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Essay on My Pet Dog in English For Students

One of the best things about having a pet dog is the unconditional love they give. They are always excited to see you, wagging their tails and showering you with kisses. Whether you’ve had a good day or a bad one, your dog will always be there to cuddle with you and make you feel better. Having a dog by your side can make you feel less lonely and more connected to the world around you. Pets dogs are not just great company; they can also improve your physical and mental health.

In return for all the love and joy they bring into our lives, it’s important to take good care of our pet dogs. This includes providing them with proper food, shelter, exercise, and regular veterinary care. In this article, we will provide you essay on my dog.

500 Word Essay on My Pet Dog

From the moment I first laid eyes on that bundle of golden fur, I knew we were meant to be best friends for life. Cody, my golden retriever, has been an unconditional source of love, loyalty, and laughter for over a decade now. He is truly one of the greatest companions I could ever ask for. Cody came into my life as an 8-week-old puppy, with the most adorable teddy bear face and warm, curious eyes that could melt your heart. But don’t let that sweet look fool you – he was a rambunctious ball of energy from day one. My family and I spent months patiently potty training him, teaching him obedience commands, and redirecting his friendly puppy nipping. It was challenging but rewarding work.

As Cody grew into an adult dog, his true golden retriever personality blossomed. He is the gentlest, most affectionate creature, always eager to shower us with wet kisses and snuggle up for belly rubs at a moment’s notice. With his eternally wagging tail and bright, inviting expression, Cody makes an immediate connection with anyone he meets. One of the things I love most about golden retrievers is their eager-to-please demeanor and high intelligence. Cody lives to make his human family happy. He studies our faces and actions intently, following commands and picking up on our routines with ease. We’ve been able to train him to do all sorts of tricks and tasks – from fetching objects to cleaning up his toys to even pulling off the perfect “play dead.”

At the same time, Cody has a wonderful goofy, playful side that keeps us laughing every day. He gets intense and bouncy when he wants to play tug-of-war or fetch. He makes us chuckle by tilting his head inquisitively at new noises. And sometimes he just does silly things like drooling while he sleeps or getting the classic “zoomies” for no reason. Having a dog like Cody has been an amazing source of joy but also an incredible lesson in unconditional love, patience, responsibility, and living for each moment. Dogs don’t dwell on the past or future – they are fully present. Cody takes the good and bad of each day in stride. Even if I’m frustrated after a long workday, Cody is always ecstatic to greet me with a wagging tail when I walk through the door, his only care being that I’m home.

Cody’s deep loyalty and steadfast companionship has helped me through some tough times in life. He has an incredible intuition for emotions and always seems to know when I need an extra cuddle or kiss on a difficult day. No matter what, I know Cody’s unconditional love for me will never waver. That’s something special that every dog owner understands about the beautiful human-animal bond. After over a decade together, Cody is now an elderly dog with graying fur. But his warm, loving spirit and puppy-like zest for life remain as strong as ever. He reminds me daily to embrace each new experience with that same innocence, loyalty and joy. Cody is more than just a pet – he is a true friend for life. I feel so blessed to be able to share my life with such an amazing, loving animal.

800 Word Essay on My Pet Dog

I was walking home from class, huddled against the crisp wind, when I noticed a scruffy little dog sitting all alone under a streetlamp. His big brown eyes were wide with caution yet brimming with hope as our gazes locked. In that moment, I knew he needed me as much as I needed him. I cautiously approached, offering a few soothing words and holding out a hand to sniff. Rather than cowering or running away as I expected, the pup seemed to appraise me with wisdom beyond his years. After a moment’s pause, he tentatively nudged my hand with his cold, wet nose. My heart melted as I scooped him up into my jacket, feeling his warmth pressed against me. So began my journey with Tommy, the most remarkable indie pup I’ve ever known.

From the start, Tommy proved to be incredibly smart, obedient, and adaptable despite his life on the streets. Within a couple weeks, he had adjusted seamlessly to living indoors, grasping potty training and basic commands. But he was much more than an ordinary pup. Tommy always seemed to sense my shifting emotions, responding with the perfect mixture of playfulness, affection, and calm presence as each situation required.

His emotional intelligence allowed us to form a profound, unbreakable bond. Tommy became my shadow, greeting me with excited tail-wags and sloppy kisses whenever I walked through the door after class or work. He loved to snuggle up on my lap as I studied, seemingly content to just soak up my company and affection. During stressful periods, Tommy’s warm, grounding presence and deep brown eyes could instantly subdue my anxiety and remind me of what really mattered most. Despite being on his own at such a young age, Tommy never developed behavioral issues like excessive barking, aggression, or separation anxiety that many strays struggle with. Instead, he showered everyone he met with endless puppy energy and enthusiasm, his whole body seeming to vibrate with wriggling excitement when offered a pat or a treat. Even kids, strangers, and other pets were instantly accepted as friends in Tommy’s eyes.

As an indie mix, Tommy’s exact breed makeup was anyone’s guess. His scruffy tan and white coat gave him a coyote-like appearance. His tall, pointed ears and muscular build hinted at some terrier ancestry. But most striking were his wildly mismatched eyes – one a warm brown, the other an icy blue-gray. Whatever his origins, Tommy was simply one-of-a-kind. He loved to chase squirrels and birds into the brush, requiring me to wrestle him out of dense bushes or scale trees to retrieve my muddy, leaf-covered pup. He also had a bad habit of counter-surfing to swipe any tempting human food left unattended. More than once, I returned home to find him proudly licking his chops surrounded by a mess of scattered wrappers and crumbs.

But his best trick was his fearless composure around larger animals. Despite his small stature, Tommy never hesitated to strike up play with bigger dogs at the park or boldly approach horses. He seemed to lack any sense of self-preservation or awareness of his diminutive size. I’ll never forget the image of Tommy emphatically barking up at an enormous, bewildered draft horse while I chased him in mortified embarrassment.

As the years passed, Tommy transformed from a pup into a more dignified, albeit slightly mischievous adult dog. His protectiveness over me became more pronounced as his youthful enthusiasm mellowed slightly with age. Tommy appointed himself as a watchdog of sorts, keeping a keen eye on anyone who came by the house. Yet he never lost his loving, gentle demeanor with people and furry friends. Now Tommy has been by my side for nearly a decade, his face graying around the muzzle. With each passing year, I’m reminded how lucky I was to cross paths with this spunky, loving canine on that fateful autumn night. Tommy filled a void in my life that I never knew needed filling until he arrived.

From his endless affection and patience to his silly antics and misbehavior, Tommy has brought me more laughter, companionship, and joy than I ever could have imagined. Gazing into those mismatched but warm, trusting eyes, I know our paths were truly destined to cross that night under the streetlamp. Tommy will forever be one of the greatest gifts the universe has blessed me with – my furry little soul mate in a scruffy tan and white coat.

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Essay on My Pet Dog- FAQs

What’s the best breed for a family pet dog.

The best breed depends on your family’s lifestyle and preferences. However, some breeds known for their gentle and friendly nature include Labrador Retrievers, Golden Retrievers, Beagles, and Bulldogs.

How much exercise does a pet dog need?

Dogs require daily exercise to stay healthy and happy. The amount of exercise needed varies depending on the breed, age, and size of the dog. Generally, dogs should have at least 30 minutes to an hour of physical activity each day, which can include walks, playtime, and mental stimulation.

What should I feed my pet dog?

A balanced diet is essential for your dog’s health. High-quality commercial dog food that is appropriate for your dog’s age, size, and activity level is usually recommended. You can also include fresh fruits and vegetables as treats or supplements, but be cautious about feeding them human foods that may be harmful to dogs.

How do I house train my pet dog?

Consistency, patience, and positive reinforcement are key to house training your dog. Establish a routine for feeding, potty breaks, and crate training. Supervise your dog closely indoors and take them outside frequently, especially after meals and naps. Reward your dog with praise and treats when they eliminate outdoors.

How can I prevent behavioral problems in my pet dog?

Proper socialization, training, and providing mental and physical stimulation can help prevent behavioral issues in dogs. Enroll your dog in obedience classes, provide plenty of toys and activities to keep them engaged, and ensure they receive enough exercise and attention.

How do I keep my pet dog healthy?

Regular veterinary check-ups, vaccinations, and preventive care are essential for maintaining your dog’s health. Practice good hygiene by grooming your dog regularly, keeping their ears clean, and brushing their teeth. Watch for any signs of illness or discomfort and address them promptly.

What’s the best way to introduce a new pet dog to my home?

Slow and supervised introductions are key when bringing a new dog into your home, especially if you already have other pets. Allow them to sniff and interact with each other in a controlled environment, and provide separate spaces for each pet initially. Be patient and give them time to adjust to each other’s presence.

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72 Dog Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

To find good research titles for your essay about dogs, you can look through science articles or trending pet blogs on the internet. Alternatively, you can check out this list of creative research topics about dogs compiled by our experts .

🐩 Dog Essays: Things to Consider

🏆 best dog titles for essays, 💡 most interesting dog topics to write about, ❓ questions about dog.

There are many different dog essays you can write, as mankind’s history with its best friends is rich and varied. Many people will name the creatures their favorite animals, citing their endearing and inspiring qualities such as loyalty, obedience, bravery, and others.

Others will discuss dog training and the variety of important roles the animals fulfill in our everyday life, working as shepherds, police members, guides to blind people, and more.

Some people will be more interested in dog breeding and the incredible variety of the animals show, ranging from decorative, small Yorkshire terriers to gigantic yet peaceful Newfoundland dogs. All of these topics are interesting and deserve covering, and you can incorporate all of them a general essay.

Dogs are excellent pet animals, as their popularity, rivaled only by cats, shows. Pack animals by nature, they are open to including members of other species into their groups and get along well with most people and animals.

They are loyal to the pack, and there are examples of dogs adopting orphaned kittens and saving other animals and children from harm.

This loyalty and readiness to face danger makes them favorite animals for many people, and the hundreds of millions of dogs worldwide show that humans appreciate their canine friends.

It also allows them to work many important jobs, guarding objects, saving people, and using their noses to sniff out various trails and substances.

However, dogs are descended from wolves, whose pack nature does not prevent them from attacking those outside the group. Some larger dogs are capable of killing an adult human alone, and most can at least inflict severe harm if they attack a child.

Dogs are trusted and loved because of their excellent trainability. They can be taught to be calm and avoid aggression or only attack once the order is given.

They can also learn a variety of other behaviors and tricks, such as not relieving themselves in the house and executing complex routines. This physical and mental capacity to perform a variety of tasks marks dogs as humanity’s best and most versatile helpers.

The variety of jobs dogs perform has led humans to try to develop distinct dog breeds for each occupation, which led to the emergence of numerous and different varieties of the same animal.

The observation of the evolution of a specific type of dog as time progressed and its purposes changed can be an interesting topic. You can also discuss dog competitions, which try to find the best dog based on various criteria and even have titles for the winners.

Comparisons between different varieties of the animal are also excellent dog argumentative essay topics. Overall, there are many interesting ideas that you can use to write a unique and excellent essay.

Regardless of what you ultimately choose to write about, you should adhere to the central points of essay writing. Make sure to describe sections of your paper with dog essay titles that identify what you will be talking about clearly.

Write an introduction that identifies the topic and provides a clear and concise thesis statement. Finish the paper with a dog essay conclusion that sums up your principal points. It will be easier and more interesting to read while also adhering to literature standards if you do this.

Below, we have provided a collection of great ideas that you can use when writing your essays, research papers, speeches, or dissertations. Take inspiration from our list of dog topics, and don’t forget to check out the samples written by other students!

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  • A Dog’s Life by Charles Chaplin The theme of friendship and love that is clear in the relationship between Tramp and Scraps. The main being that Chaplin makes it very comical thus; it is appealing to the audience, and captures the […]
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  • Compare and Contrast Your First Dog vs. Your Current Dog Although she was very friendly and even tried to take care of me when I was growing up, my mother was the real owner.
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  • Border Collie Dog Breed Information So long as the movement of the Border Collies and the sheep is calm and steady, they can look for the stock as they graze in the field.
  • Cats vs. Dogs: Are You a Cat or a Dog Person? Cats and dogs are two of the most common types of pets, and preferring one to another can arguably tell many things about a person.
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  • “Everyday” in The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time by Haddon The novel presents Christopher who passes through many changes in his life, where he adapts to it and acclimatizes the complications that come with it.
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  • Animal Assisted Therapy: Therapy Dogs First, the therapist must set the goals that are allied to the utilization of the therapy dog and this should be done for each client.
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  • Classical Conditioning: Teaching an Old Dog New Tricks According to Basford and Stein’s interpretation, classical conditioning is developed in a person or an animal when a neutral stimulus “is paired or occurs contingently with the unconditioned stimulus on a number of occasions”, which […]
  • The Movements and Reactions of Dogs in Crates and Outside Yards This study discusses the types of movements and reactions exhibited by dogs in the two confinement areas, the crate and the outside yard.
  • A Summary of “What The Dog Saw” Gladwell explores the encounters of Cesar Millan, the dog whisperer who non-verbally communicated with the dogs and mastered his expertise to tame the dogs.
  • Evolution of Dogs from the Gray Wolf However, the combined results of vocalisation, morphological behavior and molecular biology of the domesticated dog now show that the wolf is the principle ancestor of the dog.
  • Attacking Dog Breeds: Truth or Exaggeration?
  • Are Bad Dog Laws Unjustified?
  • Are Dog Mouths Cleaner Than Humans?
  • Can Age Affect How Fast a Dog Runs?
  • Can Chew Treats Kill Your Dog?
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  • What Can Andy Griffith Teach You About Dog Training?
  • What Makes the Dog – Human Bond So Powerful?
  • What the Dog Saw and the Rise of the Global Market?
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  • When Dog Training Matters?
  • When Drug Dog Sniff the Narcotic Outside Home?
  • At What Age Is Dog Training Most Effective?
  • Why Are People Choosing to Get Involved in Dog Fighting?
  • Why Are Reported Cases of Dog-Fighting Rising in the United States?
  • Why Dog Attacks Occur and Who Are the Main Culprits?
  • Why Does Dog Make Better Pets Than Cats?
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  • Why Could the Dog Have Bitten the Person?
  • Will Dog Survive the Summer Sun?
  • Chicago (A-D)
  • Chicago (N-B)

IvyPanda. (2024, February 26). 72 Dog Essay Topic Ideas & Examples. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/dog-essay-examples/

"72 Dog Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." IvyPanda , 26 Feb. 2024, ivypanda.com/essays/topic/dog-essay-examples/.

IvyPanda . (2024) '72 Dog Essay Topic Ideas & Examples'. 26 February.

IvyPanda . 2024. "72 Dog Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." February 26, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/dog-essay-examples/.

1. IvyPanda . "72 Dog Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." February 26, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/dog-essay-examples/.


IvyPanda . "72 Dog Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." February 26, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/dog-essay-examples/.

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My Pet Dog Essay

Pets are the closest thing to humans. Humans can choose their pets based on their environment, their level of affection, and their busy life schedule. Pets that are commonly kept include dogs, cats, and birds. Here are a few sample essays on the topic ‘My Pet Dog’.

  • 100 Words Essay On My Pet Dog

Dogs are the best choice as a pet because they understand their owners very well and support them in whatever condition they are in. I decided to get a dog as a pet after realising my affection for both street dogs and other people's pet dogs. Dogs are regarded as a person's best friend. I was not sure which dog breed to choose, but in the end, I decided on the Pomeranian breed. I went to a pet store to check out the different coloured Pomeranian dogs. I was highly confused but at the end chose an adorable brown coloured Pomeranian. I named him 'Benji', he was only a month old when I took him home.

200 Words Essay On My Pet Dog

500 words essay on my pet dog.

My Pet Dog Essay

Dogs are the only animals who love their owners without any reason. They start trusting their owners completely. On the day when my mother and I were going to purchase my pet dog, I was overcome with excitement. We both have the same love of animals, so I was sure she would be confused once she entered the pet store. She questioned me after entering the store as to why I wanted a dog only as a pet rather than a cat or bird, and I told her that I have a special affection for dogs.

Benefits | Dogs can help their owners with their mental health issues, can teach us new skills, can act as living examples of what their owners have taught them, and, most importantly, need regular exercise, which also helps us to maintain good cardiovascular health.

We discussed which dog to buy for the complete two hours before deciding on a white Persian dog with large black eyes and a short tail. I was staring at my new pet the entire time I was returning home and I named him Pluto. Finally, we ended up happily having a handsome dog that improved our health and mood and we love him dearly.

New Member Of Our Family

I decided, along with my mother, to purchase a puppy from a pet store on December 10, 2022. We went in the evening to finalise the puppy after she gave her permission. At the pet store's corner, I noticed a stunning white pomeranian sitting quietly and observing us. He was sitting with his gorgeous fluffy tail moving from left to right. We looked at many dogs, but this one grabbed my attention. I asked the shop owner if I could hold him in my hands, and he agreed. The dog was so kind that he began to play with me and lick me. After choosing to take him home with me, we proceed to buy his food, treats, leashes, toys, and shampoo.

My dog, Shero, accompanied me around the entire store. He seemed genuinely happy to be with me, which thrilled me. I had some concerns about whether he would be comfortable in the car and whether he would become anxious while driving, but nothing of the sort occurred. Instead, he reacted exactly the opposite of what I imagined. He sat next to me in the car the entire time we were travelling home and was enjoying the scenery. I got the feeling that he perhaps thought that he could now enjoy his life in the outside world.

First Experience At Home

After returning home, he initially felt some fear of unfamiliar objects, smells, and environment, but with time he got attached to everything. He was jumping on the bed, the couch, and playing with the toys we had bought for him. After some time, he began to bark, and as it was my first day with him, I was unaware that he did this when he was hungry. After finishing his meal, he slept for two to three hours. My family and I talked about his trainer while he was asleep so that he might learn new tasks that would make him stronger and more active, both of which are excellent for his health. I was staring at him while he slept and wondering how the atmosphere in the house had changed. The atmosphere in the home was now cheerful, joyful, and entertaining. He is now a member of our family.

Explore Career Options (By Industry)

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Bio Medical Engineer

The field of biomedical engineering opens up a universe of expert chances. An Individual in the biomedical engineering career path work in the field of engineering as well as medicine, in order to find out solutions to common problems of the two fields. The biomedical engineering job opportunities are to collaborate with doctors and researchers to develop medical systems, equipment, or devices that can solve clinical problems. Here we will be discussing jobs after biomedical engineering, how to get a job in biomedical engineering, biomedical engineering scope, and salary. 

Data Administrator

Database professionals use software to store and organise data such as financial information, and customer shipping records. Individuals who opt for a career as data administrators ensure that data is available for users and secured from unauthorised sales. DB administrators may work in various types of industries. It may involve computer systems design, service firms, insurance companies, banks and hospitals.

Ethical Hacker

A career as ethical hacker involves various challenges and provides lucrative opportunities in the digital era where every giant business and startup owns its cyberspace on the world wide web. Individuals in the ethical hacker career path try to find the vulnerabilities in the cyber system to get its authority. If he or she succeeds in it then he or she gets its illegal authority. Individuals in the ethical hacker career path then steal information or delete the file that could affect the business, functioning, or services of the organization.

Data Analyst

The invention of the database has given fresh breath to the people involved in the data analytics career path. Analysis refers to splitting up a whole into its individual components for individual analysis. Data analysis is a method through which raw data are processed and transformed into information that would be beneficial for user strategic thinking.

Data are collected and examined to respond to questions, evaluate hypotheses or contradict theories. It is a tool for analyzing, transforming, modeling, and arranging data with useful knowledge, to assist in decision-making and methods, encompassing various strategies, and is used in different fields of business, research, and social science.

Geothermal Engineer

Individuals who opt for a career as geothermal engineers are the professionals involved in the processing of geothermal energy. The responsibilities of geothermal engineers may vary depending on the workplace location. Those who work in fields design facilities to process and distribute geothermal energy. They oversee the functioning of machinery used in the field.

Remote Sensing Technician

Individuals who opt for a career as a remote sensing technician possess unique personalities. Remote sensing analysts seem to be rational human beings, they are strong, independent, persistent, sincere, realistic and resourceful. Some of them are analytical as well, which means they are intelligent, introspective and inquisitive. 

Remote sensing scientists use remote sensing technology to support scientists in fields such as community planning, flight planning or the management of natural resources. Analysing data collected from aircraft, satellites or ground-based platforms using statistical analysis software, image analysis software or Geographic Information Systems (GIS) is a significant part of their work. Do you want to learn how to become remote sensing technician? There's no need to be concerned; we've devised a simple remote sensing technician career path for you. Scroll through the pages and read.

Geotechnical engineer

The role of geotechnical engineer starts with reviewing the projects needed to define the required material properties. The work responsibilities are followed by a site investigation of rock, soil, fault distribution and bedrock properties on and below an area of interest. The investigation is aimed to improve the ground engineering design and determine their engineering properties that include how they will interact with, on or in a proposed construction. 

The role of geotechnical engineer in mining includes designing and determining the type of foundations, earthworks, and or pavement subgrades required for the intended man-made structures to be made. Geotechnical engineering jobs are involved in earthen and concrete dam construction projects, working under a range of normal and extreme loading conditions. 


How fascinating it is to represent the whole world on just a piece of paper or a sphere. With the help of maps, we are able to represent the real world on a much smaller scale. Individuals who opt for a career as a cartographer are those who make maps. But, cartography is not just limited to maps, it is about a mixture of art , science , and technology. As a cartographer, not only you will create maps but use various geodetic surveys and remote sensing systems to measure, analyse, and create different maps for political, cultural or educational purposes.

Budget Analyst

Budget analysis, in a nutshell, entails thoroughly analyzing the details of a financial budget. The budget analysis aims to better understand and manage revenue. Budget analysts assist in the achievement of financial targets, the preservation of profitability, and the pursuit of long-term growth for a business. Budget analysts generally have a bachelor's degree in accounting, finance, economics, or a closely related field. Knowledge of Financial Management is of prime importance in this career.

Product Manager

A Product Manager is a professional responsible for product planning and marketing. He or she manages the product throughout the Product Life Cycle, gathering and prioritising the product. A product manager job description includes defining the product vision and working closely with team members of other departments to deliver winning products.  


An underwriter is a person who assesses and evaluates the risk of insurance in his or her field like mortgage, loan, health policy, investment, and so on and so forth. The underwriter career path does involve risks as analysing the risks means finding out if there is a way for the insurance underwriter jobs to recover the money from its clients. If the risk turns out to be too much for the company then in the future it is an underwriter who will be held accountable for it. Therefore, one must carry out his or her job with a lot of attention and diligence.

Finance Executive

Operations manager.

Individuals in the operations manager jobs are responsible for ensuring the efficiency of each department to acquire its optimal goal. They plan the use of resources and distribution of materials. The operations manager's job description includes managing budgets, negotiating contracts, and performing administrative tasks.

Bank Probationary Officer (PO)

Investment director.

An investment director is a person who helps corporations and individuals manage their finances. They can help them develop a strategy to achieve their goals, including paying off debts and investing in the future. In addition, he or she can help individuals make informed decisions.

Welding Engineer

Welding Engineer Job Description: A Welding Engineer work involves managing welding projects and supervising welding teams. He or she is responsible for reviewing welding procedures, processes and documentation. A career as Welding Engineer involves conducting failure analyses and causes on welding issues. 

Transportation Planner

A career as Transportation Planner requires technical application of science and technology in engineering, particularly the concepts, equipment and technologies involved in the production of products and services. In fields like land use, infrastructure review, ecological standards and street design, he or she considers issues of health, environment and performance. A Transportation Planner assigns resources for implementing and designing programmes. He or she is responsible for assessing needs, preparing plans and forecasts and compliance with regulations.

An expert in plumbing is aware of building regulations and safety standards and works to make sure these standards are upheld. Testing pipes for leakage using air pressure and other gauges, and also the ability to construct new pipe systems by cutting, fitting, measuring and threading pipes are some of the other more involved aspects of plumbing. Individuals in the plumber career path are self-employed or work for a small business employing less than ten people, though some might find working for larger entities or the government more desirable.

Construction Manager

Individuals who opt for a career as construction managers have a senior-level management role offered in construction firms. Responsibilities in the construction management career path are assigning tasks to workers, inspecting their work, and coordinating with other professionals including architects, subcontractors, and building services engineers.

Urban Planner

Urban Planning careers revolve around the idea of developing a plan to use the land optimally, without affecting the environment. Urban planning jobs are offered to those candidates who are skilled in making the right use of land to distribute the growing population, to create various communities. 

Urban planning careers come with the opportunity to make changes to the existing cities and towns. They identify various community needs and make short and long-term plans accordingly.

Highway Engineer

Highway Engineer Job Description:  A Highway Engineer is a civil engineer who specialises in planning and building thousands of miles of roads that support connectivity and allow transportation across the country. He or she ensures that traffic management schemes are effectively planned concerning economic sustainability and successful implementation.

Environmental Engineer

Individuals who opt for a career as an environmental engineer are construction professionals who utilise the skills and knowledge of biology, soil science, chemistry and the concept of engineering to design and develop projects that serve as solutions to various environmental problems. 

Naval Architect

A Naval Architect is a professional who designs, produces and repairs safe and sea-worthy surfaces or underwater structures. A Naval Architect stays involved in creating and designing ships, ferries, submarines and yachts with implementation of various principles such as gravity, ideal hull form, buoyancy and stability. 

Orthotist and Prosthetist

Orthotists and Prosthetists are professionals who provide aid to patients with disabilities. They fix them to artificial limbs (prosthetics) and help them to regain stability. There are times when people lose their limbs in an accident. In some other occasions, they are born without a limb or orthopaedic impairment. Orthotists and prosthetists play a crucial role in their lives with fixing them to assistive devices and provide mobility.

Veterinary Doctor


A career in pathology in India is filled with several responsibilities as it is a medical branch and affects human lives. The demand for pathologists has been increasing over the past few years as people are getting more aware of different diseases. Not only that, but an increase in population and lifestyle changes have also contributed to the increase in a pathologist’s demand. The pathology careers provide an extremely huge number of opportunities and if you want to be a part of the medical field you can consider being a pathologist. If you want to know more about a career in pathology in India then continue reading this article.

Speech Therapist


Gynaecology can be defined as the study of the female body. The job outlook for gynaecology is excellent since there is evergreen demand for one because of their responsibility of dealing with not only women’s health but also fertility and pregnancy issues. Although most women prefer to have a women obstetrician gynaecologist as their doctor, men also explore a career as a gynaecologist and there are ample amounts of male doctors in the field who are gynaecologists and aid women during delivery and childbirth. 

An oncologist is a specialised doctor responsible for providing medical care to patients diagnosed with cancer. He or she uses several therapies to control the cancer and its effect on the human body such as chemotherapy, immunotherapy, radiation therapy and biopsy. An oncologist designs a treatment plan based on a pathology report after diagnosing the type of cancer and where it is spreading inside the body.


The audiologist career involves audiology professionals who are responsible to treat hearing loss and proactively preventing the relevant damage. Individuals who opt for a career as an audiologist use various testing strategies with the aim to determine if someone has a normal sensitivity to sounds or not. After the identification of hearing loss, a hearing doctor is required to determine which sections of the hearing are affected, to what extent they are affected, and where the wound causing the hearing loss is found. As soon as the hearing loss is identified, the patients are provided with recommendations for interventions and rehabilitation such as hearing aids, cochlear implants, and appropriate medical referrals. While audiology is a branch of science that studies and researches hearing, balance, and related disorders.

Hospital Administrator

The hospital Administrator is in charge of organising and supervising the daily operations of medical services and facilities. This organising includes managing of organisation’s staff and its members in service, budgets, service reports, departmental reporting and taking reminders of patient care and services.

For an individual who opts for a career as an actor, the primary responsibility is to completely speak to the character he or she is playing and to persuade the crowd that the character is genuine by connecting with them and bringing them into the story. This applies to significant roles and littler parts, as all roles join to make an effective creation. Here in this article, we will discuss how to become an actor in India, actor exams, actor salary in India, and actor jobs. 

Individuals who opt for a career as acrobats create and direct original routines for themselves, in addition to developing interpretations of existing routines. The work of circus acrobats can be seen in a variety of performance settings, including circus, reality shows, sports events like the Olympics, movies and commercials. Individuals who opt for a career as acrobats must be prepared to face rejections and intermittent periods of work. The creativity of acrobats may extend to other aspects of the performance. For example, acrobats in the circus may work with gym trainers, celebrities or collaborate with other professionals to enhance such performance elements as costume and or maybe at the teaching end of the career.

Video Game Designer

Career as a video game designer is filled with excitement as well as responsibilities. A video game designer is someone who is involved in the process of creating a game from day one. He or she is responsible for fulfilling duties like designing the character of the game, the several levels involved, plot, art and similar other elements. Individuals who opt for a career as a video game designer may also write the codes for the game using different programming languages.

Depending on the video game designer job description and experience they may also have to lead a team and do the early testing of the game in order to suggest changes and find loopholes.

Radio Jockey

Radio Jockey is an exciting, promising career and a great challenge for music lovers. If you are really interested in a career as radio jockey, then it is very important for an RJ to have an automatic, fun, and friendly personality. If you want to get a job done in this field, a strong command of the language and a good voice are always good things. Apart from this, in order to be a good radio jockey, you will also listen to good radio jockeys so that you can understand their style and later make your own by practicing.

A career as radio jockey has a lot to offer to deserving candidates. If you want to know more about a career as radio jockey, and how to become a radio jockey then continue reading the article.


The word “choreography" actually comes from Greek words that mean “dance writing." Individuals who opt for a career as a choreographer create and direct original dances, in addition to developing interpretations of existing dances. A Choreographer dances and utilises his or her creativity in other aspects of dance performance. For example, he or she may work with the music director to select music or collaborate with other famous choreographers to enhance such performance elements as lighting, costume and set design.


Multimedia specialist.

A multimedia specialist is a media professional who creates, audio, videos, graphic image files, computer animations for multimedia applications. He or she is responsible for planning, producing, and maintaining websites and applications. 

Social Media Manager

A career as social media manager involves implementing the company’s or brand’s marketing plan across all social media channels. Social media managers help in building or improving a brand’s or a company’s website traffic, build brand awareness, create and implement marketing and brand strategy. Social media managers are key to important social communication as well.

Copy Writer

In a career as a copywriter, one has to consult with the client and understand the brief well. A career as a copywriter has a lot to offer to deserving candidates. Several new mediums of advertising are opening therefore making it a lucrative career choice. Students can pursue various copywriter courses such as Journalism , Advertising , Marketing Management . Here, we have discussed how to become a freelance copywriter, copywriter career path, how to become a copywriter in India, and copywriting career outlook. 

Careers in journalism are filled with excitement as well as responsibilities. One cannot afford to miss out on the details. As it is the small details that provide insights into a story. Depending on those insights a journalist goes about writing a news article. A journalism career can be stressful at times but if you are someone who is passionate about it then it is the right choice for you. If you want to know more about the media field and journalist career then continue reading this article.

For publishing books, newspapers, magazines and digital material, editorial and commercial strategies are set by publishers. Individuals in publishing career paths make choices about the markets their businesses will reach and the type of content that their audience will be served. Individuals in book publisher careers collaborate with editorial staff, designers, authors, and freelance contributors who develop and manage the creation of content.

In a career as a vlogger, one generally works for himself or herself. However, once an individual has gained viewership there are several brands and companies that approach them for paid collaboration. It is one of those fields where an individual can earn well while following his or her passion. 

Ever since internet costs got reduced the viewership for these types of content has increased on a large scale. Therefore, a career as a vlogger has a lot to offer. If you want to know more about the Vlogger eligibility, roles and responsibilities then continue reading the article. 

Individuals in the editor career path is an unsung hero of the news industry who polishes the language of the news stories provided by stringers, reporters, copywriters and content writers and also news agencies. Individuals who opt for a career as an editor make it more persuasive, concise and clear for readers. In this article, we will discuss the details of the editor's career path such as how to become an editor in India, editor salary in India and editor skills and qualities.

Linguistic meaning is related to language or Linguistics which is the study of languages. A career as a linguistic meaning, a profession that is based on the scientific study of language, and it's a very broad field with many specialities. Famous linguists work in academia, researching and teaching different areas of language, such as phonetics (sounds), syntax (word order) and semantics (meaning). 

Other researchers focus on specialities like computational linguistics, which seeks to better match human and computer language capacities, or applied linguistics, which is concerned with improving language education. Still, others work as language experts for the government, advertising companies, dictionary publishers and various other private enterprises. Some might work from home as freelance linguists. Philologist, phonologist, and dialectician are some of Linguist synonym. Linguists can study French , German , Italian . 

Public Relation Executive

Travel journalist.

The career of a travel journalist is full of passion, excitement and responsibility. Journalism as a career could be challenging at times, but if you're someone who has been genuinely enthusiastic about all this, then it is the best decision for you. Travel journalism jobs are all about insightful, artfully written, informative narratives designed to cover the travel industry. Travel Journalist is someone who explores, gathers and presents information as a news article.

Quality Controller

A quality controller plays a crucial role in an organisation. He or she is responsible for performing quality checks on manufactured products. He or she identifies the defects in a product and rejects the product. 

A quality controller records detailed information about products with defects and sends it to the supervisor or plant manager to take necessary actions to improve the production process.

Production Manager


A QA Lead is in charge of the QA Team. The role of QA Lead comes with the responsibility of assessing services and products in order to determine that he or she meets the quality standards. He or she develops, implements and manages test plans. 

Metallurgical Engineer

A metallurgical engineer is a professional who studies and produces materials that bring power to our world. He or she extracts metals from ores and rocks and transforms them into alloys, high-purity metals and other materials used in developing infrastructure, transportation and healthcare equipment. 

Azure Administrator

An Azure Administrator is a professional responsible for implementing, monitoring, and maintaining Azure Solutions. He or she manages cloud infrastructure service instances and various cloud servers as well as sets up public and private cloud systems. 

AWS Solution Architect

An AWS Solution Architect is someone who specializes in developing and implementing cloud computing systems. He or she has a good understanding of the various aspects of cloud computing and can confidently deploy and manage their systems. He or she troubleshoots the issues and evaluates the risk from the third party. 

Computer Programmer

Careers in computer programming primarily refer to the systematic act of writing code and moreover include wider computer science areas. The word 'programmer' or 'coder' has entered into practice with the growing number of newly self-taught tech enthusiasts. Computer programming careers involve the use of designs created by software developers and engineers and transforming them into commands that can be implemented by computers. These commands result in regular usage of social media sites, word-processing applications and browsers.

ITSM Manager

Information security manager.

Individuals in the information security manager career path involves in overseeing and controlling all aspects of computer security. The IT security manager job description includes planning and carrying out security measures to protect the business data and information from corruption, theft, unauthorised access, and deliberate attack 

Business Intelligence Developer

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Essay on My Favourite Animal Dog

Students are often asked to write an essay on My Favourite Animal Dog in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on My Favourite Animal Dog


Dogs are my favourite animals due to their loyalty, intelligence, and companionship. They are often called “man’s best friend” for good reason.

Why I Love Dogs

Dogs are loyal and protective, always standing by their owners. They are smart, understanding commands and gestures. Dogs are also great companions, providing comfort and company.

The Joy of Having a Dog

Having a dog is like having a best friend who’s always happy to see you. Dogs bring joy and happiness, making our lives more beautiful. They teach us about unconditional love and loyalty.

In conclusion, dogs are my favourite animals due to their loyalty, intelligence, and companionship. They truly are man’s best friend.

250 Words Essay on My Favourite Animal Dog

The dog, often hailed as man’s best friend, has been the most loyal and affectionate animal to humans for thousands of years. My favourite animal, the dog, is not just a pet but a family member, offering companionship, emotional support, and even protection.

Symbol of Loyalty and Devotion

Dogs are renowned for their loyalty and devotion. They are capable of forming deep emotional bonds with their human caretakers, exhibiting an unparalleled level of loyalty. This is not merely an anthropomorphic interpretation of their behaviour; scientific studies have shown that dogs can experience similar emotions to humans, including love and attachment.

Intelligence and Trainability

Another reason why dogs are my favourite animal is their intelligence and trainability. Dogs are capable of learning a wide range of commands, tricks, and tasks, making them extremely adaptable. They are used in various fields such as search and rescue, therapy, and even in detecting diseases like cancer.

Emotional Support

Dogs provide emotional support, helping to reduce stress and anxiety. Their unconditional love and companionship can significantly improve mental health. Dogs have been used successfully in therapy settings, helping people cope with a range of mental health issues.

In conclusion, dogs are not just pets but companions, protectors, and even healers. Their loyalty, intelligence, and ability to provide emotional support make them my favourite animal. They enrich our lives in countless ways, giving us love, companionship, and a sense of purpose.

500 Words Essay on My Favourite Animal Dog

The animal kingdom is a vast and diverse realm, teeming with a myriad of species, each unique in its own way. Among all, the dog, often referred to as ‘man’s best friend’, stands out as my favorite animal. This essay explores the reasons behind my fondness for dogs, focusing on their intelligence, loyalty, and their role as companions.

One of the primary reasons I admire dogs is their intelligence and trainability. Dogs have been proven to understand human emotions and gestures, often responding in ways that showcase their cognitive abilities. They can be trained to perform complex tasks, from fetching items to assisting the police and military. Dogs’ intellectual capabilities are not merely limited to obeying commands; they also exhibit problem-solving skills, memory, and even a sense of time. This cognitive prowess makes dogs not just pets, but partners in various human activities.

Loyalty and Emotional Connection

Dogs are renowned for their loyalty, a trait that has been celebrated in numerous tales and anecdotes throughout history. This loyalty extends beyond simple companionship; dogs often form deep emotional connections with their human counterparts. They exhibit a unique empathy, sensing human emotions such as joy, sadness, and stress, and responding in kind. This emotional bond is perhaps why dogs have been domesticated for thousands of years and continue to hold a special place in many households.

The Role of Dogs as Companions

Dogs serve as more than just pets; they are often seen as members of the family. Their playful demeanor and unconditional love provide emotional support and companionship, which can significantly improve the quality of life for their owners. Dogs are known to reduce stress, anxiety, and depression, promote social interaction, and even improve physical health through the encouragement of regular exercise. Their companionship extends beyond the home, as dogs also serve crucial roles in therapy, from aiding individuals with physical disabilities to providing comfort in hospitals and care homes.

In conclusion, my fondness for dogs stems from their intelligence, loyalty, and the companionship they offer. Their ability to understand and respond to human emotions, coupled with their trainability, makes them an integral part of human society. Their unwavering loyalty and deep emotional connection make them more than just pets; they are family. The companionship they provide not only enhances the quality of life for their owners but also plays a crucial role in therapy and care. Indeed, the dog is not just my favorite animal but also a testament to the profound bond that can exist between humans and animals.

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Students Will Love This Pet Animal Dog Essay Sample

The pet is a part of the family, and it is a great challenge to take responsibility for the little life. Many people like to get rodents, some prefer lizards and even spiders, but most people bring dogs home.

Informative Essay About Dogs

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A dog can cure their owners of apathy, anxiety, and bring a lot of joy in their life. There is no doubt that dogs and their owners can even start looking like each other. You can read about it in any scholarly research such as the next pet animal dog essay. There is nothing miraculous here, because when we spend a lot of time with a beloved one, we became a bit similar. More and more people like to adopt a dog from an animal shelter. This step shows the kindness of the owner and the responsibility of having a pet. Meanwhile, people often bring expensive purebred dogs to shelters or even throw them out.

Students often want to raise this problem to scholarly research; as such, you can read informative essays about dogs here. In this essay, the author wants to show the advantages of dog adoption over buying a new one.

At the WritingCheap service, you can find not only essay on dog ownership but many other samples we kindly present on our blog page.

Why Should People Adopt Dogs and Not Buy? Bringing a dog into your family can be a very exciting event. Planning out the food, toys, and treats to buy with your new companion brings more anticipation for bringing home your new pet. Where do you find your new friend, though? Should you purchase a puppy from the pet store in the mall, or should you find an animal shelter to adopt from regardless of the animal’s age? While the puppies in the windows of the mall shop have cuteness appeal, adopting a dog from a shelter is actually the better option. By adopting a dog from a shelter, you are not supporting puppy mill businesses, and you are possibly giving an older dog a second chance. A puppy mill is an organization for the mass breeding of puppies to be sold in stores. These organizations are unhealthy for puppies and their mothers. According to American Humane, these operations are unregulated so there is no guarantee the mothers and their puppies are having their basic needs being met (“Puppy Mills and Mass Breeding,” 2016). Along with their basic needs, these dogs are not being socialized or getting veterinary care. When adopting a dog from a humane society, you are preventing puppy mills from profiting. By not giving any profits to puppy mill companies, such as the stores in shopping malls, the mills are not getting anymore money to put towards staying open. Also, when you adopt a dog from an animal shelter, you can be assured your new pet has had its medical needs met, which can mean they are spayed or neutered and up to date on their shots (“Top Reasons to Adopt a Pet”). Another reason adopting from a shelter is better than buying from a store that supports puppy mills is that you may be giving an older dog a second chance. It is easy to understand how puppy stores are so profitable. People want to adopt a puppy because it is an adorable new life. When adopting from a shelter, though, puppies are not always an option. Instead, many of the dogs available are already adults. These dogs have been placed in shelters for various reasons, whether their previous family could not afford to care for them anymore or they were simply found roaming the streets. Shelters are frequently overwhelmed with the amount of animals they bring in, which means many of the animals coming in could be euthanized if they are left unadopted. The Humane Society has noted that by adopting an animal from their shelters, you are preventing that animal from being euthanized, and you are also freeing up space for another animal to be brought in (“Top Reasons to Adopt a Pet”). Puppy stores are largely popular because they are in populated areas such as malls and provide adorable puppies, provoking people to buy them. Adopting from animal shelters is a better option, though, because it prevents stores supported by puppy mills from profiting on their unethical practice, and it gives an older dog a second chance for a happy home. If people stop shopping at puppy stores completely and switch to solely adopting from shelters, puppy mills will have no choice but to stop breeding and shut down. This will also be beneficial for shelters: with more people adopting dogs, the shelters will have more space for incoming animals and less animals will have to be euthanized. Resources Puppy Mills and Mass Breeding. (2016, August 26). American Humane. Retrieved May 8, 2020, from https://www.americanhumane.org/position-statement/puppy-mills-and-mass-breeding/?gclid=Cj0KCQjwhtT1BRCiARIsAGlY51IZqtbC0j7gua-Zje2UMRp_UzTUz7FbPzWdu5jaYAISdw0P7hHGxbIaAjwlEALw_wcB. Top Reasons to Adopt a Pet. (n.d.). Humane Society. Retrieved May 8, 2020, from https://www.humanesociety.org/resources/top-reasons-adopt-pet.

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Essay on My Pet in 150, 250, and 350 Words for Students

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Essay on my pet

Essay on My Pet: Pets are wonderful companions, there is no denying that. Pets provide us with immense love and affection and ask for very little in return. Dogs are “man’s best friend”, this particular phrase has been heard for centuries now, and for a good reason too. Dogs are protective, they are loyal, and are always there for you. There are a lot of reasons as to why dogs make great pets. They comfort and support us in our difficult times. For centuries they have been the most popular pets in the world and it is no surprise as they have been our faithful friends.

Talking about one’s pet is just so exciting and fun. People can go on and on talking about their pets and not stop. Doing the same, we have moulded some of those words in the form of samples of essay on My Pet in 150, 250 and 300 words for students. Let’s have a look at them. 

This Blog Includes:

Essay on my pet in 150 words, essay on my pet in 250 words, essay on my pet in 300 words.

pet animal dog essay

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I have a pet dog and his name is Chandler. He is named after my favourite “ Friends ” character and has been with us for the last nine months. His colour is golden and his tail is bushy as he is a golden retriever. Chandler is very energetic and likes to play a lot with all of us. He runs extremely fast when chasing cats. He is very playful. We take good care of his diet. I give him foods like eggs, meat, fish, bread, rice, etc. Whenever I return from school, he wags his tail in joy and jumps and hops all around me as if celebrating. Chandler knows everybody in our family and whenever he sees a new person, he barks at them, but he is sweet and does not bite anyone. He is very intelligent as well and gives us handshakes with his paws. He understands whatever we tell, and on command, he sits and rolls over too. He is an essential part of our family and we all love him very much.

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My pet dog is a Golden Retriever and his name is Cheddar. He is named after a dog seen on the famous sitcom “Brooklyn 99”. Cheddar is a very energetic and playful dog. He likes to go on walks a lot and play with frisbees and balls. My dad brought him home a year ago. Although I somewhat wanted a cat, now I love him the most. Bella, my sister is crazy about dogs, she wanted a dog since time immemorial. At first, our mother was sceptical about getting a pet, but now Cheddar is her favourite. She treats him just like the way she treats us. 

My sister is particular about his timely vaccinations, eating habits, cleanliness, etc. She bathes him twice a week and every evening, we take him out for a stroll in the neighbourhood as well as the park. As mentioned before, Cheddar is quite active. Hence, we play with him in the park a lot. We throw a ball or a frisbee and play a game of fetch with him. He likes to roll in the leaves and it is fun to watch him do so. Along with being active, Cheddar is smart as well. At home, when his food is served, as long as we don’t say the word “go” he patiently waits. On command, he jumps and shakes hands with us using his paw. When told, he can roll over too. He amuses us with his daily fetching of random things like slippers, or one of his toys. We love him with all our heart and he has become an essential member of our family.

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My pet’s name is Mario. He is a two-year-old German Shepherd. I was in 6th grade when my father brought Mario home when he was just 45 days old. His cute little face was so fluffy I could just hug and kiss him all day. I bought a soccer ball, with which he and I used to play all day long. Being in school, I used to think about what is he doing right now or today I’ll take him for a walk to the park, where we will play soccer, etc. 

His unconditional love has always been there as a stress reliever. His loyalty, unwavering support and companionship have been with me in my good and bad times. Now that he is an adult, I have taken all his responsibilities like feeding him, bathing him, taking him for walks, etc. 

Mario once fell ill due to a cold, and whatever he was eating, he was not able to digest it. I got s worried that I took him to the vet, where he was given a penicillin shot as an antibiotic treatment. I was so scared that I held him with my hands and he was lying there, unconscious. Two hours later, he gained his consciousness and started licking my face. All my sorrow and sadness vanished away in a second, seeing his beautiful eyes and fluffy tail wavering all over the table. 

Now that he is completely healthy, I take him for his walks every day, where he is always filled with excitement to explore the other world. As a loyal friend, my dog, Mario, has never demanded anything except for 3 times of meals and a walk. Whether it’s a game of fetch in the backyard or a stroll in the park, every shared moment is a treasure that adds richness to my life.

I have a pet dog and his name is Chandler. He is named after my favourite “Friends” character and has been with us for the last nine months. His colour is golden and his tail is bushy as he is a golden retriever. Chandler is very energetic and likes to play a lot with all of us. He runs extremely fast when chasing cats. He is very playful. We take good care of his diet. I give him foods like eggs, meat, fish, bread, rice, etc. Whenever I return from school, he wags his tail in joy and jumps and hops all around me as if celebrating. Chandler knows everybody in our family and whenever he sees a new person, he barks at them, but he is sweet and does not bite anyone. He is very intelligent as well and gives us handshakes with his paws. He understands whatever we tell, and on command, he sits and rolls over too. He is an essential part of our family and we all love him a lot.

Both cats and dogs make wonderful pets, each offering unique qualities that appeal to different people. Cats are generally more independent animals. Dogs are social animals that thrive on companionship. They usually need more attention, exercise, and social interaction.

Dogs are known as the best friends of humans because they bring loyalty, joyous moments, unconditional love and life-teaching lessons. Some of the best dog breeds for domestication are German Shepherd, Siberian Huskey, Golden Retriever, Labrador, Beagle and Boxer.

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This brings us to the end of our blog on Essay on My Pet. Hope you find this information useful. For more information on such informative topics for your school, visit our essay writing and follow Leverage Edu.

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Essay on Dog

The dog is a pet animal and is considered to be one of the most obedient animals. There are various kinds of dogs in the world, and some of them are known to be very friendly while some are dangerous. There are various species of dogs that we come across, and some have slippery shiny skin, while others have rough skin. Dogs are carnivorous animals and they like eating meat. Dogs have four legs, two ears, and a tail. 

General Facts of Dog

Dogs belong to the wolf family. Dogs are domesticated carnivores belonging to the family of Canidae. They belong to the mammal category as female dogs can give birth to puppies. They also have mammary glands, and nourish the puppies with milk. Dogs are known to be good swimmers and also friendly and helpful to humans. Dogs are said to be highly intelligent and sensitive animals. All dogs are trained to perform different tasks. The police take the help of Sniffer dogs to unearth and find hidden things. Dogs are the most loyal domestic animals in the world. 


Dogs have a strong sense of smell and are known to never forget anyone they encounter because of this characteristic.

Highly intelligent, dogs have the capability of expressing their joy and happiness by wagging their tails.

They are known to be the most loyal of animals. Dogs can sense your pain and can be your best friend. They can sense emotions, and when you are sad, they become sad and when you are happy, they are happy.

The dog is a simple animal that shows no complex characteristics. Dogs are selfless animals and they do not have any extraordinary requirements. They look for little care and affection. A dog becomes a good companion for its owner.

Dogs are known to be one of the most faithful and loyal species. Dogs need good treatment and good care from us humans, and they are happy. 

How are Dogs Useful to Us?

Pets, especially dogs, can bring psychological benefits. Spending time with them can reduce your stress and anxiety. It can calm you down when you are depressed and angry. They encourage exercise and playfulness which in turn improve your health. Dogs can help you ease feelings of self-isolation.

Sniffer dogs with their strong stimulus of smell can help humans to detect explosives, contraband, and even diseases. They help the police to catch thieves and other rogues. 

They also serve as good security guards and protect the environment. 

Some dogs are used for hunting. 

There are many kinds of dog breeds. Some popular breeds of dogs are as follows.

Labrador Retrievers: They are a medium-large breed. They are very gentle and human-lover dogs. They make good companions and assistance dogs.

German Shepherd: They are basically sheepdogs. They are highly intelligent. This breed is known for its courage, loyalty, and guarding instincts. They make an excellent guard dog, police dog, and rescue dog. 

Golden Retriever: They are even-tempered, affectionate, and intelligent. They normally don’t bark too much so that they are considered as good watchdogs.

Bulldogs: They can be good pet dogs but they are very aggressive by nature. If things don’t go well with them they can show their aggression. 

Beagle: They are small built dogs. Their appearance is similar to larger foxhounds. They are affectionate, temperamental, and independent. 

Rottweiler: They are aggressive dogs and dominant dogs. They are highly active and intelligent. 

How is a Dog's Age Calculated?

As per the general guidelines, the first year of a dog is equal to fifteen years of human age. The second year of a dog equals about nine years of human age. Consequently, each human year is approximately five years for a dog.

The Lifespan of a Dog

Typically, a dog lives for 10 to 13 years, but it depends on the breed of the dog. The smaller sized dogs live over 15-16 years. The medium and large-sized dogs live for 10-13 years and some giant dog breeds often live for 7-8 years. 

Dogs are one of the most faithful and loyal species. All they need is good treatment and care from humans. There are many dogs who don’t get proper shelter and care. We must go forward and help them and shower them with affection. In return, they will love us unconditionally.


FAQs on Dog Essay

1. How is a Dog Classified?

The dog belongs to the family of gray wolves.

2. What are the General Features of a Dog? Mention Any Five.

Dogs have many features, some of which are:

1. Dogs have a strong sense of smell and therefore because of this characteristic, they are known to never forget anyone. 

2.Dogs are highly intelligent creatures.

3.Dogs are very good companions for humans and have the capability to understand the emotions of human beings.

4.Dogs are simple and selfless animals.

5.Dogs give unconditional love to human beings.

3. What is the Lifespan of a Dog?

A dog’s age is calculated as: the first year of a dog is said to be equal to fifteen years of human age, and the second year equals about nine years of human age. Consequently, each human year is known to be approximately five years for a dog.

The Lifespan of a Dog usually spans about 10 to 13 years, although it depends on the breed of the dog. The smaller sized dogs live over 15-16 years whereas the medium and large-sized dogs live for 10-13 years. Some giant dog breeds live for 7-8 years. 

4. How are Dogs Useful to Humans?

Dogs are often said to have some psychological benefits. Spending time with dogs helps reduce stress and anxiety, and it is often said that dogs help in calming down people when sad or depressed. Dogs encourage exercise and playfulness which in turn improve your health.  The sniffer dogs with their strong sense of smell enable people to detect explosives, contraband, and even certain diseases. Dogs are good security guards and protect the environment too. Some breeds of dogs are used for hunting. 

5. Name some popular dog breeds.

i) Labrador Retrievers are a medium-large breed and are very gentle dogs. They make good companions.

ii ) German Shepherd dogs are basically sheepdogs, and are considered a highly intelligent breed. They are known for their courage, loyalty, and guarding instincts. German Shepherd dogs are excellent guard dogs, police dogs, as well as rescue dogs.

iii )  Golden Retrievers are even-tempered, affectionate, and intelligent dogs and are good watchdogs.

iv) Rottweiler: They are aggressive dogs and dominant dogs. They are highly active and intelligent. 

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Why Dogs are the Best Pets: Exploting Persuasive Arguments

Table of contents, unconditional love and loyalty, stress relief and emotional support, encouragement of physical activity, enhanced social interactions, protection and security.

  • Odendaal, J. S. (2000). Animal-assisted therapy—Magic or medicine? Journal of Psychosomatic Research, 49(4), 275-280.
  • Anderson, W. P., & Reid, C. M. (1992). The short-term effects of pet therapy on the elderly. Gerontology, 38(6), 307-310.
  • Wood, L., Martin, K., Christian, H., Nathan, A., Lauritsen, C., Houghton, S., ... & McCune, S. (2015). The pet factor—Companion animals as a conduit for getting to know people, friendship formation and social support. PLoS ONE, 10(4), e0122085.
  • Wells, D. L. (2009). The effects of animals on human health and well-being. Journal of Social Issues, 65(3), 523-543.
  • Nagasawa, M., Mogi, K., & Kikusui, T. (2009). Attachment between humans and dogs. Japanese Psychological Research, 51(3), 209-221.

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Essay on Dog in English for Children and Students

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Essay on “Dog is a man’s best friend” is a very common quote that best explains the relationship between man and dog. Dog has been the man’s companion since pre historic stone age. Both share a mutual give and take relationship, where a man feeds a dog in exchange of his services. Dogs are pretty honest to their masters and never ever betray or leave their side, even in most threatening situations.

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Unlike other domesticated animals dog shares an exceptional emotional bond with its master and his family as well. A dog works as a watchdog, securing the premises of its owner; an alarming dog just in case if any suspicious activity is noted and works also as a playful mate. Dog and man share a pre historic relationship and will continue to do so till the last day on earth.

Long and Short Essay on Dog in English

We have provided below various essay on dog in order to help students.

Now-a-days, essays and paragraphs writing are common strategy followed by the teachers in schools and colleges in order to enhance student’s skill and knowledge about any subject.

All the dog essay provided here are written by the professional content writer using simple words and easy sentences under various words limit in order to fulfill the students need and requirement.

So, students can select any of the essays given below:

Dog Essay 1 (100 words)

The scientific name of a dog is Canis lupus familiaris. It is a domestic animal. It comes under the category of mammals as it gives birth to a baby and feed milk. Originally dogs are the breed of wolves. They are considered as the first animal ever to be domesticated by the human. There are many varieties of dogs which are used as pets by the humans. They are very helpful in nature and considered as the man’s best friend.

Dogs have been proved very useful for the mankind for years. They understand human’s way of talking and nature very well. Dogs can eat meat, vegetables, biscuits, milk and other things prepared as food especially for dogs. They perform their duties very well that’s why they are used as fire dogs, police dogs, assistance dogs, army dogs, hunting dogs, messenger dogs, rescue dogs, herding dogs, etc.

Dog Essay 2 (150 words)

Dog is a pet animal and has been proved as very useful and an obedient animal for the humankind. It is found all over the world in various varieties. It is very watchful animal provides its duties very faithfully. Dogs has a sharp mind and bright eyes. It is an omnivorous animal which can eat both diet related to the plant and animal origin. It has very sharp teeth in order to tear and eat meat even bones.

They can be easily controlled and taught anything through proper training. According to the varieties of dogs some of them have fur on their whole bodies or only on their neck. Generally they have curved and hairy tail. They differ in their color, size and weight. It is very faithful animal and never cheats its owner. Dogs guards the house of owner very watchfully from thieves 24 hrs a day. It is very friendly however become very dangerous whenever goes mad.

Dog Essay 3 (200 words)

Dog is a well-known domestic animal. It is very faithful and loyal friend of man. Wild dogs become very dangerous however pet ones are very friendly. They perform their duties very faithfully that’s why liked so much by the man. People love its service very much. They are available in various types; some of them are grey hounds, bull dogs, blood hounds, lap dogs, etc. It is a flesh eater however can eat plant origin foods that’s why called as carnivore as well as omnivore. Its teeth are very sharp which help him in tearing meat. Some dogs have long tail however some have short tail.

Its thin and strong legs help in running very fast. Dogs are generally differ in their size, shape, height, weight, color and behavior. Dogs eat many things (mainly flesh) however a domestic and trained dog can drop flesh diet and live on veg diet. European and wild dogs are very fond of eating meat and survive on flesh. A tame dog can also eat ordinary bread, rice and milk.

Dogs are useful in many fields such as guard, police, army, etc. Kids love to play with dogs in the playground. Domestic dogs live in family as a family member as they get attached heartily with everyone very soon because of its loyal jobs. Trained dogs become very loyal to their owners and do wonderful things.

Dog Essay 4 (250 words)

Dog is a pet animal and known as man’s best friend. A trained dog living in the family becomes loving friend of the humans. He guards home, offices, and man for whole day without getting anything in return. He respects his owner from heart and can guess his/her presence through their smell. Dogs can be of many kinds such as Bull dogs, Blood hounds, Grey hounds, lap dogs, etc.

A dog has sharp teeth so that it can eat flesh very easily. It has four legs, two ears, two eyes, a tail, a mouth, and a nose. Dogs is very clever domestic animal and has proved very useful in catching thieves and criminals. It does so as it has very powerful sense of hearing and smelling. It loved by the people because of its noble service.

Wild dogs become carnivore however domestic dogs can be omnivore as they can eat bread, rice, fish, meat, etc. It is very intelligent and faithful animal to its owner. Because of their intelligence, they used by the police and army to smell the traces of criminals and other investigations.

Dogs can catch thieves and robbers very easily through smell. A pet dog is considered as the family member and gets lots of love. Pet dogs have proved a very good friends and Investigators. They used as security agents to get solutions of problems by the investigation department. They called as smart animal as they can learn anything through proper training.

Dog Essay 5 (300 words)

Scientific name of a dog is Canis lupus familiaris. It found all over the world and considered as main domesticated animal and kept at home as pets. Dogs can be wild also and found in the jungles of Africa, Asia, and Australia. Some dogs, who are not pet, roam here and there on the street called as unpet or street dogs.

Wild dogs rarely found in India such as Himachal Pradesh, Assam, Orissa, etc and much similar to the foxes and wolves. The place, where dog live at home, called as kennel. Its baby called as pup or puppy. Dogs vary in their colors, shapes, sizes, weight, and habits depending on the type. It four footed carnivore animal however pet ones can be omnivore.

Some dogs that draw sledge found in cold countries such as Greenland and Siberia. A female dog can give birth to 3-6 puppies in one time. The mother dog feeds milk and takes care to all her puppies till they become independent. The lifespan of a dog can be 12 to 15 years long. A dog sleeps in day however active in night that’s why it called as nocturnal animal. It can make various sounds such as howl, snarl, bark, growl, etc in order to express different moods. It can run very fast thus fully capable to catch thieves and robbers.

Dogs known as digitigrade animals as they use their toes while running or walking. They have well developed canine teeth to eat flesh. Dogs have strong sense of smell and hearing that’s why they used by the police and army to detect criminals. They also have sharp vision and understanding power thus called intelligent animal. Sweet glands found in their tongue which helps in cooling themselves through the process of panting.

Dog Essay 6 (400 words)

Dog is a pet animal and considered as the man’s best friend. It gives a loving and honest companion to the man. It loves and respects its owner very much and can go everywhere with him. Dogs shows affection towards the owner by wagging its tail and licking hand or face of owner. It helps a lot to its owner all through the life in various ways. Dogs removes loneliness of the people by providing a friendly companion. It never allows anyone unknown to enter to the gate or touch anything of its owner. Dogs starts barking very loudly whenever any stranger approaches the house.

It can bite a thief or stranger when they ignore its barking and try to mischief. Some people scared away very easily however some strangers never fear of it. Some people, who have pet sheep, must have dogs as they are very useful to look after sheep. They never allow any wolf or fox to come near or attack the sheep. It is very watchful animal and can catch strangers, thieves and criminals even they hide anywhere. Dog uses its sense of smell to find out the hiding thieves or criminals. Because of its watchful and intelligent nature, it highly used by the police, army or other investigation department to catch murderers or criminals. It can led policemen to the places where murders have taken place.

Dog never leaves its owner whether he/she is poor, beggar or rich person. It obeys all the orders of its owner very sincerely. It becomes alert all time whether day or night to offer its services to the owner. That’s why it called as faithful animal. It is very vigilant in nature and can hear very slow sound in the night and take action soon. It can guess the presence of its owner from long distance through smell and become alert to welcome him home. The life span of a dog is very small however it can live around 12 to 15 years long. Life span of a dog varies according to their size such as smaller dogs live longer life than the bigger ones.

A female dog gives birth to a baby and feed milk that’s why dogs come under the category of mammals. The baby of a dog called as pup or puppy and its home as kennel. People use dogs to draws the sledge in the cold countries. Dogs categorized according to their service to people such as guard dogs, herding dogs, hunting dogs, police dogs, guide dogs, sniffer dogs, etc.

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Best Tips On How To Write An Essay On My Pet For Classes 1, 2 & 3

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Key Points to Remember When Writing an Essay on ‘My Pet’ for Class 1, 2 and 3 Children

Few lines on ‘my pet’ for children, short essay on ‘my pet’ for kids, long essay on ‘my pet’ for kids in english, what will your child learn by writing an essay on pets.

Growing up with a pet is the most wonderful experience. Having a constant buddy around to play with, children are most excited about having a pet at home. In fact, it is often the children who plead with their parents to adopt and bring home a pet. The pets, too, form a close sibling-like bond with the children of the house. So when it comes to writing about their pets, children will have several ideas to pen down. Let’s help them organise their thoughts and feelings and write an essay that will be engaging for the reader. Most children will be confident about this topic but may need a structure to help them articulate their ideas. There may also be some children who don’t have pets of their own and may have to write this essay from their imagination. These tips will help children write a few lines, small compositions and long essays on the topic of ‘My Pet’.  

Children who have a pet may be full of ideas in their minds. But those who don’t have a pet at home will have to write based on their experience with someone who has pets, maybe a friend or a relative. When guiding a child on how to write an essay on pets, there are a few things you can ask them to incorporate in the write-up. Here are some key points that could help them write an impressive essay:

  • Start with an introduction about how animals are important to humankind.
  • Progress to the next step by stressing how bringing home a pet can be a different experience and contribute to one’s well-being.
  • Go on to describe which animal would be ideal to have as a pet.
  • Describe the qualities of the animal and how they came into your life.
  • Elaborate on the pet – name, behaviour and qualities.
  • Mention how you look after them and care for them.
  • Speak about how you spend time with the pet and the facilities you have made for the pet to feel safe at your home.
  • Speak about how popular the pet is in the neighbourhood.
  • Write about who the pet is closest to.
  • Conclude by stressing the importance of the pet’s presence at home and how it completes the family.

A short essay on ‘My Pet’ for a first-grader would entail writing a few descriptive lines about the pet. Here’s is an example of how to help your child write a few lines on the topic:

  • The pet I have is a dog, a man’s best friend.
  • We call him ‘Rafa’.
  • Rafa is a Labrador and white in colour and has a bushy tail with a black tip.
  • He eats pet food that we buy especially for him from the supermarket.
  • We have trained him to perform some actions like “Sit”, “Fetch the Ball,” and “Shake hands.”
  • We have a small kennel for him where he rests during the day when we are all away at school.
  • Once we come back home, we take him for a walk around our apartment complex.
  • He is the star of the apartment as everyone loves him. He is also playful with them.
  • Rafa is also our watchdog as he keeps a close eye on strangers who enter the apartment.
  • My dog is a part of my family, and we love him very much.

Students of class 2 are expected to display a higher level of writing proficiency. By now, children are familiar with linguistic aspects of English like grammar, punctuations and spelling. When asked to write about their pet, they would be required to compose a paragraph on the topic that would carry more weightage in terms of marks or points awarded. Here is a sample of an essay on ‘My Pet’ for Class-2 students:

A pet is like a family member. Having a pet is more like looking after a child, but pets cannot speak. If you shower them with love and affection, they will be most affectionate and loyal to you. My family and I always wanted a pet, so we got a cat. We call him ‘Tom’. Black and white in colour, Tom has a long tail that he curls when he’s hungry or wants us to cuddle him. We feed him pet food from a small bowl that we got for him. We take him for walks around our small bungalow, during which he loves climbing on our walls. Tom loves chasing mice and is scared of the dogs around our house. We love spending time with Tom, and he loves us too.

Children in the third grade will generally be expected to write a long essay on their pets. This might sound challenging but let’s make it simple for them. Guide them to split the topic into various points and then elucidate their thoughts to compose a long paragraph. Here’s a guide that will help your child write a long essay on ‘My Pet’.

Dogs are a man’s best friend. It is indeed true as dogs are the most loyal and friendly animals. My parents also love dogs. They both have had dogs as pets when they grew up. So, when we moved into our new home, the first thing that we did after setting up the house was to go and get a puppy. 

We reached the animal rescue centre, and our eyes fell on a little puppy who was just two weeks old. It was a Golden Retriever, and we got him home immediately. We named him Marco and set up a kennel for his home. We placed him there and looked after him for the next few weeks till he became comfortable. Once he started moving and jumping around, he followed us just like every other puppy. He would wag his tail if he wanted to go out or just jump on us if he wanted to fall asleep.

Every night my father takes him out for a walk. Marco enjoys this time with my father and eagerly looks forward to it. Just when I am going to be back from school, Marco waits behind the door for me. As I enter, he jumps all over me to welcome me home. He gives my mother a cuddle when he finds her relaxing on the chair when she is tired. Marco is a part of our family, and we love him very much. He has made us better human beings by showing his affection through actions and words.

Writing an essay on ‘My Pet’ will help children understand how to express their thoughts about a pet and write in a manner that will make an impact. Expression, writing creatively, and structuring are the most important takeaways from this essay. Children will also get a deeper understanding of caring for animals. The ones who don’t have a pet at home will be encouraged to think creatively and write based on their observations and imagination.

  Encourage your child to follow these tips and read through these essays before writing their own essay on their pet. This beginner’s guide will help children channelise their ideas and ace the skill of essay writing. Children will learn the depth and nuances of creative writing, which will help them not just in the English subject but other subjects too.

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  • Class 3 My Pet Essay

My Pet Essay for Class 3

Here, we have brought you my pet essay for Class 3. It is one of the important topics for essay writing in primary classes. Essay writing builds a good understanding of the language and enhances the writing skills of the individual.

Dogs are one of the most loyal animals. For ages, they have served as the pet animals of households. Their honesty and loyalty have no match. They are one of the most selfless creatures and just love to be around their owners. They exhibit their affection by jumping around and licking their loved ones. Given below are 10 lines on My Pet Dog for Class 3 kids. You can also download the essay in English in PDF format.

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My Pet Dog Essay for Class 3

My Pet Dog Essay for Class 3

  • My pet dog’s name is Bruno. He is from the breed of German Shepherds.
  • He is 2 years old, fluffy and black and brown in colour.
  • He gets delighted to see me when I come back from school.
  • He protects our house from intruders, especially at night.
  • He spends most of his time with me and my Dad.
  • He is very gentle with us but gets extremely aggressive when he spots a stranger.
  • He goes with my father for morning walks and with me for evening walks.
  • We provide him with healthy food, fresh milk and meat.
  • He loves playing, jumping and running. He is very active all the time.
  • When I am upset, he cheers me up by licking me and showering lots of love. I love him so much.

Pets are nothing less than a part of the family. They give unconditional love to their owners. In fact, these days, the term “owner” is fading. People consider their pets as their children and themselves as parents. That’s how the bond with pets has evolved over the years. From celebrating their birthdays to dressing them up in funky clothes, pets are treated just like kids.

My pet essay is a very crucial essay topic for kids in Class 3. Essay writing is a skill that young minds develop gradually through practice. It helps in building up a sound understanding of the language and hones the writing skills of students.

You can explore lots of such essays for Class 3 on several topics. You can explore more such resources like worksheets, stories, poems, essays, GK questions, etc., which will aid your kid in learning efficiently.

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My Pet Essay

500 words essay on my pet.

Pets are a blessing that only lucky people get to have. I have been lucky enough to have many pets since my childhood. My pet is a cat whom we call Mingi. It is white and grey in colour. Mingi is 3 years old and has been with me ever since she was born. Through my pet essay, I will make you learn all about Mingi and why it is so dear to me.

my pet essay

How Mingi Became My Pet Essay

Mingi has short hair and also a glossy coat. It is a female and love to have milk and chicken. Sometimes, I treat it with fish as it loves the taste of tuna. Moreover, Mingi is a very loving pet that stays with me at all times.

Ever since I was little, I liked cats. I love how clean and majestic they are. Although, there were no plans to keep a pet cat. My mother did not allow me as she would end up doing all the work for the pet.

However, she used to keep a bowl of fresh water in our garden to ensure no birds or animals remain thirsty during the summer season. A lot of pigeons and sparrows come to my garden to quench their thirst.

One fine day, a cat came to drink the water. It started coming regularly afterwards and gave birth to kittens in our garden. My mother gave them food as well and some milk every day.

However, one day all of them were gone except for a little kitten. I started to feed it regularly and became close to it. As the mother did not return, I decided to keep it as my pet.

After taking permission from my mother, I finally got to keep Mingi by promising to bear its responsibility. Ever since Mingi has been in my life. It was so little but now has grown into a big and beautiful cat.

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A Clean Pet

Cats are one of the cleanest pets that do not require a lot of effort to maintain. I hardly have to worry about Mingi being dirty as it cleans itself regularly. I conduct a bathing session every month with my mother.

It is not easy but Mingi is now used to it. We also comb Mingi’s coat twice a week so no dead hair remains and her hygiene is intact. Moreover, it may sound rare but we also brush Mingi’s teeth every week.

During winters , Mingi gets cold so we have got her a warm coat to protect her from the cold. Mingi remains indoors mostly and never dirties our house. Ever since it was little, she knew where to relieve herself so she’s always been low maintenance and love.

Conclusion Of My Pet Essay

All in all, Mingi has been a blessing that happened by chance. However, she is now an inseparable part of my life. I love spending time with her and she manages to make my saddest days happier.

FAQ on My Pet Essay

Question 1: Why are pets important?

Answer 1: Pets like cats and dogs can reduce the stress and anxiety of a person. Moreover, they also help to ease loneliness and reduce depression. Children become more secure and active when they care for animals .

Question 2: What do pets need?

Answer 2: Pets needs food, water, shelter, exercise, and socializing. It is essential to give your pet all this so they can lead a comfortable and happy life.

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  • v.56(2); 2019 Jun

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Intestinal Parasites of Pets and Other House-kept Animals in Moscow

O. p. kurnosova.

1 All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Fundamental and Applied Parasitology of Animals and Plants named after K.I. Skryabin - Branch of the Federal State Budget Scientific Institution, «Federal Scientific Center - All- Russian Scientific Research Institute of Experimental Veterinary Medicine named after K.I. Skryabin and Y.R. Kovalenko the Russian Academy of Sciences», 28, Bolshaya Cheremushkinskaya street, Moscow, Russia, 117218

M. V. Arisov

I. m. odoyevskaya.

A study screening pet animals (dogs, cats, chinchillas, ferrets, guinea pigs, rabbits, primates, reptiles, and hedgehogs) within Moscow city limits for intestinal parasitic diseases has been conducted over a period of 6 years. According to the study, parasitic infections caused by intestinal protozoa are found in pet animals more frequently than by intestinal helminths. Although dogs and cats exhibit the highest level of diversity of intestinal parasite species, in the group of exotic animals, helminth infection are found much less frequently and parasitic fauna is represented mostly by intestinal protozoa with a high percentage of mixed infection. The most widespread helminth infeсtion of dogs and cats is toxocarosis (respectively 2.5 and 5.7 %) and the most widespread protozoan infection is Giardia sp. (9.8 and 4.6 %). Giardia sp. was found in 47.4 % of chinchillas, Cryptosporidium sp. was more frequently found in ferrets (6.55 %), protozoa from the family Trichomonadida was found in guinea pigs (9 %), Eimeria sp. in rabbits (13.9 %), Acanthocephal a in primates (15.7 %), and eggs from the genera Oxyurida (59 %), along with protozoa from the family Trichomonadida, in reptiles. Capillaria sp. was most prevalent in hedgehogs (33.4 %). Acanthocephala eggs, as well as protozoa from the Giardia and Entamoeba genera, were more frequently found in primates. Parasites common to animals and humans, which may become a source of infection for the latter under certain conditions, have been identified in pet animals.


Moscow is home to a huge number of pet animals, and most of them are cats and dogs. Ferrets, guinea pigs, chinchillas, and rabbits are also often kept in urban apartments. The number of owners who keep hedgehogs, rats, reptiles, and birds is smaller. Small animal enclosures in large shopping malls that often hold squirrels and primates have recently become very popular. Also popular are petting zoos with guinea pigs, rabbits, and mini pigs. Animals have become integral to the life of people living in major metropolitan areas. In most cases, they are full-fl edged family members.

Constant veterinary supervision of animal health status, various kinds of preventative activities conducted on a constant basis, the owner’s knowledge of animal diseases and their regular visiting city’s veterinary clinics contribute to the reduction of some infectious diseases of the animals in the city and improve their quality of life in the event of chronic conditions. Without a doubt, however, certain diseases continue to be a matter of urgency despite the preventative measures that are being taken in a regular manner. Intestinal parasitic diseases caused by various species of helminths and protozoa represent a special case among these pet animal diseases. For this group of diseases, urban areas are an unique environment that creates preconditions for circulating pet animal’s infections due to widespread importation of animals from other countries and introduction of previously unseen parasite types ( Kurnosova, 2009 ). The high concentration of pet dogs, presence of stray animals, use of common walking areas, and inadequate feces collection within city limits tend to maintain and transmit the source of infection to other animals ( Erofeeva & Doronina, 2017 ). Many parasitic diseases, especially helminthiases, are low-key infections that are subclinical. In such cases, pet animals become a source of infection for an extended period of time. The course and duration of the desease depends on many factors, such as the type and intensity level of the infestation, the age and immune system status of the animal, and the presence of any concomitant underlying diseases. In general, intestinal parasitic diseases can seriously harm the health of the animal ( Kurnosova, 2009 ; Panova, 2011 ; Stepanov, 2014).

There are parasitic diseases common to animals and humans that pose a serious threat to the latter (toxocarosis, alveolar echinococcosis, cystic echinococcosis, and toxoplasmosis) ( Malysheva et al., 2013 ; Shcheveleva et al., 2016 ). Due to the biological features of some parasitic diseases, the risk of direct infection from infected animal to human is very low, because some helminth or protozoan types need a certain environment residence time, temperature, and humidity to be able to infect. There is, however, a group of so-called “contact” parasitic diseases whose infecting principle is introduced into the environment while already primed for infestation and can be transmitted to humans under certain conditions (dwarf tapeworms, enterobiasis, giardiosis, cryptosporidiosis, blastocystosis, many species of amoebas) ( Sergiev et al., 2006 ). If personal hygiene is inadequate, shelter staff, pet owners, and young children are at risk.

Many major cities are regularly screening pet animals and stray animals for parasitic diseases: St.Petersburg ( Prozorov, 1999 ); Novosibirsk ( Zubareva, 2001 , Konyaev & Borcova, 2015 ); Kostroma ( Mikhina, 2008 ); Moscow ( Kurnosova, 2009 ; Panova, 2011 ; Uspensky et al., 2011 ; Loshchinin et al., 2015 ; Kurnosova & Odoyevskaya, 2017); London (Upjonh & Cobb, 2010); Italy, Netherlands, United Kingdon (Feng & Xiao, 2011), Calgary ( Joffe & Van Niekerk, 2011 ); Austria, France, Italy, Portugal ( Beugnet & Bourdeau, 2014 ; Banerh & Thamsbord, 2016 ; Pereira & Martins, 2016 ). Studies of this type are of particular value if the duration of observation is sufficiently long. In addition to identifying the species composition of the pet animal parasites circulating throughout the city, such a study makes it possible to register new species, take timely remedial and preventative measures, and predict new developments related to the most widespread infections. This publication provides observational data obtained in a 6-year study of disease prevalence in pets in the City of Moscow.

Materials and Methods

The study was conducted at the Veterinary Laboratory “Pasteur”. Animal fecal samples were delivered to the laboratory in special plastic containers or glassware.

Feces obtained from various animal species were studied using a variety of methods including flotation with sodium chloride and ammonium nitrate solutions. Some flotation and sedimentation techniques are used only in Russia. For instance, Kotelnikov-Varenichev’s and Kotelnikov-Chrenov’s methods are centrifugal flotation techniques, which have high sensitivity for many helminth species ( Kotelnikov, 1974 ; Kotelnikov & Chrenov 1980 ), ether and formalin precipitation, and direct smear microscopy (MUC 4.2.3145-13). Sometimes all the research methods were used simultaneously based on the particular features of the approach used to identify various species of protozoa, in accordance with the nature of the fecal sample under test.

Microscopy was performed at 10x and 40x magnification using a Lomo microscope (Joint stock company Lomo, Russia). The species of helminth eggs and protozoan cysts were determined based on their morphological features and size.

After examination, the material samples were disinfected by autoclaving.

Ethical Approval

The animal study was in compliance with all the 209 relevant national regulations and institutional policies relating to the care and use of animals in Russia.

The pet animal study was conducted for 6 years from 2012 to 2017. During this period, we studied fecal samples from 1752 dogs ( Canis lupus ) , 1261 cats ( Felis catus ), 323 ferrets ( Mustela putorius ), 217 chinchillas ( Chinchilla lanigera ), 132 guinea pigs ( Cavia porallus ), 165 rabbits ( Oryctolagus cuniculus ), 65 tamarins ( Saguinus oedipus ), 50 marmoset ( Callithrix jacchus ), 10 galago ( Galago senegalensis ), 10 chimpanzee ( Pan troglodytes ), 10 turtles ( Testudo horsfieldii ), 11 geckos ( Gekkonidae ), 21 hedgehogs ( Erinaseus europaeus ).

In the dogs, we discovered eight different helminths and seven different protozoa, i.e. Toxocara canis , Toxascaris leonina , Trichuris vulpis , Ancylostomatidae , Ancylostoma сaninum , Spirocerca lupi , Taenia sp., Capillariа sp.; Sarcocystis sp., Cystoisospora canis , Cystoisospora sp., Giardia sp., Neospora caninum and/or Hammondia heydorni , Thrichomonadidae, and Cryptosporidium sp. ( Table 1 ).

Indices of infection prevalence (IP) for parasitic diseases in pet dogs.

T.canis eggs were found in 43 samples (2.4 % infection prevalence (IP) is the percentage of a infected animals in the total population) ( Fig. 1 )., T.leonina eggs in 8 samples (0.4 % IP), Strongyloides sp. larvae in 16 cases (0.9 % IP) ( Fig. 2 ), Trichuris vulpis in 5 samples (0.28 % IP), S.lupi in 1 sample (0.05 % IP), Taenia sp. in 4 cases (0.2 % IP), Ancylostomatidae in 10 cases (0.5 % IP), A.сaninum in one case (0.05 % IP), and Capillariа sp. in 3 cases (0.17 % IP). Intestinal protozoa including Giardia sp. were identified in 172 cases (9.8 % IP), Sarcocystis sp. in 110 cases (6.2 % IP), Cystoisospora sp. in 36 cases (2 % IP), C.canis in 17 cases (0.9 % IP), Cryptosporidium sp. in 18 cases (1 % IP), N.caninum or/and H.heydorni in 6 cases (0.34 % IP), and Thrichomonadidae in 4 cases (0.2 % IP).

An external file that holds a picture, illustration, etc.
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Eggs of Toxocara canis in dog.

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Larva of Strongyloides sp. in dog, stage L1.

In the case of mixed infections are most frequently caused by a combination of two species of protozoa, less frequently by a combination of one type of helminths and one type of protozoa. A total of 59 cases of mixed infections in dogs were detected ( Table 4 ).

Combination mixed infections in dogs and cats.

It was determined that young animals (younger than one year of age) had the highest level of intestinal parasite infection in dogs. Thus, the prevalence of toxocarosis in puppies, based on the total number of positive samples (43 samples were positive, with 31 of them obtained from puppies) was 72 %. The incidence was 62.2 % for Giardia sp., 76.4 % for C. canis , 69.4 % for Cystoisospora sp., and 55.5 % for Cryptosporidium sp. The frequency of detection for Sarcocystis sp. was 36.3 %.

In the pet cats, we identified the following 6 species of helminths: T. cati , T. leonina , Capillaria sp., Dipylidium caninum , Ancylostomatidae , Taenia sр. and 6 species of intestinal protozoa: Giardia sp., Cystoisospora rivоlta , Cystoisospora felis , Sarcocystis sp., Thrichomonadidae, and Cryptosporidium sp.( Table 2 )

Indices infeсtion of prevalence (IP) for parasitic diseases in pet cats.

The most common helminthiasis in cats was toxocarosis, with T. cati eggs found in 73 samples (5.7 % infection prevalence (IP )), proglottids of D.caninum in 16 samples (1.2 % IP), Taenia sp. eggs in 10 samples (0.7 % IP), Capillaria sp. in 7 samples (0.5 % IP), T.leonina in 1 (0.07 % IP), and Ancylostomatidae in 2 samples (0.15 % IP).

The most common feline protozoan disease was Giardia sp., which was found in 59 samples (4.6 % IP) ( fig 3 ). C. felis was found in 32 samples (2.5 % IP), C. rivоlta in 11 samples (0.8 % IP), Sarcocystis sp. in 9 samples (0.7 % IP), Cryptosporidium sp. in 15 samples (1.1 % IP), and Thrichomonadidae in 30 samples (2.3 % IP).

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Trophozoites and cysts of Giardia sp. in cat.

There were 26 cases of mixed infections in the cats, most of them were caused by two species of parasites, with only one case involving a combination of 4 species of parasites ( Table 4 ).

In the ferrets, we found a single type of helminths belonging to the genus Capillaria (0.3 % infection prevalence (IP) and 3 species of protozoa, i.e. Cryptosporidium sp., Giardia sp., and Eimeria sp. ( Table 3 ). The most frequently seen parasites were Cryptosporidium sp., found in 21 cases (6.5 % IP) ( Fig. 4 ), and Eimeria sp., found in 17 cases (5.2 % IP) ( Fig.5 ), with Giardia sp. cysts represented to a lesser extent. Only one case involving one type of helminths, i.e. H.nana , was identified in the chinchillas along with 4 species of protozoa: Giardia sp., Blastocystis sp., Entamoeba sp., and Trichomonas sp. The most common intestinal protozoa in the chinchillas were Giardia sp. with 193 cases and an IP value of 47.7 %. There were 4 cases of Trichomonas sp. (1.8 % IP) and isolated instances of other species (0.4 % IP). The only intestinal parasites found in the guinea pigs were protozoa represented by three species, i.e. Entamoeba sp., Trichomonas sp., and Giardia sp., with the most frequently seen protozoa being Trichomonas sp. with 12 cases (9 % IP) and cysts of Giardia sp. and amoebas (3.7 % IP). One species of helminths, i.e. Passalurus ambiguus with an IP of 2.4 %, 2 species of Eimeria sp. with 23 cases (13.9 % IP), and Giardia sp. with 3 cases (1.8 % IP), which were encountered much less frequently, were identified in the rabbits. The primates (data for all types) were shown to be 15.8 % infected with Acanthocephala. The stomach nematodes of the Streptopharagus sp. are seen much less frequently: 2.8 %. Intestinal protozoa were represented by 4 species: Giardia sp. (3.5 % IP), Blastocystis sp. (2.1 % IP), Entamoeba sp. (3.5 % IP), and Trichomonas sp. (2.8 % IP). One species of helminths of the genera Oxyurida was identified in four cases in the reptiles along with 4 species of protozoa: Blastocystis sp. (18.1 % IP), Entamoeba sp. (9.5 % IP), Trichomonas sp. (33.3 % IP) and Isospora sp. (14.5 % IP). Only two species of helminths were identified in the hedgehogs, i.e. Capillaria sp. in 7 cases (33.4 % IP) and Crenosoma striatum in 2 cases (9.5 % IP) ( Fig. 6 ).

Indices of prevalence of infeсtion (IP) by intestinal parasites in other house-kept animals.

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Oocysts of Cryptosporidium sp. in ferret.

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Oocysts of Eimeria sp. in ferret.

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Larva of Crenosoma striatum in hedgehog, stage L1.

In certain isolated cases, feces from lemurs ( Lemur catta ) containing helminths of the Enterobius sp. (data not listed in the tables) were submitted for examination along with feces from meerkats ( Suricata suricatta ), raccoons ( Procyon lotor ), degu ( Octodon degus ), and echidna ( Tachyglossidae ), in which no intestinal parasites were identified. Protozoa from the Eimeria sp., eggs of Catenotaeniidae and eggs of the genera Oxyurida were found in squirrels ( Sciurus vulgaris ).

The study has shown that Toxocara spp. are the most widespread parasites in dogs and cats. Different researchers give different IP values, which may be dependent on the category of the animals under study (examination of all animals in veterinary clinics, animals in shelters, stray animals) (Kurnosova & Odoyevskaya, 2017). It is quite common for Toxocara spp. infections to rank first in terms of prevalence in dogs and cats in an urban environment. In addition, cats have a higher level of infection with Toxocara sp. than dogs. Currently the role of cats in the epidemiology of human toxocariasis remains unclear and it may be true that the latter are a source of infection for humans to a greater extent than previously thought ( Fogt-Wyrwaset et al., 2007 ; Espinoza et al., 2010 ; Panova, 2011 ). The results of our study are in agreement with other authors ( Prozorov, 1999 ; Zubareva, 2001 ; Mikhina, 2008 ; Kurnosova, 2009 ; Panova, 2011 ; Kurnosova & Odoyevskaya, 2017 ;). In this situation, the urban environment favors the spread of toxocarosis infection, in which the main factor of accumulation and spread is the ground of the pet walking areas and the permanent habitat of stray dogs and cats. These conditions ensure constant circulation of this species of helminths, which is fraught with constant re-infection and infection of additional animals. The rest of the helminth species are found less frequently, which is due to the conditions of indirect transmission of a particular species involving intermediate and/or additional hosts. In such a case, cats and dogs get infected when they go away from the city for the summer. In recent years, larvae of Strongyloides sp. have been found more frequently than before (Umur & Meral, 2017; Paradies & Iarussi, 2017). This nematode species is found not only in dogs going away from the city or country, but also in animals residing within city limits at all times, mostly in puppies kept in breeding kennels. The Laboratory received material from animals suffering from long-term infection. The course of this type of infection is severe in young animals and disrupts the normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, which is manifested in a loss of appetite, copious mucus-laden stools, or intractable diarrheas ( Umur &Meral, 2017 ).

Giardiosis ranks first in terms of prevalence among the protozoan diseases of dogs, cats, and chinchillas, with puppies younger than 1 year of age affected most frequently in the case of dogs (Upjonh & Cobb, 2010; Kurnosova, 2014 ). At the same time, in cats and chinchillas this species of protozoa is found with equal frequency in young and adult animals. Such prevalence of Giardia spp. is related to their environmental resistance ( Adam, 2001 ). In dogs, Giardia spp. are found more frequently than in cats, which may be due to the animal’s daily walking routines and their infection from the environment, as well as to the habit of some dogs to eat the feces of other animals. An animal with weak immunity may become a long-term host to these protozoa. As of now, the role of pet animals in the transmission of this infection to humans within city limits has not been established ( Feng & Xiao, 2011 ; Thompson & Monis, 2004 ; Thompson & Palmer, 2008 ; Upjonh & Cobb, 2010). Sarcocystidae are found in dogs more frequently than in cats, which is due to the fact that cats are more often fed dry kibble. In general, however, the prevalence of Sarcocystidae infection has declined in recent years and they now rank second after giardiosis. Infections by flagellated protozoa from the Thrichomonadidae family have recently started cropping up in cats of various ages. These protozoa are sufficiently pathogenic and difficult to treat. The species of trichomonads circulating among cats within city limits have not been established. The animals suffered from chronic diarrhea whenever trichomonads were found. In dogs and cats, Cryptosporidium sp. and Cystoisospora spp. are less prevalent and are found mostly in young animals( Hamnes & Gjerde, 2007 ; Garanayak & Gupta, 2017). It should be noted that protozoa from the family Sarcocystidae have not been detected in feline fecal samples during the entire study period, which is compatible with the widely expressed view regarding quick and often asymptomatic excretion of cysts into the environment that goes unnoticed by the owners (Greene, 2011).

In general, and as already shown by previously conducted studies, intestinal protozoa in dogs and cats are found more frequently than helminthosis ( Kurnosova, 2009 ).

Of particular interest is research relating to the group of exotic animals, which are not kept in urban apartments as much as other species. Nevertheless, many species of these animals are gaining in popularity. Monkeys, squirrels, and some species of rodents are normally kept in mini-zoos and large shopping malls in Moscow. They are much less frequently kept by individuals. Owners are increasingly starting to keep rabbits and, less frequently, reptiles and hedgehogs in urban apartments. The research has shown that exotic animals are infected mostly by helminths and protozoa found only in these animal species, although some need to be highlighted their importance in Public Health (Hallinger & Taubert, 2018). The primates infected with Acanthocephala. This species of helminths is widespread in animals, which is due mostly to the fact that the animals are fed insects acting as intermediate hosts to these helminths. While the protozoa from the Entamoeba sp. that are most frequently found in monkeys, reptiles, and guinea pigs are represented mostly by Endolimax nana and Iodamoeba sp., it has not been always possible to determine the species of some amoeba cysts. No dysenteric amoeba ( Entamoeba histolytica ) cysts capable of transmission to humans have been identified over the entire study period ( Regan & Yon, 2014 ; Levecke & Dreesen, 2010 ; Verweij & Brienen, 2003 ). However, in addition to the species-specific parasites, helminths and protozoa of a zoonotic nature (eggs of Hymenolepsis nana , blastocysts) have also been found in this category of animals under study (Cian & Safadi, 2017). Certainly, when an exotic animal is bought, the animal should be screened for parasitic diseases. In addition, animals leaving city or country limits or those participating in hunting, actively catching and eating insects, rodents, and amphibians may get infected by zoonotic diseases (Hallinger & Taubert, 2018). The same danger should be kept in mind when brining the younglings of wild animals from the forest.

Thanks to the veterinary and medical awareness-building work by the mass-media and the Internet, pet owners have become sufficiently knowledgeable about many issues relating to animal diseases and various preventative activities. Nevertheless, studies have shown that under urban conditions parasitic diseases are relevant both to veterinary science and to medicine ( Stepanov, 2014 ; Shcheveleva et al., 2016 ).

Thus, veterinarians and pet owners should take the species of their animal, it’s origin, living and feeding conditions into consideration in order to take preventative measures aimed at timely identification of parasitic infections and their correct treatment under veterinary supervision, which will ensure the animal’s health and protect the environment from the spread of infections. Studying a wide range of pet animals under urban conditions has great value not only from a practical standpoint, but also in terms of determining the epizootic situation for all the major parasitic diseases in general and clarifying the human risks associated with the zoonotic nature of the parasitic infections.

The study has shown the widespread circulation of intestinal parasitic infections of house-kept animals in the city of Moscow. The high concentration of animals within confined areas promotes constant circulation of numerous helminths and protozoa among pet animals. Тoxocara spp. and Giardia sp.were found more frequently in dogs and cats together with other parasitic agents are a pressing issue both for veterinary science and for medicine. In summary, helminths and protozoa capable of transmission to humans have been identified among a wide range of pet animal infections in an urban environment.

Conflict of Interest

Authors state no conflict of interest.

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Humane Society  of the Palouse

"helping those who cannot help themselves.", intake process.

Stray animals

If you have found a stray pet,  click here.   If you have found a stray pet after hours, click here.  

Stray dogs that are found in the city limits of Moscow are held for 10 days, while we search for an owner to claim them. Stray dogs that are found in Latah County are held for 6 days, while we search for an owner to claim them. Stray cats that are found either in city limits of Moscow or Latah County are held for 6 days, while we search for an owner to claim them. 

Upon arrival, HSoP staff immediately search for any identification (collar, ID tags, and microchips). If the animal has identification we contact the owners to alert them their animal is safe with us, and waiting to be picked up. If the animal does not have identification, or we cannot get a hold of the owners, we post a picture and description of the animal to our Facebook page.  

For information on fees when claiming your lost pet, click here.

If the animal is not claimed during the stray holding period, we begin the process of getting the animal ready for adoption. All animals adopted from HSoP are spayed/neutered, vaccinated, and microchipped prior to leaving the shelter. 

Owner Surrendered animals

Animals may be surrendered to HSoP for any number of reasons. HSoP does not accept aggressive animals, or animals with a known bite history. When an animal is surrendered to HSoP, we immediately start the process of getting them ready for adoption. If the animal is not already, we will spay/neuter, vaccinate, and microchip them.

For more information about owner surrenders, click here. 

*** HSoP is a no-kill shelter, which means we are limited admission intake. We do not euthanize animals for space. When our kennels are full we do have to place animals on our wait list to be brought into the shelter when space is available. Our wait list is dependent on our adoption rates. The quicker our animals find loving homes, the quicker we can bring new animals into HSoP. 

Dog Bite Quarantine Holds

For more information about dog bite quarantine holds at HSoP, click here.

HSoP does not have the capacity or safe-housing to take feral cats into our shelter.

For more information on feral cats, click here. 

Other Animals

HSoP does not have the space or safe-housing to take in birds or reptiles. HSoP does accept "pocket pets", such as ferrets, rabbits, rats, hamsters, and guinea pigs. We are limited on space for our small animal friends, so we do keep a wait list for animals to come in when we are full.

Read through our resource sheet for Found Pets .

Contact HSoP (208) 883-1166 to leave a "found" report, and see if an owner has contacted us missing this pet. ​​

Dogs found in Moscow and Latah County may be brought to the HSoP for holding until an owner is located.​

HSoP can also scan any found pet for a microchip. This service is also available at veterinary clinics.  

Contact your local police department or sheriff's office. An owner may have left a report with them.

    Moscow Police (208) 882-2677

    Sheriff's Office (208) 882-2216  

Make flyers in eye-catching colors with a photo and description of the found pet. Post flyers in your neighborhood, local shelters, veterinary hospitals, local websites, and grocery and feed stores. Even if the animal is in the shelter, these efforts will help the animal return home.  

Be aware that it is against City Code to post flyers on public property, such as telephone poles. ​   ​"The City of Moscow would like to remind citizens of the limits on posting signs or posters.  Per City Code Title 10 Section 1-22, posters or signs may not be attached on property that does not belong to the poster without first obtaining the consent of the property owner or their agent.  Also, posting signs on public property or right of way is prohibited.  The City does provide a free public bulletin board in Friendship Square for posting notices that is available to the public."   

If an owner has not been identified after the holding period, the animal will be evaluated for adoption. To learn more about procedures for stray animals visit our  Intake Process  page.

The holding period for found dogs in the city​ is 10 days.

The holding period for found dogs in the county is 6 days.

The holding period for found cats is 6 days.

Cats ar e allowed to roam freely in Latah County. If you feel a cat is indeed a stray, please contact us prior to bringing the cat in. If the cat is friendly and you are able to handle it, please put the cat in a carrier and call HSoP to let us know you plan on bringing in a stray cat. We currently cannot accept feral cats.

Stray Pets Found After Hours

If you found a stray dog in moscow city limits, you may call the non-emergency police line at (208) 882-2677 to have a moscow police officer impound the dog at hsop. the dog will be placed in our indoor kennels with food, water, and a bed until hsop staff arrives the following morning. we will scan the pet for any identification, and start the process of reuniting the pet with their owner. , if you found a stray dog in latah county limits, you may call (208)882-2216 to have a latah county deputy impound the dog at hsop. the dog will be placed in our indoor kennels with food, water, and a bed until hsop staff arrives the following morning. we will scan the pet for any identification, and start the process of reuniting the pet with their owner. , there is no assistance for stray cats found in moscow or latah county., if you find an injured stray pet after hsop and the local veterinary clinics have closed, you can call washington state university veterinary teaching hospital at 509-335-0711., owner surrendering companion animals.

We understand there are circumstances where finding your pet a new home may seem like the best option… In the event you can no longer care for your pet, contact us at (208) 883-1166 to discuss how HSoP can help.

While we would love to accept all animals, for the safety of our animals and staff we are unable to accept the following:

Animals with known aggression problems or behavioral disturbances, which would prevent them from being adopted

Animals that have bitten someone

Animals with known contagious or fatal diseases

Feral animals

How do you surrender a pet?

Please understand that as a limited-access, no-kill facility, we do not have room for all animals.  In order to stay a no-kill facility, HSoP does not euthanize to make space. 

That being said, to adhere to our no-kill stance we are unable to offer “walk-in” owner surrenders .  Please contact HSoP to discuss our owner surrender process prior to arriving at HSoP with your owned pet.

How many animals we adopt out decides how many animals we can take in, and this includes stray animals.  Once HSoP reaches our care capacity, we cannot take in more animals.

Call (208) 883-1166 OR email: [email protected]

Owner Surrender Fees:

Feline Owner Surrender Adult

Feline Owner Surrender under 6 months

Canine Owner Surrender under 2 months

Canine Owner Surrender 2-6 months

Canine Owner Surrender Fee Adult

To help HSoP better find the best possible home, we ask owners to fill out a personality profile for their pet.

HSoP also requires a copy of any medical care an owned animal has received.  Including but not limited to, spay/neuter and vaccination information. HSoP asks for a copy of any medical care provided, but surrendered animals are NOT required to be up to date on vaccinations, spayed or neutered prior to arrival.  

Hours of operation

Open Monday -  Saturday from 1:00-6:00pm, dog kennels close at 5:00pm

Closed Sundays

If HSoP does not have space, what next?

View our resource page for Pet Rehoming Services and Assistance .

If your pet is spayed/neutered, we can help advertise your pet on our Petfinder page . We will create a courtesy listing for your pet, and advertise them along with our other adoptable pets. HSoP will only assist in the advertising, and you will be in control of the re-homing process. You will decide if there is a re-homing fee, home checks, or any other adoption requirements for your pet. The goal of courtesy listing is to help your pet find a new home, without needing to come into HSoP. If you would like HSoP to courtesy list your pet, please call us at (208)883-1166.

Alternatively, you can list your pet to be rehomed through Rehome by Adopt-a-Pet. This service allows you to create your own free listing to advertise your pet to others. It offers screening questions, resources for choosing a good family, and full control over where your pet goes. Your pet does not need to be spayed/neutered to use this service, but the new owners are obligated to have your pet fixed within 30 days of adoption. The adoption fee is passed along to the referring shelter or shelter of your choice, which helps us to care for any homeless pets that make their way into our facility. 

A direct link to Rehome by Adopt-a-Pet

If you need assistance getting your pet spayed/neutered, click this button: 

  • Does HSoP euthanize animals? The Humane Society of the Palouse is a low/no-kill shelter. HSoP will not euthanize adoptable animals due to space. We’ve stayed true to our mission for 45 years and are committed to preserving and nurturing the lives of all the rescued animals in our care. We reserve humane euthanasia only in instances when animals are suffering greatly with no potential for relief, or if an animal is so aggressive that he or she presents a danger to people or other animals and cannot be safely handled or placed. The decision to euthanize is never made lightly and done only with the best interest of the animal in mind. HSoP is committed to providing all of the animals we rescue with the individualized and compassionate care they need and deserve until they are adopted by responsible, loving people.
  • How many canines does HSoP help per year? Each year HSoP provides temporary housing for anywhere from 200-300 dogs.
  • How many dogs are returned to their owner, and how many are adopted out per year? For stray dogs that are found within Moscow city limits, HSoP on average will be able to reunite 60% with their owners and 40% will remain in shelter care until adopted. Whereas stray dogs that are found outside of Moscow city limits, HSoP on average will be able to reunite 40% with their owners and 60% will remain in shelter care until adopted. We strongly encourage all pet owners to equip their pets with accurate ID to increase the likelihood of them coming home if they ever get lost. We encourage microchip ID for all pets, and strongly recommend a collar with an ID tag containing the owner's contact number.
  • How many felines does HSoP help per year? Each year HSoP provides temporary housing for anywhere from 200-300 cats. HSoP generally has more cats than dogs
  • How many cats are returned to their owner, and how many are adopted out per year? For stray cats that are found within Moscow city limits, HSoP on average will be able to reunite 10% with their owners and 90% will remain in shelter care until adopted. Whereas stray cats that are found outside of Moscow city limits, HSoP on average will be able to reunite 1% with their owners and 99% will remain in shelter care until adopted. We strongly encourage all pet owners to equip their pets with accurate ID to increase the likelihood of them coming home if they ever get lost. We encourage microchip ID for all pets, and strongly recommend a collar with an ID tag containing the owner's contact number. Cats should wear breakaway collars if possible.
  • How is HSoP funded? For a more detailed view of HSoP finances, visit our Financial Transparency page.
  • How much funding needs to be donated or raised by HSoP to make up the 35% and 8% of the annual budget? Each year, HSoP has to raise over $80,000 through donations and fundraising just to keep our doors open. ​ This is why any size donation is greatly appreciated. Without the generous and continued support of our pet community, HSoP would not be able to do what we do. Donate today!
  • Is the Humane Society of the Palouse part of the Humane Society of the United States? No. HSoP has no affiliation with HSUS or the ASPCA. Though we do look to the national animal welfare organizations to stay current with best practices, we do not receive funding nor are we affiliated with them. HSoP does apply for grants through these large national organizations, however HSoP does not receive annual funding from the HSUS or ASPCA.
  • Who is involved with HSoP? City of Moscow, Chief of Police City of Moscow owns the building and pays for utilities and make up 22% of HSoP yearly budget. Latah county provides 10% of HSoPs’ yearly budget. HSoP presents to the County Commissioners every year to request funding. HSoP Voluntary Board of Directors 14 members who bring a variety of expertise to the organization. HSoP has a full time staff of 5 that include: Shelter Director Animal Care Attendants Public Relations Manager Countless Volunteers
  • Does the Humane Society of the Palouse pick up stray animals? The Humane Society does not pick up animals. Stray dogs found within Moscow city limits can be reported to the Animal Control Officer by calling (208)882-2677. If a stray dog is found in Latah County, citizens can call the Latah County Sheriff’s office at (208)882-2216 for assistance, but do so knowing there is no animal control for Latah County. There is no animal control for stray cats.
  • Where does HSoP list stray or impounded animals? HSoP lists all stray or unclaimed animals on our Facebook page. To see the most recent stray and impounded animals, please visit our Facebook page through this link: Humane Society of the Palouse | Facebook
  • If my pet is missing, could it be at the animal shelter? Hundreds of companion animals come into the shelter every year from Latah County. If your pet is missing, it is important that you contact the shelter as soon as possible so that a missing pet report can be completed and shelter staff can be notified to look for your pet. It is also important that you visit the shelter in-person and look for your pet on a regular basis. Please remember that it is the responsibility of the pet owner to search for their missing pet; however, HSoP will do everything possible to assist you in doing so. We also encourage posting a photo, description and information about where your pet went missing from as well as when to local lost and found groups on Facebook.
  • What happens if my pet is brought to the shelter? If your pet is not readily identifiable by tag or microchip, your pet will be held for a stray holding period. Dogs found in the City of Moscow have a 10-day holding period. Dogs found outside of Moscow but within Latah County have a 6-day holding period. Cats found anywhere within Moscow or Latah County have a 6-day holding period. The Shelter will make every effort to contact you regarding your pet during this time. Reclaim fees apply in each situation and must be paid prior to reclaiming your pet. Unclaimed pets become the property of HSoP following the end of a stray holding period. Once this happens, they start the process of becoming ready for adoption. Please ensure that all of your pets have accurate ID to increase the chance of being reunited with them if they ever get lost.
  • What does it cost to reclaim my pet from the shelter? Pet owners are charged an impound fee of $20.00. To reclaim a dog that lives within Moscow city limits, if the dog is not already licensed with the city, the purchase of a lifetime license is mandatory. The license is $25.00 for altered dogs and $35.00 for intact dogs. Boarding fees of $10.00 per day are charged for each day of impound after the initial twenty-four hours of arrival at the Shelter
  • Do I have to have my pet spayed or neutered? Spaying or neutering is not required for reclaimed pets, although we encourage responsible sterilization of pets and offer assistance through S.N.A.P. Spaying or neutering your pets can prevent unwanted litters and even prevent some cancers in your beloved cat or dog. There are already so many homeless cats and dogs at the shelter, we don't need anymore! If you are in need of assistance having your pet spayed or neutered, please apply for our Spay/Neuter Assistance Program (SNAP).
  • If I witness what I believe to be an act of animal cruelty, who do I call? Humane Society of the Palouse encourages the public to IMMEDIATELY report acts of animal cruelty or neglect to Animal Control by calling (208) 882-2677 if occurring within Moscow city limits, and (208) 882-2216 if occurring in Latah County. HSoP does not have the ability to report cruelty or neglect secondhand. If we are contacted about situations of this kind, we will direct them to contact local law enforcement.
  • Does HSoP offer veterinary services to the pulbic? Though we would love to offer spaying/neutering and vaccination services to our local pet community, HSoP does not have the ability or facilities to do so at this time. HSoP does offer assistance through our Spay/Neuter Assistance Program (SNAP), and microchipping services. For a list of local veterinary services, please view the Veterinary Services resource page in the HSoP Resource Library.
  • Does it cost money to surrender an owned animal? Yes. HSoP does ask for a small donation to help provide care for owned pets that have been surrendered. Please visit our Owner Surrender page to learn more.
  • How old do I have to be to visit the shelter? Anyone is welcome to visit the shelter during our open hours! We do have some restrictions about who can see and interact with shelter pets: - You must be at least 18 years old to enter our dog kennels or to interact with our adoptable dogs without a parent or guardian present. - You must be at least 18 years old to interact with our adoptable cats without a parent or guardian present (unless you're working a junior volunteer shift). - Those 17 and under are welcome to visit the shelter and interact will all of our adoptable pets, so long as they're accompanied by a parent or guardian over the age of 18.
  • I'm going on vacation, can you board my pet? No. At this time HSoP does not offer boarding services for pets. There are several boarding facilities throughout Latah County and most vet clinics will also board. For a list of local boarding services, please view our Pet Boarding Services resource sheet in the HSoP Resource Library.
  • I found a wild animal hurt in my yard, what should I do? HSoP is not equipped care for wildlife. If you've found an injured or orphaned wild bird or animal, please call Palouse Wildlife Rescue and Rehabilitation at (208) 614-2273. For more information, please visit their website: Palouse Wildlife Rescue and Rehabilitation
  • I found a feral cat, what do I do? HSoP does not have the ability to provide care for feral cats within our facility. We do have a Trap-Neuter-Return (TNR) program for feral cats living on owned property in Latah County. The program intends to reduce feline infectious diseases and homeless cat births in our region, by providing feral cats with vaccines, spay/neuter surgeries, and ear-tips for identification.
  • Why can’t I bring my animal to the Humane Society of the Palouse if I live outside of Latah County? HSoP does not euthanize to make space. We do not have the capacity, space, or manpower to receive animals from outside of the agreed jurisdiction we have with the City of Moscow and Latah County. We recommend contacting the shelter that services your county and they may be able to help.

Dog Bite Quarantine Hold FAQs


  1. Essay on My Pet Dog

    pet animal dog essay

  2. My Pet Dog

    pet animal dog essay

  3. Essay on My Pet Dog

    pet animal dog essay

  4. Dog Essay

    pet animal dog essay

  5. My pet dog essay

    pet animal dog essay

  6. Essay on my pet dog || My favourite pet dog essay in english

    pet animal dog essay


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  2. 10 Lines Essay on My Pet Cat in English/10 Lines on Cat/My Pet Cat/Essay on My Pet Cat/Cat 10 Lines

  3. My Pet Dog

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  6. My Pet Dog || 10 lines on my pet dog essay in english || my pet dog.#english #study


  1. My Pet Dog Essay in English for Students and Children

    Short Essay on My Pet Dog in English. We have provided a 150 to 200 words essay on my pet dog which can be used by school students and children for their assignments and projects. My pet dog is my best friend in the world. We sleep together, eat together, play together and also love our mom and dad together.

  2. Essay on My Pet Dog for Students and Children

    500+ Words Essay on My Pet Dog. Pets are a great blessing in anyone's life. They are the only ones who love us unconditionally. Pets always offer us everything they have without asking for anything in return. The main aim of any pet's life is to make their owner happy. Nowadays, even the term 'owner' is changing.

  3. Essay On My Pet Dog For Kids

    An essay on my pet dog is one of the most interesting and trending topics at school for essay writing. A dog is considered a man's best and most faithful friend. Kids love playing with their pet dogs and when given an opportunity they jump to the idea of writing an essay on my pet animal dog.

  4. My Pet Dog Essay in English for Students

    An Introduction On My Pet Dog. The relationship between humans and dogs can't be expressed in words. Dogs are loyal and friendly and their love is unconditional. Make friends with dogs and you will never feel lonely. A dog is a domestic animal. Dogs are harmless unless someone attacks them.

  5. Essay on Dog for Students and Children

    500+ Words Essay On Dog. The dog is a pet animal. A dog has sharp teeth so that it can eat flesh very easily, it has four legs, two ears, two eyes, a tail, a mouth, and a nose. It is a very clever animal and is very useful in catching thieves. It runs very fast, barks loudly and attacks the strangers. A dog saves the life of the master from danger.

  6. Essay on My Pet Dog in English For Students

    800 Word Essay on My Pet Dog. I was walking home from class, huddled against the crisp wind, when I noticed a scruffy little dog sitting all alone under a streetlamp. His big brown eyes were wide with caution yet brimming with hope as our gazes locked. In that moment, I knew he needed me as much as I needed him.

  7. Essay on My Pet Animal

    A healthy pet is essential for the house, and we love to take care of our dog. 10 Lines Essay on My Pet Animal in English. Pets are like family members and should be well taken care of. One should not possibly think of getting a pet unless he/she is truly passionate about animals. Pets are beautiful creatures that give us company and love us.

  8. 72 Dog Topic Ideas to Write about & Essay Samples

    Make sure to describe sections of your paper with dog essay titles that identify what you will be talking about clearly. Write an introduction that identifies the topic and provides a clear and concise thesis statement. Finish the paper with a dog essay conclusion that sums up your principal points.

  9. My Pet Dog Essay

    200 Words Essay On My Pet Dog. Dogs are the only animals who love their owners without any reason. They start trusting their owners completely. On the day when my mother and I were going to purchase my pet dog, I was overcome with excitement. We both have the same love of animals, so I was sure she would be confused once she entered the pet ...

  10. Essay on My Pet Dog in English for Students & Children

    Dogs are very loving and caring. They shower love and are faithful to their masters. It is an amazing feeling to have a dog as a pet. My Pet Dog Essay - 600 words. I have a pet dog named Roger. It is a German shepherd and it has been a part of my family since the last 3 years. It is very warm, friendly and playful.

  11. Essay on My Favourite Animal Dog

    250 Words Essay on My Favourite Animal Dog Introduction. The dog, often hailed as man's best friend, has been the most loyal and affectionate animal to humans for thousands of years. My favourite animal, the dog, is not just a pet but a family member, offering companionship, emotional support, and even protection. Symbol of Loyalty and Devotion

  12. Students Will Love This Pet Animal Dog Essay Sample

    There is no doubt that dogs and their owners can even start looking like each other. You can read about it in any scholarly research such as the next pet animal dog essay. There is nothing miraculous here, because when we spend a lot of time with a beloved one, we became a bit similar. More and more people like to adopt a dog from an animal ...

  13. Essay on My Pet in 150, 250, and 350 Words for Students

    Source- Time. Also Read:- Essay on Subhash Chandra Bose for Students Essay on My Pet in 150 words. I have a pet dog and his name is Chandler. He is named after my favourite "Friends" character and has been with us for the last nine months.His colour is golden and his tail is bushy as he is a golden retriever.

  14. Dog Essay for Students in English

    Learn about Dog Essay topic of English in details explained by subject experts on vedantu.com. Register free for online tutoring session to clear your doubts. Courses. Courses for Kids. ... The dog is a pet animal and is considered to be one of the most obedient animals. There are various kinds of dogs in the world, and some of them are known ...

  15. Why Dogs are the Best Pets: Exploting Persuasive Arguments

    Taking your dog for a walk in the park can lead to meaningful connections with other dog owners and animal enthusiasts. These interactions not only increase social engagement but also foster a sense of community and belonging. Dogs bridge gaps between individuals and create shared experiences that promote positive relationships.

  16. Essay on Dog in English for Children and Students

    Dog Essay 2 (150 words) Dog is a pet animal and has been proved as very useful and an obedient animal for the humankind. It is found all over the world in various varieties. It is very watchful animal provides its duties very faithfully. Dogs has a sharp mind and bright eyes. It is an omnivorous animal which can eat both diet related to the ...

  17. Essay on My Pet (in English) for Classes 1, 2 & 3: 10 Lines, Short

    Here is a sample of an essay on 'My Pet' for Class-2 students: A pet is like a family member. Having a pet is more like looking after a child, but pets cannot speak. If you shower them with love and affection, they will be most affectionate and loyal to you. My family and I always wanted a pet, so we got a cat.

  18. Simple My Pet Essay for Class 3

    Get access to My Pet Essay for Class 3 in printable PDF format for free here. Explore how one can write 10 lines on My Pet Dog in an effective manner.

  19. My Pet Essay for Students and Children

    500 Words Essay On My Pet. Pets are a blessing that only lucky people get to have. I have been lucky enough to have many pets since my childhood. My pet is a cat whom we call Mingi. It is white and grey in colour. Mingi is 3 years old and has been with me ever since she was born. Through my pet essay, I will make you learn all about Mingi and ...

  20. Dogs Vs. Cats: a Comparative Analysis

    In conclusion, both dogs and cats have their own unique qualities that make them wonderful pets. Dogs are loyal, outgoing, and active, while cats are independent, aloof, and low-maintenance. The best pet for you will depend on your lifestyle, preferences, and ability to care for a furry companion. ... Animals and Human Well-being Essay. Animals ...

  21. Pets for Adoption at Humane Society of the Palouse, in Moscow, ID

    We strive to prevent cruelty to animals, to ensure companion animals are adopted by responsible and caring owners, to promote spaying/neutering, to educate the public regarding responsible pet ownership, and to minimize euthanasia. Today's hours: 1:00-6:00pm, dog kennels close at 5:00pm. day. hours. Monday.

  22. Intestinal Parasites of Pets and Other House-kept Animals in Moscow

    Introduction. Moscow is home to a huge number of pet animals, and most of them are cats and dogs. Ferrets, guinea pigs, chinchillas, and rabbits are also often kept in urban apartments. The number of owners who keep hedgehogs, rats, reptiles, and birds is smaller. Small animal enclosures in large shopping malls that often hold squirrels and ...

  23. About Us

    The Humane Society of the Palouse is a no-kill animal shelter located in Moscow ID, founded in 1978. Our mission is to ensure the humane treatment, welfare and safety of companion animals in Moscow and Latah County. We strive to prevent cruelty to animals, to ensure companion animals are adopted by responsible and caring owners, to promote ...

  24. Animal Intake Process

    The Humane Society does not pick up animals. Stray dogs found within Moscow city limits can be reported to the Animal Control Officer by calling (208)882-2677. If a stray dog is found in Latah County, citizens can call the Latah County Sheriff's office at (208)882-2216 for assistance, but do so knowing there is no animal control for Latah County.