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The Write Practice

100 Writing Practice Lessons & Exercises

by Joe Bunting | 50 comments

Want to become a better writer? Perhaps you want to write novels, or maybe you just want to get better grades in your essay writing assignments , or maybe you'd like to start a popular blog .

If you want to write better, you need practice. But what does a writing practice actually look like? In this post, I'm going to give you everything you need to kick off your writing practice and become a better writer faster.

100 Top Writing Practice Lessons and Exercises

What Is Writing Practice?

Writing practice is a method of becoming a better writer that usually involves reading lessons about the writing process, using writing prompts, doing creative writing exercises , or finishing writing pieces, like essays, short stories , novels , or books . The best writing practice is deliberate, timed, and involves feedback.

How Do You Practice Writing?

This was the question I had when I first started The Write Practice in 2011. I knew how to practice a sport and how to practice playing an instrument. But for some reason, even after studying it in college, I wasn't sure how to practice writing.

I set out to create the best writing practice I could. The Write Practice is the result.

I found that the best writing practice has three aspects:

Deliberate . Writing whatever you feel like may be cathartic, but it's not an effective way to become a better writer or build your writing skills. You'll get better faster by practicing a specific technique or aspect of the writing process each time you sit down to write.

This is why we have a new lesson about the writing process each day on The Write Practice, followed by a practice prompt at the end so you can put what you learned to use immediately.

Timed . It's no secret writers struggle with focus. There are just too many interesting distractions—Facebook, email, Kim Kardashian's Instagram feed (just kidding about that last one, sort of)—and writing is just too hard sometimes.

Setting a timer, even for just fifteen minutes, is an easy and effective way to stay focused on what's important.

This is why in our writing practice prompt at the end of each post we have a time limit, usually with a link to an online tool egg timer , so you can focus on deliberate practice without getting distracted.

Feedback . Getting feedback is one of the requirements to deliberately practice writing or any other craft. Feedback can look like listening to the reactions of your readers or asking for constructive criticism from editors and other writers.

This is why we ask you to post your writing practice after each lesson, so that you can get feedback from other writers in The Write Practice community. It's also why we set up The Write Practice Pro community , to provide critique groups for writers to get feedback on each finished piece of writing.

How to practice writing

Our 100+ Best Creative Writing Practice Exercises and Lessons

Now that you know how we practice writing at The Write Practice, here are our best writing practice lessons to jumpstart your writing skills with some daily writing exercises, for beginner writers to even the most expert writers:

All-Time, Top 10 Writing Lessons and Exercises

These ten posts are our most viewed articles to boost your writing practice:

1. What is Plot? The 6 Elements of Plot and How to Use Them . Great stories use similar elements in wildly different ways to build page-turning stories. Click here to read what they are and learn how to start using them !

2. Top 100 Short Story Ideas . Here are over a hundred writing prompts in a variety of genres. If you need ideas for your next story, check this out!

3. How To Use Neither, Nor, Or, and Nor Correctly . Even good writers struggle figuring out when to use neither/nor and either/or. In this post, our copy-queen Liz Bureman settles the confusion once and for all. Click to continue to the writing exercise

4. Ten Secrets To Write Better Stories . How does Pixar manage to create such great stories, year after year? And how do you write a good story? In this post, I distill everything I've learned about how to write a good story into ten tips. Click to continue to the writing exercise

5. 35 Questions To Ask Your Characters From Marcel Proust . To get to know my characters better, I use a list of questions known as the Proust Questionnaire, made famous by French author, Marcel Proust. Click to continue to the writing exercise

6. How a Scene List Can Change Your Novel-Writing Life . Creating a scene list changed my novel-writing life, and doing the same will change yours too. Includes examples of the scene lists from famous authors. Click to continue to the writing exercise

7. Why You Need to be Using the Oxford Comma . Most people I've met have no idea what the Oxford comma is, but it's probably something that you have used frequently in your writing. Click to continue to the writing exercise

8. Six Surprising Ways to Write Better Interview Questions.  The interview is the most-used tool in a journalist's bag. But that doesn't mean novelists, bloggers, and even students can't and don't interview people. Here's how to conduct a great interview. Click to continue to the writing exercise

9. Why You Should Try Writing in Second Person . You've probably used first person and third person point-of-view already. But what about second person? This post explains three reasons why you should try writing from this point-of-view. Click to continue to the writing exercise

10. The Secret to Show, Don't Tell . You've heard the classic writing rule, “Show. Don't Tell.” Every writing blog ever has talked about it, and for good reason. Showing, for some reason, is really difficult. Click to continue to the writing exercise.

Book Idea Worksheet

12 Exercises and Lessons To Become a Better Writer

How do you become a better writer? These posts share our best advice:

  • Want to Be a Better Writer? Cut These 7 Words
  • What I Mean When I Say I Am A Writer
  • How to Become a Writer: 3 Simple Steps
  • 72% of Writers Struggle With THIS
  • 7 Lies About Becoming a Writer That You Probably Believe
  • 10 Questions to Find Your Unique Writing Voice
  • The Best Writing Book I’ve Ever Read
  • The Best Way to Become a Better Writer
  • The Creative Writer’s Toolkit: 6 Tools You Can’t Write Without
  • Should You Write More or Write Better: Quantity vs Quality
  • How to Become a Better Writer in One, Simple Step
  • 11 Writing Tips That Will Change Your Life

6 Lessons and Exercises from Great Writers

If you want to be a writer, learn from the great writers who have gone before you:

  • 23 Essential Quotes from Ernest Hemingway About Writing
  • 29 Quotes that Explain How to Become a Better Writer
  • 10 Lessons Dr. Seuss Can Teach Writers
  • 10 Writing Tips from Ursula Le Guin
  • Once Upon a Time: Pixar Prompt
  • All the Pretty Words: Writing In the Style of Cormac McCarthy

12 Genre and Format Specific Writing Lessons and Exercises

Here are our best writing lessons for specific types of writing, including essays, screenplays, memoir, short stories, children's books, and humor writing:

  • Writing an Essay? Here Are 10 Effective Tips
  • How To Write a Screenplay: The 5 Step Process
  • How to Write a Great Memoir: a Complete Guide
  • How to Write a Short Story from Start to Finish
  • How to Write a Thriller Novel
  • How to Write a Children's Book
  • How to Write a Love Story
  • How to Write a Coming of Age Story or Book
  • How to Write an Adventure Book
  • 5 Key Elements for Successful Short Stories
  • 4 Tips to Write a Novel That Will Be Adapted Into a Movie
  • Humor Writing for People Who Aren’t Funny

14 Characterization Lessons and Exercises

Good characters are the foundation of good fiction. Here are our best lessons to create better characters:

  • Character Development: How to Create Characters Audiences Will Love
  • Writing Villains: 9 Evil Examples of the Villain Archetype
  • How NOT to Introduce a New Character
  • The Strongest Form of Characterization
  • The Most Important Character Archetype
  • How Do You Build A Strong Character In Your Writing?
  • 75+ Antihero Examples and How to Use Them
  • How to Explore Your Characters’ Motivations
  • 8 Tips for Naming Characters
  • The Protagonist: How to Center Your Story
  • Heroes vs. Anti-Heroes: Which Is Right For Your Story?
  • The Weakest Form of Characterization
  • How to Write With an Accent
  • How To Create a Character Sketch Using Scrivener

15 Grammar Lessons and Exercises

I talk to so many writers, some of whom are published authors, who struggle with grammar. Here are our best writing lessons on grammar:

  • Is It Okay To End A Sentence With A Preposition?
  • Contractions List: When To Use and When To Avoid
  • Good vs. Well
  • Connotation vs. Denotation
  • Per Se vs. Per Say
  • When You SHOULD Use Passive Voice
  • When Do You Use “Quotation Marks”
  • Polysyndeton and Asyndeton: Definition and Examples
  • The Case Against Twilight
  • Affect Versus Effect
  • Stop Saying “Literally”
  • What Is a Comma Splice? And Why Do Editors Hate Them?
  • Intra vs. Inter: Why No One Plays Intermural Sports
  • Alright and Alot: Words That Are Not Words
  • The Poor, Misunderstood Semicolon

4 Journalism Lessons and Exercises

Want to be a journalist? Or even use techniques from journalism to improve your novel, essay, or screenplay? Here are our best writing lessons on journalism:

  • Six Ways to Ask Better Questions In Interviews
  • How Should You Interview Someone? Over Email? In Person?
  • What If They Don’t Want to Talk to You?
  • Eleven Habits of a Highly Effective Interviewers

16 Plot and Structure Lessons and Exercises

Want to write a good story? Our top plot and structure lessons will help:

  • The Ten Types of Story and How to Master Them
  • Points of a Story: 6 Plot Points Every Story Needs
  • How to Shape a Story: The 6 Arcs
  • 7 Keys To Write the Perfect First Line of a Novel
  • The Secret to Creating Conflict
  • 4 Tips to Avoid Having Your Short Story Rejected by a Literary Magazine
  • 7 Steps to Creating Suspense
  • 5 Elements of Storytelling
  • 3 Important Rules for Writing Endings
  • A Writer’s Cheatsheet to Plot and Structure
  • Overcoming the Monster
  • How to Satisfy Your Reader With a Great Ending
  • Pow! Boom! Ka-Pow! 5 Tips to Write Fight Scenes
  • The Dramatic Question and Suspense in Fiction
  • How to Write a Memorable Beginning and Ending
  • How to Write the Perfect First Page

6 Lessons and Exercises to Beat Writer's Block

Writer's block is real, and it can completely derail your writing. Here are six lessons to get writing again:

  • How To Write Whether You Feel Like it Or Not
  • This Fun Creative Writing Exercise Will Change Your Life
  • When You Should Be Writing But Can't…
  • What to do When Your Word Count is Too Low
  • 7 Tricks to Write More with Less Willpower
  • When You Don’t Know What to Write, Write About Your Insecurities

7 Literary Technique Lessons and Exercises

These writing and storytelling techniques will teach you a few tricks of the trade you may not have discovered before:

  • 3 Tips to “Show, Don’t Tell” Emotions and Moods
  • 3 Reasons to Write Stream of Consciousness Narrative
  • 16 Observations About Real Dialogue
  • Intertextuality As A Literary Device
  • Why You Should Use Symbolism In Your Writing
  • 6 Ways to Evoke Emotion in Poetry and Prose
  • 3 Tips To Write Modern Allegorical Novels
  • Symbol vs. Motif: What’s the Difference

3 Inspirational Writing Lessons and Exercises

Need some inspiration? Here are three of our most inspiring posts:

  • Why We Write: Four Reasons
  • You Must Remember Every Scar
  • 17 Reasons to Write Something NOW

3 Publishing Blogging Lessons and Exercises

If you want to get published, these three lessons will help:

  • The Secret to Writing On Your Blog Every Day
  • How to Publish Your Book and Sell Your First 1,000 Copies
  • How to Get Published in Literary Magazines

11 Writing Prompts

Need inspiration or just a kick in the pants to write. Try one of our top writing prompts :

  • Grandfathers [writing prompt]
  • Out of Place [writing prompt]
  • Sleepless [writing prompt]
  • Longing [writing prompt]
  • Write About Yourself [writing prompt]
  • 3 Reasons You Should Write Ghost Stories
  • Road Trip [writing prompt]
  • Morning [writing prompt]
  • The Beach [writing prompt]
  • Fall [writing prompt]
  • How to Use Six-Word Stories As Writing Prompts

Is It Time To Begin Your Writing Practice?

It's clear that if you want to become a writer, you need to practice writing. We've created a proven process to practice your writing at The Write Practice, but even if you don't join our community, I hope you'll start practicing in some way today.

Personally, I waited  far  too long to start practicing and it set my writing back years.

How about you? Do you think practicing writing is important?  Let me know in the comments section .

Choose one of the writing practice posts above. Then, read the lesson and participate in the writing exercise, posting your work in the Pro Practice Workshop . And if you post, please give feedback to your fellow writers who also posted their practices.

Have fun and happy practicing!

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Joe Bunting

Joe Bunting is an author and the leader of The Write Practice community. He is also the author of the new book Crowdsourcing Paris , a real life adventure story set in France. It was a #1 New Release on Amazon. Follow him on Instagram (@jhbunting).

Want best-seller coaching? Book Joe here.

proust questionnaire



You have THE BEST content for writing on this blog!!

Joe Bunting

Thank you, Kristen. This made my morning. 🙂

Mitch Hamilton

Thanks Mitch. 🙂

George McNeese

I can’t remember when I started following this website. I have to look in my notebooks because that’s where I did these practices. I didn’t have access to a computer when I did them, so I wrote them out, setting the time limit. But even when I do get to a computer, I have my reservations about putting my practices on the page. even though it’s practice, I want them to be the best, almost perfect. But I know it won’t be. I’ve gotten feedback before that says so. It still gets to me that I didn’t put something together that not everyone liked. I need to get over it. After all, that is what these practices are about: to learn and improve on our craft.

I don’t know either, George, but it’s been several years. Perfectionism is something so many of us face, and it’s made worse when you don’t have a critique community as warm and encouraging as ours is. I hope you and everyone here are always willing to try something new, even if it comes out a little messed up, because you know we’ll support you and try to make you better.

Elizabeth Varadan

What a great share! Thanks so much!

You’re so welcome, Elizabeth. Thank you for commenting.


when I ran writing classes I wrote. when I am “a member of writing classes” the teacher/leader/facilitator is NOT MY AUDIENCE and so I don’t write as well/as much. I don’t get the feedback I need from fellow students because most of them have never run their own writing projects/workshops. So many people expect you to write their story for them. I’ve actually got quite a few stories of me own. I have finally decided I like owning them. 😉

It sounds like you need a new critique group, Patience! Hope you can find a place where you get the feedback you need.

Stephanie Ward

Wow! Terrific round-up of resources. 🙂

Thanks Stephanie. 🙂

Carrie Lynn Lewis

Practice is necessary, period. It doesn’t matter what you want to learn. If you want to improve, practice is vital.

It’s odd. I’ve known and applied that principle for years on a variety of things. Painting. Drawing. Blogging. Gardening. Laundry.

But never writing.

Like you, I had the notion that just writing every day was all it took to improve. Why not the same level of dedication to writing?

Perhaps it’s time to change that!

I can relate, Carrie. It’s easy to confuse the craft of writing with journaling, thinking that you can just write whatever you feel like and you’ll get better, write something worth reading. The truth is that writing interesting things to read is a skill, but the good news is that you can get better at it with practice. Thanks for practicing with us! 🙂

Debra johnson

I love these suggestions , and have set Writing Practice as my homepage so the first 15 minutes of my day is spent writing, whether its a practice or exercise here or another that is sprinkled through out this site, Thank you for all you do everyone here at The Write Practice


This is great Debra. I want to write the first 15 minutes of my day too!

I agree with Joe, Do it. Could be your to do list… ( that could lead to something else story wse later)

I love that, Debra. Such a good way to start your day.

Thanks Joe!

Hyacinth Fidelis Joaquin

The best! Thank you so much for this.

You’re very welcome!

nobody geek

I simply LOVE all the tips and suggestions given on this blog. They are super helpful!

THANK you. We love sharing them with you. 🙂

Thiago d'Evecque

Hi! You forgot the link to How to Write a Story a Week: A Day-by-Day Guide.

Thanks a lot for your work! This post is amazing.

It’s a great post Thiago. Definitely one of our most shared. Thanks for mentioning it! BTW here’s the link:

Harsh Rathour

Wow!! There are so many exercises…. I just love it..! I am gonna really enjoy it..!

Awesome! Thank you for reading and practicing with us. 🙂

Macau Mum

I only read halfway , My tootie is jumping all over me, and typing this is a struggle when a 3yr old wants his Toy Story movie on Youtube in this computer. Thank you for this article, will come back later to finish reading.

I know the feeling! Good luck!


Can’t wait to get stuck in with this! 🙂

LaCresha Lawson

Very helpful! Thank you!


I’ve just bookmarked this page. Thanks for this wonderful list.


This is awesome! So many helpful tips. I will be coming back to this often. Thanks for posting this!

Jessica M

Wow, so many goodies! Thank you for always providing such amazing content!!

Jacqueline Nicole

I have enjoyed all these articles. Thank you for the help an inspiration to get my writing on its way. My creativity is boosting with confidence. Tootle loo.

Emmanuel Ajayi Adigun

Amazing contents for beginners like me Joe. I am highly inspired by your commitment. Thank you.

Hey, thanks!


Although I have only read half of thisc article, the practice exercises are excellent. Some of them are exactly what a beginning writer like myself needs. I am committing to at least try ALL of them. Thanks Joe!!

Kbee E. Betancourt

very helpful! thank you..

Celia Costa

Amazing articles! Thanks so much for sharing!

The Black Hearth

My god this article made me love this site . You know it’s kinda hard for a beginner writer, who don’t know where to start and fixing goals, even samll ones give us a direction . A place to go , an aim for our creativity so thanks you , this community and this site. Love you all . At your pens ! 😉


Wow. This is great. I find all your posts informative, but this one is the best for me to use as a guide to get my self starting to write….Thank you.


I’m an old lady who wants to publish one more book before I die — have published several, all non-fiction, and done two under contract to a major publisher (reference books). So help me, the BIGGEST problem I have all along, is keeping track of the damned paper work and research that goes into a book!!! Yet I never ever see articles on something as simple as “How to file” — Oh I know, there’s wonderful software these days so probably I will never find a way to get paper organized — everybody will use software and do it on the computer. I’m too old for that — just one look at the learning curve for software, even putting the damned stuff into computer files is even MORE frustrating than paper!! Oh well, somehow I managed in the past to get books published, I may be able to do it one more time.

Hamzah Ramadan

you enjoy writing more than anything else and you do indeed care to help others write. I love writing but translation from Arabic into English and English into Arabic is taking all of my time from the early hours of the morning till the evening. I will soon get all of your books in order to read them as soon as possible. One thing I am sure of. You know what you are doing very well. Hamzah


Excellent! Many useful tips. Many thanks!

Mark Bono

Liz and Joe, I have only looked at a few exercises. Already, I am convinced that your site is one of the best sites out there. Thank your for sharing your wisdom.

aparna WWeerakoon

Wow, these are the best lessons and exercises for writing. Actually i’m participating in a compitition this wendsday. so, i’m quite nervous and exited. this helped me a lot


Magnificent post ever I have read. This article will help me a lot to write a right way. Thank you.

Alexiss Anthonyy Murillo

i need your help to improve to become a better writer please. i think i usually commit moist of these errors and i don;t pay attention to many advices too.


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10 Best Websites to Improve Grammar and Writing Skills


Hayley Milliman


Whether you're a native English speaker or an English language learner, English grammar can be tricky to master. Take the examples below:

  • The young boy loved cooking, his dog and going outside.
  • The young boy loved cooking his dog and going outside.

Eek! With the simple omission of a properly placed comma, that sentence goes quickly from cute to macabre.

No matter how long you've been writing, you can always freshen up your grammar skills . Thankfully, there are numerous sites online that exist purely to help you write correctly. Here are 10 of our favorites.

1. The ProWritingAid Blog

2. writing forward, 3. 5 minute english, 4. grammar girl: quick and dirty tips, 5. daily grammar, 6. lousy writer, 7. the purdue online writing lab (owl), 9. english grammar 101, 10. grammar ninja, you can master english grammar.

From quick lessons on commonly misspelled words to in-depth examinations of pleonasms , the ProWritingAid blog is a great place to dive into the intricacies of the English language.

Here, you'll find articles, videos and quizzes that teach and examine common grammatical errors, with plenty of contextual examples to help you learn.

ProWritingAid Editing Tool

Practice always makes perfect, so once you're done perusing the blog, hop over to ProWritingAid's Editing Tool and input your work. ProWritingAid's in-depth reports will check your work and see how well you've mastered your study.

Try ProWritingAid's free grammar checker for yourself below:

The Writing Forward blog , created by a passionate writer, offers tons of posts on creative writing, grammar and more. The "Grammar Tips" section will walk you through tons of pesky grammar rules, from whether or not you can end a sentence with a preposition to figuring out subject-verb agreement.

The blog also offers great advice about every part of the writing process from plotting to publishing, so be sure to check out the rest of the site's informative content.

What 5 Minute English lacks in style, it more than makes up for in quick, useful lessons. 5 Minute English's lessons are designed for non-native speakers, so they cover some of the trickiest language topics, such as parallel verbs and reflexive pronouns.

Visit 5 Minute English if you're looking for a fast, fun review of some of the most complex and confusing English language topics.

Winner of the 2017 "Best Education Podcast" Award, Grammar Girl (aka Mignon Fogarty) exists to help "you do things better." Like grammar, for instance.

Articles on Grammar Girl cover all sorts of topics (such as the weird history of oxymorons or the meaning of the phrase "in the doldrums") so you can visit to not only brush up on your grammar skills, but get a lesson in English language history. The articles are snappy and fun to read, so you don't feel like you're engaging with boring material.

A self-described "fun, convenient way to learn grammar," Daily Grammar is a comprehensive teaching tool for anyone needing to polish up their English grammar skills.

Daily Grammar is more a course curriculum than a blog, with over 400 free lessons and over 80 free quizzes for you to learn and then test your knowledge. You can visit the site to access topics or have them delivered to your inbox through their complimentary email service. By visiting Daily Grammar, you'll be on your way to grammar mastery in no time.

Lousy Writer's main goal is to help you become a better writer, fast. Lousy Writer focuses on how to communicate effectively by breaking down word usages and sentence construction into clear, easy-to-understand tips.

Of particular use on Lousy Writer are the cheat sheets, which help you understand tricky concepts like possessive nouns or homonyms. These cheat sheets are great refreshers on difficult topics for English language speakers and English language learners alike.

The Purdue OWL (Online Writing Lab) offers over 200 free resources on writing, teaching writing, grammar and mechanics, English as a Second Language, and style guides. Sponsored by Purdue University, this website is a great resource for people looking to teach and learn.

In addition to their grammar lessons, you can find formatting guides for styles such as MLA and APA, as well as suggestions on how to avoid plagiarism in your work.


One of the best ways to learn English grammar is to hear English being spoken aloud. FluentU's library of real-world English houses videos that are timely, fun, and useful for people looking to master the English language.

While FluentU does have a subscription fee, you can access a limited free trial to see if you like the service and find it useful before deciding to commit to pay.

Are you one of those people who simply loves learning from a textbook? If so, English Grammar 101 is the site for you!

English Grammar 101 is basically a grammar textbook, only digital, so you don't have to worry about hurting your back lugging it around every day. You'll go through hundreds of in-depth lessons on everything from nouns to capitalization, with quizzes, reviews, and tests for each topic to assess your mastery.

Who says learning grammar can't be fun? With Grammar Ninja , you'll play games that help reinforce the grammar rules you've been learning.

Playing games is one of the best ways to improve your understanding and mastery of concepts, and grammar is no exception! If your eyes are going a bit crossed after studying one of the more serious lessons, pop on over to Grammar Ninja for an exciting, refreshing take on the same concepts.

No matter how tricky or frustrating it might seem, you can master English grammar! The free resources listed in this article will help you become a stronger writer in no time.

Have we missed one of your favorite sites? Tell us in the comments!

The ProWritingAid Youtube Channel has loads of grammar tips and tricks

what can a grammar checker do for you?

Be confident about grammar

Check every email, essay, or story for grammar mistakes. Fix them before you press send.

Hayley is the Head of Education and Community at ProWritingAid. Prior to joining this team, Hayley spent several years as an elementary school teacher and curriculum developer in Memphis, TN. When Hayley isn't hunched over her keyboard, you can find her figure skating at the ice rink or hiking with her dog.

Get started with ProWritingAid

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12 great websites to improve your writing skills in english.

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  • Created: 23 July 2017 09:32
  • 14 min read

12 Great Websites to Improve your Writing Skills in English

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We , humans are the most expressive creatures in the world, even the most introverted! We make use of both spoken and written words to convey our message across. The art of aptly describing what’s on your mind boils down to your writing or speaking abilities. While writing plain English is no challenge, eliminating the nuances from one’s writing to get the message across adequately is a challenge for many. While the best of the writers can capture the attention of readers with their succinct description of events, most of them struggle to find words or phrases to perfectly fall in place with the content.

Writing aptly is a skill and it goes beyond the simple use of grammar in your prose. While grammar forms an essential aspect of writing, there are more aspects of writing which must be taken off while working on it. Overuse of cliches, adverbs, bulky phrases, etc is some of the examples of poor writing and something which needs to be addressed. Writing is a form of art and like every other form of art, it takes time and perseverance to see through the toughest challenges you face while writing.

12 Awesome Websites to Help Improve English Writing Skills

Improving your writing skills broadens your horizons in both your personal and career-related pursuits. To help you improve writing skills in English, we have collected some of the best web-resources dedicated to this mission. Here are the top 11 Best Websites to improve your writing skills in English.

1. Grammarly


Since Grammarly app is also available for your web browser, you can simply install the extension and have Grammarly edit all of your Emails, social media posts or any content that you create from your web browser.

The spell-checker and vocabulary enhancer are the standout features of Grammarly that will definitely make you a better writer over time. Although Grammarly is offered as a free installation, a premium plan also does exist which costs around $29.95/month.

2. Grammar Girl

Grammar Girl

Grammar Girl is one of the best web resources to help you improve your writing skills online. Although now renamed to QuickandDirtyTips, Grammar Girl is how this blog is known well. Mignon Fogarty, who is behind Grammar Girl, is a very well-known personality with different books and mobile apps to her name. Grammar Girl offers short and friendly tips to help you improve writing skills on the web. All the complex Grammar questions are answered adequately and interestingly by Grammar Girl.

Learn everything about English Grammar, from punctuation, vocabulary, writing style and other tips needed to make you a better writer. Although QuickAndDirtyTips now does cover a wide range of topics, Grammar Girl was solely dedicated to the act of making English grammar easy for everyone.

3. The Purdue Writing Lab

Purdue OWL

Universities often have their very own writing centers on-campus to help people with their writing skills. Purdue University’s Online Writing Lab, or better known as the Purdue OWL is an online writing center dedicated to the mission of helping people with their writing skills. Purdue OWL provides users worldwide with their writing resources and guides. This website targets all of the common English grammatical queries arisen by people with their second language as English.

Tackling issues like Writer’s block, development of an outline, thesis writing, proofreading, etc are some of the topics covered by Purdue’s OWL. The website also is home to the APA and MLA style guides which are used worldwide for publishing thesis and dissertations. Divided into two sections – General writing and the Writing process, both of these cover issues that most of the people face while writing in English.

4. Thesaurus


The Thesaurus is one of the vital tools that every good English writer has in their arsenal of tools for writing better. Building on your vocabulary is essential in becoming a better English writer and Thesaurus offers just that. Thesaurus helps users in becoming a better writer by providing alternative words and phrases to perfectly expressing yourselves in written English. Thesaurus offers the best collection of synonyms and antonyms that you could use to improve your vocabulary while writing in English.

Whatever your message might be, if you are looking to simplify your written English, Thesaurus will come to your help often times. This website also has a collection of some of the most overused words that you must avoid in your written English. Sharpen your English skills with this one powerful online and mobile application tool.

5. Hemingway App

Hemingway App

The Hemingway App is a wonderful web-based and desktop standalone software to help you edit your written English. The Hemingway App tackles a lot of nuances in English writing, like very complex sentences, uses of passive voice, overuse of adverbs, and much more. The standalone desktop software for Mac and Windows costs $9.99. The Hemingway app also provides a readability score for the entered text, which you could use to analyze the structure of the content you’ve written. Using Hemingway App, all of your wordy sentences are highlighted in yellow and extraneous content highlighted in red.

6. Writers Digest University

Writers Digest University

If you are looking for professional online workshops to improve your English writing, Writer’s Digest University have the best of them. Writer’s Digest University initiative provide users with online workshops to improve their fiction, non-fiction, short stories and freelance writing work. Offering 76 online workshops across a huge range of topics, Writer’s Digest University’s courses come at a hefty price. With courses starting from $139 to going as high as $700, these courses will help you achieve the levels of a skilled writer.

Taught by professional and published authors, Writer’s Digest University offer some of the best online workshops. You can also browse through Writer’s Digest blog to receive latest updates and tips on writing better for free.

7. Grammar Book

Grammar Book

Grammar Book is another one of the best online resources to help you improve your writing skills. From punctuation rules to grammar quizzes and blog posts, Grammar Book has it all. The Grammar Book’s blog gets constantly updated every Tuesday with a new blog post about a grammar issue. Participate in the Grammar quizzes to improve your English grammar skills. This website also offers ‘The Blue Book of Grammar and Punctuation’, to help you become a better English writer.

8. Readability-Score

Readability Score

Your writing has to build a connection with your readers, or there is no point in your writings. Take any of your favorite articles on the web, these articles have the best prose and text layout, which only make you read more. Readability is an aspect of writing which many writers fail to take note of. No matter how grammatically correct maybe your sentences, taking the readability factor into consideration is essential in writing better English.

Readability-score is an online resource that helps writers calculate the readability scores of their entered text. On a scale of 0 to 100, this tool rates the content you entered for its readability factor, the higher your score, the better is your content.

9. Aztekera Passive voice checker

Aztekera Passive voice checker

Content in English is broadly classified into two types – Active and Passive voice. The active voice is the one that is more concise and straightforward. Use of passive voice more often hampers your written English to a huge extent. Aztekera offers a free online tool that helps you look out for the ‘To be’ verbs, that make up a passive voice phrase. Use this tool to eliminate the passive voice phrases in your writing.

The excessive use of passive voice might be the reason for the non-persuasive tone of your writing. Get rid of such form of writing using Aztekera Passive voice checker tool.

10. Grammar Monster

11. pro writing aid.


Pro Writing Aid is one of the industry-standard text editing software, available as a free version for web interfaces. Edit your text online for up to 3000 words with their free web tool. Pro Writing Aid features some of the key aspects to a powerful text editing tool. This tool checks the entered content for plagiarism, usage of vague/abstract words, alliteration analysis and more, in addition to the regular spell-checking and other grammar tools. Used by professionally published authors and editors, Pro Writing Aid is the best tool to amplify your English writing skills. So, as we come to the end of this list of the Best websites to improve writing skills in English, which ones were your favourite? Have any other suggestions that would make a great addition to this list? Feel free to shout out your thoughts and comments below.

12. EnglisLD

blog englishld

Online Dictation: This platform is used for helping people to improve their English listening ability by taking dictation. English learners may also acquire new vocabulary and pronounce them exactly through utilizing this feature.

Communication:  Every people should be given a chance to master their English. Let find a suitable English language partner who is on the same occupation, language proficiency, purpose of studying… with you and then you can have conversation with them in order to improve your English speaking ability.

Discussion: Let improve your English skills by making request or questions quickly, flexibly to experienced people. There are several question templates you can use such as: “How to say…in English?”, “Help me correct…”, “Help me translate … into my first language?” … By the way, please show your hospitality and generosity through answering the question given by the people who are in dive of your help.

Reading Assistant: Detect entities, concepts, and other information elements appearing in the text, classify it according to standard taxonomies like IPTC and IAB, and extract the sentiment both at a document level and in relation to the entities and concepts identified.

Blogs: Let share your experiences, stories... and get more experiences from anothers. Each member is also a blogger.

Xavier Blair

Posted by Xavier Blair - View author's profile

  • English Tips 30
  • How to learn English 31
  • Grammar in English 10
  • English App Reviews 4

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  • April 30, 2021

7 Best Websites To Improve Your English Grammar And Writing Skills

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The English language is an international language with demands improved and developed grammatical and writing skills. Therefore, everyone wants to speak fluent English either a native or a non-native person. 

If you think you can write English by neglecting the Grammar rules ; let’s have a look at an example below.

Let’s eat Sarah!

It seems like you want to eat Sarah. Here, the importance of Grammar gets in!

Let’s eat, Sarah!

Yeah! That’s quite better.

So, Grammar is like a magic wand, putting life into the sentences by enhancing the message that the writer wants to convey. Moreover, it develops a better understanding for the readers.

Here is another example to elaborate the role of Grammar in any language:

Mark loves baking, his pet, and dancing. Perfect!

But, if you don’t add the comas, the sentence structure and its meaning seem horrible.

Mark loves baking his pet and dancing. Oops!

Therefore, Grammar and Writing skills are essential to convey what exactly you want to deliver. It’s not easy, but we can’t say “it’s impossible.” We can learn anything by putting effort in the right direction.

Choosing The Right Resource 

You can’t learn all at once. So, you must think before starting; what is more important to learn first. You should start with your weakest parts of Grammar. It will help you gradually master English Grammar.

The main categories of Grammar websites that help in specific part:

Spelling and Grammar Checkers: 

If you think you are weak at Spelling and Grammar, various Spelling and Grammar websites are available. 

But, keep in mind that these websites are suitable for excellent writers to avoid Spelling and Grammar errors. In contrast, this is not recommended to a beginner as they need to develop their writing skills. 

Lessons and Classes: 

There are different websites available on the internet to take lessons and classes on the specific area of developing writing skills . These classes help the beginners in enhancing their unfocused skills.

Writing Advice:  

If you are looking for writing advice, you should look for blogs and articles of advanced writers.

Such websites provide insight into useful tips, writing styles, and patterns. You can have access to this writing advice from YouTube.


The habit of daily writing can be a helpful source in improving writing skills and Grammar. When you write it down, it gets into your mind for a long time. So, try to write whatever you think.

7 Websites: Help You Develop Your Writing Skills and English Grammar 

As we know that the English language is used all around the globe. Therefore, all must develop their communication as well as writing skills to show their worthiness.

For your skill improvement and development in English Grammar, 10 websites are provided that will help you a lot. These websites are either for Grammar improvement or English skill development.

1. Writing Forward

Not everyone can afford the expensive language classes to improve their skills. Therefore, you can avail yourself of the opportunity available to you online, which is “Writing Forward.”

It’s a blog that assists you by providing engaging posts on Grammar, creative writing, and many more. Thus, if you want to get tips on Grammar rules , go to its “Grammar Tips” section. 

However, you can learn different aspects of the writing processes such as; from drafting to publishing content. Thus, you must visit the website to check out the other features.

2. 5 Minute English

If you are a non-native, you must look into the 5 Minutes English website which is specifically designed for non-natives. You can get the chance to cover different topics of the English Language.

Furthermore, 5 Minute English gives a fast, and quick review of the challenging and tricky topics of the English language.

3. Daily Grammar

Daily Grammar is an efficient way to improve and enhance your Grammar and writing skills. You can practice, learn, and then test yourself about what you have learned.

All we can say is that Daily Grammar provides you approximately 400 lessons and 80 quizzes for free. So, you can achieve what you have desired to learn. 

4. 750 Words

We, human beings like to procrastinate! Therefore, we get lazy about writing down our ideas, thoughts, and views. Like;

“I’ll write after some time, let’s do something else.”

“There is no need to write, I’ll remember it.”

So, when we don’t spare time to sit down at a quiet place and start writing whatever comes to our mind. In this way, we procrastinate the development of writing skills. 

Don’t worry about it. Every problem has a solution. The 750 Words is a great tool to track your writing regularly. The objective of this website is to enable you to write 750 words daily. 

You can consider 750 words as your teacher because it gives you writing feedback regarding its style and language. Moreover, it concentrates on your writing habit and encourages you to write more.

5. Grammar Bytes

Let’ talk about the free resource available online to learn Grammar rules and lessons, it is Grammar Bytes . It is suitable and recommended for intermediates to learn quickly. The learners get the opportunity to learn different and complex concepts of Grammar.

Grammar Bytes has a user-friendly interface and helps you interactively teach exercises and lessons. Moreover, this allows you to understand, learn and test your skills daily. 

The catchy feature is that you can get the printout of the exercises of Grammar Bytes, so you can do the exercises by hand.

FluentU is a useful resource for improving English Grammar and writing skills online. However, it is not free, but you can avail of the free trial for videos and other content.

It is suitable for all learners from basic to native speakers. You can practice Grammar exercises with examples.

FluentU allows you to interact by listening to real examples. Hearing is another way to learn effectively. The more you interact, the more you learn; and remember the phrases and words.

7. English Grammar 101

Another essential tool that is helpful to all writers for improving their skills, is English Grammar 101 . However, it is paid.

English Grammar 101 is like a Grammar textbook that you can store on your device and you don’t need to worry about carrying weight anywhere.

Final Words:

Improvement is required either it is for personal growth or professional development. Therefore, in a global village; where the English language is an international language; you need improvement. 

The improvement of Grammar and writing skills is essential for career goals and better communication. Without the proper use of Grammar, you can’t convey your message efficiently.

The article is all about useful resources and websites for developing English Grammar and improving English writing skills. 

Pro tip: to become a better writer instantly, you can use this online grammar check solution. Also, this paraphrasing app by Linguix will be helpful when you need to instantly rewrite your sentences online.

More from Linguix Blog

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Tutorialdeep » blog » List10 » 10 Best Websites to Improve Writing Skills in English (2022)

10 Best Websites to Improve Writing Skills in English (2022)

  • By : Roshan Parihar
  • / In : List10 , Toplist

Are you looking for the Best Websites to Improve Writing Skills in English?

An English writing tool helps to write better English and improve your article or blog quality . If you are a blogger and English is not your mother tongue language, there may be chances that you may stick with errors on your article or blog.

English speakers also making mistakes while writing content in English. If you are too lazy to check your errors for mistakes, you can use the best tools to easily check and eliminate errors in just a few clicks.

Best Websites to Improve Writing Skills in English

Test your grammar before you launch something online on your blog. If you are a student, you always want to write an error-free essay to get high marks. Writing your article or essay with the best websites to improve writing skills in English can solve all your problems.

How to Start Eliminating Mistakes While Writing English?

There are many English writing tools all have different pricing and features. Most of the tools are great and you just need to find the best tool to improve your content.

For example, if you are a beginner, student, or blogger and want to check plagiarism, punctuation, spelling, and other Grammar errors. Grammarly is the #1 choice for you to get started.

If you are a professional publisher and author, ProWritingaid would be a great pick.

In this guide, I worked hard to provide you best online tools for your English writing. Choose the best tool that can do the magic you need to easily remove all your errors.

Disclosure: At Tutorialdeep, we believe in transparency for our users. In this blog, there are some referral links. If you signup with these links we will earn some commission at no extra cost to you. We recommend these links because they are our trusted brands.

10 Best Websites to Improve Writing Skills in English

Here are some useful tools to improve writing skills in English.

1. Grammarly (#1 Best Website to Improve English Writing Skills)

#1 english writing tool for beginners, students, and bloggers.

Grammarly is the top English writing tool for beginners and students. It is the #1 tool and blogger’s first choice to improve writing skills in English. You can perform the spelling check, Grammar check, and plagiarism check with this tool.

hBest Website to Improve English Writing Skills Grammarly

You can start using this tool by installing its free Chrome extension . There are no limits to check your mistakes and eliminate errors while writing online. It cost you nothing to sign up for the tool. You can find more details about this tool in Grammarly Review .

How to install Grammarly Free Extension

  • Open Grammarly homepage and click the green button ‘Add to Chrome’.
  • It open Chrome web store, click ‘Add to Chrome’.
  • A popup will start to appear, click ‘Add extension’
  • After extension installation, fill create free account form. That’s all!

After that , you will find Grammarly online everywhere while writing any online editors. It starts showing errors to check and eliminate in just a few clicks.

With the Grammarly free Chrome extension, you can check errors quickly while writing online an email on Gmail, social posts and chats, and other online editors. Grammarly is a powerful grammar checker tool, spelling, vocabulary, and plagiarism checker tool with no limit to check the errors.

Grammarly also comes with a Microsoft word tool. If you want to perform all of the corrections to a word document, you can do so with Microsoft Word plugin installation. The plugin is available for premium subscribers only.

Try Grammarly Now (It’s Free)

2. Ginger Software (#2 Best Website to Improve English Writing Skills)

Best writing tool that has everything you need to write great english.

The ginger software is the best tool available online to improve writing skills in English and check Grammar errors. You can perform checks for writing errors, spelling mistakes, and much more with this tool. The tool is available for free to download and install.

However, The tool is limited to some count of checks per week . You can check all your errors and correct them with one click. But after you reached the limit, It asks for a subscription, which costs you some amount to pay.

Ginger improve english writing skills

You have to get a subscription to perform more , checks per week. You can install a free Chrome extension and correct your mistakes within your browser.

With ginger, you can perform the subject-verb agreement, singular/plural nouns, misused words corrections, contextual spelling correction. Perform your checks efficiently with Ginger software.

3. Online Correction (#3 Best Website to Improve English Writing Skills)

An online correction is a free tool available online to find spelling mistakes and basic grammar mistakes. The tool allows you to put your text in the website text area and click the submit button. On click on the submit button, the site gives you some corrections to your mistakes.

Online Correction improve english writing skills

How to improve English writing skills with Online Correction:

The checks show you resulted text which has interesting suggestions. Each correction, color shows you some errors you perform at different sections of English. The blue color shows your Grammar errors and Pink color shows you possible typo mistakes, the orange color shows you capitalization errors, and much more.

Try Online Correction

4. Slick Write

The Slick Write is a free and powerful application to improve English writing. You can perform grammatical errors and potential stylistic errors with this tool.


If you want to write some content and perform checks for the sentencing error, you can use this tool and its free app to complete this online. You need just to open the website and copy and paste the content to the website app. The error display with red underline text, hover over the text, and perform your corrections with few clicks.

Signup Slickwrite

5. Readable (Improve English Writing Skills)

Readable is a collection of tools that can improve the readability of your English writing content. You can improve the quality of your content by correcting the mistakes with Readable.

Perform Flesch Reading check , keyword density check, and many other controls. You can improve the quality of your content and make it more enjoyable with this free tool.


how to improve English writing skills with Readable:

To perform the check at readable, open the website and copy and paste the text content on the website text area. Click the ‘measure readability’ button. The result shows your writing grade for all the readability formulas. If you find any corrections, you can do so with this checker tool.

Signup Readable

6. Online Spellcheck

An online spell check is an online service to perform spelling checks for your content. You can also show some common grammatical mistakes with this tool. Copy the text and paste the text content on the website, click the ‘check text’ button to check the errors.

If you want to check your doc file contains errors, you have to upload it to the website and perform the corrections. The process is the easiest way to perform all your content tests .

Online Spellchecker to check spelling errors

One thing, here, to note is that they will not keep your uploaded doc file for any other use. They have a policy by which your uploaded data will be safe after you upload it to the website. So, you don’t need to think about the security of your uploaded data.

Signup Online Spellcheck

7. Duplichecker

You can find this website with its name duplichecker. It means you can check the duplicate content of your site with this online tool. The app requires you to upload your content in the form of text for the document.

There are two options given, whether you want to upload the text file or you directly put your content. In both ways, duplichecker provide you the exact solution for your content duplicity .

Duplichecker to find duplicate content

Upload your content to the website and click the ‘check plagiarism’ button. This will takes a few seconds to process the content and provide you the result.

The result comes out with the content contains some duplicate text matching with the other website. If you think, you want to retain the content; you do not need to change the text.

Signup Duplichecker

8. Small SEO Tools

Small SEO contains useful tools to check your writing mistakes and errors. After you start using this tool, you will never think of how to improve English writing skills.

Some tools to check your content are Plagiarism Checker, Grammar Checker, Word Count Checker, Spell Checker, and much more. You need just to click the testing tool for the task you want to perform.

Small Seo Tool

Suppose you want to do the plagiarism check, you have to click the Plagiarism Checker tool. Put your content in the text area given the plagiarism checker tool. It allows you to put 1000 words for each check you want to perform. If you want to test more than 1000 text content, you have to break your content into parts and check each part one by one for plagiarism.

Small SEO is the best tool to perform the plagiarism check.

For Grammar check, click the Grammar Checker tool and enter your content in the text area. It suggests your errors to perform correction for each one by one.

Similarly, like these checks, you can show the spelling mistakes and other mistakes you do while writing.

Signup Smallseotools

9. Paper Rater

Paper Rater is a free online tool for proofreading and performs various tests for better English writing. You can perform grammar checks, plagiarism checks, and any other common English errors.

To check your writing errors, copy and paste the content of your blog to the website. The test will perform online to use this tool. You cannot download and perform the test .

Paperrater Logo Image

An online test gives you some writing suggestions for the mistakes you have done. Click the idea and correct your mistakes. However, the tool is not an advanced correction as of Grammarly.

Signup Paperrater

10. Plagiarisma

Plagiarisma is the best tool to detect copyright infringement in your blog or article content. Copyright means your content has some duplicity. If your content is not unique, you will not get any progress as a blogger. You need to write unique content, if you are a student or a teacher, you have to write unique content to write different content for others. To write exclusive content, you must have a plagiarism tool, which works with your content and finds duplicity.

Plagiarism to check plagiarism

Put your content in the plagiarism website text area box. Click the ‘Check Duplicate content’ button. It results out your duplicate content changing with other relevant content. In this way, you become a different content writer and blogger from others.

Signup Plagiarisma

11. Pro Writing Aid (Premium Website to Improve English Writing Skills)

ProWritingAid is the tool that provides you in-depth reports that help to improve your writing skills. They provide unique suggestions, articles, videos, quizzes that make writing amazing and fun. You can eliminate grammar errors and find the perfect words from the thesaurus.

ProWritingAid to improve english writing skills

Improve your writing while editing the content online and check and eliminate your bad habits of making mistakes. It comes with a free browser extension which you have to install and use this tool. You will also get its app for Windows and Mac to use directly on your OS.

Try ProWritingAid

There are many Best Websites to Improve Writing Skills in English. But, premium websites like this provide more professional products that you can trust.

Conclusion: Which is the Best Website to Improve English Writing Skills

There are hundreds of Best Websites to Improve Writing Skills in English online, but the tools listed here are our trusted and tried ones . If you are a non-native English speaker, you must try the best tool to write better English.

I recommend Grammarly to my readers as the best website to improve English writing skills. You can use its Google Chrome browser extensions free of cost to remove Grammar errors, sentence errors, and most common errors. If you want more advanced features, you can switch to its premium plans.

Click Here to Try Grammarly (It’s FREE)

I will keep updated the above list of Best Websites to Improve Writing Skills in English. If you are using any other best tool, please comment below. When I find it best for my audience, I will definitely add it to the above list.

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Tell me, which tool you are using to write better English? Please leave a comment below.

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Best Websites to Practice and Improve Writing Skills Online

Best Websites to Practice and Improve Writing Skills Online

Being a student or office worker, we always need to focus and improve our writing skills, because we are always asked to write a report or assignment. Hence the writing skills play a vital role in our career and must be focused on. To help you in this aspect, I have introduced best websites to practice and improve writing skills online below. Check these resources and boost up your writing skill.

1. Grammarly

websites to improve english writing skills

Grammarly is one of the best websites to help you improve your writing skills. Grammarly’s proofreading and plagiarism-detection resources check more than 250 grammar rules. Grammarly premium is a paid upgrade that offers over 400 types of checks and features. It checks for grammatical errors, provides vocabulary enhancement suggestions, detects plagiarism and provides citation suggestion.

websites to improve english writing skills

This website comes second in helping you write better in English. The Ginger identifies and corrects every error in a given sentence simultaneously; Ginger even offers suggestions for alternative sentence structures. With Ginger- you won’t need to waste time trying to find the correct way to write a sentence or have to pass your texts to someone else for review. You can copy and past your writing task on the Ginger page online for mistakes and use from their other services like office kit, Ginger Safari, Ginger keyboard and Ginger page.

3. Cambridge English Write & Improve

websites to improve english writing skills

If you want to practice your written English online then this service can give you feedback on your work in seconds. Simply choose a task, write or upload your text and submit your writing for feedback. Then try again and use the feedback to improve. This is useful for English language learners too. They rectify your mistakes and improve your writing skills in seconds.

Start here…

4. Learn English Teens

websites to improve english writing skills

Learn English Teens belongs to British Council and having the best service to practice and improve your writing skills for your school studies and your English exams. There are activities for different levels: Beginner A1 writing, Elementary A2 writing, Intermediate B1 writing, upper intermediate B2 writing, and Advanced C1 writing.

Find your level and make a start. Each level is having different topics so you can practice with the texts and exercises given for each topic.

5. The Writer Practice

websites to improve english writing skills

The Writer Practice is having a lot of programs and courses to help you become a better writer. The courses like daily writing practice, 100-day book, writing contests, short story tutorial, characterization tutorial, becoming writer, story cartel course, Twitter for authors, grammar tutorial, interviewing tutorial, free courses and premium courses. Choose your desired writing courses and get started.

6. Noredink

websites to improve english writing skills

Noredink builds stronger writers through interest-based curriculum, adaptive exercises, and actionable data. Students can improve their grammar power and writing skills both with their service. The premium account has many good features like Grammar & Mechanics: Give students a more engaging and authentic grammar curriculum. Sharpen skills on 500 topics. Writing & Composition: Help students craft powerful essays, structure their ideas, and back their claims with convincing evidence.

7. Online Correction

websites to improve english writing skills is a tool designed to find, spelling, grammar and stylistic mistakes in English texts. You need to just paste some texts in the box and click submit then it rectify the mistakes in your texts and describe your errors too.

8. Polish My Writing

websites to improve english writing skills

Write better with polish my writing and sped less time editing. This tool focuses on three major part of writing. Contextual spell checking, advanced style checking and, intelligent grammar checking. They have a plugin for as well as in libraries called After the Deadline which can find your writing errors and offer smart suggestions.

9. Grammar Check

websites to improve english writing skills is offers a free, safe, and secure online tool to proofread any English text with a simple copy and past. Simply enter your texts in the form when you are done press the free check button. It checks for a spelling error, style suggestion, or grammar suggestion in your text.

10. Virtual Writing Tutor

websites to improve english writing skills

This free online  grammar check  website or proofreader helps writers count words, check spelling, check grammar and punctuation, check paraphrasing, improve word choice, self-assess the use of target structures, and master English pronunciation. It also has Error Correction Games page which trains learners and teachers to become better proofreaders.

Related: 10 Best Online Writing Services

Conclusion: the 10 best websites to practice and improve your writing online mentioned above are having great services and tools to help you enhance your writing skills become a good writer. And please don’t forget to write your feedback in the comment section below.

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websites to improve english writing skills

Thank you for your recommendation and I think it is best way to improve writing skills

websites to improve english writing skills

Welcome Ahmed. You may choose your favorite service and improve your writing online.

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I am using Grammarly, which helps me a lot in my project.

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Could you give us more information about please?

Hi, There is a link reference to the website, please follow the link for more information.

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I am an English teacher. Is there any online websites for my students to practice their writing online? Waiting for your respond.

Hi Kerishma, Most of the service mentioned above have online help and practice section.

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Hi, Can you provide a website buying essays online please?

Hi, Here is the reference article which will help you to buy essays online:

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Can you provide us any free website to practice an improve our writing plz

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Outstanding information for improving writing. Thanks,

websites to improve english writing skills

Thanks for sharing this Outstanding information for improving writing. Thanks,

websites to improve english writing skills

Any site that prioritises Grammarly as the go-to place to improve writing must be treated with deep suspicion. Grammarly may have its uses. Yet there is no substitute for re-drafting and submitting your work to knowledgable native speakers for feedback. No software can replace this.

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10 Best Free Websites To Improve English Writing Skill

Sally Polly

Writing itself is never easy. And if you are someone who is not a native English speaker, the process becomes even more difficult. But does that mean it's not possible to get better at writing in English? Of course not. In fact, being smart and practicing hard is all that it takes to get better in English writing.

Written communication is an exceptional characteristic of the human species. Over hundreds of years, writing has helped individuals to inform, collaborate and alert other, while societies benefitted from written history, culture and knowledge. In our time, how you successfully use the gift of writing, depends on you. Writing is a life skill, not only an essential job-related skill, because it is often the basis upon which others judge your learning, your values, your ideas and your contribution to society.

And here are some of the most popular open source internet-based tools and websites to support your English writing journey .

The Importance of Writing Skills

Epale readers are becoming fully aware of the importance of functional literacy as a basis for Adult Learning, but somehow it seems that when we discuss literacy we forget it has to do with two connected skills, reading and writing. We do need to focus on writing, even if, for natural reasons, this skill is not part of tests like PIAAC. Experience shows, however, that it is easier to motivate learners to develop their reading than their writing. Satya Brink, from Canada, has written a blog directed to the learners, explaining why they need to focus on their writing skills.

Written communication is an exceptional characteristic of the human species. Over hundreds of years, writing has helped individuals to inform, collaborate and alert other, while societies benefitted from written history, culture and knowledge. In our time, how you successfully use the gift of writing, depends on you.

Writing is a life skill , not only an essential job-related skill, because it is often the basis upon which others judge your learning, your values, your ideas and your contribution to society. Regardless of your career or occupation, everyone has to write to communicate with others, whether it is a friendly email, a formal business memo, a report, a job application, a press release or a message of condolence. Your writing skills determine if you receive the desired reaction from your reader. Did you inform, persuade, calm or entertain as you hoped? The effectiveness of your communication can affect your daily life and your life course outcomes. So, miscommunication can have serious consequences and unintended effects.

Writing is personal. It represents us when we are absent in space and in time. Writing expresses who we are, even after our life time. It makes our knowledge, our personal aspirations and our work for the future visible to others. Writing is the means to explain our ideas to ourselves and to others while preserving our personal experiences and our memories. No one else can do it for you. In this way, writing connects you with yourself. Writing is not fleeting; it is permanent. It is a record of what you wished to communicate at a point in time.

Writing enables you to reach a much larger audience, in many places and over time. Keep this in mind, if you want an on-line presence. If writing was judiciously planned, thoughtfully written and designed for the intended readers, it lives on in the minds of those who read it. If you are reading this and it made sense to you, it means that the writer directed the message to you.

How writing helps you to develop

To write well, you must organize your thoughts, explain your arguments, present your supporting evidence and lead your reader to a shared conclusion. If the reader disagrees, he or she should be able to find each of your arguments for rebuttal. Writing enables you to vividly recall past events, describe a special experience or sell a vision. You rely on critical thought in your conceptualization, on clear articulation through choice of words and structure and on effective sharing of information by writing for the reader, not just yourself. Writing harnesses the transformative power of the written word to improve your life and to change the world around you.

Effective writing

Good writing targets the reading audience. It is adapted to the medium: Digital or print? Formal or informal? Light or serious? The task is accomplished if the message is communicated clearly but it is effective, if it is remembered. Skilled writing produces a response in the reader by stimulating thought, evoking an emotion and stirring to action. It is the reason you read a favourite book a second time.

The simpliest ways to improve your English writing skill

1. expand your vocabulary.

To express yourself clearly, you need a good active vocabulary. That’s not just being able to recognise lots of words – it means actually being able to use them correctly. Do this by learning new words with example sentences, not just word lists.

Tip: When you learn a new word, try learn all the forms of that word and the prepositions that are usually used with it. (For example, rather than just the word ‘depend’, make a note of: to depend on, to be dependent on, a dependant.)

2. Master English spelling

You must know how to spell those words correctly. Incorrect spelling changes the meaning of your sentence. For example: ‘bare’ and ‘bear’ sound the same but ‘bare’ means naked and ‘bear’ is a large animal. Additionally, incorrect spelling makes it difficult for the reader to understand what you’ve written.

Tip: Practice your spelling using flash cards and test yourself whenever you have some spare time.

3. Read regularly

People often say that we learn to write best by reading. Reading in English is useful in many ways. It is a great way to get an idea of the different styles of writing and see how to use words appropriately.

4. Improve your grammar

Grammar is very important because it improves the quality of your writing. Always use the appropriate tense and remember to use punctuation. Punctuation is a great way to make your writing clear and fluent.

Tip: Always proof-read your writing twice. The first time, look for general mistakes and the second time look for mistakes with the particular grammar point your are studying at the moment.

5. Just do it!

Writing can be daunting. However, the best way to improve is get a pen and paper or sit in front of your computer and actually write. Be prepared to write several versions of each text because even for professional writers, the first draft is never perfect.

What are the best free websites to improve your English writing skill?

1. grammarly.

This app for writers suggests spelling, grammar, and style changes in real time and can even edit for specific genres. Although its paid subscriptions are a bit expensive and the service does not work offline, Grammarly 's support for many platforms and ease of use make it well worth the cost.

Grammarly checks your writing against its database of content and style errors as well as anonymously collected data from its daily active users. The downside of this real-time model is that Grammarly requires an internet connection to work. In use, Grammarly underlines critical mistakes in red (spelling and basic grammar), and advanced errors in other colors (style and best practices), though the latter capability is limited to premium users. Hovering over any of the indicated words or phrases brings up the option to fix the error directly or read a more detailed explanation of the mistake.

Two other features available are Goals and Performance. Goals launches whenever you import a new document; it helps Grammarly adjust its edits based on the context of your writing. For example, you can specify your intent (inform, describe, convince, tell a story), audience, style, and emotion. Premium users can choose between different writing domains, including Academic, Business, and Creative. The Performance popup shows you general data such as word count and reading time, in addition to vocabulary and readability metrics. These metrics are calculated based on comparison with other Grammarly users and the Readability score is based on the Flesch reading-ease test(Opens in a new window). Both additions make Grammarly more useful at a higher level than that of simple error checking.

The free version of the software can be used as an add-on to most word processing software. Users need to subscribe to their monthly plan to access the premium features. The premium features are a collection of advanced suggestions. It helps to make a piece more appropriate depending on its target audience and tone.

The site:

2. Google Translate

Google Translate is a fantastic mobile translation tool that can help you read or communicate in up to 90 languages. The app goes beyond a simple phrase book with an SMS translator, text-recognition features and even audio recordings of translated words and sentences. It's a great travel tool for when you venture somewhere you don't speak the language, especially now that more features are available offline.

Before you start translating, first tell Google which languages you need translated, French to English for instance. The app supports 90 languages including Spanish, French, Russian, Korean, Japanese, Arabic, Hebrew and Hindi, so there's a good chance you can find what you need.

Then you can type in a word or phrase and the app will give you the translation, showing it on the screen below what you entered. You can tap the speaker icon to hear the translation, copy it and save it to a digital phrasebook that you can sync across multiple devices.

Conversation mode

In a recent update, Google added a killer new feature to Translate called Conversation mode. It lets you have a free-flowing back-and-forth conversation in which two or more people can speak naturally and the app continues to listen and translate. You don't even need to tap the screen to keep speaking because the app will recognize someone talking, translate the phrase, speak it out loud and then go back to listening for the next translation. It's almost like having a human translator standing right there with you.

Conversation mode feels natural in a real-life conversation, but it does have its drawbacks. Occasionally the app either won't listen for both languages or will start listening too soon and pick up words it shouldn't. Also, the translations are very literal, so colloquial phrases and slang rarely translate correctly.

One of the coolest features in Google Translate is Word Lens, which shows translations overlaid on signs and other printed text. All you need to do is tap the camera button in the app and point your phone's camera at the words.

You'll see a real-time translation of what it says into the language of your choice. You can also have the app scan the text and then highlight each word, getting a translation that you can save to your phrasebook. This works best with printed signs, especially the kinds you'll find on streets and in businesses. The camera struggled with handwritten text both small and large, sometimes failing to detect the original word or getting the translation incorrect.

3. Writing Forward

If you’re game for practice, spend time each week at . Not only is this blog-based site filled with practical sections on grammar, punctuation and spelling, it devotes specific sections to writing prompts, suggestions and ideas for poetry, fiction and journaling, as well as general writing exercises.

Melissa Donovan, who launched her site in 2007, addresses every aspect of the craft: from developing your voice to developing good writing habits; from editing your work to writing faster. How to write better. Narrative style. Descriptive writing. How to stay inspired. How to boost inspiration when it lags.

The Writing Resources section offers reviews of books, products and other websites and blogs for writers. A section on Getting Published offers advice on writing query letters, finding and choosing an agent, the differences between traditional and self-publishing.

Sign up for the Writing Forward newsletter. It’s free, it assures you won’t miss a post, and will remind you that it’s time sit down and write!

The Site:

4. Hemingway App

The Hemingway app (also known as the Hemingway editor) is a desktop app downloadable on both Mac and Windows PCs designed to identify common errors that affect the readability of your writing. This includes errors such as passive voice, overuse of adverbs, and confusing or overly complex sentences.

There is a free version of the app, but it can only be used within the Hemingway app website at If you would like to download the desktop app so that you are able to use it offline, you will need to pay a one-time fee of $19.99 for the paid version.

And while this app doesn’t offer every functionality you might need to really make your writing shine – for example, the Hemingway does not serve as a grammar checker like other writing apps such as Grammarly – it does provide some highly helpful features.

If you are a blogger, freelance writer, or someone who simply enjoys writing as a hobby, using the Hemingway app to improve the readability grade of your writing is certainly an option worth considering.

While the name suggests it to be an app, Hemingway App is most commonly used as a website. Users will simply have to copy and paste their writing on the website. A left tab will open up instantly which will show several readability indicators. It will also show the optimum use of passive voice, adverbs, and complex sentences and highlight where to make changes.

Hemingway App strategically focuses on the readability of any writing. It doesn’t check for overall grammar items per se, but rather focuses on how easily a piece can be read by a non-technical person.

The Site:

Udemy is an online education platform. It offers courses in pretty much anything! That means that there’s a full range of English writing courses for you to choose from, ranging in price, level of difficulty and area of specialty.

This is the perfect resource for a person who’s new to writing in English or for a learner who wants to focus on a particular type of writing, like creative or business writing. Basically, you’ll be able to find something valuable to your writing goals at any level!

Among the courses covered is a general English writing basics course, or you can seek out more specific courses such as one on formal email writing.

To make the most of this resource, it’s very important that you carefully select the right course for your goals. This means reading the reviews, watching the course preview and reading any feedback or notes left by people who have previously taken the course.

Make sure you keep up to date with the classes and prepare materials on a schedule! Since these are mostly courses that allow you to go at your own pace, you’ll have to keep yourself on track.

The Site:

6. Coursera

Coursera provides universal access to the world's best education, partnering with top universities and organizations to offer courses for anyone to take, for free.

Coursera provides the best quality courses and content in almost every domain or stream you require. It also has an option to audit the course before buying which is regarded as an advantage. Also, all the courses provided here are made by big universities and organizations as a result the content provided is authentic and in line with the industrial requirement. Also, assignments are provided after each module of the course to help the students test their knowledge on the content learned.

But few assignments are reviewed by other participants (peer grading) and due to this, the genuineness of the assignment and correctness of the answers or the task is questionable. This has to be taken care of. Also, there is a scope of peers copying the assignments of others.

Plus, there’s an extra benefit to using Coursera: The courses come from authorized universities and institutions. As a result, many of the courses are more academic and similar to something you’d find in an actual college course. By taking one of these courses, you’ll be getting expert advice for much cheaper than the cost of a university class, or even for free!

Coursera suits learners looking to achieve a professional level of writing. In fact, if you scroll through the offerings, you’ll notice that many (but not all) of the courses on English are business or professionally focused.

If you’re learning English for business, you might find it useful to take this course on “Better Business Writing in English” from the Georgia Institute of Technology. Or, if you’re just trying to improve your overall writing skills, this course on grammar and punctuation from the University of California can help you out.

You also have the option of paying to receive a certificate of completion at the end of the course. This makes Coursera an excellent option if you’d like to put your English studies on your resume!

The Site:

Ginger is a spelling and grammar checking tool that watches out for common and uncommon grammar and spelling errors so that you don’t have to.

Not only does Ginger give you all the tools that you need for sharpening and tightening up your blog posts, but it also educates you about specific errors and the corrections that it provides.

This grammar tool and spell-checking software give you the ability to learn how to become a better writer while helping to save you the time and the headache of agonizing over corrections.

Ginger software corrects mistakes in words, grammar, and punctuation, and also helps to enhance your English by showing the synonyms and details about the selected word.

Ginger is a well-rounded writing tool for desktop and mobile devices . The software is equipped with a grammar checker that makes suggestions and corrections as the user types.

With Ginger, you have access to a tool that let’s rephrase sentences in different ways to avoid redundancy. Also, a dictionary is always at hand so you can check whether the word in a sentence or phrase is appropriate.

What Features Does Ginger Have?

What separates Ginger from the rest of the pack is that it not only tells you what you need to adjust or edit, it actually helps you learn how to become a better writer.

Ginger has a learning center feature where you can address some of the most common mistakes that you can face in writing. It can show you why something is misplaced or incorrect, how you can fix that and how you can prevent making that mistake in the future.

Ginger is not only limited to correcting spelling and simple grammatical errors. It also makes changes and recommendations for sentence structure, punctuation, and style in your writing.

It can even get as detailed to provide feedback on words that are misused or out of context to making sure that your subjects and verbs agree.

Ginger takes the 360-degree approach when it comes to helping you become a better writer, by going with you to any platform, software, and operating system that you need to write on.

Ginger also gives you the ability to access a ton of additional tools that you can use to improve your productivity in writing.

8. British Council

The British council is another organization that focuses on the English language and culture. Like Cambridge English, the British Council offers services related to English learning and exam preparation.

Their writing section is a great mix of English writing resources and activities. These would suit any type of learner since they’re clearly arranged by difficulty and are designed for self-study. This means you can set your own schedule and focus on areas of interest that are relevant to you.

To begin, choose your appropriate level. To really make the most of the resource, you should be completing all the activities as well as interacting in the comments section. You may find some tips and feedback you wouldn’t otherwise get!

If you like the free content, there’s an option to continue with a paid course This is a good choice for anyone who wants to prepare for an exam or get a more structured learning experience.

9. 750 Words

“I don’t want to write today.”

“I don’t know what to write about!”

“It’s too late, I’ll write tomorrow.”

Do you ever find yourself making excuses like these? I know I do! It isn’t always easy to get yourself to sit down and write.

This is where the psychology of forming a habit is so important.

So far we’ve looked at resources that help our skills or give us pointers for our English writing capabilities.

But what about the act of writing, itself? Forget complex grammar and spelling issues. Sometimes, sitting down and practicing the writing is the hardest part of all!

750 Words tracks your writing and encourages you to write every day. The goal of the website is to get you to write 750 words—about three pages worth of writing—per day.

In addition to being a minimal and beautifully designed writing program, 750 Words provides feedback on the time you’ve spent writing, the number of words you wrote and the language you used. It also gives you a report on your writing output (how much you achieve).

There’s a big focus on habit building on the platform, which is an often forgotten but very important step! It can take anywhere from 18-254 days to form a habit, and 750 Words provides the motivation to write every day.

This is a “free-writing” or journaling website, which means you should be writing without any goal or task in mind. If you find yourself struggling to think of something to write about, Journaling Buddies has a great list of 49 writing prompts for English learners.

750 Words doesn’t check your spelling or grammar, so you can use it with some of the other resources in this list, like Grammarly.

10. Quick and Dirty Tips from Grammar Girl

Mignon Fogarty, also known as the Grammar Girl, is the founder of the blog and website “Quick and Dirty Tips.” She’s an award-winning writer and podcast host, and has a number of other accolades.

And there’s a good reason for that: Her webpage is a goldmine (full of useful information) of grammar advice and writing tips for native and non-native speakers alike!

You can find articles that cover basic grammar rules all the way up to more specific issues such as when to use specific words, like in the case of historic vs historical.

There are two ways that you can make the most of this resource as an English learner. The first is to search for a specific answer to a question that you have in mind. Grammar Girls has the answers to many of the most common grammar questions. If you have a question about how to use a word or how to apply a grammar rule, there’s a good chance it’s been covered on the website.

The second (which is my favorite) is to simply scroll through the website, diving deep into all the interesting and funny articles. You’ll learn the interesting history of some words, incredible tips and of course plenty of writing-related advice.

It’s a great way to learn while having fun!

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12 English Reading Websites: Made for Native Speakers and Great for Learners

The internet connects people in ways that were never possible before. It’s also a place where you can find some incredible English writing.

When you think of practicing English reading , you probably think of books or magazines . You might think of going online when you want to learn internet slang or talk to others .

But there’s so much more to discover online!

There are some amazing websites out there for native speakers that provide great content for when you’re learning English. Here are the 12 best English reading websites for you to try! 

Hobbies and Entertainment

1. a beautiful mess, 2. nomadic matt, fashion and style, 3. refinery29, 4. the everygirl, 5. mantelligence, news and current events, science and technology, 8. discover, 9. techcrunch, history and trivia, 10. atlas obscura, 11. mental floss, 12. lifehacker, how reading english online will help you learn , tips for english reading on websites for native speakers, and one more thing....

Download: This blog post is available as a convenient and portable PDF that you can take anywhere. Click here to get a copy. (Download)

What it is: Sisters Elsie and Emma share their favorite crafts, home decor and cooking projects in one of the most widely-read blogs online.

What to expect: The language is extremely upbeat and playful, and each blog reads as though one of the sisters is talking to you over a cup of coffee. Study their instruction posts to learn how to explain yourself clearly.

Sample article: “5 Easy Watercolor Techniques”

What it is: Matt has been traveling the world since 2006, and he shares his experiences and travel tips on this blog.

What to expect: Matt uses very simple language so anyone can use his knowledge to plan their own trips. You can learn a lot about other cultures here, how to plan a trip of your own (without spending too much money) and other topics that would interest fans of traveling.

Sample article:   “How to Plan a Trip to a Place You Know Nothing About”

What it is: A huge online magazine mostly for young women. There are articles about style, fashion, entertainment and some current events from a different perspective.

What to expect: Refinery29 uses an informal writing style, and sometimes uses internet slang. This is a good place to get in touch with how younger internet users write and speak (and dress). You’ll find a lot of articles with lists on what’s trendy at the moment, including some longer articles about the personal experiences of the writers. 

Sample article: “The Return of the Perm”

What it is: A magazine for career women who are (or want to be) successful while still looking and feeling fantastic. Many different topics are covered such as careers, fashion and wellness.

What to expect: Some articles are similar to Refinery29 , but they have a bit less slang in them and are slightly more sophisticated. They’re still perfect for intermediate and even beginner English learners. 

Sample article: “6 Ways to De-stress for Free”

What it is: Expert lifestyle tips for men, teaching how to live and dress like a gentleman.

What to expect: This is like the male version of the last two, but with a bigger emphasis on how to be classy (stylish or well-mannered). The language is somewhere between “intelligent man” and “bro.” That is, it’s a mix of more complex writing while still being friendly. Intermediate English learners should feel comfortable here.

Sample article: “57 Life Tips That Will Instantly Make You a Better Man”

What it is: Articles about pop culture, plus opinion pieces about serious current events and issues. Interesting things about the world we live in, and the people who live in it.

What to expect: Vice is not a typical media outlet, since it includes a lot of opinion in its articles, covers unusual topics and is targeted at young people. The writing is more complex, and may cause some trouble for early-intermediate English learners. Try an article: If you don’t get it, you probably need something a little simpler (work your way up to this!). 

Sample article: “It Used To Be An Oil Ship. Now It Helps Scientists Understand the Ocean.”  

What it is: News from National Public Radio, on everything from culture and current events, to art and music.

What to expect: Some of the articles on the NPR website are more difficult to read, as it’s a serious news and arts website. Many articles also include an audio clip, as well as a written transcript of the audio file, which makes this option perfect for English reading. Listen and read along, or read and then listen, to make sure you got things right.

Sample article: “ Honeybee Deaths Rose Last Year. Here’s Why Farmers Would Go Bust Without Bees.”

What it is: The latest news in science and nature, presented in articles for the average (ordinary) reader. 

What to expect: Discover takes scientific research papers and news, and turns them into enjoyable and approachable articles. You don’t need to know too many science-related vocabulary words to understand these articles, making them perfect for anyone who wants to learn more about the topic.

Sample article: “Honeybees Have Personalities (Sort Of)”

What it is: A tech news website with reviews and articles about gadgets, new technology, AI and more.

What to expect: TechCrunch assumes its readers already know some things about technology, so expect to look up some new tech words. The articles are of varying lengths. Some are shorter and some are features (long articles) so you can choose what you’re most interested in. 

Sample article: “Age of AI: Everything You Need to Know About Artificial Intelligence”

What it is: Interesting stories about strange places around the world. Tales from history about curious people, places and events.

What to expect: The writing on this website is a bit more complex, but if you love history, food and culture, it’s worth working your way through it just for the incredibly unique stories.

Sample article: “Is This the World’s Most Beloved Asparagus?”

What it is: Trivia and interesting facts about everything from nature and animals, to people and history.

What to expect: Unlike Atlas Obscura , Mental Floss uses a friendly and simple writing style. Check out their language section as well to learn some things you might not have known about the English language.

Sample article: “A Cool History of Ice Cream”

What it is: Tips and tricks for making your life easier, one small thing at a time.

What to expect: Clear instructions and informative articles make Lifehacker useful to anyone. Some “hacks” (tricks or ways to make things easier) even involve language and learning, and might be especially useful for English learners. Others are just useful!

Sample article: “How to Study a Language So You Can Actually Understand It”

Let me start by telling you that there’s a place where you can improve your reading skills with a wonderful twist:  FluentU .

Reading online has many benefits. Online reading is:

  • Portable: That means you can take it anywhere! If you have a device that connects to the internet, and an internet connection, you can read. No need to carry around a bulky book or a large magazine.
  • Always updating: When you finish a book, you have to get a new one. When you finish an online article, you can just wait a day or so for more articles to be published.
  • Well-written: Not everything online is written in internet slang. Many websites have great writers and editing teams to make sure what you’re reading is the best quality English.
  • Easy to understand: Online articles and blogs are meant to be read by everyone, so the language is usually easy to understand.
  • Fun: There’s a website for everything! You’re sure to find something that you find interesting.

Since you’re probably reading this online on an internet-connected device, you’re already halfway there. All you need now is to choose a website (or a few websites) to learn from. Before you go exploring online, though, it’s important to understand how these websites can teach you English reading skills.

There are a few different kinds of websites that can help you practice reading English.

  • Blogs are more casual websites with writing on them. They’re often personal and run by a single person who shares their experiences or thoughts with their readers.
  • Some websites are more like online magazines , which publish longer articles about certain topics.
  • Others are news websites , which usually have shorter articles about current events (things that are happening now).

All these websites can help you learn, if you use them the right way. When you’re browsing through our list of great websites to learn from, keep these things in mind:

  • Level of difficulty: The ideal website should be slightly challenging for you to read. This will help you improve your reading and keep pushing yourself to get even better. If you’re an advanced English learner , don’t use a beginner resource. If you’re a beginner, don’t use a website for advanced learners.
  • Type of language used: Blogs usually use friendly, casual language, while news websites use more professional and business-like words. Magazines can use either type of language—it depends on the magazine.
  • Frequency of posting: How often does the website update their content? A blog that updates once a month might not be enough to learn from. A website that posts four articles a day might be overwhelming (remember that you don’t have to read each article, though).
  • Topic: You want to read about something you care about!

Once you choose the perfect website based on these factors, you can begin to learn. Here are some ideas for learning with online content:

  • Skim before reading: Before you even start reading, take a look at the article. Many websites separate their writing into chunks using subheadings. You can get some sense of what you’ll read by looking at these subheadings, and glancing at the pictures. Doing this will help you prepare for the reading, and maybe even understand it better.
  • Read and summarize: After you read an article, try to explain it in your own words. You can write down your summary, or pretend you’re telling a friend about it.
  • Make word lists: You don’t have to understand every word in order to understand an article, but there are some words you’ll just have to look up. Instead of stopping to check the dictionary every time you find a word you don’t know, write these words down. Look them up after you’ve finished reading. Then read the article again. Do you understand it better now?
  • Read the comments: When you finish reading the article, scroll down to the comments (if there are any). Comments are not always useful, but sometimes they can add more information or another point of view to what you just read about. Add your own comment and join the discussion.
  • Click on relevant links: If you find an interesting link in the article, click on it and move on to the next article. This keeps you reading—the more you read, the better you will get at it. To keep yourself from getting distracted halfway through an article, open all new links in new tabs (right-click on the link and choose “open link in new tab”).

Use these tips and you’ll improve your reading skills even faster!

The best thing about reading online is that you can start at any of these websites, and explore other related topics and websites from there.

Find your new favorite website, and practice your English reading skills with something you actually enjoy and care about.

If you like learning English through movies and online media, you should also check out FluentU. FluentU lets you learn English from popular talk shows, catchy music videos and funny commercials , as you can see here:


If you want to watch it, the FluentU app has probably got it.

The FluentU app and website makes it really easy to watch English videos. There are captions that are interactive. That means you can tap on any word to see an image, definition, and useful examples.


FluentU lets you learn engaging content with world famous celebrities.

For example, when you tap on the word "searching," you see this:


FluentU lets you tap to look up any word.

Learn all the vocabulary in any video with quizzes. Swipe left or right to see more examples for the word you’re learning.


FluentU helps you learn fast with useful questions and multiple examples. Learn more.

The best part? FluentU remembers the vocabulary that you’re learning. It gives you extra practice with difficult words—and reminds you when it’s time to review what you’ve learned. You have a truly personalized experience.

Start using the FluentU website on your computer or tablet or, better yet, download the FluentU app from the iTunes or Google Play store. Click here to take advantage of our current sale! (Expires at the end of this month.)

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websites to improve english writing skills

Money Talks News

Money Talks News

9 Websites to Learn Skills for Free

Posted: April 24, 2023 | Last updated: June 26, 2023

<p><strong>Median Pay:</strong> $38,500</p> <p><a href="">Accounting clerks</a> most often maintain financial records, reconcile bank statements, prepare reports, process transactions, and provide clerical support to an accounting department. Bookkeeping, data entry, and word-processing skills are often required. Accounting clerks can often find remote roles that may be full-time or even freelance.</p>

Editor's Note: This story originally appeared on The Penny Hoarder .

You’ve heard the affirmations about learning as a lifelong journey. But if you’ve ever tried to pick up a hobby or learn something new, you’ll realize the path to perfecting new skills is an expensive one.

Whether it’s an investment in equipment, paid courses or sessions with a pro, the cost to begin learning in-demand skills can be a significant financial barrier.

If you’re looking to upskill for a career move or explore a craft you’ve always admired, there are ways to learn skills for free if you know where to look.

From free online courses that let you progress at your own pace to workshops that hone creative skills, there are plenty of ways to learn new stuff for free or for cheap.

It’s not the usual blah, blah, blah. Click here to sign up for our free newsletter.

Sponsored: Add $1.7 million to your retirement

A recent Vanguard study revealed a self-managed $500,000 investment grows into an average $1.7 million in 25 years. But under the care of a pro, the average is $3.4 million. That’s an extra $1.7 million!

Maybe that’s why the wealthy use investment pros and why you should too. How? With SmartAsset’s free financial adviser matching tool . In five minutes you’ll have up to three qualified local pros, each legally required to act in your best interests. Most offer free first consultations. What have you got to lose? Click here to check it out right now.

Advertising Disclosure: When you buy something by clicking links on our site, we may earn a small commission, but it never affects the products or services we recommend.

<p>While these platforms aren’t offering online courses with graded assignments, these websites and mobile apps provide ways to learn online or explore a new skill in your own time.</p> <ol> <li><strong>YouTube</strong></li> <li><strong>Khan Academy</strong></li> <li><strong>TED</strong></li> <li><strong>Skillshare</strong></li> <li><strong>Duolingo</strong></li> <li><strong>Grow Google</strong></li> <li><strong>HubSpot Academy</strong></li> <li><strong>Codecademy</strong></li> <li><strong>Alison</strong></li> </ol>

While these platforms aren’t offering online courses with graded assignments, these websites and mobile apps provide ways to learn online or explore a new skill in your own time.

  • Khan Academy
  • Grow Google
  • HubSpot Academy

<p>The <a href="" rel="noopener">Video Correspondent</a> should be a food enthusiast and expert to work on the company’s social media platform. Must film twice a month on a selected topic (based on subject matter expertise), own a smartphone with a working camera, and have the ability to promote the content on your social networks. Ability to write scripts preferred but not required.</p> <h3>Sponsored: Find the right financial adviser</h3> <p>Finding a financial adviser <a href="">you can trust</a> doesn’t have to be hard. A great place to start is with SmartAsset’s free <a href="">financial adviser matching tool</a>, which connects you with up to three qualified financial advisers in five minutes. Each adviser is vetted by SmartAsset and is legally required to act in your best interests.</p> <p>If you’re ready to be matched with local advisers who will help you reach your financial goals, <a href="">get started now</a>.</p>

1. Learn Anything on YouTube

There’s a reason YouTube is Gen Z’s preferred online learning platform and their favorite social media app . From how-to videos on home renovations and crafts to crash courses in string theory, YouTube has something for everyone.

Here are a few popular education channels to check out:

  • Crash Course

If you’re looking for more practical skills training, such as refinishing furniture or playing the piano , YouTube is the best place to start because it’s completely free, and you can get unlimited access to videos without an account.

<p><a href="">Khan Academy</a> started with Sal Khan filming videos to tutor his cousin in math and science. Since then, it has grown into one of the most transformative educational resources on the internet.</p> <p>Its library of free courses covers everything in the K-12 curriculum as well as SAT prep, AP courses and even life skills such as financial literacy and growth mindsets.</p> <p><a href="">Related: 3 Easy Ways to Get Laundry Soap for Nearly Nothing</a></p>

2. Get Schooled on Khan Academy

Khan Academy started with Sal Khan filming videos to tutor his cousin in math and science. Since then, it has grown into one of the most transformative educational resources on the internet.

Its library of free courses covers everything in the K-12 curriculum as well as SAT prep, AP courses and even life skills such as financial literacy and growth mindsets.

Related: 3 Easy Ways to Get Laundry Soap for Nearly Nothing

<p>After decades of life lessons, often in the school of hard knocks, many older people are eager to return to school — to learn for the sake of learning or to earn either another college degree or the degree they didn’t get long ago.</p> <p>Seniors enjoy discounts <a href="">on many goods and services</a>, and that tradition extends to higher education, where some colleges and universities offer free access to classes for retirement-aged students where space permits.</p> <p>You may be able to audit classes (sit in on a class without earning credits) in person or online, or possibly work toward a degree, tuition-free.</p> <p><strong>More:</strong> </p> <ul><li><a href="">“8 Ivy League Colleges That Offer Free Online Courses”</a></li> <li><a href="">“10 Colleges That Offer Free Tuition for Seniors”</a></li> </ul>

3. Expand Your Thinking With TED

Like the viral TED Talks highlighting industry experts, TED has free resources and short online courses. These are usually less than an hour and provide a quick introduction to things like data science or social media marketing.

If you want a deeper dive, you can sign up for TED’s online courses on topics like public speaking or nurturing your imagination.

The self-paced online lessons are done as part of a cohort of students and cost $49 per course.

<p>Vow to spend a whole month eating from your food stockpiles but extend the no spending from groceries to everything else. Don’t go out to eat or spend money on other entertainment.</p> <p>Don’t buy any clothes, cups of coffee or anything else. The exceptions would be medical and emergencies. Not only will you save money, but you’ll become more aware of where you spend your money and can get your overspending under control.</p> <p>Take a walk, read books you have lying around or go to the library.</p> <p>After you do it once and see how much you’ve saved, plan to do it again in six months or whenever it works for you and your family. Visit your local Living on the Cheap website for free things to do in your city.</p>

4. Find Creative Inspiration on Skillshare

Looking to explore your creative side? Skillshare is the space for you. It offers hands-on free courses for and by creators in areas like graphic design, photography, creative writing, art, music and more.

The downside to Skillshare is that if you want to use it for free, you’ll have to be a quick learner. Your trial lasts only seven days before you get charged for a $32 monthly membership to keep accessing most courses.

<p>Learning a language for free sounds too good to be true, but Duolingo’s 500 million users prove you can learn in-demand skills without paying a dime. </p> <p><a href="">Duolingo</a> offers 100 courses across 40 languages, plus it provides<a href=""> fee waivers</a> for low-income students looking to take the English proficiency test.</p>

5. Learn a Language with Duolingo

Learning a language for free sounds too good to be true, but Duolingo’s 500 million users prove you can learn in-demand skills without paying a dime.

Duolingo offers 100 courses across 40 languages, plus it provides fee waivers for low-income students looking to take the English proficiency test.

<p><em>Editor's Note: This story originally appeared on <a href=""></a>.</em></p> <p>If you’re considering a career in programming or development, it’s a great choice!</p> <p>These are two of the most in-demand professions across nearly all industries, as companies increasingly rely on software to get work done.</p> <p>From finance and health care to manufacturing and retail, nearly every sector needs programmers and developers to create and maintain the essential software that keeps businesses running.</p> <p>And as workplace technology advances, the demand for these professionals is only likely to grow.</p> <p>So, if you’re looking for a stable and well-paying career, programming or development may be the perfect field.</p>  <p><a href="">It’s not the usual blah, blah, blah. Click here to sign up for our free newsletter.</a></p> <h3>Sponsored: Add $1.7 million to your retirement</h3> <p>A recent Vanguard study revealed a self-managed $500,000 investment grows into an average $1.7 million in 25 years. But under the care of a pro, the average is $3.4 million. That’s an extra $1.7 million!</p> <p>Maybe that’s why the wealthy use investment pros and why you should too. How? With SmartAsset’s free <a href="">financial adviser matching tool</a>. In five minutes you’ll have up to three qualified local pros, each legally required to act in your best interests. Most offer free first consultations. What have you got to lose? <strong><a href="">Click here to check it out right now.</a></strong></p> <p class="disclosure"><em>Advertising Disclosure: When you buy something by clicking links on our site, we may earn a small commission, but it never affects the products or services we recommend.</em></p>

6. Earn a Free Certificate with Grow Google

Google is much more than a search engine. Grow Google offers free classes for high-demand digital skills.

If you’re serious about upskilling to build your resume, Google Digital Garage has free certificate programs in business skills, machine learning, customer service and web development.

websites to improve english writing skills

7. Find Free Resources at HubSpot Academy

Another great place to upskill for free is HubSpot Academy .

You can earn an online certificate for expanding your digital marketing skills with HubSpot’s free courses on topics like content marketing, business writing, web design and project management.

<p>The data used in this analysis is from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics Employment Projections Survey.</p> <p>To identify the fastest-growing jobs in construction, researchers at <a href="">Construction Coverage calculated</a> the projected change in employment between 2021 and 2031 for all detailed occupations with at least 1,000 employees in the construction industry in 2021. All data reported at the occupation level — including projected employment, current employment, and median wages — are specific to the construction industry.</p> <p><a href="">It’s not the usual blah, blah, blah. Click here to sign up for our free newsletter.</a></p> <h3>Sponsored: Add $1.7 million to your retirement</h3> <p>A recent Vanguard study revealed a self-managed $500,000 investment grows into an average $1.7 million in 25 years. But under the care of a pro, the average is $3.4 million. That’s an extra $1.7 million!</p> <p>Maybe that’s why the wealthy use investment pros and why you should too. How? With SmartAsset’s free <a href=""> financial adviser matching tool</a>. In five minutes you’ll have up to three qualified local pros, each legally required to act in your best interests. Most offer free first consultations. What have you got to lose? <strong><a href="">Click here to check it out right now.</a></strong></p>

8. Get Technical Skills at Codecademy

Coding and other computer science qualifications are some of the most coveted resume skills. Start a new career path with the right course in JavaScript, HTML and more at Codecademy .

There’s a three-day free trial for beginners and a yearly membership for future programmers with student-friendly pricing.

<p><em>Editor's Note: This story originally appeared on <a href=""></a>.</em></p> <p>Do you have an eye for detail? Were you the spelling bee champion of your school?</p> <p>If so, you may have what it takes to thrive in a proofreading or editing position.</p> <p>Many of these roles offer part-time schedules and the ability to work from anywhere, so you can take your work on the road when you need to move or if you plan to live as a digital nomad.</p> <p>Following, we share what proofreaders and editors do, who benefits from part-time proofreading and editing jobs, and companies hiring for proofreading and editing jobs.</p>  <p><a href="">It’s not the usual blah, blah, blah. Click here to sign up for our free newsletter.</a></p> <h3>Sponsored: Add $1.7 million to your retirement</h3> <p>A recent Vanguard study revealed a self-managed $500,000 investment grows into an average $1.7 million in 25 years. But under the care of a pro, the average is $3.4 million. That’s an extra $1.7 million!</p> <p>Maybe that’s why the wealthy use investment pros and why you should too. How? With SmartAsset’s free <a href=""> financial adviser matching tool</a>. In five minutes you’ll have up to three qualified local pros, each legally required to act in your best interests. Most offer free first consultations. What have you got to lose? <strong><a href="">Click here to check it out right now.</a></strong></p> <p class="disclosure"><em>Advertising Disclosure: When you buy something by clicking links on our site, we may earn a small commission, but it never affects the products or services we recommend.</em></p>

9. Upskill at Alison

Study for the job you want, not the one you have. At Alison , in-demand skills are just the start of advancing your career.

You can create an account and browse the 4,000 free courses on topics like business management, information systems, health care and more.

<p>Want to get beyond in-demand skills and take courses from leading institutions online? You can access high-quality courses free online from top universities.</p>

Where to Find Free Online College Courses

Want to get beyond in-demand skills and take courses from leading institutions online? You can access high-quality courses free online from top universities.

<p>Free shipping with no minimum purchase requirement was once the best-known Amazon Prime perk by far. But the benefits of a <a href="">Prime membership</a> have evolved to include so much more — from unlimited photo storage to free music, movies and books.</p> <p>If you’re on the fence about paying for Prime, consider the following benefits. If you are already a Prime member, make sure you’re taking advantage of the following benefits.</p> <p>We consider them the best Prime has to offer, partly because they are “free.” Unlike a growing number of Prime perks, they won’t cost you anything in addition to your membership fee.</p> <p><a href="">It’s not the usual blah, blah, blah. Click here to sign up for our free newsletter.</a></p> <h3>Sponsored: How to find cheaper car insurance in minutes</h3> <p>Getting a better deal on car insurance doesn’t have to be hard. You can have The Zebra, <a href="">an insurance comparison site</a>, compare quotes in just a few minutes and find you the best rates. Consumers save up to $670 per year, according to the site, so if you’re ready to secure your new rate, <a href="">get started now</a>.</p>

If you want to get a peek at course materials from some of the top colleges in the country, Coursera is a good place to start.

Some of the free courses hail from America’s top Ivy League schools such as Yale. And Coursera helps connect students with low-cost online options to earn a bachelor’s degree or professional certificate.

Related: Stop Overpaying for These 10 Common Purchases

<p>In order to create our rankings of the best community colleges in America, we analyzed data on 820 community colleges. We compared these schools across the following three metrics: </p> <ul><li><strong>Student-to-faculty ratio.</strong> This is the number of students for every faculty member. Data comes from the Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS) and is for the 2019-2020 school year.</li> <li><strong>Graduation and transfer rate.</strong> This is the percent of students who either graduate from the community college or transfer to a four-year institution. Data comes from IPEDS and is for the 2019-2020 school year.</li> <li><strong>Cost of tuition and fees.</strong> This is the cost of tuition and fees for in-state students completing two semesters of coursework. Data comes from IPEDS and is for the 2019-2020 school year.</li> </ul><p> To create our final rankings, we gave each community college a score in each of the metrics based on how far above or below the mean they were. We used the sum of these numbers to create our final ranking. The community college with the highest cumulative score received a score of 100. The community college with the lowest score received a score of 0.</p> <p><a href="">It’s not the usual blah, blah, blah. Click here to sign up for our free newsletter.</a></p> <h3>Sponsored: Find the right financial adviser</h3> <p>Finding a financial adviser <a href="">you can trust</a> doesn’t have to be hard. A great place to start is with SmartAsset’s free <a href="">financial adviser matching tool</a>, which connects you with up to three qualified financial advisers in five minutes. Each adviser is vetted by SmartAsset and is legally required to act in your best interests.</p> <p>If you’re ready to be matched with local advisers who will help you reach your financial goals, <a href="">get started now</a>.</p>

With over 160 member universities and big names like Stanford, MIT, Harvard, UC Berkeley and more, edX offers 2,800 online courses in computer science, business management, data science, language, humanities and engineering.

While you can audit a free course, you’ll have to pay the enrollment fee if you want to earn credit and submit graded assignments.

<p>Kids aren’t the only ones who benefit from distance learning. The coronavirus pandemic has proved that online education has become a well-developed technology. Learn Spanish, sign language, coding or photography with the help of YouTube videos, podcasts and other online courses.</p>

Stanford Online

Stanford University’s online platform has a free online course section where you can dip your toes into a bunch of topics free of charge.

The self-paced online course offerings cover a wide spectrum of skills and interests, from child nutrition and cooking to quantum mechanics.

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Open Yale Courses

Like Stanford, Yale University has open courses where you can drop in and learn for free.

The course topics span a wide swath of knowledge, including philosophy courses on death and economic classes on emerging financial markets.

<p><em><strong>This story originally appeared on <a href="" rel="noopener noreferrer">The Penny Hoarder</a>.</strong></em></p> <p>If you’re one of the millions of workers whose home is now doubling as office space due to the COVID-19 pandemic, you may be wondering whether that means a sweet deduction at tax time.</p> <p>Hold up, though: The IRS has strict rules about taking the home office deduction — and they changed drastically under the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, which passed in late 2017.</p> <p>Thinking about claiming a home office deduction on your tax return? Follow these tips to avoid raising any eyebrows at the IRS.</p>  <p><a href="">It’s not the usual blah, blah, blah. Click here to sign up for our free newsletter.</a></p> <h3>Sponsored: Find the right financial adviser</h3> <p>Finding a financial adviser <a href="">you can trust</a> doesn’t have to be hard. A great place to start is with SmartAsset’s free <a href="">financial adviser matching tool</a>, which connects you with up to three qualified financial advisers in five minutes. Each adviser is vetted by SmartAsset and is legally required to act in your best interests.</p> <p>If you’re ready to be matched with local advisers who will help you reach your financial goals, <a href="">get started now</a>.</p>

6 Steps to Learn New Stuff for Free or Cheap

Maybe you promised yourself to learn to skydive or knit this year. Or you’ve decided to go back to school to make your passion your profession.

Either way, there are plenty of free or cheap opportunities to get some practice with local organizations or businesses.

<p>Give specific examples about how you’ve collaborated with team members to hit goals, and what the impact was.</p> <p>For example, have you created reporting dashboards that keep key stakeholders in the loop about performance, or have you utilized project management systems to manage deadlines? Do you send weekly updates to management about progress?</p> <p>On the flip side, most people have experienced significant changes to their schedules during this time, requiring employers to be flexible with their working hours. Be sure to mention how you’ve notified your boss of this while maintaining productivity.</p> <p>Demonstrating your ability to proactively communicate and understand accountability is critical.</p>

1. Start With Community College

Community colleges are great places to explore a new degree path without committing big bucks to a diploma program.

And they can offer a good conduit to local business owners and entrepreneurs.

<p>Whether with your employer or on your own, taking some time to give back to a cause you’re passionate about is one of the best ways to boost your perspective.</p> <p>But don’t worry if your schedule is too hectic to complete a considerable volunteer activity right now.</p> <p>Studies show that simply being kind to others can improve your happiness.</p> <p>So, whether it’s a random act of kindness for a stranger or a more involved volunteer project with a nonprofit you support, being kind can reward you in happiness dividends.</p> <h3>Sponsored: Add $1.7 million to your retirement</h3> <p>A recent Vanguard study revealed a self-managed $500,000 investment grows into an average $1.7 million in 25 years. But under the care of a pro, the average is $3.4 million. That’s an extra $1.7 million!</p> <p>Maybe that’s why the wealthy use investment pros and why you should too. How? With SmartAsset’s free <a href=""> financial adviser matching tool</a>. In five minutes you’ll have up to three qualified local pros, each legally required to act in your best interests. Most offer free first consultations. What have you got to lose? <strong><a href="">Click here to check it out right now.</a></strong></p> <p class="disclosure"><em>Advertising Disclosure: When you buy something by clicking links on our site, we may earn a small commission, but it never affects the products or services we recommend.</em></p>

2. Consider Volunteering

There’s nothing that proves time really is money like volunteering. If you’re looking to pick up a new skill, consider volunteering for an organization where you can pitch in and help your community.

In exchange for your time, you’ll get real-world experience.

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3. Look for Continuing Education Programs

Continuing education programs come in all flavors, but they’re usually associated with a local school district, trade school, community college or university system.

Start by searching city or county websites as state or local governments often fund these programs.

<p>Want to learn to weld or make book sculptures for craft fairs?</p> <p>Consider finding a makerspace that offers access to tools and equipment, training and affordable workshops.</p> <h3>Sponsored: Add $1.7 million to your retirement</h3> <p>A recent Vanguard study revealed a self-managed $500,000 investment grows into an average $1.7 million in 25 years. But under the care of a pro, the average is $3.4 million. That’s an extra $1.7 million!</p> <p>Maybe that’s why the wealthy use investment pros and why you should too. How? With SmartAsset’s free <a href="">financial adviser matching tool</a>. In five minutes you’ll have up to three qualified local pros, each legally required to act in your best interests. Most offer free first consultations. What have you got to lose? <strong><a href="">Click here to check it out right now.</a></strong></p> <p class="disclosure"><em>Advertising Disclosure: When you buy something by clicking links on our site, we may earn a small commission, but it never affects the products or services we recommend.</em></p>

4. Find a Makerspace

Want to learn to weld or make book sculptures for craft fairs?

Consider finding a makerspace that offers access to tools and equipment, training and affordable workshops.

<p>Everyone has some kind of interest in life, and no matter what it is, you can probably figure out a way to make money.</p> <p>Do you €¦ </p> <ul> <li>Build model trains? Could you host kid birthday parties or workshops?</li> <li>Play tennis? What about offering lessons? Start a tournament?</li> <li>Watch TV? How about starting a blog reviewing favorite shows?</li> <li>Love baseball? Have you considered organizing tours to games or ballparks?</li> <li>Reading and cooking? Maybe you could cater a pop-up restaurant in your home based on a different book each month.</li> </ul> <p><strong>How to Get Started:</strong></p> <p> Start small by offering services to friends for a small fee. See where it takes you!</p>

5. Search for Local Workshops

Picking up a new hobby or even a career skill is as easy as finding a free or cheap local workshop on your community calendar.

Choose from artist collectives that offer painting and pottery classes to parenting classes or first aid certifications sponsored by city governments.

<p>You know that china set that’s been collecting dust? Stop telling yourself you’ll pass it down to your kids. Get cash for your dishes instead, along with all the other unused items lying around the house.</p> <p>Organize a garage sale if you prefer to sell in person. Or go the online route and, sell your stuff online on sites like eBay and lesser-known <a href="" rel="noopener">online flea markets</a>.</p>

6. Ask a Local Business

It sounds simplistic, but ask a local business specializing in the skill or hobby you’re learning.

For instance, local ski resorts offer free skiing lessons for the same reason craft stores offer painting classes or Home Depot teaches workshops on making furniture. It’s an investment in cultivating lifetime customers.

<p>Work feels less like work if you love what you do. Use this opportunity to find a job that lets you explore your passions.</p> <p>Whether it’s a position that lets you use your skills and knowledge to help others or just one that offers you perks — such as discounts — a part-time job in retirement can be a positive thing if you find something that you enjoy.</p> <p><a href="">Related: 7 Hobbies That Help You Live Longer</a></p>

How Much Money Can You Make Learning a New Skill?

If you’re trying to earn extra money picking up a new skill for a side hustle or upskilling to get a promotion, it can be hard to tell what’s worth your time.

The best way to learn something that will make you bank is to invest in skills employers want or try an in-demand side hustle.

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    FluentU. 9. English Grammar 101. 10. Grammar Ninja. You CAN Master English Grammar. 1. The ProWritingAid Blog. From quick lessons on commonly misspelled words to in-depth examinations of pleonasms, the ProWritingAid blog is a great place to dive into the intricacies of the English language.

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    7. Grammar Book. Grammar Book is another one of the best online resources to help you improve your writing skills. From punctuation rules to grammar quizzes and blog posts, Grammar Book has it all. The Grammar Book's blog gets constantly updated every Tuesday with a new blog post about a grammar issue.

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    7. Grammar Book. Grammar Book is another one of the best online resources to help you improve your writing skills. From punctuation rules to grammar quizzes and blog posts, Grammar Book has it all. The Grammar Book's blog gets constantly updated every Tuesday with a new blog post about a grammar issue.

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    The catchy feature is that you can get the printout of the exercises of Grammar Bytes, so you can do the exercises by hand. 6. FluentU. FluentU is a useful resource for improving English Grammar and writing skills online. However, it is not free, but you can avail of the free trial for videos and other content.

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    5. Readable (Improve English Writing Skills) Readable is a collection of tools that can improve the readability of your English writing content. You can improve the quality of your content by correcting the mistakes with Readable. Perform Flesch Reading check, keyword density check, and many other controls.


    Quill Grammar. Students practice basic grammar skills, from comma placement to parallel structure. Quill Grammar has over 150 sentence writing activities to help your students. Our activities are designed to be completed in 10 minutes so you have the freedom to use them in the way that works best for your classroom.

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    1. Grammarly. Grammarly is one of the best websites to help you improve your writing skills. Grammarly's proofreading and plagiarism-detection resources check more than 250 grammar rules. Grammarly premium is a paid upgrade that offers over 400 types of checks and features.

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    Ginger takes the 360-degree approach when it comes to helping you become a better writer, by going with you to any platform, software, and operating system that you need to write on. Ginger also gives you the ability to access a ton of additional tools that you can use to improve your productivity in writing. 8.

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    Duolingo. When you think of learning English online, Duolingo's jolly green owl probably comes to mind. This famous language learning platform provides various activities, such as fill-in-the-blanks, multiple-choice, and flashcards. Its game-like approach to learning has made it extremely popular.

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    Sponsored: Add $1.7 million to your retirement. A recent Vanguard study revealed a self-managed $500,000 investment grows into an average $1.7 million in 25 years. But under the care of a pro, the ...