests to other groups.
  • Fosters an individualistic rather than cooperative culture.
  • Fails to bring out the best in coworkers.
  • Cooperation is not a regular part of work approach.

performance review software

Performance review teamwork phrases

During a performance review cooperation and teamwork are among the most important qualities that need to be evaluated. Check out these performance review comments on teamwork and choose the ones to ask employees during your next evaluation period.

Performance review phrases for teamwork

Meets expectations

  • Shows a high level of team spirit, readily cooperating with team members to get the job done.
  • Respects every team member.
  • Works well with others.
  • Always helps out to achieve the goals of the group.
  • Has a great willingness to help fellow teammates.
  • Is a good team member, very cooperative and helpful in times of need.
  • Actively participates in team discussions and shares workload.
  • Respects different opinions and encourages open dialogue.
  • Maintains harmonious relationships and resolves conflicts constructively.
  • Acknowledges contributions of others and praises the success of teammates.
  • Shares knowledge and resources willingly to help teammates succeed.
  • Maintains transparency and keeps teammates informed of progress and issues.
  • Respects deadlines of other departments and coordinates effectively.
  • Respects commitments to teammates and delivers on assigned responsibilities.
  • Maintains a collaborative approach and shares credit for team achievements.
  • Seeks feedback to improve and respects feedback from other team members.
  • Motivates teammates during difficult periods and boosts team morale.
  • Respects team norms and establishes a cooperative working environment.
  • Values different skills and backgrounds that teammates bring to projects.
  • Is flexible and willing to take on additional responsibilities as required.
  • Respects team boundaries and does not overstep limits of other roles.
  • Is respectful towards teammates and uses polite, considerate language.
  • Supports team decisions respectfully.

Below expectations

  • Does not have a good relationship with team members and sometimes refuses to accept their opinion.
  • Is not consistent in supporting teammates.
  • Does not understand how to share tasks with others.
  • Is more suitable to an individual-focused environment than a group-work environment.
  • Does not know how to cooperate with colleagues in the team to achieve targets.
  • Is reluctant to share work and seeks individual recognition over team achievements.
  • Argues with teammates and does not respect different opinions and views.
  • Fails to keep teammates informed of progress and roadblocks in a timely manner.
  • Takes credit for team successes but blames others for failures or mistakes.
  • Lacks flexibility and is unwilling to help teammates facing workload issues.
  • Plays politics within the team and fails to establish trust and cooperation.
  • Does not respect team norms and creates disruptions through unprofessional conduct.
  • Fails to value different skills and backgrounds of teammates.
  • Does not acknowledge efforts of others and is reluctant to praise teammates.
  • Argues with feedback and disrespects suggestions from other team members.
  • Discusses team matters outside inappropriately and damages confidentiality.
  • Lacks commitment to team goals and allows personal needs to hamper collaboration.
  • Is inflexible and unwilling to take on additional responsibilities as required.
  • Fails to establish rapport with teammates and comes across as arrogant.
  • Lacks initiative in resolving conflicts constructively and damages team harmony.

Performance review phrases professionalism

Professionalism isn’t just a quality; it’s also an attitude. A professional attitude can make working together much easier. Because of this, professionalism may also be evaluated during a review. In addition to phrases to evaluate professionalism in the workplace, this list also contains commitment performance review phrases.

Meets or exceeds expectations

  • Demonstrates self-motivation and strives to complete all tasks on time.
  • Exhibits perfectionism, persisting until achieving excellent results.
  • Displays significant interest in the job, constantly generating new ideas.
  • Possesses a high level of professional knowledge in the field.
  • Takes initiative and continuously seeks ways to improve work.
  • Maintains a positive attitude even during challenging times.
  • Takes pride in work and aims for high-quality outcomes.
  • Stays updated with ongoing learning in the field.
  • Approaches problems with care, diligence, and a solutions-oriented mindset.
  • Consistently delivers work exceeding role expectations.
  • Demonstrates passion for the profession and enthusiasm for work.
  • Represents the organization professionally in all interactions.
  • Pays meticulous attention to detail and rectifies errors.
  • Assumes responsibility for work and refrains from making excuses.
  • Manages time effectively to meet all deadlines.
  • Proactively seeks to improve processes and find efficiencies.
  • Maintains professional composure under pressure.
  • Dedicates efforts to serving organizational goals and priorities.
  • Exhibits high organization, ensuring well-documented work.
  • Proactively anticipates problems and develops solutions.
  • Takes on additional responsibilities voluntarily.
  • Willing to work extra hours when needed to complete tasks.
  • Maintains a high-quality portfolio of work achievements.
  • Seeks feedback to enhance skills and performance.
  • Sets an example of excellence motivating high performance.
  • Demonstrates leadership and mentors less experienced colleagues.
  • Displays full commitment to the organization’s success.
  • Pursues continuous expansion of expertise in the field.
  • Fails to fulfill required duties.
  • Takes excessive breaks and shows reluctance in duties.
  • Often attempts to leave the workplace early.
  • Shows little genuine interest in the job.
  • Punctuality and appearance are lacking.
  • Misses deadlines and avoids responsibility.
  • Produces sloppy work not meeting quality standards.
  • Makes excuses for errors or problems.
  • Resists feedback and lacks initiative.
  • Knowledge in the field is outdated or insufficient.
  • Represents the organization unprofessionally.
  • Fails to anticipate issues, leaving problems for others.
  • Avoids extra responsibilities and passes work to others.
  • Unwilling to work additional hours when necessary.
  • Ineffective in documenting or organizing work.
  • Demonstrates lack of dedication to organizational goals.
  • Disorganized, losing or misfiling important documents.
  • Displays a negative attitude impacting others.
  • Lacks punctuality, missing meetings or appointments.
  • Portfolio lacks substance and accomplishments.
  • Closed to feedback and unwilling to improve.
  • Shows lack of passion for the profession or field.
  • Fails to set a positive example for others.

Performance review phrases attendance

Recognizing employees for their punctuality and consistent attendance is crucial. Positive phrases may include highlighting their on-time arrivals, reliability in meeting deadlines, and adherence to company policies. This acknowledgment fosters a culture of reliability and contributes to a smooth workflow.

Attendance and punctuality performance review sample

Here’s a sample performance review comment addressing attendance and punctuality:

“Jane consistently maintains excellent attendance and punctuality, setting a reliable example for the team. Her consistent presence ensures that team meetings start promptly and deadlines are met without delay. Jane’s dedication to punctuality greatly contributes to the smooth operation of our department.”

Employee performance review phrases attendance

  • Performance is always reliable, following the work schedule well.
  • Manages the schedule efficiently, fully completing all assigned tasks for the week.
  • Sets a standard with perfect attendance.
  • Exemplifies an ideal employee, arriving and leaving on time, and taking breaks as scheduled.
  • Arrives fully prepared to tackle responsibilities every day.
  • Demonstrates reliability with no attendance concerns.
  • Punctual for work and meetings.
  • Always arrives prepared for work.
  • Notifies managers well in advance of planned time off.
  • Makes arrangements for coverage during absences.
  • Present and engaged during scheduled working hours.
  • Arrives early to prepare and stays late to complete work.
  • Adheres strictly to scheduled start and end times daily.
  • Always ready to start work promptly.
  • Schedules personal appointments outside working hours.
  • Coordinates schedules with coworkers to avoid disruptions.
  • Exemplifies attendance standards.
  • Ensures task coverage during absences with contingency plans.
  • Always on time for shifts, meetings, and deadlines.
  • Impeccable attendance and punctuality year after year.
  • Committed to being present and productive during work hours.
  • Optimizes schedule for productivity and availability.
  • Takes initiative to swap shifts as needed.
  • Reliable in unpredictable or emergency situations.
  • Attendance sets a motivating standard.
  • Communicates availability and schedule clearly.
  • Exemplary attendance record with no issues.
  • Demonstrates inconsistent attitude negatively affecting the team.
  • Follows appropriate schedule but often returns late from off-site activities, impacting coworkers.
  • Fails to meet punctuality standards.
  • Does not respond to communications promptly.
  • Frequently late for work, not adhering to attendance policy.
  • Takes unapproved time off or exceeds allotted leave.
  • Frequent absences or lateness without advance notice.
  • Leaves early or takes extended breaks without permission.
  • Unpredictable schedule disrupts coworkers’ work.
  • Fails to make arrangements during absences, causing workload pile-up.
  • Misses deadlines and appointments due to poor time management.
  • Regularly late to meetings and appointments.
  • Tardiness and absenteeism set negative example.
  • Frequently unavailable during scheduled hours.
  • Takes unscheduled days off with short notice.
  • Requires excessive supervision and follow-up due to inconsistent schedule.
  • Fails to adhere to attendance and punctuality policies.
  • Unpredictable whereabouts and availability.
  • Inconsistent response to communications.
  • Inconsistent schedule disrupts operations.
  • Attendance record shows repeated issues.

time tracking software

Performance review comments quality of work

Providing employees with feedback about productivity and quality of work is essential for their professional growth and contribution to organizational goals. By using performance review phrases tailored to productivity and quality of work, managers can offer specific guidance and set clear expectations, fostering a culture of continuous improvement and excellence in the workplace.

Productivity and quality of work performance review examples

  • Detail-oriented approach ensures consistently high-quality work.
  • Maintains a high level of accuracy consistently.
  • Upholds a good standard of productive work.
  • Takes on new responsibilities independently.
  • Demonstrates a strong grasp of job responsibilities.
  • Ensures accuracy in all tasks.
  • Attends to every detail in assigned tasks.
  • Valued for high-quality, accurate performance.
  • Developed [program/initiative] yielding [x] results.
  • Improved output/production by [x]%.
  • Surpassed start of year goals by [number].
  • Delivers consistent, reliable results for clients/customers.
  • Completes tasks efficiently well before deadlines.
  • Initiates process improvements for increased efficiency.
  • Minimizes rework or corrections in work.
  • Sets a high standard with work performance.
  • Maintains meticulous records and documentation.
  • Finds innovative solutions to complex problems.
  • Work product exceeds role requirements.
  • Completes extra tasks beyond normal duties.
  • Receives consistent praise from customers/clients.
  • Achieves results exceeding performance targets.
  • Delivers work on time and within budget.
  • Solutions are well-conceived and enduring.
  • Rarely achieves monthly performance targets.
  • Produces a higher defect rate compared to peers.
  • Work does not meet required output standards.
  • Demonstrates low knowledge of required work procedures.
  • Reluctant to take on new responsibilities.
  • Struggles to concentrate on work.
  • Unaware of job requirements.
  • Unreliable quality of work.
  • Fails to check work thoroughly before submission.
  • Unable to perform job without assistance.
  • Lack of concentration leads to high error rate.
  • Work doesn’t pass inspection by team members.
  • Overlooks task details.
  • Misses key task requirements.
  • Fails to meet basic quality standards.
  • Work requires excessive corrections.

performance review demo

Performance review phrases adaptability

Providing employees with feedback about adaptability is crucial because it helps them understand their strengths and areas for improvement in navigating changes and uncertainties within the workplace. By acknowledging adaptability through feedback, employees are encouraged to embrace new challenges, learn from experiences, and develop resilience, ultimately contributing to their professional growth and the overall success of the organization.

  • Maintains a calm and composed demeanor under stressful situations.
  • Acknowledges and recognizes proposals for change.
  • Promptly tackles changes while completing assignments.
  • Welcomes criticism to improve the business.
  • Willing to explore more effective business methods.
  • Adjusts approach when facing obstacles.
  • Considers different perspectives before deciding on action.
  • Incorporates feedback to improve work methods.
  • Remains open-minded towards new ideas and suggestions.
  • Readily accepts additional responsibilities when needed.
  • Flexible enough to take on varied tasks.
  • Adapts communication style to different personalities.
  • Makes necessary adjustments to changing priorities.
  • Alters approach based on unique situation demands.
  • Tailors solutions according to target audience.
  • Reworks procedures in response to shifting business needs.
  • Modifies plans readily with new information.
  • Fine-tunes methods to optimize performance.
  • Varies problem-solving techniques for differing issues.
  • Adjusts easily to new teams and working environments.
  • Alters traditional methods for more effective options.
  • Diversifies skill set through ongoing training.
  • Reconsiders solutions in response to changing needs.
  • Tweaks established processes with new developments.
  • Modifies deadlines and timelines to accommodate changes.
  • Reworks content for various presentation formats.
  • Streamlines operations by refining ineffective practices.
  • Upgrades skills continuously to stay ahead of changes.
  • Slow to confront changes.
  • Unwilling to accept even minor changes.
  • Easily confused about “out of plan” changes.
  • Unwilling to accept last-minute changes.
  • Struggles adjusting to unexpected obstacles.
  • Resists considering different viewpoints.
  • Fails to incorporate constructive criticism.
  • Dismisses new ideas without proper evaluation.
  • Declines additional responsibilities outside scope.
  • Struggles shifting between diverse tasks.
  • Uses a rigid communication approach.
  • Difficulty adjusting to shifting priorities.
  • Applies a one-size-fits-all solution method.
  • Struggles tailoring solutions for different audiences.
  • Slow to modify procedures in response to changes.
  • Fails to update plans with new information.
  • Does not fine-tune methods for better performance.
  • Uses a standardized problem-solving approach.
  • Difficulties adjusting to new teams and environments.
  • Clings to outdated methods despite better options.
  • Fails to expand skillset through ongoing learning.
  • Slow to reconsider solutions that no longer fit.
  • Uses a one-size-fits-all communication style.
  • Resists tweaking processes for new developments.
  • Does not refine strategies in line with market changes.
  • Teaches all learners uniformly regardless of needs.
  • Inflexible about deadlines and timelines.
  • Presents content in a rigid format.
  • Clings to ineffective practices rather than streamline.
  • Fails to upgrade skills to adapt to changes.

Performance review communication skills comments

Providing employees with feedback about communication is essential as it enhances teamwork, collaboration, and organizational effectiveness. Through performance review comments on communication and interpersonal skills, managers guide employees to understand how their communication impacts work relationships . By using performance appraisal communication skills examples and evaluation phrases, managers help employees improve their ability to convey ideas, resolve conflicts , and foster positive relationships.

Performance review phrases communication skills

  • Communication skills, both verbal and written, are highly effective.
  • Friendly communicator, building rapport with every division in the company.
  • Positive attitude and willingness to listen are highly appreciated.
  • Regularly gives constructive feedback.
  • Makes new employees feel welcome.
  • Provides accurate and timely information, both written and orally.
  • Actively listens to others.
  • Involves others in problem-solving.
  • Provides clear instructions and expectations.
  • Accepts criticism, is open to new ideas, and handles conflict constructively and diplomatically.
  • Articulates ideas in a clear and organized manner.
  • Communicates effectively with all levels of staff.
  • Establishes rapport easily with both internal and external contacts.
  • Shares credit and recognizes others’ contributions.
  • Gives and receives feedback professionally and productively.
  • Builds strong working relationships across departments.
  • Expresses empathy when listening to others.
  • Facilitates discussions to reach agreement.
  • Communicates appropriately for each audience and situation.
  • Addresses concerns respectfully and seeks mutually agreeable solutions.
  • Presents information compellingly to different groups.
  • Encourages open dialogue and the sharing of perspectives.
  • Mediates disagreements constructively to find common ground.
  • Maintains an approachable demeanor to foster collaboration.
  • Keeps others informed proactively through regular updates.
  • Clarifies expectations to ensure shared understanding.
  • Negotiates diplomatically to reach mutually agreeable solutions.
  • Fosters an environment of trust and respect among colleagues.
  • Expresses disagreement respectfully and proposes alternative options.
  • Welcomes diverse viewpoints and new ideas from all levels.
  • Facilitates cooperation across teams to accomplish goals.
  • Connects people to build new relationships and opportunities.
  • Keeps an open door to address any staff concerns constructively.
  • Makes others feel heard by paraphrasing their perspectives.
  • Brings people together, finds common ground, and moves discussion forward productively.
  • Acknowledges others effectively to build morale and engagement.
  • Resolves interpersonal issues diplomatically to maintain cohesion.
  • Keeps an even temper when under pressure or during disagreement.
  • Fails to communicate with team members effectively.
  • Must improve foreign language skills.
  • Not adept at documenting verbal communication.
  • Should work on this skill over the next 90 days.
  • Should communicate project status updates more frequently.
  • Seen as unapproachable by many coworkers.
  • Needs to work on listening to others.
  • Works well with own team but has an “us” against “them” mentality towards others within the company.
  • Struggles articulating ideas clearly.
  • Fails to communicate effectively across levels.
  • Difficulty establishing rapport externally.
  • Takes credit individually rather than recognizing others.
  • Gives feedback in an unproductive manner.
  • Lacks strong working relationships across departments.
  • Does not show empathy when others speak.
  • Does not facilitate discussions to reach agreement.
  • Uses inappropriate communication style.
  • Fails to address concerns respectfully to find solutions.
  • Presents information poorly to different groups.
  • Discourages open dialogue and sharing of perspectives.
  • Handles disagreements in an unconstructive manner.
  • Maintains an unapproachable demeanor.
  • Fails to provide regular updates proactively.
  • Lacks clarity on expectations.
  • Negotiates in an adversarial rather than cooperative spirit.
  • Fosters an environment lacking trust and respect.
  • Expresses disagreement disrespectfully.
  • Discourages diverse viewpoints and new ideas.
  • Fails to facilitate cooperation across teams.
  • Does not connect people to build opportunities.
  • Inaccessible to address staff concerns.
  • Does not acknowledge others’ perspectives.
  • Moves discussions in an unproductive direction.
  • Fails to acknowledge others effectively.
  • Loses temper during disagreement or pressure.

Performance review phrases for innovation and creativity

Providing employees with feedback about innovation and creativity is crucial for fostering a culture of innovation within the organization. By acknowledging and encouraging innovative thinking through feedback, employees are motivated to generate new ideas, solve problems creatively, and drive positive change. This feedback helps employees understand the value of their innovative contributions and reinforces a culture that values creativity, ultimately leading to improved organizational performance.

Creativity performance review phrases

  • Demonstrates the ability to develop creative solutions to solve problems.
  • Thinks outside the box to find the best solutions to particular problems.
  • Regularly contributes suggestions on how to improve company processes.
  • Constantly searches for new ideas and ways to improve efficiency.
  • Has launched creative initiatives such as [specific example].
  • Creates breakthrough and helpful ideas in meetings.
  • Trusted for a helpful and creative solution when facing difficulty.
  • A creative individual who often finds effective solutions to problems.
  • Develops innovative concepts for new products and services.
  • Approaches challenges with an imaginative mindset.
  • Generates fresh perspectives on existing problems.
  • Encourages the team to think creatively and come up with innovative solutions.
  • Fosters a culture of creativity and innovation within the team.
  • Recognizes and rewards creative thinking and innovation within the team.
  • Provides opportunities for the team to develop creativity and innovation skills.
  • Collaborates with the team to generate new and innovative ideas.
  • Willing to experiment with new approaches or ideas, enabling the team to innovate.
  • Seeks out new and innovative solutions to problems.
  • Receptive to feedback or suggestions from the team regarding creative solutions.
  • Prioritizes creativity and innovation in the team’s goals and objectives.
  • Invests in training or development programs to enhance the team’s creativity and innovation skills.
  • Provides a safe and supportive environment for the team to take creative risks.
  • Encourages the team to challenge the status quo and think outside the box.
  • Recognizes and appreciates the value of creative thinking and innovation in achieving business goals.
  • Proactive in seeking out new and innovative opportunities for the team.
  • Provides the necessary autonomy and freedom for the team to explore creative solutions.
  • Empowers the team to take ownership of their creativity and innovation efforts.
  • Recognizes and addresses barriers that may hinder the team’s ability to be creative and innovative.
  • Provides the necessary support and resources for the team to implement creative solutions.
  • Fosters a culture of experimentation and learning from failure.
  • Adapts to changing circumstances and finds creative solutions to new challenges.
  • Consistently comes up with fresh and innovative ideas to improve business operations.
  • Inspires the team to think creatively and embrace new ideas.
  • Balances creativity with practicality to find effective solutions.
  • Skilled at identifying opportunities for innovation and implementing them successfully.
  • Encourages a collaborative approach to problem-solving, leading to creative solutions.
  • Communicates complex ideas in a clear and creative manner.
  • Passionate about exploring new ideas and finding innovative solutions to problems.
  • Does not encourage the team to find creative solutions.
  • Demonstrates a lack of interest in contributing creative or innovative ideas.
  • Has a difficult time thinking “outside of the box” and creating new solutions.
  • Tends to act before thinking, causing problems when pushing untested or unexamined ideas forward too quickly.
  • Discourages creative solutions from the team.
  • Rarely considers new and innovative ideas from the team.
  • Shows little interest in exploring creative solutions to problems.
  • Tends to stick to traditional methods instead of exploring new and innovative approaches.
  • Not open to new ideas and tends to shut down creative suggestions from the team.
  • Lacks the ability to think creatively and come up with innovative solutions.
  • Does not value creativity and innovation in the team.
  • Resistant to change and new ideas, limiting the team’s ability to innovate.
  • Does not provide the necessary resources or support for the team to be creative and innovative.
  • Does not foster a culture of creativity and innovation within the team.
  • Not willing to take risks or try new things, hindering the team’s ability to innovate.
  • Does not encourage the team to think creatively and come up with innovative solutions.
  • Does not recognize or reward creative thinking and innovation within the team.
  • Does not provide opportunities for the team to develop creativity and innovation skills.
  • Does not collaborate with the team to generate new and innovative ideas.
  • Not willing to experiment with new approaches or ideas, limiting the team’s ability to innovate.
  • Does not seek out new and innovative solutions to problems.
  • Not receptive to feedback or suggestions from the team regarding creative solutions.
  • Does not prioritize creativity and innovation in the team’s goals and objectives.
  • Does not invest in training or development programs to enhance the team’s creativity and innovation skills.
  • Does not provide a safe and supportive environment for the team to take creative risks.
  • Does not encourage the team to challenge the status quo and think outside the box.
  • Does not recognize or appreciate the value of creative thinking and innovation in achieving business goals.
  • Not proactive in seeking out new and innovative opportunities for the team.
  • Does not provide the necessary autonomy and freedom for the team to explore creative solutions.
  • Does not empower the team to take ownership of their creativity and innovation efforts.
  • Does not recognize or address barriers that may hinder the team’s ability to be creative and innovative.
  • Does not provide the necessary support and resources for the team to implement creative solutions.

Accountability performance review phrases

Providing employees with feedback on accountability encourages responsibility, trust, and high performance, contributing to your company’s success.

Performance review accountability

In performance reviews, accountability is crucial for assessing employees’ reliability and commitment to their roles . Feedback on accountability evaluates their ability to take ownership of their work, meet deadlines, and fulfill commitments. It reinforces the importance of responsibility and reliability while setting clear expectations for future performance. By recognizing instances of accountability and addressing areas for improvement, managers cultivate a culture of trust and integrity within the organization, ultimately leading to improved employee engagement and productivity.

  • Demonstrates responsibility by assisting team mates with their tasks willingly.
  • Takes full accountability for actions and never avoids responsibility.
  • Assists coworkers promptly in response to workload changes.
  • Offers assistance to others proactively.
  • Volunteers assistance even when not expected.
  • Displays empathy towards others’ needs.
  • Strives to foster a positive work atmosphere.
  • Shows awareness of external environmental needs.
  • Efficiently utilizes time consistently.
  • Welcomes feedback on work openly.
  • Takes ownership of tasks from start to finish autonomously.
  • Identifies when additional help is needed and finds solutions without compromising quality or deadlines.
  • Acknowledges mistakes as opportunities for growth.
  • Considers impacts of actions and decisions on others.
  • Leads by example with a strong work ethic.
  • Maintains integrity and earns trust through consistent demonstration of competence.
  • Respects organizational hierarchy while contributing innovative ideas.
  • Finds purpose in work beyond self-interest.
  • Considers multiple perspectives and builds consensus before deciding on solutions.
  • Gives credit to others and shares team accomplishments.
  • Meets commitments reliably while adapting plans to new information.
  • Maintains a positive, solution-oriented mindset under stress.
  • Advocates for process improvements based on objective data.
  • Builds cooperative relationships across departments to enhance coordination.
  • Leads with compassion and mentorship.
  • Remains solutions-focused under pressure.
  • Admits gaps in knowledge and seeks guidance.
  • Approaches conflicts with empathy, fairness, and good faith.
  • Holds self to high standards with diligence.
  • Focuses on completing tasks before moving to new priorities.
  • Proactively leads and anticipates challenges.
  • Sets vision and strategy while empowering others.
  • Fosters a growth culture where all contribute.
  • Maintains a learning mindset to optimize outcomes.
  • Fosters collaboration for maximum impact.
  • Frequently shifts responsibility onto others.
  • Reluctant to acknowledge failures.
  • Struggles with accepting responsibility.
  • Often makes excuses for failure.
  • Blames processes and policies for shortcomings.
  • Resists feedback that challenges assumptions.
  • Takes credit for team accomplishments while avoiding blame.
  • Focuses on others’ mistakes rather than supporting improvement.
  • Fails to follow through on commitments.
  • Makes excuses for missed deadlines.
  • Acts entitled and resistant to additional responsibilities.
  • Avoids owning up to subpar work.
  • Plays the blame game instead of resolving issues constructively.
  • Lacks self-awareness and initiative.
  • Needs constant supervision and prompting.
  • Becomes defensive when standards are enforced.
  • Acts entitled when asked to improve.
  • Lacks ownership over projects.
  • Misses obvious problems.
  • Avoids difficult conversations and decisions.
  • Fails to acknowledge missteps.
  • Lacks attention to detail and quality.
  • Acts entitled when given feedback.
  • Lacks initiative and ownership.
  • Plays the victim rather than taking responsibility.

Performance review customer focus

Providing employees with feedback about customer focus is crucial as it reinforces the importance of prioritizing customer needs and customer satisfaction . This feedback aligns employee behavior with organizational goals, empowers employees to understand the impact of their interactions on customer experiences, and improves customer retention and business outcomes.

Performance review phrases for customer focus

  • Demonstrates skill in finding the right approach with any client, even the most critical.
  • Maintains politeness and friendliness with customers, avoiding interruptions during conversations.
  • Commits to fulfilling promises made to clients without fail.
  • Prioritizes the comfort and convenience of clients.
  • Goes above and beyond job requirements consistently to satisfy customers.
  • Exhibits proficiency in working with clients, receiving no complaints from them.
  • Handles difficult customers gracefully.
  • Achieves consistently high marks on customer satisfaction surveys.
  • Provides consistent, quality service to all customers.
  • Follows up with customers promptly.
  • Ensures customers are accurately informed, making an extra effort to do so.
  • Actively listens to customers, seeking to understand their needs and preferences.
  • Responds to customer inquiries promptly and professionally.
  • Takes ownership of customer issues and diligently works to resolve them.
  • Anticipates customer needs and offers proactive solutions.
  • Demonstrates empathy and understanding when customers express frustration.
  • Maintains a positive attitude even when dealing with challenging customers.
  • Takes responsibility for customer outcomes and aims to exceed expectations.
  • Builds rapport and trust with customers through consistent high-quality service.
  • Demonstrates flexibility and adaptability to changing customer needs.
  • Possesses a deep understanding of the products or services provided to customers.
  • Seeks feedback from customers to improve service and product offerings.
  • Maintains accurate and up-to-date records of customer interactions and needs.
  • Responds to customer complaints urgently and resolves them quickly.
  • Proactively identifies and addresses potential customer issues.
  • Exhibits patience and persistence in resolving complex customer issues.
  • Stays informed about competitors and industry trends to better serve customers.
  • Can handle everyday customer service situations but lacks flexibility and knowledge in complex issues.
  • Needs to reduce average time per call, especially when it is high.
  • Handles phone customer service well but struggles with face-to-face interactions.
  • Receives consistently low marks in customer satisfaction surveys.
  • Needs improvement in active listening skills.
  • Attendance and participation in customer service training sessions are lacking.
  • Frequently passes challenging issues to others instead of addressing them personally.
  • Demonstrates frustration with clients who ask questions.
  • Struggles with difficult customers, often deferring to a supervisor.
  • Lacks initiative in finding solutions to challenging customer issues.
  • Displays impatience or irritation with customers who have complex needs.
  • Fails to take ownership of customer issues and often passes them to others.
  • Lacks timely and effective follow-up with customers.
  • Shows a lack of empathy and understanding with dissatisfied customers.
  • Communicates poorly with customers, leading to misunderstandings.
  • Does not take responsibility for customer outcomes and tends to blame external factors.
  • Provides inconsistent service quality to customers.
  • Fails to anticipate customer needs or proactively offer solutions.
  • Does not seek or utilize customer feedback for improvement.
  • Neglects to maintain accurate records of customer interactions.
  • Responds slowly to customer complaints and does not resolve them promptly.
  • Lacks patience and persistence in resolving complex customer issues.
  • Lacks understanding of products or services offered to customers.
  • Fails to adapt to changing customer needs.
  • Does not maintain professionalism in high-pressure situations.
  • Lacks understanding of the importance of customer service.
  • Fails to proactively address potential customer issues.
  • Does not take customer feedback seriously or use it for improvement.
  • Fails to fulfill commitments made to customers, leading to dissatisfaction.
  • Shows reluctance to learn and improve in customer service skills.

Performance review phrases decision making

Providing employees with feedback about problem-solving and decision-making skills is essential for fostering innovation and efficiency. By acknowledging strengths and addressing areas for improvement, feedback empowers employees to develop critical thinking and sound judgment, leading to better problem resolution and increased productivity. Use these performance review phrases tailored to decision-making and problem-solving to provide employees with specific and actionable feedback .

Performance review phrases problem solving

  • Skillful at analyzing situations and working out solutions.
  • Clearly defines problems and seeks alternative solutions.
  • Demonstrates decisiveness in difficult situations.
  • Makes sound, fact-based judgments.
  • Carefully analyzes issues and explores different resolutions.
  • Demonstrates creativity and innovation in problem-solving.
  • Prioritizes competing demands and makes tough decisions.
  • Displays good judgment and critical thinking skills.
  • Identifies root causes of problems and addresses them effectively.
  • Considers all factors before determining the best course of action.
  • Thinks through potential consequences before finalizing plans.
  • Objectively weighs pros and cons to arrive at well-reasoned conclusions.
  • Solicits input from others to gain diverse perspectives.
  • Maintains composure under pressure and makes level-headed choices.
  • Approaches issues with an open mind to find optimal solutions.
  • Thinks creatively to tackle challenging problems.
  • Learns from past experiences to improve decision making.
  • Breaks large problems down into manageable pieces.
  • Balances the bigger picture with important details.
  • Gathers relevant facts from reliable sources.
  • Adapts decisions based on new information.
  • Finds practical solutions within constraints.
  • Evaluates outcomes and adjusts as needed.
  • Foresees potential obstacles or consequences.
  • Balances risks and potential benefits in decision making.
  • Draws logical conclusions based on evidence.
  • Considers diverse viewpoints to develop plans.
  • Prioritizes and tackles important issues first.
  • Remains open to new information and perspectives.
  • Re-evaluates solutions against goals and refines as needed.
  • Anticipates second and third order effects of choices.
  • Applies overly complex approaches to problem-solving.
  • Struggles with difficult problems.
  • Avoids awkward situations.
  • Loses focus when faced with complexity.
  • Makes hasty decisions without considering factors.
  • Fails to acknowledge flaws in reasoning.
  • Makes inconsistent decisions without rationale.
  • Does not re-evaluate choices when needed.
  • Fails to consider implications of decisions.
  • Does not gather sufficient information.
  • Allows emotions to cloud judgment.
  • Rejects contradictory input.
  • Becomes flustered under pressure.
  • Approaches issues with closed mind.
  • Focuses on single solutions.
  • Fails to see broader implications.
  • Does not learn from past errors.
  • Makes excuses for unsuccessful solutions.
  • Avoids responsibility for consequences.
  • Jumps to conclusions without facts.
  • Struggles to break problems down.
  • Loses sight of overarching goals.
  • Relies on anecdotes over data.
  • Fails to re-examine assumptions.
  • Does not establish evaluation criteria.
  • Ignores potential challenges.
  • Struggles to prioritize effectively.
  • Fails to adapt to changing circumstances.
  • Proposes unrealistic solutions.
  • Rushes through decisions without analysis.

Performance review phrases for dependability

Providing employees with feedback about dependability is crucial for maintaining trust and efficiency within the organization. It reinforces the importance of reliability and meeting deadlines , helping employees understand how their performance impacts team dynamics and productivity. By addressing areas needing improvement, feedback empowers employees to enhance their dependability and contribute more effectively to organizational success, fostering a culture of accountability and reliability.

Performance review phrases reliability

  • Willing to work overtime until the project is finished.
  • The go-to person if the task absolutely must be completed by a given time.
  • Dependable and turns in good performance each day. Never fails to impress.
  • Shows faithful commitment to getting the job done, consistently performing at or above expectations.
  • Known for dependability and willingness to do what it takes.
  • Can be counted upon for steady performance.
  • Consistently demonstrates solid performance in all aspects of work.
  • Handles projects conscientiously from start to finish.
  • Meets deadlines reliably and completes work within expected timeframes.
  • Follows through consistently and honors commitments.
  • Accepts responsibility for tasks and sees them through to completion.
  • Maintains a consistent level of quality and effort in all duties.
  • Work is thoroughly done right the first time with few errors.
  • Can be counted on to handle important tasks independently.
  • Punctual and dependable in attendance and timekeeping.
  • Keeps others informed of progress and potential delays.
  • Maintains focus and follows through to the end of projects.
  • Colleagues trust that work assigned will be done reliably.
  • Accountable and takes ownership of responsibilities.
  • Performance level remains consistent even under pressure.
  • Maintains composure and continues working steadily.
  • Proactive in preventing delays or issues with deadlines.
  • Work habits demonstrate discipline and dependability.
  • A rock others can lean on in times of heavy workload.
  • Performance level is unwavering despite distractions.
  • Delivers on commitments with consistent effort and quality.
  • Cannot depend on him. Better to assign tasks to someone else.
  • Productivity is not as good as coworkers’.
  • Very loyal but cannot be depended on. An irresponsible person.
  • Demands reliability from others, but not from himself.
  • Energy, drive, and performance levels are inconsistent and unpredictable.
  • Makes promises that aren’t kept.
  • Guarantees deadlines will be met, but consistently misses them.
  • Reliable when it suits him, constantly needs reminders for disliked tasks.
  • Work quality and effort levels vary unpredictably.
  • Does not demonstrate consistent ownership of responsibilities.
  • Makes excuses when failing to follow through on commitments.
  • Others cannot rely on him to manage important duties independently.
  • Work is error-prone, quality is not maintained.
  • Easily distracted or sidetracked from tasks.
  • Productivity decreases significantly under normal pressure.
  • Unreliable and inconsistent in following instructions.
  • Does not take initiative or demonstrate accountability.
  • Struggles to multi-task or manage deadlines effectively.
  • Colleagues cannot depend on tasks being done right the first time.
  • Becomes overwhelmed and makes poor choices when busy.
  • Struggles to maintain focus and follow projects through.
  • Misses important details and fails to deliver quality work.
  • Does not keep others informed of progress or delays.
  • Work cannot be depended on to meet professional standards.
  • Easily distracted by unrelated tasks or personal matters.

Performance review phrases integrity

Providing employees with feedback about integrity is crucial for upholding trust and ethical standards within the organization. It reinforces the importance of honesty, transparency, and adherence to organizational values, helping employees understand the impact of their actions on the workplace culture and reputation. Addressing any integrity concerns empowers employees to uphold ethical standards and contribute to a positive work environment, fostering honesty and trustworthiness throughout the organization.

Performance appraisal phrases for integrity

  • Very honest, never abusing company benefits for personal purposes.
  • Highly principled, treating all coworkers equally, regardless of gender, age, or any other factor.
  • Has the ability to resolve disputes with clients and partners peacefully.
  • Discourages gossip or other negative discourse at the workplace, forming a good working climate.
  • Understands legal responsibility to the company very well.
  • Strong sense of integrity underlies all dealings with vendors.
  • Makes decisions that consistently reflect a strong commitment to acting reputably.
  • Never shares confidential company information with outsiders without proper authorization.
  • Reports any violations of company policies or code of conduct witnessed.
  • Handles all customer complaints with empathy, respect, and care.
  • Takes responsibility for own mistakes and learns from them.
  • Gives credit to colleagues for their contributions and does not take sole credit for teamwork.
  • Leads by example with high ethical standards in all dealings.
  • Honest and transparent in all communication with management and peers.
  • Handles conflicts of interest appropriately and does not let personal interests influence professional decisions.
  • Respects privacy and protects sensitive information of customers, partners, and the company.
  • Makes well-considered decisions keeping long-term interests of stakeholders in mind.
  • Takes a principled stand against unfair treatment or discrimination.
  • Acts with utmost integrity in all internal and external interactions.
  • Takes responsibility for ensuring team follows the company code of conduct.
  • Leads by setting an example of high ethical values in day-to-day work.
  • Honest and transparent in documenting work progress and results.
  • Takes initiative to clarify and understand expectations to avoid misunderstandings.
  • Respects and complies with all applicable laws and regulations.
  • Handles sensitive information with discretion and does not misuse authority or access.
  • Truthful and factual in preparing any documents and records.
  • Leads by personal example of ethical and lawful conduct.
  • Occasionally made misleading statements that needed correction.
  • Accusations from customers of being untruthful.
  • Integrity does not seem to rank particularly highly on priorities.
  • Expects integrity from others, but doesn’t always display it himself.
  • Demonstrates acceptable levels of integrity only intermittently.
  • Showed several recent lapses in integrity.
  • Violates company standards and expectations regarding employee integrity.
  • Cost the company customers and money because of disingenuous behavior.
  • Integrity seems flexible when it suits purposes.
  • Lack of integrity undermines effectiveness and damages credibility.

Performance review phrases flexibility

Feedback on flexibility in performance reviews is important as it encourages employees to adapt to change and new ideas. It helps create a culture of innovation and agility in the organization. Ultimately, addressing flexibility promotes individual growth and organizational success.

  • Ready to make new and carefully considered decisions if the situation has changed and the previous actions have become inappropriate.
  • Ready to work extra hours if urgent and essential issues must be solved by the end of the day.
  • Strong and confident but at the same time open-minded. Always ready to consider proposals from colleagues.
  • Always stays aware of market changes to be able to react immediately. This awareness helps the company develop and flourish.
  • Shows initiative and is flexible when approaching new tasks.
  • Ready to consider new perspectives and adjust views if compelling counterarguments are presented.
  • Willing to take on additional responsibilities outside normal role when the team needs support.
  • Adapts smoothly to changing priorities and demands without becoming frustrated or overwhelmed.
  • Remains open to alternative solutions even after committing to a particular course of action.
  • Embraces diverse viewpoints and values the unique perspectives of all team members.
  • Receptive to feedback and uses it constructively to strengthen performance.
  • Transitions between tasks seamlessly thanks to ability to stay focused yet flexible.
  • Brings a versatile skill set to each new challenge and finds innovative ways to add value.
  • Tailors approach based on the unique needs of diverse clients and stakeholders.
  • Readily takes on different roles to ensure all work gets done to a high standard.
  • Handles unforeseen complications calmly and creatively without compromising quality or deadlines.
  • Maintains a high level of performance despite unpredictable demands and shifting company priorities.
  • Embraces change proactively and sees it as an opportunity rather than a disruption.
  • Finds the upside in difficulties and uses challenges to strengthen adaptability.
  • Approaches each new task with an open and inquisitive mindset rather than rigid preconceptions.
  • Does not excel at activities which require a high degree of flexibility.
  • Can change point of view without analyzing or defending it. Should be more certain about proposals.
  • Tends to resist activities where the path is unknown.
  • Becomes uptight when the plan changes.
  • Not comfortable when the agenda changes unexpectedly.
  • Prefers sticking to a set routine and gets uneasy with unexpected deviations.
  • Adapting to new situations does not come naturally and would benefit from being more open to change.
  • Gets stuck in rigid thinking and has difficulty considering alternative perspectives.
  • Shows reluctance to adjust approach even when presented with a better option.
  • New information that contradicts preconceptions can make defensive rather than open-minded.
  • Last-minute changes can frustrate as likes advance preparation and scheduling.
  • Tendency to get stuck in rigid ways of thinking instead of considering different perspectives.
  • Adjusting to alternative solutions requires more effort than sticking to original idea.
  • Shows reluctance to modify strategies even when circumstances change.
  • Openness to alternate viewpoints is an area that can further develop for improved flexibility.
  • Demonstrates rigidity in thinking patterns and could benefit from strengthening adaptability skills.
  • Going outside prescribed processes to get work done can be challenging.

Performance review for leadership

Providing employees with feedback about leadership skills during performance reviews is essential for their career growth and the organization’s success. This feedback helps employees understand their strengths and areas for improvement in leading teams and projects, aligning their behavior with organizational goals and values. By addressing any gaps in leadership capabilities, feedback empowers employees to enhance their skills and positively impact team performance, fostering a culture of effective leadership within the organization .

  • Distributes resources in an appropriate manner depending on the priority of assignments.
  • Establishes a corporate culture of reliability and caring.
  • Is ready to share information and knowledge for the common development of all staff.
  • Is very helpful when mentoring entry-level staff getting used to their jobs.
  • Creates a culture of dialogue.
  • Recognizes staff for a job well done.
  • Allocates tasks appropriately based on the prior assignments.
  • Understands people and the different ways to motivate them to get the job done.
  • Provides constant coaching and guidance to employees.
  • Cultivates an atmosphere of teamwork and cooperation.
  • Leads by example with integrity and strong work ethic.
  • Empowers staff to take initiative within clear guidelines.
  • Encourages open communication up and down the chain.
  • Provides regular constructive feedback and coaching.
  • Celebrates both individual and team achievements.
  • Makes oneself available as needed for guidance.
  • Helps staff set and pursue career development goals.
  • Delegates appropriately based on competencies.
  • Gives credit to staff for accomplishments.
  • Removes obstacles to allow staff to excel.
  • Provides stretch assignments for growth opportunities.
  • Leads with a vision that inspires commitment.
  • Empowers staff to find innovative solutions.
  • Cultivates an inclusive environment of respect.
  • Confuses the employees through different directions and guidance.
  • Rarely shows appreciation for good performance.
  • Fails to explain procedures to subordinates clearly. Lacks the qualifications to be an effective mentor.
  • Gets frustrated easily with new team members and fails to offer any support.
  • Often impatient and unhelpful.
  • Sends mixed signals to the team regarding goals and day-to-day activities.
  • Rarely shows any recognition to the team.
  • Sets unreasonably high expectations for the team.
  • Provides inconsistent direction without clarity.
  • Does not recognize contributions publicly.
  • Lacks patience when explaining procedures.
  • Appears unsupportive of new staff questions.
  • Shows irritation easily instead of calm guidance.
  • Sends conflicting cues about priorities.
  • Sets unrealistic targets without resources.
  • Does not cultivate an atmosphere of trust.
  • Delegates poorly without clarity on expectations.
  • Does not connect staff to learning opportunities.
  • Lacks vision and fails to inspire commitment.
  • Plays favorites within the team.
  • Shows lack of interest in staff development.
  • Fails to build an inclusive work culture.
  • Lacks integrity and consistency in leadership.
  • Is unavailable and unapproachable as needed.

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Performance review comments initiative

Providing feedback on initiative during performance reviews is important because it encourages employees to take action and contribute ideas. It helps create a culture where employees feel empowered to drive progress and innovation . Ultimately, addressing initiative promotes success for both individuals and the organization.

  • Doesn’t wait for instructions, shows initiative to find new tasks.
  • Requires minimal supervision, shows initiative independently.
  • Goal-oriented, sets own priorities to accomplish job.
  • Takes initiative in overcoming obstacles and finding resolutions.
  • Considered best person in group for innovative ideas and effective working methods.
  • Never minds taking on new tasks, even the most difficult ones.
  • Consistently looks for ways to add more value through continuous improvement.
  • Willingly takes on additional responsibilities outside core job scope.
  • Proactively seeks out new challenges and stretches continuously.
  • Takes ownership and drives tasks from start to finish without needing oversight.
  • Solves problems independently before escalating issues.
  • Identifies needs and opportunities others may miss and acts quickly.
  • Leads by example, inspires others through high levels of self-motivation.
  • Identifies and implements efficiencies to optimize performance.
  • Initiates collaborative relationships for mutual benefit.
  • Takes on additional work during peak periods without needing to be asked.
  • Approaches challenges with a can-do attitude, finds solutions independently.
  • Identifies and acts on opportunities for organizational improvement.
  • Proactively manages workload and workstreams with little supervision.
  • Implements best practices to continuously raise performance.
  • Takes ownership of projects, driving them proactively.
  • Applies skills to new areas for organization’s benefit.
  • Builds strong internal and external working relationships proactively.
  • Contributes innovative ideas at team meetings and discussions.
  • Takes on stretch assignments eagerly to accelerate learning and growth.
  • Drives continuous improvement initiatives independently.
  • Implements new processes or systems for enhanced effectiveness.
  • Pitches in to help others complete their work as needed.
  • Takes actions independently to advance organizational priorities and strategy.
  • Seems too difficult for him to do job on his own.
  • Poor abilities to establish priorities and courses of action for self, lacks planning and follow-up skills to achieve results.
  • Needs close supervision when performing assignments.
  • Doesn’t seek out opportunities to learn and grow within role.
  • Passively waits to be told what to do rather than driving tasks proactively.
  • Lacks motivation, relies heavily on external direction.
  • Fails to identify needs and opportunities for improvement.
  • Does not look for ways to add more value or take on additional responsibilities.
  • Avoids or is slow to take on new challenges and stretch assignments.
  • Escalates issues prematurely rather than solving problems independently.
  • Struggles to work independently, not self-starting.
  • Lacks proactive, solution-oriented approach to tasks and challenges.
  • Fails to identify opportunities for process improvements.
  • Relies on others to identify additional work needed during peaks.
  • Lacks can-do attitude, depends on others to solve problems.
  • Ineffective at independent time management and workload prioritization.
  • Does not initiate implementation of industry best practices.
  • Lacks ownership over projects, depends on significant oversight.
  • Rarely contributes innovative ideas or suggestions proactively.

Employee performance review comments job knowledge

Giving employees feedback about job knowledge during performance reviews is essential to ensure they have the skills needed for their roles . It reinforces the importance of continuous learning and staying updated on industry trends. Addressing job knowledge promotes competence, growth, and excellence within the organization.

Performance review job knowledge phrases

  • Possesses perfect knowledge and skills useful for the job.
  • Has deep knowledge of products and particular characteristics of company’s products.
  • Takes available opportunities to increase knowledge of relevant job skills.
  • Completes assignments accurately and efficiently.
  • Maintains up-to-date level of professional and technical knowledge.
  • Demonstrates knowledge of job on a daily basis.
  • Always applies new knowledge to work and keeps up with changes in field.
  • Has excellent grasp of technical aspects of role.
  • Seeks out opportunities for continuous learning and skills development.
  • Demonstrates expertise when answering questions from others.
  • Applies specialized skills and knowledge effectively to all tasks.
  • Troubleshoots issues efficiently using in-depth product understanding.
  • Keeps well-informed of best practices and emerging standards.
  • Delivers work to expert level through extensive learning.
  • Takes advantage of all training opportunities provided.
  • Shares knowledge and expertise willingly with others.
  • Learns quickly and applies new skills independently.
  • Stays well-informed on industry news and competitor offerings.
  • Contributes insights based on in-depth knowledge and research.
  • Provides expert guidance to others regularly.
  • Enhances knowledge continuously through self-study.
  • Makes complex topics easily understood for others.
  • Recommends process improvements based on leading practices.
  • Mentors less experienced team members effectively.
  • Incorporates feedback to enhance skills and performance.
  • Cannot fulfill duties due to lack of necessary knowledge of job.
  • Not as knowledgeable about job and its requirements as expected.
  • Doesn’t know key fundamentals of job, always asks for other people’s instruction.
  • Repeatedly asks same questions about job duties, does not retain important information.
  • Skill set does not meet requirements for job.
  • Not taking advantage of available learning resources to expand job knowledge.
  • Relies too heavily on others rather than developing greater self-sufficiency.
  • Learning plan needed to strengthen job knowledge and skills.
  • Consistently demonstrates lack of understanding of job requirements and expectations.
  • Job knowledge falls short of what is necessary to perform duties effectively.
  • Frequently makes mistakes due to inadequate knowledge of job.
  • Struggles to keep up with demands of job due to limited understanding of its complexities.
  • Has not demonstrated necessary proficiency in job duties despite attempts to improve performance.
  • Has not shown significant improvement in job knowledge since hire date.
  • Frequently requires assistance from colleagues to complete tasks within job knowledge.
  • Appears to have limited understanding of company’s policies and procedures.
  • Has not demonstrated ability to apply job knowledge to real-world situations.
  • Lacks necessary training and experience to perform job duties effectively.
  • Has not demonstrated understanding of importance of job duties to company’s success.
  • Consistently fails to meet expectations set for job performance.
  • Struggles to keep up with changes in industry due to limited job knowledge.
  • Has not shown initiative to improve job knowledge or seek additional training.

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Planning and organizing performance review phrases

Giving feedback on planning and organizing during performance reviews helps employees work more efficiently . It reminds them to set goals, prioritize tasks , and manage time effectively. Improving these skills leads to better results for the organization.

Meets or exceed expectations

  • Demonstrates good organizational and planning skills.
  • Adheres to deadlines and meets production benchmarks.
  • Prioritizes tasks effectively based on importance and urgency.
  • Allocates sufficient time and resources to complete projects according to deadlines.
  • Schedules work systematically and maintains detailed work plans.
  • Anticipates risks and roadblocks in advance to plan contingencies.
  • Delegates tasks based on skills and workload of team members.
  • Monitors progress regularly and makes adjustments to plans proactively.
  • Maintains organized documentation, records, and reports on ongoing work.
  • Schedules important meetings to ensure timely coordination and progress.
  • Plans budgets effectively and completes projects within allocated cost estimates.
  • Manages time efficiently and completes tasks as scheduled without delays.
  • Establishes standard operating procedures for efficient task completion.
  • Plans for potential emergencies and contingencies in advance.
  • Schedules work in a manner that prioritizes quality over quantity.
  • Ensures proper coordination between different teams and departments.
  • Maintains a calendar of important dates and deadlines to track progress.
  • Schedules work in a manner that balances multiple ongoing projects.
  • Plans and schedules work to achieve objectives within given timeframes.
  • Prioritizes new tasks based on strategic organizational goals and objectives.
  • Schedules tasks for optimum resource utilization and efficiency.
  • Finds it difficult to plan an action without instruction.
  • Fails to resolve problems in a timely manner.
  • Finds it challenging to determine priorities among competing demands on time.
  • Has trouble planning work schedule around deadlines and commitments.
  • Requires frequent supervision to stay on track and complete tasks.
  • Gets easily distracted and has difficulties managing interruptions.
  • Fails to anticipate resource requirements and bottlenecks in advance.
  • Struggles to adapt plans when priorities change or issues arise.
  • Finds it hard to delegate tasks and monitor progress independently.
  • Does not maintain documentation and records work updates properly.
  • Has difficulties coordinating with others and sharing status updates.
  • Lacks attention to detail and often misses important planning steps.
  • Unable to estimate time requirements accurately for projects.
  • Does not consider quality standards while scheduling work.
  • Fails to identify and mitigate risks proactively in project plans.
  • Unable to adapt to changes in priorities or scope without issues.
  • Struggles to think ahead and anticipate future planning requirements.
  • Unable to allocate budgets effectively for projects and tasks.
  • Requires reminders to schedule important client or vendor meetings.

Performance review phrases time management

Giving feedback on time management during performance reviews helps employees work more efficiently and meet deadlines. It reminds them to prioritize tasks and manage their workload effectively. Improving time management skills leads to better performance and outcomes for the organization.

Performance review time management phrases

  • Performs tasks with dedication and always accomplishes them on time.
  • Demonstrates the ability to manage various tasks and complete them punctually.
  • Uses time effectively to address both major and minor responsibilities weekly.
  • Divides time logically to achieve set goals.
  • Sets clear priorities and objectives to remain focused on important tasks.
  • Prioritizes tasks and efficiently completes them within given timeframes.
  • Prepares detailed schedules and accurately estimates task durations.
  • Avoids distractions to maximize productivity.
  • Allocates sufficient buffer time for contingencies and revisions.
  • Multitasks effectively without compromising work quality.
  • Periodically re-evaluates schedules and adjusts timelines proactively.
  • Delegates tasks appropriately for optimal workload distribution.
  • Regularly monitors progress against schedules and deadlines.
  • Consistently completes tasks on time and manages time effectively.
  • Respects others’ time and fulfills commitments as promised.
  • Transparently shares status and challenges regarding timelines.
  • Manages time effectively, even when faced with unexpected challenges.
  • Highly organized and effectively manages time to meet all deadlines.
  • Unable to manage time effectively, repeatedly missing project deadlines.
  • Needs to improve time management skills for better efficiency.
  • Should create weekly work plans to optimize task performance.
  • Struggles to complete tasks due to ineffective time management.
  • Takes excessive time to complete tasks, requiring better weekly planning.
  • Fails to prioritize tasks and loses focus on critical assignments.
  • Underestimates task durations.
  • Procrastinates and delays tasks until the last minute.
  • Easily distracted by social media or non-work related activities.
  • Lacks planning and scheduling skills to manage work effectively.
  • Ineffective in delegating tasks.
  • Fails to communicate proactively about delays or missed deadlines.
  • Does not set clear objectives or priorities for work.
  • Unable to estimate realistic timelines for tasks and projects.
  • Does not regularly monitor progress against schedules and deadlines.
  • Disregards others’ time and frequently misses commitments.
  • Does not take ownership of work and blames external factors for delays.

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Performance review phrases attitude

Providing feedback on attitude during performance reviews is important for a positive workplace . It emphasizes the value of teamwork and productivity, helping employees understand how their behavior affects colleagues and the organization’s culture .

  • Builds an atmosphere of trust within the team.
  • Cheerful attitude uplifts others in his presence.
  • Never complains about the job or colleagues.
  • Focuses on the positives when dealing with problems.
  • Enthusiastically motivates other team members.
  • Finds opportunities to praise others for their efforts and accomplishments.
  • Maintains a positive outlook even during stressful times.
  • Energy and optimism are contagious.
  • Makes others feel valued and respected.
  • Looks for solutions rather than dwelling on problems.
  • Smile and friendly manner create a pleasant work environment.
  • Finds the good in every situation.
  • Positivity raises the morale of those around him.
  • Makes others feel heard and encourages open communication.
  • Optimism is contagious and lifts the spirits of colleagues.
  • Looks for lessons in failures and mistakes.
  • Encouragement and support motivate others to do their best.
  • Brings a sense of fun to work.
  • Finds ways to acknowledge others for their efforts regularly.
  • Friendly demeanor puts others at ease.
  • Expresses appreciation for colleagues and their contributions.
  • Enthusiasm is contagious and inspires hard work.
  • Focuses on shared goals and teamwork rather than individual accomplishments.
  • Positivity makes him a pleasure to work with.
  • Finds ways to learn from both successes and failures.
  • Can-do attitude boosts productivity.
  • Makes others feel their contributions are valued.
  • Upbeat manner keeps the team working together harmoniously.
  • Language and voice level can be inappropriate.
  • Tends to trigger problems between coworkers.
  • Displays an overly sensitive and pessimistic personality, focusing too much on negatives.
  • Talks negatively about other team members.
  • Needs to focus on the positive aspects of the job and team.
  • Complaints undermine team morale.
  • Dwells excessively on problems rather than seeking solutions.
  • Contributes to tension and friction within the team.
  • Often has troubles with coworkers, easily angered and argumentative.
  • Pessimism saps the energy of colleagues.
  • Finds fault easily and fails to acknowledge others’ efforts.
  • Takes criticism too personally and becomes defensive.
  • Blames others and refuses to accept responsibility for mistakes.
  • Lacks tact and consideration in interactions.
  • Needs to control temper and attitude, avoiding strong reactions to negatives.
  • Fails to acknowledge colleagues’ good work.
  • Irritability negatively impacts morale and team cohesion.
  • Criticism of colleagues breeds resentment and mistrust.
  • Sees setbacks as personal failures rather than learning opportunities.
  • Complaints and criticisms distract from productive discussions.
  • Contributes more problems than solutions.
  • Lacks emotional control and self-awareness in interactions.
  • Focuses excessively on minor issues rather than larger goals.

Ending a performance review with closing comments is an opportunity to summarize key points, express appreciation, and set expectations for the future.

Here’s how you could do it:

“Thank you for your dedication and commitment throughout this review process. Your hard work and achievements are greatly valued and appreciated. As we move forward, I encourage you to continue building on your strengths and addressing areas for improvement. Thank you again for your contributions to our team.”

For a simple, yet effective method of employee evaluation, download this free 9 box grid template or this free 360 degree feedback template .

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Conducting performance reviews can consume a significant amount of your valuable time and require considerable effort to ensure efficiency. Consequently, they are often overlooked or not taken seriously. However, they are among the most useful tools for enhancing workforce productivity and fostering teamwork, thereby sustaining the organization in the long term.

The most effective way to conduct performance reviews is through HR (human resources) software. Factorial, an HR software solution , offers a comprehensive set of performance management tools and analytics . To learn more about how Factorial can streamline your HR processes by centralizing them in a single platform —rather than scattered across spreadsheets, emails, and paperwork— book a demo to chat with an HR product specialist by clicking the banner below or the button in the top right corner!

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critical thinking performance review examples

60 Best Performance Review Phrase Examples

Effective performance review phrases from managers are critical to employee growth and development. This in-depth list of example phrases works as a starting point for any manager desiring to improve upon performance review communication, while also leaving room to include their own unique style. 

Performance review phrase examples

Managers and employees alike rarely get excited about performance reviews . Sometimes managers lack the confidence to effectively share helpful feedback. In some cases, employees are unsure if they have met leadership expectations. In both cases, clear communication is essential.

Effective communication in performance management is critical to employee growth and development. The health of the organization is largely dependent on each team member fully grasping what is expected of them, and that begins with the manager/employee relationship. While the performance review is not the only determinant of this relationship, it is a defining discussion that gives insight into the level of trust, communication, and respect between the manager and employee. A healthy dose of positive and constructive feedback is needed so the employee knows their value and what action steps to take.

But, effective communication does not come naturally to most. That is why we have compiled a list of performance review phrase examples to help ensure appraisal conversations are pleasant and produce results.

Performance Review Phrases for Employees

It’s a fine balance between honestly sharing performance contributions and sounding arrogant. Reviews can feel awkward because employees generally want to avoid ‘tooting their own horn’ when completing self-evaluations. On the other end, no employee enjoys admitting to their manager the areas in which they struggle. To help combat the self-evaluation challenge, we have listed an easy process below for employees to follow:

  • Action- Clearly explain what action(s) you took toward accomplishing the performance objective, goal, or workplace behavior. Be concise but specific. 
  • Result- What was the result of the action you took? Describe how your action  impacted your organization and/or your team. 

Following this process reduces emotion and opinion and focuses on concrete results/actions. It also gives managers insight into the employee’s perspective, allowing the manager to provide more intentional feedback. Here are a few general examples of employee comments:

  • I adjusted our email campaign to include more stats and less content ( action) based on the desires of our target audience. This resulted in a higher click-through rate and an increase in demo conversions. ( result )
  • I scheduled a one-on-one meeting ( action ) with the project lead to hear her concerns about not meeting our deadline. We determined two major issues and devised a plan to tackle them together. We were ahead of our deadline by 2 days. ( result )

Performance Review Phrases for Managers

The example phrases below are categorized by common performance objectives and core values/workplace behaviors. Each objective and behavior is then broken down further into examples for not meeting, meeting, and exceeding expectations. While these comments are meant to be generalized to assist a larger audience, it is critically important to note that each review should be unique to the employee.

Performance Objectives 

  • Job knowledge/Self-Development 

Problem-Solving and Decision-Making 

  • Productivity 

Quality of Work

Delivers results.

Core Values 


Collaboration, communication, inclusivity, phrase examples for performance objectives, job knowledge/self-development.

Demonstrates a good understanding of job duties and accurately identifies their own strength and development areas. Engages in learning opportunities to further develop skills and capabilities in technical and functional areas, taking constructive feedback when given.

Not Meeting Expectations:

  • You have struggled with receiving and implementing constructive feedback regarding your performance. I suggest creating a plan to tangibly apply these suggestions and asking your teammates for help in doing so. 
  • Your performance is lacking in [specific area(s)]. I recommend setting a goal of taking one measurable action per week to actively improve in this area.

Meeting Expectations:

      3. You have demonstrated a good understanding of job expectations and embraced your strengths while working on your weaknesses. Well done! For stellar performance, I would encourage you to seek out ways to further enhance your skills, such as feedback from peers, LinkedIn Learning, etc. 

     4. You have gracefully accepted feedback on job performance. Continue implementing the recommendations made.  

Exceeding Expectations:

     5. You have exceeded expectations for all job duties by consistently improving upon your skills, tacking development areas, and taking feedback well. Excellent job!

     6. Your work in this [performance area] is the example by which all other colleagues should follow. Continue capitalizing on your strengths!

Extent to which an employee deals with complex problems in their entirety. Effectiveness of employee addressing and resolving problems. Seeks out new and better solutions. Makes appropriate and timely decisions. 

     7. You have not shown sufficient initiative in providing solutions in a timely manner. Your next steps should include quicker responses to active problems.

     8. Your decisions have not been in line with company standards. I would encourage you to focus on the issue in front of you and eliminate unnecessary distractions.

 Meeting Expectations:

     9. You show obvious skill in providing creative and effective solutions. My only suggestion is to take more initiative in anticipating problems before they arise. 

     10. It is clear you are confident in making good business decisions. I would just encourage you to seek out new and improved ways of solving problems with increased efficiency.

     11. You have a knack for finding solutions when others can’t. I look forward to seeing your skills continue to benefit the organization!

     12. Excellent proficiency in problem-solving and making decisions. Your skills set a great example for your team. 


Extent of work volume employee regularly produces. Efficient management of workload. Satisfactory speed and consistency of output. Completes requirements/projects within specified timeframe. 

     13. Your productivity has been inconsistent and work is often not completed on time. The action steps required are to meet all upcoming deadlines and ensure work is not missing important items.

     14. You seem to struggle with managing your workload well. I would recommend breaking down deadlines into smaller deadlines for yourself to ensure things are done well and on time. 

     15. You show efficiency and care in the work you produce. Continue honing in your skills and you will see your projects completed faster and even more efficiently. 

     16. Your work is reliable and consistent. As your comfort with [insert task] increases you will be even more impressed with what you can accomplish!

     17. The speed and volume of your work is highly impressive. You show great skill in managing your workload beyond what is required of you.

     18. The consistency of your work is highly reliable and completed well before deadlines. Your skill in this area is obvious and does not go unnoticed. 

Extent to which employee can be counted on to carry out assignments to completion. Work is thorough, accurate, and meets standards. Employee corrects errors and questions inconsistencies. 

     19. Your efforts in [insert area] have not met required standards. It is important that you always check your work for errors before submitting it.

     20. Your team has not been able to trust that you will complete what is required of you on time. A good next step would be to choose a teammate who can help answer any questions you have and hold you accountable to work completion. 

     21. Your work to date has been thorough and consistent with minor errors. Nicely done! I would encourage you to be just a bit more diligent in checking your work for inaccuracies before submission.

     22. Your dedication to completing work on time is very beneficial to your whole team. My only additional feedback is to work to put just as much effort into quality as you do to deadlines.

     23. The quality of your work is excellent and consistently shows no errors. You go above and beyond to ensure no inconsistencies are present. 

     24. Your team and the organization at large benefit from the thoroughness of your work. Everyone knows if you are working on it, it will be done on time and with near perfection. 

Maintains focus and prioritizes tasks based on importance and delegates appropriately. Actively identifies ways to improve. Completes all tasks and goals with accuracy. 

     25. Your tasks have not been prioritized appropriately and therefore do not produce consistent results. It is crucial that you focus on managing your time better, perhaps by writing to-do lists each day. 

     26. Your results have suffered because you appear unwilling to delegate tasks appropriately. I would encourage you to find 2 to 3 tasks you are comfortable passing off to others.

     27. You have mastered the art of prioritizing what is important and you consistently produce results. I would now encourage you to shift your focus to ways you could improve upon [insert skill].

     28. You have actively been improving upon your skillset in this role and continue to produce good results. I would suggest that you continue to work on prioritization to ensure you do not rush to complete things.

     29. Your results produced are consistently exceeding what is expected of you. You skillfully delegate when appropriate and show initiative in improving upon your areas of opportunity. 

     30. Your ability to remain focused on the task at hand is highly impressive. You can always be counted on to deliver results and accomplish all goals. 

Phrase Examples for Core Values

Leads change by example. Accepts change as positive. Adapts plans as necessary. 

     31. Your resistance to change causes disruption and creates a negative work environment. You are expected to take necessary changes in stride and ask any questions you have politely and professionally. 

     32. Your unwillingness to shift plans when necessary slows down work and is frustrating to others. I encourage you to respectfully respond when changes occur and strive to be an example to those around you.

     33. You have proven to be skilled in adapting when necessary and this sets an example for others. I would recommend encouraging your teammates to embrace your attitude by speaking positively about change when it occurs. 

     34. Your willingness to shift your plans when necessary does not go unnoticed. As you continue to hold a positive attitude, change will get even easier!

     35. Your ability to seamlessly transition when necessary is an example to others. Letting the adjustments roll off your back, you forge ahead to complete what is required of you every time. 

     36. You have become a champion of change for your team. They look to you as the reference point for how they should respond and you carry that responsibility graciously. 

Seeks input and ideas from others. Able to effectively work with different personalities and pursue common goals. Respects other opinions. 

     37. You seem to have a difficult time working alongside other colleagues. You are expected to be respectful of other personalities and remain professional, even if you do not like or agree with something.

     38. You have shown an unwillingness to hear ideas other than your own. I encourage you to remain a professional and be willing to work with your colleagues, hearing out their thoughts even if you disagree.

     39. You are a team player and willing to work with people who are not like you. My only recommendation is to actively seek out additional ideas from your colleagues. 

     40. You successfully work toward the same goals with your teammates and remain respectful of all input. Continue with this approach and you will quickly grow into a leader in this area.

     41. Your ability to work well with anyone in the organization sets the standard for all others. You initiate others’ ideas and input, contributing to a culture of strong collaboration. 

     42. Everyone enjoys working with you, even if their approaches are different from yours. You have proven to be the ultimate example of what it looks like to be a collaborative team member. 

Conveys information and ideas through a variety of media to individuals or groups in a manner that engages the audience and helps them understand and retain the message. 

     43. It is difficult to communicate with you as your messaging is often disjointed and confusing. I would encourage you to slow down when typing emails or speaking with colleagues/clients and ensure you have shared all necessary information.

     44. Colleagues and customers have repeatedly struggled with getting in contact with you. It is imperative you communicate via phone call, email, etc. to those waiting on a clear response from you.

     45. You appropriately communicate all necessary information to those who need it. One additional thing to consider is to be more concise in your messaging and correspondence.

     46. Your communication has been timely and clear. I would encourage you to work on adjusting your messaging to your audience. For example, using different verbiage for colleagues vs. customers. 

     47. Your ability to communicate clear, concise messages to everyone you interact with is inspiring. You craft your messaging to the appropriate audience so that no information is left out. 

     48. Your communication is engaging and easily understood.. Phone calls, emails, and face-to-face conversations are clear and effective, and all parties know exactly what you are trying to say. 

We are all a team. We win together, rejoice together, mourn together. We will not develop cliques, or tolerate ‘water cooler talk.’ 

    49. You have neglected to show inclusivity by speaking negatively about your fellow colleagues. You are expected to act as a member of the team, refraining from contributing to discourse. 

     50. You have been working in a silo. Moving forward, you should interact with your team by actively celebrating wins and discussing losses.

     51. You are a positive and active member of the team. While it is encouraged to celebrate your wins, I would encourage you to also attribute those wins to the team members that helped you get there.

     52. Your behaviors toward your team members prove to be inclusive and kind. I would encourage you to distance yourself from conversations that paint the organization or any of its individual members in a negative light. 

     53. You go above and beyond to ensure all team members feel included and appreciated. You show no appetite for engaging in water cooler talk and have stopped those conversations from continuing when you were in the room.

     54. You never act alone, always winning and losing alongside your teammates. You are the first person to congratulate someone else or to walk with someone through a tough situation. 

Every team member is expected to fulfill his or her commitments to the team. In some cases, this may mean working longer than expected on a particular task.

     55. Your work ethic is lacking and your commitments often go unfulfilled. Your next course of action is to commit to completing all commitments, even when it is inconvenient. 

     56. You show a tendency of giving up on something if it is not completed in the time you expected. You are expected to stick it out and complete what is required of you, even if that means working longer occasionally.

     57. You have demonstrated a strong work ethic and fulfill all commitments. For stellar performance, I would encourage you to anticipate upcoming work so you stay ahead.

     58. Your team members can count on you to get the job done. While this will certainly not happen often, I would encourage you to be willing to work later on occasion so you do not have to rush to fulfill your commitments. 

     59. Your strong work ethic is unmatched. You have gone above and beyond to ensure all work is complete and even stayed behind to help a teammate finish theirs. 

     60. Without prompted, you have willingly stayed late on occasion to ensure your work was completed with quality and on time. You set the example for a strong work ethic on this team. 

Create Effective Performance Review Conversations with WorkDove

The above phrase examples are intended to be a launching point for improved performance reviews but all managers should add in their own style. Each manager and employee relationship is unique and every employee deserves individualized coaching for their needs. 

For the most effective review experience, organizations turn to performance review software to streamline the process. WorkDove provides an easy-to-use performance review tool that integrates employee goals, recognition,  360-feedback , and Workplace Satisfaction results. Our app offers automated reminders and customized templates that fuel the review cycle. Improve retention and employee satisfaction with WorkDove’s review capabilities. 

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100 Best Performance Review Phrases and Examples in 2024

100 Best Performance Review Phrases and Examples in 2024

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Have you ever found yourself struggling to provide meaningful feedback during performance reviews? Whether you're a seasoned manager or new to the role, navigating the intricacies of performance evaluations can be challenging. That's where performance review phrases come in. They're like the building blocks of effective feedback, helping you communicate strengths, areas for improvement, and goals for development in a clear and constructive manner.

In this guide, we'll explore the top performance review phrases and examples across key competencies such as communication skills, leadership abilities, teamwork, problem-solving, time management, job knowledge, and interpersonal skills. From recognizing exceptional performance to addressing underperformance with empathy and professionalism, these phrases will empower you to conduct performance reviews with confidence and inspire growth and development in your team members.

What is a Performance Review?

A performance review, also known as a performance appraisal or evaluation, is a formal assessment conducted by employers to evaluate an employee's job performance and provide feedback on their strengths, weaknesses, and areas for improvement. It is typically conducted on a regular basis, such as annually or semi-annually, and involves a discussion between the employee and their supervisor or manager.

During a performance review, various aspects of the employee's performance are assessed, including their job responsibilities, skills, achievements, and behaviors. The purpose of the review is to provide employees with feedback on their performance, recognize their contributions, and align their goals with the objectives of the organization.

Performance reviews serve as a valuable tool for both employees and employers to promote growth, development, and accountability within the organization. They provide employees with an opportunity to receive feedback on their performance, set goals for improvement, and discuss career development opportunities. For employers, performance reviews help identify top performers, address performance issues, and make informed decisions about promotions, raises, and training opportunities.

Importance of Performance Reviews

  • Feedback and Recognition : Performance reviews provide employees with valuable feedback on their performance, helping them understand their strengths and areas for improvement. They also serve as an opportunity to recognize and reward employees for their achievements and contributions.
  • Goal Setting and Alignment : Performance reviews allow employees and managers to set goals that are aligned with the organization's objectives. By setting clear expectations and objectives, employees can focus their efforts on tasks that contribute to the overall success of the organization.
  • Professional Development : Performance reviews facilitate professional development by identifying areas where employees can improve their skills and knowledge. They also provide opportunities for training, coaching, and mentorship to help employees reach their full potential.
  • Communication and Engagement : Performance reviews promote open communication and dialogue between employees and managers, fostering a culture of transparency and trust. They provide a structured framework for discussing concerns, addressing issues, and building stronger working relationships.
  • Performance Management : Performance reviews are an essential component of performance management systems, allowing employers to assess employee performance, identify high performers, and address performance issues in a timely manner.

Purpose of Using Performance Review Phrases

  • Standardization : Performance review phrases provide a standardized framework for evaluating employee performance, ensuring consistency and fairness in the evaluation process.
  • Clarity and Specificity : Performance review phrases help managers communicate feedback in a clear and specific manner, using language that is easy to understand and actionable.
  • Objectivity : Performance review phrases help maintain objectivity in the evaluation process by focusing on observable behaviors and outcomes rather than subjective opinions or biases.
  • Efficiency : Performance review phrases save time and effort for managers by providing pre-written templates and examples that can be customized to fit the specific needs of each employee.
  • Employee Development : Performance review phrases serve as a guide for identifying areas where employees can improve their performance and develop new skills. They provide constructive feedback and suggestions for growth and development.

How to Construct Performance Review Phrases?

Crafting performance review phrases is a skill that requires a deep understanding of the purpose behind performance evaluations and the ability to provide constructive feedback. Let's explore how you can construct effective performance review phrases to inspire growth and development in your employees.

The Purpose of Performance Reviews

Performance reviews serve as a crucial tool for evaluating employee performance, identifying areas for improvement, recognizing achievements, and aligning individual goals with organizational objectives. By understanding the purpose of performance reviews, you can approach the process with clarity and intentionality.

During performance evaluations, you have the opportunity to assess employees' progress, provide feedback on their performance, and set expectations for future growth. It's essential to recognize that performance reviews are not just about evaluating past performance but also about charting a course for ongoing development and success.

Setting Clear Expectations

Setting clear expectations is fundamental to the performance review process. Employees need to know what is expected of them in terms of job responsibilities, performance standards, and goals. When setting expectations, it's essential to be specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART).

Clearly defined expectations provide employees with a roadmap for success and give them a clear understanding of how their performance will be evaluated. Additionally, setting expectations helps reduce ambiguity and confusion, enabling employees to focus their efforts on tasks that align with organizational priorities.

Providing Constructive Feedback

Constructive feedback is a cornerstone of effective performance reviews. It involves providing specific, actionable feedback that helps employees understand their strengths, areas for improvement, and opportunities for growth. When providing feedback, it's crucial to focus on behaviors and outcomes rather than personal attributes.

Constructive feedback should be balanced, highlighting both areas of strength and areas for development. The goal is to provide feedback that motivates employees to improve while also reinforcing positive behaviors and achievements. Remember to deliver feedback in a timely manner and in a manner that is respectful and supportive.

Maintaining Objectivity

Maintaining objectivity is essential when conducting performance reviews. It's essential to base your assessments on measurable data, observable behaviors, and performance standards rather than personal biases or assumptions. Objectivity helps ensure fairness and consistency in the evaluation process.

To maintain objectivity, focus on specific examples and evidence to support your assessments. Avoid making subjective judgments or generalizations based on personal opinions. By remaining objective, you can ensure that performance reviews are conducted fairly and accurately, fostering trust and credibility within the organization.

Tailoring Feedback to Individual Employees

Every employee is unique, with their own strengths, weaknesses, and areas for development. As such, it's essential to tailor feedback to individual employees based on their specific needs and circumstances. Take into account factors such as personality, work style, and career aspirations when providing feedback.

Tailoring feedback involves understanding each employee's preferences, communication style, and motivators. Some employees may respond well to direct feedback, while others may prefer a more collaborative approach. By adapting your feedback style to suit the individual needs of each employee, you can maximize its effectiveness and impact.

Top 100 Performance Review Phrases

Performance review phrases are powerful tools for providing feedback to employees in a constructive and meaningful way. Here are some examples of performance review phrases categorized by key competencies.

Communication Skills

Verbal communication.

  • Exceeds Expectations : Demonstrates exceptional verbal communication skills, effectively articulating ideas and concepts with clarity and confidence.
  • Meets Expectations : Communicates effectively during team meetings and presentations, ensuring that key messages are understood by all participants.
  • Needs Improvement : Occasionally struggles to convey ideas clearly during verbal communication, leading to misunderstandings or confusion among team members.
  • Requires Development : Needs to work on projecting confidence and authority during verbal communication, particularly in high-pressure situations.
  • Unsatisfactory : Frequently struggles to communicate verbally, leading to disruptions in team communication and delays in project execution.

Written Communication

  • Exceeds Expectations : Produces high-quality written materials, such as reports and documentation, that are well-structured, concise, and free from errors.
  • Meets Expectations : Demonstrates proficiency in written communication, conveying information effectively through emails, memos, and other written channels.
  • Needs Improvement : Occasionally makes grammatical or spelling errors in written communication, requiring careful proofreading and editing.
  • Requires Development : Needs to work on organizing written content more effectively to improve readability and comprehension among readers.
  • Unsatisfactory : Frequently produces written materials that are unclear or difficult to understand, leading to confusion and misinterpretation among stakeholders.

Listening Skills

  • Exceeds Expectations : Actively listens to colleagues' perspectives and demonstrates empathy and understanding during one-on-one discussions.
  • Meets Expectations : Listens attentively during team meetings and discussions, demonstrating respect for others' opinions and viewpoints.
  • Needs Improvement : Occasionally appears distracted or disengaged during conversations, leading to misunderstandings or missed opportunities to collaborate effectively.
  • Requires Development : Needs to practice active listening techniques, such as paraphrasing and asking clarifying questions, to demonstrate deeper understanding and engagement.
  • Unsatisfactory : Frequently interrupts or talks over others during conversations, demonstrating a lack of respect for their opinions and ideas.

Leadership Skills

Decision making.

  • Exceeds Expectations : Makes well-informed decisions based on thorough analysis, weighing the potential risks and benefits carefully before taking action.
  • Meets Expectations : Demonstrates good judgment and decisiveness in making decisions, considering the available information and consulting with relevant stakeholders as needed.
  • Needs Improvement : Occasionally hesitates or procrastinates when making decisions, leading to delays or missed opportunities for progress.
  • Requires Development : Needs to develop a more systematic approach to decision making, considering all relevant factors and potential consequences before reaching a conclusion.
  • Unsatisfactory : Frequently makes impulsive or ill-informed decisions without considering the potential impact on the team or organization.
  • Exceeds Expectations : Effectively delegates tasks and responsibilities, empowering team members to take ownership and initiative in their work.
  • Meets Expectations : Delegates tasks appropriately, matching assignments to team members' skills and capabilities while providing clear instructions and support.
  • Needs Improvement : Occasionally struggles to delegate tasks effectively, either micromanaging or delegating too much responsibility without adequate guidance.
  • Requires Development : Needs to develop trust in team members' abilities and delegate more tasks to promote their professional growth and development.
  • Unsatisfactory : Frequently fails to delegate tasks, leading to overwork and burnout among team members and missed opportunities for skill development.
  • Exceeds Expectations : Inspires and motivates team members to achieve their best, leading by example and fostering a positive and supportive work environment.
  • Meets Expectations : Demonstrates enthusiasm and passion for the work, encouraging team members to stay engaged and committed to achieving shared goals.
  • Needs Improvement : Occasionally appears disengaged or demotivated, affecting team morale and productivity.
  • Requires Development : Needs to work on boosting team morale and motivation, perhaps by recognizing and rewarding individual and team achievements more consistently.
  • Unsatisfactory : Frequently displays a negative attitude or lack of enthusiasm, impacting team morale and cohesion negatively.

Teamwork and Collaboration

Contributing to team goals.

  • Exceeds Expectations : Actively contributes to team projects and initiatives, going above and beyond to ensure the team's success.
  • Meets Expectations : Collaborates effectively with team members to achieve shared goals and objectives, sharing ideas and expertise to drive progress.
  • Needs Improvement : Occasionally works independently without seeking input or feedback from team members, leading to missed opportunities for collaboration and innovation.
  • Requires Development : Needs to actively seek opportunities to collaborate with team members, recognizing the value of diverse perspectives and skills in achieving shared goals.
  • Unsatisfactory : Frequently fails to contribute to team projects or initiatives, impacting team cohesion and performance negatively.

Building Positive Relationships

  • Exceeds Expectations : Builds strong and trusting relationships with colleagues, fostering a supportive and inclusive work environment where everyone feels valued and respected.
  • Meets Expectations : Establishes positive working relationships with colleagues, communicating openly and respectfully to promote collaboration and teamwork.
  • Needs Improvement : Occasionally clashes with colleagues or struggles to build rapport, leading to tension or conflicts within the team.
  • Requires Development : Needs to work on improving interpersonal skills, such as active listening and conflict resolution, to build stronger and more positive relationships with colleagues.
  • Unsatisfactory : Frequently exhibits behavior that undermines trust or respect among colleagues, creating a toxic or hostile work environment.

Resolving Conflict

  • Exceeds Expectations : Handles conflicts calmly and tactfully, facilitating open and honest communication to find mutually acceptable solutions.
  • Meets Expectations : Resolves conflicts effectively, addressing underlying issues and finding common ground to maintain positive working relationships.
  • Needs Improvement : Occasionally avoids or escalates conflicts rather than addressing them directly, leading to unresolved tension or resentment among team members.
  • Requires Development : Needs to develop conflict resolution skills, such as active listening and negotiation, to address conflicts constructively and prevent escalation.
  • Unsatisfactory : Frequently exacerbates conflicts or takes sides, worsening the situation and damaging relationships within the team.

Problem-Solving and Critical Thinking

Analytical skills.

  • Exceeds Expectations : Analyzes complex problems systematically, breaking them down into manageable components to identify root causes and develop innovative solutions.
  • Meets Expectations : Demonstrates strong analytical skills, gathering and evaluating data to make informed decisions and solve problems effectively.
  • Needs Improvement : Occasionally overlooks important details or fails to consider alternative solutions when analyzing problems, leading to suboptimal outcomes.
  • Requires Development : Needs to improve analytical skills, such as data interpretation and pattern recognition, to solve complex problems more efficiently.
  • Unsatisfactory : Frequently struggles to analyze problems or make decisions, relying on intuition or guesswork rather than evidence-based reasoning.
  • Exceeds Expectations : Generates innovative ideas and solutions to complex problems, thinking outside the box to overcome obstacles and drive progress.
  • Meets Expectations : Demonstrates creativity and originality in approaching problems and challenges, exploring different perspectives and possibilities to find solutions.
  • Needs Improvement : Occasionally relies on conventional or tried-and-tested approaches when solving problems, missing opportunities for innovation or improvement.
  • Requires Development : Needs to cultivate a more creative mindset, exploring new ideas and perspectives to generate innovative solutions to challenges.
  • Unsatisfactory : Frequently lacks creativity or originality in problem-solving, leading to stagnation or missed opportunities for improvement.


  • Exceeds Expectations : Adapts quickly to changing circumstances and environments, demonstrating flexibility and resilience in the face of challenges.
  • Meets Expectations : Demonstrates adaptability and agility in responding to changes or unexpected developments, adjusting plans and strategies as needed to achieve goals.
  • Needs Improvement : Occasionally struggles to adapt to changes or transitions, clinging to familiar routines or methods rather than embracing new opportunities.
  • Requires Development : Needs to develop greater flexibility and openness to change, recognizing that adaptation is essential for growth and success in a dynamic environment.
  • Unsatisfactory : Frequently resists or rejects change, hindering progress and innovation within the team or organization.

Time Management and Organization

Meeting deadlines.

  • Exceeds Expectations : Consistently meets or exceeds project deadlines, effectively managing time and resources to ensure timely delivery of results.
  • Meets Expectations : Completes tasks and projects on time, demonstrating reliability and accountability in meeting deadlines.
  • Needs Improvement : Occasionally misses deadlines due to poor time management or prioritization, leading to delays or rushed work.
  • Requires Development : Needs to improve time management skills, such as setting priorities and managing distractions, to meet deadlines consistently.
  • Unsatisfactory : Frequently fails to meet deadlines, causing disruptions or delays in project timelines and impacting team performance negatively.


  • Exceeds Expectations : Prioritizes tasks effectively, focusing on high-impact activities and allocating resources efficiently to achieve goals.
  • Meets Expectations : Demonstrates good judgment in prioritizing tasks, balancing competing demands to ensure that critical objectives are met.
  • Needs Improvement : Occasionally struggles to prioritize tasks, leading to inefficiencies or missed opportunities for progress.
  • Requires Development : Needs to develop better prioritization skills, such as identifying urgent versus important tasks and allocating time and resources accordingly.
  • Unsatisfactory : Frequently fails to prioritize tasks effectively, leading to bottlenecks, overload, or burnout.

Planning and Execution

  • Exceeds Expectations : Develops detailed action plans and executes them with precision, anticipating potential obstacles and proactively addressing them to ensure success.
  • Meets Expectations : Plans and executes tasks and projects effectively, following established processes and procedures to achieve desired outcomes.
  • Needs Improvement : Occasionally lacks clarity or direction in planning and executing tasks, leading to confusion or inefficiencies.
  • Requires Development : Needs to improve planning and execution skills, such as setting realistic goals and timelines and breaking down tasks into manageable steps.
  • Unsatisfactory : Frequently fails to plan or execute tasks effectively, leading to disorganization, missed deadlines, or subpar results.

Job Knowledge and Expertise

Mastery of core competencies.

  • Exceeds Expectations : Demonstrates mastery of core competencies required for the role, consistently delivering high-quality work that exceeds expectations.
  • Meets Expectations : Possesses a solid understanding of key concepts and principles relevant to the role, performing tasks competently and efficiently.
  • Needs Improvement : Occasionally demonstrates gaps in knowledge or proficiency in core competencies, requiring additional training or support to perform effectively.
  • Requires Development : Needs to deepen understanding and expertise in core competencies through training, self-study, or hands-on experience.
  • Unsatisfactory : Frequently lacks proficiency in core competencies, leading to errors, inefficiencies, or substandard performance.

Continual Learning and Growth

  • Exceeds Expectations : Actively seeks opportunities for learning and development, proactively seeking out new challenges and experiences to expand knowledge and skills.
  • Meets Expectations : Demonstrates a commitment to professional growth and development, participating in training programs and seeking feedback to improve performance.
  • Needs Improvement : Occasionally appears disengaged or uninterested in learning new skills or expanding knowledge, missing opportunities for growth and development.
  • Requires Development : Needs to cultivate a growth mindset, embracing challenges and seeking out opportunities for learning and skill development.
  • Unsatisfactory : Frequently resists or rejects opportunities for learning and growth, hindering personal and professional development.

Applying Knowledge Effectively

  • Exceeds Expectations : Applies theoretical knowledge to practical situations effectively, demonstrating creativity and innovation in solving problems and achieving objectives.
  • Meets Expectations : Utilizes knowledge and expertise to perform tasks and projects competently, applying best practices and industry standards to achieve desired outcomes.
  • Needs Improvement : Occasionally struggles to apply theoretical knowledge to real-world situations, requiring guidance or support to bridge the gap between theory and practice.
  • Requires Development : Needs to develop the ability to apply knowledge more effectively, perhaps through additional training, mentoring, or hands-on experience.
  • Unsatisfactory : Frequently fails to apply knowledge or expertise effectively, leading to errors, inefficiencies, or suboptimal outcomes.

Interpersonal Skills

Empathy and emotional intelligence.

  • Exceeds Expectations : Demonstrates a high level of empathy and emotional intelligence, showing sensitivity to the feelings and perspectives of others and fostering positive relationships.
  • Meets Expectations : Displays empathy and emotional intelligence in interactions with colleagues, showing understanding and compassion in challenging situations.
  • Needs Improvement : Occasionally struggles to empathize with others or understand their emotions, leading to misunderstandings or conflicts.
  • Requires Development : Needs to cultivate greater empathy and emotional intelligence, perhaps through empathy training or practicing active listening and perspective-taking.
  • Unsatisfactory : Frequently lacks empathy or emotional intelligence in interactions with others, leading to strained relationships and poor teamwork.

Conflict Resolution and Negotiation

  • Exceeds Expectations : Resolves conflicts and negotiates effectively, finding win-win solutions that address the needs and interests of all parties involved.
  • Meets Expectations : Handles conflicts and negotiations with professionalism and diplomacy, seeking common ground and reaching mutually acceptable agreements.
  • Needs Improvement : Occasionally struggles to resolve conflicts or negotiate effectively, leading to prolonged disputes or unsatisfactory outcomes.
  • Requires Development : Needs to develop stronger conflict resolution and negotiation skills, perhaps through training or seeking guidance from experienced mentors.
  • Unsatisfactory : Frequently escalates conflicts or fails to reach satisfactory agreements, leading to tensions and strained relationships within the team or organization.

How to Deliver Performance Reviews?

Delivering performance reviews is a critical responsibility for managers and leaders. It's a time to provide feedback, set goals, and foster growth in your team members. Here are some essential tips to help you navigate this process effectively.

Preparation and Planning

Preparation is key to conducting successful performance reviews. Take the time to gather relevant information, including performance data, feedback from colleagues, and any documentation related to the employee's work. Review the employee's goals and objectives to assess their progress and achievements.

Consider scheduling the performance review well in advance and ensure that you have enough time allocated for a thorough discussion. Create a structured agenda for the meeting, outlining the topics you plan to cover and any questions you want to ask. Being well-prepared demonstrates your commitment to the process and sets the stage for a productive discussion.

Creating a Positive Environment

Creating a positive environment is essential for fostering open communication and trust during performance reviews. Choose a comfortable and private setting for the meeting where both you and the employee can feel at ease. Start the review on a positive note by acknowledging the employee's contributions and achievements.

Use positive language and tone throughout the discussion, focusing on strengths as well as areas for improvement. Encourage the employee to share their thoughts and feedback openly, and listen actively to their perspective. By creating a supportive and non-judgmental atmosphere, you can help the employee feel valued and motivated to engage in the review process.

Active Listening

Active listening is a crucial skill during performance reviews. Listen attentively to the employee's feedback, concerns, and questions, and demonstrate empathy and understanding. Avoid interrupting or rushing the employee and give them ample opportunity to express themselves fully.

Ask open-ended questions to encourage the employee to elaborate on their experiences and perspectives. Paraphrase and summarize their points to ensure clarity and demonstrate that you are genuinely engaged in the conversation. By actively listening to the employee, you can gain valuable insights into their motivations, challenges, and goals, which can inform your feedback and coaching.

Providing Specific Examples

Providing specific examples is essential for making your feedback actionable and meaningful. Instead of making vague statements, use concrete examples and evidence to illustrate your points. Highlight specific behaviors, achievements, and areas for improvement, and explain how they have impacted performance.

For example, instead of saying, "You need to improve your communication skills," you could say, "During the recent project meeting, your lack of clarity in explaining the project timeline caused confusion among team members." Providing specific examples helps the employee understand exactly what behaviors or actions need to change and gives them a clear direction for improvement.

Setting SMART Goals for Improvement

Setting SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-bound) goals is a powerful way to help employees improve their performance. Work collaboratively with the employee to establish goals that are aligned with their role, skills, and career aspirations. Ensure that each goal is clear, quantifiable, and achievable within a reasonable timeframe.

For example, if an employee needs to improve their time management skills, a SMART goal could be: "By the end of the quarter, reduce the average time spent on non-essential tasks by 20% to prioritize high-impact projects." Break down larger goals into smaller, manageable steps, and provide support and resources to help the employee achieve them.

By setting SMART goals for improvement, you can empower employees to take ownership of their development and track their progress over time. Regularly revisit and reassess goals during follow-up discussions to ensure they remain relevant and aligned with the employee's evolving needs and priorities.

How to Handle Difficult Conversations during Performance Reviews?

Performance reviews sometimes involve addressing challenging situations, such as underperformance or emotional reactions from employees. Here are some strategies to help you navigate these difficult conversations effectively.

Addressing Underperformance

Addressing underperformance is one of the most challenging aspects of performance reviews, but it's essential for fostering growth and improvement in your team members. When addressing underperformance, approach the conversation with empathy and a focus on solutions rather than blame.

Start by clearly outlining the areas where the employee is falling short and provide specific examples to illustrate your points. Be direct but tactful in your feedback, focusing on behaviors and outcomes rather than personal characteristics. Encourage the employee to share their perspective and any obstacles they may be facing.

Work collaboratively with the employee to develop a performance improvement plan that includes specific goals, timelines, and support mechanisms. Offer coaching, training, or mentorship opportunities to help the employee develop the skills they need to succeed. Regularly monitor progress and provide ongoing feedback and support to ensure that the employee stays on track.

Handling Emotional Reactions

Emotional reactions are common during performance reviews, especially when discussing sensitive topics such as underperformance or areas for improvement. When faced with emotional reactions from employees, it's essential to remain calm, empathetic, and professional.

Acknowledge the employee's emotions and validate their feelings, even if you may not agree with them. Let the employee express themselves fully without interruption, and actively listen to their concerns. Use empathetic language and non-verbal cues, such as nodding and maintaining eye contact, to convey understanding and support.

Redirect the focus of the conversation back to constructive solutions and next steps once the employee has had the opportunity to express themselves. Offer reassurance and encouragement, emphasizing that the goal of the performance review is to support their development and success. If necessary, take a break from the discussion to allow the employee time to collect themselves before resuming.

Offering Support and Resources

Offering support and resources is essential for helping employees address performance issues and overcome challenges. Be proactive in offering assistance and guidance to employees who may be struggling, and provide access to relevant resources and support networks.

Offer coaching, mentoring, or training opportunities to help employees develop the skills they need to succeed. Provide access to counseling services or employee assistance programs for employees who may be experiencing personal or emotional difficulties that are impacting their performance.

Regularly check in with employees to assess their progress and offer ongoing support and encouragement. Be approachable and available to answer questions and provide guidance as needed. By offering support and resources, you demonstrate your commitment to the employee's success and well-being.

Documenting Performance Discussions

Documenting performance discussions is essential for maintaining a record of employee performance, feedback, and goals. Keep detailed notes of the key points discussed during performance reviews, including any agreements reached and action plans established.

Ensure that performance documentation is accurate, objective, and free from personal biases or assumptions. Use specific examples and evidence to support your assessments and recommendations. Keep performance records confidential and securely stored in accordance with company policies and legal requirements.

Documenting performance discussions provides a valuable record for future reference and helps ensure consistency and fairness in the evaluation process. It also provides a basis for tracking progress over time and identifying patterns or trends in employee performance. Regularly review and update performance documentation as needed to reflect changes in employee performance or goals.

Mastering the art of performance review phrases is an essential skill for any manager or leader. By using the right phrases effectively, you can provide valuable feedback that motivates and empowers your team members to reach their full potential. Whether you're recognizing achievements, addressing areas for improvement, or setting goals for development, these phrases serve as a powerful tool for fostering growth and success within your organization.

Remember, effective performance reviews are not just about delivering feedback; they're about building trust, fostering open communication, and supporting the ongoing development of your team. By utilizing the top performance review phrases and examples outlined in this guide, you can ensure that your performance reviews are productive, meaningful, and beneficial for both you and your employees. So, embrace the opportunity to provide feedback that inspires positive change and drives excellence in your organization.

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31 examples of problem solving performance review phrases

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You're doing great

You should think of improving

Tips to improve

Use these practical examples of phrases, sample comments, and templates for your performance review , 360-degree feedback survey, or manager appraisal.

The following examples not only relate to problem-solving but also conflict management , effective solutions, selecting the best alternatives, decision making , problem identification, analyzing effectively, and generally becoming an effective problem-solving strategist. Start using effective performance review questions to help better guide your workforce's development. 

Problem solving appraisal comments: you're doing great

  • You always maintain an effective dialogue with clients when they have technical problems. Being clear and articulate makes sure our customers' faults are attended to promptly.
  • You constantly make sure to look beyond the obvious you never stop at the first answer. You’re really good at exploring alternatives. Well done!
  • Keeping the supervisors and managers informed of status changes and requests is important. You’re really good at communicating the changes to the projects at all times. Keep it up!
  • You stay cool and collected even when things aren’t going according to plan or up in the air. This is a great trait to possess. Well done!
  • You’re excellent at giving an honest and logical analysis. Keep it up! Effectively diagnosing complex problems and reaching sustainable solutions is one of your strong points.
  • Your ability to ability to make complex systems into simple ones is truly a unique skill to possess. Well done!
  • You often identify practical solutions to every roadblock. You’re a real asset to the team! Great job.
  • You always listen actively and attentively to make sure you understand what the exact problem is and you come up with solutions in an effective manner.
  • You have an amazing ability to clearly explain options and solutions effectively and efficiently. Well done!
  • When driving projects, you can shift to other areas comfortably and easily. making sure the project runs smoothly. Great job!


Problem solving performance review phrases: you should think of improving

  • You always seem too overwhelmed when faced with multiple problems. Try to think of ways to make problems more manageable so that they can be solved in a timely and effective manner.
  • Avoiding conflicts constantly with people is not a good idea as you will only build up personal frustration and nothing will be done to remedy the situation. Try to face people when there are problems and rectify problems when they occur.
  • Don’t allow demanding customers to rattle your cage too much. If they become too demanding, take a step back, regulate your emotions , and try to make use of online support tools to help you rectify problems these tools can help a lot!
  • It’s necessary that you learn from your past mistakes . You cannot keep making the same mistakes , as this is not beneficial to the company.
  • You tend to ask the same questions over and over again. Try to listen more attentively or take notes when colleagues are answering!
  • Providing multiple solutions in an indirect and creative approach will allow you to be more effective at problem-solving . if you struggle with this typically through viewing the problem in a new and unusual light.
  • You fail to provide staff with the appropriate amount of structure and direction. They must know the direction you wish them to go in to achieve their goals .
  • You need to be able to recognize repetitive trends to solve problems promptly.
  • You tend to have problems troubleshooting even the most basic of questions. As a problem solver and customer support person, it’s imperative that you can answer these questions easily.
  • Read through your training manual and make sure you fully understand it before attempting questions again.


Performance review tips to improve problem solving

  • Try to complain less about problems and come up with solutions to the problems more often. Complaining is not beneficial to progression and innovation.
  • As a problem solver, it’s important to be able to handle multiple priorities under short deadlines.
  • You need to be able to effectively distinguish between the cause and the symptoms of problems to solve them in an efficient and timely manner.
  • Try to anticipate problems in advance before they become major roadblocks down the road.
  • Try to view obstacles as opportunities to learn and thrive at the challenge of solving the problem.
  • Remember to prioritize problems according to their degree of urgency. It's important that you spend the majority of your time on urgent tasks over menial ones.
  • When putting plans into place, stick to them and make sure they are completed.
  • When solving problems, try to allocate appropriate levels of resources when undertaking new projects. It is important to become as efficient and as effective as possible.
  • Try to learn to pace yourself when solving problems to avoid burnout . You’re a great asset to the team and we cannot afford to lose at this point.
  • Meeting regularly with your staff to review results is vital to the problem-solving process.
  • Staff that has regular check-ins understand what it is that is required of them, what they are currently achieving, and areas they may need to improve. Try to hold one-on-one meetings every week.

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Madeline Miles

Madeline is a writer, communicator, and storyteller who is passionate about using words to help drive positive change. She holds a bachelor's in English Creative Writing and Communication Studies and lives in Denver, Colorado. In her spare time, she's usually somewhere outside (preferably in the mountains) — and enjoys poetry and fiction.

How a performance review template improves the feedback process

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150 Performance Review Examples and Phrases for Giving Effective Feedback

A performance review is an opportunity for your employees to grow. Discover 150 employee performance review examples to help you give constructive feedback.

Karishma Bhatnagar

Table of Contents

Employee performance reviews are crucial for all businesses. They let managers or supervisors assess their staff members' work and offer them insightful, constructive, and honest employee feedback on their:

  • Areas of improvement

Employee engagement is also largely dependent on performance reviews. Therefore, you should know the appropriate words or phrases or employee performance review examples to use during a performance evaluation.

Complicated and wordy messages can confuse both the reviewer and the reviewee and, thus, detract from clarity.

However, if you go about it appropriately, performance reviews can promote your employees' professional growth by reinforcing good habits, rectifying undesirable behaviors, and inspiring them to perform better.

Therefore, to help you comprehend better, we’ve curated a list of 150 performance review phrases. But before we go through the list, let's understand what a performance review is in brief.

What is a performance review?

Reviewing the performance of employees is a critical aspect of running a business. It helps to improve the efficiency and productivity of your employees. Effective performance reviews can also help employers accomplish the following:

  • Adequately distribute raises or pay increases
  • Assist team members in acquiring new skills
  • Outline the goals and expectations of the company

Based on the business capacity and size and the goals of the assessments, each company's review procedure may vary in frequency and complexity. The performance review assessments can be carried out either yearly or quarterly.

150 Useful performance review phrases

Below is a list of 150 performance review phrases and examples that you can use based on the position, function, or personality of the employee in question:

1. Teamwork

Here are 9 positive examples of performance review phrases for teamwork:

  • Willing to be counted on by their teammates and expect the same in return
  • Develops strong relationships in a professional setting with coworkers, superiors, and other staff members
  • Provides support to teammates on their tasks, even though they are not directly responsible for them or obliged to help
  • Exemplifies a culture of collaboration on a daily basis
  • Readily collaborates with their coworkers to accomplish the goal
  • Exceptionally adept at motivating team members to bring out their best effort.
  • Oversees the team's operations and delegates tasks to team members appropriately.
  • Built a highly motivated team that collaborates to commence and finish the task on or before the deadline
  • Always willing to assist teammates who are going through a tough time with their responsibilities

Here are 9 negative examples of performance review phrases for teamwork:

  • Seems more concerned about achieving their targets than helping anyone who might require some assistance
  • Struggles to acclimatize after transferring from a sector that is very autonomous to one that is team oriented
  • Although an expert, they tend not to provide professional guidance or assistance to those who may need
  • Struggles with completing assignments while collaborating with others
  • Doesn't care enough to inspire team members to perform at their highest level while working

2. Attendance

Here are 7 positive examples of performance review phrases for being attentive :

  • Replies to emails and attends calls of stakeholders on time
  • Attend conferences, workshops, and seminars on time at all times
  • Always arrive on time for work each day
  • Completed X years of flawless attendance
  • Consistently available even when their division's work schedule is unrelated to it
  • Follows the schedule and plan as accurately as attainable
  • Always shows up on time, sticks to the schedule, and takes lunch breaks as scheduled

Here are 6 negative examples of performance review phrases for being attentive:

  • Attends far too many personal phone calls on a daily basis
  • Routinely goes past their allotted lunch break, affecting their productivity
  • Does not adhere to the attendance requirements set forth by the organization
  • Shows up at work late on a regular basis
  • Consistently exceeds the allotted number of leaves
  • Must learn to arrive timely after scheduled leaves

3. Interpersonal skills

Here are 8 positive examples of performance review phrases for good interpersonal skills:

  • Has strong interpersonal skills and needs little to no instruction in communicating well with others
  • Possesses the ability to deal with sensitive circumstances promptly and efficiently
  • Can hear and effectively comprehend verbal and nonverbal indications from coworkers
  • Ensures that their teammates are comfortable with a decision made by a higher authority
  • Is an excellent team player who enjoys working with others
  • Possesses the ability to resolve team conflicts
  • Has the capability to collaborate with colleagues to resolve conflict in a respectful manner
  • Possesses the ability to communicate clearly with people from different cultures, places, etc.

Here are 5 negative examples of performance review phrases for good interpersonal skills:

  • Refuses to take constructive criticism from coworkers that can help them grow in the corporate world
  • Interacts with coworkers in an abrasive and unprofessional manner
  • Refuses to take any initiative or incorporate constructive suggestions made by coworkers
  • Reacts defensively to constructive criticism
  • Appears uneasy when questioned during team meetings

4. Communication skills

Here are 7 positive examples of performance review phrases for good communication skills:

  • Adept at efficiently conveying complex messages and decisions
  • Routinely offers constructive criticism
  • Communicates complex subjects to the rest of the team in a transparent and understandable manner
  • Asks interesting and meaningful questions
  • Not afraid to answer when confronted with a difficult question
  • Is skilled at summarizing and conveying critical business decisions
  • Is open to hearing other people's opinions

Here are 7 negative examples of performance review phrases for communication skills:

  • Stands out from their colleagues for having excellent employee communication skills
  • Repeatedly berates staff members
  • Has difficulty interacting effectively in teams
  • Instead of doing it themselves, ask other coworkers to convey bad news
  • Does not adequately notify supervisors of progress updates
  • Does not provide constructive feedback on new initiatives
  • Regularly engages in awkward conversations and occasionally becomes territorial

5. Achievement

Here are 8 positive examples of performance review phrases for achievement:

  • Sets realistic goals and actively works to meet them
  • Surpassed the benchmark by X%, outperforming other team members
  • Reduced the time it took to resolve complaints to 24 hours, which boosted customer retention by X%
  • Employed effective SEO strategies and increased the site's organic traffic by X%
  • Implemented a strategy that works well to optimize work processes
  • Working cooperatively with a team was improved by X%
  • Generated X% more revenues at the end of the last quarter compared to the previous one
  • Used automation tools to save the organization $1 million

Here are 6 negative examples of performance review phrases for achievement:

  • Last month's goal was missed by X%
  • Would benefit from reviewing their own failures and successes each quarter
  • Failure to meet commitments due to a lack of coordination
  • Would prosper from defining career goals
  • Finds it challenging to provide error-free work consistently
  • Improved social media interaction is essential to boost organic traffic

6. Innovation and creativity

Here are 7 positive examples of performance review phrases for innovation and creativity:

  • Frequently comes up with fresh, creative answers to handle difficult situations
  • Thinks creatively and unconventionally
  • Always encourage or assist teammates in coming up with innovative ideas
  • Their creative capabilities are a valuable contribution to the company
  • Has a strong imagination and routinely offers some of the most original ideas
  • Uses creative thinking to carry out a vision for the business
  • Consistently offers fresh ideas during meetings and when working on projects

Here are 7 negative examples of performance review phrases for innovation and creativity:

  • Could provide alternative strategies for resolving problems
  • Could take the initiative to work on new projects
  • Their problem-solving methods are typically inflexible and conventional
  • Prefers a traditional, cautious approach to problems rather than a creative one
  • Could perform better in places that require innovative solutions
  • Might use some creative thought
  • Too reluctant to take chances on coming up with creative solutions
  • Has a habit of rejecting projects that require creative thinking

7. Leadership

Here are 9 positive examples of performance review phrases for leadership:

  • Encourages team members to put in a good effort
  • Establishes a safe environment for team members to express their thoughts and perspectives
  • Recognizes the capabilities of teammates and effectively assigns work
  • Keeps team focused and engaged in work
  • Expresses sincere appreciation for a job well carried out
  • Actively hear what their coworkers are suggesting and respond appropriately to it
  • Is an excellent role model for others to emulate
  • Encourages the development of an understanding- and learning-centered corporate culture
  • Always ready to lend a hand to a teammate

Here are 7 negative examples of performance review phrases for leadership:

  • Ambiguous while deciding which objectives and tasks to accomplish
  • Seldom acknowledges a successfully completed task with praise or positive feedback
  • Regularly causes the team to fall behind with superfluous activities
  • Rejects team members' opinions or suggestions
  • Does not treat other staff members equally with respect
  • Always overanalyzes situations when a speedy resolution is demanded

8. Attitude

Here are 7 positive examples of performance review phrases for attitude:

  • Has a positive outlook that encourages their teammates to do better
  • Always optimistic in every situation
  • Quickly smiles and boosts morale in tense situations
  • Always cheer up coworkers
  • Does not allow difficult situations to dampen their spirit
  • Always comes to work with a cheerful demeanor
  • Keeps a persistent, optimistic attitude that motivates others
  • Helps others have a positive attitude toward challenges by sharing ideas and thoughts that are constructive
  • The way they behave shows how much they like their work
  • Fosters a culture of trust among staff members

Here are 7 negative examples of performance review phrases for attitude:

  • Has an attitude toward causing problems
  • Gets upset easily and shows a pessimistic attitude
  • Must learn to accept constructive feedback
  • Gets easily distracted or provoked by non-work topics
  • Behavior at work exhibits bipolar tendencies

9. Time management

Here are 9 positive examples of performance review phrases for time management:

  • Has the capacity to finish tasks, particularly those with tight deadlines
  • Shows an excellent capacity for coordinating several tasks and projects simultaneously
  • Efficiently utilizes free time
  • Effectively manages a variety of tasks and projects without requiring heavy supervision
  • Is adept at handling multiple tasks quickly and with precision
  • Manage their time quite well
  • Consistently fulfills all goals on time
  • Creates brief and time-saving presentations
  • Schedules meetings on time

Here are 5 negative examples of performance review phrases for time management:

  • Fails to meet deadlines despite being granted plenty of time to finish all assigned tasks
  • Has trouble coordinating multiple tasks and initiatives
  • Does not efficiently manage their work schedule time
  • Lacks the ability to efficiently prioritize tasks
  • Shows a tendency to let personal matters influence how well they function at work

10. Productivity

Here are 10 positive examples of performance review phrases for productivity:

  • Consistently surpasses performance benchmarks
  • Has incredibly high standards for productivity
  • Have a track record of delivering work at a high caliber
  • Constantly looking for ways to be more effective
  • Encourages people to perform efficiently at work by maintaining a positive attitude
  • Consistently goes above and beyond expectations and delivers the best result
  • Significantly contributes to the business's ongoing expansion
  • Places a high value on details, which is evident in their work
  • Shares their understanding of market trends and best practices with the team to assist them in achieving better results
  • Is a key contributor to the organization's success

Here are 5 negative examples of performance review phrases for productivity:

  • Requires to pay greater attention to the intricacies before turning in a project
  • Finishes the easier tasks first instead of prioritizing the urgent ones
  • Doesn't accomplish their work in accordance with the required productivity standards
  • Should engage in more training and development activities to advance their knowledge and abilities
  • Work performance and productivity have been below par lately

11. Accountability

Here are 5 positive examples of performance review phrases for accountability:

  • Accepts accountability for one's actions and contributions as a team member, as well as involvement in the organization's growth
  • Respects deadlines and takes responsibility for them
  • Acknowledges shortcomings and notifies colleagues when unable to uphold a commitment
  • Takes accountability for the part they play in project management
  • Unwilling to be complacent with errors and finds resolutions for them

Here are 3 negative examples of performance review phrases for accountability:

  • Must accept responsibility for meeting deadlines
  • Rejects responsibilities for fixing errors
  • Fails to communicate effectively regarding delayed deliverables

Frequently asked questions (FAQs)

Here are some frequently asked questions about employee performance review:

1. What is an employee performance review?

A thorough evaluation of an employee's performance over a specific period is known as an employee performance review. Managers examine an employee's overall performance, point out their merits and shortcomings, provide feedback, and assist them in setting goals during a performance review.

2. What should a performance evaluation of an employee contain?

In the majority of employee assessments, regardless of industry, these capabilities are evaluated:

  • Communication
  • Problem-solving
  • Time management
  • Productivity

3 . What are some examples of good performance reviews for employees?

Examples of good performance reviews for employees are:

4. What are some of the areas of improvement for employees?

Some of the areas of improvement for employees are:

5. What are some examples of performance reviews concerning leadership?

Examples of performance reviews concerning leadership are:

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Karishma Bhatnagar

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Karishma is a passionate blogger who comes with a deep understanding of SEO tactics. When she isn’t working, you’ll find her in the mountains, experiencing the fresh breeze & chirping sounds of birds.

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108 Performance Review Phrases (With Examples)

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  • Performance Improvement Plan
  • Performance Review Phrases
  • Four Functions Of Management
  • Difference Between Goals And Objectives
  • How To Give Employees Feedback
  • What Is An Operational Environment
  • Key Success Factors
  • How To Not Get Fired
  • How To Be More Confident At Work
  • One-On-One Meeting
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  • Positive Feedback
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critical thinking performance review examples

Performance reviews are a great opportunity to give an employee feedback on their poor performance to help them improve or to give them recognition for a job well done. Common performance review skill categories that are reviewed include productivity, work quality, and attendance. The right performance review phrases said in a goes a long way to motivate an employee to continue their good performance or improve on weaknesses.

If you’re a supervisor or manager looking for the right performance review phrases to recognize employees’ good work and address their weaknesses, this article will provide ideas for topics to discuss and examples of phrases you can use in your next performance reviews.

Key Takeaways:

Annual performance reviews are a good opportunity to talk about employees’ strengths, weaknesses, and growth, as well as to discuss training opportunities, goals, and any pay adjustments.

It’s a good idea to discuss employees’ productivity and work quality as well as their soft skills such as cooperation, accountability, and communication.

Give your employees plenty of notice about their performance review and then prepare for it by looking at their job description and KPIs and making a rubric based on those.

Performance Review Phrases

Examples of performance review phrases for productivity

Examples of performance review phrases for quality of work, examples of performance review phrases for attendance, examples of performance review phrases for punctuality, examples of performance review phrases for communication, examples of performance review phrases for teamwork and cooperation, examples of performance review phrases for interpersonal abilities, examples of performance review phrases for adaptability, examples of performance review phrases for problem-solving, examples of performance review phrases for achievement, examples of performance review phrases for leadership, examples of performance review phrases for innovation, examples of performance review phrases for attitude, examples of performance review phrases for accountability, what is a performance review, how to prepare for a performance review, performance review faq, final thoughts.

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Positive productivity performance review phrases

“Always manages their time well and is extremely well-organized.”

“Displays endless drive to improve productivity, profits, and meet business goals.”

“Your excellent work ethic speaks for itself.”

“Consistently contributes measurable value to company goals and projects.”

Negative productivity performance review phrases

“Often resists changes that could lead to an increase in productivity.”

“Distracts coworkers, impacting their productivity.”

“Poor time management often leading to failure to complete assigned work on time.”

“Sets a low bar and does as little as possible to get by.”

Positive quality of work performance review phrases

“Positively contributes to the performance of the team through their high-quality work.”

“Can be relied upon to consistently maintain a high quality of work.”

“I was blown away by the quality of your work.”

“Most employees aren’t as thorough in their work as you.”

Negative quality of work performance review phrases

“Often expects coworkers to complete unfinished tasks.”

“Regularly fails to follow established processes.”

“Delivers work of an inconsistent quality.”

“Rarely attains monthly performance goals.”

Positive attendance performance review phrases

“Begins every day fully prepared and ready to work.”

“Shows respect for the time of others by always coming to work on time.”

“A reliable worker who is always there when you need their help.”

Negative attendance performance review phrases

“Fails to meet company standards for attendance.”

“Often offline on communication channels when working remotely.”

“Regularly take more frequent or longer breaks than permitted.”

“Has not met attendance objectives set at previous performance appraisal.”

Positive punctuality performance review phrases

“Always follows through on their promises and delivers work ahead of time.”

“Consistently meets deadlines and can always be relied upon.”

“You’re among the most reliable workers I’ve ever had.”

“I really respect how you always take your promises seriously.”

Negative punctuality performance review phrases

“Meeting times often start later than scheduled or run over time.”

“Regularly late to work without reason.”

“Needs to work on responding to meeting invitations.”

“I want our team to be known for respecting others, and when you arrive late to meetings, it’s disrespectful.”

Positive communication performance review phrases

“Is mindful of the team and provides any updates when their situation changes.”

“Is able to effectively break down complex ideas and bring everyone on board.”

“Has a way of explaining complicated subjects to anyone.”

“ Thank you for always speaking up during team meetings and providing important updates.”

“You’re always quick to answer and follow up on emails .”

Negative communication performance review phrases

“Actively avoids conversations with managers and supervisors.”

“Struggles to communicate ideas and information with team members.”

“Often fails to provide timely project updates.”

“Has a tough time communicating constructive feedback to others.”

Positive teamwork and cooperation performance review phrases

“Extremely easy to work with and respects all team members.”

“Always puts the team first and adapts to any situation.”

“Improves team atmosphere by resolving conflicts between others.”

“Everyone tells me they really enjoy working with you.”

Negative teamwork and cooperation performance review phrases

“Often sticks to a small team, failing to find help and resources in other departments.”

“Unwilling to help others with tasks when asked.”

“Prefers to work alone, even when a project has multiple stakeholders.”

“You’re very skilled in what you do, but I’ve noticed you haven’t joined any of the new projects our team has taken on. You have a lot to offer, and I’d love to see you stretch yourself and take on some of these new responsibilities and challenges.”

Positive interpersonal abilities performance review phrases

“Has a pleasant personality that contributes to a positive team environment.”

“Maintains positivity and raises team morale during challenge circumstances.”

“Is thoughtful of other team members and is always pleasant to work with.”

“You always know how to cheer everyone up.”

Negative interpersonal abilities performance review phrases

“Does not work well with others on the team.”

“Needs to improve attitude when receiving constructive feedback.”

“Your customer satisfaction reviews are always really high on the phone, but they aren’t as great after you meet with a client in person. Why do you think that is? What training or resources can we get you to help with that?”

“I respect and appreciate your ability to be honest and direct with everyone, but sometimes it comes across as unfriendly or even rude. I’d hate to see that hinder your ability to create strong working relationships, so I’d like you to take this course in office communication to help you get your points across more effectively.”

Positive adaptability performance review phrases

“Is extremely understanding and flexible when unforeseen circumstances arise.”

“Can be counted on to be a team player during less than ideal situations.”

“Is able to quickly find ways to contribute when factors that influence business operations change.”

“I want to thank you for how flexible you’ve been during this difficult period.”

Negative adaptability performance review phrases

“Easily becomes frustrated when unexpected challenges arise.”

“Pushes back against new processes and policies without fully implementing or adhering to them.”

“Resists changes that could lead to higher productivity.”

“You do excellent work, and I think you’d do even better if you didn’t let the pressure get the better of you in stressful situations. You’re a very capable employee, and I hate to see you lose your confidence in those times. How can I help you with that?”

Positive problem-solving performance review phrases

“Demonstrates expertise and critical-thinking skills by cleverly finding solutions to problems.”

“Is always a reliable source of help for employees who need assistance.”

“You’re able to overcome any obstacle that stands in your path.”

“Is there anything you can’t do?”

Negative problem-solving performance review phrases

“Unwilling to work on problems outside of skill set.”

“Fails to contribute to group discussions on how to approach problems.”

“Can be indecisive in producing and implementing new solutions.

“Struggles to see patterns in recurring issues.”

Positive achievement performance review phrases

“Always surprises the entire team with the exceptional quality of their work.”

“Is constantly looked up to by staff members for their exceptional abilities.”

“You’re one of the most uniquely skilled professionals I’ve ever worked with.”

“You never fail to break records that we all thought were unbreakable.”

Negative achievement performance review phrases

“Has consistently struggled to meet KPIs.”

“Struggles to set measurable goals that align with the strategic needs of projects.”

“Does not set personal goals for improvement.”

“Unmotivated by achievement.”

Positive leadership performance review phrases

“Improves the job performance of the entire team by leading by example.”

“It’s extremely commendable how you always bring new employees up to speed.”

“Not only delivers high-quality work, but strengthens the entire culture of the team.”

“Having you on the team makes a massive difference.”

“Calling you anything but a team leader would be selling you short .”

Negative leadership performance review phrases

“Struggles to motivate employees to work hard and on task.”

“Indecisive about allocating responsibilities.”

“Sets unclear goals and objectives, making it hard to measure results in a meaningful way.”

“Workers often complain about a lack of recognition for a job well done.”

Positive innovation performance review phrases

“You always bring a unique perspective that nobody else had thought of.”

“It’s admirable how you’re able to view the same situation in a completely new light.”

“Wow, nobody knew it was even possible to do it in a better way until you showed us.”

“You come up with amazing ideas.”

Negative innovation performance review phrases

“Uninterested in trying novel solutions or integrating the creative ideas of others.”

“Has a difficult time formulating new ideas when normal processes fail.”

“Resists implementing new processes that have been proven as more effective.”

Positive attitude performance review phrases

“Everyone appreciates your upbeat attitude.”

“Even when things are tough, you continue to maintain a positive mindset.”

“You’re always quick to offer a healthy perspective.”

Negative attitude performance review phrases

“Inconsistent working relationship with some team members.”

“Often defiant when assigned tasks, openly questioning the wisdom of supervisors.”

“Becomes easily upset when unexpected challenges come up.”

“Noticeably unexcited about company goals, bringing down the enthusiasm of other members of the team.”

Positive accountability performance review phrases

“Shows honesty and strong character by accepting accountability when appropriate.”

“Strives to constantly improve on their work and is never satisfied with less-than-perfect results.”

“Your honesty and prioritization of the team ahead of all else are inspiring.”

Negative accountability performance review phrases

“Often blames others for mistakes.”

“Regularly fails to follow up with clients.”

“Needs to improve the ability to learn from errors.”

Performance reviews are evaluations where supervisors appraise an employee’s performance at work.

The main topics that are commonly discussed during the appraisal process are:

Strengths and weaknesses. Employees are made aware of the areas in which they excel or underperform. This is an opportunity to define performance expectations clearly.

Employee progress. If a particular weakness was identified in a previous performance review, supervisors should comment on whether the employee has taken the necessary actions to fix it.

Training opportunities. Managers may suggest career development resources or certification programs that fit the employee’s situation.

Future goals. Employees and supervisors will often agree to an improvement plan to address weaknesses . Whether the employee met these goals and objectives can be assessed during the next performance appraisal.

Pay adjustments. Performance reviews are also an opportunity to give employees promotions or raises .

Performance evaluations are conducted on a regular basis that’s determined by the organization or team. These periods are typically six months apart but can also be quarterly, monthly, or even more frequent.

Update job descriptions. Employees appreciate clarity in the way their role is defined, and from an organizational standpoint, delineating roles clearly is an important element of planning. You can even have employees help with this process to make sure the written word matches the actual job.

Determine the purpose of the role. With the above point in mind, it’s also crucial to understand why the position exists in the first place. Is the reason you created the role still the primary function or has the need for that responsibility passed?

Recalibrate your KPIs . Again, most employees appreciate concrete goals. But those goals and the ability to replicate them infinitely are not static. Maybe a goal of 100 cold calls a week no longer makes sense when you’ve already reached out to most of the local businesses you could serve, for example.

Identify skill gaps. Sometimes, skill gaps can creep on you and your business. With how fast technology changes in today’s world, you need to constantly reevaluate the skill sets of your employees and lend a hand when they need it.

Make a rubric. Or familiarize yourself with the one provided by your company. It’s good to have a plan for what topics you want to cover and in what order. It might also make sense to change the order of events for certain employees.

Inform employees in advance. It’s best to give at least a week’s notice before performance reviews, but more or less time could make sense depending on the nature and size of your organization. You want to give everyone a chance to consider what they want to discuss at the meeting and prepare responses to questions they know will come up.

What should I say in a performance review?

You should say both positive observations and constructive criticisms to your employee in a performance review. It’s important to let employees know the good things you’ve seen them doing in addition to calling out their weak points, and don’t forget to provide resources and support on how to improve those weak points.

How do you write an impactful performance review phrase?

You write an impactful performance review phrase by being specific and using quantifiers. Saying that an employee is “always positive even in the most stressful situations” is far more impactful than just saying, “they have a good attitude.”

What should I say in my boss review?

You should say positive things in your boss review. Even if you have some negative things to say, they’ll go over far better if you include honest, positive feedback as well.

Are performance reviews important?

Yes, performance reviews can be important because it’s a way to give both the company and employees important feedback. Without feedback, whether positive or negative, managers and employees are not able to improve their skills. Without feedback, someone may be unaware of their poor performance and not be able to change it. It’s also a great opportunity for employers to highlight and give recognition to a job well done.

Effective performance reviews are critical for maximizing employee engagement. Simply recognizing a subordinate’s efforts and delicately addressing their weaknesses can significantly improve the value they bring to your business.

In addition to the example performance review phrases we’ve given you, think of other ways you can sincerely show appreciation to your employees. They’ll be sure to return that appreciation and continue their positive behavior.

MyHR – Why Performance Reviews are Important

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Chris Kolmar is a co-founder of Zippia and the editor-in-chief of the Zippia career advice blog. He has hired over 50 people in his career, been hired five times, and wants to help you land your next job. His research has been featured on the New York Times, Thrillist, VOX, The Atlantic, and a host of local news. More recently, he's been quoted on USA Today, BusinessInsider, and CNBC.

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Analytical Skills: Performance Review Examples (Rating 1 – 5)

By Editorial Team on August 9, 2023 — 6 minutes to read

Evaluating an employee’s analytical skills in a performance review provides valuable feedback that can help them develop and hone these abilities further. Doing so can lead to improved job performance and better decision-making.

Related: Best Performance Review Examples for 48 Key Skills

2000+ Performance Review Phrases: The Complete List (Performance Feedback Examples)

Performance Review Questions: Analytical Skills

1. Does the employee seek out feedback and use it to improve their analytical skills? Are they open to learning new techniques and approaches to problem-solving? 2. How does the employee approach problem-solving? Are they able to break down complex problems into smaller, more manageable tasks? 3. Does the employee use data and research to inform their decisions? How do they gather and analyze information to make informed decisions? 4. How well does the employee identify patterns and trends? Are they able to spot potential issues before they become major problems? 5. Can the employee think creatively and outside the box when it comes to problem-solving? Are they able to come up with innovative solutions to complex problems? 6. How well does the employee prioritize tasks and manage their time to meet deadlines? Do they use their analytical skills to determine which tasks are most important and require the most attention?

Performance Review Phrases and Paragraphs Examples: Analytical Skills

5 – outstanding.

Employees who demonstrate outstanding analytical skills are able to quickly absorb information, recognize patterns, and make well-informed decisions. When faced with complex situations, they can break them down into smaller, manageable tasks, and then reassemble the pieces to gain a clear understanding.

Phrases Examples:

  • Consistently displays an impressive ability to analyze large amounts of data and draw useful conclusions.
  • Expertly identifies critical factors and addresses them effectively in his decision-making process.
  • Consistently demonstrates exceptional problem-solving skills.
  • Proactively identifies issues and develops innovative solutions.
  • Exhibits a keen ability to analyze complex data and draw comprehensive conclusions.
  • Exceptional ability to analyze complex data and patterns.
  • Consistently anticipates potential problems and develops solutions.
  • Excels at identifying trends and determining their impact on the company’s goals and objectives.

Paragraph Example:

“Samantha consistently excels in her analytical skills by applying her expertise when working on complex projects. Her ability to identify patterns and trends in data is remarkable, as it has led to numerous business-saving insights. Samantha also consistently anticipates potential problems, enabling her team to develop effective solutions before the issues escalate.”

4 – Exceeds Expectations

An employee who exceeds expectations in analytical skills demonstrates a high level of aptitude in identifying and solving problems. They have a keen sense of which factors should be prioritized, and they can synthesize information from various sources to arrive at sound conclusions.

  • Excels at evaluating multiple solutions to find the most effective and efficient approach.
  • Can effortlessly adapt his analytical methods to suit a variety of situations.
  • Frequently employs a logical and systematic approach to solving problems.
  • Effectively identifies potential issues and proposes suitable solutions.
  • Skilled at analyzing data and making well-informed decisions.
  • Regularly demonstrates strong analytical skills when working on projects.
  • Successfully applies knowledge to identify insights and potential opportunities.
  • Adept at forecasting trends and implications accurately, benefiting overall business decisions.

“Tom has proven time and again that his analytical skills surpass expectations. He successfully applies his knowledge to pinpoint valuable insights and uncover new business opportunities. His proficiency in forecasting trends and their implications has resulted in better decision-making and a positive impact on our company.”

3 – Meets Expectations

Meeting expectations in analytical skills means an employee is able to effectively solve problems and make decisions using relevant information and critical thinking. They can make sense of available data, and recognize when more information is needed.

  • Demonstrates a satisfactory level of analytical thinking.
  • Can identify issues and offer workable solutions.
  • Capable of examining data and making appropriate decisions.
  • Adequate analytical skills showcased when needed.
  • Generally able to identify patterns and trends in data.
  • Can usually devise solutions to problems, given adequate time and resources.

“Sarah meets expectations in her role when it comes to analytical skills. She shows an ability to work with data, but sometimes requires additional time and resources before arriving at a solution. Sarah is generally able to recognize patterns and trends, but improvement in this area would lead to greater success in her role.”

2 – Needs Improvement

An employee who needs improvement in analytical skills may struggle to gather essential information, or they may overlook crucial details when making decisions. They may have difficulty breaking down complex problems, or they may struggle with seeing the broader implications of their decisions.

  • Struggles with conducting thorough data analysis.
  • Sometimes lacks a logical approach to problem-solving.
  • May occasionally overlook crucial details when making decisions.
  • Struggles to interpret complex data accurately.
  • Often overlooks important patterns and trends in the information.
  • Lacks confidence in suggesting solutions to problems based on analysis.

“John struggles with his analytical skills and often has difficulty interpreting complex data. This has led to missing important patterns and trends that could provide valuable insights. Additionally, he lacks the confidence to suggest solutions based on his analysis and could benefit from additional training or mentorship in this area.”

1 – Unacceptable

An employee with unacceptable analytical skills may consistently make poor decisions or fail to recognize and solve problems. They can overlook important information or fail to see the connections between different pieces of data, which can lead to significant harm to projects or business operations.

  • Fails to demonstrate basic problem-solving skills.
  • Lacks the ability to analyze data and make informed decisions.
  • Consistently overlooks important details, leading to poor choices.
  • Fails to demonstrate basic analytical skills.
  • Largely unable to accurately interpret data or discern patterns.
  • Regularly makes poor decisions or recommendations based on flawed analysis.

“(Employee) consistently demonstrates an outstanding level of analytical skills. He frequently examines complex data and uses logic to draw comprehensive conclusions. As a result, he has become an essential member of the team, proactively identifying issues and developing innovative solutions. We encourage (Employee) to continue refining his analytical abilities and sharing his expertise with colleagues.”

“Jane’s analytical skills are alarmingly lacking for her role. She consistently fails to demonstrate even the most basic understanding of interpreting data and discerning patterns. Consequently, her poor decisions and recommendations have significant ramifications for the business. Immediate intervention is necessary to address this unacceptable performance.”

Frequently Asked Questions

What are some common phrases used to evaluate analytical skills in a performance review.

  • Consistently identifies and addresses complex issues in a timely manner
  • Skillfully solves problems by analyzing relevant information
  • Demonstrates excellent attention to detail and accuracy in analyzing data
  • Frequently anticipates challenges and proactively develops strategies to overcome them

What are example phrases for assessing outstanding analytical skills in a performance review?

  • Expertly applies advanced analytical techniques to optimize efficiency and productivity
  • Seamlessly identifies and implements innovative data-driven solutions
  • Demonstrates a deep understanding of complex issues and consistently provides sound recommendations
  • Excels at identifying significant trends and anticipating their impact on the business

How can an employee with excellent analytical abilities be described in a performance review?

Example: “Samantha’s exceptional analytical skills greatly contribute to the success of her projects. She consistently provides data-driven insights that improve decision-making and drive results. Samantha has a keen eye for identifying and addressing potentially overlooked factors and does not hesitate to offer well-reasoned alternative solutions.”

What phrases are typically used when an employee’s analytical skills need improvement?

  • Struggles to provide well-reasoned recommendations based on data analysis
  • Encountering difficulty in identifying patterns or trends within data sets
  • Requires additional guidance when faced with complex problems or issues
  • Can benefit from further training in data analysis or problem-solving techniques

How can one address unacceptable analytical skills in a performance review?

Example: “Robert has consistently demonstrated difficulties in applying analytical thinking to his work. This has resulted in missed opportunities for data-driven decision-making and inefficient problem-solving. He is encouraged to seek additional training and support to improve his understanding and application of analytical techniques. It is essential that he shows significant progress in this area for his future success within the team.”

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100 Performance Review Example Phrases & Comments for 2023

Effective performance management forms the backbone of a successful organization. A critical element of this process is the provision of feedback during performance reviews, which directly influences an employee's productivity, job satisfaction, and professional growth.

Specific and personal feedback plays a pivotal role in this scenario. It assists in clearly displaying what an employee is doing well and where they can improve, fostering a culture of continuous learning and development.

Using specific feedback prevents misunderstandings that can arise from vague or generalized statements. When the phrases that are used in performance reviews are specific, they pinpoint exact areas of strength or weakness, which helps employees understand their performance comprehensively. For example, rather than saying "you need to improve your communication," saying "you need to provide more timely responses to internal emails" offers a clear path towards improvement.

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Personalized feedback, meanwhile, recognizes the uniqueness of each employee and their role within the organization. It shows employees that their work is valued and noticed, leading to increased motivation and job satisfaction. Using specific phrases encourages individual performance improvement, and adding a personal touch to these phrases fosters an environment where employees can feel seen, heard, and appreciated.

In this guide, we present 100 phrases and comments to use in employee performance reviews. These examples should serve as inspiration, as we ultimately recommend providing specific and personal feedback to employees.

The examples are separated into the following categories, and further split into positive and critical feedback.

  • Communication and interpersonal skills
  • Creativity 
  • Dependability
  • Flexibility
  • Quality of work

We have also included example phrases for employees who are receiving a review and trying to learn how to best respond to feedback.

Example Phrases about Aptitude

  • "You consistently demonstrate a deep understanding of your role and the tasks associated with it. Your strong skill set is a key asset to our team."
  • "You have an exceptional ability to grasp complex concepts quickly and apply them effectively in your work."
  • "Your problem-solving skills have proven invaluable in situations that require innovative solutions."
  • "You have repeatedly shown excellent judgment when making decisions under pressure."
  • "Your willingness and ability to learn new skills and procedures quickly is impressive and contributes significantly to our team's success."
  • "There are instances when you struggle to grasp new concepts quickly. Additional training or learning resources might be beneficial for you."
  • "You've had difficulty applying learned skills to new or unfamiliar situations, which has affected your performance."
  • "You seem to have trouble with decision-making in high-pressure situations. Developing stress management techniques could help improve this."
  • "There are areas within your role where your understanding seems limited. Let's work on developing your knowledge and skills in these areas."
  • "While you're capable in your role, we've noticed struggles in adapting to changes or new procedures. The ability to learn these procedures quickly will be essential moving forward."

Example Phrases about Employee Attendance

  • "Your punctuality and reliability set a strong example for our team. Your consistent presence is appreciated and noticed."
  • "You have an excellent attendance record. Your dedication and commitment are truly exemplary."
  • "Your adherence to your work schedule contributes greatly to our team's productivity and efficiency."
  • "You've shown a remarkable consistency in arriving on time and being prepared for meetings and assignments."
  • "Your excellent attendance reflects your professionalism and commitment to your role and the team."
  • "Your frequent absences have been noticed and are impacting team performance and workflow."
  • "Punctuality has been an issue for you. It's important to ensure your timely arrival to maintain the team's efficiency."
  • "There have been instances where you've missed critical meetings. Attendance in these situations is crucial for keeping up with information and team decisions."
  • "Your irregular attendance is causing scheduling conflicts and impacting the productivity of the team."
  • "Improving your reliability and ensuring consistent attendance should be a key focus area for you in the coming months."

Example Phrases about Communication and Interpersonal Skills

  • "Your ability to clearly articulate ideas and feedback contributes to our team's overall effectiveness and success."
  • "Your open and approachable communication style fosters a positive work environment and aids in conflict resolution."
  • "You excel at maintaining open lines of communication with all team members, helping to keep everyone informed and on the same page."
  • "Your excellent listening skills and empathy create an environment of mutual respect and understanding within the team."
  • "You're highly skilled at conveying complex information in an understandable way, which greatly aids in our team's productivity and collaboration."
  • "There have been instances where your messages could be misunderstood due to lack of clarity. Developing your communication skills should be a focus area."
  • "While your technical skills are strong, improving your interpersonal skills could help build better relationships within the team."
  • "You occasionally tend to dominate conversations, which can prevent others from sharing their views. Actively inviting and listening to others' inputs could help address this."
  • "At times, there seems to be a delay in your responses to emails and messages. Prompt communication is crucial for effective team functioning."
  • "Improving your ability to convey negative or constructive feedback in a respectful and understanding manner should be a focus for you going forward."

Example Phrases about Creativity

  • "Your ability to think outside the box has led to innovative solutions and improvements in our processes."
  • "Your creative insights have often resulted in fresh perspectives that benefit our team's work."
  • "You consistently demonstrate a high level of creativity and originality in your work, which drives our project success."
  • "Your creative problem-solving skills have proven invaluable when faced with complex challenges."
  • "You've shown an ability to make imaginative suggestions that have positively influenced our strategies and initiatives."
  • "While you're proficient in executing tasks, we would like to see more innovative ideas and creative problem-solving approaches from you."
  • "Improving your ability to think creatively should be a focus for you, as this could contribute to more diverse and effective strategies."
  • "At times, you tend to stick with what's familiar rather than seeking novel approaches. Embracing creativity can help in overcoming challenging tasks."
  • "There seems to be a reliance on conventional methods. Encouraging creativity and exploring new ideas could lead to more effective solutions."
  • "While your work is solid, there are opportunities for you to be more inventive in your approach to problem-solving and project execution."

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Example Phrases about Dependability

  • "You've consistently demonstrated a high level of reliability, which significantly contributes to our team's success."
  • "Your ability to be dependable even in high-stress situations that require much time and effort is commendable and appreciated."
  • "You're a dependable team member whom we can always count on to complete high-quality work promptly."
  • "Your consistent performance and ability to be relied upon in a variety of situations truly set you apart."
  • "You have shown a remarkable level of responsibility and dependability, especially in challenging situations."
  • "There have been several instances where tasks assigned to you were not completed on time. Improving reliability should be a priority."
  • "At times, you struggle to fulfill your commitments, which has impacted the team's overall productivity."
  • "While your individual contributions are valued, improving dependability in terms of deadlines and responsibilities is necessary."
  • "There are times when we cannot rely on your work to be completed as promised. Greater consistency in dependability is needed."
  • "We have noticed challenges with reliability in meeting assigned tasks and responsibilities. This is an area for development in the coming review period."

Example Phrases about Efficiency and Time Management  

  • "Your ability to manage your tasks effectively and deliver results on time is impressive."
  • "You consistently produce work that does not need to be revised or looked over within deadlines."
  • "Your efficiency and ability to prioritize tasks effectively contribute significantly to our team's productivity."
  • "You have shown a remarkable knack for utilizing resources in beneficial ways to meet project objectives."
  • "Your proactive approach in planning and managing your time reflects your strong organizational skills."
  • "At times, you struggle to manage your workload effectively, which has led to missed deadlines."
  • "Improving your time management skills should be a priority as it affects your efficiency and productivity."
  • "Your approach to managing tasks can sometimes be inefficient. Working on task prioritization could help improve your performance."
  • "There have been instances when the quality of your work was compromised due to poor time management."
  • "While you contribute positively to our team, improving efficiency and time management will allow you to excel further in your role."

Example Phrases about Flexibility

  • "Your ability to adapt to change and handle unexpected situations effectively is a great asset to our team."
  • "You've shown a high level of flexibility in your role, often stepping outside your comfort zone to meet team needs."
  • "Your ability to change gears to most actively and beneficially assist with the completion of projects prompts the team to succeed."
  • "You have a strong capacity to shift focus and adjust plans when unexpected changes occur."
  • "Your open-minded approach and readiness to embrace new ideas and perspectives enhance our team's ability to innovate."
  • "At times, you seem to struggle with adapting to new circumstances or changes in plans."
  • "While your work is consistent, demonstrating more flexibility in dealing with unexpected situations would be beneficial."
  • "Improving your adaptability to sudden changes in project direction should be a focus area for the coming period."
  • "There have been instances where your inability to adjust quickly to new tasks has impacted the team's productivity."
  • "We would encourage a more open mindset towards change and new ideas, as this will aid in your growth and our team's success."

Example Phrases about Leadership

  • "You demonstrate strong leadership qualities by consistently guiding your team members towards achieving their goals."
  • "Your ability to inspire and motivate your team contributes significantly to our team's overall success."
  • "You've shown excellent leadership in managing projects, driving both process and results."
  • "Your effective decision-making skills in challenging situations reflect your strong leadership abilities."
  • "Your foresight and strategic planning capabilities set a positive example for your team and have led to successful outcomes."
  • "While you're a valuable team member, stepping up and taking more leadership responsibilities could greatly enhance team outcomes."
  • "There have been instances where decisive action was needed, and your hesitation led to delayed progress."
  • "Improving your ability to motivate and inspire your team should be a key focus area for you."
  • "At times, there seems to be a disconnect between you and your team. Enhancing your leadership communication skills could help bridge this gap."
  • "While your individual work is strong, there is room for improvement in leading team initiatives and fostering a collaborative environment."

Example Phrases about Quality of Work

  • "Your attention to detail and commitment to excellence are clearly reflected in your work."
  • "You consistently deliver high-quality work, which significantly contributes to our project success."
  • "Your work is frequently cited as a model of excellence for the team."
  • "You demonstrate a high level of proficiency and knowledge in your work, resulting in superior quality outcomes."
  • "The quality of your work is outstanding and consistently exceeds expectations."
  • "While you meet deadlines, there are often errors in your work that need to be addressed for better quality."
  • "Improving the accuracy and thoroughness of your work should be a priority in the next period."
  • "While your productivity is commendable, the quality of your work has sometimes been compromised."
  • "There have been instances where the quality of your work did not meet our team's standards."
  • "We would encourage more focus on the details of your tasks, as there have been some issues with the quality of your output."

Overall performance summary comments

  • Your exceptional ability to work collaboratively with the team has been a key factor in our overall success this year. Your team spirit is commendable and sets a positive tone in the workplace.
  • Your outstanding commitment to improving the workplace has been crucial in creating a positive workplace environment this year. 
  • Your consistent dedication to delivering exceptional work has made a significant positive impact on our client and internal relationships this year. Your professionalism is a model for others.
  • The consistently high quality of your work throughout the year has been exemplary. Your meticulous attention to detail has raised the standard for our team.
  • Your stances throughout the year have driven project success and fostered a positive team environment. Your ability to inspire and motivate is a tremendous asset.
  • Improving overall communication skills will be crucial for future success. Enhancing clarity and consistency in communication can lead to better teamwork and project outcomes.
  • Focusing generally on time management is essential for meeting our team's objectives. Better prioritization and deadline adherence will greatly benefit project timelines and team dynamics.
  • Being flexible in day-to-day operations is important for keeping up with the dynamic nature of our work. Overall, more flexibility and responsiveness will aid in maintaining productivity.
  • Strengthening technical skills is important for meeting the evolving demands of our projects. Focusing on continual learning and skill development will improve work efficiency and quality.
  • Being more open to feedback will be key to your ongoing professional development. Embracing constructive criticism as a growth opportunity can lead to significant performance improvements.

Job knowledge comments

  • Your deep understanding of the latest industry trends is commendable. This knowledge has helped us stay ahead of the curve and make informed decisions.
  • Your proficiency in specialized skills has been a significant asset to our team. Your expertise has contributed to the quality and efficiency of our projects.
  • You have consistently demonstrated a commitment to learning and adapting, which has kept our strategies relevant and effective. 
  • Your ability to apply theoretical knowledge to practical situations has been remarkable. This skill has helped in solving complex problems and improving our processes.
  • Your resourcefulness in applying your knowledge to diverse situations has been invaluable, and you've shown great skill in using your understanding to benefit multiple aspects of our work.
  • Staying more current with industry developments is needed. Updating your knowledge will help in making more informed decisions and keeping our strategies competitive.
  • There's room for improvement in certain technical proficiencies. Enhancing these skills will increase your effectiveness and efficiency in your role.
  • Adapting to new technologies and methods more quickly will benefit your performance. Keeping pace with technological advancements is crucial in our field.
  • Bridging the gap between theoretical knowledge and its practical application is an area for growth. 
  • Expanding your knowledge beyond your core area will enhance your versatility and contribution to the team. A broader understanding of related fields will be beneficial for your work. 

Development comments

  • Your commitment to professional growth has been evident this year. You have actively sought out learning opportunities and applied new skills effectively in your role, contributing significantly to your team's success.
  • Your adaptability to organizational changes has been remarkable. You've embraced new challenges and adjusted your working style, which has positively impacted team performance and project outcomes.
  • You have proactively enhanced your skill set to meet the evolving needs of your role. This dedication to self-improvement has improved your work quality and efficiency.
  • Your ability to set and achieve realistic, yet challenging goals is commendable. We appreciate your focus.
  • Your development in leadership and mentoring skills has been outstanding. You've effectively guided team members, contributing to their growth and the overall team's performance.
  • You need to engage more in ongoing learning and development. Keeping skills updated and relevant is crucial for meeting the demands of your role."
  • Improving adaptability to organizational changes and new processes is necessary. Embracing change more readily will help in maintaining productivity and meeting team objectives.
  • Expand your skill set to encompass new areas relevant to our evolving business needs. This action will enhance your ability to contribute effectively to diverse projects.
  • Focusing on setting more clear and achievable professional goals will benefit your career development. It's important to align these goals with team objectives and overall company strategy.
  • There is an opportunity to further develop your leadership skills. Engaging in leadership training and seeking opportunities to lead projects will enhance your effectiveness in a supervisory role.

Technical expertise comments

  • Your advanced technical knowledge in your field has been a significant asset to our team. You have consistently applied this expertise to enhance our project outcomes and efficiency.
  • Your ability to implement innovative technical solutions has greatly contributed to our team's success. Your creative approach to problem-solving has set a high standard.
  • You have effectively utilized the latest technology to improve our processes. Your proficiency in adapting and applying new tools has been exemplary.
  • Your willingness to share your technical skills with colleagues has fostered a learning environment within the team. This has enhanced the overall skill set of the team and improved collaboration.
  • Your commitment to continuous technical learning and staying abreast of industry developments is commendable. This proactive approach has kept our team competitive and innovative.
  • You need to update your technical knowledge to stay current with industry standards. Engaging in continuous learning will enhance your effectiveness in your role.
  • Improve the application of your technical skills to real-world scenarios. Focusing on practical implementation will lead to better project outcomes."
  • We need you to adapt more quickly and effectively to new technologies. Staying abreast of technological advancements will improve your work efficiency and the team's performance.
  • We would ask to to enhance your ability to communicate technical information in a more accessible way. Clear communication of technical aspects is key to project success.
  • Expanding your range of technical skills to include emerging tools and methodologies is recommended. Broadening your technical expertise will increase your versatility and value to the team.

Compliance comments

  • Your strict adherence to company policies and industry regulations has been exemplary. Your commitment to compliance has helped maintain high standards of integrity and professionalism in our team.
  • We appreciate that you have proactively taken measures to ensure compliance in all aspects of your work. This foresight has helped prevent potential issues and has set a positive example for the team."
  • Your ability to identify and manage compliance risks effectively has been a key asset. You've consistently demonstrated a deep understanding of the regulatory environment and its impact on our operations.
  • Your efforts in training and guiding team members on compliance matters have been invaluable. This has helped in building a culture of compliance and awareness within the team.
  • Your commitment to staying updated with the latest company regulations and standards is commendable. This knowledge has been crucial in navigating the complexities of our industry.
  • Improving your understanding of our company policies and industry regulations is necessary. Greater awareness and adherence to these guidelines will enhance your work compliance.
  • There is a need for more proactive engagement with compliance issues. Anticipating and addressing potential compliance challenges will benefit the team and the company.
  • We need you to develop stronger skills in identifying and managing compliance risks is important. A more proactive approach in this area will help mitigate potential issues.
  • Enhancing the way you communicate compliance-related information to the team is crucial. Clear and effective communication is key to ensuring that everyone is on the same page.
  • Regularly update your knowledge of company regulations and best practices. Keeping abreast of these developments is essential for maintaining the integrity and success of our operations."

Teamwork comments

  • Your ability to collaborate effectively with team members has greatly contributed to our team's success. Your willingness to share ideas and resources has enhanced our projects.
  • Your engagement in team activities and discussions is always constructive and positive. You consistently contribute valuable insights and support, fostering a collaborative environment.
  • Your support for fellow team members, especially in challenging situations, has been outstanding. Your assistance and encouragement have helped others overcome obstacles and succeed
  • Your skills in resolving conflicts within the team are commendable. You approach disagreements with a diplomatic and fair mindset, helping to maintain a harmonious and productive team atmosphere.
  • Your efforts in building team spirit and a sense of unity are notable. You’ve played a key role in creating an inclusive and motivating team environment.
  • There is a need to enhance collaboration with your team members. More active participation and willingness to share ideas will improve team dynamics and project outcomes.
  • Increasing your engagement in team activities and discussions is important. Active participation and contribution to team efforts are essential for achieving our collective goals.
  • Offering more support and assistance to colleagues can strengthen the team. Working together and helping each other is crucial for our team’s success.
  • Improving your conflict management skills within the team is necessary. Addressing disagreements constructively and seeking resolutions can help maintain a positive team environment.
  • Contributing more actively to team morale and spirit is recommended. A more involved approach will help foster a supportive and inclusive atmosphere among team members.

Integrity comments

  • Your consistent honesty and transparency in communication have fostered a trustful atmosphere in our team. This approach has significantly contributed to building a strong, ethical work environment.
  • Your commitment to ethical decision-making, even in challenging situations, has been exemplary. You've consistently demonstrated strong moral principles, which have set a positive example for the team.
  • You have shown commendable accountability for your actions. Your willingness to own up to mistakes and learn from them has been a key factor in building integrity within our team.
  • Your respect for colleagues and clients, irrespective of the situation, has been noteworthy. This respect has helped in maintaining a professional and ethical work environment.
  • You consistently uphold our company's values in your work and interactions. This integrity has not only enhanced your reputation but also positively reflected on our team and company.
  • Improving consistency in ethical conduct is needed. Aligning all actions with our company’s ethical standards will enhance trust and credibility in your role.
  • There is a need to practice greater transparency in communication. Open and honest exchanges will build stronger trust within the team and with clients.
  • Taking greater responsibility and accountability for your actions will improve trust and respect among team members. Acknowledging and learning from mistakes is key to personal growth.
  • You should enhance respect in all professional interactions, especially under pressure. Maintaining a respectful demeanor contributes to a positive and ethical work environment.
  • We need you to align more closely with the organization's values in your daily work. This alignment is crucial for maintaining the integrity and reputation of our team and company.

Self-appraisal comments 

In addition to responding to feedback readily, a prepared employee needs to examine and evaluate his or her work consistently. Using self-appraisal phrases can be a sure-fire way to show an employer valuable self-analysis practices. 

  • This year, I feel that I have successfully adapted to various changes in our projects and workflows. I've embraced new challenges and adjusted my strategies to maintain productivity and meet our team's goals.
  • I believe my communication skills have positively impacted our team's dynamics. I have consistently made an effort to keep everyone informed and engaged, ensuring clarity in our project goals and processes.
  • I pride myself on my reliability. Throughout the year, I have consistently met deadlines and maintained a high standard of quality in my work, contributing to the team's overall success.
  • Working collaboratively with the team has been a key strength of mine. I've actively participated in team meetings, shared ideas, and supported my colleagues, which has helped achieve our collective objectives.
  • I have dedicated myself to continuous learning and skill development. This year, I've attended several workshops and training sessions to enhance my expertise, which has been beneficial in my role.
  • I recognize that I need to improve my time management skills. Balancing multiple tasks has been challenging, and I've noticed some delays in my project deliveries. I plan to work on better prioritizing my tasks and managing my time.
  • I admit that I sometimes find it hard to accept constructive criticism. I realize the importance of being more open to feedback and using it to grow professionally.
  • I have observed that I tend to react to problems rather than anticipate them. Going forward, I aim to develop a more proactive approach to identify and solve potential issues before they escalate.
  • I am aware that my technical skills need updating to keep pace with the latest industry standards. I plan to focus on enhancing these skills through additional training and practice.
  • Although I've taken on some leadership roles, I recognize the need to further develop my leadership skills. I intend to seek opportunities for leadership training and take on more responsibilities to grow in this area.

Example Phrases for Employees When Responding to Feedback

These above characteristics and phrases are important to give context to employees regarding their performance. Additionally, employees should also be able to aptly respond to these praises and criticisms. The following are general examples of ways an employee could respond to his or her manager after hearing some of the previous phrases.  

Responses to Positive Feedback

  • "Thank you for recognizing my efforts. Your positive feedback motivates me to continue improving and contributing to the team's success."
  • "I appreciate your feedback. It's been a pleasure working on these projects, and I'm glad to see they've had a positive impact."
  • "I'm grateful for your kind words. I'll strive to maintain this performance and explore other areas where I can contribute positively."
  • "Thank you for your encouragement. Your feedback provides me with the confidence to take on more challenging tasks."
  • "I really appreciate your appreciation. It feels good to know that my hard work is helping the team and the company."

Responses to Critical Feedback:

  • "I hear your concerns, and I know I need to improve. Are there specific recommendations for how I could improve for the team’s sake?"
  • "I appreciate your honesty. Your feedback helps me identify my blind spots, and I am committed to improving in these areas."
  • "Your feedback is valuable to me. I see these areas as opportunities for growth and will create an action plan to improve."
  • "I understand your concerns and agree that there's room for improvement. I'll make it a priority to work on these areas."
  • "Thank you for bringing this to my attention. I apologize for any issues caused, and I'm committed to learning from this feedback and improving my performance."

Employees shouldn't have to spend so much time on performance reviews. Tell your HR team to streamline the process with PerformYard Learn More

Additional Considerations

Performance reviews are an essential component of employee development, engagement, and overall organizational growth. These phrases allow for the most helpful and constructive levels of performance management. In addition to using these phrases, the best way to keep performance reviews both effective and efficient is to maintain a structured process that is consistent, fair, and objective.

Preparing in advance is a key aspect. This includes clearly defining the criteria for assessment based on job roles and responsibilities, setting measurable goals, gathering relevant data about the employee's performance, and outlining the points for discussion.

Meanwhile, during the review, managers should provide balanced feedback, highlighting both strengths and areas of improvement. The conversation should be interactive, allowing employees to ask questions, share their perspectives, and discuss their career aspirations.

Using performance management software can also be a game-changer in streamlining performance reviews. These tools offer a centralized platform to keep track of performance data, set and monitor goals, schedule review meetings, and record feedback. PerformYard makes the process less time-consuming and more accurate.

Performance management software also allows for real-time feedback, making reviews timelier and more relevant. Using such software ensures that nothing important is overlooked and that the process is transparent, both of which can significantly enhance the effectiveness of performance reviews.

Furthermore, these tools often come with analytical capabilities that can provide valuable insights for decision-making. Hence, integrating performance management software into performance review processes can dramatically improve their efficiency and effectiveness, ultimately leading to improved employee performance and organizational success.

critical thinking performance review examples

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Behavioral Observation Scales | Definition, Tips and Examples

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Blog Human Resources

21 Engaging Performance Review Examples [+ Tips From an HR Manager]

By Victoria Clarke , Oct 12, 2023


Performance review season can be a daunting period for both management and employees.

One-sided conversations, mixed messages and wordy documents leave both parties feeling like they have the same, stressful conversation each time.

But if you take the right approach, quarterly or annual performance reviews are an awesome opportunity to reinforce solid habits, redirect poor traits and drive professional growth for your employees. My trick? Venngage’s free Online Performance Review Generator .

In this post, I’ll give you tips from my own experience as an HR manager to make the performance review process a lot more painless, plus human resource templates you can customize now.

Performance review examples and advice:

What is a performance review, how to write a performance review, performance review examples and templates, performance review examples for managers, performance review examples for employees, self performance review examples.

  • Quarterly performance review examples
  • Annual performance review examples

Simple performance review examples

  • Useful performance review phrases
  • What’s the purpose of a performance review?

A performance review is a regulated assessment in which managers evaluate an employee’s work performance to identify their strengths and weaknesses, offer feedback and assist with goal setting.

The frequency and depth of the review process may vary by company, based on company size and goals of the evaluations. It could be annually:

critical thinking performance review examples

Or quarterly, to name a few:

critical thinking performance review examples

Watch this quick, 14-minute video for performance review tips, templates and best practices:

This quarterly performance review example has sections for both achievements and areas of improvement. It also has a section for core values, as this must be a key performance indicator at this company. Different companies will have different measuring sticks for success.

critical thinking performance review examples

Q: Can I customize the performance review templates in this post?

A: Yes, you can! All the templates are easy to edit. Some templates are free, some are paid.

Click any template and you’ll be asked to sign up for free. You’ll enter our online editor. Edit the text, apply your brand colors, add pages, upload your logo and more. Share a link for free.

Upgrade to our Plan for Professionals to download in PDF or PowerPoint format and access premium features and templates, such as real-time team collaboration and one-click branding.

Having an employee-friendly performance review process can not only make or break the development of your employees but also disrupt the relationship between managers and their reports.  

Beyond creating a robust performance review strategy and performance review form, managers must also consider their delivery of the appraisals. Communicating a performance review effectively is the final touch to executing a constructive, celebratory and effective review process.

critical thinking performance review examples

When creating an effective assessment, it’s important to include the following:

  • Calculate an overall rating for the employee; although a manager will be highlighting both the strengths and weaknesses of an employee’s behavior , it will aid the employee’s morale to communicate how the employee averaged on this rating scale.
  • Ensure the employees are engaged in their own reviews; thus, be sure to include the employees’ goals and developments toward reaching such goals in the assessments .
  • Celebrate employees improvements; highlighting an employees’ developments are a powerful way to impact employee engagement and boost overall team performance .
  • Company culture and values; dedicate a section of the assessment to evaluate how employees align with the company’s core values thus contributing to a positive company culture .

critical thinking performance review examples

Based on my involvement in building out our own effective performance review process at Venngage, I suggest taking the following steps into consideration when constructing a performance review:

1. Set expectations early

Early in an employee’s career with a company, managers should communicate the details of their review process including the expectations. It should be included in your employee handbook , for example.

In this way, managers set and communicate clear expectations of the key job functions and competencies of the role when an employee joins the company. The information presented in performance reviews should align with this define as well as use familiar language and terms. This strategy will work to eliminate any potential confusion or surprises for both parties.  

2. Don’t make it personal

Feedback is about actions and behavior, not the person.

When writing a performance review, it helps to take a look at the issue(s) you’ve included and ensure that they apply to actions and behavior of the employee rather than the personal attributes of said employee.

This will also help to regulate the information mentioned in the review, to guarantee it is relevant and appropriate information.

3. Beware of biases and limitations

While there may be a general ‘right’ way of doing things, there are often multiple — and equally good — ways to reach the same end goal.  

Please ensure your review is not biased or limited in favor of your personal work style and beliefs. Try to consider the various aspects of the employees role and experience that may impact their decision to pursue alternative methods or working habits. Be empathetic towards these factors when writing your review.

4. Be specific

The information presented in the review should be task-focused, clear and to the point.

General comments will leave an employee feeling confused and in the dark as to what aspect of their work needs to be corrected or how they can pursue improvements.  

Failing to be direct in your messaging will impact the way your message is received and create further confusion about what the expectations are. Managers should be specific on what behaviors of their employees they are celebrating and what actions require improvements.

4. Offer guidance

Managers play a critical role in understanding the career goals of their employees and crafting development opportunities to help their reports achieve their goals.  

It is important as a manager to offer your advice and expertise to your employees to help further their development.

If, as a result of the feedback given, the employee (or yourself) may feel as though they need additional training, consider the benefit of workshops, mentoring or coaching.  

Be sure to use performance reviews as a way to guide employees whether it is toward further greatness or for areas requiring some improvement.  

5. Follow up

Follow up in writing and check in continuously to ensure improvement.

Both managers and employees should receive a copy of the review to refer back to moving forward.

Whether reviews are scheduled annually or quarterly, they should be a continuous topic of discussion for both managers and employees. When writing a review, ensure that the review is clear and specific. Being mindful of this will help to ensure the employee can easily refer back to the form on their own after the meeting.

critical thinking performance review examples

Related: How to Write a Performance Review That Inspires Growth (With Examples & Templates

To conduct an effective performance review, it’s important to deliver a positive and solution-focused message. This will be less discouraging to the employee.

This performance review example  shows how you can offer constructive feedback, while also praising the employee’s efforts. The majority of the sections focus on the employees’ achievements and strengths.

Suggested areas of improvement are positioned in the middle, letting managers cushion criticism with praise.

critical thinking performance review examples

This appraisal example shows how managers can give constructive feedback to their employees by giving them clear direction on what things to keep doing and what actions to take in future.

While Felicia did not meet her goal, her manager acknowledges that the goal was set deliberately high and that 74 percent of the goal still has significant impact.

This employee review form also points to specific positive behavior, such as self-education, teamwork and a strong work ethic.

There are also specific recommendations for improvement, such as putting together a plan to get more press mentions and scaling her experiments.

Another way to do a performance review, or kick off the process, is to use a quadrant. Both the employee and manager can plot where they think the former falls on certain key values and build out discussion points from there.

You can change “get it done/get it right” in the employee review template below to “uphold core values/contribute to company culture” for example.

critical thinking performance review examples

Performance reviews are a crucial part of effective management, offering an opportunity to provide constructive feedback and set the stage for future growth.

To conduct a successful performance review as a manager, preparation is essential. Collect and review performance data well in advance, considering both quantitative metrics and qualitative observations.

critical thinking performance review examples

Make sure to prioritize clear and open communication. Create a comfortable and respectful environment for the discussion, allowing the employee to share their perspective and concerns.

Offering specific examples of both strengths and areas for improvement is critical, as vague feedback can lead to misunderstandings.

critical thinking performance review examples

Additionally, focus on setting SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound) goals for the future, collaboratively establishing an action plan that aligns with the company’s objectives and the employee’s career aspirations.

critical thinking performance review examples

Finally, follow up on the action plan throughout the year, providing ongoing support and feedback to ensure continuous improvement. Consistent and well-structured performance reviews contribute to employee development, job satisfaction, and overall team success.

Performance reviews for new employees are critical in setting the tone for their growth and integration into the organization.

For new employees especially, they may be nervous or unsure of what to expect for their first performance review. That’s why, it’s important for managers to create a welcoming and comfortable environment.

Start by acknowledging their achievements and progress since joining the company. Recognizing their early contributions can boost their confidence and motivation.

critical thinking performance review examples

Additionally, focus on clear communication. Outline expectations and performance standards specific to their role. New employees should leave the review with a clear understanding of their job responsibilities and how their work aligns with the company’s goals.

It’s also crucial to discuss their career development. New employees often seek opportunities for advancement and growth. Use the review to explore their long-term goals within the company, and explain how their role fits into the larger career path.

critical thinking performance review examples

Finally, emphasize ongoing support and mentorship. New employees benefit from regular check-ins and guidance to help them acclimate and succeed in their roles.

In a self-performance review, employees assess themselves using the same rubric as their managers would and submit them to HR and/or their manager prior to their official review meeting.

The benefits of doing self-assessments have made them a common part of the employee review throughout many companies.

Self-assessments are an encouraging opportunity for employees to share their thoughts about their job, goals, desired responsibilities and aspects of either their role or environment that they may be struggling with.

Set employees up for success in the self-assessment process by giving them a robust employee evaluation form with thoughtful questions, and HR tools to automate this process and make it more convenient.

Annual self-evaluation employee review template

This first example is perfect for a thorough annual review. The targeted questions prompt the employee to reflect on their achievements and shortcomings, while also rating themselves on specific skill sets required for their job.

critical thinking performance review examples

The above employee self-assessment example allows for multiple sign-offs, plus a section to list colleagues who can back up the employee’s statements.

Yearly performance self-evaluation templates

A yearly performance self-evaluation isn’t just a great chance for employees to assess their past performance.

It’s also a way for employees to plan for their professional future as they can see where their strengths lie and what skills they need to build to move up in the company. An annual self-evaluation can also build an employee’s case for their compensation review.

This employee self-evaluation form is broken into sections that cover all these factors: about your job, achievements, goals and professional development .

critical thinking performance review examples

This yearly performance self-evaluation template has space to expand on goals met and alignment with core values, as well as skills they’d like to build in the future:

critical thinking performance review examples

Self-assessment employee review forms

Many performance reviews are incredibly detailed. Sometimes, a higher-level overview is all that’s needed.

Quadrant evaluations, like the template below, are a great way for employees to do an assessment and for managers to quickly add their own evaluation, without getting into the weeds.

Employees can add what’s being evaluated in the easy-to-edit template below (instead of get it done/do it right). The employee adds an icon where they think they fall in the quadrant, and the manager does the same, with room on the last page to further break down the evaluation.

Sounds tough? Our real-time collaboration feature (part of the Business Plan ) lets both manager and employee work on the same doc online, leave comments, share private links and more.

critical thinking performance review examples

The self employee review form below lets the employee write out their job description. That way, they can reference their deliverables in the Goals Achieved and Areas of Excellence sections and directly demonstrate their impact on the organization:

critical thinking performance review examples

This self-performance review example gives employees the chance to reflect on their achievements on a quarterly basis.

This way, employees can demonstrate meeting quarterly goals. It can also give them a chance to reflect on their strengths and weaknesses and have a chance to act on them before their big annual review:

critical thinking performance review examples

Self-assessments also help enlighten managers of how employees understand their place within the company’s organization and culture.  

The information disclosed in self-assessments should serve as a major element of official performance reviews in order to ensure that both a two-way conversation occurs and that the needs of both parties are being met moving forward. Looking for a better way to enhance employee engagement, to avoid quite boring meetings? Try out the top 14 inspiring games for virtual meetings , to learn how to add a live poll, word cloud, spinner wheel or even live Q&A sessions to elevate your presentation!

To make for the most effective self-assessments, employees should be sure to consider how their managers’ perceptions of their performance varies from their own.  

With this in mind, the information shared in a self-assessment can guide or pivot a manager’s perception and assessment of an employee’s performance .

Quarterly employee performance review templates

Quarterly reviews are important because they provide multiple opportunities for employees to receive helpful feedback on how to improve as the year progresses.

This quarterly performance review example reflects on specific areas of improvement, such as scaling her experiments and developing content partnerships.

performance review examples

Quarterly reviews from Q1 to Q3 serve as a means of providing specific, deliberate feedback to employees so they know exactly how to improve on their goals and skills.  

This enables the final, annual evaluation conducted at the end of Q4 to serve as a final assessment that will have the most weight in determining how the employee will excel into the next year, discretionary bonuses, salary increases, etc.

Quarterly reviews offer a documented and tracked record of an employee’s progress throughout the year.

This means that each quarter should be assessed using the same rubric throughout the entire year. This will aid in ensuring an accurate representation of an employee’s development is recorded.

That means, if you use the below employee review template in Q1, you should also use it again in Q2 and Q3:

performance review examples

Quarterly employee review template

This quarterly review template is a more condensed version of the example above.

If you’d like to keep your quarterly reviews short and to the point, this template will suffice. Employers can then use the expanded version above for their annual review.

critical thinking performance review examples

If you want a template that’s filled with useful information on the types of performance review phrases you can use for a quarterly review, you can edit the one below:

critical thinking performance review examples

Employee self-evaluation sample answers

It’s also important for employees to comment and reflect on their reviews.

They can both point out specific milestones that were missed:

  • I generated five new leads and, as a result, I exceeded my sales quota by 20%
  • I wrote a blog post based on original research that doubled our organic traffic in June

And also to acknowledge areas of improvement:

  • I recognize that I need to form new content partnerships. I plan to do so in Q3 by putting together a list of 10 potential targets based on past linkbuilding partners and sending a customized pitch email.

critical thinking performance review examples

Annual performance review templates

At large organizations, there may not be enough resources in order to devote the time needed to conduct quarterly performance reviews for every employee.  

This is also true in the case of a supervisor who has a large number of direct reports working for them whereby time management is their main issue.  

In these situations, an annual performance review would work best, especially if the employees being evaluated are experienced in their line of work and have been with their company for a long time.

Annual employee performance review templates

In this employee review template, staff are evaluated on only four factors: ability, goals, areas of improvement, and core values:

Annual evaluations are typically geared towards determining employee raises and discretionary bonuses.

Regular one-on-one meetings between direct reports and managers throughout the course of the year would be a great way to supplement this process.

This annual employee review template can simply include scores (out of 100 etc.) in each box. Or put notes in each section to explain the overall performance score.

critical thinking performance review examples

This being said, annual appraisals would need to take a more general approach to evaluating employees than just providing a summary of their performance over the year.

The following employee review template takes a graphic approach and neatly summarizes overall performance using a score out of 100 for factors such as adaptability and project quality:

critical thinking performance review examples

Employee evaluation examples

Aside from the categories in the template above, there are a number of other factors that employers can use to evaluate performance.

Common performance review skills:

  • Interpersonal skills
  • Quality of work
  • Communication
  • Problem solving
  • Adaptability
  • Punctuality and attendance
  • Self-education and learning
  • Accountability

Even if you want to do a basic performance review, you should always include:

  • Elements of the employee’s strengths.
  • Areas for which the employee can develop.
  • How the employee contributes/could contribute to the company’s core values and culture through performance and actions.

This performance review mind map shows the basics for setting up a simple yet effective performance review–from setting specific goals to soliciting employee feedback.

critical thinking performance review examples

A simple performance review should still reflect the goals of your business’s performance review management system —and this will vary by company.

It’s important to understand the purpose of your assessment before determining what information will be required to assess in order to meet the goal.

For example, some smaller companies may use performance reviews throughout the year to track employees’ development and growth.

While other, larger companies may use performance reviews to summarize employee performance, help to calculate the priorities of the new year, adjust compensation or establish bonus amounts.

An HR checklist can come in handy to streamline the process.

Simple employee review template

Each of these simple employee review templates are easy to edit in our online editor. Customize the text to match your own criteria, add your brand colors, upload your logo, add or delete pages and then share a private link or download in PDF or PowerPoint formats ( Business Plan only ).

This template uses quadrants to see how employee and manager evaluations match. Or only use it for self-assessments or manager assessments.

Simple Multilevel Employee Performance Evaluation Infographic Template

Simple performance review template

This more traditional performance review template focuses only on big categories, like meeting goals, areas of excellence and areas of improvement.

critical thinking performance review examples

Simple employee review form

The below form is an even more condensed version of the above. Use it for a quarterly review to keep things focused or even for an annual review to help you and your report stick to the most important points. Change the text to include your own categories of evaluation.

critical thinking performance review examples

Useful performance review phrases

Grappling with what to say at your next performance review? Choosing the right words is important to make the review as constructive as possible, not to mention motivating for your employee. Here’s a list of effective performance review phrases for managers and employees.

Performance appraisal comments for managers:

  • She replies to calls, emails and instant messages in a timely manner (within 24 hours etc.)
  • He has a talent for thinking outside the box.
  • She tends to be risk-averse and prefers traditional approaches to creative ones.
  • She maintains a culture of transparency in her team and encourages knowledge-sharing across all teams in the department.
  • He consistently gives reports the training and resources needed to meet their goals.
  • He is biased and openly favors some employees over others on his team.
  • She is skillful in communicating difficult decisions and messages to her team.
  • She creates chaos and miscommunication in her team by consistently communicating different messages to different reports.
  • You embody a “win together lose together” philosophy.
  • Your ability to reflect, plan and act is the key to your excellent performance.
  • He uses his seniority to try to dominate and/or intimidate reports.
  • He excels when working alone but has trouble working collaboratively with a team.
  • He consistently meets his deadlines and prioritizes top goal work.
  • She consistently focuses on lower-value work instead of high-lever activities.

Performance review phrases for employees:

  • Can you tell me more about what you mean?
  • I want to be sure I understand (your expectations).
  • Let me give you a little more context here.
  • What would it look like if I was performing at a top level?
  • What would I need to do to score higher on this?
  • Let’s discuss my goals and priorities for the the next quarter/year.
  • Is there a way to get more frequent feedback about my performance between evaluations?
  • How will I know if I’m on track between evaluations?

If you want to see a list of common skills you can comment on for your employees, check out this section .

What’s the purpose of a performance review?

At Venngage, our people are at the core of everything we do as a business—whether it’s developing new features on our tool, growing our international reach or meeting customer needs.

With a people-focus within our company, we are passionate about continuous learning and improvement, self-reflection, creating great customer experiences , owning our jobs, teamwork and making our office feel like a second home

It should come as no surprise that our leadership team spends a considerable amount of time at the end of each quarter conducting performance reviews with each of their direct reports.

critical thinking performance review examples

Here are some things we’ve learned about how to conduct effective performance reviews:

  • Make it clear at the beginning of a new hire’s employment how and when employees will be evaluated. This should be part of your onboarding process  and is especially important if you’re managing a remote team .
  • Allow employees to prepare for their review by completing a self-assessment prior to their appraisal, then allow the employee to walk their manager through the reasoning behind their self-assessment.
  • Deliver a positive and solution-focused message (whenever possible), this will result in a less discouraging message.

critical thinking performance review examples

To make the most of the actual review conversation with your employee, it’s important to avoid:

  • General, vague feedback; be specific on which behaviors you want your employee to continue, stop and explore.
  • Making it personal; feedback is about actions and behavior , not the person.
  • Loaded language; focus on asking what and how , not why . Enquiring why someone acted the way they did is akin to searching for a ‘motive’ and may come across as accusatory.

critical thinking performance review examples

Create a performance review strategy before writing an employee’s review

Having an employee-friendly performance review process can not only make or break the development of your employees and but also disrupt the relationship between managers and their reports.

That’s why it’s crucial to create a robust performance review strategy and employee evaluation form before implementation to ensure the process is both constructive, celebratory and effective. This will even help you in the future if you choose to write a letter of recommendation for the employee as you’ll have all his performance reviews to reference.

By considering the six steps above when writing a performance review, you’ll have completed the final step in executing an employee-friendly review process.

The satisfaction gained from an increase in employee engagement and people power will make the effort expended on administering performance reviews entirely worthwhile, and ensure you have more effective reviews moving forward.

Take notes of the effective performance review phrases you can use during any of review sessions, as well as creating a visually appealing assessment using Venngage performance review templates. It’s free to get started.

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  • 10+ Employee Evaluation Templates to Sail Through Review Season
  • 21 Essential Human Resources Poster Examples
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60+ Self-Evaluation Examples to Empower your Workforce

  • Performance Management , Personal Development

Self-Evaluation Examples: Empower Your Workforce for Success


  • October 27, 2023

Fuel success with 60+ examples of self evaluation to unleash your team’s potential!

Self-evaluation is a crucial cornerstone of a successful 360-degree performance review process. It’s not just a mere checkbox on the to-do list; it’s a critical element that can make or break the effectiveness of the entire evaluation process. It’s the moment when employees have the chance to tell their story, showcasing their achievements and areas of career growth. But here’s the catch: if they don’t fill it out correctly, it can leave HR professionals in the dark, struggling to gauge an accurate picture of an employee’s performance . 

This is why aiding employees in crafting an effective self-evaluation is important.

In this blog, we aim to provide you with a practical solution. We’ll share over 60 self-evaluation examples that your employees can easily utilize to gain a better understanding of how to construct their self-appraisals.

Before diving in, make sure to set clear goals and communicate expectations to your team based on their KPIs. This ensures that employees understand what’s expected of them and allows them to assess their work performance, backed by data for a comprehensive evaluation. With Peoplebox, aligning self-appraisal with performance goals becomes a seamless process for you and your team.

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What Criteria Does the Self-evaluation Form Include?

Before your employees begin writing their self-appraisals, it’s essential that they have a clear understanding of the key criteria on which they should evaluate their own performance. Here are the fundamental criteria that make up an effective self-evaluation form, share it with your employees to assist them in crafting more insightful and impactful self-appraisals.

Key criteria of self-evaluation forms


In any performance evaluation, aligning accomplishments with organizational goals is paramount. Encourage employees to detail their achievements that directly contribute to the company’s mission and objectives. For instance, if an employee played a pivotal role in increasing sales by 20% or completed a project ahead of schedule, these are noteworthy accomplishments that should be highlighted.

Areas of Improvement

The ability to recognize and acknowledge areas for improvement is a crucial trait in professional growth. Employees should candidly discuss areas where they believe they can enhance their performance. Whether it’s a need for additional training or a particular skill set, this self-evaluation criterion fosters a proactive approach to self-improvement.

On job competencies

Understanding one’s strengths is as important as recognizing weaknesses. Employees should list their core competencies and strengths, emphasizing how these attributes contribute to their team and the organization as a whole. This encourages employees to take pride in their skills and boosts their confidence.

Things you value in the company

Incorporating this element into the self-evaluation process demonstrates an employee’s commitment to the organization’s values and culture. Encourage employees to share what they value most about the company, whether it’s the collaborative work environment, the opportunities for growth, or the company’s commitment to social responsibility. This not only reinforces the alignment between the employee and the company’s values but also helps in understanding organizational culture from an employee perspective.

Goals for next quarter

The forward-looking aspect of self-evaluation is often underestimated. Employees should set goals for the upcoming quarter or evaluation period. Whether it’s setting specific performance targets, acquiring new skills, or taking on additional responsibilities, this criterion reflects an employee’s commitment to personal and professional development.

Performance management platforms like Peoplebox make goal-setting and tracking easy. With options to assign owners, choose goal cycles, and track progress every step of the way, goal setting becomes a streamlined and collaborative process.

How to set employee goals for performance review on Peoplebox

Social and Soft Skills

In today’s interconnected workplace, social and soft skills are invaluable. During self-appraisal, employees should reflect on how their communication, teamwork, leadership, and adaptability skills have contributed to their effectiveness within the organization. Encouraging employees to provide concrete examples of situations where their soft skills made a difference adds depth to their self-assessment.

With a performance management software like Peoplebox, you can seamlessly integrate self-evaluation into your feedback process. This fosters a proactive approach to personal growth by encouraging employees to candidly discuss areas for improvement and recognize their core competencies.

Now that we have covered the key criteria to consider, let us dive into 60+ self-evaluation examples to empower your workforce for success.

But before that, it’s crucial to recognize that the quality of the answers is directly linked to the quality of the questions posed. Unsure about the right questions for a performance review? We’ve got you covered! Download our FREE ebook, filled with a curated list of impactful questions designed to enhance your performance review process. 

Performance review questions ebook

60+ Employee Self-evaluation Examples

To make the self-evaluation process more effective, we’ve compiled an extensive list of specific examples of self-evaluation. These employee self-evaluation examples are categorized into achievements and areas for growth, covering a wide range of job-related skills and personal development aspects.

Self-evaluation Examples for Work To Assess Teamwork And Collaboration Skills

Effective teamwork and collaboration are at the heart of a thriving workplace. To evaluate these essential skills, employees should be prepared to reflect on their ability to work cohesively with others during self-appraisals.

Here are some key questions to consider:

How well do you work with your team? Can you share an example where your contribution to the team helped the company reach or near its business goal?

Example 1: “I consistently fostered a positive team environment by actively participating in group discussions and encouraging open communication. This led to our team consistently meeting project deadlines.”

Example 2: “I played a key role in resolving a team conflict by mediating between two conflicting parties, which resulted in improved collaboration and better productivity.”

Areas for Improvement

Example 1: “While I work well within my immediate team, I need to actively seek cross-functional collaboration to leverage diverse perspectives and insights.” Example 2: “I sometimes struggle to express my new ideas clearly in group settings, which occasionally leads to misunderstandings. I aim to enhance my communication skills in team meetings.”

Self Assessment Examples For Assessing Job Performance

Evaluating job performance is pivotal in any organization. Employees should critically assess their contributions to the company’s goals.

Here are some guiding questions for this self-evaluation:

What are your major accomplishments in your current role? How have you contributed to the organization’s success?

Example 1: “I consistently exceeded my quarterly sales targets by implementing innovative sales strategies and maintaining strong client relationships.”

Example 2: “I played a pivotal role in optimizing our project management system, which resulted in a 20% reduction in project completion time.”

Example 1: “I occasionally struggle with time management, which leads to minor delays in project completion. I plan to improve my time management skills to meet deadlines more consistently.”

Example 2: “While my technical skills are strong, I want to enhance my soft skills to improve client interactions and public speaking, and maintain better relationships.”

Self evaluation To Assess Job Performance And Future Goals

Self-assessment for job performance isn’t just about the present; it’s also an opportunity to envision and plan for the future with clear expectations.

Consider these questions:

Have you achieved your previous job performance goals? What are your future career goals and how are you working towards them?

Self appraisal examples highlighting accomplishments

Example 1: “I achieved all the goals set in my last performance review, and I’m on track to meet my long-term career objectives, which include securing a leadership role within the next two years.”

Example 2: “I consistently seek opportunities for professional growth and have completed four online courses in the last year to enhance my skills and knowledge.”

Self appraisal examples highlighting areas for Improvement

Example 1: “I sometimes find it challenging to align my daily tasks with my long-term goals. I plan to create a more structured career development plan to bridge this gap.”

Example 2: “While I excel in my current role, I lack experience in a few critical areas required for future leadership. I intend to seek mentorship and training in those specific areas.”

Self-evaluation Focused On KPIs

Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) provide clear benchmarks for success. Self-evaluation in this context involves analyzing one’s alignment with these metrics.

Reflect on these questions during your self-assessment process:

How have you performed against your KPIs? Have you contributed to improving the KPIs within your department or team?

Example 1: “I consistently met or exceeded all my Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) for the year, leading to a 15% increase in departmental efficiency.”

Example 2: “I successfully streamlined our KPI tracking process, reducing manual work and allowing for real-time updates on progress.”

Example 1: “While I perform well on established KPIs, I need to work on setting more challenging KPIs to continue driving growth in our department.”

Example 2: “I sometimes struggle to adapt to new KPIs introduced mid-year. I plan to become more flexible in my approach to ensure better performance.”

Work Environment And Company Culture Self-evaluation

Company culture is essential to employee satisfaction and productivity. To evaluate one’s impact on the work environment and culture , consider these questions:

How have you contributed to fostering a positive work environment and company culture? Have you actively addressed workplace issues or conflicts?

Self appraisal comments highlighting accomplishments

Example 1: “I actively contributed to our company’s culture of diversity and inclusion by organizing a cultural awareness workshop, which received positive feedback from colleagues.”

Example 2: “I played a key role in maintaining a positive work environment by consistently addressing workplace issues and fostering a sense of belonging among my team members.”

Self assessment comments covering areas for Improvement

Example 1: “While I am an advocate for workplace culture, I sometimes struggle to balance my commitments in this area with my core job responsibilities.”

Example 2: “I aim to improve my conflict resolution skills to help address any arising tensions within the team effectively .”

Leadership Skills Self-evaluation Examples

Leadership skills are key for personal growth and team success. To assess these skills, think about your actions as a leader and how they influence your team.

What leadership accomplishments can you highlight? How have you mentored or inspired your team members?

Example 1: “I successfully led a cross-functional team through a challenging project, resulting in a 30% increase in project efficiency and a 15% cost reduction.”

Example 2: “I actively mentor team members, and my team’s overall performance improved by 20% this year, thanks to my leadership and guidance.”

Example 1: “While I excel in day-to-day leadership, I need to enhance my long-term strategic planning abilities to guide the team towards broader objectives.”

Example 2: “I aim to improve my delegation skills to empower team members more effectively and reduce the pressure on myself.”

Self-evaluation To Assess Communication And Interpersonal Skills

Effective communication is the cornerstone of workplace relationships. To evaluate your communication and interpersonal skills, reflect on these questions:

How well do you communicate with your colleagues, superiors, and clients? Have you actively sought and incorporated feedback from others?

Example 1: “I am proficient in delivering clear and concise presentations, and I received positive feedback from clients for my effective communication.”

Example 2: “I actively seek feedback from team members and colleagues, which has led to better collaboration and more open communication within our department.”

Example 1: “I occasionally struggle with written communication, so I am working to improve my written correspondence skills to ensure clarity and professionalism.”

Example 2: “I need to work on my active listening skills to ensure that I fully understand the perspectives of others in meetings and discussions.”

Self Assessment Examples To Evaluate Emotional Intelligence

Emotional intelligence is increasingly recognized as a vital skill. To assess your emotional intelligence, ask yourself:

How do you handle workplace conflicts and challenging emotional situations? Are you aware of your own emotions and their impact on your decision-making and interactions?

Example 1: “I consistently handle workplace conflicts with empathy and understanding, fostering a more harmonious work environment.”

Example 2: “I have developed a high degree of emotional resilience, which has allowed me to manage stressful situations effectively and ensure a positive impact on others.”

Example 1: “While I am emotionally intelligent, I sometimes struggle with recognizing and addressing emotions in others. I aim to enhance my empathy skills further.”

Example 2: “I need to work on my self-awareness to better understand how my emotions can impact my decision-making and interactions with others.”

Self-evaluation Examples for Work To Assess Problem Solving And Decision Making Skills

Problem solving and decision making are integral to professional growth. To evaluate these skills, consider the following:

How have you tackled complex problems and challenges in your role? Do you make well-informed decisions and analyze data effectively?

Example 1: “I consistently resolve complex problems by breaking them down into manageable steps and collaborating with team members, leading to a XX% reduction in project delays.”

Example 2: “I have a track record of making well-informed decisions by thoroughly analyzing data and considering potential risks, resulting in successful project outcomes.”

Example 1: “While I excel in routine problem-solving, I aim to improve my ability to think ‘outside the box’ and explore more creative solutions.”

Example 2: “I sometimes hesitate in decision-making, which can cause minor delays. I plan to enhance my confidence in making quick, effective decisions.”

Self-evaluation Examples for Work To Evaluate Time Management And Productivity

Time management and productivity are crucial in any job. For self-assessment, ponder these questions:

How well do you manage your time to meet deadlines and prioritize tasks? Have you adopted effective time management techniques to boost productivity?

Example 1: “I consistently meet deadlines and prioritize tasks effectively, resulting in a 10% increase in my daily productivity .”

Example 2: “I actively use time management techniques, like the Pomodoro method, to stay focused and achieve my daily tasks efficiently.”

Example 1: “I sometimes struggle with multitasking, which can impact my efficiency. I plan to work on improving my ability to juggle multiple tasks effectively.”

Example 2: “I aim to minimize distractions during work hours to further enhance my time management skills and boost my overall productivity.”

Self-evaluation To Assess Ethical Conduct

Maintaining ethical conduct and work ethics is essential for personal and organizational integrity. To assess your adherence to these values, ask yourself:

How consistently do you uphold your company’s ethical standards? Have you actively promoted ethical practices within your team or department?

Self appraisal comments highlighting strength 

Example 1: “I adhere to our company’s code of ethics without exception and consistently model ethical behavior for my team, resulting in a culture of integrity.”

Example 2: “I have actively promoted ethical practices by reporting any unethical behavior or violations, thereby upholding our organization’s values.”

Self appraisal comments highlighting areas for Improvement

Example 1: “I need to work on my ability to handle ethical dilemmas more effectively, seeking guidance when necessary to make the right decisions.”

Example 2: “I aim to enhance my ethical decision-making by further understanding our company’s specific ethical guidelines and their implications.”

Self-evaluation To Assess Adaptability And Resilience

In a constantly changing world, adaptability and resilience are invaluable traits. Reflect on these questions for self-assessment:

How well do you adapt to changes in your work environment and projects? Are you resilient in the face of challenges and setbacks?

Example 1: “I effectively adapted to a sudden shift in project priorities, ensuring that our team remained productive and delivered results ahead of schedule.”

Example 2: “I consistently maintain a positive attitude in the face of challenges, which has been recognized by colleagues and has inspired a resilient mindset within the team.”

Example 1: “While I handle most changes well, I occasionally find it challenging to adapt to significant shifts in project scope. I am working on improving my adaptability in such cases.”

Example 2: “I aim to enhance my stress management skills to maintain resilience in high-pressure situations.”

Self-evaluation Examples Evaluating Customer Service Skills

In roles involving customer interactions, customer service skills are vital. To assess these skills, consider the following:

  • How well do you handle customer interactions and address their needs?
  • Have you built strong relationships with clients to enhance repeat business and referrals?

Example 1: “I consistently receive positive feedback from clients for my responsive communication and problem-solving abilities, resulting in a 20% increase in customer satisfaction.”

Example 2: “I have developed strong relationships with key clients, which has led to increased repeat business and referrals.”

Example 1: “While I excel in customer interactions, I sometimes need to improve my product knowledge to answer more technical questions.”

Example 2: “I occasionally struggle with handling irate customers effectively. I am working on de-escalation techniques to improve in this area.”

Critical Thinking Self-appraisal Examples

Critical thinking is the foundation of effective decision-making. To evaluate your critical thinking skills, ask yourself these questions while self-evaluating:

How do you approach problems and make decisions by considering different perspectives? Have you promoted a culture of critical thinking and innovation within your team?

Example 1: “I consistently approach problems with a critical mindset, analyzing data and considering multiple perspectives to arrive at well-informed decisions.”

Example 2: “I have successfully trained my team to think critically, fostering a culture of innovation and efficiency.”

Example 1: “I aim to enhance my problem-solving creativity to generate more out-of-the-box solutions to complex challenges.”

Example 2: “I sometimes find it challenging to maintain critical thinking under tight deadlines. I plan to improve my ability to think clearly in high-pressure situations.”

 Self-appraisal Examples To Evaluate Negotiation Skills

Negotiation skills are crucial in many roles. To assess your negotiation skills, think about your approach and effectiveness in negotiations. Reflect on these questions:

How well do you negotiate to achieve favorable outcomes? Are you assertive and well-prepared in negotiations, and do you maintain a collaborative approach?

Example 1: “I negotiate advantageous terms in contracts, saving the company XX% on supplier agreements.”

Example 2: “I have successfully mediated between team members in conflict, helping them find common ground and reach mutually beneficial solutions.”

Example 1: “I sometimes struggle with assertiveness during negotiations. I am working on improving my ability to stand firm on key points while maintaining a collaborative approach.”

Example 2: “I aim to enhance my negotiation preparation skills to enter discussions with more information and leverage.”

Self-evaluation Examples For Start, Stop, Continue Feedback

The “Start, Stop, Continue” approach is a simple yet effective way to assess your work habits. To use this approach for self-evaluation, ask yourself:

What new habits or actions should you start implementing for personal and professional growth? What existing habits or actions should you stop to improve your performance? What current practices or behaviors should you continue because they contribute positively to your work and development?

Peoplebox simplifies start/stop/continue feedback with its built-in templates, making the process effortless.

Use Peoplebox performance management platform to collect self appraisals

Self-evaluation Examples for New Tasks You Must Start

Example 1: “I plan to start actively seeking cross-functional projects to broaden my skills and knowledge within the organization.”

Example 2: “I intend to start providing more constructive feedback to my peers to foster a culture of growth and improvement within the team.”

Self-evaluation Examples for Tasks You Must Stop

Example 1: “I recognize that I need to stop procrastinating on certain tasks and start addressing them promptly to improve productivity.”

Example 2: “I should stop engaging in non-essential tasks during work hours and stay focused on my core responsibilities.”

self-reviews template

Self-evaluation Examples for Tasks You Must Continue

Example 1: “I will continue actively participating in team-building activities to maintain a positive work environment.”

Example 2: “I intend to continue my daily routine of reviewing industry news to stay updated on current trends and best practices.”

Align Performance Review with Business Goals Using Peoplebox

Feedback and reviews are the cornerstone of your company’s success. When implemented correctly, it sets a culture of continuous improvement and growth. With advancements in digital technology, performance management tools like Peoplebox can come in handy. 

It seamlessly integrates with your existing collaboration tools like Slack and Team and help you streamline your employee feedback and reviews. 

Client review about Peoplebox’s integration capabilities

By integrating Peoplebox with your Slack/Microsoft Teams application, you can:

  • Conduct customized 360-degree reviews 
  • Administer employee engagement and life surveys 
  • Send personalized nudges for 1:1s, check-ins, and goal updation
  • Discuss and align on progress around goals & strategic initiatives
  • Run meaningful 1:1s with agenda and talking points
  • Onboard new employees

With Peoplebox by your side, remove unnecessary hassle from your HR process and get ready to give your employees the magical experience they deserve. 

Talk to our solutions experts to know how Peoplebox can help.

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Critical Thinking: 40 Useful Performance Feedback Phrases

Critical Thinking: Use these sample phrases to craft meaningful performance evaluations, drive change and motivate your workforce.

Critical Thinking is the ability to think clearly and rationally while understanding the logical connection between ideas in a reflective and independent thinking.

Critical Thinking: Exceeds Expectations Phrases

  • Highly demonstrates assertive and decisive ability when finding solutions for problems.
  • Knows how to communicate ideas and issues easily in a very clear and concise manner.
  • Able to piece together elements and come up with proper deductions on issues.
  • Knows how to clarify problems and solutions easily so that other people can understand.
  • Evaluates ideas and opinions in an unbiased manner without favoritism.
  • Thinks through issues in a very logical manner that results in finding the best solution to a problem.
  • Demonstrates excellent problem-solving skills by accessing a problem and devising the best possible solution for it.
  • Takes in into consideration different and varied perspectives when solving problems.
  • Examines the implications and possible consequences to any particular action carefully.
  • Solves problems one by one so as not to mix up issues and ideas.

Critical Thinking: Meets Expectations Phrases

  • Uses strategic approachability and skill when it comes to solving issues.
  • Demonstrates well assertive and decisive ability when it comes to handling problems.
  • Tries to always consider all factors at play before deciding on a particular methods or way.
  • Gathers all the required facts and figures before starting to solve a particular problem.
  • Always seeks to ask questions as a form of finding a sound basis to solving a problem.
  • Not afraid to make mistakes and tries to find creative ways to handle any issue.
  • Looks at issues in different angles and not in a one-sided way.
  • Shows great flexibility when it comes to changing strategies and tact while dealing with different problems.
  • Questions regularly to find out if the decision taken will achieve the desired effect.
  • Always feels comfortable and confident when seeking help or advice whenever stuck on solving any issue.

Critical Thinking: Needs Improvement Phrases

  • Does not take the time to consider all factors available before making a decision carefully.
  • Looks at issues in a one-sided manner instead of having different varied ways of looking at it.
  • Finds it challenging to arrive at a concrete conclusion after undertaking any evaluation.
  • Not willing to do proper research and relies on outdated data and information.
  • Does not demonstrate a curious type of attitude to try to find out a little bit more on issues.
  • Not willing to accept corrections and take calculated risks when necessary.
  • Does not show enough willingness to try to improve the critical thinking skills.
  • Does not present ideas and points in a logical order or outline.
  • Looks at issues in a biased and unfair way by not evaluating all factors.
  • Not willing and inflexible to change tact or strategy when the initial plan fails to achieve the desired effect

Critical Thinking: Self Evaluation Questions

  • How well do you research and gather facts and information before solving an issue?
  • Give an instance you hurriedly made a decision without thinking it through and what was the result?
  • Elaborate on a given occasion that you made the best decision. How did you feel about it?
  • How well do you consider all the factors available before making your decision?
  • Do you get to appreciate and learn from your mistakes and how do you deal with making wrong decisions?
  • Do you always try to inquire further, what could be the missing elements that could achieve a positive outcome?
  • How well do you consider having a concrete conclusion when presenting your ideas?
  • When expressing your ideas do you deliver them in a logical manner?
  • Do you usually look at issues in a one-sided manner or at different angles?
  • How flexible are you when it comes to trying different ways of solving problems other than the intended way.

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Best Critical Thinking Examples to Help You Improve Your Critical and Analytical Skills

Critical thinking has been studied since ancient times. Greek philosophers such as Aristotle and Plato provided us with good critical thinking examples and the foundations for this field. Socrates is widely regarded as one of the fathers of critical thinking and deductive reasoning, a valuable skill in a world plagued with fake news and overwhelming amounts of information.

However, what is critical thinking? How can we use it in everyday life? In this article, we will explain what critical thinking is and why it is important, provide tips for improving your critical thinking skills, and offer the best examples of critical thinking.

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What is critical thinking.

Critical thinking is the ability to think clearly and logically about what to do or believe. To do so, you must establish logical connections between ideas, evaluate arguments, approach problems systematically, and reflect on your values and beliefs. Logical thinking and scientific thinking are types of thinking that depend on these skills.

Additionally, the critical thinking process involves challenging knowledge to discover the truth. It involves reviewing knowledge and information to make an informed decision. You can improve your critical thinking skills by becoming more adept at analyzing problems, identifying biases, practicing active listening and inductive reasoning, and avoiding emotional reasoning.

Where Is Critical Thinking Used?

  • Progressive education
  • Risk assessment
  • Programming
  • SAT standardized tests

Why Is Critical Thinking Important?

Critical thinking is important because it allows you to better synthesize, analyze and interpret information. Other critical thinking skills like problem-solving , observation, and communication, can help you advance in your career. All of these skills can enable you to understand yourself better and make better life decisions.

Many people believe they are critical thinkers. However, when drawing conclusions in real life most people rely on common sense and numerous fallacies. To avoid this, we must have critical thinking dispositions to gain more insight, learn to identify a weak argument, and make better decisions. Understanding critical thinking concepts is crucial if you want to understand your thoughts, emotions, or live a better life.

Real-World Examples of Critical Thinking

People live their lives based on the choices they make. As a result, they require critical thinking skills and a constructive approach to problem-solving to make their lives easier. For example, if you need to deliver to multiple locations, don’t just go there by chance.

To save time, determine which location is closest and devise an efficient pattern for the next locations you will need to visit. This is just one of many examples of critical thinking for the following section. Below are more critical thinking examples.

  • Self-evaluation of your actions
  • HR manager resolving conflict between staffs
  • A military officer working on tactical plans
  • Professor guiding students to fresh ideas with creative questioning
  • Student defending a master’s thesis
  • Basketball coach seeking out new tactics during a timeout
  • Writer organizing content ideas
  • Applicant preparing for a job interview
  • Using a disciplined process to look for a job
  • A detective using their observational ability to analyze a crime scene

10 Great Examples of Critical Thinking

Critical thinking example 1: self-evaluation of your actions.

Self-evaluation is essential for improving your overall performance. When you use reflective thinking or try to evaluate yourself, you analyze what went wrong and how you can improve in the future. You attempt to understand what happened and figure out what you need to change to get different results.

Many universities and schools use special questionnaires that test critical thinking abilities. For example, Cambridge, a school with over 20 years of experience in assessing critical thinking, uses a student self-assessment critical thinking questionnaire .

Critical Thinking Example 2: HR Manager Resolving Conflict Between Staffs

Employees have disagreements in every organization. In many cases, it is the HR manager who steps in to solve the problem. However, the HR manager must first listen to both sides, determine the source of the problem, assess the situation, and decide how to proceed. As a result, a soft skill such as problem-solving or management is essential for HR.

Critical Thinking Example 3: A Military Officer Working on Tactical Plans

A military officer working on tactical plans for extracting fellow soldiers in a dangerous military zone is another example. In this case, the military officer must find an effective way to get the soldiers out of the danger zone while minimizing casualties, which requires logical thinking.

Critical Thinking Example 4: Professor Guiding Students to Fresh Ideas With Creative Questioning

Creative questioning is an interesting process because it can promote critical thinking. By asking creative open-ended questions, the professor makes students think more deeply about a subject. Therefore, they need to discern what information to pick and share. Analysis of arguments is another way to foster analytical thinking among students.

Critical Thinking Example 5: Student Defending a Master’s Thesis

Writing a master’s thesis requires applying critical thinking. You seek and gather information, conduct research, perform calculations, analyze data, and draw conclusions. You also demonstrate what critical skills you used to create the thesis by explaining all of the steps and methodology you used in the research process.

Critical Thinking Example 6: Basketball Coach Seeking Out New Tactics During a Timeout

In some cases, if the match does not go well, the basketball coach may call a timeout to reassess the team’s strategy. During the timeout, a basketball coach looks for new tactics that reveal the vulnerabilities of the opposing team. The coach needs to find a way to assess the potential risks and provide a new strategy that will lead the team to victory.

Critical Thinking Example 7: Writer Organizing Content Ideas

When writing articles, writers must distinguish between good and bad information. They must also make the article flow. To accomplish this, writers must adhere to the core concept of writing format: title, introduction, body, and conclusion. This means that they have to choose certain information to insert in certain sections of the text.

Critical Thinking Example 8: Applicants Preparing for a Job Interview

If you apply for a job and go to the interview blindly, there is a high chance you will not be hired. It is preferable to arrive prepared and apply critical thinking to the interview. One tip for interview preparation is to ask yourself outcome-based questions about the job. Before going to the interview, practice answering questions and acting quickly.

Critical Thinking Example 9: Using a Disciplined Process to Look for a Job

It can be difficult to find a job. Some stats show that on average it takes 100 to 200 applications to get a job. To improve your chances, you should put your critical thinking cap on. Logical thinking can help you consider how you will approach employers, devote time to updating your resume, skills, and create an effective cover letter .

Critical Thinking Example 10: A Detective Using Their Observational Ability to Analyze a Crime Scene

As a police detective, you must have strong critical thinking skills as well as excellent observational abilities to analyze a crime scene. You need logical inquiry and deduction skills to analyze the evidence. A police detective must have probable cause to obtain a search warrant from a judge to search a suspect’s home, which is another example of critical thinking.

Pro Tips to Boost Your Critical Thinking Skills

  • Analyze and Break It Down. Before forming an opinion, conduct extensive research and analysis. Once you have enough information, then you can try to break down all that information and analyze what it means. It is a good idea to break the problem down into smaller pieces so that you can see the bigger picture.
  • Deal With Your Biases. Critical thinking requires constant work, as people have biases that they need to deal with throughout their lives. If a person is aware of their biases, they can be aware of their own thought process and make sure they’re not just thinking one way.
  • Seek Advice. Develop a strong sense of acquiring knowledge. This means seeking advice when you are not sure about what you know. If you don’t know something, ask someone that knows. The more information you have, the better conclusion you can draw. Deal with the fact that you are not always right.

What Should Be the Next Step in My Critical Thinking Learning Journey?

Your next step in your critical thinking learning journey should be to actively use it in your everyday life. In real life, people encounter many opportunities to solve problems. With critical and careful thinking, you can afford to lead a better life and make more accurate decisions.

Using analytical and objective reasoning are some of the intellectual virtues that critical thinking offers to get a better job. If you use it in self-evaluation you can become a better version of yourself.

Advancing this skill can improve your professional life, problem-solving, and improve in developing and executing solutions. If you want to have well-informed opinions and deal with your biases, advance your critical thinking skills.

Critical Thinking Examples FAQ

Yes, critical thinking is a skill. The interesting part is that critical thinking is a learned skill. If it can be learned then it can be taught. However, the problem is that in many cases an experienced instructor is needed to transfer the skill. It is also one of the 21st-century skills you need to add to your resume.

Developing your critical thinking skills is a gradual process that requires deliberate effort. Changing your thought patterns and practices is a long-term project that you should commit to for the rest of your life.

No, IQ tests don’t measure critical thinking. Intelligence and critical thinking are not the same. If you want to test your critical thinking ability, you need a specialized critical thinking test. One example is the Cornell critical thinking test .

The bandwagon fallacy is about creating an opinion based on what the majority thinks. If everyone says the same thing, then it must be true. The problem with this notion is that the opinion of the majority is not always valid or a real form of knowledge. To avoid the bandwagon fallacy, you need to have a critical thinking disposition.

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